THE BLACK MARKET PORTABLE VEHICLE CONTROL RIG (PVCR) (thanks to Rat Rasta, [J--A--T] at [CCNODE.COLORADO.EDU]) An experimental item from Mitsuhama, the PVCR uses existing autopilot connections and wiring within the vehicle to allow a rigger better control of the vehicle. At this point, the PVCR is unsubtle in it's methods, using it's rating in dice to attack, with the vehicle resisting with it's autopilot rating. Each turn on "conflict" takes three seconds, and when the PVCR wins (which it will), the rating of the effective VCR is the rating of the vehicle's autopilot or the PVCR, whichever is lower. The Mitsuhama PVCR allows a rigger to move from vehicle to vehicle without rebuilding each vehicle. Once the PVCR is removed, however, the vehicle has no effective autopilot, and every subsequent driver suffers a +2 to driving target numbers. Mitsuhama Portable Vehicle Control Rig Rating Cost 1 20,000Y 2 35,000Y 3 55,000Y 4 120,000Y 5 190,000Y 6 260,000Y 7 660,000Y 8 790,000Y 9 999,999Y >>>[Now, I have to admit to not knowing much about this kind of stuff. I never even talk to the bus driver. But isn't something like this for stealing cars?]<<< -- Silver Cianide (10:56:05/05-09-52) CYBERLIMBS Wordman <[ward 1] at []> The following rules make cyberlimbs a bit more useful than per vanilla Shadowrun, offering some more useful extras. Effort has been made to make sense of the essence costs of various extras. (It makes no sense, for example, that the cyberarm guns in the Street Samurai Catalog cost more essence the bigger the gun gets.) I will try to justify essence costs at all times, allowing you to decide if it makes sense for the reasons I give. (I'm always available for discussion). As some of the things I'm proposing will cost no essence, the cost is usually elevated -- sometimes irrationally so -- for game balance purposes. CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE Quite a bit of what follows is from the Cyberpunk RPG and it's Chrome supplement. This is mostly a rules conversion to Shadowrun. As per normal Shadowrun rules, limbs come in two types: natural- looking and obvious cyberlimbs. Normal-looking limbs offer no special extras and the following rules do not apply to normal- looking limbs unless otherwise indicated. Every pair of limbs (Cyberhands not included, see below) acts as a level of dermal armor. I'm using the concept of Spaces. Each limb gets a number of Spaces for added extras. These Spaces should be considered a measure of volume. As this is the first (untested) draft of these rules, some of the Sizes of extras (i.e. the number of Spaces occupied by them) will probably need some adjusting. Also, some Spaces are different than others. A Finger Space is different from a other Spaces. This should become clear later. Note that not all Spaces need be filled. CYBERARMS Cost a full essence point for either type (a table of essence and monetary costs can be found at the end of this missive). The arm portion (that is, the shoulder to the wrist) of the limb holds 4 Spaces. The hand part of the limb holds either 1 Hand Space or 4 Finger Spaces. >>>[Missive? Who do you think you are, Gary Gygax?]<<< -- Jerry Stratton (12:41:27/05-23-92) CYBERLEGS Cost a full essence point for either type. The limb as a whole holds 4 Spaces. CYBERHANDS For those who just want to replace the hand and not the whole arm. These cost 0.5 Essence for either type. [Note that all costs and benefits of the cyberarm described above already include the hand]. A hand can hold 1 Hand Space or 4 Finger Spaces. Increased strength cannot be installed in a hand, but an obvious cyberhand can easily crush bone. It also has the damage code of a club (Str+1)M2 for punching damage. These last two abilities are shared by a cyberarm as well. SPACES (normal non-hand/non-finger spaces) Built-In device: Space cost up to gamemaster. Devices might include a pocket secretary, TV, radio, bug detector, medkit, stim player, fire-extinguisher, etc. Built-In Smartgun Link: Takes 0.5 Spaces and costs 0.25. This essence cost (half the cost of a normal smartgun link) reflects the hardware that must be installed in the head/eyes. Cavity: A space to put stuff into. Accessible without tools (optional). Space cost is variable, depending on how big the space is. Again, what fits into the cavity is up to the gamemaster. Cyberdeck: Fills number of Spaces equal to MPCP/3 (round all fractions UP). This Space cost does not include storage (but does include memory). Storage must be installed separately -- see Data Store, below -- or externally. The deck can be internally hardwired to a datajack for 0.1 essence. (Note that a datajack is still needed.) Includes output and input ports through the arm, so internal wiring is optional. These decks are at 5 times the Nuyen cost. Cyberguns: Arms only. As per the Street Samurai Catalog except for essence cost. All guns cost 0.15 essence for firing controls in the skull (optional). Smart cyberguns exist but are five time normal cost. Guns take up the Spaces based on gun. See the table. Data Store: Takes up Mp/1000 Spaces (keep fractions). Not compatible with headware memory accessible only by external cable. Can be hardwired internally to an internal cyberdeck. Increased Strength: The same as the normal Shadowrun rules. Each level takes up 0.25 Spaces. Spur: Arms only. Takes 1 Space. No essence cost. Whip: Monofilament or otherwise. A retractable whip. 1.5 Spaces. 0.15 essence for controls in the head (optional). Wired Reflexes: If the organic body had (or has) a Vehicle Control Rig or wired or boosted reflexes implanted, they reflexes must be installed on the cyberlimb to get normal use. This hardware takes 0.5 Spaces regardless of the type or level of reflex enhancement, but the Nuyen cost is included in the cost of the reflexes. HAND SPACES (all cost 1 Hand Space) Finger razors: Standard razors, retractable or otherwise. No essence cost. Flash Pack: Flashes out of palm or from back of hand. Standard flash pack, but directional. Maglock Passkey: Highly illegal. Magcard flips from back of hand. Can be detected externally, with some difficulty (Concealability: 16). Microtronics Kit: A full microtronics tool kit contained within all the fingers of the hand. Taser: Works as a shock glove, but punching damage is unchanged. FINGER SPACES (all cost 1 Finger Space unless otherwise noted) Credstick: Full credstick, any type. Obviously not a finger. Non- jointed. Cutters: Takes two Finger Spaces (one blade on each of two fingers). Work as heavy-duty scissors/wirecutters. Stabbing damage in melee is (Str/3)L2. Dartgun: Fires single compressed air dart. Range as Hold-out. Can fire as Narcojet or taser darts. Reloading is complex and takes 1 min. Finger Compartment: As in the Shadowrun rules, but no essence cost. Injector: Chemical injector which pierces the skin and deliver a toxin. 2 doses. A touch is required for effect, resisted by impact armor. Any fluid can be injected: Narcojet, Fugu-5, curare, acid, etc. Light: Flashlight. Narrow beam to 30m. Lockpick: Effective against mechanical locks only. Sprayer: Chemical sprayer. 2 doses. 2 meter effective range. Any gaseous chemical is usable: Mace, Neuro-Stun VIII, VITAS-3, etc. CYBERLIMB COST TABLE ITEM ESSENCE COST SPACES COST NUYEN COST Limb Replacement 1.0 50,000Y Cyber Limb 1.0 100,000Y Hand Replacement 0.5 40,000Y Cyber Hand 0.5 75,000Y Increased Strength - L*.25 +(L*150,000Y) Built-in Smartgun Link 0.25 0.5 2,500Y Built-in Device - variable 4*cost Cavity - variable 100Y Cyberdeck (0.1) MPCP/3 5*cost Cyberguns (damage/ammo) (0.15) Hold-Out (3L1/12) 0.5 250Y Light Pistol (3M2/10) 1.0 650Y Machine Pistol (3M2/10) 1.5 900Y Heavy Pistol (4M2/6) 2.0 800Y Submachine gun (4M3/8) 2.5 1,800Y Shotgun (3M3/4) 3.0 1,200Y Data Store - Mp/1000 Mp*100Y Spur - 1.0 11,500Y Whip (0.15) 1.5 by weapon Normal whip 5,000Y Monofilament whip 15,000Y Wired Reflexes - 0.5 0Y Finger razors - 1H 9,000Y Flash Pack - 1H 1,500Y Maglock Passkey - 1H 100,000Y+ Microtronics Kit - 1H 9,000Y Taser - 1H 4,500Y Credstick - 1F 5,000Y Cutters - 2F 2,000Y Dartgun - 1F 10,000Y Narcojet dart 1,000Y Normal dart (2L2) 100Y Taser dart 500Y Finger Compartment - 1F 3,000Y Injector - 1F 30,000Y Light - 1F 1,000Y Lockpick - 1F (rating*1,000Y) Sprayer - 1F 25,000Y