From: Deadlock <[d--dl--k] at []> Newsgroups: Subject: [REPOST] Programming 105 Date: Tue, 23 Apr 1996 20:35:09 -0400 WHOMPH! HERE IT IS! Programming 105: It Ain't Over 'til the Fat Lady Sings! NAME: Faceless Hunter COST: 15,250eb CLASS: Anti-Personnel STRENGTH: 8 MU: 7 FUNCTIONS: Anti-Personnel (20), Disguise (10) PROGRAMMING/DIFFICULTY: 366/61 OPTIONS: Movement Ability (5); Trace (2); Auto Re-Rez (3); Recognition (2); Invisibility (3); Memory (5); Speed (2); Endurance (3); Pseudo-intellect (6); Superrealistic ICON (5) COST MULTIPLIER: x25 (Anti-Personnel x25) ICON: A silver humanoid figure with no facial or sexual features to distinguish it. However, with it's disguise function, it can assume the structure of any program or form of any netrunner it has come across in it's past. NOTE: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Unfortunately, with a faceless hunter after you, you'll never know which is which. NAME: Cannibals COST: 1,240eb CLASS: Compiler STRENGTH: 8 MU: 4 PROGRAMMING/DIFFICULTY: 186/31 FUNCTION(S): Compiler (10) OPTION(S): Movement Ability (5); Trace (2); Speed (2); Endurance (3); Simple ICON (1) COST MULTIPLIER: x4 (Compiler x4) ICON: A cartoon tribe of cannibals kickin' up alot of dust durin' the chase. NOTE: Cannibals would not have come into existence if someone didn't call me and the rest of Deadlock Enterprises cannibals after looting a heavily defended data fortress in the Pac Rim. Unfortunately, they ain't picky about who or what they eat. So, after they've been set free, RUN! NAME: Cannibals Subroutine COST: 20,000eb PROGRAMMING/DIFFICULTY: 240/40 FUNCTION(S): Anti-Program (20); Anti-Personnel (20) COST MULTIPLIER: x50 (Anti-Program x4; Anti-Personnel x25; Subroutine x1/2) NAME: Dog Trainer COST: 2,960eb CLASS: Anti-Program (Dog Specific) STRENGTH: 7 MU: 6 PROGRAMMING/DIFFICULTY: 222/37 FUNCTION(S): Anti-Program (20) OPTION(S): Recognition (2); Endurance (3); Superrealistic ICON (5) COST MULTIPLIER: x8 (Anti-Program x4; Highly Specialized x2) ICON: A man with extra protection around his arms. NOTE: Dog trainer can be specified to which dog program you want it to train for you. This program causes the dog program to assault it long enough for it to insert several lines of code that cause the dog to recognize you as a friend and not a foe. NAME: Librarian COST: 580 CLASS: Interactive STRENGTH: 3 MU: 4 PROGRAMMING/DIFFICULTY: 174/29 FUNCTION(S): Interactive (10) OPTION(S): Recognition (2); Conversational Ability (3); Pseudo-Intellect (6); Superrealistic ICON (5) COST MULTIPLIER: x2 (Interactive x2) ICON: A young attractive woman dressed in a black skirt, white blouse, and a pair of glasses. NOTE: Librarian will keep a log of all programs that are submitted/retrieved from your cyberdeck. NAME: Cousin Antonio COST: 740eb CLASS: Interactive STRENGTH: 4 MU: 6 PROGRAMMING/DIFFICULTY: 222/37 FUNCTION(S): Interactive (10) OPTION(S): Movement Ability (5); Recognition (2); Speed (2); Endurance (3); Pseudo-Intellect (6); Superrealistic ICON (5) COST MULTIPLIER: x2 (Interactive x2) ICON: A clean shaven, Italian male dressed in a black, three piece suit, Italian loafers, a dark mirrorshades. NOTE: So there's a bully in your part of the grid and you really don't have the resources or the friends to make 'im see the light. So you do the next best thing. You send your Cousin Antonio. Oh! You don't have a Cousin Antonio. You do now.... NAME: Uncle Vito COST: 12,500eb CLASS: Anti-Personnel STRENGTH: 7 MU: 7 PROGRAMMING/DIFFICULTY: 300/50 FUNCTION(S): Anti-Personnel (20) OPTION(S): Movement Ability (5); Recognition (2); Speed (2); Endurance (3); Pseudo-Intellect (6); Superrealistic ICON (5) COST MULTIPLIER: x25 (Anti-Personnel x25) ICON: A very nice lookin, Italian male dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt. NOTE: Uncle Vito only comes around when Cousin Antonio can't convince the bully to leave you alone. Ain't nothin' nice, is it? NAME: Health Inspector COST: 320eb CLASS: Detection STRENGTH: 5 MU: 2 PROGRAMMING/DIFFICULTY: 96/16 FUNCTION(S): Detection (10) OPTION(S): Simple ICON (1) COST MULTIPLIER: x2 (Detection x2) ICON: A cartoon surgeon with a light reflector around hi/her head and a stethoscope around his/her neck. NOTE: After Deadlock Enterprises had the problem with the roaches.... again.... Motown gave the indication that he knew how some of the health inspectors might feel during their inspections. NAME: The Fat Lady COST: 1,000eb CLASS: Demon STRENGTH: 7 MU: 3 PROGRAMMING/DIFFICULTY: 150/25 FUNCTION(S): Compiler (10) OPTION(S): Recognition (2); Speed (2); Endurance (3); Simple ICON (1) COST MULTIPLIER: x4 (Compiler x4) ICON: A cartoon of a really fat Viking lady. NOTE: It truly ain't over until the Fat Lady sings. And when this fat lady sings, it's truly over. She start out with a low note which climaxes into a very high pitch note that shatters the opposite ICON(s) for two spaces around. This program does 2d6 points of damage to anyone or anything within one space and 1d6+2 to all 'facers and programs within two spaces of her. NAME: The Fat Lady Subroutine COST: 41,250eb PROGRAMMING/DIFFICULTY: 165/27.5 FUNCTION(S): Anti-Program (20); Anti-System (15); Anti-Personnel (20) COST MULTIPLIER: x150 (Anti-Program x4; Anti-System x3; Anti-Personnel x25; Subroutine x1/2) Now that the Fat Lady has sung, this concludes Programming 105: It Ain't Over 'til the Fat Lady Sings! Those who live by the sword, get shot with a gun! EMAIL: [d--dl--k] at [] HOME PAGE: