From: Your Name Newsgroups: rec.drugs.cannabis,alt.drugs,alt.drugs.pot,alt.hemp,talk.politics.drugs, Subject: Consumers Union Recommendations on Marijuana Policy (1972) Date: 5 Dec 1996 00:15:56 GMT LICIT AND ILLICIT DRUGS Consumers Union of the United States 1972, Boston: Little, Brown & Co. In 1972, the Consumers Union, publishers of the popular "Consumer Reports," produced a 623-page report entitled "Licit and Illicit Drugs." The report discussed the history, uses, and abuses of narcotics, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, marijuana, caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. The report included a section on drug policy recommendations. Their seven recommendations concerning marijuana (pp. 535-539) are presented below. 1. Consumers Union recommends the immediate repeal of all federal laws governing the growing, processing, transportation, sale, possession, and use of marijuana. 2. Consumers Union recommends that each of the fifty states similarly repeal its existing marijuana laws and pass new laws legalizing the cultivation, processing, and orderly marketing of marijuana -- subject to appropriate regulations. 3. Consumers Union therefore recommends that a national marijuana commission be established to help provide the states with needed research information, to monitor the various plans evolved by the states, and to build, eventually, the best features of those plans into federal marijuana legislation. 4. Consumers Union recommends that state and federal taxes on marijuana be kept moderate, and that tax proceeds be devoted primarily to drug research, drug education, and other measures specifically designed to minimize the damage done by alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, heroin, and other drugs. 5. Consumers Union recommends an immediate end of imprisonment as a punishment for marijuana possession and for furnishing marijuana to friends. 6. Consumers Union recommends, pending legalization of marijuana, that marijuana possession and sharing be immediately made civil violations rather than criminal acts. 7. Consumers Union recommends that those now serving prison terms for possession of or sharing marijuana be set free, and that such marijuana offenses be expunged from all legal records. In a prophetic conclusion, the editors of the reports note that: "Before long, the generation now in its teens and twenties will be in its thirties and forties. Judges, prosecutors, and even narcotics agents, along with legislators and teachers, will be drawn from the pot-smoking and acid-dropping generation... We hope that when the next generation takes over, this Consumers Union Report will still remain useful -- as a guide to how mankind has used and misused drugs in the past, and as a warning against repeating the errors society is making today" (p. 540). -- Gordon ñ:-|