Re: 2 Page Spreads

  1. Steven M. “Noppie” Noppenberger
  2. 2 Page Spreads
  3. John Nyberg
ToMailing List GUTTERS
SubjectRe: 2 Page Spreads
FromGerry Alanguilan
DateMarch 19, 2001, 4:14 p.m.
Thread2 Page Spreads
>Can anybody help me on a spread problem I have?  When penciling and
>sending in like freelancing, do you tape the boards together or do they
>merge them on the computer for the printer?  Any info?  All would be
>appreciated.  Thanks!

Hey Chad...

If you get to work on those pre made art boards, then yes, you get to tape 
them together.  The art boards that I have actually instruct you how to 
tape them properly.

When using my own paper however, I just cut paper the size of 22"X17".
