THE ICE BOX >>>>>[I originally posted a rather extended version of this to the CyberRPG mailing list. This was before I got a hold of VR and realized that a lot of what I had posted was covered in VR. So I changed this a fair bit...]<<<<<< - Barron <08:14:30/05-11-92> >>>[Here are two new bits of ice to look out for. They keep on trying to stop us from grabbing their data. Heh.]<<< -- Micromara [09:14:27/05-12-52] PURGE IC This White IC is similar to Scramble, but it will instead erase the entire file. This IC was introduced because in the past, deckers have been able to download and analyze the Scramble code and reverse the process. Purge IC takes two actions to erase a file, and if it's stopped during the first action (Slowed, destroyed, etc) the file could conceivably be recovered, with the help of certain YexpensiveY utilities or maybe a real good NPC decker. Load Rating: 1/2 Rating (round down) DEMOLISHER IC This is another White IC based on Scramble. It is placed in a datastore and covers all the files in the node. When any of the files is read by unauthorized individuals, it scrambles the entire contents of the node. If any files are down loaded with the IC still in place, it works similarly to Scramble, except that if the IC is set off while within the deck, the IC, well, let's just say it thinks of the deck as one big node, and all those files within that node... It starts with the largest file and works its way down. To destroy a file, roll the IC's Rating with a target number equal to the MPCP Rating of the deck. A success indicates that the file or program was scrambled. This is done with each file, stopping only when the program fails a test. It goes without saying that utilities hit cannot be run. It's possible to use a Rebuild utility on stuff hit by Demolisher (unless, of course, your Rebuild was scrambled...) Demolisher has a construct similar to Scramble (a light coating of something) except that it covers the entire node. Load Rating: Rating x 1.5 >>>[Here are some nice little utilities to help you out. I got mine from a friend in Seattle. Check the bulletin boards for purveyors if you're interested, but look out for narcs.]<<< -- Micromara [09:17:02/05-12-52] M-2097 MINE DETECTOR Scooped from an obscure military database by an anonymous decker, this one will be a sure friend to the discriminating (and cautious) This is a heavily modified Browse used to detect files or programs that the you really doesn't want to look at. Examples of these would be ones which cause systems alerts, activate IC, attempt traces, infect your deck with a virus, and so on. The target number is up to the GM, and depends on the sophistication of the trap (take a modern virus, for instance. It can range from the really obvious, to self-encrypting and mutating.) Most versions of this program appear as a crew of military engineers who scrutinize every file with what you'll recognize as mine detection methods. Low rating programs involve some guy crawling around poking a knife into the node in a pattern around him, while more advanced versions consist of a couple guys with a shovel and metal detection rig. (We've also seen a hacked Rating 1 version where some Merc, fingers in ears and eyes shut, stomps ahead with one foot. A detection is real cute...) Options: One-Shot, Link Rating: 1 through 10 (we got the whole series...) Size: Rating^2 Price: same as Sleaze Designer: UCAS Military REBUILD Something hacked together by the Ice Bunny after having One Of Those Days. This program can be used to rebuild a scrambled file. The program is large, slow, and unpredictable. Fortunately, the good decker shouldn't need it much, and the bad decker, well, he isn't reading this. That's why most of you'll want the One-Shot version (aside from the size of the thing, that is) We understand that the Bunny is working on something to take care of Purged files, based on this thing. When the program is running, roll the Rating of the utility, with a target number equal to twice the rating of the Scramble IC that hit the file. At least one success is necessary to even pull out usable data. Increased successes increase the amount of usable stuff that can be extracted (normally starts at about 50-75%). As well, the program requires a number of rounds equal to the Rating of the Scramble. The success test is made on the last round. This program manifests as a bunch of cyber-gnomes who surround the file in question, tear it into tiny bits, and start sorting it into bits before rebuilding it. The whole process is reminiscent of a couple hyperactive kids putting together a puzzle. Options: One-Shot Rating: 1 through 10 Size: Rating^2 x 4 Mp Price: Same as Evasion Designer: Ice Bunny