From: [q--n--n] at [] (Benjamin Jud Quinton) Newsgroups: Subject: RESOURCE: monster, Forest Beetle Date: 19 Oct 1995 15:26:15 -0400 Forest Beetle ----------------------------------- climate/terrain: tempetate forest frequency: rare organization: any activity cycle: any diet: omnivorous intelligence: 1 treasure: none alignment: neutral ----------------------------------- number appearing: 1-6 armor class: 3 movement: 6 hit dice: 2 + 2 THAC0: 19 number of attacks: 2 or 2 damage per attack: 1-6x2 or 1-4x2 special attacks: spine throwing special defenses: none magic resistance: nil size: M (3' tall) morale: 16 experience points: 65 ----------------------------------- Apperance: Forest Beetles have a brown carapace with lighter brown mottling. They have two antennae studded with razor sharp edges they use to attack with, and have a ridge of long spines on their back. Combat: Their carapace blends in so well with their background they recieve a +1 bonus to surprise. They can fling the spines on their back up to 60 yards with amazing accuracy (treat everything beyond 20 yards as medium range), up to two per round. In combat their antennae are armor class 5 and can take 6 damage before being destroyed. Habitat/Society: Forest Beetles act as scavengers and have no known predators. Ecology: Found in temperate woods, Forest Beetles are often first noticed by a salvo of spines. If feeling hungry (which they usually are) or threatened, they will attack up to man sized creatures.