Smarter scripts: The current script

  1. Script confusion
  2. Smarter scripts

Just so we’re on the same page, here is what the script currently looks like:

#Search for songs in a file of the following tab-separated data:
# title, duration, artist, album, year, rating, rip date, track position, genre

#strip off the command-line switches and act on or remember them
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--(.+)/) {
$switch = $1;

#pull this switch off of the front of the list

#if they ask for help, do it and exit
if ($switch eq "help") {
} elsif ($switch eq "case") {
$sensitive = 1;
} elsif ($switch eq "reverse") {
$reverse = 1;
} elsif ($switch eq "limit") {
$limit = shift;
if ($limit !~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/) {
print "\nYou must limit to a number, such as '33' or '2'.\n\n";
} elsif ($switch eq "format") {
$format = shift;
if ($format ne "raw" && $format ne "simple") {
print "\nFormat must be raw or simple.\n\n";
} else {
print "\nI do not understand the option '$switch'.\n\n";

#the first item on the command line is what we're searching for
if ($searchFor = shift) {
while (<>) {
#split out the song, duration, artist, and album
($song, $duration, $artist, $album) = split("\t");

if ($sensitive) {
$matched = /$searchFor/;
} else {
$matched = /$searchFor/i;

#reverse the match if we want non-matching lines
if ($reverse) {
$matched = !$matched;

#print the information if this line is one we want
if ($matched) {
if ($format eq "raw") {
} else {
print "$song ($album, by $artist)\n";
last if $limit && $matches >= $limit;
} else {

#describe how this script is used
sub help {
print "Syntax: show <search text> [song files]\n";
print "\tSearch for <search text> in the song file. If no song file is specified\n";
print "\t'show' will expect it on standard input.\n";
print "\tA song file is a tab-delimited file with:\n";
print "\ttitle, duration, artist, album, year, rating, rip date, track position, genre\n";
print "\t--help: print this help text\n";
print "\t--case: be sensitive to upper and lower case\n";
print "\t--reverse: filter out songs that contain the search text\n";
print "\t--limit x: limit to x results\n";
print "\t--format <raw or simple >: choose format for results\n";

  1. Script confusion
  2. Smarter scripts