The Lost World: Wandering Monsters

  1. The Pylons
  2. The Lost World
  3. Locations

Roll two times every day, and once during the night.

Wandering Monsters: Forest

Encounter on 2 in 6.

01-10 Antelope
11-19 Wild Boar
20-26 Sabre-tooth Tiger
27-30 Giant Hawk
31-38 Tuatara
39-45 Wolves
46-49 Stegosaurus
50-54 Titanothere
55-60 Toad, Giant
61-68 Giant Elk
69-75 Dire wolves
76-82 Grangeri
83-88 Megatherium
89-94 Hulk (see location 1)
95-00 Rock Python


Encounter on 2 in 6.*

01-03 White Ape
04-09 Antelope
10-13 Wild Boar
14-16 Cave Bear
17-23 Sabre-tooth Tiger
24-28 Giant Hawks
29-34 Neanderthal
35-43 Elephant
44-49 Pterodactyl
50-55 Rhinoceros
56-57 Rock Baboons
58-60 Wolves
61-65 Stegosaurus
66-70 Titanothere
71-75 Triceratops
76-80 Tyrannosaurus Rex
81-85 Allosaurus
86-89 Ankylosaurus
90-91 Dimetrodon
92-93 Giant Elk
94-95 Rhororhacos
96-98 Trachodon
99 Rock Python
00 Dire wolves


Encounter on 3 in 6.

01-04 Wild Boar
05-09 Sabre-tooth tiger
10-15 Giant Crocodile
16-17 Tuatara
18-19 Elephants
20-24 Stegosaurus
25-30 Tyrannosaurus Rex
31-35 Allosaurus
36-40 Ankylosaurus
41-45 Brontosaurus
46-50 Dimetrodon
51-54 Um…
55-60 Grangeri
61-65 Megatherium
65-71 Phororhacos
72-76 Trachodon
77-85 Sleestak
86-90 Rock Python
91-94 Green Dragon
95-00 Giant Leech


Encounter on 2 in 6.

01-08 White Ape
09-16 Cave Bear
17-26 Sabre-tooth tiger
27-32 Giant Hawks
33-38 Tuatara
39-47 Neanderthal
48-50 Pterodactyl
51-58 Rock Baboons
59-68 Wolves
69-78 Giant Scorpions
79-86 Dire wolves
87-90 Crab Spider
91-94 Black Widow
95-97 Pteranodon
98-00 Draco

Wandering Monsters: Lake

Encounter on 1 in 6.

01-05 Giant Crabs
06-18 Giant Octopus
19-25 Plesiosaurus
26-36 Sea Serpent
37-45 Giant Squid
46-50 Giant Piranha
51-55 Spiny Rock Fish
56-66 Giant Catfish
67-75 Giant Sturgeon
76-84 Great White Shark
85-91 Killer Whale
92-95 Sperm Whale
96-00 Freshwater Termite
  1. The Pylons
  2. The Lost World
  3. Locations