Public pages: Topic template

  1. If… Then
  2. Public pages
  3. Include subtemplates

Often, blogs will have a page showing all posts on a particular topic. Create a new template, “topic.html”:

{% extends "index.html" %}

{% block title %}ODGB Topic: {{ topic.title }}{% endblock %}

{% block headline %}Dead Guys Topic: {{ topic.title }}{% endblock %}

Create a new function in

def topicalPosts(request, topicSlug):

topic = get_object_or_404(Topic, slug=topicSlug)

posts = Post.objects.filter(live=True, topics=topic).order_by('-date')

context = {'postings': posts, 'topic': topic}

return render_to_response('topic.html', context)

And add Topic to the list of models being imported:

from Blog.postings.models import Post, Topic

In, make this view use the URL /topic/slug:

(r'^topic/(.+)$', 'topicalPosts'),

This will send any request for the URL …/postings/topic/slug to the “topicalPosts” function. Go ahead and view it as, replacing “slug” with the slug for one of your topics, such as

  1. If… Then
  2. Public pages
  3. Include subtemplates