>>>>>[<> <> Here you go, kid. Now get to work.]<<<<< --Nightstalker (15:01:20/06-06-56) >>>>>[Brush up, brush down, brush up, brush down, brush up, brush down. There's gotta be an easier way... *****NOT TO: Nightstalker <> Bruch up, brush down. There, finished. <> Bithead. ]<<<<< --Patient #107, VM Recovery Ward (15:10:03/06-06-56) >>>>>[Now that Michael's stabilized, he's been moved to a private room. I, for one, am going to come home and crash. He'll be all right, left to Nightstalker's tender mercies.(sic) Don't wake me until tomorrow.]<<<<< --Raven TM (15:14:21/06-06-56) >>>>>[Whaddaya mean it wuzn't TwoTon? I saw da bastich wit' my very own fraggin' eyes!! Da you tink I'm gonna be fooled by some handy dandy fraggin' 'round wit a 'puter? You must tink I'm a simp. No fraggin' way. I can see it all now... all the fraggin' humanis breeder mages stick together, no matter whattafrag they done to us orks. Well I ain't fallin' fer it. Me an' da boyz is gonna find TwoTon and gonna grind 'im into tha fraggin tarmac!! And anyone gets in our way gets hisslelf a new mouth right under the other one!!]<<<<< -- Brocken Bone (22:34:23/05-06-56) *****Private: Brocken Bone >>>>>[I am not a Humanis mage, and a friend of mine verified that the vid was taken of an illusion...of course, my friend is a dracoform...and is involved with the search for Teutone; although, it does seem that the others are trying to avoid his participation...I would be involved as well, but I do have other obligations. You wish to know my race...I am an elf...]<<<<< --Olorin (21:35:30 /06:06:56) >>>>>[ Honestly, Brocken, I don't give a frag what you believe. I happen to be pretty fraggin' good at what I do, which is punchin' deck, writing code, and vid work. If you don't believe the vid clip that YOU posted, that's your own stupidity. Oh, by the way, I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me a mage next time. Fraggin' half-wit. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher < 5:30:07/6-07-56 > "NOT a fraggin' mage" Industrial Sound & Magic ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ Sorry boss, he just irked me a little. Kinda hit me in the ole professional pride. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher < 5:32:13/6-07-56 > >>>>>>["Maybe next time"? MAYBE NEXT TIME!? What kinda trash have you got working for you, Kor?! "Gee, we'll just sit around until this nut-friggin'-case blasts the shit outta another ork neighborhood, slautering a jillion defenseless metas. Then we'll get all the pics I need to disect. Oooo, goodie-goodie - he even made the news this time, the cops are actually investigating and everything. Ooooo." Jesus Fucking Christ.... and they call me a homicidal maniac....]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (11:09:33 / 06-07-56) President Frypp Security, Inc. (CFMS Uplink #5150) >>>>>[ Frag off, Freddy. I have to look at each piece of video that I process as just that, a piece of vid. If I get slotted off everytime I see some kind of fragged up stuff going on in a vid, then I'm never going to get anything done. _I_ didn't take the fraggin' vid. _I_ didn't post the fraggin' vid. What else do you expect me to do, frag-head? ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher < 17:11:07/6-07-56 > >>>>>[Calm down, there, Freddy. Relax. C'mon, I'll go get you something to drink.]<<<<< -- Christopher Tarleton *****PRIVATE: Griffyn >>>>>[Greetings, Mr. 'Gryffin'. I believe you might remember me, as we met yesterday. In a sadly uncivil atmosphere, I might add. It is a pity we did not have time to have a chat and discuss interesting topics like your inventive use of invisibility spells. However I must say that I am sure that we both share many things in common, apart from ponytails, that is. For instance, I am a passionate reader of classical Spanish literature, a subject that I am sure you would find equally fascinating. But, what has this got to do with me? I hear you ask. Well, I just thought I would enlighten you with a tale extracted from my favourite work of literature, Don Quixote. Just to bring you up to speed, Don Quixote is a tale of a crazy old spanish nobleman who suddenly decides he's a heroic knight. He dons his armour and goes out into the world to fight injustice. On one occasion, while going through a forest, he encounters a man flogging a boy. Quixote demands he stop, and threatening the man with his sword, forces him to promise he will never hit the boy again. The man promises, and Quixote departs satisfied he has done a great deed. As soon as the 'knight' has dissapeared into the forest, the man resumes his punishment, twice as hard. The child's cries are to no avail. Don Quixote cannot hear him, and will never now the truth. What is the moral of this story? Heh, I guess there isn't one, is there? Maybe that's why I like it]<<<<< -- Azpiri (18:21:34/06-07-56) *****PRIVATE: Azpiri >>>>>[Very fraggin' poetic Azpiri. Yer a right bloody poet, aintcha? I still say ya shoulda let me cut the guy's ears off. I don't have any anglo ears for my belt.]<<<<< -- Perro (18:30:12/06-07-56) *****PRIVATE: Perro >>>>>[You had your exercise. Breaking a few bones is allright, but ya gotta draw the line somewhere. Remember, we're here to help the people of this city, ok?]<<<<< -- Azpiri (18:34:45/06-07-56) *****PRIVATE: Azpiri >>>>>[Yeah, right.]<<<<< -- Perro (!8:37:43/06-07-56) ***** PRIVATE: Azpiri >>>>>[ Ahh, so we've deteriorated to the point of thinly veiled threats, I see. Don't worry, Azpiri, I don't make it a general habit to pull other people's hoops out of the fire ... I just happened to be there last time, so I thought we should have a chat. Oh, and as far as Teutone is concerned, you might wish to 'back-off' a little. Not a threat or anything, just a bit of friendly advice. One last thing, I noticed that the goon squad you had with you last night was just a bit ... well, uncivilized I guess will suffice ... you might want to invest in a shorter leash for them. Once again, just some friendly advice. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn < 23:45:07/6-07-56 > ***** PRIVATE: Trixie >>>>>[ Hi. *grin* ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher < 5:42:08/6-08-56 > ***** PRIVATE: Michael McKnight >>>>>[Im set up and ready to make my jump tonight. A friend will be riding shotgun for me if you dont manage to show up. Wish me luck. I have to do this tonight because I wont have the time to do it later. See you soon. If you get this after, say, 6:30, call this number >>>ENCRYPTED<<< and talk with John Parker. He is the person riding shotgun tonight and my warehouse will be, for obvious reasons, locked up tighter than a drum. He's been told to expect you but its always better to be sure that no...misunderstandings come about from your showing up late. Oh, and about Trixie. That there is a long story. Maybe you should talk with her about that. I do not yet know exactly what she is up to]<<<<< -- Kor <16:34:26 / 06-08-56> ***** PRIVATE: Griffyn, GoD >>>>>[Im making the jump tonight.]<<<<< -- Kor <16:34:59 / 06-08-56> ***** Private: Kor >>>>>[I'll be there in 1/2 Hour, I've got no intensions of missing this. Sure lets Talk to her...]<<<<< -- GoD *****Private: Mr. Stormwind >>>>>[ Here you go. I must warn you that I have had problems with my SIN in the past. Nothing major mind you, just a little mix up. But, everything should be fine by now. I hope you enjoy.]<<<<< +++++Upload: Resume.txt -- Prefect<12:00:00/6-8-56> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ Okay, Jas. I'll head out now so we can make preparations.. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn < 18:53:08/6-08-56 > >>>>>[So then you don't care where it comes for or how many people get fragged over, huh? Right bloody emotionless of ya'. Where you from NB? You got family in Seattle? Hate to see anything come of them.... hate to have to see you emotionlessly, disconnectedly have to sift through the vids.....]<<<<< -- Buffalo Bill (16:50:00 / 06-08-56) >>>>>[ What the frag do you want from me? You want retribution? Go get the fraggers who hurt all of those people in the barrens, but get the hell off my back. I did all that /I/ can. I found out that it wasn't Teutone that did it, and now I'm getting fragged on because there's not someone simple to point your finger at anymore. Slot off. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher < 23:44:08/6-08-56 > ***** PRIVATE: Trixie >>>>>[ I need a vacation for a few days. You want to get out of town for a few days with me? I need to do some thinking. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher < 23:50:08/6-08-56 > >>>>>[Neuron Basher, these people are attacking you because they are afraid...If I slowed that vid down, I would get the same results even with better equipment. Besides, I did try...and yes, I did get the same results.]<<<<< --Buzz (The one the Only...Human Bee in the Matrix) *****PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[I hate to admit this, Kor, but myself and the other Liberators are getting slightly low on funds. Security isn't exactly our first choice of jobs, but what the heck, beggers can't be choosers, n'est-ce pas? Let me know if you're interested.]<<<<< --Sacre Bleu <10:22/6-8-56> *****NOT TO: John Riglia, Farrleton Machinery Employees >>>>>[I've gotten a conversation with Kovak yesterday. He said to play the music of a '90s musician: Tori Amos in Flutes room. Kovak has finally grasped how to speak in his new form. I need anyone who has it to send copies of this music to Zactof. I haven't found any copies yet. Also Mr. Frypp, send any music of a band called Led Zepplin or Jimi Hendrix that you have. In return, I'll find some real stakes for those hounds of yours.]<<<<< -- Treebear (09:25:37 / 06:09:56) ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[Did you have anywhere in mind or just any old place? How abut you leave everything to me. I'll met you at home.]<<<<< -- Trixie <17:05:21 / 06-09-56> ***** PRIVATE: Sacre Bleu >>>>>[Not in the slightest.]<<<<< -- Kor <17:02:58 / 06-09-56> ***** PRIVATE: Trixie >>>>>[ Anywhere your heart desires. See you at home. Thanks for being so understanding... ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher < 19:43:09/6-09-56 > *****TO: Zactof >>>>>[ Here. +++++Download? _y_ +++++Downloading Denver Data Haven (Nexus) files: +++++Downloading Denver Data Haven (Nexus) files: Tori_Amos.Little_Earthquakes Tori_Amos.Under_The_Pink Led_Zepplin.I Led_Zepplin.II Led_Zepplin.III Led_Zepplin.IV Led_Zepplin.Houses_Of_The_Holy Led_Zepplin.Presence Led_Zepplin.Physical_Graffiti_Double_Album Led_Zepplin.In_Through_The_Out_Door Led_Zepplin.Coda UnLEDed.No_Quarter +++++Download Complete +++++Download Complete Remember us. Remember that we can succeed where you cannot. ]<<<<< -- OS^2 (19:00:00/6-9-56) *****PRIVATE: OS^2 >>>>>[Thanks, I loaded the music and Flute's brain activity picked up alot. When Flute is able to deck again, you want to teach her don't you?]<<<<< -- Zactof (08:05:37 / 06-11-56) *****PRIVATE: Olorin, Ryuga >>>>>[So yer an elf. That's jes fraggin' dandy that is then. D'ye hear that, lads? He's an elf! Oh, thas all right then, we can relax now. The dandelion eaters are here ta protect us poor orkies. Oh yeah! An' his pal da friendly dragon is in it too! Well whoop-de-fraggin' doo for that... *snort* Haventcha heard the word onna street?: 'Never deal wit a dragon' & 'Never trust an elf' Fortchanately fer all 'a us, I'm an enlightened kinda guy, so I checked yer story out. I got Madame Screech ta ask rat if dere was foul play inna vid, an she say she had a vision. She say she saw a 'Tall Dark Man' wit scars along his throat, a breedah woman wit' no eyes, anna laughin' man wit' tears streamin' down his face. Sounds like a crock a' bullshit ta me, but I trust da ould bitch. She say da wizworm's talkin' da truth, so I'll go along wit' yer story. Now, dah's sumthin' you guys gotta unnerstand. Me and da boyz have gotten together a posse, cos we figger if we find Teutone, or whowever it was, he'll wipe da floor wit' us like what happened onna night o' da massaker. So, I've gotten several gangs to cooperate wit' us 'cos everybody figgers dis a matter a' ork pride, ya see? I'm supposetta be in charge, but I ain't got all dat much control over 'em, ya know? Meaning, dat if Teutone gets spotted wanderin' around like he's bin fer da past weeks, da posse's gonna roll out an' frag him wether I believes ya or not, d'ya get me? Now, since dat Rumormonger guy took dat vid of TwoTon in da docks, da guy has dropped off da face o' tha earth. Afore that, us orks had been spottin' him regularly, keepin tabs until we was strong enough ta march all over him... but now, he jes ain't anywhere! An' who da frag wuz dat guy who jumped him? An din' he have scars in his throat? Could dat be da guy Madame Screech wuz talkin' bout? An how did he survive gettin' zapped by TwoTon? I'm comin' clear wit you guys 'cos I don't trust Griffo an' his pals...Dey seem too keen on pratectin' TT, an' you guys seem ta be more inta gettin' da truth... wich is what I want too, frag it.]<<<<< -- Brocken Bone (10:05:23/06-11-56) >>>>>[Lissena me, Neuron Fragger, I wasnna talking ta you, ya fraggin keyboard puncher, I meant Griffo an' da other guy. Huh, Neuron Basher indeed. I'd like ta see how good ya are at Bashin' Neurons wit' yer fists, inna dark alley.]<<<<< -- Brocken Bone (10:20:12/06-11-56) *****PRIVATE: Brocken Bone >>>>>[We MAY have to protect Teutone to get to the truth. I have a bad feeling about this entire thing, especially with the Aztech goon squad. With the massacre, I believe someone was trying to get several of us out of the way; myself, Teutone, and maybe GoD. I do not like being used...but I am not going to throw out a threat...yet. If I _DO_ find out who was behind the massacre, they will end up hurting...especially if it is those Aztech goons; that is my feeling about it. The man, that tangled with Teutone in Rumormongers vid, is known as Markenpensah(sp?)...he was the first victim of Teutone's ally Brimstone. He might be out for revenge...or for something different.]<<<<< --Ryuga (10:15:30 PDT/ 06:11:56) CEO Ryaka Science and Tech +++++PRIVATE: Jason Stormwind >>>>>[Jason, I think I would be interested in getting a feel for your organization. I am a hermetic mage with some slight shamanic inclinations, and for the nonce, I am available, as my erstwhile companion has been a bit -- incommunicative, shall we say. Please send me the details of your plan, as well as some further information on the SIN checking that will be done. While I currently am not aware of any outstanding warrants, or even any activity at all, on my natural SIN, I am hesitant to make it publicly known where I might be found. Thank you.]<<<<< -- Shekihinah <21:52:27 PDT / 06-11-56> >>>>>[ I'm getting pretty fraggin' tired of this. Teutone, I've been trying my damnedest to help you, but this is getting rediculous. If I don't here from you real fraggin' soon, I'm out. It's hard to help someone who doesn't seem to want it, so to hell with it. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn < 15:57:12/6-12-56 > ***** PRIVATE: Shekihinah >>>>>[All of the information that I have available to me at this time was posted with the original message. The corporate plan, location prospects, and market share information was all there. As to the SIN checks, well, I/we (my investors) cannot run the risk of involving ourselves in someone elses problems right now. We are planning on obtaining all necessary permits and licences needed to operate a security firm and, in the future, make a bid for law enforcement firm or to join an existing operation. With that in mind, I am runing all applicants through the most rigorous checks I can at this time. The unnamed agency will continue to be unnamed. I wouldnt worry too much about it, really. Unless you have some serious nastiness hanging over your head (where someone is actively looking to cash in on your stupidity) you should be safe. Allow me to say: I doubt that I would survive the security checks I am putting everyone through. Come aboard, lets see how you work out.]<<<<< -- Jason Stormwind <16:35:15 / 06-12-56> *****PRIVATE: Griffyn >>>>>[Aren't you paying attention? In the last vid posted by Rumormonger, Teutone blams me for eliminating his account; which is not the case. I, too, am willing to help Teutone; but only to find out the truth about the Barrens Massacre. I have a feeling we should watch those Aztech goons VERY closely...]<<<<< --Ryuga (12:15:30 PDT/ 06:12:56) *****PRIVATE: Jason Stormwind >>>>>[Brilliant, then. Here is my SIN >>>encrypted<<< for use with your checks. So long as the fact that it's being used won't be overly obvious... I disappeared long ago, and have no wish to be found. Although, I must add, it would be little more than an inconvenience I should simply like to avoid. My profile, like I said, should check out quite clean. Just don't ask me for any of the other SINs I've been using. Meantime, contact me when you are ready to move on this. Like I said, I may not be able to commit to deep-cover operations, as I have a commitment to a convalescent, should he decide to awaken. I should expect any salary arrangements to reflect this. I will, however, commit that I shall not drop the proverbial breeches in mid-operation. And I will request leave as is appropriate to the situation. I warn you now only because I believe it important that you are aware.]<<<<< -- Shekhinah <21:56:04 PDT / 06-12-56> >>>>>[Fockin' A! Hey, had a good night last night and YOU TOO can cash in on it. It works like this, I have things which I have....stumbled upon and I will give those things to you for the credit in your accounts. All bids including someone who can fix my broken nose will take precedence over script, nY, credit, or trades. 1 - Walther something or another gun thing. 1 - Pair of cool imaging glasses. Does low light and themal 1 - Corpslut's credit stick w/ access codes (only about 1k left) 1 - Corp computer login w/ password (the dumbshit wrote it down in his wallet) 1 - IDs chip for one James Mason (SINs and everything) 1 - Pocket computer. I have NO CLUE what it does or whats in it If'n you want any of this stuff, send me some mail and I will tell you where it is and how to get at it, that is, after I get your credit.]<<<<< -- Thomas the Rhymer <19:08:08 / 06-13-56> ***** PRIVATE: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Running into a cash flow problem. I have some personal assets that I would like to liquidate but not lose, if you know what I mean. Ill shoot you the list and you can take a look at it and tell me if you can use any of it for Frypp Sec. This way I can "sell" it to you but not lose access to the equipment. 6 Condor II's, surveillance setup. Extra batteries, solar cells, other extras I cant remember right now. 2 dobermans, random armaments and surv equipment. 3 Condor I's, same as above...considering space limitations. 4 or 5 Bump and turn skimmers. (Mage rigged with mirror and fiber optics/lens At some point I need to rebuy thing or something to make sure they get on my insurance coverage. Most of this stuff comes from a time when life was a lot more and a hell of a lot more dangerous.]<<<<< -- Kor <19:24:30 / 06-13-56>