>>>>>[I also suspect that we are being played with, but there are two kinds of pawns in this world. Those who know that they are but minor players in a grand game and doomed to destruction, and those who are destined to become queens. And if both of them are not VERY careful, these pawns will all become queens and take over the board from one or the other.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(00:20:45/10-22-54) *****Encrypt I_HATE_MONDAYS!!! v2, Buzz mpcp***** >>>>>[Buzz, wait a minute on that. I don't mind reconning the place, but don't attack it. With what I suspect Solarial to be bringing in, Diana will be dead long before you get to her. And if she dies, I will be the one who pins Solarial to his wall with arrows, so I'll want him left alive. Besides, you don't have the support(unless you are getting it from somewhere) necessary to get you out again if the Tir decides to nail the area with a division of Peace Force troops. So hold off.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(00:39:27/10-22-54) >>>>>[After much coercion, we finally got the last bit of unedited(now edited) Sensory log from FM's greasy big fingers(literally-she was working on Baby). So, after only almost two weeks, or is it three, here is the final installment. *****Upload Edited Sensory Feed***** Frag, its Piper. Piper? Who the frag is Piper? My ex-best friend from the Army and the reason I left and took Baby with me Great. Just what I needed to hear... Nex, shut the frag up and reload. AJ, if YOU want to do the firing, come on up here and TAKE MY PLACE! Uh.... I'll just shut up now. As the argument simmers behind your meat body, your senses are expanding to cover the entier area around you. You see the traces of the battle that raged not much earlier in the skys around you. The fires and damaged trees and other signs show up to your sensors as bright blotches. But your expert ID system is down, Nex is reloading far too slowly to be of much real use, as he is falling a whole 45 miliseconds behind. And your outboard weapons are either useless due to damage or empty due to combat. You register that the Gunner's Pintle in the rear is damaged and the electronic targeting system is down, and that you are low on ammunition, but the weapon and the gunner Hellblast are still available. Nex is in the main turret, sitting at the Commanders position and manning the missile reload ports and the Minigun. You personally have control of the main guns, the rotary cannons, and the missile launcher if Nex ever get's it reloaded. Aj, you got another of them 1.5 million missiles? If ya do, gimme! One more, and one HE missile, and two AGMs. That's all you got, Nex. Sorry FM. You used all the others. You perform an inventory and discover that he is correct. In the first battle and this one, you actually have burned 20 missiles and over 3000 rounds of ammunition. You make a mental note to thank Moriarity for the extra missiles just as your sensors make out the first flash of another panzer, another GMC Banshee, on a very gradually converging course, and matched exactly in speed. "I see you, FM. Do you see me?" Of course, Maxine. I couldn't miss that design of yours if you painted it over with 20 coats of paint. Piper's Banshee is colored to match the surroundings, but has a single extra design on it beyond the UCAS Army sigil. It has a stylized pipe leading off the rats to another land. You remember that she always loved the symbol as it supposedly meant that she was leading her enemies off to the netherworld. "Yes, I thought you might remember. You are a rat now, FM. And as I said, it is time to pay the Piper" With the last word, you register a launch of a missile and cannon fire directed at you. You make a wild portside turn, throwing Nex against his harness and AJ into the bulkhead again. The missile misses, but the cannon shots hit you hard, taking large chunks out of your armor and sending a feedback through your body that you register as numerous needles being driven into your chest and arms and eyes. The damage is severe enough to destroy the fragile circuitry that runs the Ruthenium coating you wear, and you become totally visible. "Ahhh... Got you, and that was but a sneeze." Everybody ok? Yep. frag no, but I'll live with the bruises... just a little shaken. You begins to evade, and Hellblast and Nex do thier parts well. With all the tracers and expended ammunition, you are not sure of hits unless you register a sound from Maxine, and she is very quiet. You and she dance around each other like two balerinas in the Nutcracker Suite, only made into drunk balerinas. Gunfire and missiles are exchanged until you get a surprise. FRAG! Missile! You bank hard right and elevate the nose, rising into the sky only to find a missile bearing down on you from above. You manage to rock yourself over on your side and minimize damage from the missile by taking it on the nose where you have improved the armor yourself. However, you have now lost some directional control, and you no longer have any ECM or ECCM. You not only can be seen easily, but targeted and shot out of the sky easily. Taking a very quick inventory, you notice that Hellblast is no longer firing due to having run out of ammunition totally. Nex has only 250 rounds remaining and you have only the AGMs and 20 Autocannon rounds. The battle here has been going on now for over 10 minutes, and by your estimation, they have only 4 missile remaining and far too much ammunition. FM, we are going to die. AJ, shut the frag up. We won't die, cause the universe won't have me to pick on anymore if we do! And the universe loves fraggin with my smeggin head too much to do that. Owowowowowowowowowowowowowwwwwwwwwwwwww! Huh? You figure that they may actually be right this time. Maxine knows every move you do, and has anticipated most of your actions enough that you now have only one real choice. You begin to climb into the open sky, a suicide move for a damaged panzer, and Maxine knows this. "You know the writing is on the wall, FM? Glad to see it. I'll make your deaths quick and painless..." She follows you up and just as she pulls in behind you for the final kill, you begin a power dive. Suspecting that you are trying to escape, Maxine follows and gains on your rear. You register autocannon fire, but are too involved with this your only chance to escape and if you were to turn aside your plan would surely fail. Remember the Inverter, Maxine. Remember... As you radio the last message you will ever send to Maxine, you pass not only the speed of sound, but begin to pull a hard rise. Your skin, already damaged and strained, begins to pull loose from the bulkheads and if you don't complete this theoretically impossible maneuver within the next 10 seconds, you will tear apart. You continue to rise as Maxine levels out and tries to follow suit. You continue up and over, completing a loop, inverted, that is not possible for a Banshee. Apparently the designers never realized they were wrong. NOOOOOO!!!!! As you come down off the loop, Nex and Hellblast are not feeling very well, as neither are you. The five G loop has given Nex a nosebleed and his eyes have all but disappeared into his head. His face is black and blue, and his skin seems pulled back from the skull. Hellblast appears similarly, and AJ was spared the problem with his unique body. As you fall, still partially inverted, you trigger the AGMs optically(your sensors have failed too) and see them track out toward Piper, missing but still forcing it to leave it's escape track and enter your firing arc. Nex, barely conscious, utilizes the anti-air varient in the cupula for the Minigun and sends every round his weapon has left off toward Piper, as you fire both cannonssimultaneously at Maxine too. Penned in with the recent missile attacks, Maxine is unable to maneuver and is caught unawares by the gunfire. You first see the minigun rounds track up the nose and hit the turret, then the cupula, then back down toward the less heavily armored Gunner's Pintle. You get emmense satisfaction to see the armor peircing rounds and tracers virtually punch through the Pintle. There is no gunner still alive in the mount. Yeeeaaaahhhhhh... Got im. Then you watch as your still firing cannons make contact with the nose as well and tear huge chunks from Piper's armor. The chunks become utter devastation when the rounds intersect the turret. Metal explodes out with a suddenly bright thermo flash whose origin you'd rather not think about and you register massive internal explosions as ammunition explodes. iiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIiEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee.- A long scream is suddenly cut off when you, still descending from your high G loop, see the fuel and missiles finally explode, the reloads within the main compartment first, followed by the cargo compartment, then the external hardpoints explode, crushing the Banshee's armor like a hydraulic press crushes an aluminum can. The final explosion rips the panzer into shrapnel that nothing flesh could possibly survive. Frag, FM... You notice as you reduce speed and head off towards the nearest border that Hellblast has come into the main compartment and collapsed against the wall. His shirt is bloodied and appears to be literally bristling with shards of armor from the damaged Pintle. Nex releases his harness and almost literally falls from the cupula into the waiting arms of AJ, already with the onboard medical kit open and operating. *****End Sensory feed***** Well, that's the end of that. Finally. We don't have to worry about that anymore.]<<<<< -- Moriarity(01:48:27/10-22-54) >>>>>[How DARE you post to these worthless humans in a language as old and ancient and powerful as that, Etsy. Have you no common sense left in that thick skull of yours?]<<<<< -- Tirandor President, Dragon's Den International >>>>>[ Well my friends target one has been eliminated, myself and Doomsday, have taken care of that. Spirit, who are you guys working for, you said your with the wyrm, then confirm the target _I_ gave you, sheessh, I knew pregnant women could be tempermental but... ***Transmission interupted ]<<<<< -- NodeFaerie <19:04:29/10-21-54> >>>>>[ Spirit I apologize for my friends manner, he is under a lot of pressure, I hope your team can achieve the objective ]<<<<< -- Courier <19:12:02/10-21-54> >>>>>[ WILL YOU STOP DOING THAT!!! Ok, wyrm, I'm starting to get peeved, what the drek are you planning. From here it looks like you're trying to pull off the winning play all by yourself, you're spreading yourself too thin, if you don't get some help it may fall down around your ears. Hmmm, I wonder where Ganz has been lately, I still owe that fragger for messing with my deck, oh well, it's payback time. Oh Raven, Nightstalker, confirmed, I should warn you though I have another 'operative' already en route. I would like you however it insert this into the host system if you get a chance. ***include SKDormantframe Umm, Nightstalker, don't frag around with that construct, I don't know what it does, but it's a good cover for the real operation, and besides the drop is worth nuyen ]<<<<< -- NodeFaerie <19:18:52/10-21-54> >>>>>[ OK, here's the result of NodieFaerie and Doomsday's work ***Insertnewsclip Earlier today the mansion of one Jillian Killorn erupted into a ball of flame, experts claim that military grade explosive was used, in what they call a 'horrendous crime'. While no bodies have been discovered as of yet it is believed miss Killorn was home when the explosion occured. ***Endclip I thought you people were SHADOWrunners, you know in and out without a trace, oh well, I suppose there ain't much left of that place to trace from. ]<<<<< -- Courier <19:39:26/10-21-54> >>>>>[ Does anyone know what the drek is going on with the municipal power grid? Earlier it was Gridlink, and now the streetlights are fliccccccccc **POWER SURGE** **DATA CORRUPT 0.31** ccckering. Hey, what was that? ]<<<<< -- Frontier (19:00:00/10-21-54) >>>>>[ I don'know, dude, but from where I'm sittin', parts' of th' Arcology strobed and then blinked out for a pulse. Whatzup out there, chummers? ]<<<<< -- Raz'r'sEdge (19:04:11/10-21-54) >>>>>[ IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD! THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING!]<<<<< -- Chicken Little (19:06:03/10-21-54) >>>>>[ Peace, little one. Allow me to forward you some of our literature and MeditationWare. ]<<<<< -- Charles Princeton, Universal Brotherhood (19:06:56/10-21-54) >>>>>[ Whoop, dude. That an' .50 NuYen'll getcha a cup of SoyaCoffee. ]<<<<< -- Raz'r'sEdge (19:07:30/10-21-54) >>>>>[ He wasn't kidding, though. I got a real bad feeling when the power fluctuated like that. I'll try to see what kind of damage it caused. ]<<<<< -- Frontier (19:08:00/10-21-54) >>>>>[ Wait a second. Shouldn't Renraku be immune to the power problems that plague us mere mortals? I thought they were independent of the municipal grid. ]<<<<< -- Carnage (!9:09:3!/!0-2!-54) *****Encyrpt Solitiare, FM, CB***** >>>>>Got a possible lead here, you three. With the info that Solitiare just told me personally(we work together), I have a possible lead. The Wyrm might just have a friend or two in Denver here and in Seattle. The ground crew is currently tailing a rigger/smug...er, free trader by the name of Punch, who may have had contact with him. Also, I am dredging up whatever information I can on Jesus, the guy that is bringing in all the talent for Ouro. With the info we can get from the Works, we should have stuff on both of them soon. FM, Punch and you are in the same line of work, so see if you can dig up some data on him]<<<<< -- Moriarity(13:27:33/10-22-54) >>>>>[Here are the old alpha build, second tier specs. Collussus and I don't feel it's appropriate to upload his second tier specs or the recent modifications implanted in his body. Strength: The Column Mark-4 is capable of emmense feats of strength comparable to modern hydraulics. It's muscles are composed of micro-hyrdraulic activators and spun cables of flexable macroplast. Thus the only real limitations of the Mark-4 are the load bearing structural members in the various limbs. Future improvements hope to remove this limitation by**2Mp deleted* Current strength maximums are as follows: Normal lift, no performance degradation 90kg in speed, maneuverability, or other applications of the Mark-4 Normal repetitive lift, no damage done 180kg to musclature or structural members, minimal maneuverability degradation, no speed degradation Straigh lift, no structural damage 360kg occurs, but speed and maneuverability suffer drastically(1/2 nominal) Maximum lift, current strength limit of 450kg limb and load bearing materials Maneuverability: The Mark-4 is supreme of the current CBRs in its ability to perform daunting tasks that would require tremendous training and natural ability as well as extreme flexibility. Acrobatic training in the original subject's previous history(document 44.3a, Charles Eagle Plume subject) makes this the logical test of the Mark-4's abilities to withstand protracted extremes of movement at high accelerations and relative velocities. After six hours of continuous operation of tumbling routines, flips, jumps, rings, bars, climbing, and other gymnastic activities no serious problems were discovered. Performing the same tests at extremes of temperature and including wide, repeated swings of temperature showed only the following minor problems: **block delete, 2.1Mp** Velocities and accelerations: The Mark-4 is available in two configurations; the biologically buffered and non-buffered versions. The buffered version is the one used currently for testing, and the unbuffered numbers are based off of projections similar as to used in the Gemini CBR system buffers. Buffered Unbuffered Maximum short usage velocities: 96m/s 96m/s Maximum accelerations: 70m/s/s 35m/s/s the maximum acceleration figures are available only for the Short usage velocities due to their being unnecessary for protracted velocities Maximum normal usage velocities: 72m/s 72m/s Maximum long term usage velocities: 48m/s 48m/s Real World test maximums: Short term usage reduces to 80m/s due to slopes, obsticals, combat situations and other normal operating conditions. Normal usage and long term usage are not affected. NOTES: Short term affects: musclature begins to become unresponsive due to stress after about 7 seconds at this velocity, and fails completely at 8.5 seconds, causing collateral damage to surrounding hardware. Maximum Safe Operating time in this mode: 5 seconds Normal usage effects: Breakdown begins at 15.6 minutes, with failure occuring at 17.1 minutes. Maximum Safe operating time: 12 minutes Long term usage effects: Breakdown does not occur. Limited only by onboard power supply: Suspect ran for 4.328 hours using internal power. When running at this velocity, subject ran 13.4 hours before "exhaustion" of subject initiated a gradual shutdown into REM sleep. Well, that's all Collussus wants me to tell anybody just in case it comes back to haunt him/us. No internals, no limb contents(like cyberweapons), or optional extras. Sorry. But we did a comparison against the fastest Sammy we could find for the old Alpha build just prior to the current body. Collussus was able to outrun the fastest sammy there was on long term mode, and was able to double his speed for short term. Hope this helps a little, Mike and the Mechanic. Just remember that he's better now if you plan on attacking him or extracting him or...]<<<<< -- Wizard(14:07:47/10-22-54) >>>>>[Nightwolf, I'll be at Terminex Flash, the bloodthrasher rock bar. Pick you up there. I think we'll be heading to Denver, but I'm sure our target will keep traveling. That means we'll have to live out of a suitcase. Hopefully, we can tag him in Denver - but you never know. Then there's also the matter of trying to get him back to Seattle - but thats another story. You know, if that decker is right about who we're tracking we got a problem. But we'll have to positively confirm that when we get there. See you.]<<<<< -- Sun (12:41:09/10.22.54) >>>>>[{***VOICETRANSMISSION UPLOAD>>>> !#&^# Spice, Red, I'm in trouble. Being pursued by @!@%&%&&&%@! I need you guys to pick me up at Seneca's bring the necessary gear @$^*)_|@!$%( *_ !@@&*$$#Hellier _)()*#!$ Fake Miranda Lees $@@!$(( Very dangerous &*%@!!$#*)$@ ***LINK INTERRUPT]<<<<< -- NightShade (12:56:39/10.22.54) >>>>>[This is undoubtedly stupid of me. I've been uninvolved and safe. Nonetheless, here I go. There is a child somewhere... And Etsy does not know where. I have not been following any of this... but of course, the post in Sperithiel caught my attention. Child, if you see this, and are in need of help, and can convince me that we work the same side... I am here. But not for long, as I am sure I have opened myself for grave problems. My mentor would not be pleased. If you are worth saving, you will know where to find me.]<<<<< -- Brandywine <14:12:50 / 22.10.54> >>>>>[Tick tock tick tock, the clock is winding down AJ & crew. You know what happens when the midnight bell tolls. I hope your righteous reluctance to kill Wyrm is not interfereing with your work. Heres a reminder of the stakes: ***TRIDEOFEEDSEGMENT1*** Prince Solarial is standing in a huge kitchen. He has opened a bottle of juice and is poring out several glasses. He then takes out a little vial pours it into one particular glass that has a red ring around it. He looks up into the camera ***AUDIOFEED*** That was cyanostrichityne. Enough to kill an elephant. It has just gone into Diana's glass ******* ***ENDTRIDEOFEEDSEGMENT1*** ***TRIDEOFEEDSEGMENT2*** Solarial is sitting at breakfast with Diana. The newspaper indicates it is Oct- ober 22. Diana is eating something, then reaches out her hand to pick out a glass of juice with a red ring around it. Just as she picks it up and puts it to her lips a hand puts itself on her wrist. Solarial ****AUDIOFEED** No my dear, thats the bitter juice. Here take this one instead*** Solarial hands her another glass. Diana gives him a strange look, then drinks from the other glass ***ENDFEED Thats the stakes AJ. She is always that close to death. Remember. Next time I might let her drink from the red ringed glass after all.]<<<<< -- Prince Solarial (13:06:06/10.22.54) >>>>>[ Hello Sun, I'll be at Terminex Flash in 15 minutes, waiting for you. I'm sure too our target had made a lot of travelling since the day may pal phoned me, but I'm sure this is not a problem. It seems that the shadows in Denver are as dark as in Seattle. We'll probably find some informations there, but at a high price. F or your concern about his coming back in Seattle, it will depends on his cooperation. ]<<<<< -- NightWolf < 20:15:41 / 10-22-54 > >>>>>[ Give me a break Solarial. I haven't heard overblown bravedo like that since we toppled the Omega Government. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <14:16:40/10-21-54> ***** Encrypt Ahem: Wyrm >>>>>[ Wyrm, what are you talking about, I thought that I was goinf to be the matrix person looking for the russian so that CRUSH and Lister could take care of him. And you won't turn me away from this because I want to get back at Ganz for his part in my kidnapping, and I also am conserned for Jaez, who I consider a good friend. Also, I will be only Matrix runs right now, my friends will not allow me to do anything outside the matrix. And to think, I'm only 2-3 months pregnant, watch what some of them act like when I'm 6-8 months. Also I have this little trouble with keeping my stomach at the moment, and wouldn't be any help on a physical run.]<<<<< --Spirit ***** Encrpyt WOW I CAN FLY: Ganz Hunters >>>>>[ As to What I have on Chenchov Asirovich. Courtesy Russian Military and Government. UCAS and CAS military, Cia and Secret Service. Interpol. Various European datebases. Fuchi Intelligence. Asirovich, Chenchov. Birthdate - April 17, 2022 Place of Birth - Moscow, CIS Parents - Valimeer and Caterine Asirovich. Military - Russian Special Forces, entered 2040 left 2048. Government - Worked as a special operative for four years 2048-52. ie - spy and hitman. Probably met Ganz during this time. Stats (2052) 1.78m 86.5kg hair - Black eyes grey-blue Modifications - known - Smartlink, Cyber eyes, Cyber ears, Wire Reflexs All curtesy of Russian Special forces Muscle augmentation - , other undocumented augmentations. All during his stint in the government. 2052-54 unknown - left Russia, presumed to be doing freelance wet work for varies agencies and private individuals. My findings and put togethers. Most of the freelance work can be connected somwhow back to ganz. Either he suggested Chenchov as the man or he actually wanted people dead and used the agencies to do it. Chenchov is know to be an experienced assasin and combatant. He is known for mostly working alone, ie little support or backup. Considerations - in the top five of what he does. Well, I have some leads on him at the moment. With all probabilty he is in Seattle. Be careful Jaez.]<<<<< --Spirit >>>>>[ Thanks a fraggin' lot SpotOn. You nearly go us all killed. Next time I say I'm handling something, let me handle it. ]<<<<< --Nightstalker <14:34:57/10-22-54> >>>>>[ What Nightstalker is raving about is the elimination of Ganz's decker contract, George Hallowfield. We took an above the board method to remove him form the picture. Nightstalker slipped into the Arcology Public Phone system and set up a electronic bug on Hallowfield's phone. This allowed us to intercept some very incriminating messages from Hallowfield to Ganz. They were triple-encrypted an appeared to be love letters under the second layer of the encrypt. I do not know how Nightstalker was able to descramble them so easily. He told me it was something he had been working on for a while and that NodeFaerie gave him the last bit of data he needed to make it work. Having the data in hand we set up a cover story that we were investigating a data smuggling ring (there are advantages to being a Private Investigator) and sept up a meeting with Renraku Security. We handed them the data and offered to sell them the source. They accepted and we went to Mr. Hallowfield's apartment since he had today off. When Security opened the door, we fond SpotOn getting ready to kill Hallowfield. I don't know how she got in there or how she planned on escaping once she had killed him, but there we all were. SpotOn pointing a silenced pistol at Hallowfield and us standing at the door with four Renraku Security Guards right behind us. It was lucky for her that Nightstalker was thinking very quickly. He some how convinced the guards that Vanessa was one of our operatives and that she was just making sure Hallowfield did not leave. ]<<<<< -- Raven the Mage <14:50:51/10-22-54> >>>>>[ Actually, I don't think what I said had much to do with it. They mostly let SpotOn leave with us because: 1. We had given them the Snitch. 2. We dropped our reward price to 1/4th the original. 3. We let them keep SpotOn's pistol. 4. They were going to "try him for treason" anyway. For all you street types, that's corporate for "kill him for selling our secrets". ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <14:54:29/20-22-54> ***** Brandywine only >>>>>[Brandywine, actually you do know who I am, though you did not know that I was the one that Etsy was speaking of. I do not believe I am in need of help at the moment, for Etsy is still unsure of how I fit into his plans, but he does know where I am. If I am in need of help I shall come, I have always wanted to meet your mentor, I have heard good things about him.]<<<<< -- Nightfox < N'Ralan Filox > ***** Seraphy only. I shall try to save the dark flower. She is in danger there with him.***** --Nightfox < N'Ralan Filox > ***** Encrypt Gems: Nightfox. >>>>>[ Do not try and save Diana, she is safe for the moment. Yes I know that you could probably enter without a problem, so would I. But now is not the time to do it, to much is going on that neither of us know about. She will hopefully be safe. And if she is not, I will personally see to gutting the arrogant prince. You will not do it. As to our friend Etsy, he knows who you are and has known for some time now. I am not yet sure what game he plays, but I do not think he will come after you as of yet. He has waited this long for some reason, he will wait more.]<<<<< -- Seraphy <16:13:18/10-22-54> >>>>>[Yeah, that helps, Wizard. Helps a lot. I do indeed expect you to have upgraded him -- I'd be disappointed if you hadn't. But it's good to know.]<<<<< -- Mike and the Mechanic (6:51:45/10-23-54) >>>>>[Wizard -- can you design a compact personality deck? I could, but I don't think I'm gonna have the time, eh? You see, @@Pi .is. William 6174 -- as much him as I am me, and you are you. But after an initial spate of decking at AI speeds, he's gone.... semi-catatonic. He's set up stuff that I'm not sure what they're going to do, although I've seen where he's gone. But it doesn't seem fair to me that, when I'm dead, and when I'm gone, he'll be stuck for ever in the Matrix. I guess this is a kind of ressurection, huh? But, if you can design a module, and if he can download himself into it, and if the module can be loaded into, say, a Morgan Freeman boomer.... I'd rest better, I think.]<<<<< -- The Dead Decker (7:00:00/10-23-54) >>>>>[How droll. But it gives me a few more precious days.... very well, Prince Solarial -- Samhain it is.]<<<<< -- Thanatos (7:12:00/10-23-54) >>>>>[Yes I can do. It will take me time to get the hardware together, and time with @@Pi/William 6174 to get the coding correct befoer he can download into the module, but it can be done. I can't, however, get it in time for Samhain/Holloween. Sorry, but if had nothing else to do it would take me about a month to design it properly and another week of pure adaptation of the code with help from Solitaire to get it so he wouldn't go insane when he downloaded into it. So it will take me a while. Now I do have the necessary designs partially made up from an old program before the CBR program, but I'm a little rusty, so I shold be able to do it in about 3 weeks instead of over a month, but that still may be too long. Can @@Pi/William 6174 survive that long without going mad?]<<<<< -- Wizard(11:58:43/10-23-54) >>>>>[I don't know. I can try to arrainge for some stuff, but with Diana's life at stake, I won't be around to babysit. I'll..... try to arrainge for something.]<<<<< -- Far and Gone (12:24:45/10-23-54) >>>>>[Ok, lets try this one...*****Upload TRACKS_AND_PATHS v1, target: The Dead Wyrm Ouroboros***** *****Uploading: 14Mp......38Mp....76Mp.....123Mp.....200Mp...Upload Complete *****Commence Trace, OLD_WAYS construct***** *****Tracks and Paths/Old Ways tracing: Start Location: Denver local Hub *****WARNING! IC encountered, Local hub, Trace and Burn....Construct set *****Old Ways morphing.....Morph complete, Engaging T&B.....T&B Destroyed, *****Destruction time: 14.54ms. *****Old Ways morphing.....Morph complete, transiting to Denver Main databanks *****Old Ways morphing.....Morph complete, engaging Open Door IC *****Open Door IC destroyed, Destructin time: 12.3ms. Old Ways damage: 3% *****Old Ways engaging Heal utility, damage repaired: 2.99%. Engaging Killer *****IC, Old Ways damaged....Old Ways morphing.....Old Ways damaged...Morph *****Complete, Killer damaged....Killer destroyed, Destruction time: 23.8ms. *****Old Ways damage: 34% Heal reduction:23%, total unrepairable damage: *****11.001%, Morph capability destroyed.***** Frag! That was too quick. Well, the hub's IC is good. Tribute to your sysop. *****Old Ways-distraction utility engaged. Tracks and Paths report: Thread of *****Target located, beginning full trace. Tracks and Paths Hide utility *****Engaged. Old Ways locked on Thread. *****Tracing.....Seattle local hub.....Sat 23a.2, UCAS Mil.....Aztlan Embassy, *****CAS.....Fuchi, UK main CPU server SAN....IC encountered....Old Ways *****Engaging IC construct.....Old ways damaged...Old Ways damaged...IC damaged *****...Old Ways damaged, at maximum allowed non-destruct damage: 76%. *****Engaging Old Ways Self Destruct Utility....IC damaged...Utility engaged, *****IC grappled...Code Corruption complete....Downlink CODE contents**Include *****238Mp IC construct-inoperative-designer: The Dead Wyrm Ouroboros. Fraggin A! I got an honest to drek IC construct from the boy! Looks like I get to analyze a new construct for weaknesses again. Cool! *****Old Ways Destroyed, Tracks and Paths continuing on Thread.......Tir IC *****Encountered....Bypassed, no lock/attempt link-code copy correct....Tir *****Local hub.....IC encountered: Estimated Construct-Expert IC: Downloading *****Thread data.....TT-NORTH.91.4%est.loc.Prt-51.4%.....Tracks and Paths *****Morphing....Tracks and Paths destroyed-self destruct-estimated enemy code *****Recovery: 0.02%. Maximum code recovery: 1.37% Frag! Well, here it is. Got a 91.4% probablity that the Wyrm is in Tir Taingire and a 51.4% probability that he's in Portland somewhere. Frag, I coulda told the program that! Trace prbabilities based off of maximum allowablethread distances and converging threads. AJ, the boy's in TT. What do you want now?]<<<<< -- Solitaire(17:44:56/10-23-54) >>>>>[Hello. It's been quite some time since I posted to this list, but trust that I've kept some minot contact with it. I'm not aware of EVERYTHING that's going on, but I've tried to stay on top of the moves by Ganz. Thanks, Nodefaerie, for the information you gave us. It's been distributed to the appropriate people. Don't expect to see much of me anymore. I've found a way out. No details. Just that I've finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel and it's me. I'm outa here. But first Ganz. This man's responsible for a number of gruesome deaths, including the killing of a good friend's family. He will die. First, some thanks: Nightstalker, thank you for aiding in the elimination of Hallowfield. I think they let you get away because Hallowfield's wanted for some other things as well. They just couldn't prove it. What you did was give them the loaded gun. Many Kudos. Ouro, my god, man, you are amazing. I have rarely seen so much activity source-coded by one individual (even if you are split up). You definitely get the medal for Fire Control. Enemies of Ouro: Solariel. . .If your contract on Ouro prevents him from helping us nail Ganz, I and many other would consider you to be an accessory to all of his activities. If you can live with that then you are hardly the man of honor and nobility you claim to be. Back off. I'm not going to tell you where I am. Please don't try and trace me. I'm out. Not permanently; that's not possible. But I'm going legit, focusing on concerns that have been shunted aside for too long. More Later. Gotta Run.]<<<<< -- Jaez >>>>>[Jaez, baby, where've ya been? We've all been so worried 'bout ya!]<<<<< -- The Player >>>>>[Back off, dud. Jaez is going legit. and that means staying away from slime like you. *sheesh*. Stupid Agents.]<<<<< -- RAMboy <17:05:21/10-23054> >>>>>[ Jaez: Your not out of drek until we eliminate Ganz. You need to remember that there is a contract out on you. Get your lazy star-studded butt back into action before I have to do something about it. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <15:53:57/10-23-54> >>>>>['Stalker, I thought Jaez said she wanted to nail Ganz first, before retiring. her star-studded butt isn't just lying there; she is very aware there is a hit out on her and THAT's why she's in hiding.]<<<<< -- RAMboy <18:10:12/10-23-54> >>>>>[ That's not how it sounded to me, RAMboy. Now lay off everybody before I fry your pathetic excuse for a cyberdeck. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <16:22:51/10-23-54> >>>>>[ Nightstalker, we are going to have to talk about this attidute of yours. And I mean right now! ]<<<<< -- Raven the Mage <16:23:38/10-23-54> ***** Nightfox only. Find me and talk to me if you have time. I will make arrangements to meet you if need be. I am always interested in events occuring close to home. And, regarding my mentor, I do not speak for him. He has his own agenda. I cannot say that you ever will meet him, but all the good things you have heard are true.***** -- Brandywine <22:43:21 / 23.10.54> **** Encypt: Spirit - kv239bj >>>>>[ My team is in position, and we'll be hitting the facility very soon. Relay to CRUSH, and tell him that I'm going in at 0300 hrs local time tomorrow. Get him to sync his attack with mine, if possible, so we can hopefully catch the fragger with his pants down. ]<<<<< -- Mantis (The-Mantis/Preys!) >>>>>[Confirmed. Roxey-you and STREETWOLF get up to Eugene into the safehouse. Collussus and everybody, get to the border. Ask Moriarity, he'll know where. Silver and Slash, and whoever else is in Seattle, boat it into the portland safehouse. Moriarity, get penetrator crew 14 ready and bring them into the Tir. Confirm it, folks]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(14:11:07/10-24-54) >>>>>[FM confirms. Moriarity, setup TT-s.4 position drop on border.]<<<<< -- FM(14:12:29/10-24-54) >>>>>[Right. Safehouses located at *****Encrypt locations*****. Drop set up in 12 hours. Penetrators informed, into Tir in 14.5 hours.]<<<<< -- Moriarity(14:14:23/10-24-54) >>>>>[Eugene it is. See ya there.]<<<<< -- Foxey Roxey(14:14:54/10-24-54) >>>>>[That fraggin boat again? Great....]<<<<< -- Slash(14:15:32/10-24-54) >>>>>[AJ, I need 2 days to finish the optional extras. Designed, but they have not all been built or debugged. 2 days.]<<<<< -- Wizard(14:16:43/10-24-54) >>>>>[You'll get them, Wiz. We need those as much as we need the Wyrm. Make sure that they work properly. Test them on whatever Moriarity will give you. And Solitiare, I want you to check out Seattle Sat Comm 2 and tell me what you find there. Everything there is, hardware, design, everything. Our intelligence says that it isn't everything it appears to be. And get a Pen teaminto *****Encrypt coords***** area. There's an old satelite dish there that the UCAS forgot about. Repair it and lock it onto Seattle Sat 2. Fast]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(14:21:30/10-24-54) >>>>>[YOu mean the old NASA radio observatory north of Boulder? We own it, or I should say that we used to... But it's easy to fix and get up and running. 3 days tops, if Wizard can get the toys working properly. And if Moriarity can lay his hands on the signal modulator I need...]<<<<< -- Solitaire(14:24:18/10-24-54) >>>>>[ AH HA!!!! Ah found what Ah was lookin for. Well folks our Wyrm is also known as Sir Kinealthas Morkai, Earl of Landess. It took mah a while and a lot of searching and confirming, but thats who he is. Ah was able ta also find out who his friends were and the members of his old group the Lord Knights. Sir Arlieshque' Nieve', Earl of the Northron Climbs Sir Eric 'Gargoyle' Kingsdal, Earl of Risha'an Sir Gideon 'Greaser' Carmichael, Second Earl of D'vani Sir Borisse' 'Flashfire' Thorian, Second Earl of Aakash Sir Johanna 'Lady Phoenix' DeBurg, Second Earl of Landess Sir Katarina 'Punch' Red Cloud, Second Earl of Red Plains Sir Elizabeth 'Crunch the Ogre' Johannsen, Second Earl of the Dusted Sir Morgan 'Walker in Darkness' Frederich, Second Earl of Myrthia Ah haven't yet checked ta see if these friends of his are still around and helping him, though Ah believe Arlieshque is in Amazonia. Ta make matters more even, Ah also found out just who Solarial was since it wasn't that hard compared ta Wyrm. Prince Linaus Solarial, youngest son and heir ta the Solarial line. What makes ma wonder though is what happened ta the others in the line? Anybody know? Or am AH ta go huntin for this too.]<<<<< -- Circuit Breaker < Huntin the Sun and Wyrm > >>>>>[Message_in_Transit ***Det_check /r **** ***encrypt_check **** ***TTR_check **** Not sure if this is going to make it through, but well, it's my last shot... This is Reaver here...not sure if my pin will make it through. */at_lock This trans is coming from INSIDE the M-Tek corp... I may be burnt by the time you get this, but if not, there is a cut for whoever can pull me some meat fast... not quite sure of the PA here...somewhere outside of Seattle ***block_rand ***block_rand fading... link_dead]<<<<< >>>>>[AJ I am on my way to Eugene as we speak. Are we ready ta have some fun er what?]<<<<< -- STREETWOLF(Fire is an Elfs Best Friend)(18:37:25/10:24:54) >>>>>[Uh, I think the "or what" will apply to the lack of fun we will be having shortly, STREETWOLF.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(23:10:38/10-24-54) >>>>>[GET HER!!!!! Don't hurt her, and if she doesn't want to talk, fine, and let her go, but TALK TO HER NOW!!!!!!!]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(00:03:51/10-25-54) >>>>>[Right, boss. One Punch coming up, if she's in Denver now...]<<<<< -- Moriarity(00:04:31/10-25-54) >>>>>[No, she's not in Denver right now, running between Dallas/Ft. Worth and Denver. In town in 22 hours theoretically, if she doesn't get wind of this. Or doesn't get scragged as we free traders have happen once in a while.]<<<<< -- FM(00:06:12/10-25-54---mobile link) >>>>>[I'm ready for the run. Was stalled by a pair of not so friendly tails. Give me the word when and where.]<<<<< -- Red <21:22:09/10-24-54> >>>>>[ Ahhh, what can I say but sorry Nightstalker, I will, of course compensate you for your monetary loss, I was not able to contact Vanessa to force her to abort. As for how she intended to get out, I imagine she intended to 'walk straight out the front gate' so to speak. I do have another job for you if you're interested, one more to your liking too. I need the following people shadowed, standard procedure, dig up on anyone they contact. *****Include Encrypted Ganz Courier list***** They are all small fish, but still something worthwhile may come out of it. Oh, I got recieved something some of you others may be interested in, the translation of that High Sperethial post made last week, while I could not personally read it, I did recognise what it was. ***Include Etsypost CAT: Be wary, Spirit! You have power, yes, and I would be a fool not to acknowdge that, but your power is not so great that you could not be destroyed. You are no more invincible than I or Nox. We both can be destroyed, as Nox soon shall be. As to my rank, we knew each other early in the Wars, and I rose far before thier end in a most dishonerable peace for the Great Elves. But we were both young, and I no longer wish for the world torn apart by a war that cannot be won. Living among these miserable humans so long has not weakened my resolve to live without the dragons, only the means that existance should take. As to Nox, you wonder why I weep not for the past? Perhaps because it is the past, set forever in the ages. To weep for it is a waste of energy. I do, however, understand the danger it poses to the world, even to those such as you, Spirit, and those such as myself. It could throw a terrible knot into our plans and as such must be - removed. Nox, being of the metaplanes and the Overnet, I have been called arrogant, racist, overbearing, overconfident, and even a facist, and there is some truth to many of these lables. However, you are but a spirit horror and your arrogance and that very power you weild shall be your downfall. CAT and his kind, and the Wyrm(shall he survive) and his old associates, as well as myself and those here with the power shall crush you. Even you cannot withstand the full force of the world forever. Live for today, Nox, for your tomorrows are limited. Seraphylanjalijigusnort: So the child that was missing survives. I suspected as much. In fact, I believe I may have met him. Thank you for confirming my suspicions in this; he shall fit nicely into my plans. H has uncovered his true past, correct? But does he know the reasons for his parents' deaths? Do you even know all the reasons? You were thier confidant, but can you be certain that they had not the very frailties of these miserable humans? That they were elves I know well, but this creation of the child was... well, poor planning. Or were they expecting to escape me and mine and have thier child carry on after them. But he is still a youth, and might be made to see my reasons for doing what had to be done. Perhaps he need not suffer the same fate of death they did. Ask him, Seraphylanjaligigusnort, ask him so that his fate may be decided. I am anxious for the first time in ages! The Great Game is again afoot! *** Endpost Should be interesting to some of you, donations are, of course, welcome, I wonder who 'the child' is, sounds like he/she is in for an eventfull life. Although I suppose a 95 year old man would be a child to a dragon. ]<<<<< -- NodeFaerie <21:48:19/10-24-54> >>>>>[Null persp chummers, I'm back and in good shape. Some rather nasty . . . things tried to do away with me --- but I managed to dodge the tentacles as it were. I'm fully back online and ready to go at it. ***REDSPICES*** Red, Spice how you chummers doing. Are you O.K. ? Please give me a sign. We should try to make our run on Agrigen soon. I'll meet you at the usual place*****]<<<<< -- NightShade (22:31:53/10.24.54) >>>>>[Well Nightwolf, you were right -- the Denver shadows ARE dark. Dark and highly unforthcoming as of now. I already talked to Alexander Vipere at Le Club Sable and Regina Sharp ---- both of them are very closelipped. I think they're hiding something. They don't know much . . . but what they do know they're keeping secret. No need to worry, I got at least 4 other contacts here in Denv- er, still its not a promising start. How about your search ? Any info from your side of the tracks ? Its not a problem - see you back at our hotel room.]<<<<< -- Sun (06:42:11/10.25.54) >>>>>[Finally AJ, some results. Well thats good - you know that Wyrm is in the Tir, a neighbor of mine, you might say. Now its time to finish this game. Go to it . . . oh, don't get lost on the way and "accidently" hit my house instead because I can assure you the result will be most unpleasant. Oh, and Nightstalker, I'm so afraid now . . . the big bad shadowman might come and hurt me . . boo hoo. For someone who criticizes people for blowing hot air, you sure huff and puff alot yourself.]<<<<< -- Prince Solarial (22:49:16/10.24.54) >>>>>[Good Valentine, I am mailing to keep you appraised of the situation with Little Dragon and the "watcher" Journey. Journey seems rather well adjusted to life in these woods, though having lived in them far longer, I know thier ways better. But his most likely shamanic upbrining has shown him the hiding places and shelters they provide for when the patrols come by looking for us all. Even Watchers can not penetrate a wall of living tree or ivy, and so see him and my companions not. His aura is far too normal to be not a magician, most likely a shaman, for even the most isolated of normals have small darker areas of scar tissue, the odd cybernetic enhancement, or the small cold that I seem to have incessantly. But he does not bother me and your protege nor Bruce's guardian, and watches well to insure that I injure them not. Little Dragon has expressed a desire to learn what I can teach him, and indeed he learns very quickly and very well for one so young. He is a tribute to yourself in his patience, as I gather from Saki that he used to have none. But he also fears what his Uncle would say to having him learn some other martial form than Ninjutsu, the non-existant martial art. Perhaps we can work something out over training, although I am quite afraid that as one progresses in the Steps, other forms fall by the wayside and ultimately become unusable. But this is quite up to you and his Uncle, whose name he failed to mention. I hope to earn your trust in this, Valentine. For from what Bruce and Saki have told me, you are a most honerable man. In this world, especially here in my home, honerable men are few and far between, even more so if they are elves involved in politics and petty scheming. Good Alexander Jackson and Buzz, I offer you my services. I predict that you are rather closer to discovering Ouroboros' home in the Tir. I know well where it is located, but upon his request will not tell you. This knowledge comes from long years living alone in the woods of my home, and seeing large trucks moving large amounts matrix software. I will not attack my...associate. He is not my friend, but we have an understanding in regards to each other. However, should you wish my aid in insuring Ms. Diana's safe return, do not hesitate to ask. I will not be difficult to contact should you decide.]<<<<< -- Hermit(11:20:23/10-25-54) *****Encrypt MPCP Red, Nightshade only >>>>>[ Red, Nightshade let's do it then. I reviewed the security rating again of the target and I've revised it to a 5, however word on the street say they are still on alert effectively upping their rating to a 7. Now we could wait or just go in anyway, I've a few ideas that might help us to get in. Matrix support is going to be imperative, I say we get this Bonejacker on the job seeing as there is no one else. It's going to be tough but then thats what you run the shadows for eh ? The kick, the buzz and what's more, the NUYEN ! The way I reckon even if we don't find anything to help us with our case we should be able to grab enough stuff to fence. So, meet tonight, I'll contact Bonejacker and ask him to bring what he can find out about the place with him. Watch your backs guys, from what I've seen we've all had problems with these low level toxics. ]<<<<< -Spice (13:27:05/10.25.54) >>>>>[ Bonejacker we've a job for you. Make a run on LTG **ENCRYPT** see what you can find out about their physical security procedures. Meet us tonight at **ENCRYPT**. ]<<<<< -Spice (13:28:50/10.25.54) >>>>>[ Interesting, another disaster just occured. Seems like there's been quite a feww this week. Here's the details. ***Newsfeed Residents of the Ebony building this morning woke up complaining of stomach pains and bowel disorders. It appears that the entire buidling's water supply has become infected with a virulent strain of Toxihallicomy. 30 people were rushed to hospital, mainly the very old or young, 7 people are belived to have died from it so far. The Metroplex guard is superivising the situation trying to prevent a riot of the blocks 2300+ residents. Bottled water is being supplied to all apartments until the cause of the contamination can be found. This is yet another problem in the short history of this building, specially built to house some of the cities less well off ..[end link] *** Started to get boring after that, just went on a little about how odd things have been happening at this place in the past. I think I may have a look though, I'm not far from the Ebony block now. Anyone know what Toxihallicomy is ? Guys, don't forget, I'll see you tonight. ]<<<<< -Spice (13:40:21/10.25.54) >>>>>[Sorry to create any confusion relating to the Mil Tech corp...entirely unintentional.]<<<<< --Reaver [09:45:17/10.25.54] >>>>>[Solitaire, I know you are busy, but get a trace on that transmission that mentioned the M-tek corp. I know it ain't us, because we don't exist anymore and nobody here would be stupid enough to mention it, but if he needs help, and will pay, we'll go get him.]<<<<< -- Moriarity(11:39:06/10-25-54) >>>>>[BUSY?! Frag yeah I'm busy! Here's the construct. Do it youself. *****Download-locked/encrypted/scrambled-OLD_WAYS v2 trace construct*****]<<<<< -- Solitaire(11:40:42/10-25-54) >>>>>[Solitaire, relax and get some sleep! Please! For the sake of everyone here, get some sleep! But thank you for the program.]<<<<< -- Moriarity(11:42:11/10-25-54) >>>>>[Humph...]<<<<< -- Solitaire(11:42:35/10-25-54) >>>>>[Ok, lets get this thing working....*****Engaging OLD_WAYS Trace morph**** *****Tracing....Thread aquired....IC encountered, Old Ways morphing.... *****Morph complete.....IC damaged....IC destroyed, Destruction Time: 4.3ms *****Old Ways thread complete--Trace complete--Trace [Location 342 hhielR] at [Tac] *****Old Ways disEngaging...disEngage complete. Got him! Extraction squad 4, go to this location. Maximum Threat level, I'm afraid. Terminate with minimal prejudice. Try to do this one quietly this time, ok?*****Encyrpt Location****]<<<<< -- Moriarity(11:47:13/10-25-54) >>>>>[ Heehee ha ha ! That was certainly one in the eye for Jules and those Aztecs, should serve a clear warning to that big drekker that we're not to be messed with. Well I hear you all ask what happened, what happened ? Ack, lemme see, just where do I start ? Maybe it should be the water elementals that Princess and Cerise summoned and virtually flooded the Aztec vessel. Or maybe it should be when Fenris and Speed arrived 'surfing' in Speed's boat on the back of one huge mother of a sea spirit and tossed those boats of Jules' high and dry. Or maybe it's the look of suprise on one of them dammed houngan's faces when Regent manifested right next to the mother and knocked him over board with his horn. Ha ha, we had fun, we had fun there was hardly anything for meself and Punisher to shoot. Well, there was still the Aztec guards on board the Fuengirola but, ah shucks, target practice, target practice that's all it was. Ahh we had some fun, even that old grouch Golem started smiling, first time I've seen him smile since he's been here. But enough frivolity, we're still no closer in tracking Powerhouse. We checked out some of those shielded locations that Fenris found but for a variety of reasons had to abandon them. You know the stuff, wards found in police stations, govt wards, mega corp wards, we can't check all of those, but by hell I'm trying, the matrix is a highway and I've one mother of deck to cruise down it. I did take another peek into Jules' computer, seems he's upped his security since I was there last time, I'd benchmark it at Red-5 now, with major nodes at Red-6, the odd bit of black ic bumming round here n there, ya know how it goes, but Jules babe has got nothing like the IBA-super-sleaze, hell I based it on myself an icon just starts to chat up the ic making the odd suggestion here n there, if ya get me drift, eventually the ic gets so embaressed that it looks away while I'll stroll past with ma cloak of sleaze wrapped around. So what did I get, Jules is pissed as expected, but what the hell. I listened in on a camera link to the mother while he was blasting his men, one really ugly mother of an ork really got it while one tall smart looking guy with a staff (must have been the guy you saw Punisher) just stood there looking real smug. Well Jules assigned all control of the next mission to the tall guy, he looked kinda mean as well while I think about it, the ugly ork he was threatened with 'replacement' well I don't think ya have to be real bright to work that one out eh ? So did the mission work, well I dunno if they got the message to lay off us but then that was not really the message we were trying to give them eh ? We just wanted them to concentrate on something else instead of us, even though the something else is us, ha I love life ! So, to answer the question, yes I believe it did work, Jules is pissed off, majorly pissed off, he blames the sabotage of his arms drop with the Aztecs as being part of this Carlos chummers work, from what I heard he's sending a hitman over there to wipe out one of this Carlos chummer's main assets. Things are gonna liven up :) ]<<<<< -I.B.A. (**:**:**/**.**.**) >>>>>[Progress report.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(11:50:09/10-25-54) >>>>>[Modulator crew penetrated old Radio Telescope facility late last night. No difficulties. No guards even. The UCAS seems to want to wish it would go away so they could do something else with the land. Major repairs needed to internal electronics and mechanical operating dish motors. Minimum of 2 days to "aquire" new motors and 1 day to make necessary repairs to electronics. Guard set up and they have been cleared by Solitiare's lovely manipulation of the UCAS private security firms. All on-site members are now officially employees of Winter Security(thanks for the back doors everyone, from the rescue) and the Techs are "private contractors." We are now unofficially legal occupants of the building. Now, Solitaire hasn't gotten any sleep for the last 3 days, and she really needs some before she kills herself. AJ, that's my progress report on her and the dishes.]<<<<< -- Moriarity(11:56:48/10-25-54) >>>>>[Frag off and die, moriarity. I don't need that drek and there will be time enough for sleep once Diana's safe. If you hadn't noticed, there's a deadline here? Ya know? Sorry AJ, but the boy's annoying the drek out of me... Progress report: Sat Comm 2-wait a minute, better encrypt this...****Encrypt CTHULU_PROOF v3**** Sat Comm @-military co-op'd it just before it was sent up and then buried tha fact in a glacier, if you get my meaning. I actually flatlined again gettin the data, but I'm fine!!!! Don't need sleep...Got it yesterday when I was... unconscious. It's still a normal Comm sat, but with an directed Nuke on board designed to fry every non-hardened electrical device beneath it(except them optical comps, but the interfaces are still old style in Seattle) in case of Secession, which ain't likely to happen. But it also has enough thruster power to move it all over the globe if necessary and some really sophisticated jamming equipment to frag all comm in a rather large area, about 12km across. Cover most of Downtown in the event of the drek hittin the fan. Should serve our needs. Even has a self destruct(NOT the fraggin nuke) that re-aligns all the thrusters and sends it off toward either deep space or the sun. But the UCAS ain't gonna like our taking it from them....even if I rig it to look like a micrometeroid impact caused a massive comp malf, causing it to "drift" and then self destruct.]<<<<< -- Solitaire(12:07:18/10-25-54) >>>>>[Do it, Solitaire, but get some sleep first. At least 12 hours. I know that system of yours, so I know it'll keep tracing leads and data threads on its own. Set Moriarity infront of it. He knows enough to recognize when something doesn't quite jive and wake you. And Moriarity, have whoever is stillthere tie her down if necessary to keep her from decking for the next 12 hours. Tranq her if necessary. Progress reports noted.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(12:10:48/10-25-54) >>>>>[But! Bu.....****Link Terminated***** ***encrypt_code mctc >>>>>[Link a little better today...time pressed though. Not sure whether I am really here, or if I am...just some fucking rom Everything is getting twisted...my C^2 is getting quirky... ***int_trace det/on need to go...if anyone can manage a trace and run, the cut will be high...]<<<<< -- Reaver [11:16:42/10.25.54] >>>>>[Hold on, Reaver. We have a squad in route to your location and should have you free shortly(within the next 2 hours) depending on opposition. Be ready for anything, and the squad will be wearing armor with Mu Theta inscribed in the breastplate and back in black on dark grey. Do NOT attack them, and only if you id youself as Reaper(not Reaver) will they take you instead of drugging you and leaving you there to rot. If you attack them, they will assume you are the enemy and react accordingly.]<<<<< -- Moriarity(15:14:49/10-25-54) >>>>>[Getting closer....Got it! Well, almost. Ok, the Traces give us a 99.93% chance that it's northern Tir where Wyrm is, and the Portland percentage is up to 67.22%. Getting closer....]<<<<< -- Solitaire(15:21:41/10-25-54) >>>>>[I told you to keep her off line for 12 hours!!]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(15:22:21/10-25-54) >>>>>[We had new info and wanted her expertise in this area. Well, much more expert than my hardware background anyway.]<<<<< -- Solitaire(15:23:39/10-25-54) >>>>>[Besides, that tranq they gave me on YOUR orders hasn't woooorrrrnnn offfffffffzzzzzzzz...****Link Terminated at Source**** >>>>>[I'm sure I'll get a virus for that one...]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(15:25:15/10-25-54) >>>>>[ Yesterday it was power fluctuations, today it's, well, I'll let Archangel explain. ]<<<<< --Frontier (11:19:10/10-25-54) >>>>>[ ...and whilst I was in the Wallingford area this fine morning, the windows did start to rattle, and yea, the street itself to vibrate as it oft does it a really bitching nightclub. Verily, it seemed as if an earthquake were imminent, though Vulcan's forges have lain dormant these many years. A high-pitched whistling began at the edge of mine ears, and grew in volume, a keening not unlike a banshee's wail. Suddenly, a manhole cover didst hurl itself into the air atop a pillar of steam, and I barely dodged the hurt'ling disc as it came crashing down to the sidewalk. Then another did do the same, and another, until vents were open for many city blocks, and traffic was most dismayed. The surrounding buildings, too, were afflicted by this chaos without apparent cause. But sure am I that some great evil be afoot here... ]<<<<< --Archangel (11:30:28/10-25-54) >>>>>[ So wha'happen? Someone wanna translate this medeval drek? Word.up!homeboy! ]<<<<< --Raz'r'sEdge (11:32:04/10-25-54) >>>>>[ It appears to have been a buildup of pressure in the sewer system in that sector. Someone or something closed all the usual venting systems, but nobody was there in the matrix when I checked, and sure as hell didn't leave any tracks. ]<<<<< --Frontier (11:35:09/10-25-54) >>>>>[ What my comrade fails to mention is the static that was left throughout the area. Quite a lot of it, actually. Covered about eight city blocks. ]<<<<< --Dilletante (11:38:40/10-25-54) >>>>>[ Static? ]<<<<< --Raz'r'sEdge (11:39:34/10-25-54) >>>>>[ Astrally, my friend, astrally. Like mental molasses. Like wading through jello. It'd be like you going back to turtleing when you're used to an Excalibur. ]<<<<< --Dilletante (11:43:27/10-25-54) >>>>>[Hermit, by all means, tell them. *snicker*]<<<<< -- The (Dead) Wyrm Ouroboros (Here I'm not!/Nyah-Nyah-Nyah) >>>>>[Hey, has anybody seen Cat or Nox lately? Or, like, does anybody get the feeling that they're keeping each other busy?]<<<<< -- The (Dead) Wyrm Ouroboros (Here I'm not!/Nyah-Nyah-Nyah) >>>>>[ Hmm... remember I said I was going to look at the Ebony building. Well apart from the hordes of metroplex guards keeping things running I noticed something very strange in the astral. The astral background count was higher than it should have been yet within 10 minutes of being there it had virtually disappeared. This sounds similar to other reports I've been hearing about, anyone any ideas as to what is going on ? ]<<<<< -Spiceee (20:32:17/10.25.54) >>>>>[Baron, we need to contact some members of a particular group and only you can bring about that contact. Either relay us a message, if they wish to speak to us or have them meet us at our compound. It cannot be missed. We wish to aid them in their fight.]<<<<< --The Transformer{Prelate of the Fellowship Of Life} (18:23:46 EDT/10:25:54) >>>>>[Case You on?]<<<< --FireBird (18:56:00 EDT/10:25:54) >>>>>[**Access Entry Tracker**: FireBird...Please Wait... Located ***Coded Locale*** Entry Point: Syber Space **Access Syber Space** Connection Established... Welcome To Syber Space --You are Requested @***454435322*** Jump ***454435322*** Access Cleared. Chamber Secured. What's up? -I wish you were with me today... What happened. -I was by the 'Raku Arcology and something realy fraggin' wierd happened... Well slot it will ya? -Lucky and I were just wandering about and this guy got tossed litteraly out of -a restaurant window. Then this realy huge guy followed him out and took his -head off with a very large round. Did anyone else see it? -Every news station has it on! Sorry I was kinda tied up with a little problem of my own. Send me a scan of this guy if you have one and I'll check it out for ya! -Ok **Coded d/l of graphic file** **Processing** **Recieved and Compiled** Ok CUL8R -Tonight at 8.... **Closing Link** **Transmiting to Shadow Land w/ Header File** **Recieved By Shadow Land** **Account Reduced**]<<<<<< --Head Case (19:00:43 EDT/10:25:54) >>>>>[ This is just a hunch, Spice, but I'd say that these problems are being caused by something big and nasty, probably toxic, with a really sick sense of humor. ]<<<<< --Dilletante (16:07:59/10-25-93) >>>>>[ Nothin' like ou you posers, NOOOOooo... ]<<<<< --Raz'r'sEdge (16:09:25/10-25-93) >>>>>[ Hey, I resemble that remark >;-} ]<<<<< --Frontier (16:10:40/10-25-93) ****encrypt_ver_2.0 *** Moriarty_only >>>>>[Moriarty-- Got the rep....you got the def and the cut...please make the run tonight...i will be watching for it...watch out, though some of the Screamers are still active...but i got most of em....untill then..]<<<<< -- Reaver [18:08:31/10.25.54] ***encrypt_mcdc ***set_ser %l ***dev_int /d >>>>>[Link fading fast...not sure whether or not further transmissions will reach me...if not, try it tonight...I'll do what i can for you...]<<<<< -- Reaver [19:44:36/10.25.54] >>>>>[ Well that was an enlightening experience, thouroughly enjoyable, although I don't think Speed feels quite the same way. I really must summon sea spirit's more regularly. Oh, on to business, I ran into a couple of those hougans on the isle we were checking out, incedently that's why we were late, I managed to take care of them with the help of Speed, however we did find something of interest. It appears that most of these hougan guy's in Jules operation aren't initiated, however some notes in this hougan's place refered to 'having found the twelth' and 'the bonding will occur in two weeks time'. I think these guys were almost ready to create a magical group, would this situation not 'tip the balance' between Jules and Carlos. Also it seems that quite a few of the hougans aren't happy with the bosses choice in right hand men, apparently they were insulted that there boss chose the 'puppet master' ahead of one of them. I guess this 'puppet master' guy is that mage with the staff. ]<<<<< -- Fenris <20:19:62/10-25-54> >>>>>[ Something weird happened to your's truly tonight. I'm sitting in this stuffer shack, right, and a truck skids outside and comes ramming through the window, luckily I was up the back, I mean five people were killed. Oh, excuse me, Herr Nightstalker, _I_ ruined you're plan, if you hadn't of led those samurai straight to me in the middle of a hit, I would have been in and out, nice and clean, the guy's history. I mean I almost freaked when you two walked in the door with half of Renraku security behind you. Geez, I _am_ still going to get paid for this aren't I Nodie. ]<<<<< -- SpotOn <20:49:06/10-25-54> >>>>>[Very well, his current residence is located not so far from Crater Lake, my current abode. The very location that someone(I am afraid that I do not remember who) posted to this medium last week or so.]<<<<< -- Hermit(23:47:43/10-25-54) >>>>>[HOLD IT! That don't jive with what I'm getting here on my traces. I get closer and closer to Portland every time, and I'm running traces on @@Pi that get closer to Portland too. So what the frag is going on?!]<<<<< -- Solitaire(23:49:32/10-25-54) >>>>>[We're being played for fools. I suspected as much. Moriarity, when is Punch going to be in town? 1.2 hours is it now?]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(23:50:36/10-25-54) >>>>>[1.15 to be precise. We can grab her anytime she's around, and we have drones keeping her isolated radio wise with jammers. She can't talk to anyone for a while. We can wait if you would like, but I'd recommend extracting her now. ETA is 23.4 minutes from when you give the order.]<<<<< -- Moriarity(23:52:55/10-25-54) >>>>>[Consider it given. Do NOT hurt her in any way, and force her off. Don't damage her vehicle unless you must. Take it and her to central, ask her about the Wyrm, and if she doesn't tell you, do not harm her in any way. Wyrm, I don't like being manipulated. This pawn just made it to the far side of the board, became a queen, and changed to a third color on the board. Neither you nor Solarial can now control me or my other "pawns." And all they need is to move one space and we own this board and this game. Consider your next move VERY carefully. This goes for you as well, Solarial. Random factors have just been introduced, and this factor is PISSED OFF!]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(23:57:19/10-25-54) >>>>>[Oh, and Wyrm, Punch will not be hurt in any way, unless you get through the dead zone in radio we have up around her and tell her to resist. Then her vehicle may be destroyed, and her get dumped violently. So I recommend that you not try breaking through, and if you do, tell her not to try anything. She will not be harmed. I am not Solarial that uses others to hold over your head. I won't kill her if you don't give up your location. Hold her until you are properly dispatched, and then release her, yes, but not injure her. You may not think much of honor, Wyrm(or is it Worm?), but if you know me at all you know that I will do as I have said. I have a conscience that you and Solarial could never dream of having, and I feel for the deaths I've caused over my 54 years. Do you?]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(00:01:36/10-25-54) ***** Encrypt: Ooooo WOW an Encrypt: Nodie, ShadowTeam, Mantis, Wyrm >>>>>[ Opps, I seemed to have made a boo-boo. Ok, I made a mistake and told Wyrm that I would be joining in on the Ganz hunt with Lister and CRUSH, now that post should have been to Nodie, but at the time I didn't realize that he and Wyrm where not working together. As to running the re-education camp with Mantis, well CRUSH and Lister would be all up for it except that we have to find the Russian guy. But a bit of good news is that a few of Sheena's friends would like to help out, so expect more then a few Sam's and such to show up. Well I have to get back on the case, I am getting closer to him.]<<<<< --Spirit ***** Encrypt Look Ma, I can FLy!! JAEZ >>>>>[ Jaez, Sheena and I were able to do a little wealing and dealing and were able to get CRUSH and Lister put on lone to your parent company as personal body guards for you. I figured that having people you knew and could trust would help a little, also its easier for them to protect you that way until I find Chenckov. Just make sure they don't get into to much trouble, and warn CRUSH to duck every so often, the Renraku ceilings can be mighty low. Oh, and don't worry about Cyberware clearance, its been taken care of. Also, Lister will probably be running the drone as one of your body guards.]<<<<< --Spirit >>>>>[We got him! Reaver is in our hands, a little worse for the wear, but still. The guards were stunned and are bound up well. The illusions worked perfectly, and they never knew what hit them. One minor injury from treking back to the transports(sprained ankle), but no combat wounds. Remote detonated Neuro Stun grenades(over 20 of them) and a downed tree that they had to open the van doors to get out of the way and that's all she wrote. Now, I'm not sure who they were, and Reaver was unconscious when we got him out, but the anti-toxin worked ok and he's awake now. And grateful. I hope that he'll inform us what we took on today, but the cut will be transfered as soon as we can get him to a safe terminal uplink and get him online again. So, where do you want dropped off...]<<<<< -- Maxwell Stupid(00:06:54/10-26-54) >>>>>[We have Punch. Null problems. She tried to punch her way through the crew, and almost succeeded, but with the drones all around her maintaining jamming on her, she couldn't radio out. She tried too. Almost got through to Shockwave(the Wyrm) too, but not quite. We stopped her with a chase drone loaded with armor-peircing rounds targeted on the engine only. The carbeurator was hit, and she came grinding to a halt. The Chopper will be out to get the car in precisely 12 minutes, and she's in custody. Doing a masive scan of her vehicle for bugs and tracers now, already found two. Whether they were placed there by her or somebody else I don't know, but they are being disabled as we speak, to be enabled when we turn her loose again downtown after all this is over. She tried to gun us down, and Martie took a burst to the chest. I don't know if she'll make it, but we got Punch unconscious when the mage Sleeped her. She's taking a little nap now, and we're putting her in the sound-sealed car now. Bound and blindfolded, but she may sleep through the whole trip. Besides, the mage is with her and says he's got a Confusion spell locked on her too, and a spirit maintaining a confusion on her too. She will NOT know where she is going. Sorry Wyrm, but our security is too important to let your friend see where we operate from. And she'll not be posting from Central either, nor will she be on long enough for you to get a trace. Besides, we have Solitaire running interception too.]<<<<< -- Scrub, Rig/Extract Team 4(00:34:16/10-26-54) >>>>>[yeah mon, I catch your meaning. No problem, mon. They can handle it without any real problem too, mon. They almost got the whole place before, mon, and they have been building up for it too, over the last week or so. So they can help, mon. Besides, I can help too, mon. You know, no flesh or bag of water to drag around everywhere I go. And I can channel the energy I live in most of the time without the pain of you flesh tings, mon. Sorry, but true. Ever see a mon hurl them Roaches out thier stomach? Or steam and boil in thier own water(red, but still just water)? How would you like to see the Soly-mon puke roaches, mon? His future ain't mine to decide. The Mistress and her father(what is a father, by the way?) have that duty, mon. And you can't take that from em either, so watch it mon.]<<<<< -- The Baron(00:41:41/10-26-54) ***encrypt_mcdc ***trans_lock full ***EOS : %l >>>>>[Now that I can take the time to explain, here was the sitch. ShadowCat and I had made a run on Mil corp...and I was leading the mercs. Got in, DV'd the necessary data, and was about to bolt when...another team showed up...still not sure who...YET. I was loaded with trancs before i knew what hit me...was still partially jacked. These guys were FAST...but they overlooked that my neural sys can jack from remote..given a small distance...and was able to call for back up. The cut has been transacted, and the help was appreciated...unfortunately, ShadowCat got burned. Freelance again, I suppose...unless the old Mil Tech corp will have me. But i still have the data...and it's officially on the market... let me know if there is an interest...well, still groggy...Reaver out. -- Reaver [23:09:04/10.25.54] ***file_lock /s ***intercept_default [track] [cut] ***scramble_check /a *****GNUEncrypt.DAWNSIODAEDD CATH.1221 >>>>>[Six-Pack, are you receiving? This is going out live. We're about to launch the drones. >>INCLUDE.407MGh >This is Dalmation One, drone has cleared the Whale. Am heading 087 degrees at 400 knotts. Insertion in four minutes, mark. >Whale; affirmed. >This is Dalmation Two, drone has cleared the Whale. Am heading 099 degrees at 400 knotts. Insertion in five minutes, mark. >Whale; affirmed. >Duster is airbourne. Insertion in seven minutes, mark. > > > >Dalmation One, crossing the line, mark. They have us on their radar. Response time, five minutes, mark. > >Dalmation Two, crossing the line, mark. >Dalmation One, firing HARM 1. Turning to 076 degrees. HARM 1 has impacted. Radar emmissions ceased. >Dalmation Two, firing HARM 3. Turning to 107 degrees. >Dalmation One, firing HARM 2. Returning to base. >Dalmation Two, HARM 3 has impacted. Radar emmissions ceased. Firing HARM 4. Returning to base. >HARM 2 has impacted. Radar emissions ceased. >Enemy contact, four hovercraft, bearing 267 degrees. >HARM 4 has impacted. Radar emissions ceased. >Well done, gentlemen. We've just opened a 4 mile gap in Tir Tairngire's western border. >Whale has five, repeat, five hovercraft on radar. All hands to battlestations. > >Recover Dalmation One >Duster is crossing the line. No contact yet. Expecting heavy magickal security >Recover Dalmation Two >Duster, four minutes to target....mark. Walks-Alone reports no spirit contact yet >Dalmation One has cleared the Whale > >This is the Whale: splash one hovercraft. Repeat, one hover down. >Dalmation Two has cleared the Whale >Whale is under magickal assualt. Stand by >Got im! Mage is on bogie three. Targetting... >Duster, two minutes to target. Still no contact. Landfall....mark >Whale, splash two hovercraft. Repeat, two hovers no down. Magickal attack has ceased >Duster, this is- >Watcher! >Say again, Walks-Alone? You've been ID'd? >Affirmed >Splash three, repeat three hovercraft >Duster, this is Wandjina one. Enemy contact: five, repeat five Aguilar gunships. Engaging >Dalmation One, engaging >Splash four, repeat four hovercraft. Enemy force now consisting of six hovercraft, two patrol boats. Under heavy magickal attack >Taking the shot, good tone, firing AIM 1. >Scratch one, repeat, one gunship >Duster is at the target. Ten seconds to pickup. >This is Dalmation Two!! Enemy contact! Seven gunships bearing 131 at 120 knotts. And a Fed-Boeing Eagle just buzzed by at 900 knotts, bearing 245 for the Whale! >Splash five, repeat five hovercraft. >Duster is on the roof >Scratch two, repeat two gunships. >Whale, this is Turner. I'm at 400 knotts, ETA 30 seconds. Sorry I'm late, took a wrong turn at the last cloud >Dalamtion One is down, jacking out- >Splash one patrol boat >Weird radar signature, bearing 087 degrees, 12 knotts >I see it! Holy fraggin drek, It's Lofwyr! >Duster is airbourne. Team aboard, ramp closing >Scratch three, repeat three gunships. >Splash six, repeat six hovercraft >Dalmation Two is down, jacking out- >Turner here, scratch second patrol boat, and the dragon's pissed at m- >Turner's down. Whale turning to 011 degrees. Heading home! >Duster is clear of the 40-mile line. No casualties on the team >Splash seven, repeat seven hovercraft. Enemy retreating. Except for the %^$$# dragon! >Whale ahead, flank speed. Lowfyr can't keep up with us for long >Long enough! I'm firing. Hit! He's seen the drone >We are clear! The dragon's backwinging <<<<<<<<<>>>>[ Hi Sun. I've tried to gather some informations, and it seems I've been true. you also saw that. It's really DARK here. I've tried to make my way in the shadows to learn about my friend < you know, the one who's been geeked while calling me :( >. It was hard but I've found a guy who was there when everything happened, a homeless one. He told me that he was asleep when he heard somebody shouting. He opened hid eye and saw a guy, on the ground in a public phone cab, holding his left hip, with a lot of blood behind him on the window. Then he saw two other guys approching him, one with a BIG gun ( that's his words ), and the other with blue sparkles around his hand, probably a mage. Then the mage approached his hand to the face of my friend ( it was him, because of the description ), who was enable to move, and he fall on the floor like an empty shell. After that, the two guys searched his pockets, took something and went away. 10 minutes later, the police of Denver was there, with the coroner. Somebody had call them. So it's sure. It was an homicide. For our target, I don't know. Nobody here wants to talk to someone who's not from Denver. There's something I don't like here, so if you have friends, it would be a good idea to contact them. I think we must go to Kansas city, because we may lost his track if we stay here to long. It seems also he has friends, good friends here. Now I need to sleep, so you'll find me at the hotel. It was a hard night. Be careful.]<<<<< -- NightWolf < 07:48:45 / 10-26-54 > >>>>>[ Friends in the Caribbean alas that you could not find Powerhouse sooner, and still have not, for he has now broken one of the strictures of our group. The stricture of attendance, unfortunately he missed the Autumn equinox session of our group and must now take the test of truth, honor and valor before he can initiate again. Should he fail this test it is possible he will be expelled from the group though such a move will not be made without lengthy discussion. I wish you well in your search, good luck. ]<<<<< -Sean Babrouk <15:37:50/10.26.54) >>>>>[ Ha ha, Fenris I don't think I've ever seen Speed annoyed at anything before but you really managed to do it this time. Seems the stress on the hull of the Nightrunner was way over it's design specs. I think you'd better warn him next time before you use his boats to go surfing again. Now to biz, I've included descriptions of all the sites that have magical wards and I haven't been able to get definate information as to whether PH is being held there or not. I have been able to rule out the possibility that the police are holding him, at first I was kinda worried they may be holding him on some trumped up charge but I've been through all the major Police networks on the islands, and used their security cameras to have a looksee what's actually in them ol' cells and interview rooms, not much, ya know, one heavy duty job (according to Fenris) did have a rogue mage, checked his file, murder, rape, ya know the kinda thing. The other locations, the military have a fair number of well protected sites and after skirting on the outskirts of one of those military systems I decided to leave these to last, I mean, the military ? Surely PH won't have been snatched by the military now, could he ? Well ok, it's a possibility but, ahh frag it's a bleeding long one. Anyway, I didn't have my lucky tooth with me and believe me chummer ya need all tha luck ya can muster when you take on the mothers of systems the military have. So that left me with the Megacorps, what few there are, and about 45 random sites, includes stuff like people's houses etc... So I trundle my icon off to MCT-Carib. not as bad as the hole they back in Seattle but ahh sheesh, I've run that black hole once or twice, hairy, I'll admit it, and ya have to know just when to jack out. So what do I find, I start checking the security node first have a look in those rooms where the wards are supposed to be, not a fragging thing. Then on a quick routine data scan I notice our old chummers name, nah, not PH (wish it was), Jules babe. Seems the little mother worked with Ganz (eat drek and die you mother) and MCT-Carib. nice little setup. Now get this, seems Jules' men worked with MCT's hit squad on the hit against the island ? Getting interesting yet ? Should be, seems Ganz simply supplied the info to MCT and offered the connection to Jules, me thinks Ganz has a big stick or mucho fraggin Nuyen to wave in Jules' drekkin direction. MCT reported the mission a success in their notes but no fraggin mention what the fraggin mothers did with PH. One thing I did get was this ****** have fun chummer, it's Ganz's contact number for the MCT bods, there's also an account number with Barclays in South Africa, with any luck you'll get something outta it. I reckon we do some serious work on Jules or some of his men to find out what they did with PH, Punisher fancy living up to your name and doin some serious interrogatin, Cerise if ya don't mind the sight of Punisher in action we could use ya to do the astral biz and tell us whether the victim is tellin us the truth or not. Ah just a bit of street news I got, hey I blend in no probelmo, the locals think I'm just another fat Yank with money to spend on their lager. Yep I found I place that serves smeggin good lager , and the barman's a positive sewer of information (you should've seen Princess' face turn red at some of the guys jokes, that ally job Regent loved it though), nah curries though, ack, still 1 outta 2's not bad. Ah, the biz, one of Carlos Benzanti's nephews was killed last night. Pretty nasty by all affairs, seems he was really badly beaten up then beheaded, they're still looking for the head, word is that Jules is gonna start a collection of heads so he knows how many times people really piss him off. Fenris, pick up the list of locations I've not been able to check on, there's 17 on Cuba and I think from what you said they were some of the bigger ones. Still ya had nah probs with Brandon's chummer's barrier so these little wards should be a piece of piss to ya :). If ya don't fancy doing that then we could always use your help in interrogating a few of Jules' men, a bit more magical support won't hurt there, Princess I don't know what you want to do, fancy helping Fenris ? That Regent seems to think he's cute . Be seein you later chummers. ]<<<<< -I.B.A. (**:**:**/**.**.**) >>>>>[ Why yes IBA, I think I could see myself fit to doing a public service to these islands and give a few lessons in memory. Sean, look sorry old man about PH's missed session, believe me we're trying as hard as we can. Things are just starting to narrow down now, should be an interesting few days. Hopefully be seeing you soon. ]<<<<< -Punisher (17:10:56/10.26.54) >>>>>[One night while in the east side of the Sprawl, I came upon a strange and amusing sight. At first I thought my low-light eyes were acting up again, but the closer I got, the more i realized it was in fact NOT an illusion. There they were: two LARGE trolls beating up on one small defenseless human. Suddenly the human screamed at the top of her lungs (from the pitch of the shriek it had to have been a woman) and an intense light exploded around them. I was temporarily blinded until my flare compensators kicked in. What I saw afterwards was that same small woman, with half her clothes burned off, searching through the remains of the trolls. She gathered up a credstick and some jewelry and made off into the night. I, crouching behind the trashcan, saw her look around as sirens appeared to be getting closer and she disappeared into an alley. Springing to my feet, holding my H&K 227 S-variant close to my body so it's outline won't be noticed, I dashed toward the alley. I cursed as the "hard rain" fell into my eyes, stinging the unmodified one. But I never lost sight of her. As soon as I entered the alley, I looked around. She was nowhere to be found. On either side of the alley was a large building with boarded-up windows. And dead ahead of me was a large, sheer concrete wall. With a quick search of the alley with my lowlight, T-graphic eye, I couldn't detect so much as a trace of her. She just disappeared into the night. Any suggestions as to what she could have been and what she was armed with?]<<<<< -- Nightraven <14:50:40/10-26-54> >>>>>[Baron, thank you for your assistance. Now to answer some of your questions. We will not kill except to defend, we agree that the ones wronged should decide his punishment. To the majority of your questions: I have not, I am an enchanter first of all, then the leader of our august organisation. Our organisation does not kill out of hand, we need a reason to kill. One of our strictures is to preserve ALL life. That includes vampires, dracoforms, etc. A father is one of two beings that create life. I am myself a father, my son works on Council Island. I moved to Seattle after a friend's family was killed in an attack on his village to aid him on his quest to bring about justice.]<<<<< --The Transformer{Prelate of the Fellowship Of Life}(16:33:37/10:26:54) >>>>>[NightWolf, we're definitely in to something nasty here. None of my cont- acts wants to talk to me about this. And I agree, we're running behind our tar- get here. I think its time to get on toward Kansas City -- the shadows are friendlier up there, we'll probably have more luck up there. As a matter of fact I know 2 people who would be glad to help us for the right price. See you at the UltraSonic we should be there in a few minutes that way. You should call ahead and get us a place to sleep. Once there we can split up to look for our target again. Hopefully we'll have more luck.]<<<<< -- Sun (14:08:14/10.26.54) >>>>>[NightWolf, I being followed by a couple of guys who look to do me some harm. I'm driving over to the Skylines Denver office. I'll take the long way around. Be there so we can give these guys a surprise . . I'd like to counter- ambush these guys. See you there]<<<< -- Sun (20:12:35/10.26.54) *****Encrypt Red/Nightshade/Spice MPCPs***** >>>>>[Here's what I got on Agrigen's physical security. I've compiled an extensive report on the physical aspects, and have also included any information that I've deemed important. Agrigen Corporation maintains two locations in Seattle, both are in the Bellevue district: the Agrigen Coporate Tower and Agrigen Research Complex. I've included summaries of my investigations pertaining to both places as well as the actual security numbers. The Agrigen Corporate Tower is located in downtwon Bellevue. This fifty story building is where all of Agrigen's administrative and business dealings take place. Very little research goes here, only the 31st floor is designated as a research area. Every Agrigen executive maintains an office at this building except for Samantha Carter, the Head of Experimental Research (more to follow). The Agrigen Rsearch Complex is also in Bellevue, but far away from the crowded downtown. It is at ***Location*** and is 4.7 acres big; it has ten stories and "officially" has four sublevels (more to follow). This is where almost all of Agrigen's research and experimentation occurs. There is currently 42 projects taking place at ARC, but only three are worth taking notice of: Project 32458: Development of Experimental Growth Hormones Project 32556: Effects of Magic on Cloning Project FELIX: (Topic Unknown) This last project is extremely interesting. I found mention of the project only three times during my very extensive search of Agrigen's databanks. It is mentioned in the first quarter budget report of this year very briefly. Basically after sorting through all the bureacratic drek, it is granted unlimited funding to be determined by Samantha Carter. There is no mention of Project FELIX in any update report to the CEO, or any other budget report prior to the 1st quarter 54 report. The second time I came across Project FELIX was in the security rating summation file. This file lists all the projects and who is cleared for them. This project has a AA rating. The interesting thing is the Agrigen security scale only goes from A-J, with A being the highest. At first I thought that this would be questioned by other people the the corporation (i.e. "What the hell is this project and why doesn't the head of finance know about it?"). Well, the security summation file is sent out to every executive, no matter how insignificant, at the beginning of every week along with summaries of projects that each executive is cleared for. This is done via a program in Agrigen's system. Project FELIX because it has a AA security rating is ignored by the system and not included. The only people who know about this project is the CEO, Carter, and whoever is working directly on it. The third time I came across Project FELIX was pure luck. I ran a program of my own on Agrigen's main databanks that extracts traces of erased files that are still lingering and attempts to reconstruct the files. It is a very complicated and laborous program, but in this case it helped. Of course, there is only a chance (and a small one at that) of recovering deleted filed within the first 48 hours of the file being deleted. Anyway, the file contained an inventory request for alpha-grade environmental protection suits. The important part of this recover file is that the suits were to be delivered to sublevel 5. That's right level 5, when there's only supposed to be 4. It appears that when Agrigen Corporation contracted to have this complex built (by Armando Engineering Corporation), the agreement only included 4 sublevels. This could be considered a typo, but there are other indications that a fifth sublevel does exist and that not only is there big time research going on, but that Agrigen's higher level cold storage facilities are located down there. That's where all the goodies are. Security Report: Agrigen Corporate Tower ----------------------- Security Personnel (0600-1400): 80 (1400-2200): 80 (2200-0600): 55 Physical Security Measures: Cameras cover all areas, vibration alarms on all windows, retina scanners on all executive and security level E areas and above, laser alarm grids on key locations(*) (*) Laser grids are activated at 2200 and deactivated at 0600 All alarms are linked to the nearest Lone Star station Physical Protective/Sentry Resources: Modified Hughes Stallion rotorcraft on 5 minute alert at all times (schematics included below). Security personnel patrol every corridor and hall including research areas and "public" areas. The only areas not patrolled are individual offices. The security log indicates patrols are timed to three mintue intervals. There are twenty guards patrolling constantly, calling in to the central security office every time a floor has been patrolled (approx. 1 minute between reports). Three wage mages on the premises at all times (one astrally patrolling). No paranormal or drones are used for security purposes. ***Include Agrigen Corporate Tower Blueprints*** Agrigen Research Complex ------------------------ Security Personnel (24 hours): 125 Physical Security Measures: All of the Tower's security measures, heat monitors (measures changes in temperature i.e. body heat), electronic impulse monitor (i.e. short range radio broadcasts, low-light goggles, basically anything that is not effectively EMP shielded), powerful microphones are also sporadically placed throughout the more secure areas (indicated on blueprints) Physical Protective/Sentry Resources: Modified Hughes Stallion (same schematics as the Tower's), Six off-road motorcycles (modified), six trained barghest that patrol the inner grounds between 2400 and 0400, electrified reinforced seven meter fence (probably more akin to a wall), three wage mages on the premises at all times (one astrally patrolling), two armed dalmation drones on 2 minute alert at all times. ***Include Agrigen Research Complex Blueprints*** ***Include Vehicle Schematics*** ***Include Standard Security Guard and Wage Mage Skill Requirements*** There's my report. I've inlcude Agrigen's requirements to become a security guard and wage mage. This also inlcudes standard equipment loads. The wage mages seem skilled in banishing spirits and elementals as well as the containment of toxic elements (of course, Agrigen is a major chemical researcher). Keep me updated.]<<<<< -- Bonejacker (16:52:35/10-26-54) >>>>>[Nieve', Punch has been taken. Notify the others.]<<<<< -- Shockwave (18:14:14/10-26-54) >>>>>[Lord Knights: Class Two assembly, by the numbers. Call in.]<<<<< -- Draco Sapiens Quetzalcoatlus (18:15:00/10-26-54) >>>>>[Very good. Ouro, nice to see you again, Merlin and Arthur say hi, and good luck on this one. Hope you get out intact.]<<<<< -- Draco Sapiens Quetzalcoatlus (18:30:00/10-26-54) >>>>>[Action Jackson, you can't help but be played as a pawn. You haven't reached the far side of the board yet, so you can't become a queen; and according to the rules, you can't change color. You are only as good as your information; and I think my 'friends' will be warned properly. I suggest you treat Katarina nicely; by now, DSQ knows where she is, knows where .you. are, and knows your setup. I'd be willing to bet it, anyhow; if Nieve's lost her touch, I'm certain that a lot of us will be disappointed. But you're screwing around on the outside an awful lot.]<<<<< -- The Dead Decker (18:21:36/10-26-54) >>>>>[Thanks. I assume by parent company you meant Renraku. Lister and CRUSH will be given my current loacation as soon as they call to confirm. See you later.]<<<<< -- Jaez >>>>>[Very good, Circuit Breaker. Now find out what they are, and what they do -- and where they are Earls of. Oh, and that's the current roster of Lord Knights -- most of the old ones are gone -- Arlieshque' and Gargoyle are still around and kicking, though.]<<<<< -- Ephasia (I:Don't:Remember/I-Don't-Recall) >>>>>[It's so quiet here, I sometime wonder if I shouldn't just let myself forget all the troubles going around... But, alas, it cannot be. Jackson, I can't support your actions anymore. Your actions are no better than Solarial's. I won't stand in your way, but you won't have my help in your endeavor. I will continue to watch over Little Dragon, and ensure he is safe. I wish you luck in getting your daughter, I only wish you'd learn that the end doesn't justify the means. Cat: I think it's time we start working on the problem of Nox and her allies. I ask only for information so that I may use my skills to oppose her. ]<<<<< --Journey <19:32.00/10.26.54> *****Encrypt Prince Dorian***** >>>>>[My Lord Dorian: I have located the four Corsairs you sent to reinforce Prince Solarial. They were buried up to their necks 2 miles down the road from Solarial's gate. The two mages had no eyes left. The mage of Solarials that accompanied me to the site stated that there was no background count or residual magic, and that it looks like one man did all of the work. I believe that it was Journey who accomplished this deed. Next to the bodies, I found a sheet of vellum with the words: Are you losing all your tools, Dorian? When are you going to stick your own hand into the honey pot? I'm getting bored. There was no signature on the paper My Lord. I await your further instructions.]<<<<< --Eclipse <20:00.00/10.26.54> *****Encrypt Prince Dorian***** >>>>>[My Lord Dorian: We have exhumed the bodies, and have found the following: Claerion was killed with a round from a sniper round from approximately 70 yards. We have found the four-wheel drive vehicle, and from the remains of the vehicle, he was driving it when he was killed. The mages Y'rian and L'rial were blinded before they were killed. The weapon foci each owned were piercing their hearts and embedded in their spines. The physical adept Freemont had both of his arms broken in three different places on each arm, and his legs as well. From the nails on his fingers, we found dirt which indicateds he tried to crawl away. It is my recommendation that your...I mean our business with Journey should be our highest priority as he seems to have resources and skills above which we expected. I believe the post earlier this evening from him is merely a facade in order to get us to lower our expectations of his interests. As always, I await your word, My Lord]<<<<< --Eclipse <20:30.00/10.26.54> >>>>>[I'm sorry to hear that you can't support me anymore. Well, I am not Solarial, nor were my actions dependent upon threat of Punch's death. My associates picked her up upon my orders, questioned her, repaired the damage they had caused to her vehicle(and a nice vehicle it is, I am told), and have just recently turned her loose in Downtown Denver. There were no drugs or torture involved, as I am sure her Lord Knight friends are well aware through thier extensive magical links to her. She was knocked unconscious, remained such through the drive to Central, where her friends attempted to contact her and locate her through thier links. Moriarity informed me that their first attempt was nearly successful and that three of our mages were severly injured in the stoping. So we moved her to a safehouse, questioned her about her involvement with Shockwave/Wyrm, and then turned her free after getting absolutely nothing from her. It was a VERY long shot. But I wonder if you would have done anything different in my situation. And as the Wyrm can certainly tell you, she is alive and totally unharmed, without any bugs on her at all, with no astral trackers on her at all, and I am sure that her friends can verify that we took no tissue samples for future links. I and my friends are not barbarians. I guaranteed her safety and she is safe, on her own again, and not any worse for the wear. You can verify it yourself if you like.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(22:36:46/10-26-54) >>>>>[Unlike the delay location in Seattle we raided when this whole fraggin mess started, this sucker was empty. Yeah, the one up near Crater Lake. No- one's been up there for at least a year. The only tracks disturbing the dust besides ours were those from a squirell or twenty. And those were old too. But we picked up Little Dragon and Saki and I met Hermit. Well, I think I met him...If that grey figure buried in the trees was him. It had a bipedal elven heat signature, but no real optical features, kinda like a blanket. Was that him, Journey? Little Dragon is ok. He looks worn and stronger and is definately more flexible than he was before, but that's all I could tell. He still has the grace that only Nex can exceed out of the runners I know, but he has a confidence he didn't have before. Well, back to the safehouse and getting Little Dragon back into Seattle where he's safe. Not like us nutcases...]<<<<< -- Slash(22:53:11/10-26-54) >>>>>[Oh, and by the way, AJ. I'll go along with you on this, but that was a drekkin rotten thing you did last night with Punch. Kidnappin, even for Diana's sake, ain't wiz. You should know better than that. And if the Wyrm comes back and tells us that you lied, I'll consider it a major breach of trust on your part, AJ. You know I don't like people I can't trust...]<<<<< -- Slash(22:55:24/10-26-54) >>>>>[ I've got it, I've spotted his aura he was at ***location*** as of, umm, 49 seconds ago, I'm goin back in a few seconds, get some physical support there pronto. ]<<<<< -- Fenris <23:19:11/10-26-54> >>>>>[ Drek it, he's gone, check every warded place on that isle when you get there. I swear it was him, there's just one slight problem, when I spotted him, he was, umm, killing someone. I dont know who but they were dead when I got back, they weren't active, and they had no weapons that I could see. It appears that PH just killed an unarmed and defenseless norm, I don't like this chummers. ]<<<<< -- Fenris <23:34:49/10-26-54> >>>>>[Slash, I learned a few thing from Herman too. With all that tech, I'm surprised you didn't see us watching from that ridge. That "apparition" that you saw was sort of what Herman looks like, but it wasn't him. Go figure. Anyway, these skills I've learned from him (her?) will help me if anyone ever comes looking for me.]<<<<< --Journey <22:28.00/10.26.54> >>>>>[AJ, I can't say I know how I would act in your situation, but I just can't support some of your actions. No animosity intended. Just leave me out of the little plays until you know what the true target and the right way to get to it is.]<<<<< --Journey <22:31.00/10.26.54> >>>>>[For all you hardware afficianados out there, I would heartily recommend the new model Walther sniper rifle. Good accuracy from 1000 metres, or 70.]<<<<< --Journey <22:31.00/10.26.54> >>>>>[ Well, chummers, scratch off one less base for Ganz. The hit on his base near the re-ed camp in the NAN went smooth as clockwork. We surrounded the place, then came in blasting after our deckers had taken over the security perimeter. They never knew what hit, and never had a chance to respond. I guarantee that noone got out of that place alive that wasn't involved in the strike. Funny thing though.. we had a drek hot decker trying to grab data after we stormed the place, and he said that datastores were just disappearing from in fron of him. Fraggin weird, bu we managed to grab some files before the system was completely fragged up. **ENCRYPT SPIRIT--GANZ DATA** Sorry Spirit, I know it's kinda cryptic but it's the best we could do. At least we won't have to worry about this base anymore. It is definitely under control. Does our Benefactor have any more tasks for me to complete? ]<<<<< --Mantis (The-Mantis/Preys!) >>>>>[Thanx BoneJacker, we'll probably go in tonight. We'll need you for the 'run and info extraction too.***RAID1***Spice, Red I say we hit the Agrigen research facility (subbasement 5) tonight. I'll have to get some equipment that will hide our presence and bypass some of the security systems, but otherwise I say we go at 0330 hrs. We need to especially hit the growth hormone project and FELIX, whatever that is. Hopefully we'll pick up some paydata while we're there . I have a feeling we'll find out a few clues as to whats really going on.*****]<<<<< -- NightShade (23:32:15/10.26.54) >>>>>[ Someone or something blew out Chin's Deli/Market early this morning. When I find out who the fragger is, I'll, I'll, I'll do something they won't like. I'll think of something suitably unpleasant. ]<<<<< --...shadowfire... (10:40:20/10-26-54) >>>>>[ Whacha wanna do dat for, chummer? ]<<<<< --Raz'r'sEdge (10:43:01/10-26-54) >>>>>[ Are you referring to the Chin's a block up from Uwajimaya's in Chinatown? ]<<<<< --Dilletante (10:44:23/10-26-54) >>>>>[ Because I had to have breakfast at Stuffer Shack this morning. I HATE Stuffer Shack. And yes, it was. Why do you ask? ]<<<<< --...shadowfire... (10:45:00/10-26-54) >>>>>[ Because there's a streak of astral background count through the place like something plowed through the back door, ripped through the place at mach 2, and took out the front windows as it left. I know. I was just there checking the place out after I saw it on the news. Something evil is afoot ]<<<<< --Dilletante (10:48:04/10-26-54) >>>>>[ Evil is a foot? That's an interesting metaphor. I always thought of evil as a dark, forboding shape with glowing red eyes. ]<<<<< --Frontier (10:49:31/10-26-54) ***** ENCRYPT: GAUCHO.AMIGO 7.5 ***** >>>>>[ Your eyes and ears are open, sir. We're ready to intervene at a moment's notice when you give the signal. ]<<<<< --Quantum (**T/D DELETED**) **TRANSMISSION UNKNOWN** ***** ENCRYPT: SPECTACLE 18.2 ***** >>>>>[ Very good, m'boy. As you know, my attention is focused on the battle winding up here in the Tir. I expect great things of you, now. Do not fail me. ]<<<<< --Prof ****NULL TRANSMISSION**** >>>>>[Well Wyrm, it seems that the Game is almost played out. Of course, there are a few moves left to you - narrowing by the minute, but even you must see that you will fall prey to the shadow predators. Give up now, while you can still do it gracefully. I promise that AJ or I will not stretch out this rather unpleasant business. Perhaps we can come to some arrangement as to your dispos- tion, I mean that your physical body must still perish, but perhaps your pers- onality and knowledge can be stored on a Cyberconstruct. Eventually, perhaps in 5 years, when I have gained all my goals I will replace your body with a vat- grown or cyber equivalent, implant the construct, and then you can live on. I bare no hatred of you, it is only that you try to foil my advancement. How can I advance as a Tir noble if you keep interfereing ? After I make these next few steps up you won't be able to hurt me. What say you ? ****DORIAN+ETSY Dorian I have pulled the rest of your personnel inside our perimeter. As you know, several of your Corsairs were killed - probably by Journey. Eciplse seems a capable man, he is with me quite a bit. But you two, Dorian and Etsy, once you so blithely offered me alliance, now where are you ? For allies you have been quite silent - especially you Etsy. I need information, and I need power, so far you have attracted quite a few of YOUR enemies to me, but other than that I see little benefit. If we are to be allies then I need your support.*****]<<<<< -- Prince Solarial (23:51:18/10.26.54) >>>>>[ Hoi Sun, I've called an Hotel in Kansas City, and reserved two rooms. Here's the name and the rooms : ***** Encrypt BIO-N-Jin 1.0 : Hotel name and rooms *****. I prefer to encrypt, it seems there are spies on the net that follow our movements. Hey! I've also learnt something really interesting. Somebody saw our target when he arrived at Denver Airport. He was received by some Shadowrunners of Denver. Don't know their names, but it seems shadows are rejecting us there. I'm going to our ambush place. Meet you there. 8) ]<<<<< -- NightWolf < 20:15:23 / 10-26-54 > *****Encrypt Red/Spice/Nightshade MPCPs***** >>>>>[I'll cover the matrix angle of the run. If additional personnel would be beneficial, I have close ties with two runners. Reaper is an urban military specialist with extensive experience in firearms and small unit tactics, and Bane is veteran combat mage. Send me specifics on the physical teams plans, so that I can suppress necessary systems, keep an eye on sentries, etc...]<<<<< -- Bonejacker(10:54:45/10-27-54) >>>>>[I apologize for my lack of contact with you, Prince Solarial, but I have been rather busy with tasks that pertain to my other problems. As for my support, with your private army there, you hardly need my paltry few paladins, although they shall remain there with you until you no longer need them. And Dante as well until he sees fit to leave your service. But I shall be unlikely....]<<<<< -- null >>>>>[Katarina is fine. She was released last night. And the only traces that succeeded on her were the ones that caught her in transit to the safehouse and while she was there. It took my three Initiate mages to keep the first one from getting her location and therefore Central's, and two of them are in the hospital, and the third is still unconscious. And any knowledge they may have is of the safehouse, which has been cut loose as per standard procedure after a potential security leak at it's location. It was my call, not AJ's, that she be released, but after conferring with him he agreed that the unusual nature of those links to her made her far too much of a security risk to hold until you were dead, Wyrm. I honestly don't know where she is now, as I have not had her tracked everywhere she goes and everything she does. She is not the target. Oh, as the Boss is too busy to tell you himself, I am supposed to relay a message: "Chess is a very structured game, Wyrm. You play VERY well, better than I, and I acknowledge this. Solarial also plays better than I, but not by so much. However, this is a game of life and death, the Ultimate Game, and this chess game has no rules to break. I have not switched sides so much as added a third player. And this player is precisely one square away from winning, Wyrm. 100% Portland certainty as of last night, 50% certainty of suburbs outside the Wall. Hope you sleep well and enjoy your last sunrises." Whatever. I don't play myself and have always been content with my position as hardware designer and security expert...]<<<<< -- Moriarity(13:00:02/10-27-54) >>>>>[I must apologize for my being unable to assist you recently, and I am also sorry for any extra problems I may have caused for you. You already have my three Paladins there(of which I have more to send) who have been keeping in touch with me privately. It seems that your small Peace Force contingent is doing a rather decent job of maintaining your security physically. However, I will be sending down several mages who are also my Paladins(5 of them to be precise) to aid you in your astral and magical security. Also shall 10 additional Paladins be enough to supplement your forces? I hope so, for any more and I should have to pull them from other locations where they are more likely to come to harm than within your well guarded estate. They will be bringing thier own equipment and around a dozen Elementals to aid you. This should be sufficient, I believe. I personally shall be unable to share in your hospitality due to other duties out of the Tir. But should you need anything else, don't hesitate to call upon me. And to whoever performed the translation of my private message, I wish you well for however long you live. There are few enough of us alive anymore.]<<<< -- Etsy(13:13:13/10-27-54) >>>>>[Red : Watch out, chummer. There is somebody after you. A friend of mine was jacked into the Public Access Net (browsing) when a Frame appeared He thought it behaved funny and followed it. It went to great length to cover its tracks and sniff out some information. At a dataline junction it suddenly split up and there were two identical frames each heading in another direction. My friend cought up with the original and tried to examine it. It responded by unleashing the 'biggest fragging cloud of static he ever encountered' (It nearly blew the breakers on his board). He then tried to capture it, but it seemingly selfdestructed. From the wreckage he could only retrieve the main directive portion. I have included it here : ENCRYPT : Red_MPCP_Gabriel_1 Include : Frame_Wreck 1 (*garbled*) Sear*h p*tt*rn : In**vidu*l RED M*in searc* : L*cati*ns Se*ondar* search : As*ociat*s (*garbled*) End Include He was also able to retrieve a small part of some kind of Datastore within the frame : Include : Frame_Wreck 2 (*garbled*) ****tion* F**nd : D*wn***n Be**ty Parl*r (**:**:**/**-**-****) Red**** ******s (**:**:**/**-**-****) (*garbled*) ****ciate* ***** : W**t *** **y* [*rossref****** : **catio* not *ound] *pice (*garbled*) End Include END ENCRYPT So, chummer, I don't know what you did, but there seems to be somebody he wants you quite badly...Watch your back. This advice is tax-free...]<<<<< -- Steel Angel (10:15:55/10-27-2054) >>>>>[The sat is all set up and ready to go, boss. All I need to do now is give it the necessary commands on you go-ahead, and she'll "drift" south just where we want her. Consider it 100% ready. Anything else you need here shortly?]<<<<< -- Solitaire(15:19:55/10-27-54) >>>>>[And the modulator is uplinked and ready to go too. I don't think we'll have enough power to do it, though. But we'll try. And the baseline is large enough that we should get the necessary wavelength and amplitudes off the interference patern. But just barely. Consider Project Miggs on-line and ready at 5 minutes notice for operation.]<<<<< -- Moriarity(15:24:04/10-27-54) >>>>>[And we have the compounds you requested being made up as we speak. What you need with all this stuff(I won't say what like you asked) and weird chemical rounds I don't know for sure, although I'm sure it has something to do with what Wizard knows about deadheads. But I'm sure you'll all miss something, so I hope you don't mind if I bring along my own toys.]<<<<< -- Slash(15:26:47/10-27-54) >>>>>[Back again. . . I doubt this will work anymore but here goes. . . (Can I please just flame this piece of junk and get a new one. . . ? "No." *pout*) Oh well, guess your going have to put up with the techinical difficulties. **** transmitting video **** Shadowfox opens the door, to only find (aren't you just a little surprised) Bruce and Karl. Shadowfox (cooly): Well drek, this is a surprise. Bruce (neutrally): Shadowfox, it has been a long time. (he looks around the room. Seems a little surprised by something, almost blanches when he sees the cyber-arm) Oh frag. I am sorry Blitzkrieg. (shakes hands with Shadowfox) May I come in Shadowfox, or should I and my friend just stand here in the doorway. Shadowfox (still cooly): I'm sorry, I'm still sort of out of it. Please come in. (shakes hands with Karl). Bruce and Karl sit down. If you invision the room as a square clock. At 6 would be where the bed is. At 7 would be where the guitar and the sword are. At 8 would be Bruce (in a chair now). At 9 would be Shadowfox. At 10 would be the door. At 12 is where Karl is sitting. At 2 is an annoyed Gawk, who hasn't quite figured out who the other two are. At 3, keeping a close watch on Gawk is Phoenix. At 4.5 is where WHAT is sitting. He's giving the new arrivals a very hard stare, but with a show of confusion playing across his face. Shadowfox: Well since I know everyone, let me start introducing people. He takes a few seconds, pointing out who is who. (without introducing Karl or Bruce) Karl: I am Karl. I became aware of some of you when you were in Berlin. I was the one who took it on my shoulders to get Blitzkrieg out of Berlin, and get him some healing. If I had known what was going on sooner, I would have tried my best to help you out. But I didn't. Only after Blitzkrieg stole the sword, did I become aware of how much danger you were in. . . *sigh* I wish I could have helped sooner. Blitzkrieg: *sigh sadly* I may not be thrilled with the new arm, or the fact that I even needed one, but I am eternally grateful that you were there. If not I would be dead. . . and . . . *shudder* Firewraith (hugs Blitzkrieg): I would probably doing something I would really be regretting right about now. We both thank you for what you did. (this has seemed to confuse Karl abit) Karl: You have . . . I mean. . . ughhhhh . . . you choose to stay with him, even though he. . . Frag I don't know how to say it. Firewraith: All things aren't as they seem. I have no true regrets about my choice so far. (Blitzkrieg smile weakily) Bruce (hmmmmms a little): I am Bruce. (that immediately gets a lunge from Gawk as soon as the words sink in. Phoenix, expecting as much, tackles Gawk, and they both go crashing to the floor. WHAT starts to use this opportunity to get closer to him, and perhaps give him a new appreciation for life, but stops as fire starts to dance wildly around Firewraith's. She says: "Don't make me hurt you WHAT." WHAT grimaces and sits down.) Let me finish, young ork. I don't know why you hate me. I don't even know who the frag you are except for some name. I do know that something has gone wrong, by the fact that we are all here now. Before you go attacking me, I want to know what my charges are! WHAT: YOU DON'T KNOW 'OW MUCH WE'VE BEEN THROUGH 'CAUSE OF YOU, SPLITTA!!!!! Gawk: Crystal died because of you. Blitzkrieg got a wiz new arm, because the other one got blown off, in connection to you. (Blitzkrieg and Bruce cringe at that one) Firewraith (acidly): Interesting what you feel in connection to Crystal, and your actions towards me. Gawk blanches. Phoenix smirks a little, and throws Gawk back into his chair, almost breaking it, and then sits down next to Gawk. Gawk focuses his anger at Phoenix, and pops his spurs. Phoenix, in response mouths the words (you think something along the lines of: "Go ahead and see what happens.") Shadowfox: I wouldn't suggest that Gawk. It will force you to be removed from this discussion. If you have a problem with people either take it out non-violently here, or wait for another opportunity. Do I make myself clear? Gawk (grumbling angerly): Yeah Yeah Yeah... Bruce *sighs*: Maybe we should start at the beginning of all this and things may be will become clearer. Shadowfox: Perhaps you are right. I suppose the story starts with Doomsday and I. I was sort of unofficially helping out Doomsday with a job that apparently involved an elven prince. He, trying to stop Doomsday and the others from interfering on his plans, took a friend Midnight, as a hostage. Midnight, eventually died in his hands, when it became clear that the hostage route wasn't going to work. In addition an assasin took out some other friends of ours. In the middle of all this, I got into a huge fight with Doc Jones. For the record, this was in June. {pauses for a moment to take off his jacket. Everybody else takes his cue and does the same.} Shadowfox sighs and continues: So I decided that I would need help to find out where she disappeared to soon after. Since Phoenix was unemployed, he volunteered for the job. (Phoenix nods thoughtfully) Phoenix and I did some digging, and found out that you (points at Bruce) were doing something through MIT&M and thought that maybe you knew something. So Phoenix took off to Boston, to check out that end, and I started another job, to try and raise money for the need to hire others, because I didn't feel confident about our chances to find her on our own. I was running other jobs all the while, and have just gotten here to Rome. Phoenix: At Boston, I did some ground work, and then pulled a small run into MIT&M. It failed miserably. So I figured that I would need more help on this one. I made a call for help, and Blitzkrieg, Gawk, WHAT, and eventually Firewraith joined us in Boston. Before Firewraith joined though we did another run against MIT&M. I made my own way in. . . Gawk: Yeah, how the hell did you do that anyway? Phoenix (sighs): Well, I knew the route you would be taking in, and I sort of knew the layout of where we all wanted to go. I just conviently, borrowed a janitorial job. Nobody thought anything of it. I was amazed. Apparently, nobody thinks anything of janitors anymore. Blitzkrieg: You had help didn't you to pull off that disguise. Phoenix: Yes I did, but I really can't say what the help was. I still sort of owe them one job. Which I am not looking forward to. Shadowfox nods thoughtfully. ***** Transmission halted. Techinical feedback detected. DAMN!!!! I thought this piece of junk was fixed. We should just invest in a new piece of tech. *SIGH* Be back as soon as we get this running again.]<<<<< -- Firewraith <15:45:00/10-27-54> >>>>>[Moriarity -- pass on to AJ this small bit -- "The faster you win, the faster I win. Hurry it up." Thank you.]<<<<< -- Thanatos (19:08:17/10-27-54) >>>>>[My Lord Solarial -- you can always be hurt. If not on a private scale, then by dint of your 'ascension', on a massively public scale -- international. As for the disposition of myself at my demise, well... You'll get your 'head on a pole', I guarantee that.]<<<<< -- The (Dead) Wyrm Ouroboros (Here I'm not!/Nyah-Nyah-Nyah) >>>>>[Morkai, are you sure this is where you want us to set up?]<<<<< -- Mike and the Mechanic (18:31:50/10-27-54) >>>>>[Just do it. I'm paying your (rather high) tab, right? Make damn certain AJ and his crew (that means Collossus, too, damn you) are unharmed, and if your target gets away from them, nail the fucker. Got it?]<<<<< -- The (Dead) Wyrm Ouroboros (Here I'm not!/Nyah-Nyah-Nyah) >>>>>[Yeah, yeah, yeah. Got any other info for me?]<<<<< -- Mike and the Mechanic (18:35:22/10-27-54) >>>>>[None other than what you've got already; remember what AJ's crew is setting up against you guys.]<<<<< -- The (Dead) Wyrm Ouroboros (Here I'm not!/Nyah-Nyah-Nyah) >>>>>[The drones are programmed, dammit, as are the deadheads. I'm working on a high-intensity tight-beam laser transmitter array that'll give me some decent command control over them, but it's an on-again off- again thing -- working on something new has never been a good idea in the field.]<<<<< -- Mike and the Mechanic (18:39:15/10-27-54) >>>>>[What, you never watched 'The A Team' or 'MacGyver' when you were a kid? They do that kind of thing all the time.]<<<<< -- The (Dead) Wyrm Ouroboros (Here I'm not!/Nyah-Nyah-Nyah) >>>>>[No, they built already-known stuff. This's new. Shut up and let me work.]<<<<< -- Mike and the Mechanic (18:43:06/10-27-54) >>>>>[ Well looke at this, Solarial seemed ta be getting more trops in from his friends, well he will need it considering that the Peace Force is up and leaving. From what Ah can see from the reports and Ah quote "The Peace Force has better things to do than to protect some paranoid noble for more than a week. This same noble also seems to have his own security and help from friendly sources, some of whom it seems may not be in the Tir legally. As to a threat to him, we have yet to see one. If there existed any threat, it would come from people he has made enemies of in the nation and the repercusions would be political not military. Further more, the Peace Force is NOT the military, we are the constabular, here to up hold the laws of the land. We are not here to be used in Political battles by paranoid Nobles. Also a warning to you Prince Solarial, we had better not find out that you are harboring ANY illegal aliens on your premise." Well it looks like the Law has gotten annoyed at our Prince. He has been abusing his power and it has come back at him. Of course, this is no to say that he doesn't have defenses, just less than before. It will also look bad on him for mis-using the public police force, and will probably hurt him poitically. Boy would Ah like for the Peace Force ta find illegal aliens on his property, Diana is one and so are ALL of Dorians people and Dorian himself. Maybe Ah should send them a little public call from a concerned citizen. Another interesting tid bit is that Prince Solarial was NOT the first in line. NOt only does he have an older brother, but also an older sister and they were BOTH in line for the inheritance before him. Of course they seemed to have LEFT the Tir. Ah personally would suspect nothing, Ah mean Solarial would not do anything thing like threatening his sis and bro. We all know how 'honorable' he is and that he would never do something like this ta gain power. And Ah KNOW they must still be alive, since he places so much value on other peoples lives. Didn't he say that Diana would come to no harm as long as people went after, Ah mean killed, Wyrm? Ah really don't believe he would keep with his threats ta kill her on Sunday, he just doesn't seem to be the type, no matter all the little hints ta the number of people that have gotten in his way and died. By the way Linaus, after this is over will we be able to meet your mother, no not the woman married ta your father, but the one who gave birth ta ya. Was she some kitchen maid? And will we also get ta meet your brother and sister? How's about I find out where they are and set up ah little nice family reunion? Ah have already started lookin, Ah had most of this info by the weekend, but Ah wanted ta save it till some of the other big things that were brewing came ta a fore. Ya also should keep better watch on your files, the NetWatch can't always be there there for them. Ohh, have a nice day.]<<<<< --Circuit Breaker *****Encrypt These are not the frames your looking for: Ganz-hit >>>>>[Well we have found the Russians former resisdence, but it looks like he bugged out a few days ago. The street is giving up the info slowly but surely and I believe he will be gone by Saturday. Claw says that there isn't anything to use to get a magical trace on him, but he will still try. Jaez, I do hope that CRUSH isn't eating you out of house and home. Please make sure he eats more than Super-COCO-bullets for breakfast. Please be careful, ok I really don't want to see you get hurt. Oh and make sure CRUSH ducks, Renraku has low ceilings in some places.]<<<<< --Spirit >>>>>[ Hey Jaez, make sure Lister takes a shower too, I will send over some clean cloths for him, I think that his socks might be turning into para-normal creatures by now.]<<<<< --Kichanski <16:50:38/10-27-54> >>>>>[Harlequin, are you out there? I don't suppose you're up to an extraction in the Tir. A slightly burnt rigger....]<<<<< -- Cat Dancing <18:33:26/10-24-54> >>>>>[Very well, Eclipse. You and I need to have a long talk when I arrive with reinforcements for the individuals not fit to have been called my Corsairs.They would not have let themselves be caught off guard like that if they were truly Corsairs. And Journey will not dare attack me personally. I almost destroyed him once, and even a sniper rifle won't penetrate the helicoptor, nor is it likely that he can muster enough energy to damage us with magic or spirits. I shall arrive in the morning, Solarial, with the rest of my true Corsairs. You don't appear to need our aid, but you did ask and we did have an agreement when this affair began. Till tomorrow then.]<<<<< -- Dorian(22:17:34/10-27/54) >>>>>[SIR! SIR!!! We were just attacked en route to Prince Solarial's estate as per your orders. Six dead and 4 severly wounded due to a DRAGON! We had no warning as it seemed to appear out of nowhere. Before we could react, Slice and Josaphien were lost as its talons ripped through our vehicle's armor like it wasn't there. I was just able to pop up the cannon, but it was slagged down by dragonfire before I could get a shot off. Whiskers tried to spell it, but her spell just washed over it and it almost seemed to laugh! It was at this point that I fell unconscious due to wounds. I woke up 20 meters from what was the vehicle and is now just a smouldering pile of melted metal and plastic. I am calling you from a radio on someone. There isn't enough left to identify, and the body looks partially chewed!]<<<<< -- Parsons(00:21:58/10-28-54) >>>>>[WHAT!!!? What did it look like? How large was it? What type of dragon was it? What color was it? Are there any scales or feathers around the area? Smith-Klien-French: Pick up the survivors and get them into the Estate NOW!]<<<<< -- Etsy(00:24:01/10-28-54) >>>>>[I can't remember, sir. Not anything except that it was big and a dragon. And the more I try to focus on it, the further...away it....seemsss....toooo.. get...... .....Sorry...Sir. I must have passed out there for a moment. I can't seemm to stay......awake..........any....long.e...rrr...*****Link Broken***** >>>>>[BBUUUURRRRRPPPPPPP!!! Mmmmmmm...]<<<<< -- No ID logged() >>>>>GOT HIM, AJ!!!! 100% certainty on the morph tracers. He's in a good sized chateau just outside Portland at *****Encyrpt Location*****. Now, something smells on this end--too easy.]<<<<< -- Solitaire(00:29:41/10-28-54) >>>>>[Agreed, but we're running out of time. It's here or nowhere. If we're wrong, Diana dies. So you'd better be right on this one, Solitaire.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(00:31:03/10-28-54) >>>>>[Well, his traces all lead here, and the limited success that I've had with tracing @@Pi points in this direction, but my Tarot cards have been coming up Fools a lot, and my intuition says something smells. But we have no other target, and everybody's sick of waiting. I say go for it!]<<<<< -- Solitaire(00:32:59/10-28-54) >>>>>[Right. Recon teams, get us what we need. Drop-point, bring yourselves into the hills, point 23a.tt/pw-q4. Got that FM? Roxey, you and STREETWOLF come on up and get a second residence for yourselves. We go as soon as we get adequate recon and estimation of forces, as well as ordinance set up. Slash, you got physical. FM-Drones/vehicles/electronic. STREETWOLF: Astral/magical. Solitaire, you do Matrix. Moriarity, how's ordinance coming along?]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(00:37:39/10-28-54) *****Encrypt UCAS/TIR_TIANGIRE/CAS_COMBINED_GOLUM free roaming Purge: AJ***** >>>>>[Seattle reporting per orders from Moriarity: Explosives in requested quantity available. Radio, proximity, MRI, optical, and timer detonators available, as well as tripwire triggers and pressure sensors. Packaging in 2-4kg bundles as per orders. White Phosphorus mini- grenades in necessary quantities un-available at this time from this location. Chemical rounds also unavailable. Delivery to OC14 at 0600 Thursday. Extra unguided rockets included with three 1000round belts for BN01 and OC14.]<<<<< -- Seattle(00:46:17/10-28-54) >>>>>[CAL FREE reporting per orders from Central: Thermite aquired and packaged per orders. Grenades and API rounds available in limited quantities not to exceed 1000 rounds total and 1 case grenades. Delivery of raw chem to Portland at 1200, Oct. 28. Drones have been refitted and set with magnetic/Stickem(tm) pads and explosives. Delivery via OC04 to OC14 set for tomorrow. Pilot's set for emergency programming.]<<<<< -- Cal Free(00:51:23/10-28-54) >>>>>[Cheyanne reporting: Ordinance request unavailable due to recent mass purchase. Sorry.]<<<<< -- Cheyanne(00:52:42/10-28-54) >>>>>[Central Reporting as per your orders, boss: New Orleans still down-no ordinance available. New York compromised-Destructionof facilities in process-0.004% chance of security damage-ordinance load in transit to Cheyanne. Chicago ordinance shipped to Central. Dallas/Ft. Worth ordinence shipped to Central. Atlanta ordinance not available due to recent buying spree. Houston-ordinance not available due to recent buying spree. Kansas City ordinance shipped to Chicago to compensate for loss to Central. Philidelphia ordinance unavailable due to recent aquisitions loss: 0.05% chance of security damage. Denver ordinance shipped to Central. Central ordinance available in large quantities. All requested ammunition in transit to Seattle. All requested rocket in transit to Portland for immediate use. Special items in transit direct to Eugene-private special delivery. Pick up point****Double Golum 4 encrypt-location*****. Predicted effectiveness of specials unknown without tailoring and recon-suspected at 65%. Cluster bomb and minelet dispensers unavailable for another 2 weeks-aquisitions unable to locate proper source and using AcSq23 for removal of items. Sorry about that. Hope the skimmers work instead.]<<<<< -- Central(01:04:36/1-28-54) >>>>>[This is my last non-buisness transmission I can allow myself lest the Wyrm bring his extensive skills to bear on me. And should something go wrong in the next day or two, consider these my last requests. *****Encrypt Buzz: I suspect that Solarial will free Diana after the Wyrm's death has been proven to him by whatever means he desires, especially his head on a lance. However, he needs to be taught a lesson not to mess with our kind so easily and be able to get away with it. Even if Diana is released, and especially if she isn't, hit the estate in the Sierras. Moriarity has 4 FAEs left from the batch that we used to destroy the old New Orleans HQ after The Boy and Slide broke it. They should do the job nicely. Let Diana decide Solarial's fate. She is cold and a real slitch from time to time, but maybe she'll be merciful. If not, that's her affair. But regardless, the estate should be reduced to rubble and smoking charred forest. I am sorry for the damage to the forest that will occur, but the lesson we can send to Solarial if he survives, and to Etsy and Dorian and all who mess with the shadows as they would little children must be obvious. You play hardball with us, you get burned. Do what you need to, but the decision on Solarial's fate is Diana's if I don't come back from this.**End Encrypt***** Valentine: I know you probably hate me for what I did with Punch, and I don't blame you if you do. But I will do almost anything for Diana, just as you would for your wards. We are very much alike in that. It's just that your age has given you a perspective that I have only begun to appreciate. And every time I try to get out permanently, something happens to suck me back in again. Well, after this I get a rest one way or another, don't I, old friend. Wizard: Good luck on your new designs. Try not to be so arrogant. You can never be exactly on the tech curve, but Collussus is closer than most. Try to be more like him with your knowledge. He knows that there is always someone better or faster and it keeps him humble...well, humbler than you are sometimes. Little Dragon: Don't get into this line of work, kiddo. It'll eat you up and kill you eventually. You have a right to your own decision, and I won't take that away from you, but just don't go and do anything rash. Make whatever decision you make with your eyes wide open after seeing what there is to see of the shadows. And Val, don't hide him from it. The more you do that, the more he wants to run. Well, that's about it. Hope to see you all soon under much happier circumstances.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(01:22:42/10-28-54) >>>>>[The crew you sent down are within the estate, and we are watching VERY carefully the skys now that we have a dragon around. The 6 bodies are the following-we think. Slice, Josaphien, Zipper, Parsons(he died just after completing his call to you, sir), Bill Train, and Namaria. Whiskers is gone- no body left to identify, assumed eaten. The rest are injured either slightly or severly or not at all. We have now 8 here fully capable of combat, and 4 undergoing first aid, emergency surgery, and magical healing. They should survive with minimal scarring and cybernetic replacements. 3 mages, my two associates and I, and 2 sams are all that are available right now. No riggers, but there are no drones or vehicles for us to rig anyway. Smith is involved currently with placating Solarial and will go about summoning his elemental when he wakes tomorrow. Unless Prince Solarial requests more assistance, I recommend that he not be offered any, sir, as his force with the Pala...er, Corsairs Lord Dorian is bringing with him and the small Peace Force contingent are more than sufficient to cover this entire area for kilometers.]<<<<< -- French(01:32:55/10-28-54) >>>>>[ Fenris are you sure it was PH ? I find that hard to believe, PH was never really into wetwork unless the money was good enough, and I mean dammed good. You were right about the norm though, the police were all over the scene when I got there, but from what I can make out from talking to the locals the norm had been beheaded. IBA maybe you can check the details of this in the police report. If it was PH it raises a few questions. Just what is he doing ? It sounds like he isn't being held captive, so why hasn't he been in contact yet ? Fenris are you sure it was him ? ]<<<<< -Punisher (02:03:04/10.27.54) >>>>>[Shipment from Seattle on time and local. Got a few extras above what was guaranteed due to last-minute arrivals. Chem in route to safehouse for Slash to finish his "home-brew." Am programming now.]<<<<< -- OC14(08:44:17/10-28-54) >>>>>[Home brew progressing properly. 12 hours until complete. You do know this stuff is illegal, right?]<<<<< -- Slash(08:45:41/10-28-54) >>>>>[We're in position. Full cover available and netting set out. They'd have to almost walk into us to realize we were here. Am leaving to perform LR Recon.]<<<<< -- FM(08:48:06/10-28-54) >>>>>[All reports confirmed. And I do know that your lovely brew is illegal, Slash. I'm just totally appaled that you even know how to make the stuff at all(smile). And Central: Have recieved items from shipping into Eugene. Thanks Wizard.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson(08:50:36/10-28-54) >>>>>[ Got the file, looks like the same guy that killed Carlos Benzanti's nephew was responsible for the killing of this norm. If that's true then it means that PH is working for Jules, and I don't like the sound of that, come to think of it, I fragging can't believe it. Not after that mother Jules was involved in the death of PH's parents. Something fragging big is going on down here chummers and I mean to find out what the frag it is. Highlander are you in ? Got you're personal mail earlier, meet me in the virtual bar and we'll discuss tactics. I think I need to make another big hit against Jules' system again and he's really started to beef up the fragging IC, I think he may have hired a couple of freelancers as well to keep tabs on his system for him. I saw Tiger earlier, he never saw me, but then again Tiger was never that good even when he worked the Seattle circuit. Any chance of you magical bods doing a big assault on those wards round Jules' place, yeah, yeah, I know it'll fragging alert him but we have to know for sure if that's where PH is and what's happened to him. ]<<<<< -I.B.A. (**:**:**/**.**.**) >>>>>[ There was a big hit in the early hours of this morning. Speed's freetrader chummers alerted me to it. Jules' place was hit by missile fire from a hyrdrofoil just off the coast. Looks like Carlos' payback squad have just hit for the death of his nephew. Early indications on the rumour mill say that Jules is mad, I mean really mad. Looks like we may be getting a small war brewing bewteen these two warlords. The only other rumor I heard was that Jules' top mage, the Puppet Master as we call him wasn't on the residence at the time. If he was it may have been the extra firepower that the resident houngans needed to couteract that on the hyrdofoil. The word out is there's a price on the Puppet Master's head but only if you can bring him back alive. Seems Jules' still realises that this chummer is one vauluable asset. ]<<<<< -Punisher (14:16:28/10.28.54) >>>>>[ Latest in, seems Jules has started reatliation already. An ork leading a team of grunts was seen going into one of the seedier bars on Jamaica that is known to belong to Carlos. 15 dead I think the count was and the bar needs some major work done on it before it can be used again. The police are trying to hush things up a bit, seems they realise that open warfare could start at any time between these two parties and they don't want the public to find out about it. ]<<<<< -Punisher (15:27:48/10.28.54) >>>>>[ Punisher, scanned the police reports on that incident. No beheadings on that one so it doesn't look like the drek that went down PH's work (if it is PH). There were comments about some drek eating torture though, seems a number of the women had been raped before being disemboweled, sound familiar ? Jules, eat drek and die, you sonofabitch. ]<<<<< -I.B.A. (**:**:**/**.**.**) *****Encrypt Red/Nightshade/Bonejacker >>>>>[ Friends a few problems with communications. But not to worry I had more time to summon a couple more elementals. Get ready to rock and roll, I think we can pull this one off, then maybe we'll find out just what's been going on. ]<<<<< -Spice (14:47:39/10.28.54) *****Encrypt NodeFaerie***** >>>>>[Sorry about my silence concerning Solarial's sister and brother, but I've been working my ass off digging through obscure archives in the Tir net. I didn't think you'd want posts that told you nothing, so I postponed contacting you until I had actually found something. And I have. It appears that according to the Tir's census files, Nathaniel and Tiana Solarial are not listed as living anywhere in the boudaries of Tir Tairgnire. This means that, either they are hiding in the Tir, or they have left unnoticed. They are still citizens of Tir though, that much was confirmed through a simple legitamite query. Also, and this is the big one, both Nathiel and Tiana are older than Linaus Solarial. And of course you know what that means...he was not the original heir to House Solarial. I'm continuing my search, but unfortunately I think this gong to take many long and illegal hours. If they are hiding in Tir, I suspect that their location(s) would be known, so the only other alternative is that they left Tir (under threat from Solarial?). Nathaniel and Tiana do have their own resources and interests scattered about Europe and Asia. This is where I will be concentrating my search. I will contact you again in a couple of days.]<<<<< -- Bonejacker(11:27:00/10-28-54) Seattle Net Mail: Origin: ***Unknown***Trace Back Failure*** >>>>>[Case, I ran that pic through the cheepo DB files and came up with zip. This guy is fragging invisible. I looked at what it came back with and thought some thing was not up to par. So I started snooping in a few Military DB's, the moment I seemed to flash the pic bells and whistles would go off and I would have my hands full of trace and report IC. I don't know who this guy is but whoever he is he is a serious risk to anyone around him. Watch Your Back! -Wire Tap]<<<< --[time/date lost] Origin: Seattle,**Packet Corrupt** >>>>>[Case: The "hardware" you requested is in. Feel free to pick it up whenever you like (read as: get your hoop down here and get this fragging thing yesterday).]<<<<< --Hangnail --[15:45:00 /EDT 10:28:54] Origin: Seattle,**Concealed Address** >>>>>[I have a Johnson here for ya. Want's a skip trace done. Willing to pay big Nuyen. If your interested you know the grid codes.]<<<<< --Skimmer --[15:46:35 /EDT 10:28:54] >>>>>[Etsy, i thank you for the meal...although I am going to have a slight case of indigestion.]<<<<< --Ryuga (17:58:17 EDT/10:28:54)