Perls Before Swine: Reference: Comparison operators

  1. Boolean logic
  2. Reference
  3. File tests

Perl has two basic types of comparisons: comparisons between text and comparisons between numbers. Remember that Perl doesn’t care whether a variable is text or a number until you use it in a manner that requires it to care.

Text Operator Numeric Operator Meaning
eq == are the two items equal?
ne != are the two items unequal?
lt < does the left item come before the right item?
gt > does the left item come after the right item?
lte <= is the left item before or equal to the right item?
gte >= is the left item after or equal to the right item?
cmp <=> -1 if the left item comes first, +1 if the right item comes first, and 0 if both items are the same
  1. Boolean logic
  2. Reference
  3. File tests