GURPS to DJ/Prime: (Note: these are *rough* conversions, work something more specific out with your JM before using the character) Character conversion: TRAITS: ST+DX+HT = P TRAIT IQ x 3 = M TRAIT 120 - (P + M) = S TRAIT (if starting character, see below for other options) Note on Spiritual TRAIT: You can (and probably should) select this with an eye towards the way the character has been played so far, realizing that faith, intuition, belief, and artistic abilities are typically summarized in this TRAIT. Also, the exact P and M formulae should probably add an average of 5 points to the combination, just to be fair and accurate. Selecting Vocation: If you are going to a Dangerous Journeys system that has already been described in PRIME rules, it may be best to select the appropriate Vocation (if there is one) and simply re-build the character from the new skills list. (as if it were a new character) However, if you are attempting to convert a GURPS sourcebook, then take the suggested character types as Vocations (using the recommended skills as the K/S Bundle). The K/S Area values should be: 30, 25, 25, 20, 20, 20, 20, 15, 15, 10, in order of importance, selecting the appropriate TRAITs to base them on. Then, take the skill list from the sourcebook, and use it as a basic list of the K/S Areas available in this new, hybrid game. Handling advantages/disadvantages: Advantages should be cleared with the GM, disadvantages can be treated simply as additional personality/physical impairments to be roleplayed. (In the Advanced rules, a la Advanced Mythus, they can be treated as quirks and counter-quirks, respectively) CONVERTING A SOURCEBOOK: This actually should be done by the GM. It requires a fair grasp of the genre being worked on, and an eye towards both sets of rules. In general, as mentioned above, the skills list can become the K/S Area list (with the enhancement of the standard combat K/S Areas), padded slightly by those which seem to fit the genre from other Prime systems. The Character Types section of the sourcebook is a good guide to the Vocations, roughed out above. The advantages/disadvantages probably ought to be ignored in Prime (the whole idea is simplicity over completeness). Equipment should be converted to a rough equivalence, realizing that 1 point of any of the attribute scores in GURPS roughly equates to 3 points in Prime. Weapons are much harder to manage, but a rule of thumb (not necessarily very good) is: (1) any weapon with an equivalence in an already established Prime system can just use those stats; (2) any hand held, non-projectile weapon probably causes 1D6 points of damage, plus 1D6 for each plus after it; (3) any projectile weapon causes the listed damage in D6, *except* area-of-effect weapons (wide-bean laser, sawed- off shotgun), which should gain an exposure roll on the listed D6. Yes, that brings these weapons in line with the deadliness they should have. Anything else that is unusual (netrunning, magic, spaceship piloting, etc.) should be interpreted by the GM as best suits his/her purposes and fits in with the general rules framework.