>>>>>[ Pack it in, Feral. We just caught a rather blanetly boardcasted radio message from a UCAS Army Extraction Team. They are landing on the island to pick up Lt. General Trevor and the other passingers of his jet. God knows were they came from, but they have a Stonewall Main Battle Tank! These three boys have slipped past our net. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker >>>>>[ I know where the tank came from! I patched into the observation satilite (Thanks Moonwalker) and looked back alittle bit. A submarine surfaced about 3 miles off the island and the Stonewall along with 2 Banshees came out of a large door on the top and streaked to the island. They are already picked up the passingers and are headed back. This is big time nasty trouble. Feral, Brightlight, Nagami: Leave these guys alone! They will be armed forbear and not even a dragon will stop them. Remember that Trevor is the Black Entity. Between him and the main gun on the tank anything in their way is toast. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker >>>>>[Aye, the Highlander will be glad to join the wedding as an usher! Now I just have to rent my tux.....]<<<<< --Highlander (15:16:32/4-21-54) >>>>>[Friends of B-Team memebers aren't memebers of the B-Team, or so I've always assumed. And I never fawn. She is silly, but I don't think it has anything to do with her being an hermetic.]<<<<< --Highlander (15:17:31/4-21-54) >>>>>[ INN --- International News Net --- Hello again, This is Rush Fielding for INN. There have been a dramatic series of events in Omega Island following yesterday's massacre in Tirandor Square. We have Rob Kelton live from Omega Island once again to tell us just what has happened there in the past 24 hours. ROB: as you can see from the view, the Intrepid is currently pulling out of the Omega harbor. While this has put an end to the rumors that the Intrepid was sunk last night, it confirms others, that a military coup has overturned the government. This morning Roger Quention released the following statement before boarding General Trevor's diplomatic jet and fleeing the country under rebel fire along with Dr. Fung and General Trevor himself. "The incident yesterday in Tirandor Square were the unfortunate result of an overeager military official. We had sent troops there to peacefully break up the illegal assembly, and prevent a riot. General Delgado, third in command of the Omega army apparently ordered the troops to open fire without proper authorization. After the incident, Delgado's faction of the army moved into the capitol building and proclaimed himself the new leader of Omega Island. He also sent a faction to the UCAS embassy to force the delegation there out. Myself, Dr. Fung and General Trevor are being forced to leave the country today by Delgado's troops. We are leaving under threat." Rebel sources have accused Quention of staging the coup in order to leave the country before the German navy arrives and before the rebellion can succeed. The Omega Army, now under command of Delgado, has continued to fight the rebels. Apparently Delgado claimed leadership of the Army in the absence of Tirandor and his second General Helsing, who was thought to be killed when the Intrepid was supposedly sunk. I have with me now, Jacob Marcus. Mr. Marcus, what does this sudden shift of power mean to the rebels. MARCUS: Rob, to us it means nothing. Delgado has been deluded by his superiors into forcing them out of the country. We have reason to believe that Quention and his associates planned for this eventuality in advance, and have executed an escape plan. They know that they would not survive the German force, or the continued rebellion. They have manuvered Delgado into power so that they can watch what happens from a safe distance, and return if possible. Have you noticed the sudden abscence of DDI trained troops from the Omega army? They have taken their personnel with them, leaving only the native force, which they will be able to overthrow if they need to to resume their hold on Omega. ROB: Would you count this as a victory for the PLA? MARCUS: I would call it a moral victory at best. Delgado is simply doing the job that Quention, Fung, Tirandor, and Trevor would be doing had they stayed. While the minds behind the government have fled, the enemy is still in power as far as we are concerned. ROB: It would appear that something is happening in the harbor, get a shot of it. ROB: I don't know what we have just witnessed here. The Intrepid, along with all the personnel and equipment loaded this morning seems to have vanished from sight. What the... Rush, what's happening to my signal... RUSH: It appears that someone is trying to break into your feed.... VOICE: Sorry to break into your signal like that Rob, but this is fairly important. ROB: Who are you??? MARCUS: I know who that is... VOICE: Yes you do Mr. Marcus. I am the decker known as the "Dark Elf" I've broken in to inform you of what has just happened. For those of you that consider me an enemy, only my matrix icon will be shown. Apologies, but there are reasons for me not showing my face. The Intrepid has engaged some kind of magical/electronic stealth system. It did so when it left New York on its way to Omega Island. It is my opinion that they are leaving the island for safer waters. A few moments ago, I entered their onboard computer via sattelite link and discovered, from their navigation computer, that they are bound for New Zealand, where Tirandor has apparently gone. My primary reason for breaking in is to download several evidence files to INN headquarters, and it's branch offices. These files contain evidence of conspiracy between Quention, Trevor, Fung, Tirandor, and even the late Lincoln Howe of Yoshida Technologies. It tells a story that dates back to the end of the eurowars, where Trevor and Quention secured the financial means to support their activities. It also tells the story of Tommy "the Dragon" Harada, and is likely to change the world's image of him from the assassin that he was thought to be into a helpless pawn in a game that has escaped the control of his masters to become a white king. It tells the story of an artificial intelligence that wrought havok upon the matrix in the past months, and the story of a young girl who is also an escaped pawn. It tells the tale of Kevin Fung, the 21st century frankenstien, the story of corporate deceit, and the story of those who masterminded it. It also tells the story of those who have opposed this conspiracy since the first evidence surfaced many months ago. We will be sending more supporting evidence in the near future. That is all. ***** INCLUDE FILE: Omega_evidence.tar.Z ROB: I believe that was one of the people who you said was working on collating evidence against the Omega government... MARCUS: You are correct. He has a certain flair for his work. ROB: Indeed he does. We have heard yet another accusation of conspiracy on the apparently ousted Omega government. In the coming weeks, we may be able to determine the validity of the evidence just presented to us by the elusive "Dark Elf," and hope to know the truth abourt what has transpired here in this island republic in the past month. Rob Kelton, signing off. RUSH: Thank you Rob, and thank you for that flamboyant testimony Dark Elf, whoever you are. The German Empire has announced that it still intends to have its forces proceed to Omega Island to ensure that the old government is really dead. The German ambassador to the UCAS has stated that German forces will remain in Omega until a fair election is held, and agrees that the sudden military coup may very well have been staged. The German forces will also be investigating that possibility thouroughly. On a related note, the publishers of Time Electronic magazine have announced that they intend to feature Jacob Marcus as this year's Time Man of The Year. Rush Fielding, signing off. ]<<<<< -- International News Net <16:23:25/04-21-54> >>>>>[ Moonwalker - I would be happy to let all of the songs that I performed to be produced on the Album. I really like the idea of a benifit Album to go along with what we did at the concert. Music, I believe, is one of the most poweful tools in telling people about important issues.]<<<<< -- Sheena <19:07:07/04-21-54> >>>>>[ There definately gone now. I watched the UCAS Extraction Team re-enter the submarine and then it submersed. I'd say we won't hear from those three for at least a week. Submarines are not famous for running around too quickly. Sure the have the speed, but when going really fast anybody can pick them up. They're probably doing silent running, since they have disappeared form satilite view. Some how, some way, we will make them pay for this. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker *****Encrypt: AcId TrIp V.10 >>>>>[FRAG!!!!! If I miss one more oportunity like that again I am going to seriously loose it. I had sent Hurricane and some water and air elementals over there already, and I lost the water and air elementals. Fortunately Hurricane got out okay because I was able to get a hold of him faster than the others, and he took off outta there like a bullet. But one of them banshees ain't going no place. It took whoever was banishing my friends a wee bit longer than they had. So they lost a banshee and I lost some friends. Ah well, such is our fate. Glad to hear we might make it back for the wedding :) ! Fluffy Bunny Feet will be overjoyed when I pass the news on to him. He just loves two folks joining their lives together with love and vows. I still want to see if we can get a piece of the Dragon. Anyone seen hide or hair of that lizard? If anyone on Omega does send your watcher to get me pronto, and we will see just how many air elementals it'll take to make that monstrosity fall *snarl*! Sha'lom to all after this affair has ended!]<<<<< -- Brightlight <19:41:34 / 04:21:54> >>>>>[ Ah Cerise you must have only glanced out of the window but unfortunately in the wrong direction. Speed informed me that his message in the sky did indeed appear, though I gather it was not that well formed. He blamed the error on the fact that he only has a sea plane that is not that well suited to flying upside down, he also said that the smoke canisters were playing up. So maybe that is the reason you did not see my message. One other thing, I gather you may not like him but IBA is really an ok guy. He has saved my life more than once and is not really slimey. He maybe thinks more of himself than is appropiate. But that is all. Please don't be unkind to IBA, he has feelings too.]<<<<< -The Powerhouse (00:57:52/22.4.54) >>>>>[ Why thank you PH. You say the nicest things sometimes.]<<<<< I.B.A. (**:**:**/**.**.**) >>>>>[ Your right, Cyberbrains. Your more like a moose caught in headlights than a fawn. And being a hermetic doesn't make you silly, just look at Raven. She's the most repressed woman I've every layed eyes on. ]<<<<< -- Cerise <16:52:52/04-21-54> >>>>>[ Spirit: I would be honored to be a bride's maid. Thank you very much for asking. ]<<<<< -- Raven the Mage <16:53:34/04-21-54> >>>>>[ What? No response? ]<<<<< -- Cerise <16:54:54/04-21-54> ***** Attempting. . . . . . . ***** Link Established. . . . ***** Encrypt DE *.*: >>>>>{DE:..........I.....aM.....TRyIng......To...EstaBliSH.... LinK............BEIng....JAMMeD.......I..WaNt.....to.....WARN.... yOU..TheDRagon... ..HE....iS...........................i... proMise......................................belieVVVe...... ME......}<<<<< -- .. <0./.1/5.><2.:..:.5> ***** Link Failure. . . . . . ***** Link Terminated . . . . >>>>>[hey, chummers....the nexus is.....back(?).....oh...i ken jus' _feel_ th' excitement...*yawn--stretch--crack..."OW!"* really, though, i wanna' thank alla' ya' bonzer terms, who really stuck yer necks out fer me...it's _more_ than i really had _any right_ ta' ask `a ya'... an' crush *"caps take too much effort, chum-pal, no offense..."*, thanx fer the "pep talk", sate...i really needed it...though i'm not really sure what good it'll do...i'm sorta....stubborn...tha' way....sorry... i'll _try_ to keep alla' tha' in mind, thknx....raelly...i _mrean_ taht! i call you "friend"...an' rightfluly so, i trust....]<<<<< --the nexus(hey! why's there 2 of ev'rythin' i type?) >>>>>[oh....hey, btw spirit.....i'd be _INcredIblY_ HonOrED t' bE in on tHe nuptUalS(i THinK i spelled tha' riGht...)...this"ll maKE 2, nOw...juS' TEll me wha' ya' wAnt me T' do...nUlL DIficulty..REalLy...;]<<<<< --tHe nEXus(sTartIN' ta "REd LIne"...I bELieVe) >>>>>[sO...what's Else'S BeEN hapPENin', wHilest I wAS "aWay"*smirk*...? bEsides THe facT thA' Teh (ooPs!) tH' LadiEs'Ve found SomeEone ELsE TA' dO theRE raGgin' On....? EnJoy....i.B.A.....*HAHAHAHA* yeaH.... rIghT....HeY...BtW...I was Jus' wonD`rin' whEre goOD ol' d. Got To... anyOne SEen tH' fraGER lAtely? sAoid He was gOin' Ta ' put M' in touUch w' aN Ol'...MUtual...Firend....an' i Ain't HErad froM th" vAmp, siNce....Idjjk....ofRAg! HELL! NEver Mind! I'lL foind hIm m"eslf....s'PoSed t' B# good At tha' KiNDa Stuff...YA nOJE...AAck! Some body WHanna' Tell mE wa'S wrOng W'this dAMned TerMinal....I.. Jus' CAin't seemm t' Gedfjjo it TA' wOrjlkjlkjo.dpoeoi.......]<<<<< -THE NEXUS(Buzz is signing off for the sleeping Elf) >>>>>[hEy...Frag! wHere'd yafksk coMe frOm, bUzz? I tHoughT yo wreE In fD...WhereVer.....Hey...wEred ROXey Go, DgUYs...She wa mjluk]<<<<< -The Nexus(....) >>>>>[Who LET HIM OUT OF _BED_?????????!!!!!!!!!! Get Him back in there...NOW!!!! You, Shadow and Bloodtooth, Get him in bed, _NOW_!!!]<<<<< -Buzz- (Hates getting back and finding his charge out of bed!) >>>>>[Yes, sir, Decker, sir!!!!!!]<<<<< -Shadow- (00:03:07 EDT/ 04:22:54) >>>>>[FraG1 BuZz...I'm fInekl;kad...rEAllY...I jUs'...Uhhsnggghhhh.....ow!]<<<<< --********************** >>>>>[Go to sleep!!!!!]<<<<< -Buzz-(The one the only...Human Bee in the Matrix) >>>>>[....kA....! jduoHYsy I hhsguessb thisb kmhhGojODnighYt..dl...]<<<<< ............................. >>>>>[ It's confirmed, none of the members of Morbid Curiosity have been seen--by ANYONE--since the morning after the Massacre. My friend Mikhail is getting anxious; he wants to sign them before another studio gets ahold of them, and now... I _will_ be coming to the wedding (I couldn't resist another invitation to sing with Sheena. The last time was truly transcendental.) but I feel I may not be able to stay for the reception if this goes on for too much longer. ]<<<<< --Moonwalker (KeepIt/InTheCloset) >>>>>[ It sounds like our friend is more that a little smitten, eh? Hope your recording deal works out. Highlander, old fellow, I don't mean to be rude, but Michael _has_ been around more often than yourself, and we count you as a reserve member... Cerise, I apologize for alleging that you were silly. Flirtacious, perhaps. Maybe you should give Cyberbrains a break, eh? I mean, don't confuse the poor boy so. I will _never_ understand hermetics. (Coyote shaking his head)]<<<<< --Blindside (21:29:04/04-21-54) ***** Encrypt: >>>>>[ Ahhhh...so the birds have flown? Very well, they shall become international fugitives. As to Omega Island, our resolve has not diminished, it is our desire to remove this government established during the false coup d'etat (yet another example of Trevor and Quention's subterfuge and blatant prevarication) from power. Further, we desire to be certain they shall be unable to return to Omega and once again place it under their heel. I have been quite negligent in responding to questions and comments as of late, and thus here is my attempt at catching up: Highlander: Any perceived similarities between myself and the rather irate German delegate at the United Nation general assembly hall are *entirely* coincidental, I assure you... Spirit: Assuming operations proceed with expected rapidity, I have every intention of attending the marriage ceremony. And in line with that statement: To my friend Dark Elf and his honorable associates: If you had wished to avoid "ripples" throughout the international community, you might well have mentioned that criteria earlier! (expressed with considerable sarcasm, of course) As to the question of possibly "hitching a ride", I believe that agreeable arrangements for our transport to Seattle may be established, if you are truly interested. A final word on the Three, i.e., Trevor, Tirandor, and Quention: Pursuit of them shall result in encountering considerable vicissitude. Unless everyone concerned is particularly inclined towards lone, personal trace and destroy, perhaps the most appealing method would be as international fugitives. This will, however, require proof of their wrongdoing. Before anyone mentions the Tirandor Square massacre, the point should be made there must be evidence collected that one of the Three directed the action. There is already a deluge of information regarding the Three, all that is involved now is convincing an international, or national, intelligence or law enforcement agency as to the legitimacy of such data, and conducing them to act upon it. Interpol would be a possible start. Certainly, should the UCAS turn on Trevor, the CIA may deem it appropriate to join in the chase. Were it not for the fact that I find the Three entirely despicable, and totally devoid of honor, I would feel the most minuscule motivation to marginally pity them. Considering the condemnation found in international circles, i.e., the United Nations, in economic circles, i.e., the Zurich Orbital court's ruling, the freak accident that annihilated their chemical production facility in Copenhagen, and the truly awe-inspiring number of people whose wrath they have engendered, their resources are considerably less abundant than previous. Soon, they shall expend all options of locations to which to flee. And then they shall know, and in knowing they shall fear, that the end has come. "Like to the Pontick sea, Whose icy current and compulsive course Ne'er feels retiring ebb, but keeps due on To the Propontic and the Hellespont, Even so my bloody thoughts, with violent pace, Shall ne'er look back, ne'er ebb to humble love, Till that a capable and wilde revenge Swallow them up." -- Othello "The hum of either army stilly sounds, That the fixed sentinels almost receive The secret whispers of each other's watch; Fire answers fire, and through their paly flames Each battle sees the other's umbered face; Steed threatens steed, in high and boastful neighs Piercing the night's dull ear; and from the tents The armourers, accomplishing the knights, With busy hammers closing rivets up, Give dreadful note of preparation." -- King Henry V ]<<<<< -- Doctor Doom <01:27:01/22-APR-54> >>>>>[What the heck was that arrogant, stubborn, overconfident, wonderful, handsome****link terminated*****]<<<<< >>>>>[Oops. Sorry about that, Roxey. But the true colors were beginning to show there. Let's try this again, shall we?]<<<<< -Slash(It/works!!!) >>>>>[Grumble Growl... Thanks, Brian!. MaxiMillion here would really like to tell you just how much I thank you, wouldn't you, Max? But onto what I was trying to ask, Just what the Drek was Nex doing out of Bed!?! After what we all went through, he should at least have the dignity to do what we tell him to do! Buzz: if he gets out of bed again, I'm coming over there and make sure that he stays there! Even if Max has to sit on him to do so! Get it? Hmmm... Now that I think of it, I'm coming over anyway!]<<<<< Foxey Roxey(Got It By/You Slash!) >>>>>[Drek. Almost had her too...]<<<<< Slash(Fraggin/Wench..Ouch!) >>>>>[ I thought, maybe the boat would leave a wake or trail heat residue, eh, but I looked at de sat photos for hours, mon, and there's NOTHING. Either the fraggin' thing's sitting where is cloaked (yeah, right) or they've masked that too. ]<<<<< --Ralph (11:18:56/04-22-54) >>>>>[ Not surprising, really, considering the magical talent they've got at their disposal. Has anyone seen Tirandor lately? After all, he's not easy to hide, now is he? ]<<<<< --Blindside (11:20:20/04-22-54) >>>>>[The way the Intrepid disappeared...it reminded me of an old movie, which reminded me of the event it was based on....Have any of you lads or lasses ever heard of the Philadelphia Experiment? It took place during WWII, and was the government's attemtp to create a radar-invisible ship, by mucking around with electromagnetic fields. According to the texts I've read, it didn't work very well: there are confused accounts of the ship actuall disappearing, of it teleporting for brief periods of time to another naval yard, and of the nasty effects it had on the crew (some never reappeared, some would disappear from existance months or years later). It's a long shot, I know, and there's probably a much more plausible explanation, but it's just something that occured to me. Tracking the beastie shouldn't be a problem: why don't some mages look for it astrally? That, or wait for it in New Zealand (what are they up to, anyway?) I'm going to check out some old government databases, and see if I can come up with anything else on this project, for my own curiousity if nothing else.]<<<<< --Highlander (12:00:00/4-22-54) >>>>>[Nagami and I are going to try and track down Tirandor in New Zealand. Nagami won't even discuss what Tirandor could be trying to do there, but he is very adamant about preventing Tirandor from doing this deed. Anyone, shamans and mages especially, is welcome to join us.]<<<<< -- Feral <14:07:25/04-22-54> >>>>>[Highlander, ya don't think that they tried something as dangerous as what the Philadelphia Experiment was, do ya? That experiment was not just to make a ship RADAR invisible, but also to make it visually invisible by bending the light rays around the ship. Ah've read in a couple of datastores, Government data stores mind you, that after the experiment, scientists tried to develop a weapon using the same theories. That experiment did a pretty good number on that ship. Imagine what it would do to a house or a building.]<<<<< --Commander X2 <13:23:59 MST/ 4-22-54> ***** encrypt gamma-7 to Ralph_MPCP,Blindside_MPCP courtesy of Dark Elf >>>>>[ Yeah, the Intrepid has some serious magical protection all right! They've combined state of the art ECM/Radar/Sonar masking with some kind of heavy duty ritual spell. The up side is that they probably can't hold the spell for much longer. They'll probably reappear sometime in the next few hours. They pulled this dissappearing act when they left New York on their way to Omega, and the satellites picked them up again about a day later. My guess is that they'll pop up again once they're a good distance from the island. Do you really think they're headed for New Zealand DE?]<<<<< -- Napalm <15:27:29/04-22-54> >>>>>[ Don't know for sure, they could have planted the data and changed it later on the off chance that I'd try something like this. ]<<<<< -- Dark Elf <15:29:04/04-22-54> >>>>>[ Raven and Jaez - thank you for becoming brides maids, and Jaez for volutering to get everyone together for the shower. I think Sheena's place is the best to hold it, it is BIG. Norm, Highlander and Nexus - thank you for becoming CRUSH'es Ushers, he will really appriciate it. Doa - If you believe that you would look to old to be a flower girl, I can get my really little cousin, Brittany, to do it.]<<<<< -- Spirit >>>>>[ Ok the pairing off will be Me and CRUSH as the bride and groom. Then CB as maid of honor and Claw as best man. Kichanski and Lister will be next. Then Sharice and Norman (you will actually make her look short for once). Then Jaez and Highlander, Sheena and Nexus. And last will be Raven and Nightfox.]<<<<< -- Spirit ***** Ah good, Norm will be next to Sharice, that means I'll have somone to hid behind.***** -- Nightfox < She is to young> >>>>>[ Nightfox, that won't save you. She really thinks your "hot". The reason Spirit put her next to Norm is that she is almost as tall as you. Only Norm and CRUSH make her look smaller. Norm, you might want to worry more for yourself than for Nightfox, she might come after you too. The only two people who are safe from having a 17 year old girl chasing after them are probably Me and Claw. Me because I'm to much of a slob and Claw because he is Claw.]<<<<< -- Lister <14:35:14/04-22-54> >>>>>[ Norm, could ya make sure that your father is also able ta come, both Spirit and maself would like to see him again. Remember the party is tonight ***** Encrypt Spider web: - at the Hilton, top floor -: end so please come. That means everyone.]<<<<< -- Circuit Breaker < A party > ***** Ecrypt Beta Sigma Epsilon >>>>>[ Doctor Doom: I don't know what international pressure can do to these guys. General Trevor is as clean as can be. His network in the UCAS is too strong for the government to stop supporting him. Besides, the politcal repercussions the President would take for only figuring out he was manipulative slime now would run him out of office. Every government has it's corruption. Better to have the devil you know. Tirandor's a dragon. If that's not enough, he was absent during all the really nasty stuff on Omega Island. He can chalk it all up to business, use his rather extensive business skills to convince the Zurich Court to let him off with a fine, and go back to business as usual. If Quention doesn't have a contingency plan in case all of this went sour, then I'm the Queen of England. Now we might never see a man named Roger Quention again, but a new face and a couple of million dollars invested in a false SIN and six months to a year underground will make him a whole different person. Lastly, remember that Germany cut itself a pretty sweet deal with the UN. I'll bet money that these guys could do the same. Governments could care less about real justice. They just want the appearance of justice. I'm sure that if enough of the Omega Government goes to jail, that they will not care what happens to the rest of it. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker ***** Encrypt Beta Sigma Epsilon: >>>>>[ Sorry for running off yesterday, Dark Elf. I went up to the control tower so I could link up with the satilites and see where Trevor and Quention were. Then that damn UCAS Extraction Team showed up. Brightlight said he got one of the Banshee's. I guess that's why one dropped into the vehicle bay so quickly. They must have had alot of fun cleaning that up. Anyway, since yesterday I've been crawling around the capital to see what the new dictator is up to. This guy is absolutely psyhotic! Rumor is his wife got killed during one of our lightning raids. He's had the city under complete military rule since the massacre. We're talking 24 hour Curfew. I've had to fight my way past 6 patrols (I can't even say how many I've avoided). Any sign of resistance is assumed to be rebel, and has been surpressed with the maximum amount of bloodshed. If the German's don't get here soon, their will not be much to save. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker ***** Encrypt Beta Sigma Epsilon: >>>>>[ The old Omega Cabneit is dead! I was running around the datafortress (Our virus devestated the place! There were holes big enough to deck a tortice through.) All the old datafiles are gone. I'm talking deleted and written over at least twice. When I got to the camera node I looked around. In the old cabneit chamber was a horde of dead bodies. I checked the faces against the files of Cabneit and Supreme Court memebers and I'm damn sure everybody but Quention and Fung was there. I've heard of covering your tracks, but having everybody killed is truely despicible. I think the Big Three (or at least Quention and Trevor) are trying to make us pay by leaving as big a bodycount behind them as possible. We have got to capture the Dictator before they have him killed. If we don't then the only link between them and these atrocities will be destroyed. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker ***** encrypt gamma-9 >>>>>[Sorry if the Intrepid's survival came as a shock Trilobyte, but that's what we all saw here on the island. I was in it's nav-computer! I checked their navigation records, the Intrepid was sitting in the mouth of the harbor at the time you say it was attacked. ]<<<<< -- Dark Elf <14:48:20/04-22-54> >>>>>[FRAG!!! We got to the desert island in time to see the stonewall and the Banshees board the sub. According to Napalm, Quention and Trevor were both running some serious magickal protection. The two of them along with a trio of armored units would have been more than a match for us. FRAG!!! they got away again! We did our best, but they were ready for us. At least we can wrap this up in time to get to the wedding! ]<<<<< -- Big Jake <14:53:37/04-22-54> >>>>>[ WOW! would I ever like to plug in to that Stonewall! Too bad our "friends" got away in it! ]<<<<< -- OddBall <14:54:57/04-22-54> >>>>>[ Well friends, may I be so bold as to suggest that we finish cleaning up the situation here so we can take our leave before the Germans arrive? While we are on good terms with Dr. Doom, there are those in among the German armed forces that may not like the idea of harboring quasi-legal operatives such as ourselves. ]<<<<< -- Napalm <15:01:35/04-22-54> >>>>>[ I'd have to agree. I'd hate to decline the good Doctor's offer, but it would probably save us potential trouble. If we can take out the anti-aircraft guns near the volcano, we should be able to get out on one of the jets sitting around in that airfield we captured the other day. But for now, the rebels could use some more help securing their positions in time for the Germans to arrive. Sound good to you Jake? ]<<<<< -- Dark Elf <15:08:09/04-22-54> >>>>>[Sounds good. I don't have anything against the German navy but there is the possibility that there may be Interpol plants with them that might want to know about some of our quasi-legal activities. Remember the Atlanta gig, technically we could be brought up on international charges for that little excursion into the CAS! 'Stalker, Feral, Bright, are you guys coming with us, or are you finding you own way back home? We want to leave as soon as the Germans are in range. I think Tommy is going to stay behind until things are settled. I'm sure he'll want to go after Quention again...]<<<<< -- Big Jake <15:18:57/04-22-54> >>>>>[ Anyone want cookies? ]<<<<< -- Havoc <15:27:43/04-22-54> >>>>>[ NO! Don't do it! They're HORRIBLE!]<<<<< -- Ozone <15:32:18/04-22-54> >>>>>[ HEY! Who asked you??? ]<<<<< -- Havoc <15:41:02/04-22-54> >>>>>[ You just did... ]<<<<< -- Ozone <15:42:54/04-22-54> >>>>>[ Well someone has to eat 'em... ]<<<<< -- Havoc <15:48:30/04-22-54> ***** Begin Encrypt DeltaAlphaOmega Dark_Elf_MPCP Nightstalker_MPCP >>>>>[I have convinced the President of the UCAS, especially in light of the events that have happened on Omega Island, to have the National Security Agency conduct a full investigation of General Trevor. This investigation will evolve mainly around Trevor's involvement with DDI and his conduct during the "Omega Incident". This investigation has the full support of the Director of the CIA and ranking members of Congress. I hope that the information that you dug up DE can be given to me to transfer to the NSA investigative team. I do believe we can put Trevor out of Action.]<<<<< -Buzz- (Your friendly neighborhood CIA decker) >>>>>[Roxey, THE Nexus was only able to get out of bed, AFTER I went to FDC. If I _WAS_ here, he _WOULD_ NOT have gotten out of bed!]<<<<< -Buzz- (The one the only...Human Bee in the Matrix) >>>>>[Buzz happens to be our...Daddy.]<<<<< -Shadow- (17:51:19 EDT/ 04:22:54) >>>>>[_SHUT_ UP, Shadow...Before I send you to your room without supper!]<<<<< -Buzz- (Just...HAS...to be the oldest....ARGH!) >>>>>[Yes, Daddy!]<<<<< -Shadow- (17:53:29 EDT/ 04:22:54) *****Encrypt: MOON RUNES v.8 >>>>>[I really am going to regret this, but I have decided that I am going to go get me some dragon. Feral and Nagami count me in for the ride to New Zealand. Fluffy Bunny Feet is staying behind to help out as much as he can with getting people healed and getting the government started (I think he believes that the two are one in the same). Marcus is that all right with you? Send my regards to the happy couple, but I think that there are some seriously loose ends that we can help cut off. And I intend to do so. Nightstalker after I get back you are welcome to rip apart my deck to find out how I got into your read only messages. I fully intend build myself a deck with bigger and better things in mind. I hope you guys in Delta Epsilon enjoy yourselves, and I'm really curious as to what y'all intend to do with yourselves after you get back. I will miss working with ya though. Sha'lom.]<<<<< -- Brightlight <17:53:34 / 04:22:54> >>>>>[ Hoi, chummerheads, where're we taking Crush tonight, eh? Just a personal pref'rence, but let's keep him out of the arcology area, can we, people? ]<<<<< --Ralph (14:48:50/04-21-54) >>>>>[ Yes, of course, you know how a simple little game of 'Kick the Americar' can get out of hand. Couldn't we avoid these violent pastimes in the first place? What do you say we get him nicely smashed, pack him in an overnight express delivery crate to, say, Morocco, along with a forged passport and a suborbital ticket home in time for the wedding. Oh yes, and some asprin. ]<<<<< --Blindside (14:53:15/04-21-54) >>>>>[ I never knew Coyote could be so mean, mon. But I like it.]<<<<< --Ralph (14:55:21/04-21-54) >>>>>[ Something is definitely amiss, DE. I've been tapping into satvids all morning and the Intrepid is still not visible, in any of the mapgrids they could have reached by now. How long did you say they could keep the thing up? Furthermore, Mikhail from Sony/Columbia is going ahead with the album release, sans the missing Morbid Curiosity; I expect that story to hit the trids soon, as a media-type from Entertainment Today showed up at their place earlier, and he's been snooping around. D'you think I should spill my findings to him? ]<<<<< --Moonwalker (LeaveMe/Alone!) >>>>>[Oh wow! I get to stand with the almighty Higlander! Nothing can stop him, not even his arch-enemy Nordstrom-IC! There he goes to save the day. . .! (Just teasing, dude. You are kinda cute :)]<<<<< -- Jaez (16:00:21/4-22-54> >>>>>[I think that you got them Buzzing mad. Hee hee hee. I know the feeling Buzz. How about being older than your mentor. Hi G.G. Feeling our age yet? No? Good.]<<<<< -Harlequin >>>>>[Nexus, lad, it's good to be seeing you up and about...somewhat. Hope Buzz lets you out of your room soon (just kidding, Buzz!). Can I give Jaez a tranq patch just before the wedding? Just enough to keep her quiet?[<<<<< --Highlander (16:07:43/4-22-54) ***** Encrypt Beta Sigma Epsilon >>>>>[ Dark Elf: I'll link up with the rest of Delta Epsilon as soon as you blast those volcano guns. I'm going to try to find Tommy and see if we can get our hand on the Dictator. If we don't capture him and place him under some serious magical security, I doubt he'll live to be captured by the German Army. So will we be going to Seattle or New York first? Brightlight: You mean I get to rip up your deck. Alright! BTW when I get home I'll have a wedding, batcholor party, and lingire party to go to. That's right ladies, I didn't forget. The prospect alone has keep me company many a cold and lonely night.]<<<<< -- Nightstalker >>>>>[ CRUSH not go bachelor party tonight. CRUSH got to go to engagement party.]<<<<< -- CRUSH <19:34:23/04-22-54> >>>>>[ Don't ya worry CRUSH, I think they had a small mix-up. Tonight is the Engagement party folks. In fact we should be there soon CRUSH so hurry up and get ready. The bachelor party can not happen until Thursday the 7, thats the day before the wedding. After all we canna be Sober during the wedding now can we? I.B.A bring the Lager and Vindaloo - I love the stuff!!! boy you can't find smeggin good lager in Seattle. Hey Dark Elf - if you guys can try to show up at the party tonight!!]<<<<< -- Lister <19:36:56/04-22-54> >>>>>[ Nightstalker - Ah am sorry, Ah had totally forgotten about the lingerie. Ah guess Ah will just have ta make it up ta ya.]<<<<< -- Circuit Breaker < wink > >>>>>[Hoi, Roxey-luv! DON'T WORRY....I'm _allowed_ outta' bed...fer a while, at least...yee-FRAGGIN'-haw!:) Besides...I gotta' PARTY to attend, t'nite!:):) N', there'll be NO keepin' me from THAT! *PFTHEWWW!* Missed ya', lass! Woke up...n' ya' were _gone_...not nice t' pull disappearin' acts on people with abandonment complexes *grin...sorta'*!:( THANX, _AGAIN_, Hon! Ya' really put yerself out there, fer me! I have not a CLUE as t' _WHY_....but, I'm glad ya' did...havin' various n' sundry major organs decide they feel like takin' a coffee break...all at _ONCE_...ken be jus' a _scoach_ unnervin', ta' say th' least...from th' bottom a' my black heart...._thank you_, Roxey...you're absolutely a BEAUTIFUL woman...I _MEAN_ that!:)]<<<<< --THE Nexus (_almost_ back t' ABNORMAL!) >>>>>[OH....BTW....I _DID_ have somethin' fer ya'...but, it looks like--in all tha' confusion (WHAT confussion?:)--I kinda'...lost...it...BUT, I _WILL_ make it up to ya'...CHIP-TRUTH...on my (questionable) honor!]<<<<< --THE Nexus (DIDN'T ferget about your boat ride, either!) >>>>>[Not ta' be a real prick...er anything (who? ME? NE-VER...!:), Spirit, dear...but...at th' party, t'nite...take a GOOD LOOK at me, while I'm standin' next ta' Sheena. I have abso-fraggin'-lutely NOTHIN' agin her! She's a truly slammin' young kylie...but...well...jus', take a gander...n' see if ya' ken catch m' point...Ka?]<<<<< --THE Nexus (is back...w' a VENGEANCE!:) >>>>>[HOI, Highlander! Thank-ya' fer yer warm sentiments! I understand some straight-from-th'-heart sorta' response is in order, here...I don't really remember t' mucha' what happened, th' other night...n' I s'pose I should be _GRATEFUL_ fer tha'! All I _DO_ remember is a lotta' spells flyin', people sreamin' n' cursin', then I _vaugely_ recall CRUSH pickin' me up n' puttin' me in th' backa' some funky transport...Roxey was there, close by (THANX, again, Lass!)...then, everythin' went sorta' fuzzy...n' it got real fraggin' hard t' breathe. I musta' passed out, r' somethin' `cause, next thing I know...I'm at home, with ev`ryone fawnin' all over me...an' my Hellhound crushin' my legs...I really _SHOULD_ train him ta' stay offa' th' bed! THEN, I'm told I've been outta' it fer damn near 3 days! FRAG! ANYWAY...someone informed me tha' YOU were there, tha' night...an' had a right- nasty take-down ratio...so, I'd like t' thank YOU, too! THANX...TERM! I mean tha'...really...*small, but genuine, smile* See ya' t'night!]<<<<< --THE Nexus (HEY...they LIKE me! They LIKE me...!?! :) >>>>>[Uhm...u-huhmm...Roxey? I was...well...I was sorta'...wonderin'...ummm... if ya' didn't, like, have...well...have an escort...ta' th' party...ya' know... well, wouldja'...like...mind goin'...well...goin' w'...uhm...yeesh...me? If ya' wanna' say "no FRAGGIN' way!"....I'll understand...truly, I _will_...oh, frag! Yer probably goin' w'...I dunno...Slash...or, Jackson...or, somebody like tha'....so *sigh* le's jus'...ferget I said _anythin'_...a'right? Ka...n'er mind...really...s'all right....]<<<<< --THE Nexus (Jus'..._SKIP IT_...O.kay...?) >>>>>[ Nexus, the main reason that your with Sheena is that it fits a strange pattern. All the Deckers, mages, warriors and vehicle loving people are together basically. Also, Norm is much larger than Sharice, while CRUSH is much much larger than me. It will not look all that strange. In fact it my all even out, I hope. It would look even worse with Nightfox and Sheena since he is taller than you. And Jaez and Highlander know each other. Of course I also just wanted to hear you complain, just to really make sure your feeling ok. So from the looks, you are feeling much better.]<<<<< -- Spirit < I do believe he is ok now > >>>>>[You want to escort me to the party? Little ole me? Why?...Uh, never mind. Sure! My current escort is MaxiMillion, but I suspect that he will try to drink the party dry, what with his addiction to hard alcohol. For all you magicians out there, NEVER make an ally who loves good Salish food and booze. And anyone who wants to try and drink him under the table, go for it. I've seen him down 6 cases of 1 liter cans of Foster's Lager, followed by 4 bottles of Tequila without it phasing him...Big surprise...but he drinks me out of house and home! But Nex, yes...yes...Yes...YEs...YES...YES!..._YEESSS_!!!!!!!!]<<<<< Foxey Roxey(00:21:14/04-23-54) >>>>>[Better watch it, Roxey my dear. You'll make the whole world think that you were madly and passionately in love(or at least lust) with poor Nex. And a woman like you would tire him out in his current condition, unless you were real gentle.]<<<<< Slash(00:23:12/04-23-54) >>>>>Slash, you'd better hope I don't catch you!!!! I'll give you a wound that you'll not forget!!! You know I can do it! And wait until Nex sees what you said! He'll want to kill you too!]<<<<< Foxey Roxey(00:24:50/04-23-54) >>>>>[I find it more likely that he would either agree with me or laugh _Very_ hard. Ow! Drekkin Ally! Get away from me, Max! Roxey!--Call off Max!]<<<<< Slash(12:26:35/04-23-54) >>>>>[He'll come back of his own accord, Deary. Never make a redhead with an ally mad, my good fiend. Not this one.]<<<<< Foxey Roxey(00:28:13/04-23-54) >>>>>[As it appears that you will not be attending the wedding with Roxey, Slash, who will you be going with? Diana has said that she would like to go with you, but she has said that she needs to be with me to maintain the spell. So, what's the deal. And hurry up; I'm between surgeries...]<<<<< Action Jackson(00:31:25/04-23-54) >>>>>I guess I'm going alone. Guess that means that I get to try and drink MaxiMillion under the table, Huh?]<<<<< Slash(00:32:22/04-23-54) >>>>>[I think not, my friend. I am going to allow my daughter to Lock the + speaell on me(Yuck! I HATE spell locks!) so she can go with you. And I figure that if I get a spell grounded out through me here, the drek's about to hit the fan anyway and it's time to fight or fly. It's probably as safe as it gets here, so she can go with you. Besides, I'm always a bachelor. Some people just don't understand vampires, so the number of dates I get is minimal.]<<<<< Action Jackson(00:36:55/04-23-54) >>>>>[Oh no...I have to dance with someone who is nearly a half a meter taller than I am. Wait a minute...This could be fun... Ow! Max, GO AWAY! Roxey, why is he still here?!]<<<<< Slash(00:38:54/04-23-54) >>>>>[Every time you say some degrading or annoying or sexual remark, Max has been told to hit you...Hard. For the next week, unless I need him first.]<<<<< Foxey Roxey(00:40:21/04-23-54) >>>>>[OOOOHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOoooooo....!!!!!! I can never open my mouth! You witch!!! Ow! Fraggin Ally...Youch!!!!!]<<<<< Slash(00:41:10/04-23-54) >>>>>This message is for a Dark Elf... I made a promise to someone... that if anything happened or something... well this chummer him and me and some friends we were on a run and Nobody was part of the muscle... we were in it for the nuyen, but from the small talk we had it seemed he was paying back a few favors... Nobody, he was good and he asked me to do him a favor before we split at the warehouse, you see the corp security were getting close and we all knew it was all over, but for Doc Wagon to pick up the pieces. Well, Nobody told us to beat feet and that he would cause a little distraction. He gave me this address and the pass ways to circumvent the protection, and asked me to say... goodbye. To you Dark Elf and to G-Man. He wanted you to know he... appreciated your friendship and wanted me to thank you for everything. I'm sorry I can't tell you any more, he didn't have a lot of time to say this stuff. But he did save my life and this was the least I could do for Nobody. It's been almost a week and I don't think he's coming back... sorry.<<<<< ---Sharptooth<12:44:24 04/23/54> >>>>>I needs to add something, Nobody he was my... friend too. And I's want you's all to know that's. He saved my life and nots many would waste the time forthis ork. Well, it was bad and getting worst by the nanosecond... we was set-up and we knew Mr. J was going to regret this part of the biz. The corp security they was waiting for us and we was in the drek. We was able to hold up in some deserted building and them corps was outside waiting for the big guns well we's fixed up our holes and we was ready for the party. Nobody and the rest of us knew Mr. J was going to get away with this one and there weren't nothing we could do about it! Nobody he gets this look in his face and starts talking fast, he talks to our wiz friend Sharp and then he talks to me, and he says I gots to get that drek eating Mr. J. Then he done the thing, he tells us to haul ass and sneak out the back, that he'd call the corps and ask them to dance. Well we do the sneak out the back and it makes me sick that I did it. Not two minutes pass before Nobody starts the fun flying. The last thing we saws before we left... was that big building going up in a major fireball... and Nobody was in it up to his dick. It's been a week and we's ain't heard the word, so, it's true Nobodies gone and there ain't none to cry about it, except you me and few others. So this is my chance to pass the word. So all you drek breathing deck humping jerks hear the word... Nobody he's gone and there's a few people that followed him to the great drek hole in the ground.<<<<< ---Blitzkreig<13:05:24 04/23/54> >>>>>[ So, we have an invisible ship going to New Zealand, uh?? So, I guess you're coming out to my neck of the woods if you want to meet it. What's it's ETA??]<<<<< -- Rising Storm (22:25:18/04-22-54) >>>>>[Brightlight, glad to hear you'll be coming along, some magical support will be needed I'm sure. You aren't afraid of heights are you? We'll be riding the Dragon Express out of here as soon as you link up with us. Rising Storm, we wish we knew where the Intrepid was sailing, but we can't track it at all. There is probably a dragon there planning something evil, however, and we could use your assistance tracking Tirandor down. Nagami is still refuses to elaborate on what he believes Tirandor is doing. Well I need to prepare to travel, until later.]<<<<< -- Feral <07:25:35/04-23-54> >>>>>[Feral, Commander X2 and I would like to accompany you on your expidition, just tell us when and where.]<<<<< --Moon Dancer <08:30:09 MST/ 4-23-54> >>>>>[ Ah'm not going. Ah'm going to Seattle]<<<<< --Commander X2 <08:31:34 MST/ 4-23-54> >>>>>[ You're doing WHAT!!!! What on earth for?!?]<<<<< --Moon Dancer <08:32:01 MST/ 4-23-54> >>>>>[ There's something Ah want to do there. Ah want to go to the party. Ah want to meet some new people.]<<<<< --Commander X2 >>>>>[Feral, I'm up for a trip down under. I'm a shaman of no small ability. If there are other Shamen going, maybe we can cook up a nasty suprise. Just tell me when and where to meet you.]<<<<< --Moon Dancer <08:34:44 MST/ 4-23-54> >>>>>[Moon Dancer you are more than welcome to join us, I have an unnerving feeling that whatever Nagami isn't telling means it real bad. You can join up with us in a small village called New Bristol.]<<<<< -- Feral <10:05:00/04-23-54> >>>>>[Feral, I offer my services as well. I am Jester, an Otter shaman initiate. Otter spoke to me about this, so with you or alone I must look into Tirandor's activities. I prefer with you and perhaps Moon Dancer and I can cook up a nasty surprise or two for the old lizard.]<<<<< -- Jester <10:15:45/04-23-54> >>>>>[Jester, who am I to dispute Otter. Your presence will be welcome. As with Moon Dancer, you can locate us in the village of New Bristol.]<<<<< -- Feral <10:17:04/04-23-54> >>>>>[ The party went well. I atleast had fun. Hey Highlander, bring more of that what ever it was that tasted great and and gave me buzz to the wedding reception. I was actually able to find a place that had REAL lager and vindaloo, boy was I happy. Of course Highlander took one look at it and quickly hurried to the men's room. Nightfox actually drank at the party. He seemed to have acquired a bottle of some unknown beverage and refused to share it with any but Brandy, Raven or Nexus. He said something about them being the only ones who would appreciate it. It was rather interesting when he started to get drunk, Kichanski offer him a beer and he actually drank it! It was a sight to see her drink him under the table, the poor guy can't hold his liquor. Of course he just wipped up a spell to shrug it off, but she still did atleast have a small victory. He'll never live it down for weeks. He still hasn't said anymore about Tir nan og, just something about having to go back again, to learn more. I was rather surprised with the turn out of singers. I was expecting Sheena and Moonwalker to show their stuff, and the duet they did was great. What I wasn't expecting was when NEXUS "decided" to take the stage!! Actually it was his 'friends' that decided for him, they kind of pushed him up on stage much to the dismay of Buzz who had been watching him like a hawk. When he went up he didn't look that great, like he was still hurt from the rescue ( which he was ) but once he got into the music it all seemed to fade away, giving power to the music. It was really touching and a great show. He sang a few songs to Spirit and CRUSH, and a few that seemed like they were directed at Roxey!! Another surprise was when Buzz to the stage!! The guy sounds alot like Don Henley, yes you probably never heard of him. He was big back in the last century. It was a surprise to have so many people up on stage, we had no need for music chips. Spirit and CRUSH were very happy at the turn out, though CRUSH did look confused trying to remember all the names, Spirit cheated and put them in memory. It was interesting to watch the people during Nexus'es slow dance song "Hold it together", Sheena actually asked Moonwalker to dance!! The greatest part of the evening was when CB, Sheena and Jeaz decided to song the old Righteous Brothers song "lovin feeling" to Highlander. I have never seen him so red, and it wasn't from the alcohol.]<<<<< -- Lister <11:26:23/04-23-54> >>>>>[ Oh if any of you are wonderin that saw me leave last, how I can post with out screaming free the colors of the matrix with a hangover - its gone. Having a hung over Nightfox with a Detox spell is great. First he cleared himself up then took pitty on me.]<<<<< -- Lister <11:28:39/04-23-54> >>>>>[ Lister I've hired the chef from the Eastern Taste Tandoori, he makes the best vindaloo's I've ever tried. I've also got 5 slabs of lager (a special German Pilsner I get imported) so that should be about 100 cans. I've give you the name of the guy I buy the stuff off, though the price has gone up I'm afraid with Germany getting embroiled in this Omega thing. I just hope CRUSH doesn't like lager, but other wise there should be plenty to go round. Anyway I've organised all this from LA so that it is delivered to . You will have to meet the delivery as I may not be back in time. It's all paid for so if you don't see me, enjoy. Lister sees big Vindaloo monster coming towards him. 'Help ! How do you kill a vindaloo ?' The autocannon has proved useless. The beast advances and steps on a can of lager (or something like that). 'Of smeggin course, LAGER !!' As the beast slowly starts to disintegrate. ]<<<<< -I.B.A. (**:**:**/**.**.**) >>>>>[ The stuff is putrid believe me. If a beer isn't brown and doesn't have at least a 2.5 cm head then it just isn't a beer. The vindaloo is ok but I prefer a Kashmiri myself. ]<<<<< -The Powerhouse (20:52:58/23.4.54) >>>>>[Feral, When? I've already made the first leg to LA. So give me the go signal. Also, I'm bringing a surprise, I had to by-pass customs, but it'll be worth the extra effort. Jester, it will be a pleasure to work with you.]<<<<< --Moon Dancer <09:22:47 PST/ 4-23-54> >>>>>[Drekkin strait you'll not forget about the boat ride! You've seen what I did to Slash, right? Well, how about a watcher annoying the drek out of you if you forget, hmmm? That's what you'll get if you aren't careful. And about those songs last night...Wow! I think we need to talk...Soon, K? Now, BACK TO BED so you can still go to the wedding! If you don't dance with me at least, oh..., twice I'll have Max carry you to me and drop you in my arms! Think of what a blow that would be to your rep(evil grin).]<<<<< Foxey Roxey(13:23:08/04-23-54) >>>>>[Cat Dancing, as we'll both be comming from Denver, and Ah won't know very many people there, Ah was wonderin if Ah could have the honour of escourting you to the wedding?]<<<<< --Commander X2 <12:40:33 MST/ 4-23-54> >>>>>[ You know its hard to believe that in two weeks from today - I will be married. I want to thank everyone that showed up last night, I had a great time. Thank you Sheena, Moonwalker, Nexus and Buzz for the beautiful music. CB, next time leave the singing to Sheena, I was afraid Highlander was going to die from Fright.]<<<<< -- Spirit < love ya CB > >>>>>[ Hah Hah Hah. Ah have a nice voice, Ah think. Ya folks should here the bride ta be sing, can ya say - Harpy Screaching]<<<<< -- Circuit Breaker < love ya too, Spirit > >>>>>[ So who is going to have the Bachelor party for CRUSH? I know that Jaez plans on gettin the girls together at Sheena's place for Spirits bridal shower. Hey I.B.A. - Bring the lager to the Bachelor party - wherever it is!!]<<<<< -- Lister <15:02:25/04-23-54> >>>>>[ Hey Jaez, When will the shower be? Where also is the list for what we should give the Bride and Groom at the wedding? Thats why there having the wedding will you all there you know - just to get new stuff. Just kidding actually, they really don't care if you bring stuff to the wedding.]<<<<< -- Kichanski <15:03:03/04-23-54> >>>>>[ Nightfox: Thank you for giving me a glass of the "unknown beverage". It was very good. I'm sorry you go drunk, but by the time I noticed Kickanski and friends feeding you every drink in the house, you were hopelessly lost. ]<<<<< -- Raven the Mage <12:47:10/04-23-54> >>>>>[ Cyberbrains, I haven't seen you that embarrassed since "the Mall". Oops! I wasn't supposed to bring that up was I? ]<<<<< -- Cerise <12:48:48/04-23-54> >>>>>[ Hey Highlander , not wantin to be left out on pickin on you I decided to get an old song out the the archives ***** include: THE SCOTSMAN'S KILT A Scotsman clad in kilt left the bar one evening fair And one could tell by how he walked he'd drunk more than his share He staggered on until he could no longer keep his feet Then stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street. cho: Ring ding diddle diddle i de o Ring di diddle i o He stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street. Later on two young and lovely girls just happened by, And one says to the other with a twinkle in her eye You see yon sleeping Scotsman who is young and handsome built I wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath their kilt. Ring ding diddle diddle i de o Ring di diddle i o I wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath their kilt. They crept up to the sleeping Scotsman quiet as could be Then lifted up his kilt about an inch so they could see And there behold for them to view beneath his Scottish skirt Ws nothing but what God had graced him with upon his birth Ring ding diddle diddle i de o Ring di diddle i o There was nothing there but what God gave upon his birth They marveled for a moment then one said we'd best be gone But let's leave a present for our friend before we move along They took a blue silk ribbon and they tied it in a bow Around the bonnie spar that the Scot's lifted kilt did show Ring ding diddle diddle i de o Ring di diddle i o Around the bonnie spar that the Scot's lifted kilt did show The Scotsman woke to nature's call and stumbled toward a tree Behind a bush he lifts his kilt and gawks at what he sees Then in a startled voice he says to what's before his eyes He said, "Lad I don't know where you've been but I see you won first prize" Ring ding diddle diddle i de o Ring di diddle i o He said, "Lad I don't know where you've been but I see you won first prize" I hope you like it. Don't blush too much.]<<<<< -- Kichanski <16:05:07/04-23-54> >>>>>[ Kickanski! I love it! I'm going over to Cyberbrains place astrally, so I can see his face when he reads it. ]<<<<< -- Cerise <13:24:24/04-23-54> >>>>>[ You ladies are cruel :) ]<<<<< -- Raven the Mage <13:24:54/04-23-54> >>>>>[Moon Dancer, consider to 'go' signal given. Our ETA to NB, NZ is approx 2:05:24.]<<<<< -- Feral <15:10:25/04-23-54> >>>>>[Moon Dancer, whose call(totem) did you answer? By the way, what is your favorite flavor of pie?.]<<<<< -- Jester <15:11:30/04-23-54> >>>>>[Feral, time to get moving. Get Brightlight over here so we can go. And don't forget to bring the silver and wolvsebane and agate I asked you for. You got that?]<<<<< -- Nagami <15:13:50/04-23-54> >>>>>[Patience old one, I thought that was always a virtue of yours. We will be underway shortly. Brightlight is on the way and the pack of equipment is waiting outside. I've never seen you like this before, stop please, you are making me nervous]<<<<< -- Feral <15:16:10/04-23-54> >>>>>[ Cerise, how I wish I could join you. I would love to the look on his face. Now I am probably going to get 'invited' to the lingeria thing. Eeee gads. Someday I know he will try to get back at us. I just wonder when and how.]<<<<< -- Kichanski <16:29:33/04-23-54> >>>>>[You won't know where, Kichanski, you won't know when, Cerise, but I'll get you both! Lister, laddie, it was Glenlivet I was passing around, before I was accosted by the three singin' lassies. Sigh, no wonder I drank so much....:> Don't worry none: I'll be sure to bring plenty of Scotch to the bachelor party. Good to see you moving, Nexus. Let's hope you're up for the entertainment (wink, wink) at the bachelor party (evil chuckle).]<<<<< --Highlander (14:19:43/4-23-54) >>>>>[Feral, Should I be nervous? Anyway I have just one question while I am here and have access to some of the most prime summoning materials for easrth elementals that I have ever seen do you want me to whip up one or two to take along for the ride. And no I have no problems with heights just as long as I know thaty ride is secure. Don't tell me if it isn't! Here I go. Wish me luck, and may I return again if it is Alah(blessed be his name)'s will. Sha'lom]<<<<< -- Brightlight <17:19:54 / 04:23:54> >>>>>[ Sorry, Kichanski. I haven't had time to learn the the Entertainment spell. Of course I'll have to rectify that for the next time Cyberbrains gets really embarrassed. ]<<<<< -- Cerise <15:24:24/04-23-54> >>>>>[ Only in your wildest dreams, Cyberbrains! ]<<<<< -- Cerise <15:24:25/04-23-54> >>>>>[Guess who I just saw landing on top of the Yoshida Tech building here in Seattle? TIRANDOR!!!]<<<<< -- Ramirez <> >>>>>[You're shittin' us!]<<<<< -- Wolf 359 <16:30:10 / 04-23-54> >>>>>[Nope.]<<<<< -- Ramirez <> ***** Encrypt: Spirit-MPCP Only >>>>>[ Dear Wendy Belmount, Seeing that I shall be returning from Omega Island this weekend, I would appreciate your assistance in convincing Circuit Breaker and the other ladies to throw the "Lingire Party" as they promised. Since Circuit Breaker has made a formal and gentlemanly inventation a requirement for here presence, I am asking you to foward her proper name and any other information that you feel would be necessary to induce her participation. I find that it would be ungentlemanly to issue a formal invite to a persons street name. Many thanks in advance, Jayce Wilson. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <15:49:12/04-23-54> >>>>>[....Ohh....*blank stare*....O.kay....jus' hope she doesna' get lost when it comes time t' dance w' me....lass' shoulders `r 'bout as wide as m' _waist_...that's only 'bout 28 inches! Right-fraggin' TINY kylie! But, sweet as all get out...WIZ-ZER performance las' night, Sheena! LOVE t' try a duet w' ya', sometime...if ya' donna' mind standin' on a chair...of course!:)]<<<<< --THE Nexus (Ohmygawd, I hope I don't STEP ON HER....!) >>>>>[Hey, BTW, Spirit...ya' are _quite_ welcome, fer th' music, las' night! ***** Encrypt Vox Spirit_MPCP***** Tha' song I did..."Hold It T'gether"? It' onna' my own....not one a my _better_ one's...unfortunately...least _I_ don't think so...though my gang tends ta' argue (they're m' terms...they're_S'POSED_ ta' say "nice things", right?)...anyway...I'd...well...I was kinda' wond`rin' if I might...ask a...uh...a...favor....uh, of ya'? See...tha' friend a mine, Random, tha' has th' band...BloodRunn, tha' was s'posed ta' play at _my_ party? Well, I jam w' em, sometimes...aLOT, actually...an', well, they were gonna' see `bout playin' fer th' Omega concert...I was gonna' gig w' em...then, well... alla' this F5 drek hit th' proverbial fan...an', instead a' goin' ahead n' takin' there big shot...they waited around ta see what went down w' _ME_...n' MISSED their CHANCE....DREK-HEADS....*sigh* ANYWHO...I thought, like...well, _may-be_ you could talk ta' Sheena....n', _SHE_ could talk ta' _Moonwalker_, n', well...maybe he'd give `em a slot on th' album...ta' take th' place a' Morbid Curiosity...ya' know...since they've...sorta'..._disappeared_...I...I don't... ya' know..._have_ ta' be on, w' `em...really, ya' know...I, jus' kinda' feel... _responsible_ fer them missin' tha' golden chance...ya' know? Oh, DREK...this was a REALLY lame idea....ferget I said anythin'....Ka...? THANX!]<<<<< --THE Nexus (Jus' ramblin', folks...) >>>>>[SLASH! Hey, chummer...wha's th' problem w' taller women? They really _DO_ have their "advantages"...*GRIN* FRAG! I better watch out fer MAX...no tellin' _when_ he might be lurkin' around here! `Rauko...on WATCH, boy! THERE...tha' should take care a' th' "astral observations" problems! ***** ENCRYPT AMAZONS SLASH_MPCP***** MY GAWD, Slash...Roxey's RAVISHIN'... don't get me _wrong_...but, th' woman's a F***IN' AMAZON! I danced _one_ dance w' her, las' night...n' almost DIED...of "Cleavage Inhalation"! Slash, ol' buddy, ol' pal....Ya' _HAVE_ ta' __HELP ME__! AAACCCKK!!! This woman could _HURT_ *voice cracks pathetically* uummhhhmmm.....__HURT ME__!! *cracks again* Slash, _chummer_, if I go to bed w' this woman...ya' may n`er see me AGIN! *shudders* Th' prospect is...{_INTRIGUING!?! *GRIN*}... TERRIFYIN'! BUZZ, _GO__AWAY__!!! Really, I _DONNA'_ wanna' hurt her feelin's... _truly_, I don't! I really _DO_ like her...I think! I'm jus' not sure about this whole...height...thing! PLEASE...DON'T think I'm shallow...`cause I'm NOT! I'm...well...ju', kinda', "uncomfortable" w' this whole thing...ya' know...? help! *pathetic whimper* *****END ENCRYPTION***** Donna' be worryin', Rox...I _promised_ ya' a sailin' jaunt...n' a sailin' jaunt yer gonna' GET! When would ya' like ta' "shove off"? Wouldja' like ta' take th' sailboat, or th' yacht? Th' sailboat's a beauty, but relatively _small_, n', I remember wha' ya' had said 'bout large bodies a' water...cain't take as many people along w' us, either...not enough room fer too many...uhm... "chaperones"...*sneer* Th' _yacht_, on th' other hand, can carry about 10 people comfortably...as in, a sorta' "party" sitch...yer choice, Darlin'...get back t' me, on it...]<<<<< --THE Nexus (no. 1 w/an EXPLOSIVE round) >>>>>[I can confirm that Tirandor is indeed here. I can devulge no further information at this time.]<<<<< -- Joseph Yoshida <20:43:20 / 04-23-54> President Yoshida Technologies >>>>>[Hey Ramirez, how the hell did you find out that Tirandor was at Yoshida Tech? Ain't you blind?]<<<<< -- Wolf 359 <20:47:45 / 04-23-54> >>>>>[I was patched into Yoshida Tech's security systems at the time and saw via a security camera that he had landed on the roof.]<<<<< -- Ramirez <> >>>>>[Why?]<<<<< -- Wolf 359 <20:51:10 / 04-23-54> >>>>>[None of your business.]<<<<< -- Ramirez <> >>>>>[PERFECTION NEVER DIES! MY REVENGE CONTINUES!]<<<<< -- *no ID present* <20:54:45 / 04-23-54> >>>>>[Hey, all ya' chum-pals, out there in sunny down-town ShadowLand...! Gotta' tell ya', I've jus' been dyin'*sickly, lop-sided smirk* ta' have a party o`er here! Ya' need somewhere t' hold this bachelor's bash fer CRUSH? Look _NO_ further, Chums! MINE _is_ The Place...KA? STILL have alla' tha' Jameson & Guiness stockpiled...fraggin' thought I was gonna' have ta' drink it all _MYSELF_...oh, what a _TERRIBLE_ thought! *GRIN* Roxey n' Max were over here a lot, lately...so, I'll have t' see how much tha' fraggin' spirit _left_ me! *sigh* He's a good guy, though...]<<<<< --THE Nexus (PAR-TY! PAR-TY! PAR-TY!!:) >>>>>[BTW, N.F.--THANX for tha' WIZZER "Myst`ry Blitz"! Tha's _SOME_ wild joy- juice...quite _good_, actually...straight from TNO, NEH?]<<<<< --THE Nexus (CHECK IT OUT....The _WALLS_ `r _BREATHIN'_!:) *****encrypt Nex MPCP: >>>>>[hey Nex! You gotta tell Roxey, man. If you do, she just may sick Max on you for a week, or a watcher or two(Ow, Damn it Max..Ow!). But if you don't tell her soon and she has to find out on her own, then she's liable to explode. The last time she did that she killed the poor sucker with a long duration Death Touch. I'm sure you know the circumstances. So let her down easy, and do it soon. I'm sure that she'll understand, since I think that she's coming on a little strong...]<<<<< Slash(21:59:42/04-23-54) >>>>>[DAMMIT! That's Yoshida's kidnapper! Trace it!]<<<<< -- Ramirez <> >>>>>[Already on it, Jose'. Damn! Got as far as a ComSat. Could have come from almost any point in western North America prior to that.]<<<<< -- Wolf 359 <21:04:25 / 04-23-54> >>>>>[The yacht seem like a better deal. That way a bunch of us can party. I think that it will be a little less formal and a little less likely to go into something we wouldn't want to happen... if you catch my drift. Besides, a yacht is much less likely to sink, and Jackson has been voicing a desire to meet the owner, who I believe is a vampire himself. And I won't get motion sick as q quickly on a bigger boat.]<<<<< Foxey Roxey(22:03:47/04-23-54) >>>>>[There should still be a couple of cases. Max and I replaced most of what Max drank with a variety of other goodies, like 4 cases of Foster's Lager, 1 case of Guiness Extra Stout(Green Stickey Stuff with Pond Scum on top, and it is delish!), and some of Action Jackson's home brew. And no, there is no blood in the booze, just a few non-addictive sensory enhancers and hallucinagenics. Nothing too major, and it's guaranteed to wear off within 24 hours too!]<<<<< Foxey Roxey(22:10:23/04-23-54) >>>>>[And I putt bak the Rum I took from the stores as weel. And its goood stuf to.]<<<<< Diana, Huntress of the Night(22:11:58/04-23-54) >>>>>[Hey...Roxey....don't have ta' get so jazzed about it! I'll _DANCE_ w' ya'...donna' worry! My reputation couldn't _TAKE_ another bashin'... trust me! *grin...yawn...ACK!* (Buzz: ___NEX___! WHAT THE _FRAG_ IS _THIS_!?!) Huh? Idunno..._should_ I? (hands Nex large package...w/_air holes_: It's addressed to _YOU_...from someone named...Lyle Purdue? Hey...wasn't he that...) Yah! The "Good Samaritan from Hell"...wonder wha' _this_ is all about...(opens corner of package...flurry of unusual noises...Buzz lets out a startled yell) SHE-IT! FRAG! *laugh* Why...tha' sonofaBITCH! Bless his twisted lil' heart...! Hey, FRAGGIT, Roxey...looks like you'll be gettin' tha' present I promised ya', after all! *GRIN* WIZ! How `bout we take tha' lil' ol' sailin' trip t'morrow eve`nin'...s'posed ta' be "clear sailin'" *smirk* an' I ken give ya' yer "surprise", then *childish grin*...KA?]<<<<< --THE Nexus (I gotta' _SECRET_, nahnahnahnahnah....!:) >>>>>[Nex, I think you should go to bed...You _STILL_ don't look good!]<<<<< -Buzz- (Is only concerned about Nex's welfare.) >>>>>[BU-UZZZ! AUURRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! I'm a big boy now...I ken take carea' m'self! I (Buzz points toward bedroom: NEX..._GO_!) *pout* Well...I _ken_...! *sticks tongue out when Buzz's back is turned*]<<<<< --THE Nexus (_IS_ old enough t' look after himself...) >>>>>[NEX...next time I catch you stickin' that tongue out at me....just... GO...TO...BED! AAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!]<<<<< -Buzz- (_WHAT_ am I gonna' _DO_ with that Kid?!) >>>>>[@%^%^^(*)*..*grumble*^%$%#%^#@&&*gripe*(&$^%## %%@$!#!*bitch*$^]<<<<< --THE Nexus (Nex...go to your room...Nex...don't stick your tongue out at _me_...Nex, don't slit tha' guy's throat...geesh...I can't have ANY fun!) >>>>>[Jus' sneaked back real quick t' say..."Null difficulty, Rox!" Th' _yacht_ i`tis, then....! Highlander, Cerise(ya' ken keep Highlander "enter- tained")*grin*, C.B., DOA, CRUSH, Spirit, N.F., wouldjall care ta' join us on a wee jaunt ta' th' banks of Council Island? Of _course_, Slash, Jackson, Diana...yer all invited, too! Actually, th' _cousin_ of th' owner of th' yacht's a vampire...Q. S. Slicke...he helped out...th' other night...u-humm. Ya' prob`ly dinna' have much of a chance t' pseak w' him, though. While Ian, th' proud owner, has some biz t' take carea', Slicke would probably LOVE t' join us! (Buzz: __NEXUS__! I _thought_ I _told_ you to go get some _REST_!) OOOPS! _BUS-TED_! Uhhmmmm....BUZZ....jus' makin' plans ta' go do some sailin' t'morrow! Out by th' Island...a truly _beautious_ local!...(__NEX__!?) Uhhmm... Circuit Breaker'll be there *PLEASE say ya'll come....get me off th' hook!*...? SO...whatdaya' say? Wanna' come therewith?]<<<<< --THE Nexus (is only dion' this t' save his hide, y' re`lize) >>>>>[Nex, I'll go to the yacht, but only _IF_ you go to _BED_ _NOW_!]<<<<< -Buzz- (The one the only...Human Bee in the Matrix) >>>>>[But, I'm _not_ TIRED...uuhhhmmm*yawn...stretch...yawn* AACK! A'RIGHT... A'RIGHT! I'm _goin'_...I'm GOIN'! YEEESH! ^^&(#!*)_&^$@ *YAWN*]<<<<< --THE Nexus (WHY're they always treatin' me like a KID?*pout*) >>>>>[Oh, thank you Dana! A small body of water! Thank's for keeping us off the sound. It smells SO bad recently!]<<<<< Foxey Roxey(23:35:12/04-23-54) >>>>>[Oh oh... What did you get me that needs to be kept in a box with holes? If you got me something that's going to slither up my arm...]<<<<< Foxey Roxey(23:36:42/04-23-54) >>>>>[Null difficulty, nex! It'd be a good time for Diana to try out her new spell on my, and I can always go below deck if I have too. But when? I can be ready at any time, just name it. And thanks for the invite. I'm sure Slash will come with Diana and I. Just between you and I, I think that Diana has the hots for Slash...]<<<<< Action Jackson(23:39:33/04-23-54) >>>>>[Oh no...I forgot to incrypt it... Diana will kill me, her poor old Dad! Save me!!!]<<<<< Action Jackson(23:40:22/04-23-54) ****** Encrypt: Death if she sees: Nightstalker-Mpcp Only >>>>>[ I don't know. I mean she might kill me if I tell and she finds out. It wouldn't look good if the maid of honor killed the bride!! Then again, it would be really fun to see the look on her face. What the heck - Her real is .... $%& ^%&%#%& $^%&%$#&]<<<<< -- Link Disabled <01:26:50/04-24-54> >>>>>[ Go-in ta tell him Ma name were ya. Well I'll take care of you!!! Ah am gonna feed you grits on yer Birthday!!! The whole day!!! hah cackle. Hey, wait a second. Don't dump me out like Ah did you!!! #@% @#% @#%]<<<<< -- Link 2 Disabled <01:30:23/04-24-54> ****** Encrypt Continue : Nighstalker-Mpcp Only >>>>>[ Trina ]<<<<< -- Spirit < off quick before she recovers > ***** Well. That was amusing. Spirit just ran out with CB chasing her throwing stray optical chips. Does anyone know whats going on? ***** -- Nightfox < ??? > >>>>>[ Why Circuit Breaker chasing Spirit? Why Circuit Breaker throwing Chips at Spirit?? CRUSH confused. CRUSH hungry. Nightfox want to go out for food? CRUSH not eat in 20 minutes.]<<<<< -- CRUSH <01:35:09/04-24-54> ***** I do believe that eating would be exceptable now. Possibly we can find out why CB was chasing Spirit. ***** -- Nightfox < Night / Spring > >>>>>[ Moonwalker. Since we cannot find Morbid Curiosity anywhere I believe I know of a group that could be put on the Omega release instead. They weren't able to make it to the concert, but they were very interested. The name on the band is BloodRunn. Since they didn't do the concert, I figure we say that on the cover " with contributions from" etc. It will help give more people exposure and also put more people on the release. There by making it an even better album causing it to raise more. I also plan on send some of the money I make during the tour to Free Omega.]<<<<< -- Sheena <01:53:41/04-24-54> >>>>>[ Hey Nexus - I believe you will have to worry more about keepin up with me than with steppin on me!!]<<<<< -- Sheena <01:55:54/04-24-54> >>>>>[ Well, I can't be in NZ personally at that time, for various reasons. However, I'm quite willing to add to the Matrix cover, and I can put you in touch with a decent fixer in Wellington. Goes by the name of Leo. Got it from some movie back in the late 80's, early 90's. He thinks he can get anything you need. ]<<<<< -- Rising Storm (01:58:20/04-24-54) >>>>>[Sure it is. I hope nothing special's going on later tonight, because the group and I are off to punish Ares for being a pain. Hope nobody has any vested interest in their latest high-power ammo. They pretty much stole it from an armorer I know--after killing him. So we're planning to teach them a lesson. At any rate, if I do miss something by not being around, I hope someone writes about it for my benefit, at least.]<<<<< -Morrison >>>>>[Jus' wonderin...if me and mine are invited to this wedding coming up. It's not as if we know many of the people who frequent this node, so it's not exactly clear if there's to be a place for us. It's either that or a little trip out of Seattle for awhile. I managed to convince Morrison after that last bout with the ex-corper that we need a rest from this sort of thing soon, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind attending this first.]<<<<< -Ariel >>>>>[Thanks for assuming my answer, dear. OW! Quit it, you deserved it! Well, don't take that to mean I would rather not attend...It'd be fun to see Jackson squirming about that spell lock, heh. Not to mention it'd be the first wedding I'd have seen. Could be interesting, depending on the ceremony...oh well, if the answer is that we're invited, perhaps I'll see you all there, and if not, chances are I won't be seeing anyone again before my little vacation. Shoot straight.]<<<<< -Morrison >>>>>[Ooooooo. This is neat. I have opposable thumbs in this form!]<<<<< -- Morph <11:17:30 / 04-24-54> >>>>>[ Nexus, Ah believe we would all be happy to attend your party on the yacht. Since Nightfox and CRUSH know where your place is we'll stop over there before heading ta the yacht. Ah was wondering if the water where we shall be will ok ta 'swim' in. Ah guess it would be a tad cold still wouldn't it? Ah guess I'll have ta wait a month or two to go skinny dippin in thesound. Well atleast well have you, Buzz and Sheena to entertain us with music.]<<<<< -- Circuit Breaker < Buzz has a nice voice > >>>>>[OK girls, here's the plan for the bridal shower. I'd like to hold it on Thursday the 6th of May, at 6:00 at my place in Bellevue. Everybody bring a gift, and if you like donate some money to a common pool for something really fancy. Weapons: You really won't need them, this neighborhood is very safe. The guards don't like people with magic weapons, but they'll tolerate them if I give them fair warning. There's plenty of parking space and my place is easy to find. Call me and tell me what you're bringing; I want to try and coordinate things so that we don't get a dozen sets of Dead Sea (tm) tupperware. IBA: When are you going to take me out? You better hurry, because I'm booked for much of the next month-I have a concert to go to, as well as several "social" engagements. I know I said I wouldn't seriously date you, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun together. Raven: Time for me to give you some shopping lessons! Circuit Breaker: When exactly do you want to give Nightstalker his just reward for hanging out on Omega Island so long? You don't suppose the guys will want us to do it at their stag party, do you? I feel safe doing it in front of Nightstalker, but I certainly wouldn't want some of the other people around here to see me like that. Has anyone seen Cooper? He's disappeared again. BTW, who's this Morph dude? He sounds like a dweeb :).]<<<<< -- Jaez <11:16:21/4-24-54> >>>>>[Define dweeb.]<<<<< -- Morph <13:30:45 / 04-24-54> >>>>>[Oh I don't know. I just thought it was kind of weird the way you came on and said something about "having hingers in the form", Morph. I mean, I've seen some kooky people around town but not many walk around saying things like that. BTW, does anyone have a clue as to what the big T is doing at Yoshida's office? Obviously, MR Y wants it quiet, but it's awfully spooky, especially what with some of the cryptic transmissions that have been appearing lately (Perfection never dies, for instance.]<<<<< -- jaez <12:55:12/4-23-54> >>>>>[ Jaez: O.K. When do you want to start? I don't have anything planned for the next couple of days. BTW, no Nightstalker comments! ]<<<<< -- Raven the Mage <13:08:12/04-24-54> >>>>>[ We couldn't have our little party at the stag party. It would get totally out of control. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker >>>>>[ Dark ELf, TDH: Sorry I missed you guys on Omega. Those damn Omega Army goons were all over the place. After running around all yesterday, I ran into a guy with an old amphibious plane. We wanted to get his plane away before the Deutche launched their attack, but was afraid he would get shot down. I arranged for a computerized diversion and he gave me a lift to New Orleans. Now I've got to catch a plane back to Seattle. It will be soooo good to be home. Look out everyone! I'm on my way! ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker ***** Encrypt: Spirit MPCP only >>>>>[ Trina. Pretty name for a pretty lady. So tell me (your already in a ton of trouble so a little more won't hurt) why is she so defensive about it? See you when I get in Seattle. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker >>>>>[ Crush: It's a female thing. You'll never understand :)]<<<<< -- Nightstalker >>>>>[Well, opposable thumbs are something new for me. I used to have flippers, but I got tired to chasing fishes all over and the dolphins got kinda boring. I mean, all they ever did was philosophize and talk about "hairy man-beasts". I figured I come up here and look around for a while.]<<<<< -- Morph <15:18:18 / 04-24-54> >>>>>[Uh, let me get this straight, Morph. You used to talk to dolphins and chase fish and had flippers? What have you been smokin', man?]<<<<< -- Wolf 359 <17:22:45 / 04-24-54> >>>>>[More importantly, Morph, where can I get some?]<<<<< -- Ramirez <> >>>>>[ Hoi, guys! Doom asked--err, rather TOLD--me to post this for your enjoyment, so that you can have an idea of what's goin' on at Omega. ***** Include: NN Report on Omega SHADOWS: This is Joe Shadows, reporting to you LIVE for National News, from Omega Island. As you can see behind me, the German Army is presently involved in a siege of Omega Army defensive positions on Mount Misery, the highest ground on the island. The Imperial Navy arrived some time last night, and quickly deployed ground forces. At the moment, the capital city has been liberated, and the media representatives here have been promised a military debriefing once the Omega army has been defeated. SHEILA: Very interesting, Shadows. Have you spoken to the United Nations observers about their impressions of the operation? SHADOWS: Yes, I have. They are really rather impressed at the lengths the Germans have gone to to prevent civilian casualties. To our knowledge, most of the civilian deaths occurred when the Omega troops were covering retreating from various positions when the German army units located them. The figures I have say there are now some 15 dead, and about 30 wounded, all of which are being treated by German medical officers--it's odd, but the 24 hour curfew imposed by General Delgado may very well have saved some of these people, as they weren't out on the streets. SHEILA: Rather ironic. What sort of progress are they making in the siege right now? SHADOWS: Well, the details are sketchy, but it seems either the Omega forces retreated or were driven back to positions on Mount Misery, and now are trying to breakthrough their defenses. Progress, as I see it, has been very slow, but I overheard a statement by a junior officer earlier. He said, "The Imperial Ensign shall rise above Mount Misery before noon." That gives them a few hours from now. SHEILA: I see, what about these rumors that shadowrunners were somehow involved in this fight? SHADOWS: Well, it's well known that there were several independent shadowrunning teams involved with the People's Liberation Army under Jacob Marcus. I have also heard rumors--as yet unconfirmed--that there WERE groups involved in the air-drop earlier this morning. There have been witnesses who reported seeing a very large group of trolls in a building to building sweep, looking for Omega patrols. Some other witnesses reported how they saw what was apparently a wendigo running about in the capital. If these reports are true, he must have disappeared by sunrise or gone into hiding. SHEILA: What about casualties for the Omega Army? SHADOWS: It's hard to say, really. Reports indicate--wait! What's that? It sounds like the Omega positions have just stepped-up their return fire! No...that's not it... My GOD, it looks like--- SHEILA: Shadows? Shadows? Well, viewers, we shall see about getting the transmission back from Omega, and try to piece together what happened. In other international news, the Danish Government, in a curious report issued today, stated it found UCAS military-issue weapons and equipment in the rubble of the Omega Chemical Research plant, which unexpectedly exploded several weeks ago. The UCAS government has not cared to explain this as of yet, saying merely that they would look into it. Well, chummers and chummettes, looks pretty bad for those Omega goons. I wonder if they'll make their deadline. ]<<<<< -- Hangtime <17:35:05/04-24-54> >>>>>[ Well, I just think that the German Army wants to be Omega's SLEDGE HAMMER! Like that old Peter Gabriel song. ]<<<<< -- Sonic Boom <17:35:31/04-24-54> >>>>>[ Sonic, you've got music on the brain! ]<<<<< -- Jack Hack <17:36:10/04-18-54> >>>>>[ Yeah, speaking of music, I've gotta talk to that girl, Jaez. She's supposedly got quite a collection. Maybe I'll see her at the wedding. Are we invited? ]<<<<< -- Sonic Boom <17:36:21/04-18-54> >>>>>[ I dunno. They said everyone on the list. I SUPPOSE so.]<<<<< -- Hangtime <17:36:42/04-18-54> >>>>>[I can assume the form and characteristics of any animal I want. Can't you?]<<<<< -- Morph <18:26:35 / 04-24-54> >>>>>[Uh . . . no.]<<<<< -- Wolf 359 <18:27:10 / 04-24-54> >>>>>[How strange.]<<<<< -- Morph <18:27:40 / 04-24-54> >>>>>[Feral, I'm awaiting notification of a rendevous point. Jester, I'm Racoon and my favorite pie is Dutch apple]<<<<< --Moon Dancer <17:30:35 M >>>>>[Gosh Boom, I'd love to bring along some of my music. Tell you what. When I go to pick up Raven, I'll leave some chips there for Nightstalker to take to the stag party. He may not be back quite yet, but I'll bet he'll swing by their sooner or later]<<<<< -- Jaez <16:24:42/4-24-54> >>>>>[ Feral, Jester, sorry but I'm having* a Fe-w -Wham- problems with this transformer. What do we do now? If the reports are true Do you want to wait? Hang on... *****Encrypt [X 2] at [d] ~au?5:(!SFpYou^2Slm?'/k *****Encrypt X2 >>>>>[Feral, What do you want to do about the dragon? Do you want to wait for the Intrepid? I'm in New Bristol, nice place, but I have to route through Denver, stupid transformer. I've brought some heavy stuff. Before I left, I remembered the words of a karate master of the last century, Ginchin Funakoshi, who said "If you have to hit them, hit them once." So, I brought along a missile. It's from the `20's, but it should work just fine for a dragon, and originally it was designed for a ship. I don't know if it'll work on the Intrepid. Give me the signal.]<<<<< --Moon Dancer <00:45:43 MST/ 4-25-54> >>>>>[A fairly successful run on Ares. We managed to break into a deep sublevel of the Macrotech building and positively ruined one level of it. Of course we all almost died in the bargain, but oh well. On the other hand, all the members of my team are vampires now...like me. They all asked for it, but now that it's over, I have to wonder, what have I done... It's scary what they've become now. One who was completely mundane, as I am, has started down the hermetic path already, and the other samurai, who was always an up-close fighter, is just unreal now! And the shaman is just tougher...first all vampire group I know of. At least we're not limited to night-only jobs, as most would be...]<<<<< -Morrison >>>>>[ALL of them? What have you done? Did you have something to do with their change in attitude? What happened to you all in that building??]<<<<< -Ariel >>>>>[You weren't there, love, and glad I am that you weren't. I'm quite surprised that any of us made it out of there. Grant was dropped and lost the use of an arm, and I was so drained from regenerating that I was trying not to pounce on everyone I saw. 'Frenzy' is the word the elders put to it, another of their old terms, but it seems to fit what I felt. So Grant wanted what I had that kept me alive, and after she gave in the others decided to stop resisting their desire for the power. You should see them now! I could hardly believe that my bioware implants had melded so well with me, but it's obvious that I have passed on my implants with the Change!]<<<<< -Morrison >>>>>[Morph, where are you from? Do you know the word Nuyen? Do you understand how humans support themselves? You need a hand. Call the New Brotherhood; (ltg# 555-SHaPE-347r); A Hand for those In Need.]<<<<< -White Cross (04-24-54/04:21:39) >>>>>[ Listen, "Morph" I gotta tell you, buddy stay far, far away from the New Brotherhood. I don't know how good the picture's gonna be that they paint you, but, lemme tell you; it's all smoke. It's a band of black hearts in white clothes, you know what I'm sayin'? You better get ahold of someone you can trust, quick, 'cause somebody's just a dyin' to do you wrong. Y'Know, y'know?]<<<<< -Scramble (04-24-54/04:27:41) >>>>>[What's a nuyen?]<<<<< -- Morph <12:52:30 / 04-24-54> >>>>>I have decided after careful consideration, that I am formally retiring from shadowrunning. After blowing through the mitsuhauma matrix, (a little part), I realized that there is no more fun in this. I have decided to teach. (Yes i know that sounds ludicrous), but I don't find any joy in blasting through systems without any challenge. After this dark angel thing, I am retiring. I have decided to invest in a new restaraunt. Possibly a pizza place. Old family recipe. But I am now out of the business. Thanks to all who helped me over the years. To those fresh new deckers who may need a little boost, if you can find me, i mayconsider you as a pupil. but I will take only one at a time. But most of my time, I think, will be taken up tickering with new decks.<<<<< bye -- g.g. megabyte >>>>>[ Hail victory! As Great Caesar once stated, "Veni, Vedi, Vici!" ***** Include: INN Report.German Victory.Omega Island International Network News This is Jessica Farbane, on Omega Island, following the landing of German troops for the removal of the coup government which came into power just a scant few days ago. Presently, we are about to hear from the German naval and army commanders of this operation who will be giving a military debriefing as to their progress so far. From what we've managed to gather, both Admiral Frederick von Zollikofer and General Karl Donnersturm are quite experienced, serving in the EuroWars, and the subsequent Unification War that expanded the German frontiers to their present levels. Admiral Zollikofer has received numerous citations and...oh, here they come now. ZOLLIKOFER: Good Afternoon, ladies and gentlemen of the international press corps. The general and I shall present our respective briefings, at the conclusion of which shall be an opportunity to answer questions you may have. Last night, the 5th Fleet of the Imperial German Navy arrived in the Caribbean and entered Omega Island waters at approximately 2100 hours. Stealth fighters were dispatched to destroy the Omega Air Force on the ground and in the air. Several craft did manage to become airborne previous to the bombing runs, but their technological inferiority caused their swift destruction. The remainder were destroyed as their crews struggled in vain to prepare them for take-off. In these preliminary strikes, measures were also taken again the anti-aircraft positions on the volcano, most of which were destroyed without further delay. Encountering token token resistance by the various patrol and slightly larger craft, the combat ships, lead by the frigate, the SMS _Scharnhorst_, soon dispatched the remainders of the Omega Navy. In all, 30 ships, of no class higher than corvette, were sunk in the confrontation. The Omega ships were operating at a considerable disadvantage, not being equipped with modern sonar or radar arrays, and were, at best, lightly armed. Next came the rather weak shore defenses in the harbor. Precision-guided explosives dropped by our stealth fighters in conjunction with several salvos of naval artillery successfully incapacitated the batteries, which comprised mostly rather small rocket launchers, but no fortified gun emplacements. Upon closer inspection of the wreckage, there were the beginnings of a more permanent installations. Under the cover of darkness, we immediately initiated operations for the prosecution of combined assault upon Omega Island. Previous to the naval assault, members of the Luftwaffe's 35th Airborne division parachuted into the capital city, with the intention of taking key communication centers and other strategically important sites, including the Capitol building. Among the airborne troops were several specialist troops contracted for this particular operation by one of our cavalry commanders. Due to the nature of their occupations, they have requested not being publicly identified. One thing I wish to mention here: I wish to dispell any rumors regarding a Wendigo running amuck on the island. The witnesses were in error when they identified the individual in question. This drop was executed with very little loss of life. Comparatively few Omega troops were present. These troops then moved to secure the ports and docking facilities, thereby ensuring a safe disembarking of our ground assault troops. That, however, is more in my distinguished colleague's field. Herr General? DONNERSTURM: Dankeschoen, Herr Admiral. With the successful and safe deployment of mechanized ground forces, composed of several units of the Totenkopf Division, we were prepared to sweep over the island to locate strong points. Besides the capital city, Omega Island is practically devoid of metropolitan areas. The native inhabitants primarily live in small rural villages. As the combined arms force of Panzers and mechanized infantry initiated their search, it was discovered that besides a small number of units, apparently charged with "stand or die" orders, the enemy forces were largely absent from the field. To their credit, those we did encounter fought with valor and fervor, but they were poorly supplied and their equipment was substandard. After several short battles we succeeding in securing the southern half of the island. It was soon concluded that General Delgado decided to withdraw with the majority of his already meager forced from the cities and coast, and then fortify a defensive perimeter on Mount Misery, to the northwest. The strategic soundness of this idea is not for me to question; however, I shall say that due to his deficiencies in terms of manpower, large tracts of the defensive line had comparatively few soldiers. In an enveloping maneuver, we orchestrated a feint frontal assault upon their stronger entrenched positions on the southeastern side of the volcano. A swift armored cavalry unit maneuvered along the shore around to the far side of the mountain. Where a lightning-quick assault managed to pierce the entrenched positions. Throughout the operation, the moral of the officers and troops beneath them was quite elevated. An incident which typifies this was the commander of the strike, previous to initiation of the operation recited Shakespeare's famous "We Band of Brothers" speech in Henry V. But then again, that particular Colonel possesses a predilection for sesquipedalian speech, in his own words. Driving through to the rear, it swept around the mountain face, dispersing the Omega Army before it. Within a short time, the cavalry was around on the southeastern face of the mountain, attacking Delgado's positions from behind. Had the onslaught come any more slowly, they might have considered surrender. This possibility aside, the officers apparently panicked. Lacking direction and experiencing pressure on all sides, all cohesion was lost, and they soon routed, and various mechanized pursuit units gathered up the fleeing troops. Throughout the entire operation, we experienced 13 casualties, all of them in the infantry. In some cases, they were endeavoring to protect civilians caught in the cross-fire. I shall take a moment now to answer questions. Reporter: Yes, General. What is your impression of the Omega Army? DONNERSTURM: They were very poorly equipped. They had shortages of weapons and ammunition, and precious few mechanized forces. That which they had was usually in substandard condition. However, do not misunderstand. The men themselves were trained, although not exceptional. To their credit, they fought with valor and determination. Herr Admiral? ZOLLIKOFER: The Omega Navy fell victim to the same shortages that afflicted their ground forces. The boats were extremely deficient of modern technological devices and were poorly armed. In view of the sorry state their logistics was in, it is apparent that when the old government decided to leave they acquired the majority of the military supplies. A rather unusual coincidence. Second Reporter: Do you mean to suggest that you don't believe the story of the coup d'etat? ZOLLIKOFER: I openly challenge the veracity of such a blatantly fabricated story. The old government merely decided to leave before undue pressure came upon them. These men are international fugitives, fleeing from responsibility for their barbarous actions. Now, the site of the massacre, Tirandor Square, is occupied by my troops and the forces under Herr Marcus. It has been suggested that a memorial shall be erected their in memory of those who perished. Third Reporter: What about the rebels? What allowances have been made for them? DONNERSTURM: Upon landing, the Admiral and I met with Herr Marcus and his lieutenants. We arranged the terms of what shall be a very short stay here. Herr Marcus has expressed wishes for an immediate election for new government officers. That is, of course, none of my government's concern, merely that following democratic elections, it is the Imperium's intention to formally recognize Omega Island--assuming they do not alter the name--as a sovereign state. First Reporter: What is your impression of Jacob Marcus? DONNERSTURM: As a man, he has proven himself to be very competent and compassionate to the desires of his people. He is a very effective leader. I expect that he shall be elected president, should he possess any such ambitions. Fourth Reporter: What about casualties for the Omega Army and Navy? DONNERSTURM: We do not have sufficient data to make any definitive statements in that regard. Our estimations run from approximately 50% all the way up to 70%. The balance of personnel are in the custody of the German forces, and we expect they shall be placed under the authority of the pro tempore government upon our departure. Realistically, the Omega Island Armed Forces have ceased to exist. ZOLLIKOFER: There are only 2 small craft remaining of their sea forces. The rest were sunk in the invasion, and the damage to them was such that there would be little merit in raising the boats with the exception of scrapping them for metal. Also, their Air Force, such as it was, has been totally destroyed. Jessica Farbane: What about General Delgado himself? Has he been captured? DONNERSTURM: He was captured by the rear-attacking cavalry force. Presently, he is within our custody being debriefed by members of our officers in Military Intelligence and agents of the Staat Schutz--State Security Ministry. Jessica Farbane: Has any useful information been revealed? DONNERSTURM: In the interests of security, we are not free to divulge any information as of yet. We do intent to ascertain what information he possesses in regards to the actions of his superiors as well as the legitimacy of this supposed coup. One fact I may tell you is that when he was captured, he was suffering from various injuries including severe laceratinos, contusions, and burns. According to his testimony, they were a result of a recent, and judging by his appearance, narrowly-escaped assassination attempt, the blame for which he attributed to his former superiors. Fifth Reporter: Admiral Zollikofer, you referred to the former rulers of this island as "international fugitives". What do you intend to do in regards to this? ZOLLIKOFER: We intend to hold them responsible for any criminal acts they may have committed. Should sufficient evidence be found, we intend to provide copies of all information accrued to Interpol and many nations' intelligence agencies. Now, if you shall excuse us, we have several administrative functions that we must attend to today. My apologies that we were unable to answer all of your questions, although you may decide to seek comment from representatives of the Imperium. Thank you. Jessica Farbane: Well, there you have it. The German land and sea force commanders give their description of the taking of Omega Island. I had the opportunity to question one of the U.N. observers of the operation and he expressed how pleased he was great pains were undertaken to avoid hurting the populace. It is expected that elections shall be held within the next few days, and most agree that Jacob Marcus, should he choose to run for the office of President, shall be easily elected. Once the new government is in power, the German forces are said to withdraw, their final act probably being extending diplomatic recognition of the new government. This is Jessica Farbane, reporting for International Network News, on Omega Island. ]<<<<< -- Doctor Doom <17:09:18/17-APR-54> ***** Encrypt: Riddle_wrapped_in_a_Mystery_inside_an_Enigma >>>>>[ My most sincere expressions of gratitude are extended to the various shadowrunners who joined in the air drop upon the capital city and the subsequent search-and-destroy operations for Omega patrols. This includes my history pupil, Legion, Bunker and their associates. And never to be forgetting my old and valued associate, Flare along with his T.I.C.s, who, despite the potential peril, seemed quite enthused at the idea of an assault upon parachuting behind enemy lines. ]<<<<< -- Doctor Doom <**:**:**/**-***-**>> >>>>>[ Good God, Doom...your "friends" didn't really give them a chance, did they? ]<<<<< -- Hangtime <17:10:07/04-17-54> >>>>>[ What would you prefer? Kid gloves? ]<<<<< -- Doctor Doom <17:10:13/17-APR-54> >>>>>[ Well, no... Still, it seemed sorta one-sided. ]<<<<< -- Hangtime <17:10:20/04-17-54> >>>>>[ Of course. When Quention, Trevor, and Tirandor withdrew, they did so with the majority of their elite forces and equipment.]<<<<< -- Doctor Doom <17:20:31/17-APR-54> >>>>>[ Doom's right about that one. The Big Three skipped the island before the heat got there. I just hope they don't get away with this. ]<<<<< -- Jack Hack <17:20:45/04-17-54> >>>>>[ Well, remember we've got Dark Elf & Co., Nightstalker & Crew, and all sorts of others all reeeeally interested in gettin' the fraggin' dragon and the other two. Maybe even we can get involved in this. Still, we can talk 'bout that later. Jaez, if you're out there, if someone's gonna call me by any single name, I prefer it to be Sonic, as opposed to Boom. Basically because that sounds too close to Doom, and I wouldn't want to get any personal communication screwed up. See you (and your music collection) at the wedding. ]<<<<< -- Sonic Boom <17:21:30/04-17-54> >>>>>[I'm sorry to be so late in responding, X2. My team and I were out on field maneuvers the past three days, and I'm a bit rattled. What a weekend! Tell you what, X2, I'll escort YOU to the wedding. :) Six Pack, shut up!]<<<<< -- Cat Dancing <19:52:21/04-25-54> >>>>>[I didn't say anything! (yet)]<<<<< -- Six Pack <19:57:08/04-25-54> ***** ENCRYPT.LENORE.1138 >>>>>[Ops, send the dropship up to Quebec. Six Pack has the necessary paperword. Tell the crew to wait for two days, then return if nothing happens.]<<<<< -- Cat Dancing <19:59:58/04-25-54> >>>>>[ Nexus - Ah would like to thank ya for inviting all us on ta the boat. Ah believe we all had a good. Buzz - thank ya for keeping me company on the boat and making it such an enjoyable weekend. Jaez - how is this thursday for when Nightstalker gets his "just rewards"?]<<<<< -- Circuit Breaker < yes everyone is invited, to the wedding > ***** Encrypt to Nightstalker >>>>>[ I believe she is more mad at the fact that I did it behind her back then the fact that she doesn't want her name let out. She is also rather depressed now that her best friend is "gettin hitched".]<<<<< -- Spirit < have fun with the ladies > >>>>>[ I would like to thank everyone who showed up to welcome me home. That list of people is NO ONE! Where are you people hiding? And Raven, your not that mad at me are you? ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker ***** Encrypt Circuit Breaker MPCP only >>>>>[ Dear Lady Trina, I ask that you would grace myself with your presense this Thursday evening. I was planning on having a tasteful lingere party and was hoping that you would attend. I was planning on inviting a small list of guest including yourself, Sheena, Jaez, Cerise, Highlander, and since she has show some interest Kichanski and Lister (can't invite just one). If you find these arrangements acceptable than please return my message. The evening was to entail tea, dinner, dessert and entertainment. If you would like to add anything to the events or anyone to the invitation list, than please yet me know. A thousand thanks, Jayce Wilson. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker >>>>>[ More things for your own personal Omega Island file. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <21:18:57/04-25-54> ***** Include File: General Trevor Press Conference >>>>>[ Reporter: General Trevor, where have you been for the last few days? Trevor: I have been aboard a UCAS Navy Submarine after being picked up by an Extraction Team. It seems that several members of the PLA decided that attacking a UCAS Ambassadorial Jet was a good idea. Three members known as Feral, Brightlight, and Nagami tried to kill myself and my passengers. Nagami, a dragon, violated International Law and attacked the jet forcing it down on an island 20 miles from Omega Island. When an extraction team tried to lift us off, Brightlight and Feral lead a group of PLA who attacked the Extraction Team. All information on the three has been turned over to Interpol, the CIA, and the FBI. Once captured they will be procecuted to the full extent of the Law. Reporter: Reports are that Mr. Quention and Dr. Fung were with you. Is that true? Trevor: Yes, they were. The pair had come to the Embassy seeking asylum from General Delgado's government. Seeing that they were escaping from armed troops, I saw fit to protect them. The troops attempted to force their way into the Embassy, so I feld the country and took them with me. Reporter: What do you have to say on the reports that you are being investigated for misconduct on Omega Island? Trevor: The reports are exaggerated. There will be standard Congressional Investigation on the rebellion, but there is no truth to reports that I am being investigated as a result of the PLA's dossier on myself, Quention, and Tirandor. All charges in that dossier against myself have already been investigated and found wanting of any proof. Reporter: What about the Dutch charges that UCAS military equipment was found at the remains of the Chemical Plant Mr. Quention is charged to have captured during the EuroWar? Trevor: First of all, UCAS military equipment is rather easy to obtain. Secondly this report of a captured Chemical Plant are laughable. Only someone with an overactive imagination could think of something like people holding anything in Europe this long without people knowing. Reporter: What do you think you will be doing now that you have returned from Omega Island? Trevor: Well seeing the anamosity the PLA has shown towards me, It will be impossible for me to continue my post as Ambassador to Omega Island. As to a future post, I have not been back long enough to consider that. I will however be taking several months vacation before I take whatever post I will. That will have to be all for now. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <21:19:27/04-25-54> >>>>>[ Hey, 'StalkerMon! great to see you're back among the living. Sorry nobody metchyu at the airport, mon. Just a minute--I'll be right over. ]<<<<< --Ralph (20:58:31/04-25-54) >>>>>[ Praise Coyote, that slob is out of my house and off to mooch off somebody else. Sorry, Nightstalker old chum, but better you than me, eh? ]<<<<< --Blindside (21:01:02/04-25-54) >>>>>[ Confirmation of foul play involved in the disappearance of Morbid Curiosity. Listen to this: INCLUDE: Entertainment Today, 04-24-54 TESS JOHNSON: ...and in other news, we spoke to Sony/Columbia Mega-producer Mikhail Yurevich about his latest project: MIKHAIL: The Seattle Citizens for a Free Omega Benefit Concert has been dubbed "the Musical/Historical event of the year" by Time E-magazine, and Sony/Columbia has recently acquired the rights to that concert from CFO. We've also signed many of the acts that were present for that benefit, including a nationwide tour for Seattle Grunge Revival band Trenchcoat Jesus. REPORTER: Continuing a long tradition of bands with 'Jesus' in their names, I guess. MIKHAIL: (chuckles) Correct. Unfortunately, We've hit a snag with Morbid Curiosity. REPORTER: The band that was playing during the Tirandor Square Massacre? (Clip of rally in Tirandor Square, Morbid Curiosity on large screen and loud speakers.) I'm sure that scene is stamped on everybody's minds these days. MIKHAIL: Yes, and you can imagine what it would mean to get them signed these days, as you say. Now listen to this: (Remarkably similar sound on Song-O-Mat) This appeared two days ago across the continent, and our analysts and recording engineers can find very little difference between This and Morbid Curiosity's unique 'sound.' Now I'm not making any accusations, but I think it's a little too convenient that the band members disappeared without a trace last week, just before this hit the market... ]<<<<< --Moonwalker (WannaBe/Startin'Something) >>>>>[ Sorry I haven't been around lately, but let me thank you, Sheena, once again, for the time we spent together. Your dancing is wonderful, as is your voice. You don't know what it means to be able to look someone in the eye while spinning them around the dance floor... ]<<<<< --Moonwalker (P.Y.T.) >>>>>[ There, you see! I told you our vertically-impaired, er, challenged friend was in full swoon. Please, Michael old bean, you of all people should know that size isn't what matters, no matter what these Americans say. ]<<<<< --Blindside (21:34:02/04-25-54) >>>>>[So, Sonic Boom, does that mean that no place hops like Sonic?]<<<<< -- Jaez <22:17:32/4-25-54> >>>>>[Sounds Good CB. Do you have any electronic gizmo detectors? I'll try to whip one up. Someone with a gadget fetish as strong as Highlander's is likely to rig some sort of recorder. This show ain't for posterity, boys; it's LIVE!]<<<<< -- Jaez <22:20:12/4-24-54> >>>>>[ Jaez: I'm shocked and horrified that you think we would record such an august occasion. To do so would be degrading to both ourselfs and to you lovely ladies. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <23:18:19/04-25-54> ***** Encrypt: Hightlander MPCP only >>>>>[ That does it! Jaez has impigned upon our honor as deckers. Highlander, it is your mission, should you accept it, to acquire small video recording devices that will be able to hide from any electronic gizmo detecter Jaez may be able to purchase or whip up. Once you have these items, contact me via a secure channel. It is time to teach Jaez to never second-guess our honor. I'm sure a full trideo account of the festivities will teach her. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker ***** Ecrypt: Orodruin's Black Cloud... >>>>>[ Herr Nightstalker, did I ever indicate that pursuit of these corporate devils would be a simple proposition? No. I said it involved convincing a international law enforcement agency, or possibly an intelligence organization of the validity of the information we have acquired regarding their activities. Also, as to General Trevor, "clean as can be" is quite an erroneous description of him. If any of the data accrued is an indication, the man is one of the worst breed of criminal: that which operates above the law. Also, I feel your description of the political repercussions of the removal of Trevor improbable. Oftentimes in such cases, an executive officer removes a rogue element in his government, it is often done all the while deploring the corrupt nature of said official, such that the administration distances itself from him. Tirandor may indeed be Draco Sapiens; however, a sentient mind, scaly skin, and fiery breath doth not a saint make. Despite appearances, economic activity does have rules and regulations regarding conduct, that is WHY there is a Zurich Court. If he is found in violation of business precepts, I imagine that the Court shall take a very dim view of those activities, even if they are "just business", which is an inadequate excuse. Also, if there is connection found between him and the criminal acts of his government, I believe the law shall come calling in that regard as well. Quention is a different case. Indeed, the man has proven himself quite adept at avoiding legal pressure. It is also true he probably has already formulated a contigency plan for this instance. Alternatively, the man has proven himself quite ego-centric and arrogant in the past, and as such, I find it quite unlikely that he would simply "run away". I would be quite surprised were we not to see him again. In terms of the Three in concert, hearken unto the fact that due to actions of the shadowrunners on this list, including yourself, that we, together, have successfully denied the Three what appeared to be quite a major undertaking, e.g., the space launching platform. Moreover, they have been driven from a very lucrative location, one where their business dealing could acquire the stamp of legitimacy only a government possesses. As to Germany's role in this, I believe you underestimate the resolve of my people, or for that matter, those who would have those responsible for the Tirandor Square Massacre or other atrocities brought to justice. Also, as to the prosecution of the members of the former Omega Island government, permit me to appraise you regarding events you yourself reported: There are hardly any members of the Omega government left, compliments of Quention and Trevor, I imagine. Their lifeless bodies were found in the Cabinet assembly room. Admittedly, the corpses could be sent to jail, but that would be rather pointless. The fact is that Quention, Tirandor, and Fung are the last remaining officers of that subversive administration, and as such there is precedent for pursuit. ]<<<<< -- Doctor Doom <**-**-**/**-***-**> >>>>>[ So, Tirandor's landed on top of the Yoshida Tech building--if we guess it's not just another illusion. I wonder what he wants?]<<<<< -- Hangtime <01:26:41/04-26-54> >>>>>[ Not easy to say. Maybe he's still sore about Yoshida out-maneuvering him in the MagnaTech deal last year. That might also mean he was responsible for the kidnaping. ]<<<<< -- Jack Hack <01:26:53/04-26-54> >>>>>[ Do you think he'll do to Yoshida what happened to MagnaTech?]<<<<< -- Sonic Boom <01:27:11/04-26-54> >>>>>[ I dunno. Dragons are so hard to understand sometimes. ]<<<<< -- Jack Hack <01:27:24/04-26-54> >>>>>[ Well, maybe a little surveillance would be in order. ]<<<<< -- Sonic Boom <01:27:42/04-26-54> ***** Encrpty Doctor Doom MPCP only >>>>>[ Doctor Doom: I would never assume catching corporate scum would be easy, but his bunch is especially oily. There is an International order to maintain, and Germany or another nation spend large amounts of time or energy searching for any three individuals would upset that order. They can lodge their complaints, but anything beyond that is not in the best interest of either country. General Trevor is a prime example of this. As an agent of the UCAS Government he has dodged mountains of charges. He has left a long trail of illegal acts, but instead of avoiding prosocution in these cases he has meet them head on and proven his "innocence" to them all. Anything that we as agents of the PLA bring to light will not be taken seriously since we are of a shadowy nature and he has already beat the charges we bring as supporting evidence. Also the continued support of the UCAS President makes him an invulerable target. Besides after the attack on the Ambassadorial Jet, the equivalent of attacking an Embassy itself, reduces the chances of any action being taken on our behave. Tirandor is a different case, not as much because he is a dragon, but because he is a businessman. Any sanctions of the Zurich Court will be monetary in nature. He will mearly huff, pay the fine, and go on with business. As for any actions taken as a member of the Omega Government, that will require proof and prosocution. These are things that high priced lawyers are for. This doesn't even take into consideration his absence at the time of the baser acitons taken by the Omega Military. Quention is of course a different case. Although both ego-centric and arrogant, he has not proven himself stupid. In the face of the last few months events, his disappearence for a few months would not be him "running away", but rather lying low while the heat is on. He could and probably would appear again to plague us all. Afterall for Dark Elf, you, and myself this is no longer business, it is personal. And yes, it does feel good to have ruined whatever plot the three were up to with their space launching platform. I doubt they will be up to anything of note for six monthes to a year from now. But as for losing Omega Island, which I'm sure hurt, I just assume they will go back to the low key "corporate" actions they have favored in the past. While I do not underestimate the resolve of you people, I have a healthy cynicism towards your government. The Germany government has proven itself to be hot-headed. This would indicate that they will pursue this with vigor for awhile and then drop it when something else comes along. Remember that easy to find scapegoats are better than impossible to find villians. Also remember that governments, yes even yours, like to take the easy way out. With Quention, Tirandor, and Fung as the last remaining officers of the former Omega government, it makes vigorous pursuit of the three almost useless. Another problem will be the rather inactive roles that Quention and Fung served in the Government. Fung, Secretary of the Interior I believe, was nothing but a place holder for Quention. Quention, Secretary of Commerence, was a diplomat. It will be hard to get people to believe they had an active role in the military actions of the Government. Getting them might be possible, but the smart money goes on them getting off. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <01:30:58/04-26-54> >>>>>[ Jaez I should hopefully be back in Seattle in a day or two. At the moment I'm afraid me and the rest of the team are keeping a certain LA street doc under house arrest until Marie gets better. When she does though we can dump Marie at the studios and try to flush out Kentucky once and for all. Meanwhile I've been going through Touchflower's camera logs and found some intresting tapes of Kentucky talking to Krull. They should be enough to prove to Touchflower that we had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Oh for any worried fans out there Marie is seems to be breathing easilier now. Shame we don't have a magician with a detox spell or else we could have been out of this shithole ages ago. Lister lemme know when the bachelors party is and so that I can arrange delivery of it to the party. I've upped the order to 10 slabs now so thats 200 cans. Do you think we'll need any more?]<<<<< -I.B.A. (**:**:**/**.**.**) >>>>>[Cat Dancing, Ah believe it would be mah honour to be escorted by you. If possible, Ah need to know what color to wear. You'll have to tell me what it was that made y'all so tired last weekend. If you're free, maybe we could have dinner this week and work out the details of how to get to the wedding.]<<<<< --Commander X2 <09:52:34 MST/ 4-26-54> >>>>>[My I'm impressed with Trevors intelligence machine, getting the name of the dragon that flamed his jet down, also getting mine and Bright's names. Nice work. Good fiction on the ambassadorial status of the jet, there were no markings visible to Nagami designating the craft as a UCAS ambassadors plane. Rising Storm, thanks for the info we'll check that fixer out, and we'll keep you in mind if/when we need matrix cover. Brightlight there is a tavern here called the Outback (how quaint) meet us there at 18:00 hours local. I think we'll get the dirt from Nagami then. Jester you should meet us there also. So until then.]<<<<< -- Feral <11:56:00/04-26-54> >>>>>[ Frag we've been found. LAPD has just drawn up outside with 2 armoured personnel carriers, Punisher's keeping their heads down for the moment. But, wait what's that.... Frag people landing on the roof.. Power says a chopper just appeared out of no where... Oh frag.. the drek is really coming down now, and Marie is still out.. Drek, there's firing in the next room.. Jacking out NOW ! ]<<<<< -I.B.A. (**:**:**/**.**.**) >>>>>[ What is this? I thought I'd check things out but I find a megalomaniac who thinks he's a comic book super villain, a bridal shower, and some runner wanna-be's who think they can punch Ares' ticket without getting punched back. And then there's the vampires. Look Morrison, don't know how to tell you this, but you are DEAD. D E A D dead as the doornail, guy. I don't care what the biologists say about HMHVV, to me the only good vampire is a dead one. Maybe I'll get to use that solar laser; stored sunlight is a bitch, ain't it?]<<<<< -Shadowknight (field to smal/field to smal) >>>>>[ Powerhouse: Drop me a line when you get a chance. I would like to know that one of my favorite guys is still on the face of the Earth. Hell, if any of you guys would speak up it would be comforting. Well, I'll be checking in periodically. You guys better not miss the wedding. Hmm.... who will I allow to escort me to that?]<<<<< -- Cerise <13:24:24/04-26-54> >>>>>[ Sorry about not getting in touch with you Nightstalker. We got held up for a while... Anyway, we made our timely departure shortly before the German army arrived to clean up the situation down in Omega. I've been keeping tabs on the concern that Moonwalker has shown about Morbid Curiosity, and I have an idea about what might have happened. They are an enigmatic techno/Hardcore band that is supposedly from New York. About two years ago they released a demo over the Matrix that became suprisingly popular. Various record companies recieved a flood of mail asking if they were going to sign Morbid Curiosity. At the start of the next year, the band showed up at sony/atlantic in New York and said that they were ready to record. Papers were signed for a one album deal, and on the same day the band recorded their first and only album "Under the Debris." As soon as they finished, the band disappeared, leaving only an account number to send royalties to. Sony/atlantic was apparently in the process of trying to contact them when the Omega Benefit concert was in planning. If they were true to form, they showed up and said "we're here for the concert" did their set then left. In the time between the release of "Under the Debris" and the Omega benefit, the only "live" appearance they made was in the matrix node known as Club Deck, where underground bands direct feed performances into the grid. It is likely that they'll reappear when they want to be released. It's been hell since I got back, my message buffers were full of job offers dated from the day I broke into the INN report from Omega. Napalm has been on the phone all day talking to his numerous "friends" about potential jobs. He came up with a theory about how the Intrepid survived the water elemental attack, and had one of his friends test in in a bathtub on a smaller scale. Basically, his conjuring adept friend set a toy boat afloat and had a water elemental sink it as trilobite described. The conjurer then had his air elemental engulf the toy as it went under, providing the toy with a pocket of air to both protect it and pop it back up to the surface. He thinks that my "decoy" theory is wrong, and that a greater form air elemental may have been used to save the Intrepid's bacon, but there's no way we can be sure. Keep watching the news, I think that Mr. Kelton will be having another interview with Jacob Marcus today. Enjoy. ]<<<<< -- Dark Elf <16:41:52/04-26-54> >>>>>[ Home again home again Jiggety Jig!!! Looks like we'll make it in time for the wedding! I hope Spirit and Crush like espresso machines! ]<<<<< -- OddBall <16:43:18/04-26-54> >>>>>[ Oh! This is directed to Mr. Yoshida. Would it be possible for us to obtain the MagnaTech food services toaster number 17, also known as the infamous "talky the toaster". I thought it would make a nice wedding gift for CRUSH, in addition to the other things we have in mind... ]<<<<< -- Dark Elf <16:51:40/04-26-54> >>>>>[ Too bad Tommy Harada decided to stay behind for a while. He said that he has to finish his responsibilities to Omega before he continues to hunt for his "father"... ]<<<<< -- Big Jake <16:52:55/04-26-54> >>>>>[You'd better be careful about how much you hunt vampires, friend. One of my really good chummers is a vamp and a doctor and a street samurai that can put the most heavily chromed sam to shame. And Morrison will shrug off any solar weapon that you can send his way. And even if you succeed in killing him, you would then have a LOT of really old, powerful, magical vampires to deal with. So as a matter of self preservation, I'd re-think your decision to kill Morrison and other vampires around this town, friend.]<<<<< Slash(17:32:05/04-26-54) >>>>>[ --- International News Net --- Omega Rebellion Hello, this is Rush Fielding again for News Net. The German armed forces have removed General Delgado's dictatorship from Omega Island. The memebers of the old government who did not flee the country have been found dead in the cabinet room, apparently killed on Delgado's orders. Delgado is now in German custody pending investigation. He will remain in German custody until an international court can hear the case and decide upon extradition. It is probable that he will be extradited to Omega Island for sentencing by the provisional government once elections are held. To wrap up the story, we have Rob Kelton, live from Omega Island. ROB: It has been a hectic three days for Omega Island. Since the German forces arrived to remove Delgado there has been a festive attitude throughout the country. The question is, what happens next for Omega Island? MARCUS: Well, we have set up a provisional government led by myself for the time being. In the next week we will be holding elections for more permanent positions, and are in the process of rewriting the constitution set up by the old government. For now, we have asked the German navy to maintain it's presence here until the electionas are held. The provisional government is comprised of myself and key officers of the PLA. We don't expect to be in power much longer. We have adopted the PLA as a national militia until electionas are held, at which time the PLA will disband and be incorporated into the mainstream army. ROB: You sound as if you don't expect to be elected... MARCUS: The job I set out to do is finished, the island is free of corporate servitude. I will not force myself on the people. I will not attempt to take permanent office unless the people demand it. ROB: What about the rumors that there is evidence that the old government staged Delgado's coup? MARCUS: Well, we find it suspicious that when they fled the country, they took all of the army's best people and equipment, leaving a force that had no chance of holding off the Germans. Other than that, we cannot know for sure until more evidence has been found. ROB: There is also the issue of the Shadowrunner that was apparently working with the PLA, the "Dark Elf"... MARCUS: He came to me and offerred his services. I have in my hands a contract between Dark Elf and the PLA. He has been paid for his services and is gone. Aside from that, he has only our thanks. ROB: Interesting, that contract is for the sum of one nuyen!!!! MARCUS: He felt that it was a fair price, he refused to accept more. ROB: Thank you Mr. Marcus. You have made quite an impression on the world, the best of luck to you in the future. This is Rob Kelton, signing off. ]<<<<< -- International News Net <17:46:38/04-26-54> >>>>>[Jaez, lassie, I'm hurt, wounded! "Gadget fetish" indeed! I don't know where you get these ideas....]<<<<< --Highlander (14:47:43/4-26-54) *****Encrypt Daystrom Nightstalker MPCP only >>>>>[Don't worry, laddie, I've got it covered. A bug sweeper won't pick up a camera if the camera isn't receiving power. I'll hook them up to a manual switch, and flick it on when the show starts. We'll show them what it means to insult our honor! Jaez, that is. If all else fails, I might look into having my cybereyes temporarily retooled with a video camera: I've got more than enough memory. You do realize that any recordings we get are going to have to be our own personal property: if we showed them to anyone else, it might get back to the women, who might...kill you. Me, I'd be out the window in a second. Grapple gun: never leave home without it!]<<<<< --Highlander (14:50:43/4-26-54) ***** Encrypt. Global. All Access care of The Ripper >>>>: Dr. Fung: Well, Well, Hello there "Doctor" Fung... Yes, it is I... Now, before you go and become all excited, I just want to say one thing... I havvve waited much to long for this... We will be meeting soon enough... Good Bye, and may you livvve a "long" life... :<<<< --D. <14:56:38><04/26/54> >>>>: Damn D., I know ya want this guy, but chill out. Ya are startin' ta freak me. I know that ya were pissed when ya finally tracked him down ta the island lab and all and he wasn't there, but really. Do ya hav' ta post threats now? :<<<< --Shade <15:04:42><04/26/54> >>>>>["Perfection never dies"? Remote (computer?) controlled android kidnappers? You don't think it could be....No! Never mind, I can feel the thwaps from here, and I haven't even sent this yet. There's no way it could be ...her? No, forget it!]<<<<< --Highlander (Ducking/for Cover) >>>>>[Morph, laddie, are you a shapeshifter? How on earth did you get onto this board? You seem fairly well versed in technology, for someone who doesn't know what a nuyen is (a unit of currency. Currency: a material item that has been given a value, which can be exchanged for goods or services). Dweeb: Jaez :>. Where are you from?]<<<<< --Highlander (15:04:43/4-26-54) >>>>>[Damn! I spend the weekend doing some serious work for a client, and I miss out on the boat ride with THE Nexus & co. I missed finding out what was in the box! Sigh. Ah, well, maybe next time. Good to see you're feeling better, Nexus. See you at the bachelor party.]<<<<< --Highlander (15:18:41/4-26-54) >>>>>[Whoops, sorry there, wrong timeline. Thought this was 2020 for a while there; those crazy idiots who think they're vampires sometimes leave when they see a nonbeliever is among them.]<<<<< -Shadowknight (field to smal/field to smal) >>>>>[Yeah, chummer, go ahead and back off. Convenient. So who the frack are you, anyway?]<<<<< -Zee <17:17:43/04-26-53> >>>>>[Name's Shadowknight. Yeah, it sounds pretentious, but I ain't no Runner. Suffice it to say I've got some abilities you ain't seen before. So what's going on this net anyway?]<<<<< -Shadowknight (field to smal/field to smal) >>>>>[ Hmmm. That's the second time you've called the Matrix a net, chummer. And you did relate to HMHVV in your first post, too. Makes me think you're just some weefle-runner too big for his britches. And we've had enough weefle-runners here.]<<<<< -Steel Stringer >>>>>[Okay, I'm actually a dimension-spanning superhero here to ensure you don't upset the dimensional balance. I fly around in a silver suit of armor and I could take out that entire German army with my silver-coated hands. Or I'm just a guy with some wierd terminology and a sudden understanding that Vampires are People Too. You take your pick; I'm signing off.]<<<<< -Shadowknight (field to smal/field to smal) >>>>>[Um, yah right chummer, whatever floats yer boat, as they say. Hey, guys, do a Trace on him; we've got another candidate for Mitsuhama's psychotherapy test program.]<<<<< -Zee <17:30:04/04-26-53> >>>>>[Silver suit, that's funny. Especially named Shadowknight.]<<<<< -Neil <17:30:18/04-26-53> >>>>>[Uh, hi. I just got online here; what's going on that I should know about? I see things about someone's wedding; whose? Who is Jaez and what music does she collect? Who is Nightstalker? Highlander? Anyone? ]<<<<< -uplink <*/*> >>>>>[Uplink: To use the words of an old flat; "Beuller. . . Beuller. . . Beuller. . . Beuller. . ."]<<<<< -Blinder <17:43:42 CST/04-26-54> >>>>>[ After that bit of foolishness with the knight, I thought Zee was right. But take a look at this file, folks; I just got it hot off the lines from the news reader. >Include: seattlenews.17221042653 Seattle, UCAS Just a few minutes ago, an unidentified flying object was seen flying over the skies of Seattle. Witnesses claimed the object looked small, and shone brightly in the sunlight. "Like a little glowing missile," one witness said. However, observers in the Space Needle reported that the object "looked like a man," and added, "it was silver, and the sun reflected off of it". At the Renraku arcology, witnesses saw the object fly overhead, then dip into the urban canyons at breathtaking speeds, producing a small sonic boom that caused no immediate damage. The object was reported to have flown about half a mile in a straight line, then suddenly pull upwards and zoom off into the atmosphere. Radar observers have yet to comment, and Lone Star police have also issued no comment. We will keep you informed. ---Josh Snow, API< Well, folks, you think what you want to think. Me, I'm a cowboy and that's all there is to it.]<<<<< -Steel Stringer >>>>>[ Heh heh. Looks like someone wants a complete dossier of all of us here. Hmmm. Well, the others can speak for themselves. I'm Harlequin. No, not THE HARLEQUIN. I don't do that magic schtick. I'm just an ordinary *scoff* decker/sam that's out here for a few kicks. T.C., don't even think it. Or you Styx, or you either Max. Sheesh. Someone ought to give them a humor chip. Or maybe *ouch* I need an extraction from my own home. Darn it Sabre, put down that katana.]<<<<< -Harlequin >>>>>[ Ferral? ****FZZZTT**** Can your reciev****FZZZTT** I' my transmissi**ion's bein**FZZTT** jammed. I'**"m **FZZTT** Intrepid. Can ****FZZZTT**** and get here? Rising Sun, ****FZZZTT**** my signal? Explosions near ****FZZZTT***]<<<<< --Moon D* --Link Terminated At Source-- >>>>>[ Hey, Harly, if ya need a pickup, I can give ya good rates.]<<<<< -Neil <17:48:37/04-26-54> >>>>>[ Go ahead Neil. Just remember not to shoot him full of holes like you do to us.]<<<<< -Zee <17:48:53/04-26-54> >>>>>[Hey! That was only once, and besides, Scrape shouldn't have wandered into my line of fire like that.]<<<<< -Neil <17:50:23/04-26-54> >>>>>[Neil, when you're firing a Vindicator, EVERYWHERE is your line of fire!]<<<<< -Zee <17:50:42/04-26-54> >>>>>[Ain't my fault if you guys can't get out of the way. Besides, now that I've got the Vindicator II, I can make sure you ain't around to complain about it next time.]<<<<< -Neil <17:52:01/04-26-54> >>>>>[Way to GO, Neil! Now everyone knows it was us who stole the damn thing! You might as well just shoot us now, Ares isn't gonna be that kind.]<<<<< -Zee <17:52:09/04-26-54> >>>>>[Oops.]<<<<< -Neil <17:55:01/04-26-54> >>>>>[ So that explains it...And here we thought they'd been 'extracted' by Song-O-Mat Inc. There's still the matter of the Omega Benefit album rights, but it looks like it's too late for this release; the chips are being shipped out even as I speak. They also have the option of suing Song-O-Mat over those stolen song clips; the legal precedents will back them up... I think we've got our wedding present taken care of; Blindside whipped up a fake storage depot for Ares in an abandoned warehouse down on the flats, and I redirected a shipment of brand-new miniguns (14 of them!) to it. Then we hauled them out and closed up shop; Kaneda took off with one of them and a 100-belt of explosive, muttering something about a lead enema for the razorboys...hope you'll be satisfied with a baker's dozen! ]<<<<< --Moonwalker (NotTooShabby/ForAnOldBritGit) >>>>>[ That's RazorHEADS, shortstuff. Not for long, tho'. heh heh heh... ]<<<<< --Kaneda (Speed_Lines/Are_Your_Friends) >>>>>[ Razorheads? Are these some kind of fanboys I haven't heard of? (American pop culture is _Terribly_ confusing.) ]<<<<< --Blindside (16:06:03/04-26-54) >>>>>[ They a Go-gang out of Redmond, mon. Sounds like Kaneda & his chummers are getting ready to rumble, hm? ]<<<<< --Ralph (16:09:13/04-26-54) >>>>>[Highlander, I am not a dweeb! Anyway, only guys can be dweebs. You'd better watch it or you'll be make sure you're a bridesmaid at the next wedding you attend :)]<<<<< -- Jaez <15:15:15/4-26-54> >>>>>[ Oh come on, I find it hard to believe, Dark Elf that they would have had an elamental of that size just floating round in case someone tried to sink their boat. I like the decoy theory and it seems more plausible than the air elemental one. ]<<<<< -- Jobby <11:14:25/04-27-54> ***** Encrypt: Highlander MPCP only >>>>>[ Excellent. Bring them over post-haste. I've got some decorations I picked up on Omega Island that we can use to hide them. As for the recordings, I agree. To let others see them would be most hazardous. Still the personal entertainment value will be great.]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <16:42:46/04-26-54> >>>>>[ uplink: Jaez is my best friend and she collects all types of music. Nightstalker is a unconsiderate decker. Highlander is a Scottish decker. Why do you ask? ]<<<<< -- Raven the Mage <16:49:19/04-26-54> >>>>>[ There you are Raven. Why won't you answer my phone calls? You can't be that mad at me. You took to good care of my place for that. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <16:50:31/04-26-54> >>>>>[ Raven? Are you out there? ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <17:21:22/04-26-54> >>>>>[After careful consultation with our lawyers and extensive interviews, we have agreed to extend corporate asylum to the dragon, Tirandor, president of Dragon's Den Industries. Under the U.N. laws regarding this action, any act against Yoshida Technologies or Tirandor can be considered an act of terrorism. A full statement will be forthcoming within the next 24 hours.]<<<<< -- Joseph Yoshida <18:46:11 / 04-26-54> President Yoshida Technologies >>>>>[Now, really Slash. I think that Morrisey, er Morrison there is a big boy, and quite capable of walking across the street. He might take offense at you wanting to hold his hand. Personally, I subscribe to Darkwatch's research. I have, in the course of business, come to deal with many races and faces. Vampires are not the worst, and our hours seem to coincide. However, any vampire, or vampire wanna-be, in the case of "friend" M., is not invulnerable by any right, and will live *much* longer by realizing that. (I still haven't found any proof to my satisfaction that the M-dude is more than a bioed mage who lost the path and got disowned. We all know what bioware can do to a fellow's mind. I'm not going to deal in that stuff until more of my customers can throw grenades without popping their spines out. Not to mention a friend of mine who thought that some extra grey matter would help him astrally, and ended up immolating himself.. . ) I know that there is no underground council of the ancients who are as all-powerful as you seem to think, "friend." I told you that vampires and I seem to hold the same hours, so just think of me as a barkeep for vamps. I hear more tales than you would ever want to know about. Tales that would turn your buddy green with envy, I suppose. The only council that exists, according to my friends, is one charged with the purpose of keeping the "good" vamps sheltered from those who might otherwise dispose of them. Anything else is proof of, and a concoction of, your "friend"'s delusions. Besides, I can hardly believe that, if vampires ever got together in an organized sense, they would share the information with ephemerals like us, or bozos like you. I'm fed up with this nonsense. Here's the access code for a reputable corporate shrink: {{Encryption Omega}}]<<<<< -Blinder <18:44:22 CST/04-26-54> >>>>>[We have managed to locate "Talky" and will be giving him as a gift from Yoshida Tech. to CRUSH and his new bride.]<<<<< -- Norman Yoshida <18:48:40 / 04-26-54> >>>>>[I'm Jaez. I'm a decker with the B-Team, working with Raven (Best Friend!) Whisper, Lucky, Eclipse, Blindside, and occasionally Highlander (sigh). I listento the Digital Banshees a lot, plus just about anything else, from Bach to the Tornado Lips. Who are you?]<<<<< -- Jaez <18:01:53/4-26-54> >>>>>[I am quite certain that Slash's intent was not to insult Morrison or to insinuate that vampires were indestructable. I think that he was trying to defend me, not that I needed it!!! Vampires are neither indestructable nor are they perfect or anything else. Vampirism is just like tech or magic; it is neither good nor evil but that its use makes it such. A vampire that hunts for the joy of the kill and the fear of his/her targets deserves death. A vampire that subsists off donated blood and voluntary subjects, like me, deserves the same chance of living a normal(as much as possible) life as anyone else. And I will take exception to anyone who disagrees with me. As far as Slash goes, his sense of honor sometimes leads him to "protect" those who neither need nor want his "protection." So lay off, K?]<<<<< Action Jackson(21:22:49/04-26-54) >>>>>[uplink: Actually, boyo, that's not quite the story, but since I haven't heard from you before, I don't expect that you would know the story. Doomie got his name the old fashioned way: his family stole it and gave it to him. He is Herr Doktor Doom because of the three degrees he received at the doctoral level. So, when you use the name Doktor Doom, spell it right, and use it with the respect it deserves. As for the vampires on the net; I agree- they are just a wee bit vocal for their safety. I know some people who still believe that the heart of a vampire, when dried and ground into drink, enables truly superhuman potency, not to mention the other organs that have great traffic to the left of the market. But I think you're treating Morrisson all wrong. He's not a vampire, just some bizarre pseudo-vampiric cultist with delusions of grandeur. I can get you a deal on that laser, if you want, but modern technology (not discounting magic) has better solutions: UV lasers do great things to vampires and humans alike. I have a group of customers who keep buying everything I can pick up in that area. Morrisson, does the name "Clement" mean anything to you?]<<<<< -Blinder <18:06:06 CST/04-26-54> >>>>>[Backstabbing Infidel!!!!!! How dare you reveal to the Demons of Darkness the faces of those who pursue Them!! We will see Their corpses fall to the dust before us, and we will dwell in the House of the Lord forever. Amen!! We shall pursue them until they are no more, until all men are truly free of the Devil's Curse, wrought in darkness upon the land. Imperium Deium Aeternum!]<<<<< -P. Clement <16:06:30 EST/04-26-54> >>>>>[I didn't. If he had any doubts, though, I think you have just managed to dispell them rather effectively. Hope you have a hidey-hole, 'cause I don't think that the Death Raiders are going to be really pleased with you now.]<<<<< -Blinder <18:06:45 CST/04-26-54> >>>>>[Well, in that case, do you think those lasers and the UV lights will be in by next Tuesday?]<<<<< -P. Clement <16:06:48 EST/04-26-54> >>>>>[Hmmmm. . . I don't know. . . It seems to me that they promised Friday, but I think I might be able to twist a few arms. It'll cost you, though.]<<<<< -Blinder <18:06:52 CST/04-26-54> >>>>>[ *sigh* It always does. I don't suppose you have a religious discount?]<<<<< -P. Clement <16:06:54 EST/04-26-54> >>>>>[You're assuming that I screen my customers, Clement. Besides, with all the nutcase cultists like Morrisson on the streets, who's to say what is a religion anyway? Regardless, I have no religion.]<<<<< -Blinder <18:07:10 CST/04-26-54> >>>>>[Null persp., X2. You know where we are, so come by tomorrow and pick me up. Say, 8-ish? As for last weekend...that's classified.]<<<<< -- Cat Dancing >>>>>[Why are all of your hairy bipedals so wrapped up in ownership of things?]<<<<< -- Morph <20:36:59 / 04-26-54> >>>>[ Mr. P. Clement: Excuse me sir, but I used to be in your line of work. You may have heard of the Delta Huntsmen? I would like to give you a little insight. If I may, Vampyres are not all what you may think they are. There are those, however, that choose to, shall we say, "be a little too vivatious." Do not get me wrong mind you, all Vampyres are not the same. You may want to keep this in mind. You also might want to remember that as a friend of mine might say, "you breath, and therefore, can die." Take this as you may. I only intend it as some helpful advice. ]<<<< -- Lace <19:45:07><04/26/54> >>>>[ Lacey hun mus' ya always be SO cooth? Listen here bub, ya ain't gonna do frag ta any of the guys, or gals for that matter, here. I swear, if I hear of ya paying a little visit ta any of those who have showd kindness ta me and tha uthers. Ya are gonna be meat. Might I add that D.B. don't leave traces. Hope ya listening. Cuz if ya ain't, I can turn up the volume. ]<<<< -- Shade <19:50:03><04/26/54> >>>>>[ Jaez: Could you talk to Raven for me. She's not giving me the time of day right now. You go off to help some friends win a revolution, fight off hordes or corporate and military goons, destroy a very nice computer systems, and when you come home one of your friends won't talk to you. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <20:02:38/04-26-54> >>>>>[ Morph: This ownership thing was started a several thousand years by people long dead. I guess it had something to do with survival. If you possess all the right tools you survive. As time got going, people started needing more and more to survive better than thier neighbors. Now we have people with enough money to feed small nations that horde it to themselves, just to be richer than their neighbor. Makes you wonder about us doesn't it. Still you have to admit, we have some pretty stuff to own. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <20:07:57/04-26-54> >>>>>[ Nightstalker: Since when have you been a philosipher? And who cares why we want to own things? Next thing you know we'll be trying to figure out the meaning of life. ]<<<<< -- Cerise <20:12:12/04-26-54> >>>>>[ That's live fast, party hard and leave a clean corpse. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <20:13:08/04-26-54> >>>>>[ Action Jackson: I've been meaning to ask you these questions for awhile and figured that now would be a good time. According to Paterson's Guide and every other study of vampires it is the ingestion of psychic energy taken when a vampire is consuming blood that sustains their life. If this is correct, how does donated blood asist in your survival. I have also noted that their have been no studies on whether psychic energy from sources other than Metahumanity would be sufficient to sustain a vampire. Lastly, given the large amount of cyberware you possess, I wonder how you are able to sustain a high enough level of essense to protect yourself from more power essense draining creatures. In case your wondering, my curiousity springs from my studies in Magic Theory and I wish to enlarge my knowledge to include extensive knowledge of Awakened Creatures, HMHVV victums, and Astral Beings. ]<<<<< -- Raven the Mage <20:24:55/04-26-54> ***** Encrypt Nightstalker Mpcp >>>>>[ Nightstalker - Ah guess Ah owe this to you. Since Ah believe that ya shall be a total gentleman during the showing, Ah shall be in attendence. Kichanski will be there and so will Lister (who is on strict orders ta behave himself). ]<<<<< -- Circuit Breaker < will behave more often > ***** Encrypt : From CB: Nightstalker MPCP only >>>>>[ Nightstalker - I will also be in attendance on thursday. Also please make sure there is milk for Kichanski's tea and Beer (don't ask) for Lister's. If you need any music chips, just send a line]<<<<< -- Sheena <23:45:05/04-26-54> ***** Encrypt: Circuit Breaker & Sheena MPCPs only >>>>>[ Beer!?!?!?!?! Your right. I don't want to know. I would also like to thank both you ladies for accepting my invitation. Hold on a little and I'll have a formal invite for everyone. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <21:03:44.04-26-54> >>>>>[As far as the psychic energy that feeds me, you are right. I have to take it from a (meta)human source, in my case a source that gives it to me freely. I refuse to kill someone like this unless I feel that they are mentally strong enought to handle the transition to vampirism, and even then it is really tough and I don't do it often. But even vampires need normal food from time to time. As the vampires I know can't consume anything besides blood, and in my case anything else makes me retch, especially alcohol, so normal day to day energy and cellular regeneration has to come from the blood I purchase from the blood bank. As far as other sources of psychic energy, I can drain from other vampires, nosveratu, wendigo, goblins, dzoo-na-qua, banshees, etc. As a matter of fact, they are generally my targets, especially wendigo and banshees. Their energies "taste" really bad, but they are much more of a danger than most of the vampires I know and nowbody seems to complain if I drain a life-sucker to keep myself alive, especially if it just happened to be a mass-murderer or something similar. As for cyberware and stuff, most of my modifications are actually top-of-the line bioware, cultured or better. This means that it is cloned off my own tissues and augments me without putting anything in me that my body dislikes. And after a short period of re-adjustment, my body accepts it like anything that belongs in me, so my bioware literally becomes a part of me. And my cyber is just a little problem. Mine is so high-tech that it was custom done to suit my unique physiology and needs. Tailored cyber reduces the cost and problems associated with cyber, and my body adjusts to it as well, after about a month or two of my having to concentrate 24 hours a day so that my body doesn't reject it. And there are drugs out there(forgive me if I don't say where) that can literally keep a vampire or similar being from regenerating for a short period of time, generally just long enough so that the HMHVV carrier is totally brain dead and un-raisable. So that's how I survive. Hope that answered some questions. If not, just ask away.]<<<<< Action Jackson(00:03:35/04-27-54) ***** Encrypt Jaez MPCP only >>>>>[ Jaez - after reading your post and the subsequent ones from Nighstalker and Highlander after words - Ah have the feeling that something strange is going on because Ah also noticed some "noise" during their posting which Ah believe ta be encrypts. Ah will be checking it out tomorrow - Ah don't think it will take very long ta break the stuff. Nightstalker is a damn good decker, but Highlander is still a techie - though getting much better.]<<<<< -- Circuit Breaker ***** Encrypt: Circuit Breaker, Sheena, Jaez, Cerise, Kichanski MPCPs only >>>>>[ Good evening fair ladies. I would be honored of each of you would come to my apartment this Thursday evening for a small private party. The night is to entail, tea, dinner, desert, and entertainment. I thank you for offering to provide the evening's entertainment. Please remember to bring the items to be displayed along with a robe for your convinience. The proceedings will start at 6:00 PM with dinner at about 6:30 and enterainment at about 8:00. I would also like to thank you each in advance for you individual contributions: Circuit Breaker for the finest southern bell to ever grace my apartment or any corner of the matrix. Sheena for her music and sheer stage presense. Jaez for being the one and only Debutantte Decker. Cerise for her sense of humor and Elven beauty. And Kickanski for being the most beautiful rigger technician I have met. See you all this Thursday. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <21:19:15/04-26-54> ***** Encrypt: Highlander & Lister MPCPs only >>>>>[ Gentleman, I would like to extend to you the distinct honor of being invited to the Nightstalker "Welcome back from Omega" Lingerie Party. We will be beginning at 6:00 PM with tea. At 6:30 we will have dinner followed by desert. At 8:00 PM the "Entertainment" will begin! I expect you both to be on your best behavior. Not catcalls, whistles, blushing, or bleching will be allowed! Lest you think I cannot enforce this, remember that we will be outnumbered three to five. See you this Thursday. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <21:24:21/04-26-54> *****ENCRYPT Circuit Breaker MPCP Message in a Bottle 6.9 >>>>>[Hey, Circuit Breaker, what if we let Raven vent her frustrations by helping us! She could assense or use a spell or some weird mage-thing to make sure the boys aren't planning some nefarious scheme. It'll also let her get back at Nightstalker.]<<<<< --Jaez <22:15:32/4-26-54> >>>>>[Hey, Raven, we need to go shopping. I have to pick out some clothes for a party I just got invited to.]<<<<< -- Jaez <22:15:34/4-26-54> >>>>>[Remember what Harlequin said. Just shrug it off! Why must you take these idiots seriously?]<<<<< -Ariel >>>>>[Oh, shove your fragging sarcasm for once! I have to deal with them, before they get any funny ideas about the team. If any drek-faced 'vampire hunters' want a piece of me, then come on. And if you can't find me it's painfully obvious that you aren't good enough. And as for Blinder just take off the stupid blinders for once. If you really think I'm just some stressed out mage I can give you a number or two, and you can chat with a few fixers and mechanics I know who can attest to my former state as a mundane. And I am certainly not a mage, I am on Snake's path! And if you don't trust them, talk to Action sometime; he's seen me and my girl, and knows what we both are. We're not cult members, or victims of poor bioware, or whatever your fried brain has thought up. Oh, and Slash, thanks for sticking up for me; I'd be pleased to count you as a friend, especially the way this node is exploding with riffraff again.]<<<<< -Morrison >>>>>[Hey, we're back in town! We headed straight to Bunker's bunker in Redmond and crashed. We needed the rest after the slow-boat ride in from Portugal. Man, that was the MOST out-of-the-way return route I've ever taken! I think I'll stay here in Seattle for awhile. Nitro wants to settle down, and after hearing about CRUSH and Spirit (congrats, BTW) she has this big urge to be a parent. (Egad!)]<<<<< -- Legion <02:48:12 / 04-27-54> >>>>>[I'm telling you, you two make the perfect couple! Fire and Ice.]<<<<< -- Chains <02:50:22 / 04-27-54> *****Encrypt PBJ stain to Cooper >>>>>[Cooper: So you're ex-FBI, neh? Prophet and I spent some quality time in the Texas Rangers, and we'd like to have a sit-down. Interested? You bring the Pizza, we've got plenty of nice cool Hefeweissen straight from the Vaterland. Meet us in Redmond at grid AE652904. We're holed up in Bunker's bunker til we find some bigger digs. 1500hrs if you'd like. See if Jaez wants to come, Nitro wants to meet her. Later!]<<<<< -- Legion <02:57:58 / 04-27-54> >>>>>[ Eh .. Hi, You may have seen me around before, I'm an old pal of Powerhouse when he used to live in England. Anyway he was supposed to contact me about certain shipments but I can get no answer from his wrist- phone and he hasn't been reading his mail. I know he's had trouble in LA but has anyone heard anything ?]<<<<< -Chippper (Worried ...) >>>>>[Moon Dancer, reply. We couldn't lock on to your signal the interferance was too great. Send an astral signal if you can, Nagami and Jester will look out for one.]<<<<< -- Feral <07:22:40/04-27-54> >>>>>[Feral, we must get to business. I hate to be callus, but the danger that Tirandor has awakened demands attention. We can give this search little time. I can feel tremors in the astral from the Oldest One.]<<<<< -- Nagami <07:30:45/04-27-54> >>>>>[So let me see if i have the correct. Bipecal culture is based solely on ownership of objects? This ownership gives those who own power over those who do not? So the basis of bipedalism is power? How fundamentally wrong. No wonder you are killing the world.]<<<<< -- Morph <9:20:10 / 04-27-54> >>>>>[ Hi, to follow up my last message I was wondering if any of you American runners are in LA and wether or not you can get some info on the whereabouts of Powerhouse and friends. This really isn't like him to miss contact times. He is usually very punctual. ]<<<<< -Chipper (over n out) >>>>>[ Hey I.B.A. - I have no idea when the bachelors party is. No one has voluntiered to hold it yet!!! I realy don't have a place since all of us basically live at Sheena's at the moment, We are her 'body guards' and 'technical assistants' and 'chaffeurs'. Of course, as such we are allowed to have less than legal hardware legally. I do believe that ten and 200 will suffice for our needs.]<<<<< -- Lister <12:26:14/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Australian News Network---- The scene today is that of devestation here in the peaceful countryside of New Zealand. Late yesterday, a warship reported to be from Omega Island opened fire without provocation upon the quiet town of New Bristol. The valliant defenders of the town responded quickly by firing an Anti- Ship missile, which the Government of New Zealand denies having stationed a missile battery in the town. Eye-witness reports that the missle, after detonating on the ship, had little or no effect on the devestating firepower hitting the town. Unsubstantiated reports of `fire beings' and a tornado hint at the use of magic during the conflict. A town originally of 15,000 people is reduced to an estimated 12,000 with 3,000 left homeless. Property damage is estimated to be in the hundreds of million New Yen. The government is demanding UN sanction for reprisal and has activated the treaty with Australia and New Guinea. Ambasadors from those nations and represenatives from UCAS and Germany are meeting today at 4:00pm. With a country mobilizing, the citizens take time to mourn the tragic loss of life and praise the courage of the defenders of New Bristol. This is Chris Walter, from New Bristol.]<<<<< --ANN Chris Walter <07:06:46 / 4-27-54> *****Encrypt Jaez mpcp only >>>>>[ Jaez, Ah was not very successful on un-encrypting Nightstalkers messages ta Highlander. What Ah did find out is that he is angry about your afront ta his honor and a part about "time ta teach Jaez". All thee rest was unrecoverable. Shows that ya should get ta sleep earlier instead of staying up ta watch the trid until the early morning hours. Ah do believe having Raven help would be wise. Ah really don't like dragging Kichanski inta this, but she would be the best to create a gizmo to help us. Remember that we already have the 'clothes' from Nightstalker that we are ta wear. Though Ah believe going out ta buy more and charging it ta him would be fun.]<<<<< -- Circuit Breaker < have fun girl > ***** Encrypt Nighstalker MPCP >>>>>[ Thank you Nighstalker for inviting me to your welcoming home party. Welcome back to wonderful rainy Seattle. I am sorry that I wasn't there to help pick you up at the airport, buy I didn't know you were returning then. I shall endevor to behave myself at the party, otherwise Kichanski will have my hide.]<<<<< -- Lister <15:50:50/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Chipper: I'm in Seattle, but I'm worried about Powerhouse too. After that last message of I.B.A.'s I'm afraid the cops might have got them. Why don't you go slam the L.A. Police system and see what they have to say? ]<<<<< -- Cerise <13:14:14/04-27-54> ***** Encrypt (Thanks to Jaez): Nightstalker & Highlander MPCPs only >>>>>[ Thank you, Nightstalker. "Cerise for her sense of humor and elven beauty." Keep it up and I'll have to add you to my list of guy friends. I will truely enjoy Thursday evening. See you then ;)]<<<<< -- Cerise <13:21:21/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Tell us something we don't know, Morph. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <13:24:08/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Asylum????? I don't want to know about it, I think I'll just accept this as one of those things.... I really think that Zurich-Orbital will have a hard time proving that Tirandor had anything to do with the massacre, since he was nowhere near the island at the time and there is evidence pointing elsewhere. He may not be a Quention but his lawyers can probably get him off as long as there is no proof that he was using his status as a member of a government to further his business ventures. I honestly think that they might all get away, unless... ...hmmm, I think I remember something I discovered when I researched Tommy Harada's origins. It would seems that the three tried to sell their Alpha Omega project to the military, but then decided to sell to the Yakuza. What the Yakuza got was Tommy Harada, VatJob extrordinaire, who later defaulted on his employment with the Yakuza. It is possible that the Yakuza are upset about losing their best operative, one who was probably guaranteed loyal...]<<<<< -- Dark Elf <14:17:40/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Well now pardners! Looks like there's another gunslinger on the board! Well Steel Stringer, Ah'm the Cowboy, plain and simple. Ah'm the last of the Texas lawmen, turned to the shadows. Ah'm in New York right now, so if ya wanna talk 'bout the grand ol' west (the only place ah really call home) ah'll be ready ta oblige ya pardner!]<<<<< -- Cowboy <14:20:23/04-27-54> >>>>>[ I assure you that I never said that the air elemental was how the Intrepid survived the attack, I said it was a possibility. As for the fact that certain people think that it is unusual for a ship to have a greater form on hand...well I guess you've never seen the Intrepid astrally... ]<<<<< -- Napalm <14:23:07/04-27-54> >>>>>[ We can't just sit here while Tirandor is roaming freely around the Yoshida Tech building! We've got to do something! I know you guys consider Yoshida a friend, but he's protecting the enemy! Perhaps it's time you reconsidered your relationship with Yoshida! ]<<<<< -- Kat <14:25:15/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Kat, it sounds like you've got a personal vendetta against your former boss. If Yoshida has granted Tirandor asylum, he had a reason to do so. We owe him the benefit of the doubt on this one, even if we don't like it. You've seemed to be less and less interested in our mission once you found out that Tirandor left Omega Island. Do you really want to be a part of this team, or do you want to go chase a dragon! Make up your mind already! ]<<<<< -- Big Jake <14:31:16/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Jake has a point. Just where do your loyalties lie. ]<<<<< -- Dark Elf <14:31:55/04-27-54> >>>>>[ You have no right to treat me like this!!!! You would never have gotten onto that godforsaken island without my help!!! I've done so much for you and you still question me!!! I can't believe that you're doing the same DE, especially after what we had... ]<<<<< -- Kat <14:34:39/04-27-54> >>>>>[ I knew we shouldn't have trusted her! Once a corper, always a corper! I bet she just tagged along to try to get revenge on the big scaly guy! She's slime DE! It's about time you saw that! ]<<<<< -- OddBall <14:36:13/04-27-54> >>>>>[ No! You can't do this! You can't put me on the spot like this! ]<<<<< -- Kat <14:36:50/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Kat, it's time we sat down and had a long talk, a talk that is long overdue. Tell me what you think about dragons...]<<<<< -- Dark Elf <14:38:09/04-27-54> >>>>>[Cat Dancing, Ah'd be delighted to pick you up at eight. Ah know this marvelous Japanese resturaunt just this side of Golden. Ah've arranged for a limosine, Ah hope you don't mind.]<<<<< --Commander X2 <15:34:06 MST/ 4-27-54> >>>>>[Does anybody know how to cheer up a moping human? Slash is really down, and even Roxey has called off Max to give him some peace. Maybe its because he's having problems with a challenge Gates made, via snail-mail no less! But he is really bummed...]<<<<< Diana(18:19:25/04-27-54) >>>>>[And no 'try, you know... nudge-nudge-wink-wink-say-no-more?' either. I already tried that. It didn't work.]<<<<< Diana(18:21:57/04-27-54) >>>>>[Diana, put on some old Loony Toons. That will cheer up anybody.]<<<<< -- Ramirez <> >>>>>[Cat has a DATE?! HA HA HA HA H<<<<< MPCP CORRUPT<<<<<< LINK TERMINATED---- >>>>>[ BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Cat's got a date! *snicker* Well. *snort* This should be fun to watch. Naw, I got things to do, places to go. *chortle* Hope he's got a scratching post!]<<<<< -Harlequin >>>>>[ Oh, by the way, to those who offered to extract me from my own home, it was a pleasant thought. But I'll take my chances with the women here. My sister is just sulking. T.C.'s giving Styx and Lucinda fits with her spells. And Masque, well, he's out with BodyCount. Oh, G.G.? TELL GOSSYMER TO STOP HOUNDING ME. Your override works too well. shut it off!]<<<<< -Harlequin **** Sir, a Mr. Megabyte is looking for you. Please follow me. Sir? Sir? Harlequin, G.G. is expecting you.**** -- Gossymer >>>>>[Blinder - I do believe you've mixed me up with that Shadowknight jerk. I don't have any grudge against vampires, as long as they leave me alone, I like my sunrises too much to give them up. As for that UV laser, I can get them cheap; we're currently upgrading UCAS central's overland communications and all their UV's are coming straight to me for resale. Now, retuning lasers from communication wavelength to milspec wavelength isn't easy, but I've been doing this sort of thing ever since they started using UV lasers for overland commo. What I'm interested in is Prof. Kirmann's research on X-ray lasers; these can frack up your day severely! You need shielded armor to beat one of these things; too bad they're only used for medical purposes right now. *sigh* Besides, the damn things are too big to be used for offensive purposes; but they'll make commo through space a bit easier. That research is due 2055, though.]<<<<< -uplink <19:06:54/04-27-54> >>>>>[Jaez - my name is uplink, no capital letters please. I'm kinda new to the matrix, and I'm sorry if this is slow, but I don't jack, I turtle. I've been a communications specialist since my twelfth birthday and I presently work freelance in the UCAS. My company, Ear_to_Ear, is based out of Washington, D.C., UCAS. My biggest client is the UCAS itself, but I also supply most big-name security companies with their large-scale communication needs. I listen to "classic" rock-and-roll; my collection of Presley has just been completed and I've got a bid on the last Robert Plant original recording, to complete my Led Zeppelin collection. Currently I'm not a Shadowrunner as my job keeps me safe and secure and well supplied with dollars. If you're ever in Washington look me up; I'd be fascinated to hear from someone like you.]<<<<< -uplink <19:13:09/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Well folks, looks like things are cooling down around here so I found some time to chat. Cowboy, I'm not new to the matrix but I been so busy lately I ain't had time to cool my heels. Any time you want to talk about things under the western skies, just give me a holler. Nightstalker, if'n you need someplace to hold a bachelors' party, I can hold it; all those gentlemen interested call me at LTG# 6754-2563 and leave a message for Steel Stringer. I can promise good music and great food and I even know a few cowgirls ready to show our groom-to-be a good time on his last free night.]<<<<< -Steel Stringer >>>>>[ Sounds like fun. I'll be there.]<<<<<< -Slammer <19:21:00/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Count me in, too. ]<<<<< -Coyote Bob <19:21:04/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Hey, Steelie, where you gonna hold this get-together? ]<<<<< -Zee <19:21:10/04-27-54> >>>>>[ My brother owns a place downtown, he'll let me have it for a night no questions asked.]<<<<< -Steel Stringer >>>>>[ What about other cowgirls who want in on the action? ]<<<<< -Dirty Angel <00:00:00/00-00-00> >>>>>[ Hope you're able to take trolls, honey. ]<<<<< -Slammer <19:22:01/04-27-54> >>>>>[ You're gonna have to be bigger than a troll to beat me, Slammer.]<<<<< -Dirty Angel <00:00:00/xx-xx-xx> >>>>>[ I wasn't talking about fighting, honey, or you that deep?]<<<<< -Slammer <19:22:56/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Where do you think I got the name Dirty Angel from? ]<<<<< -Dirty Angel <--:--:--/xx-xx-xx> >>>>>[ About two inches away. ]<<<<< -Zee <19:23:12/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Huh? ]<<<<< -Dirty Angel <19:23:--/xx-xx-xx> >>>>>[ If you want in on the action, DA, I just hope you ain't shy in real life. ]<<<<< -Steel Stringer >>>>>[ Nope, the opposite. I go both ways, too. ]<<<<< -Dirty Angel >>>>>[ Good. When you see me, go the other way. ]<<<<< -Zee <19:24:23/04-27-54> ***** ENCRYPT DIANA MPCP ONLY >>>>>[ You may have tried "nudge-nugde-wink-wink-say-no-more", but have you tried a blowjob? I find that always works wonders on men. At least part of him is up! ]<<<<< -Dirty Angel ***** ENCRYPT BREAK BY FOREIGN HOST >>>>>[Angel, you slut.]<<<<< -The All-Seeing Eye >>>>>[ Chipper, I've just checked the LAPD database and there's no mention of your friends. Keep trying; there might be some other problem.]<<<<< -- uplink <19:49:30/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Just went in and checked the LAPD system, huh? ]<<<<< -- Zee <19:50:02/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Well, when you work for UCAS Federal Bureau of Investigation, you tend to get a pretty good security clearance. I have a password link to virtually any police network in the UCAS.]<<<<< -- uplink >>>>>[ Hey, I to believe we have a taker!!!! Steel Stringer, I would like to thank you for volunteiring the place for the bachelor party. I do believe it will be as good as place as any to send the poor CRUSH off to his doom.]<<<<< -- Lister <23:13:28/04-27-54> >>>>>[ CRUSH not poor, CRUSH got what CRUSH want. Cooper sent CRUSH lots of nice donots at engagment party, so CRUSH not go hungry. CRUSH also got to have fun ride on boat with friend Nex on weekend. Nightfox, CRUSH is really sorry for knocking you in water. CRUSH just got dancing so much CRUSH not see Nightfox.]<<<<< -- CRUSH <23:16:14/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Waaaaaaaalll, thank you there Lister, I'm just happy to be of some service. Tell ya what boys and girls, I've got the hall, the tunes'll be provided by a local rocker group (anyone heard of Steel Pigeon Returns?), and I'm all set for catering; a buddy of mine down at the Big Rhino's coming so all you Orks and Trolls can get yer faves too. Sorry I don't have elf cuisine but I'm workin' on it. Just send me a list of all who's comin' and I'll get ya down.]<<<<< -- Steel Stringer >>>>>[ Would that buddy of yers be Allan? ]<<<<< -- Neil <23:13:45/04-27-54> >>>>>[Reckon so, pard.]<<<<< -- Steel Stringer >>>>>[ BET! I'll bring the chips, Stringer! ]<<<<< -- Neil <23:15:21/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Just don't bring the heavy weapons, Neil.]<<<<< -- Zee <23:16:24/04-27-54> >>>>>[Hey, Stringer, what about me and my appetites?]<<<<< -- Dirty Angel >>>>>[ That reminds me. If any women (BESIDES the Bride) want to come along, you're welcome, but make sure you ain't bashful and be ready for a wild evenin'.]<<<<< -- Steel Stringer >>>>>[I'm always ready, willing and able, darlin'.]<<<<< -- Dirty Angel >>>>>[As most of the male adolescent population of Seattle can attest to.]<<<<< -- Zero <23:21:14/04-27-54> >>>>>[Yeah, Angel does go for 'em young, doesn't she?]<<<<< -- Coyote Bob <23:24:17/04-27-54> >>>>>[She goes for 'em if they're young, if they're old, if they're still breathing an some days she ain't that particular.]<<<<< -- Zero >>>>>[Sounds like she'll be loads of fun. Everyone make sure to get your shots.]<<<<< -- Steel Stringer >>>>>[HEY! I'm clean!]<<<<< -- Dirty Angel >>>>>[Whatever you say, hon.]<<<<< -- Zero <23:27:18/04-27-54> >>>>>[ Uplink, you geek, I hope you don't think that you are a decker by any means. I mean, a decker freind of mine, he says that the first rule of shadowrunning is: If you have to ask for the information, you aren't a real decker. ]<<<<< -CoHort <00:43:25/04-28-54> >>>>>[ Oh, by the way, anyone seeking a comfy ride (in style) to the wedding, let me know. If I don't have the room for you all in my one vehicle, I know of several others, complete with drivers, that will be available for this engagement. ]<<<<< -CoHort <00:46:53/04-28-54> >>>>>[ And, Morrison, don't say it. ]<<<<< -CoHort <00:47:25/04-28-54> >>>>>[Hey CoHort, mind if my group places bets on you knowing a mage friend who is by definition better than any I've known?]<<<<< -Morrison >>>>>[Well Moon Dancer you sure know how to make an entrance. I do wonder why the Intrepid is here, I was certain Tirandor was the only one involved in the summoning ritual. We have found a guide and now we strike inland, Nagami thinks the process has begun and that we need to hurry so it doesn't finish. Its curious that Tirandor is back in Seattle, at least thats one less target to track.]<<<<< -- Feral <07:26:15/04-28-54> >>>>>[Hey Feral, what's that on your collar?]<<<<< -- Jester <07:27:50/04-28-54> >>>>>[Huh? Where? *Ouch* Jester! Where did you get that pie? Yuck that feels nasty, hmmm it does taste good though.]<<<<< -- Feral <07:29:30/04-28-54> >>>>>[Moon Dancer! Look up. Here's your apple pie, in your face!]<<<<< -- Jester <07:31:45/04-28-54> ***** ENCRYPT.LENORE.1138 >>>>>[Ops to Denver, the dropship is back from Quebec, complete with cargo. How did you know? It'll be a few days afore our friend is up and about, though. Enjoy yourself tonight, Cat. You're long overdue.]<<<<< -- Duster <08:51:28/04-28-54> >>>>>[@#$&*! This is BUISNESS, you twits! Jeez!]<<<<< -- Cat Dancing <08:54:30/04-28-54> >>>>>[Methinks the lady doth protes<<<<>>>>[Stop pullin' the damn plug<<<<>>>>[ Feral, sorry about the other night. After what Brightlight had told me, as soon as I saw that it was the Intrepid I had Punjabi shoot the missile. I was hoping to use it on the Dragon, but the Intrepid's fine by me. I just wish it did more than blow out that room with all of the windows on the top. Rising Sun, I'd like to thank you for your assistance with the jamming. I'm in your debt. Jester, where did you get the pie? It's fantastic.]<<<<< --Moon Dancer <10:06:29 MST/ 4-28-54> >>>>>[ Oh, by the way, The idea of Looney Tunes should work to cheer up anybody (espically Commander X2- that's where he got his name from. You don't want to know how much he paid to get his Icon to look like the martian)]<<<<< --Moon Dancer <10:08:56 MST/ 4-28-54> >>>>>[ Greetings again, and thank you kind Cerise for being so concerned about my situtaion. And you too Chipper, but I need you to do a job for me later. As IBA is currently out of action, more on that later though. For now I'd like you all to meet someone. Whats more she even has a datajack so she's probably better at this than I am. ]<<<<< -The Powerhouse (16:15:13/28.4.54) >>>>>[ Ahmm, hello ! .... Isn't running a board like this illegal.]<<<<< -Marie (16:18:59/4.28.54) >>>>>[ Well not exactly. But the authorities don't exactly approve either, you see this board provides dissemination of information which corporate and govermental bodies have no control over. Which in this age where information and access to such information is power, such boards as this can be used to undermine corporations and even goverments as we have seen recently with the DDI-Omega dispute.]<<<<< -The Powerhouse (16:23:15/28.4.54) >>>>>[ What Omega dispute ? ]<<<<< -Marie (16:24:39/4.28.54) >>>>>[ Don't worry, there'll be time for you to catch up on the news later, at the moment we have to decide what to do about you and probably make some headlines ourselves. ]<<<<< -The Powerhouse (16:26:29/28.4.54) >>>>>[ Well I'm not going back to the studios till that Kentucky has gone. I'd never have believed your story if it wasn't for the video evidence your dead, sorry, he's not dead is he, just comatose, decker friend got from the studios. Uooh hh .. I hhj don't hj ...j jk ..k **** LINK TERMINTED >>>>>[ Sorry about that whatever Krull and his goons injected into Marie is taking along time to wear off. She's just collapsed again, Polish is busy taking care of her at the moment. I think he's taken quite a shine to her, but then she is a top simsense star after all, and has the looks to go with such a job. Anway, this gives me a chance to fill you in on what happened at the chop shop we had been hiding out at. I just dragged I.B.A.'s last post from the archives and I see that he was jacked in as the attack started. So I'll start from that point as soon as I have set the scene. The Chop Shop belonged to one Dr Chan, a chinese immigrant who is trying to make a name for himslef looking after individuals such as ourselves. It is situated on the second floor a 1950's small apartment block, of which the ground floor is taken up by Stuffer Shack (TM) and the first floor taken up by tables and seating for the Shack. The franchisee holder of the Shack is a close friend of Chan's and so lets him operate from the floor above. He also agreed to pass on info to any potential patients of Chans that, Chan was currently out of town and wouldn't be back for about a week. Above the third floor is just attic space with a old junk and a number of skylights looking out onto the dreary LA skyline. To be honest we hadn't really expected a frontal assault by LAPD, if anything we thought a shadowteam would be sent in to neutalise us and regain Marie. Though I guess that Krull is having a hard time with any contacts after the massacare of his last team. Anyway, it was mid afternoon, Blade was rumaging through some of the junk in the attic, Polish was having a kip in Chan's personal bedroom, I.B.A. was decking and Noname, Punisher and myself were catching up on some Trideo. Fortunately for us Punisher happened to be looking out of the window when the armoured personnel carriers drew up. Jumping up and grabbing an assualt rifle he yelled to us that the heat was here and to get our guns quick smart. I ran in to wake Polish and yelled up the stairs to Blade though he didn't seem to hear. Glancing at the body armour we had managed to swipe I quickly realised that the police would be up the stairs before we had chance to put any on. By this time the doors to the carriers had opened and police in partial armour and helmets had started to swarm out of the back. This is when Punisher opened fire on full auto forcing the police to take cover. We started to hear screams from below as the happy eaters realised they were caught in the middle of a firefight. This is when Polish raced from his room, wearing little more than a pair of trousers and an armour jacket carrying his assualt rifle. Glancing quickly at me he said "I think I'll go give d'ose people downstairs someting to really scream about" as he slammed in a fresh clip of nero-stun. Grinning I grabbed my gun to help Punisher supply some suppressing fire to the police below while Noname completly oblivious to the bullets that had started to wing their way through the windows in our room decided that there was enough time to pop that body armour on. It was just after I let off the first long burst of automatic gunfire at the personnel carrier that I heard crashing sounds coming from the attic. At first I thought it was Blade falling down the stairs trying to join us, but the sound of several heavy boots soon dispersed those assumptions. "Frag" I yelled, "they've come in through the roof !" and quickly ran to cover the stairs, pulling my helmet on as I went. The sound in the corridor was worse, Polish was obviously doing his job downstairs in the stuffer from the screams I heard and odd burst of gunfire. Suddenly my helmet radio burst into life, "Guys, guys, I'm in the attic, they haven't seen me yet as I'd fallen asleep behind some junk. At the moment ... frag .. they've seen me ... .... I'm on the roof .... the coptors about to pull away .... .. I'm going to try ......." I offered a silent prayer for Blade as I saw the first of the goons head down the stairs infront of me, carrying a riot shield in one hand and a sub machine gun in the other. "Frag ! I yelled into the radio ... Punisher get in here ... we've serious company...". To my great relief Punisher appeared a mere second later muttering that IBA had taken his place at the window. The battle that followed was bloody, if you have ever seen the old flat "Where Eagles Dare" and can remember the part where Clint holds off 1/2 the German army in a narrow corridor then you will be able to picture the event, right down to the grenades which started flying as soon as the police realised that they weren't hitting us. The first grenade that came down blew away most of the wall and sent me sprawling back into the room, shrapnel imnbedding itself in my leg in the process, Punisher was more fortunate, he managed to get behind the wall before the blast and only suffered a mild knock on the head as was sent flying onto the floor. The blast took away most of the wall showering everyone in the room with splinters, including the still unconcious Marie and IBA who spun away from the window at the sound of the blast. The blast had also revealed most of the stairs which meant that the police no longer had the advantage of all being able to hide behind the one shield. Just as the police were about to fire on our still prostrate bodies, Noname waved his hands, chanted and threw a huge powerball at the police. The effect to them was quite devastating as Noname is an initiate of some power and has a very high rating power focus. Out of the 6 that were attacking us only 3 stood, and they looked in a bad way. The spell had obviously affected Noname though who fell back in a chair as though he had taken a mild knock on the head. As the police recovered from the blast IBA let all hell break loose as he turned his assualt rifle on full uto onto the reamining police. Punisher quickly recovered and took out two with well placed bursts. The last ran back what was left of the stairs as I quickly pursued. Hauling myself back up the stairs I came face to face with the surviving officer, not caring for a gun fight at close quarters I spun kicking the gun out of his hands. Then wrestled him to the floor. Then through one of the holes in the roof the police had made, a ladder quickly descended and a message came across on the radio. "Anyone need a ride down there... ?". It was Blade's voice, I later learned that he had climbed into the helicopter, overpowered the pilot and brought the coptor back]<<<<< -- null >>>>>[ Mr. Marcus was kind enough to send me a bonded courier message today. He said that elections were held in Omega yesterday, and they should be done counting ballots this afternoon. Rob Kelton from news net is still there, and he'll be covering the election results. Marcus also said that Tommy Harada has dissappeared again. Even though he expected that to happen, he hopes that Mr. Harada will return. No doubt Tommy has resumed his pursuit of Quention. We'll probably be hearing from him sometime soon. For now I'm attempting to track Trevor's activities while picking up some extra nuyen with the team. Trevor seems to have come out of this scot free. He was not officially responsible for any of the actions of the old Omega government, since he was officially just an ambassador. He can probably arrange to refute any of the evidence that he was one of the major powers there, despite the incriminating message log Harada found last month. I'm waiting for him to slip up, and when he does, I'll make sure that it hurts! ]<<<<< -- Dark Elf <13:29:36/04-28-54> >>>>>[ Dark Elf: I've been doing a little checking up on Quention since he hasn't reappeared publically. He seems to be in hiding, but he has his favorate law firm working overtime to get his name clean. We're looking at about 75 hours of legal help a day! Looks like he knows he's in deep drek. He also has his lawyers working on Dr. Fung's defense. Fung's location is also unknown. I think they are hanging out together. However I did get one nice piece of info. It seems that Quention had a very prestigeous psychologist sent to take care of the good doctor. I think Fung is not used to people chasing him with death on their minds. I'll count this as a point for the good guys. BTW Don't bother looking at in the law firms or the psychologist computers for their location. I looked at every recess and broke every scrambled file in both. I guess it will take a little physical action to find them. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <12:00:41/04-28-54> >>>>>[Morph, the system may not be a perfect one, with lots of chances for abuse, but I find it a much more viable option than, say, total anarchy. Then it would be the strong who would have undisputed rule, with no one able to even attempt to interfere. So climb down off your high horse, laddie, and face the reality of (meta)human existance: it's easier to fix a corrupt system, then build a completely new one.]<<<<< --Highlander (12:05:43/4-28-54) >>>>>[I just scammed this off of the newsnets from Yoshida. ***** INN Release: This past weekend, the president of Dragon's Den Industries, Tirandor, approached Yoshida Technologies with a request for asylum. We granted this request with a 24-hour promise of asylum; enough time to determine what exactly was going on. After extensive interviews, we agreed to an unconditional granting of asylum to Tirandor. We made this decision after Tirandor assured myself that he was not responsible for the recent events on the island corporate-nation of Omega. According to Tirando, his original involvement with Omega came back in late February when DDI was approached to provide an extensive security network to the Omega Corporation, which had recently been spun off of the now-defunct Magna-Tech. Examinations by DDI of Omega's contracts showed that Omega had a contract with the indiginous population of the island permitting the setting up of a corporate-nation. This contract was approved by a referendum with a 70% of the population accepting Omega's terms. In exchange for obvious cash payments, DDI was also given access to Omega's launching facilities for project that DDI was pursuing. According to Tirandor, his two partners in this endevour took control of the Omega project and mis-used DDI manpower and equipment. Tirandor attempted to reclaim the Intrepid aircraft carrier but was hampered by forces loyal to Omega. After an attempt on his life, he fled. Currently, the Intrepid carried is under the command of corporate pirates and should be considered stolen property. A substantial reward is being offered by DDI for its capture and return. This concludes this press release. ***** Sheesh!]<<<<< -- Wolf 359 <14:09:15 / 04-28-54> >>>>>[Hey Highlander! Chill out, man. Morph wasn't preaching and I don't think he was claiming a soapbox. I think the problem is that he just doesn't understand the concept of owning something; it's a completely foreign concept to him. For him to ask WHY our society is organized the way it is does not seem incorrect and I think you should be a little nicer to our new friend.]<<<<< -- Ramirez <> >>>>>[Some friend. A guy who can be any animal he wants to? WEIRD!]<<<<< -- Wolf 359 <14:17:50 / 04-28-54> >>>>>[ Powerhouse: Good to hear your alright. Sorry I.B.A. got blasted. So how much longer do you guys think you'll be hiding in L.A.? It would be alot saver for you in Seattle. Besides if you don't show up soon, I just have to let Highlander take me to the wedding instead of having you two duel for the honor like true gentlemen :) ]<<<<< -- Cerise <12:11:11/04-28-54> >>>>>[ Why did I see that coming? How could you fall for it?]<<<<< -Harlequin >>>>>[ Hmmm. Gives me a whole slew of ideas for spells.]<<<<< -Hard-to-Catch >>>>>[The awakened jungle of New Zealand is something else, I'm begining to wonder if I'd be able to sleep with out Nagami with us. We made good progress and thanks to a sat-link we still can communicate. Later.]<<<<< -- Feral <15:25:35/04-28-54> >>>>>[Well Hard-to-Catch, I might be willing to teach you some of these fun spells of OTTER. That is if you follow a totem and not that hermetic stuff. I also have some neat gear, including some NO gernades.]<<<<< -- Jester <15:56:40/04-28-54> >>>>>[ I knew the old dragon would get out of this pretty free. Now I just wonder who stole the Fraggin Intrepid and why? ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <13:05:57/04-28-54> >>>>( Fung: So it looks like I havvve you a little scared??? Maybe you would like it better if I was to come out into the light??? No I do not think the time is right... Soon perhaps... Just remember, forevvver is a vvvery long time... )<<<< --D. <14:32:17 MST><04/28/54> >>>>>[ It's been a bad hair day, mon. Let me tell you. First, Kaneda, he take off with a Vindicator II and a drekload of ammo, so I call my friend Peeping Tommy in Woodinville, and he say yes, the Razorheads been around, been giving of some baaaaad juju, y'know? So K-mon's just protecting his ground. I follow Dog, so I'm in with that. Next t'ing we know, Ticktock's van pulls up, and it's got more holes in it than usual, and there's Kaneda, looking pretty hashed up, and his bike, it don't look so great neither, hey? So Blindside throws 'im in the chopper and takes off, bitching about how people always take advantage of his hospitality, but Kaneda's unconscious so he don't care. So Ticktock says to me, that the X-Caliburs went to roll over the Razorheads that night, send 'em a message, hey? So they buzzing up 405, and Kaneda starts geeking a few wit' his laser, except all of a sudden they drop back, and next t'ing you know, there's a mana barrier across the whole fraggin' freeway. Now K-mon's bike, it was fast to begin wit', but he's got it over-sizzled, and he was doing somet'ing like 200 when he hit it. Now I don'know if he'll be allright, but somehow those 'Heads got some drek-hot magik support, an' that jus' isn't fair, mon. I say, we go get the #$!#$!!'s. Anyone wanna help, or just up for a fun firefight tonite, contact me and Mikey the-man-in-the-Moon at this bar, it's called He's Not Here, in Kenmore. And bring some Nerps, eh? ]<<<<< --Ralph (14:40:32/04-28-54) >>>>>[ Phew, a hiccup at the one of the nodes cut me short before so I'll continue with my resume. Right now.. let's see ... ah yes, Blade had just dropped the ladder through one of the holes in the roof. "Anyone need a ride down there .. ?" came Blades voice over the radio. "Allieua...", I thought. Punisher came sprinting up the stairs and helped me bind the remaining cop, then IBA appeared. "Grab Marie.." I shouted, "Now !" IBA disappeared then Polish's voice came up the stairs, "Hey ... guys ... I'm out 'a ammo, and da police are starting to get through the crowd down 'ere..". "Grab Noname, and bring the doctor" I yelled back, "we still need the doc". "Blade is on the roof in a coptor but he can't stay there long ....". The sound of gunfire started again from below but this time it was a different pitch to Polish's assualt rifle. There was the sound of footsteps on the stairs leading to the Shack, then IBA appeared at the bottom of the stairs leading to the attic, Cyberdeck slung over one arm, assault rifle over the other and a prostrate Marie in his hands. I grabbed Marie and helped drag her up the stairs. "Punisher .. get into the coptor and I'll pass her up." Punisher stuck his head quickly through the hole and said "Frag .. another coptor on it's way ... Aerospace Moonlight Avenger I think .... hurry up with Marie, it's got missiles .. !" Passing Marie up I saw IBA going back to help Polish bring Noname and force the quivering doctor up the stairs to the attic. Then a head appeared at the top of stairs leading to the shack "Behind .. !" I yelled. But too late. Two bursts rang out hitting IBA square in the back. The doc turned to run, Noname slumped on the stairs but Polish literally launched himself off one set of stairs onto the next, spurs at the ready, landing on top of the guy who had fired the bursts at IBA. A fraction of a second later the man lay dead, throat ripped out by the lethal spurs. Grabbing the man's gun Polish turned it on the rest of the police that were advancing up the stairs, then threw the body down on top of them. The doc seeing what lay in the direction he was running decided to go back up the stairs to the coptor. "Noname ..." I yelled "... MOVE ... I'm getting IBA, Punisher help Noname to the coptor". Polish stood at the top of stairs in almost the exact same situation that we had found ourselves earlier with the police coming down from above. Except this time we weren't trying to get down, we were trying to keep people from getting up. I grabbed the unconsious form of IBA up the rest of the stairs and passed him up to Punisher, then yelled at Noname again for not moving quickly enough. "PH I can't hold 'em off any more ... I'm nearly outta ammmo again" came Polish's voice over the radio. Then more bad news .. "PH better hurry up down there, this coptor that's after us is nearly in range ... em .. hold, on ... ... the other coptor is asking for an identification signal. Looks like you'd better give it to em Punisher." "Hold it steady, Blade, hold it steady .... ... I hit the main rotor shaft, but the police down below saw me fire. They've just opened fire on us now, the armour's holding it but if they try the same trick I just did we're dead. Hurry up down there ... " came Punisher's voice over the radio. I grabbed my spare Submachine gun then my predator and threw them to Polish, "I'm gonna grab one of the beds" I told Polish, "hold them off till I get one". Quickly, dashing into one of the side rooms, I dragged one of the beds Chan uses for the recovery of his patients, luckily it was on wheels and I quickly pushed it past Polish down the stairs. "Now .. let's get outta here ... I grinned to Polish". Turning we both sprinted up the stairs and hoped my little maneuveur with the bed had bought us the time we needed. We made it just in time, the sound of gunfire from outside was getting heavier and Blade was about ready to leave. Noname and the doc had made it into the coptor which left me with my leg now starting to bleed badly and Polish who had been winged by a few of the luckier shots. Leaping onto the disappearing ladder we hung prostrate as we were pulled free from the building, bullets flying around us, then Punisher started to pull up the ladder so we could get in safely. Once in Blade threw the coptor into top speed and we made our getaway. "Where to ? Guvnor." joked Blade. "Ditch it ... we've got to ditch it. I've just ran a bug scan and the Avenger triggered a homing signal on this choper. We can't stay in in it. Head for the coast and ditch it in the sea. With any luck they'll think we've drowned, meanwhile, I'll try to find where the transmitter is and disable it. But keep low, below radar, no need to make their job any easier." I said. Skirting the outskirts of LA sprawl and flying at times no more than 50 feet above the ground we eventually came to the coast. Finding a nice secluded spot we landed got everyone out and scrounged some of the equipment we'd found in the coptor. Then Blade flew about 1/2 mile out to sea leaped from the coptor which flew happily on it's own for a while then eventually crashed into the sea. Fortunately the doc had been able to stabilise IBA on the coptor so all we had to worry about was what to do next. Stuck on a beach in the middle of nowhere is not fun, even if you do get to laugh at Blade's bedraggled appearnace as he eventually dragged himself from the water. We decided to walk where we'd seen some holiday condos maybe a mile or 2 up the coast. Fortuanately we found one which wasn't occupied and easily bypassed the alarms, which is where we are at the moment. Stuck in some holiday condo somewhere in The California Free State. The doc reckons it's gonna be about a week till IBA can be brought off the drugs which are keeping the pain down. He also gave Marie the last of her treatment which brought her round at long last. Though she only started yelling at us as she thought we were her original captors. Fortunately IBA has shown me how to use his deck for basic things so I showed her the record of Kentucky talking to Krull which soon convinced her. I then showed her news clippings I'd saved about the case trying to explain to her what exactly had happened. She's collapsed again now but the doc seems to think she'll be ok. Polish and myself have got bandaged up, Blade and Punisher were lucky enough not to get hurt and Noname has recovered from the drain that he took. Right down to buisiness, I've contacted Speed who will be picking us up tonight in his boatplane then flying us back to Seattle. We'd just all feel alot safer now on our home turf and get access to all our gear. I need some favours though and I can pay, Chipper as you're an old buddy I want you to plant some info in LAPD's system. Contact uplink as he has the pass codes for that system, so getting in should be a breeze. I've also included a copy of that file here #include and would like to ask the deckers on this board to distribute to anyone who you think may benefit. I don't want Kentucky to work again if I can help it. Don't forget to mention that he was employed as a minder for Marie, and ended up arranging here abduction. Any Johnson or fixer seeing that file will hopefully think twice about Kentucky, also send copies to the news agencies with the message that Marie is ok and will be returned tommorow at an unspecified location. ]<<<<< -The Powerhouse (22:32:05/28.4.54) >>>>>[ Ok, got that Power, old friend. Uplink ? You out there make contact with me tommorow afternoon. Don't forget I'm in London so that will probably mean tommorow morning for you. ]<<<<< -Chipper (Ready to help out) >>>>>[ Oh Cerise what do you mean about a duel .. ? Oh and do you have any idea what to get Spirit and Crush, I'm hopeless at buying presents ? ]<<<<< -The Powerhouse (22:37:01/28.4.54) >>>>>[ P.S. Hope to see ya soon, I could do with some female company that doesn't keep passing out every 10 mins. ]<<<<< -The Powerhouse (22:39:11/28.4.54) >>>>( Are ya tryin' ta tell me that someone stole that big boat? Na, ya are jus' kidding right? Gosh. Hay, D.B. do ya think ya can find out any thin'? Ya know a lot of underworld types don't ya? Maybe they know somethin'? )<<<< --Shade <14:36:16 MST><04/28/54> >>>>( Shade, maybe you are right. I will get in touch with them and see what peakes its head out. :-) )<<<< --D.B. <14:39:09><04/28/54> >>>>: D: Am I seeing things or did ya just send a message without that damn drek after it? I thought it was always there. I mean I know I tried to get rid of it several time. Night Boy:-) Hey ya know ya are right. I have been doing a little checking and the most I have come up with is just a mention of a payment to an unknown source. I cannot find a thing on this shrink. If ya come up with more please drop me a line. :<<<< --Unholy Ripper >>>>( D.B.: Didn't you say something about knowing one of the deckers here? If I remember right, it was Nexus. Maybe he has heard something. He use to run with the mafia right? )<<<< --Lace <14:47:00><04/28/54> >>>>( Ripper: Yes you read it right... I do not know why, but when evvver my adreanal pump becomes ovvver activvve, the messages do not follow... It makes me think that they are now in my board, but are in my head... Who knows though... The last time I attempted to havvve either Dr. Jackson or Highlander check it out, I had to call the team to action... Maybe I should try again... I do not think that it is vvvery saft to try to deck when you would rather break a steel pipe... Hilander and Dr. Jackson: Maybe we can make another apointment to havvve a look at my deck and headwear... When evvveryou find the time will be fine... Hopefully I will not get called away again... Then again, hopefully I will... I know you are listing Fung... I will find you... )<<<< --D. <14:58:59><04/28/54>