How To Bring The Characters Into The Story

  1. The Villains
  2. A Taste of Jasmine
  3. Timetable

One or two of your heroes will be walking down a street in New York. All of a sudden, a teen-age girl (Andrea) will run out of a doorway, pushing past the heroes, and dart into an alley. Then three men (the thugs) dressed in dark blue suits and wearing dark glasses will chase after her. The Editor must roll a perception roll for each of the heroes. If they make the roll, they will catch a glimpse of a gun beneath the jacket of one of the men. The heroes must also roll surprise. If they are surprised for 10 segments or more, the thugs will get past them, turning into the alleyway 10 segments after that, or probably, the beginning of the next round. The alley that Andrea ran into is 15 meters from the doorway that she ran out of. It turns to the right again in another 20 meters, and dead ends in a brick wall 20 meters after that. The heroes are 8 meters from the alleyway.

If attacked, the thugs will respond in kind, using their handguns. They will fight until unconscious or until they realize that they are no match for the heroes. When this time arrives, they will do one of two things: If any one is within reach of Andrea, he will attempt to grab her and use her as a hostage to escape, taking her back to West Virginia. Otherwise, they will simply run, and attempt to lose the heroes in the New York crowd. These thugs do not know any more except that their ‘boss’ (Vider) wants the girl, alive if possible. They do not even know that they work for Jasmine Oil. If the thugs manage to leave with Andrea, she will unobtrusively drop her driver’s license. Each character is allowed an unmodified Perception roll to see if they see the license. (She will be very unobtrusive to make sure that the thugs don’t see it) If none of the heroes see it, just before they leave the area a little kid will come up to them with it, saying “I found this over there. (pointing back to the area where the fighting occurred) Is it yours?” The kid’s biggest ambition is to become a superhero, and it is possible that he may do so. His name is William (Willie) Crain, and he is NOT a normal. If the heroes treat him well they will have an admirer for life. The driver’s license (California number S 363 403) has a picture of Andrea, her name (Andrea Kramer), her address (112 Division Street, Riverside, California—her Aunt Flora’s address), her sex, her hair color, eye color, height, birthdate, signature, and the expiration date (4 years from her 16th birthday).

  1. The Villains
  2. A Taste of Jasmine
  3. Timetable