SHADOWSPACE Here are two articles describing aspects of outer space. The first describes the barrier between the living Earth and the empty void. The second describes what exists beyond the barrier. We at the Guide cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports, nor be held responsible for any problems any inaccuracy causes. THE SPACE BARRIER by David Meleedy ([d m m] at []) What is the barrier? The barrier is a non-typical manifestation of the awakening. It is similar to a convection ring, which is caused by mana being released in a (typically) traumatic way (i.e. death), and which gets trapped at the outer boundaries of earth's domain. Consider that in the rules, the earth is described as being one huge spirit. When a being dies, the mana is expelled from the body. Mana with no body is at first tenuous and is typically near sources of mana that are still bound to living, organized matter. In an attempt to preserve itself, the mana flees upwards. Soon however, it reaches the outer boundaries of the Earth Spirit domain and cannot travel any further because it is not powerful enough to traverse beyond the domain in which it was created. At this point, the more powerful spirits are able to gather force and form, and return as ghosts. Unfortunately, the lesser spirits, are subject to entropy and are eventually dissipated at the boundary of the Earth Spirit's domain over a long period of time. This vast bubble of agitated mana is known as the barrier. Now, any living magically sensitive creature (including man), that comes in contact with the barrier is instantly subjected to the trauma of being in contact with the dissipation of thousands of living creatures. This is what causes the phenomenon of insanity and death which manifests in magicians who pass 50 miles above the earth either astrally or physically. In game terms for a magician to survive contact with the barrier he must make a Body roll against an (Essence)D1 wound, using his base Body score (no spells allowed). What is happening, is that the entropic effect of the barrier is attempting to rip the spark of life (Essence) from the body of the magically attuned character. The character's only defense at this point is the effect of his/her body which is attempting to stay alive (hold in the Essence). To avoid lasting insanity because of the joining of his mana with that being dissipated, he must make a Willpower roll with a target number of his magic rating and a threshold of his Essence-1. This is because the higher the character's magic rating, the more attuned he is with awakened phenomenon. This effect is so powerful that the character's mind will become overwhelmed by the environment unless he makes a roll to maintain his identity. At this point though, the character has already been determined to be alive, and so there is a tenuous link already between his body and his Essence, this tenuous link is represented by the small subtraction in the threshold number. The threshold method was chosen because of its similarity to mind affecting game mechanics (i.e. thought control spell, or decking). Magic which comes into contact with the barrier is subject to the full force of its disruptive power. As the weaker spirits dissipate (which is most of them) they release their magical energy, which causes a domino effect across the upper atmosphere. What this means to a magicians spell, is that the magic is dispelled and "washed away" by the tidal forces of magical energy that sweep across the edge of the barrier. All astral links (yes, Quickened locks too), including those established by ritual sorcery are instantly severed. Obviously spells cannot be sustained in this environment. Magic items which are physically carried into contact with the barrier will be destroyed unless they make a save of the Force of the object vs. a target number of 12. Also, the link between the magician and the item is also disrupted unless the item makes a save of its Force vs. a target number of the karma invested in the bonding and a threshold of the number of items bonded when the barrier was reached. The magical energy of a Fetish is automatically destroyed. Nature Spirits, being restricted by domain, and more intelligent than any mage who goes to the barrier, will not come in contact with its destructive phenomenon. If a shaman attempts to bring/summon a nature spirit to the barrier, he will fail. Elementals are a different matter. An Elemental which comes into contact with the barrier must resist discorporation with its Force in dice against a target number of the number of services remaining times the magic rating of the mage who bound it. Should the Elemental survive, the magician must make a Magic test (his magic rating in dice) against the Force of the elemental or the bond between them is broken, and it will go free. Should the mage die or go insane, the spirit or elemental, is obviously free of any further obligations. Allies, due to the unique process of their creation, are not instantly disrupted by the barrier. However, the mage must make a test using his magic rating in dice against twice the ally's force or it will go free if it so chooses. (Note that you cannot use the magic rating dice supplied to the mage by the ally or use automatic successes from an elemental). Whether allies or elementals may pass beyond the barrier is currently unknown. >>>[See the next section. While elementals can pass beyond the barrier, they are extremely volatile in the void. It may be possible that allies in a physical form will be protected from the void. Our sources are unclear on that point. None of them have an ally.]<<< -- Silver Cianide<09:00:15/03-15-52> BEYOND THE BARRIER ASTRAL PERCEPTION Anyone viewing the astral plane while in outer space must make a Willpower test vs. 6D3/Mental. Anyone who remains conscious after this test must make a Charisma test vs. 5D1/Insanity, each turn. Already existing insanity is applied as a bonus, not a penalty, to these two tests. SPIRITS Nature spirits cannot travel into space. If they are forced to do so, they lose 1 Force Point per minute. Other planet-created controlled spirits (Elementals, Watchers, etc.) must make a Force test vs. 4D1 every Force days. The spirit does not actually take damage, but loses Force points equal to the wound level -- 4 for Deadly, 3 for Serious, 2 for Moderate, and 1 for Light. On a largely uninhabited planet, the target number for resisting drain from summoning a nature spirit is at +2. On an inhabited but alien planet, the target for drain is at +1. When conjuring elementals, watchers, and other non-nature spirits on a largely uninhabited planet, the staging for drain is increased by 1. Non-nature spirits can be summoned in space, with a staging for drain at +1, but the spirit will not be controlled. SPACE INHABITANTS Many strange creatures live in space. There are abandoned, haunted space stations, lost, insane wizard ghosts (wizards who tried to astral project beyond the barrier), and free spirits. There are rumors, as well, of gigantic floating webs in space, and man- or whale-sized spiders spinning them. Legends of creatures that thrive on magic cast at them, and rumor of a strange nature spirit or elemental whose domain is the void. It will take much more exploration before the truth of these legends comes out.