Newsgroups: alt.drugs,talk.politics.drugs,talk.bizarre From: [an 228935] at [] Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 16:43:32 UTC Subject: Hemp and Shit I dropped out of college, and quite honestly, didn't pay close enough attention in high school when they taught us what being a consumer was all about. I thought money was pretty boring as I never seemed to lack so much of it where I went without the essentials or even numerous additional nice things. After dropping out of college, I moved to California and found a job that paid me twenty dollars an hour. Today, almost three years later, I make twenty-five dollars an hour and have a rather easily attained and impressive resume. I smoke marijuana as frequently as I can without losing touch with my everyday responsibilities. Your average toker would deem me a 'lightweight;' it doesn't take much of this harmless, nature-given herb to enlighten me. Some of my more conservative peers ask me why I feel the need to escape reality by using an illegal drug. They feel I may have a problem as I cannot reach such a state of bliss without it. Fumbling through any newspaper or spending five minutes in front of the television yields enough ammunition to vanquish any argument against my seemingly forbidden lifestyle -- the world is a very fucked-up place, and I have found a substance of choice which yields the most positive effects while running lean on the negative ones. While I certainly would love to see marijuana legalized so I could hang out with other irresponsible social misfits such as myself, it seems bothersomely obvious to me that hemp needs to be employed immediately as a source of paper, fuel and other materials currently derived from our rain forests and other depleting natural resources. It seems ironic to me that our society shuns such a valuable resource for purely political reasons, that the answer to many of man's problems lies in this plant. While I generally laugh at hempsters who proclaim 'hemp will save the world,' I often wonder if they aren't completely right. The recent media attention devoted to viruses like Ebola (read Richard Preston's novel, 'The Hot Zone' or if you're a typical American, go see the movie 'Outbreak') which never before threatened humanity until we disrupted the balance of the rain forests has led me to wonder if our current greedy presence in these sacred natural habitats could lead to the eventual downfall of mankind. Perhaps utilizing resources like hemp will slow the inevitable... Perhaps it's too late. Even more disturbing and current than this is the massive amounts of money, billions of dollars per year, we spend on eradicating these 'drugs' we have assigned negative, almost human characteristics to. Perhaps drugs for some, as my case may often be, provide an escape from the reality of a painful, often hopeless world, where even the greatest of great deeds often are imperceptable in contrast to the terrible problems which plague us, the majority of which are self-imposed. Perhaps investing this wasted money in ourselves in a more useful manner would be more beneficial than striking fear into the hearts of those of us looking to rid ourselves from the constant monotony of society. Maybe all of us could even have homes, food, health care, and other modern conveniences. They taught me in school that a good consumer shops around. I'm not very happy with my service provider, yet you often need to adapt to other languages and lifestyles to break away from a service provider of this nature, and after much careful research, I have found few places I'd rather live than here. I guess the idealism they taught me in school rears its pretty head once you reach the limits of your immediate options. I'm glad I dropped out. Sign me, Disturbed yet somehow hopeful ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To find out more about the anon service, send mail to [h--p] at [] If you reply to this message, your message WILL be *automatically* anonymized and you are allocated an anon id. Read the help file to prevent this. Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to [a--m--n] at []