>>>>>[Now I've heard it all, Hey umm... Disbeliver, I'll ask you this Where are you currently located..... I'll send you a little present that well change your point of view...]<<<<< -- Heretic <21:23:45/04-27-56> *****PRIVATE: M. Executor >>>>>[Rebbeca, I heard about what happened to Mark. I came as soon as I could. Tranquila peque~a, well take care of those bastards]<<<<< -- Vargas (06:23:45/04-28-56) *****PRIVATE: Vargas >>>>>[Hola Enrique. It's been a long time. Meet you at the usual place]<<<<< -- M. Executor (08:12:23/04-28-56) ***** Not TO: Teutone Blue >>>>>[Oh and Boss he don't got it yet.... but he's learnin'... seriously thought, we really got to talk about this 10K... I mean come on it's not like we're just stand around and look at him. we really got to watch our bacon around this guy... How about a little hazard bonus, I mean at any time he just might decide to off us in our sleep... do I hear 15? and then think of our loved ones, once we are gone, I mean little josh is gonna miss me... and what about that little green eyed wonder, leticia, she's asks about her "unca' Freddy" you know, and while we are on the subject just what did you teach that little gurl? her mouth??... what about them... do I hear 20????]<<<<< -- GoD ***** Private: Jolly Roger >>>>>[Say I've found something stable for Leticia, when can you get in touch with suzanne, so's I can take the little tike? You know where to reach me.]<<<<< -- GoD ***** Private: GRiffyn, Freddy Fripp, Kor >>>>>[Here is where I stand as far as flame head and colorblind. I've learned all I want from, including a few soft spots on flame head. Banishing him wouldn't be an option cuz he'd just come back as a freebie, trust me he's that strong, or should I say I asses he's that strong. Binding him, although a might hard, is the only option we have left, unless you have any other means of getting rid of this chummer that I haven''t heard or read about... Gryff, i'd ask that you forgive my later outburst but you should know, I'll kill but I have to make sure I got my target, count me in... Kor, I told you, you know, I hope you understand. Boss, 10k.... that means you're getting about 70-80k on this....hmmm...I want to be like unca' freedy when I grow up.....heheheehehehh, Tell whom ever that he's as good as watched. I've got a BIG fire extinguisher for flame head....]<<<<< -- Michael Mcknight <15:22:23/04-26-56> Astral Intrusions specialist - Occult studies Staff Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5167) >>>>>[Glad you found it amusing, cretin. Bah. I do not fear the throngs. The throngs fear me. So, you have beem the Badge? Corporate manipulator. You accuse me of being a fake, when you spent years playing "cops and robbers" yourself. I am in absolute control of Brimstone. He dows show a great deal of initiative, but I find that beneficial. There is nothing I can stand less than a child whose ally must be told how to do everything. By the way, you have not conjured an ally, have you Kor?]<<<<< -- Teutone Bleu (04:23:33 / 04-28-56) ***** PRIVATE: GoD, Griffyn >>>>>[Do you two have the time to assist me on a favor? I need to gather some information in an ongoing investigation. The information gathering I have in mind is seriously illegal and not admissible in court but even without it I should be able to bring my target in. I would like to stage a quick and dirty intrusion into Teutone's home in hopes of gaining ANY information on Brimstone that we get our hands on. I dont know what magical defenses, if any, he has in place so we need to be completely prepared for whatever may happen. Do you have the time to meet with me tonight down at FSS?]<<<<< -- Kor <14:38:52 / 04-28-56> >>>>>[I'm like there. I have a couple of ideas you might want to hear]<<<<< -- GoD ***** PRIVATE: Ryuga >>>>>[Could I interest you in an important information snatch assist? I am putting together a team to assist me in retrieving information about on Teutone Bleu and his Ally Brimstone. According to local laws, the summoner is responsible and legally liable for the actions of that which he summons and attempts to control. On August 23rd, 2051, in Seattle, I was called in to consult on a case Lone Star. +++++ Include: Stormwind.rpt As you can see, the magical residue on the "hit and run" victim points directly at Brimstone. Because of the politics involved, I was taken off the case and not allowed to follow up on it. After viewing the footage from the execution the other night carried out by Brimstone, I am completely convince that he is my target. I need to gather evidence to be sure and I suspect that what I need will be in TT's home. I hope to recruit you and your special talents for astral free-safety. Where are you currently based?]<<<<< -- Kor <15:10:35 / 04-28-56> >>>>>[Yer still drawin' your paycheck from me. Think of the 10 as the bonus. Yeah, I always have had a way with the little screamers.....]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (10:37:45 / 04-28-56) President Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150) *****Private:the Whistler >>>>>[If it's any consolation about the fragged-up data, it seems like they were putting on a bit of an act to match up with the data. (I spotted that bodyguard without his charge a couple of times.) No real way to spot that easily. In fact, I used to pull that trick at Ares quite a bit, drawing in hit teams to the wrong target and then geeking them. Live and learn. As for Spring, I have had a talk with her. Then we spent a few hours at an urban combat simulator, courtesy of some faked Ares ID's and a friend inside. As I had suspected, most of her experience is close-range urban combat (especially hand-to-hand/melee), and not in ambush situations like we encountered. Getting blasted at with gel slugs (by myself and some of the guards who volunteered) for four hours seems to have made quite a difference. After dinner, I jokingly tried to draw a gun on her while her back was turned, and was pleasantly surprised to find that she had stuck the barrel of her gun up to my left eye. (Bad flashbacks about when something like that had happened a few years ago, though.) She's still pretty green though, since I was moving kind of slow. I've also sprung for a tactical skillsoft for her. Nowhere near the level of a tactical computer implant, but it works fairly nicely anyway. Since we both seem to have people from our pasts gunning for us, in addition to the complications from our current job, I have no problems with skipping the bonus.]<<<<< -- Mr. Purple <17:43:20/04-27-56> *****Private:OS^2 >>>>>[If possible, I could use some reimbursement for several bribes and a skillsoft I purchased. Total is 15,500 . Here is the itemization. Corporate usage fee for Ares Arms Urban Combat Zone (UCZ): 5000 Bribe for the UCZ administrator: 3000 Bribe for the 4 UCZ guards: 2000 total, 500 each Beer for the UCZ staff: 200 (three of the five were trolls and could drink like fish) Miscellaneous bribes and dinner to contact a fixer dealing in chips: 1300 Tactical/Military Science Skillsoft, Level 3: 4000 (including tax and handling) Whatever you can make available will be fine. If not, I will live.]<<<<< -- Mr. Purple <17:56:27/04-27-56> *****Private:Wild Thing, Cowboy >>>>>[Anything else from the trace on Vincent?]<<<<< -- Mr. Purple <18:10:17/04-27-56> >>>>>["Cops and Robbers"...how quaint. You profess that you have control over Brimstone. Will you say the same in court? Admitting that you cannot control him will bring you a little leeway with the authorities. What I want to know, Teutone is...Which of you is the child needing direction for every little thing? According to the profiles that I have seen on you before your accident you were never this way. You USED to be a pretty good mage. A lot of potential was thrown to the wind when you refused to be trained properly. We all go through a little anguish when we find that we are magically active. A lot of the children that I have worked with say they felt that they were being punished by being made different. It didnt have to be that way and you know it. You could have been helped, you can still be helped. I would really hate to have to see you in jail, cut off from you magics. Never to feel the rush of mana again. No one deserves that. Help me help you. Let me get you away from Brimstone safely so you can heal. As to my ally -- I dont think it will have to come to our allies clashing. We can work this out without conflict. I am ready to help.]<<<<< -- Kor <15:59:32 / 04-28-56> *****PRIVATE: Buzz, Christopher Tarleton, Zactof, ShadowPriest >>>>>[Okay Gentlemen, I want to go hunting Decker (Riglia). ShadowPriest: Father there are two tickets for us to go to London. I've got passports and customs has been bribed accordingly. I've also got a fixer in the smoke, so we'll have weapons. Christopher: Watch the news, there's going to be some fireworks in London. Zac: Watch that little girl. BTW, tell Jonesy I said I love her. Buzz, can you and the crew be prepared to go to London with bail money. BTW: Father, the plane leaves at Midnight PST.]<<<<< -- Sneakthief (09:31:34 PST / 04-28-56) >>>>>[ Then explain what Nightmare did to Action Jackson? Or for that matter explain Action Jackson? Explain how FireWraith (is she still around?) existed? Explain Brimstone? I don't personally believe much in propaganda, but I have met Nightmare in real life, and I don't think I would tell him that magic doesn't exist. Nor would I tell that to DragonEyes, IF I EVER COULD FIND HIM. *sigh* ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <11:00:00/4-28-56> >>>>>["In court"? Bah. You'd have to catch me first. Besides, what do you have to prove? You were taken off of the case. Obviously your abilities were deemed insufficient then, as they are now. You are the child. And now it is time for you to go to school. "Accident"? "Anguish"? I revel in my power. The rush is uncomparable. "Help me"? Help you do what? Brainwash me? Never.]<<<<< -- Teutone Bleu (13:20:23 / 04-28-56) >>>>>[Brimstone is a special effect on a video. A child could produce it give the right tools. Magic doesn't exist. That's final.]<<<<< -- Disbeliever (13:20:12/04-28-56) >>>>>[Well, with the mania about Teutone all of the sudden, I figured I'd try to follow him some myself. After all, the bounty hunters won't get their fee, if they can't find him. If any of you'd like to find him at any time, contact me. If you require proof, watch this video I made only a few hours ago. +++++ BEGIN VIDEO The image seems to be centered on a man walking down a crowded sidewalk. Seems to be, since the camera's underneath a car. +++++ COMMENT: Sorry, about the angle, I had to keep the Snooper under traffic so it wouldn't get run over. Some of the shots get cut off. BTW, you can't see it in this angle, but Teutone's got hisself one great nervous facial twitch going. +++++ RESUME The view of the man is cut off at the elbows, but you can see he's walking with his hands in his pockets, hunched forward. The people around him stumble and jerk, as though they're being pushed, but he can't be with his hands in his pockets (aka the Moses Effect). Apparently the car the drone is traveling under stops for a light and the drone rolls forward for a better view. The man the drone is following, turns to cross the street, just in front of the drone. Across the intersection, a beat-up, mid-40s Ford darts out of the queue of cars into the oncoming lane. The driver, a troll, guns the engine, aiming towards Teutone. The car shoots through crossing traffic barrelling straight for an unresponsive Teutone. Just feet away from ramming him, the grill of the car suddenly explodes, crumpling. The car stops dead, spinning to the right. Both passengers in the front seats are thrown through the windshield before the car slides backwards onto the sidewalk. Teutone finishes crossing the street, with other pedestrians running into stores. A rear door opens and an ork wearing Yucks colors, steps out of the battered Ford. He levels an M-23, also sporting Yucks colors, at Teutone. "Damn, breeder. Yer gonna die!" The Yuck ratches the cocking handle back, braces the rifle against his hip and rips off a long, automatic burst into Teutone's back. Sparks shower onto the sidewalk and ricochets zing across the street. When the fusilade ceases, Teutone is still walking down the street, oblivious to what just happened. A motorcyclist rolls up behind the stunned Yuck and grabs him by the belt. The rider bursts into flames, burning off his gloves and helmet, exposing the skeletal Brimstone. The spirit revs his engine and tears off down the street, dragging the swearing and kicking ganger with. Brimstone jams on his breaks, sending the bike into a swearving skid, and releases the ork so that he flies into oncoming traffic. The garbage truck driver barely has time to stomp on his brakes, but not soon enough to avoid running over the Yuck. +++++ END VIDEO Anybody but me get the idea it just ain't healthy having them two around?]<<<<< -- Rumormonger (Always / Tuned-In) >>>>>[once again Disbeliver, Let me know where I can send you this .. ahh package.... I think after this you will belive]<<<<< -- Heretic <14:57:06/04-28-56> ***** PRIVATE: Kor, GoD >>>>>[ Count me in, Kor. I'll be there. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn < 20:11:28/4-28-56 > *****Private: Kor >>>>>[Kor, I may have to turn you down...I am not quite sure If I would be available...I am in Seattle at >>>>>Encrypted<<<<< should you need to get ahold of me.]<<<<< --Ryuga (14:00:30 PDT/04:28:56) ***** PRIVATE: GoD, Ryuga, Griffyn >>>>>[Anyone up for a hostile (and very magically active) extraction?]<<<<< -- Kor <21:33:54 / 04-28-56> *****PRIVATE: God >>>>>[Heh. I can getcha yer kid back any time. Suzanne got her outta that dump she was bein' held in, and agrees not to charge, seein' as how it kinda fits into the whole babysittin' thing. Seems the tyke is a little anxious to find out more about submachine guns, now tho. Hope that don't cause ya any grief. At least (I'm told) Suz managed to convince her that smartgoggles are as cool as smartlinks. But I wouldn't be bringin' the subject up.]<<<<< -- Jolly Roger < 21:01:48 PST / 04-28-56 > ***** PRIVATE: Rumormonger >>>>>[Was that downtown Seattle? Can you get me an address and his schedule?]<<<<< -- Kor <02:28:05 / 04-29-56> >>>>>[Sorry I haven't been in touch w/ y'all for a while. I was poking around seeing what I could find. I'll tell ya, it ain't much. Best I can figure is that Truman Tech and BioMed Industries (by way of Carter Manheim) have gone into business together. At least for the time being. All I know is that this crap is getting really old, really fast. The best intel I've been able to get is that the sample of Red 6 as well as the notes have indeed found their way into good ol' Chicago. Let's go. I'm still up for it if you guys are. Tanp, fire up the family truckster. Last call for any of y'all who want to make a little cash. Anybody wanna go to Bug City? Stop laughing. I'm serious. Whatever money we make we'll split evenly. And if we get the Red 6 back, we can sell it to the highest bidder and make a killing. C'mon, let's go kick up some crap. I've got a really big fly swatter and a REALLY big can of Raid. Let's get it on, as the saying goes. Whoooopppieeeee!! I love a good fight.]<<<<< -- Bedlam <22:43:58/4-28-56> *****Private: Sneakthief >>>>>[Yeppers.]<<<<< --Buzz (The one the only...Human Bee in the Matrix) >>>>>[ Teutone Bleu, be careful; you are making yourself a target for .... adjustment. And some of our members grow rather enthusiastic about adjusting hypernetic wielders of power such as yourself. Tone yourself down, and think about the enemies you might be making. ]<<<<< -- Michael Donovan (21:18:02/4-28-56) Director Followers of Geeker's Path >>>>>[ Duey, you've always been kind. Bleu, you've heard the carrot, now see the stick -- get frosty, chummer, or you become my dinner. ]<<<<< -- Oriphin (21:20:52/4-28-56) Chief of Secure Operations Followers of Geeker's Path >>>>>[Family Truckster go BROOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!! We be there, Bedlam!]<<<<< -- Tanp <04-29-56/00:39:00> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ I might be interested.. just who were you thinking of extracting, though? ]<<<<< -- Griffyn < 20:52:29/4-29-56 > *****Private: Kor >>>>>[Although we have never made acquaintances, I have heard through the rumormill that you desire to hire on extra magic-muscle. If so, you can reach me at >>>encrypted<<<. Perhaps the services of myself and other Liberators could be of great use to you. I look forward to hearing from you.]<<<<< -- Sacre Bleu <2:10pm/04-29-56> ***** PRIVATE: Griffyn, GoD, Ryuga >>>>>[There is no time for me right now. I have prior obligations that I need to attend to. There also seems to others interested in Teutone as well. GoD, you are closest to TT right now, do what you can to keep him safe. Did you get a chance to view the footage that Rumormonger posted last night? It clearly shows that TT is not paying close enough attention to his surroundings right now. Brimstone probably saved his life (which is another interesting thing. It either means that Brimstone isnt finished with TT, or that he doesnt feel that he is strong enough to make the move to being free. Then there is also the vampiric aspects. He could be holding off. He has a good hold on TT which will continue to be benifitial) yesterday and that disturbs me somewhat. I had orginally wanted to get TT away from Brimstone for a while but I doubt now that it will be possible. GoD -- See if you can find TT's notes on his summoning. I know that it is a very personal thing but, if my feelings are right, you wont be able to find anything anywhere pertaining to Brimstone. My bet is that he has already destroyed it all. If that truely is the case, there wont be much we can do. Im leaving town for the next couple of days. Ill be back sometime soon. If you run into troubles, let me know. ]<<<<< -- Kor <20:30:16 / 04-29-56> ***** PRIVATE: Sacre Bleu >>>>>[Yes, as a matter of fact, I am looking for other magically actives to assist on a job. Unfortunately the window for the work has already passed.]<<<<< -- Kor <21:07:01 / 04-29-56> ***** PRIVATE: Ryuga, Griffyn, GoD >>>>>[+++++ Include SB.Message One of yours? This one seems to want to crash my private little party. Not good.]<<<<< -- Kor <21:08:00 / 04-29-56> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[Ill be touching down in Neon Hell in a few hours. Ill probably be out of contact for a while. Take care of my little girl for me. Seeking information -- Sacre Bleu, mage. Dont look too hard, dont want to set of any alarms. Im just curious about him / her. S/He had information that shouldnt have been public]<<<<< -- Jason Stormwind <22:01:29 04-29-56> *****PRIVATE: Jolly Roger >>>>>[Well? How are things at the clinic? You did remember to check on it, didn't you? Could you maybe have some loa keep an eye on it off and on? I've sent watchers, but they're having trouble getting back to me.]<<<<< -- Shekhinah < 08:44:51 GMT / 04-30-56 > *****PRIVATE: Shekhinah >>>>>[Huh? Oh. Yeah. I was just doin' that on my way outta town. Uh. I'll see what I can do 'bout them spirits.]<<<<< -- Jolly Roger < 00:47:21 PST / 04-30-56 > *****PRIVATE: Bedlam >>>>>[What the frag took ya so long, dandelion-eater? Been sittin' here stewin' my hoop fer more'n a week. Let's get this fraggin' thing on the road. I just gotta close up shop real quick, lemme know where the meet's at.]<<<<< -- Jolly Roger < 00:54:23 PST / 04-30-56 >