Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1992 00:59:15 -0500 From: u36!!pdevisse (Paul Devisser) To: jerry Subject: The Magical Groups (or some of them....) Chivalric Order of The Puritanical Knights Founded in 2043 by Jackson Connely, CEO of Wilkins Biochemicals. Jackson saw his business slowly being stolen away by rivals that used business tactics he considered immoral, unethical and downright criminal. Using holding companies, he created a front, called Dialwyr International. Hiring several street deckers, he began to siphon cash and data from companies that he felt operated in an unethical manner. After fencing the money, the funds were deposited into Dialwyr, and used to create a secret facility in Lambeth, London (Ontario, UCAS). Accounts were also created so that members of a magical group would be able to use this cash to further the goals of this company. The facility has an electronic library of rating 12 in sorcery and magic theory, 9 in conjuring, and 7 in enchanting. The hard copy library has a rating of 7 in all areas, but that is slowly being expanded. He then wrote a moral charter that the group still follows to this day. All members must uphold this charter, and some believe in it almost religiously. As well, all must undergo an oath as their ordeal for the first grade Name: Chivalric Order of The Puritanical Knights Type: Dedicated/Conspiratorial Members: 8 Limitations: Moral Code, Hermetic Mages only Strictures: Exclusive Membership, Exclusive Ritual, Belief, Oath, Secrecy Resources/Dues: High, $5000 (1000 nuyen) per month. Patron: Yes, Jackson Connely Customs: Dedicated to exposing the criminal activities of corporations who have no regard for the rights of ordinary people. As well, they try to protect these people from exploitation, by any means necessary. Although they are extremely concerned about the environment, they simply fund groups that are active in that area, and concentrate on their charter. The charter encourages members to investigate groups and or corporations that use unethical practices in business. This does doesn't include shadowrunning oddly enough. Mr Connely felt that the very act of shadowrunning is damaging to a corporation. Copyright (C) 1992 Paul Devisser All rights reserved.