*****NOT TO: Maxim, InterPol, etc. >>>>>[We were successful.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <16:23:09/03-10-57> *****PRIVATE: Basilisk >>>>>[Bas, I need your help yesterday. I've got a lot of wounded people here who need attention stat.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <16:26:32/03-10-57> >>>>>[I'm not going to vouch for the accuracy of this drek, everyone, but I got it handed to me from a decker chum of mine who found it, for some reason, in a relatively easy to break section of a local megacorp who will remain anonymous for everyone's safety. It's a section of simsense data from a raid somewhere in the jungle recently. Bits and pieces have been obviously edited to protect the rest of the people involved, but my systems have been unable to return them to normal and so you're getting the drek as I got it. Enjoy. +++++ Engage Simsense Download +++++ Static screams in your head for a millisecond, just long enough to know that a second or two of the static would likely drive you insane or kill you outright as you can suddenly smell, taste, even feel the static that your normal senses can only see and hear. As quickly as it started, it ends and more normal sensations replace the maniacal static. It takes you a second or two to gain your bearings as the simsense artificially replaces your natural sensations and you settle into the life you're about to relive. The first things you notice are that your are inside a plane, that it is lit only by a single night red bulb, that an exit door is open, and that it is night outside. Additional sensations kick in, like the muted roar of air passing through the cabin and the along the skin of the small aircraft you are in, followed by the realization that you are at a very high altitude. The air is thin, and it is difficult to breath. The person in front of you is wearing an altimeter deployed parachute with manual backup parasail. Nothing else distinguishes the person in front of you, and with all the gear he is wearing you can barely distinguish that it actually is male. But he is, and this is when you realize that you are not. Behind you are four others that your internal cybernetic locator systems identify as members of a team of 5, with two additional green signals as well. Your helmet appears to have in integral communication system that is also encrypted, but through it you hear "Go!" After one others and some shuffling, you have moved to the front of the line, and you hear a "Go!" and leap out of the door, tumbling for an instant before your well trained and experienced muscles and enhanced reactions right yourself in a headlong dive through the atmosphere. Below you is the target area, a small but growing rough rectangle of light. With your enhanced sight, it not only glows brightly in the visible, but also in the ultraviolet and the infrared, with some areas obviously still cooling down from the heating of the sun that your internal chronometer indicates set nearly 4 hours ago. 16 or so kilometers to the west you see what appear to be explosions and very bright thermographic flares from what is likely thermite or white phosphorous explosions, or perhaps scattered submunition effects. You remember that Maxim not only has access to weapons of this destructive power, but manufactures and employs them in high security facilities worldwide. To the southwest, some 7 km away, your eyes see tremendous glare, through all wavelengths, from the sprawl that is Phenom Penh, Cambodia. Closer to the facility are more explosions, this time centering around a couple of small vehicles. One flares and then stops moving while the other, about 100m to the west of the first, fires up it's engines and begins moving toward the southeast edge of the site you are still falling toward. Looking below you again, and with the second to last "Go!" heard from the plane above you, you catch something that you'd been hoping not to: Several flares from what you know are vertical launch missile bunkers, each capable of holding somewhere between 50 and 250 missiles, depending on the type of missile. These IR flares are leaving streaks not too dissimilar to those of long range SAMs, and they are riding their rockets almost vertically, toward your position and, more importantly, that of the plane. "Fraggin deckers fragged up!", you think to yourself, but your discipline keeps this thought from exiting your mind lest it reveal your team's location by breaking radio silence. Above you, you hear the final "Go!" followed by "Evading. Good luck." as the final member of your team, your commander and fellow cybered combat expert like yourself, jumps to follow. The missiles, rising still, jockey for position, and as they rise, you get a count. 5 SAMs, one from each launcher, which will strike the plane and destroy it in less than 3 seconds. Two seconds.....one second and not only did none of you get hit by the SAMs, but you didn't get burned by them either. Above you, from where the plane should be, you hear several large explosions, followed by a surprised and pained gulp and gurgle, as if someone had a lung punctured. Your internal team status monitor indicates that one of you is dying and that the parachute and emergency parasail systems are destroyed. Your team commander will not live too long, and you know that even if you could somehow save him from the debris that even now is plummeting toward you as well, he wouldn't live through the impact. You remember with a rueful smile the saying that it's not the fall you're afraid of, but the sudden stop at the end. Concentrating again on the ground and site rising to meet you, you see the first of you deploy his chute only 20 seconds from the ground. From what you see, he'll be close to the target zone when he hits ground. Unfortunately, at about the time you see the second jumper and the man who trained your team deploy his chute, five of the internal guard towers open fire into the air, firing up at where you and the rest of you are likely going to fall through. Again, you think "Fraggin deckers fragged up big time!" as the guns blaze autofire into the sky at rates that indicate both standard machinegun fire as well as minigun fire. By your internal chronometer, you are 2.885 seconds from chute deployment yourself. You hear a soft gasp as a stream of tracers streaking up at you misses you but intersects with the descending body of another teammate. His telltale blinks once, but stays green. Wounded, but not severely. You think "Lucky...." He'll still be able to do his part once you reach the ground, but it's likely that his drop will miss by a greater amount now that his body isn't at optimum. Your chronometer blinks down to 0 and your chute opens normally. Two seconds later and your wounded teammate's chute opens as well, followed by the second to last surviving teammember's. The last surviving member of the team, however, seems to have taken some damage to her chute from the plane's explosion, and she falls past her deployment point. Less than a second later, she deploys her back-up parasail, which opens well. Unfortunately, the parasails are slightly smaller than the main chutes, so she'll be hitting the ground at a higher speed than usual. But you've all been trained for this eventuality, so you know how to minimize damage in the process of landing. Ten seconds until the first jumper, the only one of the seven of you who you don't know, hits the target area. It appears that both he and the man who trained you will be slightly off target, to the far end of the bunker rather than the end where the entrance is. It is possible that they go the target direction wrong, but it's too late to worry about that now, since it's going to happen. Time to recover from the error. Your teammate, on the other hand, will be right on target, as will you. 9 seconds until the first jumper reaches the ground, and the gunfire is continuing. You are now at the upper limit of the lights of the facility, but you're all wearing night camo which will make you difficult to spot against the night sky. About this time the dead member of your team plummets, limp and lifeless, past you to your left, and you watch as, only 3 seconds later, he impacts the ground and bounces. He hit between the bunker, a missile tower, and a set of housing units. You can make out the silhouette of an MBT, a Jackson if your implanted data is accurate, less than 50 meters from the pulverized body. No-one has had the time to inspect the body yet, but as you fall and see the lead man of the jumpers land expertly, you see the first troops scramble toward the body. Less than five seconds until you land yourself, your telltales indicate that the wounded man, your only mage, has lost enough blood that his condition has deteriorated. You could very well have to kill him, although you hope not, if he is unable to escape with the rest of you. His body cannot be allowed to provide proof of your team's assistance in this operation lest it provide Maxim with another lever to push around your employers like some bully child with a baseball bat. Pulling down hard on your control lines, you arrest your descent at the last instant, with your teammate landing almost perfectly alongside you near the entrance end of the bunker. Looking up as you cut the weighted lines loose from your armor and drop the quick-release harnesses from your torso, you see the combat mage land to the west on a totally different bunker. You realize that you'll somehow have to either kill him or cover him as he crosses the 100 meters between the two bunkers. Unfortunately, the last teammate, the woman using the emergency parasail, falls totally outside the armory perimeter, to the southeast of the target bunker. You're scattered worse than you had feared, but you begin to collect yourselves as you catch a quick glimpse of what appear to be black winged shapes approaching from the west, along the line of least resistance between the shadows. Your thermal eyes are barely able to make them out, and then only by the well shielded electric fan motor, and they're well below the radar, only meters above the fences when you spot them. You crouch down and cautiously approach the entrance of the bunker from the top of the bunker itself, avoiding the airvents lest your movement draw attention. Off to the west, your wounded magical teammate has apparently stopped moving for some reason. Without breaking the radio silence you are maintaining you can't be sure why, but you suspect to deal with his wounds as well as to take command of the team. Behind you, the two others on the far end of the bunker are shuffling forward, carefully but quickly, with your trainer's cyberware making him inhumanly fluid. The roar of Maxim's guns and rockets have quieted down now, with the first stage of the distraction complete and fire not being returned. Nearby, you hear the very quiet but distinctive whine of a Nightglider on approach, and you see four figures less than 5m above the ground. Your teammate ahead of you has stopped and drawn his weapon, an HK227 with a sound suppressor in place of a gasvent, and he appears to be taking careful aim at a target just ahead of him. From your position 3 meters back, you can barely see the crown of the helmet of the guard he is taking aim on. However, before this can happen, at the same instant the telltale on your wounded teammate goes green again, the roar of autofire fills your ears and would have deafened you had your aural damping not engaged at the right time. Rolling to the right and bringing your HK227 to bear, you see a crouched guard sweeping autofire with what your internal data identifies as a Tower combat rifle, over your teammate and toward you. Your teammate jerks and spasms and his telltale instantly turns red, then black as his vital signs indicate nearly instantaneous death, and you begin to return fire. However, before you successfully intersect the stream of armor piercing death from your SMG with the crouched body of the Maxim guard, his body locks up and he jerks, then falls to the side just prior to his armor piercing rounds hitting you. His weapon, with his finger locked in a grip of death, fires rounds across the armory grounds for less than a second before the weapon's ROF empties the clip. Luckily, his death grip didn't fire off the burst capable integral grenade launcher or you'd not be alive. As you turn to target the threat alerted guard, your senses are again submerged in static. +++++ End Trideo Download +++++ That's all for this time, friends. More later, I hope.]<<<<< -- Trideo Pirate <16:34:14/03-10-57> *****PRIVATE: Griffyn, Action Jackson >>>>>[ The nuclear devices, formerly located at the Maxim Cairo facility have been neutralized. ]<<<<< -- Tangent <18:00:12/03-10-57> *****NOT TO: Maxim, Interpol, etc. >>>>>[Well, I just wanted to tell you what happened with my part of the team before we connected with the HALO team. We didn't have anywhere near as much trouble as they did, what with all of us wearin some heavy-duty sneaksuits and coming in below the standard radar, but we did have some problems too. I'll let the simsense that Trideo Pirate got access to talk most of the stuff that it can, but add stuff that the woman didn't see as we go into more detail later. We, the Nightglider team, got ourselves to our stagin position well out of range of the fraggin assassin drones Maxim was using to randomly patrol the klick or so of jungle immediately around the facility. We were there about 2 hours early, but this was intentional because we wanted time to relocate if we had to and to set up our disassembled Nightgliders. I'm glad we got there early too, since Griffyn and Buzz weren't as familiar with the finer points of Nightglider construction, so DD and I had to help them out some. We didn't have any problems, I'm happy to say, until well after we got off the ground. With zero-hour as 22.05 local time, we lifted off at 21:45, which gave us all some time to circle if necessary as well as the time to weave our way around and disorient Maxim in case we had been seen already. We were keepin to the upper canopy level, flyin around the trees stickin up through the canopy ceiling, hopin that all the trees would create the same effect as ground clutter. Even with the sneaksuits and Nightgliders, we wanted to minimize detection possibilities. As we got closer to the facility, we started to circle toward the west corner, over by the armory where we waited for the distractions to hit. And hit they did, right on time, too. At precisely 22:00, the first shells that Tigger was firin fell into the center of the facility, nearly strikin the hardened vertical missile launcher. Too bad he missed, but he didn't have much of a chance to do more than that, because before the first shell even hit the ground, the DG-4 Templar was liftin off it's pad on it's fraggin near instantly active VT engines and turnin toward where he had fired from. About this time, we cought sight of the locals firin the first salvos of the missiles from the north. You should have heard the noise. All of a sudden the streets begin to empty except for the hard core troops and guards, who begin to pour out of their bunkers, fully armed. It didn't look like they had already known that the raid was going to happen, just that they'd gone through this particular drill so many times that one more time, this time for real, wasn't a big deal. Two MRD-7 rotodrones lifted off from the helipads and the engines of the Collussus as well as one of the S-MArt ACV rocket artillery kicked in. With the landin of the first shell, the DG-4 did somethin that no other artillery piece I know of can do: it fired both railguns simultaneously. The DG stands for "Double-Gun" and it's designed to alternate fire from the guns to double the standard ROF of an artillery piece. Well, this fraggin gun spat two shells at the same time. My latest data said that the capacitors weren't capable of doing that. Obviously, Maxim's improved their railgun caps somethin fierce. The recoil from the shells being fired threw the Templar back several meters before it arrested itself. Then the first salvo of missiles hit the perimeter of the facility, but were repulsed. The first salvo never even hit the ground because of the air and fire spirits that suddenly manifested and literally threw them all over the place. I think that maybe two or three out of 18 hit the airfield, which was the target area, and actually did damage. Maxim, on the other hand, fired a salvo of over 20 missiles from the S-MArt artillery and the damn things streaked right over us. We fraggin near lost DD and his glider because the heat of one of the missile's passage fused a strut. Luckily for all of us, he dove at the right time and the glider took the heat that would have cooked him instead. About this time the last two shells from the artillery hit the facility, almost simultaneous with the strike of the second, and last, salvo of incomin missiles. The two shells pounded the main motorpool's garage and the last detonated almost in the center of the airstrip. The second salvo of missiles had a little better success than the first, but not much. It was similarly dispersed by the spirits, with the extras striking one of the helipads, the tarmac, and the airstrip as planned. The second had several WP warheads that struck the tarmac and made visibility really fragged up for a while there. The impacts did throw one of the Apache 3 choppers around a little, but not enough that it couldn't get off the ground, and the damage to the airstrip didn't phase Maxim's fighters one bit, which just lifted off vertically on their VT engines, like the fraggin F-B Eagle does. Next thing you know, the sky is fillin with aircraft of one kind or another. We didn't get a chance to see how the outgoin artillery fared and how our distraction team would likely stand up to the bombardment, but Maxim sure reacted a lot faster than we had expected. We found out later that....well, I'll leave that for the other team to talk about. We began our approach as Maxim was openin their vertical missile bunkers to fire more missiles at our team in the jungle, but then we realized that they were also firing five SAMs vertically. It seemed that our deckers either missed the Radar system or somethin, because the HALO plane was the only thing that could have been overhead at the time. We had to time our approach perfectly to coincide with the guards on several towers so we didn't get nailed with crossfire. Our original plan had been to rise up enough to go over the towers rather than through them, but about at this point, the anti-air towers started firing into the air, killin that idea quick. The rest of the team had named me leader since I had the most experience with Nightgliders, so I dove low over the perimeter and hugged the ground, just barely over the level of the fences, at about 15 meters. Unfortunately, this was also almost exactly the level of some of the towers and didn't leave much clearance for the perimeter fences either. And it also put us at about the level that the watchers liked to patrol the perimeter fences too. Griffyn later told us that he had had to kill two watchers before they reported to their magical masters. Yep, this mean that the mages in the facility knew that their perimeter was being assaulted somewhere. Luckily for us, just destroyin the watchers didn't give Maxim any clue as to where along the perimeter we were, only that we were there. Things seemed to be goin so well, too..... Looking inside the armory perimeter, we saw the HALO team scattered around both ends of the nuke bunker, a regular bunker nearby, and one outside the armory even. That's when DD noticed the guard sneakin around to catch the team nearest the entrance to the bunker off guard. He even broke radio silence to tell Griffyn since the guard was out of range of all his weapons, and mine too. Griffyn felled him with a pretty powerful mana spell of some kind, but he was too late to save one of the team. Already, after seeing a HALO body bounce, we were down to 9 total to destroy the nukes rather than the original 11, and we'd not even all gotten onto the ground, never mind into the bunker. And we almost had a few problems too, because we flew right over a paracritter patrol that I just couldn't avoid. Luckily, it was only a Hell Hound patrol rather than a barghest or, worse yet, basilisk patrol. Somehow, probably with it's hearing, it knew we were there, but the guards didn't seem to catch on. Fraggin good thing too. The next shock was Buzz's glider. When Griffyn blasted the Maxim guard, his deathgrip fired off his Tower rifle and the autofire ripped through Buzz's glider, shreadin the wing, wounding Buzz in his left shoulder, and totally wipin out the motor and powersupply. We were lucky that Buzz was the first to land anyway, since he had to ditch and he landed hard. He said later that the only thing that kept him from breaking his ankle on landin was the boots he was wearing. Buzz was lucky, too, considerin that the bullet was APEx ammo, Maxim's armor peircin explosive ammo. This round didn't explode, and if it had, Buzz would have required immediate healin or he would have bled to death from the wound. As it was, we bound it up and staunched the bleedin. The remaining three Nightgliders we set to hover/circle mode so we'd have our escape route ready as soon as we had planted the charges in the bunker. But it was not to be, I'm afraid. I'll let the lady's simsense speak for me in this regard, however, because you'll get it first-hand that way, and I could easily remember stuff wrong if I'm not careful.]<<<<< -- Slash <17:02:25/03-10-57> *****PRIVATE TO: EYE-SPY >>>>>[Corporate whore's huh? We won't ask what that makes you. If you want to frag with us, just say so. On your mark, we'll cut loose and tear you to shreds. We're as good as we say. Better maybe. If you want to frag with us, go through the official channels. And remember: we stop when you say "uncle".]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe SOURCE PATH DELETED *****PRIVATE TO: Jen and Gabe >>>>>[We've been fending search daemons and low level IC of your streams for the past two and a half days. Watch out. {Initial analysis shows they were mostly human written, originating from within the Seattle region. We've loosed a few daemon's on the style. Within the next day or two we should have some grime on the author.}]<<<<< -- #$Rfvbhf8!!!!!!!! *****PRIVATE TO: Righteous and Dana >>>>>[+++++Include File: plans.parkdale +++++Include File: security.parkdale +++++Inlcude File: inmates.parkdale +++++Include File: personel.parkdale I won't ask.]<<<<< -- fg8{[4 SD] at [Fv12] >>>>[Mr. Jackson, I hear from Mr. Pirate that your mission incurred quite a few casualties. I know a few medicinal spells and might be able to aid those who are injured. I await your reply with baited breath.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <20:20:22/03-10-57> >>>>>[Woah! There ARE a lot of you bastards out there. Ghost Face: You're human. That gives you a free pass to go anywhere and do anything you want. Orks and trolls aren't allowed into some buildings. Why? Because they might "damage" something. One of my chummers is a 200 lb troll. He isn't allowed on buses 'cause he's "too heavy". Just for kicks he and an elven friend (who weigh's over 300 -- and looks it) both tried to get onto the same bus. One after another. The troll didn't make it. Surprise surprise. That wasn't in UCAS (India actually), but the same thing happens here. Just on a smaller scale. Dwarves are comparitively lucky. We can just be called "short". (That doesn't mean we don't get attacked just for our meta-race) Trolls and orcs have it the worst. You and your pals seem to enjoy spreading this hatred. Frag you make me sick.]<<<<< -- Minnow <21:03:12/10-02-57> >>>>>[Well, here's some more of the person's simsense. This stuff skipped the middleman and appeared in my account already formatted for release. Somebody up there likes me. +++++ Include Simsense Download +++++ Unlike last time, there's no maddening static to screw with your perceptions. But you almost wish there was, since the sense of disorientation is impressive as you suddenly find yourself not only somewhere else, but in someone else's body. Again. Luckily, this section of simsense picks up precisely where the last left off. You're lying on the ground, with the smell of cordite and caseless powder in your nostrils. You spin your HK227 around to cover the appearing Maxim guard who is scurrying up the embankment that marks the edge the partially buried bunker you are lying on. Waiting until your smartlink beads in on your target seems to take forever as your body's reactions speed up and you activate your cyberware. Finally the green crosshair replaces the red one in your eyes, the signal that the Smartlink 2 has locked onto the intended target, and not an instant too soon. You back off the firing mode from full auto to a mere burst of APDS, which is more than sufficient for the only part of the guard's body that's visible: his full armored helmet. The rounds punch small holes, leaving the usual shatter pattern in the hardened plastic facemask before the impacts and final muscle spasms throw the body back down the embankment. Unfortunately, with all this autofire, there's no way that you've not drawn attention. If you're lucky, the deckers are keeping the security communications occupied, but you're not planning on it anymore. You're here to do a job, and as much as you'd like to break radio silence, Maxim could find you that way even with the deckers in the system. Your instant of discomfort passes, and you see a black winged shape descending a little faster than a Nightglider should, coming nearly directly at you. You realize just as it stalls out several feet above the bunker that it's been damaged severely, probably beyond it's ability to ever fly again, and the pilot is wounded as well. He's taken a round in his shoulder, probably from the Maxim guard's Tower rifle since one of the HMG anti-air rounds would have taken the arm totally off. His landing is terrible, but considering the pain he's likely in, he does well to still walk away. Another rueful smile crosses your face as you remember the axiom about good landings. Behind him come the three others Nightgliders, landing in two cases almost as expertly as your team could. Off in the distance, you see flashes from autofire weapons, probably Tower or Devil combat rifles from the sound of them, firing at the combat mage as he runs across the zone between the two bunkers. The troops guarding the armory perimeter apparently know you and the rest of the team are inside, and are moving to cut you off from the gate and surround you. Your enhanced hearing, with the sound filters operating properly, hears the footfalls of your instructor and his associate running forward across the top of the bunker. One set of footsteps stops suddenly and you hear a shuffle. You're too busy to visually verify what you're hearing as you begin laying down suppression fire, centered on the muzzle flashes coming from various locations around the armory. You know that your HK227 won't threaten the Maxim troops at this range, but maybe it will keep their heads down. Your teammate is still running when you see something take shape, for an instant, around him, and suddenly he is running faster than any unaided human possibly could. From behind you, you hear a single burst from an M22A2 rifle, and one of the muzzle flashes suddenly stops. Unfortunately, at this same instant, the remaining Maxim soldiers actually succeed in pumping several rounds into the running mage and your second in command, tripping his run up and causing his telltale to again change from green to amber. You again see your instructor's cybernetically enhanced speed as he runs out to help your fallen teammate to his feet. You see that your teammate is limping badly as the two of them, while you provide cover for them to make it to the comparable cover of the bunker you are still atop of. One of the glider pilots, the mage, gestures to another glider pilot, an explosives expert, who removes a small amount of C-12 form his webbing. Your instructor takes careful aim at the door of the bunker you're on, from a crouched position, and fires a burst from the attached shotgun. The burst, obviously doorbuster type ammunition, fills the half buried security door in smoke and noise, while at the same time the magician casts a spell at the corner of the facing bunker. The ram spell blasts a hole in the side of the bunker as part of the planned diversion and also sends debris flying, hopefully distracting a couple of Maxim troops who have been firing at you. The bunker door here, however, remains unopened. The door is obviously stronger than your instructor had expected. You are still taking fire from Maxim troops in the armory, but your return fire has quieted down some. The short man who you handed the C-12 to crouches down in front of the door and carefully but expertly places the explosive at points on the door that will enable it to be blasted off it's rails. He obviously prepared for the strength of the door, and you make a mental note to ask him how he knew about it. You begin to wonder, as you return bursts toward the Maxim troops to keep their heads down, why you've not run into any magical troops yet. Just as you complete that thought, an earth elemental manifests in front of the bunker door, followed almost immediately by another. As quickly as they appear, the two elementals disappear back to the Astral plane again, and the demolition expert backs out of the hole quickly, trailing a thin wire connected to a detonator, which he hands to you while he pulls his pack off his back. Again, the earth elemental appears, this time looking battered and wounded, if an elemental can truly look that way, and lurches forward at your wounded team mage only to be intercepted by a glider pilot wearing the outfit of a modern ninja and wielding a katana. The two of them spar for an instant before the katana slips through the elemental's powerful defenses and slices through the torso of the manifest elemental, destroying it at the same time that your instructor's associate throws multiple smoke grenades across the armory, plunging it rapidly into thermal and visible oblivion. The explosives expert makes a quick gesture, at which everyone you can see lowers their gas masks, and you trigger the explosives. The blast knocks the ninja, the person closest to it, off his feet and you hear the sound of a twisted, destroyed security door bouncing around inside the bunker below you. You arm the special gas and concussion grenades that the explosives expert gave all of you when you discussed your plans and you drop one into the now open bunker entrance. In the instants you have before it detonates, you and everyone around you slaps themselves with anti-toxin patches designed specifically for the toxin your grenades are pouring into the bunker. The short man who developed the toxin told you that it would cause excruciating pain and unconsciousness within second without the patches. You leap down to just outside the bunker entrance and, along with the wounded glider pilot and your instructor's associate, pump concussion and flash grenades into the interior of the bunker, followed by gas grenades. You remember the short man explaining that the armor was sealed, but that Maxim military helmets were susceptible to concussion effects, so concussion grenades would create small enough cracks in the faceplate for the toxin to penetrate the armor and be inhaled. Still covering each other, something else goes wrong. Something small and resembling a small watchers appears next to you and you suddenly becomes ground- zero for some area spell that catches almost everyone around you. You know the effect too well: a Maxim mage in Astral just grounded a spell through and now you're wounded. Luckily, you are able to fight off most of the effects, but not everyone was so lucky, especially as you see your second in command's telltale go from amber to blinking amber. He's dying, quickly, he knows it, and none of you can spare the time or energy it would take to heal him. All the carefully laid plans everyone had agreed on are already useless. The glider mage sends in an air elemental to evacuate the gas out of the bunker, whether it's done it's job or not and smoke and gas is suddenly pouring out of the entrance of the bunker, enshrouding you. However, with the masks everyone is wearing as well as the anti-toxins in your bloodstream, no-one appears to feel the debilitating pain and lethargy that the toxin produces. You, your instructor, and the other HALO jumper are the first into the still lit bunker. You fan out to limit your exposure, and your hearing indicates that the rest of your combined teams are entering rapidly behind you. You three advance rapidly up through the bunker, reaching the first guard. He has an obviously cracked helmet facemask and is breathing, but his muscles are locked and he's obviously unable to move in any way. Your instructor finds a second guard, this one dead from an allergic reaction with the custom toxin that filled the bunker. You turn around to see that the ninja and the other mage have take position at the entrance and are covering it as best then can. Your instructor is also moving to aid them with more firepower. You can see the strange flashes of magical combat mixed with more mundane explosions outside through the entrance, and you can hear the sound of gunfire. Behind you the wounded glider pilot, your instructor's associate and nuke expert, and the explosives expert are very carefully removing the nuclear triggers from the devices and preparing to destroy them. You think that you have only a minute or so before the smoke and confusion clears and the drek hits the fan. Very little happens for most of the minute, with the exception of gunfire from outside the bunker, a couple of expended arrows from the ninja in return, many bursts from your instructor, and a tremendous explosion from the southeast, either the missile bunker or the semiballistic. The experts are nearly done, with one more trigger to rig for demolition, but the short explosives man hasn't even started rigging his charges yet, almost as if he knows something you don't. You hear something happening outside the bunker, and suddenly the telltale of your physical adept teammember, who fell outside the armory perimeter, blinks to black at nearly the same time your mage's changes to red, indicating that he's nearly dead as well. It's only the two of you now, and soon you'll be the only survivor of the whole team. That was not supposed to happen. The explosives expert leaves the other two and removes a couple of canisters from his pack and places them centrally in the bunker. You recognize them as a binary fuel air explosive, which, when combined with a small detonation charge, will collapse the bunker easily. At the same time as the expert is placing and arming the radio detonator, something else happens and you start felling queasy. In your suddenly nearly deaf ears, you barely hear the an alarm sound and start to lose consciousness as your internal status display indicates dangerous stresses on some of your cyberware. The ninja is barely standing upright and the your instructor shouts "Ultrasonics!" You remember that the explosives expert gave you a small device he said would help with the effects, and you slap at it as you begin to fade away and feel a warm liquid running down your upper lip. The feeling begins to fade and you lurch over to the two nuke experts, neither of whom are doing well. You move as if in a haze, and you see the sparks of violently failing cyberware around the datajack of the glider nuke expert before you activate his sonic canceler as well. The pain from the small electrical discharges must be severe, as he howls in anguish over the last of the effects. You, your instructor, and the glider team's mage are the most unaffected of all of you, and you rush toward the entrance just in time to see a large, obviously armored approaching through the dissipating smoke, followed quickly by three other figures in similar armor. It is obvious that you will need to buy some time before everyone is fully conscious and aware again, so you take aim at the Maxim Arms insignia on the chest of the front figure and fire full auto. You suspect that you do very little damage, even with the APDS, and the figures, likely a Maxim Quad, scatter and begin returning fire with weapons that include a minigun. Your internal status display indicates that your cyberears and their integral systems are operating at 10%, but it's enough to hear the explosives expert begins swearing loudly behind you. He looks up at the rest of the team, who have now completed their demolition charges, and says "Sonic shattered remotes. Someone has to stay behind." You're about to volunteer when your dying team mage and second in command does so. Nobody complains, since it's obvious that he'll die anyway. Seeing that your original plan of escape, the entrance, has already been cut off, the glider mage stands off at the northwest wall, appears to focus himself, and blasts a chunk out of the wall with his ram spell. Your instructor's associate helps with his SPAS-22 shotgun and more doorbuster ammo, and within instants the hole is large enough to get through. You break radio silence for a single transmission and call the Distraction team: "Ripley, Tigger, out in 30 seconds. Commence now." In reply you get a click from each. You see the guards at the entrance being a quick but careful fighting withdrawal into the bunker. >From what you see, your instructor is running low on ammunition for his M22A2 when one of the Quad members sends a stream of boiling liquid through the entrance of the bunker. The interior of the bunker begins to fill with noxious gasses and the floor is suddenly covered with the bubbling mess left over from an acid bomb. The explosives expert finishes re-rigging the FAE canisters and hands the dead-man detonator to the mage, and you turn to cover the backs of the exiting members. The wounded glider pilot who helped rig the nukes is coughing even through his gasmask and appears barely able to breathe in the noxious, acidic air. Your second in command tosses your instructor his HK227 and extra ammo. Your instructor, firing one last burst with the shotgun at the Maxim figure in the entrance, shouts "Could you please stop shooting at the thermonuclear weapons?" and then scrambles up and out of the bunker. You chuckle and you continue providing cover with careful bursts which seem to have very little effect against the armor the Quad is wearing, until the last man, the other nuke expert, is out. You pull a single grenade, throw it at the entrance, salute your teammate who will stay and detonate the nukes and the bunker around him, and then leave. +++++ End Simsense Download +++++ If I'm lucky, I'll get more where that came from. ]<<<<< -- Trideo Pirate <19:17:59/03-10-57> >>>>>[Well, I'm going to take care of some of this drek. We were in position about 2 kilometers from the perimeter to the southwest when Tigger and the rest of the distractions team fired up the missiles and the artillery. We had been in position for at least an hour. Gunny, one of the locals, and Green Hornet had been sitting behind their Great Dragon AVMs for at least half that time, waiting for the distraction to kick in. When it did, it only lasted a minute, maybe less, before we got confirmation from one of our deckers inside, Dick Tracy, that not only had a Thug been dispatched that would come through our area, but that the HALO team had been discovered already by a communications glitch when the plane through a narrowband, tightbeam satlink. Most of us looked up and saw, as DT was saying that we'd be needed badly soon, the explosion that took out the HALO drop plane. At about this time the Thug came rumbling by and was pounded by three different anti-armor missiles, which blew the thing into hot chunks. At about the same instant, we armed the missile scuttling charges and connected with our already moving Thug. Inside, we plugged ourselves in and started broadcasting on all channels about being ambushed. Kato did an amazing job of limping really fast back to the road, and Phantom was still in contact with the deckers inside, who told him that they had intercepted a visual of the switch from a Jovian-6 surveillance drone. Phantom was also able to modify the IFF transponder on our Thug to closely match the other's, with intentional degradation to duplicate the effects of true damage. The internal mikes were kept active and all 12 of us were screaming as if we'd taken a LOT of damage and we were severely wounded. Now, you need to get an idea of what the Thug looked like. It's treaded, with a remote medium turret set off-center on the top, over where the passenger would sit if it were a civilian vehicle. it's got four exit points, a top hatch, two single side doors, and a rear ramp hatch. We'd duplicated the effects of having the top and one side door blown off and punched holes through it with heavy weapons to simulate the effects of an ambush. The Thug is only lightly armored as these things go, I've been told, so it wasn't unreasonable to expect the level of damage we inflicted on our Thug. The turret was also damaged, but carefully enough that it still had full fire capability, one of the two missile pods still attached, but looked like it was about to fall off it's mounting. And we attached a small submunition dispenser, for remotely activated anti-personnel minelets, to the bottom between the tracks. Jasmine didn't like the minelets, being a Snake shaman and all that, but Green Hornet assured her that they were for distraction and confusion only and that they weren't powerful enough to really hurt someone unless they stepped on a bunch of them. Our goal was to get through the gate and then destroy as much of Maxim's ability to pursue us as we could, and by about this time, we'd made it to the gate. Phantom told us that the Nightglider and HALO teams were on the ground, but that things were already going badly for them in the armory, and that Maxim was probably less than a minute from figuring out that they had deckers in their system. We kept coming closer and closer to the gate, but it was fraggin closed! Closed, to a friendly Thug with wounded. It was this point when I was glad that we had Jasmine along. She was playing the squad's combat medic, a job she did very well, and she radioed the gate and told them that we had wounded and dying troops here, and that we needed to be let in NOW, and that she'd take responsibility if she needed to, and that if they didn't let us in immediately she'd get them nailed to a wall. Well, it worked, and the gate slowly opened, even if all the guns of the three pillboxes were targeting us directly. Going through that gate complex was very uncomfortable. Not only is it concrete lined, 5 to 10 meters tall and topped with coiled razor wire, it's lined with mines and you're under the barrels of at least 6 heavy weapons and a missile launcher, not including the elementals which are always around. As we got closer, Kato said he could see AJ waiting just inside the inner gate complex. Behind us the gate closed again, including all the tank traps, the gates, everything, and we knew that there was no way we were getting out through that gate again. AJ was in the forefront of the medical personnel and was obviously taking charge, since all the other doctors and medics were taking his orders. They scattered as he addressed the only other doctor there and faced him down. That man has some incredible charisma and willpower sometimes, and that's what got us past the MSI medical personnel and let us rush right in, past guards, medical personnel, a tower and a team of military riggers running toward their hovertank as we passed it. And all through it Kato was having our dispenser scatter AP minelets all over the road we sped along. AJ said that our destination was the main hospital in the Security center, since it had the best medical facilities in the site, but that we'd better prepare for operations when we got close to the airfield. Everyone got the RPGs and rifles ready and we doublechecked the main gun and the missile pod so we could use them instantly if necessary. But you know something? Looking around, I realized that there wasn't anyone non-essential on the streets. Sure, there were 8000 or so Maxim employees there, all wearing sidearms, but only a fraction of them were out and visible. All the others had disappeared into the housing buildings, medium sized 2 story buildings. It was obvious that all the drek that we were doing to the facility had either been tried before or been simulated so many times that this was not much of a shock or inconvenience. Frag, even the production lines didn't stop, although we found out later that they were throwing parts and breaking by the time that the deckers got done with them. We were continuing as quick as we could while still maintaining some semblance of our cover when Kato announced that the submunitions were all out. That's about when Phantom also told us that the deckers had gone off line after saying that they were under intense pressure and that we were on our own. Unfortunately, this meant that our cover was about to be blown, and we'd just cleared the corner of one of the production facilities. Luckily, Jasmine had cast a mask spell and was keeping it up around the IFV, which now looked like an ambulance. In front of us was about 300 meters of airfield, taxiway, tarmac, and armored bunker, plus a mortar pit, chopper pad, and a beautiful target, a Maxim semi-ballistic sitting outside the hanger. We sped up a little and followed our route toward the one place we shouldn't have been going, the central security complex, but Kato rotated the turret to face the missile pod toward the plane while the rest of us took up positions to fire RPGs and spells at the drones, choppers, and the planes we could see in the bunkers. And there were some of them. Our recon, as good as it was, and as good as the sat shots were, didn't prep us for what Maxim really had in those bunkers. At this point, one Massif-4, a Maxim ground support fighter, and a Blood Rose air-superiority fighter were out trying to engage, and possibly succeeding, our distraction team in the jungle, but in the bunkers were two more Massif-4s, another Blood Rose, and a Wyvern aerospace fighter too. Not nice. And the chopper pad near the gate was empty, although we were overflown by a Hughes Bandit on our way in, and we saw the other pad was slightly damaged. There was another chopper, Kato said it was an Apache Mark 3, being wheeled out to the tarmac from the bunkers, and we saw at least 5 more inside being armed and readied for combat. This was a bad thing. And the drones.... There were dozens of them, from MRD-4 and -7 rotodrones to tilt-rotor Shadowhawk RPVs and even a couple of Bloodkite RPVs too. Kato seemed impressed, and he was chatting with the rest of his chummers about Maxim's firepower. Even with all 24 RPGs, we couldn't hope to destroy or even damage all the vehicles that could pursue us, so we got ready and, just before we reached the next corner of the production building, Kato fired the AVM and Jasmine dropped the mask. With the start of gunfire, it wouldn't have worked much longer anyway, and she said that it wouldn't work against electronics either. Everyone armed with RPGs popped up and fired them at various vehicles, hoping that the area effect of the blast would damage enough drones or troops to slow them down. The AVM met with a beautiful ending that probably gave us enough to confusion to get turned around and heading toward the far perimeter. The AVM hit a wing fuel tank and detonated, sending a fireball into the sky that lit up the jungle and the facility with a beautiful but hellish light. It worked, until we heard the whines of vectored thrust turbines starting up from the other side of the Security building, where the Collussus MBT was stationed. We were in a lightly armored and intentionally damaged Thug. That fraggin thing wouldn't stand a single shot from the Collussus's RVL-1, never mind the 175mm cannon. AJ swore as Kato threw it into a u-turn and almost threw him from the Thug, and then ripped off his medical outfit and started putting together his Ranger-X bow. You could see that things were not going as well as he had hoped just by looking in his eyes. Frag, we all knew that. Jasmine again came through, this time casting a spell that created a darkness around us so that the flashes from the rifles wouldn't give us away, although the RPGs still would. Too bad it didn't work against mechanical sensors.... The rest of us were blasting away at anything that was firing back at us. Gunny got a cheer when his grenade launcher lit off a couple of rotodrones with an expertly placed minigrenade. But Maxim was starting to get themselves together and we were starting to run out of ammo. Jasmine's illusion worked only as long as we didn't run into any drones or cameras and, wouldn't you know it, the next thing we know we're getting strafed by three rotodrones. One of them was nearly a full chopper in its own right, and it comes barreling in at us, guns blazing. I was only barely able to cast a bullet barrier in time to partially shield us from some of the shots, but enough got through to hit and wound a couple of the locals. Gunny, with a couple of air-timed grenades, was able to blast the sensors of one of the drone, and the rigger controlling it lost control and crashed the fraggin thing. The combined effects of 5 or 6 assault rifles brought the other one down after its rotor was damaged. But the MRD-7 stayed up until the fire elemental I sent at it ignited it's fuel, at which point it made a beautiful explosion. Our plan was to head across the airfield, which we were doing, and to get close enough to some of the rotodrones to destroy all or most of them. With the Thug's cannon covering us, Green Hornet, Doc Savage, and I got out to set charges on the drones we were near. Unfortunately for us, a fraggin ground combat drone, a Black Angus, if I remember correctly, decided to take this opportunity to introduce us to it's Monster combat gun. If you've never been face to face with Monster combat weapon, be glad. It's got four barrels including an LMG, automatic grenade launcher, and two assault rifles, all modified for belt feeds. Well, this fraggin gun sends us scurrying for cover and goes and kills two of the locals in the Thug. Green Hornet makes it back to the Thug, which starts moving around to pick us up before taking LMG rounds and being forced back by exploding grenades. I don't know for sure what happened with the rest of the Thug's crew while we were running, but this is what Doc Savage and I ran into. We ran into a Quad. The grenades had driven us back from the Thug and around behind a concrete barrier at the edge of the drone pad. Doc poked his head over the barrier and saw that the Thug was being driven away, and that Green Hornet was clear of the drones, so he blew them and created a large hole in the ground in the process. Well, we hauled hoop, keeping low, and almost missed them. Doc was as surprised as I was when, suddenly, there were four armored and armed figures running across the tarmac at our position. We could barely see them, and I was NOT about to kick over perception to Astral to verify that they were there, so I summoned up my best Hellblast and flung it at them. Something was very wrong, because it worked, but didn't do anything. A hellblast as powerful as I threw should have melted the flesh off their bones and fused it with their armor, but it did nothing. Nothing. The only thing that makes sense is that it has to be the same kind of armor that those dragon people are wearing, at least in principle. If I'd looked at it in the Astral, I'd be able to verify this, but that would have been suicide in this place. Doc fired off some rounds from his SMG, but the figures just seemed to shrug them off, and one of them even showed a shimmering like an anchored bullet or physical barrier. Not pleasant. We looked at each other and began to run. Let me tell you, that Quad could move. Not only did the armor likely contain either magical masking of some kind or Ruthenium coating, but they made no sounds as they ran. They were carrying ramjet rifles with grenade launchers, and as we began to run, they began to fire, following us. The impact of the rounds on the concrete disintegrated part of the barrier we had been hiding behind originally, and we ran hard and fast. I ended up calling on an air elemental to help me, since I couldn't keep up with Doc or outrun the Quad behind me without it. Well, what happens when you're in enemy territory with an elemental helping keep you alive? Your pursuers try to take control of your elemental, and fragitall if the Quad mage didn't succeed too. Next thing you know the elemental is sucking the breath out of my lungs and I've stopped cold. Doc must have realized that I wasn't still behind him, because he stopped cold, landed on his back, and flung an aerodynamic grenade at the Quad, which distracted them long enough for me to banish my own elemental before it could kill me. Needless to say, I was starting to get really fraggin pissed, but before I could sling a spell, a single black arrow punched through the physical barrier, the armor, and out through the Quad member's back and stopped the guy as if he'd hit a wall. You gotta love AJ and his bows. AJ sent a second arrow at one of the Quad members, but this one was fast enough to get out of they way, but the surprise was enough. The Thug, with the rest of the team providing cover, put itself between us and the surviving Quad members, and Doc and I climbed aboard. Kato pulled away hard and fast, but this time I was prepared for it and didn't fall out of the back again. We got a couple hundred meters away when something exploded on the left side and the Thug lurched to the left and almost rolled. Kato shouted "Busted Track! Everyone out NOW!!!" and we grabbed what little we could and scattered, me going with Doc, Kato, Phantom, and Green Hornet, and Jasmine, AJ, and Gunny going together. No sooner had we all gotten out that a supersonic blast nearly knocks us on our hoops as a couple of shells from different directions intersected with the Thug, turning it into scrap metal. One was later described to me as a HESH and the other a HEAT shell, one each from a Jackson and the Collussus MBTs. The blast did what the shell passage didn't: it blew us out and away from the Thug and to the ground. The blast also caught the last of the locals, leaving only us Seattlites alive. But we were hardly unwounded. I took some shrapnel in my side, Doc some in his left forearm. Doc's was buried so deep that it was lodged in the bone. The best we could do was bind it tight and run. Green Hornet, seeing that the vehicle that took out our track was still active, blew off a track with a well placed grenade, and a second one blasted off the sensors, effectively taking the tank combat drone out of action. The team was split, and Kato and Green Hornet got us going toward a chopper he saw about 500m away. The last thing I saw of Gunny and that part of the team until after the raid was Gunny going down on one knee and taking aim at the Collussus MBT with his RPG. Then I turned and followed Kato and the rest of the gang. I'll let AJ tell that side of the story and tell how we escaped in a bit..]<<<<< -- Foxey Roxey <19:25:53/03-10-57> >>>>>[Well, here we are again, this time with what I suspect will be the last of the simsense I've been given. I don't know exactly what happened after the end of this, but feel free to inform us peons. +++++ Begin Simsense Download +++++ Again, you feel a little disoriented as you return to the life of another person, a female street samurai, in the heat of battle. The first sense you regain is tactile, as your hands reach out and grab the sharp edges of rock and concrete punctuated here and there with bent rebar. The next sense is smell and taste, so similar that you can literally taste the smell of burning aviation fuel and ignited gunpowder. Next is sight, but your eyes have shifted their spectrum into the infrared to enable you to see the edges of the hole you are climbing through. You are all set for your hearing to return next, but it doesn't. It takes you an instant for you to remember that you are deaf, from the blast of ultrasonics that nearly killed you. In front of you the night sky is black as coal in the infrared, until your cybereyes switch back to low-light as the head of your instructor appears in front of you and helps you out of the cramped hole. The short explosives expert gestures and takes off running toward the far armory perimeter fence. Even through your barely operational cyberears, you still hear the sounds of violent explosions near the airfield behind you. Your internal chronometer is counting down, and you have 4.678 seconds until the distraction group fires their rockets and then only 18 seconds before the rockets impact their targets. You see that the ninja is limping slightly, likely caused by the ultrasonics. In front of you is almost 200 meters of bare ground and bunker roof to cross without being killed, and at least two of you are wounded. In front of you, the edge of the jungle lights up with obviously magical fire that ignites the damp jungle with a more mundane flame. When the magical flash fades, it leaves in it's place only the muzzle flashes from guards and drones firing out at the jungle. In your cybereye, the last telltale from your team goes black, and beneath your feet you feel the ground vibrate slightly an instant before hear, as if from a great distance, the rumble of an explosion. You know that, within seconds, a second explosion will happen that could very well blow you off your feet if the short expert's calculations were off. You dive to your feet and you see your instructor drag down with him the glider team's mage. The explosive expert is with the nuke expert, and they are both falling to the ground in a manner that could injure them both. The ninja and the wounded man also crouch down, and just in time too. Beneath you the ground literally jumps from the force of the explosion only 70 meters behind you. You brace your body for the overpressure wave, but a second later, it hasn't arrived and you've not been bombarded by concrete fragments. Looking behind you as you begin to rise to your feet, you see a small cloud of dust rise from the area where there used to be a bunker containing nuclear weapons. You're still alive, so they were successfully destroyed, although the small plume of dust means that you'll have to undergo some decon when you get out, if you get out. You help the mage to his feet again and you begin running again toward the next bunker over, the bunker which your now dead second in command happened to land on before. Before you reach it, however, you hear the reports of mortars and distinctive whipsnaps of railguns firing. Less than a second later, the land is plunged into daylight as the flare shells ignite and begin a long, parachute constrained descent. Your eyes adapt almost instantly, switching from the ultraviolet to visible spectrum. The mage is not so lucky, as he slaps his hands across his eyes and stumbles, flashblinded. It shouldn't be permanent and should fade in a couple of seconds, you know, but for now you're in what amounts to daylight, in the open. Your instructor and his associate rush forward and help the mage the last 15 meters to the edge of the bunker. You take a very quick survey of your surroundings and see four more suits of armor leaping over the concertina wire armory fence on the far side of the destroyed nuke bunker. Two suits are extremely odd, barely visible, and all four move as if they are powered. Another Maxim Quad, no doubt, and they're coming after you. Off to the southwest you see several Maxim military troops advancing carefully along the edge of the next bunker, and, after sending a burst their way to scatter them, you follow the rest of the team up to the top of the bunker. You're still nearly 150 meters from the armory fence, however, and you know that you'll come under fire long before you reach there, only from the armory guards if you're lucky, and from tanks and mortars if you're unlucky. The seven of you continue to run, your instructor taking the lead and you bringing up the rear. From your elevated position, you can see the jungle's edge and the perimeter better. Something is definitely going on, but from the distance, you still cannot be sure what. Maxim is still firing mortar shells at the killzone, and you can see the explosions and fires being started by exploding white phosphorous and incendiary shells. All you can see are perhaps three dozen people being foolish enough to assault the perimeter directly. You continue to advance across the roof of the bunker and quickly reach the other side with the aid of the mage's spirits and muscle enhancing cyberware. Unfortunately, as your instructor begins to descend the far edge of the bunker, something forms up just to his left. The shape appears to be made of trash, chunks of concrete, sections of pipe, and dirt. It glows slightly, almost as if it's radioactive, and it suddenly reaches out and throws your instructor aside as if he's a rag doll. Your instructor falls, with at least his right arm broken, at the base of the bunker embankment, 20 meters short of the armory fence. It strikes out again at your instructor's associate, who spins and begins to fire it as well. As you begin to fire at it, it strikes the nuke expert's weapon from his hands, breaking his left wrist. The weapon, now lying on the ground, seems to dissolve away as the spirit you know to be toxic from similar encounters just lurches at you and throws a pseudopod of dripping and glowing dirt at you. You leap to the right in a vain attempt to avoid the spirit's attack, and brace for the jarring impact that will likely shatter your armor and your ribcage in the process, but it never comes. You continue your roll and turn to see the ninja, still limping, recovering from his swordstrike which removed the pseudopod from the rest of the spirit. The spirit recoils and then lurches at the explosives expert, who isn't fast enough to get out of the way. Almost faster than you can follow, the spirit engulfs the hapless man. You know that your HK227 won't do anything to the spirit and you could hurt, perhaps even kill the engulfed explosives expert, so you begin to rise. As you do so, you feel a sudden, burning pain in your left side and you see a sudden, ultraviolet flare in a beam extend forward from your side into the jungle. The pain is severe, but your internal status displays indicate that the wound affects only the muscles. No organs have been punctured by the laser. A second beam appears and punches itself through the spirit, vaporizing a small amount of its body, but doing very little else. The mage, still shaking slightly from the appearance of a toxic spirit, casts some spell. The effect is immediate, and your still malfunctioning ears hear a scream that sounds as much like the gurgle of toxic waste from a factory pipe as a scream. At almost the same instant, something manifests between you and the rapidly approaching Maxim Quad. The spirit takes the shape of a cloud of mist, which will effectively shield you from the laser effects, you hope. In the second before your view is occluded by the spirit, you see that two of the armor suits are standard CVR-7 powered armor, but the other two are very different. What little you see indicates that they are covered in what appears to be polished blades. The entire surface of the armor, and the blades appear to be shifting. You also see what can only be a helmet slaved laser mounted on the left shoulder, and what appears to be a possible weapon port on the back of each bladed forearm, and then the spirit totally blocks the view. With the spirit there, you rise to your feet and turn toward the spirit, which has apparently disgorged the man it had engulfed. Luckily for him, his armor was partially chemically treated, because his exposed skin is covered in severe chemical burns. He's unconscious, but not dead yet. The mage is barely upright after casting his last spell, and the ninja has engaged the toxic spirit in melee combat with his katana, a battle that appears to be a stalemate. You've not even reached the perimeter of the armory, yet the appearance of the spirit between you and the Quad means that the magical team knows you're here. In front of you another spirit, this one in a human form, manifests, and you barely hear it say "Hi there. Who's first?" You gesture toward the explosives expert, and the spirit turns to him. It almost seems to grimace, and then it picks up the man and lifts off the surface, flying him over the fences and toward the jungle's edge. Another spirit appears, but this one looks more like a panda than a human man. Instead of saying anything, it shambles over to the toxic spirit that is slowly beating back the ninja, and for an instant they lock into combat in the physical before they both disappear into the astral. The mage, still swaying from near exhaustion, finally collapses. The wounded glider pilot and the your instructor's associate rush down the embankment to aid your instructor as best they can. As you and the ninja grab the only barely conscious mage and drag him toward the relative safety of the embankment, you catch sight of a small spot of IR light, and you roughly shove the ninja, who almost got out of your way, and the mage down the embankment. You feel more than see or hear the descent of a smart mortar shell as it follows the target designation laser and detonates mere meters from where you stood less than a second before, spraying white phosphorous all over you, the mage, and the ninja. Your armor has protected part of your body for the instant, but the burning chemical will soon burn its way through your armored clothing and burn your skin as it burns your exposed flesh already. A second shell impacts a few meters farther from you, likely deflected by the smoke the white phosphorous is creating as a side effect, and the explosion blows all of you off your feet. You feel the tear of shrapnel as you fall, and your last sight for several seconds is the nuke expert falling as well, with his entire right side bloody from shrapnel. You can hear the screams of pain that issue from at least three mouths, including your own, even as your are innundated rapidly in more water than could possibly come from anything other than a watercannon. You realize as you are slowly running out of air that a large, possibly great or free water elemental has engulfed the three of you and is literally washing the white phosphorus from your skin. Even so, you three will be scarred unless healing can be applied to your wounds almost instantly. Almost as suddenly as the elemental appeared, it disappears, leaving the three of you clean and soaking wet, but alive. Your instructor is still unconscious from the toxic spirit's blow, the nuke expert is lucky to be alive but rising to his feet slowly, the wounded glider pilot was the furthest from the exploding shell and he's just dazed, the mage is unconscious, the ninja appears to be in extreme pain, and the pain you are feeling is beginning to affect your thought processes. Shell shock is already hitting you, and you're not even out of combat yet. This is far worse than the worst Desert Wars conflicts you've been involved in, even with Saeder-Krupp and Aztechnology. This upstart corporation is significantly more dangerous militarily than even your team was prepared for. Without your hearing, it's difficult to hear what's going on around you, but you doubt that things are going well. Shells have stopped raining down on the west, but you can still hear the sounds of railguns with the added sounds of missiles and cannons firing. Then you see why, in the form of rocket engines arcing in over the ridgeline to the west and north. If the magical teams have done their work, then Maxim won't have too many elementals remaining, yet something's obviously engaging the rockets. These are the VX simulant warheads, and you hope that they drive some of the guards into a panic so you'll find your escape a little simpler. Only one of you has made it out at this point, out of 7, and the spirit should have returned by now. Just as you think this, you see the panda spirit reappear, with singed fur and a damaged paw. It gestures toward your instructor, who is obviously next in line of needing medical attention, and the two with him lift him onto the spirit's back. This spirit takes off as you peek your head over the lip of the embankment in time to see the mist spirit finally be destroyed. You are again facing four figures, but this time they are advancing more cautiously. Frag radio silence, you think, they obviously know where we are. You say "Quad coming. Get moving!" The two nuke experts grab the unconscious mage and you guide the ninja toward the concertina wire fence. You pull your last two grenades from your webbing, set them to proximity, and roll them back toward the embankment as you continue putting space between you and the bunker. You're nearly near the embankment when the two nuke experts spot something. Your instructor's associate and fellow HALO jumper stops, braces himself with the help of the wounded glider pilot, raises his SPAS-22, and fires at something through the perimeter. Through the haze of WP and shrapnel induced pain, you can barely think straight never mind see what he's shooting at, but you see something explode briefly. It takes a second to register what the explosion was, and then you remember that the outer perimeter is patrolled by roaming Pixie targeting drones. Obviously, this is what targeted you before. At this point, the star shells that were fired by the mortars and cannons finally burn themselves out and the world is plunged, after a final flickers, into blessed half-light again. Only this time, the terrain looks more like a scene out of Dante's Inferno, with explosions as something keeps setting off landmines outside the perimeter fences, fires in the edge of the jungle, the back lit white smoke of white phosphorous and thermite fires in the killzone between the jungle and the fences, and the nearly blood red glare from the fires sparked around the facility. But by far the most disturbing thing of all is the figures you had caught sight of for the first time less than a minute before. With the falling of darkness, you finally get a sense for just why the Maxim towers are wasting thousands of machine gun rounds firing at them. Before you are several dozen humanoid figures are advancing through the minefield at the fence as if nothing can stop them. But the comparison of the figures to people ends there. Some of the figures are missing heads, yet the continue to advance. Some are on fire, yet they continue to come at the fence. Some have so many holes in them that you can see thermite ignited fires through their legs or torsos, yet they keep coming. Some have even had both legs blown off, yet they reach forward with their dead arms and pull themselves toward the fence. And yet all the ammo the towers are firing at them only seems to slow them down. Once in a while, one actually get's cut into enough pieces that it stops, but this doesn't appear to be happening too often. You can feel your jaw hanging open, and you are dimly aware of the rest of the team around you reacting similarly, even through the pain all of you must be feeling at this point, including the hardened UCAS specialist who has, presumably, seen beings like these before. You think that these things are abominations against nature, even more so than the man you know organized this entire raid, who at least has some intelligence and would have the decency to die if thrown into a fire. These....things keep on coming toward the perimeter with a single-mindedness that only a mindless zombie could possibly duplicate. Another shocking realization hits as you crouch down quickly and shout "DOWN!!!" at the others, who duck quickly. Behind you, where you laid the grenades and where the white phosphorous fire is only now starting to die down, two proximity fused grenades detonate, catching one of the Quad members in a dual explosion that, hopefully, kills him. However, the same explosion draws the attention of one of the towers, which responds to it with a spray of LMG autofire. The nuke specialist turns and throws a grenade that detonates, spewing smoke and effectively shielding you from the tower's FOV for at least the time being. The first spirit returns, followed by the panda and then one other that looks like an elephant. The panda indicates that it can carry two of you, and you and the ninja climb onto it. The mage goes with the first, human-like spirit, and the two nuke experts are picked up by the elephant spirit. You all take off, up and out of the facility. You are nearly out of the facility no more than a second later when you see something floating before you, something obviously alien and dangerous. To your admittedly untrained eye, it appears to be a spirit of some kind, yet it appears to suck up everything, even the light by which you are trying to observe it. The mage, apparently having regained some semblance of consciousness, sends his last remaining elemental, a decent sized fire elemental, at it. The black hole creature barely even winks as it just seems to consume the energies of the manifest fire elemental. Two of the spirits sprint away from it, almost as if they are afraid of this creature, but the panda you are on can only move so quickly. The void moves up behind you, and then vanishes as something attacks it from astral space. Apparently, something has appeared to keep it distracted while your spirit helps get you away. In front of you, however, another spirit appears. This spirit is probably another free spirit, much like the one you are on, but it is human. You see that it is wearing a light blue suit over a dark blue dress shirt, with wingtips and a turquoise bolo tie. The spirit you are on stops and looks at it, and then it literally disappears from under you, dropping you and the ninja unceremoniously to the ground. You are not sure what happens, but you are immediately aware of where you are. You and the ninja are literally laying on the ground in the middle of the minefield, with fires and zombies around you, and with bullets riddling the ground around you as well. If you didn't know better, you'd say that this part of the perimeter looks an awful lot like the surface of the moon: cratered and void of all life. The blue suit clad spirit hovers a mere couple of centimeters above the ground and comes up to the ninja. It crouches down, picks up his head, and says "Tsk tsk, my young friend. And to think, you were doing so well too. It's a shame that you'll die more than once. I'm sure the last time was extremely pleasant for all concerned." The ninja mouths something that you can't hear, and then lunges and strikes out at the spirit, hitting it and knocking it back. All you can hear is the laughter of the spirit, almost as if in your mind, as it absorbs every magically assisted blow the ninja can land on it. The spirit stands and puts its back between the ninja and the perimeter behind you, and then fades away with the words "Smile, your on candid camera." The ninja, not understanding, looks up at the perimeter fence less than 20 meters in front of him and behind you, gets a look of terror on his face, and then stops moving altogether, turning to stone right before your eyes. The basilisk behind you cannot do the same to you, however, as you have your back to it. But it's only a matter of seconds before the guards accompanying the basilisk mow you down and end your life. Around you appears the faint shimmering of a manifest spirit. You hear it say "Lobster said to keep you guarded, because he doesn't want you to step on any mines." and you smile and step forward to the frozen ninja. As you step forward, the shimmering disappears and you hear a quiet chuckle, obviously the voice of the spirit that allowed your teammate to be petrified, and it says "Gotcha." before it fades away. Too late to avoid putting your foot down, you hear a very quiet but suddenly very loud "click." And the simsense cuts off, leaving you with nothing less than the sound of an explosion and the feeling of torn flesh, bone, and organ from the waist down. +++++ End Simsense Download +++++ That's it. So, what happened to the lady? Did she die? How about the ninja? What the frag happened to this?]<<<<< -- Trideo Pirate <20:18:29/03-10-57> *****Private: Kingpin >>>>>[John, I'm sure you've seen the drek that the Salish-Shidhe are trying to pull. Well they're not going to get away with trying to make us their lapdogs. Not if I can do anything about it. >From the list of those companies receiving this dubious honor, which would benefit us the most if we were to run against them with our Marvel assets? Get back to me as soon as possible. I want to get this rolling in time for the ceremony on Friday.]<<<<< -- Armand Lattizori (Genghis) <16:21:13/03-10-57> CEO AGRA *****Private: Genghis >>>>>[I anticipated your request, and have had my staff updating the files since I came in this morning. I've attached them. +++++include file: Turkana.dat +++++include file: Nantek.Dat +++++include file: Gaetronics.dat I feel that Turkana offers the best scenario for us. Their Eridanis Group would fit in perfectly with our expansion plans. It would gives a great deal of veritcal diversification. I've also enclosed our recomendations for operations. +++++include file: intelligence.recomendations John Fisk VP- Corporate Intelligence AGRA]<<<<< -- Kingpin <16:47:32/03-10-57> *****Private: Kingpin >>>>>[Thanks John, I should have known you would be on top of things. I'll look over the files and keep your recomendation in mind. I'll contact you if I have any questions.]<<<<< -- Armand Lattizori (Genghis) <16:57:41/03-10-57> *****Private: Kang >>>>>[+++++Begin Encryption Sequence: Beyonder This is your wakeup call. Initiate Secret War, target is Turkana. Disrupt ceremony Friday if possible. Report progress. +++++End Encryption]<<<<< -- White Queen <18:20:15/03-10-57> *****Private:Mephisto, Enchantress, Absorbing Man, Shaw >>>>>[Begin Encryption Sequence: Beyonder This is your wake up call. Initiate Secret War ,target is Turkana. Goal is Eridanis. Report situation. +++++End Encryption]<<<<< --White Queen <18:25:27/03-10-57> *****Private:Carnage, Red Skull >>>>>[+++++Begin Encryption Sequence: Beyonder This is your wake up call. Initiate Secret War mode 2, target is Turkana. Report situation. +++++End Encryption]<<<<< --White Queen <18:30:25/03-10-57> *****Private: White Queen >>>>>[+++++Internal Phone Log "Emma, did you see what those damned elves and natives are doing?" If you mean the commendations that the Salish-Shidhe are giving on Friday, then yes. "I can't believe this drek. The nerve of the Salish-Shidhe in thinking that they can give out commendations like we are children needing the occaisional pat on the head. As if any decent human being would want to be associated with them. "And the corps that are going along with them! They should be ashamed. I think it is time to use Project MARVEL." Sir, I don't know as the situation is right for that. Our agents do not have enough experience for this. "Nonsense! What have I been paying for all these years if not to use the assests we have been developing." Yes sir, I know. It is just that some of them are very young. I don't know if they will be able to ... "Well then, maybe it is time to find out which of them are able. I'm not going to spend money for nothing. "I contacted my Intellegince people about which of the corps receiving _commendations_ would be an appropriate _test_subject_. They feel, and I agree, that Turkana Enterprises offers the best chance of a return. Especially if we can acquire their Eridanis Group." Armand, listen. These are my students. They are well trained but inexperienced. I do not want to put them to any unnecessary risk. "Fine Emma. Handle it any way you want, but I want Project MARVEL initiated as soon as possible with Turkana Enterprises as the target, and Eridanis Group as the goal. And try to do something about that damn ceremony Friday. I've included Intelligence's operational recommendations, use them if you feel they are appropriate. You know the agents better than anybody. And don't worry, Kingpin is the only one is Intelligence that knows about Marvel." Very well sir. I will initiate their activation at once. "Good" +++++End Log]<<<<< -- Wilde Institute Internal Log <18:05:02/03-10-57> *****NOT TO: Maxim, InterPol, etc. >>>>>[Originally, I was only going to talk about how we got out of the facility alive, but since AJ's not speaking to anyone right now, Gunny's in a coma, and Jasmine seems to have disappeared for the time being, I guess I'll have to do their stuff too. But I'll start with what I know, which was us. After the Thug was destroyed, some of us went off with Green Hornet in the lead. Kato, however, saw something that gave him an idea: a chopper. Being a rigger, he figured that the chopper, being a stallion, would be large and powerful enough to get us out alive. The only problem with that plan was the chopper was half a kilometer away, across open ground, with no cover, and some of us were drained from casting spells or wounded from shrapnel or bullets. And then there were the troops that we could see converging on us from various sides. As you can imagine, this is not a good thing. But it fell on me to keep us at least safer than we would otherwise be, and so I cast another bullet barrier and sustained it while we ran. I also called up all my elementals except one and sent them off to distract the military troops who were starting to flank us. Those troops....they were probably spread all over the facility by now, yet we were still facing at least 30 of them, supported by drones that were swarming toward us. What chance did we have against those odds? Fraggin little, and we all knew it, but we had to try anyway. So we kept on running, scattering and hitting the dirt when a drone came by. One of the elementals helped us keep the drones from getting too close and we kept on shooting at the rotodrones too. The grenades we had were keeping the troops a little further back than without them, but we were still being hounded mercilessly. Green Hornet was the first one to take a round, even through the barrier spell. It hit him in the right arm and shattered the bone in the process. Doc Savage bound his arm to his side and we kept moving. Next thing that happens is the ground beneath us jumps for an instant. Looking to the west a small plume of dust is rising from where the armory is. If we hadn't been in such dire straits, we might have cheered, but none of us had the time or energy to devote to that right then. I felt the first of my elementals die about then, too. Nothing like pain, just the feeling that a mage gets when an elemental they summoned dies. I only had 4 left, excluding the one running drone interference and the one I'd not called up yet. And then another one died. They were only going to last us so much longer, and we still had a long way to run, so I called up my last elemental. It was my only greater fire elemental, and I only had one service on it. But it was time to move, or we'd be cut off. Next thing everyone knows, they're all running MUCH faster than they were to begin with. Fire elementals can do that, especially the greater ones, and we were crossing the ground 6, maybe 7 times faster than we could have been before. But, fraggit, something went wrong. Less than a hundred meters from the chopper, the elemental just disappears and I literally feel it die, almost as if it was attacked from the Astral. The sudden stop sends everyone falling, and we all got bruised. Green Hornet, with one arm already useless, couldn't absorb his fall well and cracked a couple of ribs. He was hurting really fraggin bad, and there was nothing my magic could do about it. I'm a combat magician, not a healer. That's Jasmine, and she was with AJ and Gunny. About this time I see what killed my elemental: another fraggin spirit, this one looking like it was sucking up the light. I wasn't stupid enough to catch a look at it astrally, since any Maxim mage in the astral could kill us all that way, but it was big, dark, and looked fraggin dangerous. Unfortunately, I had to drop my barrier to even try to nail it, and something went wrong. My aura is really attuned to the background count of the areas I'm in, even though I'm a mage, and I whipped up a really fraggin powerful spiritbolt. Nothing. Not a fraggin thing. It just seemed to say "Thank you ma'am, may I have another." Doc Savage, the physical adept of the group, rushed it in an attempt to distract it and give us a chance to get by and to the chopper. The spirit didn't do even move. Doc was at least three meters away when he just rose into the air, spun around, and got thrown at least 15 meters. When he landed, he tried to roll and reduce the damage, but all it did was keep him from getting killed when he hit the ground. This fraggin spirit, and I have no fraggin clue what kind of spirit it was, could have eaten us for a midnight snack, but it just disappeared. We found out later that it ran into the HALO team right after us, but it never came back in our direction. Doc, on the other hand, had a collapsed lung, broken shoulder and collarbone, both ACLs were torn, and his pelvis had a hairline fracture. Jasmine spent a long time with him, putting him back together on the way back to Seattle. Phantom picked him up with what must have been a painful fireman's carry, and we got running again. This time, though, I felt the last of my elementals get killed. The only fraggin one I had left was the air running drone interdiction. However, it was doing that job really fraggin well. Ever see an air elemental suddenly suck the lift from a rotodrone's rotors? How about generate an instant vortex, or really severe windshear? It's beautiful to behold the explosions as the drones crash and burn. It was about this point that the calvary came in. The Collussus wasn't interested in us at all. If it had, we'd have been dead long before we got even close to the chopper. But overhead was one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen: about half a dozen drones and dozens of rockets detonating over the compound. Less than 3 seconds later and we were almost home-free to the chopper, because all the troops converging on us stopped to don gas masks or panicked when the chemical alarms went off. Except for the special forces troops, who either had been immunized against most chemical weapons or were in chemically sealed armor. But none of us were complaining when the number of Maxim troops we had to deal with dropped from 30 or 40 to 10 or 15. Much improved, but still difficult considering that these were special forces. The drones helped keep them off us, though. Ripley with his RPVs and armed rotodrones kept the occupied enough to let us get to the chopper. Kato was actually the first one there, and the rotors were already turning as we piled in. I was fraggin disappointed, though. Instead of a combat gunship variant like I was hoping for, it was just a construction Stallion. You could tell the difference between the regular military and the special forces, though. Maxim's military is very good and well trained, but they weren't prepared for the gas. I suspect that Maxim is changing that really fraggin fast. But the Quad I tried to down with a hellblast kept on coming at us. The three who survived the spell just rolled across the ground, still coming at the chopper, until the fires were out, and then leapt to their feet again and kept on running. Unfortunately, I was the only one who could see them coming, since they were wearing thermal and ruthenium coated sneaksuits. Well, I was the only one who could see them until I blasted them, and then their suits, which have very little armor, got burned and Green Hornet and Phantom shot at them and cut them down. The squad, gratefully, was occupied by Ripley's drones. So we got off the ground, but there was no way that Maxim was going to let us go without trying to shoot down the chopper. And they fraggin near succeeded. I was astrally perceiving at this point, something that almost cost us all our lives. I had figured that, since my barrier spells and my last elemental were still around, Astral was relatively safe. No fraggin way. I was looking around when I saw a Maxim mage casting a spell at me. I know a thing or two about magic, and so I dispelled it quick before it got to me, but then jumped back fully into my mundane perceptions. Doc Savage, still conscious, shook his head as I sat there and sweated. Well, Ripley had lost half of his drones already and we could see where AJ and the rest of the team were trying to get out, so Phantom told Ripley that they needed his help more than we did. It was true at that point, but it still nearly cost us our lives. Ripley's last drones took off, and I felt my last elemental die from the mage in Astral. Beneath me, no longer hounded by the drones, the special forces team settled down for an instant as we kept firing grenades at them. Kato was keeping the smoke we'd fired between us and them really well, but then something went very wrong. Kato shouts "Hang ON!" and before we even have time to react, he swerves off to the side, loses several meters of altitude, and a fraggin missile rips by. Then he shouts "Bloodkite! Strap yourselves in, because I can't outfly that fraggin thing." We all strapped ourselves in as best we could, but some of us just couldn't. Next thing I see is a fraggin jet rip by us, without a cockpit, and the fraggin thing is armed to the teeth. Green Hornet started shooting at the fraggin thing, in the hope that he'd hit it, with no luck. Well, I was feeling pretty fraggin bad at this point, but I figured I had one more spell left in me. But I didn't need it. From way the frag away, over by where the magical team was set up to help out the HALO team, a fragging spark of electricity arcs and hits the fraggin drone. I fraggin near hit us too, but it didn't. Well, the spark strikes one of the wing hardpoints and the drone just exploded. Then the drek hit the fan. Kato tried really hard, and almost succeeded too, but the Stallion ate a SAM in the tail, blowing it almost completely off. We were a good kilometer from the perimeter, heading toward town when it happened, but it forced us down. And we went down hard, too. Kato did the best he could, but we still had to get out fast because we could smell aviation fuel leaking from the tanks, and we didn't want to be around when the chopper blew. We were barely beyond the point where we figured the last of Maxim's assassin drones patrolled the jungle, but we didn't hang around long enough to find out. Kato, still the least wounded of all of us, and Phantom helped me carry Doc Savage, but we ran into one more problem. We were trudging through the jungle when we heard an ATV coming through the jungle from the south, where we knew some of the locals had set up a couple of Grad-Ps for diversions. Just in case we were wrong, we hid as best we could, but we weren't wrong. It was an ATV alright, with wounded locals in it. We came out of hiding only to have them start swearing at us and shooting at us. Well, this time we had cover, but they fraggin made me mad. I've mellowed out since I had Arial, but not that much. I could barely stand, but the last thing I remember is standing as if I'd found new strength and coming out from behind the tree I was hiding behind, and then I remember waking up with Phantom staring down at me and feeling really fraggin tired. After I recovered my strength, I asked him what happened. Well, apparently the locals shot Kato, but he was ok. But he said that I stood up and walked from where I was out into the open. He said that my footsteps in the damp forest floor ignited as if I was a fraggin elemental, and that the locals were shooting at me, but the bullets were melting off a shield of heat in front of me. He said that my hair started lifting as I started speaking in Sperethiel, and my hair was moving as if blown by a wind, but that the air around had grown deadly calm(his term, not mine). And then he said I said, and I quote, "You just made me angry. You just fragged with the wrong snitch, chums. _Never_ frag with the Mistress." And he said that he felt some form of barrier rise around him and the rest of the team, and then the fraggin forest exploded in fire. When the fires died down, there was nothing for about 100 meters in every direction but burned husks of trees, and that all the locals bodies had just fraggin disappeared, no bones even, and I just passed out. He said that he got everyone into the ATV, which was still around, for some reason, although everyone in it was gone, and drove away as fast as he could. I woke up in the contact building in town, and apparently Maxim sent a barrage of shells at the new clearing I created, but that he'd gotten us out before that happened. Now, why the frag can't I ever remember doing this fraggin stuff everyone says I do, fraggit!]<<<<< -- Foxey Roxey <21:14:58/03-10-57> >>>>>[You'll remember in time, my dear. When the time is right, you will know and you will remember, but not until.]<<<<< -- Etsy <21:18:06/03-10-57> *****NOT TO: Maxim, InterPol, etc. >>>>>[Well, Jasmine is still nowhere to be seen, AJ's still sequestered himself away in the clinic helping keep people alive and repairing their bodies, and Gunny is unconscious, so I guess it still falls on me to tell AJ's story. Diana would, but....well, she's got other things to think about these days. I'm sorry, but this drek is all second hand, so I could get stuff wrong. I took notes on our way back from Cambodia, but we'll see. I'm sure that Jasmine and AJ will correct me if I'm wrong. Well, I guess the best place to start is right after the two groups got separated by the explosion of the Thug. As we went one way, AJ, Gunny, and Jasmine went the other, and we had a Collussus MBT bearing down on us. Apparently, they went off and angled toward the motorpool and then the housing areas beyond it. Well, I guess Gunny had one RPG left, and he decided to use it on the Collussus and teach Maxim a lesson about armor they'd never forget. The three of them ran until they reached the edge of the motor pool, and they just barely got out of the way of the Collussus. As it went by, Gunny got a good look at it's rear end, the part that usually has the least armor, except maybe the top or the bottom. Well, he fired the fraggin RPG at the Collussus, and AJ said that it flew good and true too. But something apparently went very strange, because it never hit. It just broke into pieces as it was nearing the rear of the tank, almost as if it had been cut by monowire. Jasmine figured that the only thing that could have done that was lasers. I guess Slash'll have to add the upgraded APZ to his list of new Maxim weapon system improvements. Well, Gunny didn't like that one bit, but before he even had a chance to run, he got shot. Not by any bullet though, but by the Collussus's APZ system which had not only just chopped an RPG into slices, but also tracked the RPG back to it's place of origin. And Gunny just didn't move fast enough, or maybe it didn't matter and the APZ tracked his movement. I don't know, and it doesn't really fraggin matter either. Gunny got shot, a couple of times, and the only thing that saved him from probably being cored and killed was the smoke from the fire, the gunfire, the Thug, and everything else that was burning around them. I guess it probably scattered enough light that instead of cutting gunny into small cubes of flesh, it just burned him really badly. Apparently most lasers do the most damage by vaporizing small amounts of flesh. Well, Gunny had some good sized craters, a couple of which were near enough to major arteries that he needed immediate medical attention. He couldn't have been with anyone better: an MD and a snake shaman healer. Jasmine was better suited in this regard than AJ, so she healed him a little to keep him from bleeding to death, and then the three of them got moving again. Well, the Collussus didn't come back around to finish them off for some apparent reason, probably the assault on the west perimeter, and so they proceeded relatively safely until they ran into a squad of Maxim military troops. Jasmine again saved the day, with her every useful invisibility spell. Luckily, none of the squad were astrally perceiving at the time, but that changed pretty quickly. You see, by this point the deckers were gone from the system, so Jasmine's well timed invisibility had a pretty short half life. But they weren't spotted by a camera, Jasmine figures, until just before they reached the housing units. So far, even with Gunny wounded, they were doing pretty well. Now all they had to do was get through the perimeter somehow without getting killed. I said that they'd been spotted, but I didn't mention that Gunny laid down some suppression fire and some smoke grenades too to cover their escape, and then they disappeared as well as they could down into the housing units. It was a lot safer than being out in the open, but every unit had something like 10 or so armed Maxim employees. Sure, they were probably too scared to come out and threaten these three, but they were still there. And yet again, Jasmine kept things going. She cast her invisibility again to keep them free from prying mundane eyes, and they advanced slowly and cautiously. It was about this point that they heard a rumble from the northwest, which we all know was the nuke bunker being blown. What also happened was Ripley activated the minelets, and off to the northeast, they started small explosions, as well as muted screams above the sounds of combat to the northwest. Jasmine said that Gunny had to physically restrain her from rushing in that direction to help the people stepping on the minelets. AJ, before he buried himself in his clinic, said that Jasmine looked and acted REALLY fraggin upset, which I can understand. Gunny helped drag Jasmine away toward the south, where AJ was heading, and they started hearing the sounds of pursuit behind them. I guess the distractions were confusing all right, but not confusing enough. Jasmine said that she was getting really tired maintaining the invisibility spell, and that it just wasn't going to keep them hidden from the troops who were on their tail and were probably being guided by Maxim security riggers using security cameras and sensors, so she summoned up a city spirit, which she used to confuse the drek out of the pursuing troops. It didn't last long, but long enough for the three of them to get close to the perimeter. Jasmine said that, off where the road and minelets were, they heard some really nasty sounds, like the whine of an ACV. They didn't come across it, I guess, but it was probably the hovertank we passed on the way in, by one of the chopper pads. The three of them had gotten around a tower and were nearing the edge of the perimeter when AJ supposedly told Gunny to put a couple of grenades in the nearest perimeter tower. Well, Gunny's a good shot, so I guess he did so and pretty well too. Jasmine said that the three of them, after the explosions probably killed everyone in the tower, rushed toward the part of the perimeter that it was originally guarding. AJ told her to place some charges the two outer tower supports and then blow them when she was ready. Well, Gunny noticed something that was a little unpleasant. Remember those recon trids Slash showed us, the ones with the really pretty 10cm flagstone step between the perimeter fence and the inner hedge? Well, there was a second one on the inside too, and Gunny found that it was lined with claymores, or rather a new variation on the classic claymore design. You'll have to ask him yourself, because it's his area, not mine. But these were facing inward, so Maxim had designed their perimeter to be able to kill people inside too. Swell corp. Makes me glad I got driven out when Velli took control. The hedge was obviously put there to funnel people through the gaps beneath the towers, and it was good sized. Well, Jasmine said that she made a mistake there. It wasn't that she went through the gap, but that she let herself brush the edge of the hedge. It caught her clothing, and in the process of trying to get herself disengaged, not only did she get herself more caught, but a squad of Maxim troops caught up to them, and a couple of patrols from outside caught up too. Gunny was apparently running out of ammo. Nobody expected a running firefight the entire time we were in the facility, but that's what happened to most everyone. Jasmine finally just got angry and tried to rip herself out of the edge of the hedge, which did more damage than it should have. It seems that the hedge is not only thorned with directional thorns like a porcupines, but it's branches are really fraggin tough. AJ ran up and sliced the plants with his spurs and cut her out, but they had to leave the barbs in. That turned out to be a mistake too, but it didn't hit them until later. Jasmine said that, while Gunny was doing ok keeping the inner troops busy, she was getting shot at from the external patrol. AJ had lost his bow too, and he can't shoot for drek anyway. Before Jasmine set explosives on the tower supports, she called back her spirit, which was still around, and set it to scare the drek out of the guards inside. It worked, too, until some Maxim shaman banished it, so Jasmine said. The guards running like drek gave Gunny the chance to shoot at some of the patrols outside the fence. Until another drekky thing happened, which fraggin near was the death of all three of them. A barghest came around howling. And AJ was literally just standing there, on the other side of the hedge, not doing anyone any good. Until he faded away. Jasmine said that she didn't dare catch a peek into Astral space, but that he probably misted on them, and Gunny fraggin near hit him when he appeared next to the barghest and slit it's throat with his spurs, and then he turned his hands on the patrol guards and didn't leave a single one alive. They were not expecting to have a man appear in their midst, but it happened, and it cost them their lives. Well, Jasmine said that she'd gotten the charges set and ready to detonate by this point, and on AJ's signal, blew them. Down came the tower, crashing down way too short of the fence to break down even the inner perimeter fence. AJ had stopped moving again, but the guards inside had come back. Gunny apparently had an idea of what AJ had planned, and so they broke off some of the supports and the busted armored supports off the tower platform's walls and moved them quickly over toward the fence. AJ vanishes again, and pops back on the inside of the fences, and on his idea, Jasmine summoned another spirit, this one a field spirit. She got it to do some manual labor, and next thing it's stomping through the no-man's land between the two fences, setting off everything and drawing fire from the automatic gun ports too. None of it hurt the spirit, of course, and with AJ's help, Jasmine set some of her explosives around the base of the inner fence. Luckily for Gunny, while AJ and Jasmine were working on the escape, he was using the weapons he pulled from the wreckage of the tower to keep the troops' heads down. Machine guns are good for that. The only problem with Jasmine setting the charges was that the inner fence was electrified, so I guess she placed them somehow around some of the supports which were insulated from the fence itself. When she was ready, she blew the supports, and the fence began to bend and twist. Jasmine said that she had the spirit force the fence to the ground and then AJ just laid some of the debris across the first fence. Gunny followed pretty quickly, keeping the troops at a distance as best he could with the HMG and belt of ammo, and they got to the outer fence. Jasmine said that AJ slashed through the outer perimeter fence with nothing more than his spurs, and that it was like a hot knife. But she also said that he hesitated for an instant and that she saw his hands were beginning to shake, like an athlete's after they've been working out for a LONG time. They got through the outer fence without troubles, but they still had one more barrier; the land mines. Jasmine was about to ask the spirit to help when suddenly there was a fireball grounding through it. It caught everyone it was so large. This is what hurt Gunny the most, I think, as the belt of ammo he was wearing started cooking off on him. If he'd not already used all his grenades, he'd probably not have left the field of battle alive. As it was, he had to throw the HMG and ammo a long ways and still got hurt bad. Jasmine got burned and hurt, but no where near as bad. She said that she was lucky her explosives didn't get ignited, because that would have hurt really bad. And AJ just sat there shaking, almost as if the fire didn't phase him at all. That's when Jasmine said that two spirits came up to them, both friendly, I guess. One was a storm spirit and the other a prairie spirit, and they said that they'd help the three of them through the minefield. Too bad that it was also about this time that a couple of Maxim troops poked their heads around the remains of the tower. Jasmine said that what happened next was extremely, "disturbing" was the term I think she used. AJ fell to his knees, grabbed his head, and screamed. Jasmine said that the scream was like nothing she'd ever heard. The howl of a Banshee and a Barghest were not so terrifying, she said, and that the sound was like a combination of all the primal fears of mankind combined somehow into a single vocalization. She said that AJ would understand the reference, since he made her watch the fraggin movie, but that it sounded like the sound of "ultimate suffering" from an old flat movie from the 1990s, only worse by far. When he stopped screaming, he looked up at them and said "Get the fuck out of my way." Gunny grabbed Jasmine and told her that he was hungry again, that he'd seen the look before. And Jasmine described how AJ looked then to me and said that she'd likely never forget it. She said that his face had gone pale, almost like a sheet of paper, and that his eyes had gotten almost sunken, black, and bloodshot. She said that his hands looked suddenly skeletal, as if the skin had shrunk around his bones, and that his fingers looked longer and as pale as his face. She said that his body seemed to almost grow and shrink in stature at the same time, and that the most terrifying thing about him was how his body and stature changed from that of a man to a that of a predator seeking prey. He didn't look human, she said, and then he bared his fangs behind lips that had gone grey instead of red, made some sound that was between a growl and a howl, and leapt at the guards something like 20 meters away. They saw him coming, and Gunny tried as best he could to keep them from killing him, but he didn't seem to care. Jasmine said that she was fascinated, almost in the same way someone is fascinated by a car wreck. AJ just charged the fraggin Maxim troops, who were wearing combat armor and firing rounds at him. And he got shot too, repeatedly, but it was like he didn't feel it, Jasmine said. And then he reached them and killed them. He slashed at all of them with his spurs. Jasmine said that it was disgusting as he literally put his fists through the armor and the troops wearing it. There was soon only one man standing, and AJ screamed in pain again and collapsed to the ground right in front of the guy. All around him his is squad, dead, and the killer collapsed right in front of him. So he did what any smart person does: he tried to make fraggin sure that AJ was dead. Too bad AJ wasn't. He leapt up off the ground and grabbed the poor fragger by the helmet and then tore open the breastplate of his mil spec armor with his bare hands. Imagine that, tearing open hardened milspec armor without even the aid of his spurs. And AJ buried his face in the poor fraggers neck and fed. Jasmine said that she couldn't watch, and Gunny put his body between her and AJ, but that she could still hear the sounds of AJ feeding and just the sounds were enough to make her retch. Before he came back, she said that she heard the sound of a head being taken off, and Gunny confirmed it. Jasmine said that the whole episode took less than maybe 15 seconds, yet when AJ came back he looked just the same as he had before he had screamed the first time, except he had more blood on his hands and... on his face too. Jasmine said that, while the two spirits were helping them through the minefield and keeping them from stepping on any mines, AJ kept saying "Goddamn it, not again." and "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." and "No more. I can't let this happen anymore." But it was about this point that Maxim finally decided to pull out the stops, and they set off the claymores in a last attempt to keep the three from getting out alive. Jasmine said that they were lucky because they didn't know exactly where they were at that point, but that they blew a whole line of claymores. She said that AJ, who was in the back mumbling to himself, shouted "NO!" and drove forward, sweeping both Gunny and Jasmine in front of him. He took the full brunt of a claymore mine in his back. The concussion was the last straw for Gunny, who passed out from blood loss and hasn't woken from the coma yet. Jasmine lost her hearing for a little while, but she was fine a couple of hours later. But AJ was fraggin near dead. Somehow, even after all the wounds he'd taken, something kept him alive. Maybe it's the bioware he's had implanted, maybe it's the fact he'd just eaten, maybe it was just his willpower, but something that would have killed anyone else just left him on death's door instead of inside the building. Jasmine said that there was a few other problems, but that Ripley's drones found them about at that point and the magical team sent a couple of local free spirits to help them out. They all got out with the magical team, but that's another story and not mine to tell, even though I was there.]<<<<< -- Foxey Roxey <22:20:50/03-10-57> *****NOT TO: Maxim, InterPol, etc. >>>>>[Hello. I was planning on staying out of this for a while, but Micheal convinced me to tell my side of the raid before someone else did. Considering that my side may seem to you to be a little strange, this is hard for me. By way of explanation I'll only say that things have changed some for me since I tried to kill Righteous and Dana, and that there's not a whole drek of a lot I can do about it. We on the magical team got in Cambodia a couple days earlier than everyone else did because we needed the extra time to get out individual stuff going. Lobster was the exception to that, but Shade was wheeling and dealing with the local free spirits who really didn't like the Maxim facility for a variety of reasons, and I because I needed to do some hard-core and specialized summoning that I needed to be around the area for. This also allowed us to do some up close Astral recon of the site ourselves, and we ended up being glad we did. We found that Maxim was well protected magically, which we already knew. But we didn't realize just how well protected they really were until we saw the spirits and elementals and watchers and critters around the fraggin place. But the strangest thing was the background count. Not only was it higher than the place should have had, but it just didn't feel right. It took me a while to tell what the frag it was, but when I did, I told the others and they weren't too thrilled. Astral space had an almost polluted feel and taste to it, almost as if it was going toxic. This alone was probably the reason that the local spirits didn't appreciate Maxim being around. On the day of the raid, we did one last recon and nothing appreciable had changed, except that Lobster found some evidence of some spirit he wasn't aware of. He told both Shade and I about it, but neither of us could determine what it was. I've you've been keeping up on the stuff about Maxim that's been going on recently, you probably know what it was already, but we didn't then, and Shade still isn't convinced that it's not some kind of known spirit. I am, but he's not, and he's the PhD. But hey, who knows. The day of the raid came and we three got up early and started prepping for our part of the raid. In the previous days, I'd moved my...spirits into location slowly and carefully so not to disturb Maxim and give anything away. I guess it had worked, because they were all there when we arrived about sunset. We had to be fraggin careful, and with Shade's spirits, we were kept concealed from the drones, but we did see a good number of them. Maxim must have a couple hundred of the fraggin assassin drones scattered around the site, but they don't see cold and hidden bodies too well, nor do they spot magicians moving under spirit protection, but they're fraggin explosive, have large bore four of five shot pistols, and a poison in their power hypos that will kill a paracritter in no time flat. Shade also helped us out with his shadowhound friend, who helped with his shadowhound friends in the area. I never really thought of those fragging big dogs as intelligent, but they're fraggin close enough to keep our hoops out of the fire here and there. We got into place about 20 or 30 meters back from the edge of the jungle, a little closer than we would have liked, considering that Maxim has all kinds of drek that they can throw at us if they want to, but any further back and we'd be fraggin useless to anyone. It fell on me to do the astral recon, and let me tell you, it was not fun. Astral space was fragging like walking through Puget Sound it felt so sticky and sick. It was worse than it should have been, and a drekload worse than it was even 12 hours earlier when we'd done our last recon. And it didn't get any better, either. I was careful to avoid anything that could have fragged with me or alerted the mages in the facility, and got back out again after recognizing that, besides Astral being fraggin polluted worse than usual and with the background count to match, everything was pretty much normal. While I was doing that, Shade and Lobster were sitting around making sure that they were in contact with their spirits and Shade was spending a lot of time making sure that the local free spirits knew what we wanted, and needed, them to do. They knew, but it was almost as if they knew that something bad was going to happen here too, since they have even a better connection to the Astral than Lobster and I do. What with the shadowhound and a couple of lower force spirits keeping us hidden really fraggin well, we didn't run into any trouble until just before the first diversion was supposed to happen, when we were getting ready for action anyway. Some Maxim magician must have felt that something was about to hit the fan and sent out a fraggin watcher to patrol beyond the perimeter fences, which was their usual limit because of some of the critters around the area who could shred a watcher like nothing. Well, I was lucky to have one of my loa around in Astral space just for that occurrence, and so destroying the fraggin thing was null difficulty. Too bad that it let Maxim know that there was someone or something out near the jungle's edge, and they sent an elemental to see what the deal was. About that time the diversionary team sent out the drek that let the teams get in without too much trouble. Us, on the other hand, had to distract the mages, and that meant keeping our location secret while still making their lives hell. A couple of Shade's greater spirits just crushed the fraggin thing, which must have surprised the drek out of the mages in the facility, because the quick glace I took toward the facility showed that it was lighting up in the astral, mostly from the quick and dirty summoning of nature spirits, and they popped up all over the fraggin place. Maxim went from something like 15 or so spirits to 25 in less than a minute. During that minute, though, our spirits were keeping theirs busy. Except for one. It looks like the fraggin thing ran into everyone. I guess that's lucky, though, since the fraggin spirit could have destroyed one or two of the teams totally if its controllers had let it instead of calling it off to another area. You know, the fraggin black hole spirit? Let me tell you what the fraggin thing looked like in the astral. A black fraggin rectangle. Dad's got these old flat pictures, he collects them because they remind him of when he was a kid. Well, this spirit looked like a monolith from the old, 1968 I think, movie 2001. You know, "1x4x9"? Well, that's what it looked like in the Astral, only its surface was even stranger. It was black, and it seemed to suck up even the astral around it, which is why I think the fraggin thing's a new kind of spirit. Shade's not sure, but I'm sure he's going through his old texts and contacting his friends in academia to see if they have any clue what the frag it is. Hopefully we'll have an answer. You all know by now what the fragger looks like in the physical: a black hole, or void, in the air. And I can say that the fraggin thing has, without a doubt, the ability to manifest, engulf, and it has psychokinesis too. I saw it coming and sent one of my loa at it, the same one that had been a little damaged by destroying the watcher, and then I popped back fully into my mundane perceptions so it couldn't attack me as easily. Good thing, too, because the next thing that happens is I feel the loa I'd spent so much time summoning gets geeked and the fraggin thing is attacking one of the forest spirits that was keeping us concealed here. It's concealment ability falls as it gets hurt really fraggin bad and then gets geeked too. I guess it was probably now that Maxim's radar penetrated the darkness that the shadowhounds were keeping up for us, but that nearly fell too when one of the hounds cut out running. Shade told me later that the fraggin spirit scared the drek out of his shadowhound friend too, but that it stayed anyway. He also said that he'd never seen his friend as scared as facing that fraggin spirit. Fraggin strange.... But it knew we were there, and if it did, then it was fair to assume that Maxim did too. I blasted the fraggin thing with a manabolt, and Shade sent one of his greater storm spirits at it, and Lobster spelled it too. Nothing we did seemed to hurt it except making it spark a little, and it just ate the spirit as if it was a fraggin black hole. As soon as the spirit hit it, the spirit just disappeared, and Shade said it had been killed almost instantly. This thing must have been either totally alien or a free spirit to kill that quickly a greater storm spirit. I guess it had had enough because it attacked us, in manifest form of course. It tore a good sized rock out of the ground from a good 10 meters away and threw it at Lobster, who was lucky enough to have a spell that looked an awful lot like a claw, because that spell crushed the fraggin rock before it reached him. Fraggin good thing too, since it was large enough to kill him if he hadn't destroyed it. Then it knocked a limb off one of the trees near us and dropped it on me. It hurt, but one of Shade's spirits helped keep it off me so I didn't get killed. Shade, on the other hand, was trying to banish the fraggin spirit. It didn't work, and the attempt probably came close to killing him too. He tried, and tried, but the spirit, even though it couldn't do anything else in the process, was getting the best of him, and when he gave up he gasped in pain and the spirit retreated. I guess Maxim didn't like the idea of their super special spirit getting banished, so the recalled it. Good thing, too, because if it had hung around, it might have geeked all three of us, and that would probably have meant that the teams inside would have been geeked too. Shade's hands, though, were as cold as ice when he was done trying to banish the spirit, and he said at one point that it felt like he had liquid death in his veins. Not a pleasant sensation. In the process of all this drek happening, Maxim found out where we were and sent a very unpleasant couple of mortar shells our way. They were most unpleasant, because one was incendiary and the other anti-personnel submunitions. We hauled our hoops the frag out of the area and moved a couple hundred meters along the line. As we were doing this, we saw the semi-ballistic go up in a huge ball of smoke, and as we were setting down again, we saw the bunker get blown up. It was beautiful to know that, regardless of what the frag happened from now on, our raid had been successful. Now it was our turn to pull everyone out of the fraggin fire. You should have seen the place, everyone. It was impressive. Muzzle flashes everywhere, small and not so small explosions, magic flying all over the fraggin site, everything. And that's when I sent _them_ in. All 34 of _them_. Maxim went nuts. They apparently don't know what the frag to do against people who just keep on coming. It was beautiful. Absofragginlutely beautiful. _They_ just kept on marching, admittedly slowly, toward the perimeter. I didn't even bother hiding _them_. I wanted fraggin terror, and I got it. Maxim started shooting, their hellhounds and barghests didn't hang around and dragged their trainers all over the fraggin perimeter(a couple got themselves blown up when they stepped on mines, more's the pity), drones came out, spirits too, and mortar shells started dropping, followed by shells. Maxim apparently decided at one point that they couldn't see what they were shooting at well enough, because they fired a couple of giant flares into the air, which lit up the perimeter killzone like day. That was a big mistake. Sure, _they_ didn't like all that light, but Maxim didn't like what they saw. I guess Maxim decided that they liked it dark better, because they didn't fire any more flares after the first few burned out. That way they could pretend that they were only fighting normal people that were just hard to kill. But _they_ aren't even close to normal, as Maxim found out. As I started _them_ on the march, Lobster spotted the HALO team with his binoculars. Too bad that this was about when the first flares ignited, and he got flash blinded for about a minute. But he had seen them, and he told Shade, who told the free spirits. There were at least four of them, one who looked like a person, another like a panda, a third like an elephant, and the last like a rabbit. A terribly cute little rabbit that had really fraggin big teeth and a tatoo that said "Vorpal" on it. You could tell by it's manner that, regardless of it's manifest size and terminal cuteness, it was not a rabbit you fragged with. I borrowed Lobster's binoculars and was looking through them when something blocked my field of view. This fraggin thing was huge, dripping slime, stank worse than drek, and moved like a fraggin spirit. Toxic fraggin water spirit. Luckily for me, I saw it just before it was about to rip my head off, and sent my last loa to distract it. It worked, for about 2 seconds. But that was enough to keep me alive to see two more toxic spirits appear in front of the other two shamans. Not cool, and Shade had to scramble to avoid being engulfed by the one after him. The local free spirits started to help when he shouted at them to help the people inside the compound. Three out of four took off, but the elephant stayed behind. Lobster was just starting to get his sight back, and so he sent his last spirit at the toxic. He was cooler than I thought he would be, but he still looked as if he was a little scared. He did really well for the first time he's ever faced toxics. Me, I probably looked terrified out of my mind, considering that the last time I faced toxics....well, was a long time ago and I didn't do so well. The fraggin things are really fraggin hard to kill, even with hard core astral help. Well, my loa got geeked pretty fraggin quick, and the spirit came after me again. This time I didn't have any way to stop the fraggin thing, so I cast darkblast at the fraggin thing while I drew my knife. I was lucky, because all the mana I poured into that spell almost knocked me out but also hurt the spirit really good. It was staggering and barely alive, so I just sliced it with my knife and it collapsed, destroyed. Lobster was still doing ok, pumping manabolts into the spirit while his spirit was attacking it from the astral. Well, the toxic spirit had enough of that and went astral instead of staying manifest and it just ate the fraggin spirit before rushing off. Lobster went half- astral and tracked it. Somewhere in all that, Shade did something really fraggin foolish, which was try to control the fraggin spirit that was working on him. No sane shaman or even a conjuring specialist can control a toxic spirit, and he should have known that. But he tried anyway, and actually broke the control of the toxic shaman, wherever the frag he or she was, but he couldn't maintain control. So we suddenly had a free toxic earth spirit. Shade took us from bad to worse, I'm afraid, but the elephant was still around. Fraggin good thing, too, since it saw what was about to happen and stepped in to take on the newly freed spirit. Shade was fraggin tired already, but he sent a greater spirit to help the elephant, and the two spirits eventually destroyed, we think, the free toxic spirit. But we had another problem, which was Lobster. One of the toxic shamans torched us with a spell from astral space, grounded through one of Lobster's foci. Acid bomb, the love of toxic shamans everywhere, and it just exploded around us. It was NOT fraggin fun, having Lobster suddenly start spraying acid everywhere. It got all of us some, with Lobster being the worst off, obviously. His armor was ruined, and he got acid burns all over him. But he was still doing well enough to tell us that the rabbit was fighting with another free spirit in astral space and that the spirit that ran from him ran up into the jungle a little ways before he lost sight of it. Shade looked up there and saw, through the shadows that his eyes are a drekload better at seeing through than mine, two figures that looked like zombies. Two toxic spirits. Now, I've dealt with fraggin toxics a few times, and I really don't like them, so I did something that probably wasn't the smartest thing in the world to do. I astral projected while Shade turned to keeping the free spirits going strong and Lobster sent a spark spell up the hill through the jungle. It never reached the toxics, though, because of the one who was astral still and about to ground another spell through Lobster. Lobster, you really need to hide those foci somehow. But he never finished. If you've ever seen a toxic spirit, you have my sympathy. But if you've seen a toxic shaman in the Astral, then you know what it was like to face this fraggin person. This one was a toxic Wolf-looking thing, with mange, radioactive looking eyes, and claws like the spines on a volleying porcupine. But he(I think it was a he, but I didn't stop long enough to check) didn't have a weapon focus like I do. No match. It didn't take too long to kill the fragger, but as I was heading up the hill toward the other one, I almost got nailed by one of Lobster's spark spells. I'm glad I got out of the way and let it through, since it hit the shaman full in the head. His aura just blacked out, even though I could still see the meat twitching from the power he poured into the spell. Two shamans down, none to go. And Shade had apparently gone and banished the last one before the shamans were killed, making fraggin sure that we wouldn't have another free toxic spirit, which the elephant was still fighting. As I turned around to see what was going on back toward the Maxim site, I saw the first spirit returning with someone in their hands, but then I got broadsided by another spirit. This one, however, looked a little less dangerous than the others, but wasn't. I've never seen this guy before, but he still looked fraggin familiar. He was dressed all in blue, different shades, with a bolo tie and eyes that glowed a lot like toxic or radioactive waste. I think that it's a free toxic spirit of some kind, but I never saw anything to be sure. And it had this fraggin huge grin on it's face, and it started taunting me too. It said drek I still remember, and which has haunted my dreams for the last couple of nights. Stuff like "Hello, Janice. It's been a long time." after which he threw me in to a tree. Do you have any idea how much it hurts to have your astral body thrown into the astral presence of a fraggin tree? It hurts really fraggin bad. Then it said "You've spoiled my plans on occasion, you know." and I responded "Glad to hear it." It didn't like hearing that, and he attacked again. This time I was ready and left a long gash with my knife in his arm. It bled green for an instant before it sealed the wound. It said "You and your friends stopped my plans for the little girl after I'd spent so much time on creating the perfect circumstances." and it lunged at me again. I was getting tired, and it manifested a knife and sliced my arm exactly as I had just cut his. But I was working closer to my body every time, if only I could live long enough to reach it. And the last thing it said was "And your friends are trying to spoil my fun again. I liked have the nukes here, I really did. It gave Cambodia a totally new ambience that I really liked. You fragged with my plans one time too many, Janice, so now I'm fragging with yours." It lunged again, but I just leapt back into my body. I don't know if it wasn't quite fast enough to stop me or if it just let me go for some reason, but I sat bolt upright in my body again, with Slash bleeding and covered in chemical burns laying next to me. The fragger appeared right before me, smiled a crooked smile, and then disappeared and manifested right next to Shade. Shade tried to start a banishing right then, and Lobster nailed it with a manabolt spell, but it just ignored the manabolt as if it didn't even feel it and grabbed Shade's chin, lifted him off the ground by his neck, and said "You're not powerful enough to have any chance of banishing me, mortal. And your greater storm spirits taste so good to me. Remember, Shade. Remember." And then it went back into the astral, leaving Shade to fall about two meters to the ground. He was fraggin lucky that he was wearing his armor, because it probably kept his head from being torn off. When he landed, he was stunned for a couple of seconds, but then snapped back, swore a little, and got the rest of the armory team out of the armory. The problem was that the spirit we'd just run into appeared in front of the last free spirit, the one who looked like a panda, and forced it into the astral long enough to drop the last two people into the center of the minefield. One of them got turned to stone by a fraggin basilisk before I could kill the fraggin critter, and the other stepped on a mine that fraggin near killed her, as you well know. The panda never reappeared and the human looking free spirit went back and grabbed one of the two, the wounded woman, and I recalled my last one of _them_ to carry out the other one. With the help of a quickly summoned forest spirit by Shade to keep _it_ from being hit and to protect the cargo _it_ was carrying, they got up to us where we started doing emergency healing to keep people alive. It was about now that Lobster saw part of the IFV team, who he IDed as AJ, Jasmine, and Gunny way off down along the perimeter. He and Shade sent some help their way in the form of spark spells and a couple of spirits that carried AJ out of the area. We started moving everyone back into the jungle under the cover of a couple of shadowhounds and spirit concealment. We connected with Ripley and his team at the backup rendezvous point since he'd had troubles at the original, and got everyone loaded and off to Phenom Penh. There were a couple of times when Maxim's units, trying to track us, nearly killed us with drones, but we made it out without any further casualties.]<<<<< -- Diana, Mistress of the Night <10:22:47/03-10-57> *****Private:Wintergeist >>>>>[I am available at this time. Please send me what information you can on the boy, and I will do my best to locate and retrieve him.]<<<<< -- Cuval <21:27:10/03-10-57> *****PRIVATE: Grinch >>>>>[Done. Going on vacation. Sent your cut.]<<<<< -- Murphy <17:13:26/03-10-57> *****PRIVATE:Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Gentlemen, I have strong reason to belive that you need my help. I don't want my lack of participation on this run to have caused any more deaths. Please let me render what healing I have, I beg you.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <23:41:39/03-10-57> *****PRIVATE:Tigger >>>>>[Tigger, please respond.]<<<<< -- wintergeist <23:41:43/03-10-57> >>>>>[I came across this while scanning news coverage of the Maxim facility destruction. I thought some of you might find it interesting, in light of certain recent events in the Seattle area. It's from Turner Network News at 6:44 PM Seattle time. The mentioned incident occured around 4:30 PM Seattle time. +++++include newsclip.turner-network.57-03-10.21:44:33 "...authorities are still struggling to estimate the combined death toll, but preliminary estimates place the number of dead and wounded at close to one hundred. The number of confirmed cases of radiation exposure stands at over one hundred eighty, with more being reported hourly by the hospitals in the affected areas. Meanwhile, another trajedy struck Seattle today as our own reporters were leaving for Amazonia. Michael?" "Yes, Chelsea!" comes a slightly muffled voice. "You're en route to La Paz now, correct? How long until you arrive?" "About ten more minutes, or so I'm told. We have an escort of two Amazonian fighter craft, so I doubt we'll be subject to the usual air traffic control problems. Judging by the missiles our escorts are carrying, Amazonia is taking the whole incident in the _most_ deadly earnest!" "Michael, while you were on your way to the Seattle Airport, a terrible outburst of violence took place, leaving respected businessman Kentaro Kamauchi dead and others wounded or worse. Could you fill us in on the details?" "Certainly, Chelsea!" Michael begins with relish. "We were driving through the downtown section of Seattle, thoroughly mired in the same rush-hour traffic and torrential rain that nurtured Bill Gates, when the squealing of brakes and the sound of gunfire pierced the air! No sooner were our astute cameramen focusing their equipment toward the disturbance than a giant commuter bus slammed into our car, knocking us _completely_ off the road and into a sidewalk fruit stand! Despite the watermelons and grapefruit obscuring the windshield, we were able to watch the bus sideswipe two other cars before crashing headlong into a meter maid's cart and coming to a stop. Heedless of rain and treacherous banana-peels, we burst from the car and ran to the assistance of the stricken meter maid, noticing that numerous windows of the bus had been blown out as if by gunfire and several passengers appeared injured. As it turns out, the bus driver was _quite_ dead, having taken at least two explosive rounds to the head. The passengers were more fortunate, only receiving moderate wounds from shrapel and broken glass. The meter maid was wearing her seatbelt, but the Public Works department hadn't seen fit to equip her vehicle with an airbag! Our medical correspondent tells me that she should recover her memory within a week or so. After assisting the injured passengers of the bus tend their wounds and clean off the remains of the bus driver, we left the injured in the hands of the paramedics and resumed our trek to the airport, where we had enough time to analyse our footage of the event. Through _sheer_ professional skill, we are able to offer this bit of footage, shot through the rearview mirror:" +++++begin footage Chelsea's concerned visage is replaced with a freezeframe view out the rear of some sort of vehicle, a pile of electronics gear obscuring the view. About half a block behind is a human shape, greatcoat and fadora all that be made out through the rain. The figure appears to be walking or running across the street, directly in the path of a Seattle Metro bus. The footage moves into slow motion, showing the figure spinning around belatedly to face the bus. The bus slowly slams into him, his body torturously crumpling and falling into the path of the bus's right front wheel. At the same time, two figures on the opposite sidewalk can barely be seen pulling something out of their coats with unnatural speed. Their hands are obscured by brief muzzle flashes as the bus hides the two from view. +++++end footage "The Police have received conflicting reports about the incident, and the two gunmen in the footage are currently wanted for questioning. The man in front of the bus, Kentaro Kamauchi, suffered massive internal injuries and crushing damage to his chest and skull and was pronounced dead at the scene. Police are blaming this part of the incident on break failure in the bus, possibly due to the same maintenance team in charge of the meter readers' carts! As the manhunt and corruption investigations proceed, we're back on track for La Paz, soon to give you a firsthand look at the devastated remains of one of Maxim Incorporated's prime facilities. Back to you, Chelsea!" +++++end newsclip.turner-network.57-03-10.21:44:33]<<<<< -- Fisher <22:14:08 EST / 03-10-57> Fisher Data Systems *****PRIVATE: Murphy >>>>>[I noticed you got the job done. A bit messy, though. If you haven't left town already, I advise you to do so. Included is the remainder of your payment and a small subsidy for travel expenses. +++++credit.transfer =Y= 22,000]<<<<< -- Lotus <22:43:28 / 03-10-57> >>>>>[Speaking of Maxim... +++++begin newsclip.turner-network.57-03-11.02:23:33 A tense looking Michael Novacek, clad in a dark grey trenchcoat and flanked by several Amazonian soldiers with assault rifles, faces the camera. "...thank you, Chelsea. I'm reporting live from La Paz, Amazonia, near the scene of an apparent terrorist attack on a Maxim Incorporated facility. For those who just tuned in, La Paz and its environs are in a state of emergency following the discharge of radioactive smoke from the Maxim site. The Amazonian government has released the preliminary findings of the Army's Engineering Corps, stating that dangerous levels of plutonium, a byproduct of nuclear fission and a component of certain types of nuclear weapons, were discovered inside a demolished warehouse. Despite the protests of Maxim guards in the wake of the attack, Amazonian military forces have secured the base as a direct threat to national security and have taken measures to stop the outflow of radiation. Over one half of the employees present at the facility during the attack were exposed to varying amounts of radiation, though we are told that noone received a lethal dose. All Maxim personel on the base were taken into custody by the military, who has administered medical attention and has promised to fly them to North America within another 36 hours. Fortunately, the amount of radiation spread beyond the confines of the base was minimal according to the engineers, and should pose no appreciable environmental or health risk." "Has the military commented on how the plutonium could have arrived at the site?" Chelsea inquires. "Good question, Chelsea," Michael says nervously, his usual smile looking distinctly pallid as he eyes the soldiers around him. "The Amazonian government is being very careful to avoid the appearance of partiality here. A few hours ago, a joint team of experts summoned from Aztlan, UCAS, CAS, and several other countries was allowed to examine the site to confirm the initial Amazonian analysis. They have reportedly confirmed that the plutonium was definitely present in the warehouse _prior_ to the attack. Pieces of what the team referred to as "containment vessels" were also discovered, suggesting that the nuclear material may have been present for some time without attracting notice. All of the Maxim employees the Amazonian government has interviewed so far profess to have _no_ knowledge about the presence of the material. And _also_," Michael says, glancing fleetingly at something to the side of the camera, "the Amazonian government wishes to...stress the quantity of plutonium discovered: enough for several critical masses." "Good god. Was there any chance of a nuclear explosion or seepage into the water table?" Chelsea gasps. "Apparently the construction of the bunker precluded either possibility, fortunately for the residents of La Paz. The Amazonian forces have been extremely..._scrupulous_ in their handling of the incident, including making sure that the press doesn't accidentally...disturb something. Our cameras are currently being kept from the scene itself while the investigation continues, though we have been promised the right to pilot a drone in, under supervision, by this time tomorrow. Until then, we'll keep in contact with the Amazonian government and continue to furnish updates as the situation develops. For Turner Networks, this Michael Novacek, reporting." +++++end newsclip.turner-network.57-03-11.02:23:33]<<<<< -- Fisher <02:28:46 EST / 03-11-57> Fisher Data Systems *****Private:White Queen >>>>>[+++++Begin Encryption Sequence: Beyonder Message received. Am in place and beginning operations. +++++End Encryption]<<<<< -- Red Skull <01:03:09/03-11-57> *****Private:White Queen >>>>>[+++++Begin Encryption Sequence: Beyonder Received. Beginning operations. +++++End Encryption]<<<<< -- Enchantress <01:38:51/03-11-57> *****Private:White Queen >>>>>[+++++Begin Encryption Sequence: Beyonder Message received. Am in place and beginning operations. +++++End Encryption]<<<<< -- Carnage <02:22:01/03-11-57> *****Private:White Queen >>>>>[+++++Begin Encryption Sequence: Beyonder Message received. Am in place and beginning operations. +++++End Encryption]<<<<< -- Kang <21:03:59/03-10-57> *****Private:White Queen >>>>>[+++++Begin Encryption Sequence: Beyonder Acknowledged. +++++End Encryption]<<<<< -- Mephisto <21:05:59/03-10-57> *****Private:White Queen >>>>>[+++++Begin Encryption Sequence: Beyonder Message received. Will update. +++++End Encryption]<<<<< -- Absorbing Man <22:03:29/03-10-57> *****Private:White Queen >>>>>[+++++Begin Encryption Sequence: Beyonder Understood. Am in place and beginning operations. +++++End Encryption]<<<<< -- Shaw <22:07:01/03-10-57> *****Private:Institute Faculty >>>>>[As per my orders, I have initiated Project Marvel as of yesterday, and have received aknowledgement from all agents activated. We may need to assist them if they run into difficulty. I do not believe this is likely, but it is possible. Please keep this in mind when arranging your schedules. Also, begin preparations to move the students to safety if this becomes necessary. Keep me appraised of your progress and any difficulties.]<<<<< -- White Queen <07:10:22/03-11-57> >>>>>[Come get some...]<<<<< --EYE-SPY IF YOU KNOW WHERE TO LOOK YOU'LL KNOW WHERE TO FIND IT. *****NOT TO: Maxim, InterPol, etc. >>>>>[The Duke asked me to post this for him, since he is unable to do it for a while due to his wounds. I am pleased to tell those of you who were separated from him in the heat of combat that he is recovering from several unfortunate wounds and that he is sorry that you became separated. Because of his wounds, he contacted some associates of mine in Phenom Penh and they contacted me. I got him here to Manus Island with fellow my fellow Shroud where he is recovering well. Now for The Duke's account of what happened. +++++ Begin Dictation +++++ As my friend Hermit has already done, I'm sure, I want to say I'm sorry to my fellow teammates. My wounds were severe and I was unable to stay with you. I am afraid that you counted me as lost in the final battle we waged for our survival, but I am glad to say that I live, albeit in a highly wounded state that could very easily require several weeks to months of recovery time. I'm very sorry. However, for the rest of you, this is my account of what happened to those of us whom were to provide the distractions that would allow the rest of the teams entrance and exit from the target facility. We all arrived over a span of about 24 hours and connected in our safehouse where the entire group met and planned the final changes to the assault. As you all well know, the assault did not go particularly well and nearly became a fiasco, but the teams succeeded nonetheless, but at great cost. But I digress. Based on our final reconnaissance, we made our final changes and introduced ourselves to each other and to our fire support as well as made ourselves familiar with our hardware. Mr. Jackson had, with the help of Mr. Lynch, acquired eight Grad-P missile launchers with many salvos of missiles for ammunition, including white phosphorous, thermite, high explosive, chaff, and VX simulant. The WP, thermite, and HE rockets were to be fired to create the initial confusion that would provide the openings for our teams to penetrate the facility. The chaff would hopefully divert incoming missiles as well as confuse the radar and communications systems of Maxim. The simulant was part of a well orchestrated distraction that was to provide the means for our teams to escape again after destroying the nuclear devices and the storage bunker they were contained within. In addition to the Grad-P launchers, we were also provided with several large vehicles from which Mr. Ripley was to control the operations of all the distractions, plus the support drones he would pilot. We also were given three ancient howitzers, but which we were ensured would work properly. Mr. Ripley was also given 10 various drones, including several rotodrones which he did not feel confident to pilot, but which he eventually did pilot, and relatively well at that. Finally, we were all given the necessary electronics to communicate with each other. Because of the shear number of individuals who were involved in our aspect of the operation, we were second behind the HALO team to leave for our positions, and that only because the HALO jumpers had to travel to their staging point several hundred kilometers away. We left in several groups, including the howitzers, two groups of three Grad-Ps, and the control group with two Grad-Ps. I was assigned to help Mr. Tigger, our resident artillery savant, with his group and then to connect with the control group after the initial distraction was launched and aid Mr. Ripley and Mr. Redfeather with preparing the drones for launch. Mr. Shadow was with one of the Grad-P units, unfortunately. We very slowly and deliberately moved out disguised units into place over several hours, even during daylight. We had been careful to disguise the howitzers, and the Grad-Ps were disguised when we received them from Mr. Lynch's contacts. But we also hoped that the vehicles cooling with the atmosphere would keep Maxim's satellites and drones from targeting the various weapons too quickly. However, we were careful to use only the howitzer unit and one of the Grad-P units, Mr. Shadow's to be precise, for the initial distraction lest Maxim target them immediately. All the units, including the control unit, had several local individuals who Mr. Jackson hired because they had grudges against Maxim. Their presence made our team the largest out of all of them in shear manpower. Each Grad-P unit was manned by 12 people, the howitzers by 8, and the control/Grad-P unit by 12 as well. 44 people is a large, unwieldy number, but necessary for spotters, sighting, transport, reloading, and all the additional duties the distraction team had. I'm quite certain that a team of true military professionals would require far fewer, but for ourselves, 44 was just enough. By sunset, all the units were in place and had spread camouflage netting over their positions. Mr. Tigger and I sighted in the howitzers carefully, with me acting as spotter for the initial volleys of shells. I'd only done that a couple of time previously, and I learned much from Mr. Tigger in the process. The shells were all targeted on the airfield section of the facility, as much to limit casualties as to destroy Maxim's ability to launch and recover some of their more exotic aircraft. When we were finished and we'd worked out the additional settings for the shells following the initial volley, we sat back, applied generous portions of bug repellant, and waited. When the time came, we loaded three rounds, one in each howitzer, and had three more rounds ready. We hoped to get at least three our four shots off before we had to run, but we were unsure how long we would have before Maxim's responses came back and destroyed out position. Mr. Lynch suggested that we would likely have only a minute, and that is what we based our estimates off of. I stood back and waited, and was surprised at the report the howitzers made when we fired them, and all three jumped when they were fired. Mr. Tigger showed, for the following minute, just how expert he is in his element of artillery. Not only did was each howitzer expertly realigned, but he was able to get a second volley of shells off before the first had even struck the facility. Unfortunately, Maxim was also able to get return shells off before the first hit the ground, but not by much. Mr. Tigger and everyone else scrambled to get one more volley off, and then we all scattered to avoid the incoming shells. And they came in fast and furious. Two hit almost at the same instant, followed by more. They were a mixture of HE and HE submunitions that scattered over a huge area. Mr. Tigger and I were lucky to escape with our live, but the others were not so lucky. None of them reached the control unit, and I could see that the areas where they had run to were totally laid to waste from shells. Mr. Tigger said that he heard the shell descents of at least 12 shells. Extreme overkill, but Maxim is not a corporation to be subtle or restrained in their use of force. We connected with the control unit and immediately started working on the final arming and flight preparations for the drones that Mr. Ripley was going to be using to help the teams inside escape. He had several rotodrones and RPVs, and a short temporary airfield in the clearing we were next to provided the means to launch the RPVs. They were loaded with machine guns, cannons, missiles, and rockets. Neither Mr. Jackson nor Mr. Lynch were able to acquire vehicle lasers, but they would have been an unnecessary waste anyway. Mr. Shadow radioed over a secure line to tell us that his Grad-P unit was totally destroyed by missile artillery from the facility, and that he thought that some of the locals with him escaped the destruction as well, but he'd not been in contact with them. I could tell that Mr. Shadow was distressed at not being able to save those people with him, but what can a single man do against artillery when it's fired from kilometers away? Mr. Ripley was unable to respond because we dared not open our communications lines until we were ready to move. Maxim's response times were everything that Mr. Lynch suspected and more, almost as if they had prepared for actions like this repeatedly, or perhaps even fought them before. The tension from this point built up until one of the HALO jumpers radioed us to ask us for the distractions starting in 30 seconds. Mr. Ripley immediately fired up the engines on his drones, broke radio silence to call the other Grad-P unit with the VX simulant missiles, and then he launched his drones. I took over the ATV we were controlling our end of the operation from and Mr. Tigger, when the timing was right, fired the Grad-Ps, reloaded once, and fired them again before we all vacated the area. I was driving, Mr. Redfeather was working the communications and a couple of the weapons on the ATV, Mr. Ripley was controlling the drones, and Mr. Tigger was running shotgun. I'm afraid that his job was already finished when we started to move, abandoning the Grad-Ps to destruction. Mr. Jackson, I'm sorry to say that all your significant investment was destroyed almost as soon as we vacated the area. Behind us, Maxim's artillery and missiles reduced our staging area to burned and cratered earth where it was once fertile jungle. Mr. Ripley was able to connect his drone visual feeds to various cameras in the ATV, and Mr. Tigger kept us informed as to his progress in assisting the escape of the internal teams. By the time his drones arrived, the HALO and Nightglider teams were on their way out, with the help of the magical team as planned. Mr. Tigger remarked that the entire western perimeter was alight with fire, explosions, and gunfire. I was far too busy driving to look myself. It would have ended our aid to the IFV team, who were still inside and whom Mr. Ripley was assisting with his drones, had I hit a tree or allowed the ATV to roll down an embankment. Mr. Tigger and Mr. Redfeather were most concerned when Mr. Ripley jerked a few times when his drones were abruptly destroyed, from the effect of feedback. However, he continued to operate them well and he was instrumental in keeping Maxim's troops from killing or capturing the IFV team members who used the Stallion to escape, and although his aid was less obvious to the others, he nonetheless helped them by keeping some of Maxim's troops and drones, as well as the occasional spirit, occupied. Unfortunately, Mr. Ripley's drones were totally destroyed, and the feedback from the last several caught him so off-guard that he was knocked unconscious as we were approaching the rendezvous point. Unfortunately, we were to have several additional difficulties upon our arrival, the most severe of which was our being attacked by a platoon of soldiers dressed in the armor of a local warlord. Maxim has many of the locals in their employ because they provide an initial buffer between the facility and the hostile warlords who would try and destroy the facility, or take it for their own. We ran into one of the former, and Mr. Redfeather informed us that they had already called Maxim for reinforcement as he was beginning to fire on the guerrillas around us. I am not a rigger, I am a physical adept, yet I was driving this huge, unwieldy vehicle. Mr. Tigger, between firing through the gunports in the rear of the ATV, slapped a stimpatch on Mr. Ripley. While I generally do not approve of their use, had Mr. Ripley not been woken, we would have been caught in the ambush when Maxim's Massif-4 arrived. Mr. Ripley was wide awake within seconds, and immediately assessed the situation and asked me to step aside. I did so gladly, and the ATV took on a whole different light with a true rigger behind the controls. I took my place with Mr. Tigger and the locals that were with us in firing from the back, and Mr. Redfeather kept up the fire with the machinegun. Unfortunately, it was about this time that there was a couple of thunks on the roof of the back, followed by explosions which blasted large enough holes in the roof for more grenades to fall in if the attackers were so inclined to throw them. They did so, but we were lucky to have Mr. Tigger there to quickly throw it out again prior to it's detonation. But in the process, Mr. Tigger took a burst from an SMG in the arm he threw the grenade out with. It injured that arm badly, but repairably. Mr. Redfeather noticed that there was a troop with an RPG, and brought this to our attention with a shout. But before we could do anything about it, Mr. Shadow fell upon the individual and removed his head with a sword. We were quite glad to see his arrival, as it meant a little confusion among our attackers, which we gladly exploited. Mr. Ripley saw this momentary confusion as the break he needed, and he drove us out of the ambush, pausing only long enough for us to grab Mr. Shadow and pull him inside the vehicle. In the process, however, I was shot in my stomach and chest and fell out of the ATV in the process. Mr. Ripley was not aware of this until after a grenade detonated very near me, and the appearance of a Maxim Massif-4 certainly complicated his return. I was told that he did return, however, only to find that my body was gone. I was barely able to get out of the site myself before the Massif-4 pounded it and the surrounding areas with gunfire and rockets. Due to my wounds, I was forced to rely on every bit of survival and physical training I had ever learned, and even then I was only barely alive when Hermit's associates located me and brought me here. I was told that the raid was a success, but at great cost. To all who participated, congratulations on the success, and my condolences to all of you who are injured, or are caring for the injured, and who lost friends in the process. +++++ End Dictation +++++ Good day.]<<<<< -- Hermit <09:01:59/03-11-57> >>>>>[Oh God, I feel like s**t. I was dry heavin' all night. Not a really feminine thing to do, but hey. I am so exhausted, I can barely move. Look, boys, I did a bang up job in there. That's only the second time I've ever summoned a spirit of any sort. I lost control of that last one. I felt an Astral line snap like a hot electrical wire right before AJ.....I don't even want to talk about it. As for my injuries, I'm not sure how it happened, but I cracked a rib. I had so much magical energy running through me it expanded my intercostals enough to crack a rib!!! I'm crawling into bed and I'm not going to move until Snake tells me to. It's alright for Shields to pick up my payment. Not to be greedy, but I took a real beating and could use a bit of a bonus. Think about it.]<<<<< -- Jasmine <8:00:00 / 03-11-57> >>>>>[That was fragging insane. AJ, when I get back in tow$#fds#$9gjkf... +++++CONNECTION TERMINATED AT SOURCE]<<<<< -- Blade <10:22:34/03-11-57> *****PRIVATE: Rage >>>>>[I appreciate your communicating with me, Rage. I'm afraid that my list of possible corporate sponsors does not get narrowed down by your information, although it does add more data to our gradually growing Jen and Gabe dossier. Keep in touch.]<<<<< -- AEPacker <14:13:56/03-11-57> *****PRIVATE: NOX, Basilisk >>>>>[Of course. I understand your desire to have your life back, and I will tell them of your decision.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <14:15:04/03-11-57> *****PRIVATE: Keaya >>>>>[Mr. Keaya, I am sorry that I was so long in responding to your request concerning Tylor Nox. I am sorry, sir, but upon due consideration of your offer, he has decided not to accept. I'm sorry, but it was his decision and it is his life. Good day, sir.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <14:18:15/03-11-57> *****PRIVATE: Amber Snowmane >>>>>[Ms. Snowmane, I am sorry that I was so long responding to your request regarding Tylor Nox. I'm afraid that he has decided not to accept your offer, prefering to live as he is now and leaving whatever past he had behind him. I'm sorry, but it is his life and his decision. Good afternoon, miss.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <14:20:40/03-11-57> *****PRIVATE: Lotus >>>>>[I see. I appreciate the warning, but as always will do as my conscience guides me. My greatest concern is violence, and if Luthien shows up at my door, I will judge as best I can.]<<<<< -- Valentine <14:26:58/03-11-57> *****PRIVATE: Wintergeist >>>>>[At this point, I think we are doing ok. Thanks for the offer, though. I had to call in some favors from friends and didn't even get your mail until recently. My clinic doesn't have Matrix access for security reasons, and I just got home a couple of hours ago. Jet lag's a pain in the ass.... Sorry about not gettting back to you, but I do appreciate the offer. Oh, almost forgot. Tigger was released about six hours ago, so he should be around He did really well, from what I've heard from others and from what Hermit said.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <14:30:59/03-11-57> *****PRIVATE: Extraction team >>>>>[Great job pulling her out of there guys. It was a pleasure working with you. I'll try and post that vid for your fond personal memory collections sometime in the next couple weeks. Oh, and here's that pay along with a little bonus for a job well done. +++++INCLUDE: transfer >>encrypted<< to Cuval transfer >>encrypted<< to Rattler, Thanks.]<<<<< -- Contract <14:08:41/03-11-57> *****Private:Wintergeist >>>>>[Tsk, Tsk. You should show more faith in your friends, I have Billy with me right now. We had a few delays along the way but by tommorow he will be in his poppa's arms. An Amerindian biker gang called the Bloodbears was holding him hostage, I suggest you get someone out here to take care of them( the were a little pissed when they found him missing ). They are located at: +++++ download file: Bloodbears loc. +++++ End download As I said we will hit Seattle tommorow, Gods willing, meet me at >>encrypt<< to retrieve the boy.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <03/11/57 06:12:23> *****Private:Action Jackson: >>>>>[Gods that was one helluva ride, I'm still havin nightmares about it. Jus wanted to say that I'm alright and to tell ya thanks for the connection, my arm feels better than ever. If you ever need me to run with ya again I'm here for ya.]<<<<< -- Redfeather <03/11/57 06:25:23> *****Not To: Maxim, Interpol, Velli, etc. >>>>>[Hi all. I have been doing some research, but have turned up things I would rather not speak about until further information is developed. I think, thanks to that THING, I know know what AJ went through. Were it not that the Death is part of the natural cycle that my totem guides me through, I would not have been able to bear the pain. It does certainly have connection with that free Spirit we came across. If anyone wants them, I simsensed the whole thing. AJ, Pleas send me the money so that I put it towards researching what exactly we found there. Now I am going to bed.]<<<<< -- Shade <18:26:43 / 3-11-57> *****Private: Dark Stranger, V-12, Diana, Lobster, Thelesentia, Jasmine >>>>>[Alright people, we may have something here worse than the wraith problem. I am going to use the 50,000 to buy some information relating to these things. Any of you who are interested in going on a run to investigate this thing's trail, please notify me. I will pay for services rendered, this especially means you, Dark Stranger. Those who were on the Maxim team, don't feel obligated to help because I know you are recovering.]<<<<< -- Shade <18:33:22 / 3-11-57> *****Private: Rumormonger, Trideo Pirate >>>>>[I am willing to pay well for the invastion and information collecting on a certain type of Spirit that I recently encountered. I can provide simsense recordings of my meetings with it. I am attempting an identification. Please respond if interested. Most of the places involved will probably be universities so it should be easy.]<<<<< -- Shade <18:36:02 / 3--11-57> *****Private: Kublai >>>>>[Robert, what arrangements have been made for security at this ceremony Friday? We have worked hard to improve our relationship with the S-S, and I would not want any crack pots out there to frag this up. Terry Sides CEO Turkana Enterprises]<<<<< --Genghis <16:51:25/03-11-57> *****Private: Genghis >>>>>[According to the outline I have received from the S-S council, Lone Star will be providing overall security, with a detachment of S-S warriors, which should be adequate for area defense. The Council has asked that each corp keep its own security forces to four operatives, plus two aides if you desire. I have spoken to the security chiefs of the other honorees, and they have already agreed to go along with their wishes. While I don't necessarily like the idea of relying so much on outsiders for security, it seems that we have little choice. Assuming we don't want to offend Chief Moses.]<<<<< -- Kublai <17:15:01/03-11-57> *****Private: Kasigi >>>>>[Sir, here are the reports you asked me for earlier today. As you surmised, they seem to be encroaching on some of our more important contracts in several areas. Their operations are detailed in the files, but in summary, they seem to attempting to steal our contracts in the software and chemicals lines. +++++include file: Turkana.operations.report While I fail to see the relevance, you appear to be correct as to their hiring practices. The specific ratios are listed in the attached file, but your fears seem to be supported by the recent S-S Council announcement. +++++include file: Turkana.employees.dat I have asked he staff to prepare a list of options our future operations based on our conversation. They should be on your desk by the end of the day Tuesday.]<<<<< -- Mephisto <18:07:23/03-11-57> *****PRIVATE: 1Lt DiAnnio >>>>>[Don't ask. Just... don't ask. Someone uploaded the simsense from one of my fellow HALO jumpers, read that for how things went. I have to say, I look good. I *am* good. In fact, coming out of that still able to walk, fight, and patch up wounded, I say I'm ab-so-fucking-lutely *incredible*. Lots of shrapnel damage, five broken bones, and three bullet wounds that I never even noticed, but nothing that won't get fixed or heal inside a couple of weeks. Oh, yeah, the files. And my own video. Here. +++++include file: simsense.record1 +++++include file: simsense.record2 +++++include file: simsense.record3 +++++include file: Lynch.video I'm with Action Jackson at his clinic. The place is knee-deep in trauma cases. I'm still mobile, so I'm helping to keep as many of our wounded alive as I can. It was worse than I expected. Update for the files, AJ's a vampire. A well- controlled and very restrained Dracula, hence nonthreat. Word to the wise, we could use this guy, outstanding warrants be damned. Put it in the approvals loop. He's a vampire, he'll still be alive next century when the Congresscritters get round to answering. He'll probably throw it back in their faces, but it's gotta be worth a try. Uprate Maxim to ICEPICK in the threat database. They are hard-core, no two ways about it. Highly professional, highly disciplined. I'm fucking amazed anyone made it out alive, let alone that we achieved the mission. If we need to fight them, make sure we have numbers and air superiority. Careful with arty, they had their counterbattery outgoing before our first rounds splashed. We lost a lot of people on the artillery team. My idea to do that. My fault. Shit, shit, shit. Yeah, the mission. Sorry. All seven warheads trashed, thoroughly, then we dropped the bunker on them with an ethylene-oxide mist bomb. Whumph. Some leakage, not too bad, but the camo gear I was wearing will have to go to Hanford for disposal and the filters in my mask are glowing in the dark. Just close to the first surge. All seven out of action. They had screamers in the nuke bunker. That's the second time I've been hit by ultrasonics and I still don't like them. Nothing in me went down, except all my comms gear recycled, don't know why. The Ares Alpha is not hardened against ultrasound, but the fucker was nearly out of ammo by then anyway. I had a neutraliser that seemed to help a lot, so I'm FedExing it to you. You know, that was a really hot team. Not just the HALO squad, only three of them - us - lived through the op, just the whole group's teamwork. We got lifted out of the base by spirits, the perimeter defences were busy blowing seven shades of hell out of a mob of corpses cadavres - yeah, zombies, we must have had a houngun with us - AJ really managed to mate all our strengths to cover each others' weaknesses. We should all be dead, El-Tee. I mean, we should all be *dead*. I was closer to death then, than I have been in years. I'll be here for another couple of days at least: I'm mobile, but not very, and until I get my wrist set properly it's going to keep hurting. That's the problem with bone lacing, the plastic probably saved me losing the hand, but when it does break it doesn't heal properly. AJ may be able to deal with it, until then I'm just having to work right-handed. Fucking spirit had to break my *left* wrist! 88 per cent of the world would think they got off lightly. Looks like I was wrong about Denver. Cairo and La Paz, for those two "destroyed" nukes. Tell Wisburne he can kiss my ass. "Corporate Court verification" of their destruction, right, sure, buddy. +++++line inactive 30sec As if you couldn't tell, I'm making the acquaintance of some fermented and distilled Tennessee farm produce from a Mr. Jack Daniels, because it reacts nicely with the painkillers and might let me get some sleep. Even if I can't sleep, it helps. The painkillers stop the flesh from hurting, they don't stop the screaming. Seven of us on that HALO drop, four dead, one crippled real bad, Blade messed up, me fine. What does that tell you? I should have been able to do something, El-Tee. They were good, they should have made it. Something I did wrong, I don't know what. We left one of the team. Left him to die in a bunker full of explosives and nuclear weapons, gave him a dead-man-switch and walked away. We should have found a way to get him out. Instead we left him to die alone. Seven nukes. All ten to twenty kilotons. Ares design, based on our old W-91 design that they stole from us all those years ago. Fairly clean, tritium- boosted, with lithium deuteride jacketing and DU shells they could pump out a hundred kT each easily. All wrecked, disintegrated, buried, as gone as gone gets. I hope it was worth it. I hope the guys who said "direct action would be provocative", sleep well knowing how many people died, taking those weapons out, when we could have done it all with one Peacekeeper. The raiders on that team didn't have anything like the stake those smug fucking bastards in their expensive suits do, who just wanted to look out for their friends. Fuck it, doesn't mean anything, just march on. Shit happens. +++++line inactive 30sec +++++line inactive 60sec +++++line inactive 90sec +++++line inactive 120sec: timeout]<<<<< -- Lynch <23:02:15/03-11-57> *****PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[Lynch, it wasn't your fault. You were lucky, they weren't. You knew this would happen. It's what you do best, you're *good* at it, that's why you're alive. Lynch? Goddamn it. Lynch, you okay?]<<<<< -- 1Lt DiAnnio <23:09:52/03-11-57> Corporate Division Strategic Intelligence Gathering Agency >>>>>[Time to go back to wor....k. No. No.... Nooooooo..... NooooOOOOOOO!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Not again.....]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <18:55:17/03-11-57> *****PRIVATE: Action Jackson >>>>>[DAD!!!!!!! Wait a sec.... Now I know what the frag the problem is.... You stupid little fragger. What the frag is wrong with you? You have fraggin drek instead of brains? You did it, didn't you? You pumped your fraggin blood full of flourocarbons. You should fraggin KNOW better. Hell's Bells, Dad, you're the fraggin DOCTOR! You know what that stuff does to your body, so why the frag do you keep pumping your body full of it before these things? You, of everyone I know, don't need he extra push. Drek, Dad, if anyone needs the stuff, it us normal folk who need that drek just to keep up with you under normal fraggin circumstances. You become your own worst nightmares when you do the drek, Dad. Fraggit, Dad, call me when you get back, and be careful.....]<<<<< -- Diana, Mistress of the Night <19:06:05/03-11-57> *****Private: Shade >>>>>[ +++++TRANSFER 100,000 =Y=+++++ Consider me a part of your investigation.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <18:55:37/3-11-57> *****Private:Mr. Backthorne >>>>>[Be aware, Mr. Blackthorne, the team I sent to "take care" of the Bloodbears found only bodies. Whomever caused thier demise may be after the boy]<<<< -- Wintergeist <19:27:44/03-11-57> *****Private:Cuval >>>>>[Please disregard our last communication. I now have the situation well in hand. Please meet Mr. Blackthorne at the Playhouse downtown and bring them both to the Seattle Hilton tomarrow at noon. I will await you both in the ground floor lounge. If you need to reach me quickly, call me at 2933-7493-2836. Thank you.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <19:22:39/03-11-57> *****PRIVATE: Shade >>>>>[Hol' it. Hol' it _riii_ there. Whazzis about spirits'shit now? Whazzis about "worse than the Wraith" stuff? You betta tell me that's just sup'usition. An' I ain't even gonna _think_ about involvin' my folks wifout somethin' more concrete t'go on. Know'm'sayin'? You got info, I wan' see it an' have some o' my own a-so-shii-ates take a peek.]<<<<< -- V-12 <18:56:43 / 03-11-57> *****PRIVATE: Action Jackson >>>>>[It seems that Tigger has goten lost again. If you or any of your associates runs across him, please just put him in a cab headed for the Seattle Hilton. His mother is worried, but this is not the first time that this has happened. I have sent out a few watchers and we should find him soon. Thank you for your help in this matter.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <14:35:26/03-11-57> *****Private:Wintergeist >>>>>[Found the Bears for you boss, or at least what's left of them. I would bring one of them back for you to question, but I did not bring a sponge. Be back in a few.]<<<<< -- Ash <16:20:31/03-11-57> Electric Mayhem "We solve mysteries... ...with blunt objects." *****PRIVATE: Maxim Internal Security Log >>>>>[ "Welcome back, John." Ma'am. "What did you find?" Would you like a summary of the overall situation? "Please." Our nuclear weapons in all three sites were destroyed. LaPaz is currently occupied by Amazonia, but it will be turned over to us again within the hour due to pressure from Quito and from the Zurich-Orbital. It was attacked by a well planned and executed air raid and much of our storage on site was destroyed in addition to the single device that was stored there, but we are not correcting the experts in their assessment of the total mass of plutonium. Cairo was struck by a much more expert team who were far more careful to avoid environmental contamination. They detonated the device in the warehouse, and we will have to bury the warehouse to avoid further environmental problems. Phenom Penh was raided by Seattle shadowrunners who destroyed the nuclear weapons in their bunker and then collapsed the bunker on the debris to avoid the chance of large scale contamination. There was some, but it was minimal. Court technicians and officials are discussing the raid and we should expect that they will contact us within a day or two. Phenom Penh is in a total blackout, LaPaz will be back under our control shortly, and Cairo was small enough that we were able to institute a blackout there as well. "What happened, John? How were they able to do this? And who the frag were they?" We aren't sure who was involved in the Cairo and LaPaz teams, but I've got feelers out to determine that. I don't expect that the individuals responsible will advertise, however, so it could be some time before I know their identities. There are only so many mercenary organizations who could support the aircraft that struck the LaPaz facility, which limits our search as well. I'll go into more detail later, though. Cairo could have been a shadow team, but the professionalism and expertise in disarming the device prior to demolition indicates that they were also mercenary. However, finding that team will be significantly more difficult. As to how, I've already presented you with my report on the Phenom Penh raid in most respects and will finish in this briefing. The other two sites, we suspect, were the direct result of the spy we killed, the late Dr. Spin's personal assistant. Everyone else, including myself, have undergone intensive magical truth interrogation and all of us came out negative. The interrogations were... intense enough that there is essentially no chance that one of us could have been lying. "Have you found out who the spy worked for?" Yes. Saeder-Krupp. "The fraggin dragon.... Drek. If he knew, then why didn't he turn us in.... I bet it has to do with his Maxim shares.... I'll have to ask him next time I see him." And that will be? "As far in the future as I can place it. Ok, John, give me the details. Start with Phenom Penh. We know who was involved?" The major players, ma'am, without any doubt. It was probably organized by Alex, and our camera logs also place Roxey and Slash at the scene, without a doubt. Our deckers indicated the presence the decker Dick Tracy, and perhaps the rest of the Pulp Fiction team was also involved. However, we are still not positive about their composition. Our deck signature experts are running the two partial signatures we downloaded as we dumped two other deckers through their computers and coming up with a likely list of deckers. The descriptions from the warlord's men are also being processed, but one named Shadow has been positively IDed. He's an ex-associate of the man named Dragon that one of our Quads killed late last year. Unfortunately, one of the raiders matches the old description of Dragon, but his death was positively confirmed so it must be a relative or a friend with an understandable grudge... +++++ Upload Deck Signature data +++++ Ahhh, it seems that our computers have matched a couple of the other figures and one of the deckers. The decker who was nuked is likely, to 93%, named Shields, and the physical description of one of the women involved in the raid matches, to 96%, his associate Jasmine. The presence of large numbers of zombies indicates that Alex's daughter was there as well. The last likely names we have so far indicate that the HALO jumpers were likely military or a corporate strike team on loan to Alex's strike, likely as a means to extract some revenge for prior assaults. The bodies, after extensive autopsies, indicate that they were Ares employees. This matches with what one of our old contacts told us about a special unit headed and created by a man who has since returned to the shadows. It is possible that the last individual is this person, but we have so little on his connections during and after his Ares involvement that we are not yet sure. I have agents all over Seattle in an attempt to find him, but he and the woman whose simsense record was recently broadcast by a pirate broadcaster monikered Trideo Pirate have disappeared, likely into an Ares facility somewhere. Our inside sources have been unable to verify this, but we're working on it. The last one we have a guaranteed ID on is Mr. Lynch. "Lynch? Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. So he's still alive and active. Most interesting...." Yes, ma'am. As far as we know, that's who was involved. There are many persons unaccounted for, but we suspect that they will either remain unidentified or will be IDed within the next 24 hours. "Excellent. Now, the only part of the raid on our facility that you didn't elaborate on yesterday was the Matrix intrusions...." I have our expert's views on what the most likely order of events prior to Patty Winters arrived. With the partial deck signatures, we were able to back-track the penetration from the point where it entered our system. I'll include a copy of Patty's report in the briefing when I get to the appropriate part of the discussion. I'll use the projected identities of the deckers for ease of discussion. Shields and, we suspect, Dick Tracy penetrated the system here, CSat 14, line 36. That particular satellite and line are low security to allow individuals from around the world to check our available inventories in the regional databases maintained at the regional headquarters. Our backtrace was unable to track Sheilds' signature further back than that. From CSat 14, they transited and went directly to the secure satellite line encryption controls in Krasnayarsk, where we identified a successful breach in security which later allowed them to avoid one encryption dump change. Our experts have informed me that Dick Tracy appears to have some knowledge of our systems as well, and this has prompted me to revise our Matrix security procedures. "Excellent decision. Please continue." >From the line encryption controls, they stealthed very carefully through and around other nodes, as well as utilized several backdoors which have since been removed. Additional backdoors have been discovered and are being removed, but few have been used recently. Many of them have the software touch of Mercury, I've been told, but that is another issue for another time. Upon routing through the system, the deckers encoded their personas as legitimate packet streams, encrypted themselves with the current key, and transited through CS-Sat 3 to Phenom Penh. Normally our satellites will not accept transmissions from any source not using the specified signal encryption key and algorithm, but the deckers used our key and algorithm and were able to get through. We are revising our system in this regard as well. Upon reaching Phenom Penh, Dick Tracy and Shields split up, each taking separate sections of the system. Dick Tracy took the communications and IFF subsystems while Shields set himself up in the anti-viral supercodes to avoid detection and controlled the radar and security personnel subsystems. It appears from the frames we had to delete from the system after the raid that they were essentially controlling and/or overseeing inter-facility communication, main and secondary radars, troop radios, IFF transponder reception, but not the actual code itself, among other aspects of the system. It was these, however, that caused us the most difficulties. Before I go into more detail regarding the deckers in the security system, we also had a decker whose identity is unknown currently penetrate the corporate Matrix. This decker engaged in a similar manner, but from a public communication satellite to our Phenom Penh connection from the Cambodia main satlink. She entered the system about the same time as Dick Tracy and Sheilds and proceeded to engage various distractions in the payroll department, production, personnel, sales and marketing, as well as private mailboxes. She was responsible for the collapse of our production lines, the tridphone and mail malfunctions, and most of the rest of the problems in that part of the system. And all those problems created chaos which reigned right up to the point that...well, that was in my prior briefing. When the first battery of shells and missiles were launched, our units in position reported different points of origin for the missiles. Since we have had difficulties on occasion with the Backtrack radars on our tanks and artillery, we allowed each rapid response unit to respond as it saw fit and activated the telemetry. Almost immediately, we noticed discrepancies between our Jovian-6 reception of telemetry and the DG-4 telemetry. Our technicians were doing an emergency system check when something occluded the SF-CSat6 connection but our radar indicated that there was nothing that could have cause the full 238 microsecond service problem, and Peregrine, who runs the SF sats, indicated that there was nothing wrong with CSat 6. Something had occluded the connection and didn't show up on radar, so our security forces immediately activated the secondary and tertiary radar systems, which showed that there was a discrepancy between them. One of our deckers was immediately dispatched to Security's connections to main radar, as was the security rigger, and an alien frame was discovered and destroyed, and we destroyed the HALO drop plane with SAMs. As you know, all our security systems are kept on active alert perpetually even though this costs much in clock cycles. Only the security systems, of course, and they have such low use that active alert doesn't damage the processing efficiency as greatly as it would in our corporate Matrix systems. In this case, we activated the security knowbots and put the corporate system on active alert as well as upgraded all our deckers in the systems. As you know, we were still having difficulty locating the enemy deckers in our systems until Patty showed up. I've assigned all corporate security deckers to rotating classes to improve their skills after this fiasco. Our signature trace really doesn't tell us much about either Dick Tracy or Shields at this point, because once they settled into their respective locations and started manipulating the system according to their intentions, they didn't move. But we were able to determine after the fact some very interesting facts about both of them. Dick Tracy knew our systems well, too well to have never dealt with them before, and was prepared for most of what our deckers and IC threw at him. Dick Tracy appeared to be taken aback by some of the newer IC we fielded, from decker eyewitness reports. Shields, on the other hand, likely had some special utilities which enabled him to compensate for some of our security precautions, including the satellite encryption link which actually dumped Dick Tracy later, as well as partially compensate for the delay over the satellite links. In addition, his signature was essentially untraceable due to multiple processor signal directions. One was a false trail that was actually traced, but the other ended at the first public communications satellite outside of our operations. We believe that the difficulties with the military communications was largely the fault of Dick Tracy. We suspect that she was able to delete messages propagating from our radios before they were displayed in Security. The Quads were not affected, nor was our SF unit because they use the SF sats rather than local communication, and they were able to integrate their actions in that manner. Our Matrix systems need severe improvement and I am recommending that all systems with independent security Matrices disconnect them completely from the Matrix or implement them in a triggered teleporting SAN. +++++ Upload Report_Patty_Winters +++++ I've just placed a copy of Patty's report on your system, ma'am, but I'll touch the high points. When she entered the security system, she said that she found it a mess, with more IC than necessary, and most of it the wrong types as well. She has included a recommendation as to a better IC allocation in systems as an appendix to that report. She was decking with her MMS deck, and was quickly able to locate both deckers. She says that she found Shields by running a virtual machine in one of the CPUs to isolate any viral, frame, or decker influences, but that the virtual machine refused to pick up the anti-virus programs. She suspects that her activation of the virtual machine triggered some responses in Sheilds' masked persona and stealth programs, but she was still able to locate him. She claims that when she found him, he was still manipulating the system as best he could with all his frames being systematically destroyed by our knowbots and deckers. Apparently, she got behind his persona and surprised him. He nearly hit her with a powerful but what she called "inelegant" attack program, but that he was unprepared for the nuke. "So nuke has been tested on a person. Results?" Nuke appears to work as it was intended, ma'am, but without the target in our custody, we cannot be positive. It overloaded the hardening of Shields' deck and burned out his MPCP, implanted the worm in the Persona chip rather than the MPCP as most deathworms are, dropped a looper into his headware, dumped him, and implanted "Play Nice" psychotropics. He should not be any trouble anytime soon, since Patty suspects it will take him at least a week, at best, to repair his deck, and that's without dealing with the looper and Personaworm. "'Play Nice'? Is that the version that not only implants the love of Maxim Arms, but also makes the afflicted person turn into a babbling idiot when he thinks about, sees, hears, etc. any violence?" Yes, ma'am, that would be it. But we've expressly defined "violence" in the most broad manner possible such as breaking any law, hearing a simple argument, seeing blood even from a little cut, any pain of any animal, the cutting of a tree limb. Play Nice has been tested, and it makes the afflicted individual nearly incapable of survival in any situation. Sometimes I think that it would be more humane to kill the target with a powerful black hammer program. "Psychotropic IC has fantastic deterrent value, John." I'm aware of that, ma'am, which is why I don't complain about it's use. "Now, what of the other two deckers?" Dick Tracy was found by a couple of deckers who thought that he was a frame as well. He wasn't, and in their surprise they got dumped rather painfully. He also destroyed a knowbot before Patty reached him. She ordered the remainder of the deckers into the corporate Matrix to locate and dump the other decker while she handled Dick Tracy. The two of them, according to Patty, sparred for several microseconds while Patty sized up her opponent. Unfortunately for Patty, who was about to attack, Krasnayarsk's encryption update engaged at precisely this time and Dick Tracy was dumped by the security satellite carrying her signal. As you know, when encryptions are updated randomly, we not only alter our encryption key randomly but also our algorithm. Any signal going over our corporate links that does not immediately update both algorithm and key instantly is cut. This is what dumped Dick Tracy, and before we were able to acquire a deck trace or signature fragment. Patty informed us that Dick Tracy did not appear to be running a deck of significant threat to her MMS deck, which is hardly a surprise. Most Fairlights are not a threat to those decks. We did not utilize the Hyperdeck, however, because we felt it was better used locally in the event of this attack being part of a greater attack on our facilities worldwide. Besides, it would have been overkill. The decker in the corporate sector was dumped ultimately. Our deckers reported that her deck was excellent and that she seemed almost as surprised about some of it's capabilities as they were. In addition, they claim that she herself had the marks of professional decker training, possibly from some of the best in the world. She was not, however, an otaku as they suspected for an instant. She fought off several deckers and IC programs, but was unable to defeat two deckers, a knowbot, and three IC programs combined, which is what she was facing before one of our Black IC programs dumped her. We suspect that she is suffering from a case of cyberphobia and moderate wounds due to the biofeedback she absorbed, but we don't know for certain. "Is that all, John?" On the Matrix penetration of the Phenom Penh facility, yes. "Good. Let's take a quick break and come back to this in ten minutes." Of course, ma'am.]<<<<< -- Maxim Internal Security Log <21:12:05/03-11-57> *****Private: Wintergeist >>>>>[No problem. I'm just glad that the boy has been recovered. I will meet Mr. Blackthorne at the Playhouse at noon as you requested. Do I have to bring him to the Hilton? I have unfond memories of that place. Never mind, I will deal with them at the proper time.]<<<<< -- Cuval <21:25:36/03-11-57> >>>>>[Boy, I guess some people just have no luck at all. Remember that guy they found hanging from the Seattle Hilton last week. Well, it just keeps going for him. I saw a report today that Wilson Ueda, the Manager of the Hilton, fired him today, citing the faulty maintainence charges brought against the company by Lone Star. Mr. Ueda is quoted as saying "...his responsibility. He caused the deaths of six innocent people at our hotel. We here at the Hilton regret that the negligence and incompetence of one of our employees would cost our customers their lives. We cannot have such a man working for us. We have also begun collecting money to establish a fund for the families of the victims." For some people I guess it's true what they say- If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.]<<<<< -- Kodachrome <21:32:01/03-11-57> >>>>>[More breaking news on everybody's favorite megacorp... The Amazonians appear to be extremely upset... +++++begin newsclip.turner-network.57-03-12.02:01:54 The familiar form of Michael Novacek, complete with chic raincoat and hand-held microphone, fills the view. Behind him are the lights of a large city, icy points without the slightest twinkle. Michael's breath congeals as he speaks. "Good evening. It's now after midnight here in La Paz, on the third day after the globe was _rocked_ by a wave of terrorism aimed at Maxim, one of the world's most prominent second-tier arms and aerospace corporations. Data continues to be scare about the Maxim bases in Cambodia and Cairo, where rumors of heavy casualties and nuclear contamination are caught up in a bureaucratic _maelstrom_ that no news agency has _yet_ been able to unravel. I myself was en route to Cambodia when military forces turned us away with threats of shooting us out of the sky. So goes the "freedom of the press." HOWEVER," he exclaims, his serious expression rent with the beginnings of a grin, "through _extreme_ perseverance and professionalism, _not_ to mention the _painstaking_ and considerate assistance of the Amazonian government, we are now able to bring you _exclusive_ footage of the destruction wrought here in La Paz. The Amazonian government has just finished clearing the footage, taken by our _expert_ cameramen using a remotely-piloted drone, and we now present it to you." The view changes to a camera floating roughly 2.5 meters above the ground. It drifts forward at a moderate speed, following a two-lane road flanked on either side by dense tropical vegetation. The amount of light suggests afternoon. Immediately ahead is a cluster of armored personell carriers, grim-looking troops in hardshell armor complementing the obvious heavy weapons protruding from their vehicles. Behind them is the remains of what might be a large guardpost, rubble covering everything but a cleared swath down the middle. The drone continues forward through the gap, its camera zooming in briefly to record the stoic face of one of the soldiers for posterity. The road beyond the gate opens out into a large cleared complex, buildings of varying sizes spread across the bottom of a small caldera. Various military vehicles, both terrestrial and airborne, dot the space between buildings, troops either busy about some errand or else standing guard with their armor and gyromounted weapons. The camera follows a straight course from the guardhouse towards a large crater strewn with debris and crawling with soldiers. "This," says Michael's disembodied voice, "is the remains of the warehouse where the nuclear material was being stored. As you can see, the structure was completely destroyed. Another warehouse [the camera pans off to the left] met a similar fate, though its contents were apparently innocuous. Several other sites in the compound were damaged as well; the Amazonian government says these were anti-aircraft weapons installations. According to intelligence reports and the testimony of eye-witnesses, some sort of aircraft were responsible for the majority of the damage, although noone was able to confirm a definite sighting of them. Several drones _were_ spotted by witnesses, and the wreckage of a few of them is being analyzed to determine their origin." The drone has now passed the warehouses and is nearing a small cluster of buildings, several showing some signs of damage. "According to estimates, the attackers employed an assortment of ECM, bomblets, air-to-air weapons, and several varieties of air-to-ground weapons. Several of the targets, such as the warehouses, were struck by structure-piercing high-explosive munitions, while other targets, such as the remains of the security communications facility you see now, were impacted with area-fragmentary weapons. Several companies, as well as selected national militaries, manufacture such weapons, and Amazonia has _yet_ to pinpoint the manufacturer of the weapons used here." While Michael continues talking, the drone circles the buildings and begins heading back for the guardhouse, its camera turning aside to zoom in on an imposing arachnoid shape perched impassively next to one of the craters. It stands at least four meters above the ground, measuring nearly six meters in length. Several gun barrels protrude from its massive bulk, including one immense appendage that can be nothing but a rotary assault cannon. "What you're seeing now is one of Amazonia's Urban Combat Platforms, a vehicle we're told is only reserved for _very_ special occasions. Like the other military hardware and personell here on base, it won't go away until the diplomatic crisis with Maxim is resolved and the fate of the base decided. All the Maxim personell from the base have now left the country, and should be safely back with their families and coworkers." The view changes back to Michael, who is being pelted by the first drops of a tropical shower. "As the media tries to make inroads into the situations in Cairo and Cambodia, we will continue to bring you information from the scene here in La Paz. This is Michael Novacek, reporting." +++++end newsclip.turner-network.57-03-12.02:01:54]<<<<< -- Fisher <02:19:19 / 03-12-57> Fisher Data Systems *****PRIVATE: Wintergeist >>>>>[Herr Wintergeist. I'm sorry, i just get a LOT of seriously injured people to help. I have looked a little at your sample and i can tell you now only that the tissue is very parvosomatic for neural tissue and that it is MITOTIC. I can giving you more details after these peopple are healed.]<<<<< -- Basilisk <05:46:08 GMT/13.MAR.57> *****Private: Enchantress >>>>>[Susan, my flight has been delayed, so I won't be home tonight. Don't wait up, the plane won't get back to Seattle until about 8AM tomorrow morning. We'll have breakfast when I get home.]<<<<< -- Gib Johnson <23:47:12/03-11-57> President, Envirotek *****Private: Wintergeist >>>>>[Does the name Rhodaemis (sp) mean anything to you? I was scanning the board, and came across this strange message from a guy going by that name. He says he is looking for someone, but he did not list any names in the message. Maybe I missed something.]<<<<< -- Cuval <00:23:10/03-12-57> *****Private: Wintergeist >>>>>[Noted, and Thanks.]<<<<< -- Shade <4:02:18 / 3-12-57> >*****PRIVATE: V-12 >>>>>>[I am refering to the strange black spirit that everyone encountered, and the man in the unusual suit. Here is everything that I have now, but I am employing some data gatherers. +++++ FILE TRANSFER: MAGMAX.SIM]<<<<< -- Shade <04:08:02 / 3-12-57> *****Private: Cuval >>>>>[That is truly an evil portent, we will speak more of him when we meet this afternoon.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <03:36:37/03-12-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Well, I'm almost back to 100%. I'd tell you where I was, but they'd prefer I kept quite on that part. Well, where ever I am I'm definately NOT in De%$3jkl*@jklport&&&^ +++++CONNECTION TERMINATED AT SOURCE]<<<<< -- Blade <08:20:26/03-12-57> >>>>>[WANTED: Bountyhunter with knowledge of the local area. Will pay highest.]<<<<< -- Rhodaemis <08:54:14/03-12-57> >>>>>[The auctioneer observes a bid of =Y= 75,000]<<<<< -- Starter Account #6s65sdcf9dv <09:31:42/03-12-57> Sign up today for ten free hours!! SOL *****Private:Rhodaemis >>>>>[Sorry friend if I spelled your name wrong but I'm recuping from a little jaunt. I am a bounty hunter and am extreamly interested in any jobs you may have. Drop me a line.]<<<<< -- Redfeather <03/12/57 11:07:45> *****Private:Wintergeist >>>>>[I can account for the deaths of three of them, but the rest were healthy and pissed when I left them. Mayhaps it was some Amerindians that did them in, no one liked them anyway (No lose or gain as they say). Though if you asked for my opinion I'd say the spirits killed them for kidnaping such an inoccent boy.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <03/12/57 11/17/45> *****Private:Herr Basilisk >>>>>[I am indeed in need of an arm, from the shoulder down. It doesn't have to look good, just function. Tell me the amount and were to be.]<<<<< -- Redfeather <03/12/57 11:25:12> *****PRIVATE TO: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Well, it seems my current guardians are being very paranoid. Understandable. I will continue about where I left off. Well, for anyone concerned, the lady nice enough to record part of that escapade is recovering nicely. Her legs, as you probably suspect, were a total loss. However, she is currently being prepped for surgery to replace those limbs with top of the line cyber ones. She should be back to full strength in a couple of weeks. She told me to thank all of you who helped get her back alive. As for myself. Well, aside from some cracked ribs and a couple grazes, I'm fine. The arm had to be replaced, it was totalled from the toxic using it to swing me around, and when I decided to use it to "cushion" my fall . Thats ok, cyber's replacable. I think we should remember all of our comrades who fell in battle. They served bravely. They died with honor. May they walk in beauty.]<<<<< -- Blade <09:30:56/03-12-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Action Jackson >>>>>[I hoped my services helped your little endeavor. If you require them again, and if the cause is as worthy, I don't think you'll have trouble getting a hold of me.]<<<<< -- Blade <09:34:23/03-12-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Lynch >>>>>[I think I owe you a drink. Contact me at >>>encrypted<<< in a couple of days, and I'll take care of it. Oh, and I'm glad to hear you made it out alive. ]<<<<< -- Blade <09:38:15/03-12-57> *****PRIVATE TO: DK >>>>>[The job is finished. The deal is done. The debt is paid.]<<<<< -- Blade <09:40:57/03-12-57> *****PRIVATE TO:Rhodaemis >>>>>[I may be able to fulfill you requirements. If the cred is good. Contact me at >>>encrypted<<< and we can discuss things further]<<<<< -- Blade <09:42:23/03-12-57> >>>>>[Whoa, night HALO jump with inexperienced jumpers depending on computers to pull the ripcord, dropping through alerted defenses. Ballsy. Stupid, but ballsy. You kids'll be suffering for burning all of that karma in your next lives, you know that, don't you? We used to do that until the FNGs started burning in. Then we tried glide approaches from way the hell out over the lake - until wasps started tearing us up. One question: who's dumb idea was it to carry back-ups? At the speeds you kids shoulda been dropping and the altitudes you shoulda been pulling at, even a trained, augmented human would have trouble finding the time to decide his 'chute hasn't opened, cut it away, fall far enough to avoid fouling in the bad 'chute and deploy the back-up with any chance of hitting the ground in one piece. We figured the back-up was dead weight so our HALO jumpers replaced the weight of a spare with more ammo. Now you know why we had trouble with FNGs burning in. Hell, a HAHO drop woulda allowed you to all hit the LZ withing a coupla meters of each other, all without alerting the ground defenses by flying near the 'zone. Dumb.]<<<<< -- Snake (09:34:22 / 03-12-57) *****Private:Redfeather >>>>>[Rest easy, Mr. Redfeather, you did grasp the proper spelling of my title. I seek information regarding two individuals, and will pay one thousand nuyen in script for information resulting in the capture of either. Their names are Wintergeist and Luthien, I will send more information shortly.]<<<<< -- Rhodaemis <12:07:26/03-12-57> ***** Private: Shade >>>>>[Hey, man, I don't do spirits any more. Don't care how well it pays ]<<<<< -- Rumormonger ***** Private: Ghost Faced Killa >>>>>[Allrighty then. I been hired to grab a body for a buddy, already said that. So I been surveilling him, said that, too, for a coupla weeks now. I can set my chrono my when he takes a dump he's so regular on his sched, right? I've been following him now for a while to look for sec. Now, thje corp he works for has got the assests to do it right, so I won't say there's no security on him, or even little security, I just can't see it. Now here's most of my notes: +++++ FILE: ACADIAN.NTS (135 mP) Meet me at the Golden Triangle Restaurant 'bout 1800 and we'll talk business. Gotta fly, damn eyes aren't working right again....]<<<<< -- Rumormonger >>>>>[Willy Pete, evil, evil stuff. I love it. But on to part two of my critique. I wasn't there, so I get to critique it. That's the way the real army works. The folks in the "rear with the gear" (to use the polite form) have 20-20 hindsight and get to pick apart every little detail. See, those Nightglider jockeys did it right. Come in low and long over the trees. Loiter while the rocks drop themselves into the firetrap and then sneak in. Good. That was an insert after my own heart. Couldn'ta planned a jungle insertion better myself.]<<<<< -- Snake (13:00:33 / 03-12-57) *****PRIVATE: Jason Tylor >>>>>[Yo, my man. I know it's really fast after all shit went down, but I got somethin' I want your professional opinion on. +++++include information What tha fuck'r we lookin' at here. I got this dude sayin' this shit might be worse than that Wraith thing, tho' I don' know how much giv'n 'e is to hyperbol-ee. 'Fore I say shit I want some second opinions. I'z willin' to pay for the consult if need be.]<<<<< -- V-12 <11:13:37 / 03-12-57> *****PRIVATE: AlexandriaN >>>>>[Yo. I gots a strictly recreational question that just sorta came up. Your people were the ones that checked out shit the last time we had some supernatural problems. I wonder what you might have ta say about this: +++++include information I got someone tellin' me it's cause for alarm, maybe worse than the last time, but I don' know if they really got they shit together, like. I don' know fo certain if its high-pri, but I don' leave things ta chance.]<<<<< -- V-12 <11:19:41 / 03-12-57> >>>>>[I have a free pass because I'm human?!? Did you forget that I'm a black man? You people have had to endure racism for what, 30, 40 years? My people have had to put up with that drek for over five hundred years. When dwarves have been around that long, then, maybe, you can understand what my people have been put through. Shut the frag up shorty.]<<<<< --Ghost Faced Killa<11:27:33/3-12-57> >>>>>[Minnow, a dwarf? Even his names a joke.]<<<<< --Dirt Megirt<11:28:33/3-12-57> >>>>>[Yeah, there's a lot of us, but only one's a bastard. Killa Priest, Keeper of the Temple. Lucky Hands. Inspector Deck. Ghost. The Genius. Dirt Megirt. The Chef. Deddy Krueger. And then me. And that's just the hardcore of the Shaolin.]<<<<< --the Mef<11:31:22/3-12-57> *****Private: Kasigi >>>>>[Sir, the staff finished the report earlier than anticipated. I have looked it over, and I must say that I find most of their options somewhat excessive. I still do not see what justification we can have for pursuing this line of action, if you do indeed authorize it. +++++ include file: options.t187]<<<<< --Mephisto <14:01:25/03-12-57> *****Private: White Queen >>>>>[I have been able to influence my subject somewhat. His heritage makes him somewhat prone to xenophobia anyway, so it has not been terribly difficult. I believe he will initiate the type of action that is required. I altered the options file that the staff prepared to include some rather...unpleasant...alternatives. He should athourize some action within 48 hours. Allowing a little time to set it up, the target should be affected within the week.]<<<<< -- Mephisto <14:20:06/03-12-57> *****Private: Mephisto >>>>>[You always were the quickest of my students, but don't push to hard. We do not need anyone noticing anything terribly out of the oridanry in his behavior. Take your time, there is no great rush here.]<<<<< -- White Queen <14:25:20/03-12-57> >>>>>[How the hell did an SOLer get in here? That _WAS_ a novelty tag-line wasn't it? PLEASE say it was?]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <17:39:31/12-03-57> >>>>>[Okay Killa. You want to be reminded of what you have and we don't? You have a history. Everyone has a history except for the metahumans (except the fragging elves of course). You have a homeland. You have a native culture to fall back on. You have organizations rallying for your support. You have fragging scholarships. What do we have? Drek. And what do we get on top of that? Bulldrek from supremecists like you who want to grind us further into the dirt. Well, I can tell you that that isn't going to happen. We're not going to let that happen. And any fragger who tries to slow us down is going to get his soul torn out.]<<<<< -- Minnow <18:09:14/12-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Jen and Gabe >>>>>[We need you. Be at >>>encrypted<<< tonight. Hot gear.]<<<<< -- =igh{te~us%and ana)C! >>>>[Not possible. Sorry. We've got a dinner date.]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <18:16:40/12-03-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Jen and Gabe >>>>>[Be at >>>encrypted<<< at midnight. We remind you that you still have sanction. We no longer do. Should it become known to our employers that you are reading this message, there is a high probability of you losing that sanction.]<<<<< -- Rig^teo+s a>d D/?a < SIGNAL TRACE LOCKED... DAEMON'S LAUNCHED... SIGNAL TERMINATED AT SOURCE *****PRIVATE TO: Tassie >>>>>[I don't like to be stood up. Please don't do it again. A job has to be done very soon. Be at HappyTime Resturaunt tomorrow at noon. We have a job that requires your special qualifications.]<<<<< -- $h~f{]PGS=+23 *****PRIVATE TO: DRUZE >>>>>[Tassie should be at the HappyTime Resturaunt tomorrow at noon. Please be there.]<<<<< -- ER98gfdjh35DFG >>>>>[Snake, if we wanted your critique we would have provided you with our recon data and analysis. That way, you could see why we did things the way we did. The *real* Army works that way. Your 20-20 hindsight doesn't see a lot of details that we knew and you still don't: without that info, your analysis is irrelevant. And your technique lacks courtesy, depth of analysis, and insight. Also ways in which you fail to match the standard required. Two out of ten, stay behind after class, go hit the handbooks some more. Go play with Jenna and Gabriel: they're more your league.]<<<<< -- Lynch <23:32:05/03-12-57> ***** Private: Rumormonger >>>>>>[ I am not asking you to help with the actual spirit data collection mission. I just want you to break into a few universities and poke your nose around. Some people no longer believe in the free transport of scientific knowledge of Academia, you know. You wouldn't get anywhere near a spirit, just maybe files on one.]<<<<< -- Shade <18:08:52 / 3-12-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Rhodaemis >>>>>[Bountyhunter: FOUND! What's da game?]<<<<< -- Mr. Ferocious <19:45:54/03-12-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Mr. Ferocius >>>>>[I seek informaton regarding two individuals. They are not to be approached directly, just their possition reported. They are to be considered to be armed and highly dangerous. Both are magically active and may have allies in this area. It is unlikely that they will be working together. They are currently using the aliases Wintergeist and Luthien. A reward of one thousand nuyen in script is offered for information leading to the capture of either.]<<<<< -- Rodaemis <22:39:23/03-12-57> *****Private:Gabe n' Jen >>>>>[Why, do you wish to bid?]<<<<< -- Starter Account #6s65sdcf9dv <22:51:42/03-12-57> Sign up today for ten free hours!! SOL >>>>>[Thanks, Redfeather.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <21:08:14/03-12-57> >>>>>[Nug! A LoneStar van just knocked over some old bag. First incompetence at the Hilton and now LoneStar randomly taking down innocent pedestrians... Aztlan is looking better all the time...]<<<<< -- Cybil <00:21:14/13-03-57> >>>>>[ Well, here's the dirt on a recent press release from Maxim +++++ Include Trideo Upload +++++ Good evening, my name is Charlie Fingers and I'm here live in the Ute Sector of the Denver Front Range Free Zone, where Ms. Nicole Velli, President and CEO of Maxim Arms, will be speaking shortly. There has been a lot of rumors flying about recent events concerning Maxim Arms, specifically regarding the recent events in LaPaz, Amazonia, Cairo, and Phenom Penh, in what used to be Cambodia. There have been reports of massive explosions, terrorist attacks, and it appears that LaPaz at least is suffering from some form of radioactive contamination. On these rumors along, Maxim's stocks have plummeted to another low, losing all the ground that they had gained since the destruction of the Warsaw production facility and more. We're not sure when Ms. Velli will be....ahh, here she is now, and with her is Mr. John Skulkin, the current Vice-President of Corporate Security. JS: Ladies and gentlemen of the press, Ms. Velli would like to read from a prepared statement. There will be time for some questions following her statement. Miss Nicole Velli. NV: Thank you, John. Ladies and gentlemen of the press, there have been many rampant rumors and innuendos regarding Maxim Arms recently. It is the purpose of this statement to address the rumors and allay any fears the public might have. At approximately 6AM local time on the 10th of this month, terrorists struck three Maxim facilities in a well coordinated assault. In the cases of LaPaz and Cairo, the targets were small, temporary stores of radioactive isotopes and material that Maxim uses to produce radiation cancer therapies, satellite power cells, and small scale experimental reactors. In the case of our Phenom Penh facility, the terrorists were interested in our primary nuclear material stockpile worldwide. The most damaged of the three, our LaPaz facility suffered extreme damage and, in the process, the containment vessels for the material were destroyed and radioactive isotopes were released into the atmosphere. This precipitated the Amazonian government to send environmental experts and troops to aid in the cleanup and to ensure public safety, as many of Maxim's employees were injured in the attack and Maxim was unable to immediately guarantee the safety of the residents of LaPaz. However, the Amazonian military overstepped their authority when they decided to occupy the LaPaz facility and deport all the uninjured Maxim employees to Santiago, Chile. Maxim has only recently been able to return a technical oversight team to the facility, but we hope to be able to return our employees to their families living in the suburbs of LaPaz. In addition, there have been rumors of Amazonian troops near other Maxim facilities in Amazonia. Because Maxim had not informed the Amazonian government that we intended to temporarily store small quantities of nuclear isotopes and materials at the site, the government had considered an armed search of other Maxim facilities for similar materials. As a sovereign megacorporation, the Maxim Board of Directors could not allow that to happen, and tensions rose. Until recently, that is. As of about an hour ago, the last Amazonian units had been recalled from near Maxim facilities and Amazonia has agreed to return the LaPaz facility to Maxim Arms within the next month. In return, Maxim has agreed to allow Amazonian environmental observers in our facilities, to provide Amazonia with a complete listing of all potentially environmentally harmful materials in our Amazonian facilities, and we have been forced to bend to political pressure to discontinue our biomedical cancer and VITAS research in the Amazon rainforest. The second facility, in Cairo, was also attacked, but since the attack was more of a surgical strike, less damage and less contamination was released into the environment. Cairo was an additional short-term storage facility for nuclear research materials. In its case, however, the materials were destined for our research installations in the Nile river channel and Ethiopia. We have been able to totally clean up the contamination in Cairo and we have set up a temporary center for those locals who feel that they could be affected by the extremely slight contamination released. Due to the nature of our Phenom Penh facility, I can only say that the attack there was very well planned and executed and our analysis has shown that it was designed to appear as if one of the many local Cambodian warlords was attacking the facility. The attack was successfully repelled and no nuclear material left the facility. I would like to take this opportunity to insure the public of Maxim's commitment to environmental and public safety as well as the advancement of technology and science. Maxim has been the target of many recent terrorist activities and we are taking steps to insure that this never happens again. Thank you. Questions? Yes, Paula? Paula Yeats: Miss Velli, you said that the materials stored in LaPaz and Cairo were radioisotopes and "nuclear materials." Amazonian experts have released information saying that there was plutonium present. What use does Maxim have for plutonium? MV: Maxim uses small amounts of plutonium in our satellite power supplies, and our 4 nuclear fission reactors worldwide use plutonium as the fuel source rather than uranium. Yes, Mariah? Mariah Cobol: Ma'am, you said that storage was temporary, yet the warehouses destroyed in LaPaz were long term storage. Why the discrepancy? MV: Short term storage is cycled through a warehouse within days in both Cairo and LaPaz, and that much jostling could potentially break the storage containers or allow some mistake to ship the materials to some organization who shouldn't receive them. Yes, Kathy? Kathy Mountain Hawk: Miss Velli, does Maxim have any leads as to who was responsible, and why they would have risked thousands of lives in such a manner? JS: I'll take this one, ma'am. We're not sure, Mrs. Mountain Hawk. The evidence we've seen points in several directions, including rouge elements in the Amazonian wilderness, several ecoterrorist organizations who have been harassing Maxim over mining and similar resource operations, and even a competitor or two. All of them would have benefited by Maxim having difficulties in Amazonia, and as you know, not all corporations are as environmentally conscious as Maxim Arms. MV: Yes, Tad? Tad Penn: And what of Phenom Penh, where your corporation is not even allowing the press within a kilometer of the perimeter? MV: That facility is a large scale production, research, and distribution nexus for SE Asia as well as the storage point for most of Maxim's refined and unrefined nuclear materials. It is from there that we ship out plutonium to our reactors worldwide. Because of the security for other operations not related to the terrorist attacks, we do not allow anyone within a kilometer of the site. In fact, we never have, but it wasn't until recently that anyone like the press was interested in going there. We have time for one more. Charlie? Charlie Fingers: Miss Velli, what of the rumors that the plutonium was sufficiently refined to manufacture nuclear weapons? MV: Totally unfounded. Maxim doesn't have any nuclear weapons, nor are we in the business to construct any such weapons. However, even if we were, how would anyone know after the plutonium had been dispersed by explosives? I recommend you check your sources a little better, Charlie. Good night, and thank you for your time. Charlie: As you just heard, Maxim has.... +++++ End Trideo Upload +++++ And if anyone believes any of it, I've got a nice plot of land in Bellevue you can take off my hands really cheap like.]<<<<< -- Trideo Pirate <01:13:05/03-13-57> >>>>>[Well, this seems to bring the latest Maxim fiasco to an end. We hope. +++++begin newsclip.turner-network.57-03-13.03:44:28 The Turner Networks main desk, with anchorman Chelsea Wong seated with aplomb in front of the trideo cameras. Behind her is an eye-catching graphic of the destroyed warehouse in La Paz, together with the Maxim corporate logo and the universal radiation symbol. "...and rounding up our list of top stories this hour, the worldwide Maxim crisis has now drawn to a close, following intense negotiations with several national governments and Big Eight corporate powers. La Paz, the most publicized of the sites subject to terrorist attack last Friday, is being returned to Maxim by the Amazonian government, in return for concessions including heavy cutbacks in Maxim research in the region. The Amazonian government has apparently been satisfied that no further ecological threat is posed by the site, and will help Maxim experts ensure the containment of the residual nuclear material on site. The Maxim facilities in Cairo and Phenom Penh have admitted much less media coverage, but the information given by the area governments indicates that neither site poses any threat. Maxim stock plumetted on the international changes, bottoming out at its lowest level since the Warsaw incident. Meanwhile, several other companies, notably Ares and Aztechnology, made strong gains on the strength of transferred or discontinued Maxim contracts." +++++end footage]<<<<< -- Fisher <03:49:40EST / 03-13-57> Fisher Data Systems >>>>>[+++++ Begin Trideo Feed ...The image fades in revealing a young, attractive human woman with red-blonde hair sitting at what appears to be a news desk, though there is no network or station symbols in the background. Clearly this is some sort of Public Access broadcast. She is dressed in a conservative blouse, with a peace sign pin attached. "Good evening, I come to you tonight as a spokesperson for _We_Are_All_Human_, a group dedicated protecting the rights of all meta-human types and their Awakened derivatives. We have been watching with some interest the recent good will that is growing between the peoples of the Salish-Shidhe and Corporate Seattle. We find these developments to be a positive step. "However, we also deplore the fact that such reports cover up the fact that not all meta-humans and derivatives are treated so well." The womans face takes on an expression of outrage. "How often have we all seen so-called Trolls and Orcs being denied access to public places, merely because of their race. Or heard about vampires being hunted down because of what they are, never taking into account _who_ they are? We have heard that one such being is a doctor who is trying to better the lives of those around him, yet he is still hunted by the _authorities_. "It is a sad fact of this world that there are individuals out there who will take any pretext to hate and discriminate against others. It has always been the case the human beings fear what is different or strange. It seems that more and more of what exists in this world is stranger and stranger. So some fear and hesitancy are normal. "What is frightening is the fact that some corporations exploit this fear and prejudice to use the less "appealing" meta-types for twisted scientific and pseudo-scientific experiments that often result in the maiming or death of the subject. The corporations that do these heinous acts are often shielded by their extraterritoriality. Or they merely "buy off" the victim's family. Many Robustus and Ingentis come from low income families, so the sums that are offered by the corporations are often quietly accepted. After all, their children, siblings or spouses are already dead. "We have uncovered evidence that Biotechnics, a firm with facilities all over the globe, including several here in Seattle, is one of the worst offenders in this area. We have evidence of numerous cases of Robustus and Ingentis homo sapiens being abducted, taken to their facilities, never to be seen again. "We will no longer stand idly by while our brothers and sisters go to the slaughter at the hands of Corporations that can only see people in terms of the =Y= they can generate for them." The image fades to black. +++++End Trideo Feed]<<<<< -- Kodachrome <05:05:23/03-13-57> *****Private: Red Skull >>>>>[Phone Log Transcript: Briana, I just saw the tape of your broadcast. You were great! "You think so? I was so nervous in front of the camera Paul. I thought I was going to faint." You did fine Bri. It was just perfect. I think you will be surprised at how effective your speach was. "I guess so. I'm not sure about the charges against Biotechnics though. We still don't have evidence that would stand up in court." Don't worry about it. We all know that they are guilty. We'll just have to try and get the solid proof that we need. Sometimes the literal truth has to take second place to what is right. You taught me that, remember? "You're right Paul. I know you are, I was just so nervous. But it felt right, ya know. Telling people about what is happening out there. I don't think many realize the full extent of what the corporations are doing to us." Well they know now. You did great. Let's get together for breakfast and we can talk about how to follow up on this. "Ok. Let's meet at Bosco's in about an hour." Fine, I'll see you then. +++++ End Log Transcript]<<<<< -- Personal Assistant v3.01 <07:42:12/03-13-57> *****Private: Red Skull >>>>>[Paul, are you crazy? What are you trying to pull here? Don't you realize how Armand is going to react when he finds out you are pushing _for_ metahuman rights? You know how he feels about them. He's willing to cut you off if you can't get the job done. Get in contact with me ASAP!]<<<<< -- White Queen <07:49:01/03-13-57> *****Private: White Queen >>>>>[Calm down Ms. Frost. I know what I'm doing. You activated me for mode 2, and you know better than I what that entails. What I'm doing perfectly fits into the guidlines that you taught us. Here is a file with the details of what I've got planned. +++++include file: plans.MAAH]<<<<< -- Red Skull <07:52:52/03-13-57> *****Private: Lattizori >>>>>[ Internal Security Log: Emma, what the hell is going on? What does he think he is doing? They are supposed to be bashing those scum, not showing them to be martyrs. "Yes, sir. I asked him the same thing. He seems to have given the whole idea quite a bit of thought. Let me forward the file of his ideas and you'll see what I mean." Alright, send the file. +++++ Transfer file: plans.MAAH +++++Silence: 45 seconds. Ok. I guess maybe he does know what he is doing. Now that I see where he is heading with this, I see it has some real potential. And it will fit in perfectly as part of Mode 2. What else is going on with Marvel? I have not seen anything on them yet. "I am working on a full report for you, but I can hit the highlights now. As per your orders, I activate project Marvel on Monday. Kang, Mephisto, Enchantress, Absorbing Man, and Shaw were activated on the primary mission, and Red Skull and Carnage were activated under Mode 2. They all acknowledged their wake-up calls. Only Mephisto and Red Skull have checked in with plans as yet. You've got Skull's ideas already, so here are Mephisto's. +++++include file :Mephisto.a13 What about the others? What is going on with them? "When we set up this project, we left quite a bit of leeway for their response. We cannot predict when we will get reports from the others, but I would imagine that we should hear from them within the week." What is the chance of any of them going rogue on us? "I don't feel that it is likely sir. They are all well trained and loyal to us for bringing them in and teaching them to use their gifts. I know them all very well." Yes, I know. Perhaps too well. I want to be informed immediately if you discover that one has turned on us. They would need to be eliminated as soon as possible to limit the chance of their blowing the operations. [pause for 15 seconds] Emma, are you there? You have to see the need for this Emma? "I will keep you informed sir." +++++ Signal Terminated at Receiving End Damn!]<<<<< -- AGRA Internal Security <08:23:15/03-13-57> >>>>>[Geez. "We are all human". Sorry, I'm not. I'm a dwarf, and fragging proud of it.]<<<<< -- Chug <11:14:12/13-03-57> >>>>>['Fraid that's not the way thngs worked in this man's army. Or at least the one I left seven - eight months back. The petrified command structure has its collective head rammed so far up its collective sphincter that it hasn't breathed since the SAIM Incident. Don't know what army you belonged to, but I haven't run across a national army yet where higher command actually looks at all of the data during an after action critque. They just notice how many dead bodies you brought back and then tell you that you fucked up by not following the idiotic plan they sent you because you knew their plan woulda killed everybody. Besides, if the team didn't want comments, why did they blow any chance of keeping the mission clandestine by posting a zillion different viewpoints of the op on a near-public board? If ya can't take the heat, pick another LZ, I always say.]<<<<< -- Snake (11:01:09 / 03-13-57) ***** Private: Shade >>>>>[Oh, sure, that's what the dragon said. "Just need you to keep an eye open for 'im." Dreeeeek. I got a new hand and new eyes outta that little contract. No thanks.]<<<<< -- Rumormonger *****PRIVATE: Shade >>>>>[Hmmm. I am indeed interested. However, I'm not sure I share your apparent alarm. It does not strike me as a wraith or it's kindred. I do know their stench better than most. I would appreciate any information you might have, but here is a supposition. It's likely free now, if indeed it was ever kept. But what is it? What did it smell like, a spirit or an elemental? My first guess is that it might be some sort of Spirit of the Atom, or some such thing. Or perhaps some sort of "anti-elemental." A bizarre concept I admit, but many philosophies and even sub-atomic physics insist on negative, or "anti," particles and forces. Perhaps with your information I might understand more.]<<<<< --the Dark Stranger<11:24:12/3-13-57> *****PRIVATE: AEPacker >>>>>[No problem. I do happen to have a free data worm I could loose on the two...might give us all a few more clues...]<<<<< --Rage<11:24:43/3-13-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Righteous and Dana >>>>>[What the hell was that for last night? And where the hell did you two get off after the action? We missed a nice quiet dinner for that.]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe many thanks :-^) *****PRIVATE TO: Rodaemis >>>>>[Done in a few. If yer payin' fer the info leadin' to they're capture, why not just lim'me do da capturin'? Drek, wiz's is da easiest ta catch.]<<<<< -- Mr. Ferocious <17:17:17/03-13-57> >>>>>[WANTED: A discreet private investigator.]<<<<< -- Ash <16:38:21/03-13-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Mr. Ferocious >>>>>[I cannot get information from a corpse. Just find them and report back. Do not engage them. Do not let them know that they have been found. Just report back, that is _all_ I am paying you to do.]<<<<< -- Rhodaemis <17:46:28/03-13-57> *****Private:Ash >>>>>[How about a skilled bounty hunter with good refrences]<<<<< -- Redfeather <03/13/57 06:50:12> *****PRIVATE TO: Rhodaemis >>>>>[Yer cred. Any specific info on em? What's up wit dis Luthien? Seems like someone else is huntin' him too. Back to ya soon.]<<<<< -- Mr. Ferocious <19:22:15/03-13-57> *****PRIVATE: the Dark Stranger >>>>>>[ It smelled like an elemental, and it had occured to me that it might be linked to the Nega-Mage concept. Here is a copy of my simsense record from that mission. ++++++File Transfer: MAXMAG.SIM++++++++]<<<<< -- Shade <18:41:29 / 3-13-57> *****Not To: Luthien, Rhodaemis >>>>>[Anyone out there seen or heard from a woman named Luthien lately?]<<<<< -- Cuval <18:06:52/03-13-57> *****Private:Cuval >>>>>[A little hint from a long time (and thankfully long lifed) runner. NEVER directly come out and say your looking for someone, that person or thier associates could be (and in your case will be) recieving your message. Take it slow ask around descritly first, or better yet have a trusted comrade ask around to his contacts. You'll learn, just give it time.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <03/13/57 21:05:12> *****Private:Redfeather >>>>>[Hello my friend it has been a long time since I have seen you I hope you arm is better. I may have need of your gun and wits in the future, so please keep them available. Also I have a friend out there who is looking for someone if I give him your name will you help?]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <03/13/57 21:07:24> *****Private: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[Donavin!!! It has been to long, where ya been hiding you ol' fool. Me arms fine it still hurts but a doc is puttin a new cyber one on for me. Bro you always know me gun is here for you, as for me wits well try tommorow I'm afraid the scotch has gone to my head. Jus tell yer boy to get in touch with me and I'll help, but it'll cost.]<<<<< -- Redfeather <03/13/57 21:12:45> *****PRIVATE TO: Mr. Ferocious >>>>>[Find out who else is looking for her. They will most likely lead you in the right direction, feel free to ask in your most persuasive manner. They are both traitors to a great nation and must be found. Luthien will be heavily cybered, yet magically active, Wintergeist has no cyberware, yet is far more powerful.]<<<<< -- Rhodaemis <17:46:28/03-13-57> *****PRIVATE:Redfeather >>>>>[My employer is looking for someone to investigate the recent event at the Hilton. He has reason to belive it was not an accident. He is willing to pay twenty thousand as a retainer. Please contact me soonest.]<<<<< -- Ash <21:32:45/03-13-57> *****Private: Genghis >>>>>[Sir, just received a report that I felt you should be made aware of. +++++ Include file: possible.terrorist.actions Apparently the S-S Council has been receiving some threats over the past several days. They seem concerned over some of the rising tensions that exist between the Council and some residents here in Seattle. I have also received a communique directly from Crusader, the head of security for Chief Moses. He was the one who sent me the terrorist report. Apparently there is a chance that the commendation ceremony may be delayed, due to some kind of terrorist threat. She wasn't too specific, though I can't say that I blame her for that, about the threats. She wants to use the delay to improve the security provisions for the conference. I update you when I receive more complete information.]<<<<< -- Kublai <19:57:22/03-13-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Rhodaemis >>>>>[I'm his shadow. Any info on da mods an is Wintergeist hermetic or does he talk to make believe animals? Expect news soon.]<<<<< -- Mr. Ferocious <20:33:47/03-13/57> *****PRIVATE TO: Mr. Ferocious >>>>>[I can not make this more clear. Luthien is a woman. Wintergeist is a man. They are both elves. Wintergeist is not restricted to your concepts of "hermetic" or "shamanistic". Assume that Luthien has every type of cybernetic and biological modification that you can think of, probably more. I cannot include images as they both always go disguised.]<<<<< -- Rhodaemis <20:43:18/03-13-57> >>>>>[I have extensive experience in this particular arena if the position is still unfilled.]<<<<< -- Hermit <22:13:37/03-13-57> *****PRIVATE: Action Jackson >>>>>[Congratulations on your foiling of my goals, Alex. You and your associates have just fragged up. No more agreement.]<<<<< -- Nicole Velli <22:49:47/03-13-57> President/CEO Maxim Arms >>>>>[Ladies and gentlemen, and specifically those of you ususally resident on these nodes, I have an announcement to make. Due to recent events regarding my corporation, the agreement between myself and many of you has been declared null and void. You fragged with me, and I don't care how long it takes, you will all face the consequences of those actions. Good bye.]<<<<< -- Nicole Velli <22:51:34/03-13-57> President/CEO Maxim Arms *****PRIVATE: The Chameleon >>>>>[I told you this would happen, Nicole. Perhaps next time you will actually listen to your elders.]<<<<< -- Etsy <22:53:57/03-13-57> *****PRIVATE: Etsy >>>>>[A mere bump in the road, my Prince. I reached too far and was burned in the process. So I shall sit back, learn from my mistakes, and not make more of them. After all, I shall live far longer than most of my fellow CEOs. Not as long as you, however.]<<<<< -- The Chameleon <22:55:27/03-13-57> *****Private: Blackthorne >>>>>[Thanks for the advice. I will try to remember it. I never had much use for subterfuge when I was younger. And it wasn't exactly encouraged where I have been the last few years. If you know of anyone who might be able to help me locate Luthien, I would appreciate an introduction. And thanks for the business advice as well.]<<<<< -- Cuval <07:21:10/03-14-57> >>>>>[A... remarkable announcment from Nicole Velli, who seems to take things rather more personally than most CEOs. Unless the message was forged, of course. Perhaps I was premature in declaring the latest Maxim mess over. I shouldn't complain, though: I made a modest sum of money on Maxim stock derivatives. Seems like a sure bet these days that Maxim stock will go down. I don't suppose any of the people she mentioned thought to-- no, that would probably be a bad idea.]<<<<< -- Fisher <23:44:42/03-13-57> *****PRIVATE: Ghost >>>>>[I am glad to hear that your esteemable talents are available for the performance of my small task. I wish to have the contents of a small vial applied to all the fish of a particular variety in a certain sushi resturant at a certain time. The agent contained inside the vial will affect only its intended target and, depending on dose, will take a minimum of twelve hours to take effect. As the variety of sushi in question is uncommon, you should have to treat no more than 3 fish. I have included more detailed information and the advance half of your payment. +++++include resturant.info +++++include delivery.instructions +++++include sushi.details +++++include agent.characteristics +++++transfer 4000 =Y=]<<<<< -- Moriarty <01:14:52/03-14-57> *****PRIVATE: HERMIT >>>>>[Hermit, old bean! Of course! I find myself working for an old enemy of yours, a political assassin out of the other Tir. But he has reformed, and is trying to buy off all that bad karma. You, see, he went and bought this old hotel (a real fixer-uper) and what was the first thing that happened, but some children died in a suspicous "event". I mean, I had just gone over the place, ya know, sizing it up, seeing if it wuz up to code and all, and all the sudden- BOOM! the elevator fell off like it wuz made by the Koreans. I know, get to business, well e' wants to hire ya to make sure it really was an accident. He'll pay a twenty thousand retainer and another thiry upon completion o' the deed (either way it turns out). Seems like a good chunk of cash to me. Some other guy may be interested in the job, I'll let you know if e' takes it, so youse can work together.]<<<<< -- Ash <07:57:21/03-14-57> position is still unfilled.]<<<<< -- Hermit <22:13:37/03-13-57> >>>>>[hmmm, hmmmm, so I take it this is where I start quakin'in my boots. sorry, nicky, but I bet it was all a bunch of men. you know dam well, we are not gonna leave that kind of power in the hands of a woman. What? Are you crazy? just because you get real bad cramps and your ankles swell up on month, doesn't mean the rest of the world has to run to their nearest nuke shelter... ]<<<<< -- GoD <07:21:10/03-14-57> >>>>>[Oh no I'm peein on my self now, gods I better run an hide before the big bad corp lady gets me. BOO-HOO, BOO-HOO. There was that scared enough for ya. :)]<<<<< -- Redfeather <03/14/57 11:24:12> *****Private:Redfeather >>>>>[You know as I read your little message one word comes to mind: STUPID!!!!!!. Here I was telling my good friends how professional you were and how you never did anything stupid, then POOF you do this. If it wasn't for the fact that it was so funny I'd be upset.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <03/14/57 11:27:39> *****Private:Ash >>>>>[Sounds like a good job to me, does your boss have any leads or is it pure speculation. Either case I'm on me way to do some investagatin.]<<<<< -- Redfeather <03/14/57 11:30:12> *****Private:Cuval >>>>>[It is always my pleasure to help out a friend, I would rather have you alive and giving me compatition then dead and rotting. I have a friend by the name of Redfeather, he's a good runner even if he is lacking in social graces. He should be able to give you a push in the right direction.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <03/14/57 11:35:12> >>>>>[Huh?]<<<<< -- Tigger <12:01:27/03-14-57> *****NOT TO: Maxim Corp., Maxim Affiliates, Maxim Staff, Maxim Officers >>>>>[In light of the unfounded accusations laid out by Ms. Velli of Maxim Corp, and in the interest of due process of law, Sheppard-Intrepid (Seattle Div) is willing to offer asylem to all falsly blamed persons who happen to fall under Ms. Velli's poorly directed wrath.]<<<<< -- Donald Johnson <12:12:14/12-03-57> Head of Public Relations (Seattle) Sheppard-Intrepid Corp. *****NOT TO: Maxim Corp., Maxim Affiliates, Maxim Staff, Maxim Officers >>>>>[Asylem will be granted at our european, african and asian offices as well. By tonight we expect to be able to shelter any falsly blamed runner from Maxim corporation. Please be aware however, that a certain level of background check will have to be conducted (confidential of course).]<<<<< -- Karen Toffice <12:13:50/12-03-57> Head of Public Relations (Director, Dubrovnik) Sheppard-Intrepid Corp. *****PRIVATE: Ash >>>>>[Tech! Makkalos. Morkhan!!!!! +++++ Time delay: 30 seconds Ash, you are the only person outside of the Shroud who knows who I truly am. As secure as these lines are, I still have a Death Warrant out on my head, and two locals named Jen and Gabe have been digging. My continued survival depends on my ex-compatriots NOT discovering that I'm still alive. So don't ever refer to that again. Not ever, not even here. I am just Hermit now, nothing more. One of the RF, then? This could be much less than enjoyable.... I'll be there shortly.]<<<<< -- Hermit <11:41:40/03-14-57> *****Private:Redfeather >>>>>[The only solid evidence that foul play might have occured was the fact that I personally inspected the structure prior to the purchase and everything seemed to be in good repair. The exterior elevator was actually rather new, I seem to recall.]<<<<< -- Ash <14:38:23/03-14-57> >>>>>[+++++Begin File Download: commendations.postponement.dat Seattle NewsNet: Today on Council Island, a spokesman for Chief Moses announced the postponement of the ceremony where several corporations with operations in Seattle were to be awarded commendations for their efforts at improving relationships between the S-S and Seattle. "We feel that in light of several threats we have received, not only against Chief Moses himself, but against executives of the corporations we plan to honor, that it would be best to postpone the ceremony. This would give more time to set up proper security. I am sure the last thing that any of us would want to see is a terrorist incident at these proceedings..." The spokesman did not give a definite date as yet for the rescheduled ceremony, but intimated that it would be sometime within the next week or ten days. +++++End Of File Wonder why anyone would protest people getting along better.]<<<<< -- Kodachrome <15:21:09/03-14-57> *****Private: Kublai >>>>>[Robert, what is going on with this delay? Have there really been many threats because of this?]<<<<< --Terry Sides (Genghis) <15:42:12/03-14-57> *****Private: Genghis >>>>>[Sorry boss. You caught me just before I sent my report. +++++Include File: ceremony.update We _have_ received a few threats, but nothing I regarded as too serious. Typical crackpot type stuff. Apparently the S-S Council people have gotten some a little more serious. The included some of what they had received, and I put them in the update. They seem pretty nervous that someone might disrupt the awards, so they want to be extra careful. Crusader told me that they would probably reschedule the event for next Friday, though that is by no means definite at this point. As I have your attention, let me touch upon other matters ...]<<<<< -- Kublai <15:53:14/03-14-57> >>>>>[Fascinating. Everyone is too busy tonight, according to my police scanners, to post here. Excellent, considering that the more active you are, the more likely I am to be able to arrest you. Have a good evening.]<<<< -- Commander Drake, InterPol <23:45:29/03-14-57> *****PRIVATE: Shade >>>>>[Sorry, Shade. Not interested. I've got enough things to think about without needing to worry about fraggin elementals. But what about Roxey? She might be interested, if you catch my drift.]<<<<< -- Diana, Mistress of the Night <23:56:33/03-14-57> >>>>>[Hoi! I'm lookin' for a 'runner who feels up to a little waltz in the Matrix.]<<<<< -- Kali <07:02:27/03-15-57> *****Private: Rattler >>>>>[Hoi chummer! How have you been since our run? I've gotta favor to ask.]<<<<< -- Cuval <06:21:31/03-15-57> *****Private: Skier >>>>>[Gib, when are you coming home? You were going to be here days ago, and I haven't heard from you? Are you all right? Please contact me.]<<<<< -- Enchantress <07:20:2703-15-57> *****Private: Enchantress >>>>>[I'm sorry dear, but I have gotten caught up in some serious business that is keeping me out of town. I can't even tell you where. I fine, though I miss you. It is just some trouble with business. I'll be home when I can.]<<<<< -- Gib Johnson (Skier) <07:35:42/03-15-57> >>>>>[Who has seen the Muffin man, the Muffin man, the Muffin man. Have YOU seen the Muffin man, my little boys and girls. Where is the MUFFIN MAN, is he dead or does he hide, waiting for a time to stike and kill all in his way. AJ have you seen the Muffin man, or you Shade. Donavin have YOU seen the Muffin man or maybe your little dog Redfeather has. Cuval have you seen the Muffin man, or Wintergeist in Hilton land. Jen and Gabe my naughty sprits, where o' where is the Muffin man. Amber's seen the Muffin man, he works for her and is her slave. Tylor Nox have you seen the Muffin man, or Joshaua and his big bad corp. Oh the Muffin man, the Muffin man, I am so free the Muffin man. Remember me Donavin, I've come for ye, the Muffin man, you made me brother so I come to repay you. MUFFIN MAN< MUFFIN MAN< MUFFIN MAN< MUUFIN MAN.]<<<<< -- Muffin Man <03/15/57 11:20:34> *****Private:Donavin Blackthorne >>>>>[Your brother is anxious to see you, shall I bring him over? No, that would be to easy, first I think I'll let him kill a little. Then I'll let him visit you, of course you could stop all this if you just surrendered to me and became my guinipig. But I know you to well, you'll try to stop him and die. We've changed your brother just a little, now he's full of chrome and completely our slave. Hope to see you later.]<<<<< -- Amber Snowmane <03/15/57 11:21:23> >>>>>{Bobby?!?!?!?! What the drek have you done to my brother you f'in little slitch. When I catch you I'll rip your bloomin head off and use it for target practice. Watch your back elf, me and mine are gunnin for you.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <03/15/57 11:30:23> *****Not to:Amber Snowmane, Satyre Corp., Muffin man >>>>>[Okay people this drek is serious, that fruit cake you just say is or was my little brother. Some slitch name Amber Snowmane has done something to him and corrupted the hell out of him. No one, I repeat No one is to shot Muffin man. You do and your life won't be worth a pile of manure, I'll make sure of it. As for Amber I want to kill her myself, but I would appreciate all the help I can get.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <03/15/57 11:35:56> *****Private:Donavin >>>>>[I'm in the middle of a case but I'll try to give you as much help as I can. I can't believe she that to your little bro, he's only 17. Take heart we'll get her even if it is just us two.]<<<<< -- Redfeather <03/15/57 11:37:12> *****Private:Ash >>>>>[I'll get started on it right away, does your employer have specifics he wants or just names. Also I could use a partner, something has come up thats family-oreintated so I'd like to have someone helping if I could.]<<<<< -- Redfeather <03/15?57 11:41:32> >>>>>[You know, I read posts like that, and I think to myself "Gee, I guess your brother isn't so bad after all." Blackthorne, if you need some help with your bro. give me a call. I've had trouble with my own (of course, he wasn't a raving lunatic programmed by someone to hunt me down and kill me and anyone in his way).]<<<<< -- Blade (10:57:45/03-15-57) ***** Private: Kali >>>>>[Hey, I'm up to a little stroll, let me know what?]<<<<< -- Joker <12:01:23/03-16-57> >>>>>[oh'Yeah, now I hear it all...the muffin man, the muffin man..That guy, he crack me up!!!]<<<<< -- GunG FU-LOUIE <12:05:12/03.16.57> >>>>>[Kungfu lou, nuff said!!!]<<<<< -- RESAHWREKTAH <12:08:14/03-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Kali >>>>>I'm your man for the job! Let me know the details when you're ready.<<<<< -- Whiteshadow <12:35/03-16-96> *****Private: Cuval >>>>>[Doing well, thanks for asking. What can I do for you?]<<<<< --Rattler <13:54:01/03-15-57> *****PRIVATE: V-12 >>>>>[_What_ a busy week. Let me tell you, when it comes to electronic fuel injection, I am _not_ the man. At least, not for stuff of this type =) But don't worry, I think everything is proceeding apace. Some people were quite impressed with this little mission, and I think everyone will get something nice in their Christmas stocking this year as a result. As usual, I'll have some little toys for you to play with, but we'll talk about that later. You had a question you wanted answered, so how about I answer it and then pose you with one in return? I had my magical consultant take a look at the information you furnished and do some digging through the appropriate databases. The consensus is that this little beauty is some sort of Free Spirit. There was much rejoicing. And that it's Toxic. And there was even more rejoicing. It's the more technical details that are informative, and while I understand the explanation, I won't try to reconstruct it myself. Here is the "sweet and sour" version: +++++include assesment.doc To summarize, it looks like your associate's fears are probably unfounded, at least as far as the pundits, mavens, and high muckety-mucks are concerned. Which is good news. Now, the question for you: You make mention of one of the participants making a wet record of the experience. You're quite correct that people are interested in this. I appreciate your willingness to make a "distilled" version...less work for me in the Pretty Pictures(tm) department. You can send it to me with cypher juusan as soon as you're ready. As for the rest of the work, I'll be in touch when it's finished. Again, my congratulations on a job well done. Now if Amazonia had only been able to make more hay out of it...]<<<<< -- AlexandriaN <15:19:48 / 03-15-57> *****NOT TO: Maxim, InterPol, etc >>>>>[Lynch went AWOL for a bit, but he asked me to put this up for him. +++++begin Others are telling their tales: well, I'll tell mine. I was with the HALO team, and the first out. On the drop we could see that they'd already made the plane, the SAMs were coming up before we'd even got all seven out, and at least one of Blade's squad - Lieutenant Kahler, the leader - died in the air when the missiles hit. The guard towers must have guessed that the plane had been there to drop a team, and they opened up like ammunition was going out of fashion. Blade and I had to come in on the south end of the bunker, or risk being caught in our shrouds in an interlocking field of minigun fire. I was never so glad to have six septillion tons of Earth slap me across the feet as I was then, believe me. Down, roll, and hit the quick-released: no worries about gathering *that* chute and repacking it! We landed on top of the bunker itself. The damn chute blew off the end of the bunker and wrapped itself around some poor sucker who was watching the wire: with all the noise and light, he'd missed me landing twenty yards behind him. He started to thrash and yell before I shot him - silenced pistol - as Blade landed near me. We were pretty badly scattered. The mage was out in the open, Blade and I were on the roof but at the wrong end, we had two by the entrance - already trading fire with the guards, losing one but killing two - and Walacher was completely outside the armoury perimeter. I started laying grenade fire on the Maxim troops on the perimeter - flash, smoke and concussion, there wasn't much hope of getting shrapnel through their armour, but I wanted to spoil their aim while Nazario moved to rejoin us. He got hit, Blade had to go get him, but one of his team and I kept suppressive fire on the gomers while they did it. So far we hadn't even needed to talk, let alone break radio silence, and while we had come down scattered the Nightgliders were joining on us: the magician's hundred-yard dash had drawn enough fire and attention that most of the gliders made it down in one piece. The defences at the armoury fence were, thankfully, set up to keep attackers out, and they weren't as well prepared for a force landing inside the fence: their own defensive obstacles were impeding them by that point. There was a team still in the armoury, though, and we were trading fire with them - well, shooting at their firing slits at least - while slash rigged the door to blow. During all this, we're taking and returning fire from the Maxim troops on the wire, who are getting more and more numerous and bad- tempered. It was about then that my overpriced comms gear decided to show how good it was, when it not only broke onto the Maxim tactical net but DF'd the guy who was talking at the time. You see, he was saying "Bravo Four Two, this is Whiskey Three One Alpha. Fire mission, Target Charlie, spot, over" to their mortars. I hear his words, I have his signal pattern, and there's a fuzzy glow in my vision giving me an idea of where he is. The nice thing about a Smartgun II is that it lets you reach right out to touch people. The Alpha's not a sniper rifle, but at 126.2 metres it can put three rounds into a helmet faceplate without too much trouble: the Maxim guys were spread out enough that I could break out who was transmitting and kill him. And I had a cruddy approximation of his voice already - you'd never fool someone in person with an internal voicemask, the 'mimic' feature is usually a party toy, but over a partly-jammed radio net on men in combat, it works just fine - and as the first round burst near us, I said "Four-two, this is three- one-alpha, drop seventy and fire for effect, dolly mixtures, emergency rate. Out." Alternate WP and airburst HE, fifteen rounds per tube per minute, and there must have been eight 81mm mortars firing. They only fired for about thirty seconds, but it was enough. There had been most of a company there before, moving up and around towards the gate while they tried to keep us pinned: I don't know how many of them lived through the barrage, but the smoke and dust and flame blocked that area off as a threat for a while and bought us some time. They cut the fire, changed frequencies, and I was off the air: but by then we'd smoked off the armoury and Slash had the door open - damn near vapourised - and we were busy grenading everything inside. Chemicals, concussion and flash. (Frags and willy-petes aren't a good idea in a nuclear storage bunker, my skillchips told me ) Apparently we got nailed with some sort of spell on the way in. I have to say I didn't notice, too hyped and too worried about what we might find inside the bunker. Lo, Blade and I took point going in: everyone inside was dead or unconscious. The weapons were what I'd expected: the old US B-97 design. Ares acquired it over a decade ago, and Maxim must have stolen it from Ares. I didn't have to improvise at all: just let the skillsoft talk me through it. The explosives around the core, and their detonating circuit, are critical: shaped charges, the same as a HEAT warhead, except instead of forming a jet of plasma they compress a hollow plutonium core into a sphere, much denser than it should be. Destroy the timing mechanism that sequences it all, and the weapon is incapacitated: then pack the core with thermite, and you melt down the plutonium into a puddle. A non-critical puddle, too, the shape factor is wrong. I didn't have time to see how Buzz did his wrecking, but he was as thorough as I was. It only took fifty seconds to sabotage four weapons. Buzz was slower, but then his arm was such a mess you can hardly blame the man. Just as I'm crimping the detcord to daisy-chain the thermite charges, everything goes batshit: my vision locks into thermal-only at maximum magnification in one eye, my hearing shuts down completely, my nose and ears start bleeding like someone turned on a hose, and how I remembered to hit the sonic neutraliser I still don't know. That got me sound and vision back, but my rifle was still sparking and crackling: the screamers must have wrecked the smartgun hardware. All my comms gear was recycling, and I'd lost all the data on Maxim's encryption: so I could pretty much forget about any more radio games. And this was the point where it really hit the fan, because while I'm getting everything back on line and finding out what I have left to fight with, something big and nasty is coming for the bunker. Meanwhile, Slash has just discovered that our radio detonators got wrecked by the screamers, and Nazario - who's in a bad way - just takes the backup deadman switch. I didn't consciously notice at the time, though I should have. Griffyn used some sort of spell to blow a hole in the wall, I still had my shotgun - the smartlink was still working, too, the holster must have shielded it a little- and since I wasn't going to need the doorbusters any more I used them to clear the reinforcing rods and widen the gap until it was large enough to use. While I was reloading with sabots, Lo and Blade are falling back. This is now my first close look at a Maxim Quad, and I've already decided I don't like them. Lo and I move up and we're laying fire, trying to keep it back: it's already thrown some sort of acid bomb, it's packing more ordnance than a platoon of infantry, and it's inside the bunker with us. Her HK227 didn't seem to scratch it: 5.56mm APDS, it was wary of, at least enough that it wouldn't let me get a clean shot. Normally I'd have been last out, but Lo didn't seem to be in a hurry while I was there. Blade warned me she worked first in-last out for her people, so I left her to it. It didn't hit me until Blade helped me out of the hole that Nazario was still in there. I had just skipped over the fact that he was chewed up so badly and holding the dead-man switch, zero delay. By the time I figured that we were leaving him to die, Lo was coming out, I was trading shots with one of the Quads that was still outside - it went down, whether just from the impacts or from fatal damage I don't know - and then we're running like hell because Slash planted an eight-litre FAE in that bunker and it was going to blow any second. I hit pretty hard getting prone when the FAEs went off behind me, and I was surprised as hell: that bunker was *tough*, it just collapsed. A FAE that size should have made it rain concrete for days. I don't know where Slash got his info on that bunker, but I might have to find out: that was a *good* source. Anyway, while we're fire-and-manoevering clear of the armoury - Maxim moving more troops in on us, all of us skirmishing back and trying to slow them down while covering ground - two things happen. One, they pop a salvo of illum on us, and two a second Quad unit comes over the wire at us. I'm firing HEDP grenades at the Quads, and I get a very unsatisfying hit on one - my only hit on a Quad to produce a known result, which infuriatingly was none at all that I could see: direct hit, square in the chest, and the damn thing just kept running. While I'm cursing and wondering what to do, some sort of spirit proceeds to materialise out of nowhere and smashes Blade to the ground. >From the bunker roof, remember. I heard several somethings break when he hit, and it sounded painful. I, dumb gunbunny that I am, turn, aim and fire completely by reflex: wasting the rest of a clip on a magical being, that doesn't really understand the idea that you're meant to fall down dead when people shoot you. Perfect grouping and pattern, a dozen rounds into an area the size of my hand, smack in the middle of its chest. That should have dropped a CVR-7: this toxic spirit shows its appreciation by slapping the Alpha out of my grasp. The buttstock hangs up on my forearm while my hand's still on the pistol grip, and it's my turn to hear a nice crisp crunching noise as first the plastic reinforcements, then the bones, give way. About 0.01 of a second later, the pain breaks through my damage compensators. Lots and lots of pain. I hardly even notice the minor detail that my expensive, new, off-the-shelf, almost-unfired Alpha is dissolving where it's lying on the ground. Still, could have been worse. If it hadn't been for the bone lacing, I might have lost the hand outright. The spirit's eating Slash, Dracon Daimyo's fighting it with a katana, one of the Quads zaps Lo with a laser - she's hurt but functional - Griffyn's doing some sort of magic, and one survivor from the Quad that hit us at the armoury is racing around to flank us, thinking we're preoccupied. He was nearly right, it was only luck that let me see him. He came out from behind a bunker and into my fire. Twelve-gauge APDS will defeat CVR-7 armour, boys and girls, though you'd better fire the whole magazine to be sure. After the frustration of seeing them bounce HEDP, this made up for a lot. His friends didn't like that at all. *I* didn't like that at all: I was firing right-handed, resting the SPAS on my forearm, and the autofire shook my broken wrist so badly that I compounded the fracture. But seeing that metallic motherfucker go over was worth the pain. As I'm trying to reload (it's a damn sight harder than usual when only one hand works) I see there's another spirit - one of ours - between us and the Quads, and two of the Maxim metal monsters are discovering that it's screwing up their lasers. Whatever other weapons they have evidently aren't in range yet, and they must have seen what happened to their buddy: now they're being a lot more cautious in their approach. Suddenly spirits are appearing around us: one of them goes for the toxic that Dracon Daimyo's fighting, another picks up Slash and whoosh, gone, over the fence and out towards the treeline. We have a few moments, and Buzz and I move to get Blade, who isn't moving. Lo's team had biomonitors, Blade and I don't, and I don't know what sort of shape he's in. As Lo, Griffyn and Dracon Daimyo are moving to join us, someone drops a willy-pete right on them: the Quads had called in mortar fire on us. Damn thing must have been guided, it was right on the money. The next one is a HE groundburst, not five feet from me. That hurt. Instinctively putting out my left hand to land on *really* hurt. While I'm trying to bring the world back into focus, and wondering if I have time to splint this thing, and then wondering how much blood I'm losing - the whole side of my body is wet with the stuff, and I know it can only be mine - Lo breaks EMCON to tell us the Quads are moving in, though the bunker's blocking them for now. I can't see Blade: with a few hand signals, Lo tells me one of our spirits has lifted him clear. Buzz and I grab Griffyn and start hauling him towards the fence. Buzz very considerately acts as a firing rest for me when I see a couple of baby drones in the wire - they must have been spotting for the mortars - and finally, those fucking starshells burn out. Finally. 81mm illumination paraflare, burn duration fifteen to twenty seconds. Fifteen seconds, and it seemed - looking back, still seems - like a lifetime. Now we can see why the guard towers are all firing into the wire, instead of at us: zombies. Walking (or in some cases crawling) dead bodies, shambling towards the perimeter through tracer fire, only heeding the mines as an inconvenient removal of a foot, backlit by a dozen or more fires in the forest and scores of smaller blazes - grounded paraflares, WP hits, burning bodies, a wrecked helicopter, less identifiable debris. Pretty intense: I hadn't seen anything like this since Gallivare, five years ago. More tanks, fewer zombies, back then Behind us, I hear the explosions of a surprise gift that someone left for the Quads: one goes into a spastic seizure. Control system, probably, disabling it and almost certainly lethal to its occupant. The explosion persuades some smartass in a tower that we're more interesting than shooting at the corpses cadavres, and I use my last two smoke grenades to screen us off: I would have done more, but I'm down to the shotgun and a pistol and the LMG has me outranged. The spirits show up again. One lifts Buzz and I, the panda takes Dracon Daimyo and Lo. I put my last rounds of sabot down on the most exposed Quad, I don't even know if I hit him or not, then we're suddenly in the trees. It takes me seconds to realise I'm out and alive, and that the thunder of gunfire is coming from some distance rather than all around me. I ditch my helmet - trying not to look at the damage it's taken - and take inventory. I've got twenty rounds of 00 buck, so I reload the shotgun: that, and my old Predator - my father's pistol, my good-luck gun - are all I have left. Next, I uses two of the useless magazines for my now-dissolved Alpha and a field dressing to finally splint my wrist, trying to ignore the trickles of blood where the bone had broken the skin. My right arm, side and thigh are a mess of small shrapnel rips, mostly the arm and my hip where my armour was lighter: nothing I can do about that right now, and the bleeding was already slowing. There's no sign of Dracon Daimyo, and Lo's only just being carried in: she's missing most of both legs below the thigh, and has a lot of shrapnel damage. I only found out from her simsense that she'd come down in the minefield and trod on a MC antipersonnel mine.I start doing what I can: which is basically just finish amputating the ruin of her left leg and tie off the stumps so she won't bleed to death, and then give her a big jolt each of No-Shock and Coraxine. Then a walking corpse shambles up and puts Dracon Daimyo, paralysed, down by the other wounded. I try hard not to stare at it and to act normally. It gots kind of hectic again about then. Luckily, I'm still articulate enough to explain that I'm a trained paramedic and that if I can walk and provide first aid, I'm a lower priority for treatment than someone with their vital organs hanging out of their body: I can help with triage and do physical medic work to help the mages out, because they're beginning to come apart at the seams with so many wounded needing their help. I was tired and fuzzy enough that someone had to stop me from trying to treat a zombie's wounds We're doing all this on the move to the backup RV, where I get to see just how many people - our people - I got killed and maimed with my bright idea about artillery. Right now, though, our transport is arriving and we're loading the wounded. One of the magicians, a woman who calls herself Diana - the corpses seem to do what she says - does something to my hand so I can at least use it a little. She's damn near dropping from all the work she's done, I don't try to argue with her or say others need it more, because it is nice not to have that pain being the centre of the universe for a while. And all this time we're beating feet most ricky-tick. Looking over my video, the time from the jumpmaster's first "Go!" to us boarding the trucks out was less than five minutes: I don't know exactly, the ultrasound screwed with my clock chips. The ride out was almost anticlimax. I scrounged Blade's leftover twelve-gauge ammo, and those of us who were still conscious and capable concentrated on killing the drones Maxim was sending out after us. Most were spotters, and they were the worst because Maxim started hitting the road with artillery fire. They didn't have or at least didn't use any FASCAM rounds, or we probably wouldn't have made it out: as it was, we were able to kill the spotters that designated us for smart rounds before the shells hit. Result, clean misses. We got a few nearer things from salvoes that were just DFing the road where they thought we might be, but that was about it. At Phnom Penh, we switched vehicles and herded ourselves into a cargo container. AJ had planned ahead well: the container was well-stocked with medical gear and I was able to get a drip of Hartmann's going into Lo. The Hartmann's solution, blood expander, was at the right temperature already: that guy is sharp. Quite a few of us had luggage, in my case just one of my usual overnight bags: a change of clothes, a certified credstick, and a Browning automatic. In this case, a red contaminated-waste bag, too. Once I had done what I immediately could for the wounded, I ditched the combat gear, all of it, into the waste bag: it wasn't desperately hot, but I'd added another half rem or so to my lifetime dose that night. I did a quick decontamination on my Predator, though, and checked it - cold, at least compared to background. I cleaned it properly since, of course. My side, right arm and right thigh were a real mess, caked with sticky drying blood, and I took the time to clean it up and pick out the most obvious shrapnel. before I cleaned and dressed what I could, gauze and micropore tape to keep the dirt out. By now, my INS as well as my ears said we had been loaded onto a truck, shifted into an aircraft of some sort, and were heading east at about four hundred and fifty knots. My INS also said we were somewhere over Africa, but then screamers will do that to you. AJ's going to have to do a little repair work and a lot of recalibration for me, but it can wait. I was glad to see nothing vital went down, though, compared to how badly Buzz got hit. Once I looked a little more human and had plugged the leaks, I went back to patching casualties. We had plenty. Someone must have cleared us through Customs very slickly: either good fake papers, corporate cover, or plenty of palm grease. You could hear the shift from cargo hold to a truck bed, we drove a while, and we came out of the container into the loading bay of Action Jackson's clinic: very neat, very fast, right to some excellent medical gear and some extra help. I don't think anyone else will die now, not with this sort of care available. Everyone should be able to be rebuilt. I owe AJ one, I hope he knows that. I'm writing this to post when I come out, so nobody will see it until the 16th or so: AJ doesn't want attention drawn to his place, and also doesn't want anyone except him and his crew using the new matrix satlink there, since he irrationally believes that Maxim may harbour some sort of grudge against him. I call it paranoia, myself He'll start to think that people around him work for covert Government agencies next, if you ask me. He wasn't even going to let me call in my report to the Agency, until I gave him a ten-figure grid reference for where we were: my INS was screwed, but GPS was still working just fine. On the other hand, I don't think he needs to worry about me being a threat to him unless he does something like try to eat me: and there's not enough of me to make a snack for a vampire, let alone a meal. And he had been good enough to make sure he had a stock of whiskey as well as other pharmaceuticals, because I had real trouble sleeping the first night. I still keep seeing Nazario, there in the bunker, left to die alone. But he did his job well, he died a warrior's death, and it was truly a good day to die. If I say that often enough, maybe it'll stop bothering me. +++++end Drek, there's someone else who knows where the frag Dad's clinic is....]<<<<< -- Diana, Mistress of the Night <16:45:29/03-15-57> >>>>>[Things sure have rolled down hill ever since they gave SOLers access to Shadowland...]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <00:46:49/16-03-57> >>>>>[You could try coming to get me, Commander, but I don't think the Russians would be very sympathetic. For once, my current job is entirely within the laws of my local jurisdiction.]<<<<< -- Jason R W Lynch <21:13:23/03-15-57> Instructor (Acting) Airborne Forces Academy, Ryazan *****Private: Whiteshadow, Joker >>>>>['Kay folks. I've got a job for one of you. It involves getting into a certain corp's database and leaving behind a special data package. As there is competition for the job, you'd better send some sort of proof of your qualification and what you feel your worth. Once I have received your replies, I will make my decision. I may even be that I would have another run soon.]<<<<< -- Kali <06:32:11/03-16-57> ***** Private: Rattler >>>>>[Good to hear you are well. It's like this. I have been hired to locate someone, but there is another person looking for them as well. What I need is someone to set up some false trails, preferably leading out of Seattle, for this other person to follow. Hopefully this will give me time to find the one I am looking for and get them where they need to be. I feel I should warn you that the guy I need decoyed is probably pretty dangerous. Any way, let me know if you are interested, or if you know of anyone who would be willing to take this one on.]<<<<< -- Cuval <06:52:13/03-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Blade >>>>>[I'll take you up on that drink, Blade: I'm out of the country until the end of the week, but then we can get together. Howsabout as a place and time? And will Lo be mobile enough to join us by then? See you soonish.]<<<<< -- Lynch <13:40:47/03-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Diana >>>>>[Thanks for posting my log, Diana. I didn't realise you were AJ's daughter. And thanks for the help, during the hit and afterwards. Don't worry about AJ's clinic getting compromised: I'm not even reporting that to the Agency. Some things should be kept private. It might help if he needs some backup and I'm in town, or you for that matter. And don't believe the rumour that my mother's maiden name was Van Helsing But...AWOL? Me? I told Roxey and your father before I left and they didn't complain! I resent that implication! I have been maliciously deformed! Or was that defamed? Same difference, anyway. ]<<<<< -- Lynch <14:01:42/03-16-57> Instructor (Acting) Airborne Forces Academy, Ryazan *****PRIVATE TO: Rhodaemis >>>>>[I've got a lead on one of dem dat's look'n fer Luthien, wait'n fer him to make his move]<<<<< -- Mr. Ferocious (12:59:33/03-16-57) ***** PRIVATE: Serenity Security >>>>>[GoD, you dont hear me say this very often but -- if you wish to continue prickling Ms. Velli, then I will have to ask you, for all of our sakes, to disatance yourself from Serenity. I dont trust her, or the amounts of firepower she has at her command. I am conviced that I did a job for her some time back, maybe a couple years ago. Different psuedonym, but same attitude. Just be careful. Please.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <21:12:33 / 03-16-57> ***** Private: Cuval >>>>>[Sure, I'll take the job. One thing though, it's been my experience that leaving a live enemy behind you is A Bad Thing. How good of a tracker is this guy? Because if it comes down to it, I'll deal with him appropriately before he gets too close to me.]<<<<< -- Rattler <15:25:04/03-16-57> ***** Private: Blackthorne >>>>>[I am alarmed that this "muffin man" knows were I reside currrently. Are you sure that you are not being followed?]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <14:54:44/03-17-57> *****PRIVATE TO: DRUZE >>>>>[I have received word that Tassie is no longer a concern. Until I have complete confermation however, I will not be able to complete the transaction.]<<<<< -- DS([5 efd] at [s]{]dsSg SIGNAL TERMINATED AT SOURCE >>>>>[Whilst spinning my police scanner a few hours ago, I found this (forgive the crappy sound quality) +++++Include AudioClip: LS.0012 "Control, I'm at another junction. It's not on the map. Do you want me to investigate? Sonar indicates it's at least one hundred feet in length." Wait for Patterson to catch up. "Affirmative." Describe your local. I'll try and get a map from surfacescan. "Standard walls, the new tunnel branches off at almost 90 degrees, heading roughly towards the waterfront. Slope is standard." Height? "About six feet-- Patterson's caught up." Investigate the new tunnel. "Affirm." +++++Pause -- 20 seconds. "Control, this is Patterson. This entire passage has a really weird taste to it. At first look I'd say that ritual magic has been going on down here." What kind of ritual magic? "I can't say. There's just the taste." Continue your investigation. "Affirmative" Is there any change in your surrounds? "Still the same. No! Wait, we're starting to slope downwards." How old does the tunnel appear to be? "It's fresh. Somewhat. Fresher than most. Wait! We just went under a sewer, heading north-north-west. Size, probably three feet in diameter, old concrete. It's cold. I'd say disused. Can you get our realspace?" Checking... No, nothing diffinitive. Continue. "Affirmative." Patterson, can is there any change? "No. Still faint mana. Something happened here recently though, I'm sure of it." Keep an eye out. "Aff-- Wait! There's a chamber up ahead." [Off mic shouting 'LoneStar. Anybody home?'] "Does not appear to be occupied" Investigate. "Alright, it's only another 20 feet away. We're there." Dimensions? "Six, fifteen, nine. There's a bit of furniture." Recent? "Doesn't appear so." ['Pat, take a look over there.'] [Off mic: 'Dave, take a look at this...'] +++++Pause: eight seconds "Control, we have what appears to be a partially burned corpse here." Homicide? "Looks that way." Describe the situation. "Corpse. Human in size. Badly charred. There isn--" [Off mic: Sounds of wretching] [Off mic: 'Pat, Pat, take a breather chum, out in the hall, c'mon Pat. Don't worry about it'] O'Neill, what is it? [Off mic: Sobbing sounds] O'Neill, what's going on? "Pat's gone hysterical. I think you should bring a few more mages down to take a look at this." +++++EOF Uh, of course thats when my batteries died. I just thought someone might be interested (zombie?)]<<<<< -- Cybil <18:20:29/17-03-57> *****PRIVATE: Foxey ROxey >>>>>[Are you interested in investigating the strange spirit-creature that we met on the Maxim raid?]<<<<< -- Shade <17:27:30 / 3-17-57> *****Private: Rattler >>>>>[Ok chummer, I appreciate the help. The guy I need distracted goes by the name Rhodaemis. From what I understand he is some sort of genius from down in the Tir. I am not sure what his exact abilities are, but it would probably be best not to find out first hand. He is in town looking for Wintergeist and Luthien. Rhodaemis was a teacher of theirs and believes they are traitors, and wants them, dead probably. He was looking for runners to help him find, so I would assume that he has other runners working for him by now. Wintergeist has hired me to track down his sister. She has apparently gone of the edge in some way or other, and Wintergeist is bound and determined to save her. I have given my word to try and find her. I need you to lay some false trails leading out of town. The farther you can lead him away, the better. One thing I don't need is this guy breathing down my neck, while I am finding Luthien. Here is some cred to get you going. There is more if you need it. +++++Transfer: 10,000Y Let me know if you need more. Be careful chummer. From everything I have heard, this guy could be very dangerous.]<<<<< -- Cuval <16:30:36/03-17-57> *****Private: Mephisto >>>>>[I've completed reviewing the files from intelligence. I have authorized you for the following. +++++Include File: authorization.kasigi Put these into effect as soon as possible.]<<<<< -- Kasigi <16:56:02/03-17-57> Director of Special Operations Kiyamacorp *****Private: Lin >>>>>[Meet me at to discuss a job>.]<<<<< -- Mephisto <17:10:20/03-17-57> *****Private: Mephisto >>>>>[Righto chummer.]<<<<< -- Lin <17:25:32/03-17-57> *****Private: Rattler >>>>>[Hey chummer, I just had a thought. By now I am sure that Rhodaemis might know that I am looking for Luthien as well. I am afraid that I was somewhat indescreet in some of my inquiries. I consider it fairly likely that my questions have been reported to him. But I think this can work in my favor. When you get your false trail in place, let me know in a way that the information leaks out. I will make a big deal of looking for help to go get Luthien. Hopefully this will be effective in pulling Rhodaemis and any hounds he has off the trail. Also, if you could put any contacts you trust into finding Luthien, I can pay well.]<<<<< -- Cuval <20:28:12/03-17-57> *****Private: Blackthorne >>>>>[What is the deal with this "Muffin Man"? Should I be watching my back more than usual? Once I am finished with my current employer, I would be available to help you if I can.]<<<<< -- Cuval <20:36:11/03-17-57> *****PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[Works for me. Lo's fine. Loves her new legs, but she won't be able to join us. When the company picked us up, we were taken to Detroit for treatment. It's where their best facility is. She stayed, I left. We each have to walk our own path I guess. She did recieve a promotion and commendation for her service, and has currently started training with a new unit. I'm back in Seattle, and you now how to reach me there. I owe you a big thanks for helping to get me out of Maxim. And to think, I was supposed to watch over you !]<<<<< -- Blade <9:39:47/03-18-57> *****Private:Blade >>>>>[My brother isn't really all that bad, he's just not mentally stable. I would appreciate all the help I can get, I need to know where he or Amber are. If I get ahold of one, I should be able to find the other. But please use cation, I don't want either you or him winding up dead.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <03/18/57 11:52:34> *****Private:Wintergeist >>>>>[I wouldn't worry, I doubt if he even knows where I am. And I'm positive Amber doesn't, she's just trying to scare me into doing something stupid. You have not to worry about, I'll take care of it and the run I'm doing for you.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <03/18/57 11:57:23> >>>>>[Well, well, all a buzz about the Muffin Man :o. Here's a taste for you "runners" out there. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHa. +++++Start vidcam pic: Three teens stand in the cams picture, all are gagged and tied to chairs. From behind the camera you here, "Three little children sitting on a chair no one to love and nobody cares." Theres a flash and a loud BANG, you see the head of the first teen explode spurting blood and brains all over the other two and the cam. A white cloth is seen wiping of the cam, from the side angle you can barely see what looks like an Amerindian man almost fully covered in cyber. The cam pans back to the youths again, it focuses in on an elfin girl. Again the voice speaks, "Pretty little girl just like Marie don't you agree Don, it's a shame she has to die like her too." An axe flashes from of camera and slices cleanly through her neck, the girls eyes open wide in surprise just before her head falls off. The last is an Amerindian youth, the voice laughs then says, "Looks like me when I was his age, huh, Don. Do you remember what happened when I was his age Don, DO YOU!!!!!! The cam falls to the floor with a crash, just before the pic fades out you see a cybered man pitch the youth out of a window. +++++End vidcam pic. Well now, that was fun wasn't it. Good was that fun, to see such vermin die in front of my face. To hold the right to kill them in my hands, I think I know how you felt so long ago Don. Do you remember that day Don, so long ago. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! MUFFIN MAN< MUFFIN MAN< MUFFIN MAN< MUFFIN MAN.]<<<<< -- Muffin Man <03/18?57 12:15:45> *****PRIVATE TO:Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[Well, Blackthorne, I seem to be available, and since I enjoy my work, and right now find myself in no need of money, a will, at your request, track down your brother. Don't worry, I won't try to contact him or let him no about my presence. I will leave that up to you once I have discovered his location. A few questions to help me on my search: Who is Amber? I have heard the name before, but I can't quite place it. Do you have any idea where Amber resides, or who she works for? What information do you have on your brothers patterns? As soon as I recieve this information, I can begin my search. Wow, warm fuzzy from all this good Samaritan drek I've been doing lately.]<<<<< -- Blade <03/18/57 11:52:34> >>>>>[Out of curiosity, who invited Senor Psychopath to this board?]<<<<< -- Blade <11:50:17/03-18-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[If your brother keeps leaving trails like this behind him, he's not going to take to long to find.]<<<<< -- Blade <11:51:10/03-18-57> *****PRIVATE: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[I take it Amber was disappointed about NOX's refusal and took it out on your brother. So few people are aware of the consequences of thier actions. I hope you find him, Mr. Blackthorne. I can help, if you feel I might be able to, but if he finds my clinic before you(or we) find him.... Goddamn jet lag's still messing with my sleep schedule....]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <11:51:41/03-18-57> >>>>>[Muffin Man: That was VERY bad karma you just picked up there. Folks talk about wiping us out all the time, just 'cause we openly admit our competence. People aren't going to like you. They aren't going to like you one little bit...]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <14:23:03/18-03-57> *****PRIVATE: Lynch, Buzz >>>>>[ I owe you one for pulling me out of there, guys .. and I don't forget my debts. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <14:40:12/03-18-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason Stormwind >>>>>[ I think there's something you should know, Jas .. In case you didn't notice from the logs that were posted, I was in on that little run against Phnom Penh. I couldn't let that slitch keep her nukes. If you want me to distance myself from Serenity, I will.. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <16:46:42/03-18-57> *****Private: Cuval >>>>>[Well, going through my own contacts I've been able to put together a bit of a profile on this Rhodaemis character. I'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't have charged you more. Seriously though, I'm preparing for the worst, in the event he moves faster than I anticipate. I will be knocking around in the northeast area of town, I'm going to try and skirt around Pullyap, make it look like I'm trailing someone who ran into Indian country. If you need to reach me, you can route through a fixer named Edge, he's a chummer of mine who can be trusted. While I'm in the boonies, he'll make some quiet inquiries about Luthien and see what he can dredge up. Give me a day or so, and I'll post something in the clear about getting a hard lead, and we'll see what comes out from under the nearest rock.]<<<<< -- Rattler <12:48:05/03-18-57> *****NOT TO: Maxim, InterPol, etc. >>>>>[ Sorry this was so long in coming, but I've been busy making sure that my team exfiltrated cleanly. At my employer's request, I've compiled an informal after-action report for your enjoyment. ----- I approached with Static from the eastern side of the complex. As Overwatch reported the security systems had been looped in an all-clear state, we quickly cut through the fence and made for the Weapon storage warehouse. It was the more heavily guarded of the two, and seemed to be the likely location of the nukes. So much for that theory, but I'll get to that in a minute. We made it to the building, and Static covered me set a ribbon charge to blow the door so that we could make our search. It took me about five seconds to set the charge, then we moved around the corner so I could blow them. It was time for a visit from the omnipresent Mr. Murphy. You know the one .. he's famous for Murphy's Law. Well, just as we made it around the corner, we spotted a patrol of three guards. I gave Static the signal, and opened up on the guards with my suppressed MP5. I took the first with a three round burst that hit torso/torso/head and he dropped like a stone. Simultaneously, Static hit the one on the other end with a burst that dropped him, and before the third could react I hit him with a burst similar to the first. Figuring that the guards are going to show up like a fraggin' beacon on someone's security display when they fell over dead, I let bravo team know that we'd been comprimised, and told them to hurry it up. I also ordered some fire support from our rigger to be directed at the northern side of the complex to hopefully draw attention away from our positions. "Bravo leader, blow charges on my mark. 3 .. 2 .. 1 .. mark!" Fall-Out and I blew our charges so close to one another that without enhanced hearing, it sounded like a single explosion. I pulled down my gas mask, and tossed two tear-gas grenades, followed by a flash-bang grenade through the door I had just opened. As soon as the flash bang detonated I went through the door and covered the left field of fire, with Static right on my heels covering the right side. I dropped a guard with a burst to the chest, and began scanning for other hostiles. Just as we were about to start our search I got a message from Snarl. They'd met minimal resistance, and their geiger counter was going off. That was good news, because I didn't know how many guards were in the warehouse, and I didn't know how much longer they'd be disoriented. We took this opportunity to leave the way we had come in, but not before setting a small charge on a crate of ammunition. That should give them something to think about. As we covered the distance to the next warehouse as fast as we could, I could still hear the sounds of gunfire coming from our diversion to the north. Thunder was keeping them busy, but I didn't know how long that would hold, so I hit the detonator for the charge in the weapons warehouse, and was greeted by a satisfying "KABOOM!" The charge and the crate weren't large enough to bring the building down, but they were bad enough that Maxim will be cleaing up for a while to get the Warehouse back into shape. Security at this place had certainly gone downhill since Patty Winters stopped running the show. Our matrix recon gave us some background about the place to showed that she fought of an Ares attack that should have overtaken the place easily. They transferred her out to Denver after that, and it looks like whoever they put in charge of security after that didn't pay a whole lot of attention to their Security 101 class. Nearly all of the defenders were off chasing our drones. But I'm digressing here. We hit the warehouse and located the nuke's crate in just about 45 seconds. It took Fall-Out another 45 seconds to rig the charge, using the rest of the explosives that we'd brought with us. I think that boy's a genius sometimes, because the setup that he rigged was nothing short of amazing. He set one charge to take out the nukes themselves, and set a few more at stratgic points in the building to bring the whole thing down around the crates about a second before the first charge went off. It was beautiful. Almost brought a tear to my eye. We hauled our hoops out through the southern fence that Snarl and Fall-Out had come in and got picked up by Thunder in the van that he'd been using as the command center for his drones. About four blocks from the site, we blew the charges, while watching through the 'eyes' of one of the roto-drones that Thunder had up. +++++include: explosion.clip A moderately sized warehouse is centered in the frame, and suddenly explosive charges take out each of the corners, and the building begins to collapse on itself. A second later, a large explosion erups from the center of the building, blowing the whole structure back upwards before it comes crashing back down again. +++++end of video Pretty, huh? I'll save you the gory details on how we exfiltrated from Cairo, but suffice it to say that we got out completely undetected, after doing some follow-up intel to make sure that the mission was a complete success. It was. Thunder says we lost a few drones, but it was worth it. The security on that installation was _very_ lax. The guards were poorly trained, and had absolutely no unit integrity. They were falling all over one another when they engaged the drones. Oh well, I've never been one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Altogether, I was pretty pleased with the Op. Please feel free to comment on my choice of tactics .. I always like to take apart my missions afterward and see how they could have gone more smoothly. ]<<<<< -- Tangent <17:26:12/03-18-57> *****PRIVATE: Nicole Velli >>>>>[ Ms. Velli, I hope that you don't take my mission as a personal attack against you or Maxim. My motives are simple. I'm a paid mercenary. If you ever have need of my services or the services of my team, feel free to contact me. I've included a general assessment of the Cairo facility's security procedures and performance for your perusal. You may want to be more careful where you store your thermonuclear devices in the future. +++++include: cairo.notes]<<<<< -- Tangent <17:31:40/03-18-57> ***** PRIVATE: Griffyn >>>>>[Ill give you the benefit of the doubt to have not gone on that run wearing your security uniform and a big sign saying "My name is Griffyn". Simsense footage gets routed into an off-line holding area for analyzing before I view it. It puts me a couple weeks behind the times but it keeps my headware safe. I hope that none of you are identified. That might cause an unfortunate situation. I wish Scourge were still around. Is it safe to assume that your matrix team removed all of Maxim's internal logs / video / chip'd footage of the raid? Thats not something you are going to want following you around. Anyone else involved I should know about?]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <23:09:48 / 03-18-57> ***** Private: Jason stormwind >>>>>[As I saw it Jay, that little post of hers meant it was open season on us all. I wasn't involved in that Run on maxim, but If I'm not Stoopid, I have a good feeling Gryff was and If thats so, you know I'm not lettin' noone put a finger on him, without me getting a little piece of them first.]<<<<< -- GoD <08:34:33/03.19.57> ***** Private: Gryffin >>>>>[Just so I know who to lie to, you were in that Action from a few days ago weren't you?]<<<<< -- GoD <08:44:23/03.19.57> *****Private:Jen and Gabe >>>>>[Whatsamatter didn't like the show, owwwwww, I was hopin it was just up your ally. Too bad.]<<<<< -- Muffin Man <03/18/57 06:45:34> *****Private: Action Jackson >>>>>[I would appreciate all the help I could get, from the looks of things he's gone over the deep end. I'm afraid if he's too bad I might have to kill him, Gods I hope it's not to late. Blade is helping too, I'm not sure how far along he is though. If you still want to help contact him. If he comes to your clinic I expect you to do what you need to do, no matter what.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <03/18/57 06:50:56> >>>>>[Oh, that would be me Blade, he's quite a work of art isn't he. We fouled up his brain so much and cybered him so fully, he's not the same person he once was. A little warning to you all, don't get in his way or help Mr. Blackthorne, if you do you might end up dead or worse.]<<<<< -- Amber Snowmane <03/18/57 06:54:45> *****Private:Blade >>>>>[Well, Amber Snowmane is a new face to me too, I saw here name as I was helping a friend find his lost "friend". Until now I've heard only minimal from her. She works for a corp. called Satyre, thier real big into the bioware field. She's not well liked at the corp for her blotched attempted at aquiring a Mr. Nox, so I wouldn't worry about them helping her. The last I heard she was in Pullyup, but she might have moved since then. The only known pattern my brother has is killing elfin girls, the reason I shot him. You have to understand, my brother's not mentally stable to begin with. Our parents beat him until I was old enough to stop them. Then one day at a dance, he snapped and started tearing this elfin girl apart. I had to protect her and the others so I shot him twice in the head. He survived, barely, but he survived and I spent all my free time working to pay for his treatment. I thought it was going so well too. Don't think ill of my brother, he's really a nice kid. Amber must have really messed him up. If I get any news I'll tell you.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <03/18/57 07:10:34> >>>>>[MUFFIN MAN< MUFFIN MAN< MUFFIN MAN< MUFFIN MAN. Well hello all and welcome to "THE MUFFIN MAN"S WHEEL O' TERROR", for your viewing pleasure tonight we have three, count them three contestants. So who shall die first, will it be Contestant #1: Some street urchin I picked, Contestant #2: A hooker, elfin of course, or our special Contestant #3: A lady who though she could control the monster she created, Amber Snowmane. Well boys and girls, lets look at Cam. 1: +++++Start tridio #1: Sitting in front of the cam is young boy strapped to a table, above him is a large drum of what looks to be water. A voice from the background says, "Well look at our poor little boy here, all dirty and grimmy. shall we give him a bath folks." A hand reaches out and yanks a cord attached to the drum, dumping it's contents on the boy. When the liquid hits him he lets out a high pitched scream and starts to squirm. As the cam. focuses in closer you can see the boys skin bubbling and melting off his body. The last sight you see before the cam. goes black is the look of terror and pain in the boys eyes. +++++End tridio #1 +++++Start tridio #2 A sleek elfin girl lounges on a bed as a cybered Amerindian sits next to her and says, "My little cutie here has just finished doing her job and now it's time I pay her." He turns to the hooker and caresses her face while he whips a knife across her neck watching as she pulls back and slowly bleeds to death. "Ah, the only good hooker is a dead one," says the Amerindian before the cam. goes black. +++++End tridio #2 Ready for the last one boys and girls, here it is: +++++Start tridio #3 A low pitched whirling sound is heard as the pic. comes into focus, a voice is barely heard obove the noise saying, "One little birdie in the sky, gonna sit here and watch her die." The cam. focuses in on a convayer belt thats slowly leading up to a huge shredder. On the convayer belt you see a white haired elf struggling with her bonds. As the woman gets closer you hear the voice counting off, " Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, .........................] Transmition broken........ *****Not to:Muffin Man >>>>>[Sorry folks I'm not going to give my brother the satisfaction of knowing everyone saw that. He's gone to far over the deep end, I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill him.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <03/18/57 07:44:34> *****PRIVATE: IPAgT3/14 >>>>>[The individual known as the Muffin Man has struck again and killed another three people. Get to the following locations 10 minutes ago. I've informed Lone Star and the Commander.]<<<<< -- InterPol DeckLurker8 <18:08/22/03-18-57> *****PRIVATE: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[Puyallup? Oh shit....]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <18:11:03/03-18-57> >>>>>[Diana, haul ass now!!!!!]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <18:11:15/03-18-57> *****PRIVATE: Tangent >>>>>[I've been asked to inform you that Miss Velli understands your concerns and recommends that you not make Maxim a target for some time. In addition, she thanks you for the report and will take it under consideration. Good day.]<<<<< -- Avatar <18:15:08/03-18-57> >>>>>[I'm looking for some good people with a variety of skills for a job of a...sensitive nature, shall we say.]<<<<< -- Lin <21:47:14/03-18-57> *****NOT TO: Muffin Man >>>>>[Um, were those sims real? I don't really feel like analyzing them, but they're REALLY gross, and I'd like someone to give me a nice hug and say that they're faked... Please someone say that they're faked...]<<<<< -- Tobai Dark <01:00:00/19-03-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Muffin Man >>>>>[Pray that nobody sets us on your tail. Pray.]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <01:02:04/19-03-57> *****Private: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[I have been observing these posts and it seems as if we have a cybermancer creation on the loose. I never really met anyone who could pull it off, and would be interested in investigating this person's insanity for the purposes of preventing it in others. In short, I would like to help.]<<<<< -- Shade <01:01:06 / 3-19-57> *****Private: Lin >>>>>[I am interested, and good at working at a distance.]<<<<< -- Shade <01:22:29 / 3-19-57> *****PRIVATE: V-12 >>>>>[Well, I must thank you for such an interesting little addition to my work here. I'm sorry for the delay in processing your request: classwork, and other work, sometimes have to take precedence. However, I've had a chance to look at it and run the ideas through the local peer-review mill, and I'm reasonably comfortable with the consensus. Enclosed are our findings: basically, it looks like some sort of moderate Force Free Spirit, uncommon, certainly dangerous, probably hostile, but certainly no threat beyond the ken of the ever-growing magical pool of knowledge. And by no means a threat to compare with the Wraith. +++++include report.text By the way, I am informed that Thel is doing well, though I doubt the memory (and whatever else there may be) from that ordeal will ever leave her.]<<<<< -- Jason <00:04:30 / 03-19-57> *****PRIVATE: Griffyn >>>>>[Griffyn, you owe me nothing: it was a pleasure to work with you. If you ever wish for my aid, it is yours. If I need your help, I will request your assistance. But I do not consider you to be in my debt: I live only because of your aid, and I did all I could to bring you out alive. What less would either of us expect of ourselves?]<<<<< -- Lynch <21:04:12/03-18-57> Instructor (Acting) Airborne Forces Academy, Ryazan *****PRIVATE: Jason Stormwind >>>>>[ I can't be sure that they removed all of the traces, but they were very competent. It was obviously something that I did on my own, so I wouldn't expect any reprisals to be aimed at Serenity. You know I wouldn't put you guys in a position to suffer for my actions, so if it comes down to it, I'll pull a fade and distance myself for a while until things cool down enough to get back. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <10:36:32/03-18-57> *****PRIVATE: GoD >>>>>[ Yeah, I was there. I was the one that got carried off of the complex by Buzz and Lynch .. blew myself out with drain. Hey, that reminds me .. now that everything is over, you wanna go grab some brews and chase some women tonight? I could use some relaxation, and it's been too long since we've been out on the town. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <10:39:12/03-18-57> *****Private: Whiteshadow, Joker >>>>>[Are you still interested in the job? As it turns out I have two matrix jobs that need the right talent. Contact me a soon as possible for the details]<<<<< --Kali <08:25:33/03-19-57> *****Not to:Muffin Man >>>>>[I wish they were faked but I just recieved Amber's head in the mail today. Not a pretty sight when your just waking up, but more importantly it means he knows were I live. People I'm in deep drek.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <03/19/57 10:42:23> *****Private:Shade >>>>>[Thanks, I can use all the help I can get.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <03/19/57 10:45:25> *****Private:Donavin >>>>>[Nice place you have Don, real up town and all. It's going to be a shame when I kill you, a real shame. That girl of yours looks REAL nice, maybe I won't kill her. Maybe. Well for awhile I'll have to leave you, but only for a day. I know you by now, you've got friends out there hunting for me. Can't let that happen can I, so I'm off to get some of my friends. I'll be back, oh and by the way hope you like the head.]<<<<< -- Muffin Man <03/19/57 10:51:12> *****PRIVATE TO: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[Well, I've called of my search of Snowmain for obvious reasons. Your brother isn't hard to track. I managed to make it to the second scene before the Star did, and did a little investigation on my own. Nothing to say that you couldn't see on the vid. I've got a lock on Muffin's current position, and am keeping surveilance. If I see him go for anyone again, however, I'm gonna have to take him down. Contact me at >>>encrypted<<< and we can meet up.]<<<<< -- Blade <9:45:23/03-19-57> *****PRIVATE: Avatar >>>>>[ Understood. I would recommend that you drill the security squads, even at the small-scale sites like Cairo on unit integrity. I could have easily taken them all down, and had them shooting at each other because they were completely unaware of one another's fields of fire. I'd also suggest that you have more experienced leadership for your troops. Whoever was directing them sent them all chasing shadows, in the form of drones that I placed just to make a lot of noise. That's a rookie mistake. Oh well. I'll stop wasting your time. If you ever have need of my services, please let me know. ]<<<<< -- Tangent <11:06:53/03-18-57> *****PRIVATE TO: David >>>>>[David I need you to bring the Kneehigh Demolition Co. to Seattle. I think all hells about to break loose. I've been asked by my brother to help escort the terrorist Sword of God back to England. But I've got a bad feeling that somethings going to go very wrong. And if you can pick up Hyperman and Jack Deth. I think I'm going to need all the firepower I can get. And of course you will all recieve the normal wages.]<<<<< -- <9:16:20/3-20-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Ripley >>>>[I take it your back from Cambodia. If your feeling up to it I wouldn't mind some help escorting a humanis terrorist to England. Call me at the Hyatt.]<<<<< -- <9:19:11/3-20-57> *****Private: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[You're new deck is ready. Go to the Avis at the airport and ask for the car put on reserve in the name of Ezekowitz. In the trunk, where you would normally find a spare tire, is the product you wanted.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <11:27:32/03-19-57> *****Private: Kali >>>>>[Sorry about my absence, there have been some problems that I've had to deal with. I'm ready now for your mission. Send me the details whenever you're ready] -- Whiteshadow <12:27:32/03-19-57> ***** PRIVATE: Cybil >>>>>[Have you found any more information out about the rituatal magic conducted a few nights back? I would be very interested if you could pass along any additional information you have dug up. I will be checking around with some of my sources and would gladly share ideas with you.]<<<<< -- Kor <19:02:13 / 03-19-57> ***** PRIVATE: GoD >>>>>[ Summoning? ]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <19:05:23 / 03-19-57> *****PRIVATE: Trixie >>>>>[ How does dinner tonight sound? You choice of -anywhere- you want to go. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <14:37:21/03-19-57> *****PRIVATE TO:Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[I can let you stay at our place. Cheap. We just need a little help w/some coding. Let me know.]<<<<< -- Kromofton <03/19/57 11:32:44 PST> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[Anywhere? What's got you in such a romantic mood tonight? Not that I am knocking it... I rather like it. I want dinner, at home, by candle light. And desert.]<<<<< -- Trixie <19:50:55 / 03-19-57> *****PRIVATE: Trixie >>>>>[ You're on, hon. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <15:05:34/03-19-57> *****PRIVATE: Action Jackson >>>>>[Herr Jackson, i am recently purchased a new clinic and it is mostly in working order now. Since most of the work from your injured friends is now done (I'm surprising some of them were still alive, and after i hear the stories, i'm surprising that ANY are still alive), i can move out to my new place. It is maybe best for us both if you are arrange the move: i am get help with moving the equipments and you stay secure. You also see then where is my clinic if you ever are needing it. Thank you again for let me use your place to work on NOX, and i hope we can work again together.]<<<<< -- Basilisk <21:09:44 GMT/19.MAR.57> *****PRIVATE TO: Kor >>>>>[The corpse was just some ex-con from ParkDale. I don't know how she got there, but LoneStar has locked the file, so my pals don't have access to it any more. Which kind of sucks. You wouldn't know anyone in the Thaum. Div. would you? If so, it's case number >>>encrypted<<<. Oh yeah, I also found their exact xyz, so if you want to take a look at it (on the understanding that you'll take a vid and send me a copy), I'll give you the co-ordinates. Here's a hint: it was in the Orc Underground. I didn't think LoneStar patroled down there, but... If you do go down and make a recording, don't worry, I'll keep it safe.]<<<<< -- Cybil <16:29:19/19-03-57> *****PRIVATE: Tangent >>>>>[ Well done. +++++initiate fund transfer: >>>encrypted<<< =Y=. +++++transfer complete. You and your team performed superbly. ]<<<<< -- Anonymous *****PRIVATE: Griffyn >>>>>[ I just got a -large- fund transfer apparently in payment for the Cairo run. You know anything about this? +++++include file: payment.msg I think we've been used, but that's alright. I don't mind being used, if the job pays well. ]<<<<< -- Tangent <17:00:23/03-19-57> *****PRIVATE: Kromofton >>>>>[ Null thanks friend, I don't want to endanger anyone elses life. I'll be more comfortable at my own apartment, with my guns and ammo sitting by my bed. ]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <18:46:54 03/19/57> *****PRIVATE: Wintergeist >>>>>[ Got it, thanks this will help out a lot in my run for you. Speaking of that I'm still working on it, so don't give it away to someone else. I'm not going to let my brother interfere with my work. ]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <18:51:34/03-19-57> *****PRIVATE: Blade >>>>>[ For now it seems we can rest, my brother has left for a few days. The bad news is he's getting a couple of his friends and bringing them back. I figure we stand a slight chance against them if we get a few more people together. ]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <18:57:34/03-19-57> *****PRIVATE: AlexandriaN >>>>>[+++++engage Kyuuketsuki.v2.0 Here is the recording you wanted of those, those recent events. I have included both an edited version and the full wetware record. It should be interesting, I think, interesting. +++++intitiate edited.simsense.track Dark, close space. The flicker of tiny LEDs. Thick fabric of a flightsuit, rubbing against the skin; the sound of cloth against cloth. The itch of a trace of stubble. Sweating palms, wiped, then wiped again. Slow breathing. The sound of movement, the feel of movement, and an arm flashes by, backwards. A pause, a fumble, the catch and jerk of something against cloth, the skin-crawling sensation as the jacks go in. Suddenly, the transmorgification: skin stretches, becomes hard and sleek and unyielding. Eyes branch and multiply and then coalesce, bewildering with shapes and colors. Ears twist and register soft static. The heart hums and purrs now, great and powerful, buried deep within; it is the center around which all else moves. Swiftly, the senses recover. The hiss of static is ignored, the dots and lines before the eyes acquire meaning, and the feel of skin fades from consciousness. At the same time there is an awareness of surroundings, of steel bulkheads and three like creatures, crouched nearby. They are brethren. A moment's pause, and then a small red word appears to one side. It blinks, "engaging." Somewhere far away, fingers (fingers?) twitch briefly in anticipation? apprehension? There is a moment, as flesh intrudes on machine: the prickle of scalp, a sharp exhalation. Then all is as before. The heart's purr becomes deeper, more pronounced, and the whole body is filled briefly with the sensation. More pictures scroll before the eyes, and in the ears a voice says, "standby." The enclosure opens, and within moments, a fellow creature leaps into the cold morning air above. A few seconds later, the voice says, "go," and the heart revels in a burst of power. The salt air rushes by, laden with moisture, and gusts buffet and pound against the skin. It is treacherous, but the heart is strong and the skin and limbs are clever, using the tricks of the air against itself. Moments later, the sea flashes close below, and the flight seems underway. The others are still there, though in some strange way they cannot be fully seen. A coastline quickly approaches, backlit ever so slightly by the still rising sun. Soon the sea is replaced by land; mountain valleys and ravines pass swiftly below, their features close and sharp. It is not long before red text flashes again. "Approaching target," it says. A bewildering array of diagrams spew forth before the eye; several are quickly highlighted. The belly is pressed close to the ground, angling to match the slope beneath. There is a sensation strangely like belching, and suddenly, less weight. The text flashes again: "drones released." Then there is a rush of wind, and the lip of a ridge passes below. The scene ahead flashes alight with highlights; almost immediately there is a series of strange jolts, and a feeling almost orgiasmic in nature. Missles, streaming trails of exhaust, streak ahead, impacting an intensly illuminated cluster of shapes, sending gouts of flame skyward. Even as this happens, the view shifts and turns aside, focusing on a second cluster. Closing quickly, there is just a moment to make out the shapes of helecopters, before there is another, different, jolting sensation, accompanied by a hum and vibration. The hapless vehicles on the ground disintegrate, throwing debris violently in all directions. A small red number flashes, recording ammo expenditure. Suddenly, there is an odd flash of distant, ghostly pain, and one of three small dark icons to one side flashes brightly before subsiding to a sullen yellow glow. The view rushes on, heedless, past the compound on the ground. Air pushes savagely at limbs as the body swings sharply around, and faces the compound once again. One building in particular lights up, sharp against its companions. Once again, there is the now familiar jolting, along with accompanying sensation, this time even more intense. Missles rush towards the already burning lit building, replacing it with boiling conflagration. A few moments later, two shapes rush up behind. Like marsupial children, they are quickly tucked away inside. The sensation is peculiar in the extreme, but soon fades into the background. Then it is up, quickly, over the ridge and down. The trees below are friends, and they are kept close, green leaves whizzing by almost close enough to count. The diagrams fade away somewhat, becoming less pressing, and the realization hits that there are only two companion vehicles where there were once were three. +++++finish edited.simsense.track +++++include wet.record +++++disengage Kyuuketsuki.v2.0]<<<<< -- Rubiy <16:24:12 / 03-19-57> *****PRIVATE: Moriarty >>>>>[+++++credit.transfer =Y= 20,000]<<<<< -- Lotus <16:30:40 / 03-19-57> *****Private: Shade >>>>>[Thank you for your prompt reply ol chum. My employer would like to have production at Cognitronics, disrupted, shall we say. It would probably take several operatives to achieve this however. Meet me at >>encrypted<< to discuss the matter further.]<<<<< -- Lin <20:41:01/03-19-57> *****Private: Whiteshadow >>>>>[No prob' chummer. What my employer needs is to have a data packet inserted in a certain corps computer. Let's meet at to discuss the details.]<<<<< -- Kali <20:30:05/03-19-57> *****Private: Lin >>>>>[Disruptions are very easy, but it depends upon the delicacy of the operation. Blatent destruction is much easier than subtle Sabatoge. I will meet you there.]<<<<< -- Shade <03:15:24 / 3-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Patrick O'Kennedy, Kevin Donaldson >>>>>[ I've been having some weird dreams lately .. ever since Kris died, I keep having a dream where I'm in this .. I don't know how to describe it .. some kind of ghostly place. A wolf walks up to me and seems to beckon for me to follow him. I follow, and we run through a forest together for a while. The dream is almost exactly the same every time. One time I was dreaming about Kris, and I was sitting in front of the monument when the wolf came up and sat down beside me. Just his presence made me feel better. I don't know what's going on. Why does this wolf keep showing up in my dreams? ]<<<<< -- Kenny Donaldson <10:45:12/03-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason Stormwind >>>>>[ Something strange seems to be going on with Kenny. Could this be related to us telling him that he's active? Here's a message that he sent me today about some dreams that he's been having. +++++include file: kenny.dreams.msg]<<<<< -- Kevin Donaldson <11:07:43/03-20-57> Systems Specialist Serenity Security *****PRIVATE: Blade >>>>>[Glad to hear you and Lo are fine. 'Company' means Ares, huh? Boy, that dates me. If there's anyone around who remembers the Special Strike Force (formed 2045, wiped out by a traitor 2047) ask around for me. Be discreet, though, Ares and I didn't exactly part on best terms If Elizabeth Mantle is still in the Security division, remember me to her. And you don't owe me anything, Blade, we'd both be dead without the others' help: Maxim was a real team effort. If you ever want someone to back you up, let me know: I enjoyed working with you and would welcome the chance to do so again. 'Watch over me'? Any hints as to who you were watching for, and why? Just my paranoia reasserting itself... Anyway, I'm back in town at the moment: see you at for a few brewskis? Or some decent vodka: working behind the Iron Curtain has its perks... See you soon, tovarisch ]<<<<< -- Lynch <16:40:26/03-20-57> >>>>>[sorry about the long pause there chummer, had somethings o take care of. what's the JOB?]<<<<< -- Joker <12:25:33/03-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>['Watch over you' as in 'Let's not let one of the two nuke experts get splattered from here to hell knows where' And yeah, I've heard of the Special Strike Force. Hell, I modeled the Dogs of War around them, just tried to tweak a few things here and there. I'm not as well connected within the company as I used to be. I tend to keep them at arms length. Sometimes situations come up, however, that we have a mutual goal that can better be met by working together, rather than against. Like Maxim. As for the drinks, consider me there, and your vodka as good as drunk.]<<<<< -- Blade <11:58:26/03-20-57> ***** PRIVATE: Cybil >>>>>[Im interested in taking a look. In repayment for the information, I will mail you unedited video. If I can get the information out of the Star's computer systems, Ill see about getting that to you as well. I dont know if my sources are up to par as I would like.]<<<<< -- Kor <17:26:47 / 03-20-57> ***** PRIVATE: Sgt. Fuller >>>>>[What are the chances I can get the digest version of case number >>encrypted< Field Officer Serenity Security, Seattle ***** PRIVATE: Jason Stormwind >>>>>[Back in town for a long stay or just passing through to pick up your pay checks? Where've you been? Explain yourself and Ill see what I can do for you]<<<<< -- Fuller <19:01:02 / 03-20-57> Night Desk Lone Star ***** PRIVATE: Sgt. Fuller >>>>>[I've got some down time to try to keep my personal life in order. As to where I have been, I cant answer that, really. I've been busy with trench work. Didnt need the checks. Been paid well. Is that enough?]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <22:06:21 / 03-20-57> ***** Private: Jason R. Stormwind >>>>>[I was wondering when you'd get back to me about that.I was doing some preps the night of that lonestar scanner post. if you're asking but nope that wasn't me, besides you know I don't summon without adult supervision. By the way about the "Guardian", I got the formula down, and I'mnot sure I know what these guys where trying to summon. This thing deals what appears to be blood-magic,( I found a substitute, but I think the guardians bonds to the summoner are alot weaker) some really scary Stuff. Which is why I'm taking my time with it. say If you get any, I'll say that again, any info on the fireworks about that night let me know what...]<<<<< -- GoD <21:25:12 / 03-19-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Kor >>>>>[Muchos gracias... The co-ordinates are the following >>>encrypted<<<. I've got a few mage friends poking around on MagicNet as well to see if there's anything doing -- probably a null lead, but it can't hurt.]<<<<< -- Cybil <14:29:08/20-03-57> ***** PRIVATE: Cybil >>>>>[Yeah, I noticed the activity on MagicNet. Thats what prompted my actions. I'm putting together a group to head down there in a couple days or so. If you have people down there, you might want to let them know we are coming. We would hate to accidentally run afoul another group down there.]<<<<< -- Kor <19:38:21 / 03-20-57> >>>>>[Archer you are a dead man. First you hide the fact that you work for the Azzies. Then the low-level clerk you send me after turns out to be Lynch. You're going to pay for that dearly you slimey son-of-a-bitch. I made an attempt anyways. After he finally shows up again I have him scoped out in an apartment and I'm preparing for my shot. Then at least a dozen FedPols show up armed for bear. If I hadn't had back up they would have had me for sure. As it was I still lost my favorite rifle you drek eating pendejo. Archer you are going to die. You've pissed me off and I've made it personal. You are already dead. The last thing you'll ever see is my grinning face as your life slips away.]<<<<< -- Scorpion <1:06:51/3-21-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Paradox >>>>>[Ese. I need you to dig up everything you can on Senor Archer. Then send it and this data file to the Feds, Drake over at Interpol and our friend Ross at Renraku. +++++data file.Archer +++++cred transfer 5000Y]<<<<<< -- Scorpion <1:09:28/3-21-57> *****Private TO: Scorpion >>>>>[Man, you sound mad. Wan't some help turning him into just another smear on the pavement? Perhaps N4 'bout where he/she is? Anything? Well? *BOOM* Sleeper! The mainframe blew up again! Sorry 'bout that.]<<<<< -- Kromofton <03-20-57/15:18:16 PST> *****PRIVATE TO: Kor >>>>>[You're over estimating me. I haven't been able to find anyone willing to go down there, and I'm told that the Star doesn't have too many people down there (go down late at night, they've just sealed the place up and put up a few cameras). Oh yeah. If you want to check it out astral first, you can't. They've put bacterial dampening all around the tunnel entrance, and I think they've seeded the soil around it too.]<<<<< -- Cybil <22:24:09/20-03-57> *****Private: Joker >>>>>[No prob' man. As it turned out, a second job came my way, so I end up with work for both of you. I have an employer who would like to acquire some data from a certain corp. If you are interested, contact me at >>encrypted<< to work out the details.]<<<<< -- Kali <07:10:17/03-21-57> ***** PRIVATE: GoD, Griffyn >>>>>[I've got a private little side jaunt I would like to two of you to tag along on. A couple nights ago there was an incident of what could have been blood magic performed down in the tunnels of the Orcish underground. I'd very much like to go down there and take a good look at that for myself. I am not sure what we will find, if anything, but I'd like to request that you are ready for the worse. It is NOT a soft target. Lone Star has bugged the place with cameras and other ords. for keeping tabs on it, and unknown group of orcs have sealed the entrance from the other side and have patrols, and who knows who else has set up shop down there. I've been in contact with Maria with LSS but she is more than reluctant to let another investigator go poking around her team's site. If shit hits the fan, I'm likely to be the one arrested so dont worry on that case.]<<<<< -- Kor <17:05:17 / 03-21-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Kang >>>>>[Sir. I have been informed by mutual ascioates that you might be willing to aid me in an endeavor. My Lord, the "terrorist" Sword of God, is being transported to the airport and extradited to the United Kingdom. My Lord is a true servant of God and enemy of the demonic metahumans and their human pawns. I would be in your debt if you could assist us in freeing him from his unjust imprisonment.]<<<<< -- Squire Josef <10:32:02/3-22-67> ***** Private: Kor, Gryffin >>>>>[ BLOOD_MAGIC??? here? Kor are there any leads at all as to whowas involved in the ritual? I'm getting the hee-vee-gee-bees. but once again I can't resist the air of mistery. oh! suggestion. If the problem is going down there and doing what we do best, without leaving a path straight to serenity I might have a solution. I've Got a couple of Fripp-secs (nostalgic) night-jumpers suits lying around that we could use. let me know what?]<<<<< -- GoD <09:15:13/03-22-57> >>>>>[Yeah! Gryff the all black ones with the pink and turquoiselettering.]<<<<< --GoD <13:52:34/03-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Scorpion >>>>>[Nice try, Scorpion. Other areas you might have hit me, but one advantage of living in Georgetown is that lots of high-up government types live there too... so a guy with a high-end sniper rifle does attract hostile attention, nobody stops to ask who you're after. It's about the only protection I get from the Government, glad to see it worked this time. You're good, though. I didn't know you were there until the cops landed on you. Call off the hit, and I'll FedEx you the rifle back... deal? BTW, I'll lay you any money you like that Archer is an Aztlan spook. I've been annoying them a little recently. Now I'm going to *really* piss them off If you dig up any info, or end up left with any identifiable body parts after you catch him, I'd be interested.]<<<<< -- Lynch <12:28:42/03-21-57> ***** PRIVATE: GoD, Griffyn >>>>>[The problem is that I have already tipped my hand to Maria. I told her that I wanted to have a look, she told me how she felt about that. She also explained to me, in no uncertain terms, that if I were caught down there, I was going to be arrested. That's the risk _I_ get to take. The plan is not to get caught down there. Simple. The discussion with Maria yeilded enough information to give me the feeling that she wouldnt mind having a little assistance on it, but her hands are tied by the department. She's given me freq's for the cameras and placement so we can get them jammed up for 15 minutes while we take a look around. Primarily I need to two of you for backup. I'll perform the forensic magic that needs to be done. I have been informed, but it wasnt confirmed by Maria so I dontk now how to take it, that someone (possibly LSS) has added active bacteria to the area so as to keep out astral visitors. Meat only visitation. Ill be ready to roll as soon as night falls. I'd like to have the cameras down during shift change (11:45 tonight). As so who is involved? No clues. We'll see what we can see.]<<<<< -- Kor <19:11:22 / 03-21-57> ***** Private: Kor, Griffyn >>>>>[ OK, I'm game, I take it these guys close it the site outafter dark, so I guess this aught to be simple enough. gentlemen, Time to earn those highly inflated paychecks...]<<<<< --GoD <19:34:44 / 03-22-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Scorpion >>>>>[I'm afraid to say that I couldn't find anything else on Archer. He transmitted from a node in New York, but that node was only a relay point. I sent what little we had to the people you wanted, but I don't know if it will be of any use.]<<<<< -- Paradox <4:06:14/3-22-67> *****PRIVATE: Wintergeist >>>>>[I am have time to analyse your sample, and it is very interesting. The brain tissue is showing normal signs of age, looking like someone about 50 years old. What is unusual is that the cells are still dividing. The liquid nitrogen killed the tissue, but from the percent of cells in mitosis, it is looking the growth rate is like a young child, almost newborn. This means faster learning and better. The cells are also being very small, so there are more cells in a small area- more than five times normal. In the spine and nerve tissue, the axons are much larger than normal, and the axonal boutons (they are giving information from one neuron to another) are also large and many more. This should be making nerve signals travel about twice normal speed. Again the tissue was dead so i cannot test the physiology, but basic cable theory says if you increase diameter, you decrease resistance and increase conduction velocity. I would be very interesting if you could be send me some live tissue to test. I am also very like to know who this person is/was and how this is happen.]<<<<< -- Basilisk <23:09:13 GMT/21.MAR.57> *****PRIVATE TO: Lynch >>>>>[You should already have recieved what info I had on my former employer. Just send the rifle to Renraku Seattle: Security Division under my handle. I have friends there who'll get it to me. After they check it for any surprises of course. I don't think you'd hold a grudge, but its important not to take chances in this biz.]<<<<< -- Scorpion <4:25:49/3-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Kohei Amitsuka >>>>>[Please pass this on to the boss. We may have to rethink the idea that Katsuhiro Torii's death was an isolated incident. On March 10, Kentaro Kamauchi died in a bus 'accident', and on or near March 19, Hidemasa Sasaki died of an apparent heart attack. Three high ranking members dying in such a short time raises questions. I have inquired into the bus incident, and it was dismissed as an accident without even a preliminary investigation. I have also heard rumors that shots were fired just before the accident. The whole thing sounds like a cover-up, which would take a lot of influence. I will amke some discrete inquiries at the Lone Star precinct to see who would have that kind of influence, and will try to find out more details of Sasaki's death.]<<<<< -- Jeweler <19:15:57/03-21-57> *****Private: Squire Josef >>>>>[I have heard of your master, and his most noble of causes. I believe that I can arrange some assistance for him. When you know what aid you need, simply place a call to us on the net alias @ Cygnet, and we will help however we can. We would however expect some service in return.]<<<<< -- Kang <06:45:51/03-22-57> *****Private: alias @ Cygnet >>>>>[Brothers, I believe that we will soon be able to move against those freakish metas. I have been contacted by a servant of one whose talents would allow us to proceed more effectively than we could have dreamed. I have given his servant the code to reach us. I am sure that he will be in contact soon, requesting our aid. I have told him that we will help him as much as possible.]<<<<< -- Kang <06:51:21/03-22-57> *****Private: Kang >>>>>[Kang, what the frag do you think you are doing?! You don't have the authority to promise the aid of the brotherhood to anyone who comes along. I am the Master of this Brotherhood, and I say who we will help and what we will do, and nothing has been decided about aiding anyone, or moving against the cursed metas. You had best explain yourself, and quickly.]<<<<< -- Ian <07:10:17/03-22-57> *****Private: Ian >>>>>[I apologize for overstepping my bounds Ian. Perhaps we can meet at >>encrypted<< to review this matter and my reasons for acting as I did.]<<<<< -- Kang <07:21:10/03-22-57> *****Private: Kang >>>>>[Very well.]<<<<< -- Ian <07:25:06/03-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Kor, GoD >>>>>[ Blood Magic? That's some nasty stuff, Jas, but you can count me in. Do you anticipate needing any physical backup? I've got some friends who could help out if we need it. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <10:25:12/03-22-57> ***** PRIVATE: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[You do not know me, Mr. Blackthorne. Please do not let that effect your belief of what I now say. As a ...*ahem*... representative of certain interested parties, I've been tracking your brother for days now. Unfortunately, I've always been half a step behind... arriving just as the blood he leaves in his wake starts to gel. Mr. Blackthorne, I will not mince words. Your brother has left the Pueblo. And he is not alone. He travels with a large group of similar mental deviants - I'd place the number somewhere between ten and thirteen. They should already be in Seattle. They are coming for you Mr. Blackthorne, of this we can be certain. First they will kill you. Then they will kill anyone. That is why I am sending you this private message. So you can make whatever preparations you feel necessary. In two hours I will let the rest of ShadowLand know. As it is in the best interest of my current employer (and _all_ others involved) that this fiasco is wrapped up quickly, let me offer you my services. I will be arriving there shortly. Do not hesitate to contact me! Too many innocents are already cold and dead.]<<<<< -- Fool-Killer <13:28:25 / 03-22-57> *****PRIVATE TO: alias @ Cygnet >>>>>[Sirs. I have been informed, by Kang, that your order may be willing to aid me. My Lord, Sword of God, is being transported to the airport and sent to Britian to stand trial for his "crimes". I beseech you to aid me in freeing him so that he may continue his holy mission to rid this world of the demonic filth known as metahumanity.]<<<<< -- Squire Josef <12:29:22/3-23-57> ***** PRIVATE : Fool-Killer >>>>>[Listen me.. Fool-killer...First...who are you?.. How do you know me ? ... Take care ...I'm not an idiot.... I have a lot of tricks to my enemys ...but... what is the name of your party...]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <16:35:30 / 03-22-57> >>>>>[ MR.BLACKTHORNE ARRIVED. I'm not a pretty man. ]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <16:45:30 / 03-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Basilisk >>>>>[Sich bedanken bei. +++++:TRANSFER 40,000 =Y=+++++ Das lebewohl.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <19:01:25/03-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[ Okay this feels real weird talking to what many will think is myself. Listen chummer you can't just go around and pretend your someone else. You have to go out in the streets and get a life of your own, and a name for that matter. Here in Seattle, we get REAL pissed when people start answering our mail for us. My suggestion to you is back off and get an identity. Lots of love chummer. ]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <19:59:12/03-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Fool-Killer >>>>>[ I thank you for your warning, my brother shall be taken care of. If you want to help, you can send me thier location so I can stop them. Again thanks for you help. ]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <20:02:23/03-22-57> ***** NOT TO: Muffin Man >>>>>[Muffin Man is here. He is not alone. He travels with a group of ten to thirteen men. And as birds of a feather do so love one another, it is safe to assume that they are all psychotics. They've come to kill and they are very good at it. Be wary, all.]<<<<< -- Fool-Killer <15:28:25 / 03-22-57> >>>>>[So, like, whuzzup wif dis "Muffin Man", huh? 'Zee s'posed to be some kinda hot shit? Prost'tute killin' sick-ass mothafucka is mo' like it. Shit. An' that "industrial accident" thing? I'ont _even_ think so. But what I wanna know is what fuckin' Ten-Fo be doin' about this shit? Do we gots LoneStar o' Interpol on tha one's and two's or not? Oughtsta be doin' _somethin'_ to earn all those damn donuts...]<<<<< -- Lopez <22:17:32 / 03-22-57> >>>>>[What, are raving loonies on sale or something? "Today's Special: Half off psychopathic homicidal maniacs! Call now, supplies are limited!" They're getting to be like cockroaches around here -- every time you turn around another one pops up. Almost enough to make me want to move out, or at least buy lots of bug spray. Why do serial killers always give themselves stupid wacky names like "Muffin Man", anyway? Is good taste the first thing to go when you start hearing voices in your head?]<<<<< -- Sam-I-Am <22:22:09/03-22-57> >>>>>[Could someone PUH-leeeese hire us to take him out? Just give us his location and he's deader than a box of Killer's kitty-litter...]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <05:40:19/23-03-57> *****Private: Squire Josef >>>>>[Greetings Squire. My associate Kang has explained his reasons for giving you this access, and I heartily approve. Our group is not overly large, but we would be glad to offer any assitance your Lord requires. It would be tragic to allow such a noble figure to be tried by those who are not worthy to clean his boots. Let us know how we can be of assistance. -- Ian <10:46:11/03-23-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Ian >>>>>[Thank you sir. Please meet me at +location+ at +time+ to discuss how we may best utilize our assests to free my Lord.]<<<<< -- Squire Josef <12:22:49> *****NOT TO: Muffin Man >>>>>[Lopez, cut Interpol some slack for once. You know how tight-assed Drake gets about legalities: all the crimes so far linked to the Muffin Man were committed in UCAS turf, no boundaries crossed. He'd be breaking the law by jumping in right now. Drake would have to arrest himself, interrogate himself, throw himself down the stairs to the holding cells, then shoot himself twice in the back of the head while he was trying to escape Lone Star, well, the Seattle chapter of the Keystone Kops are working to their usual high standards on this one: they're ordering a search of every Dunkin' Donuts in the city. Hell with it. Mr Blackthorne, you want some help on this? I mean, tell me to stay out if you like: but if you want a little assistance with this problem, let me know.]<<<<< -- Lynch <11:32:51/03-23-57> >>>>>[Well, another young would-be reporter finds herself being used to propagate someone else's achievements around this node. This arrived in my mailbox, so here it is for everyone's amazement. +++++include video: warehouse_raid Now, either this guy is really good, or really stupid, or totally overdosed on a Hong Kong retro season, or all three, but it looks like BTL prices are going up for a while. And for anyone who wanted the legit scoop... +++++begin news.download WAREHOUSE GUN BATTLE 'MOB IN-FIGHTING', SAY POLICE Lone Star confirmed that the gun battle and explosions that wrecked an Everett warehouse was fall-out of a BTL turf war between criminal organisations. "A large quantity of chipware was destroyed in the fight." said a spokesperson. "It seems that this was the objective of the attack." Fourteen bodies were found, though at present all are believed to be members of the criminal syndicates involved. +++++end news.download Don't know why a vigilante hit on a BTL dealer is so important, but there you go.]<<<<< -- The Mighty Quinn <22:15:51/03-23-57> *****PRIVATE: 1Lt DiAnnio, SIGA >>>>>[Well, I'm back. Tanned and handsome after my jaunt in Cambodia, and bruised and battered after playing big boys' games with the Russians. Cambodia, I copied you all the feedback from AJ's team. La Paz and Cairo were the other two nukes, did I say that already? Egypt, okay, no problem, but Amazonia? Okay, it worked quite well in one way - I'd never expect them to risk it - but Maxim are going to have *trouble* from Amazonia ever after. And that means EarthFirst!, Greenwar, Terra Uno, The United Gaian Front, the Gaian United Front, the Front of Gaia United - +++++insert video.clip (Life.of.Brian-12) Splitters! +++++end video.clip Anyway, enough levity. Ryazan was the usual: the new zampolit is a better sort than last time, suggested we just swap our "authorised disclosure" datafiles. No real revelations, just the usual Russian hard-core, no-mercy attitude. Low subtlety, high firepower, good training and discipline. One interesting point - I came back to Seattle and a friend had some more info on that tortureware stuff, so I hit a place they were using to fit out cars as smuggle-wagons. Went in all cocky and casual, and the place was a lot tougher than I thought: even the mechanics had AK-97s. Luckily most of them didn't know which end the bullets come out of. There might be more to this than some Aztlan spook turning a profit on the side. Quinn's circulating the vid, see for yourself. Anyway, I'll be back in DC tomorrow night. Dinner at Circle Hands? My treat this time.]<<<<< -- Lynch <22:32:60/03-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Colonel Tepanohoutec >>>>>[Sir, our operations are becoming increasingly difficult. We require additional support if the plan is to continue. So far the main threat appears to be a single individual: Jason Lynch. This offers an opportunity to eliminate him, permanently, as a threat. However, I regret to state that Lieutenant Ramirez attempted a botched assassination attempt on Lynch, without taking time to investigate or research the threat. Thus, Lynch will be alerted: the assassin came far closer than would have been expected in the circumstances, but advertised his failure and his fury with Ramirez on Shadowland. Ramirez has been dealt with appropriately, of course, but we require a replacement. His latest attack occurred in the Seattle facility we were using to ship the merchandise to the NAN states. I have appended the video of the event. There is no external footage: those cameras were disabled, and the feed looped to show no abnormality. The four guards outside all insisted that they saw and heard nothing untoward until the incident began. +++++include video: warehouse_raid The view is from security cameras, in the four roof corners of a small warehouse, looking inward. Eight cars are parked, most with their doors and hoods open, and are being worked on by about twenty coveralled labourers. Armed guards sit around, or in a few cases wander idly: about eight in all. It seems that the cars are being used to carry trays of datachips, which are being hidden in places like the seat upholstery, or the sound-deadening material under the hood. The audio feed gives a low buzz of conversation and a steady background of music: "Seattle's Hot Forty", by the sound and the DJ. Sudden movement, high in the picture, as something falls from the girderwork of the roof: you register it as a person, before the bright muzzle flash of an automatic weapon highlights his descent in stroboscopic intervals. One car erupts in flame and broken glass as the guards in front of it fall, and another of the guards - firing back at the abseiling man - is suddenly kicked to the ground, his shotgun flying. In the three or four seconds of his descent, the attacker has killed six men. The guards are shooting wildly, the workers scrambling for their weapons. The raider - you presume this must be Lynch - lands not ten feet from a startled guard, rolls under the man's wild spray of fire, and comes up firing: a pistol in each hand, half-a-dozen shots almost point-blank. Slamming against a parked Elite, he fires again at something the camera doesn't clearly see: the sudden wash of flame partly obscures the view as the angle shifts to another camera. Lynch rolls over the hood of the car, coming down on top of a terrified worker: he cracks the man across the head with one Predator, then as the last two guards break cover towards him - spraying long bursts with their AKs - he fires, left-handed, twice: the two shots almost blurring into one as both men's heads snap back as though hit with baseball bats, and they fall bonelessly in unison. Lynch drops the magazine out of one Predator and reloads, then does the same for the other weapon: casually turning and rapid-firing both at the Judas-door in the main entrance as another armed man crashes through, falling. Muzzle flashes behind him show a more cautious colleague, whose fire ceases abruptly as Lynch continues to shoot at the door, punching holes in the thin sheet aluminium where the rifleman must be standing. A long pause as he looks around, his mirrorshades reflecting the light of several fires. You see a tall man, over six feet tall yet rail-thin, with long black hair whose grey streaks catch the firelight, wearing jeans and a battered leather jacket. He walks calmly to the Elite he had used as cover, holstering one pistol and opening the fuel cap before dropping something into the tank's mouth. He repeats this at each of the gasburning cars that are not already ablaze, then places two more objects amidst the trays of datachips. Walking a little faster, Lynch draws the second Predator again as he moves to the door and leaves. For nearly twenty seconds, nothing happens: then the Elite explodes in a flashbulb glare of light that whites out the camera for several seconds. As it clears and you see the blazing wreckage, the second car likewise explodes. The sequence of detonations ends with the chips being scattered, fiercely burning, around the warehouse: two of the four cameras are already off-line by then. +++++end video Quite apart from the clear video of his face, which matches him to a 99.3% probability, the method and style fits completely Lynch's profile: especially the overdramatic entrance, and his childish preference for using a pair of pistols rather than a more effective weapon. Our psychiatric profile suggests an addiction to antique films, especially those of a Chinaman called Woo. The merchandise, and the vehicles earmarked for its transport, were completely destroyed in the fire: the incendiary devices used were white phosphorous grenades. Of the thirty-one workers and guards, eleven were found alive and the bodies of fourteen were recovered. The remaining six remain at large. Interrogation of all survivors indicated that none had any complicity in the attack. Four remain available for further examination if deemed necessary. The only additional data not recorded on the cameras is a black automobile, "sounded powerful", which collected Lynch after the attack. The driver was not seen, and neither was the registration. I regret that this witness suffered an aneurysm during deep magical probing and offer my apologies for the clumsiness of the work. Lone Star have taken custody of the scene, but have been persuaded that it was a simple criminal BTL operation. Forensic analysis of the merchandise has been precluded, and all evidence in Lone Star custody has been 'lost'. The surviving personnel recovered by the police were likewise released to us and records of them mislaid. None of the dead are traceable to our operation. Indications to date are that Lynch is following a personal crusade against the overt content of the merchandise. He does not appear to have involved his Agency contacts, and we have no evidence that Project Manchu has been compromised. There is also no sign of his usual companion in these matters yet. We are currently carrying out damage control and awaiting orders.]<<<<< -- Major Zicahuata <21:32:51/03-23-57> Aztlan Intelligence Service *****PRIVATE: Major Zicahuata >>>>>[Increase security at all operations: additional personnel are being released as necessary. Keep me informed of any and all incidents, however minor. Additional merchandise is en route: maintain the schedule and advise me on any delay you cannot prevent. Send the survivors back for further investigation. I would, however, suggest you review your data on the 'powerful black car' against the files, before you claim The Lady was not involved. My congratulations on your handling of the police investigation, Major. You have coped well with a difficult assignment. We will attempt to deal with the Lynch problem: however, concentrate on protecting your operation. He has been a thorn in our side for over five years, and has demonstrated a knack for evading retaliation. You do not have the resources, nor the training, to pursue him. I will pass this matter upwards for consideration. Continue with the plan as given, until further orders.]<<<<< -- Colonel Tepanohoutec <21:32:51/03-23-57> Aztlan Intelligence Servic *****PRIVATE: Shade >>>>>[After all, I am a hermetic, you know. Besides, it'd give us a chance to spend some time together.]<<<<< -- Foxey Roxey <22:12:00/03-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Basilisk >>>>>[My apologies for taking so long in returning your mail, Bas. I really appreciated all you help, and if you need anything for your clinic or need help, don't hesitate to ask. As for NOX, it was my pleasure.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <22:28:26/03-23-57> >>>>>[Mr. Scorpion, it is highly unprofessional to gloat over a man who you've not even beaten yet. Telling someone they're dead is a sure way to guarantee they disappear. Far better to find them, wound them severly enough in an organ that doesn't kill instantly, and then gloat as they bleed to death internally.]<<<<< -- Skull <22:31:50/03-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Kevin Donaldson >>>>>[Mr. Donaldson, after receiving the mail from Kenneth about his dreams, I had him talk with Douglas Running Elk, one of the instructors here and a Wolf shaman. Doug is of the opinion that Kenneth is likely a Wolf shaman, since he recalls his first meetings and conversations with Wolf being similar. I would like your permission to have Kenneth work with Doug, have Doug become something of a mentor, for at least the time being. If Kenneth were one of the regular students rather than your brother whom you enrolled here at Haven, I would probably have done so, but as you are his guardian, I feel it is only right to consult you before doing anything more concrete than I have.]<<<<< -- Valentine <22:48:25/03-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Foxey Roxey >>>>>[Is it just me, or does it seem like it takes a shadowrun for us to be able to be near one another? And yes, it should be interesting.]<<<<< -- Shade <24:56:34 / 3-24-57> >>>>>[Weeee-ha! Damn those are some fun guys. You ever get a chance to work with a bunch a black guys callin' themselves the Shaolin, do it. Fearless, crazy, good and all without magic, too. Which means that I'm in just as many pieces as I started with.... So, I lofted a Condor II to try and keep track of them. Convinced them to carry a locator beacon so I could follow along and try to keep an eye on the opposition from above. Some of this comes from my surveillance rig on the building across the way, some from the drone and some from internal sec cameras. This all happened 'bout a week ago, we've been laying low since then. Enjoy. +++++BEGIN A/V PLAYBACK? (Y/N) y The aerial view opens up on a busy downtown street. The streets are crowded with all manner of vehicles, the sidewalks jammed with people in suits rushing to and from work. Some of you recognize it's MacArthur Boulevard, in front of the Russian Imperial Gardens, a high-rise apartment building strictly for the wealthy. By the rush of activity and the way the sun is shining, your best guess is that it is the morning rush hour. Nothing unusual as yet, but you know something is going to have to happen. >From the right a small group catches your attention. Four very large black men, clad in the so-called "urban style" of jeans and overlarge jackets, stride their way purposefully through the flowing crowd, towards the gilded front entrance of the Gardens. They pause for a moment, and then you see a Bulldog stepvan, obviously armored in the way that only Bulldogs can be, pull up to the entrance of the Gardens. The red-coated doorman steps forward instinctively to open the door of the Bulldog, then seems to remember something and steps back to his post. The aerial view changes to the drone, taking a more sideways angle. The doorman turns, and opens the door of the Gardens, allowing a small, mousey man to step out of the apartment building. With speed caused only by seriously enhanced reactions, the four black men cross the few meters between them and the mousey man. Two of them produce what look like sawed-off auto shotguns, the other two grab the mousey man, slapping him on the back of the neck with what must be slap patches. The doors of the Bulldog explode open, disgorging a pair of armored Fuchi security men from each side. The shotguns in the hands of the black men roar their clap of doom, and the pair of agents nearest them is thrown back into the van. The unarmed black men push their victim to the sidewalk and start to bind his hands. The other two members of the security team hesitate for a moment, possibly for fear of hitting the man they were charged with protecting. A black Toyota Elite slams into the back of the Bulldog, pinning, a screaming security man against the stepvan. Again the sawed-off shotguns of the black men roar, hurling the other security officer into on-coming traffic. A rear door of the Elite swings open, and the kidnappers and their now dazed prize dissappear into the small limosine. For several long minutes, the Elite seems to have done it's job, eluding any pursuit, sometimes including the drone. The combination of speed, turns, and diving into parking structures seems to have shaken all pursuit. Even you are unsure of exactly where they are, or where they are headed. Then you hear the whupp-whupp sound of what can only be a large helicopter. The aerial view swings away from the Elite to show a Aerostar, it's large side door open to reveal a mounted machine gun. The machine gun chatters, spitting flame and lead. The view swings back down to the Elite, and it appears it has escaped the first volley. The machine gun speaks; sparks fly across the armored exterior. The machine guns chatters again, this time cleanly penetrating the front hood of the small limosine. White smoke begins to belch from the engine as the Elite begins to slow noticeably. The smoke turns pitch-black as it turns into the large parking lot of the Willow Bay shopping mall in south Seattle. The Elite glides to a stop near the East entrance of the mall, the black smoke obscuring the car almost totally. Out of the back, five large black men step out, dragging their clearly drugged prize with them. From the front, two more black men make their escape from the smoking limosine. As they run towards the entrance, the machine guns chatters again, cratering the pavement, hitting one of the kidnappers in the shoulder and knocking him down. But with the help of his team mates, he is back on his feet and running, crashing through the crowd, diving into the mall. The camera swings back to show the Aerostar, now rapidly descending to the roof. The chopper bounces once before settleing. Almost before the helicopter hits the pad again, a team of five heavily armed and armored men dive out. Or at least you think all five are men. The leader, running in front of the rest, moves with the bizarre, inhuman grace you've only seen in the new Move-By-Wire reflex enhancements, and their is the nagging feeling he is not...whole. Something about his face, his arms, seems to be not quite right. As the strike team smashes open the roof-access door, you hear a loud explosion. The Elite must be in a thousand scored pieces now. The view now shifts away from the aerial drone, and to what must be a mall security camera. The team of kidnappers are running through the light morning crowd, leaving people and bags scattered in their wake. Mere moments later, you hear again the sounds of auto-fire, causing the kidnapping team to dive into a Shini-Walgreens. Screams now fill the audio track as the shoppers begin to run, terrified, towards the exit, any exit. The view shifts to another camera to show the kidnappers bursting through plain doors in the back of Shini-Walgreens into what must be the access halls and tunnels in the back of every store. The group pauses for a moment, trying to decide where to go. Sweat glistens on their dark faces, their lips pulled back, panting, revealing golden fangs set onto their natural teeth. They draw their weapons from beneath their jackets, and begin to walk quickly off to the right. Another camera takes over for the first as the group walks out of it's field of view, and a third takes over for the second. Then, perhaps a dozen meters in front of them, the strike team appears. HV-LMGs are leveled at the kidnapping group, and begin to spit their high-velocity rounds at them. The group dives into a small hallway to the back of some store, firing their small arms wildly at the strike team. One round hits the leader in the face, and ricochets, leaving only a small tear in the skin, and a grin on his face. One of the black men attempt to shotgun open the door, but nothing happens, much to his suprise and horror. Another leans out into the hallway, just enough to fire his sawed-off shotgun, and is shot in the arm just as he fires. The Fuchi leader's grin suddenly dissappears. With his free left hand, he pops wicked spurs out of their metallic sheaths, and begins to swat at something unseen. The strike team halts, as the air in front of them begins to shimmer and coalesce. The haze forms into a horrific swirling crimson haze, the shade too similar to fresh blood to be ignored. From it's swirling mass stretch five terribly clawed arms, one for each member of the strike team. The look of terror is now on the faces of the strike team, as they fire full automatice bursts at the swirling mass of crimson, but to no avail. The kidnappers, seeing their only chance, all turn and fire at the door, en masse, shattering it. Kicking their costly prize in front of them, they run into an Elizabeth's Secret, screaming women diving out of their way. Back in the hallway, the only one left standing is the strange leader, leaking blood and hydraulic fluids. Spurs are out of both cyberhands, dripping with blood. The strange spirit seems to have taken some damage, but it now can turn it's whole attention to it's final target. In a blur of motion, swirling crimson, and spurting blood, the confrontation ends. The strike team leader lies dead, along with his comrades. The crimson cloud seems to jiggle, a motion you might almost mistake for glee, as it descends onto the mutilated bodies of it's victims. +++++PLAYBACK COMPLETE I couldn't get the security logs for the rest, but they managed to evade the mall rent-a-cops long enough to make it to the bus terminal downstairs. They load the good doctor onto a bleedin' bus and bring him to me. Wiiiild. These guys are that cool under stress. So, here's the official scan (from a coupla days back): +++++BEGIN TRID PLAYBACK? (Y/N): y Yesterday, warfare erupted at the Willow Bay Shopping Mall in Seattle. Terrorists with suspected links to Islamic fundamentalist groups in the Far East kidnapped an unsuspecting shopper from the mall, before battling security and disappearing. Lone Star suspects they plan to hold the shopper, whose name has not yet been released, hostage somewhere in the Seattle Barrens. Mall guards battled the terrorists in the accessways of the mall before being magically assaulted by one of the terrorists' spirits. More on the Willow Bay Kidnapping as it develops. In other news, Fuchi Internal Security has begun recruiting executives to fill positions recently vacated by numerous retirements in middle management..... +++++PLAYBACK COMPLETE Ain't it great to know the trids never get the news right.... Now, what do I do with all this money? Visit my aunt Tilly in Passac? Nah.... Visit my brother Earl in Newark? Nope. Blow it all on hookers and gambling in Atlantic City? Oh, yeah!!!!]<<<<< -- Rumormonger >>>>>[Yeah, clean and neat. Are their operations always so violent? Also, I always thought the Shoalin were some form of oriental monks.]<<<<< -- Shade <15:05:25 / 3-24-57> >>>>>[Shade, are you trying to say you have never had a run blow up in your face? >From what I scan the Bulldog was a corp shuttle, so the low execs and scientists don't have to put up with traffic and commuting, but the corporation can still keep an eye on them. Now that counts as one mistake. They should have nosd around the shuttle to see what kind of security those things carry. Give them an "A" for effort, though. Tried to get lost in the crowd, saw an opening and took it. Now I remember one time we were doing a body snatch against an unfriendly warlord outside of Au Phuc Dup (our nickname for the anywhere over there, sorta like saying you're parked out in Timbuktu) in Viet Nam. That was a cluster- fuck. We take about three days to get close to the target and what happens? One of his bodyguards steps out on the back of his hootch to take a whiz just as we're sneaking up to grab his boss. Starts screaming his head off, everybody in the camp comes running. We managed to grab the warlord, but by the time we were back in the treeline, every dog and his cousin was after us. We had to kill the little bastard to make it back to the extraction point, he was slowing us down so much. And, yes, the Shaolin are oriental monks. But legend portrays them as fighting monks, some of the hardest outside of Japan, at that. You never heard of gangs calling themselves something just because it sounds cool? I'm amazed you aren't more worried about that spirit that jumped the Fuchi team in the halls.]<<<<< -- Snake (15:55:12 / 03-24-57) *****PRIVATE TO: Squire Josef >>>>>[God said me : Judas, talk with Josef. He is a good man. God is not happy. Monsters and Sorcerers, the beast=B4s sons, destroy His creations. If they are strong, I will be stronger. I will kill all my enemies. Brother, I=B4m with you, Are you with me?]<<<<< -- JUDAS <18:51:03 / 03-25-57> ***** PRIVATE : Fool - Killer >>>>>[ Hi "Parce".. You don=B4t know me.. I believe that I can be util for ya... and your organisation... in the mr. blackthorne theme..you know.. Ok amigo.. cya later]<<<<< -- Obtulio Varela (el parce) <19:32:53 / 03-24-57> >>>>>[My apologies, I didn't mean that they often mess-up, but if their raids often ended up taking a violent bent. Then again, sometimes that is part of the game. As to the spirit, I plan to investigate it, but I am need to finish my current project first. Why is it that cybermancers can't keep their creatures on a leash.]<<<<< -- Shade <20:48:52 / 3-24-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Kor >>>>>[Have you had a chance to look at that chamber yet?]<<<<< -- Cybil <21:58:52/24-03-57> >>>>>[Killer Monks? Heheh. What WILL they come up with next?]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <21:56:24/24-03-57> >>>>>[Can anyone recommend some high-ish security level sites out here in MatrixLand? Me and a few pals are looking to get some tandem practice...]<<<<< -- Tobai Dark <22:00:22/24-03-57> *****PRIVATE: Obtulio Varela (el parce) >>>>>[I am not the one you should be offering help. That would be Muffin Man's brother, Mr. Blackthorne. Nor is it my function to hire people for "my organization". But Muffin Man needs to be stopped. So contact Blackthorne. Send references. And as a rule of thumb: do not assume I, or anybody, is your friend. You'll live longer.]<<<<< -- Fool-Killer <19:56:09 / 03-24-57> >>>>>[Hoi chummers. I 'ave returned from my long absence. If ya were wonderin', Colice and m'self were on tour. I was helpin ta run the security, an did a few numbers on stage. I must however say that I am glad ta be back.]<<<<< -- STREETWOLF(Fire is an Elf's Best Friend)<02:06:40/03-25-57> ***** PRIVATE : Fool-Killer >>>>>[HEar me Parce .... Im not an idiot... I know this streets like my face... my pretty face.... well parce.. if ya dont want my help... there are a lot of people... and they have real money to pay my services....]<<<<< -- Obtulio Varela (el negro) <7:49:22 / 03-25-57> >>>>>[Don't push your luck Wunder Twins. I've retired from the UCAS Army twice. The first time I left to study with Zen Buddhist monks in the hills north of San Francisco. For the mental midgits out there, yes, that makes them metas that got kicked out of Japan after they underwent the Change.]<<<<< -- Snake (09:27:33 / 03-25-57) >>>>>[ Jen and Gabe, take out the Muffin Man. Here's your payment: +++++transfer: 1 =Y= ]<<<<< -- Anonymous <10:46:04/03-25-57> >>>>>[ Snake, don't you hate it when good old Mr. Murphy steps in and turns a perfectly good op into a goatfuck? ]<<<<< -- Tangent <11:00:12/03-25-57> >>>>>[Drek, drek, drek. This is bad. I and some comptriates were transporting Wilhem Von Dartmorn, aka Sword of God to the airport for extradition when we were hit by some unknown team. I had hired my friend David's group, Kneehigh Demolitions Inc., to run backup and David, their mage Thornn and their sam Kneecaps were in the prison van with me, while their rigger Butterfly flew overwatch in a souped up Yellowjacket. The first sign we had of trouble was when my and Thornn's elementals got banished. And the next thing we know someone's sent a pair of ground to air missiles into the Yellowjacket. Butterfly didn't survive that. As we waited for the next attack, the van hit some fragging mines laid out on the road ahead of us at the same time as a sniper takes out the Lone Star driver. The van went skidding around before crashing into a lamppost. And the whole time we're trying to call for backup but somethings jamming our com-gear. Even David's internal radio. So the van's stopped and we spot a large group of heavily armed humans advancing on us. So we pile out and hit them first. Thornn takes one down with a power bolt, but then he's distracted by an earth elemental. I'd already used my lion form spell and had bowled into the goons, while Kneecaps and David opened up on them from cover. We're starting to make some headway as Thornn takes out the enemy elemental when a second group hits us from behind. Kneecaps and David get taken out by a concussion grenade. Thornn manages to scatter the first group with a powerball, but the drain takes him out. And those that were still up in the first group manage to keep me occupied while the second group frees Sword of God. Then as I here sirens coming closer the sniper nails me in the leg and I black out. David was conscious enough to tell me that the rescue party grabbed it's dead and wounded and booked out. Kneecaps is still in the hospital but he should be fine. Thornn and David are up and pissed off about Butterfly's death. But I think we got lucky. I'm an ork and everyone in Kneehigh Demolotions Inc is a dwarf. If the Star hadn't shown up I doubt if the Sword of God's rescue party would have let us live. Not that he's going to stay free. That racist fragger is going to go down and he will pay for his crimes. I will bring him to justice no matter what.]<<<<< -- Aristo <9:20:03/3-26-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Kang >>>>>[Sir I thank you for my release from imprisonment. My squire informed me that the price for my freedom would be a favor done for you and your compratriots. Name it and it will be done. But also some sad news. Squire Josef did not survive the wounds inflicted on him by the demon Fellworth, or Aristo as he is known in the shadows. For too long this demon has hidden under the protection of his brother the Duke Nigel Fellworth of England. He will pay for his crimes against humanity. Also, after I complete your favor I will be journeying to the CFS where likeminded allies of mine will help me to repair the damage done to my cyberware in prison. But if you have need of me or my servants you may contact me at **LTG #**.]<<<<< -- Sword of God <9:27:59/3-25-57> ***** PRIVATE: Cybil >>>>>[Yes, I did. I ran into some problems while down there which I will out-line simply as 1) nearly being arrested 2) nearly being killed by a currently unknown spirit (likely belonging to the body that was found there). I have a tech working on the footage as we speak. There are a couple things that needed to be cleaned up. Nothing important to your research should be loss.]<<<<< -- Kor <16:39:49 / 03-26-57> >>>>>[Dear Jen and Gabe -- May I suggest Misha's on Fourth? I suspect that the three of you could get a good sushi and steak dinner for just under that thousand New Yen.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <16:44:24 / 03-(25+1)-57> Executive Officer Industrial Sound and Magic *****PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[ ALL help is needed, he brought his old gang back and thier ready to kill. I have a small group now but his is larger, so if your willing I need to know.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <12:00:12/ 03-24-57> >>>>>[ Jen and Gabe, huh. Well if your so hells bent on taking him out, then I suggest you get ready to deal with him. Why you ask because your now on this little team, so hall balls and get over to Pullyaup ]<<<<< -- Redfeather <12:03:23/ 03-24-57> *****PRIVATE: Mr Blackthorne >>>>>[Okay, I'm in, and I have a friend who may wish to come in as well. Who is this guy, who are his friends, what do they plan to do (in detail, not 'kill people'), who's pulling their strings... Inform me.]<<<<< -- Lynch <12:00:12/ 03-24-57> *****PRIVATE: 1Lt DiAnnio, SIGA >>>>>[Date's off, sorry: some sort of tag-team of psychos are about to hit Seattle, and I stuck my big nose in and volunteered to help. One of them's already into multiple homicide. Check the logs: he's been calling himself the Muffin Man.]<<<<< -- Lynch <17:30:14/03-25-57> *****PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[Looks nasty. Very nasty. This should really be a Lone Star problem... except they won't handle it right, since most of the people with evidence are wanted themselves. I smell leverage, if we do this right: which in Seattle right now could be very useful. And it's time I got out of the office for a while. I'm on my way in, unless you strenuously object. Usual cover? And let's see if we can get a few alive: find out if they're isolated crazies, or someone's pawns.]<<<<< -- 1Lt DiAnnio <17:41:26/03-25-57> Corporate Division Strategic Intelligence Gathering Agency *****PRIVATE TO: Lynch >>>>>[Well, Lynch, it looks as if we'll be working together again. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I just feel like I should go buy a cape, some tights, and get a car with a catchy nickname I swear, one of these days, I'm _gonna_ do some work, that pays.]<<<<< -- Blade <12:30:15/3-25-57> >>>>>[You wouldn't believe it brother. I could tell ya some tales.]<<<<< -- Snake (16:22:22 / 03-25-57) ***** PRIVATE: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[I am interested in helping out regarding the Muffin Man situation. My sense of justice will not allow this maniac to continue killing people and posting the results to Shadowland. I don't want to see it and neither does anyone else. I don't expect any payment. I just want to see this person go down. +++++include file: eq.resume That's so you can see what I can do and plan me in accordingly. I appreciate your time and hope I can help.]<<<<< -- EQ <17:25:32/ 03-25-57> *****PRIVATE: [a--i--s] at [Pentagram] >>>>>[Damn damn DAMN this place! Whatever they're pumping into my arm has my hormones completely up in arms, making it damn hard to think. Both Az +++++Hi there!+++++ and I will be fine they said, but I'm still pissed as hell. Anyway, my report: +++++engage AnataMedake1.8x The pickup went just as expected. Unmarked van, precise timing at the loading dock, good security. The item came in a zero-zero armored case with nasty self-destruct mechanism, sealed tight. We used the random route, not exceeding traffic conditions. At 2147.35 a low-observability drone, baseline California Condor variant by IFF, attacked with rockets and Exp/APDS-laden MMG. Drone was shot down with one '232 round, with only cosmetic damage taken. No casualties, but two impact-muniscus craters in the sidewalk. Status of hostile drone after termination unknown. At 2208.17, 0.6k from destination, a full-scale assault occured. Two California Condors with EX-laden HVHMG and one Tinkerbell with AGM rack and HVLMG, plus one armored van a block and a half away. All were magically invisible, apparently launched from rooftop level. Bravo and Charlie succeeded in scratching one C.C., but Bravo was lost to missile fire from the 'Bell. The other C.C. scored nontrivial damage on my armor before being shot down, and we took one more missile before the 'Bell went down. The missile penetrated the carapice and exploded inside, doing moderate damage to control systems. The blast was not powerful enough to harm either of us. However, as I pressed out of the kill zone, we failed to avoid one of the six mines positioned in the road. Nearly all underbelly armor was shredded, further damaging the drive- train and throwing shrapnel into the cabin, a piece of which lodged in my leg. Within fifteen more seconds we arrived at the perimeter of the facility, where security took us under their umbrella. I am undergoing medical care for my wound and for shock, under the supervision of Azrael. Status of hostile drones and van unknown. My van is barely drivable, with severe cosmetic damage and grave drivetrain and control problems. Status of Bravo unknown. CDS and Gunsight footage follow: +++++include cds.authentic.fr +++++disengage AnataMedake1.8x I assume Lopez was able to collect our shit. I just hope those bastards give us a bonus for this shit. Whoever hit us knew exactly what to look for and was using some _serious_ equipment. Fuckfuckfuck. +++++We'll be alright, V-12. Our benefactors are doing protocol with the police to try to cover up what happened+++++]<<<<< -- Valerie <14:29:42 / 03-25-57> *****PRIVATE: [a--i--s] at [Pentagram] >>>>>[You did good, Val. No mis'take 'bout it. I'z been raisin' hell on tha phone, and it looks like they'z a leak somewhere in they system. That otha van wuz tryin' to grab our shit 'for Lopez surprised'em wif Delta. Call it terrorist strike, wif stolen equipment claimed by your destination. Lopez got Bravo outta da way befo too much scrutiny got paid, an' we getsta look at tha otha team's shit once tha fo-rensics is up. Even paid up tha legal fees, they did. We'z rep's goin' up fo this one, and You-Know-Who's gonna have a serious chat wif da personell. I know you heard what Rubiy said t'ya, an' I also wantcha ta know dat I'z behind ya on this. I don' take people onta my team easily, an' I don' abandon'em when they down. Here's tha deal fo' gettin' home: +++++include itin.authentic I'z prouda you both.]<<<<< -- V-12 <15:11:51 / 03-25-57> >>>>>[G'day lads and lasses. Me handle is Warloc, I am an elf from the greenest of lands, the fairest of places, and where you can find the best bit of ale. Tir Na-nog. Now some ya might be thinking "Ah Christ, another high feultin dandy-lion-eater from the Tir!", and you'd be right. But I'm looking to find some friends that might like to find the gold at the end of the rainbow, or just a really good run. I'll be lettin' ya know that I don't do wetwork. I will kill in defense or to save me friends but I don't like to if it ain't necessary. Life is precious and enough people don't realize it. Most of the spells that I have are stun related. Also be advised that I am a Druid of the Moon and I have unique abilities that those on this side of the pond might not be aware of. Not that I'll be spilling our secrets. If ya like send me a note and we'll get together and have a mug of ale and a pipe and talk shop. Gud day to all.]<<<<< -- Warloc <19:01:40 / 3-25-57> *****Private: Warloc >>>>>[My name is Shade, and my relatives came fron Tir Na Nog. I am an Elven Stag Shaman. Life is precious, but so is death. Both are natural cycles of the existence. There are few circles in Seattle. I own a very weak one, and a very powerful one is at a place of peace called Haven in the Redmond Barrens. Lastly, the British Consulater controls a nice nexus of ley lines, but I don't know what the Druid there would require for access. He is a Sea Shaman, you know. Anway, welcome to the City by the Sound.]<<<<< -- Shade <19:06:04 / 3-25-57> >>>>>[This was leaked to me recently from a source who I refuse to compromise. Enjoy it, it's most fascinating. +++++ Include Written transcript, InterPol-Seattle Legend: CD: Commander Paul Drake MX: Marshal Xavier Qoph CD: You summoned me, sir. MX: Sit down, Commander. CD: I prefer to stand, sir. MX: Sit Commander. You'll be here a while. CD: Yes, sir. May we keep this as short as possible, sir? I have extensive duties to attend to. MX: I am well aware of that, Commander, and I will try to keep this meeting short. CD: Thank you, sir. MX: What do you know of the recent events regarding the destruction of the a BTL shipment in a gang conflict? CD: The official LS bulldrek, or what really happened? MX: Both. CD: Officially, Lone Star has closed the case and called it a gang conflict at an illegal chop-shop. One of the vehicles was carrying BTLs and they were destroyed and wiped in the fire following the shoot out. The evidence has been destroyed and the case closed. There is little else to tell about the official drek. MX: Watch your language, Commander. CD: My apologies, sir. It will not happen again. MX: Yes it will, and we both know it. CD: Yes sir. May I continue? MX: Please. CD: Unofficially, we have acquired some of the "destroyed" evidence from a concerned officer in Lone Star's employ. As you know, InterPol often receives similar items which could pertain to our investigations, usually from cops who feel that they cannot speak out against the corruption around them but can't sit by and let it just happen either. We received three only slightly damaged chips and forensics analyzed them. Forensics was unable to determine the source of the original blanks, but they did determine that the programs contained on the chips were not standard BTLs, but rather a form of BTL tortureware. In addition, our deckers maintaining Matrix surveillance on the local ShadowLand server monitered and downloaded several files containing data regarding the attack. They showed that this was not a gang fight but rather the work of a single man. We ran the data through our systems, enhanced, filtered, and matched it to all known criminals in the Seattle area and came up with a match to an unofficial UCAS agent named Jason Lynch. The physical match was only 93%, but the MO was precise. MX: Anything else? CD: I have not recently looked through Mr. Lynch's file, but he has extensive knowledge of corporate politics and infighting. He has extensive cybernetic enhancements and we believe him to have been part of the recent events organized by Dr. Jackson against Maxim Arms. MX: I see. And the tortureware? CD: I'm not a technician, sir, but I do know that the greatest producers of tortureware in the world are, in order, Aztechnology, Mitsuhama, Renraku, Ares, Fuchi, and then too many others to count. If you like, I can produce a report for you. MX: That will not be necessary. Commander, I have orders for you that come down from our favorite REMFs. You, and Special Branch-Seattle, are to begin the immediate investigation of the recent events regarding the tortureware chips with the goal of discovering the whereabouts of Mr. Lynch followed by his apprehension and extradition to Aztechnology. CD: Aztechnology, sir? Respectfully, sir, I would like to point out that Special Branch is under special contract and I have been given the freedom to assign my agents as I feel is most appropriate. MX: I'm aware of that. Here. Read it.