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ReGuLaR New ReleAsEs & UD`s ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ‘------------------------------------------¾ é---------------------Â-----------------Â----------------------------¿ S CoNtACt Me At S À-----------------Ù DeStInY-StOne 2 (AuStRaLiA`S BeSt HPC) +09 You-Wish Or CaLL VmBs AuStRaLiA 008 032 486 * 2655 - 24Hr ReSpOnsE H AuStRaLiA 008 800 600 * 6587 - 24Hr ReSpOnSe H À--------------------------------------------------------------------Ù À------------------------------------------------------------------------Ù é-----------------------¿ THE DAKKA USERS BIBLE À-----------------------Ù Issue 1, Volume 2 Written By sLaSh Idea`s Fully Compiled by MaFiOzO Re-edited by CrazyHorse Û Û ÛÛÛ Û Ûey Dudes.. This is the very first Official issue of the Ganja Smokers guide, created by myself & Mafiozo . Most of the infomation here is taken from various text files and sources around the scene, and we have included credit where credit is due, however, not all text files were distinguishable so no credit was given. é-------¿ INDEX À-------Ù The Methods...........................(Michael)........................Part 0 The SUPER Joint........................................................Part 1 The Cork Cone.........................(sLaSh)..........................Part 2 The CokeCan Bong......................(MaFiOzO)........................Part 2 The Dual Chambered Bong...............(Zark)...........................Part 3 The Gravity Bong.......................................................Page 4 The Coventional Water Bong............(MaFiOzO)........................Page 5 The Pumpkin Bong.......................................................Page 6 Drinking...............................................................Page 7 Brownies..............................(Luther).........................Page 8 Canabutter.............................................................Page 8 Pot Soup...............................................................Page 9 Pork & Beans Pot.......................................................Page 10 Pot MeatBalls..........................................................Page 10 Spaghetti Pot..........................................................Page 10 Pot Loaf...............................................................Page 11 Chilli Bean Pot........................................................Page 11 Apple Pot..............................................................Page 11 Bannana Bread..........................................................Page 12 Sesame seed Cookies....................................................Page 12 ButterFinger Leaf.....................(MaFiOzO)........................Page 13 Pot Wine Recipe!.......................................................Page 14 Quick Price Report...(Updated 1st of January)..........................Page 14 The eNd.........................(sLaSh)................................Page 14 THE METHODS bY Michael ----------- Joints ------ Joints, marijuana cigarettes, are the perennial favorite of many people. They are "shake", marijuana which has had the stems and seeds removed, which is inside a fold of rice paper and then rolled into a cylinder. This is the singularly most portable method to smoke grass once the joint has been rolled. When a joint has been smoked down to the point that it is difficult to hold it is called a "roach" and wide variety of paraphernalia exists which are designed to hold the roach without burning oneself. Collectively known as "roach clips" they include tweezers, alligator clips, forceps, needle nose pliers, and ceramic pieces with holes through them. There are a number of devices available to facilitate rolling a joint. Absolutely essential is a cleaning tray to remove the stems and seeds from the lose marijuana. There are a number of papers available with which to roll ones joint, varying in color, pattern, size, and presence of gummed edges. There are rolling "machines" which make the process of rolling a joint much less ticklish, but with practice and skill at rolling joints these tend to hinder more than help. One of the more intriguing techniques of smoking a joint is taking what is known as a powerhit. This is accomplished by having an accomplice surround the burning end of the joint with their mouth, taking care not to allow their skin to come into contact with the glowing end, and blowing while one takes a hit from the other end. This can be somewhat dicey, but is one of the more intimate ways of sharing a joint. Etiquette requires one to pass the joint in a circular fashion through those present. No one is required to take a toke if they do not care to, but they are expected to pass it on if it comes to them. "Bogartting", hoarding the joint when it comes to you, is a SERIOUS breach of protocol. People too stoned to smoke the joint let alone pass it are expected to be skipped over and a joint can (politely) be removed from someone if they do not seem to be sharing the consensus reality. Bongs ----- Bongs, or water pipes if you are in a head shop, pass the smoke through water to cool and filter it. Grass is put into a bowl on the end of a tube whose other end is in a sealed container partially filled with water. The end of the bowl's tube is below the level of the water so that as the smoke exits the pipe it is bubble through a layer of water. The air pressure in the chamber is lowered by breathing through another tube that stays above the water level in the chamber. When the air pressure inside the chamber is lowered, air from outside the chamber passes through the bowl and its tube and bubbles through the water. Bongs are not particularly portable, as they tend to be awkward, delicate, and heavy. Sizes range from the size of a small pill container to eight foot tall escapees from a mad scientist laboratory. Principally made from glass, plastic, ceramic, and metal they can be an art form unto themselves. The principal benefit of smoking grass through a bong is that the smoke is cooled and several carcinogens are removed without removing the active ingredients. One can put any number of liquids in the chamber to filter the smoke, and beer or other forms of alcohol are often used, but this is not recommended. The active ingredients in marijuana are fat and alcohol soluble and when filtered through such substances the active ingredients go into solution. In addition the carcinogens in marijuana smoke are water soluble so that when smoke passes through some liquid other than water one loses active ingredients and gains carcinogens in the smoke entering your lungs. One method recommended is to put ice water in the chamber, the cooled water is not quite as effective at removing the carcinogens but the additional cooling is favored among smokers. Carburetors are small openings in the chamber that are covered during the hit and towards the end opened to allow all the smoke to escape the chamber. Occasionally one finds a bong designed so that carboration is accomplished by lifting the bowl slightly and allowing the air to enter the bowl tube. Pipes ----- Pipes are the simplest devices used to smoke marijuana. For the most part they are similar to pipes used to smoke tobacco but marijuana pipes should be made of heat resistant materials such as stone, ivory, metal, glass, and occasionally harder woods. Grass does not tend to stay lit in pipe so flame constantly has to be applied to bowl which heats it up more than pipes with tobacco in them typically are heated. A common variant of pipe is the stash pipe, a pipe where one may store a small amount of grass. Some stash pipes are constructed in such a manner that the the smoke passes through the stash area so that the grass inside is bathed in the smoke and acquires a coating of resin which contains THC thus making it more potent when it is turn is smoked. There are glass hash pipes which are used to smoke hashish and hashish oil, the materiel is placed in the bowl as with other pipes but instead of heat being applied to the top of the substance it is applied to the bottom of the pipe. One-hits -------- One-hits, or dugouts as they are sometimes called, are a highly portable method of smoking grass for someone who does not want to smoke an entire joint at one time. A one-hit is a small metal tube that has a small cavity at one end and a mouthpiece at the other. One presses the cavity into a small container of cleaned grass to fill it and then is lit somewhat like a cigarette and inhaled steadily until the grass is gone. One only gets one inhalation or "hit" per filling thus it is called a one hit. A dugout is small wooden container which has a space for the cleaned grass and another space for the one-hit itself. Gas Pipes --------- Gas Pipes are open ended tubes with a small bowl mounted near one end perpendicular to the main axis of the tube. The end near the bowl is covered with your hand and the smoke is drawn into the tube until the bowl is burned out then the hand is removed and all the smoke in the tube rushes into your lungs. These are usually made from glass, though occasionally one will find plastic pipes. Gravity Bongs ------------- Gravity bongs are more a style of smoking than a particular apparatus for the consumption of marijuana. With a gravity bong one uses water pressure to create the vacuum in a chamber rather then one's lungs as with water pipes and gas pipes. A gravity bong is made by placing a cylinder that is open at one and and closed except for a place for a bowl at the other. The open end is placed in a large container of water until the chamber of the cylinder is filled with water. The filled bowl is then attached and a flame is applied to the marijuana in it. The cylinder is lifted slowly up. As the cylinder is lifted up the water trapped inside will seek to escape out the open end into the container due to the force of gravity. This creates a vacuum at the top of the chamber near the bowl, this vacuum sucks the smoke from the burning marijuana into the chamber replacing the water. A tube may reach from the bowl to near the base of the cylinder making it a true bong or the end may not actually enter the water so that is is similar to a gas pipe. after the material in the bowl has been burned and the smoke has filled the chamber the bowl is removed and the cylinder is pushed back down into the container. As the water re-enter the chamber it forces the smoke out where and hopefully into an expectant individual. This is the most common form of a water bong but any number of similar schemes exist which can use the vacuum created by the exiting water to draw the smoke, and then use that water again to force it out of the chamber. Tilt Pipes ---------- Tilt pipes are pipes which have a heating element built into the pipe at the bowl, the element heats the marijuana to sub-flammable temperature but which will activate and release the cannabanoids, or active ingredients, from the plant material. Most smoking accessories apply an external flame to the marijuana which vaporizes and breaks down many cannabanoids before they can be consumed, thus wasting a portion of the active ingredients in the marijuana. These device tend to be very rare usually only found among connoisseurs. They are called tilt pipes because one tilts the pipe to bring the marijuana into contact with the heating element. Eating & Drinking ----------------- The active ingredients in cannabis are fat and alcohol soluble so they can be extracted and added to foodstuff entering the system through the digestive tract rather than through the lungs. This type of consumption of marijuana tend to be both slower and more efficient than smoking it. Further the noxious effects of consuming heated smoke are completely eliminated. For these reasons this is the favored method of marijuana consumption by many people. Eating ------ Marijuana must be heated before being consumed to activate the cannabanoids so one cannot simply eat raw grass. The traditional method of eating it is to cook it in a brownie, especially when it is in the form of hashish, though it can be used in any number of things. The recommended method of eating marijuana is to saute it in butter or margarine over medium heat, then to strain the remaining solids out and use the butter to cook with. One can use this marijuana butter to make brownies, cook vegetables, or however else one might use butter to cook with, one can even spread it on a slice of bread. Many people will mix the the residual solids in with whatever they are cooking in hopes of making use of whatever cannabanoids might still be in them, but if done properly this in not generally valuable. A typical ratio for making the marijuana butter is one stick of butter to one eight of an ounce of marijuana, and headed for fifteen to twenty minutes. Drinking -------- One may extract the active ingredients from marijuana using alcohol and then use this tincture to make a potent drink. The highest proof alcohol available should be used, preferably 190 proof grain alcohol, since the water in the alcohol will dissolve other chemicals in the marijuana that one wishes to avoid. Some suggest soaking the grass in warm water for a period to remove those chemicals but that presents a whole host of other and is not really recommended. One may simply place the marijuana into a bottle of grain alcohol and let the canabanoids leach out, but this takes 2-3 weeks of time. A faster method is to heat the alcohol to sub-boiling and stir in the marijuana. Great deal of care should be taken if this method is chosen as the alcohol is highly flammable. The resulting tincture, often called "Green Dragon", is a light to emerald green liquid, which can be drunk straight, but this is not recommended. Highly lauded is a drink of 3 parts lemon lime soda, 1 part green dragon and a dollop of honey served over ice. -Michael THE SUPER JOINT --------------- This text was taken from a text written by some dude who did`nt leave credits to them selves, Its a good idea however, So I decided to add it here. (ps. My Credits go out to the dude who wrote it.. Well Done!) I like rolling joints. It is a very viscereal pleasure, you get to play with the nifty green stuff and it gives your hands something to do. This is especially nice if it is good if you don't wanna get really stoned but just catch a nice buzz and instead of keeping your hands busy smoking you keep 'em busy rolling. You gotta decide how fine you are gonna sift the shake. I know some who remove everything until nothing is left but a fine red dust. I don't like that, it takes too long, and casues too many volatile to be released as you card it, and makes really lousy joints that pack too tightly and don't draw worth shit. We all roll joints to match our personality, my joins tend to have stuff in them that shouldn't be there, leave things on the tray that SHOULD be, double paper walled, kinda fat in the middle, nice where it meats the mouth, and fulla garbage that gets burnt. Once you got the grass ready you them have to get you papers in order. The way I learned to make a joint was to make a boat out of the paper. Take the paper in you hand so that the gummed side is up and the crease is away from you, the short sides are called edges and the long sides are called sides. You fold the end towards the side, each in turn. First you take the left edge and you fold it about the top corner of that edge, bringing the lower corner up to where it meets the top side and the edge is perfectly in line with the side. Then you do the same thing about the bottom corner, and then you do it for each of the other corners on the other side. You have to make sure all the creases are away from you, then, from where the two bisectors meet on out to the edge you fold again the crease, you fold in the same place but in the other direction of the original crease You do that with each edge and you get a little paper boat into which you can shift your sift. After having thoughly raked the herb you wind up with a little mound of grass, how big depends on how strong the grass is, how big the papers are, and how stoned you wanna get. I usually use a bit more than would fill a large bowl. You pick the grass up between you fingers and dust it into the paper boat. Try to get it even but don't worry about it you can fix it. Towards the bottom of the mound you run into stuff too fine pick up with your fingers, I consider it a point of grace to card once, and once only, it back into a smalled mound and then try to get at least one good pinch or two from it and let the rest of the shit go back into the baggie until one is scaping for anything green that burns. As you load the paper you are gonna spill dust, just let it go. Make sure you load over the tray and you will either get it with the cleanup card or smoke it some other time. Now you take your boat full of dope and begin leveling it. Stir it about with your finger to balance as much as possible and then you will begin rolling it. Make sure the gummed side is away from you if there is one. You roll it to settle the grass and get it even, and ya try to get it to spread out towards the edges. This is where people who use doller bills use them, I always thought it was too much hassle to fuck with. Once you have it spread to suit your desires you then have to roll the paper up into a joint. This is the tricky part. I always try to finish rolling it so that it is very near the ungummed edge and then to just fold that over and roll it up. Try to get it a bit tighter than you wanna some cause it will looesen as you roll it up. Just before your finished you have to lick the gum. The best I ever saw anyone do that was this little oriental girl I knew who had the most pointed tounge that was always moist. She had absolute control over her tounge, she could make it do things that would give you an orgasm just watching the movements. I being who I am tend to either slobber a bit too much or not get enough on there, it could be better but it works. You finish rolling it up and and then you gotta close the sides. The best way I have found to close the sides is to just roll one end and figure what gets caught gets caught and turn it so the other end is upright and then use a small poker to pull out things which stick out and push in the stuff that needs to go inside. Roll the ends counter to each other and lick to close. I got friends that stick half the damned joint in thier mouths, and others who just touch it to thier tounge. I am undecided, the wetter it gets the better the joint is but it just grates my aesthetics. Let it dry and you gotta joint. I tend to double wrap mine, by rolling that joint in another, it strengths that fragine middle section and generally keeps a tight nice looking joint. I also tend to tear off that messy end, the one that caught what got caught, to suck on, and use the flashy paper tail to light it. THE CORKCONE By sLaSh ------------ This is a really good and relatively easy method to use if your in it desperate for a hit. You will Need. A Cork (Wine Bottle.. ect) A Knife, A ScrewDriver (Fairly Small) Now, Get your Cork and Goulge a hole in the Head of the cork (the largest part) with the Screw Driver. Make the hole about 2-3cms in diameter, any larger and the cork will crack. Now, Begin on the open end of the cork and make another hole, goulge the hold till it meets the other hole in the head. +---------+ Open End +-------/ | Head Of Cork À---------> | | <----------Ù | | +-------\ | +---------+ é------------- Drill a hole here in a cone Drill a Hole +--\ /-+ shape Till you meet +-------/ | | | --------> ------------ \ / | The Other Hole ----------------+ | You made. +-------\ | +---------+ In the end, you should ge something that looks like this above diagram. Now, Just put ya Dope in the cone sharped part,light and Fly away. This idea is great as the cork only burns a little each time you hit up and should last for ages till you need a new one. It also saves you buying a proper cone. THE COKECAN BONG bY MaFiOzO ---------------- 1 Cone Peaces 1 Coke Can 1 Drill 1 Translucent hose (Gardening hose works fine!) Another conventional Idea. Get hold of a Can of coke, Drink the coke and drill a small hole in both sides. Now, get yourself a small Peaces of hose (about 1/2 Meter) from your local hardware store. (see-through types only..). Now get your cone Peaces and push into the end of your gardening hose, the other end goes into one of the holes on the sides of the coke can you made earlier Push it in till it holds snugly, and get some Puttex or any Poxyresign (when it dries,turns into plastic) mix and paste up the sides so theirs no leakage of air. Now, Place ur weed into the cone peaces, Place your finger on the hole in the side, light up, put mouth on Drink area of can, inhale quickly and regulate the air flow by releasing the finger from the other hole. This method is really great as it allows for you to regulate the mixture of air while you toke. ENjOY! THE DUAL-CHAMBERED, HOT-COLD BONG by Zark ----------------------------------------- [it was noted in a follow up that a hot-hot bong would supposedly be better because the temperature is not the key, its the water vapor. Experiment and figure out for yourself what works better -- Lamont] Basic Design (can be modified to fit different styles): Suck In Here | | +---------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Carb Hole == | | / | | | / / | +--+ |---------| +--+ / / | \Bowl / | | | Water | | | / / --------| \ / | | | | | | / / | | / / | | | | | | / / | Water | / / | | | | | / / | |/ / | | | | / / | / / | | | / / | / / | | | / / | | / | | | | / / | | | | | | | / | | | | | | | | | | | +---------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---------+ | | +-----------+ | | | | | Hot Plate | | | | | +-----------+ | +-------------+ | | Cooling Coils | +-------------------+ Basically, the principle goes like this: Most of the carcinogens in marihuana smoke are water-soluble. THC is not. Therefore, the bong was invented to remove carcinogens and to cool the smoke. However, warm to hot water does tend to remove more carcinogens than does cold water, so using hot water would seem to make the smoke much safer to breathe (and still avoid lung cancer), except that the point of cooling the smoke is lost. Thus, the Dual-Chambered Bong was designed to remove the most carcinogens as well as cool the smoke for inhalation. Basically, the first, hot chamber is filled to the brim with water, and beneath it is placed some form of heating unit (or inside it, or whatever can be done to keep it hot). Next, a short distance away, the second, cold chamber is placed with some way of keeping the area the smoke passes through really cold (such as: cold water with ice packs around the chamber; ice packed around a coiled tube; liquid nitrogen or dry ice poured/piled around the coiled tube; cold water in the chamber with cold water being pumped around the outside through a tube coiled around the chamber; etc.) to cool the smoke. Then you keep the marihuana in the bowl lit by your favorite method, and treat it like an ordinary bong. Since this apparatus is fairly complex, it is suggested that you disguise or have disguised the D-C Bong as some form of dualistic statuary (such as a couple kissing, where the point at which their lips meet is the link between the two chambers) to prevent police busts from wasting your investment on materials and design. THE GRAVITY BONG ---------------- You will Need... 1 Plastic bottle (2-liter, milk, etc......I found that the Minute Maid 96 ounce was perfect for the job.) 1 Stem w/ bowl and screen (get a bowl with a stem at a hardware store a screen can be found in your faucet of at the store.) That's it .... no more parts, cool heh. Now cut the bottom of the bottle off. Just cut an inch of the bottom off..or as little as possible. O.k. are you with me so far?? Good. Now put the stem in the lid of the container (drill a hole and stick it in, make sure you seal it with glue or rubber cement. Oh don't forget to put the screen in the bowl.) Put the lid back on.. Ta dah. YOU have just made your first gravity bong. But you need to be isn't as easy to unlock its magic as it was to build. Find some decent body of pool, or bath tub will do. Submerge the open end into the water until only the lid and stem are still dry. Now the tricky part, SLOWLY lift the bong out of the water WHILE lighting the bowl.. Don't let the open end out of the water!! Carefully unscrew the lid....apply your lips to the open mouth of the container-----Get ready 'cuase this is gonna be a crazy hit. Push it back DOWN into the pool and inhale as much as you can. THE CONVENTIONAL WATER BONG --------------------------- Ingredients: Malibu (or similar) bottle, Empty(!), 2 glass tubes, approx 10cm and 40cm long, max diameter 1cm, plastic tube, to fit glass tubing, about 1m, large cork/bung with hole inside it, to fit glass tubing, aluminium foil, PVC tape. shape one end of cork to fit snugly into cap of bottle perforate cap with small spiky object such as a dart, in many places push cork into cap, and long glass tube into other end of cork wrap outside of cork with aluminium foil and then PVC tape, ensuring airtight seal onto cap and tubing attach plastic tube onto small glass tube insert tubes into neck of bottle, so that bottom of long tube is just clear of bottom of bottle, and is vertical, and so that about half of short tube is inside bottle, use packing (2 bits of cork,etc) to keep them in position and seal all around opening with PVC tape fill to about 2/3 with your chosen liquid (I find water/pear essence/cinnamon essence/southern comfort mixture interesting) and enjoy... (bubble, bubble, stoned, no trouble) THE PUMPKIN BONG ---------------- Speaking of homemade bongs, some friends and I just made one last night from a pumpkin (the dorm was having a contest (pumpkin-carving, not bong-making)). We started by cutting a circular hole in the top and scooping out the seeds and gunk, like one might do for a normal jack-o'-lantern. Then we drilled straight down through the top of the stem with a 1/4" bit. On the top of this hole we put a bowl made by cutting of the tapered end of a Whippet. On the other side of the hole (the inside of the pumpkin), we wedged in about 4 inches of Tygon tubing. Then we drilled another hole into the side of the pumpkin near the top and stuck in some more tubing. Simply fill the inside of the pumpkin about halfway with water and voila: it's the Great Pumkpin, Charlie Brown! It does work, but air tends to leak in making it hard to actually get any smoke to come through. When we brought it to be judged, not too many people figured out what it was. It did win the "Utilitarian Award," however. After the Great Pumpkin was constructed and tested, we celebrated by drawing a face on the side with a marker - it was looking up with a devilish grin at the suck-tube protruding from its forehead. A friend who originally suggested this contraption has built another bong of infamy. Using basically the same techniques, he modified a plastic rabbit-shaped container originally used to hold syrup for making chocolate milk. Its name: Quick Fix. DRINKING -------- The first, careless attempt was done using poor-quality weed and the best vodka at hand - Devil's Springs, weighing in at 150 proof. The results were unimpressive. Short cooking times (5-10 minutes) were probably a factor. A quick trip to a PA liquor store produced a liter of 190 proof grain alcohol - it actually says "Ethanol USP" on the label - and several careful attempts were made, as follows. A quantity of pretty good weed - about twice what one person might smoke, maybe half or 2/3 a cc of the stuff - is broken up into tiny pieces and placed in a handy 500 ml empty glass liquor bottle with a plastic screw-on cap. 15cc of 190 proof ethanol (about a shot) is added. On the kitchen stove a saucepan half-full of simmering (not boiling) water is prepared, and with the stove set on low the bottle is lowered into the uncovered pot. It is important to note that the plastic cap is screwed quite loosely on to the bottle. NOTE: We used an electric stove - I'm WOULD NOT try this over a gas burner. Ethanol can actually explode with enough force to break glass, so wear something over your eyes and be careful... After a moment, the alcohol begins a gentle boil. With a minimum of screwing around, they were able to carefully regulate the boiling as follows: 1) When you hear a hissing sound, the stuff is too hot, vapor is blowing out the top and might ignite if you ignore it. 2) If the alcohol stops simmering it's too cold. 3) If the alcohol is simmering in the center where the bits of weed are, but is not boiling around the edges, it's just right. No pressure will build up in the bottle and you are applying the maximum amount of heat possible with this apparatus. Cool the bottle by sliding the pan off the burner a bit or changing the position of the bottle in the simmering water. Only tiny changes are necessary and it's pretty easy to get it just right. Needless to say you will blow up like Richard Prior if you screw the cap on too tight or leave it unattended. Remember that ethanol boils at about 180f and water at 212f. After about 5 minutes of boiling, the alcohol began to take on a pleasant jade-green color, but several attempts have shown that 30 minutes of boiling seems to be optimal. (It is sort of interesting to note that the weed used in all cases was brown, without a hint of green, yet this lovely color occurred every time). You may notice a dark green ring forming around the edges of the liquid - swirl the bottle every now and again to return it to solution. After 30 minutes, filter out as much of the liquid as you can. You'll be looking at about a shot of emerald vodka, slightly cloudy and with a strong smell of fresh grass, not at all unpleasant if you like that sort of thing. Remember that is is still 190 proof and do not drink it straight. Those who sampled it did so mixed with very scientific plain water. About a half hour later, maybe a bit sooner, a nice 'second beer' buzz kicked in, leaving them fully functional, happy, talkative, horny, and fun to be around. Driving would not be a good idea at this point but they felt like they could - I mention this not as a hint but as a means of expressing the depth of the effect. Drinking more of the stuff made them no higher but prolonged the effects, including the sort of a next-day hangover normally associated with a serious amount of smoke. The issue of if, and how, this stuff will keep was not explored. Traditionally, herbal tinctures are stored at room temperature in small, full, dark bottles to protect the solution from air and light. I suspect it probably will not keep very long. A further experiment to explore a the concentration process was performed as follows: A palmful of very weak weed was extracted into about 30cc (2 shots) of grain alcohol as above. Two joints were rolled from the same stuff and a drying rack, consisting of a wire oven rack held 3 inches over an electric stove set on low, was constructed. Each joint was dipped for a count of five into the very dark, almost black liquid that resulted, then placed on the rack to dry. Drying took an unexpectedly long time (several minutes) and the thinner of the two joints proved to be the most satisfactory. After several dips, about half the liquid was absorbed into the now green, sticky joints and the remaining liquid was set aside. Several hours later the smaller joint dried to a weird dark olive-drab color that looked suspiciously military. It's taste was distinctive and not unpleasant - it might not have been fully dry - and it worked out just fine, a gain on the subjective scale from Barely Smokable to Pretty Good. As there are only two higher levels (Damn Good and F*cking Outrageous) which cover the understandably large top end of the ratings, I found this to be terrifically successful. Possibly all that we have done here is to reinvent 'hash oil' a pleasant enough substance that was notorious for rapidly degrading over time. Indeed, we found that after a week these things became worthless. BROWNIES by Luther ------------------ Start with Hershey's Premium Baking Bar Unsweetened Chocolate. On the back is a recipe for brownies which includes 1 cup butter, 4 squares of chocolate, 2 cups sugar, 4 eggs, 1 cup of flour, and vanilla extract. Start with dry hemp leaves and grind them in a coffee grinder to a fine powder. Put in a measuring cup until ~75 ml of "green flour" is made. Fill to the 1 cup mark (250 ml) with regular flour. Proceed with recipe on box: Heat oven to 350 F, Grease 13x9x2 (inch) pan. Heat butter and chocolate and stir with wooden spoon until smooth. Stir in sugar. Add eggs one at a time. Add vanilla extract and stir in flour mixture. Add nuts if desired (a very nice touch I think) and bake for 40 minutes. It seemed to take 10 minutes longer than the box suggested (30 minutes) to be completely baked through. Makes 3 dozen brownies. Take 2 and wait an hour. Take 4 and cruise for 12 hours. Enjoy! CANNABUTTER ----------- The first step in cooking magical cannabis-laced foods is extracting the cannabinoids (THC, CBD, and many many more) from the plant matter, usually in a oil/fat/butter-based solution, since the cannabinoids do not readily dissolve in water. My best FOAF has a method for doing this that he has not seen mention of in this forum. He got it from a little book called _The Art and Science of Cooking with Cannabis_, by Adam Gottlieb, originally published in 1974. Gottlieb calls the product of the extraction `CANNABUTTER'. The procedure is actually very simple. He brings a pot of water to a rolling boil, then puts a small amount of butter in the water. Quickly, the butter melts, and mixes in with the water because the whole mixture is at a rolling boil. Then he puts the grass in and boils it. (Of course, he separates all the seeds first so he can plant them in the nearby park.) Now all the grass is riling around with the water and butter, and get this: The cannabinoids dissolve into the butter, while most of the nasty flavors and gook dissolve into the water. He stirs the stuff regularly. After cooking the grass like this for a while (say, half an hour), his kitchen really smells incriminating. He strains out the spent plant matter, squeezes all the juice out of it, and puts the liquid in the fridge. A few hours later, the mixture is cool enough that the cannabutter has solidified on the surface. It looks kind of scummy, but its just enchanted butter. He scoops it out and retains it in a bowl or a jar. The grass-nasty water is thrown out. The cannabutter can be used just like butter, in brownies, on garlic bread, or mixed with honey on your finger! Although this method takes longer than the usual saute-n-strain method, it has several advantages: * As explained above, the nasty shit is separated and removed from the fun shit. * You can make stronger cannabutter than by saute-ing, because you can cook more grass in the same amount of butter, due to the extra volume of the water. * There is no danger of burning the precious, price-inflated, hard and dangerous to obtain herb, as there is when you saute, because the water keeps the whole mixture at boiling temperature! Oh, I don't think that heating for 1 hour will break down the THC: brownies and breads are usually baked longer, and they seem just fine ;-) I suppose that one does want to avoid _extreme_ heat, though... like open flame ;-) Anyway, I made my butter in a double-boiler, which is sort of a saucepan full of water, with another saucepan that mates on top of it, so that the bottom of one covers the top of the other (I went out and bought a very nice Revereware double-boiler recently, but I digress). So, in the bottom boiler, you put water, enough, say, that you have only an inch or two between the water and the bottom of the second boiler. In the second boiler, put 1 quart of water, 1/4 oz, and a stick of butter. Simmer the stuff over low heat for a few hours, at least: I waited till it turned brownish. (the double boiler keeps direct heat away from the stuff, so it's used to cook heat-sensitive foods such as eggs and butter, without burning them). Now, once you're satisfied with your mixture of butter, THC, water, and vegetation, prepare a bowl and something like a funnel lined with cheese-cloth, or a cheese-cloth bag. You can buy cheese-cloth at the grocery store: it will catch the vegetable matter, keeping it out of the bowl, inot which you pour the butter/water mixture. Squeeze as much liquid as possible out of the cheese- cloth. If you really want to, you could keep the now-hopefully-impotent bud, but I've always just pitched it. So. Allow your butter/water to settle and cool (I refrigerate it). The butter will rise to the top, and can be lifted out, but I usually am not satisfied with all the particles of butter that remain, so I run the water through a piece of cheesecloth and try to catch some of it. Anyway, that green gunk is butter, and you can spread it on your toast, make a sandwich with it, or cook with it. About two "pats" of butter stone me pretty well, but your milage may vary. I usually try to disguise the taste with something like a pepperoni and garlic pesto cheese on rye sandwich, but you tastes _probably_ vary ;-) POT SOUP -------- 1 can condensed beef broth 3 tablespoons grass 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1/2 can water 3 tablespoons chopped watercress Combine all ingredients in a saucepan an dbring to a boil over medium heat. Place in a refrigerator for two to three hours, reheat, and serve. PORK AND BEANS AND POT ---------------------- 1 large can pork and beans 1/2 cup marihuana 4 slices bacon 1/2 cup light molasses 1/2 teaspoon hickory salt 3 pineapple rings Mix together in a casserole, cover top with pineapple and bacon, bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes. Serves about six. THE POT MEAT BALL ----------------- 1 lb. hamburger 1/4 cup chopped onions 1 can cream of mushroom soup 1/4 cup bread crumbs 3 tablespoons grass 3 tablespoons India relish Mix it up and shape into meatballs. Brown in frying pan and drain. Place in a casserole with soup and 1/2 cup water, cover and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes. Feeds about four people. SPAGHETTI POT ------------- 1 can tomato paste 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 cup chopped onions 1/2 cup chopped marihuana 1 pinch pepper 1 can water (6 oz) 1/2 clove minced garlic 1 bay leaf 1 pinch thyme 1/2 teaspoon salt Mix in a large pot, cover and shimmer with frequent stirring for two hours. Serve over spaghetti. POT LOAF ------- 1 packet onion soup mix 1 can whole peeled tomatoes (16 oz) 1/2 cup chopped marihuana 2 lbs. ground beef 1 egg 4 slices bread, crumbed Mix all ingredients and shape into a loaf. Bake for one hour in 400-degree oven. Serves about six. CHILI BEAN POT ------------- 2 lbs. pinto beans 1 lb. bacon, cut into two-inch sections 2 cups red wine 4 tablespoons chili powder 1/2 clove garlic 1 cup chopped grass 1/2 cup mushrooms Soak beans overnight in water. In a large pot pour boiling water over beans and simmer for at least an hour, adding more water to keep beans covered. Now add all other ingredients and continue to simmer for another three hours. Salt to taste. Serves about ten. APPLE POT --------- 4 apples (cored) 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup water 4 cherries 1/3 cup chopped grass 2 tablespoons cinamon Powder the grass in a blender, then mix grass with sugar and water. Stuff cores with this paste. Sprinkle apples with cinnamon, and top with a cherry. Bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees. BANANA BREAD ------------ 1/2 cup shortening 2 eggs 1 teaspoon lemon juice 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup sugar 1 cup mashed bananas 2 cups sifted flour 1/2 cup chopped marihuana 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped nuts Mix the shortening and sugar, beat eggs, and add to mixture. Separately mix bananas with lemon juice and add to the first mixture. Sift flour, salt, and baking powder together, then mix all ingredients together. Bake for 1 1/4 hours at 375 degrees. SESAME SEED MARIHUANA COOKIES ----------------------------- 3 oz ground roast sesame seeds 3 tablespoons ground almonds 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/4 cup honey 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 oz grass Toast the grass until slightly brown and then crush it in a mortar. Mix crushed grass with all other ingredients, in a skillet. Place skillet over low flame and add 1 tablespoon of salt butter. Allow it to cook. When cool, roll mixture into little balls and dip them into the sesame seeds. BUTTERFINGER LEAF bY MaFiOzO ----------------- This is a fairly basic and easy thing to do and is very good if ya are around a crop at the time. Get some drained butter and dip a Sun leaf into the butter then eat. Tastes really good and gets ya mellow! POT WINERY (taken from AskEd in Times Magazine) ---------- The how-to for a citrus-cannabis wine. here is an adaption and condensation of The recipes: 1.Thoroughly wash and rinse a wide mouthed one gallon glass or plastic container and lid 2.Squeeze the juice from two or more oranges and a lemon. pour the juice into the jug. frozen juice is ok to use. 3.Add 2 to 3 pounds of sugar or honey to a pot containing 2 quarts of boiling water.(corn sugar is the best sugar to use;it makes exceptionally clear wine).the less sugar and honey used, the drier the wine will be. after the sweetener is dissolved in the water, add the mixture to the fermenting container and let the liquid cool. 4.When the liquid has cooled to near room temperature, add a package of yeast. champagne yeast (available at wine and hobby shops) is best to use, but other kinds will work in a pinch. 5.Cover the jar loosely with the lid and let it sit in a warm, dark place such as a closet. put it on several sheets of newspaper to catch any liquid that bubbles over. 6.Ten days after starting the wine miz, take four ounces to one pound of marijuana, depending on the strength of the weed and the desired strength of the wine, and place them in a container. for convenience, use a net bag made from nylon, available at wine hobby shops. the net acts like a giant teabag. fill the container with water and then udnk the bag. let the bag sit in the water for a few minutes and then rinse.throw the water away. it contains only pigments and water soluble compounds, not thc. refill the container and let the bag sit in it for a few hours, then rinse the glass again and squeeze out the water. 7.Add the grass to the wine mix. several minutes after the grass is placed in the container, fill the jar to the 1 gallon mark. 8.After the mix is brewing for about 2 weeks, the active fermentation will start to slow down because the sugars are nearly used up. 9.Transfer the brew from the primary fermenter (the jar) to the secondary fermenter (a one gallon jug). squeeze the liquid from the leaf and add that, but discard the leaf. then put an airlock on the jug top (air locks are available at the wine hobby shop) so that no air can get into the jug and contaminate the wine with bacteria which would turn the wine to vinegar. 10. The wine will be ready to drink in about 4 to 6 weeks. at that time it could also be bottled in fifths and corked. it will mellow and ripen in about 3 months. each time that you siphon the wine, make sure to treat the container gently so that the sediment on the bottom remains undisturbed. siphon only the relatively clear liquid. one hint:prepare the pot for soaking in the solution by first soaking it overnight in water and rinsing it. the chlorophyll and many of the pigments will dissolve in the water, leaving a subtler marijuana taste. the water can be discarded. the thc will remain on the grass. AUSTRALIAN PRICE REPORT ----------------------- This report comes direct from Internet and was compiled by several people who unfortunately did`nt include their names, but thanxs dudes! Nation: Australia Location: Melbourne, Australia (City Area). Date: 29 December 1993 Marijuana: $20-$30 (Australian Currency)/gram, reasonable quality heads. $80-$130/quarter ounce (average $115-$120, not often under $100) Hash: $20 to $30. (average ~$20-$25 for small block) $50 to $200 (larger block made in 6x8 dimentions) The above infomation is as uptodate as I can possibly get it, however, as busts occurs and the demand gets higher, so does the price so Only use this small chart as a Guide. This is also not a guide for imported Marijuana, those prices can vary incredibly especially if imported from places like Europe (but well worth it!). A Trick I always use for getting the best price is to basically shop around and ask around, if ya don`t have many mates that do dope then your stuck, but when I shop around I can grab 1/4 ounce for under $80! and its pretty good shit at that.! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛKay dudes.. Thats it for the Very First Issue of The Guide, Thanxs to all my mates and people who helped out in the first issue. The next issue will be looking at some more methods of HOME-MADE bongs and well show you how to make an euthenics Dakka pipe plus we will reveal where to get the best Pipes and smoking equiptment around Australia for your $, plus another special price report so you don`t get ripped off by your dealer! Also, as I have many,many big time grower contacts, if anyone has any quires about anything from smoking to growing (any size) weed, leave mail to me on Destiny stone 2 or contact me on my VMB below and I will happily answer and include mail in the next issue so that others can also learn. All people who think can contribute infomation about their fav Smoking Methods and think its worth publishing here, I can be contacted at Destiny Stone II (if your elite, you should have the number!) or Voice mail at 008 032 486 Box 2655 (leave your handle and Contact Number or Infomation..), also call 008 800 600 box 6587 and leave info their. ThaNkYoU FoR ReAdInG ThE FiRsT IssUe, L8TeR! WaTch FoR ThE NeXt SooN!..... Oh & Yeah... Check out our other Shit (CliCk.TxT ect.) sLaSh & MaFiOzO/FiRe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’½ | S ÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ ßßßßßßß ßßß ßßßßßßßß ßßßßßßß ßßßß ßßß+-- S ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ßßß ßßß ßßß ßßß ßßß ßßßß ßßßß ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ßßßßßßß ßßß ßßßßßßßß ßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßßß ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ßßß ßßß ßßß ßßß ßßß ßßßß ßßßß ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ßßßßßßß ßßßßßßß ßßß ßßß ßßßßßßß ßßßß ßßßß L ßÛßß ßßÛÛÛÛÛßß ßßÛß -SpReAdInG MoRe HPC WaReS ArOuNd Oz!- L ÜÛ ± ÜÛ ÛÜ ± ÛÜ -PowEr To ThE PeOpLe- ÛÛÛÜÜÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÜÜÛÛÛ é------------------------------------------¿ ßÛÛßÛÛÛÝ Ü ÞÛÛÛßÛÛß HaCkInG... UnIx,VaX,InTeRnEt,NuIs,DTTCS ÜÝÛÝÛßÛÛÛßÛÞÛÞÜ PhReAkInG... BOx,CaLLiNgCaRds,PBX,LooPs A ÜÝÛÝÛßÛÛÛßÛÞÛÞÜ AnARChY... DRuGs,BoMbs,SeX,RevEnGe,SaTan A ÛÛÜÞÛÞÛ ÛÝÛÝÜÛÛ MaGaZiNeS... NCaCtuS,CuD,HiGh TiMeS ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß PrOgRaMes... 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