>>>>>["A smallish little problem"? Personal or business? I'd, ah, be able to tell you if I could spare any leg breakers if I knew what the problem was. I don't want to have people with links to me doin' shady stuff for other people, ya dig?]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (09:27:33 / 08-21-56) President Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150) >>>>>[Since when?]<<<<< -- Kor <16:45:02 / 08-21-56> ***** PRIVATE: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Nothing's going on. I sent some hounds out on Scarface in hopes of getting to Ratspeak through him but they up and lost him. You just cannot get good hired help these days. I remeber back when I was a starving shadowrunner still trying to pretend I had morals. I'd take nearly anything that came down the pipe when it came to work. For me it was work or not be able to keep up the payments on the apartment. Couldnt afford to have the landlord going in there to throw all my stuff in the streets...if you know what I mean. I was just trying to shake Ratspeak up a little bit and I think it worked. Havent seen hide nor hair of him in a couple of days which is somewhat unusual, dont you think? How goes the bar business?]<<<<< -- Kor <16:48:22 / 08-21-56> >>>>>[You'd think these two were good friends at one time...]<<<<< -- GoD ***** PRIVATE: KOR,Gryffin >>>>>[I'm back from my little excurtion to the land of the Trasit-Pass I love Manhattan and the night life there, but damm, you need a transit-pass to go in the can. What's going on this end? Sources say things have been going ape-dreck since I left? when is our first gig?]<<<<< -- GoD *****PRIVATE: Kor, Gunner, Jason Stormwind >>>>>[You did not seem to recieve my last message, so I am making sure all your known aliases are sent this message. It is me Kor. I have returned. I need to talk to you, in person, sometime soon. Are you in trouble? Do you require assistance? Apparently you have been very busy, and my sources indicate a very high volume of electronic mail being sent to and originating from your aliases. If you need help, please ask me.]<<<<< -- the Whistler<11:43:41/8-22-56> >>>>>[Status.]<<<<< -- Draig Un<12:44:21/20-8-56> >>>>>[Ready, awaiting directive.]<<<<< -- Rhodri ab Iowerth<12:47:23/8-20-56> Draig Dau Draig Llywbr >>>>>[The Path is ready. Draig Un may have other concerns however.]<<<<< -- Gruffudd ab Hywel<12:51:28/8-20-56> Draig Tri Draig Llywbr >>>>>[My Past will not interfere with the Order. I am ready to hunt.]<<<<< -- Rhodri ab Iorweth<12:59:32/8-20-56> Draig Dau Draig Llywbr >>>>>[Accepted. Couriers will arive with directive.]<<<<< -- Draig Un<13:03:24/20-8-56> >>>>>[You could be a bit of undigested cheese, a spot of mustard...]<<<<< -- Kor <19:14:37 / 08-22-56> ***** PRIVATE: the Whistler >>>>>[No, I do not need help. I need you to be dead and to stay dead. You promised me you would be gone for a good long time. I guess my definition of long and yours are drastically different. I posted to the net that you commited suicide. Suicide means DEAD. GONE. NOT to surface again. Do you have any idea what it makes ME look like to have you wander back into town flaunting the fact that you are still alive? I stuck my ass on the line based on your promised that everything would be taken care of and that you wouldnt be returning. I guess now that you have had your little vacation its time to churn up the waters again -- well, bud, thats not the way it works. I will not take kindly to YOUR past getting in the way of MY FUTURE! I helped you out of a jam, do me a favor and at least get your fraggin' deck changed so you arent broadcasting who you really are! Do I need to teach you how to pull a fade?]<<<<< -- Kor <19:18:31 / 08-22-56> ***** PRIVATE: the Whistler >>>>>[ And stop sending mail to this account. Jesus, if YOU can watch my accounts dont you think that ANYONE could do the same? So much for having an account that no one had associated with me. Thanks...Thanks alot. So, you just wanted to burn ALL of my aliases at once? Is that the deal?]<<<<< -- Gunner <19:44:17 / 08-22-56> >>>>>[Oh, man, I ain't feelin' so well..... ]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (12:21:12 / 08-24-56) President Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150) >>>>>[Hey, what's that suppossed to mean?! Well... OK... now that you mention it.... On a different note, don't get me started on the bar. I'm gonna hafta get rid of that hole.... The dman thing just ain't workin' out. Why is it that I've always been convinced my life would be complete if I just had my own bar, then once I do finally get one, it isn't nearly as fun as I thought it'd be? Sounds like me an' women.... ]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (12:30:22 / 08-24-56) President Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150) >>>>>[Better hope your current romantic interest doesnt read that via some various and sundry source. You could find yourself on the recieving end of a serious cold shoulder. How much did you pay for that dump, anyway? And how much are you going to try to unload it for?]<<<<< -- Kor <17:32:05 / 08-24-56> >>>>>[Hey Freddy... I'm hopin' a sertain significant other of the Ball-n-Chain Persuassion doesn't catch that... And if she does You can always sleep on sparks couch.....hahahahahaa]<<<<< -- GoD >>>>>[The fact is not that I didnt catch it, but that I'm secure enough in my relationship with Freddy to not worry about his little "sayings."]<<<<< -- Karen <15:37:49/07-24-56> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[I've made dinner for the two of us tonight. No work, no talking about work. Just me and you...and dweezil. I know he is around here somewhere, I can feel him. Of all the pets Jason has kept, this one I hate. Castor and Pollux at least dont make me feel strange like Dweezil does. He doesnt come out and play either. You are all mine this weekend and I dont want to hear nothing about finding 'lost' deckers, kids getting killed, or any of that crap.]<<<<< -- Trixie <21:05:34 / 08-25-56> ***** PRIVATE: Jason Stormwind >>>>>[My man is taking the weekend off -- deal with it]<<<<< -- Trixie <21:07:31 / 08-25-56> ***** PRIVATE: Tristiana >>>>>[Not a problem here, you know that. I left you and "your man" some bottles of wine and stuff in the 'fridge if you find the need for it. The drive in to work from out there is going to be a pain in the ass (traffic gets really backed up in the mornings) but Im sure you can deal with it. ` Not to get too personal but -- have you two set a date yet?]<<<<< -- Jason Stormwind <21:09:04 / 08-25-56> ***** PRIVATE: Jason Stormwind >>>>>[Jesus -- That was quick]<<<<< -- Trixie <21:09:54 / 08-25-56> ***** PRIVATE: Trixie >>>>>[Yeah, I've been monitoring traffic in hopes of picking up information about Scourge's 'vacation' and other random problems that have been brewing. I have a couple of people also assisting with that. Merrox and Skuff are also running programs and stuff to watch shadowland and other places for data. This is getting to be far to complicated really. Too many people, too much to be done. If Chris would at least let us know what the HELL is his doing it would be so much better on me.]<<<<< -- Jason Stormwind <21:15:15 / 08-25-56> >>>>>[Hey, Chris, anything to report. Why dont you give me a call or something I need some down time so I am going to go get some rest for a couple of hours. Skuff, Merrox, Priest, and some friend of Priest's are all doing matrix watch over the weekend. If anything comes up they are supposed to call me to let me know. ***** PRIVATE: Dark Angel, Neuron Basher Right now I can be up and in strike range in about 15 minutes within city limits. I cannot afford to keep a chopper or anything like that on stand by even with IS&M's name behind me. That gets to be far too expensive. If either of you need to get ahold of me (NB -- you had better not need ME over the weekend. If you cant figure it out, there is a copy of the joy of sex I - VI in the bedside table of the master bed room.) call my shadow phone as I plan on trying to spend some time with Doomsday. He really is over his head with the kids and I feel sorry for the guy. There is nothing like seeing a troll that size trying to change a child's diaper. He just doesnt seem to have the knack for it. +++++ End PRIVATE encryption Thanks guys. Im sure that Scourge will appreciate the effort that you are putting into finding him. I know I would.]<<<<< -- Kor +++++ LINK TERMINATED AT SOURCE +++++ >>>>>[AUTOMATIC POSTING DUMP -- TIME LIMIT REACHED -- JACKOUT SUCCESSFUL]<<<<< -- Kor <21:55:21 / 08-25-56> ***** Private to: Kor >>>>>[Yes. Uhm, well, I've been working. Tracking down the good doctor and I must say we had a very interesting discussion. However, Patricia has told me that if I jack in for very long this weekend she's going to kill me...so I think I'm going to devote some time to my darling wife.]<<<<< -- Christopher Tarleton ***** PRIVATE: Trixie >>>>>[ Weeeeeeeellll, I guess that would be alright. *smile* See you in a little bit. Hey, what do you hate about Dweezil so much, anyway? I tried to talk Jas in to letting me keep him when I brought him back from the UK. Oh well, I don't think he'll bother us if we stay in our room all weekend, do you? *grin* ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher < 2:05:25/8-25-56 > ***** PRIVATE: Jason Stormwind >>>>>[ Geez, Jas, I've got it under control. I don't think you need to worry about me calling you for anything less than Global Thermonuclear War. Even then, I'd have to think about it. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher < 2:09:12/8-25-56 > ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ Hey Jas, I was thinking about taking some time off to try and catch up with Doomsday and the rest of the rescue effort. Could you guys use another Combat Mage? ]<<<<< -- Griffyn < 2:59:39/8-25-56 > ***** PRIVATE: Merrox >>>>>[Do you want to field email from Griff and Ill get the one from NB?]<<<<< -- Skuff <04:23:14 / 08-26-56> ***** PRIVATE: Skuff >>>>>[Ill clear both of them. I've already read the one from NB and it doesnt require a response but I think I'll buzz his phone a couple times tonight just to keep him on his toes. I dont appreciate having to work while everyone else seems to be getting laid this weekend.]<<<<< -- Merrox <04:24:01 08-26-56> ***** PRIVATE: Griffyn >>>>>[You do not know me but I'm sure you wish you did. I've intercepted a mail message routed for "KOR" posted by your account. Kor will be away from his mail for a couple of days and I have been instructed to give you this response: Yes -- Meet me at entrance to the underground tours at 2:30 pm tomorrow. Thank you for your time.]<<<<< -- Merrox <04:24:54 / 08-26-56> ***** PRIVATE: Merrox >>>>>[I'm certain you are doing something wrong. I plan on still spending some time with my wife and kids tonight. Priest is going to cover for me for a couple of hours. If you want, I could watch your frames while you take some time off]<<<<< -- Skuff <04:24:05 / 08-26-56> ***** PRIVATE: Skuff >>>>>[Thanks but no. I dont actually have anything I want to do this weekend. I was planning on lurking around anyway -- You up for a few rounds of Virtual Sammy?]<<<<< -- Merrox ***** PRIVATE: Merrox >>>>>[You always beat the piss out of me at that game. No, I have some new modifications to a frame to make then I am going to crash for a while tonight. Need some free floating down time. Ill be back later. Oh -- Jax plays. From what I've heard he can nearly double your high score. He might be on line and lurking around High-Star.]<<<<< -- Skuff >>>>>[Yo people, I got some cool stuff available cheap - Azzie deathshow recordings, all unrelesed by sattelite. Aztlan cable shows with the best in real life gorefest! No wimpy urban brawl fer the azzies, huh?]<<<<< -- Gutsys (15:36:21/07-26-56)