Newsgroups: fidonet.guns From: John Erland <[John Erland] at []> Date: Fri, 16 Feb 96 19:20:00 -0800 Subject: CA ALERT: ======================================================================== * Forwarded by John Erland (1:203/8055.12) * From : [n--b--t] at [], 1:203/2 (15 Feb 96 13:40) * Subj : CA ALERT: Anti-gun forces on the move against AB-638! ======================================================================== NEWS RELEASE ASSEMBLYMEMBER LOUIS CALDERA California Legislature - 46th Assembly District - Los Angeles FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: DAN REEVES FEBRUARY 14, 1996 916-445-4843 ASSEMBLYMEMBER LOUIS CALDERA AND LOS ANGELES LAW ENFORCEMENT KICK OFF STATEWIDE EFFORT TO DEFEAT CONCEALED WEAPONS LEGISLATION (Los Angeles -CA) Opponents of legislation that would allow virtually all adults in California to carry loaded, concealed firearms in public gathered this morning at the Los Angeles Police Department Headquarters to announce statewide efforts to defeat the legislation. Those in attendance included Assemblymember Louis Caldera (D-Los Angeles), Los Angeles County District Attorney Gil Garcetti, Los Angeles Police Chief Willie Williams, City Councilman Mike Feuer, Sandy Cooney of Handgun Control, Inc., and representatives from Women Against Gun Violence, Violence Prevention Coalition of Greater Los Angelels, Coalition for a Non-Violent City, and Physicians for Social Responsibility. Opponents to AB 638 (Knight, R-Lancaster) argued that the bill would seriously jeopardize public safety in California. Assemblymember Caldera (D-Los Angeles) pointed out that the legislation would allow persons with long criminal records, including persons arrested and charged with violent felonies, but who have no serious criminal convictions, to be issued concealed weapons permits. Caldera also noted that the bill would allow persons with severe mental illnesses, including persons who have been institutionalized, to receive permits to carry loaded, concealed firearms. The bill also eliminates the right of local police chiefs and sheriffs to place "reasonable restrictions or conditions" on the concealed weapons permits. The repeal of current law would prohibit local jurisdictions from excluding firearms from public buildings and parks. "Worse yet," said Caldera, "the bill doesnt even authorize private property owners, such as businesses, retailers, and shopping malls, to prohibit the carrying of loaded, concealed firearms on their property. "It wasnt long ago, in the wake of freeway shooting sprees, that we were attempting to increase penalties for illegally carrying firearms in public," Caldera said. "Encouraging more people to carry guns in public will only result in more shootings, deaths, and injuries." Since 1917, local law enforcement has been responsible for the issuance of concealed weapons permits only to individuals who can truly demonstrate "good cause" for needing a permit to carry a loaded firearm in public. "Yet, today in Sacramento, the gun lobby is attempting to overturn that longstanding public policy. If having citizens carry loaded guns in public would increase their personal safety, then we should start arming Californias children who are increasingly more at risk of becoming victims of gun violence than adults, " noted Caldera. On January 31st, AB 638 passed the state Assembly by a vote of 42-33. The bill has been sent to the Senate and will likely be reviewed by the Senate Criminal Procedure Committee early this spring. AB 638 is sponsored by the National Rifle Association, and is supported by the California Gun Owners Association, and the California Rifle and Pistol Association. The bill is opposed by, among others, the California Sheriffs Association, the California Police Chiefs Association, the California Deputy District Attorneys Association, Attorney General Dan Lundgren, and the California Medical Association.