*****PRIVATE: Ryuga >>>>>[Catch me if you caaan 'Puff' Heheheheheheheh]<<<<< -- Goku (Bleblebleblebleb) >>>>>[Yes, Sacre Imitator, they are immensely huge. They have noses that are much to large, and are considered a delicacy and an aphrodisiac.]<<<<< -- Teutone Bleu (18:56:56 / 05-13-56) >>>>>[The good 'ting 'bout livin' in da barrens, I always say, Is the interest the fraggin newsboys have in all things as dat happen there. The followin' vid you're gonna see, wuz not accepted by any news agency or official law enforcement (Hah!) group in da city. So I's postin' it here, and givin' it to as many pirate newsies as I kenna find. I wuz havin' dinner last night, me an da wife an' da squealers, when I hears a guy shoutin' somethin' in da middle of tha street. Not too unusual where I lives, ya know, but they normally go along da lines of 'Arrggggghhh' or 'Eeeeeek'. This was more along the lines of 'THE HOUR OF RETRIBUTION HAS COME' Spoken as likes a big fraggin loudspeaker. I figgers this ain't the normal drunk fragger gettin his throat cut, so I goes to the curtain, moves the bulletproof blind aside, and takes a peek: Whut I see is a tall guy standing inna middle of da road. I recognizes him. It's that Teutone Bleu fragger everybody's been 'avin' the hots fer in da last days. 'Cool' I says to meself. 'I might getta scratch inna bounty if I'm lucky' So I says to squealer number one (I don't give 'em names until they's at least 7 years old... dey tendta die too easy afore that) 'Get me da vid' Here's da recordin' I made. I can tell ya, It wuz more than I bargained for. A lot more. +++++INCLUDE VIDEO: You see a large eye peering into the objective of the camera. The eye recedes to reveal a wide orkish face with mismatched tusks. 'Dis fragger working?' Says the face 'Yeah Da. Is runnin', see da red light?' Says a voice off camera. The view blurs as the camera is swung around, and nuzzled forward between heavy curtains made of ballistic materials. As the curtain clears from the camera, you see a view to a darkened street full of rubbish and ruined cars. There is indeed a tall man standing alone in the middle of the road. His face cannot be distinguished due to the lack of street lighting, but it _could_ be Teutone Bleu. 'Fraggin cheapo vid aint got light amp. Buy Omegamax! It's fraggin' cheaper! But my peepers do, an I'm fraggin' sure it's dat TwoTon fragger out dere' 'FIRST...THERE WAS NOTHING...' Says the man in the street. Flickering shapes manifest around him... one of the shapes is more solid than the rest... A biker figure with a head wreathed in flames. Brimstone. 'Oh fragfragfragfrag... one! Gets the guns outta the case!!...I thinks there's gonna be trouble...' Says the ork, half whispering, half shouting. The camera wavers as it exchanges hands, you hear noises of cursing and shouting and what sounds like a large weapons cache being distributed among the household members. 'THEN THE LORD SAID...LET THERE BE LIGHT!!!' The man's voice rises to a deafening crescendo and suddenly the street is filled with light as flames seem to erupt from the ground and invade the lower levels of the surrounding buildings. The man raises his arms and several explosions ring out. Manhole covers fly into the air as the gas mains in the sewers explode. The spirits surrounding Teutone fly away from him in all directions. One of them grows larger as it approaches the window from wich the recording is taking place. 'GET DOWN!!!!' Somebody screams. The Window seems to explode inward as the spirit crashes through. The camera flies through the air providing a few seconds of blurred and disorientating images. Shots and screams ring out. Throught the cracked lens of the camera, you can see the spirit's goatlike feet as it rampages along the house. 'Shoot it, Shoot the fragger!!!' 'AARHHH...Lemmeegooo...aRRGGHHHH' You see the boots and feet of several orks as they surround the spirit, who continues to lash out at them. Finally, by virtue of their numbers, they bring the spirit down. You see it's hideous, half human, half pig face contorting in rage as more and more knives, metal spikes and swords are driven into it's etheral substance, disrupting it. The spirit dissapears in an explosion of foul gases. 'It killed Gak' Says a whimpering voice. 'Shaddap! Wife, getta kids, take 'em out the rear entrance! Frig! You go wit' her! Da rest of yez, come with me!' Says the first ork Someone picks up the camera, and throws it at a younger ork. His frightened face visible for an instant as the camera flies through the air. 'One! You stay inna winda an' keep recordin' The Ork leader growls. As the camera is brought to the window again, you are presented with an image out of a nightmare. The street is a bloody mess, littered with corpses and wounded orks. People trapped in the burning buildings scream as the flames reach them, and flying above, spirits drop screaming orks to fall to their deaths on the flames or the ground below. In the midst of the destruction, Teutone laughs happily, stopping occasionally to cast a fireball at a group of survivors. Shots ring out as the first ork's group reach the windows of the floor below and start firing at Teutone. Their bullets rebound harmlessly off his barrier spell. Teutone laughs and snaps his fingers. Brimstone appears before him. 'See those pathetic fools there, 'Brimstone'?' 'Yes' Answers the spirit. 'Show them a lesson' 'But of course 'Teutone'' Says the spirit. Brimstone's flaming bike appears under him, and he launches himself towards the group of firing orks. The camera folows his path as the bike arces through the air and rams the window directly underneath The camera hesitates for a few seconds, and then moves back to focus on Teutone. The mage looks directly at the wielder of the camera and smiles. He then looks around him, with the air of one who was preparing to perform a stage trick. His eyes focus on a small, soot stained ork girl who is wandering along the street in a state of shock. Teutone smiles sweetly at her, and the girls expression changes, she adopts a dreamy look of happiness and starts to walk towards Teutone. When the girl comes close to him, Teutone reaches down and strokes her face fondly. Suddenly, in a swift movement, he grasps her by the throat and lifts the girl into the air. With a flash of white flame, the girl's body starts to spontaneously combust like a lighted match. You hear a piercing shrill scream as the superheated air from the lungs forces it's way out the girl's throat. *BATTERIES EXHAUSTED* *PLEASE PLACE NEW BATTERIES TO CONTINUE VIEWING* *HAVE A NICE DAY* -end video- Fraggin' Beautiful, wassnit? I'be been in some fraggin' mess ups in my life, but dis is da worst by far. An what does the star say?? Gas mains exploded due to vandalism. Nuthin' more. Nuthin' less. Ohhhhh my fraggin' head. An' my fraggin' arm. An' my fraggin' leg... an...]<<<<< -- Brocken Bone (18:15:32/05-13-56) >>>>>[I wondered what in the hell that was. Floatin' in a deprivation tank with a fraggin' war goin' on ain't like you'd expect. Chrimony, I nearly got seasick in the middle of the fraggin' Barrens. Last night, I started sloshin' around in here, and then the doc jacked in and explained to me the party line. Man, oh, man, oh, man, oh, man. I'm kinda glad Brimmy didn't come back to me. They were lookin' a might on the deranged side. Hold on. +++++ PAUSE +++++ RESUME Checkitout, go through the logs. That ork posted his vid, then about forty-five minutes later, Teutone posted something about his bug hunt, nothing about last night. Jesus, he's one sick fragger. I bet he could still smell the barbecue..... Uh - oh, I didn't just say that. Uh... I gotta go - bye.]<<<<< -- Rumormonger (Always / Tuned-In) >>>>>[How come all I can say is that's the same kinda drek that goes on in Oakland? Somebody tears the hell outta an ork neighborhood and the official word is "Huh?". Ya know, this is gonna take a while to set in.....]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (19:30:22 / 05-13-56) President Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150) >>>>>[GoD, Griffyn...I DO NOT care if you think Teutone is good for the magical community...He MUST not get away with this, and neither can Brimstone. This kind of behavior reflects disparingly upon YOUR values.]<<<<< --Ryuga (20:30:30 PDT/ 05:13:56) CEO Ryaka Science and Tech *****PRIVATE: GoD, Griffyn, Kor >>>>>[I have to agree with my friend, Ryuga. This behavior does reflect very badly upon all magic users, including us of the Magi. Life is where we get our magic from; but when life is destroyed by the use of that magic, then we as magic users have the OBLIGATION to put a stop to it, even if does mean the death of one who is extremely gifted and "valuable" to the magical community.]<<<<< --Olorin (20:33:30 PDT/ 05:13:56) Lord Commander Order of the Magi >>>>>[Hey, I'm finally back into the 'Net. Wish I still had my old deck, though. I hadta buy a new one, and the hospital was expensive. So I guess I'm kinda broke right now. Which is why I guess I agreed to come to Chicago with Roger. And he let me go into the Matrix. He even gave me a message, and said I hadta put it out on Shadowland. Um, what did I do with that message? Hang on. I think I l... ++++LINK TERMINATED AT SOURCE]<<<< -- Housefly <23:06:11 CST / 05-13-56> >>>>>[Stupid trog. The message is that we'll be goin' in tomorrow, between 0900 and 0905. When we talk atcha again, it'll be through our cyberranger, JohnnyM, and we're hopin' he'll be able to beat enough of a pathway out to deposit a few files. If not, we're gonna try ta punch thru the white noise on a satellite relay with a smartframe. Whatever the frag that means.]<<<<< -- Jolly Roger <23:08:12 CST / 05-13-56> >>>>>[Hooo-whee! That Teutone shore can put on a party, can't the hoop-fraggin' spitlicker? Hey, an' since he was kind enough ta invite all us orks ta the party, what say we go find us a breeder neighborhood, all nice and fancy, and have 'em out fer target practice with a Banshee. 'Course, we gotta strap Teutone ta the front end of 'er afore we do. Aw sheeeit. Jest remembered. I'm gonna be on the inside a few hours from now. I'm gonna hafta call this a feud, though. It's a tradition, where I come from.]<<<<< -- Jolly Roger <23:23:23 CST / 05-13-56> *****PRIVATE: GoD, Griffyn >>>>>[Did you see what your stubborness in defending that monster has caused? If you hadn't insisted in trying to protect him, all those people might have survived. Well, this time the kid gloves are _off_ I have managed to get a 'loan' of an aztlan military tac squad, the condors. By the time we're finished with Teutone Bleu, you'll have to pick him up with a spoon]<<<<< -- M. Executor (08:16:23/05-14-56) >>>>>[This is a warning to the Shadow community of Seattle. The rogue mage known as Teutone Bleu is our objective. Anyone who gets in our way may find himself becoming a regrettable casualty. I repeat, this is a warning. _Not_ a threat. I believe threats are below my professional dignity. I do not particularly care _who_ ends this man's life, as long as it's done. However, my troops and I have witnessed the proofs of Teutone and his ally's crimes, and we are commited to satisfy justice]<<<<< -- Col. Ernesto Gutierrez (08:30:12/05-14-56) *****NOT TO: Col. Ernesto Gutierrez >>>>>[Actually, that's not true. We just like to kill people.]<<<<< -- Perro (08:35:45/05-14-56) *****NOT TO: Col. Ernesto Gutierrez >>>>>[And blow up stuff]<<<<< -- Cucaracha (08:36:23/05-14-56) *****NOT TO: Col. Ernesto Gutierrez >>>>>[Yeah. I kinda like that Teuton hijoputa. Ees got style. I gotta learn myself that trick for cookin' trogs. He-he-he-he]<<<<< -- Azpiri (08:38:23/05-14-56) *****NOT TO: Col. Ernesto Gutierrez >>>>>[Si, like that time we napalmed that village, remember? Burn troggie, burn troggie burn, burn, burn...yehehehahahaheheheheheh... Ay carajo! El coronel! +++++TRANSMISSION INTERRUPTED AT SOURCE.]<<<<< -- Mal nacido (08:40:24/05-14-56) >>>>>[Colonel, I will join...but I will warn you, keep your men under STRICT control, or you may see what an angry dragon CAN do.]<<<<< --Ryuga (07:30:30 PDT/ 05:14:56) CEO Ryaka Science and Tech *****PRIVATE: Armando >>>>>[Oh Christ. Not them]<<<<< -- Mexican Vet (09:20:12/05-14-56) *****PRIVATE: Mexican Vet >>>>>[Them who?]<<<<< -- Armando (09:21:34/05-14-56) *****PRIVATE: Armando >>>>>[The condors. If they are in town, then I'm thinking of moving out]<<<<< -- Mexican Vet (09:22:15/05-14-56) *****PRIVATE: Mexican Vet >>>>>[Surely they can't be _that_ dangerous? What do they use? Tac nukes? Are they gonna level the city]<<<<< -- Armando (09:23:24/05-14-56) *****PRIVATE: Armando >>>>>[They just might, believe me... Remeber what I told you about Huactar?]<<<<< -- Mexican Vet (09:25:53/05-14-56) *****PRIVATE: Mexican Vet >>>>>[You mean the dragon? The one who was with the resistance movement? Did they kill him?]<<<<< -- Armando (09:23:24/05-14-56) *****PRIVATE: Armando >>>>>[Kill him? Hah. They turned him into five tons of flying mincemeat in front of my very eyes. Overkill isn't just a strategy with those people. It's a religion. Then they turned on us Damn, damn, damn. I'm definetely overdue a vacation. I'm outta here]<<<<< -- Mexican Vet (09:29:37/05-14-56) *****PRIVATE: Mexican Vet >>>>>[Hello?]<<<<< -- Armando (09:30:24/05-14-56) *****PRIVATE: Mexican Vet >>>>>[Hello?]<<<<< -- Armando (09:37:44/05-14-56) *****PRIVATE: M. Executor >>>>>[Rebecca, I have been following your progress over the last few weeks. Let me tell you, I am extremely worried about your well being concerning this whole personal vendetta you are carrying out. It is most unhealthy. Let me hasten to add that your use of Aztechnology assets is bordering on the criminally irresponsible. The management have tolerated it as long as it does not spiral out of control, but I can see clear signs of it right now. Your abuse of our 'special agreement' with the press, and Lone Star rankles especially. Ignoring that regrettable incident in the barrens is proving a major embarrasment. And Ryaka Science and Tech are making a nuisance of themselves, as usual. As for the condors... I'll never manage to figure out how you managed to smuggle Aztlan military resources into the UCAS. Please Rebecca, I beg of you, don't take this too far.]<<<<< -- Esteban Maroto (10:01:34/05-14-56) Special Advisor Freelance operations *****PRIVATE: Esteban Maroto >>>>>[Don't be a fool Esteban. They are Aztechnology security operatives. And they are currently on leave. The situation is well in hand. I expect a comfortable resolution in a matter of days. Teutone has no assets, no contacts, a bounty on his head and most inhabitants of this fair city would love to kill him on sight. He's dead. He just doesn't know it yet And as for the Star and the press, the idiots embarrased themselves. I revoked the news blackout on Teutone last week]<<<<< -- M. Executor (10:15:21/05-14-56) *****Private to: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Freddy, do you think you could loan me two three-man squads and a decent spotter for a week or so?]<<<<< -- Christopher Tarleton ***** PRIVATE: GoD, Freddy Frypp >>>>>[ Hey boss, what do you want us to do about this Teutone mess? If we stick around and protect his hoop, it looks like we're gonna have to tangle with an Azzie TAC squad, and I don't find that prospect heartening, if you catch my drift. Can we use that safehouse at >>encrypted<< until we get this all sorted out? I think Brimstone might be playing us against Teutone, in hopes that when Teutone buys it, he'll become free. I _really_ don't like being used. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn < 17:31:14/5-14-56 > >>>>>[ I got this in the mail the other day. I figured that it would be best to share it with the rest of you...just in case there were others that cared for tW that he didnt know. Bear knows that there were quite a few more people who had an interest in my well being than I knew when I tried to ... Well, here it is. May your soul find peace, Whistler. +++++ Include Mail.tW +++++ Strip Encryption (y/n) y Well, maybe the bastards have won. I know I haven't. What do you do, when everything you believed in, everything you loved, is destroyed? I was once a normal security operative for, well, I think most of you know who I used to work for, back in the 40s. But the fraggin' trolls and orcs killed my family. They took my nice, comfortable life. Frag... You know, I spent the next year of my life inside a bottle. And who stood by me? Johnny Rotten and the Corp. Yeah, the Corp stood by me. They knew that after I climbed out of the bottle I became a shadowrunner. I think they even steered some work my way. After I while, I wanted my nice comfortable life back. I didn't want to live in constant fear. So I started to work my way back into the Corp. Hell, I still freelanced, but I was now bound, body and soul to Samantha Villiers. I was on my way, after five years wandering in the wastelands. I even found Kyrie. I found love again. I asked her to marry me, she said yes. I was only months away from spending the rest of my life behind a desk, and I was looking forward to it. I wanted my new life. And then that slitch CircE took it from me. Not only did she take my Kyrie, she took my job, my identity, my life. I spent a year on the run from the law, slowly assembling a new identity, and new life back in the shadows. But now that slitch has taken even this from me. What do I have left? I have tried revenge; but the cost has become to high. I could sue for peace, but I know CircE will not stop until I am dead. I wont let her win. This way, at best, she gets a draw. Im sorry...this is the only way it could work out. And so I am left with one option. My mission with OS^2 has been completed. Macros the Black has been captured. Perhaps some sort of justice will be served. But now that my job is done, I must leave. Kor, thank you for being such a good friend. I have had precious little friendships here in the shadows. It is too late to stop me. I have left. Goodbye. I leave...this world...this place...no better than when I found it --the Whistler <5-11-56/03:34:18> CircE -- I dont know what your beef was with him but let it end now. His life has been reduced to its most basic components. Allow him to rest in peace. I have been told that his body was found and identified. At least he went the way a mage should -- weaving a spell that no one on earth should have been able to survive in the first place. Admirable. If you ever need anything, my friend, I'll see you in the Astral. May your soul find the peace that we all seek so fitfully. I have been given a list of his debts that need to be taken care of, I will be cutting credit to cover them as soon as I so find the time. CircE -- Your debt is paid in full. I hope you are happy.]<<<<< -- Kor <22:45:41 / 05-14-56> >>>>>[What? Jac and Majikthize are still grumbling about the last time I loaned them to you.... . They say they're game as long as you promise some gratuitous violence. By spotter, what do you mean? We talkin' sniper kinda spotter or a rigger with eyes in the sky?]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (09:30:23 / 05-15-56) President Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150) ***** Private: GoD, Griffyn >>>>>[The way I'm reading things, you've pretty near fulfilled whatever contracts are out... I say play it however you want. Prosecute with extreme.... uh, damn, I can't remember how that line goes... with extreme... uh, what the hell? - bloodshed.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (09:35:22 / 05-15-56) President Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150) >>>>>[Well, this just bites. Who in the hell am I suppossed to vent aggression at now?]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (09:40:12 / 05-15-56) President Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150) >>>>>[Sniper-type spotter, although a rigger with some eyes in the sky would work too.]<<<<< -- Christopher Tarleton *****NOT TO: John Riglia, Farrleton Machinery Employees >>>>>[To start let's go way back to when Kovak was fighting Martel. Popular comments were for Kovak to keep on running after he rescues Flute. the Whistler voiced the opion that got Kovak cold: Leave the shadows and resume a normal life. Kovak then decided to get NEX to watch Flute if he died. NEX left shortly around that time so the responsiblity fell upon myself and I fucked up. Kovak wants to find the fuckup who hurt Flute. Second: Sneakthief was like a son to Kovak. Kovak if he is here will not let anything else hurt his family. I personaly think Kovak has gone to London to watch over Sneakthief. The news I got today is bad though. The gangs that are purely racist have been swayed by Riglia are in the westway of the smoke. Next door is the Elven estates. Things are heating up fast. London cops tell me that general war will hit that part of the smoke by weeks end. Sneakthief has urged for a stock holders meeting by the end of this week. We need to get control of Farrleton. At that point Farrleton's London bulleys can help in the lynch mob of Riglia. Nightbroker: Can you get the names of the people who have stock in Farrleton and have a grievevance with Riglia? God I hope that girl wakes up soon. I can't lose her, I've fucked up too much has it stands now.]<<<<< -- Zactof (09:19:07 PST / 05-15-56) >>>>>[Freddy, the term is 'prosecute with extreme prejudice' I should know]<<<<< -- M. Executor (10:25:32/05-15-56) >>>>>[Ryuga, your offer is appreciated, but we work best alone. If, however, we run into something we can't handle, be sure that we'll contact you]<<<<< -- Col. Ernesto Gutierrez (10:27:12/05-15-56) *****NOT TO: Col. Ernesto Gutierrez >>>>>[Can't handle? Us? Hah! That'll be the fraggin day! That hijoputa dragon's asking for his ass onna stick, hah, been a long time since I tasted Dragon meat$u&$%**(*&........ +++++TRANSMISSION INTERRUPTED AT SOURCE. ]<<<<< -- Azpiri (10:32:56/05-15-56) >>>>>[And as for my men's discipline, I can assure you they know who is boss]<<<<< -- Col. Ernesto Gutierrez (10:36:12/05-15-56) ***** Private: Saigon Rebel >>>>>[115 -97's, jeeze. Anyway, I think I've found enough, but the Preds might be a little tough. Whoever told you I got access to this much equipment is crazy. I'm small time. You want a real arms dealer for this kind of quantity. Anyway, even if I can corner that many Preds and lasers, the whole schmeer is gonna cost around a quarter mil, plus shipping, plus my fees. This could easily come to a cool million. You can pay that, can't you?]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (12:42:22 / 05-15-56) President Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150) ***** Private: Freddy Fripp, Kor, Gryffin >>>>>[Look I don't know who else to turn to, I don't know what's going on I don't know what to do, he put a hole through the Wall, He put a hole through the wall in the next three buldings. I kept out of his way. He was ranting and raving about how Teutone, and brimmstone where just playing him and you guys off. and that he wasn't going to stand by and see innocents die. he was glowing, and he pointed at the wall and boom he blew a hole through this building and the a bigger one in the buildings across the street. I don't know what to do he's been gone for half-the day. I'm worried about him.]<<<<< -- Josh McNight < BANG!BANG! YOUR DIGITIZED!!!> >>>>>[Last night I got really fucked up. My fixer sold me to Atztech, Lone Star 'visited' my home, and me chummers spit blood on the floor of a prison. Gonna need some contacts to get me chummers out of prison, and to kill this dammn fixer Sato Li'jen. Hope me get some help from you, need it urgent]<<<<< -- Stampede <21:27:15 / 05-15-56> ***** PRIVATE: Josh McNight >>>>>[ Get a grip on yourself and speak in a language that I understand. What the hell is going on and what the fuck are you babbling about? Who blew a whole in the wall? Have you tried calling the police to see if they picked anyone up on illegal use of magic in the last couple of hours?]<<<<< -- Kor <19:29:31 / 05-15-56> ***** PRIVATE: Josh McNight, Freddy Frypp, Kor >>>>>[ I'm on it, Josh. Try not to worry. I'll track him down before he gets himself into trouble. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn < 20:26:15/5-15-56 > ***** PRIVATE: Freddy Frypp, Kor >>>>>[ Frag. Boss, I need a rover and one of the hounds. I've gotta track GoD down before he goes off half-cocked and gets into trouble. I've worked with both Castor and Pollux, so either one will work. Also, if you could have all of the FryppSec guys in the field keep their eyes open for him, that'd be a big help. I'll be to the office shortly, so tell Kabuki Man not to give me any trouble or I'll turn him into a newt. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn < 20:29:32/5-15-56 > ***** Private: Tommy Fung >>>>>[yo homey what happen it's the boyz from Heads will Roll. we need you to send STEEL DRAGON and the wadijina and one of the new Ares Gardians vertol drones. and the rest of my drones 2. oh Death Jestor wants a some take-out from Mr.Vin's a #3 HOT and a #4 and 2 orders of rice. and we need some more ammo one case 45 apc. one case of 12 gage shotgun 24 HK227 smg clips sez you later ice-man stay frostbit man.]<<<<< -- Rolling Thunder (22:27:59/05-15-56) >>>>>[Due to the profound interest in said stock, I have a listing of all persons connected to Farrleton Machinery. I have not the time, nor the inclination, to hunt down the personal prejudices involved in this particular scenario, but the file of all names is available to all bidders at the price of 1500 =Y=. Contact me privately for the information.]<<<<< -- Nightbroker < 01:08:56 CST / 05-16-56 > ***** Private: Stampede >>>>>[Hey You helped me a couple of times, now I'll help you. But watch it, but watch it, I heard, the Atztech will pay quite a bounty for your head. So be shure you can trust s.o. before you tell himm where you are]<<<<< -- Dr. Snooze < 10:02:35 / 05-16-56 > >>>>>[As far as I can tell, it's not a hardware problem; something is wrong with his mental interface with the Matrix. It's strange. The kid's been quiet until he's jacked in, and then he just goes frantic. It looks as if he's terrified of the Matrix.]<<<<< --Nightstalker (07:10:30/05-16-56) >>>>>[A moment, please. I sense something wrong... >>SYSTEM DELAY 00:01:21<< Something...strange has happened to his aura. there's something impinging upon Moonwalker's astral self.]<<<<< --Raven TM (07:13:40/05-16-56) >>>>>[What, besides alcohol-induced brain damage?]<<<<< --Nightstalker (07:14:41/05-16-56) >>>>>[No, this is something discolored in his head. I wish I could be more specific.]<<<<< --Raven TM (07:15:10/05-16-56) >>>>>[You might want to try getting him (I am making assumptions) to a doctor of some sort. If what you say is true, its possible that someone or something is attempting to make contact and that contact is being blocked by the intrustions he has already put in his body. My first guess would be Coyote. He tends to do things like this all the time. I guess he finds it amusing to take those who would be furthest away from learning his teachings just for the pure frustion levels involved. Find a Shamanic Physician if you can. I think it might help. If you cant afford it, send the bills to this address and I will take care of what I can to assist you in defering the payments +++++ Include Address]<<<<< -- Kor <14:38:02 / 05-16-56> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[Morning -- I'm alive.]<<<<< -- Jason Stormwind <14:55:02 / 05-16-56> ***** PRIVATE: ISM INTEROFFICE >>>>>[It's nearly time for the begining of summer office vacations -- Please secure your arrangements with Patty at the travel agency. If you are taking the group package to London and points unknown, you only need to call or email patty to let her know to add you to the list. Everything for that trip has already been taken care of. If you are planning your own vacations make sure to get those in before next week. This is my way of letting you all know that I appreciate your hard work and the time you put into making IS & M what it is today. I have arranged for the franchise offices to take advantage of the reduced travel rates so we are likely to have a number of new faces with us this year. Hope to see you all there. REMINDER: The offices WILL be closing down for 2 weeks. No one, save security personel, will be allowed into the building for any reason. TAKE SOME TIME OFF! Jason Stormwind Mindy Michaelson Janice Weber James Foster Tristiana Ortez]<<<<< -- Tristiana Ortez <15:38:02 / 05-16-56> Head of Operations Industrial Sound and Magic. -- *****PRIVATE: Raven TM, Nightstalker >>>>>[I might be of service to Moonwalker, Raven TM and Nightstalker. Bear is always looking to aid those with "problems". From what you are saying it tend to make me believe some type of power was used on his mind.]<<<<< --The Transformer (08:30:30 PDT/ 05:16:56) Prelate Defenders of Life ***** NOT TO: Stampede >>>>>[This is an official statement of Atztechnology in cooperation with Lone Star security. We therefore will pay a bounty of 10.000 =Y= upon the capture of a SIN-less Troll, calling himself Stampede. +++++ Downloading Picture sec2157.ts This Picture shows the outlaw(right side of the picture) while caputring one of our finest Matrix speciallists (left side). This ruthless criminal has no scruple threatening our !!hanicapped!! 17 years old employee. For clues wich lead to the capture of Stampede we pay up to 1.000 =Y=]<<<<< -- Richard Hewbaker <18:31:34 / 05 - 16- 56> Atztechnology Security ***** PRIVATE: Stampede >>>>>[OK, Super-troggy, now I've got a hide-out for you, but bevore you can get it you will gave to do some explaining. It sounds not very nice of you, what they say about you. OK Stamp, I want the truth.]<<<<< -- Dr. Snooze <18:43:12/05-16-56> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[I just drained my account -- do you think you could find me a couple thousand more? For obvious reasons, I am staying away from some of my other accounts. Cant afford the activity right now. By the way, a little bird told me that you and Tris have been sleeping together for the last couple. That isnt eactly what I meant by "taking care of my little girl". Dont do anything I wouldnt do. Be careful, and if you cant be careful, be safe, and if you cant be safe, name the boy after me.]<<<<< -- Kor <17:24:46 / 05-16-56> *****Private: Rolling Thunder >>>>>[Hey Thunder glad to see that you are all ok, The town has cooled off so you guys have a place to hide out at if things go bad. Steel Dragon and your dones....hmmmmmm lets see.....ahhhh Spitfire is free he can drop of the stuff. ok now the good stuff payment.....hmmmm ok....ok for all the works it will set you back....30,000Y less the 10 0.000000or being such good guys. Spirtfire will get a hold of you to set up time for the drop.]<<<<< -Tommy Fung (12:28:36/5-16-56) Pres. of Fung's Import/Export Hong Kong Corp. Zone *****Private: Tommy Fung >>>>>[ ok Tommy boy TRANSFER:30,000Y FROM>ENCRYPTED< TO>ENCRYPTED<]<<<<< -Red Ronin (12:32:52/5-16-56) *****Private: Rolling Thunder >>>>>[Hoi-Mate when do you want the stuff?????]<<<<< -Spitfire (12:35:20/5-16-56) *****Private:Spitfire >>>>>[@>ENCRYPTED<]<<<<< -Rolling Thunder (12:40:20/5-16-56) ***** Private: Josh McNight >>>>>[Uh... you mean GoD did this? Christ. More half-looney mages. I'll keep an eye out for him.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (12:48:22 / 05-16-56) President Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150) ***** Private: Griffyn >>>>>[Where do you want me to bring 'em? Or are you gonna come back down and get 'em?]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (12:55:33 / 05-16-56) President Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150) ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ Okay, Jas, I've got you 25k in an account at >>encrypted<<. The passphrase to access it is >>encrypted<<. I'm working on getting some more lined up for you, and I'll let you know how to get a hold of it when I do. As far as Tris is concerned, who told you that? I've been a perfect gentleman, sleeping on the couch. +++++ AUDIO FILE: innocent_whistle.snd Take care, Jas, and if you need anything else, let me know. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher < 18:38:16/5-16-56 > ***** PRIVATE: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[ I'm coming back down to get 'em, along with that Rover that Kor had modified to handle them. I could probably trace GoD myself without a whole lot of trouble, but I want someone guarding my hoop while I do it. Castor or Pollux will be perfect for the job. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn < 18:42:16/5-16-56 > *****PRIVATE: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Freddy. Blast from the past. Yup. It's me. Marksanspensah. I'm alive, Brimstone didn't kill me, although he did a damn good job of fraggin' me up. What he didn't know was that a few years earlier I'd gotten myself an experimental bioware unit. Gills, they called them. Fraggin' things never worked properly, I'd always end up with a bloody huge oxygen debt when I tried to use them. But this time they provided enough oxygen for me to stay alive. Barely. Problem is, the water in wich Brimmy dipped me was half toxic waste. Lead poisoning, my friend, is something you don't want to experience, believe me. So, as soon as I'm able to stand up, I try to get in touch with Rebecca. I believe you're acquainted with her? She's the executor of my will... Fraggin thing, I wish I'd never thought about it...*&*(% =A3$$&%........ Gahhh....Damn datajack. I tried to talk with her, and she shot me! And any of my contacts I try to get in touch with starts shooting at me! But I know who is behind this... the bastard always was resentful, but I never imagined he'd go to such lengths.... Bottom line: Freddy, you're the only one I can turn to. I need guns, ammo and armour. I don't have access to any money, but I'll pay you back. I swear. I'll owe you big time if you don't let me down. Please.]<<<<< -- Marksanspensah (18:23:23/05-15-56) ***** Private: Marksanspensah >>>>>[Ah, er, um. You sound pretty well altogether for a dead man. I've read some stuff about makin' zombies. Seen too many movies.... Ahhhh.... Waitasec. Zombies are just people invested with spirits. So how can a spirit access the Matrix? Allright, I believe you (what the hell, I've never worked with the dead before). So who's behind this plot you mentioned (damn if I don't love conspiracies, saw JFK twenty-seven times!)? What so you need and where do you need it?]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (12:50:22 / 05-16-56) President Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150) *****PRIVATE: Stampede >>>>>[Greetings. I have read your message and offer my services. I am familiar with the methods of Sato Li'jen, and also have no great liking for Aztechnology, so I am tending to side with you on this, but I would like to have an explanation of this report from Aztechnology before I commit myself: +++++include: Richard_Hewbaker.msg As you can see, their version of the truth is against you. If you can convince me (and pay me), I will be willing to help. Contact me privately.]<<<<< -- Jeweler <11:25:39 / 05-16-56> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[She told me that. It might be the innocent thing that is getting you in trouble. But I didnt say that. I didnt think I needed that much but its good to know its around. Hell, I ` just wanted to make sure I could have dinner and pay for the plane home. Well that and I have come into a need for some...hard to find equipment. I wasnt able to get everything into Japan that I needed so I brought the bare minimums. I should upgrade my security provider status so I wont have to deal with customs as much and wont get funny looks when I bring in a pistol or a flash pack. No, on second thought...I think its time to hang up the fetishes...this work it starting to become more and more harry every day. You never got me the information I needed from a couple of weeks back. I was looking for some information on a mage that managed to get ahold of some information that he shouldnt have been able to get. No biggie now, just wanted you to know why you arent getting an Xmas bonus this year...smile.]<<<<< -- Kor <19:07:39 / 05-16-56> ***** Private: Teutone Blue >>>>>[Come to me you coward. I'll show you what it is to play with fire. I can't belive I put my hoop in the fire for you. This is what it's come too, Now you will know just how much I've learnt and just how much you didn't know I knew.... You know where to meet me... unless little girls and defenseless troggs are more your taste]<<<<< -- GoD ***** Private: griffyn >>>>>[Don't try to find me cuz I don't want to be found. He's gone too far this time and I'm sorry but You saw you all saw. I'm not going to stand by this anymore. I've got some questions, and only Teutone can answer them...]<<<<< -- GoD *****PRIVATE: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Thajk ghod&^*...Sorry, Thank god for that,Freddy. I need the following: +++++INCLUDE: Equip.lis To be delivered at >>encrypted<< at 20:00 today. Don't let me down Freddy, I need this]<<<<< -- Marksanspensah (16:35:21/05-16-56) *****Private:Macros Spotter >>>>>[Hey, are you still out there? Contact me if you are.]<<<<< -- Vincent <14:26:17/05-16-56> *****Private:Wet Steel >>>>>[Glad you could sign on. Listen, I'm putting you in charge of a gang called the Thirteens. They're pretty good at what they do (which is kill people), and I think you are the one to lead them. The hitter I hired previously bit the dust, but that's no problem.]<<<<< -- Vincent <14:30:27/05-16-56> *****Private:Thirteens [gang] >>>>>[I'm teaming you with a street samurai by the name of Wet Steel. Keep an eye on him, you all might learn something.]<<<<< -- Vincent <14:34:18/05-16-56> >>>>>[I found this on Purple's security cameras in his apartment after someone broke in. The bastard acted like nothing big really happened! Oh, he frustrates me sometimes! +++++INCLUDE VIDEO You see Mr. Purple actually wearing something besides a suit. He has a dark tank-top and sweat pants on. He is sitting on a couch in a loft-style apartment, relaxing. By the amount he is sweating, he seems to have been exercising recently. His ears are pointed, like an elf's, now. Strangely, they seems to fit him perfectly, as if they had been a missing feature all along. Suddenly, he cocks his head to the left, as if hearing something the security microphone can't pick up. There is the sound of a low explosion and breaking glass. A dark figure swings through the hole in the windows some four meters behind Mr. Purple, firing bursts from an HK227 submachine gun. Mr. Purple has already leapt off of the couch, almost blurring as he pulls an Ares Predator II from beneath a nearby table. The dark figure draws a bead on him, and continues firing. "Die, faerie!" the dark figure screams. By the voice, you can tell it is a female. Mr. Purple looks shocked for a moment, then continues his motion, backing up to a door nearby, firing quickly as more of a discouragement than anything else. The delay is too much, though, and a burst catches him in the torso. He goes down, dropping the Predator. The dark figure advances, keeping him covered with the HK. She has stopped firing. She stands over him for a moment, then removes her hood. She is a beautiful blonde human, but a look of cruelty mars her features. Mr. Purple is still alive, and looks up at her. "Why... why you?" he asks, clutching his stomach. "For the money, and for California. You betrayed your home. And for that, you will die!" she responds, replacing the clip in the HK with a fresh one. She cocks the gun, then begins to aim at his head. The look on Mr. Purple's face changes, from one of confused sadness, to one of cold determination. "No," he says. One of his legs lashes out, knocking the woman off balance. His arm snaps up, revealing the Walther Palm Pistol he has pulled from his waistband. He fires both barrels, striking the woman in the chest. She jumps backwards, staggering. She is hurt, but you doubt the small pistol could have done much damage through the armor she is wearing. Mr. Purple snaps upright, then moves on her quickly. Quickly, and without hesitating, he breaks her neck in a single, smooth motion. Her body drops to the ground. Mr. Purple stands over her for a second, bleeding profusely, but not as much as you might expect. His voice catches for a moment as he whispers, "I'm sorry, Dawn." +++++END VIDEO Purple called DocWagon right afterwards, and now he's getting patched up at a clinic somewhere around here. A couple of orks he knows took care of the body. I know this has something to do with a message he got while we were hunting Macros, but he won't talk about it. Frag it, I can tell he's hurting over this.]<<<<< -- Spring Rivers <14:40:33/05-16-56> >>>>>[Looks like Vincent is upping the ante. You OK, Purple?]<<<<< -- Cowboy <15:20:35/05-16-56> >>>>>[You are going to die, faerie! No one draws the blood of one of my soldiers without paying the ultimate price. Death to Aztlan! Death to Tir Tairngire! Death to Japan!]<<<<< -- KOSGrove <15:23:49/05-16-56> Supreme Commander Knights of Saint James >>>>>[Yes. What worries me is the fact that it was Dawn, and that she was with the Knights of Saint James. In Seattle, of all places! And, hey, KOSGrove (neat, name, I must admit), your "soldier" died because she was trying to ice me. Deal with it.]<<<<< -- Mr. Purple <15:28:10/05-16-56> ***** PRIVATE: M. Executor >>>>>[It's done. Rather, it was done last week. After getting it dome, I got ambushed in the Matrix, and get my deck turned to slag, a spent a few days unconcious. I just love running into old friends. You didn't mention that most of the stuff was off shore, and that the really good stuff was in orbit. Oh well, it was a nice experience in hunt and destroy. Mr. Bleu has made some rather remarkable charitable donations lately, and the stuff that I couldn't liquidate is now tied up in trusts and blinds. If he force liquidates them, he'll get about 400f the value. One can safely consider him cash strapped, unlesss he's willing to throw away a million newyen or so. The bug is planted. My copy of the code was slagged with my deck, so I have no idea if it works. And I won't be around long enough to find out. If i'm back in a couple weeks, I'd appreciate the opportunity to work for you again. If I'm not, have a drink or two for me.]<<<<< -- Joshuah's Arm <18:42:16 / 05-16-56> ***** PRIVATE Morgan >>>>>[He's back. We have problems.]<<<<< -- Joshua's Arm <18:44:54 / 05-16-56> ***** PRIVATE Joshua's Arm >>>>>[We'll be right there. Get Stace packed up, we're going to lay low for a while.]<<<<< -- Morgan <18:54:32 / 05-16-56> *****PRIVATE: Jeweler,Dr. Snooze >>>>>[Oki, I, too think some explanation has to be done. I was on an extraction, of that cute little deckress, (oh, by the way, she wasn't working for Atztech, but for MaSec, a little firm with lots of hot deckers to check matrix security ). Low security, bad equipped guards, should be an easy run... Then suddenly this group of 10 Atztech high security Guards popped up in heavy armor and with auto- weapons (and i wean no SMG's). I and my cute little girl where the only one to escape. So I went to my hide-out, and surprise, Lons-Star was waiting. My girl is in a coma due to a minor wound, me is without a hideout, and Lone Star, Atztech, and Sato are sending guns after me. Oh, maybe one interresting thing: During the Run, I had the impression that they where shooting at Mrs. Rollchair and not at me ?! If this story convinces you, I would need another hideout, a Manhunter, some sort of an Automatic Rifle, ammo, and a Street Doc , the girl only has a minor wound, but she is out due to shock since 2 days]<<<<< -- Stampede <11:21:55/05-17-56> *****PRIVATE: Joshua's Arm >>>>>[Excellent. I was beginning to wonder where you had gotten yourself to. +++++INCLUDE: CREDIT TRANSFER 40.000 =Y= Consider the extra 5000 as a sign of goodwill.]<<<<< -- M. Executor (04:35:23/05-16-56) *****PRIVATE: M. Executor >>>>>[Ma'am, we went to the location this 'Freddy Frypp' individual leaked to us. This is what happened: +++++INCLUDE: VIDLOG Operation record 05-15-56 File 2345546ab H12 *VIDCAM 1* You see a cockroach infested corridor. Dark, bulky shapes carrying military weapons and equipment crouch in the shadows. The shapes resolve to show two serious looking men of hispanic origin in urban cammo uniforms with heavy armour and helmets with mounted cameras. You deduce that the image you are looking at comes from a similar camera. The men crouch silently, weapons at the ready. They are all looking attentively at a garishly painted door marked 'ROOM 23' They seem to be waiting for something... Suddenly a large cockroach flitters accross the corridor. Faster than the eye can follow, one of the men skewers it with one of his spurs. He grins to the man next to him and puts it in his mouth. All that can be heard are the soft crunching sounds made by his mastication. *STEALTHDRONE 1* You see a succession of red bricks blurring past as the drone ascends vertically along a building's wall. After a few seconds the drone begins to decelerate until it's inching it's way slowly along the wall. Finally, a window appears. Through the grimy window a dilapidated flop of a motel room can be seen. It appears to be empty. Of higher beings, at least. *COMMAND POST* You see what looks like the interior of an Armoured Personnell Carrier. It's lit by a weak red light, and by several vid screens showing views from the drone, the hallway, a rooftop adjacent to the building and other locations. 'It looks empty, I say we go ahead with the astral recon' Says a gruff male voice. 'Be careful. Teutone is a master at magical defense. There's no telling what may be waiting in astral space. You read the file.' replies another voice. 'Vargas should be helping us' Says the first man. 'He said 'I'm busy'. Do you really want to have _him_ around?' Replies the second. The first man does not reply. He just snorts and barks a short order into a microphone. *VIDCAM 1* Again you see the hallway and the two men, still waiting patiently. Suddenly, one of them lifts his head, as if he was listening to something only he could hear. He nods to the other two and makes a complicated hand gesture. The view approaches the door as the person wearing the helmet approaches the door. You see his hands pull out a small black box and insert a card trailing wires into the maglock's slot. After a few seconds, the maglock clicks slightly. You see the man's hands as he opens the door a few centimeters and pokes in a light pistol. The man's view wanders downwards and fixes on a small, nearly transparent cable near the door. He whistles softly to himself and reaches down to the grenade concealed behind the doorframe. With a few precise, practiced movements, he disarms the booby trap. He takes the grenade and hands it to his partner behind him, who smiles and makes an 'Ok' sign with his fingers. At a signal from the cockroach man, they burst into the room, the view comes from the ground as the man flattens himself against the floor while his comrades fan out in both directions. While his friends search the house, the man remanins at the door, watching the hallway and the room alternatingly, weapon at the ready. 'Oye Compadre!' Says the cockroach man. 'There is no persons in here, d'you hear me?' 'Continue looking' Crackles the intercom 'He must have left some clues' The cockroach man grumbles something inaudible and wanders off to the room on the left. The other man, however, approaches an old fashioned answering machine lying on a table.A little green LED pulses on it's top 'Hey, there's a message on this answering machine' He says. He presses the button. 'WHAT MACHINE?' Screeches the intercom 'You Ghuys must think I'm ssstupid...I trussht Freddy Ffrypp onnly ssho fharrh' The voice from the telecom sounds as if it's owner had tried to gargle with glass and forgotten to spit. 'GETTOUTTATHERE!!' Screams the voice over the intercom. The image bursts into static. -signal interrupt- -end video- As you can see, there was a second booby trap. Low grade Frag grenades only, thank Qetzalcoatl. I lost one man, and another one is gravely injured. I think you should revise your intel. We went in there expecting Teutone or one of his creations. What we did not expect was an ambush by an experienced soldier.]<<<<< -- Col. Ernesto Gutierrez (06:45:32/05-16-56) *****PRIVATE: Col. Ernesto Gutierrez >>>>>[It is most regrettable. However,you and your men are professionals. If circumstances change, adapt. Marksanspensah had considerable military experience. We will have to assume Teutone has access to that experience now.]<<<<< -- M. Executor (06:50:23/05-16-56) *****PRIVATE: Vargas >>>>>[Have you heard what happened? Are you _completely_ sure that is not the real Mark?]<<<<< -- M. Executor (06:51:23/05-16-56) *****PRIVATE: M. Executor >>>>>[Do not doubt me, child. I have seen the signs. Teutone has been meddling with strange, forbidden magics. They have warped his mind, and granted him great power. But we shall overcome. Marks body and the skills that body posessed are now under Teutone's control. Do not be deceived. He is gone. As his friends, the only thing we can do for him is to put an end to the desecration of his remains.]<<<<< -- Vargas (06:53:32/05-16-56) *****PRIVATE: Vargas >>>>>[Very well, Enrique. I trust you. What about the other one?]<<<<< -- M. Executor (06:57:45/05-16-56) *****PRIVATE: M. Executor >>>>>[That was easier than I thought. I have him]<<<<< -- Vargas (07:02:32/05-16-56) *****PRIVATE: Vargas >>>>>[Excellent! You know Enrique, I think I love you]<<<<< -- M. Executor (07:03:21/05-16-56) *****PRIVATE: M. Executor >>>>>[Of course you do.]<<<<< -- Vargas (07:05:34/05-16-56) *****PRIVATE: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[You bastard.]<<<<< -- Marksanspensah (08:21:32/05-16-56) *****PRIVATE: Stampede >>>>>[Your story checks with the information I have been able to find, so you've got help if you can afford it. To begin with, you can find a safe house at >>>location<<<. A Manhunter and ammunition will be waiting inside. The rifle will have to wait until tomorrow. I will contact a doctor I know, but no guarantees. I will meet you at the house tomorrow night with the rifle to discuss payment and further services.]<<<<< -- Jeweler <12:47:08 / 05-17-56> *****PRIVATE: Basilisk >>>>>[Basilisk, are you available for some work starting immediately in the Seattle area? I have a customer who requires medical services. Please reply as soon as possible.]<<<<< -- Jeweler <12:50:23 / 05-17-56> *****PRIVATE: Jeweler >>>>>[Sorry, Herr Jeweler, i am now being in San Fransisco, and i can't leave for some times. If you can sending the person to the clinic down here, i can help.]<<<<< -- Basilisk <21:53:22/17-May-56> *****PRIVATE: Stampede >>>>>[Stampede, the key to the safe house is hidden at >>>location<<<. I am sending this separate for extra security. I have contacted the doctor, but he is not available. Do you wish me to inquire elsewhere, or can you find your own?]<<<<< -- Jeweler <12:57:08 / 05-17-56> ***** PRIVATE: Stampede >>>>>[Ok, Stamp, I ate your story, let me know if I can help. By the way, I have done a little listening about Jeweler, and I think he's alright. Good luck for your girlfriend. See ya]<<<<< -- Dr. Snooze <16:27:22 CET/ 05-17-56 > ***** PRIVATE: GoD >>>>>[ You know I can't let you do it. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the fragger either, but it looked like Brimstone was the one in control in the vid. Here, look at this part: +++++ VIDEO CLIP: barrens_massacre:position+25 See that? Brimstone was acting meek and as if he were under control, which we both know is positively NOT the case. There is no chance that Teutone could have regained control of Brimstone in his current condition. Come on man, we promised Kor on this one. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn < 17:48:17/5-17-56 > ***** PRIVATE: Ryuga >>>>>[ Okay, Ryuga, I need your help. GoD has decided to take down Teutone, and I'm afraid I won't be able to stop him without hurting him. That's not an option. I need someone to watch out for Teutone while I try to talk GoD out of it, and if that doesn't work, I'll need that someone to help me put GoD under for a little while. You've said that you're trying to work for the common good so to speak .. now's your chance. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn < 17:59:22/5-17-56 > *****PRIVATE: Griffyn >>>>>[I shall help you. There might be something involved that ALL of us should be frightened of. I shall watch out for Teutone, and will help you put GoD out of it, if you ned my help. I do not wish to kill anyone...but my searches for Teutone have been fruitless.]<<<<< --Ryuga (13:00:30 PDT/ 05:17:56) CEO Ryaka Science and Tech *****PRIVATE: Jeweler >>>>>[Hey Jeweler, I don't like your prices, but I shure like your services. This hide-out is great (especially the satellite trideo decryption). By the way, I did find a street doc, and little Susi will be OK in 3-4 days.]<<<<< -- Stampede <10:29:05/05-18-56> *****PRIVATE: Dr. Snooze >>>>>[Ey, Snooze, I got some Info to check: I need all that is to know about Susi Perish, and everithing about possible connections between Atztech and MaSec. But watch It, MaSecs grid is Iceie, I got kicked out very soon. Contact me as soon as you can]<<<<< -- Stampede <10:31:25/05-18-56> ***** NOT TO: Stampede >>>>>[This is an official statement of Atztechnology in cooperation with Lone Star security. The criminal Stampede committed another crime. In the course of a routine SIN-check he attacked to Lone Star agents with a Baseball-club. killing one. A bounty of 30.000 =Y= will be payed upon his capture or elimination. I again include his picture +++++ Downloading Picture sec2157.ts]<<<<< -- Richard Hewbaker <11:47:19/05-18-56> Atztechnology Security ***** PRIVATE: Stampede >>>>>[Ok, I put Mr Clavell on it, if he is successfull, i'll contact you tomorrow. I heard some rumors, that some Underground-agents of Atztech are looking for a girl, that could be Susi, but they are not out to bring her back, they are out to kill her, so watch it troggy]<<<<< -- Dr. Snooze <12:21:48/05-18-56> >>>>>[Hey shadowfolk, I just got myself decanted, so after I had a quick smoke, I hadta check out the new peepers. Lemme include a lil' pic of myself so the rest of you can appreciate the new eyes, courtesy of the big drag himself - uh dragon, I meant dragon. +++++ VID STILL Rumormonger's new eyes, from the distance of oh... say four inches. Green, with dark striations radiating out from a slit-like, vertical iris. +++++ RESUME TEXT Spiffy, huh? The doc says he harvested them outta some sammy he bought for parts. Made a killing from what I'm told. Wish I'da gotten a chance to pick our the options in these eyes, though. The damn things are combat eyes, thermo, flare comp, some mag and a display link. What am I suppossed to do with that? Now I always know what time it is.... So, now that I'm movin' again, I gotta move.]<<<<< -- Rumormonger (Always / Tuned-In) >>>>>[No friggin' way. I can't believe the Azzies and the Star would actullay be cooperating on anything. Hell, what was it I read, the most common target in - San Antonio? Hell one of them damn Texas cities, the one that's divided between Texas and Azzieland. - is the local Lone Star HQ. Crazy friggin' times.... Before you know it, I'll be cooperating with the Japs - oh, whoops, I have, haven't I? But! I did still manage to blow a big chunk outta the bridge!]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (09:30:11 / 05-18-56) President Frypp Security, Inc. (CFMS Uplink #5150) *****PRIVATE: Stampede >>>>>[It looks like you are being heavily set-up, from what is being said here on the board. Aztechnology has sent out a pic of you attacking two Lone Star officers, without provocation. I haven't had time to analyze the pic, yet, but on a casual glance it looks air-tight. I'll get back to you if the pic is false.]<<<<< --Buzz (The one the only...Human Bee in the Matrix) >>>>>[Hey, has anyone of you small people noticed, that every troll on the streets is checkt by Lonestar???? They are looking for me, and I do not know why. Only 'cause of this little extraction ???? When I was checked by Lonstar i9 relied on my false SIN, but this blasted Sato had sold the data, so I blew up, I had to defend myself. I didn't want to kill him, it is not my fault, that you small people are so weak......he drew a weapon,....... he wanted to kill me.. ...shit ......what is going on ????????????????]<<<<< -- Stampede <20:34:33/05-18-56> ***** PRIVATE: Dr Snooze >>>>>[Hey Snooze...need help, check out everything about Susi, MaSec, and connections to Atztech,.....fast....please]<<<<< ***** PRIVATE: Stampede >>>>>[Hey you frightened furball, I do my best OK, easy chum !! tomorrow I kow more]<<<<< -- Dr Snooze <20:41:56/05-18-56> *****PRIVATE: Nightbroker >>>>>[Deal. +++++TRANSFER 2,000 nY. ]<<<<< -- Zactof (09:43:23 pst / 05-16-56) *****PRIVATE: Zactof >>>>>[You got it chummer. +++++TRANSFER FILE: investors.farrleton.doc +++++TRANSFER FILE: acct.fingerprint I took the liberty of investing the surplus in Vathor Technologies.]<<<<< -- Nightbroker <18:10:34 CST / 05-18-56> >>>>>[Well, it took me quite a while to find Spirit's and Crush's house. Spirit became really annoyed at me, when I went to Moonwalker and enclosed him and myself in a ritual circle. Calling upon Bear to aid me, I analyzed his aura; and I found something black wrapped around his spinal cord and entering his brain stem. I do believe that it was heading up into his brain. It looked like a medical symbol, being a follower of Bear the exact name of this scientifical symbol escapes me. As of now this thing is still within Moonwalker.]<<<<< --The Transformer (08:45:30 PDT/ 05:18:56) Prelate Defenders of Life >>>>>[ The reason I am getting so annoyed is that my house is turning into Grand Central Station. Not only do I have to pick up after 2 small and active children, but a very much older one also. Added to that is cleaing up after the magicians. All in all, it does get to be anonying when someone sets up in the middle of your front foyer. Especiialy when the little kids see all the pretty rocks, feather and stuff and decide to go have fun.]<<<<< -- Spirit >>>>>[ Hmmm, 30K for an troll who killed off a star. Seems a little high to me, especially with Aztechnology being involved and helpfull to the star. This don't all add up if you ask me. There's something else they want him for, no use in offering 30K for someone who wasn't even a valued employee, or even and employee. Also, remember folks that its not illegal to not have a SIN. So all you trolls and orks out there who get hassled, you getting scammed. Infact, if they take you in and charge you on something stupid, they give you a nice new SIN free of charge, not with the normal waiting period and fees.]<<<<< -- Bill the Galactic Hero <23:28:48/05-18-56> >>>>>[ The reason that Lonestar tend to try and check every troll is that half the red-necks they have working for them can't tell one troll from another. You did make a mistake though friend. You used a weapon on a star. Your average troll can take out a star in one punch, and some can take out that star and the one behind him in one punch. You don't need to use a fraggin bat off anything else unless you want to kill him but good. And the smaller poeple aren't nessarilly weak, its just that trolls are much stronger and hardier. Treat a normal person as you would a 12 year old, physically atleast, and you will probably keep from harming them. Also, learn your own strength, you never know when you'll find out you aren't strong enough, and it will be the time that you most need to be strong.]<<<<< -- Bill the Galactic Hero <23:36:51/05-19-56> >>>>>[ Boredome Strikes Again. Hoi! Another slimey night in Seattle finds me bored out of the metalic box I call a head. Mi, madre always told me that sharing is caring so, here goes. Excuse the voice overs. I did them on the fly. Its good to have a good headware. Now, on with the show. +++++ Begin Vid.Edit1 A synthesized voice fluxuates a quickly between a few octaves as the camera's owner tries choose the proper pitch and accent. He...She? Settles on a rough, slightly gutteral sounding, male voice. The voice starts in as the scene before you begins to unfold into that of the interior of a recreated Irish ale house or pub. The lights are dim and the clientel is a scattered mix of just barely above gutter trash to up and coming corporate whores. 'I miss bein' here some times. The brew is cold, the music is loud, and the conversations are interesting. Most times nobody bothers no body else. You can cut a deal, drop the steal, and no one would so much as pay you no never mind. Lets see what I can pick up tonight. Hey, time is money, money is power, and hot data gets the 'yen. HO...what have were here? Little senorita in skirt petita...' The camera snaps quickly to the left away from the bar and settles in on a short blond female walking quickly away from the camera's owner. The camera settles in on her smallish frame and slows as she fades into the crowd at the back of the bar. 'Damn! Im gonna have to remember to get her number before I...Oh...Check this out.' The camera lingers shortly before zooming in on an altercation near the rear exit of the establishment. The upper corner flashes 'Zoom' as the scene sharpens and enlarges. Just below, another flashing light indicates an audio patch being made from the owner's cybered ears. *Scanning* *Filter background noise* *Scanning* *Enhancing...* An ork wearing a smart 3 piece suit has his back against the rear wall while another patron is angrily flailing his arms about in a vaguely controlled manner. "...the hell you did! I gave you one hundred in corp script to deliver that message! I get into the office this morning and there is no call, no package, NOTHING. I had EVERYTHING riding on that deal and its gone now!" "I did. I did just what you said do! I took the box to the address and waited for the man. I gave it to the man and he thanked me and I went home. Just like you told me to do!" "WHO did you give it to?" "The one in the picture you gave me." The ork fishes around in his jacket pocket for a second and produces a print out of some sort. *AUDIO OVERLOAD -- CUT OUT ENGAGED!* 'Oh shit...hold' The camera refocuses and whips back around to settle on the gorgeous face of the elf behind the bar. His lips are moving slowly as he gestures towards the the area below the camera's viewing area. *CLICK* "I SAID 'DO YOU WANT ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE?" "Jesus, man, you dont have to yell my face off. Shit, you about blew my brains out. Yeah, pour me another." 'Damnit -- I need to remeber to keep my glass filled or thats gonna happen all fraggin' nigh...shit...' The camera again spins and begins searching the general area of the brewing fight between the exec and the ork. A second of scanning rejoins the conversation still in progress. It seems to have heated up a little. 'Almost missed out. Looks like someone else has decided to get in on the fun here. Lets just listen in a little, why dont we?' Another man has moved in to further limit the ork's breathing space. The ork, visibly frightened, continues to search around the room for a kind face and maybe assistance out of his problem. "Listen, fang-face. I gave you 100 =Y= to do a job. You botched it and I want my money back. Hand it over or we are gonna take your carcass out back and beat you until you do" "Yeah" "I dont have it no more. I took job 'cause I needed money. I spend on suit so I wouldnt get beat up going to good part of town. Then I buy dinner for me and my brother. Then we get beds at good hotel so sleep in... The bottom of the screen shows a slowly typed out comment and the camera zooms in on the face of the unfortunate ork who continues to droll on about how he spent the cash. rEaL fRAgin' HeartBrake Sttory 'Whoops, gotta get that fixed' "We dont give a rat shit about you or your whole trog family. Around here there are laws. You broke a verbal contract and I can legally take my repayment back in body parts." "Yeah" 'Now there's an intelligent one. As big as a dump truck and seemingly nearly as bright.' "I aint got it. I spent it all. I could get it doh. I make it up to you. You let me keep nice suit, it wouldnt fit you no way, and I go back to good town and I get you money. I got suit. Police wont bother me now" 'cant argue with logic like that, huh' "What do you think, Steve?" 'bingo' *NAME FILED* "I say we sell him for the parts. Let me just kill him. One less ork is one less ork." "And a good start, if you ask me." He leans in and whispers, "lets get him out back first. There are an aweful lot of people in here" The camera slowly fades to an IR scan of the area focused on the three main players. *SCALED FOR AMBIENT TEMP* 'Yep. The little weenie boy is as scared as the ork, if my readings are right and the muscle head is just hyped on the pure adrenal flow of the situation. Hey, waitaminit' The heat sources in the bar are fairly bright, as would be the case with large numbers of people ingesting alcohol, but one figure, slowly moving to enter the fracas, is much too cool. *NORMAL* The camera refocuses on a male human picking his way across the semi-crowded floor. He purposefully glides to within range of the three men and holds up. The two men continue to drill at the ork, each fueling the other's predominate emotions. The largest of the two assailants, the muscle head, as so aptly named, does something below camera angle that causes a sharp increase in the ork's already border-line panic levels. 'This be gettin' ugly' *SNAP* The scene closes abruptly. Just as suddenly it re-opens. 'Had to get a better angle. Dont worry, nothing cool happened while I was away. Oh, got das chica's number. Nummers, Chummers!' Its seems as though the 'party' has been moved into the alley way behind the bar. Dumpsters, over flowing with trash, scurrying rats, and the drunk laying face down are ripe indications to this fact. Our 'host' has managed to ferret himself around the corner of the building and is continuing his commentary and filming. 'As you can see, we managed to lose one. Looks like they shook tall dark and handsome. I lay odds on, ork boy taking one to the head and both suits getting away clean. Any takers?' "Don't kill me. I get money. I swear. I dont gots much but I get it for you. " "Heh. He thinks we want the measily 100 back. Stupid trog." "I aint no trog!" "If you are human, I'm a tree huggin' elf! You should be drowned like an unwanted cat" "Just kill him and be done with it, Steve. Be quick and quiet about it." 'WHOA. Where did weenie boy get the set of cajones?' "Do YOU want to do this? I didnt think so. Ok, little troggy. This is how it works. You start begging, and when I get tired of hearing it I pull the trigger. Got it?" "I no beg. I promise get money back and you say no. You no want money, you no want suit back, you no want nothing. I aint got much and you no take my pride" "Oh JESUS. You're breakin' my fraggin' heart. You aint got jack squat other than what we give you. If'n we dont give you pride, you dont got none. You're less than human, scum." With that he strikes the ork hard to the temple and he topples over from his already kneeling position. "Get it over with and lets get out of here. I have a business meeting tomorrow morning and I would like to be there early to go over my briefs" "To hell with your meeting. You fucked up. You aint gettin' no promotion. Once a jr., always a jr." "That is where you are wrong. The information that our friend here so expertly botched, made it to the person I wanted it to go to. Stevens from 14th floor intercepted a faked buy out report that he thought was supposed to go to me. He took that information and leaked it, just like I knew he would, to his favorite investors to increase his monthlies. Too bad he wont realize his mistake until tomorrow. Ill get that promotion for sure once CJ gets wind of his trading tactics. I'm set, baby. IN...THE...BAG. Now do the ork and lets get out of here." 'Did you all get those? Stevens, 14th floor, stocks, trading, likely a jr. as well.' 'Did you also notice that I havent been able to get a good lock on either of their faces? Some sort of illusion is really screwing my internals.' Just as he says that you do realize that most of the images of the two men seem somewhat out of focus, or blurry. Just as you are prepared to contemplate this insignificant fact the camera jostles and refocuses some 15 yards to their rear. Oblivious to yet another observer, the men continue their short conversation as a shadowy outline of a man can be seen walking slowly down the alley. "Hey, thats clever. I think. What happens if someone finds out?" 'Hey, thats the guy who they ditched earlier in the bar. I guess he got wise and went out around the front like I did.' "You both go to jail" 'Nickle plated cajones! Ok, new game plan. ... sorry, Ill shut up' Without so much as blinking, the gunman turns and fires a round into the intruder. He stumbles backwards clutching his chest the falls to the ground. "Great. Just Great. Do the Ork and lets go" "The ork'll wait. Lets see what 'hero' here thought he was doing walking down dark alleys. Dont he know its dangerous out here?" 'shit shit shit.' A Texas Ranger star appears in the viewing area and begins slowly spinning as muscle head moves away from the downed ork and to the body laying in the alley. *Transmit location* *Transmit OFFICER DOWN* 'That aughta get somebody's attention. Dont try this at home, folks, Im a trained professional!' Seconds have passed and the spinning star has faded from view. After a swift kick to the head, weenie boy follows and joins in the body search. "Hey, not bad. I've always wanted to shoot one of these new fangled preditor things. I hear they are pretty good. I'll frag the ork with this instead." *AUDIO-FREQUENCY SEARCH -- Sirens identified: continue (y/n) n* 'Officer down always gets quick response. As I saw sayign. New game plan, mister nickel plated: dead, ork: dead. Both suit make...DAMN, cant get a word in edgewise without something going on.....' The two men are picking over the body when, suddenly, both arms shoot up and firmly grasp them both by their necks. 'Newbie Mistake. Didnt account for the armor. Stupid' With a tone that can only be described as mild annoyance twinged with exasperation, the previously considered dead man levers himself to his feet and speaks while his two captives struggle under his amazing grip. "That is certainly no way to treat someone who was, until now, looking out for your best interests. I originally came for the ork, his exquisit fear drawing me in, but, due to the lateness of the hour, and the approaching law enforkement officials, you will have to suffice. I do so hope you sate my hunger for this night." +++++ End Vid I just cant fathom being rescued from two thugs only to end up being someone else's dinner. Just goes to show you -- No matter where you are, someone is going to be there waiting to prey upon you. Oh, the star showed up after I phoned in a phony 10-99. They picked up the ork and took him down to the lock up (I guess) prolly figgering that he was drunk. I doubt they check him enough to notice the huge bruise on the side of his head. Oh well -- I think I can still get this data to pay.]<<<<< -- Thomas the Rhymer <03:14:23 / 05-19-56> >>>>>[That's terribly strange. I wonder...]<<<<< --Nightstalker (23:47:50/05-18-56) >>>>>[What is it?]<<<<< --Raven TM (23:49:10/05-18-56) >>>>>[Well, Moonwalker and the rest of the B-Team disappeared the same time the Wyrm flared out, and since Ouroborous is a snake that wraps around the world tree, this thing wrapped around the kid's brainstem looks--]<<<<< --Nightstalker (23:50:41/-5-18-56) >>>>>[Of course! That's it!]<<<<< --Raven TM (23:51:30/05-18-56) >>>>>[What, the Wyrm's responsible?]<<<<< --Nightstalker (23:52:22/05-18-56) >>>>>[No, the serpentine reference. The things coiled around his spine make it look like a caduceus! There must be some reason for this. I'm going to check with the big library.]<<<<< --Raven TM (23:55:44/05-18-56) >>>>>[Waitasec, are you saying Michael's got snakes eating his brain?]<<<<< --Nightstalker (23:56:43/05-18-56) >>>>>[Not at the moment, no. They've been quiescent since we discovered them. But who knows what effect they must have on his perception of the Matrix.]<<<<< --Raven TM (23:58:21/05-18-56) >>>>>[Well, there's only one way to find _that_ out...]<<< --Nightstalker (23:59:06/05-18-56) >>>>>[Sorry Stamp, Mr Clavelle is brainfried /&&((()=&(&= +++++ TRANSMISSION ERROR: trying to reconstruct .... he got ic&d, hid 0.000000e+00ck is a mess and ev...//matr.x acce+s is damaged I AM [REDACTED] at [W] [REDACTED] at [ing] to rec+nstr*ct some data frm hid deck I'll contact you]<<<<< -- Dr. Snooze <12:22:05/05-19-56> >>>>>[OK, thanx mister galactic, maybe you can keep calm, when two starsare pointing with a weapon at your head,and maybe you would try to subue them, and not to hurt them, when one of the cops releases the savety catch from his gun and says: ' Too bad Mr Stampede, that you where killed in a hopeless Attemt to flee' . Congrats you are the coolest guy around here!!! Sorry, but when something like that happens, I get a little bit nervous.]<<<<< -- Stampede <12:32:00/05-19-56> >>>>>[PAY DIRT -- Last night at the bar wasn't a bust after all. I currently have a couple of things for sale that need to go up for open bidding -- 2 - Apartments, loaded with tons of goodies 1 - Car, foreign jobbie. I dont want it 1 - Scorpion motorcycle I snagged a couple of corp charge accounts and pass codes that will need to be drained ASAP. Im willing to give 10 percent to someone who can assist me with not only draining both accounts for what they are worth but helping me change the titles over on some of the equipment I got out of the apartment. Gotta move fast, they are going to be missed any hour now. Luckily LSS still needs 24 - 48 hours before a missing persons can be filled AND the corp they worked for doesnt have its own force...what a fraggin' shame, 'eh? Im willing to trade the location and spare keys to the vehicle for future considerations or straight up for some good editing software / hardware]<<<<< -- Thomas the Rhymer <15:46:47 / 05-19-56> *****PRIVATE: Stampede >>>>>[How much you willin' to pay, chummer?]<<<<< -- Sacre Bleu <9:45am/05-18-56> >>>>>[Man, if this homme called Stampede could kill an armour wearing Lone Star Officer with a baseball bat with another one standin' 'round watching, he must be one bad mother! Stampede, chummer, remind me never to cross you. Aztech, looks like you're gonna need to up that 10 grand if you want any results, hah hah!]<<<<< -- Sacre Bleu <10:06/05-19-56> ***** PRIVATE: Thomas the Rhymer >>>>>[ I might be able to help you out with that draining. 10 percent sounds fair, and I can do it quick. What model is the car? I may be interested in taking it off of your hands as well. As far as editing software is concerned, you let me know what you were looking for, and I can probably whip something up for you. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher < 18:21:19/5-19-56 > >>>>>[Well, Thomas, 10 percent aint jack. Otherwise depending on your limits we might be able to arrange something.]<<<<< -- Christopher Tarleton ***** Private: Marksenspensah >>>>>[Ya know, the last person to call me that was a stacked red- head. Ain't never ben called that by a zombie...]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (14:22:22 / 05-19-56) President Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150) >>>>>[ *sniff* *sniff* looks like Japan had some redecorating in the slum areas. *sniff* Guess the people over there had an interesting night on the town. Maybe I'll even get a chance to tell you about it tonight or tomorrow. All depends on when I can compile all the drek that happened. Oh Scourge? How are you feeling? I hope you feel worse than I do, 'cause you sure didn't pay me enough for all that happened last night. ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <12:36:49/5-19-56> >>>>>[ Pestering me already? Why don't you rub it in what happened last night? It's bad enough I had to show up to work today because a project deadline is arriving, but adding your surliness isn't helping matters. You should be glad I pay you. And don't worry what you fail to earn in currency will be repaid. ]<<<<< -- Scourge <12:39:30/5-19-56> >>>>>[ And besides, you charged a fragging lot because of last minute hiring. ]<<<<< -- Scourge <12:40:15/5-19-56> ***** Not to: Scourge, Ratspeak >>>>>[ Hmmm. Interesting. Scourge didn't say too much. Wonder what happened. . . I suppose we will have to wait for Ratspeak to tell it. Bummer. ]<<<<< -- Sprinkler <12:41:41/5-19-56> *****PRIVATE: Thomas the Rhymer >>>>>[I would be interested in both the car and the accounts. I can also help you with the titles on the equipment, either for a fee or for a portion of the goods. Contact me through >>>LTG<<< and we'll discuss payment (to you for the car and to me for the titles).]<<<<< -- Jeweler <16:42:04 / 05-19-56> >>>>>[Check it. 10 percent for 5 minutes of work, tops, and you are whining? I offered that percentage becuase I already know whats in there and 10 1s more than fraggin' generous for someone who gets to sit on his duff and take no danger. Get real, Chris. This is free and easy money, baby.]<<<<< -- Thomas the Rhymer <19:27:58 / 05-19-56> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[You seem to be the only one interested in moving this data for me. I have two corporate credit-lines that total about 55000 =Y=. I have their phone chips also. Im going to just post those for everyone to use. I need to see about getting a night sky's registration so fucked up that no one would want to continue following the trail. Maybe they will write it off as a accidental loss. I've already been to the apartments and lifted the computer files and their office computer. There are some Tv's, random clothing (nothing im interested in) and jewelry there also. The other car is a Sedan. I dont really know the make or model type. Its small and boxy. I already found a buyer for the bike and its gone. +++++ Include Account Numbers Just incase you want to get a jump on the phone codes -- +++++ Include Phone Code 1 As for the software / hardware? I want to get one of those jobbies like they have at the news stations. Were they can edit pictures of people doing things they never did and make it look real.]<<<<< -- Thomas the Rhymer <19:30:58 / 05-19-56> ***** Private: Ratspeak >>>>>[ Found some potential data. Two members of a sort of death squad were sniped last night in Seattle. I just found out about it (take a wild guess as to how). Anyway, there is a strong likelyhood of their deaths being related to DragonEyes. Perhaps you could check it out? ]<<<<< -- Scourge <16:18:30/5-19-56> ***** Private: Scourge >>>>>[ What? I hate mornings. What the hell are you talking about? The two shadowrunners Lone Star found this morning in the barrens? What does that have to do with DragonEyes? ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING WHO THEY ARE! ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <16:20:07/5-19-56> ***** Private: Ratspeak >>>>>[ I take it you did hear about them.... two members of a squad that the FBI sometimes uses to kill people instead of bring them back alive. . . I would like to know as well what they would have to do with DragonEyes but apparently I managed to score some data that is real hard to fake that they were after DragonEyes. How I got them... well I cannot really say for sure, but I think DragonEyes has managed to regain some access to some of the people he knows. ]<<<<< -- Scourge <16:22:40/5-19-56> >>>>>[ I'll look into it immediately after I deal with what happened in Japan. Btw, your expert frame is a beauty. I would love to see the code for her. ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <16 :23:51/5-19-56> >>>>>[ Who said she was a frame? ]<<<<< -- Scourge <16:24:26/5-19-56> >>>>>[ Oh. ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <16:24:46/5-19-56> *****PRIVATE: Nightbroker >>>>>[Ok I'll contact Rathor, but there was a mention of some guy named Satan's Machinist. Do you know anything about him?]<<<<< -- Zactof (09:05:30 PST / 05-19-56) *****PRIVATE: Rathor >>>>>[Rathor my name is Zactof. My half-brother's daughter Flute has 50f Farrleton stock in her name. I'm told that you have 20and another 201roxied to you. Can you send a represenative for a meeting of Farrleton Stock holders Monday or Tuesday. We plan to vote Riglia out and vote you in as CEO.]<<<<< -- Zactof (09:08:30 PST / 05-19-56) *****PRIVATE: Zactof >>>>>[The gentleman you elude to is, I believe, a Union representative in the Carbondale area. You may begin your hunt there. He has previously asked after your charge.]<<<<< -- Nightbroker <21:01:36 CST / 05-19-56> *****PRIVATE: Thomas >>>>>[Can handle the account switches. Am currently considering farming out the physical assets. Will discuss for an extra 10(total 20). Blinds guaranteed.]<<<<< -- Nightbroker <21:20:45 CST / 05-19-56> *****PRIVATE: Zactof >>>>>[A representative of mine shall be there; his name is Nickolai Cherlenko.]<<<<< --Rathor (05:45:30 GMT/20:05:56)