+++++INVALID SIGNALLING CODE +++++INVALID USER +++++INVALID SOURCE +++++WARNING: SYSTEM INTEGRITY COMPRIMISED >>>>>[Heh. We drew straws ta see who'd get ta make this post. Everyone misses the 'board, it seems. But I won. So fer all you out there who give a frag, sit tight. See what we got in Chi-town. I'm s'posin' it'd be a good idea ta fill y'all in a bit, seein' as how we been quiet these past few weeks. Well, 'bout halfway thru the ol' spook's briefin', Bedlam reconsidered his disagreement 'bout bringin' along extra muscle. I think it was the bit 'bout magically active folks lookin' like ten-course meals ta the bugs that really got him thinkin' maybe we might like some back-up. Anyway, he had me import Kim. And Kim, bein' the oaf he is, decided he needed ta bring his buddy. So we added a coupla trolls to our team. Oh, and afore I forget. This here was done with Kim's new eyes. I'm only sorry y'all had ta be witness to it's crudeness. He ain't quite got the hang of keepin' his head still. +++++INCLUDE: Chicago.05-31-56.video Smoke fills a city street as the initial images roll past. The camera's motion is jerky -- almost vertigo-inducing -- but the cityscape you see is not unfamiliar. It looks like nearly any other barrens you have had the pleasure of avoiding -- littered with trash from years long past, scarred with the aftereffects of frequent gunfights and occassional automobile accidents. The same sense that eyes peer from behind boarded windows draws your gaze to hunt out shadows in doorways. Fortunately, the camera seems inclined to do the same, though the jerking change seems less inclined toward careful examination. A rough voice breaks in over the silence. "Nice entrance, huh? The UCAS boys weren't real partial to the idea of a Banshee loose in the CZ, so they went and took the thang away from us. Told us they'd drop a van in for us instead. So we hopped into a box and let 'em drop us. The box had smoke charges on the outside, and when they went, the bolts blew. Left us with a clear street. Almost." It is at this moment that you see the first sign of activity in the streets. The randomly panning camera freezes on a figure darting from one burned-out wreck to another, nearly a hundred meters down the street. The voice continues its narration. "OK, now, keep yer eyes left. That's Bedlam, already looking for his first interrogation. And as soon as he breaks, you'll see TopCat if yer watchin' real close." A dark figure slides past the outside edge of the camera almost as soon as the voice quiets, and quickly blends into the shadows. Only an instant later, you see a blur on the other side of the street. It hesitates long enough for you to ascertain that it's one monster elf with whiskers protruding from his face before ducking into an alleyway. A gun barrel, which an expert would recognize as the assault-rifle configuration of a Steyr AUG-CSL, rises up before the camera, and loadout information and ranges appear on the left and right of the display. A crosshairs is painted across the vehicle the distant shadow is presumably now behind. "What a team, eh?" the voice continues. "Not even a hint of serious threat, and already they're jostling for position to kill." At that moment a line of bullets stitches the tarmac in front of the camera. This is immediately followed by a jouncing motion and rapid pans searching for the source of the gunfire. A car looms ahead for a moment, then fills the lower field of view as the cameraman peers across the hood. The crosshairs again draw in on the car down the street, range marked 96.25m. The ammo readout does a quick flip as the weapon system changes, and the crosshairs realign. Trails of exhaust mark the arc of two grenades flying away in rapid sequence. "Well, I could say a lot of bad things about that. I mean, our stealth points dropped dramatically the moment that trigger was pulled. But it turns out for the better." Two twin flashes shred the targeted car as bullet holes begin stitching cars in the immediate vicinity. The camera swings to the left, where two figures huddle, one troll-sized and wrapped in black, the other a human, both looking a little nervously back. The camera dips in a nod, and the troll stands as the camera lurches unsteadily upwards. The targeting indicators switch again, and muzzle flash momentarily throws its glare across the screen, whitewashing an image of multiple forms crouched in firing stance. The rangefinder indicates a 102.6m distance to the nearest. The camera dips again, lowering to peer across the hood. The crouching figures almost immediately rise and fan out, seeking cover behind wrecked vehicles. For the first time, it becomes clear that the aggressors are wearing some kind of uniforms, mostly grey in color, with splashes of black insignia. Four of these uniformed men fall en route, the bodies falling at an angle that suggests attack from behind. "Would ya look at that? Surrounded 'em in nothin' flat. Now watch their response. These boys have been trained, it's clear, but not well." The surviving figures, as another drops, quickly head for a car. One gestures, indicating both parties near the camera and also two alley mouths, presumably where the other shots came from. "Now that guy's got us figured out. And he decides ta hunker down. But bad choice of hidin' spots. Watch this." While four gunmen provide suppression fire, the small group (now 6) moves toward a doorway. Upon reaching their objective, they vanish into the pools of shadow. The camera flicks between the two alleyways and the door, and soon, TopCat emerges from the one on the same side of the street as the doorway. Before he even reaches it, however, you see multiple flashes illuminate the doorway, and a fine spray of pellets grays the air for a moment. A second later, a troll steps out and grins, a smoking HK-CAW shotgun in his enormous paw. His bedraggled clothes are those of a barrens dweller, and his stature significant. "So ya see, it don't pay ta frag the locals too often. Our friend here told us all about these guys. Real drekheads. They swoop in on air drops like vultures, shootin' the hell outta the local kids, then bugger off to their little breeder enclave where they eat like kings. But wait. The best part's still comin'." The camera rises, and the big troll waves, a grin stretching his face in unlikely directions. Meanwhile, TopCat visibly relaxes, lowering his pistol, as another elf emerges from the other alley, eating a sandwich. This new figure lopes across the street as he finishes his snack, glancing around warily. As he gets about halfway across the street, a car zips around a corner about five blocks away. It heads toward the gathering for a moment, then pulls a quick bootlegger's turn and begins speeding away. Moments later a van emerges from the same cross-street, turning to follow the retreating car. "Yep, you guessed it. There goes our car. And our extra ammo, extra food, and our radio gear. Made me wanna cry. It really did." +++++END FILE Heh. And you all thought you had it rough. -- Jolly Roger] -- JohnnyM (BugKiller/SatteliteHacker) ***** Private: Kor >>>>>[Jeeze, Kor, just go by my style, I've got a checks so I must have money. Oh, whoops, I don't have any checks. Damn electronic money.... Condors? Overpriced targets. Maybe I can find something to do with them.... Gated residential or something, won't guarantee the condition they'll be in when you get 'em back, though.... Waitasec - the Skimmers are fibered? Honto? This I gotta see... But the dobbies, Kabuki Man is already drooling. Says they've got a bad rap, but any good tech can make them into the best drones money can buy. Life _was_ more dangerous? Um... okay. I won't ask.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (14:07:44 / 06-14-56) Presidente Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150) *****PRIVATE: Ryuga >>>>>[Sir, you offered your help in the hunt for Teutone Bleu... And we need it now! We have surrounded him in the abandoned industrial area at >>encrypted<< but he has proven powerful beyond our expectations. We have lost all our magical support, and I am losing my men to his spells. We need your help!]<<<<< -- Col Ernesto Gutierrez (04:23:34/06-15-56) >>>>>[+++++ BEGIN VIDEO: Another drone vidfeed. This time the drone is loitering above an abandoned industrial park. +++++ COMMENT: Ok, Ryuga, I'm at the coordinates you said... I'm waiting for ya.... where are ya? Well, it's your money I'm burning up here. +++++ RESUME Whooooshhh! The drone tumbles and somersaults as a huge form barrels past it. Ryuga. +++++ COMMENT: Ah, there you are. +++++ RESUME The drone accelerates to follow the speeding dracoform. Eventually, it overtakes him and flies over to get a good view of the dragon's objective, a collumn of smoke in the distance. Zoom function kicks in, revealing the situation at ground level. Two figures are standing in the middle of an area of blasted earth and burnt cars. Dozens of bodies in urban camouflage combat armour are lying about the area. Several fires are burning. +++++ COMMENT: Well, whoop de doo...those guys look like the Condors, or what's left of them... +++++ RESUME The image resolves to show clearly that the two figures are Brimstone and Teutone Bleu. Teutone looks up to the onrushing Dracoform and smiles. The dragon coils around itself, floating in the air some 100 meters away from the scene of devastation. You can see now some of the surviving condors, still shooting at Teutone ineffectually. +++++ COMMENT: Ryuga seems to be saying something... can't hear dragon speech with electronics, but ole TT seems quite amused... +++++ RESUME Teutone says something, and the Dragon's hackles visibly rise. The Dragon roars and charges towards the mage and his ally. Suddenly, as the dragon flies down between two buildings, several things happen at once. Explosive charges go off at the side of the buildings, and a two huge metallic nets intersect Ryuga's flight path precisely. Heavy machine gun fire breaks out, and you see a cloud of red mist spread along the dragon's path. A heavy APC bursts out from camouflage at the base of the building and opens fire. Several of the prone figures roll over, get up, and begin to fire at the dracoform. One or two spray towards the drone, trying to keep it back. The drone snaps through a couple of acrobatic moves and lines up on them, minigun fire pushing them back. The dragon twists and turns in the air desperately trying to avoid the tracers. Several shimmering figures appear in the air around the dracoform. Spirits, attempting to break through the dragon's defenses. Suddenly the dragon seems to roll up into a ball... and get smaller... the nets fall to the ground and a humanoid figure bursts out from under them at an amazing speed. The figure is clutching at his side, and a blue light from his hand covers the spreading redness underneath. The figure (Ryuga in his elven form) darts towards the protection of one of the buildings. Several condors attempt to intercept him, at speeds comparable to his own. The dragon lifts his arm as he runs and a sheet of flame pours out of his hand. The nearest condor is washed over by the flames and shrieks in pain as the fire burns his skin. He falls in a smouldering heap accross Ryuga's path. The other two, however, are visibly shielded from the blast, and rush to the attack shouting 'Aztlaaaaaan'. The drone tries to catch up, firing at the Azzies, tracer caruming wildly off of them. As they intersect at an added velocity of nearly 100Km/h, Ryuga lashes out with one arm, neatly beheading one of the men. The other man slips under Ryuga's defense and cuts a deep gash in his leg using his glittering dikoted spurs. The headless body continues running several meters and rolls to a halt. The survivor stops himself by jumping feet first against a wall and backflipping to the ground. A combat drone strafes the ground around Ryuga, forcing him to seek cover against a wall. The dragon makes a complex gesture, before Rumormonger's drone can intercept, and it begins to spiral out of control, smoke puffing out of it's side. Under heavy fire from the condor footsoldiers, Ryuga retreats into a door in the abandoned building. The azzies stop advancing, as if they expected something. A high pitched electric whine drowns out any other sound. +++++ COMMENT: I knew I should have topped off the ammo bins on one- oh-two. The dragon said I wouldn't need it, but I figured, hey, they're milspec, better drag the firepower with.... +++++ RESUME Suddenly, the building Ryuga entered trembles, as the sound of several explosive charges going off spreads out from the building's basement. The azzies begin to cheer as the building collapses lifting huge clouds of dust. As the dust settles, Teutone and Brimstone advance towards the wreckage. In a loud, resounding voice Teutone says 'Get ready! He's not dead yet! I can feel his life force beneath the rubble' As he says this, there is a sudden rumbling sound and the rubble of the building explodes outwards as Ryuga in his true form surges out from under the collapsed building. 'NOW!' Shouts Teutone. As the dragon rises into the air, his belly becomes peppered with dozens of blue feathered darts the size of a man's fist fired from the APC's coaxial cannon. The dragon convulses in the air, tries to gain height, and finally comes crashing down into the ground. Scattering the azzies before him. The camera zooms into Ryuga's face. The dragon's eyes are moving... He seems to be conscious. He looks furiously at Teutone and Brimstone as they approach. Teutone laughs happily. 'Oh what a wonderful day it is, isn't it Ryuga?' 'Oops, but you can't talk, can you? Isn't it remarkable the way the aztlan goverment stocks so much of a chemical designed specifically to render a dragon paralized but conscious? Truly fascinating' He says. 'Don't bother attempting any magicks either... The drug also takes care of that. You'll be helpless as a baby until I decide what to do with you' 'And I have plans, oh yes I do', he says, grinning madly. The Dragon moves his lips with difficulty... 'RRRRRRR....NTTTTT....TEEEEEUTTNNNNN....' he rumbles. He seems to be snarling... although if he didn't have so many sharp teeth, it could concievably be considered a grin... 'Well, it seems he needs another shot or two to keep him really quiet. Yes, I am not Teutone. That poor fool has been a great aid to my plans, however. I must remember to thank him sometime' As he says this, his face melts and fluctuates changing from Teutone Bleu's to another, completely different visage. The man's new face is that of a dark skinned, handsome man in his late forties with a small mustache. The man takes a bow 'Enrique Vargas, at your service. Aztechnology wage mage par excellance, and amateur dragon hunter' He titters. A smaller, older man wearing the condor's armour approaches Vargas 'We should be going' He says, with a scowl in his face. 'Yes, quite true, quite true colonel. Load him up, and let us depart from this place... but first, 'Brimstone'? He says, looking towards the spirit. 'Yes, Vargas?' Says Brimstone. 'Could you please take care of that annoying drone and it's owner?' +++++ COMMENT: Oh FRAG! +++++ RESUME The drone stops loitering and accelerates to flee as Brimstone rises up into the air in pursuit. The drone jinks and bobs, darting around buildings. Fireballs and lightning seer past, trying to force the drone into a building. It drops to just above the cars jammed in Seattle traffic and makes for Puget Sound. The cameras spin back and the spirit is still there, his flaming motorcycle in close pursuit. The drone passes into the Sound, a rooster tail spraying back, over the spirit. The cameras spin back again. The spirit it no longer visible +++++COMMENT: I don't like the look of this... +++++RESUME Suddenly Brimstone's transparent form appears emerging from the waters. The skeleton extends a fiery hand that clamps around the drones struts. The engines whine with the strain of trying to break free. The machine gun whirrs to point at the spirit, but Brimstone is too close and he easily catches it with his free hand. The spirit's motorbike drops and dissolves in the air. Brimstone hoists himself up by his handholds until his fiery skull covers the entire screen. He begins to speak: 'Rumormonger, you know I do not need to play with this puny toy to find you, don't you? Remember the gift I gave you?' With this, the spirit dissapears into thin air. -END VIDEO- Ohshitohshitohshit... I gotta getouttahere.... I figured I better post the vid like _now_ so that I ca +++++TRANSMISSION INTERRUPTED AT SOURCE+++++ ]<<<<< -- Rumormonger (Always / Tuned-In) *****PRIVATE: Vargas >>>>>[What the hell is the meaning of this Enrique? What has the dragon ever done to you? This is not why we brought the Condors in... Wha? Tehuactlipoc? No! Let goa$^$#&#YEY^U^&*^$(OF +++++TRANSMISSION INTERRUPTED AT SOURCE+++++ ]<<<<< -- M. Executor (05:25:32/06-15-56) >>>>>[ +++BEGIN NEWS TAP: +++IMAGE: You see the face of a non-descript TV Anchor. "...and in bussiness news tonight, Farrleton Machinery based in Carbondale has a new President and Chairmen of the Board. Nickolai Cherlenko, a russian and represenative of Vathor Technolgies, came into a stock holders meeting today representing fourty-percent of the Farrleton stock. +++IMAGE: A tall russian about 6' tall. Red hair, dark eyes, and a very expensive London suit. "Cherlenko also had one-percent of the stock on his side added to the vote by Micheal Farrleton the union president at Carbondale and grandson of the founder of Farrleton Machinery. Farrleton stated that his union would not tolerate the assualt on a young child carried out by CEO John Riglia. "The young woman in question is one Natasha O'Graide a seven-year-old elf metatype who owns five-percent of the Farrleton stock. Her interest was represented by her uncle who declined to be named. O'Gradie's stock combined with the union stock helped Cherlenko to win a vote 45to 46herlenko immediatly replaced Riglia and ordered a man-hunt for the missing CEO. +++END NEWS TAP:]<<<<< -- SIU NEWS SERVICE (07:12:34 / 06-15-56) . *****PRIVATE: The Renegade, F. L., Commander Adama >>>>>[As you have seen from the video posted by one Rumormonger; Ryuga has been captured by Aztechnology. Renegade, Adama; your mission is this: prepare a retaliation for this outrage, preferably a remote, but important Aztechnology installation. I want as few casualities as possible. Plus, do it in such a way that the Azzies realize that it is us doing it, but not so obvious that they immediately go to the Corp. Court, and ask for an Omega Order. F.L., your mission is this; gather as much evidence as possible against Aztechnology. We will need it to show that we have great enough reason to start a Corp War with Aztechnology.]<<<<< -- Edmond Ryaka (07:00:30 PDT/ 06:15:56) Acting CEO, and Overall Security Chief Ryaka Science and Tech *****PRIVATE: Edmond Ryaka >>>>>[Sir, what are YOU going to do?]<<<<< --The Renegade (--:--:--/ --:--:--) *****PRIVATE: F.L., The Renegade, Commander Adama >>>>>[I am going to prepare our defenses for the possibility of retaliation from Aztechnology.]<<<<< --Edmond Ryaka (07:05:30 PDT/ 06:15:56) Acting CEO, and Overall Security Chief Ryaka Science and Tech ***** Private: GoD >>>>>[From the current postings I guess you all ready know what this is about. Here is the info you requested, uncle or not I'm not going back in there. +++++ Include Conr.Fil +++++ Include Vargaz.Doss +++++ Include Assest.fil I got that one right out of the Vault. It seems that azz is aware of the teams location and are privy to the actual mission but not this deal with the dragon, what's this Awakened taco up to?]<<<<< -- Riddler *****PRIVATE: Eduardo Montes >>>>>[What is that damn mage think he is doing? Attacking and capturing the CEO of a corporation, even if he is a Dragon, is something that we cannot condone. Burning a few orks is no big deal, they are expendable. But the dragon is another matter altogether. His servants have begun to bare their teeth almost immediately, threatening all kinds of mayhem... It is obvious that they are acting with specific instructions, according to a readily made contingency plan. Have you been able to raise the condors?]<<<<< -- Jose Sanchez (12:23:56/06-15-56) *****PRIVATE: Jose Sanchez >>>>>[It was totally unexpected sir! One moment he was looking for Teutone Bleu, and the next we have this, this... incident. I have not been able to contact the condors. They seem to have dissapeared into the barrens. But in any case, do we really have that much to fear from Ryaka?]<<<<< -- Eduardo Montes (12:25:34/06-15-56) *****PRIVATE: Eduardo Montes >>>>>[Are you braindead? Of course Aztechnology can defeat Ryaka...But think of the cost, the resources wasted. And what are the other megacorps going to do meanwhile? Sit by and clap? Think about what happens when the smoke clears. The accounts are checked, the losses totalled, and the blame is apportioned. On who? On us, that's who. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be a spectator of the games than a participant. We must make clear to Ryaka that we consider Vargas a renegade. He has outlived his usefulness anyway. We can use his notes and experimental data, plus the information from the surveillance he's been under for the last few years to reproduce his results.]<<<<< -- Jose Sanchez (12:34:23/06-15-56) *****PRIVATE: Jose Sanchez >>>>>[Very well, I will try to contact the condors once more. It it unlike Col. Gutierrez to commit himself to such a foolhardy action, surely he could see the consecuences? On a related note, Dermody apparently has been abducted from her office. We got this from the security camera: +++++INCLUDE VIDEO You see an office through the fisheye lens of a wall mounted security camera. The main focus is on an attractive blonde woman sitting in front of a desk. A fiber optic cable snakes down from her neck to the computer before her, and her face shows intense concentration. From the way the shadows dance behind her you guess she is watching a vid. 'Dammit Enrique, why?' She says. She punches a few buttons on the keyboard and adopts the familiar expression of someone who is writing through a datajack. Suddenly a strangely attired figure materializes walking towards her. From the camera's vantage point, it appears to be wearing some kind of elaborate Aztec warrior headdress. The woman looks up as the figure enters, seemingly unafraid. She has obviously seen this entity before. 'Tehuactlipoc..? Wha...?' Suddenly the aztec warrior reaches out and pulls the fiber optic connection violently, sending the terminal crashing to the ground. The woman lifts her hand and fires several shots from her brazelet/gun, then rolls backward and jumps for a wooden cabinet by the wall. As she is taking out a large shotgun from the cabinet the spirit 'blinks' from place to place, appearing beside her and ramming her head against a wall. The woman goes limp. -end vid- Wasn't she the one who started it all? I wonder what the hell Vargas is up to]<<<<< -- Eduardo Montes (12:36:34/05-15-56) *****PRIVATE: Eduardo Montes >>>>>[Yes, she was an old acquaintance of Vargas's... I think she got more than she bargained for when she asked for his help in her little vengeance scheme... Very well, I will +++++TRANSMISSION INTERRUPTED AT SOURCE ]<<<<< -- Jose Sanchez (12:38:12/06-15-56) *****PRIVATE: Jose Sanchez >>>>>[Hello? What's going on? Are you there?]<<<<< -- Eduardo Montes (12:40:23/06-15-56) *****PRIVATE: Eduardo Montes >>>>>[I am here. It was an automatic cut out - a security feature in case of fire. I can see it from here. Apparently someone has firebombed our Genetech R&D lab... It makes sense they would strike here and not in the piramid... too heavily defended]<<<<< -- Jose Sanchez (12:45:12/06-15-56) *****PRIVATE: Jose Sanchez >>>>>[Do you figure it was the dragon's minions?]<<<<< -- Eduardo Montes (12:46:23/06-15-56) *****PRIVATE: Eduardo Montes >>>>>[Who else? We must increase security. Make no retaliation unless there is an escalation. We must control this while we can. I will send private messages to the current CEO of Ryaka to try and soften him up. If we can give 'em Vargas it should be all right... Damn, I hope that fool isn't going to do something stupid with the dragon...]<<<<< -- Jose Sanchez (12:48:46/06-15-56) >>>>>[This is your Action News Reporter, Steven Stalker. I am here live in the area surrounding a satellite Aztechnology complex. Today, unknown forces attacked this installation by surprise using F-117 Stealth fighters, Harrier Jump Jets, Federated-Boeing Eagles, and GMC Banshees. The attackers destroyed one building completely, lightly damaged three other buildings, and disappeared as quickly as they had appeared. As of this time total security casualties have not been released, but we do know that, surprisingly, only THREE non-security personnel were killed. We will pass on more information as it comes available. In an unrelated story, the CEO of Ryaka Science and Tech is missing. We do not know how, why, or who is responsible at this time. With the public highly supportive of Ryaka Science and Tech; the person(s) responsible may have a VERY difficult road ahead of them. We will report on this as information comes available. this has been Steven Stalker for KTAN News.]<<<<< --KTAN News Agency (05:00:30 GMT/ 16-Jun-56) >>>>>[Three guesses for the identity of KTAN news agency's backers - and the first two don't count, ladies and gentlemen.]<<<<< -- Nosee Parker (08:23:34:12/06-16-56) ***** Private: Griffyn >>>>>[So hwat do we do? Apparently he's played his Trump. What now?]<<<<< -- GoD < 10:37 / 06/16/56 > ***** PRIVATE: GoD >>>>>[ I dunno, man.. I'm almost willing to let the fragger rot in whatever hole the Azzies decided to drop him in. What do you suggest? ]<<<<< -- Griffyn < 14:03:16/6-16-56 > >>>>>[Nosee, KTAN's backers happen to be Katana Industrials.]<<<<< --Buzz (The one the Only...Human Bee in the Matrix) *****PRIVATE: Zactof >>>>>[ It is, as it has always been, up to her. We believe that she is one of us, and should be treated as such -- this unfortunately means that her current location is not the best for what we can do for her. When she wakes, give her our greetings. ]<<<<< -- OS^2 (22:15:30/6-16-56) >>>>>[ Spotter Macros, what's his status? ]<<<<< -- Xopipo (22:30:00/6-16-56) >>>>>[ Give us three more days at least. A week would be best, he hasn't gotten in any work. ]<<<<< -- Spotter Macros (22:35:30/6-16-56) >>>>>[ But he's recovered? ]<<<<< -- Xopipo (22:40:00/6-16-56) >>>>>[ For the most part. Psych profile indicates negligible vengance index, but he _does_ want to do a job soon. ]<<<<< -- Spotter Macros (22:45:00/6-16-56) >>>>>[ Good. We have one for him. ]<<<<< -- Xopipo (22:50:30/6-16-56) >>>>>[ I thought you might. Anybody we might have heard of? ]<<<<< -- Spotter Macros (22:55:30/6-16-56) >>>>>[ Renegades. Tell you later. ]<<<<< -- Xopipo (23:00:00/6-16-56) >>>>>[ Oh, _joy_. ]<<<<< -- Macros the Black (23:30:00/6-16-56) >>>>>[Hey all out there, I cover for a local news station around here and I came across this scene today. I thought that you might be interested in checking this out. So, for all your viewing enjoyment, here you are . . . +++++INCLUDE: video-feed.upload The scene slowly fades from black to a picture of a smoking mass of ruble. It appears to have been a building once upon a time. According to the sign that is still standing about 50 feet away, it was a bar only a few minutes ago. Now, however, only one wall is standing and it is a blackened and burnt mess. Several emergency vehicles are parked in a half-circle around what used to be the entrance to the building and firefighters are putting out what little of the fire is left while Lone Star officers are pulling large blackened corpses from the rubble. The surrounding buildings have large scorch marks going up their walls and most windows in the surrounding area are shattered inward. Across the sidewalk, approximately 50 body bags have been laid out and over half of them are full now and it doesn't look like there will be any trouble filling the rest. A female news correspondent break the silence. "Only 20 minutes ago this evening, the Red Martinelli, which is known to cater to trolls more than any other, was stuffed full in the usual evening rush for some beer, wine, and fun. However, according to witnesses, approximately 15 minutes ago, this bar blew apart into a massive fireball. So far, no survivors have been found. This is WGNA correspondent Donna Shirfield reporting. Stay tuned for the latest news, weather, and sports. Back to you Tim . . ." +++++End of video feed You guys got any ideas what happened, drop me a line. Until later . . .]<<<<< -- Been-there-seen-that <14:30:25/06-17-56> >>>>>[ Report. ]<<<<< -- Xopipo (7:00:00/6-18-56) >>>>>[ My, aren't we in command mode this morning. We did some minor work last night. Firing accuracy: 100m, 98.9; 250m, 97.2; 500m, 96.8; 1,000m, 95.6We also did one firing at each of 1500, 1750, 2000, and 2500 metres; except for the 2000 metre firing, shots were fatal withing five minutes. I intend on having him do some spell work this morning. I doubt he's up to full, but we'll see. He's surprised us in the past, particularly after the Cayman Islands debacle in '52. I don't think we've had a more successful Class XII subject, personal interaction aside. ]<<<<< -- Spotter Macros (7:02:15/6-18-56) >>>>>[ All right. I'll call you on Wednesday or Thursday. Have him ready to head out. Seattle. ]<<<<< -- Xopipo (7:04:50/6-18-56) >>>>>[ Yes, sir. ]<<<<< -- Spotter Macros (7:05:20/6-18-56) >>>>>[Guess what guys. It happened again. Two days in a row now. Here's the news feed that I got . . . +++++Include: video-feed.data The wail of emergency sirens can be heard in the background as a young male news correspondant raises his voice to be heard about the screams, shouts, sirens, and the crackle of the fire in the background. "For the second time in less than 48 hours, a bar has mysteriously exploded while full with the usual evening rush. This time, it was the Shorwin Cocktail that was demolished. Witnesses around the scene only seconds before it turned into a flaming fire ball report seeing nothing out of the ordinary. Despite out prodding, Lone Star has no comments at this time." The camera pans the scene displaying the carnage left after a moderately sized bar that used to sit on the corner of this block exploded spreading flames and building materials for several dozen feet. On the far side of the scene, you can see officials loading large corpses into a van headed for the police station. The report continues, "As of so far, no survivors have been found. For the latest news, tune in to KRHA. This is Jack Grimaldi reporting." The camera fades to black . . . +++++End video-feed.data I really hope that this isn't some maniac's version of a joke. Crap, and that was a joint that I sorta liked. If you got any hot ideas or sudden 'inspirations' give me a ring at >>encrypted<<. Until next time . . . ]<<<<< -- Been-there-seen-that <16:05:21/06-18-56> >>>>>[Drek!!! Two bars in two days. What in the hell is happening? My boss is going to have my head for this. Drek, drek, drek, drek . . .]<<<<< -- Tim Gartin <14:40:19/06-18-56> Security Supervisor Red Lime, Inc. >>>>>[Heys guys! It's me again, bringing you the latest and hottest news. Amoung my top stories for the hour, I would like to announce that our mad bomber has apparently struck again. Check it out . . . +++++INCLUDE: video-feed.data The camera fades in showing a news anchorwoman sitting at her desk rearranging her notes. On the projection screen to her side, a HRRS Channel 201 logo is fading out. The woman begins, "For the third time in three days, a moderate-sized bar has mysteriously exploded during the evening rush. Two nights ago, it was the Red Martinelli that blew up resulting in over 70 deaths from inside the bar as well as almost 25 people injured from flying debris. Last night, the Shorwin Cocktail went up in a fireball, killing 47 and injuring 58. Tonight, only two hours ago, the Gold Tusk was utterly demolished by a large explosion. We had a news correspondent on the scene within minutes and she kept us up to date with the last minute details. She is still at the scene and we will go to her now. Live . . . The image changes from the inside of the news studio to the all too familiar scene of a destroyed bar in the background. The remains have cooled enough that teams of investigators are combing through the wreckage searching for clues to the explosion. After panning around the scene and surrounding buildings, showing the large amounts of damage done to the area, the camera focuses on a young elven news correspondent who beings to speak. "Approximately two hours ago, the Gold Tusk was full of the usual evening crowds. We have here a small clip from the security cameras that used to be inside of the, now, utterly destroyed bar. Bob, can you roll . . . thanks." The scene shifts again, this time to a view of a crowded bar. The viewpoint is from what you would expect to be seen from an upper-corner of the room. Down on the floor, dozens of patrons are drinking, eating, and talking. You notice that they are largely trolls with a few humans, orks, and only a couple elves mixed in. Just as abruptly as the scene begin, it ends and the correspondent continues. Then, at approximately 6:25 p.m. this evening, the bar was completely destroyed by a large blast that appears to have origionated from inside the building. At the present, Lone Star is offering no comments for the press other than that every possible effort is being made to find the person or people responsible for these serious crimes and that if you have any tips, please call them in at >>encrypted<<. Back to you Janet . . ." The scene switches back to the studio and the anchorwoman continues. "This most recent attack has left 75 people dead and 103 wounded, 14 are in critical condition. Once again, if you have any helpful information, please call Lone Star at >>encrypted<< or call our hotline at >>encrypted<<. Other stories of the day include . . . +++++INCLUDE: End video-feed.data There you have it guys., Looks like we've got some maniac blowing people up again. What's new . . . well, once again, if you've got any tips of things for me to look into or possibly to buy from you, I can be reached at >>encrypted<< 24 hours of the day. Thanks all and stay tuned . . .]<<<<< -- Been-there-seen-that <17:29:25/06-19-56> *****Private: Tim Gartin >>>>>[What in the drek is going on? I hired you to be my head of fragging security for this corp and in three days, we have lost three different bars to fragging explosions. Drek!!! You had better have a damn good explanation for all this.]<<<<< -- Theo Truncher <15:01:53/06-19-56> CEO Red Lime, Inc. *****Private: Theo Truncher >>>>>[Sorry about the delay in getting back to you sir. Me and a couple security workers have been working on tracking down who is responsible for this. With the cleaness of the hits and the lack of clues to the methods of destruction, we are thinking that a corporation may be behind this and are concentrating on either finding the link to the corp or eliminating that theory. Progress has been slow, but we just received a tip that may help us get moving a little faster. We are doing everything possible sir.]<<<<< -- Tim Gartin <15:12:02/06-19-56> Security Supervisor Red Lime, Inc. *****Private: Tim Gartin >>>>>[I don't care what the hell you have to do to get it done, but I don't want to hear about another bar blowing up on the evening news tomorrow. Especially one of mine!!! Understand?!?]<<<<< -- Theo Truncher <15:17:56/06-19-56> CEO Red Lime, Inc. *****Private: Theo Truncher >>>>>[Understood, sir! I'll do my best.]<<<<< -- Tim Gartin <15:18:35/06-19-95> Security Supervisor Red Lime, Inc. *****Private: Security Dispatch >>>>>[I want all locations double guarded tonight. You see something suspicious, shoot first and talk later. I'm not going to lose another bar tonight. Understood?]<<<<< -- Tim Gartin <15:19:01/06-19-56> Security Supervisor Red Lime, Inc. *****Private: Alpha and Beta Teams >>>>>[Up and at them boys. You are pulling a double guard shift tonight. The boss says to shoot first and talk later. He doesn't want to lose another bar tonight. Report in when in positions. Dispatch out.]<<<<< -- Security Dispatch <15:21:42/06-19-56> Dispatch Control Red Lime, Inc. *****Private: Security Dispatch >>>>>[Alpha Team in position.]<<<<< -- Alpha Team <16:01:12/06-19-56> Security Team A Red Lime, Inc. *****Private: Security Dispatch >>>>>[Beta Team in position.]<<<<< -- Beta Team <16:03:58/06-19-56> Security Team B Red Lime, Inc. *****Private: Notorious B.I.G >>>>>[Bossman, what'cha you think of my work so far?? Looks like we got them guessing!! It gives me the willies just thinking 'bout tomorrow.]<<<<< -- Smokz <21:34:28/06-19-56> *****Private: Smokz >>>>>[Shut up, you now good bum! Last time you got so happy, we got caught. So calm down, and keep your yap shut.]<<<<< -- Notorious B.I.G <21:39:25/06-19-56> *****Private: Notorious B.I.G >>>>>[Yes sir. But whe' we gonna' hit next?]<<<<< -- Smokz <21:40:31/06-19-56> >>>>>[Looks like Purple and co. missed their target in their Caribbean.]<<<<< -- Vincent (17:53:50/06-19-56) *****Private:Wet Steel, the Thirteens[GANG] >>>>>[What is the status on the search for Mr. Purple?]<<<<< -- Vincent (17:55:36/06-19-56)