Newsgroups: alt.drugs From: [an 100963] at [] Date: Tue, 24 May 1994 20:09:41 UTC Subject: Time Out (London, UK) drug use survey Time Out, a London listings magazine, recently published the results of a write-in survey on drug use in London. 903 readers responded. Here is a summary of the results. All prices are in pounds sterling, with the pounds symbol shown as #. Where/how do you buy drugs? Friend 76% Dealer's home 28% From a club/pub 21% Other 6% Don't know! 4% On the street 3% Which drugs, if any, are less harmful than alcohol? Cannabis/Hash 84% None 13% LSD/acid 12% Ecstasy 12% Speed 9% Cocaine 7% Heroin 4% Don't know 3% Crack 2% Which drugs, if any, do you think should be decriminalised? Cannabis/hash 86% Ecstasy 36% LSD/acid 34% Amphetamines/speed 34% Cocaine 29% Heroin 18% Crack 16% Don't know 1% None 10% Which drugs have you ever taken? Cannabis/hash 86% Amphetamines/speed 61% LSD/acid 56% Cocaine 52% Ecstasy 47% Heroin 12% None 12% Crack 6% Don't know 1% 75% of respondents were aged 19-34. 77% were from the ABC1 social group, which closely reflects the regular Time Out reader profile. Older respondents (over 35) were much less likely to have taken Ecstasy. Heroin was more popular with respondents over 26. The highest number of respondents in every drug category except cannabis claimed they took the drugs only occasionally: almost every month (6% for LSD, 7% for ecstasy) or only occasionally (33% for cocaine, 34% for LSD, 25% for ecstasy). 58% of cannabis users spend under #10/week. Only 5% spend between #25 and #50. 43% spend under #10 on cocaine and 7% spend between #10 and #25. 76% of the sample use drugs at least occasionally; of these 96% use cannabis, 51% use LSD and 45% use ecstasy and cocaine. 24% said that drugs were 'very important' in their lives, with 47% saying drugs were 'not very important' and 24% saying drugs were 'not at all' important. Heavy users of alcohol show the highest levels of drug dependency, with 8% of respondents who drink between 31 and 60 units of alcohol per week saying drugs were 'essential', and 9% who drink more than 60 units a week also saying this. The over-35s are more likely to spend between #25 and #50 per week on alcohol. 78% of the sample knew someone who had been permanently damaged by drugs or alcohol. Of these 79% blamed alcohol, 45% blamed heroin, 30% LSD, 24% cocaine, 16% amphetamines, 15% ecstasy and 15% crack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To find out more about the anon service, send mail to [h--p] at [] Due to the double-blind, any mail replies to this message will be anonymized, and an anonymous id will be allocated automatically. You have been warned. Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to [a--m--n] at []