From: [r--dd--n] at [ttidca.TTI.COM] (John Redden) Subject: Other Suns # 3 ------------------ OS.3 ---------------------------------------- This is being posted to the net by myself for Niall Shapero. Others Suns is copyright by Niall Shapero. This gaming material is distributed on a shareware basis. If you do not use the material you owe the author nothing. If you do use it please pay him what you think it is worth at a fair price becasue it took a damn lot of work to develop and playtest. The USmail address is: Niall Shapero 2536 Short Ave Los Angeles CA 90066 USA Those of you with modems can dial into his BBS using this phone number: (213)822-6729 Please email any comments to my electronic mailing address and I will pass them on to Niall. ---------------- end of preamble ------------------------------------------- What follows is the data base description for the character records in my computer character generator for OTHER SUNS. This is only a prelim- inary description; modifications will undoubtedly be made between now and completion of the programming project. Information will be stored for each character in a separate file. /*********************************************************************/ /* Data structure for character records */ /* */ /* Species Designator -- unsigned integer, the first numbers are */ /* to be used for the standard second edi- */ /* tion species. Add 32k to the number to */ /* give the species number for a 'custom' */ /* species created by the user. */ /* */ /* Species Checksum -- unsigned integer. This is the checksum */ /* value for the custom species (if used). */ /* (The custom species data file is check- */ /* summed so as to prevent mis-matches of */ /* character structure and custom species */ /* data structures). */ /* */ /* Psych Profile -- array[12] of Psych_item. */ /* */ /* The low and high stats for each array */ /* entry are as follows: */ /* */ /* Index Low High */ /* ===== ========== =========== */ /* [0] Cautious <-> Reckless */ /* [1] Courageous <-> Cowardly */ /* [2] Forgiving <-> Vengeful */ /* [3] Generous <-> Miserly */ /* [4] Hedonistic <-> Stoic */ /* [5] Honorable <-> Treacherous */ /* [6] Humble <-> Proud */ /* [7] Merciful <-> Cruel */ /* [8] Optimistic <-> Pessimistic */ /* [9] Peacable <-> Combative */ /* [10] Trusting <-> Suspicious */ /* [11] Xenophilic <-> Xenophobic */ /* */ /* Psych_item -- structure description follows: */ /* */ /* Psych low stat -- byte. Percentage for "low" stat. */ /* */ /* Psych low favored -- unsigned int. Count of actions taken by */ /* the character using the "low" action */ /* that resulted in favorable resolutions. */ /* */ /* Psych hi stat -- byte. Percentage for "high" stat. */ /* */ /* Psych hi favored -- unsigned int. Count of actions taken by */ /* the character using the "high" action */ /* that resulted in favorable resolutions. */ /*********************************************************************/ Character data record description (part 2) /*********************************************************************/ /* Strength -- byte. The characteristic value for the */ /* character. */ /* */ /* Intelligence -- byte. The characteristic value for the */ /* character. */ /* */ /* Will -- byte. The characteristic value for the */ /* character. */ /* */ /* Activated_Will -- byte. Non-zero if the character's WILL */ /* has been activated, zero if it has not. */ /* */ /* Constitution -- byte. The characteristic value for the */ /* character. */ /* */ /* Endurance -- unsigned integer. The characteristic */ /* value for the character. */ /* */ /* Dexterity -- byte. The characteristic value for the */ /* character. */ /* */ /* Charisma -- byte. The characteristic value for the */ /* character. */ /* */ /* Length -- unsigned integer. The characteristic */ /* value for the character */ /* */ /* Build -- byte. The characteristic value for the */ /* character. */ /* */ /* Build Adjustment -- integer. Any adjustment over the course */ /* of the character's career to the BUILD */ /* characteristic. */ /* */ /* TSC -- integer. The characteristic value for */ /* the character. */ /* */ /* TPR -- integer. The characteristic value for */ /* the character. */ /*********************************************************************/ Character data record description (part 3) /*********************************************************************/ /* Gender Designator -- byte. Indicator of what sex the char- */ /* acter is. */ /* */ /* 0 -> Male */ /* 1 -> Female */ /* 2 -> Neuter */ /* 3 -> "Other" */ /* */ /* Learned Dodge -- unsigned integer. The adjustment to the */ /* dodge bonus resulting from learning in */ /* the field over the course of the char- */ /* acter's career. */ /* */ /* Military Designator -- byte. Indicates what military organi- */ /* zation (if any) the character owes his */ /* allegience to. */ /* */ /* 0 -> no military allegience. */ /* 1 -> Support Arm */ /* 2 -> Ground Arm */ /* 3 -> Air Arm */ /* 4 -> Star Arm */ /* 5 -> Paratemporal Arm */ /* */ /* +8 for Imperial forces */ /* +16 for Corporate Independent forces */ /* +32 for Regional Subgovernment forces */ /* +64 for 'Puppet' forces */ /* +128 for true Independent forces */ /* */ /* Designator 5 (Paratemporal Arm) is only */ /* allowed for direct Hegemonic/Imperial */ /* forces (so a designator of 5 or 13 is */ /* allowed, but NOT one of 21, 37, 69 or */ /* 133). */ /* */ /* Command Designator -- byte. Indicates the level or command */ /* chain for the character. */ /* 0 -> regular line officer */ /* 1 -> engineering/sciences */ /* 2 -> medical */ /* 3 -> headquarters & special staff */ /* */ /* +8 for Executive Officer of a ship */ /* +16 for Commander of a ship */ /* +32 for a squadron flag officer */ /* unused if character is not military (a */ /* "don't care" byte in this case). */ /*********************************************************************/ Character data record description (part 4) /*********************************************************************/ /* Rank -- unsigned integer. Rank (if military) */ /* of the character. Unused if not mili- */ /* tary (a "don't care" 16 bits in this */ /* case). */ /* */ /* Current funds -- 14 BCD digits in Motorola order (high */ /* digits first). */ /* */ /* Creation Day -- byte. Day of the month (game-time) */ /* that the character was created. */ /* */ /* Creation Month -- byte. Month of the year (1-12), game- */ /* time, that the character was created. */ /* */ /* Creation Year -- unsigned integer. Full year (game-time) */ /* */ /* Age at Creation -- unsigned integer. Character's age, in */ /* days, on the creation date. */ /* */ /* Next use Day -- byte. Day of the month (game-time) */ /* that the character will next be avail- */ /* able for use. */ /* */ /* Next use Month -- byte. Month of the year (1-12) game- */ /* time that the character will next be */ /* available for use. */ /* */ /* Specialty -- array[40] of char. Character's general */ /* field of specialization (e.g. Engineer) */ /* */ /* Primary Subfield -- array[40] of char. Character's primary */ /* skill specialization (e.g. Contragrav */ /* Engineer). */ /* */ /* Name -- array[80] of char. Character name. */ /* */ /* Skill001 -- skill_vals. First skill for the */ /* character that has a non-zero value. */ /* */ /* Skill002 -- skill_vals. Second skill for the */ /* character that has a non-zero value. */ /* : : : : : : */ /* SkillN -- skill_vals. Nth skill for the */ /* character that has a non-zero value. */ /*********************************************************************/ Character data record description (part 5) /*********************************************************************/ /* skill_vals -- structure description follows: */ /* */ /* skill_name -- array[30] of char. Skill name. */ /* */ /* skill_type -- byte. Designator for skill base type */ /* */ /* 0 -> ACC, accuracy skill */ /* 1 -> ATT, attack skill */ /* 2 -> DOD, dodge skill */ /* 3 -> KNO, knowledge skill */ /* 4 -> MAN, manipulation skill */ /* 5 -> OBS, observation skill */ /* 6 -> PAR, parry skill */ /* 7 -> PER, persuasion skill */ /* 8 -> SPE, special skill (no bonuses) */ /* 9 -> STE, stealth skill */ /* 10 -> WIL, psionic talent based on WILL */ /* */ /* skill_base -- Percentage base skill level with skill. */ /* */ /* skill_level -- current skill level with skill */ /* */ /* skill_tics -- Number of skill ticks for next improve- */ /* ment roll in this skill. */ /*********************************************************************/ (End of messages)