From: [i--bl--e] at [] (Dark Matter) Newsgroups: Subject: HERO: College of Gates & Planes Summary: New college for Fantasy Hero Date: 11 Jun 94 17:32:58 GMT Part 13 in a series - COLLEGE OF GATES AND PLANES ------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: HERO System is a trademark of Hero Games, Inc. Any reference to HERO, the HERO System Rulesbook, or any of the HERO System supplements should not be construed as a challenge to the trademark status. The author is not affiliated in any manner with Hero Games, Inc. You can distribute this product freely, but you can not charge more than a minimum delivery fee. Copyright 1994, All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This series of spells can be used to supplement those available in the Fantasy HERO Campaign book, and the Fantasy HERO Companion books from HERO Games, Inc. They can not be used without reference to the the HERO System Rulesbook. These spells are a mix of adaptations from other game systems and original designs. The archive site is at: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Corrections, additions and comments are appreciated. :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------ The spells of a Gatemaster involve near instantaneous movement between distant locations or alternate planes of existance. The spells for this college are especially difficult to master and almost invariably require a longer time than normal to cast. The normal focus for the Gatemaster magic is a flat surface and a drawing implement upon which he can meticulously inscribe the runes and geometric figures needed to compute and open the interdimensional gates. Usually this consists of a wax board and a sharp wood implement. Apprentices to this college are carefully coached not to employ their magical powers until they have fully mastered the intricacies of the art. Wizards who miscast a Gate spell develop the condition known as dimensional instability, which will cause them to vanish to a random, possibly lethal, alternate dimension. Even the Grand Master Wizards have been known to vanish in this manner, sometimes not to return until years later. Although risky, this instability has led to the discovery of exciting new planes. Practitioners of this college should have the KS: Alternate Dimensions. Note: Since many of these spells are unbalancing in a weak magic campaign, this college can only be used by player characters with the exclusive permission of the GM. In such a case, the spells might only be known by an advanced race of interplanar travellers. Dimensional Instability - Extra-dimensional Movement, Any location in any dimensional, Difficult to Dispel (+1/4), Time Delay (+1/4), Random Destination (+1). Common Limitations: Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Characters Must have at least 30 points from college (-1/2), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF Scribing Materials (-1), Side Effect (Dimensional Instability) (-1/2). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIC SPELLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PLANAR BOLT The Wizard draws forth a lump of the native substance from an alternate plane, then projects the material at a foe. The exact nature of the material depends on the plane from whence it was drawn. It could be a ball of flames, a bolt of lightning, a shard of ice, a lump of biotoxin, and so on. The ability of the Wizard to choose a particular plane will depend on the extent of his knowledge about other dimensions. If he attempts to use material from an untested dimension, he will need to make a KS roll. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he suffers Dimensional Instability. Power: 6d6 Energy Blast (Planar Material) Modifiers: Variable Special Effects (Any) (+1/2); Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1). Active Cost = 45 points. END Cost: 4; Magic Roll: -4; Casting Time: 1/2 phase. Real Cost: 9. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLEGE SPELLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT PLANE This spell translates the Wizards' consciousness to a single, fixed location of a known dimension, where he is able to see, hear, and speak normally. Any inhabitants that attend to the Wizard will be able to converse with him, although whether they actually choose to do so is another matter. Most Powers employed in the alternate dimension will have no direct effect on the Wizard, unless they have the proper Transdimensional advantage. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he suffers Dimensional Instability. Power: Clairsentience, Other Dimensions, Sight/Sound Groups Active Cost = 60 points. Power: Images, Sound only Modifiers: Transdimensional (Any Dimension) (+1); Linked to Clairsentience (-1/2), Same dimension as Clairsentience (-1/4), Only to speak with voice of Wizard (-1). Active Cost = 20 points. Combined: 0 DCV Concentrate Throughout (-1), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1), Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2). END Cost: 8; Magic Roll: -8; Casting Time: 1 turn. Real Cost: 12. DETECT GATE View nearby gates leading to alternative universes, extradimensional pockets or planes, or to distant locations. The gate will be limned by an eerie glow that is visible only to the Wizard, with colors that hint at the nature of the gate. The ability to sense gates requires steady concentration by the Wizard and is a constant drain on his energy. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he suffers Dimensional Instability. Power: Sense Gates, Discriminatory, 360 Degree Modifiers: All Dimensions (+1); Costs END to Use (-1/2), 1/2 DCV Concentrate throughout (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1), Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2). Active Cost = 40 points. END Cost: 4; Magic Roll: -4; Casting Time: 1 turn. Real Cost: 6. DIMENSION DOOR This spell opens a warp hole through which the Wizard can pass to a nearby location within view. The Wizard can carry up to an additional 100 kilograms through the portal, but the mage and any passengers are mildly disoriented for a full phase. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he suffers Dimensional Instability. Power: 20" Teleport, x2 Mass Modifiers: At 1/2 DCV for 1 phase after Teleport (-1/2), 1/2 DCV Concentrate (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1). Active Cost = 45 points. END Cost: 4; Magic Roll: -4; Casting Time: 1/2 phase. Real Cost: 8. DIMENSIONAL PASSAGE The Gatemaster Wizard uses this simple spell to pass through to an alternate dimension. The specific plane must be selected when this power is acquired, usually after an extensive period of research by the Wizard. If the Wizard has previously visited the dimension, this research period can be much shortened. Before casting this spell, the Wizard will usually first learn how to return to his native plane, unless he has no intention of returning. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he suffers Dimensional Instability. Power: Extradimensional Movement, Single Dimension Modifiers: Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1), Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2). Active Cost = 20 points. END Cost: 2; Magic Roll: -2; Casting Time: 1 turn. Real Cost: 4. DISPATCH This spell is used to return an extraplanar creature to its native plane. If the creature is already in its native plane, then the spell has no effect. When the target creature has resided in a dimension for at least a year prior to the casting of this spell, then it can make an EGO roll to resist the spell effects. Note that the Wizard can cast this spell upon himself should he desire to return to his home plane. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he suffers Dimensional Instability. Power: Extraplanar Travel, Any Dimension, x2 Mass Modifiers: Useable Against Others (After one year on this plane, target can make EGO roll to resist) (+1), Ranged (+1/2); Only to return creature to its native plane (-3/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2). Active Cost = 100 points. END Cost: 10; Magic Roll: -10; Casting Time: 1 turn. Real Cost: 18. DIVERT TELEPORT Gatemasters use spells such as this to prevent unannounced teleportation into their sanctum. Anybody doing so will be diverted to a location selected by the Wizard, usually a Gaol or death trap. Of course, it is relatively easy to overload this spell by repeated teleportations, making this a more appropriate defense against individual intruders. The location of the diversion must be visible from the location of the initial teleport, or the spell will fail to function. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he suffers Dimensional Instability. Power: Teleport 10" within view Modifiers: Area Effect (4" Radius) (+1), Useable Against Others (Double human mass) (+1), Trigger (Teleport into area) (+1/4); Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2). Active Cost = 65 points. END Cost: 6; Magic Roll: -6; Casting Time: 1 turn. Real Cost: 14. KNOW PLANE Casting this spell within a plane, or upon an extraplanar creature or object, will give the Wizard something akin to a "smell" for the place, so that he will know the plane again should he ever visit. The planar knowledge will allow the Wizard to attempt to find the plane again in the future, or at least give him a clue about how to reach it. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he suffers Dimensional Instability. Power: +3 Plane Tracking Scent, Discriminatory Modifiers: Transdimensional (All) (+1); Only to find plane (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1), Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2). Active Cost = 42 points. END Cost: 4; Magic Roll: -4; Casting Time: 1 turn. Real Cost: 7. MIRROR PLANE Create a mirror gate to an alternative time line and draw forth a duplicate of the Wizard through the surface. The capabilities and motiviations of the duplicate will differ from the original, and he could either prove helpful or a hindrance to the Wizard. The duplicate is worth a maximum of 100 character points, or the Wizard's total points plus forty, whichever is less.When the spell charge expires, or both Wizards step back through the silvery plane, the duplicate returns to his normal time line, even if slain. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he passes through the same Mirror Plane to aid his counterpart. Power: Duplication Modifiers: Single Continuing Charge lasting 5 hours (Dispel or both step through mirror) (-1/4), Costs END to use (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Wizard passes through to mirror plane) (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2). Active Cost = 40 points. END Cost: 4; Magic Roll: -4; Casting Time: 1 turn. Real Cost: 7. PHASE TRAP Certain creatures are known to exist in multiple dimensions at the same time, so dealing with them from a single dimension can be especially difficult. This spell levels the playing field by drawing the target creature into the current dimension, then suppressing his ability to leave. This spell can be used equally well simply to prevent a normal target from escaping to an alternate dimension. The Phase Trap is effective out to 250", and requires stready concentration to cast. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he suffers Dimensional Instability. Power: Extradimensional Movement, Only to Current Plane Modifiers: Useable Against Others (+1), Ranged (+1/2). Active Cost = 50 points. Power: 10d6 Suppress Extra-Dimensional Movement Modifiers: Linked to Extra-Dimensional Movement (-1/2). Active Cost = 50 points. Combined: 1/2 DCV Concentrate (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2). END Cost: 10; Magic Roll: -10; Casting Time: 1 turn. Real Cost: 19. PLANAR PROTECTION Many of the planes where the Wizard finds himself are inhospitable to normal life forms. For this reason, most Gatemasters are taught this life support spell as an apprentice. The spell surrounds the Wizard with a thin shell of environment drawn from his native plane. The shell provides clean air, and protects the Wizard from extremes of atmospheric pressure and temperature. For each hour the spell is maintained, the Wizard suffers two points of long term END loss. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he suffers Dimensional Instability. Power: Life Support, No need to breathe, Vacuum/High Pressure, Intense Heat/Cold Modifiers: Costs END to start (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Visible (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1), Long Term END loss every hour maintained (2 points) (-1/2). Active Cost = 22 points. END Cost: (2); Magic Roll: -2; Casting Time: 1/2 phase. Real Cost: 4. PLANE SHIFT With this spell, the Wizard can allow a single individual to pass through to another dimension. To pass an entire group through to the alternate dimension, this spell must be used multiple times. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he passes through the same Mirror Plane to aid his counterpart. Power: Extradimensional Movement, Any Dimension Modifiers: Useable by Others (+1/2); Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2). Active Cost = 40 points. END Cost: 11; Magic Roll: -11; Casting Time: 1 turn. Real Cost: 19. PORTABLE HOLE Create an Extradimensional Pocket to store various supplies for future use. The pocket must be attached to a surface, such as a belt pouch or a chest. The pocket can be carried by the Wizard and opened again at any time. Once the spell finally expires, the contents are dumped out through the opening. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he suffers Dimensional Instability. Power: Extradimensional Movement Modifiers: Single Continuing Charge lasting 1 month (Empty pocket or exceed 50kg to terminate) (+1/2), Useable by Others (One) (+1/4); Costs END to cast (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2). Active Cost = 35 points. END Cost: (3); Magic Roll: -3; Casting Time: 1 turn. Real Cost: 7. ROPE TRICK This useful spell creates a temporary pocket of extradimensional space where the Wizard and his friends can rest for a few hours. The portal to the pocket appears at a selected height above the ground, and the end of the rope will rise up to meet it. The rope can be drawn through the portal to hide it from view, but one end will always remain attached to the opening. The pocket is extremely utilitarian, being some 3" square with smooth grey sides. The portal will admit up to 16 human-sized beings into the pocket, including the Wizard. It can then be closed from the inside to hide any trace of the spell. When the spell expires, the contents of the pocket are rudely ejected through the portal. The interior begins to shimmer slightly a turn before it expires. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he suffers Dimensional Instability. Power: Extra-Dimensional Travel (Utilitarian Pocket) Modifiers: Useable by 16 Others at Range (+1+1/2); Can only access pocket through single portal (-1/2). Active Cost = 70 points. Power: STR 10 Telekinesis Modifiers: Only to lift rope to portal (-1/2), Linked to Extradimensional Travel (-1/2). Active Cost = 30 points. Combined: Invisible Power Effects (All Senses) (+1); Costs END to Start (-1/4), Single Continuing Charge lasting 5 hours (Detach rope from portal to terminate) (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - length of rope (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2). END Cost: (10); Magic Roll: -10; Casting Time: 1 turn. Real Cost: 17. SPACIAL ANOMALY Not quite a dimensional gate, this spell creates a zone of dimensional interaction where an alternate plane interacts weakly with the Wizard's universe. The exact effects depend upon the plane chosen, but they will produce only unusual environmental phenomenon. The alternate dimension must be selected when the spell is first researched, and is often one of the elemental planes. Thus, a Spacial Anomaly with the Elemental Plane of Fire would produce an area of varying, excessive heat. Power: Change Environment, x4 Radius Modifiers: Uncontrolled (+1/2); No Range (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2), (Variable Environment, Random Fluctuations) (0). Active Cost = 30 points. END Cost: 3; Magic Roll: -3; Casting Time: 1 turn. Real Cost: 6. TELEPORT This spell causes the Wizard to dematerialize into a glowing cloud of swirling lights which coalesce into a point, then vanish. He materializes near the destination hex in a reverse of the process. The Wizard can memorize any location as a destination, or he can teleport to a place he can see directly. The memorized location becomes unstable with increasing distance, and he could be teleported to a place in the vicinity. The spell will not place the Wizard inside a solid object, returning him instead to his original location. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he suffers Dimensional Instability. Power: Teleport 1.2km, floating location Modifiers: 0 END (+1/2); 1/2 DCV Concentrate (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Limitation: floating location unstable (Must make an Attack Roll versus the location hex, unless directly visible) (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2). Active Cost = 97 points. END Cost: 10; Magic Roll: -10; Casting Time: 1 turn. Real Cost: 16. TRACE TELEPORT This spell allows the Wizard to trace a use of the Teleport power back to its source. The spell works without a distance penalty to a radius of just over 1,000km, and suffers a -2 penalty for each doubling of the range thereafter. The Wizard will know the distance and direction of the Teleport source, but nothing further. With the passage of time, the Teleport trace fades, becoming more difficult to detect. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he suffers Dimensional Instability. Power: Sense Teleport Source, +34 Telescopic, 360 Degree Active Cost = 66 points. Power: Retrocognition Modifiers: Linked to Sense Teleport Source (-1/2), Only to sense known Teleport Source (-1), Suffers a -1 PER penalty per step down the time chart beyond 1 turn (-1/2). Active Cost = 40 points. Combined: Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 30 points in spells from Gate College (-3/4), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Dimensional Instability) (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2). END Cost: 11; Magic Roll: -11; Casting Time: 1 turn. Real Cost: 19. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIQUE SPELLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCH GATE The ultimate in instantaneous transportation, this spell creates a permanent Teleport gate between two fixed locations. One human-sized creature per phase can pass through the one-way portal to the destination, up to 1,300km distant. Upon arrival, the traveller will experience a momentary disorientation, but will otherwise suffer no harm. Constructing the Arch is a lengthy task requiring skilled artisans, the finest materials, and at least one season of planar research by the Wizard. (It requires the expenditure of 5 character points for a player to build such an arch.) Heavier arches can be built, but the range is halved for each doubling of the mass transported, and the material outlay is correspondingly increased. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, he is drained by powerful magical forces and requires many days of bed rest to recover. Power: Teleport 1,300km, fixed location Modifiers: Useable by Others (+1/2), 0 END Persistent (+1); Costs END to start (-1/4), Independent (Costs 5 Character Points) (-2), Always On (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4), 1/2 DCV Contentrate (-1/4), Character must have at least 40 points in spells from Gate College (-1), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - Marble Portal, Expensive, Immobile (-2-1/4), Extra Time: 1 hour (-2-1/2), Limitation: Can only use to teleport to fixed location (-1/2), Side Effects (6d6 STUN Drain, recover 5 per day) (-1/2). Active Cost = 253 points. END Cost: (25); Magic Roll: -25; Casting Time: 1 hour. Real Cost: 22. SPHERE OF ANNIHILATION This dastardly spell creates a spherical gateway to the plane of the void, where all matter and energy are utterly consumed. The sphere moves 9" per phase, within range and under the direct command of the Wizard. Those caught by the black, featureless sphere are quickly consumed, unless they are specially protected or desolidified. If the Wizard fails his Magic Skill roll, the sphere appears in his hex. Power: 4d6 RKA Modifiers: Area (Any, Nonselective) (+3/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2); 1/2 DCV Concentrate Throughout (-1/4), Must continue from last hex (-1/4), No range at start (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 40 points in spells from Gate College (-1), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), OAF - scribing materials (-1), Side Effects (Same sphere appears centered on Wizard, Single Hex) (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 turn (-1/2). Active Cost = 165 points. END Cost: 16; Magic Roll: -16; Casting Time: 1 turn. Real Cost: 27. SUMMON PLANAR ENTITY This potent and difficult spell allows the Wizard to summon an entity from another plane. The True Name of the entity must be known by the Wizard before he can perform this summoning, but the entity can be from any plane previously visited by the mage. To perform the conjuration, the Wizard will need a large sample of material native to the plane of the entity, and a circle of summoning surrounded by a runic equation. Once the creature has been summoned, he is under no obligation to serve the Wizard. Indeed, he could be quite annoyed at being drawn from his native home in this manner, and will immediately seek to attack the Wizard. If the caster fails his roll, the creature will still be summoned but will have an immense hatred of the caster and will be difficult to control. Power: 300 point Extraplanar Creature Modifiers: Any Extraplanar Creature (+1+1/2); 1/2 DCV while casting (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Character must have at least 40 points in spells from Gate College (-1), Requires Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), IAF: immobile, expendable and expensive (-1-3/4), Side Effects (Same summoning but the Entity has +10 EGO, has 20 points of Mental Defense against Mind Control, and hates the caster) (-1), Extra Time: 1 hour (-2-1/2), Variable Limitations (Only depends on plane of Entity, -1/4) (-1/4). Active Cost = 225 points. END Cost: (22); Magic Roll: -22; Casting Time: 1 hour. Real Cost: 26. -- Dark Matter | "They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist..." [i--bl--e] at [] | -Last words of Gen. John Sedgwick, 1864