>>>>[ +++++download: Trail_report_VI.b +++++download: hunting_snail_frame]<<<<< --JayCee<19:05:32/09-30-57> *****PRIVATE: Squatter >>>>>[Well, it take me a while to get in touch with my friend. He is mostly cut away from the rest of the world. He can't be tell me anything specific, only some general informations, and even that is a risk for him to talk. Basically, the body is a very complex thing and is constantly monitoring itself and changing to maintain itself in the environment. Every time some cyberwares are put into the body, it interferes some with this feedback and as you know if too much is put in, the body can't maintain itself any more and the person dies. With better techniques and refining the equipments, the impact of implanting cybers can be reduced, but there are still limits of about 40% non- neural replacements. Neural is much more sensitive and really can't be replaced above about 5%, only augmented. Refining the components and techniques is reaching a plateau for reducing implant trauma, although carefully matching and integrating cyber components (i.e. installing them as a SYSTEM instead of pieces) may also help. The next step seems to be Cybermancy. Cybermancy, at least in theory, will push non-neural replacement tolerances to 90%+, and maybe even allow neural replacements. It uses a combination of experimental drugs and magic to keep the remaining tissue functional. The individual components in the system have to also be carefully integrated to make sure they are compatible, and installed in a specially designed regimen. It is a very intensive process and must be continuously maintained or it starts to degrade. This is all just experiment so far, and is only worked on seriously in a few labs, and very secret. I don't know any labs, but they would be need much funding, so probably they are in big corporations or governments. I also never hear of any work on people that have success over a long period, but that would be secret anyway. I think it will be many years before this technology reaches a useful level, and even then it will be too expensive to build and maintain to use in most areas. That is all i may tell you now. I hope this helps.]<<<<< -- Basilisk <22:47:51 GMT/01.OCT.57> *****PRIVATE: Cassandra >>>>>[What the frag did you get me in to?! I was walking down the street to see a friend and this thing just comes right up to me. Usually I keep away from the squatters and all but this guy just walks right up like he knows me. Next thing I know my ally starts screaming something about an astral shadow and tells me to run! well i didn't know anything about "astral shadow's" so i look and sure enough this thing walking up to me has what looks like a black aura or shadow all around it. so i start to turn and run away but the things all ready next to me, he was so close i swear i should have felt his breath but it never seemed to breathe at first i was afraid to even look up at it but then it started asking me about you. where did you live, where do you go, who are your friends, etc. that's when i looked up. the thing didn't even have a face it was just a skull with these weird eyes that glowed. i think i gained about 3 years at that point. it just kept asking me the same questions over and over. at first i didn't know what to say, but i figured you didn't need anything like this so i said i didn't know who he was talking about and started to walk away. that's when it got mad i think, it grabbed my arm and it felt like he would have ripped it off if my ally hadn't attacked him. it let go of me and these blades came out of his hands and he started to slice at my ally. the damn thing KILLED it like it was just a fly, i saw the spirit try a spell but nothing happened that's when the thing tore into it. seeing that i tried to throw a fireball but all that did is burn the things cloak. that's when I decided to disappear it looked around for a few minuets then walked off mumbling something about evita. you better tell her to be careful this thing made tarlen look like a normal guy. what ever it is i wont be around for a couple days, good luck and stay alive.]<<<<< -- Dirk <17:29:03/10-01-57> *****Private: Ms. Johnston >>>>>[Questioning didn't work as had hoped ran into a small difficulty. I will pursue a different person to find subject. Any extra information would be useful. Also I am having minor problems with my internal weapons this may slow my work if I cant find the appropriate tools soon. I will continue on main objective until further notice.]<<<<< -- The Skull Bearer<17:40:26/10-01-57> *****PRIVATE: The Skull Bearer >>>>>[Hmmm. I assume you questioned Cassandra's mage acquaintence. Did you kill him? I hope so. We don't need him warning the others. Come to >>encrypted<< this evening. I will have you restored to full working order as best I can. For the record, you are a magically sustained machine, no? I will have personnel available with the appropriate tools. Do not move forward until we have affected your recuperation.]<<<<< -- Ms. Johnston <20:57:00/10-1-57> >>>>>[An I will be righ' ther' wi' ya, I wa' in on th' run tha' got th' fragger]<<<<< -- STREETWOLF(Fire is an Elf's Best Friend)<00:29:59/10-02-57> *****PRIVATE:Nameless >>>>>[So when do we get the details?]<<<<< -- Evita <15:45:32/10-02-57> *****PRIVATE:Valentine >>>>>[I have found Sarah's father, there are some complications involved...since you're the unofficial protector of Sarah and her mother, can I meet with you to discuss this?]<<<<< -- Cassandra <15:49:12/10-02-57> *****PRIVATE: The Group >>>>>[We really need a name. Anyways, I'm back, so now I can tell you where I was. Gibraltar, up the rock thereof, in this corporate hotel thing. I was under exec disguise, as were a few other Seattlite runners. We mingled with the other execs, drank some champagne, talked about corporate policy, and saved the world from a madman with a big nasty virus. Boring, all things considered. Also, I need your guy's help in a ritual to initiate again, can we meet soon? Same place as the last one, >>time<<.]<<<<< -- Ice <15:25:27/10-02-57> *****PRIVATE: Cassandra >>>>>[Of course. I am always here at Haven. Stop by when you can.]<<<<< -- Valentine <16:15:39/10-02-57> *****PRIVATE: L >>>>>[Here's the report on the festivities at the Rock hotel, Gibraltar. It mabe a little disorganised, but what am I, a secretary? I divided it by days... but firstly, here's a series of pictures of the principals so you don't have any trouble with the various footages. +++++Include Blackthorne.pic (Male, Amerindian, human) Decker, AKA David Buchanan, SK Exec. +++++Include Blackhawk.pic (Male, Amerindian, ork) AKA Ralph Serpiko, SK Bodyguard. +++++Include Blademaster.pic (Male, caucasian, elf) Mage, AKA Eric Lees-Berry, SK Exec. +++++Include Easy.pic (Female, caucasian, elf) AKA Leiah Brightfield, SK Exec. +++++Include Ice.pic (Male, caucasian, elf) Mage, AKA Murray Jerzyck, SK Exec. +++++Include Shockwave.pic (Male, caucasian, human) AKA Bill Steiner, SK Bodyguard. +++++Include T'Shon.pic (Male, albino caucasian, elf) Physical adept, AKA Alan Thomas, SK Bodyguard. +++++Include Whitetyger.pic (Male, Eurasian, human) Mage (adept of some sort), AKA Jared Chan, SK Bodyguard. ******************** Okay, in case you have to send this on to other departments or some damn thing, I'll save you the trouble of adding the list of missions and goals we had: Talk to Renraku about anti-aztech cooperation. Show Bevan Ratekov, a Yamu exec, that SK has his kidnapped step-son Willard, but prevent Yamu resnatch at all costs. Talk to Eric Goldmann, Shiawase exec, about defection, deliver a message, get any replies. Scope out aztech guards, write report on weaknesses, strengths, etc. Find out why Hans Gagnon, geneticist, used to work for an SK sub, has been traced to the Rock. Not very important, apparently, but ye gods and little chickens, it turned into a killer... ******************** Day 0 (Tuesday)... Some stragglers still arriving... out of our group, Easy and T'Shon arrived first, which got us the second floor from the top of the hotel on the first-in highest-room system. Aztech slipped in ahead of us to score top floor. In descending order it went Aztech, us, Shiawase, Renraku, Yamatetsu, Fuchi, Ares, and Mitsuhama. The guided tour was vaguely interesting... Gagnon was unavailable when I asked a few questions, so I gave the faked message to a miscellaneous flunkey. The guy said he'd see he got it, but also that he doubted Hans would even read it if he knew it was from BlueGenes. None of the others found out anything about Hans either. Blackthorne hit the matrix right away that night, took a look at some of the security measures, but mostly spent his time familiarising himself with the system and making sure he wasn't setting off any alarms. The Aztechers got to the hotel first, so they'd had the opportunity to mess with the system before we got there. Blackthorne thought not, and we trusted his expertise. The false execs mingled some, I had a try at meeting Goldmann, never got around to him though, I wanted to establish a rep as something of a talker before seeing him. I met a guy named Mercer, Renraku, though, and dropped some hints about the anti-Aztech thing. ******************** Day 1 (Wednesday)... Okay, we went to the meetings, managed to keep from falling asleep, but we didn't do a lot of the constructive talking. Looks like the other execs'll go home thinking SK was unusually quiet this year. Anyway, while Easy, Blademaster, Blackthorne, and I were in the various conference rooms, the rest of the team were having a look around the hotel, checking out the security for keeping Willard on our side of the chicken, that sort of thing. Turns out the place is a nightmare for defence. Climbing down the hotel on the outside is as easy as an easy thing, it is on enough of a slope that one can drop from one balcony to the next down with ease, and there's enough room to land safely too. The locks on the doors aren't bad, but not enough to stop anyone who knows what they're doing. No alarms that wake us up, they're set up to tip off the central security system only. Evening, the virtual party thing... the icons were mostly ordinary stuff, corp issue, but there were a few corp deckers who showed clearly (computer security guard division? Or deckers disguised as plain execs? we started checking...). Later, after the party, Blackthorne hacked into the security system. On his return, he reported that he had rigged up a subroutine to send a wake up call to us if the alarm for any of the rooms on our floor went off, so that was one problem solved. ******************** Day 2 (Thursday)... More meetings, as per yesterday. Got a bit more into the swing of things acting the corp type... lot's of fun. Shockwave and the other bodyguards had a few games with the Aztechers, more about that later... Evening, the Tir Ballet Troupe event... a bit of mixing, but it was harder during the performance (as the simporn star said to the bishop). At the gathering afterwards, I met an old friend who was in the Tir Troupe... guy name of Aleksandro, a real smoothie. Tir intelligence. We made eye contact across the room, both jerked in surprise, faked like we were choking on our drinks... you know the drill. We met up later on in the party, introduced ourselves, staying in cover of course, and played the old "I-can-lie-more-outrageously-than-you-can" game for a while. I let him believe that I was a legit SK man, and told him subtly that he better promise to tell me anything he found out, or I'd blow the whistle right then and there. He recognised that I'd won this round, and gave me his word he'd drop off a chip later if I stayed out of his way for the rest of the evening. He even kept his promise. The chip had some info on Mitsuhama, looks legit but I don't know if it'll be useful, I'll include it in the miscdata file, which you will find included at the end of this report. Turns out Aleks was trying to spy on SK too, which must have been why he wanted me out of his way. When I told the rest of the team, next morning, Easy said he had been hitting on her all night. From the look on her face when I mentioned he was Tir intel, Aleks was lucky he'd already left the hotel. There was also something going on with Aleks and T'Shon too, but I didn't get the details. Given that it was probably intel related, I don't think I want to know. Some of the Yamatetsu boys tried to talk to Willard Ratekov. Blademaster kept them away by subtle social methods, held them up long enough for the keeper to pull Willard out of the area. I think we made it quite clear that they could look but not touch or talk to. Blackthorne got some stuff on Gagnon, just rumours mostly. I'll include it in the miscdata file too. Could be that we were a little forward on this, made it seem like a big thing to us. Considering how things turned out, it didn't matter much, but it could have I guess. ******************** Day 3 (Friday)... Meetings, meetings, meetings... Bodyguards challenging Aztechers some more. Blackthorne spent his time talking to Renraku, I don't think anyone saw anything unusual in it, it looked like biz to me. A few knowing looks among R's boys that were explained by later events. It's only through hind-sight that I think about it at all. Evening, the town visit... we stuck around here, watching Willard. Never knew when Yamu might be after him. Still, if they came at all, it meant they knew about the blackmail, and the kid was useless. There's still revenge, I guess. ******************** Day 4 (Saturday)... Most of the exec section spent the day firmly crushing the Shiawase Execs in the lasertag arena (before you shriek about cover blowage, we had our reflexes toned down a little to keep it close to even. Tactics won the day, not magic or cyber enhancements). Blademaster did some chatting to execs in the games room, and he pulled off the message drop to Goldmann during a game of Mahjongg. Damn, it was good, the way he tells it anyway. You play Mahjongg? Well, anyway, he played for a draw, and passed the chip during the swapping tiles part of the goulash. Cunning as a bucket full of cunning things. Back at the lasertag, the bodyguards had a few rounds with the Aztechers, looks like the boys from Aztlan may have had similar orders... to check out SK I mean. They were easy to persuade to compete, and by saturday, it seemed like our bodyguards were competing with theirs in every free moment. It got quite nasty there near the end. T'Shon wrote up some stuff on it, I'll include the file at the end of the report. I got the feeling that it was close to even, with the luck coming down on our side. Evening, the virtual party wasn't bad, we talked to people, mingled, maintaining the old corporate cover thing. The icons had improved a little. Blackthorne pulled out some more info on Gagnon by... shall we say... dubious methods... approaching a staff member with the icon of an exaggeratedly sexy elf-woman. Personally, I thought it wasn't very subtle... but the target was too dazzled to notice. I've included what he got in the miscdata file. Blademaster ran cover on Willard again. No-one was trying anything tonight though. Made some of the team edgy... not me, though, I have to admit. At some point during the evening, Whitetyger got Mercer (the Renraku guy from the first day) alone for a minute, and made a comment about a meet after the party, to discuss the anti-Aztech thing. I was back at my room just before midnight (narrowly avoiding the transformation of my headware back into a pumpkin). Went to sleep, then, at around 2:00, I got this call... +++++Begin sndfile (I: Ice M: Jonathon Mercer, Renraku exec) I: >>miscellaneous grunt<<... Y'ello? M: This is Mercer. The coast is clear for that meeting your bodyguard mentioned. I: Umm... okay. Now? Where? M: Fifth floor sundeck, fifteen minutes. I: Right, I'll wake the rest... M: No. Come alone, as I will be. I: Not likely, mate. One bodyguard each? M: That is not acceptable. If there is no trust between our corporations, how can we work together on the... situation? Be there, alone, fifteen minutes. +++++End sndfile Okay, so I listened to what he had said, and went alone. Yeah right, and I also have a bridge I'd like to sell. Are SK interested in large scale real estate? Here's what happened down on the fifth floor: +++++Begin footage Black screen bearing the words "Supposed Renraku meet, Ice's Cybercamera. Principals: Mercer, Whitetyger." The view is of the Rock, a many layered facility on a steep slope, such that each balcony ends about two metres back from the ending of the one below it. The effect is remarkable in the dark with the lights from within the building reflecting off of the stainless steel railings. The camera is situated on one of the balconies, about twenty-five floors down from the top. The view changes, looking at a darkened section of window, and revealing the camera-man in the reflection. It is Ice. He turns, looking over the sea. Far out over the mediterranean, a freight vessel is visible by it's running lights, an anachronism in these days of radar and satellite navigation, but still a legal requirement nonetheless. >From behind the camera comes a cough, and the POV rotates through 180 degrees, turning to face a suited man, not particularly tall, grey-haired, trim build. "You came alone?" asks the suit, joining the camera-man at the railing, standing with the railing to his left. "Yes," replies Ice, "So, what can you offer?" "We're interested in your comments regarding the... offensive entity," says Mercer, "What would be the extent of your operations?" "That would depend in part on the... commitment displayed by your operatives," replies the camera-man, "Though I must add that we would prefer to avoid excessive disruption of the status quo. There are many who envy our positions, which are not set in stone... look at what happened when our newest brother joined the family." "Then we can at least arrange some exchange of information. If we can set up some sort of secure channel for communication between our operatives and your own, we can begin this dialogue." "That sounds acceptable. What do you have in mind?" "Let me be frank. We own a small corporation, hidden under many shells. We use it for some of the... activities we run that must be deniable. You know about that kind of thing, no doubt, and must have a similar... asset." Mercer pauses, looking over the ocean, "Quite simply, Mr Jerzyck, you show me yours, I'll show you mine." "I am not authorised to make that kind of revelation," says the camera-man, his voice beginning to sound less confident. "I had though I would be talking to someone with more power than that," says Mercer, sensing a weakness, "Who would be better suited to our requirements?" "I can get you in touch with someone," says the camera man grudgingly, "It will have to wait until after the conference is complete though." "In that case, Mr Jerzyck, we have nothing more to discuss," says Mercer, half turning away, then turning back, "Oh, except this." On the last word, he extends his right arm towards the camera-man, his wrist cocked back 90 degrees. A small hole opens in the heel of his palm. "This cyberarm," he says, "contains a CO2 powered cyber-weapon. Please remain perfectly still." The camera holds steady. "No reason for a fight.... What do you want?" asks Jerzyck. "Ratekov," Mercer answers, "I'll hand you back to your bodyguards tomorrow, but Ratekov goes down the hill tonight, to a Yamatetsu transport flight leaving in thirty minutes. I'll have to ask you to disable his cortex bomb, or whatever precautions you have taken to render his escape impossible." "I can't do that," replies the camera-man, "and I do mean that literally. On the other hand, I can pay you double what the Yamatetsu people have offered." He risks taking a quick glance around and out of the corner of his eye, you notice a slight glimmer on the level above, before his eyes fall back on Mercer. "Come now, Mr Jerzyck, don't be difficult. I _belong_ to Yamatetsu. In fact, the entire Renraku contingent is from Yamatetsu. Renraku chose not to come to the conference this year, and you would not believe how much it cost us to replace their team with ours. Shiawase know, and I suspect some of the Aztechnology contingent are on to us. But your sad excuse for a chain of corner dairies? No, Mr Jerzyzk, Sadder-Krupp remains, as usual, in the dark. Now, let us go to wherever you are holding the boy." "Take him now," says Jerzyck. For an instant Mercer looks uncomprehending, then, realising Jerzyck was calling for backup, he fires at the camera. A spitting noise comes from his cyber-weapon as a spray of gas exits the palm-hole, and Jerzyck shouts in pain as he goes over backwards. From the ground, the camera observes the Yamametsu man step forward readying another burst with a faint look of surprise towards his still breathing quarry. As the cyber-arm is raised the earlier shimmer moves off the railing and a loud kiai attracts Mercer's attention skyward. Before his hand can raise high enough to block or shoot, the blur connects with his shoulder, sending him spinning backwards, his arm smashing hard into the rail. Conversely, what must be assumed to be WhiteTyger's form lands safely. Mercer's arm slashes out in an arc, his palm open, causing the cloaked form to commit to a diving roll, but no bullets spray from the cybergun. "Damn..." Mercer swears, his other fist coming down on the rail with a blow that dents it. "I guess I'll have to rip you two apart with my bare hands." The faintly shimmering form pauses for less than a second before he and Mercer seem to switch into high gear trading a series of blows and blocks at dizzying speed. WhiteTyger seeming to keep himself just out of reach of Mercer connecting, while his strikes causing Mercer to do little more than shake out his head. Finally, Mercer's Muay-Thai leg block, known for its brutality on both attacker and defender, brings a brief pause to the fight as WhiteTyger's leg begins to show slightly, its faintly limping pattern digitizing into and out of focus. "I've been working Black Ops since I was a teenager," Mercer laughs at his mostly unseen opponent. "You're going to have to do better than that...." WhiteTyger stands his ground. Taking his delay as a chance to finally move in, Mercer leaps. What must be the arms of Ice's ally blur into motion, avoiding Mercer's strike and rending a bloody track from Mercer's abdomen to his chest. The surprise and pain this brings render Mercer unable to shield himself from the strikes that finally knock him to the ground motionless. WhiteTyger's body finally becoming fully visible as being covered in a dark grey cloth, he pulls off his hood and yanks the mask and goggles of what appears to be a stealth suit off his face. His large cat-slit eyes are wide with rage. Moving through a few rapid motions of some form, he draws back his fist. "Alive," gasps Jerzyck, in some pain judging by the sound of his voice. WhiteTyger looks up, and the anger quickly leaves his face. His fist closes, and he instead kneels next to Mercer and clasps hands on either side of the Yamametsu agent's neck. Waiting for another half minute, he then releases his hold and drops Mercer's head to the ground with a quasi-metallic thunk. "He is not faking," Whitetyger says, "What about you?" "I should live," Jerzyck gasps, "thanks to L's ever so wiz high tech armour. I'm holding a healing spell now, it'll take a while to work." "Thank you for helping me keep my head, but what about him?" the Eurasian asks getting up with a slight limp. "I can heal this myself." "Let him sleep it off, I guess," replies Ice, "We can't kill him, someone would notice. Damn it, he knows we're not execs, that's for sure. And Yamu must know about the blackmail attempt. Frag it!" The camera jerks as Jerzyck rises to his feet. "Right, that's done," he says, his voice stronger now, "But what the hell do we do with Mercer?" "He won't tell the other corps about us..." reasons Whitetyger, going through some meditative motions and placing his hands on either side of his shin, "he has no reason to... but yes, he will probably tell the other Yamametsu agents, and that means two teams to worry about. The Renraku replacements are probably all Black Ops, too... Bevan has seen his stepson; Willard should go down the hill tonight. We've done what we can..." The rest of WhiteTyger's comments are cut from the recording. +++++End footage I didn't completely agree with some of the stuff he said, but Whitey had a point. Thusly, we got Willard and his keeper the hell out. As we found out later, Mercer was working directly for Bevan Ratekov, so the rest of Yamu don't know. More about this in the footage of the final night virtual party. And the comment about the Renraku swap... seems to me a place at this conference isn't worth the same thing as money... it's either worthless, or more than anyone can afford. But maybe Yamu agreed to let Renraku have their places last year... or next year. Something to think about, look over the reports from last year, see if there's anything there that didn't make sense at the time... ******************** Day 5 (Sunday)... Spent the morning recovering from last night's fun and games. Played a bit of chess and the like in the games room, got pretty much hammered, which didn't do much for my ego. Still, the players were corp boys who I'd kill in hand to hand, so we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Blademaster and WhiteTyger held up our end of the mind games, and did some more chatting. I think he distracted them enough to cover up for my injury troubles. Blackthorne spent the day in the matrix, I don't think he came up with anything special though. Evening, dancing and dinner with escorts... the dancing was good for mingling. Goldmann danced with Easy, they made quite a hit, that guy can move, and Easy was like lightning. Anyway, she says he was almost ready to talk business, but wanted a little more time. Shockwave talked to some of the escorts, got some pillow-talk type info, but I don't know how valuable it is. Nothing on any of the mission-ops, I've put it in the miscdata file. ******************** Day 6 (Monday)... Meetings, meetings, and more fraggin' meetings. I hate this suit drek. Virtual performance that night. Blackthorne rigged up a frame that imitated me, and I went wandering. The rest of them covered for me in the virtual viewing room. I found something that worried me a little, something to do with the hotel itself, not the tasks you gave us. There are about four stories below the hotel complex. None of the elevators went down that far, and they weren't even mentioned in the tour thing. I didn't look any further then, it didn't seem like it was my business. I mentioned it later though, and Blademaster wanted to take a look. We decided to wait until after the final night party. ******************** Day 7 (Tuesday)... Meetings. Need I say more? Party... wild... Not very suit-like at all... several indiscretions noted among various exec contingents... included what I saw in the miscdata file. I also got some footage that I might try to sell to one of those on-line trash-news services, if you have no objections. "X-corp Chairman John Smith in Three-in-a-Bed BTL-Sex Romp" sort of thing, probably nothing you can use, but footage from inside an exclusive corp meeting like that'd be priceless to the gutter press. Of course, if you don't want me to sell it, just say so. You're paying enough to call the shots here. T'Shon noticed the bodyguards from Yamatetsu were missing, and mentioned it to me. Seemed strange, but what can one do? Alerted by that, he said he had checked on the "Renraku" contingent, and half of them were missing too. Mercer was still here though. Strange, but we didn't care, Ratekov was already down the hill and gone. I'll include a few of the more interesting pieces of footage from the party, both virtual and real... +++++Begin footage Black screen, bearing the words "Blackthorne's Icon". The screen blossoms with a chaotic view of a room full of light and dark patches, and fastastic beings. The foregrouynd is lit well, and several humanoid animals are dancing in the centre of an open space. In the back-ground is a view of a galaxy or more of stars, winking on and off, and shifting according to no recognisable pattern. A door at one end of the dance area opens, and a burst of smoke and flame comes through. When the cloud clears, a large red dragon stands just inside the doorway. >From its size, it could not have enterred through that door in the real world. It roars, and a burst of flame flows from its mouth, seperating into a number of small fireballs that fly about the room, shooting at people's heads and pulling up at the last moment. Some seem angry, several applaud, and most can't seem to decide which way to jump. +++++End footage For the icon contest, there were three sections: general, flamboyant, and abstract. Blackthorne won flamboyance, and I came second in general. Added to Shockwave's first in abstract, that put SK at the top of the table for the corporate icon contest. Does that get us a bonus? +++++Begin footage Black screen, bearing the words "Virtual party, Mercer killing Ice's children. Also present, WhiteTyger and a miscellaneous escort." Once again, the virtual party room unfolds onto the screen. There is a large silver tiger in the foreground, facing the POV and talking to a midnight-black woman with angelic wings. Standing back, but paying attention, is a humanoid tiger in the robes of a monk of some sort. A small swarm of (very cute) baby silver tigers is visible in the background, chasing each other in circles. They stop as a waiter-robot glides past, and all jump on it. Some curl about it's tracks, stopping it, others climb on the drinks tray it carries. It beeps in electronic protest, and several nearby icons laugh at its distress. Then a demonic image comes to the waiter's rescue. It is taller than a human, and its red hide is covered with tiny spikes. It scatters the baby tigers with a gout of fire form its mouth, then turns to the larger tiger with a sneer. The angel look disgusted, and the demon leers at her, then walks around her in a close circle, looking her up and down. "Very nice," he hisses, "But I think you should leave now, the... tiger and I have... business to discusssss." The angel departs, flying directly upwards with a flap of her wings and a look of disapproval. "Very friendly," says the tiger, sitting down on its haunches and licking one paw, "Now what business do you have in mind?" The demon replies with a snarl. "I have a message from Bevan Ratekov," he says, and he doesn't sound happy about the role of message-boy, "He will co-operate with the... requests, and he agrees to the original proposal." "Tell him forget it," says the tiger, looking directly into the demon's eyes, "As a penalty for the attempt on myself and, through me, Ratekov junior, Bevan will pay the agreed penalty twice. The exact circumstances of his payment for the second installment will be arranged at our convenience. And I recognise that you have no control over his response, so simply give him the message." The tiger turns it's back, and begins to recreate its children, weaving them from sparky lines on the ground. The demon advances, anger plain on it's face, but the tiger-monk steps forward, gripping a staff threateningly. The demon backs off, raising it's hands in placation, and leaves a short-lived pixelating after-image as it's human counterpart jacks out. +++++End footage I hope that didn't mess with your plans too much. It sounded almost like I knew what I was talking about, and if Bevan cares enough to mess with his corp twice (once as per the agreement, and again by using Mercer without saying why), why not a third time? +++++Begin footage Black screen, bearing the words "The message-drop, Ice's cybercamera. Easy, Goldmann". This time the view opens on the real world, in a large ballroom. Visible in the back-ground are a number of tortoise booths, about half are occupied. At one side of the POV stands a tall elven woman, Easy, at the other is a middle-aged human male. Between the two of them and the camera, they form an equilateral triangle. All hold drinks, and they are chatting about the icons in the virtual party. "I loved your little tigers," says Easy, looking at the camera. "I always had the feeling they were looking over my shoulder," says the middle-aged man, looking hard at the elf woman. "Well," she says, with barely a moment's hesitation, "they aren't now." "Then would you like to dance again?" the man asks, taking her in his arms. The camera catches him slipping a chip-case down past the cuff of her long black glove, but real eyes wouldn't have spotted it. The elf laughs and waves to the camera as she is led away, but her smile does not make a dent against the triumphant look in her eyes. +++++End footage So, as you see, Goldmann dropped a message with Easy. We didn't read it, figured it wasn't for our eyes. But he looked to me like he'd made a definite decision, and it was probably your way from the paranoid reference to people watching him. After the party we went down the side of the rock, had a look at those lower levels. We knew from the start they had something to hide, but frag... +++++Begin footage Black screen, bearing the words "Lower levels, the Rock, Ice's Cybercamera. Principals Blademaster, T'Shon, Easy, Hans Gagnon. Full chorus of religious nutters, security guards, and Yamatetsu hardmen". The view is from the lowest sun deck of the hotel, looking down towards the hidden levels. They have no balconies, and few windows. Those few that are visible, however, look to be penetrable. "Okay, who's going to watch while we climb down?" says a voice, and the camera turns towards it. The speaker is Blademaster, and he holds a rope in one hand. "I'll do it," replies Ice, "Then I'll hide the rope, and follow in lizard form." "Okay," says a third, T'Shon, "Me first, Easy, then Blademaster." T'Shon steps onto the railing, and attaches the rope to a hraness, then swings over and down. Easy follows, as does Blademaster and the POV looks around, keeping watch. "We're in," comes a call from below. The POV moves to where the rope is anchored, and Ice detaches it and stows it away behind a large pot plant. Then the POV drops in a sickening manner, as Ice makes the transformation to a lizard. His clothes retain their shape, droppping to the floor, leaving him inside them. He waits for a moment, and the clothes start to writhe, changing shape until they are in the from of a long piece of string. The lizard grips one end in its jaws, and moves towards the edge then over it. The view of the sea far below is distracting, but Ice seems to have no trouble with it. Apparently, he has done this before. He approaches a window, and slips inside. "Lizard works," says T'Shon, "but Spider Monkey leaves you with thumbs to manipulate things. Just a thought." Ice looks at him for a moment (and until one has been glared at by a lizard, one has not been glared at), then starts to pull in the rest of the string. Blademaster works out what he's doing, then takes over, pulling much faster than the lizard could have. After the line is pulled in, Ice reforms his clothing, and climbs inside. The POV jerks, and he resumes human form. "All righty, then," Ice says, "Let's take a look around." The group is in a hallway, running paralel to the surface of the rock, with doors in the inner side and several shuttered windows in the outer. The shutters on the opening through which the runners enterred are intact, but the bar is broken. "Can we fix that?" asks Ice, pointing at the bar. "We talked about it while you were on your way down," says Easy, "We agreed to leave it closed, fake it fixed, and escape out another way." "Not necessarily possible, but we couldn't close it from the outside anyway," adds Blademaster from down the hall, "Now can we go?" Ice approaches him, and Easy and T'Shon fall in behind. The team proceeds down the corridor, moving carefully and silently, but quickly. Suddenly Blademaster stops, Ice nearly walking in to him. "What the frag was that?" he says in a whisper. "What," asks T'Shon. "Gunfire, I think," says Blademaster, "Below us, one level maybe." The team moves forward again, slower and more carefully. "Stairs," says Blademaster, "Up, down, which?" "Up?" replies Ice, "Check escape route?" The others nod, and they enter the stairwell, moving upwards. There are no levels above the one already explored, and the stairs end at an almost featureless ceiling. In the centre of it is a palm-print reader. "Not that way then," mutters Ice. The group moves downwards again, past the first level, and moves in leap-frogging cover formation. Ice is at the front when they come to a door, leading off the stairwell, out towards the surface of the rock. He listens at it for a moment, then checks the knob. He turns to the others, holds up three fingers, and drops the first, then the second, then the last, then throws open the door and rolls through. The others follow, out of the camera view while Ice is moving. The POV is now in a hallway, similar to the one above, but without any windows. It is empty, but a noise can be heard, the sounds of a struggle. It is coming from around a left-turning corner some thirty metres to the left of the exit from the stairwell. "I'm going to turn into a tiger," says Ice in a low voice, "Don't mistake me for an enemy." First the clothes change shape, ballooning out at the waste and shortening at the limbs, Ice watching them carefully to be sure they will fit. Then his bones and flesh seem to melt, and white fur grows. The result, when Ice looks over his body, is a large siberian tiger, wearing what looks like a bodysuit in predatory cat form and a silver-studded leather collar. He stretches, and speaks, the sound apparently coming from micro-speakers somewhere, probably on the collar. "Okay, ready." T'Shon moves past him, towards the sounds of combat, and Blademaster follows, keeping his distance from the tiger. Easy follows, and Ice brings up the rear, bounding along with playful abandon and batting occasionally at Easy's feet. After the second evil look from the pale elven samurai, he calms down. At the corner, T'Shon stops, drops to a crouch, and takes a long thin object from a pouch in his combat harness. A closer look from Ice reveals that it is a mirror on a stick, such as dentists used back before fiberoptics were commonly and cheaply available. T'Shon holds it's reflective surface out beyond the corner, then mouths the words "three targets, five metres". He stands, readying himself, then holds up three fingers, drops one, then a second, and then the last. As the last drops, the team moves quickly around the corner. In the corridor are three standing men, kicking the body of a fourth, who lies on the floor. The fallen man is wearing a suit, and the three that are kicking him wear light armoured jackets. They don't even notice the approach of the group until one is down, thrown to the floor by a flying kick from T'Shon, and they don't get a chance to react before the others are down too, dropped by some sort of area effect spell from Blademaster. T'Shon checks the suit, then the others. "Guards unconscious, suit's dead." Ice moves forward, looking at the suit. "Mercer," he says, "I wonder why the hell he was down here." "Who?" asks T'Shon, "Never mind. Let's move." He steps past the bodies, and Ice follows. Blademaster takes the rear, looking over his shoulder as Ice glances back at him. The group moves down the hall, the comes to another hallway, turning another ninety degrees to the left. This corridor contains three doors, two to the left, therefore leading to the interior of the C shape travelled so far. One door, the closest of the two on the left side, is open, and T'Shon kneels outside it, readying his mirror. Before T'Shon can look inside, Ice swears. "Astral enemy," he snaps out through the speakers, "One mage, two spirits. Going up." T'Shon rears up, glancing about, and Blademaster moves forward, as a pair of fiery columns appear in the corridor. The camera drops as Ice makes the shift to astral space, leaving his body lying on the floor. Blademaster shouts, then makes a hurling motion with one hand, destroying one of the spirits with a bolt of lightning. Easy moves back, dodging under a gout of flame fired by the remaining spirit, and she leaves the camera's field of view. T'Shon gets up and glances around in time to see a trio of security guards with SMG's burst from the open door to the left. Easy moves forward again, jumping gracefully over the camera-tiger's prostrate body, and takes the gun off one of the sec-men before he can fire it. One of the others opens up in her direction, but she spins the now empty-handed guard into the path of the long burst as she empties his weapon into the third sec-man. Her two victims goes down as T'Shon attacks the second spirit, striking it approximately halfway up it's height, and there is a flash of released mana as his hand passes through the fire. The column of flame loses definiton, and the spirit disappears in a burst of sparks and smoke. Easy finishes the last standing sec-man by hurling the body of her temporary shield into him then punching him twice in the face and slamming him into a wall. The camera lurches as Ice returns to his body, and gets to his feet. "Got him," says the tiger's speakers, "Astral is clear." T'Shon, meanwhile, is moving through the door, and after a moment, Ice follows him. The room beyond, about three metres square, is empty of people, holding a single table and four hard chairs. There is a window in the far wall, and through it is visible another room, in which a number of people, mostly men, are attached to rail on the wall with handcuffs. "He's from Renraku," says Blademaster, pointing through the window, "Yamatetsu, that is. And so's she. Execs, or false ones." "What the hell do you think is going on here?" asks Easy, entering the room and approaching the window, "And what's this? Biolab gear?" She is examining an alcove in the wall, containing the entrance to a human-shaped suit with an extendable umbilicus between it and the alcove. She stpes into the protective gear and advances into the room beyond the window. "How the frag do you..." she mutters, "Oh here it is... you, what happened here?" One of the people beyond the window speaks, but no sound reaches the camera. Easy continues the conversation for about thirty seconds, then steps out of the suit. "They say they that Yamu heard something was going on here," says Easy, "So they were sent to take a look. They were gassed in the stairwell on the next level down, and draged up here in their sleep. They say Mercer shot a guard with his cybergun and made a run for it. That would be the guy we saw getting the drek kicked out of him back there a ways," she ignores Ice's muttered protest that he had already mentioned that fact, "Anyway, three guards chased him, and the rest sealed this room and played with some controls out here. A gas of some sort was pumped into the room, but they don't know what was in it." "From the gear," says T'Shon, "it'll be a bioagent of some sort. But why the frag would they have this weak point in a holding cell? Do they want to study their victims, or what?" "Secret bioweapons lab under a hotel?" asks Ice, "I don't think so. It's too... I don't know... cheesy." Blademaster steps into the suit, and asks a few questions of those inside. "They say Yamu heard there was some sort of religious group here," he reports, returning, "Supposedly they to wipe humanity from the face of the planet. You know the drill, we are not worthy to live, and so on. How they heard it, no-one in there knows." "What do we do about them?" asks Ice. "Leave them, I guess," replies Easy, "There's nothing we can do to help them if it's a bio-thingy." Ice grunts an unhappy agreement, and Blademaster tells the Yamu team the bad news. They don't seem surprised. +++++End footage I cut out a lot here, we did some more exploring on that level, found another experimental victim type room, empty. The last door on that level lead to a stroage room, there was all sorts of bio-filter gear, agar and drek like that, culture containers, incubators, boxes of bijou bottles (whatever the frag they are)... biotech toys generally. This bit starts on the next level down. We plugged up the gas holes, Easy had asked the yamu boys where they were, this seemed to be the lowest level to which the stairs we had found went. +++++Begin footage The view is of a corridor, same decor as the upper levels. Ice is third in the row, behind Easy and Blademaster, T'Shon presumably bringing up the rear. "An alarm should have gone off," says Easy, "We didn't avoid the trigger of that trap, it would have had other functions too." "Yeah, but what can we do but be alert?" says Blademaster, "And we were anyway." "Tension mounts," whispers Ice, drawing a grin from Blademaster and a sneer from Easy. T'Shon stays out of it. The group proceeds along the corridor, windows and the rock's surface to the right, featureless wall to the left. "Enemy," says Ice, "Sec-guard types, three or four, routine patrol I think, just become aware of our presence or I would have picked 'em up earlier. They can see us somehow, they're coming here..." "Any more info?" asks T'Shon. "Maybe when I see them," replies the tiger. "Okay, they can see us, so maybe they can lip-read. Audio?" "Don't know," says Ice, "But they won't be able to lip-read my speakers. So listen real close." T'Shon leans close to the tiger's neck, and the others follow suit. The noise is barely audible to the camera, certainly not understandable. After a moment, the team stands again, and move down the corridor. They stop at a corner, and look back at Ice. "They can't see us any more, but I can feel them... thirty metres," the tiger announces quietly, then begins counting down in fours. As he gets to two, Easy and T'Shon step around the corner closely followed by Ice and Blademaster. The camera reveals four armoured security guards, followed by a woman in a red silk robe. Easy steps up to the first of the guards, shoving aside his SMG, and slashes him across the throat with a set of retractable razors, as T'Shon lunges forward and hits a second guard with a couple of punches to the face. As the guard goes down, T'Shon takes his SMG from him. The woman in red silk raises her hands, and shouts out the words to a spell, even as Blademaster begins to use one of his own. Ice moves forward as a bolt of fire shoots past him at Blademaster, drawing a shout of pain from him. He yells again, and a sparkling bolt of lightning shoots past the camera, striking the red-robed woman in the face, and throwing her backwards to the floor. She rolls to her feet, her face red and raw in places. Ice attacks a sec-man, and the panicked guard fires at almost point blank range, a long burst of which Ice catches the first couple of rounds less than a second before he tears the guard's face off. Easy scoops up a fallen SMG and fires a short burst past the tiger, taking down the last of the sec-men, and T'Shon puts a couple of rounds into the red-robed woman. This time, she stays down. Easy checks the bodies, taking a few clips of spare ammo, and announces that all but one are dead or headed that way. She cuts the throat of the merely unconscious one, correcting that state of affairs. T'Shon looks faintly disapproving, but remains silent. "You hurt?" asks Blademaster, speaking to Ice. "Yeah," answers the tiger, "Could you do the healing? I'll probably mess it up in this state." Blademaster drops to one knee, closes his eyes, concentrating, then slaps a hand down on the tiger's shoulder. After about ten seconds, he gets up, and looks up and down the corridor. "Where now?" Blademaster asks. "Keep going," says T'Shon, "Ice, can you tell where this lot were when they first saw us?" "Yeah," replies the tiger, "up here, around fifty metres... ummm... through that door there." The group moves up the corridor, to the door Ice indicated. It is on the right of the passage at another turn to the left, leading out of the c-shaped main corridor. Okay, seems clear," says Ice, "No-one who knows about us is there, anyway." "Then through we go," says Easy, and is true to her word. The room beyind the door is devoid of other exits, and is occupied by a larg computer monitoring system. Several screens show views of varying parts of the complex. Ice looks closer at one of them, what seems to be a chapel of some sort, empty of people. There is a large symbol on the wall above an altar, a cruciform occupied by what looks not unlike a lunar landing molecule. "Bacteriophage?" says Blademaster, "Some sort of viral capsular form, anyway. Wonder what that signifies." The group leaves the room, heading down the lower end of the c-form corridor. Easy takes the lead, her borrowed SMG extended, and Ice follows. The others fall in behind, and they advance down the corridor, checking each of the three doors they pass. They are labs, viral or bacterial by the equipment, all empty of people. The group does not check very carefully though, there could have been peopl lurking under tables. The fourth door they check opens onto some stairs, going down. "Down?" suggests Easy. Ice nods, and the elven woman enters the stairwell slowly, looking around. "Optical trigger," she says, "I can see the receptor, but not the projector." "I've got a spell to mess with that," says Blademaster, "There any more tricks in there?" "Not that I can see," says Easy. "All right then," says Bademaster, and moves forward to touch Easy on the shoulder. She disappears from view, and Blademaster speaks again. "Tell me when you're at the next level." A grunt comes from below, and Blademaster casts his spell on Ice, who moves down the stairs. They stop after only one level, and when Ice enters a corridor and calls up to Blademaster, the spell is released. The procedure is repeated with the last two. The corridor is directly below the one above it, and follows the same c-form pattern judging by what is visible. The team follows it, coming across only one door on the way. It leads out from the centre of the hypothetical c-shape, and is made from some sort of heavy composite material. Ice steps up to it, batting at the round doorknob with one paw. "Very cute," snaps Easy, "Now get the frag out of the way." Ice moves back, and Easy listens at the door for a moment, then kicks it open. There is a loud snap of a breaking lock, and the door is thrown open. Easy moves inside, followed by T'Shon and Ice, Blademaster bringing up the rear. Inside the door is a short corridor, carpeted in dark blue, wall-papered in the same. The door at the other end is wood, real by all appearances. Easy moves forward, and listens at the door. "What?" whispers Blademaster, after ten seconds of this. Easy makes shushing motions, and the rest of the group waits. Then Easy moves back, directing them with her. "Sounds like a religious leader in there," she says, "We will be protected by the lord, so we can survive to spread the seed, that sort of thing. Another guy's handing out weapons, and a lot of people are saying that they should talk to us instead, that we'd surely see the light. Weapon guy says that it might work, but he'd rather they were armed just in case." "Let's get in there and jam an area effect spell down them, then," suggests Ice, "Me and Blademaster can each pop one off, then you too hose down anything that's still moving." "It might not work," says Easy, "If they've got magic cover, we're hosed, there are a pack of them. If you two could go for an astral jaunt first..." Ice replies by dropping to the floor, and Blademaster follows suit. The camera remains still for a minute or so, then moves again. "Blademaster, you alright?" asks Ice. "Mmm... yeah," replies the other mage, "that was overwhelming, wasn't it?" "Frag yes," says Ice, then, to the others, "It's the chapel thing from the sec-cam upstairs, they must have been out here when we looked before. All that buggering around on the stairs gave them time to get in there first. No mages. Twelve or thirteen people in there, they're creative types and thinkers, big auras, maybe a touch of cyber or bio toys, but it's all headware." "Okay, then," says T'Shon, "Let's just go in talking, and see what the light is, exactly." T'Shon steps up to the door, and knocks. After a second, it swings slowly open, and T'Shon steps inside. Ice follows, provoking a number of comments from those inside. The chapel is about twenty metres wide, and twice that long. At the far end is the altar, a pulpit in front of it, and the cruciform symbol behind it. the ceiling is high and arched, and soft electric lights hang from it on chains. There are numerous rows of seats, behind which are the twelve or thirteen people Ice mentioned on returning from his astral travel. One, an elderly man with a short beard, white hair, and blue robes, stands, and steps forward. "Welcome," he says, "Though it is something of a cliche, we have been awaiting your arrival." Ice glances at the others, and a flashing lights up on one of them, followed by the word "Gagnon", presumably an editorial modification. Meanwhile, T'Shon steps forward to meet the elderly man. "I am Alan Thomas," he says, "What is the light of which you spoke, that we would surely see." "Hans will explain," he replies, "but later. First you must have food and drink, and rest a while." "No can do," says Ice, "Let's hear it now." The blue-robed man glances down at the camera. "Is this a manifestation of the true way?" he asks, "A Raised Beast?" and one can hear the capitalisation in his voice. "No," answers Easy, "But the tiger speaks the truth, Hans must talk to us now." Gagnon steps forward. "I told you they would be like the other outsiders," he says, "disrespectful and foolish. But I will speak to them of the Way." He beckons, and the group follow him towards the altar. Ice watches the remaining people carefully, but sees no hint of trouble. They sit down, and begin talking quietly among themselves. The only things that look out of place are the heavy pistols carried by about half of them. Ice turns back to Gagnon, who is pointing up at the cruciform symbol. "We have found a virus that is to be the weapon of the Way," he says, "It will cleanse the world of all bacteria, animals, plants, and especially humans, in no more than a month, but can last in dormant form for at least a thousand years. "I am aware that you are thinking something not unlike 'what a psycho', but you are wrong. We do not want to destroy all life, just most of it. We have come up with a technique to grow people who will be invulnerable to the virus, because their genetic material will have different bases. Are you familiar with the structure of the nucleic acid? In any case, I will tell you what a lay-person could understand, so that you may be fully persuaded to our cause. "Viruses require certain enzymes and materials from the cells of their host to replicate, and without replication, they can do no damage. These new bodies will have different genetic materials, they will use what I have called M, N, O, P, and Q in place of the standard A, C, G, T and U. We are in the process of designing a genetic material which encodes the different enzymes that will be required for life using these bases. The virus that will be our messenger is ready, held in containment areas around this facility. When a population of MNOPQ people is ready, we will release the virus to ourselves and walk the world, spreading it. No doubt you will think of many flaws in this plan, but we welcome that, for the release will be delayed until they are fixed. We are not stupid, nor are we insane." "You're talking about the murder of the human race," states Easy in a calm voice, "and it's replacement with what you think of as perfect people." "Yes," replies Gagnon, "But the world will be perfect too! No more tsetse flies, no more malaria, no more rats, no more snakes. We..." "No more shapeshifters," says Blademaster. "No more mages," says Ice, "Or have you found the mythical magus gene?" "No more Elves?" asks T'Shon, "Or maybe no more humans. Which of the metaraces qualify for existence in you new world?" "What am I, a Humanis thug?" asks Gagnon rhetorically, "Race is less than nothing. I am killing myself in this way too, you fools. Would I do that if I didn't think this was right?" "It is not acceptable," says Easy. "To some I'm subhuman. To others, Elves are the master race... yet even to those Elf-Nazis, the People of Remembrance are scum to be forgotten." Her razors glitter at her fingertips. "I'm tired of these judgements. You die." A number of shots ring out from behind the camera, and Ice spins, roaring. Easy closes on Gagnon as Ice's spin take her out of the view of the camera, and the geneticist gives an abruptly curtailed shout of pain. Several of those at the far end of the chapel are firing at the group, who take cover, and several have fled out the door. The blue robed man is one of the latter. Those that remained are not marksmen, but one of them seems to have managed a lucky shot that hit T'Shon in the left leg. He is down and swearing, sheltering behind the altar, one hand clamped over the wound. Blademaster is crouching behind the closest of the seats, getting ready move around the side of the chapel. Ice, keeping his head down, joins him as T'Shon opens up in covering fire with the SMG he took from the last group of guards. Easy starts firing too, and there are screams as several of the opposition go down. Ice moves along the left side of the chapel, matching Blademaster's advance, and soon he can see a number of the religious fanatics. "Give it up!" calls T'Shon, "You know we can kill you all!" "Our leader can escape!" shouts one of them, "We will gladly give our lives..." A spell, presumably from Blademaster, immolates the fanatic, just before Ice casts a spell of his own. Numerous fanatics fall to the ground, stunned by a blast of some sort of magic force. Ice shakes his head, then bounds forward, looking for more targets. Blademaster approaches from the other side of the chapel, and Easy and T'Shon come down the middle to meet them. "I'll chase the rest," says Ice, "I can feel the leader with my detection spell. You check them, then follow." Ice bounds from the room, and through the two sets of doors into the corridor. It is devoid of people, and Ice turns left and proceeds along it, head down as if sniffing for tracks. He comes to a door, straight ahead of him, the corridor turning to the right, and he jumps towards it, his weight slamming it open. Beyond it is a group of fanatics, all of whom are drinking from culture bottles. They look up with triumph in their eyes. Ice backs off as they approach him, then casts a spell, knocking them all to the ground. The tiger continues to back off though, and turns to run. Arriving back at the door to the chapel, he keeps going. "They've released their virus!" he calls, then keeps moving, "Get out!" He is followed in his rout by the other three, but he does not look back. +++++End footage So, we all got out okay. Maybe the virus couldn't handle the change from tiger to human. Maybe I never got it in the first place. Maybe it's got a long latency period. Lot's of maybes. I haven't felt anything yet, but I've been quarantining myself as much as is possible. I know the leader escaped, he wasn't with the others, and (with magic senses) I felt him leave the area at high speed. Some sort of ejecting escape toy? I have no doubt that he took his information with him, and maybe he can find others willing to continue Gagnon's work. Speaking of Gagnon, I don't know if what he was talking about was possible, but I suggest you think about it. The corp you work for trained him, that makes him partially your responsibility. I hope you plan to do something about tracking down the leader. I for one would be interested in the job. ******************** Day 8 (Wednesday)... Got back up to our rooms fast, woke the others, and left the hotel somewhat early, for obvious reasons. Didn't have any trouble getting out. Blackthorne went in to the security system, messed up their records, he's pretty sure he cleaned out any trace of our actvities here. He also dragged out pretty much every file he could find in the hope of getting something valuable. I'll include it all in the file ntnlddwn at the end of the report. There's some footage of corp dealing, but mostly I can't see the use of it. Of course, some of it may be useful to you... ******************** Here are all those files I promised during the report... +++++Include file aztgrds.txt +++++Include file miscdata.txt +++++Include file ntnlddwn.txt Alrighty, that's the lot... look forward to working for you again. Next time you need a run done (preferably the PacRim, but anywhere's cool), please don't hesitate to contact me. I think the rest of the team were pretty happy with the way you operate as well.]<<<<< -- Ice <18:22:16/10-02-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[Ok, you want the idol and we've got it.]<<<<< -- Evita <23:00:00/10-02-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[Ok, you want the idol and we've got it. We'll give you the idol if you give Ronin his body back in good condition. Don't try to mess with us again, give Ronin his body back while I'm there to see it, and we'll tell you where the idol is, we've got no reason to want to keep it. Meet us at <> at 1200 tomorrow.]<<<<< -- Evita <23:16:20/10-02-57> *****PRIVATE:Ice, Rosha, Wolfen, Runs-Over-Pedestrians, Shiftboy >>>>>[I need your help. Can you be at <> at 1200 tomorrow? I really REALLY would appreciate it.]<<<<< -- Evita <23:17:12/10-02-57> *****PRIVATE: Evita >>>>>[Y'don't even need t'ask, kid. :)]<<<<< -- Rosha <07:44:21/10-3-57> *****Private:Evita >>>>>[Man, I check my messages and finally find one! Good stuff! I'll be ther, sounds good. So whats the gig?]<<<<< -- Wolfen <11:40:31/10-2-57> *****PRIVATE: Ice >>>>>[What has happened to the second section of your report? I presume it is intended that I receive it?]<<<<< -- L <12:24:23/10-03-57> *****PRIVATE: L >>>>>[Stupid shadowland... I sent it off again, it should be in your hands by now...]<<<<< -- Ice <12:24:23/10-03-57> >>>>>[Thanks to all who were involved in the... recovery. I don't know all your names/addresses, but you know who you are. If you ever need my help, contact me, I owe you big.]<<<<< -- Ronin <17:03:43/10-03-57> >>>>>[ ++++Begin footage The screen fades in and seems to juggle up and down as it is moving down a street late in the evening. Apparently, someone is wearing a helmetcam and is running somewhere. A comm_unit-processed voice intones, "Rosha, beginning Ronin-rescue recording, moving to rendezvous under cover in support function for Evita." "Contact in 3 .. 2 .. 1 ..." The scene is of an alley at night. Some feeble light comes from the street, enough to see three people waiting at the mouth of the alley. Two are tall and bulky, the third is shorter. One of the taller ones rests an arm on the shorter. "Please," says the shorter figure nervously, "DON'T do that!" "You know you love it, babe," replies the taller, in the voice of a male. "Give it a rest, Donny," says the second tall person, also male from the sound of it, "We're on biz." "Frag you, Picker," replies the first man, Donny, "We aint on biz yet." The camera moves closer, right up behind the one with his arm on the woman. He suddenly gasps. "That," says Rosha, "would be a blade ready t'reduce y'r already pat'etic manhood, esse. Don'tcha know m'loco?'" "Rosha!! What are doing...how did you...why..." Evita tries to ask several questions at once, none of them quite making it out. "Not lettin' y'hog glory on this job. Plus, y'need qualified help t'keep yer arse fr'm fryin on this one." She casts a dismissive look at the gangers. "Yeah, but how...nevermind. Oh, they're not that bad." She turns to face the camera. "And I'm sure he didn't mean any harm, so how about letting him go? "Nah. M'n the mood f'r a souvenir," she watches the ganger's eyes bug out, "psyche. Y'sure y'r off da street, kid?" Donny relaxes a little as Rosha backs up. "How the frag did you get so close anyway," he asks, sounding injured. "Trade secret, buster. An stop askin so many questions. We ARE on the clock now." "Okay," says Picker, "Time to move." The group leaves the alley, crossing the road, and begins to walk up the street. Rosha looks around. "Whas the transport, bloodclot?" "We walk," says Picker, "Didn't Evita tell you anything?" "OH! We can roll f'ya want!" Rosha replies, spitting disgustedly, "Whodafuq are these two, Ev? Dios!" she turns half away, but keeps an eye out. "Okay," replies Picker, "The nest is in an apartment in a building up there a ways. We go in and bash the hell out of any bugs we see, and burn out the nest." "Then we're in," says Rosha. The group continues to walk, at a fairly relaxed pace. It is late, and though several cars pass, no-one is out on foot. Donny and Picker glance nervously about every minute or so, watching for whatever their paranoid brains fear. Eventually Donny stops at a builing, and steps up to the door. "This is it," Picker says as Donny slides a magkey card into the reader. The door clicks, and Donny shoves it open, moving inside followed by the others. Rosha takes the lead. "Takin' lead cover," she snaps, "Stay sharp - 'L'be in touch. Where we lookin?" "The spir..." starts Evita, "well, the third floor, apartments D, F, and H. I guess they've been joined together by the bugs taking out some walls." "Rendezvous third fl'r stairwell. Don't be late, son." The group enters the stairwell, and climbs to the third floor. Rosha leaves the rest there, and wanders down the corridor. The building is less than sumptuous, the floor is covered in stained carpet, torn up in places. The doors are those of residets who fear their neighbours, heavy and covered in warning signs. The corridor ends in a window, looking down to the street. Rosha looks out it, seeing the fire-escape that leads down to yet another alley. She returns to the stairs, noting the fact that the ten doors each hold a letter, A, C, E, G, I on the left when looking towards the stairs, B, D, F, H, J on the right. "Clear run s'far. S'keep movin." "We've got a key for the door to D," says Picker, "but we thought that me and Evita would kick down F while Donny tried to surprise them through D." "M'down wit' Donny." says Rpsha, then, to Donny, "'You down wit OPP?" She laughs at his confused look, then backs off a little when the gangers pull their weapons, a Colt Manhunter heavy pistol for Donny, a Remington Roomsweeper for Picker. They grin, but at each other, not at her expense. "Let's rock," mutters Picker. "Now you're talkin'," answers Donny. Picker and Evita move down to the door to F, and Donny and Rosha get ready at D. Facing the doors, the stairs are to the left, D closer to them than F is. "We should do this all at the same time, right?" Evita looks at the others for approval, realizes they're waiting for her, and states "On three, then. 1, 2, 3." Picker waits as Evita counts, then drives his heel into the door at the lock. It shakes, and he kicks it again, breaking it open this time. Donny slides a key into the door of D as Evita rolls through her door, Rosha waiting in the hallway. Picker is next through. Donny slips inside his door followed by Rosha who takes a last look at the hallway before entering. It is empty, no-one has been disturbed yet. In the front room of D, Donny is advancing in a crouch, holding his Manhunter out ahead of him. "No sign," he says, "Are they astral, or whatever you call it?" "No can do, buckaroo. Stay sharp, though, they'll be on us quick." Donny safes his weapon, and looks through a door. "The connection to F is through here," he says, "Can't see the others." As if his comment were a prophecy, there is a yell from F. Donny hurries through the door he was looking into, and Rosha plunges after him. They turn right after entering F, and see Picker straight away. He is firing into the body of a woman lying on the floor. Donny puts his hand on Picker's shoulder, pulling him away from the woman on the floor. Picker stops firing, out of rounds. "Calm down, drekhead," Donny yells. "You didn't see it's fragging face!" shouts Picker, "Look at it!" Donny kicks the body over, and stares into the face of the woman. It is twisted and inhuman, the mouth filled with weird scrapers and mandibles, the eyes compound and huge. "Basic roach," says Rosha, "Flesh form, 'think." "Yeah," says Donny, "Whatever the hell that means. Let's burn the place and go." "The cops might be on their way," begins Picker, reloading his shotgun, "Let's..." He is interputed by a scream of rage from the direction of H. The group spin around, Evita raising her monosword, and Rosha pulling out a monowhip, the two gangers raising their weapons. "Oh, no! Ronin, that's Ronin! Let's get in there!" screams Evita. "Who?" asks Picker, then follows anyway as Evita and Rosha charge through a door and into a short dark corridor. Donny brings up the rear. The corridor ends in a hole in the wall, leading next-door, to H. Evita dives through it, and the others follow. As Evita rolls to her feet, Rosha climbs through, panning her camera around the room. It is occupied by a number of comatose people, all coccooned up in web-like excretions. Another shout comes from beyond a pile of coccoons, and Evita moves around it, followed by the others. Visible on the other side, to Evita's shocked gasp, is a huge cockroach thing. It and a human male are struggling, the human trying to keep on it's back, the roach trying to throw him off or roll and crush him. "Ronin!" shouts Evita, and the human looks at her. The distraction is enough to prevent him from maintaining his grip when the roach bucks, and he is sent flying off it. He lands with a thud, then rolls to his feet and leaps towards the roach, one foot out in a flying kick. Evita moves forward too, but she is blocked by another, smaller but still giant, roach that appears out of thin air. She stabs at it with her sword, but the weapon passes straight through the bug. A scream comes from behind Rosha, and she spins to see Donny being attacked by a huge roach that has appeared on top of him. Picker fires twice, blasting huge chunks of chitin off the beast, but then he too is attacked, by a fourth roach. Rosha moves forward, slicing Donny's assailant in half with her monowhip. It disappears, but it has already ripped out Donny's guts, and he stays down. Picker screams at Rosha to help him, and she turns towards him. The roach has pushed him up against a wall, and is holding him there. He has thrown away his shotgun, and is stabbing frantically at the insect's back with a switchblade. He screams again as Rosha runs towards him, and blood starts to drip down from one corner of his mouth. The roach surges, pushing harder, and the drip becomes a torrent as Rosha arrives to attack the roach from behind. The roach spins as she slices off three or four of its legs, and drops Picker. The ganger slides down the wall, his entrails mostly missing, as the roach leaps at the camera. Rosha ducks and the roach lands behind her, and she spins around, using the momentum to send the monowhip straight through the centre of the spirit. Like the first one, it disappears. Rosha turns, looking for Evita, and sees her backing away from the larger roach. Ronin is nowhere to be seen. "'I came to bring the pain,'" Evita shouts, "'Hardcore from the brain, come inside my astral plane.' Hey! Where'd Ronin duck to? Ev?" "He ran out that door!" Evita continues to back away, and the roach does as well, snarling at her. As Rosha advances, the roach disappears, making the shift to astral space. "He grabbed a stone crab-looking thing," says Evita hurriedly, "He went that way, but she's after him!" "Time t'recoup the man's body then," replies Rosha. She turns, running past the dismembered bodies of Picker and Donny, and stops, hearing a retching from behind her. She turns, seeing Evita looking at the corpses. "Help Ronin," Evita gasps, "I'll be alright, they didn't deserve this." Rosha turns again, and sprints out the door, heading for the fire escape at the end of the corridor. A number of people stick their heads out the door, but they cower back inside when the monowhip wielding maniac charges past. When Rosha arrives, she sees that the window is broken, and she can hear someone on the fire escape. Evita joins and overtakes her as they go out the window and down the ladder. At the bottom, Evita runs off into the darkness. Rosha follows, slower than the other woman. "Hold up, kid!" she yells, "Can't cover ya f'ya don't wait f'r me!" "He's this way, I just know!" She stops, looking around a corner, and after a moment Rosha catches up to her. Around the corner, Ronin is visible, fighting with the roach mother again. As the two women arrive, Ronin rolls back a couple of metres and throws his arms out, sending a wave of flame at the roach. It screams in rage, but seems almost uninjured, the flames apparently held off by some sort of invisible shield. Rosha advances, then stops, seeing a rough stone idol carved into the shape of a paddle crab lying on the ground. It is approximately ten centimetres across. Rosha scoops it up and tosses it to Evita, who is moving towards the fight, a look of fear on her face mixed with determination. "This's the ticket f'r the spirit, right?" "Yes, that's it alright," Evita replies. "Game, set, match. Train's leavin the station, kid." "No, I can't leave Ronin like this!" "The best way y'll help'm is by getting that free spirit out'f his head!" "I'm not going anywhere, now get out of my way!" Evita passes Rosha, heading for the fight, but Rosha attacks her from behind, throwing her ams around the taller woman's legs and bringing her down. Evita yells in protest, and rolls over, getting to her feet and striking out at Rosha with a right hook. Rosha ducks under it, catches Evita's wrist in her right hand, and spins left, dragging Evita close and winding her with an elbow to the solar plexus. As Evita doubles up, Rosha spins back out and throws the other woman to the ground by applying force to the elbow while keeping her grip on Evita's right wrist. Rosha maintains the hold as Evita recovers her breath, then starts yelling into her face. "M'not letting y'cash y'r chips against that Roach. We're out. Now. This thing is the key t'freein Ronin ... once an f'r all. We stay. We lose the idol. We lose Ronin. F'r good. Y'see how he's kickin the tar outta the Roach mom?" she pauses for a moment, allowing Evita to get her head up and take a look, "Yeah, thought you'd see it m'way. Now let's go. F'he turns on us, we're toast. Comprende?" The two get up, and start to run from the area, Rosha glancing back once to see Ronin drive a blindingly fast roundhouse, his booted foot trailing magical fire, into the roach mother's head, sending a spray of chitin and ichor into the air. The insect spirit shrieks, and starts to back off. Rosha shudders, then turns away again, and keeps running after Evita. +++++End footage Seems like "you" got the best of the big roach. Hey, y'ever think about doin commercials for that extermination service? Anyway, m'glad y'r back n'yr bod safe and sound. Let's all go out and grab a beer s'mtime--you, Ev, me, and her roomie Cass. Sounds cool t'you? {r}]<<<< -- Elgin Baylor <17:09:19/10-03-57> Managing Partner Seattle Supersonics >>>>>[I require a missing person to be identified and located, and will pay well for this to be done. Reply in confidence for further information.]<<<<< -- Jarman <00:16:42/10-03-57> *****PRIVATE: Jarman >>>>>[You could have just dropped by the office. Or looked in the Yellow Pages under 'K'. What do you need?]<<<<< -- Marlowe <00:18:42/10-03-67> *****PRIVATE: Jarman >>>>>[This guy's an ex-cop. No cops on this! I want that bitch found and I want her dead!]<<<<< -- Bozeman <00:20:17/10-03-57> *****Private:Jarman >>>>>[Got a picture? It might help. I can do it, whats the pay?]<<<<< -- Matrix Jockey <09:10:43/10-4-57> >>>>>[Just what we need, Nightmare again. Have you perfected that lovely spell of yours? Last I remember, you had it just about right. Dad nearly died from the last time. Don't come sniffing around here. Dad may have declared you a non-person, but I still have a slight grudge against you. Oh, and if you were the one who tried to get Drake out of InterPol HQ in London, all I have to say is "Bravo!" Next time, use a team that's good enough to actually get within 4 floors of him out before they get captured.]<<<<< -- Diana, Mistress of the Night <10:23:31/10-04-57> >>>>>[I'm certain that they thought it was secure at the time. It pays to have excellent contacts, or blackmail candidates. Then again, what's the difference these days? Oh, I heard recently that Lt. Colonel Jose Montoya testified yesterday. Hopefully I'll get ahold of the tapes within the next day or so.]<<<<< -- Trideo Pirate <10:26:48/10-04-57> ***** PRIVATE: Rosha >>>>>[We've got to move, hon. We've got a meeting set up in just under 6 hours. We need to be in the air in 2 hours.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <19:05:54 / 10-04-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: Rosha Team >>>>>[ Akira, Christine -- You two are with me. NAN is going to be running security for the meeting so we dont need the entire team, we'd only get in their way. We need to be on the deck in 1.5 hours. Sorry I'm late, overslept and missed my flight out of Germany. Im really sorry. I should have been back last night for a good night's sleep in my own bed!]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <19:07:56 / 10-04-57> ***** PRIVATE: Trax, Skuff, Karma, Gemini >>>>>[Hold the hell on, people. Let me clear up this meeting and we can get together. I should be back in Seattle in just under ... frag it, lets meet tomorrow at 19:30. At Naavah's. Ill call her while I am in the air and set up a private room. That will give us a chance to scope out the op and see what the problem is. Karma, relax, bro. Keep it cool and lock it down.]<<<<< -- Kor <19:09:15 / 10-04-57> *****PRIVATE: Jarman >>>>>[i'm game. I took a rest from the shadows for a while to get some things in order but I'm back now. I'm a sammie...but I do do more than just dish out hits. Though, if need be I can. I prefer stealth. And I mostly deal with electronic warfare/reverse engineering (read: eavesdropping). Contact me at >>>encrypted<<< with more info. Cya.]<<<<< -- Forte <15:19:32/10-04-57> >>>>>[Hmmm. I think you might have missed the point, Dianna. Im sure that if Nightmare really needed Drake out of the InterPol pokey, he would be out now (and likely in a body-cast). Im sure 'mare knows, as does everyone else here, that Paul wants to stand trial. A lot of people are hoping he fries, and a couple of us are just waiting for the outcome. Im not sure I like the man, but I do respect him for what he does and how he carries that out. And for what he has built over the years. Hell, even if anyone had gotten to him to break him out, they'd have a pissed off Drake fighting them off to stay in. Drake is respected, I doubt he's shackled in any cell anywhere. Even on my best day I would not want to have to stand toe to toe with Commander Paul '1.5 tons of pissed off dragon hide` Drake. If Nightmare had gone after him, which I personally doubt, he would have suceeded. That is, assuming he planned to suceed, which is a moot point. ]<<<<< --Kor <19:26:27 / 10-04-57> ***** PRIVATE: Ice >>>>>[I hear you might be in the market for a new animal form. Lets talk in the coming week]<<<<< -- Kor <19:28:19 / 10-04-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason R Stormwind, Serenity Security >>>>>[Jay! Glad t'hear you made it back n'one piece! M'n f'r t'night. C ya alli.]<<<<< -- Rosha <16:44:01/10-04-57> *****NOT TO: InterPol >>>>>[Kor's hit the nail on the head. Drake has the means and the contacts to get him out. _I_ could have got him out of there, with the right plan and preparation, and I would have done so: I'm in the man's debt and he knows it. But, his trial is already forcing InterPol to examine the corruption in their upper echelons. You should hear the rumours coming out of the London HQ... Internal Affairs are cleansing the building with fire and sword. A lot of dirty cops are, very quietly, being sent on gardening leave pending prosecution. And that's what Drake wants. It offends him that Special Branch is the only part of InterPol that is percieved as being honest, and that they still get ordered onto wasteful wild-goose chases when they have better targets to pursue. He's doing what he can to amend that. And, because he has a touch of martyr complex, if it costs him his life, he'll die content. It's a real pity, you know: I really like the guy. I admire his skill, I agree with some of his aims, I respect his determination: and he's sacrificed a great deal for his beliefs. But, if push comes to shove, if they order his execution I'll do everything I can to save his life.]<<<<< -- Lynch <23:40:31/10-04-57> *****PRIVATE: Forte >>>>>[The subject is a SINless female Elf, hence the job of locating her and providing details of her identity and residence will not be easy. Because of this, I am authorised to offer >>encrypted<< for success. Other parties may also work on this contract. I will pay the full sum for credible information, even if another has previously provided it: I consider it valuable confirmation, and my client is able to afford a duplication of effort. If you discover others pursuing the same line of enquiry, contact me and I will advise. If you accept the job, I will provide you with all available data, plus a 10% advance of the final payment.]<<<<< -- Jarman (23:30:18/10-04-57> ***** PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[If it comes to that, you can count on us to assist you. And I do mean all of us.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <23:20:40 / 10-04-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: Jason R. Stormwind >>>>>[Tell me you are kidding]<<<<< -- Skuff <23:22:55 / 10-04-57> ***** PRIVATE: Skuff >>>>>[He's done nothing wrong. I've seen no evidence that he even violated any of InterPol's rules without justification. This should never have gone to trial, it should have be as easy as him coming to his superiors saying "Look, we have a problem, get IA or IAD in here and clean it up", but that isnt going to happen. InterPol has gotten large and too sloppy to be left without being checked here and there. Drake is pulling a hip-check which should just be accepted. You know I wouldnt send an order down the line that would compromise anyone's personal morals. If you need to be exempt, thats fine. Serenity will likely not exist afterwards if it comes to that. I hope that it doesnt.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <23:31:40 / 10-04-57> *****PRIVATE: Matrix Jockey >>>>>[The payment for the girl's current identity and whereabouts, without revealing my involvement or interest, is >>encrypted<<. She is a SINless individual, who may use a number of aliases, hence the relatively high pay: I don't underestimate the difficulty of this job. A picture, a 10% advance and the other information I have on her, will be made available once you accept the job. Be advised that I may hire more than one person to find her: if two employees successfully locate her, both will be paid in full. Success is important to my client.]<<<<< -- Jarman <18:50:43/10-04-57> *****PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[Where'd you hear that? And what do you mean, a "new" animal form?]<<<<< -- Ice <19:24:06/10-04-57> *****PRIVATE: {r}, Evita >>>>>[I'm a bit confused about the sequence of events while I was running about on the astral. As far as I can tell it went like this: My body came to Seattle, contacted Evita, then went on a run to grab some ashes, followed by a second to get hold of an antique clock, then sent Evita and two gangers to raid a bug-house. While they were there, Rosha joined up, helping them for a while. My body also turned up, grabbing a stone idol of a paddle crab, then dropped it while fighting a roach spirit. Rosha grabbed the idol and persuaded Evita to leave my body behind so the two of you could use the idol for a bit of extortion. Since the spirit wanted the idol so bad, it gave me my body back under close supervision (Who were all those people, anyway?). Is that pretty much what happened? And about the drink, how about tomorrow? Around 1900, >>bar name<<.]<<<<< -- Ronin <19:36:15/10-04-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[Drink sounds good. The order o'events seems steady fr'm m'end. And ya can call me b'name now. Splain that'n later. :) An' don worry 'bout payback ... y'dve done t'same f'r me, right?]<<<<< -- Rosha <22:54:23/10-04-57> *****PRIVATE: Easy, T'Shon, Ice, Whitetyger, Blademaster, Shockwave, Blackthorne, Blackhawk. >>>>>[Congratulations on your efforts, here is your well earned payment. +++++Cred transfer I will keep your names in mind for future work.]<<<<< -- L <15:14:55/10-04-57> *****PRIVATE: L >>>>>[How much would you charge me to change the status of the Jerzyck ID to that of a discharged (for psychological reasons) SK exec?]<<<<< -- Ice <17:45:18/10-04-57> *****PRIVATE: Ice >>>>>[>>nY sum<<. No bargaining, that's already low considering the sterling service you provided during the Gibraltar incident.]<<<<< -- L <20:09:39/10-04-57> *****PRIVATE: L >>>>>[Okay... and I see the change has already been made. +++++Crd transfer As I said before, it's a pleasure doing business with you.]<<<<< -- Ice <23:37:47/10-04-57> *****INTERNAL: SIGANet >>>>>[TO: J R W Lynch No problem, Thunderbird Six detected message and attempting trace, FAB!]<<<<< -- Sgt J S Karlsbruhn *****PRIVATE: Lilith >>>>>[I think Jake's been watching too much of our old video collection. Move him from "Harmless" to "Mostly Harmless". Why was Dexter asking me for help, anyway? All I know about him was that he was talking about going after JayCee. Never met him, never worked with him.]<<<<< -- Lynch <23:45:41/10-02-57> *****PRIVATE: Blademaster >>>>>[Thanks for the thoughts, and the offer of help. Want to meet up for a few beers sometime? Coppinger recruited me to SIGA a few months after it all blew up. Back then I was only called in once in a while. As things got bigger - like Maxim acquiring nukes, which if we'd had people in the shadows we might have seen coming - and the Warsaw hit, I ended up spending more and more time "consulting" so I ended up going virtually full-time. Used to be a freelance merc, used to be Ares Security, used to be a runner, used to be a cop... I've been around a while ]<<<<< -- Lynch <09:43:10/10-05-57> *****PRIVATE: Apollyon >>>>>[Mr. Minnifield, I have completely the final edits on the audio-visual record you commission our forces to provide for you. Because our presence was requested by another organization, there have been no undue questions regarding the creation of this file. I hope that you will be satisfied with my work and continue to maintain such quality relations with the Nation in general. +++++begintrid: 092657.200000 ... 200001 ... 200002 ... A window opens and fills the screen, and as it does, the flashing numbers indicating a progression fade from the image. Replacing them is a view of a rough forest clearing, approximately 40 feet in diameter. It is obviously autumn, as multicolored leaves form a natural carpet that rustles and swirls in the wind. You notice the camera angle is elevated looking down on the scene from a distance of about 10 feet at approximately a 30 degree angle, obscuring the bottom portion of the clearing. After a few moments, two individuals wearing the deep blues of Serenity's light security armor enter the picture. One is a sizable female troll with uncharacteristically femine features, a single horn protrudes from the long flowing blond hair. The other is a short, stocky man, Asian in origin. They enter the clearing less than cautiously. One walks counterclockwise to the camera around the edge of the clearing while the other kneels in apparent meditation. Both take a minute to complete their activities before they return to the left of the screen and beckon someone else to enter. An Amerind female teenager steps into view quickly. She has a long facial scar down her left cheek, and has a very solemn look in her eyes. Still, the light of youthful curiosity dances beneath the surface in her mein. Following her is Jason Stormwind. His long black hair braided back in its trademarked intricate design. Seemingly slightly annoyed, he asks the male bodyguard, "Any sign of him?" Akira: "None yet, Jason, but we'll know when he gets here." The male bodyguard shoots a knowing glance at the female, who returns the gesture with a smirk. Jason: "Everyone in place?" Christine: "As far as I can tell. We were only allowed the 4 of us, the rest of security is up to the Elders." Jason nods and turns to the Amerind girl, his daughter perhaps. Jason: "Are you sure you're ready for this?" {to the Amerind girl} Girl: "Jay, stop worryin 'bout me. Ah need t'see this guy, and maybe fairytales do come true." Jason: "Rosha, I just want you to know that every fairytale has its monster, and this guy might be it." Rosha: "Think that would be his problem, not mine." {smirking slightly} Just as the last words come from her mouth, something rustles off camera to the left of the screen. Both bodyguards draw heavy pistols out of their jackets and take aim in the direction of the disturbance; Jason takes a long stride and moves in front of Rosha. A darkskinned man with a shaved head stumbles on to the screen from the left, nearly falling before catching himself by planting a long silver walking staff in front of him. His tattered gray robe seems to have several new holes in it. Man: "Not the best introductory entrance, I could have imagined, but I am here nonetheless. I apologize for my lateness, Mr. Stormwind. Salud, mis amigos! I am Hector Otalvaro Minnifield." Rosha: "Let's see s'm proof, bud. Words are drek." After stepping from behind Jason while Hector spoke, Rosha is visibly focused on Hector -- watching his every movement religiously. Hector: "Certainly! Your suspicion is both expected and welcome." {as he sits down} "I have both the formal documentation of my identity and the story of how I came to be here; both for you analysis. Mr. Stormwind may verify that the documents I provide you are copies of the same ones I gave to him months ago, and that all of them are in order. Furthermore, he can assure you that I am the same man with whom he has met previously. I am, indeed, your half-brother, Hortensia." Jason: "Yes, these are the same documents and he did check out." Hector: "Then let me tell you how this most joyous moment for me has come to pass. I was born in 2029 as an illegitimate child to Maria Otalvaro, our mother. However, because we did not share a father, she gave me up for adoption at birth. Her marriage to your father was new at that point, and she mistrusted his ability to accept me as his child. My biological father was a drug-dealer whom she had fallen in debt to, and an unsavory individual who met his end in a deal gone wrong in 2032. Sadly, I never knew either of my biological parents as I didn't become aware that I was adopted until 2052, when the woman who raised me told me of my adoption on her deathbed. Her husband, my father, had died just two years earlier; ironically, the same year your father died in service to the UCAS Army. Driven by the thought that I had family elsewhere in the world, I used all of my adoptive family's resources and influence to collect facts about the Otalvaro family--your family. And, sure enough, I discover that Maria and Marcus had a child in 2035, a daughter--Hortensia. You. But by 2053, when I learned of you, you had joined the UCAS Special Forces and they told you that you had been killed in training. Upon further investigation, I discover that they only half-lied. Their brainwashing for your work on the Reconnaissance Team had destroyed your identity as Hortensia Otalvaro, and left only Rosha. A weapon for their deployment. Though I tried to have political friends of mine secure your release from the Special Forces, your commander, Nelson Wilkerson, held you on the team with the passion of a zealot. Your exemplary performance record did little to help my efforts. However, your ... extracurricular ... activities with Special Forces in 2054 opened a window of opportunity. I felt sure that your discharge would come through and I'd finally be able to meet you. But Wilkerson's system of Code Red discipline denied me this. At least, until you went AWOL, but that provided other problems. By living in the shadows so effectively, you evaded both Wilkerson's and my efforts to locate you. And anytime, we did ... you were gone. Finally, I changed my methods. I sought out members of the shadowcommunity to keep you safe, and eventually, introduce me to you. When you made contact with Mr. Stormwind, I allowed myself to hope the time was nigh for our encounter. I had been informed of Mr. Stormwind's fundamentally paladin orientation. I knew that if I could convince him of the sincerity and love in my plea, we could finally talk. Thus, after 5 years of seeking you, I finally see you sitting before me." As Hector spoke, he, Jason, and Rosha all sat down in the middle of the clearing as the bodyguards maintained a secure perimeter around them. Rosha: "S'posing I b'lieve you... why?" Hector {looking shocked}: "Hortensia! It must be obvious! I have lost all others who could tell me something of who I am! You are my final chance to learn about my mother!" Rosha: "Sorry, bud. But I don't remember much. You know about the SpecForc rehab, nothing is left." Hector: "Then why have you secured the services of Dr. Bayard Rustin? Yes, I have been observing you for some time. And you would not be working with Dr. Rustin unless he could help restore your memories." Rosha {angrily}: "So y've been spying n'me! How dare you!" She rises quickly and turns to leave. Hector {calmly}: "Think for just one moment would you? If for nothing else than you're own gain. Let me provide you a secure life where you can receive Dr. Rustin's treatments on a regular basis as opposed to seeing him at random intervals. Furthermore, I can afford a team of specialists to assist him in recovering your memories. And you can trust me in this matter at least, because I have as much interest in your regaining your memories as you do." Rosha stops and turns back, looking at Jason. Jason reflects her gaze, leaving the decision in her hands. The female bodyguard moves swiftly to Jason's side and whispers something to him. Hector {looking concerned}: "A problem." Jason: "No. A patrol team. We need to move this along, our time in here is limited." Hector rises from the ground with a regal air that belies his attire. Hector: "So, I must ask my final question. Forever more, will you be Rosha or Hortensia?" Rosha looks up into his eyes. Her image wavers and trembles as if it were giving off heat. Rosha: "I think Rosha should find out as much about Hortensia as possible. Then I'll see if I can answer your question." Hector looks confused by the answer. But Rosha waves her arms in front of her face and body, and the image of the Amerind teenager falls from her. She loses 4 inches of height and gains 25 pounds of muscle as her complexion darkens and her hair shortens and glows with an azure hue. Finally, she stands before Hector and sparkling lines of midnight blue creep over her arms and face, making it especially difficult to make out her features beneath those lines. Rosha: "Ese fue un 'si'." And she grabs Hector's left hand with her right. Looking at the two of them, facing each other, there is definitely a family resemblance. Jason: "OK, look, before I start bawling, and the locals start asking too many questions, can we make the rendezvous?" Hector: "May I ..." Jason: "You don't even need to ask." At this point, the female bodyguard disappears off the right side of the screen followed by Rosha and Hector--still holding hands--, then Jason, and finally, the male bodyguard. A wind rustles the leaves on the floor of the clearing, and just for a moment, it seems as if they were cackling. +++++endtrid: 092657.220317 And, for the record, I wish you all the best with your family.]<<<<< -- Sgt. Daniel Joseph Stands-In-Shadow <16:32:22/10-06-57> Recording Specialist Salish-Shidhe Border Patrol *****PRIVATE: Ice >>>>>[I have an offer for the group that you advertised earlier. I would like to... sponsor, if you will, such a group, but not let it become public knowledge. My sources indicate that the group is already formed, it's strictures set, so I have no wish for my patronage or the secrecy I require to be part of the structure of the group's binding. Instead I would like there to be a sort of inner core of members who know about my purposes, and another section who know you are taking orders from someone, but not from whom, or why. Note that I would never expect you to betray your group. In fact, I hope that you would refuse to do so. My purposes are mostly bengin, and purely defensive. I would like you to watch the shadows for runs against my corner of my corporation, having one or more of your members apply to any offers that I find suspicious, offers to which I will alert you in such cases. Also, I would like to establish a long-term employer-employee relationship with a group such as yours, so I always have access have a team of capable magicians I can trust. My identity must remain secret, I would regret the consequences of an attempt to uncover it. You will benefit by access to certain libraries and other information that you will find hard to get elsewhere, as well as by a generous monthly cash payment, the amount to be negotiated once you gain the consent of such members of your group as you consider to be discreet enough to know the truth. To earn this, all you will do is be avaiable, and continue to practice your skills, becoming more suitable for my work as time progresses. The compensation for any other work you do for me will be negotiated if and when such a situation arises.]<<<<< -- L <10:19:16/10-06-57> *****PRIVATE: L >>>>>[I'll consider it, and discuss it with the group. Leaving out what little I know about you, of course.]<<<<< -- Ice <16:45:04/10-06-57> *****PRIVATE: Group >>>>>[Take a look at this: +++++Include L's message The sender was the johnson for that Gibraltar thing I told you about, I shouldn't really tell any more until we decide whether to accept the offer or not. But what the hell, he works for SK, and that's about all I know. The letter L could be taken to mean Lofwyr, but I'm not buying it, he probably just wants people to think that. Of course, there's no better way to lie than to tell the truth as if it were a lie... Anyway, what do you think? I like the idea of a monthly payment, but the whole thing seems a little too good to be true.]<<<<< -- Ice <16:52:20/10-06-57> *****PRIVATE: Ice >>>>>[It sounds interestin t'me. V'got some experience workin the corp-protect circuit anyway. So count me'n, Ice. And how about 'Hecate's Star' as potential groupname? Just a thought ...]<<<<< -- Rosha <21:14:10/10-06-57> *****Private:Jarman >>>>>[Who else have you hired, I'd like to know, so if I run into any of them I can help them out/get some help should it come to that. Besides, I might know a few of them. As for the finding of SIN and SINless, hey, it's a can do]<<<<< -- Matrix Jockey <08:59:31/10-07-57> *****Private:Lynch >>>>>[Yes, you have been around a while. Ever deal with Vampire's or a Dragon? As for the beer's, I can't stand them, I much prefer hard liquor. On the other hand, if you'd like meet up and have a few drinks, that sounds great.]<<<<< -- Blademaster <09:06:57/10-07-57> >>>>>[Well, this would be another installment of the hearings. It's amazing that there's so many fraggin witnesses. And I should have Marshall Qoph's testimony up in a day or two. +++++ Begin Trideo record, International Police Hearing S57-01 +++++ Clerk: All rise. Commander Drake, Lt. Rachel Mizikar, Lt. Gerry Burr, and the clerk all stand while the panel walks in. Sir Harold Burns is looking very tired but still distinguished. Miyamoto Okyoshu also appears as if the travails of the hearing are finally wearing him down some. Chief Eric Skinwalker, however, appears as solid and stolid as always. And Rep. Thomas Lang looks more and more triumphant as the days go on. Cleak: Be seated. Burns: Well, then, where were we? Clerk: We were just about to call another witness, Sir. Burns: I know that. It was a rhetorical question. Clerk: Sorry, sir. Burns: Call the next witness, then. Clerk: The Panel calls Jose Montoya. The camera turns again, as it has for all the witnesses at this point, and faces the rear door as it opens to admit Lt. Colonel Jose Montoya, acting head of InterPol's Special Branch. He is wearing his black dress uniform, just like all the other InterPol officers present. On it are several ribbons and commendations for various acts of heroism and selflessness, and a very new rank insignia. He walks forward, stands behind the witness table, and waits while the clerk comes forward. Clerk: State your name and rank for the record. Jose: Jose Montoya, Lt. Colonel and acting head of Special Branch, InterPol. Clerk: Repeat after me, sir. I, Jose Montoya, do solemnly swear.... Jose: I, Jose Montoya, do solemnly swear. Clerk: To tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. Jose: To tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. Clerk: Please be seated, sir. Burns: Well, whose turn is it this time? Lt. Burr, Prosecution: Mine, sir. Lt. Col. Montoya, you are currently the acting head of Special Branch. Why is that? Jose: I'm not sure I understand the question. Could you be more specific? Prosecution: Certainly. Could you please tell me why you are the acting head of Special Branch and not someone else more qualified? Jose: Because Commander Drake promoted me and gave me his command as his last action before turning himself in. Prosecution: Why is that, sir? Jose: Because he feels that I am the best qualified to lead Special Branch. Prosecution: He told you that himself? Jose: Yes. Prosecution: What, if you know, do you posses that qualifies you to lead Special Branch? Any particular skills or abilities? Jose: Nothing that I'm aware of, except that I believe as ferverently about Special Branch's mission and duties as Commander Drake does. Prosecution: Would you say that would be enough? Jose: Enough to put me over the top in an equal race, yes. Prosecution: But not enough were someone else well ahead of you in, say, skills or abilities? Jose: You'd have to ask Commander Drake about that. Prosecution: But I'm asking you, sir. Jose: Probably not, then. Prosecution: Were you aware that there were several individuals who have much greater skills in administration and management than you who were being groomed by the Council and Enforcement Branch to replace Commander Drake when he retired? Jose: Commander Drake did tell me that, yes. Prosecution: Did you feel inclined at the time to ask why he was ignoring them and going to you? Jose: No, I did not. Prosecution: I see. Sir, is it possible that Commander Drake wanted to keep control of Special Branch in the hands of those individuals who were a product of it's specific doctrine? Jose: I'd like to think that's precisely why he did it, but I know different. Prosecution: Really? In what way? Jose: Commander Drake told me at one of our meetings that the individuals who were being groomed for his position were, if I remember the term correctly, "megacorporate stoodges." Prosecution: Are you saying that Commander Drake accused them of being on the payroll of any of several megacorporations? Jose: He suspected it, but never said anything which could be construed as a direct accusation. Prosecution: I see. Did Commander Drake ever tell you why he suspected this? Jose: No, he did not. Prosecution: Very well. Lt. Col. Montoya, has Commander Drake told you that you are next in line for command of Special Branch when he retires? Jose: Not precisely, no. He has told me that I have been designated as his successor, officially and according to Section 43 of the Special Branch charter, upon his leaving the position, through voluntary or involuntary means. He has pointed out to me repeatedly that he does not expect to live to a ripe old age. Prosecution: And why is that? Jose: He feels that he has made too many enemies who see him as an impediment to thier doing anything that they want. He led me to believe that these enemies were corporate, national, private, and even internal to InterPol. Prosecution: And he felt that someone would remove him, perhaps even kill him, when he became too much of a problem? Jose: Yes. Various people have tried that already, and some have come very, very close in the process. Prosecution: So you are designated Commander Drake's successor. You are, I hope, aware that his official sanction of you does not automatically mean that you would be placed in command of Special Branch? Jose: Of course. Prosecution: One thing still puzzles me, though. Why would you be designated his, well, heir if you didn't have any real skills in that department? Jose: Well, I do have some skill in command or else I wouldn't have been placed in command of one of Commander Drake's special units. And I also believe that Commander Drake thinks that I can learn anything which I don't already know. Prosecution: Indeed. While we're on the topic, why are you in charge of the Montoya sniper unit? Jose: Because I am an expert sniper, Lt. Prosecution: Yet the records show that you have only rarely expressed more than a passing interest in most sniper weapons, and had, until the pursuit of Mr. Lynch, not even drawn a weapon from stores larger than an SMG and standard sidearm. Why is that, sir? Jose: Because, until recently, Commander Drake had restricted my use of rifles to the shooting range. Prosecution: Really? Why? Jose: Your increduality is forced, Lt. Burr. Commander Drake's restrictions on my weapon use is well documented, as is his rescinding those restrictions. The reason is that I am an expert sniper with a past. I wasn't, after all, always a cop. Prosecution: Really, sir? Defense: Objection, Sir. Prosecution is attempting to turn the focus of this hearing from Commander Drake to Lt. Colonel Montoya. Prosecution: I am attempting to ascertain certain of Commander Drake's motives and his sudden change of heart, which I have not yet had a chance to bring up. Burns: Overrulled. But keep it quick, Lt. Burr. I'm a tired old man, and all the more crochety for not sleeping well last night. Prosecution: Of course, Sir. Lt. Col. Montoya, what were you before you were a cop? Jose: I'm sorry, Lt. Burr, but because of Special Branch Charter Sections 65 c and d, I am not required to answer that. Prosecution: Sir, I put the question before the Panel. You have the power to force the answer if you wish. Burns: Very well. Councilman Okyoshu? Okyoshu: Hai, he must answer the question. Lang: I concur. Skinwalker: I do not agree. Lt. Col. Montoya does not have to answer the question. Burns: And as I am allowed a vote, I concur with Chief Skinwalker. Lt. Colonel Montoya, you are not required to answer that question. Lt. Burr, either retract the question or rephrase it. Prosecution: Very well, honored panel members. Lt. Colonel Montoya, what were the reasons for Commander Drake's placing weapons restrictions on you? Jose: He felt that my prior history, which I will not discuss, was such that I was potentially dangerous with rifles. He felt that this potential should be limited at all costs, but in a manner which would still enable me to give the benefit of my experience to others. Thus I acted as a spotter and commander of the sniper unit. Prosecution: So there were very valid reasons, related to your supposed sniper skills, to restrict your access to rifles? Jose: Yes. Prosecution: Yet Commander Drake released those same restrictions the day before he named you as his successor, correct? Jose: Yes. Prosecution: Why is that? Jose: Because it would have been counterproductive to have me remain restricted. Prosecution: And what did you do as soon as you were released from his restrictions? Jose: I immediately dived into the shooting range to practice and regain my skills with sniper rifles. Prosecution: And the Barret 121 in particular, correct? Jose: Yes. I am an expert in using that particular weapon, while only extremly skilled in others. Prosecution: I see. And after your restrictions had been released, what positions did you fulfill? Jose: I immediately began carrying a rifle with me when we were setting up for Mr. Lynch. In some cases, two rifles. One for non-lethal ammunition, the other for lethal in the event that Commander Drake had ordered us into a weapons-free situation. Prosecution: And what were the two rifles, sir? Jose: The non-lethal rifle was usually a Walther WA-2100 loaded with gel rounds. The lethal rifle was always a Barret 121, for pure stoping power. Prosecution: Always the same rifle? Jose: Yes. Prosecution: Why is that? Jose: Because.... Lt. Burr, that question again relates directly to my past and I am not required to answer it. Burns: Lt. Colonel Montoya, I am not inclined to allow you that way out this time. Answer the question. Jose: Yes, sir. Because that particular rifle is mine. Prosecution: Yours, sir? Jose: Yes. It had been in my possesion before I joined InterPol. Prosecution: I begin to see, but since I have been disallowed from asking too direct questions, I will desist. Sir, you were the individual who shot Mr. Lynch, correct? Jose: In the leg, yes. Prosecution: Were you aware at the time that Marshall Qoph had ordered that Mr. Lynch be killed? Jose: I was. Prosecution: And yet you did not shoot to kill. Why is that, sir? Jose: Because Commander Drake's orders, as my direct superior, took precedence. In addition, by ordering me to shoot to wound, Commander Drake was knowingly disobeying a direct order from a superior, while not passing that responsiblity down the chain of command to me. Prosecution: So you knew that, by ordering you to shoot to wound, Commander Drake was disobeying a direct order? Jose: I just said that, didn't I? Prosecution: Thank you, sir! One final question: Does Commander Drake have a file of Special Branch personnel; a file outside the normal InterPol procedures? Jose: No, sir, he does not. Prosecution: Are you very sure of that? Jose: Of course. He's not in command anymore, thus I have that file now. Prosecution: (laughs) I see, sir. But he did at one point, correct? Jose: Yes. Prosecution: No more questions. Burns: I call a 10 minute recess. Burns: Lt. Col. Montoya, may I remind you that you are still under oath. Jose: I understand, sir. Burns: Excellent. Lt. Mizikar, your witness. Lt. Mizikar, Defense: Sir, how long have you been under Commander Drake's direct command now? Jose: For the last 5 years. Ever since he formed his special units and he gave me command of the sniper unit. Defense: In that time, have you ever known the Commander to be dishonest, or to act without any sense of honor or integrity? Jose: I have not. Defense: And in that time, has the Commander ever ordered you to perform tasks which were personally degrading or unethical? Jose: Unethical, no. However, the nature of under-cover operations sometimes requires that a cop do things that he or she finds personally distasteful. Defense: Of course. In that time, has Commander Drake ever asked you or your team to assassinate anyone. Jose: No, he has not. Defense: And why is that, sir? Jose: Because to do so would run counter to his personal ethics and to the spirit of the InterPol charter. Defense: How so? Jose: InterPol exists to bring some justice to those who break the laws and escape across national jurisdictional lines. Defense: Mr. Lynch said much the same thing in his testimony. Jose: I'm not surprised, although I suspect that he and I, and Commander Drake as well, would disagree as to the correctness of our various methods to bringing people to justice. Defense: I'm sure you are correct, sir. Commander Drake never asked you or your team to assassinate anyone. Has he ever ordered you to kill someone? Jose: If you are asking about assassinating again, then the answer is still no. However, if you mean to kill someone if they became dangerous, then yes, he has. Defense: Could you give me an example, sir? Jose: Of course. When the Commander arrested Dr. Jackson, my unit was on the site. Commander Drake ordered us to be ready to kill Dr. Jackson should he appear to pose an immediate threat to the lives of our arresting agents. As Dr. Jackson accepted his arrest more or less without incident, his death was not necessary. Defense: I see. Are situations like this common for Special Branch? Jose: In my experience, no. We are trained to kill only in defense of ourselves or our fellow InterPol agents. There have been some unfortunate incidents, but the individuals responsible were always disciplined, in several cases the agent was brought up on manslaughter or murder charges. Defense: How do you think that this differs from normal police operations, if at all? Jose: Very little, actually. From my experience, normal police, and indeed the rest of InterPol as well, treat killing suspects or criminals as highly undesirable. After all, a dead suspect or criminal cannot be sentenced or tried for his or her crimes. Of course, this is under the ideal situations. Defense: What do you mean by that, sir? Jose: All police are human beings, Lt. If a criminal kills a cop, then they want some measure of revenge. The percentages of criminals accused of killing a cop reaching trial are very low. And there are always corrupt cops who kill criminals because thier real employers fear what they would say if allowed to go to trial. Defense: Do you personally feel that there are individuals in InterPol who fit that description? Prosecution: Objection, sir. Irrelevant to the hearing. Burns: Overruled, Lt. Burr. Since the charges of corruption within InterPol have been repeated by several of the most important witnesses so far, I am inclined to allow questions of this sort from now on. But don't let that stop you from objecting. Prosecution: Of course, sir. Defense: Lt. Col. Montoya? Jose: Of course. I would like to believe that there are fewer corrupt individuals within InterPol's heirarchy than within, say, Lone Star's, but I have no doubt that there are some. Police are always targets, and police with InterPol's level of power and responsibility even more so. Defense: Sir, you said earlier that you knew that Commander Drake was disobeying a direct order from Marshall Qoph when he ordered you to fire to wound Mr. Lynch. You also said that you followed the Commander's orders because he is your direct superior and that you knew that he was attempting to limit your responsibility. If Marshall Qoph had removed Commander Drake from command and ordered you to kill Mr. Lynch, would you have done so? Jose: No, I would not have. Defense: Why not, sir? Jose: Because to do so would violate the Special Branch charter and would go against my personal integrity and ethics. Defense: How is that? Jose: I personally have no qualms with killing a dangerous criminal who had severely injured or killed a fellow agent. I would prefer that the criminal go to trial, but if the only way to save the life of a friend was to kill the criminal, I would do so. If Mr. Lynch had, at any time, killed an InterPol agent, and I had been ordered to kill him, he would likely not have had a bullet in his leg, but rather his skull. However, Mr. Lynch is an honorable man, in his own way. He follows his conscience, however much I personally dislike his means and methods, or how illegal they truly are. Mr. Lynch deserves to face a trial by jury for his crimes, not summary execution. For those reasons, I would not have fired, nor would I have allowed anyone under my command to do so. Defense: Even at risk of removal from your position? Jose: Lieutenant, Marshall Qoph could have held his pistol against my head and told me to do it or die, and I would not have fired. Death is not necessarily worse than sacrificing your integrity. Defense: Thank you, sir. A couple more questions, if you don't mind. Why do you think that your arrest of Mr. Lynch took so long to accomplish? Jose: Because Mr. Lynch and his associates are highly trained professionals. Being able to operate outside the law allows them several more degrees of freedom than Special Branch agents enjoy. Defense: Why do you think that Commander Drake disobeyed the orders by Marshall Qoph? Jose: Commander Drake would be the best person to answer that question, Lt. Defense: I assure you that I will ask it of him. But I would still like to hear your impressions, sir. Jose: I believe that he refused to follow the orders because he felt that they were wrong, and that they were politically motivated. Defense: Thank you, Lt. Col. Montoya. No more questions. Burns: Lt. Col. Montoya, do you have any last comments or observations you wish to add before the panel? Jose: I do, sir. I believe that the entire Lynch debacle was politically motivated rather than motivated by good sense. Mr. Lynch is a dangerous criminal, and wanted by more nations than I can easily remember. But his crimes have always been carefully carried out. He has always targeted those individuals he believed most responsible for whatever it was he was pursuing them for. Yet Special Branch was ordered by the Council itself to pursue him, and the council was convinced to do so by a nation who is not a signatory of the InterPol charter, under the pretense that said nation would become a signatory. Special Branch was originally formed because so much of the rest of InterPol was political at the time. I feel that it still is. Yet Section 96 allows for the politicians to control Special Branch whenever they feel like it. Commander Drake's cooperation with the orders was specifically because he knew that he would be replaced with a political appointment if he was removed for disobeying a direct order. Yet he fought against the orders as best he could, while still obeying the letter of his orders and following his conscience. Commander Drake is facing this disciplinary hearing not because he disobeyed orders, but because he disobeyed the politics behind those orders. And because he has the audacity to be an ethical and uncorruptable officer of the law. Burns: Is that all, Lt. Col. Montoya? Jose: It is, sir. Burns: Very well. Witness is dismissed...... +++++ End Trideo record +++++ ]<<<<< -- Trideo Pirate <09:54:42/10-07-57> >>>>>[I suspect that the hearing is independant of an actual trial. It seems to be more of a pre-trial, as much to determine whether Drake should be run out of InterPol and then tried in a UCAS court of law for his actions. It's never happened before, even those few times that Drake was totally in the wrong, like the killing of the decker Raven. But there wasn't as many people gunning for his job then either. I suspect that unless Drake has a card or two up his sleeve, he'll be drummed out of Special Branch and put on a real trial. Whether he has those cards or not remains to be seen. I'm looking forward to his testimony, actually.]<<<<< -- Slash <10:01:41/10-07-57> >>>>>[Greetings, everyone! You all know me, or at least know of me. I hope. But regardless, I am holding my 23rd annual Samhain fundraiser costumed ball to benefit Haven again this year. The party will start at sunset on October 31 and end sometime thereafter, daybreak at the earliest. You are all invited, and party crashers are welcome. Just remember the rules before you get here. And be advised that arch enemies commonly show up and toast to each other's slow and painful demise. Why, last year we had two of the Ancients drinking with Foxey Roxey for part of the evening, and there have been times when Commander Drake and some of the individuals he was pursuing sat down and drank together. So, please, come one and all. Just remember the costume, as you will not be admitted without one, and the magicians who are responsible for giving you one if you show up without one have somewhat odd senses of humor.]<<<<< -- Valentine <10:07:02/10-07-57> >>>>>[If it works as well and Lynch and Lilith's wedding, and if you don't object strenously to me being there, count me in. And I'll start working on the costume.]<<<<< -- JayCee <18:10:41/10-07-57> >>>>>[Everyone is invited. This party is usually indoors, as it's normally raining outside.]<<<<< -- Valentine <13:59:20/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE: Forte, Matrix Jockey >>>>>[You are the two who have expressed an interest in this task. You may work seperately or together, as you choose: I am merely interested in success without the target becoming aware of your surveillance. Please tell me whether you accept the job or not, so I may give you the information you need to begin your searches.]<<<<< -- Jarman <18:20:14/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE: Group >>>>>[Rosha sent me a private message (you really should have sent that to all of us, IMHO) suggested "Hecate's star" as a group name, anyone else got suggestions? Seeing as half our members turn into wolves or tigers at little or no provocation, I like "The Seattle Zoo", but I doubt anyone else will. Anyway, the selling out to SK thing, Rosha seemed agreeable. I sort of don't object to the idea, we wont be commiting to anything much.]<<<<< -- Ice <14:48:44/10-07-57> >>>>>[Hey, Pat, I suppose there's no way I can justify coming armed as being a necessary part of my costume... guess not :) If I do it'll be a replica. I'll be there anyway. I still have a few brain cells left alive, after Jason and Lilith got married and That Party. Went off into the Outback for a few days, ended up staying a month. Interesting place. Want some help on costume duty? We could cast the whole Rocky Horror Picture Show on anyone who forgets their outfit.]<<<<< -- The Mighty Quinn <21:13:21/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE: Cass >>>>>[Cass? You had any more trouble from that cyberman thing? You still out there?]<<<<< -- Squatter <16:08:52/10-07-57> *****Private:Group >>>>>[Hmmm.... What do we have to lose, really? I say try it.]<<<<< -- Shiftboy <16:03:19/10/7/57> >>>>>[Valentine, thanks f'r the open invite. M'still hurt fr'm missin the 'weddin of da century'! Anyway ... I'll be there. Lookin' forward t'meetin you ...]<<<<< -- Rosha <20:14:11/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE: Evita >>>>>[Hey! Great idea ov'r here! Let's go as EACH OTHER! M'probs wit Wilk are done, an' he couldn't get into Haven anyway, so .... whaddya think? Would play havok wit ev'rybody else ... esp. Cass, Ronin, Ash, Jason, and any other Serenity folks in da house. ... C'mon ... it'll be fun! F'no one notices, we'll switch into somethin else ... Illusions--Essential for the Ultimate Costume Party!]<<<<< -- Rosha <20:18:13/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE: Golem >>>>>[I am still awaiting your final report from your TWO WEEK old assignment. I have ascertained that you succeeded, but I still want the confirmed, firsthand evidence. Kindly forward the requested information asap.]<<<<< -- The Saracen <20:21:00/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE: The Saracen >>>>>[Unholy bastard! We lost an arm in this action! 'Kindly' back the fiznuk off of us until we've finished this matter. You'll have your verdammt report. The kill is absolutely confirmed. Don't press the matter again. Recall who IS your enforcement wing.]<<<<< -- Golem <20:25:43/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE: The Skull Bearer >>>>>[Cassandra still walks the streets. She is inquiring after you, no doubt. Carry out this matter with no further delay. As a loose end, I want her tied in a knot. Literally.]<<<<< -- Ms. Johnston <20:29:00/10-07-57> >>>>>[Cass and Ronin, y'folks goin t'the party! It'll be phat an all dat! All the Seattle players. Much needed relaxes, f'ya ask me ... An' ya can spot me a couple drinks f'r gettin ya back where ya belong. ;) <--- That would be you, Mr. Ronin!]<<<<< -- Rosha <20:34:59/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[Hello, Sage. We have not spoken previously. However, I am told you might be able to confirm some information of interest to me. Namely, the death of a UCAS Special Forces officer, nicknamed Stampede. Please confirm or deny this for me, if you can.]<<<<< -- Apollyon <20:37:00/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE: Apollyon >>>>>[Hello, Mr. O-M. The information you require will cost >>encrypted<<. Remittance may be forwarded to >>encrypted<<.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar *****PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[Be careful, how you deal with me ... my reach never exceeds my grasp. +++++credtransfer: >>encrypted<< Well?]<<<<< -- Apollyon <20:40:00/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE: Apollyon >>>>>[I'll remember that next time I get some footage of you pleasuring yourself. :) In any case, I can indeed confirm the death of one Nelson Wilkerson. +++++minreq1.pic As you can see, even his reinforced body did not respond well to the sudden and sustained impact of over 200 tons of titanium-reinforced concrete and fairly dense earth. Though the photo doesn't resemble the late captain very much, I believe that if you reconstruct the facial image, you will find adequate confirmation. Should require further evidence, I may procure the pre and post mortem nucleic acid sequences for your perusal, for a small additional fee of >>encrypted<<. Speaking of which, you're claiming to be Ms. Otalvaro's brother aksdf dkfy ou kdfa;lk;a;a +++++signal interrupted ... re-establishing +++++SIGNAL LOST!! TRANSIENT VIRUS IMPLANT!!! +++++DISCONNECT DISCONNECT DISCONNECT *****PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[I think that just about settles our accounts.]<<<<< -- Apollyon <20:42:00/10-07-57> >>>>>[ Thank you for the invitation, Mr Valentine. Since I have never attended your particular shin-ding before, may I inquire what type of costume would be acceptable? Many thanks... ( I could use a good party, after the last bit of biz I had...) ]<<<<< --Shockwave <20:49:00/10-07-57> ***** PRIVATE: Karma >>>>>[You werent at the meeting, man? Where are you? If you get this, please get in touch with me]<<<<< -- Kor <22:21:03 / 10-07-57> ***** INTERNAL: JRS, personal log >>>>>[+++++ Include JRSlogentry The image of a small spartan office unfolds before you. Seated behind a small desk is Jason Stormwind, CEO of Industrial Sound and Magic, and founder of Serenity Security. His Amerindian features are striking in the muted light of his desklamp. He looks up from the computer on his desk as someone walks in. JRS: "Jim, I'm glad you had the time to come and see me, have a seat" JAF: "Well, I was heading home when I caught your mail. Whats this problem you need help with?" James A. Foster comes into view and sits in the chair offered. His black hair streaked with grey is tied back in a loose pony tail and thinning on top. He sits heavily, tired from his long day. JRS: "Yeah, actually I could use your assistance. I've got a friend who's gotten it in his mind to kill a number of visiting diplomats from the Tir." JAF: "What do you want me to do about it? Call Lone Star and be done with it" JRS: "I can't that, Jim. This man is a friend of mine. I know him well enough to know that Lone Star wouldnt bring him down. They'd botch it and end up getting a number of their officers wounded, maybe dead and then there would be nothing I could do for him." JAF: "Ok, who is this friend" JRS: "Karma" Akira pushes his chair back abruptly and stands quickly. JRS: "Wait!" JAF: "Do you have any idea what you are asking me to do? Do you? Im not going to assemble a team of my men go get shot up just because you want to keep that nut out of prison." JRS: "I only need a couple of your snipers to take a look at the area and tell me where would be the best place for him to have holed himself up. Ill take it from there." JAF: "Give me everything I need? JRS: "You call the shots around here as much as I do. You dont need me to authorize personel for you. Take what you need to ensure that none of your people get made. If you spook him, he will move" JAF: "I know the man. Ill brief a team in the morning and get right on this" JRS: "Sooner?" JAF: "You really ARE worried. Whats the whole scoop, Jas?" JRS: "The 'tir contigent' is possibly a ghost unit sent out by someone close to one of the princes. They are being very obvious about trying to get information about an imposter of one of their operatives. Unfortunately, I was the imposter. Karma is trying to protect me in a round about way and isnt thinking clear enough to understand the reprecussions of his actions. If this is really a ghost unit, there will be more, and there likely are more than just the 6 or so that have been reported" JAF: "I assume you were on a run at the time. You know how I feel about that, and you know even better how I feel about bring your drek back to Serenity." JRS: "I understand that. Normally I would deal with this myself but he's gone completely rogue and I dont know where the hell to start looking. Im not a sniper, I dont know how they think. Working with Karma so long ago, I realize that he just doesnt think like a normal person. Sniper's see things differently from most others. He can go days without food. Without so much as even moving. I've seen him set up for a job nearly a week in advance with nothing more than his rifle and his survial suit an a litre of water. He just doesnt move. Look, im pleading here. My screw up cannot result in the loss of life. His, the unit's, or LSS personel." JAF: "Relax, Jason. Ill take care of it. Ill put a couple people on maps tonight and have them do set-ups on the building in question. We'll go over their perches tomorrow morning, and then go then go over them again until we get the best places. He is not active, is he?" JRS: "No, but he might have the aid of Gemini, wolf shaman, physical adept of sorts. Ill give you the information I have on him and his brother." JAF: "I'll handle this." +++++ END LOG]<<<<< -- Kor <23:56:03 / 10-07-57> >>>>>[ Ya know what, Diana? I actually agree with the ever humble Kor. Nightmare, if it was his goal, would have succeeded. Even his failures are pretty successful. Like the time Doomsday got busted by Interpol and Shadowfox by the Sioux Wildcats instead of him nailing AJ to the wall. Lets face it, the man knows how to plan an op. With that said, I can already speculate on what failure would buy him. To put it bluntly, it casts a new light on Mr. Drake's situation. Perhaps he is considering offers from other sectors to further his goals. Perhaps Mr. Drake arranged it with the Baron to point out the corruption in Interpol and how easily Herr Nightmare _could_ have pulled it off if he wanted to. Perhaps, we should stop considering Mr. Drake as the sweet and innocent guy that he pretends to be. From one of the conversations I listened into between Doomsday and Herr Nightmare, Drake had a pretty good idea on how to make best use of certain talents. He had a certain flare for convincing convicts what their true options are. Of course, I could be wrong and that just _may_ be speculation on my part. Or, as Nightmare would elegantly point out -- this could all just be a dream of your imagination. After all, would Nightmare admit in public that he wanted Drake to go free -- either in the physical or agricultural sense? I leave it to you, the Muses, to decide. Let me leave you with this thought: Most of us will probably never know why Nightmare did it -- maybe the question to ask is what is he planning to do now that his "percious" op failed?]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <21:15:18/10-07-57> >>>>>[ Truly amazing. I was beginning to wonder if you were trying to get into 'mare's good graces by defending his honour. Then again, I know you better than that. ]<<<<< --Black Knight <21:16:39/10-07-56> >>>>>[ Frag off, Knight. I'm not afraid of you or him. We all know who can skate a system better. Until you can match me there, SHUT THE FRAG UP, you poser! ]<<<<< --Ratspeak <21:19:11/10-07-57> ***** Private: Kor >>>>>[ Oh, why is it the greatest openings can never be fully taken advantage of by those not engaged in the direct conflict? I bet the system could shut them both up. Too bad it is a waste of money to let them feel humilated. Oh well. Temptation must be avoided. One little thing that Mr. Harker asked to pass along (he still hasn't gotten his act together to get on here). Doomsday and he would like to meet you for a night on the town. Sometime soon. Harker can be reached at >>encrypted<< for the next two days.]<<<<< -- Scourge <21:21:21/10-07-57> ***** Private: Ratspeak >>>>>[ My, my. Looks like Knight touched a nerve. Well find anymore good gossip out, now that you're at: >>encrypted< *****INTERNAL: SIGANet Archives >>>>>[+++++Begin video recording The picture shows the interior of a car. In front of it, you can see headlights and the night sky over the desert. From the way the scenery and asphalt is moving, the car must be going very fast. The dash board is lit up with readouts, most of which seem to cover normal operating functions. You catch a glimpse of the speedometer, which is holding steady at 350 kph. >From the way the perspective shifts, and how things are situated, you think that the video feed is coming from someone's eye cam. The person turns their head, and you barely make out the profile of Blade sitting in the drivers seat. "Couldn't you have given me any more info than it's near Vegas?" "Hey, that's all I know. It's all the information they were allowed to give out. We can't have our citizens knowing where our secret storage sites are, could we?" Lynch's voice. It must be his eye cam. "You haven't exactly been talking a lot either. For example, where are we going? I know this is the general way to Las Vegas, but something tells me that's not where we're headed." "Correct. We are going to Vegas. Eventually. First, though, I want to stop off and talk to a friend of mine. He's an information broker. The truck stop we're headed to is a front of his. If she's done anything electronically in Vegas, he'll be able to find out what it was." "Well, well. You do think with more than your muscles. Quinn owes me 50 nuyen." "I resent that." "I'm sure you do. You might want to slow down, Blade. I don't know how well this highway is patrolled, but I don't think I'll be able to talk you out of a ticket. And with the amount of illegal gear in here," and you can see Lynch's fingers tapping something low on the dash, "you probably donÎt want to get pulled over." Blade chuckles. "It's like I always told my ex-wife, Lynch. I never drive faster than I can see. And besides that, it's all in the reflexes." With a hard yank, Blade spins the wheel and turns the car into the poorly lit parking lot of a truck stop that they almost passed. The view leans far left as Lynch is pushed over by the force of the turn. With the squeel of tires, Blade applys the brakes and stops the car. "You need some Oh, Shit!' handles, Blade." "Probably." Blade and Lynch start to get out of the car. Blade looks over at Lynch. "You can leave your weapons here. You won't need them, and they're a little paranoid anyway." Lynch shrugs and you can hear the smack as a what sounds like a couple of heavy pistols hit the upholstery. "Oh, and no matter what happens in side, be cool." As Lynch turns and begins to walk towards the entrance, you get a much better spot of the restaurant. It looks awful. You think the name of the place is "The Desert Twister", but the only letters lit up spell "he se t Twi". There are several stations for gas pumps, but they look so old, you doubt they'd have the right fuel for a modern car. There are a couple transport vehicles parked, but other than that, the outside appears deserted. Lights are on inside, and you can see Blade open the door and enter as Lynch follows behind. The inside doesn't look much better. A couple large, bored looking orks sit at a table, eating and talking too quietly to be heard. Behind the counter is a old grimy looking grill with an equally pleasant cook. Sitting at a booth alone is the woman who appears to be the lone waitress. The only person who looks up as Lynch and Blade walk in is the cook. Lynch just glances around, taking in the view, before whispering to Blade "Booth or counter?" Blade makes a motion towards the counter. "Counter." Walks over and sits in one of the swivel stools. As Lynch takes a seat, you can see Blade grab a menu. Lynch takes one as well. As he looks it over, you can see that it's usual greasy spoon food. Well, except that the menu appears to be about as old as the place it's in. One item refers to something called "USDA Choice Beef." The cook walks up "Waddaya want?" Blade looks up to the cook and smiles "Two whole fried chickens. And a chocolate milkshake." "_Two_ _whole_ chickens? You sure about that? Cause I think we're out." Blade just keeps smiling. "That's O.K. Hey, does Ricardo still work here?" The cook leans forward slightly, his hands on the counter top. "Yeah, chummer, he still works here." As he finishes, the windows all go pitch black and Lynch's ears pick up the sound of an action going back. His hand reaches inside his jacket for the guns that aren't there. "Be cool Lynch. Just be cool." Blade turns his attention back to the cook. "Tell him Gillette is here to see him." At that, the cook smiles, and you can see the reflections of the orks in the back of the grill go back to their seats. The windows remain dark, however. "Sorry about that Blade. But, well, you know how paranoid he can be." "Not a problem Murray. Mind if we go downstairs?" Blade points towards Lynch. "Don't worry about him. He's clean." "Sure thing. You know the way." Lynch and Blade stand up and head towards the back of the restaurant. In the stockroom, out of Lynch's view, Blade does something to one wall, and a floor panel pops up revealing a set of stairways. Blade gestures for Lynch to go first. The stairs don't seem to be too long, but are dark. Reaching the end, Blade brushes a hidden switch and the lights come up. With the lights on, you can see a nice size chamber furnished like a small bunker. It has one well equipped terminal and a couple of bunks. There is, however, a nice kitchen. Blade walks over to the terminal, flips it out of low power mode, and logs in. "What is this place?" asks Lynch "Like I said, it's the front for an information broker friend of mine. He goes by the name of ÎThe Bard of Bermuda' Easily the best decker I have ever worked with or against. We used to be teammates, but he hated having to put his physical body on the line for meets and certain runs, so now we just work together when he can do the job remotely. When he decided he didn't want to meet with people, but still work, he had to set up secure places for people to contact him. This is one of those places. The windows are two way video screens, so that when they blacken on the inside, it plays a smart recording of what was happening inside with some few modifications. The building could take a hit from the main gun of a Stonewall tank, and this bunker could withstand a nuke blast. All the people upstairs are hand picked by me. So I designed these, and he feeds me information when I need it." Just then, the telcom screen blinks on. "Evening Blade. What brings you out of this part of the world?" The voice has a very cultured British accent. When Lynch and Blade move in front of the screen, the camera shows a well tanned, young looking blonde man in a suit. The image appears to be live, but you can see nothing of his surroundings except a blank gray wall. "Hoi Bob. I need you to do find a woman for me. Think you can do that?" The man called Bob chuckles. "I don't know. You've been trying for 27 years and haven't found one yet. I don't know what you expect me to do. Set you up with my sister?" "Haha funny man. You know what I'm asking." "Well, what do you have on her?" "Let's see." Blade pulls out a small data pad and hooks it's fiber optic cable to a port on the computer. Bob whistles. "Moving into the 21 century I see. What made you decide to finally use that?" "I figured that if you were going to give it to me for Christmas, that I should probably use it. At least in front of you. Anyway, here we go. Name: Byrnes, Elizabeth Michelle. Byrnes is B-Y-R-N-E-S. Need me to spell the rest?" "No. Continue." "Ok. SIN number <>. Date of Birth: 11 November, 31. Downloading image now. Went to school at University of Mississippi, graduated with a doctorate in Pharmacy in June of 53. A full bio is included with the image. Need anything else?" "Likely area to start searching?" "Vegas. Work out from there." "Alright. By the by, may I presume that your companion is the infamous Mr. Jason Lynch? If so, tell him that while I do not mind if he records this conversation and reports the location of this contact point, please make it plain to him that I would become very upset if any of this information was to get into the hands of the wrong people." "Sure thing, Bob." "Good. I'll contact you in 8 hours." The screen goes blank. Lynch looks at Blade "Now what?" Blade shrugs. "Now? Now we wait." +++++end video +++++begin video The view returns, again from Lynch's eye cam. All you can see is brown glass, but after a few seconds, it lowers and you can see Blade sitting across a small table from him. The object blocking the screen was apparently a bottle of beer. "Your friend might be paranoid, but the people he hires sure know how to cook." Blade chuckles "Murray sure does. In fact, it's why I picked him. I love to eat, and he cooks like no I know. And it's all real food too, even the meat." "Bet that costs." "Don't know." A beep can be heard in the background. "That's probably The Bard." Lynch follows Blade over to where he can see the screen. The same blonde, tanned man as earlier is on the screen. "Well, your bounty might be a good micro-biologists, but she's an awful espionage artist. Potential, but not much skill." "What've you got, Bard? I need the info, not a run down on where she should best be used." "Always in a hurry. But here you go, I'm sending the full report to the console. You can download it from there. Until you have a chance to read it, though, I'll give you the salient points." "She checked into a Las Vegas hotel using her mother's maiden and her sister's middle name. She made transactions around the town using this name before switching to another. This one was a little tougher to piece together. Apparently, it was her maternal grandmothers married name. Well, using that and a fake SIN she picked up on the street, she's booked a flight to Newark. Oh, the SIN is good enough for the flight, and to get into Newark, but it won't allow her into New York. She won't have the right passes for that." "Any idea why she's heading for Jersey?" "Well, my guess would be that that is where one of her contacts is. If not, then a boyfriend." "What makes you say that?" "Well, over the last year, a little before the time the Doom agent became available on the black market, she started making phone calls to a telecom number there. Really, the cold relay was fairly poor, not even a challenge to follow. But, after leaving 'Desert Door', she made several calls to this same number from her hotel room." "Wait a second, what's 'Desert Door'?" "That's the base. Or didn't they tell you? No matter, it's not important in this instance. To continue, her flight leaves in aproximately 16 hours, so you may want to hurry up and find her." "Thanks BOB. You know how to get me if you need anything. Watch out for reefs." "Thank you, Blade. Try not to get dead." The screen goes blank. Blade looks at Jason "Lets go. I don't have much time." "Sure thing. And don't worry, I won't be looking over your shoulder for much longer. Lilith will take over as handler from a more remote position shortly. We just wanted someone with you for the beginning to..." "Make sure I could be trusted?" Blade smiles "No problem. You have to watch security just like anyone else." +++++End video recording]<<<<< -- SIGANet DC <01:24:24/10-08-57> *****PRIVATE: Group >>>>>[Sure, I could always use some extra nuyen, this sounds easy. And I don't care about a name really, but I don't fit into the zoo concept. So I guess I'll vote for Hacates, unless someone else has a different suggestion.]<<<<< -- Evita <23:11:20/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE: Valentine >>>>>[I'll be there, I'm already thinking of different costumes.]<<<<< -- Cassandra <23:12:00/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE: Dirk >>>>>[This thing scares me, Squatter n I couldn't really find anything, although we turned up someone else I was looking for. Any ideas on possible weaknesses? My gun didn't do anything to it. Tell ya what, meet me at <> and we'll discuss it. Please?]<<<<< -- Cassandra <23:14:22/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE: Squatter >>>>>[Nope, been busy. Whas up?]<<<<< -- Cassandra <23:16:55/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE: Rosha >>>>>[Nah, come up with something else, please...can you make me really pretty? I wanna impress someone I hope will be there.]<<<<< -- Evita <23:18:34/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE:Ronin >>>>>[Are you going to the big bash? I hope so. What're you going as?]<<<<< -- Evita <23:20:05/10-07-57> *****PRIVATE: Evita >>>>>[Awww, party poop! "Real pretty, eh?" OK OK ... wha's da scoop, kid? Who's dis f'r? Ah need t'know f'I'm goin to make a pit'chr they'll like ... {smirk}. Tryin t'persuade m'bro t'go, but he's suspicious o'Haven ... btw he's fairly cool, a li'l rigid fr'm time t'time, but he cares bout me a lot ... an not like Wilk either ... mebbe y'll meet 'im one time. Let's hang out t'morrow night ... no practice, just chill f'r a bit ... y'free?]<<<<< -- Rosha <07:52:11/10-08-57> >>>>>[So there I am, totally fleeced of my windfall, nearly penniless in 'lantic City. So, I'm on the right coast an' figure, "What the hell, it's an election year." Sos I scoot down to eFfDeeCee to cee what I can cee - and, oh yeah, make a buck or three on the side. Like I said, it's an election year and folks with my... talents are always in demand. Pros, not like those dumbasses that bungled rolling a hotel. I mean, sheesh, it was the Seventies, how tough was security? Buncha mechanical locks and a coupla guards. Oh, yeah, and a pres that can't keep his trap shut. Anyway, so I figure I'll cast my nine votes for General Yates. But what happens? Some scuzbucket ices him. So I figure, I'll vote for the dragon. Yippee, the dragon wins. Uh-oh, somebody blows up the dragon. Well, needless to say, that whole place is just too crazy for me right now. I made my money, so here I am, back in Seattle. Whuzahappenin' Seattle!!!]<<<<< -- Rumormonger *****PRIVATE: Blademaster >>>>>[Vampires, one's a friend. Dragons... two I'd call friends, two I've killed, one left me with the interesting scars on my gun arm (while I was hanging out of the door of a Learjet at 18,000 feet, but that's another story). Meet up with me at >>encrypted<<. Good vodka and some of the best Scotch you'll find in Seattle. Needs to be soon, I may have business elsewhere. Looking forward to finally meeting you.]<<<<< -- Lynch <00:25:31/10-08-57> *****PRIVATE: Rosha >>>>>[Sure, where? and when? Ice cream?]<<<<< -- Evita <10:01:11/10-08-57> *****PRIVATE: Evita >>>>>[Let's meet at >>encrypted T & P<<. Ice sounds heavenly.]<<<<< -- Rosha <12:25:12/10-08-57> *****Private:Group >>>>>[I dunno, sounds good, but who is this L person anyway? My pops told me to stay away from working for a corp, if I had no other choice, find another were his exact words. This L sounds like he is a corp. Any answers?]<<<<< -- Wolfen <23:43:32/10-8-57> *****Private:Forte >>>>>[Forte, so nice to have a job with you. I'm acepting, but I didn't know you were in the information buisness. Oh well, guess Phobos was busy :) Where do you wanna start?]<<<<< -- Matrix Jockey <23:34:54/10-8-57> *****Private:Jarman >>>>>[I accept]<<<<< -- Matrix Jockey <23:34:55/10-8-57> *****Private:Lynch >>>>>[Sounds good. Looking foreward to finally seeing you face to face too. The vampire and dragon question was a bit leading. I seem to be having trouble with some vampires, and I do monetary concerns and help a dragon. So you see, I needed to make sure there were no biases against or for either, just in case one or the other decided to call on me while I was out. The dragon prbably wouldn't, but the vampires have been leaving calling cards everywhere. It's starting to annoy me, I may have to do something about them. Anyway, >>encrypted<< sounds great. I'll meet you there around >>encrypted<< tommarrow?]<<<<< -- Blademaster <23:15:31/10-8-57> ***** PRIVATE: ICE >>>>>[Lets just say a little bird told me that a spider monkey has thumbs to manipulate ropes while a lizard does not. Do you want the formula?]<<<<< -- Kor <17:50:52 / 10-08-57> ***** PRIVATE: Trax, Skuff, Khan >>>>>[Karma is missing. Since neither of the twins showed up at the meeting Im assuming that they are working with Karma on trying to remove the Ghost unit from operation.]<<<<< -- Kor <17:52:32 / 10-08-57> ***** PRIVATE: Navaah, Icepick >>>>>[We have a problem. Karma has gone rogue as far as I can tell. I suspect that he has set up somewhere near the Jo'Boy and is planning on cleaning up the problem at hand. Can you survive that type of heat, if not give me a day or so to work on digging him out]<<<<< -- Kor <17:53:41 / 10-08-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[No. You have until tonight to rope him in or I will have him and anyone working with him killed on the spot. I am not in the best of graces with a number of the factions in the Tir and I am not at all interested in having one or more of them swarming around my bar asking questions I dont have the answers to. I've worked too hard and too long setting this operation up to have it go under.]<<<<< -- Navaah <17:58:10 / 10-08-57> ***** PRIVATE: Khan >>>>>[I have a couple of possible locations for Karma to be set up. I have to assume that he is working with Gemini on this. I need backup to try to check out the locations astrally. I dont think that either of the twins is stupid enough to attack either of us, but just incase, I want to make sure that they wont do it again. Karma I want alive, you already know how I feel about Gemini. I need you as soon as you can be ready. We are going to have to be mobile for this. Get here ASAP]<<<<< -- Kor <18:08:11 / 10-08-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[On my way. Let Skuff know Im coming and so I dont get shot]<<<<< -- Khan <18:11:18 / 10-08-57> ***** PRIVATE: Skuff, Trax >>>>>[Skuff, I've got company coming in to the warehouse. Khan. We are going to check out the roosts astrally. Navaah responded poorly to 2 days, and has given us until close tonight to stop him. Trax, I need you and the van out here at the warehouse as soon as you can get here. I'd like you and Skuff to sit in the vicinity of Navaah's place and wait for us to contact you. When we find him, we will send a watcher to you to lead you back to our physical location. We wont be able to handle him in manifest form and if we do manifest he will only relocated to one of the other spots. We'll come back for our the meat, then advance on him.]<<<<< -- Kor <18:16:21 / 10-08-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor, Skuff >>>>>[Im not bringing my van withing 1/2 mile of Karma and his rifle. Ill risk a couple of drones if they are masked but thats about it. I dont mind carting your bodies around either but that will be about the extend of my involvement. Karma is old enough to take responsibility for his own actions. That goes doubly so for the twins. If they frag themselves, let them.]<<<<< -- Trax <18:36:45 / 10-08-57> >>>>>[Oh, boy, you're gonna enjoy this one. Well, at least I did. +++++ Begin Trideo record, International Police hearing S57-01 +++++ Clerk: The panel calls Marshall Xavier Qoph. The camera turns to face the rear door as it opens and a tall human man strides in, a look of supreme confidence on his face. He is about 50, with greying blond hair cut in flattop. His dress uniform is covered with medals and pins earned over several decades of InterPol service. He walks up the aisle and then sits down, pointedly ignoring Commander Drake's presence. Drake, on the other hand, appears to be all but staring at Marshall Qoph, almost as if he is daring his nemesis to lie, or perhaps accusing him of having done so already. Sir Harold Burns: Clerk, swear in the witness. Clerk: For the record, state your name and rank. Qoph: Xavier Qoph, Marshall, International Police, Seattle. Clerk: Repeat after me: I, Marshall Xavier Qoph, do solemnly swear.... Qoph: I, Marshall Xavier Qoph, do solemnly swear. Clerk: To speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth.... Qoph: To speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Clerk: So help me God. Qoph: So help me God. Burns: Very good. Marshall Qoph, you are now under oath. Conduct yourself accordingly. Qoph: Of course, sir. Burns: Lt. Mizikar, you may question the witness. Lt. Mizikar, Defense: Thank you, sir. Marshall Qoph, you are personally responsible for bringing many of the charges against Commander Drake, is that correct? Qoph: It is. Defense: Which of the four charges are yours? Qoph: The charges of dereliction of duty and disobeying a direct order of a superior officer. The other two charges were brought as a function of the Commander's actions. Defense: Could you explain the chain of command between Special Branch and the rest of InterPol for the panel, sir? Qoph: Special Branch is the only branch of InterPol which is semi- autonomous. What this means in terms of the chain of command is that the commander is completely responsible for those agents under his command, worldwide. In turn, the commander is responsible only to the Council or those individuals of higher rank that the Council sees fit to designate. Defense: So, normally, you would not have been considered Commander Drake's superior officer. Qoph: In rank, I am his superior. However, because of the Special Branch charter, I am not his superior under normal operations. Defense: Then could you please explain how you became to be his direct superior for this particular operation. Qoph: I approached the Council after I became aware of Section 96a and voiced several concerns about Commander Drake and his ability to perform his job correctly. The Council decided that it's orders would be better carried out if Commander Drake they had someone overseeing him. As Mr. Lynch was in Seattle and I am the Seattle InterPol commander, I was the natural choice. Defense: What concerns did you voice to the Council, sir? Qoph: I supplied them with transcripts of Commander Drake's communications with Mr. Lynch. These transcripts suggested that Commander Drake was too personally involved with Mr. Lynch to objectively pursue and arrest him. The Council felt that this feeling was justified. And Commander Drake's actions have verified my concerns. Defense: Which of the Council members did you approach first, and why? Qoph: I approached Rep. Lang first because he is the UCAS representative to the Council. As Seattle is in the UCAS, it would have been inappropriate of me to approach anyone else. Defense: And Rep. Lang approached the Council, correct? Qoph: To the best of my knowledge, he did. However, as I am not privy to the Council meetings, I have no personal knowledge of that. Defense: Do you have any personal difficulties with Commander Drake, sir? Prosecution: Objection, sir. Irrelevant. Burns: Overruled. Defense: Sir? Qoph: Since the beginning of this case, our relationship has been strained. Prior to this, however, we could have been called friends. Defense: But now, you say your friendship has been strained. Where do you stand regarding Commander Drake now, sir? Qoph: Our friendship is over, Lt. It was over the first minute that Commander Drake second-guessed my orders. Defense: I see. And which orders were those? Qoph: The first time I ordered Mr. Lynch killed and Commander Drake refused to order his agents to do so. Defense: The first time, sir? I take it then that you ordered Mr. Lynch's death more than once? Qoph: I ordered it twice. The first time Commander Drake talked me into altering the order. The second time and thereafter he manipulated circumstances to enable Mr. Lynch to remain alive and at large. Defense: And why did you issue that order the first time, sir? Qoph: Because I felt then that Mr. Lynch was going to kill, and kill without conscience or remorse, which he did at the Five-Eyes motel and other locations. Defense: If you felt that way, sir, then why did you capitulate to Commander Drake when he asked you to reverse the order? Qoph: Because the Commander made an excellent argument that Mr. Lynch would not do what I feared. Tragically, I proved to be correct and several dozen people now lie dead, directly or indirectly because of Mr. Lynch and Commander Drake. Defense: When did you issue your second order, Marshall Qoph? Qoph: After the Five-Eyes Motel incident, when I was sure that I was right. Defense: Are you aware, sir, that the International Police Charter specifically forbids the issuing of death warrants under any circumstances, even after lives have been lost? That the killing of a suspect can only be justified when another person is in immediate danger? Qoph: Yes, I am. I logged in with the order that I felt that Mr Lynch's continued survival constituted placing all of Seattle in immediate danger. Defense: And you feel that was justification enough for your actions, sir? Qoph: I do. Defense: One last question, sir. Why do you feel that Commander Drake disobeyed your orders? Qoph: Because he is incapable of separating his work from his personal attachments, and that he had become biased toward Mr. Lynch, a bias which gave tacit approval of Mr. Lynch's actions and later enabled Commander Drake to release a known criminal into freedom again. And because Commander Drake is unqualified to responsibly lead Special Branch. Defense: But not because your orders were, at best, bending the regulations, if not breaking them? Qoph: No. Defense: No more questions, sir. Burns: There will be a short recess. Burns: Marshall Qoph, you are still under oath. Qoph: Of course, sir. Burns: Lt. Burr, your witness. Lt. Gerry Burr, Prosecution: Are you currently aware of the charges that Commander Drake has levied against you, sir? Qoph: I am. Prosecution: Would you be so kind as to inform the panel what those charges are? Qoph: Of course. Commander Drake has charged that I willfully went against regulations regarding the issuing of a death warrant. He has also charged that I was responsible for the release of Jose Zicahuata, a criminal who was possibly guilty of crimes against humanity on the Yucatan Peninsula. He has also charged that I have been corrupted and bought by the Aztechnology corporation and/or the Aztlan government. And finally, he has charged that personal biases against him and Special Branch were part of why he is now up on charges before this panel. Prosecution: And what do you think about these accusations? Qoph: Utterly preposterous. Prosecution: Why is that, sir? Qoph: Well, if I may, I'll take each charge in turn and explain. First, I have no special bias against Special Branch. Yes, I am a member of Enforcement, and the inter- branch rivalries are alive and well within me, but Special Branch does perform its duties, for the most part arresting minor shadowrunners and clumsy terrorists. While I personally feel that Special Branch's agents and materials would be better spent and better utilized if Special Branch was still a sub-unit of Enforcement as it originally started, this personal opinion has not hampered my relationship with Special Branch agents and officers in any way. Second, I have no bias against Commander Drake himself. As I told Lt. Mizikar, the Commander and I were once friends. My reasons for no longer calling him a friend are professional, not based on personal bias. Third, I was not responsible for the release of Jose Zicahuata. The facts of the matter are that I ordered the late Mr. Zicahuata released because Commander Drake and the rest of Special Branch could not provide me with evidence which could be used to link him to the crimes which Commander Drake, and Mr. Lynch, accused him of. Fourth, I have already explained my rational for ordering Mr. Lynch eliminated. I feel that the deaths of Mr. Zicahuata, the innocent men and women at the Five-Eyes Motel, as well as the InterPol officer will bear witness to the dangerous nature of Mr. Lynch. And last, the charge that I have been corrupted by Aztlan or Aztechnology. How can I answer this one except to say that I have never taken money or favors from members of the nation or the corporation. I'm afraid that there is nothing else that I can say regarding this. +++++The camera had turned slowly to cover the faces of Commander Drake and the panel members during Marshall Qoph's explanation. Drake, his body an face totally impassive, is revealing his inner rage only in his eyes, which apparently have a cosmetic modification beyond the slit pupils. In those pupils has appeared the deep red of a nuclear explosion, a sure testament to the Commander's mood. And the panel is sitting there, listening to Qoph's testimony with various expressions. Rep. Lang still appears confident, almost as if he fully believes that Commander Drake's fate is already sealed. Miyamoto Okyoshu is outwardly calm, but some minor emotion of, perhaps, worry is appearing in the lines around his face. Sir Harold Burns has a thin smile manifesting at one corner of his mouth, almost as if he finds something quite humorous, and Chief Eric Skinwalker, normally as solid as if he were carved of marble, has thin eyes and a slight frown on his face.+++++ Prosecution: You are the individual personally responsible for two of the charges against Commander Drake. We have already covered his disobeying your direct order. I would like to turn now to the charge of dereliction of duty. How was Commander Drake, in your estimation, derelict in his duty? Qoph: Commander Drake willfully ordered his officers to shoot to wound incapacitate Mr. Lynch the first several times that his agents had Mr. Lynch in their sights. Commander Drake also willfully ordered his tracking drones to stay back far enough from a marked vehicle containing Mr. Lynch to not be sighted. Yet the drones were sighted, and Lone Star records show that the drone was not only close enough for the occupants of the vehicle to see it, but it was "waggling" its wings in an effort to alert Mr. Lynch to his pursuit. Prosecution: Excuse me, sir. Honored panel members, this evidence has been made available for you via your terminals. I'm sorry, Marshall. Please continue. Qoph: Commander Drake also knew that Mr. Lynch would attempt to assassinate Jose Zicahuata and intentionally did not take adequate precautions at the exchange site, nor did he equip his agents for the expected level of opposition should Mr. Lynch make his appearance. Defense: Objection! How could Marshall Qoph possibly know that Commander Drake's precautions were inadequate? Prosecution: Marshall Qoph has provided the panel with a list of additional measures that he would have implemented which he says would have made it impossible for Mr. Lynch to have successfully assassinated Mr. Zicahuata. Defense: Marshall Qoph has the advantage of 20/20 hindsight. I have seen the list of alterations, and they are all so far outside the realm of reasonable that Commander Drake would have been drummed out of InterPol for suggesting a single one of them, never mind the entire batch. Commander Drake's precautions were already considered overdone, even for someone as skilled and well equipped as Mr. Lynch. Prosecution: Does Consul presume to be able to determine what would be considered adequate precautions under these circumstances? Defense: No, she _knows_ what is considered adequate.... Burns: Lieutenant Mizikar, Lieutenant Burr, compose yourselves! Lt. Mizikar, your objection is overruled, but I will allow you a _short_ statement as explanation for the outburst. Defense(glaring at Lt. Burr): I wish it to be known that Commander Drake's precautions were well in excess of normal for such exchanges, and all for a man he personally felt should not be released. However, I will concede that those precautions were still insufficient. Burns: Thank you, Lt. Mizikar. Lt. Burr, you may continue. Prosecution: The Prosecution acknowledges the concession. Burns: Noted. Continue with your questions, Lt. Prosecution: Yes, sir. Marshall Qoph, are there other specific case of dereliction of duty which you wish to bring before the panel? Qoph: No, those are the primary reasons. Prosecution: Thank you, sir. Now, how does Commander Drake ordering his agents to shoot to incapacitate Mr. Lynch constitute dereliction of duty? Qoph: Normally, it would not. However, Commander Drake knew from his conversations and Mr. Lynch's dossier that Mr. Lynch was a very tough individual, and that knockout gel rounds to his head would not severely damage him. Knowing this, the Commander nevertheless ordered his agents to use gel rounds to knock out Mr. Lynch, knowing that they would only daze him and allow him a chance to escape. Obviously, this particular circumstance, and indeed all the dereliction charges I have filed, fall under aiding and abetting as well. Defense: Objection. Speculation. Qoph: There are no other possible conclusions which can be drawn from the dossier which Commander Drake used to plan his arrest attempts, Lt. Mizikar. Burns: Marshall Qoph, next time allow the Prosecution to answer the objection. Objection overruled. Prosecution: Very well, sir. Then how does the spotting of the drone constitute as dereliction of duty? Qoph: As I have already mentioned, the drone was not only not out of sight, but was actively attempting to gain the attention of Mr. Lynch and his party. One of the pieces of evidence is a signed and witnessed deposition by the drone pilot that Commander Drake had ordered him to enable Mr. Lynch to see the drone in an attempt to provide a means of escape. The deposition also states that the pilot did not object because he felt that Mr. Lynch was honorable and did not deserve to be extradited to Aztlan for trial. Chief Skinwalker: Excuse me, but why was this individual not made a witness? Prosecution: He was dismissed from his position immediately for conduct non becoming of an InterPol agent. I'm afraid that about a week after his release, the Halloweeners, a Seattle gang, rampaged through the streets in his neighborhood, raping and killing residents and looting homes. He was killed trying to save a woman's life. Skinwalker: I may be getting cynical in my old age, Lt. Burr, but doesn't that strike you as terribly convenient? Prosecution: I wouldn't know, Chief Skinwalker. Skinwalker: Very well. Continue. Prosecution: Are you done answering the question about the drone and pilot, Marshall Qoph? Qoph: I am. Prosecution: And, without touching again on the precautions for the Zicahuata exchange, could you explain how Commander Drake was derelict there as well? Qoph: Of course. The Commander simply refused to provide his agents with the gear that would have allowed them to successfully arrest Mr. Lynch. Commander Drake fully expected that Mr. Lynch would be capable of jamming the ultrasonic sights, as Mr. Lynch had been surprised by them previously, and should have provided his officers with the means to cut through the jamming in some way. Microwave imaging systems, of which Special Branch has several, would have provided a method to cut through the ultrasonic jamming and still take down Mr. Lynch. However, Commander Drake did not issue them to his sniper unit. But more importantly, Commander Drake did not immediately warn his agents when he saw Mr. Lynch, but hesitated just long enough for Mr. Lynch or his associates to activate the jamming and pop thermal smoke grenades, which was sufficient to cover Mr. Lynch's escape. Prosecution: It sounds almost as if you are accusing Commander Drake of collusion with Mr. Lynch. Qoph: As much as think that might be possible, I'm afraid that the evidence that I know of which points in that direction is all circumstantial at best. The evidence that Commander Drake aided Mr. Lynch and was derelict in his duty, however, is solid. Prosecution: On the final charge, that of being responsible for the death of the InterPol agent, why do you feel that Commander Drake is responsible? Qoph: For two reasons. First, simply because any superior officer is always held accountable for the actions of those under his, or her, command. Similarly, a superior officer is held accountable for the injury or death of any individual under his or her command. But more importantly, and more damning, is the fact that, had Commander Drake not been derelict and aiding Mr. Lynch to remain at large, that officer would still be alive today. Commander Drake is as responsible for the death as if he had pulled the trigger himself. Prosecution: No further questions. Burns: Before I dismiss you, Marshall, do you have any further comments to add? Qoph: I feel that Commander Drake allowed his personal sensibilities to cloud his judgement in this case. For that reason, I feel that the Commander should be removed from his position as head of Special Branch, and that you, the panel, should find him guilty of the charges before you. However, I also feel that a trial, while serving the law, would not serve justice. While Commander Drake must be removed from his position, that alone will be punishment enough for such a man as he. Burns: Thank you for your opinion, Marshall. You are dismissed.... +++++ End Trideo Record +++++ Now, wasn't that just _special_?]<<<<< -- Trideo Pirate <> *****Private:Group >>>>>[The way I read it, wolfers, is that we aren't working for him, we are simply remaining available in case he needs an asset such as us. The reason he'd be making training and other help available is so that when the time comes, we are sufficiently capable to help him. We won't have any real obligations, except that he may know a little about us.]<<<<< -- Ice <23:43:32/10-8-57> PLAYTHING OF A CRUEL GOD JAIMIE NICHOLSON *****PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[I'm not sure what formula of shapechange you're using, but mine allows all sorts of animals.]<<<<< -- Ice <18:22:03/10-08-57> *****PRIVATE: Magical Group, Blackthorne, Easy, T'Shon, Blademaster, Shockwave, WhiteTyger, Blackhawk >>>>>[What do we know about a guy named Kor? He seems to know more than he should about that Gibraltar thing.]<<<<< -- Ice <18:24:34/10-08-57> *****PRIVATE: Blademaster >>>>>[I see what you mean about problems... this place should be okay while you're there, but it's deeper Puyallup so watch your ass going in and (especially) out. See you there.]<<<<< -- Lynch <00:07:31/09-10-57> >>>>>[Thanks, Trideo Pirate, I was looking forward to this one. So my continued survival placed all of Seattle in danger? Sheesh. I'm meant to be able to exterminate nearly four million people and level a city all on my lonesome? What am I, Godzilla, Rodan and Mothra all rolled into one? Qoph needs a dose of perspective, at the very least. And the Five Eyes... I pulled the autopsy reports and read them. One guy died of burns and smoke inhalation in his room: tore the flesh off his fingertips clawing at the window, trying to open it. So he was a Leopard Guard, present illegally, that's a shitty way to die and I wish he'd gone easier. But I know what I did, I have the nightmares to prove it. And I would do it again. But I would much rather find a way to make it unnecessary. I have a conscience and I feel remorse, because I killed a lot of people that day. And I killed them. If Aztlan hadn't ordered their killers into my country, those men would still be alive. Aztlan and I carry the responsibility: if Drake had stopped me, the next step would have been a Marine battalion led in by SEAL Team Seven and with air support, and a lot more people would be dead. Think we're joking? We're not. Oh, and another minor point: gel rounds to the head put me out cold. If I hadn't had backup, I'd have been caught. Monty trained his snipers well. If Drake had somehow been colluding with me to help me escape, he hid it well. As I said at the hearing: that was only the second time, in... too many years, I've ever been captured, and Drake didn't have the help Mitsuhama did.]<<<<< -- Lynch <00:40:41/10-08-57> *****PRIVATE: Magical Group, Blackthorne, Ice, T'Shon, Blademaster, Shockwave, WhiteTyger, Blackhawk >>>>>[Kor is a very good friend of mine and can be trusted. He has connections in a number of places, only a few of which I know about. He may have heard from corporate sources, for instance. If you have a problem, Ice, let me know and I will pass your concerns on to him. Please don't do anything rash: I have too few friends to allow harm to come to them, and I hope you might join that category: but if you attempt action against Kor, you will find me opposing you. I would regret that for many reasons.]<<<<< -- Easy <00:52:17/10-08-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[You and I need to have a long discussion. Some of my superiors would very much like to know how you pulled off your little charade. Aleks has stirred up quite a bit of trouble for me due to your little misguided operation. +++++ Trace Detected +++++ "I got it -- dead" +++++ Trace Detected +++++ "Stopped" As I am unable to...extract myself from my current assignment, I will have to bring you to me. 3 of my operatives will assist you in finding your way to my current location. Please do not make this harder than need be.]<<<<< -- T'Shon Twinbough <00:58:33 / 10-09-57> ***** PRIVATE: Ice, Easy >>>>>[He is a meddelsome mage of no small aptitude. I suspect that he was the one who went by the code-name of T'shon. Elven lad, about my height and weight, not nearly as charming. +++++ Trace Detected +++++ Routing Establi +++++ "" +++++ Tra +++++ "Hurry up!" Young one, are you taking good care of yourself out in the world of savage monkey's?]<<<<< -- T'Shon Twinbough <00:59:32 / 10-09-57> ***** PRIVATE: T'Shon >>>>>[As ordered, I stopped all but the traces from command, Sir. One got very close, likely has a general location for your last transmission. This node is far too insecure to use for comminication, shifting to land.]<<<<< -- <01:00:02 / 10-09-57> ***** PRIVATE: Gemini >>>>>[Stand down. We've taken posession of Karma and alerted LSS, KE, and the ghost operatives to your plan. No names, just times and places. I'd suggest you not continue with this course of action. Karma asks me to tell you that he is fine and sorry for having drug you into this, his payment to you for your services has been transfered to your account. If you needed the money, you could have asked, man. You know me better than that. I'd rather you keep up with your Dojo than to have you getting yourself arrested and thrown in jail...I might actually feel obligated to get you out.]<<<<< -- Kor <23:24:30 / 10-09-57> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[A couple of friends and I are going out for a beer tonight, care to come along? We'll be at O'malley's down on 2nd. From the way they talk, we will be closing the place down and looking for somewhere else to go]<<<<< -- Kor <23:29:14 / 10-09-57> *****Private:Group >>>>>[O.K. sounds good. I'll go along with that.]<<<<< -- Wolfen <08:49:30/10-9-57> >>>>>[ Here are a few news items that everyone in the shadow community should make note of: [SEATTLE] Lone Star investigators continue to be baffled by the ongoing wave of kidnappings in the Tacoma area. All the victims are are children between the ages of 7 and 12, and of human or elven genotype. There seem to be no other corellations involving econimc means, employment of parents, or in appearance. No ransom demands in any of these 12 cases have been made. DE's note: What the cops haven't picked up on is the fact that all the victims live within 2 kilometers of one of the three Aztechnology facilities in Tacoma. More importantly, Each of the children involved has at least one magically active relative. [CHICAGO] An entire platoon of soldiers guarding the southern border of the Chicago containment zone were slaughtered in their barracks last night by forces unknown. Forensic experts have stated that the manner of death is consistant with an insect spirit attack. General Marcus Haig, commander of thesouthern portion of the containment action has assured the Chicago city government that this incident does not indicate a major breakout, and is likely the work of a small group of insect spirits that have managed to find a previously unknown exit from the containment zone, most likely a long-forgotten branch of the sewer system. Military analysts are currently searching through records and plans dating back to the turn of the century in an effort to locate the possible gap in defenses. DE's note: It's doubtful that something broke out. The attack is more likely consistant with something trying to break IN. I'm also willing to bet that it wasn't done by bugs, and that the military knows this and is covering the fact up. [New York] The New York Stock Exchange closed at an all time low today. Investor confidence appears to be low. Several smaller brokerage houses are rapidly approaching bankruptcy and have turned to their larger brothers and sisters for help. The larger brokerage houses, while suffering a loss at today's trading have only suffered a minor hit, though their future may be in jeapordy if they are forced to continue to issue "bail-out" loans to smaller firms. Merill-Lynch-Yamato, and Shearson-Leahman-Sato have granted the largest loans, betting their continued profits on the market's ability to bounce back. DE's note: Interestingly enough, none of the top tier megas had any problems, all of them either closed higher than they started, or broke even on NYSE, with the biggest gains going to Aztechnology and the Draco Foundation. The Draco Foundation can be expected to soar over the next year or so no matter what happens to the rest of the market, they just have too much in the way of resources from the Big D's estate for any big market crash to be anything more than an annoyance. Aztechnology, interestingly enough, did better on NYSE than on NASDAQ and AMEX combined. OK, so what do a wave of kidnappings, a possible bug breakout, and the NYSE taking a large fall while the other stock markets in the UCAS go on business as usual all have in common? The Azzies look like they may have had something to do with two of these. However, the deal with the stock market is nothing too unusual for the megas, and the kidnapping is just as likely a move to discredit the Azzies as it is an Azzie plot. If it's so coincidental, then how come I can't shake the feeling that something VERY bad is going on behind the scenes...]<<<<< -- Dark Elf <**:**:**/**-**-**> ***** PRIVATE: Serenity Security - Overwatch >>>>>[ I concur .. T'shon is most likely not dead according to what's being said on the street. I've got an idea though. I want to do a ritual sending with Jason's sample and see if I can locate him. Does anyone object? ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <11:11:37/10-10-57> ***** PRIVATE: Serenity Security - Overwatch >>>>>[ No objections, but I want you to have Castor and Pollux with you in case something chases you back down your sending. I'm going to try and do some digging in the Tir systems. Up for a quick jaunt, Skuff? ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <11:15:29/10-10-57> >>>>>[Just who is this friend, names or aliases would help a bit.]<<<<< -- Wolfen <23:48:43/10-10-57> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[Damned straight, bubba! Should we bring priest along or do you want to leave him behind as well?]<<<<< -- Skuff <16:49:27 / 10-10-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor, Karma, Khan, Gemini, Trax >>>>>[I dont know what you guys did, and I dont care. Thank you. +++++ Begin Footage This is a scene from one of many security cameras mounted in various locations around a moderately sized night club and bar. Workers are busily tidying up and rearranging tables back to their original positions from the previous night's festivites. Behind the bar stands a its tender, a troll of no small stature. He delicately cleans and polishes the glasses and goes about his work with an almost calm serenity. The image changes again, to the outside of the bar. Paper swirls around caught in the eddies of the wind. A patron, or just some poor homeless person lays huddled against the side of the building. Again the image changes rapidly through a number of variously sized rooms obviously set up for clandestine meetings. +++++ End Footage As you will note, there are no more fraggin' Nazi Tir pukes sitting around my bar. Sometime during the night they just all stood up and walked away. Good job, as always. Dont let anything like this happen again!]<<<<< -- Navaah <17:27:34 / 10-10-57> *****PRIVATE: Dark Avenger >>>>>[There, that should do it... Ok, got the trace eliminated, I hope... Had bugs in the deck, literally. We need help, man, bad... Penth got fragged, Marie's down and needs help, and Johnny's real messed up. Kept muttering about a bug the size of a house, but I couldn't see nuthin'. If you can help, we're at >>encrypted<< and have cash... Appreciate the help. And watch out for the wasps... Seems some got out same time we did.]<<<<< -Bull (13:58:23/10-10-57) *****PRIVATE: Inferno >>>>>[Thanks for the help, man... Bugs got to the deck... Trace should be nullified now. Didn't know they cold do that. Fraggers had a bugged out decker workin' for emm...]<<<<< -Bull (14:02:30/10-10-57) >>>>>[OK, got in touch with a buddy who sorta does "odd jobs" for the SEC, mostly investigating insider trading allegations (meaning he's never out of work the way the megas have been going lately). Seems the board of the NYSE has been keeping a tight wraps on the behind the scenes of this week's trading. Today, again, while NASDAQ, AMEXX, and just about all the foreign markets continue to perform as usual, NYSE on average continued to drop through the floor, though not nearly as fast as last time- looks like it'll level off just above the low Dow limit (at which point the market will shut down rather than continue to self-destruct) by friday. Anyway, the inside scoop at NYSE, the thing they want to keep real quiet, is that they have been targeted by some sort of sabotage- either a group of individual companies as yet unidentified are coordinating their trading to send the market into a downward spiral (which I find hard to believe can be pulled off without causing similar ripples in NASDAQ and AMEX as well as several forign markets) or someone has done an ace job of slicing some code on their network. If someone's hacking into NYSE, they're either better than anyone I've ever seen, or it's an inside job. Considering NYSE's matrix security is on the same order as that of Zurich Orbital (in fact some of the same freelancers do security coding for both), it's most likely an inside job. The how isn't important. Who's doing it is. Why they're doing it is the most critical concern by far. Also, there was another kidnapping in Tavoma, this time two Lone Star officers are dead. They must have stumbled onto the perps and bit off more than they could chew. Interestingly enough, note that the news feeds refer to the cause of death as by an "assault," and never mention anything about gunshot wounds. They still haven't elaborated. There were no more incidents over at Bug City, however, I've heard rumors that the active bugs in the CZ seem more agitated than usual, whatever the hell that means.]<<<<< -Dark Elf <**:**:**/**-**-**> *****PRIVATE: Jarman >>>>>[I'm in for good. Send me all the info. Cya.]<<<<< -- Forte <15:34:33/10-10-57> *****PRIVATE: Matrix Jockey >>>>>[you didn't know I was in the info business 'cause we don't know each other. If you wish to work with me thats fine, finding a SINless person in the matrix could be hard. but you might not like footwork. Contact me later.]<<<<< -- Forte <15:37:21/10-10-57> >>>>>[Difficulties certainly exist that preclude the simple execution of a Matrix assault upon such systems as Zurich-Orbital. However, finessing oneself into such systems can be accomplished by those with sufficient dedication and tenacity. Similarly, the NYSE system may be accessed, and all without interior connections. There are those alive whom have accomplished such feats of skill.]<<<<< -- Mercury <14:08:37/10-10-57> *****PRIVATE: Rosha, Evita >>>>>[It's pretty sweet all ready, if you think about it. Aparently it's talking legal simsense, not BTL, copies of what'll probablty be a major hit, you know how art appreciates after the death of the artist. All those previously unreleased recordings of assorted OD'd artists over the years, even as far back as the ninteenth century. All it would take is getting the chips to any branch of Truman Technology, who own the rights to the production, and the salvage payment would be staggering. And as for what it did to me, well now it's doing the same thing to some poor trog named Thirstein, and I would like to put an end to that.]<<<<< -- Ronin <15:54:24/10-10-57> *****PRIVATE: Forte >>>>>[Excellent. Your target is a female Elf, between seventeen and twenty years old. She suffers from a severe form of albinism and is unable to tolerate sunlight: this also affects her appearance, as she is - apart from her eyes, which we believe are now cybernetic - almost devoid of any pigmentation. The last confirmed sighting was at a club called the Sexy Shidhe, three months ago, where she was one of their "exotic dancers" under the name Ice Maiden. +++++include picture: Elf_girl_dancer.jpg A word of warning. Do _not_ approach the subject. My clients wish to speak with her concerning several killings and a number of cases of dealing in body organs: basically they believe she has murdered people and sold them as spare parts. They inform me she is both ruthless and dangerous. Our data on her begins in Fort Worth, though she may originate elsewhere. She has no SIN, hence no registered name, and probably operates under a number of aliases. I look forward to hearing of your success.]<<<<< -- Jarman <22:25:41/10-10-57> *****Private: Bull, Dark Avenger +++++Begin Encryption sequence. >>>>>[Glad to help. Where abouts are you? I might be able to help.]<<<<< -- Inferno <23:58:06 GMT/10.OCT.57> >>>>>Greetings Inferno, long time no see. Still giving the orders I see. Whassamatter, can't forget the stripes huh? Mind you Bull, he's got a point, if you don't drop the sig, some drekkers gonna come and jump up and down on your butt. This would not be a good thing. Now, about that extraction, can you make it to a clear location. And when do you want out. Assuming you do want to get out.<<<<<< - Avenger (13:14:10/10-10-57) ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[I wouldnt do that if I were you. Kor is fine, as it his woman friend. I had a need to debrief him on his contact with a collegue of mine, Aleks, which he had chance to meet while on a run. I am sorry for the inconvience of having your mage wisked away from you on such short notice but I didnt have time to dally. Please accept my apologies. He's asked me to relay a message to a Black Knight or a Doomsday that he is ok as well. I cannot directly send mail to these two as my connect time to this node needs to ++++++ Trace Defeated be kept a a minimum. If you would be so kind as to make sure that the above ++++++ Trace Stopped people recieve that message, it would be greatly appreciated. ++++++ Trace has aquired target ++++++ Trace returning ++++++ Transmission interruption -- SIR: That one got through. We've been made. I dont know where it came from, it was piggy backed on the last trace from Neuron Basher and his team. I couldnt stop it. Log out NOW, we need to be gone from here! +++++ Persona Dumped +++++]<<<<< -- T'Shon <02:38:25 / 10-11-57> *****PRIVATE: BULL >>>>>>[Can you and your people make it to >>encrypted<>encrypted<< at time >>encrypted<<. Will drop medical and ammo. Do you need clothing or other supplies? Will supply whatever required. All insurgency operations expedited at utmost priority. Hang on chummer, we're coming.<<<<<< - Dark Avenger (14:01:13/10-10-57) ******PRIVATE: Inferno >>>>>>[Inferno, if we run this, I might need to apologise for that incident down south, and request you run interference on this one. If the sit inside is as bad as appears, two jackets won't be enough. Can you still provide cover. And how much d'ya want?<<<<<< - Dark Avenger (14:05:22/10-10-57) ***** PRIVATE: Serenity Security - Overwatch >>>>>[ Lookie what I just got: +++++ include: t'shon.message Are you guys ready to move? ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <13:20:36/10-11-57> ***** PRIVATE: T'Shon >>>>>[ Apology noted. Now return him. I don't like playing games, especially when my friends are involved. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <13:21:36/10-11-57> ***** PRIVATE: Doomsday, Black Knight >>>>>[ +++++ include: t'shon.message I don't believe the fragger, though. I'm planning an op to go get Kor out. I'd appreciate it if you'd coordinate anything of the same sort with me so that we don't get in each other's way. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <13:25:49/10-11-57> *****PRIVATE: The Saracen +++++loadencrypt: fractalay.enc ... running ... >>>>>[Sorry about the blow up earlier. We lost Marduk. You'll come to understand why. Your body was more monster than you let on. Dropped both Ogun and Chang Ti -- one on one. Fragger is done, though. Believe me, there are no doubts about this one. NO one survived except us. Anyway, I've spliced together my surveillance footage from inside, complete with comm_traffic from the on-base forces. And they were waiting for us. If your distraction hadn't been there, we probably wouldn't have gotten the job done. I've also recorded post-op commentary from the rest of the team and placed it appropriately. Here goes ... ++++begin miss1022.cmp .... A window opens in the middle of the screen showing a barbed wire fence about 200 yards directly in front of the camera. Focusing in on a sign attached about halfway up the 20' fence, you can read, "MILITARY FACILITY: NO TRESPASSING." There is a picture of a piasma's face underneath the words. The angle then zooms back away from the fence and pans to the left and right. There are 35' tall guard towers to the extreme left and right, each has two guards armed with rifles looking vigilant standing in them. In the upper left corner of the window, the date/time index reads "09-26-57 :: 19.53.16 ... 19.53.17 ... 19.53.18 ..." A voice breaks in, "Operative four, matrix and physical penetrations are complete. Autodef shutdown in 90 seconds. Awaiting prelim strike from East. All standards ops are running." The image shifts in the window momentarily as the word "ultrasound" flashes in faint blue across the bottom. Four large, doglike outlines appear on the screen wandering back and forth along the fence. "Barghests located. Dispatching ..." Responding to the voice, the four figures dash away from the fence in three different directions. However, there is an immediate response from a three member group, running onto the screen from the right, with large guns in their possession. "Oh HO! The boys and girls actually have a pulse. Note: Distraction is late, minus forty - ... check that" The soldiers at the gate open fire through the fence into the periphery of the forest. Because it is night, only the muzzle flares provide lighting in the first moment. However, seconds after the gunfire, the spotlights at the two towers, spring to life. Similarly, the "ultrasound" message fades from the camera window and is replaced by a flashing red "infared" ... at the forest border, the spotlight reflect off of ... something for an instant before ... "Oh that's not fair! No ganging up on our poor boy!" And the spotlights fade. A different voice, fighting a great deal of static interference, "Sir! Our systems have been seized and we're locked out! Furthermore, our spotlights are down and .... skkkreeeee .... BOOOM!" Twin shrieks drown out the voice as two streaks of light and smoke trail at the towers on either side of the screen. The streaks enter the tower's canopies and utterly destroy them in huge explosions. The initial three guards at the fence have now been joined by ten compatriots ... eight of whom are firing assault weapons of various types into the woods, deforesting a significant area. The original voice chimes, "So let's see him already!" But, as the soldiers cease wasting their ammunition against an opponent they have not yet seen, an eerie silence creeps over the scene. The clock reads, "19.56.11" when one of the figures in the back of the defending pack screams as a blue-green flash of magical energy lashes out from his outstretched arms at a shadow that had somehow remained unnoticed in the camera's eye. The figure seems to absorb the bolt and move to its left on the opposite side of the fence from the soldiers. It is a blur that the camera is having a problems catching up with. In nearly a heartbeat, the fence has exploded at its base and the figure is through the resulting hole. It is wearing black cloak, and seemingly, reflective armor of some kind. But it moves to quickly to be sure. The soldiers are firing once again, but because the interloper is so quick and they are surrounding it, they drop several of their comrades just trying to hit it. And as this creature moves in one directions, the opposing flank of soldiers steps right into an explosion. The screen freezes unnaturally at this point. "This is Ogun. After Apollo showed me this bit, it's my opinion that the thing that made the penetration was receiving mid-range coverage from an assault cannon of some sort, using explosive rounds. Furthermore, the explosion at the fence appears to have been caused by an explosive shell. Shape of the crater, burn marks on the remains of the fence. All point in that direction." The screen resumes motion. The cloaked figure is moving through the stacked lines of the bases defenses. "Apollo here." This is the same voice that was speaking at the beginning of the message. "Slowing the images down reveals that this thing isn't wearing armor. It's moving too quickly and flexibly. However, it takes literally hundreds of medium munitions rounds before finally being forced to withdraw by heavy, mounted machinegun fire. It cut down nearly two dozen of the base's infantry forces, and half of the on-site mages were too freaked out by it to do anything except get gutted. Furthermore, the two earth spirits they managed to summon might as well have stayed home because he carved one into a sod farm and nearly ripped the other in half. Where did you find this guy so I can be sure to never visit there!?" "Ogun speaking. Don't let toy-decker-boy here lick your new recruits private parts too much. It's obvious to me that you've just found a local talent to match the international squad you compiled. I'm wrong, right?" "Apollo. Clipped the remainder of the cloak's performance. You know, enough of the undercards... time for the main event ..." The window fades to black after the comments, the cloaked figure had just revealed two cyberspurs in each arm and was moving towards a large earth elemental. Apollo's voice intones again, but it is more like the first time he spoke. "Operative four. Distraction was extremely effective. Forces reduced by a third due to losses and pursuing weakness. ... Strike team arrival in 180 seconds... Sending the autodef's after the on-base forces. Sealing target in SB-Delta. Matrix defense active ... all codes rejected ... Rock and roll never dies!" The screen fades in again, but this time, you are viewing the main entrance to the facility. The clock reads "20:08:34" as a GMC Banshee smashes through the gatehouse under rifle fire from the guards formerly therein. "Chang Ti speaking. Marduk was screaming about how he could always make an entrance. When he spoke the words, I felt the bad karma. I wish he could have made the exit." There are five autocannons firing at will on the Banshee ... two on each side and one on the roof. Any infantry that weren't wiped out by the cloaked figure are wishing they had been. Shortly behind the Banshee comes a Yellowjacket copter ... it fires two missiles from an undermounted launcher, leveling the building that the camera is mounted on. "Chang Ti. I apologize for that destruction. I didn't realize Apollo was using that particular camera. I was shot down shortly thereafter. Karmic retribution." Sure enough as the window reopens, you immediately notice that it is an interior camera in use. Through a large hole the wall to the left of the screen, you can see the burning remains of the Yellowjacket in the background while the smoking front of the Banshee is nosedown in the rubble remains of the wall as the base of the screen. "Mordred here. The Trojan Horse part of the plan was predestined. As anticipated, in the wake of their losses, they dropped back to the command center to regroup. This information was relayed to the second strike team who opened the facility to find that I had removed all magical resistance. Imagine the look of surprise on the mundane's faces as their magical "support" disappeared when I dropped the illusion." "Ogun. Taking them out after that was easy. Their hearts broke." "Apollo. You know I saved the photo!" A still image of four men and three women fills the screen. They are looking in all different directions with their weapons down. Two actually are slack-jawed. It might actually be funny, if this wasn't the last photo ever taken of them. "Ogun. By 20:30, we had made our way down to SB Delta. Apollo had radioed that he had sealed the target in with a single decker. From the profile, we figured the target would probably kill the decker out of sheer frustration. However, we still hadn't located 9 members of the elite defense." "Mordred. That didn't last. They didn't count on my being behind the lines so it was pretty much easy pickins. But you can see for yourself." The camera angle shows four individuals standing in an elevator. The camera is behind them, so you can't see their faces, but they're all wearing night camouflage heavy security armor. As the digital display directly across from the camera shows "SB ", the elevator humms to a stop. Darkness emanates from the individual to the bottom right of the screen until it fills the elevator. Near silently, but just loud enough to be heard, the doors slide open. Muzzle flashes from outside the elevator unnaturally do not create a strobe effect in the elevator. The normal flashes cease at the elevator door. "Chang Ti. Marduk covered us with night substance. Then, once we got out the battle was joined." As the picture resumes, the muzzle flashes slow, then cease. And immediately the darkness expands outside of the elevator ... brilliant light explodes from outside the elevator, attempting to hold the darkness at bay. The light illuminates three heavily armed, heavily cybered individuals with their backs against a triple, metallic, double-maglocked door. Within three seconds, all three disappear from the camera's eye, but it was already too late. A shadowblur blitzed across the screen the instant the light went up. As the cybersoldiers faded into invisibility, two of their respective heads tumbled to the floor and the third was struggling in vain to keep his intestines from falling to the floor before he did. "KEEEE YAAAA HEY!" Two figures materialize -- one in the elevator, which the darkness has now fully vacated -- and one a meter in front of where the cybersoldiers fell. Again, the image freezes. "Apollo. Mordred--Did you ever figure out how you missed those two?" "Mordred. Some sort of astral invisibility lock as far as I could tell. I may have missed them. But the 'Duk didn't. Saved my a_s. Oh yeah, I had the two covering mages to take out, remember?" "Apollo. So you admit you were outclassed?" silence ... the picture moves again ... To the upper left of the screen, a shadow figure rises from the mass of darkness on the floor ... it is hissing and it's tentacles are wrapped around something ... A body! An Amerind female ... middleaged and apparently getting older by the instant ... she's now screaming and her arms are thrashing ... or rather her hands and feet are thrashing as the rest of her is held immobile. One of the two figures that materialized ... a muscular Asian male elf, about six foot and change leaps at her assailant. He looks like a legendary hero as he flies at the shadowcreature in his tattered and torn fatigues ... when in mid-flight, his body bursts into flames, and his charred remains slam backwards against the metal doors opposite the camera. The shadowcreature never turned its attention from the woman, whose skeleton is all that remains, and rapidly that is covered by the black form ... and then it recedes back to the mass, leaving only ashes to fall to the floor. "KRA-BOOOOOOOM!" A dent about two feet in diameter swells out towards the camera from the opposite side of the metal triple door. "KRA-BOOOOOOOOM!" Another appears to the upper right of the first! Frozen picture. "Apollo. At this point, the base was cleared. With only cuts and scrapes to the penetrating team. However, the target was restless." Picture resumes ... The mass of darkness vanishes, revealing the four individuals in black secarmor standing among the remains of eight individuals. "Alright, ... Op 4? Time for us to Go Barca. Let 'im loose." "Op 1. Uhm ... I can't." "Op 4, say again? You didn't say 'can't' ?" "Op 1. Affirmative. Strictly temp. ... Gather yourself for El Toro." "KRA_BOOOOOOOOOM!" "Tell 'im to gather himself." Suddenly, the image goes down. Only the intermittent rumbling and crashing of the door is heard. "Uhm. Op 4 ... we're all a bit concerned down here. Lights, please?" "Op 1. Doors and lights. Coming, sir!" The lights pick back up ... the door looks like it's a jigsaw puzzle barely holding together. "Chang Ti. From this moment on ... nothing would be the same." "Op 4. We're going in. This guy's in too much pain. We're putting him out." Responding to the statement, the camera view is abruptly cut off as a thick metal wall slams to the floor where the elevator doors slid open. And a computerized voice intones ... "Auto destruct sequence authorized ... in T-15 minutes ... mark ... counting ..." "Apollo speaking. At this point, both comm's and surveillance were all off line ... The signal couldn't get out, and the camera's were destroyed. Mordred can probably tell you the most." "Ogun. Yeah Mordred might tell you the most, but he'll distort it to favor himself. We had the lights on, and we could hear the countdown ... Target had stopped pounding on the doors ... I know now he was waiting for us ... Chang and I leaned into the remains of the door with a running start. It fell easy enough. On the other side, we saw the body of a skinny darkhaired human ... probably the decker that the target had sealed in with him. The doors opened into a 35' wide corridor with dimly flickering lights in the ceiling ... he was at the end of the corridor, squatted down ... at that distance, he looked a lot like a big, furry boulder ... Seeing what he did to the door, not me, not Chang, not nobody wanted to fool around with him. Me and Chang cut loose -- my LMG and his Minigun. We smoked up til he was just a blur in the fog ... We started to let the smoke clear and dust settle ... BIG mistake ... He unloads two of the weirdest biggest guns I've ever seen (and YOU know I've seen plenty!) on me and Chang. Now I'm wearing armor ... and have as much titanium in my chest as you can get ... and it took me two weeks to piece my sternum back together from his cannon ... Chang took a shot in the leg, but didn't seem to feel it. He just ..." "Chang Ti speaking. Let me tell my story, Ogun. I felt the pain, but I knew that if both Ogun and I fell, all of us would die ... so I stood and charged the beast. Wilkerson was easily a foot taller than me. And he seemed crowded even in that enormous corridor. He charged forward ... I know now why he was called "Stampede." We collided and I was thrown backwards severely ... I nearly lost consciousness from his blow, yet so quick was he ... that he caught my foot before I had even hit the ground, and that is my last memory of that night." "Mordred here. Well, I saw what was happening Chang. Holding you by your foot, he slung your body head first back and forth against both walls. Then slammed you down on top of Ogun to make sure you both stayed down. The files on him were correct cause I cast the Allergy on him and his skin immediately blistered and popped. He screamed, "At me ... we're all going down together, mage! I don't care how I feel! You're dead!!" Marduk stepped forward and touched my shoulder. I felt his mind touch mine. He said, "Take Ogun and Chang Ti. I will stop this monster." Now you know me. I never leave a fight, but I think Marduk knew that he had to die if we had to live. I felt him WILL me to his plan. I turned and saw flames spread over all of his body and he walked calmly up to this frothing, bleeding minotaur. The beast smashed a backhanded fist across Marduk's face, but he just took the blow! Before he turned back to Wilkerson, he stomped his foot on the ground and a compression wave swept all three of us up and out of the corridor back to the sealed elevator door. I cast a manabubble to carry us up to the ground level, and smashed through the sealed wall with a Ram spell that made my ears bleed. As I carried us up the shaft, I heard Marduk scream. I don't know what could have made him make that sound, but I hope I never ever find out." "Ogun. Yeah, I heard that too. The sound of victory and defeat, life and death all crashing together and consuming each other ... frightening." "Mordred. But I felt this thoughts with me, and I felt his final casting. Ogun realized we were out, and gathered his sense enough to mumble the distress code to Apollo. 'Pollo had figured out something was wrong, so he was already at the rendezvous with the van. But that's not the important part. We had gotten about 200 meters off the grounds, when I felt him sling it for the last time. Even though Wilk was crushing the life outta him... Even though he was all alone ... he ... well ... you wouldda had to see it. It was, like, the closer he got to dead, the more mojo juiced outta him. He cast his earthquake shot. Normally, anybody's tell you ... he might throw a bus ... topple a house ... nothing too big. This time--by the time we got 400 meters away, there was nothing left of the base ... I mean nothing! Earth just opened up and swallowed the place ... and about two minutes later, EVERYTHING went nuts. All the ground that the base was on ... just exploded ... And I felt him vanish ... and it was raining ... but not water ... soil and rock ... and metal and blood and flesh ... But he still kept pushing me ... get Ogun and Chang away." "Chang Ti. And it is good that you did. Death was mere moments from claiming both Ogun and myself as well." "Ogun. True enough. 'Dred won't even admit it, but I saw a salty diamond escape when him and 'Pollo dragged me into the van. The 'Duk was his brother. Spirit and blood. Just like the rest of us. I think we'll all need some time off. I know you'll understand." +++++end miss1022.cmp Listen, we'll contact you when we're back in service. But physically, mentally, emotionally, and especially spiritually, we're never going to be the same. You know the rite ... meet us at >>encrypted<< for The Passage. Bring the prize for all this effort. We have a gift for her.]<<<<< +++++closencrypt fractalay.enc -- Golem <23:59:53/10-10-57> >>>>>[I'll tell you this for free... another coincidence was that the "bug breakout" happened not only while the JSTARS surveillance aircraft was on the far end of its orbit and coverage of that area was marginal, but almost dead-centre between KH-14 passes. Might just be lucky bugs, or lucky runners, or lucky refugees. Or it might be something more sinister. If anyone finds out more, I'd like to hear it. And ignore what Jake's probably doing to my ID and/or timestamp, it's nearly time for his medication anyway.]<<<<< -- J R W Lynch <22:10:31/10-10-57> Killing People And Breaking Things For God And Country Strategic Intelligence Gathering Agency >>>>>[ Don't even ask how I got this photo. Don't even think about asking. +++++Include Corpse.jpg As you can see, whoever this unlucky fragger was, he wasn't killed by gunshot. The large slash/puncture trauma to the chest area is consistant with a bug assault (though there are things other than a bug that could do that, such as a really pissed off troll with a really bbig axe...). The head "wounds" are interesting, the skull is partially crushed, and the markings on the skin seem to indicate some kind of claw or large hand shaped appendage did the deed. All four limbs have been forcibly torn from the body, and appear to have been partially consumed by something that appears to be a large animal. Look closely at what's left of the neck- you can clearly see ligature marks consistant with a choking action, and if you zoom in, you can see a pattern that looks like some kind of scales. I don't have a photo to back this up, but sources tell me that the body was found, along wih the others at the site, arranged in a rough circle. In case you haven't figured it out yet, the photo is of a corpse of one of soldiers found dead near the Chicago CZ. On another point, today's trading appears to be going better for NYSE than it has in the past few days. NYSE appears to be rising in general, albiet at a snail's pace. However, if you look at the NASDAQ ticker, it's obvious that NASDAQ is going into the same kind of panic that hit NYSE. It's too early to tell if the NASDAQ hit is a deliberate act like NYSE appears to have been, or just a nervous reponse to NYSE's troubles. It'll be easier to tell once trading resumes after the weekend. Looks to me like someone was testing the waters, setting up for something big. Either that whatever agenda is at work here was successful and well disguised.]<<<<< -Dark Elf <**:**:**/**-**-**> >>>>>[Absence is merely the presence of all simultaneously.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <10:34:12/10-11-57> >>>>>[Okay, got the costume. Just hope that no one else comes in a similar one, or this is going to get confused. ]<<<<< __ JayCee <09:30:07 / 10-11-57> >>>>>[Well, I've gotta admit that it's beyond my capabilities to do it. At least via the matrix. But it *is* worrying. Part of my money is tied up in there at least, and if a large proportion of the 'little investors' are starting to worry over this, there will be no need to whoever is doing it to keep doing it. They merely have to push enough pebbles to start a rockslide. I agree who and why are important: any chance you can feed over the LoneStar report on those two officers who got toasted down in Tacoma ? Pop it up here where we can all see it in the raw, and all the heads can bounce together on it. That's if you can access that.]<<<<< -- JayCee <09:23:14 / 10-11-57> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[As you wish. Kor says he needs to see some friends before he leaves but will be in contact with you shortly.]<<<<< -- T'Shon <18:33:57 / 10-11-57> ***** PRIVATE: Black Knight >>>>>[Im with 'Mare. I made a mistake worthy of a severe flogging but have managed to skirt the brunt of it. Its a long story. You buy the wine, and Ill tell it. Get this information to those who need to know.]<<<<< -- Kor <18:39:20 / 10-11-57> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[I'm fine, really. Im in Germany with some friends. Ill explain T'shons stupidity when I get back. My flight should get me back in Seattle by midnight or so tomorrow. I've got a stop over in New York of a couple of hours. Feed Dweezil for me.]<<<<< -- Kor <18:51:19 / 10-11-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ You've got alot of explaining to do ... Dweezil is taken care of. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <15:04:59/10-11-57> ***** PRIVATE: Serenity Security - Overwatch >>>>>[ Stand down. I just got a message from Jason that seems to indicate that he's alright. If I don't hear from him late tomorrow night, or early the next morning, we're goint hunting in full force. He says he'll be in by then. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <15:06:57/10-11-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin, Evita >>>>>[A'ight. M'n f'Ev's goin. Still don' like much walkin n'to Bugtown w/o m'can o'Raid.]<<<<< -- Rosha <15:30:35/10-11-57> ***** INTERNAL: Serenity - Overwatch >>>>>[And you believe this message? If I wanted to buy time, I'd force him to send out mail as well. Just something to think about. Im moving forward. It would take too much time to move if we find out later this was a hoax.]<<<<< -- J. A. Foster <19:35:20 / 10-11-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: Serenity Security - Overwatch >>>>>[ There's a lot of things that he could have said in the message to indicate that he's in trouble. He didn't. He sent me the message that he's okay, and that he's not being forced to write the message. Anyway. If you /are/ going in though, I don't want you to be unprepared. Here's a log of access to his account over the last week or so. I know Griff wants to go along, but who else are you planning to take? I can have new ID and Passports ready with a couple of hours notice. We need to tread carefully with Ares breathing down our necks about being a private army. I hope I'm not wrong about his message, but if I am there's going to be hell to pay. Has everyone on this alias looked over RETRIBUTION lately? ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <16:23:01/10-11-57> ***** INTERNAL: Serenity - Overwatch >>>>>[I understand how the retribution order works. I am not willing to invoke it pro-actively. Not at this time. I just want to be in position in case he needs us and incase he was forced to write that. Ghost units, Tir Special Forces, and now one missing Jason -- This doesnt add up to a good thing in my mind. Ill move my team to New York, assume our identities there, and move to London for staging. If Jason shows up, like your information states, then we will see him and stand down. If he isnt on the flight, we will move. Im taking: Myself Alpha Omega Griff (did you get anything on your ritual or was it blocked?) Dirk -- I've not talked with him but he would be good for a mission like this. Ill fill in the rest of my needs with a few merc contacts in germany. As to Ares, I dont give a frag about them. We will continue to get pay checks even if they do pull their support. I am more worried about the krauts, to be honest. Do you think that "friends" would mean Herr Nightmare? I dont think he would have been in a position to mention his association with him to you. Or me for that matter, I just happen to have access to information he doesnt know I have. That was who he went to visit on his way back from his last "vacation" so I'd be willing to guess this is where he's ended up again.]<<<<< -- J. A. Foster <20:56:25 / 10-11-57> Field Officer Serenity Security *****Private: Inferno >>>>>>[++++++Begin Encryption Hiya, thanks for the offer of assist. Mucho appreciatedo man. Base of operations at this time is the Country Club down by Hazel Crest. Come and say hi. Do you still have contacts with the old squad? We could do with some experienced help here. I've got three rookies on line and one vet. Still waiting for Bull's response as to LZ, when I know more I can plan a strike to extract him and team. Visit soon, need your style. ++++++End Encryption ]<<<<<< - Dark Avenger <00:12:11/10-10-57> >>>>>[If we are going in for Bull count me in. He was of great help to me during my first Years here in Ucas.I can be Contacted at Seanet/Tac/35632.]<<<<< -Smudge(10:04:21/10-11-57)- *****PRIVATE: Dark Avenger >>>>>[kjha*n$ you make this out? Working under heavy fire here, I apologi*&%% Alright... We can be there... Fighten our way tehre now, seein' as it's getting close to dark... How the hell ya gonna get past UCAS? Frag, doesn't matter, as long as ya can make it. We ^%&%*@KHJ@#$4... Fraggin' deck's wet... Hold on... There. Ok, summoning that spirit took a lot outta Johnny. Long story, but the short version is we had to cut through Clamaet swamp to do some retrieval. Got hit by Roaches and Mosquito's... Johnny summoned up a huge fraggin' spirit to deal with them, but it took a lot outta him. Soon's he dismissed it, he went down like a rock. Marie's got a nasty gash on her arm, Xuxa's unconcious and lost a lot of blood, and I can't tell what's wrong with Tailspin. The fraggin' Roaches there were Toxic, least that's what John said. Tailspin went Nova to take out the Queen and the Shaman, and he's been in a coma since... Penthisil's gone. We lost him to the mosquito's. Frag, seems like every bug in the place knew we we're makin' a break tonight. I gotta broken arm, but it's my left... I can still hold my fraggin' guns... and the kids are ok, just shook up... I've head the headcam on the whole time... Will send footage when possible... Frag, here they come again... See ya at the meet spot...]<<<<< -Bull (21:34:51/10-11-57) *****Private Bull >>>>>>[Got your message, hold on Chummer we're comin I'm hoping an old acquaintance is gonna be here soon, he's got more pull than I do. don't worry about the mil. they're cool. We know what to do. The jackets will be at your location in 3 klicks, can ya hold out till then? Transport is coming in low and fast, we'll need to extract ASAP. Medics onboard, bringing plasma and patches, we'll fix ya'll up. Hope to have Corp backup on-line in 2 clicks. Will arrive locked and loaded hot and running. Can you cope, sounds like your on your own there, if you've got people down, tag 'em, we'll pick up if possible. Dewy is sending spirits your way, astral backup should arrive any time, don't know how useful they'll be but at least it's interference for you. Kids! how many, who's carryin' 'em, it's a small transport, we can manage maybe 8 bods at a squeeze, not much more, specially if the med's got bleeders, he needs room to work. I count 4, two down, one gone plus ? kids - who the frag's carryin' 'em? Comms says the mil. are movin' they've got some heavy drek hittin the north and west walls. Makes our lives easier, and the cost less. Good news for all. Keep humping air pal, you're almost out.<<<<<< - Dark Avenger (21:42:13/10-11-57) *****Private: Inferno >>>>>>[+++++Begin Encryption sequence. Drek's hittin' the fan. We're goin' in. Need interference at >>encrypted<< and we need it now! Any help appreciated. LZ is hot. Team under heavy fire, varied assailants, need some extra hitters in there. Jackets are going in point, but I don't know how long they can hold out. I don't wanna lose this one! I hate to lose. Any assistance appreciated. Will reimburse later.]<<<<< - Dark Avenger (21:37:43/10-11-57) *****PRIVATE: Dark Avenger >>>>>[Ok, I'm here... We can hold on for the moment, I think... We seem to have a nice lull in the combat... It's been a running battle to reach the LZ though... Ummm, let's see... Just so you know who we got coming... We got Me, Johnny, our Shaman. He's starting to come around now. His wife Xuxa. We... lost... His other wife Becky. Tailspin's also a Shaman, but he's still out cold. My wife Marie. And my two kids, Reba and Billy. Total's 7, not counting Penth who didn't have much of a body left. Umm, I should also warn you about Daytripper ahead of time... He's a free spirit that's sort of attached himself to our family... He's pretty powerful and been a big help, but around here everyone gets jumpy with spirits, so I thought I'd give ya fair warning. If you see a spirit wearing Day-Glo Tie Dye and looks a bit like that old actor from teh Twentieth Century, Don Knotts... It's Daytripper... We'll be ready... See ya soon...]<<<<< -Bull (23:22:41/10-11-57) *****Private Bull >>>>>>{ I feel for you pal. If you scan the LZ, you'll see a small gazebo, err, summer house, near the centre of the LZ, stay near there, it gives the jackets a field of fire, and plenty of space for the support MGs on the transport. 7 huh? Bit of a squeeze but we can accommodate ya. Oh great, just what we need. A freebie in dayglo, drek... hold on.... OK, jackets are informed, will watch out for it/him. However, if he crosses the bead, he's gonna get wasted, mini's ain't fussed who they hit. Locking down now, should be with you 35 seconds. Corp is clear, we have passage. It'll need to be fast, contact can't hold the system for long. As soon as you see the chopper comin' in, start movin'.<<<<<< -Bull (23:32:14/10-11-57) *****PRIVATE: Dark Angel >>>>>[<<.23 MP data lost>> everywhere! tell you're men to watch out for the wa<<.31 MP data lost>> astrally! Frag, where'd they all come from?!? We're holed up near that little summer house... We're taking heavy hits here... We had a few others with us joined at the last minute, but they're gone now... Bugs ambushed them. We're <<,50 MP data lost>> -eems to be having trouble. Hope this got through... Watch out boyz. They're hittin' us hard...]<<<<< -Bull (00:11:46/10-12-57) *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[Well, I wasn't sure about the simsense, but I can't let that thing do to someone else what it did to you. Yes, I'll go with you. Enough is enough.]<<<<< -- Evita <22:39:24/10-10-57> *****PRIVATE: bull >>>>>>[Move! Move! Move! We're coming in... NOW!!!]<<<<< - Dark Avenger (00:11:54/10-12-57) *****PRIVATE: Dark Avenger >>>>>[We're in position, DA. Ready when you are... I look forward to meeting you, friend.]<<<<< -Bull (01:41:45/10-12-57) *****PRIVATE: Inferno >>>>>[Well, chummer, much thanks for the thoughts and the offers to aid our escape. We just pulled out and will need some help shortly. Dark Avenger will contact you with further info. For now, here's the scene as we escaped so you know what you missed... ++++ begin recording, Bull's headcam. Two yellowjackets screech over the park border, twin minguns blazing, tracer lights the trees and bushes as explosive buletts detonate on the ground and in bodies, some creatures fly apart in the hail, others turn towards the new threat. A loud buzzing comes in from the north and one of the jackets pulls heavy G's heeling over into the new threat, slamming into the wasps, guns and rocket pods spitting fire and explosive death. Within seconds the jacket is a flaming wreck, it hits the ground with an echoing explosion as the fuel tanks and remaining ammo detonate. The second yellowjacket moves in a desperate spinning ariel dance with the wasps, guns blazing. Two smaller craft join the combat, dark, unidentifiable, no lights or markings, spitting flame in an almost constant stream. Under this hail of fire, a small huey drags the grass as it thunders in. Miniguns at its flanks desperately churning lead into the horde of creatures gathered near the summmer house, attempting to clear a path to the refugees desperatly fighting for their lives. Two soldiers leap from the chopper, and race to the summer house. "Bull?? Grab your kit. MOVE!!! NOW!!! WE ARE LEAVING!!" "Yes sir." A deep, tired voice replies. The camera spins and faces the small and battered house. From inside several figues can be seen moving out of the building. One is a tall, young Indian. He wears jeans and a t-shirt, and carries a large Katana at his side. Slung over his shoulders is another Indian, a much older man, wearing more traditional Indian leathers and feathers. Behid then come a battered looking human woman, her blond curls plastered to her forehead. She is helping herd two scared looking ork children toward the Huey. Behind them is a Dark haired human woman. She has a large bandage over one shoulder, and blood can be seen seeping through it. They limp their way toward the camera, and the barrel of an assault cannon can be briefly seen as the camera weilder shifts his hold on it. Suddenly, the dark haired woman shouts and the camera spins. three hideous looking flesh-form wasps swoop down toward the group, while a horde of huge roaches swarm toward the group. One of the soldiers dies in a spray of blood as the battered family drag themselves and friends to the Huey. The second dies as he fires into the swarm of roaches attempting to cover the escape. A loud roar is heard from next to the camera's mics as teh carrier fires his assault cannon toward the bugs. He backs up, and climbs into the chopper once the rest of the family is in. The Huey lifts off, swaying under the heavy load, rotors cutting the night air as it desperately struggles to achieve height, and escape. The last Yallowjacket slams into the park grounds exploding debris and burning fuel creating a flaming pyre, marking the end of a nightmare, a wasp tangled in the rotors. The two smaller black craft slip into escort alongside the Huey, within seconds they cross the CZ, and turn south towards their base. A tall grizzled, man with a face like a map of the rockies leans out from the co-pilot's seat. "You must be Bull, My name is Avenger, pleased to meet you. This your family?" ++++ end recording]<<<<< -Bull (04:23:13/10-12-57) >>>>>[Glad to have you along Smudge. Things are in hand at present, but we could do with some help pretty soon. Meet us at >>encrypted<< I'm sure Bull would be grateful for a helping hand and a friendly face, as I figure it, he's got cut up real bad in there. Welcome Chummer]<<<<<< - Dark Avenger (17:40:22/10-11-57) >>>>>[Ummm... Dark Elf, don't you think you might just be a taaaaaad too paranoid on this one? What with all the other drek that's been going on, it'd be understandable for the markets to take a bit of a dive... (Just a thought)]<<<<< -- Tobias Dark <04:58:54/10-12-96> >>>>>[ Tobias, there's never such a thing as too paranoid. Some of the drek that's hit my fan over the years makes conspiracy theorists look blind deaf and dumb. Nobody believed me when I said that a high level corp official, a faction within the UCAS military, and a dragon with a spiffy aircraft carrier were up to something... until everything came to a head. There are still unanswered questions about that caper, despite the fact that the great matrix war and the omega rebellion were events that shook the world. I see trends that are setting off warning lights all over the place. the only way to know for sure that the tidal wave is coming is to watch how fast the water rises. Trust me, the water is rising right now. I don't have photos from the cop killings associated with the last Tacoma kidnapping, I've been concentrating more on the stock market events. I do know for a fact that the two officers were killed with 10mm pistol rounds, possibly a manhunter or an ultra power. One officer took two rounds to the chest, one completely penetrating his vest (most likely a close-up shot), the other took two in the leg and one in the throat and probably bled to death a few minutes after the shooting. There is an interesting possibility... one of the officers may have been equipped with a reinal camera. Lone Star has been experimenting with them lately as a way to have an analyzable visual record of crimes, evidence in the case of cop killings, and ammo for the internal affairs boys. It's possible that there is a recording of the crime in progress, a thought that has me VERY interested.]<<<<< -Dark Elf <**:**:**/**-**-**> >>>>>[I thought most cops had retinal cameras?]<<<<< -- Tobias Dark <10:07:54/10-12-57> ***** INTERNAL: Neuron Basher, Serenity Security >>>>>[We have an all clear. The plane landed 45 minutes late and one tired by happy Jason Robert Stormwind exited. On his arm, a very attractive brunette. Me thinks I understand why he booked the lay over in New York over coming directly back to Seattle. We've made no contact with him, fading back to the offices in time. Do me a favor and make sure that I am around when he decides to explain what the hell just happened. I think it would be education to see what types of people he considers to be friends. Change of plan -- Im heading back, everyone else has decided they want a vacation on company time. With the way everone is talking you'd think we never let them out of the office.]<<<<< -- J. A. Foster <14:26:56 / 10-12-57> Field Officer Serenity Security >>>>>[Dark Elf: That really wasn't information that LSS would have liked to have gotten out. According to my sources (which are fairly close to LSS), less than 1 percent of their Seattle branch have retinal cameras. The cost is prohibitive enough that they are only really installing them in ranked officers. Of course, all of IAD's officers have them in hopes of keeping them honest. Retinal cameras are starting to work fairly well as a "black box" of sorts. The officer goes down and, if the perp doesnt purposefully remove the recorder's data, there is record of what happened.]<<<<< -- Trax <14:59:18 / 10-12-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ******Private: Bull >>>>>>[OK dude, we're gonna let you lay up here for a while. We have medical facilities here that should be able to cope with the injuries of you and your friends. If we can't help the Mage, he will be flown to a neuro-surgeon who will be able to help. Once you and your friends are a bit healthier, we're gonna shift you to a safe house outside of Chicago. As soon as you all feel up to it, you will be transfered to sheltered housing in Seattle. I recommend you stay there for a while. It's going to be difficult for the unpleasant gentlemen from UCAS to find you there. You will be safe, and we will look after you. You're the first to come out of there, alive. Now, regarding the data we asked you for... What did you bring out with you, it's vital that we are able to supply our sponsors with something. They are desperate to find out what is happening in the CZ, and let the world know about it. But first, I've got to find out exactly what it is we've got. Don't worry about the kids and family they'll be well looked after, and food is being prepared now. We've got some beds sorted for you. So go and get that arm seen to, and get some groceries down your neck, a couple of hours shut eye, and we'll talk. OK?]<<<<<< - Dark Avenger (02:37:15/10-12-57) >>>>>[Dark Elf, there certainly is such a thing as being too paranoid. So many people -- shadowrunners, gangers, criminals, wage slaves, corp execs, etc. -- believe that paranoia is a way of life, the only way to survive in a harsh, uncaring world where everyone is out to get you. Why live in fear? That's all paranoia truly is -- the fear that what you cannot directly control is only trying to kill you. Living in a state of pure paranoia is only the manifestation of living in total fear, perpetually. That's not a very pleasant way to live. And what life is that? Certainly, I have no wish to die, but I have no desire to continue living if I must always look back over my shoulder to see if the sword I once lived by is coming to remove my life from this body. For I cannot enjoy life in such a manner -- it is but half a life, at most, and usually far less. And I'm afraid that I must disagree about the importance of the Omega Island rebellion. Such hick-ups in the world have such little long-term meaning to future generations that they might as well be ignored. The true changes in life, the true earth-shattering events are performed one person at a time, one day at a time, on student at a time. For if one person, say a child, can ever learn the value human life and true to that value, then he or she can pass that value on to others. If one child ever learns the value of personal honor, or of integrity, or how to trust someone else, or how to care, or how to love, then he or she can see the reality of this world, just how warped and fucked up it really is, and can teach others. Military conflicts, while vital to those involved in them, are nothing in comparison to the teaching of our future, our children. For the only truly earth-shaking events are being created, day by day, thought by thought, in the minds, hearts, and souls of the children.]<<<<< -- Valentine <11:58:37/10-12-57> >>>>>[Wow, I almost expected to hear a plea for donations to Haven at the end of that spiel.]<<<<< -- Slash <12:00:20/10-12-57> >>>>>[I have made my appeals to that effect enough times, and enough people have answered the call. If you don't know that Haven always needs money by now, then you never will. But I would like to re-extend the offer to attend the party on Samhain, Halloween for those of you non-Celtic/Wiccan/etc. It's a fund raiser, but it's more of a party. If you got a written invitation, then that means I'm hitting you up for donations. If you're reading this, I can almost guarantee you're not getting hit up for a donation, and by all means, feel free to crash. One of my instructors reminded me that, with the large turnover in Seattle of those people able to read this, not all of you likely are aware of the rules. Simply put, no weapons of any kind, for any reason. This includes everything, including cyberweapons. Cyberguns are unloaded and deactivated at the door, and spurs, fangs, and razors are either restrained, or temporarily deactivated as well. No exceptions. Casting spells upon unwilling individuals(with the exception of the Costume Enforcement Magicians at the door) will get you thrown out, especially if the spells are dangerous. Those will get intercepted. Attending via Astral is allowed, but not recommended. The Veil has grown very thing at this point in the year, and the background count will likely be quite high. And the spirits attending the party might not appreciate it, although they obey the rules too. Furthermore, any violence of any kind will get you thrown out, no exceptions. If you're a violent drunk, don't drink, and if you do, the Drinking Enforcement Magicians will detoxify you, forcibly if necessary. It is a party, and as such I want everyone to have fun. But it's a safe party, not a violent one. Oh, and there will be music, as always, so feel free to bring instruments if you would like to perform. One last warning. Haven is extraterritorial and the only truly safe gang area in Seattle. You will very likely see Ancients alongside Halloweeners patrolling the grounds. If you have animosities toward gangers, keep them to yourselves. I assure you that the gangers are there by my request. They're my area security team. Once you pass the pure white picket fence, you're in Haven. Leave your problems outside the fence. You can pick them up again afterward.]<<<<< -- Valentine <12:16:50/10-12-57> >>>>>[According to my sources, however, a significant percentage of InterPol cops have retinal cameras. About 10% of the base InterPol, and a whopping 35% of Special Branch agents(and, like LSS, almost all of IAD's folks).]<<<<< -- Trideo Pirate <12:19:55/10-12-57> *****PRIVATE: Valentine >>>>>[Mr. Valentine, your party sounds as if it will be a very good time. Unfortunately, I am committed to be out of the country for a time period overlapping your celebration. However, I am relatively certain that my sister, Hortensia Otalvaro, known to this BBS as Rosha will attend. In the name of our family, I would like to make the following annual donation to Haven. +++++credtransfer: >>sevenfigurenuyen<< I hope this will help you maintain your facility until we can make our donation next year. Your party is certain to be a success, please try and keep an eye on Hortensia for me ... I believe she is coming as >>encrypted<<. Maybe someday we will meet face to face.]<<<<< -- Apollyon <14:30:00/10-12-57> ******PRIVATE: Dark Avenger >>>>>[I'm sure you don't remember me, but believe me I know you. Concidering what you did for me I thought I'd return the favor. I've heard some rumbling, and the contacts are impecable. What ever operation you just ran has got some suits slitching flamed. Who ever you extracted is HOT. Stick to him like glue and keep him safe. He must know something - or seen something You might think about changing safe houses; they might be waiting.]<<<<< -Wells (12:46:35/10-12-57) *****Private: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[Stripes? Avenger... I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about......By the way... I think you need to get your deck sorted out a bit... Your format's getting a little scambled as well.]<<<<< -- Inferno <21:00:06 GMT/12.OCT.57> Jason moved slowly down the alley, a few spot light suspended from the factory walls were the only intermitent light. He slowed as he reached a area where the last of the lights shon down. Jason re checked his weapon, making sure the safety catch was slid down ready to fire. Benet was here some where lurking in the shadows. Jasons heart began to pound as he stepped acroos a puddle, the rain continued to fall slower now than earlier this afternoon when he had had to stand out side "Benet's" office wating for him to emerge. Now it was pay back time. The sound of a steel bin lid falling to the floor rang like thunder down the alley. Jason rised his weapon and squeezed the trigger pionting the silver colt pythons long barrel toward the head of the dark figure who had just given his hiding place away. The colt belched a red flame and the bullet struck the dark figure on the upper body, Jason did not have time to see where the dark figure had been hit whilst he had ducked for cover. All was silent, the only sound that of the rain fallind a water dripping from the broken gutters of the factories. Jasons was surprised at the lack of any kind of return fire. After waiting a few minutes he carefully peaked arounf the corners of the door way he had found for cover, there was nothing, no movement, no sound the dark figure lay slumped againest the side of the alley about thirty yards away, still. Slowly Jason moved closer darting from place to place incase the figure was not dead. But dead the figure was, Jason was just able to make out from the remains of the skull which had taken the hit from the soft nosed 11mm custom python pistol. A alarge jagged hole just above where the left eye once was showed that jasons, shot had been more accurate than he had intended. The pistol in the right hand of the dead figure showed that this persons was waiting for him, but it was not Benet. After searching the rest of the alley way Jasons decided to return to his flat, again Bent had got away, But a cat has only nine lives and Benet's were fast running out. >>>>>[Im still looking for my friend, her name was cassandra, she was a decker last i heard, if anyone has any information contact me through this bbs.]<<<<< -- Joe Runner <14:43:59/10-12-57> ++++Begin Encryption *****Private: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[I'll try to get in contact with a few old... acquantances. It's been a few years though, so I can't guarrantee anything....]<<<<< -- Inferno <21:40:06 GMT/12.OCT.57> *****Private: Flash >>>>>[Oi! Flash! I've got a job for you. Wake up.]<<<<< -- Inferno <21.40.15 GMT/12.OCT.57> *****Private: Running Horse >>>>>[I have a job that you might be interested in... Contact me. Please, it's been too long, old friend]<<<<< -- Inferno <21.40.45 GMT/12.OCT.57> *****Private: Inferno >>>>>[This is a standard message. The alias (Flash) you requested has been inactive since <10:22:32 GMT/22.JAN.55] and has been cancelled. I appologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.<<<<< -- SysOp <21:50:06 GMT/12.OCT.57> +++++Begin Encryption *****Private: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[Sorry guys... The best Cyberfighter I know is uncontactable. Possibly dead. I'll miss him. I think old Running Horse is still active. I'll let you know.]<<<<< -- Inferno <21.55.12 GMT/12.OCT.57> ++++Add alias: Smudge >> Invasion_force.1 *****Private: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[Welcome to the team Smudge. (If it's the Smudge I think I've heard about, then doubly welcome.]<<<<< -- Inferno <21:57:56 GMT/12.OCT.57> *****Private :Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[DREK!!!! Oh DREK!!!! Your last mailing didn't arrive 'till 22:00. There must be some serious lag at one of the nodes. I'm sending help now. I just hope it's not too late!!!!! Expect a few Fire Elementals... Soon!]<<<<< -- Inferno <22:00:40 GMT/12.OCT.57> *****Private: Bull >>>>>[Oh god I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. The message arrived late... Too fraggin late! I sent the elementals and got back to find the drek had hit the fan 18 *HOURS* ago! I wasn't looking at the date! DREK! Whatever's happening on the matrix between you and me, it's fragging things up somethihng rotten! More death.....]<<<<< -- Inferno <22:40:47 GMT/12.OCT.57> *****PRIVATE: Rosha, Evita >>>>>[Can you both meet me at >>time and place<<. The spirit will be there, with its new body.]<<<<< -- Ronin <14:30:26/10-12-57> *****Private: Inferno: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>>[Yes you do, sir... Sorry about the scrambled format, some unexpected interference. Mil. tried a trace and scramble, beat it, but it shot the transfer, garbled some messages held locally and in transit. Damn I hate it when that happens. Got it sorted and locked down now. Hopefully the incident will not repeat itself. Welcome Inferno, I hate to say it, but it's good to see you.]<<<<< - Dark Avenger <21:12:03/12-10-57> *****Private: Inferno: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>>[Good to know, I seem to recall you had a long memory. Could certainly do with those elementals. Bull seems to have attracted some serious attention, not sure why yet. But when this goes down, it's gonna be hot, hard and heavy. Payment request accepted >>Begin trans<< A small bonus is available if we get this guy out in one piece, will transfer that when available >>end trans<< I'll let you know more as we get to it. - Dark Avenger <23:10:13/09.10.57> *****Private: Inferno >>>>>>[Thanks for the assist Inferno, those elementals pulled out butts out of the drek that time. Lost both Jackets, Corp support arrived late, but on time, without those elementals we would've been toast. Thanks man, I owe you one. What the drek were those fraggin' things anyway, they looked like insects, but so fraggin' huge, I mean Jeez, they took a jacket out without fraggin' trying. Something is very very wrong here. More so than we ever suspected. Bull and co are OK, hopefully he can answer a few questions. Man's cut up pretty bad, got a smashed arm, but he stands there at the side of the chopper firing this assault cannon like it was a fraggin handgun. Never seen anything like it. Not since Hanghand bought it anyway. Looks like he might be a good guy to get on our side. Gotta go, things to fix]<<<<<< - Dark Avenger (04:22:27/10-12-57) >>>>>[Bravo, Pat. Personally, I gave up on paranoia, but then I know who most of my enemies are in any given situation: sometimes those who were trying their utmost to kill me last month are this week's staunch allies, because this time our goals coincide. If I got paranoid I couldn't get a quarter of what I do, done. Instead, I usually stick to pragmatism. I'd add this to what Pat said: one of the Marine credos is that when the meek inherit the Earth, the strong will take it away from them. The Marines are there to protect the meek. I think Pat matters because he teaches people - and not just his students - that not all strangers are out to kill you, that not everyone hates your guts (until you give them cause), that while this world contains plenty of darkness there is a surprising amount of light.]<<<<< -- Lynch <22:46:41/10-12-57> *****PRIVATE: Valentine >>>>>[Pat, I don't mean any disrespect (except a sly humour) but if Lynch has to disarm his spurs and blades, how do I (short of radical, painful and unpleasant surgery) remove my teeth and claws? I am, after all, one of the world's deadliest predators... and I can't think of any way short of bolt cutters to get rid of my fangs. I know, I know, if I pounce on anyone I'll land outside the fence with my head spinning, I was just amused by the slight inconsistency. Music, eh? I'll bring my sax. If you're lucky, I'll talk Lynch into taking his Strat and a Marshall.]<<<<< -- Lilith <22:52:16/10-12-57> *****Private: Dark Avenger >>>>>[You mean the elementals made it in time? How is that possible? I didn't send them until 22:30.... Hmmmm. Even taking into account time zones and drek, they would still have been 12 hours late..... What the DREK is going on? I think you might have had an unknown helper out there.]<<<<< -- Inferno <22:40:06 GMT/09.OCT.57> *****Private: Dark Avenger >>>>>[You mean the elementals made it in time? How is that possible? I didn't send them until 22:30.... Hmmmm. Even taking into account time zones and drek, they would still have been 12 hours late..... What the DREK is going on? I think you might have had an unknown helper out there.]<<<<< -- Inferno <23:00:06 GMT/12.OCT.57> *****Private: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[Come on Avenger. You know I let you off for that... Incedent, years ago. As for interference... My elementals are at your disposal, as are any spells you may need while you're running. Payment? I'll settle for >> Encrypted<<. That should cover the costs and a few living expenses.]<<<<< -- Inferno <22:40:06 GMT/09.OCT.57> ******Private: Wells >>>>>>[Wells, I know that name from somewhere? Thanks for the data, I figured it got kinda hot in there. I though Inferno sent in some elementals to assist, but rumour has it they weren't his. If the choppers and the elementals didn't belong to him. Means we had a heavy hitter comin' in anonymously. That makes me nervous. Will move to safe location as soon as possible. Thanks for the warning Wells. Call me direct, I would like to say HI, Personal like. The LZ was overrun with creatures like I never seen before, and this guy's right in the middle. There's some serious fraggin' drek happenin' here, and someone is lying - bigtime.]<<<<<< - Dark Avenger (13:18:23/11-12-57) ******Private: Inferno >>>>>>[Sorry, I assumed you did. If you didn't send the things then who the frag did!?. We seem to have a heavy hitter hiding out somewhere. This is beginning to make me really nervous. Inferno we are moving, now, I can't take the chance of waiting for clear weather, things are getting strange. Meet us at >>Encrypted<< I think we need to talk. Looks like someone else is in here, and I don't know who it is. Can you run interference for us. And see if we've got an astral trace or something tagging somebody here. I don't know drek about magic, but is this possible]<<<<<< - Dark Avenger <00:09:37/13.10.57> ***** INTERNAL: Serenity Deckers >>>>>[I'm in town. Im sorry about the problems I've caused. That last job was not in anyway worth the time or trouble. First off, T'shon intercepted my fraggin' payment. Secondly, he flatly refused to give it back. 'consider it rent on my name an identity and payment for the 'pain and suffering' caused by your actions'. Secondly it didnt take the edge off of my boredom.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <23:30:58 / 10-12-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: Rosha >>>>>[Everything going according to your plans? I've been away from the office for the last few days and I wanted to check to make sure you were doing ok. Whats going on with Hector? Did he check out for you or no?]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <23:35:16 / 10-12-57> ***** PRIVATE: Black Knight >>>>>[Frag! If this is going to happen everytime I go drinking with you and Doomsday I'm going to have to gracefully bow out of your next outting. Im sure you know by now that I took an unscheduled trip to see a friend in Hamburg. If I remember the most of it, it went like this: Michelle and I moved our section of the party up to a private room. Sometime before the break of dawn I awoke to someone entering our room. Insert image of everything happening too fast and then everything going black. The next time I awoke was listening to the hum of a small military troop transport's whining engines, hooded, gagged, and pissed off. A short one-sided conversation later, and the hood was removed. It seems that a 'friend' had a need to debrief me on my last job. Whatever happened to just asking? To make a long and somewhat tiring story shorter, we reached our destination, shot the shit for a while, and I'm back. +++++ Begin Scrg.encrypt Im clean. We are still go on your op. Count me in. +++++ end encryption By the way, where did Michelle come from? She just attached herself to my hip at some point doing the night. Im sure she will be a little more careful the next time she picks someone up in a bar. I have to admit, she was a trooper through all of this. Being kidnappeed by evil shadowrunners can be a bit of a hair raising experience :). She seemed to really thrive on the cloak and dagger stuff. I might keep this one for a while.]<<<<< -- Kor <23:45:58 / 10-12-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[keeping secrets from us?]<<<<< -- Skuff <23:45:59 / 10-12-57> ***** PRIVATE: Skuff, Deckers >>>>>[If I encrypt something, please dont break it. I understand that you are out to keep me safe, but this job is a bit too sensative to let anything leak out right now. Honestly, its for your protection as well as your own.]<<<<< -- Kor <23:49:31 / 10-12-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[That looks like something Scourge would have cooked up. I wouldnt touch that with Kev's deck.]<<<<< -- Skuff <23:49:58 / 10-12-57> *****Private: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[I'll start on the astral overwatch a 02.00.00. Be ready. I'll send one of my elementals to let you know I'm there..... It will >>encrypted<<]<<<<< -- Inferno <01:39:30 GMT/13.OCT.57> *****Private: Dark Avenger >>>>>[I will be on overwatch, but the elemental will actually do >>encrypted<< on appearance. We may have an inside man.....]<<<<< -- Inferno <01:40:03 GMT/13.OCT.57> ******Private: Inferno >>>>>>[Thanks for that, I appreciate it, a lot. There's something definately fishy goin' on, and I don't mean the lake. Someone sent in some backup, to help us out of the CZ. As I said, we were getting our butts kicked in there. Those damn creatures are tougher than rock. The overwatch will be very useful. I'm hoping nothing will come of it, but it's best safe than sorry. Are you OK for meeting later, or do you need backup? I can provide a couple of guys, but most of my team is dead. Hoping to make contact with some of the old guys, but at the moment I can't track 'em. Smudge is sick, down with something, so he's laid up for now. Inside man, that's a horrible thought. Mind you, Bull brought a couple of Mages or Shamans with him, Native Americans looks like. Maybe there's a connection? I don't know. Will contact you when we arrive at the safe house, there may be some delay in messaging as I'm going to use a couple anonymous routers to confuse any trace. Will meet you at >>Encrypted<< in 24 hrs. Should have security lock by then. Again, thanks for the help.]<<<<<< - Dark Avenger <**:**:**/**-**-**> ******Private: Bull >>>>>>>[Somethings not right here, get your people together. I've got a BAD feeling. Some dude called Wells buzzed me, and said you were pretty hot property. I can't quite figure it, but I know the name. I can't tell you where we're going yet, because it's gonna take a while before I'm convinced that we're not being traced. There are others involved here, and when we get to where we're going. You and me are gonna talk. There's more to this, this... mightmare than meets my eye, and I figure you know what that might be.]<<<<<< - Dark Avenger <**:**:**/**-**-**> *****Private Inferno >>>>>[Im active again.Im Currently in let me know were you want me to meet you im Bringing Bear and Katana With me as Muscle. I know I know after the Lassiter Investments Fiasco they are the people you least wish to see but ill keep them on a tight lesh and they are two of the best people to have if the led starts flying]<<<<< -Smudge(34:21:56/&//$(&))=(()= Connection damaged. *****PRIVATE: Evita, Ronin >>>>>[I'll b'there. W/ Bells on.]<<<<< -- Rosha <22:41:43/10-12-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason R. Stormwind, Serenity Security >>>>>[S'far s'good. Hasn't 'noyed me too too bad yet. A l'il o'rprotective's all. Seem t'attractive men like that. {smile} Y'in f'r the party at Haven? Hope I'll seeya there. Gotsa a job soon though. S'also good t'hear fr'm ya. Really hope we can stay n'touch.]<<<<< -- Rosha <22:44:14/10-12-57> >>>>>[Mr. Joseph Runner, the person you seek has recently had an attempt on her life. You might consider verifying your motivations before attempting to locate her. Should you be able to convince some of the readers of this system of your reasons, perhaps someone might help you find your 'friend.' Advice from one postmaker to another.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <10:51:41/10-12-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[I'll be there.]<<<<< -- Evita <21:45:26/10-12-57> *****PRIVATE: Edgewood >>>>>[HELP! Did you see a message from a Joe Runner? I DO NOT know any such individual. Either it's Tarlan suspecting I'm not dead, or this this thing, or somebody. It's not someone I know, I keep track of my friends. What do I do? I am not eqipped to defend against either of the first two suggestions. I might have an option, though. Can you come to my place? Thanks.]<<<<< -- Cassandra <21:49:44/10-12-57> *****PRIVATE:Jason R Stormwind >>>>>[Is that offer of employment still open? If so, is your training camp fortified? I could definitely use six months someplace I can't be found...and no, it's not the law that I'm running from. Is it possible to meet with you? Thanks.]<<<<< -- Cassandra <21:51:22/10-12-57> *****PRIVATE: Dark Avenger >>>>>[Ok, Avenger, sounds good to me. Nobody's hurt too bad, and my arm'll heal up nicely in a few weeks. Johnny's cool, he just knocked his own ass out summoning up a spirit a little too large for him to handle... And Tailspin will be fine as soon as he settles down. He's in shock at the moment. The girls and the kids are holding up really well, all things considered. I think they came out of that better than us so-called "Shadowrunners"... As for that data you asked for, I got about 10 hours worth of vid recordings for you. Some of it's a week old, but it's got some weird stuff on it... I haven't figured it all out yet... I currently going over it to see what I got. Oh, by the way, I went over the recordings I made of our escape. Take a look at this and see if this makes any sense. I have a few suspicions, but they scare me. I've given several shots a voiceover so that you know what to look for, as at least one scene the item of interest is very small, even with magnification. Ok, let's roll 'em... ++++++Vid Recording, Bull's Headware. Sequence #23 "Honey, the kids are frightened. When will the chopper be here?" A very frightened looking young woman asks the camera. She is dark haired and lovely, with a strong build. Her face is a bit smudged with dirt, and two cleaner tracks run down her cheeks, as if she had cried recently. Her shoulder is bandaged, but blood is still seeping through. "I don't know, Marie." A tired sounding voice replies. The voice is apparently whoever is weilding the camera. "I wish I di-" "Bull! Something's happening!" Another female voice yells to him from nearby. The camera swngs around to face a beatiful blond haired woman wielding a nasty looking knife, the blade of which has an odd goldish color to it. She points outside the small wooden building that the group is holed up in, and the camera shifts to follow her finger. Outside the window, several very large insect spirits are huddled in gruoups, watching the building. Several bodies lay strewn about the ground in front of them. They appear to be mostly human, except for every one has some sort of distinguishing deformity. Sevral are transformed enough to make out that they are fleshform roaches. Across the sky, burning like a comet is the form of amanifested Fire Elemental. Several Wasp Spirits are buzzing through the air, and they move to intercept. The frame freezes and then magnifies several times to give a better view of teh elemental. The fire elemental is vaguely humanoid in shape, although this is hard to make out in it's glowing, fiery form... However, it seems to be formed in a female figure, with somewhat elongated forearms. There is an odd shape to the head as well, and the legs seem to bend at an awkward angle. : This is just a rough guess, but we've "met" the Mantids several times. We know for a fact that they use Mages as well as Shamans, unlike most of the other Insects. I'll give you more detail on our knowledge of the Mantids later, but I would hazard a guess that this particular Fire Elemental, as well as the other two that we saw, were quite possibly summoned up by the Mantids. Why, though, I coudln't say. +++++End Vid Sequence #23 Also, we have an eyewitness account that I don't have film for on several Earth Elementals that struck at the same time. Johnny was the one that saw them, and he ascensed one of them astrally. He is fairly certain that he knows who summoned it up. We've been in contact with the Ghoul community in Chicago on several occasions, and even aided them once or twice... Johnny's worked with a ghoul Mage on several occasions name Buddy. John's fairly certain the Elemental was his... Seems we had some "odd" help on this one... This next clip is the one you have to watch closely... Seems we had a little more help than any of us knew... Were any of your boyz wizards, DA? If so, they may be able to give a little more confirmation or denial of this, since I can't see nor film teh astral. +++++Vid Recording, Bull's Headware. Sequence #25 There is a loud roaring sound and a flash of light as an assault cannon booms next to the camera. The bugs are rushing the position, and the defender's are fighting with all they got. Several of the bugs go down in a hail of fire, then they are upon the small group. From the camera's point of view, there are maybe 8 fleshforms. However, they seem to be very large forms. You see the camera look down at the body carrying it, and a large hand grasps a wooden shaft that's attached to his belt. He holds the shaft up and presses a button, and it elongates into a six foot pole with a large golden blade on the end. The weilder holds it out in front of him and prepares to meet the bugs. The camera freezes once more and magnifies a location out over the docks. It appears to be an empty scrren. : Watch this space carefully. I'll play the frames in slow motion so that you can catch it. Slowly the frames move, one at a time, then something flickers in the upper left hand corner. Something brown in color forms on the screen, appearing to be a large flying insect of some kind, possibly a wasp. Moments later another shape flickers, and a green form appears. This form is much more difficult to make out, but it appears also to be an insect. It seems to have four legs and to long appendages that it holds in front of it. The green form dives toward the brown, then the both fade from view again. +++++End Vid Sequence #25 Johnny's looked at this one and thinks that possibly, several Mantis spirits, true spirits, not the flesh forms, were battling it out overhead. He said possibly that the wasp manifested, trying to throw off the Mantis that was chasing it, then went astral again. I'm not really sure what all this means, but we really need to talk. I'm nothing special, just a hacker from bug city. I don't know what all this attention is about, but I want to know, and I want to know now... I hope you can help, and if things are as bad as they seem, we may need to have whatever friends you can summon up... This could be big...]<<<<< -Bull (23:44:19/10-12-57) >>>>>[As for the stock markets, this is VERY unusual behavior. Rarely does one stock market crash, while the other markets keep chugging along. Plus, i've never heard of one market crashing, while the others keep rising...then another one starts crashing while the first recovers and the rest of the markets keep rising. THIS should be setting off warning bells in your heads.]<<<<< -- Ryuga (01:00:30 PST/ 10:13:57) CEO Ryaka Science and Tech ***** PRIVATE: Rosha >>>>>[Hey, I just noticed -- you've your own account. Excellent. Didnt occur to just until just now. I dont think that I will be able to make it to the party. If I do, you'd probably pick me out in a second, even in costume.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <05:35:11 / 10-13-57> ***** PRIVATE: Cassandra >>>>>[With the same stipulations as before, yes, the offer is open. As to the fortifications. I would be willing to say it would stand up to all but the most determinded assaults. We arent the vault at LSS but most people arent willing to walk into an area where everyone carries a live weapon at all times and are drilling 75% of their day. If the people are you attempting to be away from are that type, then, we might not be able to keep them away from you. They will sustain heavy losses in the attempt, I can assure you of that.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <05:37:14 / 10-13-57> Field Officer Serenity Security *****PRIVATE: cass >>>>>[I dont think it's tarlon after our last session he said he was going to europe for a while. I dont think he is comeing back, I scared him a little if you know what i mean. And the other thing i dont know. Do you think its smart enough to think of useing an identidy when he went for me he seemed very single minded. maybe its just someone who knew you when, you know an old guy how kknew you more then you knew him that kind of thing. just a thought anyway i cant go anywhere for awhile this is my last post for a little while, im getting my ally back. big ritual you understand. tell me how this thing turns out.]<<<<< -- Dirk <24:00:22/10-12-57> *****Private: Cassandra >>>>>[Have you had anymore problems with the cybertroll. i have some ideas on how you can handle him. meet me at >>Time&Place<< hope too see you soon.<<<<< -- dirk <07:41:15/10-13-57 *****Private:Ms. Johnston >>>>>[I'm trying something different to find the subject. have had considerable trouble locating her this time. i am expecting little resitance from her but will be prepared as always. if all goes as planned you wont have to worry about her for a while. there was a saying once "watch your enemys closely but watch you friend's even closer" im hopeing she's never heard it. i enjoy my job too much.]<<<<< -- The Skull Bearer <07:47:21/10-13-57> *****Private: Smudge >>>>>[Dammit. Oh hell, I suppose they'll have to do then... I've agreed to meet Avenger at >>Encrypted<< by about 01:00:00 tonight. Be there, we all need to get together and sort this out.]<<<<< -- Inferno <15:17:23 GMT/13.OCT.57> *****PRIVATE: Jason R. Stormwind >>>>>[Yep. Things have become much more positive since ah last saw ya. Hector's cool, s'far. An' he's away enough not t'cramp me. Sorry y'r not goin t'be at the party. D'ya have time t'hang outside o'that? I don' have many friends ... y'r 'bout as close as I got ... 'cept Ev ... the girl y'met at sai practice awhile back?]<<<<< -- Rosha <10:45:23 PST/10-13-57> *****PRIVATE: The Skull Bearer >>>>>[Hmmmm. Very well then. I have been waiting for your action for some time now. Proceed. I have seen your actions on the other matter I assigned you a few weeks ago. You performed well enough to receive a bonus. +++++credtransfer: >>encrypted<< Perhaps I can assist in your efforts to locate the decker. I shall be in touch.]<<<<< -- Ms. Johnston <10:50:00 PST/10-13-57> *****PRIVATE: Apollyon >>>>>[Mr. Minnifield, the officer you had inquired after has been killed during a training exercise. Though I am sure this is not how you envisioned achieving your goals, it has none the less eliminated our state's primary interest in finding your sister. I wish you luck in your presumably continuing efforts to locate her. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you require our assistance again.]<<<<< -- Adrian Spain <10:55:52/10-13-57> Interning Cultural Liaison, Milwaukee United Canadian and American States Government *****PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[Hello. My name is Ms. Johnston. I have an interest in purchasing information regarding the location of an attractive, brunette female elf. She has been known for her skill on the Matrix, and I wish to retain her services. However, due to constraining circumstance (from my employer), I must contact her in person. Would you be able to assist me in this matter?]<<<<< -- Ms. Johnston <11:00:00 PST/10-13-57> *****PRIVATE: Ms. Johnston >>>>>[There seems to be substantial interest in the person you speak of. As such, I have ... inquired after her already. So I may have information which may assist you. However, I remain unconvinced about your motivations for locating her. You could be the individual who tried to end her life recently for all I know. Convince me of your intentions and transfer >>encrypted<< into <>. Later this evening, if I am satisfied with your explanation, will receive your information. If not, you will find your donation has been refunded.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <11:05:43 PST/10-13-57> *****PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[My employer has made me aware of the circumstance surrounding this woman. I apologize for not being better informed. The following material had been edited to provide you of the sincerity of my motivations. However, parts have been deleted to protect the interests of those involved. You will find that it is a normal dossier for a "shadowrunner" minus the references to myself, my employer, and the target. +++++download: dossedt1.txt I hope this will provide the 'evidence' you require of my motivations. If it does not, I will have to find my information elsewhere -- uncharacteristic for someone with you reputation. As the second matter, +++++credtransfer: >>twice encrypted amount<< Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your reply.]<<<<< -- Ms. Johnston <11:10:00 PST/10-13-57> *****PRIVATE: Valentine >>>>>[Did you receive my last message. A large sum of money was involved in a layered transfer so I want to make sure that you received it. If you did not, someone (either at your end ... which I doubt OR in Shadowland) has stolen money from both you and I ... which, if true, I say we pool our resources to correct this individual's error. Please let me know as soon as possible.]<<<<< -- Apollyon <11:14:00 PST/10-13-57> ******Private: Bull >>>>>>[Alright, good to see your crew are holding up, Doc should be able to cook something up that'll keep the worst of the pain out, and do something for the kids if thay've got any problems sleeping. If the kids come out of better than us oldtimers, it's probably because they don't fully understand the threat. Kids have a real nice way of dealing with things like this. Interesting to see, what do you call 'em, Mantids seem to be against the bugs. You'll have to excuse my ignorance, I've no knowledge of what's going on in there, I was left here on overwatch by >>encrypted<< to watch for any potential break outs, and to assist if possible. This is all new stuff to me, and pretty damn frightening. Bugs... for Frags sake!! What is going on here? Where did these things come from, is it some sort of corp experiment that's gone out of control. Nah, can't be. Oh jeez, they're spirits. Bloody hell! This is too Big... They didn't know!... They use Mages and Shamans, Bull, whatdya mean the USE them? None of my boys are mages, I've got one coming in. Inferno, he's about the best I know. Real tough guy. I thought he'd sent the help but he says no. Maybe he can answer when he gets here. We don't always see eye to eye, but he's *very* good. Vid sequence 25: What the frag was that? Shit I don't what's happening here. I only hope it won't be too long before Inferno get's here, he's the Magic master. Drek Bull, what have you got yourself involved in here. What have I got involved in? OK, your just a hacker, I have a little more experience on the streets, used to be special ops, but that's over now, has been for a while, but I've never met anything like this. I have a number of people I can call on, but... not until I know more about this. I'll contact Inferno and see when he's going to get to our location. Maybe he can shed a little light on this thing. He's hopefully bringing help, but I don't know who yet. He's one of the old school, total professional, but he's got a couple of interesting foibles. We've together before, I trust him implicitly. He may be our one hope of figuring this out. I need to contact control with this material, and see what they want to do next. It may be that we're going to have to bury you real deep, and figure out a way to make this public. This cannot remain hidden... I've got an idea, let me work on it, but the first and most important thing is to get you out of Chicago. And somewhere I can defend you, somewhere I know... OK, let's get to the safe house. Inferno will meet us there. Keep that data handy Bull. It's going to be our most powerful weapon in this.] - Dark Avenger <**:**:**/**-**-**> >>>>>[Gaddammed bugs. Gettin' smarter every day. They've had two years to weed out the weak hives. Without the Brotherhood to keep them together, they've been going at each other. The dumb hives keep getting chewed up by the smarter hives, the army and the corp strike teams. And don't forget the reports of exceptional numbers of flesh forms. Even though I'll bet most of those are just extreme low-lifes who've realized that the bugs are the Only power in the zone. You want anything, the bugs have got it. You want what the bugs have, you do dirty work for them: start rumors of supply horde, try to get lots of people together, funnel rumors back to the hive, you don't need insect spirits to do that, just some scumbags who don't deserve to call themselves human. The last time I was dropped into the Zone, I was scared silly. The bugs are getting too strong. Face it, evolution is taking place at an outrageous rate in there. It has to, resources are so slim. And, prediction time, watch the aggressive hives. They've got the numbers to really put the hurt on the solitaries and the weaker hives. I'll bet good money there aren't any Firefly spirits left in the zone, they don't have the heart to stick around. The Mantis'll always be around, they're the most dangerous of all, attitude alone will keep them going. The hives that are in torpor will go quickly too, if they haven't already. I'll bet a month's wages that by the end of this winter, Ants and Wasps will be the dominate types. Maybe the Cockroached, just 'cause they can live through anything.]<<<<< -- Snake <13:45:00 / 10-13-57> ******Private: Dark Avanger, Bull >>>>>>[ Confirmed, DA, these beasts are spirits. Repeat, you met spirits. Can't say I know who send you the elementals, but can confirm a astral dogfight of several spirits near your LZ. Sorry I couldn't help, had to cover some chummers on their way in. These buggers are bad news, watch out. Bull, you said these were Mantids? Never met 'em buggers before. Did go against triple enemies. I didn't wait to see who won, though. Do you need magical/mediacal help out there? Johnson and chummers are were they wanted to go, I can offer help now. Can't stand if youngsters are under attack. Drek, how does one turn off this voice-input &/ ")!SB"S! ]<<<<< - Canis ******Private: Canis >>>>>>[Thanks Canis, you've just ruined my year. Where the frag are these spirits coming from? I've never seen anything like this. Bull tells me Chicago is riddled with 'em, he started telling me some of it, but we're in transit at the present time. Things got real hairy in there for a while. We have astral and spirit cover at this time, but may need some more strength later, I've got a few things to do to lock the safe house down, es[ecially now with these things fraggin about in the area. We have a couple of non-combatants with us, and would appreciate any help you can give us to protect them. Like I said, I've got a Mage assisting at this time, but I don't want to burn him out, and this is going to take some time, he can't be expected to maintain an overwatch continually. It wouldn't be fair on him. Contact Inferno on >>enrypted<< and chat to him. I'll run a scan from here on the ground. We are relocating to >>encrypted<< and I would personaly like to see you and talk. Welcome to the team Canis, nice to see you again.]<<<<< - Dark Avenger <**:**:**/**-**-**> ******Private: Dark Avanger, Inferno >>>>>>[ Always glad to help, DA. Especially to get non-combatants out of the line of fire. Will send astral help ASAP, expect arrival of a ghost within a few minutes. I myself will follow as fast as I can, but I will have to shift my meat bod somewhere near the area. Can't offer much firepower, so I will stay clear of your safe house for now. Let me know if you want the next year ruined, too, I have some more news about those spirits, we have faced 'em before. Cost me an arm and a leg (well, the leg was just wounded...) Against these beasts the whole mankind is a single pack and should act together. Sorry, didn't manage to contact Inforno directly, I'm not really skilled on this wirebox, most of the decking part does a chummer (You will have noticed him in the time stamp). Ask him to set up a ward, or at least one of their strange pentagramms or whatever those mages call it. should help. Pay's as last time: A package of cigarettes. Good to be aboard with some old chummers. ]<<<<< - Canis *****Private: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[Welcome Canis.... Now, what's going on... DA. Where are you? I've not heard from you in a while? How's Bull? Oh, and I don't want to be ominous, but I think we need a serious talk when I get there. I should be there by midnight.]<<<<< -- Inferno <21:50:01 GMT/13.OCT.57> *****Private: Inferno >>>>>[ My arrival will be delayed. Someone broke my netsecurity sez my decker. Expect Okami to be at Dark Avanger's safehouse, keeping astral watch. With her will be a spirit of the skies. Oh, one more thing - please don't adress Okami as "it", although she's a spirit, she's a bit touchy here. Thanx. ]<<<<< - Canis <22:57:13/10-13-57> *****Private: Dark Avanger >>>>>[ Have someone check your dataline checked. My decker sez someone routed back some trace programm (whatever that is) and did a report. Orion sez it must have orginated near your current position. He sez he's sure all is safe again, but how can electrons running through cables ever be safe? Better be careful. ]<<<<< - Canis <23:01:02/10-13-57> ******Private: Inferno >>>>>>[Inferno, thank god, your back. Thanks for the cover. If there was anything up there, it looks like the elemental held it off. We've arrived at the safe house, my people are just locking the site down now. As soon as it's secured we;ll be in. Bull's fine, though very quiet. I think the strain of what he's been through is beginning to tell on him. He's a big guy, and tough as nails, but... hell a person can only take so much. About that serious talk, you are NOT wrong my friend. There is some serious drek coming down here, and I have no idea what it is or how to deal with it. Canis says he's got a line on some of this drek, but I won't know more until he gets here. He's sending some astral help to give you a break, kinda take the pressure of you a bit. We have some *interesting* vidcam recordings for you to watch. I won't say any more about this until you get here, but it's pretty scary stuff. OK pal, see you soon. I hope we can get out of this one, it's some serious drek. If the situation inside the CZ is as bad as Bull says, then it looks like we've not only got these Bug things to worry about, but Gov. too. You might want to rethink that payment request. ]<<<<<< - Dark Avenger <**:**:**/**-**-**> *****Private: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[DA! Thank god! you were out of contact for too long!!!!! I think you should start using the alias I'm building. +++++Include: Alias: Invasion_force.1 Use that. Then everyone who's in on it will know what's happening. Now, what's this you said about vid footage???]<<<<< -- Inferno <22:26:12 GMT/13.OCT.57> ******Private: Canis >>>>>>[Canis, check your deck, you might have a trace.... Lose the .sig. Some in the CZ area have used this to trace people. Thanks for the astral, will tell Inferno he can relax a tad. If what Bull says is true, then we might need magical rather than mundane firepower, so you may be of more use than you realise. Will inform you when safe house is secured. Any news you can provide regarding these *bugs* will be much appreciated, only Bulls people know much about them, and they're pretty beaten up, we can't do much until they've healed somewhat. Tha way you say that, it sounds like these... things, are a bit of threat. Would appreciate anything you know, that will help us to overcome the present problem. Like I said, I have a serious lack of experience in the team at this time, and could do with people who know what we're up against. I will co-ordinate the effort, but it's hard work without knowing what I'm up against. One pack of the usuals waiting here for your arrival Thanks Canis, good to have you along. Now if I can find a couple of the other old timers, we might have a chance with this, situation.] - Dark Avenger <**:**:**/**-**-**> *****PRIVATE: Ms. Johnston >>>>>[Having received your file and reviewing it thoroughly, I can find some holes in your strategy, but that's your concern. It was a convincing piece of work for your purposes with me. And the payment you enclosed was a pleasant surprise. Therefore, you'll find the x's and o's of the data you requested in this file. +++++download: cassadd1.txt Her residence is more secure than normal living arrangements would be, but you should be able to use the address above to make your approach and proposition. Good luck! With the plans I saw, you'll probably need it!]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <17:49:44/10-13-57> *****PRIVATE: The Skull Bearer >>>>>[I have procured the primary target's address for you. Do your best, or is that, 'your worst?']<<<<< -- Ms. Johnston <17:51:00/10-13-57> *****Private: Inferno >>>>>>[Inferno, when you approach the safe house you will be challenged reply >>encrypted<< or I'm afraid the guy on outlook may fire on you. This would not be a good thing. We're all a bit nervous up here, and getting twitchier by the minute. Seems we've got another decker lurking somewhere in the area, he's been trying to trace me and Canis. My decker is hunting him now, so I'll haop off, and leave him in peace. Talk to you when you get here]<<<<< - Dark Avenger <23:20:14/10-13-57> *****Private: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[Willco old chap, sorry about the delay in contact, I figured that with some of the things that have been happening here, it might be a good idea to take the long route around, check for tails and suchlike. Seems we're in the clear, but my Decker can't find this lurker. He's very good, one of the best, but this other fella has got himself concealed somewhere. Never mind, we'll find him, and waste him. C'mon home Inferno, Coffee's hot.]<<<<< - Dark Avenger <23:20:14/13-10-57> *****Private: Dark Avenger >>>>>[Password received and understood.... I'll be there about midnight. Hopefully]<<<<< -- Inferno <23:03:43 GMT/13.OCT.57> n 13 Oct 96 at 22:43, Dark Avenger wrote: *****PUBLIC: >>>>>[ I am looking for a Decker aliased Pegasus. He broke some real good security protocols and even destroyed a cross-referenced demon that changed time stamps through several RTGs. I have some private questions to him (her?), so if anyone can give me a pointer towards him (her?), it'd be appreciated. Rewards will be paid. I want this Arschloch that burnt my system! ]<<<<< -- Orion (00:15/10-13-57) *****Internal: Long Distance Phone Call >>>>>[From: Canis (NA/UCAS-SEA-2206-xxxx-xxxx) To: (NA/CAS-SB-0199-xxxx-xxxx) To: (NA/AZ-SU-4242-hihi-hihi) To: (NA/TT-0001-1111-1111) To: Dark Avanger Hoi, Dark. Hope you have this phone still running. This is a tape calling you, I don't trust this stupid Matrix thing. Orion stopped his hunt for the Decker that screwed us just long enough to make this call somewhat untraceable. Let's hope the best. The chase that strange Pegasus gave us took some time, but expect me to arrive within 36 hours. Astrally, that is. Okami reports one of the children with you is magically active. She sez the kid is quite powerful. Ask Inferno to keep her - its the girl - within a ward to avoid unwanted attraction. Should a woman, a wolf or a raven appear within your safehouse before Inferno arrives, don't be too concerned. It should be Okami. I hope. Well, be a bit concerned, might be someone else. Well, I am off now, gotta cover some Spuren, err, tracks. Oh, if you gotta contact me, try the voice box at NA/UCAS-MW-0000-1111. Orion sez it will encrypt anything comming in and burn any traces. Well, should do. Damn Matrix. ]<<<<< -- Canis (00:57:56/10-13-57) *****PRIVATE: Appolyon >>>>>[Yes, sir, I did recieve your generous donation, and as such, retribution of any sort will obvoiusly not be required. Thank you very much, and look forward to meeting your sister at the party, and yourself at a later date.]<<<<< -- Valentine <17:46:27/10-13-57> *****Private: Canis >>>>>>[Quite possible, as far as I've been told there is a person hanging in on our conversations. my guy says it's some dude from the gov. but I don't know. He's had a trace that has been altering my mail a tad, and says no-one is tapped in, but there's definately somebody listening. Will be ready for your arrival when you come up the drive you will be challenged answer >>encrypted<< or I'm afraid the guy will probably waste you. We're all a little nervous up here at the moment, and the guys are getting twitchy trigger fingers.]<<<<<< - Dark Avenger <23:10:14/10-13-57> *****Internal: Long Distance Phone Call >>>>>[ From: Dark Avenger (NA/UCAS-CHI-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx) To: Canis Have phone running, sorry Orion couldn't trace the SOB. OK, will expect your arrival in that time. We should be heading out within 72 hrs to >>Encrypted<< would like to meet you physically at this time. Will inform Inferno of this development regarding the child. And a word with Bull.] - Dark Avenger <01:02:14/10-14-57> *****Private: Inferno >>>>>[ Good to hear that Inferno, you're needed. By the way, are you still into cookies with your cuppa? If you need an escort let me know, I've got two guys I can spare to bring you home]<<<<< -- Dark Avenger <23:31:07/13-10-57> >>>>>[Ryuga, trends are everything as far as the market is concerned. you are right, a trend like this is VERY disturbing. Smart money says that every trader on Wall Street is chain-smoking and gulping soykaf nervously because they're wondering what surprises next week's trading day will bring. With about 8 hours to go before the New York market opens, the tension is probably extremely high right now. None of them are probably sleeping well, if they are at all. The suits are scared out of their minds. In fact, the trader whose apartment window I can see into (with the aid of a good pair of binoculars) has been pacing all night, watching the newsfeeds and apparently fighting with his wife once every hour. He's on his second pot of soykaf and is almost done with his first pack of smokes. He just hung up the telecom- probably talking with his boss. He knows he's in trouble tommorrow. I have a good idea just how bad it's going to be for him.]<<<<< -Dark Elf <**:**:**/**-**-**> *****PRIVATE: Dark Avenger >>>>>[Ok DA... Here's a rundown on what we know for all you outside the CZ... Basically, there has been an invasion into Earth by some really nasty spirits being called Insect Spirits, as they tend to reflect similar insects here on earth. Here, take a look at this file that has been distributed among the CZ for a while now. This explains a lot, and should give you some idea about what it's like inside. +++++File Bug.Cty >>Chicago, City under Seige<< transferred As far as we can tell, the Mantis spirits are hunting down the other Bugs. As a Shaman once said, "As above, so below". Here, real Mantids hunt other insects... This seems to hold true with the spirits... We've gotten to know a little more than i would have liked about the Mantis spirits, but that's something Johnny will have to tell you when he gets the chance. He was... real close to one of them once... Long story, though chummer, and not mine to tell... No probs about the ignorance, pally... Seems Ucas and Ares are real keen on keeping Bug City (Chicago's Nickname in teh CZ) under wraps... They fed us that Viras scam too when the wall went up, but... That's not something you hide real well.... Give your employer my regards and my thanks, and tell them that if they want anything on the city, they've got it, on the condition that it get's out to the public... BTW, tell your employer that aiding every breakout attempt may not be a good idea, at least not without heavy astral backup and recon. As you can see from the Bug City file, they can look very human. I really don't know where they came from... That's something to ask a Shaman, and good luck getting a straight answer. No one knew inside, and it's a good bet no one knows outsaide. And the bugs ain't talking. I'll tell you one thing, it's not a corp. At least not directly. I have my suspicions that things may have been helped along by certain individuals, but for now I won't say anything, as I don't know for sure. Apparently, unlike other Shamans, the spirits actually control the Shaman, rather than the Shaman works with and for the totem. These are alien to all known magic. And they should be unable to use Mage powers. they should be Shamanic only, but they are... ask a mage for a good definition on those, cause I can't give it. I don't really understand the magic drek myself. And as I said, get all the magical help you can get. Show Inferno the Vid Sequences when you get a chance... He'll understand them better. And you, my friend, have gotten involved in some big time bad. Unfortunately, I'm right there too, so... Please don't discount me as your average hacker. i've seen my share of the streets. Granted, the keyboard is my home turf, but I can hold my own. You can count on me if things get thick and hairy. Please post that file to everyone concerned with this operation, as well as your employer. This needs to be known. Also, we need to be careful, as I believe several of the spirits after our party may have escaped the CZ during our fight. Thanx.]<<<<< -Bull (03:43:21/10-14-57) *****Private: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[Hello all. I just wanted to say hi to those of you I haven't met yet. My name is Bull, and I've just left teh Chicago CZ, and I am kissing the Bug-Free ground as we speak. For those of you unfamiliar with what is truly happening inside the CZ, here's a file that was compiled inside. Please read it and distribute it to all your friends. The word most go out. +++++File Bug.Cty >>Chicago, City under Seige<< transferred There you go. Please read that and---- >>message interupted<< *****Mirrors Program Operating. *****Routing. *****Routing. *****Trace Defeated. Dammit! Some fraggin' decker tried to trace that file transfer... I got rid of him, but he's good. Watch out Boys and Girls... someone's watching us closely. Well, I look forward to meeting you all. Thanks.]<<<<< -Bull (03:56:57/10-14-57) *****PRIVATE: Black Knight >>>>>[Sir, I just picked this up off shadowland. I believe it's that decker we've been watching. I managed to defeat his trace without him knowing. Here's a copy of the file, as well as one he was sending out. +++++File Bull.1, Encrypted +++++File Bug.Cty, Encrypted Anything else, sir?]<<<<< -Black pawn (04-01-52/10-14-57) ***** INTERNAL: Serenity - Overwatch >>>>>[ I wasn't suggesting that we invoke it at this time, only that we As for Nightmare being the 'friend' .. it's hard to say. Jason hasn't received any mail from Nightmare recently, but that's not proof positive. I just don't know. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <10:51:34/10-14-57> ***** PRIVATE: Valentine >>>>>[ Tristiana and I will be there .. wouldn't miss the party for the world. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher ***** PRIVATE: Serenity Deckers >>>>>[ Why'd he hafta go and do that. He _knows_ we're going to be tempted as hell to play with that encryption. Sorry, guys, I'm not going to make that game of Jungle Battle X2 tonight. I'm going to be busy.. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <12:03:58/10-14-57> >>>>>[DA! Bull! Anyone!!!!! Where are you?]<<<<< -- Inferno <17:48:32 GMT/15.OCT.57> Personal:Inferno >>>>>>[Im here Inf whats the problem?]<<<<< -- Smudge <18:04:45/15:10:57> *****Private: Smudge >>>>>[No problem now. Panic's over. I thought I'd lost 'em for a moment, but I'm there now. (I got delayed a bit.....)]<<<<< -- Inferno <18:30:14 GMT/15.OCT.57> *****PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Inferno, I read you load and clear]<<<<< -Wells (10:38:22/10-14-57) *****PRIVATE: Inferno >>>>>[I got your message, Inferno. What's wrong? We are still waiting for you at >>Place<< but cannot wait much longer. Please respond.]<<<<< -Bull (12:50:26/10-15-57) >>>>>[New York market dropping like a stunned falcon? Oh, goody, time to build up my stock portfolio again. Buy cheap, sell dear, be rich and happy. Even I know that much. A friend tells me that the London markets are just pegging New York: there doesn't seem to be any downward momentum there that he's noticed. Yet. He tried to explain it all to me, but it made my head hurt: basically he doesn't think it's an accident and he (and everyone else) is trying to figure it out so they can ride it out and make money on its back. Good luck to him, is all I can say. As long as I still come out ahead in the long run, I'm happy. Oh, by the way, any samurai want to make some easy money and have some fun? I'm recruiting OPFOR, we want people to be "the enemy" for a training exercise. Money's >>encrypted<< and all expenses are paid, plus there's going to be a hell of a post-exercise party. You just need to be reasonably clean with the British government (no major warrants outstanding).]<<<<< -- The Mighty Quinn <18:00:15/10-14-57> >>>>>[Hey, Quinn, you need ony physicals, or would a couple mages help you out a bit? I'd be happy to send a small detatchment of my people to give you a good run for your money. Dianna's group (formerly AJ's group) is also really good to train against. They are the people I call when I want to give the Serenity workouts a little spice.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <20:37:26 / 10-14-57> Field Officer Serenity Security >>>>>[Unfortunately, all of us have some rather unpleasant warrants for our arrest in Britain. They've always taken poorly to our supplying the various metahumans with a signifigant percentage of thier weapons. Of course, we don't do that anymore, but the statute of limitations has a LONG time before it runs out. Sorry, no dice.]<<<< -- Diana, Mistress of the Night <15:00:51/10-14-57> >>>>>[My team, on the other hand, is always in need of professional training. Fighting minor warlords in Africa is hardly what I would describe as a challenge.]<<<<< -- Skull <15:02:06/10-14-57> ***** PRIVATE: The Might Quinn >>>>>[ How large a team of hostiles are you looking for, and what type of scenarios do you have in mind? ]<<<<< -- Imp <16:43:26/10-14-57> ***** PRIVATE: Jason R. Stormwind >>>>>[ How would you feel about setting the new FRT squad up as the hostiles in Quinn's training excercise. It'll be great training for the team. ]<<<<< -- Imp <16:50:30/10-14-57> >>>>>[I can vouch for Skull and his group as well. They are quite professional and are good at doing what they say they are going to do. It would be a pleasure to work with your group again.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <21:06:10 / 10-14-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: The Might Quinn >>>>>[Sure. Go and do this when I already have a job. Actually, the way things are looking now, I might end up near Britain. If you give me a number I can stop by when this job is finished. Oh, and if you see Lilith soon, tell her that she'll have a full report on my doings for the last week and a half in a few hours. Things have been too busy lately to send anything off. Thanks.]<<<<< -- Blade <18:26:26/10-14-57> >>>>>[The Zone's getting worse, true enough. The gangs are getting more and more blatant, the bugs better and better organised, and Snake's right - they seem to be learning how to use collaborators as well as their own sort. Basically, any time you go in there, you virtually have to consider anything moving to be hostile. If it wasn't hostile, it would be hiding from you. A few groups are still ferrying weapons, ammo, trained bodies in, trying to protect a few enclaves. Some of those enclaves are getting lifted out now, a few dozen at a time, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to how many people got caught inside the Wall. Must be over half a million dead now, and winter's going to kill a lot of the remaining survivors: no heat, no power, never enough food. It's harder and harder to find airdrop sites where the food actually reaches those that need it, and casualties among the strike units who try to enforce distribution are getting to unacceptable levels. Manning the CZ is bleeding us white. I still think that, within a year, there'll be so many bugs and so few peoples that we'll be left with just nerve-gassing the whole city with thickened VX and killing everything inside. I can't see any other option, against the numbers and strength of the insects in there, other than just keeping the Wall manned.]<<<<< -- Lynch <17:50:42/10-14-57> >>>>>[Can't you fools see that the whole bug fiasco is nothing but a vile meta-"human" conspiracy?]<<<<< -- Dominique Vega <15:47:51/10-14-57> Communications Humanis Policlub, Seattle >>>>>[ Inferno, this is Orion speaking. Canis and I are on the run. We are physically near the mentioned place. We had severe problems, someone was following us. Canis took care of the pursuers, but it took him out cold. But it was a nice firework, if I may say so. Our arrivial will be delayed, I fear. Watch out, there seems to be a real heatwave coming down, and your... operation is the only one we are connected to that might be the reasons. Watch security protocols on all channels, even private and/ or encrypted ones. Looks like this Pegasus-Arsch was better then I thought. How is your team? Any casualities yet? ]<<<<< -- Orion <00:37/10-15-57> >>>>>[Hello Orion. Nice to trace, err... meet you. I'll be seeing you. BTW, for future reference, you shouldn't post private transmissions on the public post. Very, very sloppy. But don't stop on my account. It makes my job sooo much easier .]<<<<< -- Black Pawn (18:40:29/10-14-57) *****PRIVATE: Blademaster >>>>>[Thanks for a good evening. You do know there's a pack of vampires following you around? They buttonholed me while I was waiting by my bike (letting the detox patch burn off the whiskey before I rode anywhere) and basically said I should stay away from you, unless I wanted to make some money killing you and some of your friends. I do so love people who do their research before they threaten people... anyway, I was polite and didn't give them an excuse to start a fight. We might not be taking long hot showers together, but you're a good guy to drink with and I don't intend to let any vampires get in the way of a promising acquaintance.]<<<<< -- Lynch <18:07:42/10-14-36> *****PRIVATE: Spirit >>>>>[I have a special requirement for some more of your arrows: I need twenty with wooden heads, or some implementation thereof. The reason, as you might guess, is that I may have vampire troubles in the near future. Can you manage those?]<<<<< -- Lynch <18:09:24/10-14-57> *****Private: The Mighty Quinn >>>>>[Sounds interesting, and I have a Brittish Passport, the old man was a ex-pat' who livied in Hong Kong...so I wsa able to get a Brit SIN with no problem. And the SIN is clean. contact me @>HERE<]<<<<< --Death Jestor (19:01:42/10-14-57 ***** PRIVATE: Orion >>>>>[Excellent to see you are still alive. I've been a bit worried about you since your last leave. So, do you have time to have dinner with myself and possibly a guest?]<<<<< -- Kor <02:04:48 / 10-15-57> >>>>>[To Dearest Darling Vega: Eat drek and die. This has been a public service message from your favourite running duo: Jen and Gabe. (Nah, we don't usually push PC buttons, but when dipdrek here opens his hoop and starts spewing, you just have to respond, so kah?)]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <22:16:32/10-14-57> *****PRIVATE TO: InfoScholar >>>>>[How are you when it comes to confidential information gathering? Even though just getting mail from us should be payment enough, we're willing to pay >>a lot<< =Y= for a job well done.]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <22:45:43/10-14-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Jennifer and Gabriel >>>>>[My services do extend into the less than well known. How secure the information, and where my particular sources are placed have a great deal to do with my success. As in most situations, the more nY you spread, the more success is achieved. What are you interested in? And how badly (?? nY) do you want to know?]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <23:03:37/10-13-57> >>>>>[Obviously, Jen and Gabe are either demons or the flunkies of demons. Which is worse?]<<<<< -- Dominique Vega <21:08:26/10-14-57> Communications Humanis Policlub, Seattle *****Invasion_Force.1 :Open broadcast. Headset radio >>>>>[Sorry to leave you like that people, something needed to be sorted. An idea I had about our opponents seems to be panning out. Have set a small trap for them. I'm hoping my people will be able to delay them long enough for us to get Bull and company out. I'll have to leave you in charge for no Inferno. I'm gonna run interference, don't know when, or if I'll make it back. Keep the coffee hot, let me know were you take everybody. I'm going to get the Boppers that are tagging our butts. Recommend you bug out from safe house. It might get a little warm in there soon. Sorry to do this to you Inferno, but circunstances demand my personal attention. In case I don't see you again. It was nice knowing you.]<<<<< -- Dark Avenger <19:36:13/15.10.57> ***** PRIVATE: Jason R. Stormwind >>>>>[Ok, I would like to have that job. Consider me as having officially accepted that offer of employment. What are the details...when is the next session of your training camp? Thanks.]<<<<< -- Cassandra <23:12:14 / 10-14-57> ***** PRIVATE: Cassandra >>>>>[Come in now! I need to get some sleep, but you can stay at my place for now, and when I get up later this afternoon Ill drive you over to the training facility.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <06:32:36 / 10-15-57> Field Officer Serenity Security >>>>>[He who shouts loudest generally has something to hide, Dominique.]<<<<< -- JayCee <09:50:35 / 10-15-95> >encryption / hidden< +++++ Download Trailer v2.02b: target Vega, Dominique >encryption off/ hidden off< >>>>>[Part of the reason for fluctuating the markets might be to cause a stampede of people moving shares around. I don't like the way that one stablises and another goes... sooner or later they'll all go. I think. Regarding Lynch's comment on the Zone and annhilating everything in it: It might not be a bad idea, but some of those bugs plan, and well. I have a deep suspicion that somewhere in all the people coming out are some mixed collaborators. Hellfire - even a few good flesh forms. Eventually there will be little pockets everywhere outside the wall as well. Winter might be too late.]<<<< -- JayCee <09:52:37 / 10-15-95> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ Huh? Not that I have ever been known to turn down an offer for a dinner, but I am quite sure here's a mistake... I am relatively new to this region, have haunted the CalFree Shadowland BBS so far. But if that doesn't keep you from inviting me... *grin* After I get that Arsch who blew my system, of course. You don't happen to know someone named Pegasus, do you? ]<<<<< -- Orion <12:48:36/10-15-57> >>>>>[ Black Pawn (yup, this is going public, too, so even your bosses can read what I think of you) it was fully intentionally I set it up public. What use is it to +++++ Trace IC detected.... +++++ Relocate Stardust activated... +++++ Relocating... +++++ Trace IC defeated. +++++ Stardust Report: Trace Benchmark: 5 Trace Location: NA/UCAS-MW (98.2 %) LTG: 3312 (47.1 %) Access: 7834 (0.9 %) What, that's all? What use it is to hide the data stream if Pegasus is still on my hoop? I didn't offer any data you shouldn't have had for a long time if you were earning your money, slavedeck. But enjoy. Who are you working for, anyway? ]<<<<< -- Orion <10:43:13/10-15-57> >>>>>[Yeah Vega, we're demons. Now acquire a brain cell before we toast your pink ass.]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <10:14:54/15-10-57> *****PRIVATE TO: InfoScholar >>>>>[We're looking for the happenings around an incident we were supposedly responsible for: A few months back a certain research executive was (supposedly) killed in his home. Null persp -- We care not. But the walking fasion-disasters who were pretending to be us did a good enough job that the nobrained execs of that corp decided to blame us. The basic information regarding this event was posted to Shadowland -- so you've got a running start. Requirements: Who. When. Where they are now. How... And that this investigation remain entirely confidential.]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <10:21:23/15-10-57> >>>>>[ Well maybe not demons, but definitely corporate backed. Not all that much difference, the way I see it. ]<<<<< -- Tangent <10:25:37/10-15-57> >>>>>[Tangent: Disturbingly competent != corporate backing. At least not in our case... Now stop trying to cover up for your own inadiquacies by insulting your betters.]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <10:32:14/15-10-57> >>>>>[ Any time, any place, Jen & Gabe. ]<<<<< -- Tangent <11:15:15/10-15-57> >>>>>[Jen and Gabe may be flunkies of demons(whichever corp is backing them, of course), but whichever is worse is obvious. Choose one of the following: A: Demons B: Flunkies of demons I choose C, _you're_ worse. Have a nice day.]<<<<< -- Slash <09:28:18/10-15-57> >>>>>[Disturbingly competent you two are not. Tangent's and my teams have had the opportunity to run up against each other on occasion, and I assure you that what we've been through would have left you both dead, or at least so far from life that cybermancy or HMHVV would have been required too bring you back. I'm surprised your handlers let you out so soon. It's obvious that your embarressing episode which was so publically distributed disturbed them enough to call you home for a full debriefing. It's unfortunate that they didn't call you home permanently.]<<<<< -- Skull <09:35:23/10-15-57> >>>>>[ Although I don't know who they were, I wish tooffer my condolence to the families and friends of the people who died today in a black Westwind at about 09:30 hours. I think their death was unneccessary and their employers are to blame who gave orders rather to shoot at us then let us escape. I acted in self defence, but do feel really sorry for the death of these - as I have no reason to doubt - valuable and brave people. I mean it, I feel sorry. To those who sent them out to follow us. Such attempts will not be taken lightly, and opposition should be expected, although I don't normally try to kill of employees. Please be in the vehicle yourself, next time. Thank you. ]<<<<< -- Canis <16:37:27/10-15-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[ Ah, finally Orion set up this Alias-Thingy for me. Good... To all, as I suppose Orion has already informed you, we have been followed by a car when we were closing in towards Chicago. After we nearly managed to shake them, they opened fire, using some kind of assault rifle. I was forced to use a spell to stop the car, unfortunately it was a bit... strong. Orion said the Westwind nearly dissolved into its parts, a behaviour that's not clever at a speed of more then 200 kilometers per hour. I don't want to cite what Orion said, he's a bit tactless sometimes, but I take it the passengers were immediately dead. He said there was nothing left to examine, plus the "show" (his word, not mine) did attract too much attention, so he made our gettaway. Can someone point me to who is tracking us this effectivly? The Wichsers need to be stopped ASAP! I will not join the team right now, not until time has shown we really did loose all followers. Instead, I will do a quick trip to where the battle with the bugs took place. Maybe I have a chance to find traces of these strange elementals. This means I will need Okami, so you'll have to take full astral cover, Inferno. Is there any help nearby you can draw to your aid? Avanger, good luck for you, too. Sorry, I don't dare to come near the safehouse now, can't assist you. But don't be so pessimistic: You GOT to get out there: You are owing me a pack of cigarettes! So cover yourArsch, damit! Got that? Bull, Orion sez someone might be not only tracing the messages we leave here, but may even be deciphering them. Is this possible? When will you be in a position safe enough to examine? Orion will be needed to cover my meatbod, so he can't do it himself. ]<<<<< -- Canis <16:44:33/10-15-57> >>>>>[NASDAQ continued to take it's lumps yesterday, but is back to normal today. Now AMEX is taking the hit. I'd be stating the obvious if I said it looks like someone is nailing each of the major domestic markets for two days in a row... Anyway, I think I've found another pattern in the Tacoma kidnappings. Most of the kidnappings are just random, designed to throw off pursuit. BUT If you look closely at three specific cases, you'll note that they occurred the day before each of the three domestic stock markets crashed. Coincidence... doubt it. I've got a frame sorting through birth records and current adresses of relatives stored in several different public databases. Unfotunately, it's going to take a few days to get a good picture of what's going on, and by then, the damage may already be done.]<<<<< -Dark Elf <**:**:**/**-**-**> >>>>>[Ah, it's great to be back. Once again, all of Seattle has a yardstick to compare itself to. Although we are left wondering: What DID Skull have to do without us around? You can only posture with yourself for so long... (After that, it gets immoral)]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <12:57:43/10-15-57> >>>>>[Tangent: If you are sooooo certain of your abilities, why not take a brief jaunt down to Actechnology tonight? Get as far below the arcology as you can. When you get there, you'll find out why...]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <12:57:43/10-15-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Jen and Gabe >>>>>[Do you two EVER shut up?]<<<<< -- Ghost Mailer >>>>>[The only demon here is you Vega. Take your crap and your ass somewhere outta my way or you might find an un-happy ork runnin over you in your own car(if ya gots one!). Or maybe I'll just nukle your house while you're inside. Take care of the whole problem. But wait, I forgot, that racist bullshit is an excuse to make good natured orks like me do stuff like that so we can become a more plausible target for "extermnination of the demons!". Well, care to try exterminating this one?]<<<<< -- Hit and Run <13:10:32/10-15-57> >>>>>[Shields, I've seen a few of those kids you were talkin' bout few weeks back. Chased one, a girl, into an alley in Belltown on the Waterfront. Ya know, down by Post Alley? Anyways, the kid frickin' vanished. You sure we ain't chasin' spirits. I'm pretty beefed, and that girl was bookin']<<<<< -- Guido <10:20:32 / 10-15-57> >>>>>[WHOA!!!! Guido, hey, there's a voice from the past. Last I knew, you were in CFS somewhere. San Diego? What brings you back to Seattle? So, how far from Post Alley were you? Basilisk still needs to look at the wiring stuff we got from the dead kid. Send me whatever info you've got, Guido.]<<<<< -- Shields < 10:23:43 / 10-15-57 > ***** PRIVATE: Canis >>>>>[No casualties yet, but my suspitions are building. Get here. I think I might need a mage before I reveal what I suspect!!!]<<<<< -- Inferno <19:18:22 GMT/16.OCT.57> ***** PRIVATE: Jason RW Lynch >>>>>[A short while ago you and I discussed a matter that might have had the need to come to the attention of your superiors. I have, unfortunately, recently been informed that that matter has come to an unnatural close. Wilkenson, also known in the shadows as Stampede, is dead. I suspect internal, but its not my place to dig into UCAS matters any further than necessary to fulfil my contract to my charge. I'd like to thank you, both personally, and corporately, for your help and the help of your agency. I hope we will be able to work together again in the future.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <17:48:34 / 10-15-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ***** INTERNAL: Serenity Field Officers >>>>>[One of our newest recruits, L. E. Brody also known as Cassandra, is coming in a bit on the hot side. I dont know who or what is following her but Ill take a good field op anyway I can get one. I would, however, like to know what the hell we are going to be in for when the proverbial shit, hits the fan. Get out there and find out, 'k?]<<<<< -- Jason <17:59:52 / 10-15-57> >>>>>[As if immoral has ever stopped Skull. Or you two, for that matter. But if you're really interested in learning what Skull and the rest of our unit were up to, here's a list. Desert training in Somalia Jungle warfare in the Ivory Coast Concealed naval assault in Indonesia(you'll forgive me if I don't mention where) Aiding the Yucatan resistance Submarine combat training in Hawaii Airborne training over the Rocky Mountains, Pueblo Training Grounds, Algonkian-Manitou icefields, and the Togo jungles. Weapons testing for 4 corporations. Night combat drops over 4 continents And 6 other combat operations which will not be discussed.]<<<<< -- Fat Chance <12:34:05/10-15-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[Hmmm, better make sure we're not traced on this... +++++Download Anti-Trace Program Re-route_66.exe +++++Begin Re-route 66.exe Ok people, it's me again... Things have ben a bit busy around here lately... Ok, I've gotten a lock on our tracer... Managed to follow him home before I got detected and had to burn him down. Seems that Black Pawn, I believe he's a friend of yours Orion? , works for Ares or the UCAS governement, not sure which. They seem to be working jointly on this, so the decker could have belonged to either of them. Also, seems taht there is more than one Black Pawn. All their slave-deckers use that handle, I believe... Also, I have not been able to track down *anything* on this Pegasus fellow. I even managed to contact an old decking buddy from down Atlanta way, and he's never geard of the guy. And Spinning Diamond's been running teh shadows and the electron highways since I was born. Either this Pegasus is extremly new, or he's VERY good. Canis, Orion... Good job handling that tailer. The deaths are regretable, but we seem to have gotten involved in something that at least two parties want left alone, and the play for keeps. Keep yourself hidden, Canis... We look forward to seeing you, but if tehy're following you that closely, go to ground for now... If you need supplies, call a Dwarf named goober at >>encrypted<< and tell him I sent ya and that he should bill me for the supplies. he can get ya just about any hardware you may need. Just tell him that "Bull owes him a Mox" for the supplies and he'll know what you're talking about. As for the astral, Johnny's back on his feet and eager for some payback, so we should have enough magical support between him, Inferno, Daytripper, and Xuxa... You keep your own rear covered on this one. IYeah, we've been made several times, but i am currently re-routing the signals now that I have my equipment running again. the trace shouldn't happen again. Ok people, we look forward to seeinbg you all when we can. Hopefully we'll all be able to meetup soon. +++++End program Re-route_66.exe]<<<<< -- Bull <14:13:37/10-15-57> >>>>>[As long as the magicians are happy throwing non-lethal stuff, fine. Water bombs, stun bolts, illusions, nicely placed barriers... I find strategically icing over stairs to work well. This is, after all, only an exercise. Let me know who you intend to send so we can sort out the visas and whatever. I'd like to work with Diana - I hear good things about her - but I think it would be difficult for her and for us to get her and her people in. This does still involve crossing borders, and is pretty official.]<<<<< -- The Mighty Quinn <18:40:31/10-15-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason R. Stormwind, Skull, Imp, Blade, Easy, Death Jestor, Lynch, Lilith +++++Create alias: Hat Squad >>>>>[Okay, you're the people (or the leaders of groups) who have expressed interest in this little hop. Briefing: we're providing OPFOR to A Company, 3 Para, for a ten-day exercise based in Whinney Hill training area. We'll basically be playing ourselves, in both offensive and defensive roles (hostage-takers, terrorists, armoury raiders, covert infiltrators, snipers, whatever) for exercise Burning Plain IV, from 22-31 October. Accomodation: we'll be in quarters in Catterick for most of the exercise, or sleeping out in the village for a couple of nights. We'll mostly be eating in the officer's or SNCO's messes (probably end up being individual choice), so bring your manners :) It's also likely to be cold, so make sure you take your wooly vest. I'm not kidding about the weather, this is North Yorkshire in November and it's odds-on to be wet and windy. Being casevacked with hypothermia is not fun. Weapons: a slightly tricky issue, the British not being fans of armed self-defence, and there being very obvious safety implications on an exercise like this. Basically, the deal is this: we can bring in damn near anything we like, but no ammunition: training will be with gel rounds, which they can provide in most common calibres. If you don't want wear and tear on a personal weapon, there's a passable collection of firepower there which you can sign out as needed. For the paranoid, though, I negotiated permission for a handgun each, plus ammo, for security and defensive purposes (us being rough uncouth colonials - or colonised - and all), but it goes in the armoury before you go onto the training area. No live rounds inside the training zone. Period. And you can't take it off the garrison, either, unless you're able to negotiate - or have already done so - a FAC "with carriage". Contact me for details if you think you need this, though I can assure you that nobody's shot at anyone else in Catterick for years (apart from a bodged raid on the post office) and I won't be armed off-base. Money, sum as discussed, plus all medical and repair expenses (this could be rough, people lose teeth and break bones occasionally), payable in certified credit on completion. It's not exactly retirement cash, but the phrase "money for old rope" leaps to mind - we're going to be shooting guns and jumping out of windows and having fun, there's minimal risk, and we're getting _paid_ too? :) Other issues... the Paras are a rather rowdy bunch. Don't take any crap from them - they'll take the mick out of anyone and everyone, and expect to get it back in equal measure. When we hit town for the party, remember British beer's rather stronger than the gnat's piddle they brew over here. And, in the restaurant, don't worry about the menu, just ask for the Vindaloo Extra :) That's it. Comments, questions, ideas?]<<<<< -- The Mighty Quinn <19:40:21/10-15-57> >>>>>[That's the problem, Jen and Gabe. The only way the two of you manage to survive is by corporate backing... notice the way you were reeled back in after that hopelessly bodged run? The people who remind you that you're two overdressed, underskilled wannabees have established reputations. You two don't (what you say about yourself doesn't count). What matters is your work, and we've seen it... and we are _not_ impressed, though your backup is rather good. Presumably you're meant to be a deniable front. It doesn't work. We know who you are. We know who you work for. We're watching you.]<<<<< -- Lilith <19:01:06/10-15-57> >>>>>[No, the bugs were being bred by Alamos 20,000 who intended to release them in Tir Taingire, but they screwed up and the bugs got out. I have evidence to prove it, too.]<<<<< -- The Mighty Quinn <18:50:21/10-15-57> *****PRIVATE: Imp >>>>>[Team numbers, almost as many as I can get: anything up to thirty or so will be fine, means we're not all working flat-out if we have extra people along. If you want to bring a group, great.]<<<<< -- The Mighty Quinn <18:45:21/10-15-57> >>>>>[Lynch has suggested the use of thickened VX toxin to wipe out the remaining enhabitants of Chicago, or what is now known here as "Bug City." While this may aid in removing the problem of corporeal life in the city grounds it suffers from two considerable problems. The first, is simply mounting the support for such an action. Only the UCAS government would be able to mount such an operation (possibly with the aid of Corporations, but, a corporation would not do this without the tacit approval of the UCAS). It is doubtful that they could justify to their "constituants" the loss of life that that would cause. Is there not in the Judeo-Christian tradition a story where their God was asked if he would destroy a city if there were but a handful of good people left within it, and he said he would not? While I believe the UCAS lacks the reservation of a deity, I don't think they could justify the slaughter of the innocent with the damned. The second is that while the bodies of the people within the CZ would be destroyed, the actual insect spirits themselves could remain free from harm within the astral plane. Worse yet, the nature of the VX chemical would no-doubt render the entire CZ a toxic zone. The insane rage of a spirit affected by his domain becoming so polluted, I have been told, could be far worse than what difficulty exists now. This is educated speculation on my part, perhaps some of my magically enclined brethren can illuminate more on these issues. All told, the "clensing" of the CZ will not be a viable option until it is reasonably assured that all attempts to free the unaffected individuals has been made. Next, a less toxic method must be found (perhaps napalm enducing a clensing fire). Finally, there must be a considerable effort to simultaneously wipe out the threat that exists outside of mundane existance. I only wish that I could some how be a part of it.]<<<<< -- WhiteTyger <12:49:43/10-15-57> >>>>>[Thanks for the vote of confidence, Quinn. Being blatently illegal has its disadvantages. Just keep me in mind for the future.]<<<<< -- Diana, Mistress of the Night <13:49:20/10-15-57> ***** PRIVATE: Inferno >>>>>[ Uh - I thought I did make clear what I think of joining you right now. But if you insist, I suppose there has to be a good, convincing Grund. OK, expect my arrival at about 23:30 hours. We will come in in a somewhat battered grey Nomad, with two fresh holes in the back. And the reason is better Good with capital "G". Oh - one more thing... I am NO mage. Please. I follow Wolf, not the strange totem of higher mathematics. When you are not at >>Encrypted<<, call me at the number I gave DA. Oh - and have people out to cover us when we come in - I am still not convinced we really shook all folowers, although anything is quit right now. Deadly silent... We will use the password DA gave to us when we come in. Oh - speaking of wich, any news from him? Did his plan already have success? I do not dare calling him now for obvious reasons... ]<<<<< -- Canis <21:40:12/10-15-57> ***** INTERNAL: Inside safehouse in Chicago, near CZ >>>>>[The area was calm. Slightly the colors of anger, fear and nervosity drifted in from the next room, where the runners her master had told her to protect were discussing what to do next very loudly. Well, for now it didn't concern her. And there was this man now, who was obviously capable of taking her part. If it weren't for the children, this last order of her master would have been awfully boring. They were sitting on a matress in a corner of the room, playing something with paper and pencils. Every now and then, they would start to laugh, both of them, not as reaction to stress, as she had seen with these strange Shadowrunners sometimes, but out of pure joy of life. They were refreshing, especially the girl. She had power, lots of raw power. She wondered what might become out of that litttle kid that took so easily what the older humans feared so much. She herself feared them, too, these monstrous spirits that were making all of her instincs cry out. The feeling in this room was good, peacefully, even filled with joy. Slowly she materialized, looking the children over. With the physical view she saw two small orks. The boy looked surprised, but not fearful, while the girl just smiled at her. She had known the girl had noticed her while she kept guard. She walked two steps over to the children, and gave them both a quick stroke over the head. "I hope we will se again," she said. After that, she dissolved her physical presence, and followed her master's call. Work was at hand, and Okami was willing to take her part.]<<<<< -- Sascha <13:50:02 / 10-15-57> >>>>>[Don't forget natural predators, there 'Tyger. The heavily armed, metahuman with magical backup has been proven to be _the_ most effective weapon against bug infestation. It will probably never be known the total number of hives exterminated outside of Chicago, for the most part without the use of traditional chemical weapons. FAE's are good ways to clear out the broods and any slow flesh forms. The trues are tougher, natch, but elementals running shotgun tend to help with them. More often than not, destroying the queen can throw a hive into such a disoganized state, the clean-up is just a matter of time and rested mages.]<<<<< -- Snake (14:50:02 / 10-15-57) >>>>>[I and some felow team members are looking for some competant help. Experts in teh fields of magic, decking, and combat are needed. If interested, please contact either myself, Canis, Inferno, or Dark Avenger privately to set up an interview.]<<<<< -- Bull <15:07:57/10-15-57> >>>>>[ Strange to find rasism on both sides, with my "noble cousins" from the Tirs and the "honorable guys of the " to the same extend. Will people never learn? ]<<<<< -- Orion <22:13:12/10-15-57> >>>>>[To the Moronic Gaijin Duo: Jen and Gabe Do not butcher my language with your diarrheic prattle. You talk about having to respond when someone opens their "hoop" and starts "spewing"? Before you try to insult someone with another language, know what you are saying, so you don't sound like an infant gurgling. "Soo ka?" is a questioning response, as in: "Jen to Gabe wa, baka desu ne?" would cause the response, "Soo ka?" >That is so, isn't it?< I'd tell you to buy a clue, or not finding that, a dictionary, but for the scrip you corp must pay for your kind of incompetence, you probably can't afford either.]<<<<< -- Arashi <13:28:46/10-15-57> *****Private: The Mighty Quinn >>>>>[I would like to know if your offer for participation in you training exercise is still open. A recent run has let me know that I require additional training myself in order to be up to the standards of the Shadowrunning community here in Seattle. While I am not a Samurai, I am trained considerably in hand to hand combat as well as stealth / evasion / counter-technique. I am, in addition, an adept in what is known locally as a Shamanic tradition although of an Oriental flavor. My spirit is one with Tiger. While not perhaps as physically qualified as others applying for the excursion, since I have no cyberwear, I do make a rather difficult target, and would appreciate the chance to further my training. My legal record is, so far, spotless. Currently, I have no plans pending, so please respond at your earliest convenience.]<<<<< -- WhiteTyger <11:50:46/10-15-57> ***** INTERNAL: Radio Message near Chicago CZ >>>>>[ Drek, will please get CLEAR? Whadda mean come in - come not in? Will you please discuss matters before sending me stuff seperatly? I am hanging here in the street now, and I don't feel good. Get +++++ Static Error +++++ Data Loss:1.8 Mp and find a soultion till then. I will meet your friend, Mr. Hauer, but find a solution FAST! Orion, street still clear? Good. Get back to me fast! ]<<<<< -- Canis <22:54:33/10-15-57> here are a multitude of things that you can do and likely get away with that I could only dream of trying to attempt in "the line of duty" without being burried under a mile of very sticky red-tape covered paperwork. Just something to remember.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <19:52:04 / 10-15-57> ***** INTERNAL: Imp, Ken, Jim, Jas >>>>>[ I want to go. I've already checked and I cannot bring in a vehicle, but that doesnt mean I cannot bring in the portable transmitters and the like. I promise to leave the C-12 drones at home. I've got to get out for a bit. All of you have been trapsing around the country doing runs, setting up shops, taking vacations and what have you done? LEFT ME BEHIND!]<<<<< -- Trax <19:59:08 / 10-15-57> ***** INTERNAL: Kenney, Imp, Trax, James >>>>>[I think we'd better take Trax with us or we run the risk of returning to smoldering ashes were our building used to stand. We could use communication in the field. If we are going to run this as much as a training session for them as ourselves, we should make sure we are prepared for an extended field march. Anyone, other than myself and Jim with non-urbanjungle experience? Its a lot different dealing with hills and trees as opposed to small vehicles and light poles. I noticed that Imp was separate on the list. Did Quinn say how many people you can bring along with you or are we supposed to be going singly?]<<<<< -- Jason <20:32:54 / 10-15-57> *****PRIVATE: Matrix Jockey >>>>>[hey, meet me at >>encrypted<< if you can at >>encrypted<<. I think we could find this person quicker if we worked together. But thats upto you. I'll send you an encryption scheme soon, I don't want any unwanted eyes to be watching. I know how prying they can be, cya.]<<<<< -- Forte <17:14:10/10-15-57> >>>>>[Fat Chance, we are impressed! All that in three months! All we managed to do in that time was a quick global circumnav$UYHBd vs$% $%^Gbnv +++++LINE ERROR: MESSAGE NOT SENT *****PRIVATE TO: Jen and Gabe >>>>>[We said: Shut up. Got it?]<<<<< -- You know who >>>>>[Impressive Fat Chance. All that in three months? Now we KNOW you're full of drek]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <18:09:23/15-10-57> >>>>>[We're pleased you find us so interesting Lilith -- and you're certainly not the only ones watching us (hell, our fan club has over 3,500 official members). But if you want personal attention, you'll have to wait in line.]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <18:09:38/15-10-57> ***** INTERNAL: Radio Message near Chicago CZ >>>>>[Go Canis, get clear. i'll talk to DA and Inferno and figure out where the mix up is. We've been seperated for teh last day or so, and signals have been mixed on occasion. I will contact you when it's clear. We will also hopefully be getting you some reinforcements. Can you handle whoever's following you?]<<<<< -- Bull <22:55:31/10-15-57> ***** PRIVATE: Black King >>>>>[Sir, it appears there's some confusion in the ranks now. I advise moving the strike team into position to hit this wolf shaman and his pals.]<<<<< -- Black Pawn 2 <23:10:31/10=15-57> >>>>>[Arashi dear: Before you try giving language lessons, buy yourself a better deck. If your poor 'pooter can't properly handle embedded native language support, don't blame us. And certainly don't try correcting us -- you'll only get yourself in trouble.]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <18:15:34/15-10-57> *****PRIVATE TO: InfoScholar >>>>>[Payment numero uno: +++++CREDIT TRANSFER: >>encrypted<< =Y= This is for any and all background information. We again stress that confidentiality is of utmost importanct.]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <18:20:32/15-10-57> ***** PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[I see you're looking for some hired help. Let me know if I can be of use - I've got some limited skill with magic (though mostly support magic, rather than heavy-grade firepower) and I can also rig. Yeah, don't ask. A magic rigger, I've heard the jokes before.]<<<<< -- Minx <08:26:09/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Jennifer and Gabriel >>>>>[After some diligent inquiry, I have discovered some details about your ... ahem ... 'duplicates.' They are not to be trifled with, thus, my increased security in communications with you. I appreciate the advance payment. I shall require three more like it due to the extremely hazardous nature of your targets. I assure you that discretion is not an issue with my services. +++++download: JGimpact1.txt This is the initial information I have compiled for you. It is sparse, but I am only just beginning. Within >>encrypted<<, I will have the remainder of the information for you. Please make the payments every other day until the completion of this assignment.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <18:34:56/10-15-57> >>>>>[Bugs being produced by Alamos 20,000. An interesting hypothesis. Might I examine your evidence sometime, O Mighty Quinn? My interest is purely ... academic.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <12:38:11/10-15-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Sounds good Minx. We need all the help we can get. Canis, Orion, if you read this, send Minx a line. I think at the moment your team needs the most support. Also spunds like a rigger could come in hady for you guys. Thanks for the offer Minx. the pay will be >>encrytped<<. Will send you more info once you've talked to Canis.]<<<<< -- Bull <09:12:10/10-16-57> *****INTERNAL: Weeklog.101357 ... HOM >>>>>[Negotiations have proceeded according to schedule. The Polish and Russian affiliates do not suspect the Azanian involvement in North America. That should change within the week. The Passage rite always depressed me. Desmond was a fine shaman. Arguably, the best in Azania. I miss him already. But his Passing has made us all stronger. Hortensia took to the ceremony relatively well. Her face and body language try to hide her spirit's ready acceptance of its birthpattern, but slowly she is beginning to recognize and accept. I am proud of her. Meeting with my Amazonian affiliate manana. With the steady swiftness of the Tortoise, all the pieces fall together. Apollyon will be pleased. The metaworld may be his home, yet his time on this plane has changed him remarkably. I am glad to have forgotten my mortal existence previous to his revelation. Much good for all is the ultimate result. I wonder how my metallic friend in Seattle fares. Hopefully, I will be able to complete my final payment to him and be done with such ... distasteful matter. Hmmmm ... perhaps I have not been so affected by Apollyon's presence after all. Cognac '73 ... amazing that its taste evokes such memories of the last millenium. Truly among all men, I have been most blessed. "Excuse me, Mr. Minnifield?" Yes ... "Incoming call for you, please place your credchip in the slot." Who from? "A Mr. Chetan Gopal?" Excellent. Chet! Magnificent to hear from you! We're still to meet in Madrid, no? +++++end of recording]<<<<< -- Apollyon <19:21:00/10-15-57> *****INTERNAL: Todd, Enforcement Division >>>>>[People such as Ms. Vega do our organisation no good at all. See that she is dealt with, if you please.]<<<<< -- *&^(*H <15:53:46/10-15-57> Humanis Policlub, Seattle ***** PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[I've just had a private communication from a friend of mine. He's worried about his lines being traced by certain unfriends, so he'd like to apply for employment via me. Name's Hamish - he's a pretty competent fighter, and fairly dependable. Your friends might be able to use his help.]<<<<< -- Minx <09:41:58/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Canis >>>>>[Bull figured I might be of some use to you, and made me an employment offer. I have some magical ability, and I can rig too. How can I help?]<<<<< -- Minx <09:43:57/10-16-57> >>>>>[Speaking of bugswatters, I've heard that Ares has put a lot of effort into developing autonomous and/or remotely piloted robots. In particular they are supposedly developing something for the UCAS military that can go into a hive to kill bugs. The advantages of such a thing would theoretically be mass producibility, toughness, and resistance to the magical powers of insect spirits. Anyone more informed care to comment?]<<<<< -- Fisher <16:32:03 EST/10-15-57> >>>>>[Or really anger you. I'm certain that would get immediate attention.]<<<<< -- Short Stuff <19:11:39/10-15-57> *****PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[If I had any evidence you could see it, but I just made that up to piss them off. A lot of my friends are metas and they aren't demons. Sorry.]<<<<< -- The Mighty Quinn <01:13:31/10-16-57> >>>>>[I personally was not involved with all of it. But considering that the unit is more than just a single squad(actually, Macross Rangers numbers 10 squads, precisely 120 mercenaries). Please read more carefully, as I said that Skull's group did all that in the past 3 months.]<<<<< -- Fat Chance <19:15:47/10-15-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason R. Stormwind >>>>>[Wilkenson was Stampede? Damn! We missed that completely. It wasn't us that caused his demise, at least not directly... we just pointed out to a certain two-star general that his team was causing ripples and generally making a mess. In short, not career-enhancing for someone who was due for his promotion board. I don't _think_ that led to his death. His outside activities may have had more to do with his untimely demise... Anyway, if we can help you again in future, let me know: if we need anything from you we'll ask. We owe you one for that tip, anyway, you didn't have to tell us that for free. You in on the Para exercise Quinn's recruiting for? Should be good for a few giggles.]<<<<< -- Jason R W Lynch <01:20:51/10-16-57> Strategic Intelligence Gathering Agency. >>>>>[Oh, damn. Thanks for the magic lesson, WhiteTyger. I never thought about the toxic zone angle, I was concentrating on killing the bugs I could see. So, we can't even poison the bastards. The collateral casualties... by next spring, I honestly doubt there'll be more than a few hundred people left inside the Zone. Everything inside there is broken. You need weapons to fight the bugs, but there's no ammo. You need medical attention when you're wounded, there's no medicine. You need fuel or warm clothing in winter, there's none of either. And less and less food is reaching the people who need it. If we sit and wait, the problem of civilian deaths goes away because they've all frozen, starved or been taken by the bugs. I mean, does _anyone_ know how we could clean out two hundred miles of bug-infested city centre and still keep a few of our own people alive? Napalm's out - won't get into the buildings, and do you know how much nape you need for _that_ much city? Nothing works when you're facing a threat this tough, this numerous, mixed in with your own people. But don't worry, WhiteTyger. When something gets found that might work, there'll be plenty of room for anyone who wants to help.]<<<<< -- Lynch <01:31:38/10-16-57> >>>>>[Their little robot's only saving grace is that they are fairly simple to put together, guide into and out of hives (though, I cannot at all imagine any of them ever managing to get out, certainly not with all the C-12 packed inside), and operate. I've seen some of the test footage for the new drone (last I checked, they weren't named yet) and I honestly do not think that they will stand up to an insect spirit attack. When they become available, We'll pick up a couple and see how they work for normal urban situations.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <01:15:41 / 10-16-57> Field Officer Serenity Security >>>>>[Oh, don't worry, Jenna and Gabriel. We don't need to join your fan club (there's a misplaced decimal point there - shouldn't it be 3.5, and even that's including Killer as a full member?) to fatten our files on you. And believe me when I say I have nothing to fear from your 'personal attention'. Sadly, you can't say the same about us.]<<<<< -- Lilith <01:35:16/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Bull, Canis, Inferno, Dark Avenger >>>>>[I'm on leave and I could be free if it's interesting and it pays all right. I shoot things. And blow things up. And drive over things in a tank. Except it's not _my_ tank, so you'd have to provide one, or steal one, or something, if that's what you want. I don't _need_ the tank, I'm just good at commanding them. Lots of them, actually. But not many people have lots of tanks, so that's not very useful. And I can do magic, too. Especially big spells. _Really_ big spells. The bigger the better, except I fall over after I cast them sometimes, but they really, really blow things up, which is why they make me fall over. Daddy calls it "astral recoil" and says I should use smaller spells, but if I have to do magic it's _obviously_ dangerous, so I should use _big_ spells to stop it being dangerous. Anyway, I'm really good in a big fight, but apparently I'm not very subtle. Is that any use to any of you?]<<<<< -- Stephanie <02:10:35/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[Stephanie sounds like my kind of girl.... What'd'ya think guys? (And gals?)]<<<<< -- Inferno <02:34:56 GMT/17.OCT.57> *****PRIVATE: WhiteTyger >>>>>[Sure, no problem. You're added to the alias file as of now, you should be in on any debate. Here's the spiel... +++++include briefing.txt Look forward to working with you.]<<<<< -- The Mighty Quinn <01:34:31/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Canis, Dark Avenger >>>>>[Should you require the services of someone in the "strong, silent, tall, and dark category ... I know someone who would exceptional for you. Are you interested? Only a moderate >>small nuyen<< finder's fee.]<<<<< -- Ms. Johnston <21:40:00/10-15-57> *****PRIVATE TO: The Mighty Quinn >>>>>[Upon seeing the petition to workout overseas, I immediately thought of an individual who has been of great service to me lately that will be willing to be out of the area for awhile. No legal problems. Clean history as far as I can tell, but you can discuss this with ... him. You can reach him through Shadowland at "The Skull Bearer". Will definitely make you exercise more interesting ... just make sure you tell him no lethal force. Consider this professional courtesy if you end up inviting him along. If not, don't hold it against me.]<<<<< -- Ms. Johnston <21:48:00/10-15-57> *****PRIVATE: The Mighty Quinn >>>>>[How large a group can you handle? My command unit could use the workout, but so could about half of the people not on assignment. If you can handle it, I'd like to bring about 3 squads, plus myself, Fat Chance, Short Stuff, and AEPacker. That's 37 mercenaries. Of course, fewer than that is also acceptable, but I'd like to go no lower than a full squad. We train in squad units, and breaking up the squad would run counter to that training.]<<<<< -- Skull <19:55:19/10-15-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Ok, Minx... You and Hamish are now part of this party line. Myself, Orion, and a couple others monitor this encrypted line pretty heavily to avoid a trace. You should be safe using it, as should be Hamish. I'm working on some hardware to make communication easier for us. Ok, what's Hamish do? We need all the people we can get, so he's welcome aboard. If the two of you work as a team, have him contact Canis as well. I wouldn't want to split up partners. Dark Avenger... Where in the hell are you?!? I haven't had contact with you in over 24 hours... Please respond.]<<<<< -- Bull <22:59:12/10-15-57> *****Private: Ms.Johnston >>>>>[As requested the subject will not be a problem for some time. may i say now that i have enjoyed our buisness together and look foward to future endevors. +++++include video 1.003 The view comes into focus looking toward a large apartment complex. There are heavy iron bars encircling the building, and the neighborhood isupper middle class. No one is seen wandering the streets. The camera moves toward a gate and guard shack. A cyberarm slowly comes into view and a gun slides out from its compartment in the forearm. Several shots to the hinges blow the gate open. When inside the view changes to thermo. Two figures are seen running toward the camera; both appear male. One stops approximately 20 yards away and starts to yell to the other to "get Lonestar this thing aint even a freakin meta-human.......what the frag are you?". As the second begins to turn back and presumably "get lonestar" hydraulics can be heard from just behind the camera. The first guard yells "get down Matt!" and he dives behind a bush. Matt attempts to drop, but as he does his body is cut in two by what sounded like sub-machinegun fire. Seconds later the bush is also destroyed in the same manner. The camera goes to each body and arms are seen picking them up. The view then climbs several flights of stairs before laying down the bodies outside of door 243. The image is still thermo and one female body can be seen inside, evidently putting things into a something. On further view, it looks as if she is packing. A loud knock is heard, she calls out, "Who is it?" Upon hearing nothing, she evidently panics, and begins digging through things, possibly looking for a weapon. View changes to show the bodies...a hand is searching them, and finally comes across a mag-key. The key is inserted in the door, and it opens. The image changes back to normal. The apartment looks like a hurricane hit it, clothes are scattered everywhere, some neatly stacked on a couch, others tossed this way and that, apparently thrown there as she looked for her weapon. The apartment is searched, and the woman is seen crouching in a closet, holding a monofilament whip. She manages to get a strike out, but although some damage is done, it isn't nearly enough. She is forcibly gagged, and tied to a chair. The hand smacks her across the face, drawing blood. The two dead guards are brought in. The cam focuses back on the girl, it is easy to see that if not for the blood soaking her face she might be quite attractive. Just then, a spur appears from a hand and jabs into her chest just below her lungs, ripping muscle from the diaphram. She screams through the gag. The view goes back to the guards who are hung upside down next to the girl, the skulls are stripped of flesh and left limply hanging from the bodies. Blood soaks into the plush carpet. View changes back to the girl. She is evidently in extreme pain, and appears to be suffering from shock as well. A gentle yet chilling voice then says quietly "you were warned" and a fist strikes her in the back of the head causing an obvious bump to appear in millisecounds. She sags in her bonds, unconscious. Sirens can be heard and seem to be getting closer. The image changes back to thermo and leaps out of the door. Ignoring the steps the veiw falls 2 stories then continues to move down the street. +++++end video as always if you aver need me just drop a line also if you could spred my name around with anyone needing my special talents i would be most appriciative.]<<<<< -- The Skull Bearer <08:30:48/10-15-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[Ummm, but what do we do with her? Are we planning to invade somewhere? I say sure, let's get ehr on board, but... Where???]<<<<< -- Bull <23:30:21/10-15-57> *****Internal: ChicTelCo Call >>>>>[Hey there Canis. Wwe've got a couple new recruits that I'm sending your way. You should have heard from them or be hearing from them shortly. Sound like a decent pair of runners, and could be..*&^%@KJH#@# +++++Line Trace Detected +++++Execute Re-route_66.exe +++++Failure: Re-route_66 not activated in time +++++Trace Successful Oh shit...]<<<<< -- Bull <00:49:38/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Black King >>>>>[Sir, we finally got a trace on tehre location, through the phone lines. you were right, they weren't nearly as secure. I suggest sending a strike team tehre immediately.]<<<<< -- Black Pawn 2 <00:51:10/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Black Pawn 2 >>>>>[Good work. Strike team is mobilizing as we speak. Keep trying to track down that arrogant Orion.]<<<<< -- Black king <00:55:23/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Shit! Drek! Goddamn it! We've been compromised! Safe house is no longer safe. We're moving. I'll let you all know when we get set up again. Frag, I don't need this shit! God damn phone lines weren't secure and I didn't catch the trace in time... that fraggin' slave-decker is really pissin' me off! Stay off the phones till I contact you. I'll try to get something set up to help us avoid this shit in the future.]<<<<< -- Bull <00:51:23/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Black King >>>>>[Sir, the strike team reports that they were unable to locate the prey. They moved out as soon as Bull realized we'd traced him... The place was a wreck and it looked like tehy'd cleared out just minutes before the team arrived. We're monitoring the airports and roads now to make sure they stay here. We'll find them sir.]<<<<< -- Black Pawn 2 <01:19:18/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Black Queen >>>>>[My queen, it appears our prey has escaped us once more. We have doubled our efforts to find them. We are very close. The ork shall not escape to tell our secrets.]<<<<< -- Black King <01:29-51/10-16-57> >>>>>[ Well, it wouldn't be a week without some sort of tidbit for you all. +++++ begin transmission A beautiful, and extremely angry female voice shouts, "Frag you, Blitzkrieg!" An equally angry male voice retorts, "Bite it, whore!" "Why YOU -" A door slams shut. "Fine! Walk away, you sorry muscle-headed idiot. I'm better off with out you." "You're a fragging whore for money, fame, and music! You have no concept of the words quality and taste! You just agreed to work with me so you would have a shot of dating my brother! Fragging WHORE! Good FUCKING RIDDANCE!" A door slams hard. You see an angry man in a trench coat storm out and onto the sidewalk. People scramble out of his way as the shaved-headed man storms down the path. The left hand, a cybernetic one, ruthlessly shoves people out of his way. A kid, not moving fast enough gets a fist to the face, breaking the kid's nose. The man, Blitzkrieg you assume, continues storming along like the kid never existed. He fails to notice that a white van starts to follow him. He also fails to notice that this van has no tags on it. As he is passing a troll, he suddenly stops and looks at the troll in surprise. The troll grins viciously and says as he slams a fist into Blitzkrieg's right shoulder, "About time, breeder!" Blitzkrieg grunts and spins around and a smooth motion is backing away and drawing a pistol. You can see a man leans across the driver of the white van. He pokes an assault rifle out of the window and everything seems to slow down. Blitzkrieg, unaware of the van opens fire at the troll, who is diving (because he is aware of the van). The guy with the assault rifle fires on Blitzkrieg and the crowd. Blitzkrieg finally realizing what is happening, hits the ground as well. He takes a bullet in the left arm, but seems to ignore it. He rolls around and shoots at the van. The first shot misses but the second shot nails the rifleman. The troll, meanwhile, springs to his feet (extremely quick for a troll) and right after Blitzkrieg's second shot, nails him with a punch. Blitzkrieg slams into another kid and backs out onto the street, as another gunman opens fire at him and the general crowd. Blitzkrieg starts running in-between cars as the troll takes off after him. Suddenly, the troll grabs a bystander. The bystander screams in terror as the troll holds her in-between him and Blitzkrieg. "Drop the gun, Blitzkrieg!" "Frag off, Whirlwind!" The white van pulls up. and blocks Blitzkrieg's only escape route. Blitzkrieg swears and shoots the hostage in the leg. Whirlwind, surprised, drops her and opens fire on Blitzkrieg. Blitzkrieg jumps over the car as bullets come crashing in all around. Suddenly, a dull thump is heard and the other gunman has stopped shooting. Whirlwind shouts, "You can't escape, fool!" As he jumps on the hood of the car with the now blaring alarm. Blitzkrieg runs and crashes into one of the few brave people standing. The boy he crashes into (a decently in-shape 15 year old) stops him and shouts, "You shot my sister!" "Get out of my way, kid!" Blitzkrieg shoots him in the groin area and smashes him aside with the butt of the pistol. Ejecting the clip, he jams in another one into the pistol. You think you hear him mutter, ãWhat a fucking time to be packing normal rounds." As he races around a corner. Whirlwind hot on his heels tramples the still falling boy, but dives back as yet another gunman opens fire. This one at the troll. You hear someone shout, "Take that you stinking, trog!" Whirlwind quickly breaks for the van, and enters through the side door. The van surges forward, ignoring the bullets from some unseen assault rifle. The van breaks through the traffic jam (by ramming any vehicle in its way) and races around the corner that Blitzkrieg took. Blitzkrieg however is nowhere in sight. Hearing the police sirens. Whirlwind curses, but the van drives out of the area. +++++ end transmission The van was found later. There was one dead ork in the van that had his cyberware ripped out. The police have identified the ork as "J.R." a local punk with an attitude and a rap sheet a mile long. The police have issued warrants for Blitzkrieg and Whirlwind, but so far neither has been found. Although I hear Blitzkrieg's lady friend was questioned extensively about Blitzkrieg. Body count is 10 with another 35 or so wounded. Some of them aren't expected to survive the night. The name Whirlwind seems to ring a bell. I believe he gave Doomsday some fits guarding the children from the massacre a year or so ago. Didn't he have run ins with Whirlwind both in Seattle and Germany? ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <21:40:14/10-15-57> >>>>>[ Very perceptive, my rodent chum. I believe you are correct. Whirlwind among others was speculated as having been involved in the massacre. Rumor has it, that when it was realized to have been a failure, and they finally got up the nerve to tell him that they botched the job, he told them to go frag themselves. (He ended up murdering the slot who had hired him in the first place. I guess not all the money in the world can remove guilt.) The guess is that the Wanderer hired him (and some friends of his) for his past record of dealing with Doomsday. He went after Doomsday with zeal. First in Seattle, and then chasing him to Germany. Things in Germany got ugly. But ultimately, we got the poor troll and ork orphans out with only two more deaths in the children. How is not my story to tell though. It was tricky though, because at the same time all this was going on, DragonEyes was going through his crisis. ]<<<<< -- Sprinkler <21:42:04/10-15-57> >>>>>[ Oh that. I remember that, almost old news. I hear that Kor learned the true meaning of non-violence, eh? ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <21:42:26/10-15-57> >>>>>[ I hear that you are a dead man, if I ever get my hands on you. At least you didn't show what the person I was arguing with looked like, you miserable slot. Shadowfox, I believe I'm going to call a favor you owe me. ]<<<<< -- Blitzkrieg <21:50:12/10-15-57> ***** Private: Blitzkrieg >>>>>[ Contact >>encrypted<<. He will get your identity clean, and get you on the first plane to here. Once you arrive here, we'll discuss things. And Blitz., I owe you nothing. I'm doing this because you are a friend. Meanwhile, I'll also have my chum put out some feelers to see if we can track down Whirlwind. See you soon, Blitz. ]<<<<< -- Shadowfox <21:56:31/10-15-57> ***** Private: Scourge, Kor >>>>>[ Contact Doomsday and Harker and warn them that they could have company in their yard. Whirlwind won't waste much time now since he is probably assuming that Doomsday already knows. I suspect he will first go for Nightingale since he failed to get Blitzkrieg. I've already contacted a friend and told him to get her to Boston, where Gunner can help her out. I guess this is what happens when you are decently visible. I wonder if this means he will try and go after Nightmare soon. ]<<<<< -- Shadowfox <22:00:00/10-15-57> *****Internal Seattle FBI Surveillance dep to Directors office >>>>>[Sir we managed to take these pictures of the suspects.Here are the Downloads. Begin download. ++++++Loading surveillance Clip 3455b Sea-tac Airport Subjects Alias:Smudge Static fills the screen but then clears up to show the front entrance to the Sea-tac arrival Terminal. The camera Pans in on a man exiting the building A short man with long blond dreadlocked hair and beard wearing a conservative buisness suit carrying a Brown Leather Briefcase.The man Looks around and walks toward a parked taxi he bends down and says a few words to the driver then get in and the taxi drives off.+++++Clip ends...]<<<<< -- Special Agent Driscol Surveillance dep <06:45:32/10-17-57> *****Internal Seattle FBI Surveillance dep to Directors office >>>>>[Sir the Subject has been identified as one of the people wanted for questioning concerning the Lassiter Investments terrorist bombings.We have a second clip that shows him with two of the others wanted for questioning ready to receave clip?. begin Download?:Begin +++++Loading Surveillance clip 45644ty FireHouse Nightclub Subjects: Alias:Smudge Alias:Katana Alias:Bear A short burts of static that fills into a shot of the front side of the Firehouse a small Nightclub In Redmond Seattle. The same Blond man from the first Clip is seen stading by the entrance lighting a cigarette the flame from the lighter glitters coldly from an uncovered cyberarm.He puts the lighter away and walks towards a side alley.As he approaches two shadows form out of the alley into the shapes of two men one is a tall amerindian wearing feathers in his long greasy hair his clothes are those of a street ganger leathers with what seems to be a west made of ammo shells from a hip belt two revolvers hang in plain sight.The second man is a tall Caucasian wearing biker leathers and carrying a black helm with golden lightings painted on it he constantly scans the area around him in short nervous movements.The blonde man smiles as he sees them and grabs hold of them hugging them and laughing.The two men smile and slap his back.After some hasty talking they move farther down into the alley out of sight, A few minutes later three bikes come roaring out the alley and down the road all ride heavy BMW 2052 B4s The camera folloew them until they disappear then shuts of into static. +++++Clip ends. ]<<<<< -Special Agent Driscol Surveillance dep<06:57:45/10-17-57> *****Internal Seattle FBI Surveillance dep to Directors office >>>>>[As you can see the Amerindian is the terrorist Bear who was arrested and sentenced to life inprisonment for the bombing.We beleave the other to be the Terrorists Katana but we are not sure since Katana was reported to have had extensive plastic surgery and body modifications done.Request Permission to Deploy a team of agents to capture the group]<<<<< -Special Agent Driscol Surveillance dep<07:03:21/10-17-57> *****Internal Seattle FBI Directors office to Surveillance Dep >>>>>[Request denied keep them under surveillance and report any activity directly to me.]<<<<< -Director heiss Seattle FBI<07:05:34/10-17-57> *****Internal Seattle FBI Directors office to project Knights Gambit >>>>>[We have confirmation on the three men you requested being searched for they are all in the Seattle area,but have not made any moves towards leaving the city nor has there been any evidence that the fourth man Inferno has met with them or been in the city. Am keeping them under surveillance as ordered. I wish to restate my protest that these terrorists be allowed to move freely.]<<<<< -Director heiss Seattle FBI<07:012:53/10-17-57> *****Internal knights Gambit to Seattle FBI Directors Office >>>>>[Protest Noted continue with surveillance as planned if subject Inferno is seen with them or they make ready to leave the city notify imeadietly]<<<<< -Black Pawn 4 <07:045:09/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Glad to be aboard lad....sorry I couldna offer me services in person, but I was having a wee spot of trouble with some old unfriendly aquaintances. It should be all sorted out now, and I think some poor bastich is going to have one hell of a headache...isn't it grand having decker friends. Glad to know you're watching this line though...would hate to inflict me problems on the rest of you. What do I do? He he...what don't I do? I've done six years Special Ops out of Glasgow, and two years running in UCAS, Seattle mostly. Tactics, recon, wetwork, demolitions... you name it, I can do it. Sounds like you guys need some heavy firepower, and that's what I do best. If you need me, I'm yours. Just eager to get in there and start blasting some bugs...been sitting on my arse for way too long... Canis...where do you want Minx and meself to report? Bull says that you could use us. I am meeting Minx at >>encrypted<< and we'll try and catch up with you lads from there.]<<<<< -- Hamish <23:27:17/10-15-57> ***** INTERNAL: Radio Message near Chicago CZ >>>>>[ Read ya, Bull. Cover my sorry ass at adress mentioned. Really need some stuff, hope the er, ... well, he's as good as ya say. Good luck to yall. ]<<<<< -- Canis <22:55:58/10-15-57> ***** PRIVATE: Stephanie >>>>>[ Hello, Stephanie, sounds like we could use you. Please prepare to meet at >>encrypted<< at >>encrypted<< local time. You will meet an elf who wears black tatoos in his face. ]<<<<< --Canis <12:05:38/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Minx, Hamish >>>>>[ Read you. OK, let's meet ASAP. Place is >>encrypted<<, time is >>encrypted<<. You will be expected by an elf with black stripes tatooed in his face. Be there in time. ]<<<<< --Canis <12:03:01/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE TO: InfoScholar >>>>>[Not bad for a day's worth of work. Keep it up.]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <9:54:32/16-10-57> >>>>>[About those 'bot bug swatters: Don't spirits have to be whacked by something with 'spiritual force', like magic or a sword? (Silly me, beleiving the media and all =)]<<<<< -- Tobias Dark <9:55:31/16-10-57> *****Private:Lynch >>>>>[Hmm, they do anything interesting, or just talk? I really need to get rid of these guys, they're starting to mess with some of my close friends. I just hope they don't find Wolfen before I can warn him, maybe he'll come home for a bit, I can defend him better there. Oh well, can you keep an eye out for Wolfen? He's my son. I'll let him know otherwise, just tell him to get in contact with me if you see him. I don't trust the Matrix now, so have him call me if you see him. +++++include Wolfen.pic Other than that, know any vampire hunters? I can pay well to hav a few of these gotten rid of. I can deal with smaller numbers, but this many, even with a lot of them new, is too much for just me. Thanx for the warning and the drinks, it was an enjoyable evening.]<<<<< -- Blademaster <10:03:41/10-16-57> >>>>>[ Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <11:55:16/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[ Your job offer sounds interesting. Are you in need of another Wolf Shaman for support? ]<<<<< -- Nomad <12:00:32/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Valentine >>>>>[ Hello, Val. I'm back in the area for a few days and I was wondering if it would be okay for me to come to Haven for a couple of days and visit some of my old friends. ]<<<<< -- Kenneth Donaldson <12:04:58/10-16-57> >>>>>[Ok ... who let Sigourney Weaver on set?]<<<<< -- Hollywood Historian <12:05:10/10-16-57> >>>>>[ Son of a bitch. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <12:09:30/10-16-57> ***** INTERNAL: Serenity Security: Personnel Division >>>>>[ Mark me as being on indefinite emergency leave, effective immediately. I suspect Jason won't be terribly far behind me. ]<<<<< -- David Jarman <12:12:50/10-16-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: Jason Stormwind >>>>>[ I'm going after that fragger. He disappeared on us last year, but he won't get away again. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <12:14:21/10-16-57> ***** INTERNAL: Serenity Security: Personnel Division >>>>>[ I'm on personal leave, effective immediately. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <12:15:54/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Jason Stormwind >>>>>[ I _want_ that fragger that Wanderer was working for. Bad. After what Wanderer did to Tris, he's got to pay. I'm on personal leave until further notice .. personnel has already been contacted. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <12:18:12/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Doomsday >>>>>[ If you or your brother need anything, I'm here. I didn't forget about the massacare last year, and that fragger still needs to pay. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <12:20:30/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[ All my old contacts have dried up, so I need to ask you a favor. Do you have any contacts that I could use to get a hold of a little bit of gear? I need some untraceable weapons as soon as possible. Nothing heavy, just an assault rifle, some grenades and such. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <12:22:17/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Kenneth Donaldson >>>>>[Of course, Kenneth! Feel free to stop by.]<<<<< -- Valentine <10:41:54/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE:Bull >>>>>[ If you are still looking for some magical support I may be able to help you out. Have combat experience especially with spirits. Let me know.]<<<<< --Caric<10:04:29/10-16-57> >>>>>[Don't think it hasn't been suggested.]<<<<< -- Snake <12:30:22 / 10-16-57> >>>>>[Hey, Griff, you didn't hear this from me, but I've heard the UCAS AF has a FOBS bird parked in geo-sync orbit over Chicago, just in case things get really out of hand. Wonder if they've taken into account wind speed and direction? I mean, hell, Damien Knight might get mighty pissed off when fallout starts dropping past the window of his office in Detroit.....]<<<<< -- rumormonger >>>>>[Hmmm. I guess it's lucky for Blitzkrieg that his opposition was almost as incompetent as he was.]<<<<< -- Blade <20:45:00/10-16-57> >>>>>[Yeah, tough, pack a bunch of explosives an' dumb as bricks. To be really effective and flexible, a rigger hasta be hardwired to the drone and follow it into the hive. Just put a big-assed bomb on the back of a snooper, cue some chemo sensors to the pheremones the queen releases and send it in. I know it might be crazy, why do spirits need pheremones? Hell if I know, but hives stink inside. Maybe it's just me, but I swear I've seen people do goofy things in hives, gotta be the pheremones.]<<<<< -- Snake <12:35:22 / 10-16-57> >>>>>[Buy a clue, buy a vowel, I don't care, but don't dis my deck, she-bitch and pet, (yeah you Jen & Gabe). I've got your embedded native language support right here.... And a few other things I'd like to embed IN YOUR FOREHEAD. Ji-chan would roll on the floor laughing if he heard you wankers. So let's settle this like reasonable adults: recognize your mistake, acknowledge it, and come back here an kiss Arashi's toe in gratitude for pointing out your ignorance like good little pups, and maybe we'll forget the whole thing.]<<<<< -- Vernier <11:48:25/10-16-57> >>>>>[No idea, Tobias. I've vaguely heard some of them, at least, can be hurt by guns, but the only bugs in my job description are software. You'd think that Ares would get someone who knows to tell them whether or not it would work before spending lots of money on the project, but I've seen some fairly impressive cases of corporate stupidity, so I wouldn't depend on it.]<<<<< -- Fisher <14:38:56 EST/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Skull >>>>>[A full platoon? Yipes. We're more interested - for this exercise - in the small numbers of specialists than we are in merc units: different threats, different tactics. Also, we're not budgeted for that many people. However... I did pass your message on to a couple of riva^H^H^H^H friends from another units, and they may well make contact with you for those exercises where we _do_ want to train against military units. So, you may get further offers (though probably not through SLand). We'd still like you and your team - with squad to suit, since you should be gaining training value from this too - along: your reputation is considerable.]<<<<< -- The Mighty Quinn <17:20:31/10-16-57> >>>>>[Big bomb? How big? A sub-kiloton nuke didn't work too well on Cermak, did it? The deeper you get into the hive, the more you're dealing with beings that are mostly astral and treat their meat bodies as merely convenient tools to rip you up with. You want a dead queen, take a powerful shaman and make sure she gets there alive. Plain high explosive doesn't work. Flamers are good, but manpack ones don't carry enough fuel. Green Ring works, too, but you need to be damn careful where you use it, and again you can't get enough or carry enough... plus, one tear in your suit and you're in trouble, and fighting hand-to-hand in full NBC is a losing proposition against bugs. I really hate the insect spirits. Not like me to do that, but I do.]<<<<< -- Lynch <20:00:16/10-16-57> >>>>>[I just returned from an "extraction" from that hellhole we all know as Bug City. People, something must be done, and done fast. I've dealt with these demons for the past two weeks, and God help me, I'm going back. Here's what I learned from my experiences that might help you tech boys out: Fire and water attacks are more effective than bombs and bullets. I think it has to do with their primal elemental nature. We've actually made makeshift flamethrowers with the leftover fuel from the bus depot and airport. The bugs' armor doesn't handle flames too well, and they worked great against the damn fly spirits. Just don't use them indoors. I've seen few of Chicago's Bravest, the firemen, drive away a beetle spirit with just their water hose on their truck. They actually knocked that walking tank over and bought us some time to escape. I hope this small amount of info helps. If anyone wants to help out, please reply back to me. If you need to find me inside the CZ, I'll be at Little Earth.]<<<<< -- Daredevil <08:35:29/10-16-57> >>>>>[Well, Jen and Gabe, I see you're carefully avoiding a chance to train against some of the finest soldiers the world has to offer. It won't be _that_ hard. They promise not to laugh at your dress sense, and the company CO says you can bring your rollerblades too. You can have manicure breaks, and there'll be a helicopter standing by to whisk Jenna off to a hairdresser if she suffers another of her coiffure disasters. Come on, come and play with the grown-ups for once. -- The Mighty Quinn <17:25:31/10-16-57> >>>>>[I got word from one of the bartender's at Dante's Inferno this morning that a kid has been hanging out around "Hell". You know, the private meeting place at the Inferno. Anyway, she said the kid fits the description of our little urchins. I'm checking it out.]<<<<< -- Jasmine <12:49:00 / 10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[I'm here to offer you my services. Whereas I am not an accomplished fighter, can't stand fighting, and barley passable as a decker, what I can offer you is resources. I am an accomplished reserch scientist in computers and in cyberware, and my services could prove to be invaluable.]<<<<< -- Harkion <14:50:10/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Blademaster >>>>>[They just talked. Threatened me a little, which was funny: hinted they might offer me money to move against you, which was really funny. I kept my face straight and nodded and behaved myself. I'll keep an eye out for your boy, too, no problem. As for vampire hunters... I don't know offhand, at least not for Seattle. You could try InterPol or CDC, it's their jurisdiction, but they're usually worse than useless. I'll see what I can do, and I might end up helping you out directly. I don't like being threatened.]<<<<< -- Lynch <19:40:31/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Action Jackson >>>>>[AJ, a nodding acquaintance has vampire problems. +++++include message traffic: Lynch <=> Blademaster +++++include video: vampiric_intimidation Not having much experience of vampires, and the only one I know well being something of a friend, I thought I should seek advice. Do you know these guys? Are they as well-adjusted as you, or a threat to the public? Is Blademaster a good guy or a bad guy? Basically, do I walk away or pick a side?]<<<<< -- Lynch <19:42:56/10-16-57 *****PRIVATE: Jason R Stormwind, Serenity Security >>>>>[Jas, know any vampire hunters? A guy called Blademaster has problems and they threatened me indirectly: by rep he's a good guy, in person I liked him, so I figured I'd see if you had any contacts. It's not my area of expertise, all I can do is direct him to CDC or InterPol: neither of which I'd trust to take out my trash, let alone deal with a threatening group of vampires.]<<<<< -- Lynch <19:46:31/10-16-57> >>>>>[Hell with the native language support. It's not how hot the hardware, but how you handle it. >} Speaking of which, all you hot-and-heavy deckers should come on by and say hi to with Jabberwock2.0a. She's _really_ friendly as daemons go *smirk*. I'm sure noone will have any complaints about going "hot" with her...if you're good enough. Consider it a personal invitation to <>. ]<<<<< -- Azrael <12:44:58 / 10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Azrael >>>>>[Temee! All those drooling incognoscenti can end up on your processor allocation, you know. She is _not_ intended as an amusement part sideshow. ]<<<<< -- LowlyKahn <12:52:41 / 10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: LowlyKahn >>>>>[Iii ja nai. Most of these people won't even make it through the mirror, and if they do, most of the rest will just get tossed out of hand. The system loading only starts if someone manages to get "serious" with her. Besides, we both know that there's more going on than just the (considerable) physical benefits...]<<<<< -- Azrael <13:38:13 / 10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Azrael >>>>>[Hmmm....we'll just have to wait and see how skillful these deckers have become. Remember that she is only one aspect of our work...]<<<<< -- LowlyKahn <13:42:59 / 10-16-57> >>>>>[And Roxey pointed out that there might have been one up near "Heaven", that other private meeting place in Dante's, but don't quote me on that. I'm still keeping my eyes open, but the person really to ask is Val. With all his gang contacts, he must have heard of something.]<<<<< -- Slash <14:36:44/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: The Mighty Quinn >>>>>[Of course. And, unfortunately, there are situations where terrorists are in squad sized units where an extraction must be performed. Thankfully rare situations. One squad it is. FYI, I will be in command, but the rest of my command team will be otherwise occupied.]<<<<< -- Skull <14:39:35/10-16-57> >>>>>[Big enough to destroy the brood chamber's big enough. Exactamundo on the deep part. Keep the astral stuff in the holster when you're in deep, though. However good it works on the street. The bugs hafta manifest to do any harm. That's when you drop 'em. Wallacher Combat Axe right through the ole cranium'll do the trick. Wired 'flexes help rip through 'em quicker and don't run the risk of quickened spells acting as big signs. The problem with that is heavily cybered types are relatively unattractive hosts, they like 'em fresh an' juicy, not crunchy. The bugs cue in on magical types. They'll swarm an aggro shaman before they go toe to toe (mandible to tooth, boot to abdomen...) with us heavies. 'Course masking'll cut down on that some, just forget about going straight astral, or so I'm told. Hell, even astral perception can get dicey, I'll bet.]<<<<< -- Snake (15:32:00 / 10-16-57) >>>>>[Wow Vernier, your hardware seems a little TOO important to you. You aren't trying to make up for something, are you?]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <17:47:54/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[Well I'm the hired help, so I don't really get a say in the matter - but I'd love to work with her.]<<<<< -- Minx <07:45:10/10.17.57> *****PRIVATE TO: The Mighty Quinn >>>>>[Sorry Quinn, we were ignoring you. What was it you were talking about?]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <17:51:32/10-16-96> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher, Griffyn >>>>>[I guess we are mobilizing. Ill get ahold of Black Knight. He's our contact point on this end. My plan is to offer my services to him as needed. Nightmare needs to be kept out of this. I suspect that someone is just pushing buttons to get him into the open. Ratspeak is a target of oportunity. 100 knY to whoever brings that slitch down. Dont let that bit get out. And dont let it come back to me or Nightmare will crawl up my ass and out of my mouth. I dont need that right now. Im sure he'd understand but I think he's able to manipulate 'speak somehow to his own needs and removing one of his unwitting dupes wont go over well with him.]<<<<< -- Kor <22:22:29 / 10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Black Knight >>>>>[I guess we have a couple of off duty officers that need to have a talk with Blitz's friend. I happen to be one of them. Rather than bumbling over one another, I've pointed them at you. Feel free to contact them as need be. +++++ include: history.nb +++++ include: history.griffyn You should remember them from before. If you need me in Boston, Im there.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <22:28:29 / 10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[SHIT! Did you mean for that to go to him with your real name?????]<<<<< -- Skuff ***** PRIVATE: Skuff >>>>>[The German contingent knows who I am. It happened right after Powerhouse's death. It was the only way I could get an "in". Blind trust won out. Dont think I'm stupid enough to do that again]<<<<< -- Kor <22:28:41 / 10-16-57> ***** INTERNAL: Scourge, Serenity Security, Consultant >>>>>[+++++ Encryption: On Please don't fiddle with mail messages that I encrypt. Puzzle or not, it would annoy me to find you doing it +++++ Begin Alpha.scrg I made contact. Now we wait. I wasnt expecting this puke to turn up again but I guess I should have known better. Most important is to keep Nightmare clean in all of this. Do you even check your mail on our systems or do I need to go land for you? +++++ End Alpha.scrg +++++ Enctryption: Off]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <22:32:24 / 10-16-57> Field Officer Serenity Security *****PRIVATE: Lilith >>>>>[Your right, it is easy to get Jen and Gabe riled up. Unfortunately, Jennifer took their taunt a bit to heart. Kept her from doing anything stupid. So, what do you know about these punks anyway? I like to know a bit more about who I'm poking fun of usually, unless of course they're Aviators of Navals.... By the way, the offer on the simulator ride got postponed for a bit. Jenny mentioned it in passing to the "Old Man" and was told that she just might get what she wished for. Will let you know more later.]<<<<< -- Arashi <15:59:39/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Rosha, Evita, Wolfen >>>>>[I don't like what I've been hearing about the CZ lately... but what can one do? We leave tommorrow morning, meet at 0830, >>place<<.]<<<<< -- Ronin <16:23:53/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Info-Scholar >>>>>[It has come to my attention that you are in a position to acquire valuable information. An associate of mine has come to cross digital paths with a pair calling themselves Jen and Gabe (what seems to be short for Jenna and Gabriel). The pair seem to be a pair of shadowrunners in the Seattle area, of some renown if one is to believe them. Conversely, rumor has it that they are a pair of corporate operatives, if not braggadocious simpletons who happen to know how to milk the local matrix for their own amusement. I am in a position to offer considerable funds in return for the true story of who they are, what they are, and who they work for. I place considerable value on my associate and would not like to see any harm come. As well, I am of a natively curious sort. However, you can appreciate that certain inquiries, or the depths of certain inquiries can be beyond the capability (physically or simply legally) of some. Please reply at your earliest convenience an estimate you would place upon such an inquiry. Note there can and will be a considerable bonus if the data was to be more verifiably illuminating or hazardous to you.]<<<<< -- Hephaestus <16:22:14/10-16-57> *****Private To: Azrael >>>>>[Sukebe.... (do look that one up) Kudo's on the Lewis Carol motif, but that's not any interpretation of the story that I know.... And if anything, she sure didn't "burble as she came." -_^ God, I don't believe I just said that. Anyway, not my type, too aggressive, and the tail was a tad too long (could get mighty uncomfortable if anything). Brings "sleaze" to an all new...low. So, what about the ladies--not as adventurous as I--who try the site? Check out the icon file I left behind: JabberBoy2.1b, a little something I cooked up and tossed in on a return trip (think that funky ancient rocker David Bowie crossed with the archangel named "Light-bringer" and your almost there). Don't worry I didn't bother messing with anything else; nothing was as amusing as the login. And I handle my hardware just fine thank you. :P ]<<<<< -- Vernier <16:49:34/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Vernier >>>>>[Naaani? Nihongo o shiranai wake nai ja nai ka? Besides, some friends of mine have persuaded me that the Japanese entertainment industry has managed to produce some worthwhile material, even if it is aimed at raking in the money. Hit the net and see if the name "CLAMP" adds any perspective to the matter. =) I could comment about the tail, but I'll let it suffice to say that my lady-comrade in arms finds it quite "convenient".... Oh, as for the file you left around; I liked the artistry enough to save it from being trashed out of hand, but you should be aware for the future that the garbage collector at that site doesn't take too kindly foreign objects... Call it a lack of a sense of humor, if you will. Decent code, though. I don't suspect it'll stay around long due to the usage requirements of the system, but maybe we'll keep you in mind if we want some input into our front-end design. ]<<<<< -- Azrael <17:03:49 / 10-16-57> *****PRIVATE TO:The Mighty Quinn >>>>>[Say, is your "we need someone to be the badguys" offer still open? If so, can I come? I promise I won't hurt anybody too bad-They'll still be alive. :)]<<<<< -- Shiftboy <17:09:44/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Arashi >>>>>[Jenna and Gabriel? Oh, just use them for amusement. They're a pair of corporate expediters, who claim rather more ability than they've demonstrated so far: apparently they're deckers, mages, samurai and riggers all at once. Considering how hard I work to stay on top of half that, I'd say they're liars. There was a rather amusing incident a while ago, when a pair of bumblers botched a run in front of a security drone: it appeared to be Jen and Gabe, and they got _very_ upset when it was alleged to be them. Their problem is, since nobody's worked with them or seen them in action, they couldn't point to any mistakes and say "see? you know we never do that". Still looking forward to the sim ride. Probably easiest if we come to your facility: less high-volume traffic attracting attention, fewer bandwidth problems. It promises to be... challenging. OBTW, Jason and I were going down to the Tailhooker in Everett tomorrow night, to have a few with anyone from the _Koontz_ who's there... you and your partner want to come along?]<<<<< -- Lilith <00:20:42/10-17-57> *****PRIVATE: Jen and Gabe >>>>>[What was I saying? Oh, yeah. Work. Training. Having fun. Going a few rounds with 3 Para at Whinney Hill and getting paid for it. Plus at least one free piss-up and curry in Catterick afterwards. Like I said, though, probably out of your league. I shouldn't have asked you, actually, except I misread the memo - thought I saw an "in" beside the "competent runners" and immediately you sprang to mind. Then I read it properly and I invited Skull instead. It's too difficult and dangerous for you. Stay home and fiddle with your processors instead.]<<<<< -- The Mighty Quinn <00:25:07/10-17-57> *****PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[Rifle, grenades, no problem. Untraceable limits me a little - most of my sources are legitimate - but I happen to have a few cold, unregistered weapons for just this kind of contingency. AK-97 clones, Chinese: good quality weapons. Let me know what modifications you want and I'll gunsmith it up for you. Ammo, I have damn near anything, and I can even pass you a clip or two of sabots: weapons have serial numbers, bullets just have headstamps. Grenades, easy, just gimme the list of what you want. Consider this a favour: if you're a friend of Stormwind, you're probably a good guy to know.]<<<<< -- Lynch <00:12:16/10-17-57> *****PRIVATE: Hephaestus >>>>>[I cannot discuss this matter with you at this time. Contact me next early next week, and we can do business.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <21:18:13/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Azrael >>>>>[Greetings and a couple of comments from another "freelance computer security consultant" and Lewis Carroll fan. Normally I prefer to interact with constructs from the other side of a good suite of programming utilities, but you need some real-time testing to find out how well things really work. So I thought I'd go and test the latest versions of my analysis utilities against your construct. Results included below for your amusement. Overall, looks pretty good, although it doesn't look much like any Carroll illustration I've ever seen. I prefer my version myself, but that's probably just programming style. There's a possible weakness or two shown in the report below, which you might want to check out, and fix for the next version if they're real. I didn't have the time or inclination to actually tangle with such a potentially formidable construct for fun, so I don't know how it'd actually do in "combat". ++++include analysis ]<<<<< -- Alice <18:42:16/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[It would be sounding that you are in need of some Magical help. I can be reached through >>encrypted<< Ring me up.]<<<<< -- Celt <16:37:09/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[I highly recommend an individual named "Skull Bearer" for your work. He has done extraordinary work for me already. You may contact him through Shadowland.]<<<<< -- Ms. Johnston <23:01:00/10-16-57> >>>>>[To whoever/whatever hurt my friend Cassandra. She's in the hospital now, are you happy? Probably for awhile. She's in a coma. She was getting ready to go somewhere, and you had to wreck it, and I'm really mad at whoever you are. Cass is a really nice person, she does not deserve what you have done to her. I really hope you get what you have coming to you, and if I can be the one to administer it, good. If someone else does it, good.]<<<<< -- Evita <21:32:36 / 10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[I would like any information you may have or be able to get on an attacker who is incredibly strong, and was in the vicinity of the Appleridge apartments on or about 0830 on the 15th of October.]<<<<< -- Evita <21:33:40 / 10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Evita >>>>>[I sent Cassandra for to training this morning. What the fuck is going on here? Any second now you are going to tell me that you are joking and that she made it to her orientation session fine, right?]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <04:09:38 / 10-17-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Ok guys and girls, we've managed to secure a safe house for the time being. The local is only temporary for now, though. Ok, after the last safe house got blown because of the phone lines being traced, we now need to deal directly through Shadowland, as myself, Orion and the other Matrix Jockeys can help protect our data better. Now, i realize that some of you are not technically inclined, and currently have deckers working overtime to put your sorry carcasses on teh matrix. So, I have a new gadget all worked up that I will be sending out as soon as they're ready. Here's the gist of them though. It's a small device that will record your voice, and translate it as an electronic message. Not taht big a deal, I know. Well, hear comes the tricky part. They are set up so that all you have to do is plug them into a dataline, and it automatically dumps the data to a central data dump. The devices have several inbuilt programs to help insure safe transmission. the first is a very powerful program to defeat traces. It will re-route the message several times to avoid the trace, with close to 2000 different destinations that it randomly re-routes through. this is a modification of my own re-route program. Also in it is a encryption program that can be read with one of these devices. They will also pick up your mail. It will work like old style e-mail with a central mailing list, except that it *should* be heavily protected. Also aiding this will be that our team's deckers, including myself, will be patrolling and actively protecting teh dump site at all times. We're calling in a few other deckers to help on this, although they will not be present for any physical meets. The devices, the "E-mailers", will be handed out to each team member as they are hired on, whether they can deck or not, providing us with a univeral way to contact each other. Canis and Orion, as the team leader for "B" team, will get a supply of tehse, and Myself, inferno, and Dark Avenger will also have a supply. Updates on the two programs will be supplied every couple of days to prevent them from being broken. Any questions, team?]<<<<< -- Bull <15:39:01/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Hey! What the Aitch Eeee dubble hockey sticks is this thang? I got a package this morning that had this lil' doohickey in it, and a 'trix jack hangin' off'n the end of it. I goes and plugs it in an' alluvva sudden I get some flakey message from some Cow or Bull fella askin' ifn' I cain use a 'pooter! Thet thar don' make no kinda sense. Ah ain't never met nobuddy name o' Bull afore. But seein' as how you seem to need some hailp within' some kinda bug Ah reckon' Ah cain give ya a hand. Y'all jess tell me when and where ta meetcha and Ah'll ride on up in my Gopher with both barrels a'blazin!]<<<<< -- Bubba <10:25:03/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Lilith >>>>>[Hi Lilith. I guess I've got some explaining to do, huh? Well, here it goes. Lynch told me that I should send updates to you while I was on my own (which makes me feel like I'm ten, by the way). Not a problem, but I suppose you wanted them more than two weeks apart. Oh well, it's field work, what can I say? Actually, this would've been to you two days ago, but I don't know how good the encryption is, and I didn't want anyone to find where I was, when I was there. So what I did was set up a delay of four days. Anyone who traces this send is going to be too late. But for the information. Here it is in a day by day breakdown. It starts on the fourth, a few hours before I dropped Jason off for his flight. What isn't captured on the body cam and mike you gave me I filled in with my personal notes. I also voice overed some of the video. +++++Begin video 041057.20:15:90.MDT The view from the camera shows the inside of a smoke filled bar. The hands of the person the camera is attached to, obviously Blade, show parts of him on the sides of the view, but the picture is centered on a doorway to the right of the actual bar that stretches the length of the room. A man walks out. He look fairly normal, except for a long mohawk. He walks over to where Blade is sitting and mumbles a few words, which are too low to be picked up by the microphone. Blade turns slightly to where another man, Lynch, is sitting. "This shouldn't take too long." Lynch just nods before turning his attention back to the room. Blade stands and follows the man with the mohawk across the bar, through the door, and up a long flight of stairs. At the top, the man opens a door and gestures for Blade to walk through. Blade does, and the door closes behind him without the other man entering. The room upstairs is a cut above what was below. Not a big cut, but it's obvious that this is where the true business of the place is done. Sitting behind a desk is a scrawny looking fellow. His greasy black hair is tied back, but it does nothing to neaten up his appearance. Nor does the poorly cut raw silk suit that he's wearing. Behind and to the left stands another man. From his stance, he's either a bodyguard, an advisor, or both. The man at the desk speaks with a voice heavly accented from the streets. "Good evening Mr. Blade. I've heard many good things about you. What may my business do for you tonight?" Blade sits down in a chair in front of the desk, and leans back. "Lets cut the drek, shall we? There's only one thing you guys have that no one else does." The advisor/bodyguard leans down and whispers something into the man's ear. The man behind the desk smiles. "Ah, yes. I must say, this has made our rather small orginaztion grow. I presume you are speaking of Doom?" "Of course." "As I thought. And might I add that you may want to treat us with more courtesy, seeing how we are the only distributors of such a valuable resources on this side of the continent. We don't take kindly to people coming in and bossing us around." "I don't give a hot damn what you think, Carpacci. You are going to tell me who sold it to you. No negotiations. No swindling. You tell me, and I give you a nice certified credstick and don't burn you to the ground. Sound fair?" The advisor leans torwards Carpacci's ear, mumbling into it for only a second. "Mr. Blade. Such threats. I don't think we can deal with you. You will leave now." After saying that, he reaches into a desk drawer. Before he can do anything, however, the picture blurs and the bodyguard is underneath Blade. The view shoots to the side as Blade turns and stands, drawing and pointing a heavy pistol at Carpacci as he stands, but Carpacci already has a gun out and is turning torwards him. Blade snaps the gun up to the man's temple. "You! Stop moving!" Another man enters the room from a side door, holding a SPAS-22 "No, move all you want Ed. This fragger's the one who's going to stop moving." He moves the shotgun to aim towards Blade's head Before the new guy has had a chance to finish talking, Blade moves his hand under his trench coat in a move too fast to follow and comes up pointing another pistol at him. The third guy under Blades foot squirms and gasps for breath. His hands grab Blade's ankle and try to move him. Blade doesn't even look at him. "You know, they can put guns in cyber legs, too." The man freezes. Lynch struts in. Taking note of the three-way standoff Blade is in, he chuckles. "Got things under control?" "Well it's about goddamn time. Think you could help me out here?" "Which one do you need?" "The one under my foot." The three other men in the room just watch the conversation in amazement. Sweat beads on the man with the shotgun's forehead. "You move and I'll fraggin' blow away your friend's fraggin' head!" Lynch just smiles again. "On three." "O.K." Blade pauses. "Is that one, two, three go or one, two, three and go?" "On three. One, two, three, go." "Isn't that after?" "Fuck it." Blade falls back and aims both Predators at Ed, firing. Lynch draws his two Colt .45's and nails the man with the shot gun. All three men hit the floor at about the same time, two with wounds oozing out of their chests. The third man starts to scrabble away before Blade catches him in a scissor hold with his legs. "Ah, ah. Not yet." Blade holsters his two pistols and picks up the bodyguard/advisor. "Before you try to put one of your stooges in your place, try to sort out his answers before hand. It won't look like you're in charge so much." The camera is centered on the man's sweating face. His eyes are round and he's started to hyperventilate. "Oh, frag. Jesus, frag, frag, aw, drek. Man, please don't, don't kill me. I'll tell you who we got the stuff from. It's in my note book, in the top desk drawer." Blade turns torwards the desk as Lynch cautiously opens up the drawer and takes out an old looking notebook. "The guys name is, uh, Daverys. Walter Daverys. Goes by the name of Recluse. He works out of Cairo. At least, he did when we dealt with him last time." "When was that?" "Last week. Jesus, don't kill me. Please." Blade turns back to Lynch, who has the notebook open. He looks up at Blade and nods. Blade sets the man back down. "Looks like another day of wine and roses for you." Then he pulls back and hits him square in the jaw, knocking the man out. Blade takes the notebook from Lynch and they start to leave. Lynch turns to Blade as they walk out. "I heard what you said back there. I didn't know your leg was cyber." "It's not." Lynch's laughter echoes as the door closes. +++++end video 041057.20:15:90.MDT So that was then. I dropped Lynch off at the airport before hitting the streets for more info on Byrnes before I left for Newark. I figured she had about a day on me as it was, and one more wasn't going to make that much of a difference. Didn't find out more than what I already knew, except for some potentially useful descriptions. Everywhere she went, she spent money like it was going out of style. The hotel screamed money from the moment you drove up to the moment you left. So did the places I was able to track her shopping at. The Bard was right. This woman might be a great biochemist, but she was no field agent. Lucky for me I guess. Well, since I couldn't find out anymore in Vegas, I hopped a flight to Newark. Speaking of Newark, do I get hazardous duty pay for that? Anyway, Newark had it's own bag of tricks for me. First of all, her parents had moved from their original address, and tracking down their new one was a bitch. Usually, finding a couple of SINners in a city like Newark would be easy, but her parents had not only moved, but had lost their jobs. So they, as I found out by finding and paying off the right people, had moved into one of the uglier sides of an ugly city. This is what I found when I got there +++++Begin video 091057.06:01:45.EDT From the outside, the duplex doesn't look any worse than it's neighbors. A little sad, perhaps. But no grayer than the other houses it rubs shoulders with. As the view travels up the short set off stairs to the door, you can see that something isn't quite right with it. A hand, Blades, reaches out and pushes on the door, and rusty hinges squeel as the door slowly opens. Stepping inside, the first impression is that either a storm front hit or the people living here doesn't keep a very clean house. Drawers are open everywhere. Furniture is smashed, the upholstery torn apart. Tapes and hard copy books litter the floors. Blade takes a sniff, and then a longer one. "Ughh." He begins to walk down a short hall to what looks like a kitchen/dining area. The area is the same as the front. Soy and flavoring are splattered everywhere. Something catches Blades eyes in the corner, near a sink and window. He looks up, and something dark can be seen dripping from the ceiling and down the wall. Blade starts opening up doors, finally finding one with a set off stairs leading up. He takes them slowly, and finally reaches a alcove that connects three rooms. The first two he checks are in the same condition as the downstairs. Someone was apparently looking for something that they wanted very badly. Blade walks up to the third door, which is slightly a jar. He pauses a second before pushing this door slowly open. A few flies cross the view as he steps in. Inside is a nightmarish scene. It looks almost as if someone had tried to paint the walls in red blood, now gone darker with drying. The floor is sticky as Blade walks around in the room. On one side of the bed is the remains a womans body. She has cuts all over her. The view moves away and into an attached bathroom. In there is a man hanging from a rope around his neck dangling from the ceiling. +++++end video 091057.06:01:45.EDT As you can see, not a pretty end for either of her parents. After a little bit of searching, however, I was able to find a few things that the killers missed. One was a piece of clothing from an expensive store in Vegas. Apparently, her daughter had been there. That's probably what got her parents killed. I'll have to tell her when I pick her up. Anyway, the other was under a magnet on the fridge. Why they didn't check there, I'll never know. But they missed this. +++++include picture FridgeNote.091057.06:25:67.EDT The picture shows a short note written in very precise script on the back of a soy cereal box. It says: "Mom and Dad, I've got some business to take care off. If I don't see you before I leave, have a great time in Hawaii. I'll send you pictures of the pyramids. Love Libby." +++++end include picture FridgeNote.091057,06:25:67.EDT I think she's headed for Cairo as well. When I didn't know, though. The Bard dropped off some info for me, which helped immensley. The target had apparently holed up in a cheap coffin motel, and left for Cairo on the first flight out two days ago. The next flight leave in an hour, and I've got a ticket for it. You should recieve this message on the 16th, if the software works right. If it doesn't, I have no idea. Either way, shortly thereafter, you'll have my next report.]<<<<< -- Blade <00:43:10/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Nomad >>>>>>[A little amgical support would be lovely, Nomad. Contact Canis and have his decker Orion add you to the private mailer. They can set you up and give you a few more details on the job.]<<<<< -- Bull <01:01:23/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Sounds good Caric. Please meet me at >>encrypted<< at >>encrypted<< for more details.]<<<<< -- Bull <01:12:41/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Harkion >>>>>[Harkion, welcome aboard. Contact Dark Avenger, and he'll give you some more details and get you set up. We could use a good techie in the group. I do my share, but Hacking's much more my gaem.]<<<<< -- Bull <01:29:27/10-17-57> >>>>>[This just might be the last one. But as I've not seen the entire transcript, don't quote me on that. Everyone, welcome to Drake's Hell. +++++ Begin Trideo record, International Police Hearing S57-01 +++++ Clerk: The Panel calls Paul Drake. The camera turns and faces the Defendant's table, behind which sits Commander Drake. The man that is the "dragon" pushes his chair back from the table, and rises is impressive 1.8m height, standing on legs that look remarkably like the hind legs of a dog. Considering the slit-pupil eyes, elongated muzzle, and fangs, never mind the retractable claws or the overlapping scales, perhaps saying that they look like the hind legs of a dragon would be more accurate. After standing, Drake takes a second to straighten out the imperceptible wrinkles in his black dress uniform, and walks to the witness chair, his spiked tail shifting slightly. The chair creaks under his weight as he sits down, the only testimony to the massive amount of cyberware he must have in his body. The clerk picks up the Bible sitting on the table, and presents it to Drake. Drake puts his left hand on the Bible and raises his right hand. Clerk: State your name and rank for the record. Drake: Paul Drake, Commander, InterPol Special Branch, currently relieved of command. Clerk: Repeat after me, sir: I, Paul Drake, do solemnly swear.... Drake: I, Paul Drake, do solemnly swear. Clerk: To tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. Drake: To tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. Burns: Commander, you are now under oath. Lt. Burr, your witness, but I caution you: treat the Commander with the proper respect. Lt. Burns, Prosecution: Naturally, Sir. Commander Drake, I'll start with a very simple allegation which was discovered in the course of my examination of the various witnesses, so that it will not detract from my later questions. Drake: You mean about the data file, correct? Prosecution: Yes. Please explain your behavior with regards to it. Drake: I keep active files on all my agents, including complete backgrounds, current activities, everything. The file store is an old RNA system, obsolete, but also easy to destroy and erase should unauthorized access be attempted. In addition, it is also kept isolated from any Matrix system. Prosecution: You are aware, Commander, that keeping data such as that is against InterPol regulations. Drake: I am aware of it, yes. Prosecution: If you are an ethical man, like I have heard so many people describe you, how can you maintain the data store and not report it? Drake: Very simple. The backgrounds of all the agents in InterPol are available to the regional commanders. The reason this data is available is so that the commanders know instantly the various skills, medical problems, etc. of the men and women under their command. Due to the special natures of a good many of Special Branch's agents, the data is under tighter guard, and one of the last Sections to the Charter addresses this issue. Section 92, in essence, says that the backgrounds and other information regarding the agents in Special Branch should not be available to the Commander unless he can provide some reason why he should know the information. I feel that knowledge of my agents' skills and backgrounds is vital to my being able to command them, and I feel that is reason enough. As the Special Branch charter contradicts this, but the InterPol Charter does not, I have copied the information, which I have always attained through proper channels, to the RNA storage medium, the only way that I can have instant access to everything that I need about one of my agents. Prosecution: So, you attain your files properly, and then copy them.... Correct me if I'm wrong, sir, but isn't copying these files against regulations, even if your requisitioning them is not? Drake: The InterPol charter prohibits wholesale copying or the placing of material where it can be accessed by the Matrix or be read by unauthorized individuals. As the only person who ever reads those files is me and the individual whom I recommend to replace me, in this case Jose Montoya, there are no unauthorized individuals who have access to the files. Prosecution: It appears that you have a found a grey area, Commander. Drake: Of course. It is quite possible that, should Internal Affairs, who have been investigating me since before I released Mr. Lynch, see fit to require that the data store be destroyed, so be it. However, I will continue to play within this grey area until full access has been granted to Special Branch, and the relevant lines and paragraphs in Section 91 stricken from the Special Branch charter. Prosecution: I see. Very well, Commander Drake, let us begin the real questions. Could you please recollect for the panel what your actions were after you dropped off Lt. Col. Montoya and headed toward Seattle-Tacoma International Airport? Drake: I had a hunch. Mr. Lynch, through all our conversations, was not the type to go to ground immediately after his location had been compromised. And he was a pilot. I suspected that his instincts would be to get the Hell out of Dodge, if you catch my meaning, and then to lay low and heal up as soon as he was out of harms reach. And at that point, there wasn't anywhere in Seattle that could legitimately qualify as out of harms reach. I followed my hunch to the airport. As wounded as he was, he couldn't have gone in the standard public entrances, so that limited it to employee and private hanger access. The private hanger access would appeal to a pilot, and there was a very good chance that one of the hangers would be rented out by Mr. Lynch's employers for an escape plane. I drove quietly and slowly around the hangers until I saw a car that matched the description of the vehicle missing from the Dome parking garage. I called it in to then Sergeant Montoya, and after his affirmation of its identity, I left the car and approached the hanger. Inside the hanger was a small twin engine prop plane, and Mr. Lynch was slowly hand-pumping fuel into it's tanks. At that point, he had a tourniquet tied around his leg, but everything below his upper calf was soaked in blood, and there was almost a dance of bloody footsteps on the hanger floor. I ordered him to turn around and remove his weapons, which he did. I must admit that I was a bit surprised to find that he went without resisting, but his honor had decreed that, if he couldn't remain free, that he would die with as much honor as I or the Aztlan government would allow. I placed Mr. Lynch under arrest, and put him into the back of my car, which I then drove out of the airport. Prosecution: Excuse me, sir, just a minor point. Were you in contact with the Seattle headquarters at all during this? Drake: Only when I called in with the stolen car's bar code, and again when I had arrested Mr. Lynch. Prosecution: And did HQ tell you anything in the time you were in contact? Drake: The Sergeant Montoya suggested that I wait to arrest Mr. Lynch until he could get a proper arrest unit down into the area. I declined by turning off the radio. Prosecution: I see. Thank you, sir. Please continue with your recollection. Drake: After arresting Mr. Lynch, I proceeded north from the airport along Intercity-5. During this time, I was suffering a crisis of conscience with regard to Mr. Lynch, and at one point I turned back and noticed that he had passed out. I left the highway and headed off to Seward Park, where I found a relatively secluded area and applied emergency first aid to Mr. Lynch. It was my opinion at the time that he could have died of blood loss had I not done so. After doing that, I walked around the park for a few minutes, and then got back into the car. >From the park I drove east around the south end of Lake Washington, north into Bellevue, and east on Intercity-90 into Redmond. I drove to Haven, woke Mr. Lynch, who was extremely agitated regarding where he was, upon recognizing it, and released him. I then turned the radio back on, promoted Sergeant Montoya to Lieutenant Colonel, and then relieved myself of duty pending a full disciplinary hearing to investigate my actions. Prosecution: Thank you, sir. You said that you walked for a few minutes in Seward Park. What precisely were you doing as you were walking? Drake: Thinking. Prosecution: And what were you thinking about? Drake: What I should do. I had been suffering a crisis of conscience about the morality of turning over Mr. Lynch to the Aztlan authorities. Yet my ethics required that I turn Mr. Lynch over to those very authorities, who I knew had already convicted him. In addition, I knew that he would be killed slowly and painfully as a means to send a message to everyone who would dare to frag with either Aztlan or Aztechnology. In addition, I knew that as soon as I turned him over, Aztlan would find a convenient excuse to renege on it's agreement with the InterPol Governing Council. But I had to turn Mr. Lynch over to them, because he was a criminal. He had broken the laws of a great many jurisdictions which currently have jurisdictional agreements with InterPol. However, Mr. Lynch was not about to be extradited to one of those nations, but to a non-signatory nation. As you can see, I was caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. Prosecution: So you chose to release Mr. Lynch while you were walking, correct? Drake: That is correct. Prosecution: What ultimately put you over the edge on that decision? Drake: I don't think that I can truly call Mr. Lynch a friend, but I have a great deal of respect for him, even if I feel that he is a bit misguided. That certainly had some effect on me. Prosecution: So you allowed your personal feelings to interfere? Drake: Please, allow me to finish what I was saying. I said that my respect for Mr. Lynch had an effect. But I have respect for a great many of the shadowrunners which I have locked away or who were executed over the years, and my respect didn't keep me from arresting them and bringing them to trial. I had been struggling with the various issues for a very long time, but I have struggled with them before. What finally put me over the edge was realizing that I could have a greater effect on the events unfolding which I had put into motion if I released Mr. Lynch than if I had delivered him to Aztlan. Basically, by placing myself into the position which I am currently occupying, I could force the issues to appear before a disciplinary panel and expose them in a more timely manner, and quickly enough to damage those individuals and organizations who deserve the scorn and derision for their part in the comedy of errors which was the pursuit of Mr. Lynch. Prosecution: So you broke the law by aiding and abetting a known felon to satisfy some martyr complex? How....noble. Drake: No, I broke the law because _everything_ has a chance to come to light in a full disciplinary hearing. _Nothing_ remains hidden. Perhaps you've heard about the forced "leaves of absence" that have struck InterPol worldwide? While they would have happened eventually, through Internal Affair's actions, but there wouldn't have been as many, and they wouldn't have occurred as quickly had this hearing not been held. I was going to be up for a disciplinary hearing regardless. But by breaking a law rather than just InterPol regulations, I forced a full hearing. And it has had the desired effect. Prosecution: Yet you berate others, like Mr. Lynch, who break the law for a "good" reason. What makes you so different from him, sir? Haven't you just said that you did the same thing? Drake: The difference is that I have stood up to be counted as the criminal which I allowed myself to become. I can do more good by remaining within the bounds of the laws I support, even if that means I will return to prison after a true trial, than I can by remaining free. It is my duty to bring criminals to justice. As I had become a criminal, I turned myself in. Mr. Lynch, as far as I can tell, believes himself beholden only to the "higher" law of justice. Thus he believes himself above the laws of the individual nations and individual corporations that he breaks, even as he acknowledges that they are the best we have currently. He truly believes that he can do more good by remaining a free criminal than he can by turning himself in. That is the difference. Perhaps it's merely semantics to you, Lt. Burr, but it means a very great deal to me. Prosecution: You say that it is your duty to bring criminals to justice. Did you not release Mr. Lynch again? Isn't that contrary to doing your duty? Drake: My actions were contrary to that particular duty, yes. And I made myself a criminal in the process. Prosecution: Let the record state that Commander Drake has admitted to being neglectful of his duty to bring criminals to justice. Burns: So noted. Prosecution: Commander, did you or did you not disobey direct orders from Marshall Qoph to have Mr. Lynch killed by the Montoya sniper unit? Drake: I did. Prosecution: Let the record state that Commander Drake has admitted to disobeying the direct order of a superior officer who, by prior testimony, had been placed as the Commander's superior by Council vote. Burns: So noted. Prosecution: One last question, sir. Are you, as commander of Special Branch, responsible for the lives of those individuals under your command? Drake: I am. Prosecution: Does that mean that, should one die through your action or inaction, you should be held responsible for their death? Drake: It does. Prosecution: Let the record state that Commander Drake has admitted to being responsible for the death of the agent under his command. Burns: So noted. Prosecution: Commander Drake has admitted his guilt on all charges. Honored Panelists, the prosecution rests. Burns: There will be a recess for lunch. Hearing adjourned until 1300 hours. Burns: Lt. Mizikar, the Prosecution has rested it's case, and Commander Drake has admitted guilt on all charges. Unless you have some fantastic evidence or a huge list of special circumstances which should offset what we have heard, you have already lost. Do you still wish to cross-examine? Lt. Mizikar, Defense: I understand, sir, and yes, I would still like to cross-examine Commander Drake. Burns: Very well. Commander Drake, I remind you that you are still under oath. Drake: I understand. Burns: Good. Lt., your witness. Defense: Thank you, sir. Commander Drake, I would like to go through each of these charges one at a time and, if possible, get your reasoning for why you performed each of them. With the exception of why you released Mr. Lynch, as the Panel has already heard that. Do you have a problem with that? Drake: Not at all. Defense: Excellent. Starting with the charge of dereliction of duty charge, do you feel that you were derelict in your duties? Drake: My duty to bring criminals to justice under the law? Yes, I was, in part. All my duties? Not even close. Defense: Which duties were you not in dereliction of? Drake: All of them except bringing criminals to justice. But I have not been even close to derelict in searching out corruption, or in training my agents, or in ensuring that criminals would be brought to justice. Defense: Could you explain in more detail, Commander? Especially your comment about bringing criminals to justice. Drake: I've placed Jose Montoya as the commander of Special Branch, for one. He is uncorrupted by national or corporate influences, and as incorruptible as I am. He shares my ideals on law and justice, even if they are marginally weaker. And by placing him in command, I ensured that the others waiting in line for me to resign or die would have no opportunity to scuttle or pervert Special Branch and pull it away from it's duty of protecting the law. Second, I convinced the Council to allow me to use only the local Seattle forces to pursue Mr. Lynch, instead of using all the Special Branch forces in the world. By doing this, I was able to continue business as usual throughout the vast majority of the world, instead of scuttling all the thousands of investigations and pursuits which Special Branch is involved in. In the time it took me and my agents to finally arrest Mr. Lynch, over 50 terrorists and shadowrunners were arrested over 100 investigations had taken significant steps forward. All those and more would have crashed and burned had I not been able to convince the Council to allow me to limit the mobilization to only Seattle. But in Seattle, 23 investigations fell by the wayside, 4 of which were high profile and/or much more dangerous than Mr. Lynch. Defense: You implied in your prior testimony that the two Enforcement officers which were being groomed for your replacement would have scuttled or perverted Special Branch. Why is that? Drake: Because one has been caught taking Ares Macrotech bribes, and the other is owned by Mitsuhama. Prosecution: Objection! Speculation. Defense: Fact, actually. Internal Affairs has recently brought charges of corruption against both of them for precisely the same reasons that Commander Drake has alluded to. Burns: Overruled. Defense: So having a corrupt commander of Special Branch would have been a bad thing? Drake: Obviously. Having corruption anywhere in InterPol is, as you said, a bad thing. Defense: And is there corruption elsewhere in InterPol? Drake: InterPol is rife with corruption. Special Branch has the dubious honor of being the least corrupt branch, and Enforcement the most. Prosecution: Objection. Speculation. Defense: The defense submits the following reports, and references IAD reports 143- 52 through 578-55. In summary, all the reports indicate that what Commander Drake has just said is completely accurate. Burns: Objection overruled. Lt. Burr, I'd better be sure that what you're objecting to is accurate from now on. Prosecution: Of course, Sir. Burns: Lt. Mizikar, continue please. Defense: Commander Drake, you said earlier that you had committed a crime in order to further certain aims which you had at the time. Could you please explain to the panel what those aims were. Drake: Simply, to expose as much of the corruption in InterPol in as short a period of time as possible. Defense: Do you believe you have been successful? Drake: If what I hear about the recent forced retirements, forced leaves-of- absence, and number of scheduled disciplinary hearings is accurate, then I have been successful, yes. Defense: How does that make you feel? Prosecution: Objection! Burns: Sustained. Commander Drake's feelings are not in question, Lt. Please rephrase the question. Defense: Of course. What do you think the panel will do to you, since you have been successful in achieving your aims? Drake: I don't know. While I have met my goals, and so my future need not matter in the grand scheme of InterPol, it means a great deal to me personally. I hope that I will be reinstated as Commander of Special Branch again. However, as I have broken the law, I simply do not know what will happen to me. Defense: Thank you. Moving on to the charge that you are responsible for the death of one of you agents. Do you believe that there was more that you could have done that would have meant he would still be alive? Drake: In hindsight, I can think of a great many things I could have done, or perhaps should have done. But at the time, there was no indication that the level of opposition would have resulted in the death of an agent, and so those additional precautions were not taken. Defense: So you could have taken additional precautions, but didn't because you didn't feel they were necessary, correct? Drake: Yes. Defense: And there were no indications that additional, radical precautions would be required, correct? Drake: Yes. Defense: I want you to be absolutely clear on that, sir. There were absolutely no indications, whatsoever? Drake: None. Defense: So you took all the precautions you felt were necessary based on all the available information you had, contrary to what Marshall Qoph has testified. Drake: Yes, but Marshall Qoph is correct about one thing. I am the one individual who is ultimately responsible for the lives of my agents, thus I am ultimately responsible for his death. Defense: Of course, Commander. However, no court could possibly consider you guilty of murder for doing everything you could at the time to keep someone alive. Prosecution: Objection! Burns: Sustained. Lt. Mizikar, the Panel will decide who is guilty of what here, not yourself. Defense: My apologies, Sir. Commander, if we may move on to the charge of aiding and abetting an known criminal. Marshall Qoph has indicated that you were secretly working with Mr. Lynch to keep him alive and free. Were you? Drake: Absolutely not. I released him at the end, but until that final action, I had absolutely no intention to aid Mr. Lynch. And I had every intention of arresting him quickly, because doing so would have enabled me to get Special Branch back on track to arresting more dangerous individuals than Mr. Lynch. I even attempted to convince Mr. Lynch to turn himself in so I could do just that. If it had worked, I might not have lost an agent, but nor would there have been as rapid a shakeout of InterPol. Defense: The Defense presents the complete transcripts of Commander Drake's attempts to convince Mr. Lynch to turn himself in as evidence. Commander, you are responsible for charging Marshall Qoph with a variety of charges, including conspiracy and corruption. Why did you issue those charges? Drake: Because there is evidence that Marshall Qoph has been paid off by Aztechnology. Most of the direct evidence which I had from my pursuit of Mr. Lynch was, and still is, circumstantial. But it was enough to convince IAD to perform a detailed check into Marshall Qoph's background. Defense: And what were the results of those findings, sir? Drake: I don't know. I have not been privy to the status of the investigation for quite some time. Defense: The Defense presents the final report on Marshall Xavier Qoph as evidence. Marshall Qoph has been proven by Internal Affairs to have 4 separate bank accounts in the Caribbean League and Switzerland to which monies originating in Aztlan and Aztechnology coffers have been funneled for the past 13 years. Burns: Let us see that, Lt. Burns: Very interesting, Lt. Mizikar. Continue, please. Defense: Thank you, sir. Commander Drake, the final charge against you was disobeying the direct orders of a superior officer, specifically Marshall Qoph. Why did you disobey those orders? Drake: Because they were from a corrupt officer of InterPol, for one. Those orders also were issued from an officer who was placed as my superior by the Council, which has granted Special Branch a level of autonomy. That autonomy does not allow the Council to arbitrarily place an officer over the commander without first notifying him or her. The documents presented earlier were accurate, however I did not receive them until well after the fact. I had one of my agents, a decker known as Eight-Ball, do some digging into the source of the documents, since they professed to have been dated by the system correctly, but actually arrived several days late. She discovered that the documents had been sent 18 hours after the actual Council meeting, and that the mail system clocks had temporarily been altered by a sophisticated virus to tag the documents with the prior dates and times. Defense: So someone released a virus into InterPol's mail system that altered the dates and times of just those documents, to make it appear as if you had been notified before the Council meeting, when you actually weren't notified until after it? Drake: That is correct. Defense: What did you do after discovering that information? Drake: I informed Internal Affairs, who took over the investigation. I do not know what has become of that investigation. Defense: The Defense presents IAD document B23-57, which shows that the results of IADs investigation are the same as Eight-Ball's. In addition, the source of the virus is detailed. Burns: Let's see that too, Lt. Burns: It says here that the virus was of Mitsuhama design. Is that correct? Defense: As far as I know, sir, it is. Burns: I see. As head of this Disciplinary Panel and senior member of the Governing Council of the International Police, I hereby place Miyamoto Okyoshu on indefinite leave of absence from all Council duties, including this disciplinary hearing, pending a full hearing regarding the matter of corruption, conspiracy, and felony alteration of InterPol documents, as per the International Police charter and all relevant treaties. Miyamoto Okyoshu: What?! You can't do that! I'm the senior representative of Imperial Japan! Rep. Thomas Lang: I agree, Sir Harold. You cannot simply remove a fellow Councilman from his duties for no good reason. Burns: I assure you, sirs, that I can remove a fellow Councilman from his duties if there is evidence of impropriety on his part. This report contains the evidence, and regulations require that I remove Mr. Okyoshu immediately, regardless of public or private standing. My apologies, but the Charter must be followed in all respects. Good day, Mr. Okyoshu. +++++ Miyamoto Okyoshu rises slowly from his chair, staring at Sir Harold Burns, and then glaring at Commander Drake for a long instant before turning and joining the armed escorts in leaving the room. +++++ Burns: If there are no further problems, I suggest we continue. Defense: Of course, sir. Commander Drake, did Internal Affairs determine who had sent the documents? Drake: To the best of my knowledge, no. But they were working on that problem as well prior to my removal from command. Defense: The Defense presents the IAD document B58-57, which contains the results of this investigation. Burns: Let me guess, another Councilman.... Damn. Councilman Lang, you are also placed on leave of absence, effective immediately, pending the outcome of a full investigation into your dealings with the Aztechnology corporation. Good day, Representative Lang. +++++ Two armed escorts come in and escort Rep. Lang from the room. Before he leaves, however, the microphone picks up some parting words directed at Commander Drake. +++++ Lang: You do know that you're lifespan just shrunk significantly, don't you, Paul? See you in Hell, Paul. That's where you and all your kind belong. Burns: Now that's over with, does the Defense have any more questions to ask the defendant? Defense: Only a few, Sir. Commander Drake, why do you think that there were two attempted runs to release you from confinement here in the HQ? Drake: If the first actually was from Doomsday, it was because he knows enough about me to know that I would have said no, and I would have had to fight. Doomsday owes me nothing, and all I owe him is a broken back in return for the one he gave me some time ago. And I find that the second run, if it actually was from Nightmare, should have succeeded. Why an agent of the German government would want me out of confinement illegally is out of my ken. Perhaps we should ask the German representative to the Council. Defense: You really didn't answer the question, sir. Drake: Sorry. I think that they were tried to put an unusual spin on this hearing. Doomsday, if he actually had tried this, would have done so to attempt to throw doubt on my testimony and my integrity by implying that I have some outside and illegal contacts with criminals. This would be more likely to get me locked away for a very long time. Nightmare, on the other hand.... As I said, his motives are beyond my ken. I have done nothing recently to warrant his attention. The only thing I can think of, and I don't think for one second that this is right, is that InterPol has several warrants for his arrest from other nations whose soil has been the target of his operations at one time or another. Perhaps he feels that I have become a legitimate threat to his personal freedom, since my agents were able to arrest Mr. Lynch. As Nightmare is on the list of criminals, but not considered generally dangerous, his arrest is not a priority, and I think he likely knows that. Defense: The defense rests it's case. Burns: Thank you, Lt. Mizikar. Commander, do you have anything else to say on your behalf? Drake: I believe that everything has been said that needs saying. Burns: Thank you, Commander. You are released. The Panel, or what's left of it, will now recess until tomorrow, when we will give our verdict. Dismissed. +++++ End Trideo record +++++ Youch. Long one, this time. Hope everyone got it. Looks like he's gonna get off, too. Too fraggin bad.]<<<<< -- Trideo Pirate <23:36:39/10-16-57> *****PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[A group of vamps warned you to keep out of their business? Interesting. Unfortunately, due to my tendency to be nice to those whom most of my "bretheren" would consider to be foodstuffs, I'm not generally overly welcome in thier circles, but I can give it a look-see and tell you what I find out. I suspect that if they wanted you dead, you'd have been dinner by now.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <23:38:30/10-16-57> ***** PRIVATE: Jason R. Stormwind >>>>>[No, she never got there. I think she was getting ready to go. I didn't know she was going to you, I wonder why she didn't tell me? Anyway, she's at Seattle General, and she's awake now. The doc's say she'll be ok. She hasn't said anything yet, so I don't know who did it, or why, but I have a pretty good guess. I have to go out of town for a bit, I think Cass'll be fine until she's out of the hospital, anyway. Maybe we can spar again sometime.]<<<<< -- Evita <07:01:38 / 10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[ Hi. I though you might be interested in how our meet with Stephanie went... apart from good. We now have someone aboard who's capable of large scale magics. I wish we could bring her to DA in time... Now, read this... +++++ Begin Download: Meet_01.mov The camera shakes a bit as if someone re-steadies his grip on. Then the picture slowly wanders down until the large window of a small, run down cafe comes into view. The camera moves along the window until a broadly build, tall elf is in the picture's center. He wears black leather and a black mohawk and moves with the slight edggy movements of a cybered fighter. Currently he is bent over and seems to do something with a chair near the window. When he comes up again, two black stripes running from his eyes down his cheeks that look like gang symbols, although no common ones. "Orion, see you," a dark voice says calmly. "Great, get you loud and clear over here. Now the waiting starts..." It takes some effort to notice Orion's lips move, he must either use cyber or advanced technology as a mike. "I just can't see why it's me..." The picture freezes, and the first voice says "Now we waited. 'twas a good thing we arrived so early, since Stephanie came in time to the minute." There is a short burst of static, the the picture moves again. A woman about 160 cms tall just approaches the table Orion is occuping. The camera focuses on her, and slightly zooms in. Under a long black coat she wears an oversized white sweater, leggins and knee-high boots. "Ooops, watch it, Orion, that girl is one capable spellslinger. I'll inform you when she starts casting other spells then her good looks..." "Shutgrflll" Orion answers muffled, then half raises and adresses the copper-skinned woman. "Mr Jo... err,, Orion" he says. A smile flashes about the woman's face as she answers. "Hello, Mr Jo-err Orion. That's a funny Christian name. I'm called Stephanie." Orion looks puzzled for half a second, while the offline-voice laughs again. "Well, " Orion starts the interview directly, "what are your specialities?" As Stephanie answers, Orion's voice can be heared, that muffled asks "Canis, what the frag is with her hair? Is that magic-stuff?" His lips barely move. Stephanie answers "I shoot things. And blow things up. And do magic. BIG magic. And I'm qualified to command armoured fighting vehicles if you have one handy, but you probably don't." She looks glum for a moment at that. "But I can do all the other stuff anyway." "Uh, no, tanks are out right now, sorry. Err, are you currently hunted by someone? I don't want to know by who, just if." "Not exactly." Orion seems to consider this answer for a second. In fact, he just receives Canis' answer: "Looks fascinating, doesn't it? That blonde lock over the eye might be natural, the other stripes are dyed in. And the things she has woven into it don't seem to be magic, but I had to have a closer look." "Well, thanks. For your honesty. What is your greatest disadvantage?" She looks embarrased. "Apparently I'm not very good at being subtle." Orion has a distant look on his face for a short moment. This time he doesn't receive anything from the tech, so he might be remembering something or someone. With a smile on his lips he goes on: "Have you been in Chicago before? And/or in the CZ?" "A couple of times. In the CZ once. We were backing up the Army. It was fun." A gasp can be heared, and since Orion didn't move, it must have come from Canis. The camera slightly rocks once. "Do you have any references you could name us, like Well known fixers or the like?" She looks torn. "Not exactly... I mean I could give you a reference, but I'm not meant to be doing this and my Da- my reference might stop me if he found out." "What kinds of runs did you do before?" asks while he still raises his eyebrows. "Mostly mercenary stuff. Or smash-and-grabs, and a couple of opposed extractions." "How well can you work in a team? With military command structures?" "I _am_ a junior officer, you know. And a mercenary. A good one." "Glad to hear, and DA will be pleased even more." Orion stops for a moment, while Canis says in an urgent voice, "Ask her about her magic!" "By your own description I suppose you are a conjuring adept, is this right?" Orion doesn't look as if he's moving on verbal home turf now. "No, I'm a proper magician, I'm a Tiger shaman." "She is what, Orion? Ask her about it! Where does she come from? Now, ask her!" Ignoring Canis on the radio, Orion continues. "Have you objections working together with Adepts, hermetic mages, or other kinds of shamans?" "No." Orion looks surprised by the shortness of the answer, but then breaks into a big grin and ends the interview. "Well, I suppose that is great. Welcome to the team!" They both get up. Orion flashes an apologizing smile towards Stephanie while he retrieves three packages from the chairs at his table. Informed watchers might identify these as small amounts of plastic explosives. Obviously Stephanie _is_ informed, because she scowls at him and says "That was _rude_." The packages start smoking, and with a horrified look Orion throws them under the table where they burst into flame. While the other customers of the cafe just taking notice of the fire, the two leave the cafe towards a beat-up looking Nomad camping van outside. The camera rocks heavily while Canis' voice can be heard "He could at least have asked her..." A short burst of static. +++++ EOF +++++ Done Downloading: Meet_01.mov I think we agree Stephanie will be a great help, although she is a bit... short tempered? May I say so, Stephanie? Oh, and Orion: You could have cut the last bit out, too! ]<<<<< -- Canis <13:32:01/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[ Watch out! What Canis calls short tempered, I'd call VERY EASY TO TRIP OF. She does seem to be trustworthy, though, although I think she's a bit ... hyperactive. May be a bit hard to keep her back when trouble starts. When I was sitting with her in that cafe, she appeared as... well, let's face it, like a tiger in a cage. I could _see_ her pacing up and down in front of me, although she was sitting the whole time. ]<<<<< -- Orion <13:35:59/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[ I owe you one, then. And thanks. Here's the list for you: +++++ include file: gear.list ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <10:35:22/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Canis >>>>>[ I was referred to you by Bull. He suggested that I have your decker, Orion, add me to the private mailer. I look forward to more details about the mission. ]<<<<< -- Nomad <11:10:56/10-17-57> >>>>>[Dark Elf, we need to talk. I have some information regarding theTacoma kindnappings you may be interested in.]<<<<< -Blake <11:02:21/10-17-57> >>>>>[No offense Blake, but who the hell are you, and what makes you think I can trust you blindly?]<<<<< -Dark Elf <**:**:**/**-**-**> >>>>>[I was referred to you by someone going by a rather colorfulsorbiquet. I believe he is an old associate of yours, a fire adept who calls himself Napalm....]<<<<< -Blake <11:07:12/10-17-57> *****PRIVATE: Napalm >>>>>[Hey buddy, I know we haven't talked in over a year, but I need toknow if this Blake character is on the level, and why you sent him my way....]<<<<< -Dark Elf <**:**:**/**-**-**> *****PRIVATE: Dark Elf >>>>>[Blake's clean chummer. Just because we don't work together anymoredoesn't mean we're enemies. Anyway, if Blake is right, you're in deep drek (again). You NEED to hear what he has to say, and it should probably be done in person for security reasons. Oh, and, Jake says hi.]<<<<< -Napalm <11:25:09/10-17-57> *****PRIVATE: Naplam >>>>>[OK, I'll trust you on this one. Tell Jake to watch his back.]<<<<< -Dark Elf <**:**:**/**-**-**> *****PRIVATE: Blake >>>>>[Napalm says your clean, so I'll agree to a meeting, but it hasto be on MY terms, and MY terms alone. Meet me at today at . Try anything funny and you won't have time to regret it. A few friends of mine will be in place by the time you decrypt this to ensure site security. You WILL be searched, and you WILL be watched at all times for the duration of the meet. You may bring up to two friends for personal security, but they will remain outside. If you don't agree, the meet is off. If you violate these arrangements, you're history.]<<<<< -Dark Elf <**:**:**/**-**-**> *****PRIVATE: Dark Elf >>>>>[Reluctantly, I agree. I don't appreciate being threatened, butI know you're good for your word. I'll be there.]<<<<< -Blake <11:45:22/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[ Well, right after we picked up those phone thingies Bull has set up for all of us (I still think it was not OK to let your kid help you an assebling them, Bull!) we went to meet Hamish and Minx. I could say a lot about that meet, but our edited (mostly shortened) video sequence should be more explanationary then my rambling (and i have to type less!) +++++ Begin Download: Meet_02.mov A table in a small cafe can be seen. the table is directly at a window, and the camera has to be somewhere outside and above ground level. At the table sits an elf wearing black leathers. His hair forms a mohawk, and black stripes are tatooed across his cheeks. Two people are closing in on the table, a very attractive female human and a heavily built male elf. The woman seems to giggle slightly about some joke. The elf suddenly stops and gives the table and Orion a closer look. His forehead wrinkles slightly, but then he continues toward the table. The picture freezes, Orion's voice is to be heared. "I spare us the the whole 'hello-how-are-you-thanx...' stuff. I suppose you already figured out the woman is Minx, and the elf is Hamish - no, the other one, I am the one wearing black!" After a short burst of static the picture resumes motion. Now all three characters are sitting at the table. Both Hamish and Minx are sometimes inspecting the area closer as if they were looking for something. Orion is just about to ask a question. "...anyway, there are a few questions we have." He smiles as he stresses the "we", and Hamish checks the area outside through the window again. This motion is so well covered it wouldn't be noticeable if the picture hadn't zoomed in on him. "What are your specialities?" Orion continues, and it sounds as if he starts to get used to asking question like a Mr Johnson. Minx answeres first, "I'm reasonably capable with magic, and I'm told I'm a relatively competent rigger." and Hamish - with a slight grin towards Minx - takes up after that. "Ye name it, I can do it. Wetworks, recon, demolitions," - he breaks himself with a short chuckle - " or somethin' more subtle if ye hae the need." Orion fires his next question, "Are you currently hunted by someone? I don't want to know by who, just if." Minx: "Errr... not that I know of." Hamish: "Well, I may have a li'l friend interested in me doin's, but it's nothin' I canna handle." Orion: "What is your greatest disadvantage?" Hamish: "Well, I'm told I can get a bit enthusiastic, like, in a scrap, but I'm not too bad. And, of course, I'm always a softie for a pretty lass." He displays a broad grin. Minx coughs and glances toward Hamish before answering, "Hmmm... disadvantage? Me?" With this she displays an innocent look that shows that on this shadowrunner an actor is lost, but then continues. " Seriously now, I'm not able to see into the astral plane, and I can't summon spirits for aid. And I *do* see red when someone betrays a friend of mine." Canis' voice interfers, while Orion is nodding towards Minx approvingly. "They both're suspecting something's wrong. And Hamish does search something. You sure you hid your boom-booms well enough?" With a smile and a nod Orion takes up the interview agin, answering both Minx and Canis, "Yes, this is clear. Tell me, ave you been in Chicago before?" Hamish starts answering, "I've been here a few times in the course o' business, but not since strange beasties started appearin'." but is interjected by Minx who throws in " But don't worry, we've faced them before and we're still here to tell you about it." Orion: "Do you have any references you could name us, like Well known fixers or the like?" Minx answers this question, while hamish nods to her words: "Well, you could try contacting >>encrypted<< - he's the manager of Gallows Employment Agency, and my fixer. Or Juan Antonio Tapias, the manager of Sybrespace in Seattle, he should be able to vouch for us too." Orion: "Are you willing to accept an equal share as anyone as payment, from whatever we are earning in this run?" This time Hamish answeres: "Certainly," while Minx nods. Canis' laughter can be heared, "You can say they _really_ are a team!" Orion has obviously problems to keep his face emotionless and is nearly coughing, but manages to ask "What kinds of runs did you do before?" Minx: "I've mostly engaged in thievery, with a bit of extortion, datatheft and wetwork on the side." Hamish: "Mostly firepower for me, quite a few black ops for the SAS and various corps. I've done a few corp penetrations in my time, too." Having found controll on himself again, Orion asks his next question: "Do you usually work together?" grinning, Minx: answeres, "If we can." and Hamish:adds "I wouldna leave me li'l Minxy to fend for hersel'." Orion once again has problems keeping his face straight. This seems to be not easy for him. Orion: "Aeh-hem. How well can you work in a team? With military command structures?" Hamish: "Not a problem, what d'ye think I've been doing for the last eight years, lad?" He is grinning broadly at Orion. Minx: "I'm sure I'll be able to cope." Orion: "Minx, what magical tradition are you following?" Minx: "Hermetic. I'm what's known (my professor friend tells me) as a sorcery adept." Orion: "Have you objections working together with Shamans, full magicians, or..." In the slight pause that starts, Canis says "OTHER ADEPTS!". "...or other adepts?" One can tell that magic is for Orion what a spaceship would be to a caveman. Minx: "Not a problem. I've worked with a snake shaman, a wolf shaman and a rat shaman before." "Uh- no! Not another Rat..." Canis' voice can be heard muttering. +++++ EOF +++++ Done Downloading: Meet_02.mov Orion, why do you insist of leaving my last comments in? Well, I think we got another two good people. Slowly we reach a strength to do something seriously. I gave 'em two of your nice Phoneys, Bull, so they should be able to stay in contact. ]<<<<< -- Canis <16:50:51/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[ ***** NOT TO: Hamish, Minx There's more to this Hamish guy then the eye does tell. I swear he _knew_ there was something around. I am just happy he didn't find my small explosives. Btw: Both reacted very professionally when I removed my toys after the briefing, so I think we have high-league players here at hand. Minx is a strange one. Looks like a lone man's wet dreams (well, if one like the h.s.sapiens metatype, that is), is extremely professional most of the time, but throws in some strange, childish jokes on occasion. I strongly suggest we don't ask them to split up. I don't know if they are lovers (might be), but they're used to working together, and with as a varied group of people as we have now this can only be positive. Canis agrees here. Oh, did I already congratulate you on the re-route routine you wrote, Bull? Looks great, fine piece of code indeed! ]<<<<< -- Orion <16:55:21/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Nomad >>>>>[ Hi Nomad. Canis told me to contact you. Welcome to the team, will inform you ASAP what's going on. Right now we are fully busy getting the teams together to help Bull. Please send us a short Bio on yourself, what are your specialities, what kinds of jobs do you do normally, have you any references (you don't mind telling us *grin*), what are your weaknesses etc. You know, we gotta know you a bit better to plan accordingly. I suggest we will meet tomorrow at about >>encrypted<< local time at the cafe >>encrypted<<. Hope to have your Bio till then. ]<<<<< -- Orion <18:07:03/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[ Can someone please tell me some good places to hold meetings? I have used all bars and cafes i happen to know by now, and i am not too used to this city. Drek, this Mr Johnson stuff isn't my thing to do :-( ]<<<<< -- Orion <18:08:33/10-17-57> ***** INTERNAL: Black King >>>>>[ Sir, we managed to locate two places where the Decker Orion was physically within the last 24 hours. He seems to be meeting people. Obviously the opposition is aware we are on their tails and tries to gather more troops. I suggest we strike as soon as possible. The places used so far are under drone surveillance, but we don't expect the opposition to return there. ]<<<<< -- Black Pawn <18:08:35/10-17-57> Member of Matrix Security >>scrambled<< *****PRIVATE: Evita >>>>>[I'm looking into the questions you have raised. I'll be in touch shortly.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <12:48:32/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Yup, we really could use the help Celt. Please meet myself at >>encrypted<< at >>encrypted<< and we'll discuss the job further.]<<<<< -- Bull <16:52:20/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Black King >>>>>[Sir, we have so far been unable to trace any further messages from this Invasion fdorce that the Ork is a part of. Outside sources report that they have been recruiting heavily, but for what, we aren't sure at this time.]<<<<< -- Black Pawn <18:01:37/10-17-57> *****PRIVATE: Ms. Johnson >>>>>[Ok, we thank you for the information and will contact the individual. +++++Transfer >>encrypted<< to: Ms. Johnson Your finder's fee should be making it's way to you as we speak. Thank you for your help.]<<<<< -- Bull <16:59:41/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Skull Bearer >>>>>[A lady by the name of Ms. Johnson reccomended you as some good help. We are looking for runners currently for a variety of jobs. if you are ineterested, please contact Canis, and he will be able to give you more information and arrange a meet.]<<<<< -- Bull <17:02:37/10-17-57> >>>>>[ You have a good name with some people as a finder of interesting information, and this skill of your's I'd like to hire. I am searching for information on three people. My access toi the usual databases turned up NIL, and since i am too busy right now myself i can't spend the time for an extensive search. The people i need data about are: * Ms. Johnston, from all i know a fixer of sorts. How trustworthy is she (?), how good usable for shadow work are her contacts? And how much does she normally charge for her services? * Skull Bearer. This seems to be a shadowrunner. Data needed: Normal jobs done, price rating, trustworthiness, maybe usual customers. * Nomad. Most probably a shadowrunner. Same as with Skull Bearer. I think >>high nuyen value<< should cover your expenses. Please contact me ASAP with the needed info. Thanx in advance. ]<<<<< -- Orion <19:02:32/10-17-57> *****PRIVATE: Action Jackson >>>>>[Dinner? Come on, AJ, with the amount of metal in me I wouldn't even make an appetiser ]<<<<< -- Lynch <17:57:42/10-17-57> ***** INTERNAL: Serenity Security - Cassandra Team >>>>>[Seattle General. Contract is paid, target is a runner that goes by the name of Cassandra. There has already been one attempt on her life. At this time, consider her to be a Serenity Employee with everything that encompasses.]<<<<< -- Jason <17:27:11 / 10-17-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: Evita >>>>>[Her forms have been back dated and her medical insurance will cover her stay in the hospital. There are a couple of body guards being assigned to her.]<<<<< -- Jason Stormwind <17:29:15 / 10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Interesting report, Canis and Orion. Great job though. Stephanie, welcome aboard.]<<<<< -- Bull <18:07:28/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Jason Stormwind >>>>>[ Heya, Jason. Look, I'm going to be doing some 'work' in the area for a while, and I wanted to use you as a reference. I don't want Kevin to know that I'm working the shadows, because he'll only worry, but it was time for me to go out on my own and practice some of what I had been taught. Would it be okay if I used you as a reference to a potential employer? ]<<<<< -- Kenneth Donaldson <14:10:37/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Well Canis and Orion, great job once again. Glad to see we're getting some more players on our side. I'm getting real tired of getting chased all teh time. We need to be able to track down the opposition and strike back for once. Now if I can just find the time to arrange interviews with the guys (and gals) joining my team. Thanks for the compliments, Orion. I had a good incentive for those re-route progs though...]<<<<< -- Bull <18:36:31/10-17-57> *****PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[Null persp chummer. I'm assuming it is BYOM (bring your own MoJo) I'll be there with bells on.]<<<<< --Caric<11:16:12/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Orion >>>>>[For a good, runner friendly bar in Seattle, try "The Aedipus Complex". It even has a private room just for these occasions. Just tell the barman Inferno sent you and he'll let you use it.... Oh! The address is >>encrypted<<. It's not in any phonebooks....]<<<<< -- Inferno ***** PRIVATE: Nomad >>>>>[ +++++ begin encryption: epsilon-iota 4.2 Be careful, little brother.. +++++ terminate encryption +++++ activate frame: anonymizer 0.4b +++++ frame running +++++ transfer nuyen: source: *^$HD* destination: nomad amount: >>encrypted<< +++++ terminate frame ]<<<<< -- DATA CORRUPTED <*$:)(:#@/J*-Q2-HC> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ Give him his reference .. and don't let him know that I read your messages. I'm not going to stop him. Please tell me that someone from your group is keeping an eye on him. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <15:29:45/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Stephanie >>>>>[Yep, welcome aboard. I'm looking forward to meeting you. It seems we have similar..... interests....]<<<<< -- Inferno <20:32:22 GMT/17.OCT.57> *****PRIVATE: Lilith >>>>>[Re: Jen and Gabe, thanks for the info; I'm feeling better already. Decker's, mages, sams, and riggers? You're right, they've got to be kidding, you sure you don't mean that they split up the jobs? Jack-(asses)-of-all-trades, masters of nothing.... Hell, I've been told by a wage mage who nearly cried when he looked at my "aura" that if I had ever had a chance at being a mage, it was long gone with the junk that I have shoehorned into my petitly stylish frame. As for the ride: looks like it's going to happen on , you free? Mind sending the measurements of you and your SO so we can make the tanks nice and comfy? Trunked into the supercomp, we're talking as much full ASIST rigging as you can handle, you won't know you're not on the tarmac and you'll swear you can smell the hot asphalt. Don't forget your flight suit. I've convinced the "Old Man" that this is still an unofficial-preliminary evaluation simulation by outside personel. So, we won't meet you with a brass band nor pile you up with glossies and brochures, just a few hours to let you get the feel of the thing and maybe try a bit of engagement, after that, we can go somewhere and unwind (or I can sneak you out to the tarmac and see if MAX will let you take her for a real ride, I already have a live fire test scheduled for the afternoon). To tell you the truth, I think I could push the bird a little farther in real life than the control laws that we have running on the sim. [Note: you break it, you bought it. And I don't think you want this coming out of your paycheck.] As for the party, we don't have plans for Friday night. Don't know why an Air Force belle and a Marine pounder of ground would be doing hanging with "Belly-button pilots" but sure, sounds like fun. Should I go casual or in uniform (haven't tried that on in a while), or should I just wear my flight suit? You know how the female version has those bladders that just flatter so well. :P We'll be arriving in my Chry-Lamb Lupo. By the way, have you ever heard of a poem that mentions "vorpal blades" and "slithy toves?" Sounds like old English. Jenny's got me worried lately about her sanity. ;) ]<<<<< -- Arashi <12:56:33/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[Ok -- I have someone on staff, at least I think I do who is very good with paranormals and fairly versed in the virus. There is a runner who goes by the name of Shade who is also pretty good with vampires. I had a friend who was a vampire hunter a few years ago. He's since passed. I still have his library (names of known sufferers have been removed) if that would be useful. Its mostly now to kill and torture a vampire, but information there is still useful. You know that Dr. Jackson (AJ) is a vampire, right? He would be a good source but, if I remember, he doesn't get on well with other's (in general, maybe). He doesnt feed from human blood. Most other vampires consider that a weakness. I'd like to know where this information is going, if you could, but its not overly necessary. +++++ Include Vamp.lib Its a bit large, sorry. Kelory kept really good records. Too bad for him, however.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <20:27:46 / 10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Orion >>>>>[ A bit about me, huh. Alright. My specialty is combat oriented magic. I'm a full Wolf Shaman. I won't lie to you, I'm not terribly experienced at running the shadows, but I've been told that I have a great deal of potential. Take that as you will. As far as references are concerned, I believe that Jason Stormwind, a Field Officer with Serenity Security would be willing to vouch for me. ]<<<<< -- Nomad <16:49:25/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Nomad >>>>>[You've just learned something that few who arent working for me know. Do not use this information unwisely. If you need shadow contacts, use this pseudonym instead. While Jason has his uses, he isnt allowed to get dirty, unlike myself. Welcome home, young one. May wolf walk with you always. - Jason ]<<<<< -- Kor <21:01:22 / 10-17-57> >>>>>[Dear evita, i'm sorry to her that cassandra is in a coma hopefully she will recover shortly. however she did some things that made some people very mad and should have known retribution would have come. i did get what i deserved and my account is happier thank you. hopefully i will never be hired to talk to you the way i was with cassandra. have a nice day.]<<<<< -- You know who <15:34:59/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher, Skuff, Priest, Buzz >>>>>[Seeking information. Contact me via land lines for job description. Your end is information, my end is elimination. Payment in money if that is what you need, or favors. Either way, I need this done fast.]<<<<< -- Kor <21:54:16 / 10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE Dark Avenger >>>>>[Dark Avenger, the one called "Bull" said that I should contact you. I have reciently offered my services to your group. In case that you haven't been informed, combat is not my forte, but what I can do is technology. I used to be a cyberware researcher with Ares, and we left on realitivly good tearms. I now own my own cyberware shop, and I live a comfortatble life designning small gadgets for mostly private investors. Most of my concentration is for other researchers like myself, but I do have the occasional case where somthing stronger is needed, if you get my drift.]<<<<< --Harkion <17:17:30/10-17-57> *****NOT TO: InterPol >>>>>[Okay, I doubt the Not To: will hold the hounds of the law off for too long, but I doubt anyone will be surprised. Long-term planning to bust Drake out, if he's imprisoned, is underway. I know many of you will disagree with me on this: all I ask is that, if you're not up for helping me, you stay out of my way. If we get him out, one job he'll be offered is overseeing SIGA: quis custodiet ipsos custodes? He's not exactly suited to undercover work, but we could really use his integrity and abilities. Hopefully, what he achieved - cleaning out some very dirty cops in InterPol - will outweigh his crime of releasing me, and the planning will be wasted. But in case it isn't, I do not intend to leave Paul rotting in jail. Anyone willing to help?]<<<<< -- Lynch *****INTERNAL: SIGANet >>>>>[TO: J R W Lynch Anyone would think you liked the man.]<<<<< -- D J H Coppinger <21:32:21/10-17-57> Director Strategic Intelligence Gathering Agency *****PRIVATE: Farmer >>>>>[The agent is procured and, barring unexpected deployments, the schedule is to hand. All I need is a date.]<<<<< -- Harrow <22:16:17/10-17-57> *****PRIVATE: Tractor >>>>>[Do you have a date for readiness? Harrow requires it for your insurance policy.]<<<<< -- Farmer <22:17:20/10-17-57> *****PRIVATE: Farmer, Tractor, Combine >>>>>[Jalopy's modification proceeds ahead of schedule. We have been unexpectedly successful with personnel, and are currently forecasting readiness two weeks ahead of original plan. Old MacDonald advises caution, so I will go firm on our planned date. We will be completely ready to move on that day.]<<<<< -- Tractor <22:20:31/10-17-57> *****PRIVATE: Tractor, Combine, Harrow >>>>>[And a glorious day that will be.]<<<<< -- Farmer <22:23:51/10-17-57> *****PRIVATE: Shiftboy >>>>>[Sure, you're in. Glad to have you aboard. And believe me, it may be _you_ begging for mercy... :) +++++include past_logs +++++add Shiftboy to Hat Squad]<<<<< -- The Mighty Quinn <21:48:51/10-17-57> *****PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[No problem. Got it all together for you: how does meeting me at >>encrypted<< to collect sound? Let me know if you need any more help, whether for equipment or backup. Even if I can't make it myself, I know a few capable people who you might find useful.]<<<<< -- Lynch <22:14:28/10-17-57> *****PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[But you get my point. Besides, there was a point, in my early 30s, when I used to drain sams because thier blood had a tangyness to it. A bit unpleasant, but that was before I got over being a vamp.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <18:20:34/10-17-57> ++++ Connection established +++++ Reroute via 2$3^&*(a%$ successful *****PRIVATE: Hamish, Minx >>>>>[Glad ta see the two of you again! Just back from the elf-land trials, and lookin for work. Either of you two have a reasonable cause that needs some help?]<<<<< -- Turbo <10:31:18/10-18-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason R. Stormwind >>>>>[I already spoke to AJ, but the others are news to me. I'll bear them in mind: thanks. This came from myself and Blademaster going out for a few beers, when some vampires who are apparently after him threatened me. Blademaster was a good guy, fun to drink with and pleasant company: the vamps were rude, and threatening me shows a certain lack of foresight... it's not that taking me out is _that_ hard, but it could be unhealthy when you look who might want to exact revenge. Anyway, he was an OK guy and I liked him, they were rude and I didn't like their attitude. So far I'm letting it slide. If they push it, I may push back. Thanks a lot for the help, I appreciate it.]<<<<< -- Lynch <01:24:31/10-18-57> *****PRIVATE: Arashi >>>>>[No, they don't split. Decker-mage-samurai both, plus Gabe is supposedly a rigger. Ho ho bloody ho, as Quinn likes to say. Funny you mention magic... Jason might have been a Wolf shaman... except he had a few years of "exceptional trauma" and never manifested any magical ability. He has an active metagene, but it never did anything, then he got the cyber and the whole point became moot. He's from a line of magicians and his daughter is a Tiger shaman, so go figure. We should be able to make time for a check ride. I assume you know a barely-official report on what we see will go into the Air Force and Marine Corps hierarchies? We'll .cc them to you, naturally, anything else would be unfair. Measurements... +++++include file: biometrics.Leopard Lady +++++include file: biometrics.Psychopath That good enough? And be warned, we both grew up in old-fashioned aircraft, and we use rigger gear for feedback and HOTAS for output. Force of habit, hope you can cope. This sounds like a very enjoyable check ride, anyway. Just don't worry if Jason keeps complaining about gust response at low level. Any altitude in double digits is "stratospheric" to him. As for a real ride... not yet. I may yet end up on the eval team anyway. if you get a procurement decision underway, so a simulator ride will help a lot. The party? The Navel Aviators are good guys. But they _will_ rag you senseless unless you're triple-digit trapped on carriers. I'd go for the flight suit, if I were you: Jason and I will both be there, and the dress is most definitely casual :) Plus, they'll get the "landing test" out, and a flight suit both dries faster and flatters more when wet ;). Parking's safe and properly patrolled, and the anti-ethanol detox patches are free when you decide to call it a night. The poem, BTW - according to Quinn - is "Jabberwocky" by Lord Monty Python. I disclaim all responsibility for the accuracy of that statement... I merely report, I do not claim the words as truth :) Side note - are you and Vernier available for hire for consultancy for a mercenary unit, soon to be acquiring eight reconditioned and updated MiG-37s, to help kick their pilot and maintenance cadres into shape? They're also getting eight LZ-2049s, but those are ludicrously easy to operate, it's the fighters they're sweating: they've got six competent pilots full-time and want more, and are especially short of groundcrew.]<<<<< -- Lilith <01:10:17/10-18-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Hey, has anyone else heard from Dark Avenger in the last couple of days... He said he was going to go take care of a few things, but I haven't heard from him since. I'm starting to get worried that whoevers following us may have gotten him. Harkion, since I recommended you to talk to him, I think we'll have to change the plans temporarily. Give me a buzz and let me know what kind of abilities you have, and we'll arrange a meet, or whatever. I'm going to be meeting with (hopefully) Celt and Caric today, and I'll let you all know how that goes...]<<<<< -- Bull <04:21:52/15-18-57> >>>>>[ Fire, fire, burning bright... My I'm glad I'm not in Boston tonight. Previous tensions broke all new highs today as the death toll sky-rocketed. It all started when a group of elves decided to level an orphanage for ork and troll children. Only seven children and two adults survived the brutally efficient slaughter. Within the hour as a stunned city held its breath, an unnamed elf said that it was in retaliation for the string of hit and run accidents that was done by a "deranged trog" a few weeks ago. A group of trolls and orks immediately responded with the leveling of a human orphanage and then sparked a citywide attack on all prominent elfs, humans, and dwarves. Violence in city rivaled the Night of Rage as city-wide gang fights broke out. The city officials were ineffective to stop it. But as the night has played out, the six hour long reign of anarchy seems to have ended. Death tolls are in the hundreds as city officials wonder how to prevent another wave of violence happening in the near future. It's like sitting on dynamite waiting for someone to detonate it. Fragging dangerous. I caught the pirate news cast of the leveling of the human orphanage. I only identified the one troll who wanted to be identified (he didn't wear anything to hide his identity - unlike the others). It was Whirlwind. ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <22:10:45/10-17-57> >>>>>[ Oh drek. Gunner get your butt out of Boston! (for all its worth)]<<<<< -- Scourge <22:11:00/10-17-57> >>>>>[ It is probably worth nothing at this point. First Nightingale, now Gunner. Just fragging great. 1+1? ]<<<<< -- Shadowfox <22:14:10/10-17-57> ***** Private: Kor, Shadowfox, Nightmare, Black Knight >>>>>[ Yes. I'm pulling a physical fade to the safest place I can probably be. I recommend you all be on your guard. He is going after anyone who has a public life. That leaves Kor, myself, Knight, and Nightmare left. I don't think I need to state the obvious here. ]<<<<< -- Scourge <22:15:00/10-17-57> ***** Private: Shield, Jasmine >>>>>[ Hopefully one of you two can contact Mr. Harker and let him know what just happened, between New Orleans and Boston. He needs to know that Whirlwind has resurfaced. Doomsday, who Harker can probably locate, is Whirlwind's goal. Everything else is just secondary. At least that is how it has been in the past. ]<<<<< -- Shadowfox <22:30:52/10-17-57> ***** Private: Kor, Shadowfox, Scourge >>>>>[ I have bad news and worse news. The bad news is, someone tried to splatter Nightmare this afternoon. He is recovering quite nicely. The worse news is that DragonEyes disappeared somewhere between "home" and a friend's house. Nightmare hasn't been told yet, because the doctors told me he has to remain calm. Meanwhile, I've organized a hunt to try and track him down. (I don't know what luck they will have if he just decided to pull a fade. It took us over a half-year to track him down and convince him not to give up on metahumanity last time.) I have been unable to contact Scarface, but then again, he's probably days away from civilization. Unless you have this incredible urge to deal with MET2000 goons, I suggest you don't come visiting for a while. Speculations on why Ratspeak didn't tell the world about Nightmare? ]<<<<< -- Black Knight <22:42:32/10-17-57> >>>>>[ Fear. ]<<<<< -- Shadowfox <22:42:59/10-17-57> ***** Private: Kor, Scourge, Black Knight, Nightmare >>>>>[ Since a lot of you are already in Seattle, Kor, I think you are in the best position to try and organize something. I have just set up a team in Boston to try and without stirring up trouble look for Gunner. Mums the word on Nightingale. The apartment was obviously searched and it looked like there was a struggle. There was also some evidence to suggest that somehow she managed to get away. Although ... I think either Harker or Kor should try to contact >>encrypted<<. From what I understand, she's magically active and he has a magical report that didn't mean to much to me. It might also give us a little insight into why Blitzkrieg is so edgy. If you absolutely need me, I can arrange to have someone else handle my duties. Until that time, I'd prefer to stay here and continue working some things. Oh! Someone tell Harker that the timeline can't be pushed back any further because from what I've heard, they might actually be on schedule for once. He'll figure out the reference. ]<<<<< -- Shadowfox <22:52:00/10-17-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Ok boys and girls... I had the oppurtunity to interview Celt this afternoon. I followed your lead, Canis, and had the meet videotaped by Inferno and Johnny. We had a sniper poised from across the street just in case, and I don't believe she saw him.We also had Daytripper hovering in the astral inside the bar. She seemed to have noticed him, but _definately_ was able to keep her cool. Here ya go... +++++Begin Video feed Johnny.1 The video begins very fuzzy as Johnny 99, a coyote shaman, attempts to get teh adjustment and zoom set right. Finally, with some fiddling and advice from inferno nearby, he is able to zoom in through the front window of a local bar and grill. Bull is sitting at a booth, waiting patiently. Finally, he looks up toward teh door, and the image goes fuzzy again, but this time, only in an area that moves near Bull and engulfs him. "Bull..." the coyote shaman mutters over the headset. "Something strange is going on here. She's got some sort of spell up that acts like a jamming field. It's blocking the recording. She needs to drop it." Through teh static you can here Bull's voice mutter something, although you can't make the words out. After several seconds, the field drops. "Ok, got it." johnny tells Bull. Bull nods once to Celt. "Thanks. Ok, now we can begin." The camera zooms in to get a closer view of the woman. She seems to bit a bit on the short side, less than 5 and a half feet tall, but she carries herself confidently and with an air of grace. Her features make her appear fairly young, but her manner suggests otherwise. Her skin is pale, with a light dusting of freckles, and she is wearing no makeup. What seems to be Celtic swirl of some type is tattoed on her left cheek, and a bracelet of thorns can be seen under the cuff of her blouse. her eyes are a vibrant green that take in her surroundings constantly, and her hair is a silvery white with slight auburn highlights, and a braided piece taht is a deep auburn that hangs down one shoulder. "Hey Bull, she is definnately a magician of some type, possibly a shaman. Her aura suggests that she is fairly powerful, possibly more so than I. " Bull motions for the woman to sit down, and she does so gracefully. She glances around the room briefly but intensley, ignoring most of the few other patrons. Her eyes lock briefly off to one side, and her eyes possibly widen just a smidge, but it is hard to tell. The area where she is looking seems to be empty. "Well, she definately noticed Mr. Furly, Bull." Johnny tells the Ork. Bull waits for her to sit and offers her a drink, which she declines. After that, he begins the interview. "Ok, for starters, what are your specialties?" Bull asks. She looks at him a moment, then says "You are looking for someone who has fought the... Bugs, as I believe the common term is, correct?" "Yes," Bull replies. "But more specifically, what could you provide for our team? You mentioned your post that you were a magician of some type. What kind of spells do you specialized in?" "Whoah, Bull... She's a bit pissed about that last... Don't think she likes to be questioned... Her aura just flared up nastliy." Johnny calls to Bull over the headphone. There is a look of distaste on Celt's face, and she speaks with visible anger. "The technical terms are Health agus Manipulation. I am strong in my summoning, spirits, not watchers. They have no use in my view. I can read a person to know if there is an untruth on them. My totem is stong within me." Bull nods and then looks at her seriously. "Are you currently hunted by someone? You don't need to say who, just if. I don't need more people after my team." "Not any longer. And you." She brings her leg onto the chair, resting her chin on her knee. "Are." Bull nods again. "Ok, What is your greatest weakness or disadvantage?" Celt thinks a moment, then says "That Caber was unable to offer you his services, as well." "Who's Caber?" Johnny asks? "We'll run a check on him later. I believe he is a runner that she was teamed with until recently. I'll see if we can get more data on that." Inferno's voice breaks in. "Tell me, have you been in Chicago before?" Bull asks. "Chicago. Passed through briefly." She replies, a look of anger flashing over her face briefly, and then is gone. "Jeezus, Bull. She's one very volatile female. If she was upset before, she's absolutely Pissed Off now. She definately does not like Chicago at all. I;d say she more than passed through." Johnny says. "Do you have any references you could name us, like Well known fixers or the like?" "You doubt my abilities?" Her gaze hardens for a moment, then is replaced by an uneasy smile. Bull just shrugs and continues. "Ok, are you willing to accept an equal share of any cash made on the run as your payment?" Celt replies "I'd be insulted if you offered anything less than an equal share." "Ok, What kinds of runs did you do before?" "Standard list. And some not so standard." Bull pauses a moment for her to continue, and after a moment, she does. "Name something. Your mage can tell you if I am being true or false. Do not ask anything more than that." Bull nods and says. "Not necessary. We know some of your past exploits already. i just wante to see your reaction." He smiles, then continues with the next question. "How well can you work in a team? With loose military command structures?" "Well enough, providing everyone else is able to do the same." "Ok, what magical tradition do you follow?" he asks. "Is that really important?" Bull kinda shrugs, and she conntinues. "Shamanic is the best description." "Can you work with other traditions such as Adepts, Shamans, Hermetics, whatever?" She sits back in the booth and replies "Magical traditions have no bearing on how I work with them. Followers of Raccoon or Cat, however..." With a smile, she lets the unfinished statement hang in the air between them. Bull nods again, then turns to the waitress to order a drink for the two of them. +++++End Video feed Johnny.1 Well, we discussed everything in a little more detail, but that's the gist of it. Celt will be joining our operations on this end for now.]<<<<< -- Bull <06:01:39/10-18-57> ***** PRIVATE: Scourge, Black Knight, Shadowfox, Harker, Nightmare >>>>>[Too much shit going on right now, cannot walk it. If he's coming, let him come. Ill have to deal. Im on the contact point. Ill get back to you when I have more information. Blitz is here with me as well, Ill try to rope him in but I dont think Ill have that much luck with it. Ill at least try to get him to work in conjuction with the rest of us. He needs to know things have been "kicked up a notch".]<<<<< -- Kor <23:59:00/10-17-57> ***** INTERNAL: Serenity Deckers >>>>>[Keep on your toes for the next couple of weeks. The last time we had trouble like this it took me 8 months to untangle the financial fubar that was created when someone pulled a full run against IS&M. I might need to take a short vacation just to be sure no one else gets involved in this. Some problems just do not go away until you kill them and everyone who thinks like them. Im assuming that NB is already out of the office, and I think Trix is with him. This is good. Stay out of the office for a while. Everyone who signed up to go on training. Do it. Why dont you go ahead and leave now. Consider it vacation time. The team on Cassandra needs to stay there. This includes both the physical team, and the astral team. I'd like to see some results on the perp by early next week. I dont care if you have to flood the street with 100 nY notes to get information, do it.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <00:12:14 / 10-18-57> >>>>>[Oh Shit. Blake's news just ruined my week...]<<<<< -Dark Elf <**:**:**/**-**-**> ***** PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[ You're on for the meet. And thanks for the offer of help, but this one is personal. I owe you one. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <11:53:16/10-18-57> *****PRIVATE: Action Jackson >>>>>[Remind me to bandage my neck in Kevlar next time I visit you I take your point, but there are side-effects to being... close to a shapeshifter that many are unaware of. Not to mention - though I hesitate to mention it - I've met vampires before, and they were much less likeable and civilised than you. Suffice it to say I'm still here and they aren't. I doubt you'd like the taste of my blood, believe me.]<<<<< -- Lynch <01:35:18/10-18-57> *****PRIVATE: Jennifer & Gabriel >>>>>[Enclosed is the material you requested. I hope will be of some use to you. +++++download: JG_comp2.txt Thank you for your business.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <12:51:33/10-18-57> *****PRIVATE: Orion >>>>>[I have already begun searches into the first two individuals you mentioned. Unfortunately, neither search has been very productive. Ms. Johnston routes her posts to Shadowland through 3 satellite connections... she has only employed the Skull Bearer; therefore, there are no disgruntled employees to contact for information. The Skull Bearer similarly has appeared from next to nowhere here in Seattle. I'm still working on his possible residence and motives. I do know that he is a likely candidate for the recent assaults on a female elven decker who works locally. Matches his style, especially that last public post to Evita. I'm just getting started on Nomad, give me a couple days.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <13:41:12/10-18-57> ***** PRIVATE: Jason Stormwind >>>>>[Sir, You have been named as a reference for an individual we considering to employee. Since our research has shown only good results on you, we would like to hear what you might tell us about the person who names himself "Nomad". Your help will be appreciated, and of course handled with absolute privacy. Thanks a lot in advance. ]<<<<< --Canis <19:52:12/10-18-57> >>>>>["And what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a hellacious, >>>>>racist attack on several orphanages...." Apologies to literary purists. Boston again has been driven deeply into racial divisiveness. And meerly from the actions of a single, terribly misguided, violent individual. My humble city, my abode, wracked by rioting only a few, short years after it was so horribly injured by a virus run rampant. Alas, Ratspeak's information is somewhat inaccurate. Barrens around the metropolis remain in conflict, yet the news covers these conflicts not at all for fear they might place a valuable employee within harm's reach. Certainly, such violent activities are, perhaps, less rare within the realms of the downtrodden than should otherwise be the case, yet racial violence is nonetheless signficantly greater today than at any time since the Night of Rage. My home is situated within a well secured enclave, yet the gang voilence still filled the night air with clashing blades and gunfire. Until the Mafia, who are responsible for maintaining the safety of the neighborhood far more than the police, came down upon the fighting gangs as a sledge upon a rail spike. With the coming of daylight, Boston has settled down somewhat, but the atmosphere is thick with dread, lest riots and violence reclaim the metropolis tonight.]<<<<< -- Mercury <11:57:45/10-18-57> *****Private:Lynch >>>>>[From what I've seen, Drake would probably rather rot in jail. He might not take kindly to the break out idea, if he hears of it, or it goes through. On the other hand, that isn't the way I'd want to spend the rest of my life(or any signifigant portion thereof). I'll help you as soon as I take care of these annoying little vampires. One actually had the nerve to attack my house while I was out! It's starting to really annoy me. Anyway, I'll help out with getting Drake out. Shouldn't be too hard(please, laugh with me here).]<<<<< -- Blademaster <11:44:32/10-18-57> ***** NOT-TO: InterPol >>>>>[ I don't know about busting him out, but I'd definitely be interested in getting the number for his Lawyer. Damn fine work on that job .. my money says he's going to get off. ]<<<<< -- Tangent <14:30:06/10-18-57> ***** Private: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>[***** NOT TO: Bubba +++++ Message-From: Bull +++++ Subject: Who the...??? Ok, I'm using the new mailer system for this, so hopefully I got all the bugs out. Ok... Just who is Bubba and how in the hell did he get one of my mailers?? Also, just what should we do about the situation? He said he might be able to help?? Consider him a security breach? Or talk to him and see what's up?]<<<<< -- IF Mailer Demon <20:37:47/10-18-57> ***** Private: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>[ +++++ Message-From: Bull +++++ Subject: Bubba Ok Bubba, you should be able to read this. Please explain how you got this mailer, and in English this time. I'm not sure just what dialect you were speaking in, but the mailer had a hell of a time translating it.]<<<<< -- IF Mailer Demon <20:39:25/10-18-57> ***** PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[As I mentioned earlier, I am proficent in most technological things. I was formerly employed at Ares, and we left on reasonably good terms. I specilize in cyberware, but I am good at all electronic gadgits. I currently run my own cyberware facility, making mostly passive systems. As to a meeting, my lab might be the best place to meet. And because my combat may be lacking, I have a friend that you might like to meet, he could take my share of the combat...]<<<<< -- Harkion <16:37:40/10-18-96> *****PRIVATE: Lilith >>>>>[I understand about the reports. Not a problem, I think that may be one of the reasons why the "Old Man" decided that a more formal invitation was in order. The biometrics were almost more than what was needed, Vernier tells me. The tanks will be nearly custom fit for you guys when you get here. At least both of you are within normal human body-size, tanking a troll can be done, but stuffing him into a human sized capsule can be mighty uncomfortable, if not embarassing. :) As for the interface: can do. I hope you guys can accept datajack feed like from a sim-sense deck or have that built into your rigger system, else your going to need a 'trode system that I fully admit will not be as good. In case you when you mean old, you really mean _OLD_ I'll spell it out: Your tank won't have any windows. You see through they eyes of the plane, plus, the ASIST will cut out your balance center and reorient it to the plane, therefore you get to lay down comfortably in the tank and give your poor heart some help going through the turns (also means that the sim will feel a lot more like the real thing, since the supercomp just has to worry about translation to datajack anyway). Besides, the plane's sensors are better than anything you can plug into your body. Wherever/however you want to look, the system will take that input and shift camera angle, etc and more, it just takes a bit for your brain to realize that you are not a hominid anymore and accept you are the mind of a fighter. The cockpit data readout's are virtual including a fully 3-D threat display with some other non-visual clues running through the feedback, I'll brief you on that when you get here, but trust me it is about as intuitive as they can make it so they can stuff all that information into your brain at max speed without confusing you so much you can't fly let alone fight. Before either of you raises an objection, basically the system is redundant enough that if that system fails, your wings would have ripped off several seconds earlier and you should be ejecting anyway. The system doesn't override G-stress or else the pilot can still kill herself, so in the sim, it will give you some feed on that angle. It does have legal ASIST limits, but you can't cheat and ignore the little level of pain it can give you, you'll know when the signal starts to fade on the input (for fairness, we will all have the same pre-set g-threshold). The plane is still designed to do what the pilot asks, killing the pilot if they really ask for it (i.e. overriding all safeties and trying to pull a Mongoose at Mach 4), then and only then does it consider breaking up. I myself am a WITAS (Wired Into Throttle And Stick) girl, myself. My meat body just isn't fast enough or delicate enough to control the plane with the kind of speed and precision that I can with a full-rig system. Needless to say, I also have some connections that I don't let the general public see that are about the same size as the matrix trunk of a small corp. My backup for rig-output failure is a throttle and stick that can come up to my Left and Right hands respectively as well as a high throughput datajack connection to data and controls, in yours, they won't be retracted. They are the latest standard from the UCAS, so you shouldn't be surprised. Just don't press the mauve button. ^_- Tell Jason in regards to the gust response that he should trust his autopilot to worry about gust response, and that one of the reasons why this design is so maneuverable is that while all the RAM and shaping you can do and all the coatings you can spray on a plane can help reduce radar, IR, and lidar returns, they're still not as good as a hill between you and the guy gunning for you. And since the same can be said, vice-versa, you need to be able to move with your belly on the deck. Just don't suck a duck or hit a tree.... But no, while it can store a few PGM's on external stores in its less-stealthy, non-hypercruise "let's give the Earth Pavers some backup" mode, it's capability as an Attack aircraft is an add on to make some ancient fellow in the Pentagon happy. Basically the design philosophy was to be able to get the pilot wherever they need to be, whenever they need to be, make sure they are the ones choosing to engage, and if they do, give them the best chance technology can provide to be the one flying home at the end. With that in mind, they have expanded the envelope of what you can do with the 3 axis vectoring system in terms of speed and power, so don't be afraid to try some maneuvers that you didn't think were possible, the bird will let you know if you are crazy, while trying to the best of its ability to comply. >>YAWN<< Sorry, guess I fell into one of the speaches that the boys here always fall into when talking to a prospective business partner. Gomen. See you at the party. I will have the flight suit on just in case, and I think having gotten the warning relayed, Jenny's going to go for one of her more stylish jump-suits. I'll leave my patches and bars at home, though and just be "one of the girls." Maybe dab a little JP-X behind my ear and break a few hearts. :P As for the consultant work, how pressing is this, timetable wise an where on the planet do you hide a mercenary fighter wing? I might be able to manage some free time for it. Jenny wants in just because she's never worked on anything that "old" before. Since you are recommending them, I assume they are the "good guys" if not completely above board.]<<<<< -- Arashi <16:11:45/10-18-57> *****PRIVATE: Magical Group >>>>>[I would like one or more of you to apply for the job that is currently being offered by one known as Bull. Act as you normally would, but keep me informed. I believe that he has data in which certain colleagues of mine would be interested.]<<<<< -- L <19:00:24/10-18-57> ***** PRIVATE: Feral >>>>>[ Feral, pleased to read you. I gotta admit, at the time of your mailing my security backup systems were still trashed by... doesn't matter, but I got them online again. If I may ask ... who are you, and why are you receiving mail I encoded as PRIVATE? This standard should be quite safe for all I know. Maybe you are willing to explain? And/Or pass on the data you have on Nomad? A financial reward can be discussed, of course, I won't expect to give info w/o payment. ]<<<<< -- Orion <05:30:59/10-19-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[ Glad we shared our logs on hiring, Bull, and glad even more Orion finally introduced me in the fine art of log-checking (I wish I had known of this feature earlier), I found a possible infiltrator-to-be. "Ms. Johnston" offered DA and me a contact for cash - like fixers do. Bur she (?) gave the info for free to you. I think she really wants to get her pawn Skull Bearer into our ranks, and this makes me verdammt nernous. SB hasn't contacted me yet, and I suppose neither did he contact you. If he does, I'd really like to have a... personal discussion on things with him (her?). Please inform me if (s?)he contacts you. That'll be a boeses Erwachen for those plant... ]<<<<< -- Canis <06:01:23/10-19-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[ This is not really pressing, so I use this way to communicate. Might be safer, although Orion sez there might be yet another decker be hacking in our communications, this time even breaking the accepted-as-safe standard of PRIVATE encryption. Bull, your question was about the same I'd asked YOU if I had the time. Unfortunately, I hadn't, running from one meet you set up for me to the next... *knurr*. How might this bubblegum, err, sorry, Bubba, have gotten one of our senders? I do know where each of the eight is you gave me, and have checked after finding B.'s message on our box. Embarrasing that the first message over your nice (and well-done, as Orion sez) box was a stranger, breaking security. Makes me think a bit. Well, another thing... I am nearly finished meeting the new people, and would like to ask for your ideas what we shall do. I have a few on my own, but would like to hear you first. ]<<<<< -- Canis <05:35:05/10-19-57> ***** Private: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>[ +++++ Message-From: Bubba +++++ Subject: Mailer thingy Sorry to be a buggin' y'all Mr. Bull, but Ah just got this thang on muh doorstep from some feller all in black. He said you'd a want to be hearin' from me so Ah figgered whut the hail! Funny thing about thet feller. He had the craziest eyes. Like they was made outta one a them there Disco balls, ya know? Anyway, Ah hope ya'll ain't too P.O.'d at me, cuz Ah shore would love to to join this here shadowrunnin team y'all got. Ah know Ah ain't the slickest feller you might meet, but Ah'm a dern fine shot. And Ah knows how ta keep mah mouth shut. Ya cain't ask fer much more than thet cain ya?]<<<<< -- Bubba <14:01:36/10-19-57> *****Private: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>[ +++++ Message-From: Bull +++++ Subject: Skull Bearer Canis, you need to figure out how to get the mail demon working, he's crucial to teh encrypts. Orion should be able to show you. Ok, as for Skull Bearer, I paid her for the info anyways. however, we may want to check him out carefully. I seem to recall a public log the other day regarding him and a murder of a young woman. The reason wasn't given, but I'm touchy about working with a murderer. We don't need more trouble than we already have. I have yet to hear from Skull BEarer on my end as well, but seeing as how you have more freedom of movement at the moment, i'll leave him up to you if you feel you can handle it. Have you heard from Smudge or Dark avenger lately? The last thing I got is at least three days old. Also, I have a lead on this guy that's been tracking my squad. Seems he calls himself the Black King, and his pet deckers go by Black Pawn. No other info though, at least not yet. Give those name to Orion and see what he can make of them. See ya later]<<<<< -- IF Mailer Demon <06:39:25/10-19-57> ***** Private: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>[ +++++ Message-From: Bull +++++ Subject: Bubba I have no idea, Canis. The only thing I can figure is that somehow he picked up DA's. I sent one to where his location was supposed to be, but have yet to hear from him. Not good. As for what next, i really have very little idea. DA had some plans, but with him missing, and possibly dead, they've dort of fallen through. Inferno and I are checking out the few runners we have on our end, as well as checking into this whole Black King thing. We need to find out who he is and what he's up to. How's the situation with Pegasus on your end? I also know you're going to need to go back into the zone soon to get that team you put in. Let me know how that goes.]<<<<< -- IF Mailer Demon <06:49:25/10-19-57> ***** Private: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>[ +++++ Message-From: Bull +++++ Subject: Bubba Whoah! Slow down a minute there, pal. What did this guy look like? Maybe his eyes looked like Insect or fly eyes, rather than disco balls. Would that sound right? Are you sure they weren't normal cyber-eyes?? Shit, Bubba, get the fuck out of that building now!!!!! Get your ass to >>encrypted<< at >>encrypted<< and meet a man by teh name of Canis. Canis, pick this boy up and make sure that he isn't followed. Frag, I don't know how they got ahold of that, but that may just tell us what happened to DA. untill we hear otehrwise, i think we should consider DA gone. his people aren't happy about it, that's for sure. Fuck. Canis, what kind of team do you have built so far? I have a half dozen low level gilletes standing by courtesy of DA. Without him, they seem more than a little lost. I have Johnny 99, Daytripper, Inferno, and Celt for magical support, as well as a dog shaman who should be joining us later on named Caric. Other than that, I have a few otehr potentials lined up, but need to talk over details with them further. Oh frag, things are going to hell in a handbasket here, aren't they. Damn. Ok, give me a situation report and then pick up that redneck. If nothing else we need to keep an eye on him. Dammit! Ok, keep in touch.]<<<<< -- Bull <06:55:01/10-19-57> *****PRIVATE: Arashi >>>>>[Sounds outstanding. Let's see... Interface, no problem, we're both able to just jack directly in. Redundancy... talk to Jason about redundancy :) He brought back an old Cape Province F-15 that was missing most of a _wing_ one time... he was hunting SAMs and the Angolans had a nicely-hidden battery of 57mm guns on his egress route (he was lucky he played smart, the 'obvious' exit had two Tunguskas parked on it). Since then, he gets grumpy whenever he doesn't have perspex to see through and manual backup on the controls, says any flight computer would have made him abandon a salvageable airframe. I'm not _quite_ that hidebound ;) Low level... sounds good, the handling will make him happy. The attack load, though... firstly, "that ancient fellow" is Sundown Cunningham, and he's only 52. Secondly, as far as Jason's concerned air superiority is what you do on your way to and from the target you wanted to bomb... He's a Marine through and through. So he'll grouch and grumble. Me? I'm looking forward to it. So's he, but he won't admit it... See you at the party. As for the consultancy, it's not particularly urgent. When you're a licenced merc unit, aircraft are completely legal, until you do something illegal with them... the Zeps will be in the compound in Tacoma, the MiGs will be hangared out at Sea-Tac. No ordnance to hand, and airport security is _tight_, so the FAA are happy. A lot of the training will be out at sea in international airspace, though negotiations are in progress for some Aggressor work for various forces. And yes, they're a good unit. Licenced mercenaries, and while I wouldn't call them angels they're disciplined professionals and good guys. Run by a Russian defector - he broke for the border after his Spetznaz team refused to help State Security "carry out reprisal actions" on a village. The MiGs are a little deceptive, though... the basic airframe might be 2020s, but it's been fully relifed and zero-timed, the wing spars replaced with modern single-crystal forgings, and most of the avionics are new. Plus the engines are Rolls-Royce Colorados, not those smoky thirsty Klimovs. Jenny should enjoy herself.]<<<<< -- Lilith <00:43:21/10-19-57> ***** PRIVATE: Orion >>>>>[I think you are mistaken. +++++ Include message: Orion <19:02:32/10-17-57> I had assumed that you wanted a broad base of information and thusly requested information from all. I guess we were both on one account or another. As for Nomad. He is new, he is inexperienced in the field, but has been taught well and will be a good addition to your team.]<<<<< -- Feral <19:43:43 / 10-19-57> ***** PRIVATE: Canis >>>>>[ +++++ Include: Nomad.profile +++++ Include: Nomad.bckgrnd I hope that helps you out. You can see he is a bit wet behind the ears, but has a fairly good potential. He also has me at his back.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <19:51:39 / 10-19-57> Head of Magical FRT Units Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: Jason R Stormwind >>>>>[Impressive title there, big man. Can I have one too?]<<<<< -- Skuff <19:51:43 / 10-19-57> God of All I Survey Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: Skuff >>>>>[How can you joke at a time like this?? Nomad needed a leg up in getting his shadowrunnning career off the ground, I was trying to get him in good with his need group. Any information on Cassandra yet?]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <19:55:13 / 10-19-57> ***** PRIVATE: Jason R. Stormwind >>>>>[Yeah, actually there have been a couple of bites. There is a new InfoMancer in town. Goes by the nick of "InfoScholar". Reportedly, if there is something out there in the shadows to know, he knows it. Word on the street is that he doesnt play favorites. If the money is good, he rolls over on the information like a good pup. He's got a pretty tight network of people around him for gathering and assimilating information. While he is not on, say, Navaah's level of "dont touch", he's pretty well surrounded by people who would be less than amused to have thier information source kicked around. So dont even think of nabbing him and extracting the information through physical coersion. I've been watching how you've been acting. You are starting to slide a bit to the left again. As a friend, I am requesting that you slap yourself with a hard check to make sure you are still thinking clearly.]<<<<< -- Skuff <19:56:59 / 10-19-57> ***** PRIVATE: Skuff >>>>>[Ok, so a light touch is the better path, eh? Im fine, man. Thanks for checking on me though. You know we cant tolerate people fraggin' with family. Do you wanna handle extracting information or shall I? Never mind, Ill do it. I think I have an idea]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <19:59:01 / 10-19-57> ***** PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[This is a bit unethical, I know. And I would understand if you do not have the ability to fulfill my request. I am seeking information about a recent attack on a young woman who goes by the name of Cassandra +++++ Include cassandra.image1 The attack, perpetrated by a currently unknown assailant was good enough to leave LSS with very few clues. When that happens, I always turn to the shadows to see what turns up. My request: information you might have about the situation. A payment of >>encrypted nY<< for just information about what might have happened, a payment of >>level 7 hermetic library of mana based spells<<, for information on the assailant, and a payment of >>3 specialized, unpublished spells<< for information above and beyond that.]<<<<< -- Jason Robert Stormwind <20:21:05 / 10-19-57> Field Officer Serenity Security *****PRIVATE: Jason R Stormwind >>>>>[Mr. Stormwind, it is indeed a pleasure to meet your acquaintence! I believe I can help you find what you require. Though I must say, there are many people interested in this information currently. Fortunately, this does not fall within my constraints as librarian; thus, the information you seek, while already distributed to another, is still currently available here. +++++download: Cass_hit.cmp To introduce you to the players, it is my belief that a recent addition to the Seattle shadows, a Skull Bearer ... is likely responsible for the attack on the woman you identified. He, almost assuredly, was in the employ of one Ms. Johnston to dissuade Cassandra from investigating ... something. From the chronology I have compiled, I think that this Skull Bearer has encountered Cassandra twice and travelled to Winnipeg for reasons unknown over the last three weeks. Furthermore, I believe a recently developed urban myth -- one that does not concern giant alligators living in our sewers -- may be of potential use to you. A gang of young people in the Puyallup Barrens was recently eliminated EN TOTO by what eyewitnesses describe as a "living shadow" ... a friend of Cassandra's, one Dirk Edgewood, had encountered a similar personage and was troubled enough by the encounter to be muttering about it a whole week later. There are too many coincidences here to be discounted without investigation. I take it ... you are interested in the role of investigator? Regardless of that, you requested ... "What Happened" Cassandra was attacked by this Skull Bearer ... "Who was It?" probably the Skull Bearer ... "Additional info" Skull Bearer's possible residence and probable employer. Please forward the compensation for my efforts at your earliest convenience. It has been a pleasure doing business with you.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <18:44:55/10-18-57> ***** PRIVATE: Skuff >>>>>[Ill assume you got that. Make sure to keep the name of InfoScholar close to the top of the data-dex. His report was...intriguing. Winnepeg. I wonder if this has anything to do with the killing of one UCAS official. Gravey, to say the least. Need more information on this Skull Bearer fellow]<<<<< -- Kor <23:04:37 / 10-19-57> ***** PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[ +++++ Include: Libary +++++ Include: Spells The spells are of my design. I would be willing to teach them to interested parties for >>encryted<< or more information about this Skull Bearer.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <23:05:17 / 10-19-57> >>>>>[My, my, how unexpected. +++++begin news article CONNETICUT REPRESENTATIVE STANDS DOWN Thomas Lang, Technocrat member of the UCAS House of Representatives, announced his surprise decision to retire from public life in a snap press conference this morning. Citing the pressure caused by the sudden collapse of his consultancy business as the reason, Rep. Lang confirmed that he would stand down both from the House and from his position as UCAS representative to the International Police Governing Council. "At a time of personal crisis such as this, I cannot serve my country as I should." Rep. Lang said, reading from a prepared statement. "Therefore, rather than serve badly, I shall step aside, so another can serve in my stead..." +++++interrupt news item He did everything but parade his children, wave a portrait of Mom and eat some apple pie for the camera. He's managed to keep the charges against him quiet... they're Interpol Enforcement Branch's problem, and that's still rotten to the core, so he's going to walk. He won't walk far.]<<<<< -- Lynch <22:14:37/10-19-57> *****PRIVATE: Blademaster >>>>>[I think Drake would rather be out than in, if he thought he could do some good and make a difference on the outside... inside he's powerless. If he gets convicted, he's most likely to stay convicted... not much scope for appeals, and it means he's out of friends with influence in the right parts of InterPol. Hopefully, he'll get acquitted, and the issue becomes moot.]<<<<< -- Lynch <00:37:51/10-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[If you are still looking for someone to join your team I would like to offer my services. I have been kind of lazy lately, a little work is exactly what I need now. Decking is the kind of work I'd like to do and can do the best, but I also know how to defend my self. I am in Seattle right now, but as soon as I get an answer from you I will start to make the necessary arrangments for the relocation of my meatbod to Chicago. I'm looking forward to hear from you.]<<<<< -- QuickStep <10:35:07 GMT/10-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[Your open invitation piques my interest since I have decided to retire from BightEdge and get back to work on the mainland. I am an adept mage specializing in recon and spirit warfare. If you want someone found and "sanctioned" from afar, I'm your woman. If you want a person to be found and recovered, I can do that too. If fire elemental or bug spirits are in your way, I'll slice a path through them so wide you'll think I'm Moses at the Red Sea. I'll arrive in Seattle this week. Please send the details of the confirmation through the usual channels.]<<<<< -- Trouveur <01:35:07 GMT/10-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason R Stormwind >>>>>[Thank you for your swift payment. The materials have all been quite interesting. I am continuing my inquiry into the matters you expressed interest in. Should I discover more material I will pass it along to you ... for additional 'different' spells, if you please. Bon chance.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <09:56:11/10-19-57> ***** Private: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>[ +++++ Message-From: Bull +++++ Subject: QuickStep +++++ Start Rosetta_Encrypt.9 For: QuickStep Only Ok, this message is mostly for QuickStep, and the Encrypt is a test to see how good a decker he is. A rating 9 Scrambler is not an easy program to bust. Well, i hope you bust this, QS... If you do, meet me in teh Matrix at >>encrypted<< at >>encrypted<< and we'll discuss things further. +++++ End Rosetta_Encrypt.9 For: QuickStep Only For the rest of you, QS is a dec ker, and as I'm sure you all know by now, one of the biggest problems we've faced so far has been with being traced by these corp slave-deckers. Hopefully the addition of another skilled decker will make our efforts that much easier.]<<<<< -- IF Mailer Demon <15:49:25/10-20-57> ***** Private: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>[ +++++ Message-From: Bull +++++ Subject: Troveur Ok Troveur, there's a test coming your way. If you can correctly identify the Spirit that we sent to have a brief chat with you, then your in. The Spirit will give His/Her name name in casual conversation (obviously not it's True Name), but wll be masked. I hope to hear from you within the next couple of days... Oh, and you will have already spoken with it by the time this message reaches you. Good Luck.]<<<<< -- IF Mailer Demon <15:55:27/10-20-57> ***** Private: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>[+++++NOT TO: Troveur +++++ Message-From: Bull +++++ Subject: New mage Well gang, we may have a new mage joining us. She seems to be just a little too sure of herself, but if she's half as powerful as she claims, she'll be useful. As seen in my last message, we sent Daytripper out to meet her, using the name and identity of Don Knotts. Daytripper always was a bit strange. In other news, things have been real quiet around here lately. I haven't seen nor heard anything from the tail that we've had seen escaping teh CZ, but I also haven't heard from Dark Avenger either. Things are a little too quiet right now, and that makes me nervous.]<<<<< -- IF Mailer Demon <15:58:55/10-20-57> teven Ratkovich wrote: ***** Private: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>[ +++++ Message-From: Bubba +++++ Subject: Eyes Yeah, Ah guess you could say they was bug eyes. Why? Does thet mean sumoething? Ah'm gonna take yer word for it, and head out right away. Ah'll meet this Canis person at the safehouse y'all mentioned.]<<<<< -- Bubba <12:16:26/10-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin; The Magical Group Formally Known as ? >>>>>[Ice here, I'm posting this through a sat-link from near Chicago, we'll be back in Seattle in a day or so. Some of you wanted to know what happened to us over the last four or five days, others of you were actually there, and no doubt some of you don't care at all, but here it is anyway... +++++Begin footage Black screen, apart from the words "Ice's cybercamera, Chicago delivery run, Evita, Ronin, Rosha, Wolfen in attendance. Free spirit present in the astral. 2430 approx." There is a brief flash, then the view is of a city, probably Chicago from the words just before, under a stormy sky at night. Ice appears to be looking at the shore from a small motor boat on lake Michigan. The camera turns, looking around, taking in the sight of four others. The first, too short to be anything but a dwarf, is a tanned, blonde haired, blue-eyed woman. Her hair is close cropped, military style and she has an excited, yet focused look on her face. The name "Rosha" appears at the bottom of the screen. The second, also a woman, is fairly short as well, but not to the same extent. She carries what looks like an Ares Squirt, and a sai hangs from her belt along with a pouch. She is dressed in black, and her face is painted in military style night-fighting camouflage. She gets the name "Evita". The third is a man of about average height, and carries a fixed stock HK227 with what looks like an ultra-sound sight attached under the barrel. His clothes too are black, and he wears the face paint as well. The name "Ronin" identifies him. The fourth is an elf, tall and well built. He is armed with a pair of Ares Predators, and carries a long-handled sword in a scabbard strapped to his back. Like Ronin and Evita, he wears night-time camouflage. The name "Wolfen" appears below him. "Okay," says Ronin "One last time." Ice groans, Evita looks pained, and Rosha turns away from the camera, but they all seem to be listening. Wolfen continues to stare over the lake towards the shore, no signs of his emotional state visible. "We go out onto the lake, and hold just outside the zone, east of it," Ronin begins, "Ice calls up his elementals, and goes astral to distract the UCAS patrol, leading them north. We wait until he comes back to his body, then move in, under the cover of Rosha's, Ice's and the Spirit's assorted invisibility, heat barrier, and silence spells. We meet on the beach at no later than 0015," he pauses for a moment, his eyes going distant, "Okay, T minus 30 seconds." "I'll change then," says Ice, and the view begins to drop towards the ground. Ice looks down at himself, making sure the spell goes right. His body changes first, unleashing a number of nasty cracking noises, then his clothes shrink until they wrap snuggly about his new form. The result is a small black and white cat, wearing a matte black harness, a silver-studded leather collar, and sunglasses. "Let's go," says the cat, speaking through the micro speakers on the collar. Ronin and Evita step over the gunwhale on the opposite side from the shore, climbing onto jetskis. Rosha follows, mounting a third, after casting a spell of her own, altering her appearance to blend in with the night. Wolfen climbs onto a fourth as Ice jumps lightly onto the largest, piloted by Ronin. The cat settles down between two LMG's mounted at the front of the small water vessel as Ronin starts up the motor. Evita kicks hers into life, as do Rosha and Wolfen, and then Ice speaks. "Silence in three, two, one," he says. All noise ceases, and Evita moves off, followed by the others. The cat drops it's head as the team pull away, slowly disappearing from view as they do so. The camera remains still for the rest of the trip. They move away from the shore for a while, then turn to the north, moving paralel to the shore for five or six clicks. They stop there, about three clicks from shore, and wait. The lights of the zone border are visible, and every so often a burst of tracers from within the CZ greets a low flying military surveillance air-ship. After a moment, the cat raises it's head and nods, and the jetski starts up again, running towards the shore at full speed. The cat stands up, leaning into the wind. The others in the group are presumably following, but they are neither visible nor audible to the camera. The shore approaches quickly, and the team looks like they are going to make it without official intervention. Then, off to the right, a navy patrol boat becomes visible, its current speed and heading likely to take it across the path of the runners. Ronin pulls up, the cat almost falling off. Ice turns, glaring at Ronin, but the samurai is not visible as anything more than a faint flicker. Ice turns back again, and all is still for a moment. Then the patrol boat passes, and the jetski starts moving again. After approximately a minute, it bottoms out, and there is a splash as the still invisible Ronin jumps off into the water. Ice waits, not willing to get wet, until Ronin has dragged the vehicle up onto the shore, then he leaps off, and looks around the beach. In the darkness, not much is visible past the short beach. A couple of clicks south a heavily built up residential area is visible. To the immediate west and north is a large industrial complex, some sort of chemical plant, judging by the toxic waste warning signs. The invisibility spell is dropped, and Rosha, Wolfen, Ronin and Evita become visible, dragging their jetskis up the beach. Ice follows, and watches as they start to conceal the vehicles under a pile of wooden crates. He steps away, then begins to change again. This time the result is a large white tiger, with the matte black harness expanded to cover almost his entire body. Several stiff plates, presumably armour, are visible in the shift of the material as Ice flexes his limbs and back to make sure everything works. A grey wolf comes on screen, and the name "Wolfen" appears at the bottom of the screen. Presumably Wolfen has also made a change. After checking that the jetskis are well hidden, Rosha mumbles, "Clap yo' hands, ev'rybody... F'you got what it takes... Cuz we're n'here t'take you out... And these are the Breaks...". Rosha moves up the beach, and Ice lopes past her, taking the lead. The rest of the group follows, and they move into the complex. +++++Splice Black screen, then the words "Next evening, 1800 approx." The view opens on a street in a residential area, the buildings about two or three stories high on average. On the horizon the sun is setting, and the shots from Chicago's ubiquitous firefights are audible in the middle distance. Ice is currently looking back at the rest of the team behind him, Evita closest, followed by Wolfen, then Rosha, Ronin watching over his shoulder at the rear. Ice turns back to look forwards again, then comes to a sudden halt. Ahead, half in and half out of the display window of a long looted electronics shop, there is a human body. Ice approaches, looking carefully around, but the surrounding windows are empty. Ice turns back to the corpse, coming closer, then sees that it has the mouthparts of a wasp or bee. He recoils as Evita comes up to stand beside him. "Fleshform," she says, "Wasp maybe." Ice nods, looking away, as Wolfen, still in wolf form, arrives with Ronin, and Rosha. "Anything more around?" Ronin asks, seemingly speaking to the air. A nearby burger wrapper flutters over, and is suddenly torn into pieces, which flutter down to land in the pattern of a word. Ice moves closer, looking down at it, seeing that it reads "No". "Your spirit friend?" asks Ice. "Friend?" says Ronin, raising one eyebrow, "But yes, I hope that's who it is." Ice turns away, and looks around, then sets off again. The others fall in behind him. +++++Splice Black screen, the words "Early morning, 0300 approx." The view is of a small park, from up high somewhere. In the centre of the park is a fountain, with a statue of a dolphin leaping from still water. The pool is almost empty, containing only a scummy green residue at the bottom. Ice looks around, revealing that he is in a tree at the edge of the park. The other four wait at the base of the tree, and Ice jumps down to join them. "Into the park?" he asks. "This is where it possessed me last time," he says, "Apparently he can only get people if they enter the park. So no, we don't go in." There is a swirl of rubbish, and an angry snarl can be heard, then a human figure manifests between them and the park. It is a male, tall and very good looking, but there is a dark look of hatred on its face. "Give me the items," it snarls. "The sim-chips?" asks Ronin, "I hate to be mercenary, but this little run cost us all plenty to set up." The spirit snarls, and disappears, and the team waits for a minute or so. Then the spirit enters the park from the other side of it, carrying a small pouch. It throws the bag to Ronin who catches it and looks inside, then closes it with a satisfied sounding grunt. He unslings his military style backpack, places the pouch inside, and takes out three macroplast boxes, throwing them to the spirit. It catches them, and places them on the ground. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you all now," it says in a conversational tone of voice, "I've got what I want, after all." "Sounds like a decent last wish ..." Rosha says, sounding falsely confident. The spirit laughs, then disappears. The pool suddenly fills up again, water gurgling in from a hidden source, and the noise forms into vague words. "You have three hours, then I alert a nearby hive of wasps..." The voice tails of as the pool is filled, and Ice looks at the others. "Let's move," snarls Ronin, and they leave the area in haste. +++++Splice Black screen, the words "approx three hours later". The scene is of the same building in which the runners stayed the day before. Ice is looking up at it as the group approaches. "Daylight's breakin'," Rosha sighs, "We diggin' in?". "What about the bugs it was sending after us?" asks Ice, turning back towards her. Evita and Rosha both look exhausted and Ronin seems only slightly better off. On the other hand, Wolfen, still in wolf form, seems happy to run all day. "We can't all keep up with a goddamned tiger," snaps Ronin, "We need to rest. And besides, we've seen no sign of bugs. It was probably lying to get us away before we decided to torch its home ground." Ice grunts, giving up, and they head into the building. Wolfen is off screen when he resumes human form, but he wanders into the camera view again, heading for the stairs up. "Let's stick to the ground floor this time," Ice says, "Easier to escape if we need to, and the top floor is no good for defence against astral spirits anyway." "Sounds good," says Wolfen, sitting down and pulling some ration bars from a pocket. Ronin, Rosha, and Evita join him, Ice watching them. Ronin eventually grunts, and throws him a fragment of one of his bars, and the tiger bolts it down, waiting for more. Rosha laughs, throwing him another piece. "Alright," Ice says, "There's a limit to how much humiliation I'll take before eating you bastards. Feed me." Wolfen pushes an open plastic package across the floor, two bars inside it. Ice mutters to himself as he eats them. "Can you do an astral watch?" asks Ronin when Ice has finished. The tiger nods, then drops his head to the floor. The others wait, continuing their so-called meal, until startled by the appearance of a tall elf in the midst of them. He is dressed in white robes, and a small dragon curls around his left leg, torso, and right arm, resting it's chin on the back of his right hand. "No sign yet," he says, "Oh, Ronin, you wouldn't have seen me on the astral before. This is me," Ice executes a model's spin, then bows. The astral elf sits down with the group, to the obvious discomfort of Ronin. Rosha, Wolfen, and Evita seem comfortable with Ice's astral form, presumably having seen him do this before. Suddenly the curled dragon raises it's head and hisses, Ice looking up simultaneously. "Trouble," he snaps out, and the astral form disappears. Rosha, Wolfen, Evita, and Ronin leap to their feet, the latter two pulling their weapons into firing position, Rosha uncoiling a monofilament whip, and Wolfen drawing his sword. Ronin swaps clips on his HK, as Ice stirs, getting to his feet. "Eight or nine bugs," Ice says, "true forms, wasps, should be here any..." In true dramatic fashion, his words are interupted by the entrance through, windows, of four giant wasps. They waste no time, throwing themselves at the team, as more start to manifest inside the room. Ronin opens fire, his burst strangely quiet, a strange "splat" noise audible as the rounds impact on the wasp's head. The spirit lunges at him, the chitin where it was hit visibly ruptured. Evita and Rosha come under attack, but Ice does not see the outcome, occupied as he is by the attack of a bug of his own. He dodges it's lunge, and his right paw lashes out, a glowing tattoo visible beneth the fur, and takes the head off of the wasp. Ice looks around as the bug demanifests, seeing that the second group have become fully physical. Several begin to move forward, slowed by their pseudo-flesh, as Ice casts a spell. A bolt of ice rips through the foremost spirit, throwing it back, and it disappears as the others move forward. Ronin moves past Ice, firing into the group, several bugs going down and demanifesting. Wolfen moves forward, cutting into one of the bugs, and several of them explode in sprays of phantom ichor as Evita casts a spell. The rest flee back to astral space. "Everyone alright?" asks Ice. "Let's move," Ronin snaps abruptly, over any replies, "North to the double laned road, then we cut east." The group leaves the building, moving north, and Ice takes the lead. They turn east at a large wide road, one that is devoid of any signs of life. "Ice," says Evita, "I have an idea. If I turn into a horse, Ronin can ride me, and you can carry Rosha. Wolfen can run pretty fast as a wolf, so we'll cover ground much faster that way." "Good idea," says Ronin, touching Evita on the shoulder, "I'm sick of walking." Ice protests feebly, then agrees. Evita makes the change, clothes first, including a saddle with her new outfit, then fills the result with horse. Like Ice's, her animal shaped clothing appears armoured. Ronin mounts Evita as Ice prepares a saddle of his own, then Rosha climbs up on Ice. "It's been so long since I rode un caballo, mama!" yells Rosha, digging in her heels, "Yee-ha-ha!" "This is ridiculous," Ice mutters, then moves off. Evita quickly moves ahead, Ronin crouching low and looking very uncomfortable, and it quickly turns into a contest. As they crest a hill, the lake becomes visible, and Ice calls out in triumph. "We're going to make it!" Evita snorts in reply, and Ronin turns his head to give a slightly nervous grin. Then the droning noise of a motor of some sort becomes audible. "Off the road," yells Ronin, and Evita and Ice veer right, off to the side, down an alley, then turn left again. Ronin is looking back over his shoulder, barely staying on Evita, but ice keeps grimly looking ahead. The group are between two rows of middle-class type houses, on a small one way street. They arive at a crossroads, and keep on going. The motor is beginning to get louder, but it still seems to be several clicks off. "Do we run or hide?", asks Ice, the volume of the speakers boosted to make him audible over Evita's pounding hooves. "Can' hide fr'm bugs 'gardless. Whas da plan, boss?" Rosha asks. "We run, then," calls Ronin, "That'll be effective whoever it is." Ice moves onto the lawn of one of the houses, jumping a fence, and moves around behind the house. Evita joins him through the next gap between houses, Wolfen follows her, and they continue until they come to another road perpendicular to their direction of passage. "I'm picking up astral bugs," calls Ice, "They'll be directing their flesh form... umm... accomplices, I guess." "Cuantos, chico?" Rosha shouts, then, "How many, man!" "Three or four," replies Ice, "I think they're some of the ones we injured back in the house, so they'll be recuperating for a while before they try anything." "Where are the rest?" asks Ronin, "In that bus?" "Bus?" asks Ice. "That's a bus following us," says Ronin impatiently, "Is that where the others are?" "Could be," says Ice, "But I can't feel them yet. I'd go astral, but that'd leave Rosha in the lurch and my body vulnerable." "Okay," says Ronin, "Let's go ambush that bus then. Back to the two lane road." Ice turns left, moving back onto the smaller road, then moving further north to the double-laned one. Evita follows, and as she arrives Ronin gets off, almost falling. He swears, then takes off his pack, digging in it for something. Rosha dismounts, jumping over the tiger's head, and Evita resumes her humanity as Ronin looks around. Wolfen eventually wanders back into the field of view of the camera, and he too is now in human form. "Can you scare off those astral spirits, Ice?" Ronin asks, "I don't want them seeing what I'm up to." Ice nods, then goes astral. Ronin moves out of the view of the camera, continuing to talk. "Evita, can you perceive the astral, and tell me what's up there?" "Ice has taken two bugs down with a spell," Evita replies, "The rest of them have moved west, he's following," she pauses for a moment, "They're out of sight." "Excellent," Ronin says, "Rosha, you use throwing weapons, you any good with grenades?" "I've seen them on da trid," Rosha says, smirking. "Take this then," Ronin says, pausing a moment, then moving away from the camera, "Okay, here's the plan. The bus comes out of there, along this road, and I fire these charges when it gets to here. That'll stop it in it's tracks. Then I shoot out a window or two, and Rosha puts that grenade through one of them. It's an insecticide smoke thing, with an incendiary charge of phophorous and a touch of C-12. The bugs in the bus will be flesh forms probably, otherwise they'd have come by astral, so that should deal with most of them. The rest should be easy enough." His voice grows louder at the end as he comes back towards Ice's inert form. "Famous last words," mutters Wolfen. Ice gets up, then speaks. "I've seen the bus," he says, "And two of the true form spies made it back there. There are five other trues in there though, and one of them's a huge bastard." "It doesn't change the plan," says Ronin, then goes over it again for Ice. By the time he has finished talking, the bus is much closer, and the group barely has time to get off the road when it turns around a corner to the west, and approaches. Three wasp spirits fly ahead of it, and Ice downs one with a spell, a second being taken out by a long burst from Ronin's SMG. Rosha waits, readying a large grenade, Wolfen pulls his Predators, and Evita readies her squirt, waiting for the bugs to get within range. The bus crosses a mark known only to Ronin, and there is a sudden explosion from the road. The bus lurches, rising a little, then strays off to one side as Ronin opens fire at the windows. The quiet "splat" rounds are gone now, what's hitting the bus is armour piercing ammo, and the windscreen shatters under the long burst. Wolfen fires too, a heavy auto in each hand. Rosha moves forward, dodging the desperate charge of one of the bugs that was outside the bus, and throwing the grenade through the windscreen. It explodes on impact, releasing a gout of gas and flame, and as the bus comes to a halt at the side of the road, Rosha hurls another package into it. Ronin opens fire again as Ice casts a spell, it's effect not visible to the non-magic eye. A few flesh forms escape out the rear of the bus before a second explosion rocks the vehicle. There is a brief pause as the flesh forms charge, then four true form spirits move at the group from behind the crashed bus. One of them throws itself at Ice, stabbing with its tail, but the tiger dances away and blasts it with a bolt of ice. He catches a brief glimps of Wolfen meeting a charge, deflecting an attack with his sword, but does not see the outcome. Ronin fires at the flesh forms, and three go down. The last takes a hit, but keeps coming, cyberspurs sliding out from both arms as it closes with Ronin. Ice rips into another true form spirit with one paw, tearing away a chunk of it's armoured pseudo-flesh, and the spirit demanifests with a screech. Ice turns, seeing Rosha move towards the burning bus, backed up by Evita and Wolfen. The camera turns again, watching as Ronin blocks a slash with his SMG, and butt-strokes the flesh form in the face. It lurches back and Ronin leaps forward, kicking it in the chest, then empties the last couple of rounds from his SMG into it before it hits the ground. Ice heads for the bus, but Evita waves him off, she and Rosha coming back towards where Ronin is changing clips. The samurai turns, grinning, then moves towards the rest of the group. Suddenly there is a disturbance in the air behind him, and Rosha shouts a warning. Ronin turns, fast, but not fast enough, and a manifesting wasp spirit appears above him, slashing down with it's stinger. "Ronin!" screams Evita, as the samurai backs towards the group, blood spurting from a wound in his shoulder. Wolfen charges forward, his sword raised, and Evita joins him, shouting in rage. Ronin hits the ground, a stunned look on his face, as Ice casts a spell, the bolt of ice streaking over Evita's head as she attacks the spirit. It screams as the bolt tears away one wing, then again as Evita strikes it in its delicate underside. Wolfen attacks also, slashing off a couple of legs, and the spirit falls on him, knocking him to the ground. Evita attacks its head and Ice casts another ice bolt as Rosha moves in with her monowhip, and the spirit demanifests with a final scream of pain and rage. Ice moves forward, checking Ronin. The samurai is ashen, and there is a large swelling building up around the wound. His breathing is laboured, and he is beginning to shake uncontrollably. "Poison," snaps out Ice, "Evita, can you do something about it?" Evita comes forward, laying a hand on Ronin, and Ice also touches the samurai. Between them, they start to heal his wounds, and his breathing eases slightly. "We have to move," he says weakly, "Horse time again." "Can you ride?" asks Evita. "I'll have to," replies Ronin, getting to his feet with some difficulty, even when Evita helps. Evita makes the change, and Ronin struggles up onto her back. He is still shaking, and it doesn't look like he'll be able to make it back out of the CZ. Rosha approaches Ice with a wide grin. "Oh joy," mutters the tiger. +++++End footage A brief run down to the beach, and out we went, just on dawn. Evita and Rosha did the disguising magic cover, and I sent a crowd of watchers and elementals off to run astral interference. We had to do without the free spirit's heat shield, so we were slightly worried about thermo picking us up. The temperature differential between water and air might have messed it up, I suppose. Ronin collapsed and slept for a day once we got back to the boat, but he's recovered now. (BTW, those that were there, Ev tells me that Ronin and the simsense studio are currently negotiating the salvage payment for the chips. It looks like it'll be in the high five figures.) (And groupies, we still need a name. And I still like The Seattle Zoo.) (And if any of you ever mentions "the Ride of Rosha", or any other damn thing along those lines, there'll be trouble.)]<<<<< -- Ice <15:47:50/10-20-57> *****PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[ +++++CREDIT TRANSFER: >encrypted< =Y=]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <16:55:43/20-10-57> *****PRIVATE: Righteous and Dana >>>>>[We need data on the following: Runners: Lynch and Lilith (where and how well armed) People: Ronson (his connection with SIGA) Organizations: SIGA (in connection with Ronson, Lynch and Lilith)]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <19:00:00/20-10-57> *****PRIVATE: Jen and Gabe >>>>>[[W--t] at [are] you wi:ling to of|er in re+urn?]<<<<< -- 4&tgfHvK-46#@gf *****PRIVATE: Turbo >>>>>[Hey there, buddy, how's it going? Hope the trials went good. As for causes - well, I don't know if it's reasonable, but it's hiring. Talk to Canis, or Inferno, or Bull. I think they could do with some more riggers. And the pay's alright, too.]<<<<< -- Minx <10:06:01/10-21-57> *****PRIVATE: Minx >>>>>[*grin* The trials went splendidly. I came out better off than when I went in, which is always good. Ok, I'll talk to one of them. Thanks for the tip.]<<<<< -- Turbo <11:01:31/10-21-57> *****PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>['Lo there. A friend of mine, Minx, says you're currently hiring on people. If yer looking for a decent rigger, I'm your man. I'm good for quite a few other things as well, including going in personally. I'm quite a jack-of-all-trades and know at least a little about quite a lot of topics. I'm an elf, and yes I am from the Tir. Don't think I'm totally loyal to those people though. I'm about as fanatical about Tir as you are about the UCAS. Anyway, get in touch via this address if you want to talk to me.]<<<<< -- Turbo <11:07:03/10-21-57> *****PRIVATE: The Chickens of the Apocalypse >>>>>[Y'can tell m'vote fr'm my address. Anyway, we gonna celebrate our victr'y n'da CZ or what?? M'pad's open ... cat's away, so ah say the mice should play. This weekend ... BYOBBB ... "Bring your own brown bag, BABY!!!"]<<<<< -- Rosha <23:24:32/10-20-57> >>>>>[This is it, everyone. +++++ Begin Trideo Record, International Police Hearing S57-01 +++++ Clerk: All rise. The hearing again, with only four people currently present in the room. Commander Drake and Lt. Rachel Mizikar, the clerk, and Lt. Gerald Burr all stand as Chief Eric Skinwalker and Sir Harold Burns enter the room from the side door, walk to the head table, and sit down. Burns: Sit, please. Commander Paul Drake, please remain standing. Drake remains standing. As during the entire hearing, Drake is wearing his dress uniform, with no rank insignia or decorations, only the Special Branch insignia. It looks almost spartan, and yet not totally out of place for a man whose decorations are all internal and who is as close to totally self- contained as perhaps any man can be. Burns: Our apologies for taking so much time to come to a decision, Commander, but the culling of the Panel created some interesting difficulties which had to be dealt with before Chief Skinwalker and I could come to some agreements. Drake: I understand, Sir. Burns: Shut up, Commander, and don't interrupt. Drake: Sir. Burns: The other reason that we took so long was that we had to speak with the remainder of the Council as well. You see, you raised some interesting points regarding the Special Branch charter which allowed far too many liberties which I didn't see when I helped write it. I felt the need to amend the charter, and wanted to make sure that you had the satisfaction of knowing those changes prior to us announcing our decision. Skinwalker: Commander, the Special Branch charter has been amended as follows: A: Special Branch will now have a full-time Council representative. This representative will be appointed by the commanding officer of Special Branch and be required to attend all Governing Council meetings. This representative will have all the same rights and responsibilities as the Council representatives from the other divisions. B: While Section 96 has not been removed as you and your predecessor had lobbied for, it has been amended such that Special Branch must be notified at least 72 hours prior to any special Council meetings regarding the invocation of any of Section 96's paragraphs, except in the case of extreme emergencies. In addition, if the "extreme emergency" clause is invoked, the individuals who invoked it will be subject to immediate Internal Affairs review by agents of the Council's designation. Hopefully, this will keep that clause from being used by corrupt officials, or at least give them pause. C: The commanding officer of Special Branch will have automatic and unconditional access to the complete records of those agents under his or her command. I need not say that this particular amendment was a bit unpopular. Sir Harold and I were forced to remove the gloves on occasion to...convince a few reticent Council members. D: Any individual whom the commanding officer of Special Branch designates as a possible replacement for him or her in the event of retirement or inability to continue command will be given priority in the command review process. The Council had always done this before, but it has now been codified. Any comments, Commander? Drake: Thank you for the amendments, sirs. Even such small alterations will make my successors' jobs much easier. Burns: Now we get to the meat of the matter. Commander Paul Drake, you have admitted guilt regarding all of the charges. However, many of the charges were shown to be problematical at best. You did disobey the orders of a superior, even if that superior had given improper orders and had been made into your superior wrongly. You are responsible for the death of those under your command, even if their death was caused by something which you could not have predicted. You were derelict in your duty to bring criminals to justice, even if you performed the rest of your duties with your usual distinction. And you did release Mr. Jason Running-Wolf Lynch after having apprehended him. Thus, by your own admission and the determination of this Panel based on presented evidence and testimony, you are guilty as charged. Your guilt has been recorded and filed. However, the details of punishment are somewhat mitigated by the circumstances.... Drake: Permission to speak, Sir. Burns: Very well. Drake: Sir, if I am guilty of the charges, then I should be disciplined and incarcerated as per the criminal which I have become. Nothing less serves the interests of the public trust or the law. Burns: Commander.... Drake: Sir? Burns: Shut the fuck up, and let us at least tell you what we decided before you go off half-cocked. Drake. Sir. Burns: As I was saying, there are some mitigating circumstances. Luckily, the International Police Charter allows the Panel and Governing Council some leeway in cases such as yours. Commander Paul Drake, Chief Skinwalker and I did not see completely eye-to- eye on this, but we finally reached an agreement. The public trust and the law will be better served by having you serving with Special Branch than by placing you behind bars again. Thus it is our decision to place you back in command of Special Branch, effective immediately. However, don't screw up again, Commander. If you do, you will be removed from command permanently and turned over the UCAS authorities for trial and imprisonment. Consider yourself under permanent probation. Drake: Sir, this does not serve the law which I have sworn to uphold. Burns: Paul, I've been an InterPol cop too, remember. I earned this uniform I'm wearing, and something that you haven't learned, but Mr. Lynch has, is that sometimes the only way to save the law is to bend it just far enough that it has to reorganize itself to fit reality. And even in the UCAS, where you committed your crime, probation is considered a viable alternative to imprisonment. Rest assured that your punishment is fully legal within the laws of that nation. Drake: I see. And my breaches of regulations, sir? Skinwalker: Due to the extenuating circumstances, we decided to overlook them. However, Internal Affairs has been notified of them and they will be keeping an eye on your actions. Drake: Perpetual investigation, then? I cannot be expected to work under such scrutiny. Skinwalker: Not perpetual, but significantly more detailed and regular than it has been up to now. Expect reviews at least 2 or 3 times per year. More often, if your actions appear to trigger IADs interest for one reason or another. Drake: I see sir. Burns: I doubt it, Commander, but time will tell. Anything further? Drake: When may I resume my duties? Burns: Bring in the box! The camera registers an armed guard enter the room and brings a large, heavy oaken box to Burns, and then turn and leave. Burns stands and takes the oaken box to the Commander. Burns: I believe these belong to you, Commander. You resume your duties as soon as you put them on again. Commander Drake opens the box and removes a Colt SWAT heavy pistol. Inspecting the grip, the etched monogram and custom grip is obvious. Commander Drake pulls out the shoulder holster and puts in on, puts the clip in the pistol, and places the pistol in the holster. Then he picks up the InterPol badge and reattaches it over his left breast pocket. Finally, Drake puts on his coat and hat, snaps to attention, and salutes Sir Harold, who returns the salute. Walking tall, he returns the salutes which Lt. Mizikar and Lt. Burr give him, and then strides out of the main door. +++++ End Trideo Record +++++ Frag. Guess that means he'll be back in Seattle before too long.... And to think I had almost gotten use to a little less paranoia.]<<<<< -- Trideo Pirate <22:46:22/10-20-57> *****INTERNAL: InterPol Special Branch Communications >>>>>[Commander Drake here. Monty, I'm coming back to Seattle on the next flight. Upon my arrival, I will be assuming command of Special Branch again. Get the unit heads together. I want to know everything that has happened. Plan for food if necessary. And coffee. Nothing personal, but those Brits just don't know how to make a good cup of coffee.]<<<<< -- Commander Drake, InterPol <23:03:57/10-20-57> >>>>>[Thank you, Jason.]<<<<< -- Commander Drake, InterPol <23:04:38/10-20-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>[ +++++ Message-From: Canis +++++ Subject: Bubba, Skull Bearer, Pegasus Hm, this thing works wonderfully. Great not to have to type anything. Well, we're gonna meet Bubba and che... Orion, how do i delete some&("DD)19xxx +++++ Transmission Error: Estimated Data Loss: 0.2 Mp find out more about him, so I assume we can consider this line secure. Please inform me immediately should DA re-appear, although I agree with you... He's probably KIA. Someone will pay for this. Soon. Plus, I still had to get my pack of cigs from him... Orion got all exited when I told him about those chess-deckers, but i couldn't understand a word he sed. Damn Tech-babble. He's decking now, "Checking a few things" as he sed. Pegasus hasn't shown himself again (or, as Orion sed, has been even better), and he couldn't find any trace on him, not even in the larger Corporations' databases on 'runners. Strange. The Skull Bearer thing.... I think that's a trap. Either someone wants him to spy us out, or they want us at a special time somewhere where they could assault us. I don't trust this, and so doesn't Wolf.Maybe here we could use Bubba's firepower he's so praising. The team I have gathered so far is one very itchy combat mage, Stephanie, a merc and spellslinger/rigger duo, Hamish and Minx, and there will be a wolf shaman (Nomad, you send him over to me) as soon as his references are checked and contact is made. Plus Bubba, by the looks of it, and of course orion and me. As you might notice we have quite good astral power, so we might check on Bubba's "health". And of course if he's traced by our chitin-clad friends. ]<<<<< -- IF Mailer Daemon <15:26:13/10-19-57> ***** PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[ Thanx, pal, thanx a lot for your coded EMailer. Finally I don't have to nurse Canis whenever he wants to make contact. He's about as much sense for tech as I have for the international stock market, and I keep my cash in a sock under my mattress at home :-) Thanx, pal, I owe you one for this! ]<<<<< -- Orion <15:26:17/10-19-57> >>>>>[Looks like your worry was not needed Jason. Drake's out, if someone's not been editing that testimony. Btw, take care in Yorkshire, if you're going. Remember the last training excercise we were both on, with the 3rd party using live rounds ? I'd hate to think of you getting bullet holes there. Your innards would rust.]<<<<< -- JayCee <09:33:16 / 10-21-57> *****PRIVATE: Dark Elf >>>>>[Something to tie the stock market, the cop killings and those kidnappings together ? Care to share ? All I've gotten out of LS is denial of any camera in the officers. I got a serious 'you don't want to dig into this' from some of my contacts over there, so I cooled off rather than putting them into a bad spot.]<<<<< --JayCee <09:35:27 / 10-21-57 *****PRIVATE: Commander Drake, InterPol >>>>>[You're welcome, Paul. Would you believe me if I said I was glad to have you back? Pat's throwing another Samhain party. Hope to see you there.]<<<<< -- J R W Lynch <17:55:42/10-21-57> Strategic Intelligence Gathering Agency ***** Private: Valentine >>>>>[Aiya...Sorry I didn't get to this earlier, I've had your party's date marked in my P.S. for a long time now, and finally the calender program started screaming at me to RSVP. Myself and my friend Arashi plan on dropping by. If you don't mind too much, we plan on arriving as a pair of stunning matched powered armor. Don't worry, it isn't real, nor are any of the weapons, I just got a chance to play with a rapid prototyper in the wee hours of the morning. Any objections? Some of the other matrix jockies that might be showing up will probably get a joke that goes back about a month or so. Thanks for the open invite.]<<<<< -- Vernier <14:20:37/10-21-57> *****PRIVATE: Vernier >>>>>[No objections whatsoever.]<<<<< -- Valentine <19:49:39/10-21-57> *****PRIVATE: The Chickens of the Apocalypse >>>>>[The chickens suggestion was supposed to be a joke. But what the hell. Just don't tell L, he'll never pay us anything if we look like that sort of loony.]<<<<< -- Ice <18:31:10/10-21-57> *****PRIVATE: Serenity Security >>>>>[Any word on Cass, is she alive still? Ask her before talking to me, if you're in "Paranoia/Security" mode. I know I would be.]<<<<< -- Squatter <18:59:44/10-21-57> ***** PRIVATE: Squatter >>>>>[We are, but I know who you are. You and I, and part of the team watching over Cass needs to talk ASAP.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <02:37:44 / 10-22-57> Field Officer Serenity Security *****PRIVATE: J R Stormwind, c/o Serenity Security >>>>>[Yeah, okay, we can talk. Have a car waiting at >>street corner, time<<, door open, I'll move out of an alley and get in, then we move out fast, okay?]<<<<< -- Squatter <03:48:57/10-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Rosha, Evita, Wolfen, Ice >>>>>[The Truman people are dragging their feet on the simsense thing... meanwhile I'm having a touch of a cashflow problem, so I might be busy for a couple of days.]<<<<< -- Ronin <19:32:13/10-21-57> *****NOT TO: Assorted law enforcement agencies >>>>>[I'm after some warm bodies for a breaking and entering job... sort of beneath big bad shadowrunners like us, but a sammy's got to inject those anticoagulants. I need a decker, a rigger with CCSS experience, and a mage for astral backup. Easy, Lyting, Peter, you still out there? Remember the run on Nova Research? This'll be another like that. Unfortunately, Phoenix and Johnny Q are now dead, so I can't ask them along. If you guys are up for it, you've got first shot at the positions I'm trying to fill.]<<<<< -- Ronin <19:41:53/10-21-57> *****PRIVATE: JayCee >>>>>[I've been spending time trying to verify what Blake said. I couldn't come up with much, since it's kinda out of my field, but I think he's right. The tie in is two words... Blood Magic. Yeah, we're talking some deep Drek. Chin high in fact. I'm laying low for a while. I've probably set off too many red flags as it is.]<<<<< -Dark Elf <**:**:**/**-**-**> *****Private:Lynch >>>>>[Well, he got off! Looks like the issue is moot. On the other hand, interested in what happened to some of those vampires? They got off rather easily, all things considered. I'll send you the tapes sometime if your interested, once I've spliced the video(or had it done by a friend of mine, whichever comes first). Anyway, gota run, I hear someone knocking.]<<<<< -- Blademaster <15:45:32/10-21-57> *****PRIVATE: Lilith >>>>>[Here's my final report. I turned over Byrnes to the SIGA agents. All of their ID was correct. So was the payment. +++++Begin Video 102057.00:13:24.GMT The picture is dark and blurred. In green letters at the bottom, the time and date appear. They blink and are replaced by the words "Ultra sound rendering. Tactical Computer engaged." The blur clears but doesn't lighten. Apparently there was a hand in the way of the screen. The ultra sound imaging overlaps the picture, and it is possible to make out a neatly manicured lawn beyond a wrought iron gate and fence. In the middle of the yard is a three story Brownstone. The house sits at the top of a slight rise, with lights projecting around and towards it, like a gem on display. From what the imaging shows, there isn't much in the way of cover between fence and front door. The picture moves to the side of a large brick pillar separating pieces of fence. The pillar is about 3.5 meters tall, rising about a half meter above the rest of the fence. For the next several seconds the image goes black again. Then, the picture returns, this time the view seems to be from the top of the pillar. The picture moves and it is now within the fence. The barrel of the gun swings into view, as the view point slowly starts to move forward. All is silent, and everything remains dark, except the house. The moon isn't out and the sky is covered with clouds, making it nearly starless. The person with the camera has moved their way towards the house and close to the garage. There it stops and waits, hugging the wall. The microphone picks up the person as he takes three long, deep breaths. The gun barrel moves out of view to be replace by a smaller pistol. Suddenly, the garage door starts to go up, lighting the area inside and around the portal. The view blurs as it goes around the corner. Before things steady, the gun coughs twice and two men slump down, both near the door. Quickly, the man moves towards the bodies and moves them out of the way. He sets them on their stomachs and ties their ankles and wrists together with plastic strips. The men are well dressed, both in suits. Checking their pockets, the man finds little. All that is taken is their sidearms and a mag lock key. The man opens the nearby door and slips inside, closing the door behind him silently. A man with his back to the door speaks is a language you don't understand. A hand reaches out and yanks the man and his chair backwards. The barrel of a pistol at the mans neck. "Don't move and you don't die. How many guards?" The man replies in accented English "Eight. Myself, the two who just stepped outside, and five more." "Where?" "Two with the lady, one at the front door, one at the top of each stair." "You'll live another day." The man steps back, and shoots the man in the back of the neck. A small dart is visible as he begins to slump forward. The man grabs him and sets him up in his chair. The man begins to move his way silently through the house. As he leaves the entryway, the mike picks up something that sounds like "I should've had a fucking shotgun for this." As he begins to turn a corner into a hallway, he bumps into a guard who was turning into the room. The bodyguard moves back and begins to yell for alarm as he brings his gun into line. But he isn't fast enough. He only has time to yell part of his warning before he too is knocked out by a cough from the gun. "Frag. Time to bite the bullet." The man switches the narcoject for a rifle. He starts walking through the house. As he nears the stairs, you can see a small desk where the other guard must have been sitting. Before the man can begin to start up the stairs, the screen blinks and a large WARNING sign blinks on it. Then, words begin to scroll by. As far as you can make out, the tac. comp has decided that there is a 95% chance that the first step will set off a alarm or a trap. Apparently, the step is a different height and thermographics show that it is of different material than the others. The man steps over the stair and slowly around the corner. As he does, several shots hit the corner of the stairs. "Frag." Quickly the man spins around the corner and fires off several short bursts. He spins back behind the slim protection of the plaster wall, but there isn't any return fire. Slowly peeking around the corner, the image shows that the two men have been plastered against the wall, one is still moaning slightly. The person runs up the stairs, and to the next flight, planting a "mercy" shot in the head of the still moaning guard. At the sound of the gunshot, another rain of indiscriminant metal death is fired down from above. This time, the man takes a grenade of his belt, yanks the pin and tosses it up the stairs. He looks back around the corner to see the scorched remains and the cracked and shattered plaster off the walls. Stronger material lay underneath, and is the only reason the staircase is still standing. "Frag." The man races up the stairs and finds the bodies of the last three guards. He moves by towards the only door in the hall. The blast doesn't seem to have done anything to the door. The man begins to check the bodies for a key for the lock on the door. After a short search, he comes up with the small piece of almost indestructible plastic. He then snicks it into place and opens the door. As the door opens, the sound of a gun is heard and the screen jumps. "Frag." The man looks at his assaulter. It's a woman. Young, attractive, and very upset. She's dressed in pair of jeans and a t-shirt. The offending weapon looks to be a Colt American gripped in both her hands. Quickly looking down, the man looks at where he was shot. About half way up the torso on the left side. There isn't any blood showing, so the bullet was apparently stopped by the underlying armor. The woman speaks. "You make one move, and I'll shot again. Only this time, in the head." The man just shakes his head. "Woman, if you want to fight me, you're going to need to fight someone who can move like this." With that, he's covered the 5 meters or so to her, grabbed her wrist, and with a sharp snap, disarmed her. From the sound the wrist made when he did it, you're pretty sure the wrist is broken. The woman falls down, holding her wrist. The man kicks the gun out of his way. "In accordance with UCAS law and pre-arranged extradition treaties, I arrest you on the charge of distributing a controlled toxin." The woman just looks up at him. She says only one thing. "Frag." +++++End Video 102057.00:13:24.GMT And that's about all there was. I grabbed a car, holed up at the safe house, and waited for your agents. They took the woman and gave me the rest of the payment. Any debriefing you have is going to have to wait. I'm just firing this off. I'm meeting Quinn in about 20 minutes for that field training. I'll see you and Jason when I hit home ground again. We can reminisce over a few beers, eh?]<<<<< -- Blade <06:00:00/10-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Dark Elf >>>>>[Deep deep dreak. Kady - if you get anything you need to dodge sidewise from, stick your head in on me in Seattle. Address is >encyrpt<. Try and give me some warning first.]<<<<< - JayCee <09:55:24 / 10-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[I am still around. What do you have have on the corp? I have been away for a while. I had an opportunity to spent some time back in Ireland, so I have been away from Seattle. I am more than willing to give you a hand.]<<<<< -- Lyting <05:02:48/10-22-57> ***** PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[Okay, I'll be there. It is quite obvious that I was able to break the encryption, not too much of a test with the right equipment and software. Anyway, I have the impression the your choice of the meeting place is more like a test . As you don't know what my icon looks like, I will have a read rose attached to my jacket ...]<<<<< -- QuickStep <15:57:27/10-21-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[I'm in.]<<<<< -- Easy <16:55:42/10-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Easy >>>>>[We need a loose end tying up. +++++include file: target_data.txt +++++include file: target_movement.txt +++++include file: target_carnal.txt +++++include file: target_predictions.txt Payment is >>encrypted<< with 25% up front. No collateral casualties: that's a condition of the contract. Collateral _damage_ is fine as long as nobody but the target is badly hurt. We would prefer this done quickly.]<<<<< -- 1Lt J R W Lynch <20:50:31/10-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[Consider him dead.]<<<<< -- Easy <20:52:21/10-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[Still up for your job, but a short-notice one just came up. be back in 24, maybe 48.]<<<<< -- Easy <20-54-41/10-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Blade >>>>>[Well done, Matt. Thank you, and good work. See you in Catterick.]<<<<< -- 1Lt L R W Lynch Strategic Intelligence Gathering Agency *****INTERNAL: SIGANet >>>>>[TO: Sgt J S Karlsbruhn +++++insert audio: low warning snarl]<<<<< -- 1Lt L R W Lynch <20:45:31/10-22-57> Strategic Intelligence Gathering Agency >>>>>[Oh, the tragedy. Oh, the humanity. +++++begin news article FORMER REPRESENTATIVE GUNNED DOWN IN SAVAGE ATTACK The former Technocratic Representative for Conneticut, Thomas Lang, was shot dead late last night in a brutal, apparently professional killing. No motive has been advanced for his murder. According to Eagle Security spokesmen, Lang had been leaving the residence of a constituent at about 0200 when his Nightsky was riddled by over a hundred rounds of 7.62mm machine-gun fire: ES confirmed that cases and links recovered from an alley mouth matched those for a Fabrique Nationale MAG-5, a favoured terrorist weapon, whose high- velocity "cop-killer" bullets punched through his car's light armour and riddled the Representative's body. Rep. Lang had recently announced his retirement from public life, after his political consultancy business collapsedw with heavy debts. Allegations of corruption and of criminality had been strenuously denied by his staff, making the motive for his murder a mystery. +++++end news item As if you couldn't guess, the Providence Journal was so far up Lang's butt they charged him proctology fees. Anyway, it's a tragic, terrible warning to all dirty politicians of the fate that might await them at the hands of those whose money they accept. In Imperial Rome, corrupt officials used to be sewn into a sack with an assortment of hungry carnivorous wild animals, and then thrown into the Tiber. Personally, I think that system had some merit, and I would vote for its return. However, we will of course diligently and thoroughly investigate Lang's death.]<<<<< -- 1Lt L R W Lynch <03:42/11/10-23-57> Strategic Intelligence Gathering Agency *****PRIVATE: Easy >>>>>[Well done. Good work. +++++include credit transfer: >>encrypted<< In case either of us is busy and can't make the British exercise. Otherwise, looking forward to working with a professional.]<<<<< -- Lynch <03:43:18/10-23-57> *****INTERNAL: SIGANet >>>>>[TO: 1Lt JRW Lynch, 1Lt LRW Lynch Perhaps a little too public. But, everyone who read Trideo Pirate's leaks knows why we wanted Lang's scalp. Don't make a habit of this, though. Good work. We'll keep Elizabeth on file: of the hundred rounds she fired, preliminary forensics says at least sixty went through Lang. They needed a squeegee to get him out of that car. Stable, maybe not. Useful, extremely, but handle with caution.]<<<<< -- D J H Coppinger <04:53:18/10-23-57> Director Strategic Intelligence Gathering Agency *****PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[Your data was spot on. He must have been very careless. Mission accomplished - you can pay me in person in Britain.]<<<<< -- Easy <01:41:17/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Lyting, Easy >>>>>[The target's a small office building, we want the third floor, which is a lawyers office. We have to break in and get copies of some hardcopy documents, then put 'em back in the safe without anyone noticing. I've done a preliminary check of the site (had my will changed while I was there), and I'll include details of what I saw. We'll be wanting more info though, I saw a "Hardware by Knight Errant" sticker on the front door. +++++Include WhatRSaw.txt Still need a Decker to take a closer look at it's matrix profile. Know anyone? I can probably get hold of a projectable mage and a rigger through... shall we say other channels.]<<<<< -- Ronin <17:44:40/10-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Evita's Magical Group >>>>>[I need an astral and conjuring capable mage, do any of you fit that description? And I believe I heard Evita mention that one of you was a rigger? Ever run a CCSS system?]<<<<< -- Ronin <17:45:50/10-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[I seem to be the only conjuror in the group... I'm a hermetic, in case it matters to you. For what do you need my abilities?]<<<<< -- Ice <21:17:53/10-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Lyting, Ronin >>>>>[I have to confess this job doesn't sound like something I can do very well. I can get you in there easily, past almost any opposition. But unnoticed? That isn't my scene. At the least, you have missing guards and odd brown stains in the rug if you use me. Not at all what you wanted, and I've got an offer from some British-connected person to play enemy to their Army for a week or so. Try Krzdan- Kryzdyn- Marlowe, a PI based out of Auburn. He's not bad in a fight, and smart enough to know when to fight and when to run like hell. He seems better suited to this kind of work. Just use 'Marlowe' as the address - if you get a daguerrotype of some guy from the last century, that's the right address. If you need straight muscle, though, let me know. Breaking people is what I do best. Sorry to let you down, Ronin, but I don't want to frag up your run by pretending to skills (like, taking people down without killing them or permanently damaging them) I don't have.]<<<<< -- Easy <02:34:31/10-23-57> >>>>>[I am in need of some runners for a job. Those interested should contact me for further information. Only professionals need apply. I can't stress this enough.]<<<<< -- Vladamir Gorchek <22:16:31/10-22-57> *****PRIVATE:infoscholar >>>>>[would you be willing to pay for info concerning the cassandra assult? i think i found a clue as too who or more exactly what attacked her.]<<<<< --Edgewood Dirk <22:01:30/10-22-57> *****PRIVATE:MR. Gorchek >>>>>[ I would be most interested in a job right now sir. I am a sort of street sam. and my last employer im sure would be willing to tell you about me if you would like a reference. contact her through this bbs at ms. johnston. thank you for your time.]<<<<< -- The Skull Bearer <22:09:12/10-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Edgewood Dirk >>>>>[I could be persuaded to offer compensation related to the assault you mention. I am relatively aware of the assailant's name and employer, not to mention likely living and work habits. What I am missing is a positive physical ID. Such a description would be worth >>encrypted<<. Furthermore, each additional morsel will add to the original figure 20%. This could be a lucrative venture for you. However, all information must be objectively verifiable ... my customers don't take well to ill-passed second-hand information. Is this agreeable to you?]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <01:02:11/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: V. Gorchek >>>>>[Sup. Name's Rosha. M'specialties are covert penetration, information acquisition, tactical demolitions, and all-range assassination. 'Scribe the job, flip the yen, and maybe we'll talk again.]<<<<< -- Rosha <01:06:21/10-23-57> >>>>>["Over a hundred rounds." One wonders why a single round would not have sufficed for the assasin's purposes. Very messy.]<<<<< -- AlexandriaN <22:50:56 / 10-22-57> >>>>>[The psychological impact of a single bullet must be measured against the impact of a cowboying, as was done on Mr. Lang. It appears that the assassin was either instructed to cowboy the late Mr. Lang as a means to send a message to those who would follow him, or chose to do so for personal reasons. A single bullet is quick, even merciful. It leaves the target with some dignity, even in death. A cowboying, however, leaves very little. Open coffins are impossible, and there are occasionally not even enough peices to properly place within a coffin. It leaves the dead with no dignity and only rarely will the target die instantly. When I use a single bullet, it is because the target was a friend, or is someone I respect or respected for any of a variety of reasons. It is because I want to be merciful in my killing, to both the target and to those who must survive him or her. However, when I cowboy the target, or use an explosive device, it is because I want to warn all who know the target that thier deaths will come without respect, without mercy, and painfully. There are other reasons, but assassination and murder is an excellent weapon of terror when applied correctly.]<<<<< -- Moose <01:04:07/10-23-57> >>>>>[Lilith, you amaze me. First time without a simsense feed I've felt the sarcasm dripping off the boards.]<<<<< -- JayCee <09:18:23/10-23-57> *****Private:Shifters, Chickens of the Apocalypse >>>>>[Hmm, I like shifters personally, but hey, can't win them all :) BTW, I just found a backlogged message from L, he wanted one of us to go with the Bull thing, anyone got that yet? I might be persuaded to go along, but maybe I missed the response. Oh well :)]<<<<< -- Wolfen <08:59:41/10-23-57> *****Private:Vlad Gorchek >>>>>[Hope I got the name spelled right. You need a proffesional? If so I need a little tidbit on the type of job, and the money involved.]<<<<< -- Devils Childe <09:04:31/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Easy >>>>>[Sorry you had to go. Give the Brits a hard time of it.]<<<<< -- Lyting <0:03:00/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[Sounds good. Any idea what is on papers? Where do you want to do the meet?]<<<<< -- Lyting <06:04:11/10-23-57> >>>>>[Thank you for the dissertation. Given recent events, however, I suspect "terror" to be very minimal concern. If this was a demonstration, it was aimed at people too well-placed to need a gang-style assasination to make them take heed. For whom power, not respect, is the motivating force. And no professional assasin would allow personal feelings to degrade his results. Furthermore, a killing this messy tends to attract greater than average resources for a retaliation, which any sane businessman would avoid like the plague. It is in the public's interest for the peace to be kept, at least ostensibly. And businesses and governments cater to the public.]<<<<< -- AlexandriaN <09:16:22 / 10-23-57> ***** INTERPOL INTERNAL EMAIL >>>>>[ To: Commander Paul Drake Subj: Branch Cooperation. Hello, Paul .. I've recently been appointed head of Enforcement Division, due in no small part to your testimony at the hearing. Let me start off by congratulating you on the outcome of your trial. I honestly believe that you were acting in the best interests of InterPol, and I must admit that I would have found it difficult to turn over Mr. Lynch to the Azzies as well. That out of the way, let me cut to the chase. In the past there has been rivalry almost on the scale of internecine warfare among my branch of InterPol and your own. I think it should stop. It's hardly productive for our branches to squabble among themselves. I strongly feel that InterPol should present a unified front to the world, and that means cooperation amoung our units. To be honest, I'm certain there will be times that we will not agree on the steps that need to be taken, but I think it's in everyone's best interests if we cooperate with one another as much as possible. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter. ]<<<<< -- Commander Adam Buchanon <12:51:52/10-23-57> Commander InterPol Enforcement Division *****PRIVATE:The Skull Bearer >>>>>[I need a group of runners to extract a certain person from a group of people. Preferably without much notice. And there must be no traceable path back to myself. If you are still interested contact me again. We will discuss the pay, and you will receive more specific information. Poka.]<<<<< -- Vladamir Gorchek <15:12:32/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Rosha >>>>>[The mission would be an extraction, preferably unnoticed, of a single person. There is more, but I can not discuss them without kowing your disposition on the matter; contact me again if you are interested. The pay is excellent for one of your considerable talent. I await a reply. With it comes for detailed info and knowledge of the rest of your team. Feel free to spread the word to anyone you may know of. Poka.]<<<<< -- Vladamir Gorchek <15:17:50/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE:Chimod >>>>>[I need you to find out anything you can on two individuals: Rosha and The Skull Bearer. I must know if they work for Ivan.]<<<<< -- Vladamir Gorchek <15:20:31/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Vladamir Gorchek >>>>>[Ok. But it will cost you double. Last time I went through that part of matrixville I met some nasty stuff...]<<<<< -- Chimod <15:21:32/10-23-57> >>>>>[I think perhaps AlexandriaN misses the point. The message might have been - though of course this is speculation - to remind the Langs of the world that, when they set themselves above the law and beyond its restraint, they also set themselves outside its protection, and that such a decision carries its own consequences. "The law is not a light for you or any other man to see by: the law is not an instrument of any kind. The law is a causeway, upon which so long as he keeps to it a citizen may walk safely." It is, most of all, in the public interest that the law be seen to apply to all.]<<<<< -- Lynch <18:54:16/10-23-57> >>>>>[Funny you should say that....]<<<<< -- Commander Drake, InterPol <13:57:25/10-23-57> ***** Private: Bull >>>>>[ +++++ Message-From: Trouveur +++++ Subject: Daytripper Impressive free spirit. For something that looks so incredibly helpless, especially in the fashion sense, that free spirit has got some serious power behind it. It is obviously a class 4 spirit or above that has "grown" substancially since it was "birthed". You've been feeding it, haven't you?]<<<<< -- Trouveur <11:04:27/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Wells >>>>>[Wells, If you are within Chicago city limits please respond. I have need of your particular abilities. Have cash, will purchase. Where are you old buddy?]<<<<< -- Dark Avenger <22:05:15/10:24:57> *****PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Thanks be to the Gods.... I'm through. Sorry to crash you like this people, but DA's kinda pissed and wants this data uploaded to ya'll. +++++Activate Frame: Stinkbugtran.ars +++++Begin trans: >> Vidcomp File: A/7645-1D4/7.hqx 041057-201-590ACX +++++ Estimated Data Loss: 2.7 Mp +++++Begin decompression routine. +++++Playback file: Vidcomp: A/7645-1D4/7.hqx 041057-201-590ACX +++++CYBERCAM recording: Begin file Exon1a7.vid: (23:12:11) LLE engaged... It's raining. Street lights reflect from puddles on the streets creating bizarrely writhing reflections in the rippling puddles. Left the street is empty, to the right is an old disused petrol station, pumps and Exon sign rusting and almost unrecognisable. Some shelter is offered by the doorway of the small pawn shop, but the wind blows much of the rain in. A battered Land Rover rolls silently into the Exon forecourt, lights off. Four men bail out taking defensive positions around the forecourt, assault rifles at the ready, body armour glistening in the rain. An officer climbs out, glances around, nods, and walks towards the deeper shadows near the ruined office. Something moves inside, a strange lurching gait, but the figure cannot be made out clearly, though it does appear bulkier than the officer. Words are exchanged, the officer by his actions appears to become somewhat agitated....... +++++ Headset tight beam trans: Thor >Shado, you getting any of this?( Hisses a voice like gravel on a beach) (A strong female voice with oriental undertones, answers.) >No sir, nothing, weather's jackin' with the mike, gain's shot to hell, nothing but hiss. >Ok, people, shut it down, this is pointless, drop to trans. +++++EOF Exon1a7.vid +++++CYBERCAM recording: Begin file Taco2b3a.vid: (05:45:12) Office buildings tower over the streets Plascrete and glass fingers grasping desperately for a steel coloured sky. It's early morning. A large number of troops in black uniforms, blue and silver patches on their arms and breast pockets guard the entrance to what appears to be a department store. +++++Headset tight beam trans: Thor >Shado, get the vehicle registration and the cylon insignia over to tech ASAP, I want to see if we can trace who these people are working for, they're not normal KE goons. And while your there, see if Gates has got any data on the officer from last night, and get him to work on enhancing the cam vid, I want to know what was in that office. Meanwhile I'm going to go and talk to an old friend.]<<<<< +++++CYBERCAM recording: Begin file Nevyn.vid (21:24:13) LLE engaged.... The heavily overcast sky enhances the claustrophobic confines of the small alley, ancient powdering brick towers up on both sides. A dark shape can be seen climbing the fire escape. Something large and metallic moves into camera view, a deafening roar and blinding flash, only just caught by flare comp. The figure on the fire escape launches into the air, off the fire escape and hurtles into the ground with a sickening crunch, dark fluid gathers around the body. +++++ Headset tight beam trans: Thor >Nevyn is down.... Repeat Nevyn is down. Informant terminated. A flash of the other hand and a small device flies towards the body, the camera lurches as the user suddenly takes off back towards the main street. As the street is reached a Black BMW Blitzen slides to a halt, a slim female with an oriental face sits astride it. A flash from behind, followed by small amounts of debris. The rider nods.... +++++CYBERCAM recording: Begin file *721*&&*%^!$IV!+_)... ...DATA CORRUPT... ...DATA CORRUPT... +++++CYBERCAM recording: Begin file SHse2A.vid (21:24:13) LLE engaged.... A moderately comfortable and friendly looking neighbourhood is revealed as the cam user turns their head, scanning the streets and other buildings. +++++: Headset tight beam trans: Thor >DA, Shado. Safe house secured, all quiet, the birds have flown. >Grainger. Area secured. Am in position. >Winkler. Area secured. Ready. >Hathaway. Area secured. Locked and loaded. >Sandler. Area secured. Target acquired. ETA 2 clicks. Target 2 standard, 1 carrier. No heavies. >Waldo. Area secured. Am in position. The camera drops behind a wall and faces a tidy two storey building, whitewashed walls, arched entrance covered with wild rose. Some other flowers evident near the main entrance and alongside a pathway leading from the door. Lawn stretches out of view to either side. To the left is an open garage attached to the side of the house. Fingers tap impatiently on a folded knee. The other hand holds a large sidearm, thumb restlessly stroking the safety. +++++: Headset tight beam trans: Thor >Sandler. Target ETA 35 ticks. The camera swings, three vehicles are driving up the road towards the camera position. Two Landrovers and one Mack panel truck. Lights off, moving slowly to minimise engine noise. +++++: Headset tight beam trans: Thor >Shado, splash the Mack. Sandler, Waldo, first car. Hathaway, hose the second. Grainger, Winkler on me. On my command. Gates have you got through to IF-1 yet? What the hell do you mean NO! Jesus Gates get through, I don't give a flying fuck what the problem is, tell them what's going down, they're in fucking danger. Shift your ass boy, before I tear you a new one. TEAM!.... GO! GO! GO! A flare from a window near the road slightly behind the convoy, and a fire trail launches towards the Mack slamming into the soft panelling, a massive explosion shatters the cargo walls, bodies fly in all directions. The fuel tanks on the Mack ignite, sending a fireball searing into the night sky, Tracer rips from a house to the left of the convoy, hosing through the second vehicle turning it into scrap in seconds, fragmenting metal and shattering glass scatters across the street. DA's sidearm roars shattering the windscreen of the lead car, two men appear from cover nearby and automatic weapons trash the vehicle. Silence. Four figures move tentatively towards the smashed and burning vehicles, weapons ready. A body moves, a quick burst of fire and silence again. >Status team? >Winkler. No casualties, resources 50 percent. Enemy is FUBAR. We can't keep this up much longer DA, we're going to have to go back and resupply. Someone's ratting us out every fraggin' time. We move, they know where we are. We shouldn'ta brought that fraggin Ork out in the first place, not him, nor his trog kids...... One of the men shoulders his weapon and turns towards the camera. >You cut that shit Winkler! Bull and the rest have as much right to life as we do. I ever hear you talk like that again I'll personally turn you inside out and feed you to the vultures. I won't have that racist crap from anyone in my command, least of all a Bakebrain like you. >Fraggin' Brit...... >Give the chimpira to me Clint, I teach him manners. A short slim figure moves towards Winkler . Fingers flaring as flames reflect from cold steel . >Back off Shado. We have enough trouble. >Hai, Avenger-kun, so ka. > [GET HO! Bandit!!! The team scatters, hitting the dirt near whatever cover is closest, The camera rolls wildly, flashing between ground and sky as DA rolls towards a wall. Hitting the wall, the camera scans round quickly, then snaps towards the night sky, Flare comp slams in darkening the picture as FFAR pods and a chin mount minigun erupt in flame. Hell happens. Explosions and heap rounds tear into the concrete ripping huge chunks of the road into oblivion. Near the two cars, two men are desperately firing into the air, futilely trying to take down the chopper. FFAR's explode turning them into mist and chunks. Heavy weapons fire and tracer can be seen coming from a large window, a man standing upright wearing what appears to be some sort of rig with a minigun balanced in front of him, fires a stream of tracer at the oncoming chopper, the chin turret swivels, and the front of the house disappears in a rapid series of explosions as heavy calibre rounds remodel the building. DA's sidearm flares repeatedly, uselessly. The chopper thunders past, swinging wide for another pass. Two figures move, one small, clothing torn, the other a massive human, both pounding up the street towards DA. The shorter one, Shado launches herself at DA, as the other team member, Grainger, sweeps up a dropped assault rifle. The sky spins over.... >GATES!!!! Fugazi!... I repeat Fugazi!!. +++++CYBERCAM recording: Begin file )(&%*EW!%!"... ...DATA CORRUPT... ...DATA CORRUPT... +++++: Headset tight beam trans: Thor >Shado, how many did we lose? >We're it DA, Grainger's hurt, took a bullet in his leg. Gates is OK, he picked us up >Oh.... Fuck!..... This is bad. Who's left out of the primary team. >We've got six cached with Inferno and Bull, as firepower for them. Maybe two from Base Camp. >Let's hope Inferno has things under control up at his end.... OK, listen up people. We have an unknown somewhere in the vicinity of IF-1. There is a mouthpiece loose in the area. We have been compromised. Alright. We go under, Inferno has the experience to guide the team. I figure Bull's got the strength of character to hold them all together. Gates, get us out of here. We've got work to do +++++EOF: Vidcomp File: A/7645-1D4/7.hqx 041057-201-590ACX +++++ End trans: +++++Derezz Frame: Stinkbugtran.ars I have to bug out now, we've got some serious trouble brewing on our tails, and it's not safe to stay yet. Will inform DA that you've left the old safehouse. He will be relieved to hear that. Will attempt to contact you again in 48-72 hours. Hang in there people. The horizon isn't as dark as you may think. Run the file through a couple of times once you've got it. It explains what we've been doing, and gives you some idea of what's on your ass. DA needs to know what you think that thing was in the Exon office. I could enhance the picture much beyond what was sent to you.]<<<<< -- Gates <21:47:54/10:23:57> *****PRIVATE: Dark Avenger >>>>>[DA, I'm enroute to Chicago now. Will be available with in an hour. Please relay coordinates and await arrival.Cash is not necessary; purchases can be placed to your credit balance.Looking forward to the old times again.]<<<<< -- Wells < 22:47:04 / 10/24/57 > >>>>>[Still need a decker and a rigger for a B&E job.]<<<<< -- Ronin <17:43:23/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Lyting >>>>>[I'd rather gather the team before we start discussing the job in detail. The pay is >>amount<<, in case you need to know the incentive for waiting a whle. I'll be in touch when I've found the rigger and decker we'll probably need.]<<<<< -- Ronin <17:43:05/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Marlowe >>>>>[I've been given your name as a decent B&E op. You interested in some work?]<<<<< -- Ronin <17:44:15/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Ice >>>>>[I'm still gathering the team, but the pay is >>amount<< each. We have to break in to a lawyers office and copy some documents without alerting anyone. In the interests of getting started quickly, can you do a brief astral recon flight at the office building at >>address in downtown Seattle<<. Third floor is our target. And what about that rigger Evita mentioned, Runs Over Pedestrians or something?]<<<<< -- Ronin <17:45:03/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[I'm on it, I'll report back maybe tomorrow, I need the time to whistle up an elemental or two, just in case. And I don't know about R over P, I'll tell him about the offer, he should be in contact with you if he is interested.]<<<<< -- Ice <21:52:45/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE:Ronin >>>>>[You need a rigger? Congragulations. You've got one. I need some money. What are we trying to do, anyway? Steal something?]<<<<< -- Runs-Over-Pedestrains <18:10:53/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: The Magical Group >>>>>[Bull thing? I didn't answer it, I was out of town when L's request came through. I hope somone followed it up though, it wouldn't be very good for our negotiations with L if we've messed up his first request.]<<<<< -- Ice <18:28:35/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Runs-Over-Pedestrians >>>>>[I'm still looking for a decker, and until I get the entire team together, I prefer to avoid talking about some of the small details. General info though... the target is a lawyers office which aparently has a CCSS system. Are you familiar with this sort of gear? The pay for the job is >>amount<< each, and we are required to break in and make copies of some (hardcopy) documents without anyone noticing.]<<<<< -- Ronin <18:29:43/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE:Ronin >>>>>[Yep. Got CCSS on all my drones. And I think I've got a portable photocopier around here somewhere...]<<<<< -- Runs-Over-Pedestrians <18:10:53/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[It's been a while Ronin. I'm free for some B&E. Whats the pay? Contact me at >>encrypted<<. Laterz.]<<<<< -- Phobos <22:30:12/10-23-57> >>>>>[So Lang set himself above the law. Dead with a single bullet in the body is as dead as with 60-some. Hell, if the point was to send a message, it might have been even _more_ effective had his death been something a bit less overt; say, a BTL overdose (friends and coworkers shocked! at this undiscovered addiction). Better yet if it didn't kill him, but left him vegetative as a breathing reminder to the other "Langs" of the world. Men like that aren't ones to be impressed by a show of arms like some street-corner punk would be... Laws do serve a societally useful purpose, but if you waste too much in "enforcing" them, especially through means which are themselves counter to your societal goals and, on top of it, grossly inefficient, you might actually end up worse off. Remember the Inquisition... ]<<<<< -- Azrael <19:20:29 / 10-23-57> *****PRIVATE:InfoScholar >>>>>[ok here's the deal awhile back about 3 days before she was attacked i guess, i myself was attacked by something very, VERY strange it was asking all kinds of questions about cass and it killed my ally. i will never forget the way it looked astral. ive never seen anything like it not even toxic spirits look that scary. any way i warned cass the went about my own buissness. i got back about 2 days ago and went to see what was up. talked to evita and then did an immediate astral inspection of cass's apartment. the astral was all messed up besides the pure emotional traces there actualy seemed to be a shadow or a haze of blackness to the room the same thing i saw on mr. happy who attacked me. i dont think to many people leave that kind of trail do you? i got a pretty good look at the guy when he came at me and my bet is hes the one who went for cass. he was about 7 to 7 and a half feet tall looked like he used to be a troll. i say used too becouse he was pure cyber i didnt see any flesh at all, not even on his face he just had this cyber skull lookin at me. one other thing he moved fast faster then ive seen some adepts move. oh also i tried to hit him with a spell but it didnt even seem to touch him, i usualy expect more from a mana ball. in case you actually care about this cass is doing better from what evita tells me and shell be out of the city soon so i dont expect anymore attempt on her life. hope this help's whoever your getting this stuff for, you did say you new alot already and since you are an infomancer it would figure you had more than just curiosity.]<<<<< -- Edgewood Dirk <20:42:57/10-23-57> >>>>>[Lynch is a hypocrite.]<<<<< -- Ronin <21:04:22/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Phobos >>>>>[Too long. Pay is >>amount<<. I don't want to talk details until I can get a physical meet set up with all the participants, which I think I can now do. Thusly, please wait a moment for my next message... ]<<<<< -- Ronin <22:55:59/10-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Ice, Lyting, Phobos, Runs-Over-Pedestrians >>>>>[I seem to have found everyone we'll need, though there may be someone else added later. Intro's at the physical meet, which will be >>place and time<<, if everyone can make it. Ice, have you made the astral flyby yet? Phobos, can you see what you can see in the matrix about the office building at >>address< >>>>>[Would you like to clarify that Ronin? Or do you usually go around insulting people?]<<<<< -- Blade <22:00:05/10-23-57? >>>>>[Everyone who lives inside the law deserves it's protection. I don't belive Lynch ever claimed he lived inside the law, did he ? Maybe he's sticking to the hazy grey areas nowadays. (Match the grey in his hair *duck*) But seriously, without knowing what the target did, none of us are in a good position to judge what was appropriate. The two people I've ever tried anything like that on - each time I used a single round. Gel in one case, as a warning, and flechette in the other. But given a choice between spending 3 rounds, 2 into a dead target, and 1 round, and having to shoot again, I'll fire 3 every time. Half a dozen, if practical. But I'm retired and don't do that sort of thing anymore *wink*]<<<<< --JayCee <10:22:16/10-24-57> *****PRIVATE: V. Gorchek >>>>>[A'ight. M'n. Sounds like y'r job has a lot n'common w/ m'skills. M'I meetin ya meatside? Or strictly 'Trix contact?]<<<<< -- Rosha <07:53:11/10-24-57> *****PRIVATE: Edgewood Dirk >>>>>[Thank you very much, your description is quite enlightening. +++++ credtransfer: >>significant nuyen<< Do wish Cassandra the best. Hopefully she will someday grace the Seattle shadows again.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <12:50:44/10-24-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason R Stormwind >>>>>[I have procured a description of the person you're looking for. Might we make a deal?]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <12:51:23/10-24-57> *****PRIVATE:Mr. Gorchek >>>>>[What you request sounds interesting and i am more than willing to help you accomplish your goal. i await further instructions.]<<<<< -- The Skull Bearer <11:16:21/10-23-57> ***** PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[As always. I know you are an equal oportunity dealer, and that I respect, I certainly wouldnt want to cut into your profits but, at this time, I am trying to track this person down and I'd rather the target not know I've been nosing around. What will it cost me to get you to forget my involvement? Lets discuss a price for your current information. Let us see what you have and what its worth to me.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <17:15:11 / 10-24-57> ***** PRIVATE: Easy >>>>>[Just touching base with you. Making sure you are alright and seeing where you are in the current job market.]<<<<< -- Kor <17:23:15 / 10-24-57> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[We are all set. As to the matter we discussed the other day: I dont know if it is completely possible. There are directives in place that would allow for it if drek really hit the ROD, but that is for "no return" situations. I think Imp's team is best suited for moving shadowards. I guess I'd like to see Serenity continue to grow and work. What this means in the long run of things is this -- Another hiring spree. Mostly lowlevel non-shadow field agents. Get them into training and out in 6 months or so. Shift the second tier into the first tier, shift the first tier underground and have third move into second. For most shadow ops, you dont need administration so that aspect of SS wouldnt need to be moved and would aid in smooth running of day to day operations. We'd be unable to take any of the legally purchased Serenity equipment with us. All the unregistered weaponry and vehicles are fair game. I'd really like Akira with us. I know he will be more than reluctant to return to the shadows. Like myself, he feels safer having corporate backing and something to fall back on to safe your ass. Merc units, while they have themselves, dont always have that safety net. Im not really cut out to do Merc work again. I dont think I have the edge anymore. Why dont we all poke around and see if there is a soft spot in the market for what we have to offer. Ill do a POC and see if its viable. Lynch might be a good contact. Ill check and see if he has any merc units that we could hook up with for equipment. What the frag are we going to offer? "We are competent...we can alleviate any problem that might trouble you, dial 555-kick-hoop and consider your troubles solved?" Sounds like a bad Jen and Gabe ploy, to be honest. I havent seen the team. Lets see a roster. -- Jason R. Stormwind <17:24:59 / 10-24-57> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[Is he really serious about taking Serenity into underground work? Im rooted. I cannot go. Wife and kids to take care, man.]<<<<< -- Skuff <17:24:55 / 10-24-57> ***** PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[If a friend had about a quarter of a million dollars and nothing to do with it and he wanted weapons, armor, and vehicles, would you know someone or a group of someone's willing to outfit a group of mercenaries?]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <17:26:19 / 10-24-57> ***** PRIVATE: AJ >>>>>[Are you able to get heavy equipment? Heavy armored rovers, decent supply of APDS or DPU rounds? Just checking the waters, no need to place an order right now]<<<<< -- Kor <17:39:16 / 10-24-57> ***** PRIVATE: Skuff >>>>>[ He's serious. Not all of Serenity would be going under, so you'd be able to stay right where you're at .. I dunno .. I'm just getting bored with the 'straight' life. Not nearly as much excitement as I was used to before. I'm not sure how Tris feels about all this though. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <14:29:20/10-24-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ Imp's team is very well suited to hit the Shadows. Griff fits in there, and I know he's getting bored with being legitimate. As far as merc units for gear is concerned, Tangent is an old buddy of Griffyn and Imp's, and he's got mondo contacts. As long as Serenity and IS&M still exist, we have something to fall back on. We just have to be _damned_ careful to keep any links from sprouting up between the shadows and the above-board ops .. but I definitely agree about Akira. I don't know what we have to offer. What we need to do is get together and work up a list of fixers and other contacts that we could list as assets. From there, we'd be able to figure out what our next step should be .. if we get our names out to enough fixers, the work will come in. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <14:35:59/10-24-57> >>>>>[There might be the issue that Lang's assassination was subcontracted, and the killer was free to use whatever method met the goal of guaranteeing his death without serious injury to others. I'd also question the "inefficient" when you compare the cost of 7.62mm FMJ to, say, Composition 12 or a doctored BTL. As for the morality issue... above my Director's door it says "He who fights monsters might take care, lest he a monster become." Words to recall. Bottom line, he made himself unreachable by law, so he had to be reached some other way.]<<<<< -- Lynch <19:30:31/10-24-57> >>>>>[So this is the esteemed ShadowTK? Where's all the good stuff? It took me all week to find this place and there isn't anything neat here! All it is is a scuzzy bulletin board!]<<<<< -- Poppa Chubby <14:55:22 / 10-24-57> >>>>>[Try two nodes over, on the left, chum-kin.]<<<<< -- Rumormonger >>>>>[+++++ COMMAND: LOAD BAND-AID 2.0 +++++ COMMAND: EXECUTE BAND-AID 2.0 +++++ BOD RESTORED Whoa.....]<<<<< -- Poppa Chubby (14:59:00 / 10-24-57) >>>>>[Care to elaborate, Ronin? Or, perhaps, to meet in person to discuss the matter?]<<<<< -- Lynch <19:32:31/10-24-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[I'll certainly listen to offers.]<<<<< -- Marlowe <19:32:21/10-24-57> >>>>>[ Rumormonger. Want to come out a play? How's that eye doing? Did the nightmares stop yet? ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <16:35:51/10-24-57> *****PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[I'm fine: doing pretty well, but if you need me I'll be here.]<<<<< -- Easy <22:54:16/10-24-57> ******PRIVATE: Jason R. Stormwind >>>>>[Depends where your mercs were planning on operating. My bro Sasha does almost exclusive overseas work - Africa and the Mideast, some SE Asia - and wouldn't exactly be keen to set up competition in those markets. On the other hand, if you were thinking North America, then the only work Rusanov's Raiders do round here is convoy guard (mostly Seattle-SanFran or Seattle-Denver runs), and for a unit looking for work on this continent he'd be quite willing to help out. The answer, anyway, is "definite maybe". Slightly delicate question, but will this be a registered unit? It's just that prices are _much_ better when the buyer has an end-user certificate.]<<<<< -- Lynch <23:04:31/10-24-57> ***** PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[Delicate question indeed. I do not know what their current plans are. I am acting primarily as a liaison between this newly / possibly forming group and some of my contacts in both law enforcement and shadow wise. Serenity keeps pretty good Shadow Contacts (funny that). One would think that you would have to have a reputation before attempting to form a registered / bonded group. I know little to nothing about it. Could I set up a meeting between you and...say, this group in a couple of days? My place in Seattle. ]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <23:59:56 / 10-24-57> *****INTERNAL: InterPol Internal Mail >>>>>[ To: Commander Adam Buchanan From: Commander Paul Drake Congratulations on your promotion, Adam. I'm glad to see that all that time in HQ paid off. I'm sorry for not responding to you sooner, but I have been in more meetings over the last few days than I care to remember, and they were all important. Couldn't take a nap through a single one of them. I agree whole heartedly that InterPol should present a united front to the world, however unpleasant any internal battle becomes. And the fewer internal conflicts our two divisions have, the better. After all, the old adage "divide and conquer" works just as well against InterPol as it does anyone else. Better, since we have so many regulations and laws we must obey, and which those who would conquer us can avoid. Perhaps one of the places to start is with taking a new, open-minded look at what each of our divisions does, and where we overlap. If we can eliminate the overlap in some important areas, then we can, if nothing else, reduce the chance that we'll get into jurisdictional disagreements over who gets to arrest who. Unfortunately, neither of us really wants to give up some territory, so I suspect we'll both have to make some concessions. The problem with this, though, is that changes to my jurisdiction needs to go through the Council. Fraggin beurocracy.... If the politicians would only let us both come to an agreement, write it up, and let us do our jobs, life would be so much simpler. But then, it wouldn't be InterPol either.... I'm sorry, I appear to be rambling. I'm certainly open to any ideas you might have regarding how we can reduce the problems between our two divisions.]<<<<< -- Paul Drake <21:21:29/10-24-57> Commander Special Branch International Police *****PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[Depends on how much money, and how much time you give me. I made a hell of lot of money by having a reputation for being able to get ahold of anything, at a decent price, for anyone within a week, or it was free. Unfortunately, I've been out of the loop long enough that I'm a little rusty and it would take more than a week, and I couldn't guarantee the "anything" part of it. But if you like, I can test the waters and, at least, get some idea.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <21:24:07/10-24-57> >>>>>[The eyes are taking nicely, thank you. And to think they always said I had my father's eyes, now I have someone else's! And I got a phone installed in my new hand, looks corny, though. I took a cue from Mercury and built myself a nice lil' bunker. One way in and out and I've paid my friendly neighborhood spellslinger to make sure nothing comes through, that and at least half a meter of earth on all sides should make sure no more astral hothea - er, ah, beings pop in to make things fun again. I sleep very well... in here... with the covers pulled over my head... and a nightlight.... By the by, I hear shadowhounds are good for keeping agro astral stuff at bay... anybody know where I can get one? But anyway, I'm always on the look out for opportunities.]<<<<< -- Rumormonger >>>>>[ So much for a polite vacation away from the burdens of society. Would somebody care to explain to me why I've been dodging what seems like a pretty thorough team of mercs for the past two weeks? I haven't found anything interesting (at least that I'm aware of) and I sure as hell not the first person I would choose to go after if they were looking for money. My enjoyment of the past few days is only compounded by returning to civilization to get jumped by DragonEyes. By the time I fended off some spells he was long gone. I think I surprised him. So what gives? First the mercs and then DragonEyes ... this world is going to the dogs. ]<<<<< -- Scarface <09:30:22/10-25-57> ***** Private: Scarface >>>>>[ Go to >>encrypted<<. Once there, someone will explain to you why you have attracted attention. For the record, it is good to hear your voice again. We were beginning to wonder if they got you too. Let me worry about DragonEyes for a little bit, while you get a briefing on what is going on. ]<<<<< -- Black Knight <09:31:00/10-25-57> ***** Private: Kor, Scourge, Shadowfox >>>>>[ Wonders. Scarface is still around and remembered how to reach this node. He is in London, so I sent him to a place where he can get in touch with Nightmare. (I'll bet he will be slightly surprised.) Anyway, it would appear that DragonEyes is in London, so I'm going to try and set up a team there to track him. I'll keep you posted. Shadowfox any news on Boston and New Orleans? ]<<<<< -- Black Knight <09:31:33/10-25-57> >>>>>[ Shadowfox? ]<<<<< -- Black Knight <10:00:37/10-25-57> >>>>>[ Oh bloody hell. ]<<<<< -- Scourge <10:05:31/10-25-57 *****PRIVATE: Jason R Stormwind >>>>>[The normal 'forgetter's fee' is 65% of the original info-fee. In your case, we've appraised the value of your materials, and the resultant figure is >>encrypted<<. As for the new information, I have procured both a positive physical and astral description of the person you seek. I believe that this would be the final piece of the puzzle you need to locate this individual most easily. What is your bid?]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <10:43:32/10-25-57> *****INTERNAL: SIGANet >>>>>[TO: D J H Coppinger, Director I survived. Just. Surprised as hell VD didn't vote aye and get rid of me. Maybe he just wanted Lang taken out, maybe I was so persuasive he set aside his little temper tantrums and did what he thought was right... I can't figure the guy. Anyway, we got away with it this time. They're right, though, maybe we should let someone else handle these jobs, someone with an Order who can just kill the guy and walk away clean. It's kind of hard on my nerves. +++++begin transcript Minutes of the Emergency Meeting of the Intelligence Oversight Committee, 25 October 2057 Present: Drexler: BGen Mark von Drexler, UCAS AF (Chairman) O'Neill: Terry G O'Neill (Senate representative) Strader: Samantha A Strader (Congressional representative) Trenton: David G Trenton (Congressional representative) Lynch: 1Lt Jason R W Lynch UCAS MC(R) SIGA von Drexler: Mr Lynch, thank you for attending at such short notice. I'm sure you can guess why we requested your presence. Lynch: Lang's murder. von Drexler: Precisely. Trenton: Interesting you use 'murder', Lieutenant. Lynch: He was unlawfully killed with malice aforethought, the word fits. Strader: I find its use... disturbing. Lynch: Good. You're meant to. von Drexler: And that's why you're here, Lynch. Why did you kill him? Lynch: If you want to be picky, I didn't. I hired an outsider who specialises in assassination to kill him: gave her the full file, paid her fifty thousand on condition that she take out Lang and only Lang. I would far rather have done it myself, but I had other commitments and it would have been a dead giveaway if I dropped out of sight for two days and Lang was killed during that time. Strader: But the messiness of it! Even before we get to the _real_ problem, that was a horrifically messy job! Lynch: I know, but it worked. If you have a problem with method, blame me: all I specified was that there should be no serious injury to anyone other than Lang. The assassin chose her own method and carried out the killing. Trenton: Any idea why she went for such a... dramatic execution? Lynch: Rumours that he carried an anchored anti-bullet barrier spell, perhaps? If that were the case, you'd need to blow away the barrier before you could kill the man inside. It turns out that either the rumours were false, or he just hadn't been carrying it when he visited his mistress. Trenton: And your choice of agent? Lynch: An Elven girl nicknamed 'Easy'. I worked with her when we eliminated Ploughshare: apparently Ginelli had used her previously, then attempted to discard her and her colleagues after they accomplished a mission rather than paying them. So they sought revenge, and we became involved when a crude attempt to hang my name on the hit misfired. She's competent, or I wouldn't have used her. Strader: And your relationship with this girl? Lynch: I thought I just described it. Strader: Nothing more... personal? Lynch: She doesn't strike me as being receptive to male advances. I wouldn't involve her with SIGA as closely as we have Hunter or Rodriguez, say, but she is reliable for this kind of work. von Drexler: In any case, I see no point in quibbling over the methods and the details. If you were wrong, you're going to be serving time for conspiracy to murder anyway, and if you were right then it doesn't matter. What we want to know is, why the hell did SIGA kill a UCAS Representative? Lynch: You've seen the leaked InterPol hearings? Strader: So he was taking bribes. If you were going to shoot every Representative whose finances couldn't stand a nitpicking survey- Lynch: He was accepting money in exchange for sabotaging InterPol's pursuit of criminals, while ensuring that the cases remained in InterPol jurisdiction and thus beyond the reach of our law enforcement. He was keeping criminals safe, and allowing them to continue their crimes. Trenton: Lynch, you understand there might be - might at least appear to be - an element of revenge in his death. He was, after all, involved in the decision to send Drake after you. Lynch: I hadn't consciously thought about that. You could be right. Strader: So you murdered him in a fit of pique? O'Neill: Sam, calm down. Lieutenant Lynch, why don't you explain what options you had and why you did what you did? We can judge for ourselves whether you allowed a desire for vengeance to cloud your judgement. Lynch: Certainly. We basically had four choices. One, to bring charges against Lang for corruption and abuse of office. Two, to allow InterPol to deal with him, since they are also aggrieved parties. Three, kill him. Four, do nothing. Trenton: Nice of you to include the fourth. Lynch: You of all people should know how often it's our only workable option. Trenton: So, I can imagine why you didn't trust the second choice. Strader: That's grossly unfair to InterPol! Despite a few minor problems, they could and would have acted decisively against Lang's crimes. Lynch: Unfortunately, no they wouldn't. Lang's prosecution was not an Internal Affairs priority - they're rather busy at the moment - and they estimated it would have taken twelve to eighteen months to bring him to trial. By then he'd have been out of reach. O'Neill: Out of reach where? Lynch: Aztlan. Strader: Oh, not _that_ again! You people at SIGA see Aztlan behind every street mugging, every- Trenton: Don't exaggerate, Strader. And Lynch has been proved right in the past. Lieutenant, I daresay you'll advance some evidence for this supposition? Lynch: No, we just made it up. Strader: You see?! Trenton: Sam, I know you haven't been dealing with Jason for very long, but you're going to have to get used to his sense of humour. von Drexler: But please, Lieutenant, restrain it: these are serious matters. Now, I'm prepared to understand why InterPol would be unable to prosecute in time. But why not do your usual trick of kidnapping him and shoving him in front of a grand jury? Lynch: Because that works when the crime was committed in the UCAS, and the perpetrator resides in another jurisdiction which refuses extradition. In Lang's case, that wasn't true, the FedPols or FBI could have picked him up before the ink was dry on the arrest warrant. The problem is, what would we charge him with? O'Neill: Good question. Corruption? Lynch: Prove it, beyond reasonable doubt. Without the InterPol evidence. von Drexler: Why? Surely we could subpoena it and use it? Lynch: Prejudicial to other cases still pending: it wouldn't be available until those were all settled. In short, the same problem as letting IPIA handle it, but maybe more so because his lawyer would crawl all over the evidence and say it was illegaly gathered by UCAS standards. No evidence, no case. Our lawyer advised us that we had no chance of a conviction if we moved now, and would have to wait over a year for the InterPol evidence: and then we had maybe a fifty-fifty chance at best. Strader: But I still don't see why you had so act so quickly and so rashly. Lang had resigned his seat, his business collapsed, he was in financial trouble, and you would have had a year to build up the case against him. Trenton: I think we ought to look a little more closely at the 'collapse' of his consultancy, and at Lang's finances, and then the Lieutenant's actions might make more sense. O'Neill: I was wondering the same thing. Why did Lang Consulting go down so fast? Strader: Obviously, word of his corrupt dealings leaked out- Lynch: Published where? This hadn't touched the mainstream press at the point where Lang Consulting began to curl up and die. The only place anyone's discussed Lang's corruption is Shadowland, and that's hardly an open forum. It hasn't run in any news media yet, apart from a few pirates. Trenton: Which suggests to me that there was other reason, and I'd guess Lynch thinks SIGA had found it. Lynch: Yes, but I'd suggest we break for coffee while you get your staffers to pull the data: it's pretty obvious when you know where to look. And I think we'd all be happier if you found it independently rather than just accepting the SIGA analysis. Trenton: Well, Lynch, now I see why you were concerned. Lynch: Neatly done, wasn't it? Strader: I admit to being confused. What am I looking for? Lynch: Six major clients, working through his business to gain access to Representatives, being advised how to set up PACs, all the usual sleazy but legal ways that people turn money and favours into policy. It wasn't even the worst offender of the bunch, I guess he tried not to shit where he ate. Strader: And then they pull out in a ripple effect. One leaves, then three, then the last two, and the lesser clients stampede en masse. Typical behaviour for any business mentality, it's like panic selling at the Exchange. I still don't see anything unexpected or out of the ordinary. Lynch: That's because we're dealing with smart people. The first to withdraw its support is the Free And Fair Trade Association. And, as they are freely willing to admit, FAFTA is owned by, funded by and operates for the benefit of the Aztechnology Corporation. They announced that "due to unforeseen circumstances" they were cancelling their contract. Now, the other clients got jittery, and there were lots of hasty calls back and forth: we don't know what was said, but our informed guess is that the others were calling up to say "off the record, why did you dump Lang?" and FAFTA said "because he's going to go under on corruption charges, cut your losses and jump ship". So, they all withdrew as well. Strader: And I still don't see anything amiss in that. von Drexler: Representative Strader is correct, Lynch, nothing here appears to be out of the ordinary. Lynch: Notice that their withdrawing from the contracts without notice leaves the up-front fees in Lang's hands? And in many cases there are penalty clauses for cancellation. Worth it to major corporate sponsors who want to be seen to be honest, accepting losses in their haste to wash their hands of someone who - shock, horror! - proved to be corrupt. Plus, he put his offices up for sale and they went within twenty-four hours: prime location, superb premises, he made another slab of cred there and all we can trace is that he paid the IRS their cut. Lang made a big pile on this deal, yet it's not in any named account we can find. Maybe an offshore credit haven, maybe a megacorp, we don't know, but he shifted his money to somewhere we couldn't find it. Strader: Perhaps the concerns were genuine? Perhaps Aztechnology read Shadowland too? You can't assume you're the only agency that accesses the shadow boards. Lynch: But FAFTA gave _notice_ to quit, if you check the paperwork. They announced it as "withdraw immediately", and spread the panic among others that led to the stampede, but they managed to avoid the cancellation clauses. Disingenuous, no? O'Neill: I'd say that was just them making sure a few of their competitors got stung for a few hundred thousand each. Lynch: Why not simply quit citing "personality differences" or announce it publicly? The money's almost chickenfeed compared to tying a competitor into a juicy bribery scandal. In any case, you look at the money Lang held or had coming, and you wonder why the hell he could be called "in financial trouble"? He was careful to let that be assumed, never once said or did anything to deny it, and if you scan his UCAS accounts he was indeed pretty broke. Strader: And he was selling property and assets off, obviously in difficulty. Lynch: Or he was preparing to blow town and worried about his assets being frozen? So he sold them off as fast as he could at what were nearly fire-sale prices, to buyers that almost looked pre-arranged. Strader: Let me guess, to Aztlan. Lynch: If FAFTA's involvement was to bring down Lang Consulting while helping him pocket plenty of cash, it made sense. Plus, look at who some of his sales were tO'Neill: nearly half of them to Aztechnology personnel. Even his house in Georgetown was being negotiated for by an Aztlan, whose interest in the place seemed to die at the same time as Lang. Trenton: Though I can see why they'd want it, it was a very good house. Lynch: I know. I've got a bid in for it myself. Strader: Oh, this is ridiculous! Not only do you kill the man, you're going to steal his house? O'Neill: I think - or at least I hope - that the Lieutenant may be trying to purchase it from Lang's estate, rather than stealing it outright. von Drexler: Do you have any other evidence suggesting imminent flight to Aztlan? Lynch: Well, the fact that Lang was instrumental in invoking Section 96a against me is strongly indicative of close ties to Aztlan. Not vindictiveness, I hope, just observation. Then there's the help they gave him in selling up quickly, and the possibility that they helped him extract nearly a million dollars in up-front fees and penalty clauses from his business. O'Neill: Their motivation in this? Lynch: Well, Lang would be very useful: consider the level of access he had prior to his disgrace. He knew a great deal that would be useful to Aztlan and damaging to us and our allies. So, they would want him. There's also the fact that he'd lost his position, his business and his reputation while doing their dirty work, and could go public about it in a pretty damaging manner, if they didn't get him out of that situation. Trenton: Makes sense. von Drexler: Reluctantly, I agree. Strader: One question, if I may. How can you afford to even consider purchasing a mansion in Georgetown, Mr Lynch? Lynch: My financial records are available to you through that very terminal, Representative Strader. Strader: Oh. I see. I take it that running the shadows is lucrative? Lynch: Over time, yes. You'll find most SIGA field agents are either independently wealthy, or people to whom money means little. It makes us harder to bribe. von Drexler: May we draw this to a close? von Drexler: Then let me try to summarise. Lieutenant Lynch determined, to all our satisfaction, that Lang was accepting monies in exchange for interfering with InterPol's conduct of its business: that was never disputed. Now, InterPol had bigger fish to fry than Lang, since off the Council he couldn't do any more damage and IPIA had a lot of officers still serving who were implicated and needed to be either charged or cleared. So, IP would need a fairly long time to bring the case. We couldn't bring a successful case without InterPol's evidence, and even then we couldn't rely on it being admissible. Again, lag and delay. And SIGA had evidence that he was going to cut and run to Aztlan, from which we all know extraditing him would be like getting eggs out of a cockerel: and that he was going to be able to live there in some style and comfort. Is this your version, Lieutenant? Lynch: Spot on, sir. von Drexler: So. Your conclusion was to kill him rather than let him go? Lynch: We felt that corruption and deceit, in one entrusted with so much responsibility, should not be rewarded. It sends the wrong message if that sort of misbehaviour goes unpunished. Strader: Rewarded? Lynch: Lang lost his post as Representative, but he was still wealthy and free. In exchange for defending criminals and perverting the course of justice, he suffered mere inconvenience. If we'd had more time, we'd have come up with something neater. But in the end we didn't have time or resources to do anything except choose: kill him or let him go. von Drexler: When you say 'we'... Lynch: The Director approved Lang's death, as he does all murders we carry out. Strader: I still don't like you using that word. Lynch: It's compulsory in SIGA. Ploughshare talked about "processing" people who got in her way. Names are important, and it's a lot easier to give the order to "process" someone than it is to say "kill them". If you don't feel that you're making the best choice you have, you should not kill. Strader: So you have no regrets? Lynch: Of course I do. Death's a poor substitute for what we really wanted, which was Lang tried, convicted and serving ten to twenty in a Federal penitentiary. If we could have done that, we would. He didn't give us the chance. And I regret not doing it myself. I don't like killing by proxy: it was my decision and the blood should be on my hands. von Drexler: Okay. Nothing to add, Lieutenant? Lynch: No, sir. von Drexler: Anyone else have any questions? No? Very well. The Oversight Committee is voting on whether to bring sanction against Lieutenant Jason Lynch for the murder of Representative Thomas Lang. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote. Terry? O'Neill: I vote nay. Necessary, if unpleasant and rushed. von Drexler: Samantha? Strader: ...I vote aye. Sorry, Lieutenant, but I think you were wrong. von Drexler: Dave? Trenton: Nay: looks like a good job to me. von Drexler: And I vote against as well. Lieutenant, I appreciate we have no power to compel this, and I supported you because I recognise the urgency with which you believed you had to act. Nevertheless, I would ask that you try to seek our approval before taking such drastic and visible action in future. Lynch: I'll suggest it to the Director, sir. von Drexler: And thank you for attending so promptly. This must be a little nerve-wracking for you. Lynch: More than a little, sir. von Drexler: Meeting closed at sixteen forty-two. +++++end transcript I'm still shaking.]<<<<< -- 1Lt J R W Lynch <17:11:15/10-25-57> Strategic Intelligence Gathering Agency ***** Private: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>>[ +++++ Message-From: Stephanie +++++ Subject: What's Happening? So, what did I get hired for? How much am I getting paid? What equipment am I going to need? Who am I working with? Can I hitch a ride with someone or do I need my own transport or is the job here in Seattle? I mean, I just thought I ought to ask, otherwise I might never find out. Which you must admit would be pretty silly.]<<<<< --IF Mailer Demon <18:47:47/10-25-57> ***** PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[Done. You afix a great value to my work, thank you. Lets talk. I think 50% of the original is a good "forget me" fee.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <19:22:09 / 10-25-57> *****PRIVATE: Marlowe >>>>>[The job is a subtle B&E to a lawyers office, we have to copy some documents without anyone knowing we were there. Pay is >>amount<< each. If you can make it to >>place<< by >>time, soon<<, then you can meet the rest of the team. BTW, Easy was the one that put your name in my ear, in case that matters to you.]<<<<< -- Ronin <18:11:46/10-25-57> >>>>>[I don't think my comment requires any further elaboration. Lynch: when and where?]<<<<< -- Ronin <18:29:03/10-25-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[I've taken a look on the astral, there are no patrolling spirits at all, nor are there mages in evidence. Looks like a pretty small security force. I did see some sort of bound spirit though, lurking in a sort of thick-walled box stuck in a wall, probably a wall safe, but it's hard to tell from the astral. If that's where the target doc's are kept, there'll probably be trouble. I've got an idea of how to deal with it, we can discuss it at the meet.]<<<<< -- Ice <20:36:31/10-25-57> >>>>>[I am in need of a few more runners to complete a job for me. Contact me if interested. Professionals need only apply. Poka.]<<<< -- Vladamir Gorchek <22:15:32/10-25-57> *****PRIVATE: Rosha, Skull Bearer >>>>>[If I sent you anything ealier, good. If not, don't worry. My skill with this technology is less than superb. I must know if you are seriously interested in this job before I commit any more info to you. Contact me ASAP. Thank you.]<<<<< --Vladamir Gorchek <22:17:21/10-25-57> *****PRIVATE: Rosha, Skull Bearer >>>>>[Oh, the pay is excellent..incase you were wondering.]<<<<< -- Vladamir Gorchek <22:19:21/10-25-57> *****PRIVATE: Evita, Ice, Rosha, Runs-Over-Pedestrians, Shiftboy, Wolfen >>>>>[I hope that that includes you entire group. A common shadowland account for you all would make this much easier. Anyway, have you any news on the matter of this Bull individual?]<<<<< -- L <19:34:40/10-25-57> *****PRIVATE: Evita, Rosha, Runs-Over-Pedestrians, Shiftboy, Wolfen >>>>>[I'm not telling him, I wasn't even here when we fragged up. One of you can do it.]<<<<< -- Ice <22:56:17/10-25-57> *****PRIVATE: Vladamir Gorchek >>>>>[You want any deckers? I'm a decker, and apparently I have what they call a free spirit hanging around me. 'Course it looks like a talking rat to me, but who am I to argue with The Mighty Quinn?]<<<<< -- Squatter <19:45:44/10-25-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[Sounds like an okay job. I'll see you there.]<<<<< -- Marlowe <09:24:42/10-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[Hell's Kitchen. Tuesday, dawn. The parking lot of the old Arkalon building, on Worcester and 141st. Bring a friend, if you have one, to act as second. Bring a knife, if you know how to use one. If not, you'd better learn fast.]<<<<< -- Lynch <09:34:31/10-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason R. Stormwind >>>>>[Sure, I'll drop round. Looking forward to it, in fact. We may be discussing different types of unit - for a quarter-mil you're looking at a squad or platoon, Sasha's got a combined-arms battalion Which is why he doesn't do much work in the UCAS - not much call for a battery of 155s or an armour company around here. At least not often A small unit like the one you're discussing is a different kettle of fish, sounds like it falls under "security" rather than "military" for legal purposes. I'll check with Sasha. Speaking of which, want him along at the meeting? Might cut down on the potential for misunderstandings.]<<<<< -- Lynch <09:43:41/10-26-57> ***** PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[You've just given me an idea. Yeah, I would like to have Sasha along if you can manage it.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <09:03:15 / 10-26-57> ***** INTERNAL: Serenity Lawyer Brigade >>>>>[Can we have a Mercenary Branch? I mean, can Serenity actually splinter off, legally, into an Enforcement Branch and a Mercenary / Heavy Arms branch?]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <09:05:17 / 10-26-57> ***** PRIVATE: Skuff >>>>>[Uh oh!]<<<<< -- Merrox <09:05:17 / 10-26-57> ***** PRIVATE: Merrox >>>>>[Thats not the half of it. I intercepted a purchase order signed by Jason himself to Ares for lasers. I mean, battery backpack and all.]<<<<< -- Skuff <09:05:17 / 10-26-57> ***** PRIVATE: Skuff >>>>>[You arent kidding, are you? I didnt think so. I'd say he was off his rocker again but 'Basher and Imp are moving equipment around too. 'Basher just had the tech's pull all of the computer equipment out of one of the rovers and upgraded it to the best stuff HE could find. Not Ares stuff...mostly black market equipment. Imp is still putting together his FRT group. From the bits and pieces of the roster that I've been privy to, it will be a force to recon with. I think that is the group that they want to take underground. Again, from what I've heard, its not so much an underground, just a offering more heavy duty fire power to the highest bidder. On a bighter note -- +++++ Reroute Serenity.Node07 -> Serenity.Node08 Cycle +++++ Initiate BattleMechv2.01 Come help me play test]<<<<< -- Merrox <09:05:17 / 10-26-57> ***** INTERNAL: Serenity Deckers >>>>>[Who the FRAG created this winter wonderland around here? I try to cheat up some computing power to play a game and I get mugged by a wall of ICE taller than I am and about as thick!]<<<<< -- Merrox <09:25:40 / 10-26-57> Field Officer Serenity Security *****PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Inferno, Bull, Canis.... Any of you guys left out here. Gates says he got through. But.... OK I seem to have shaken the tail for the moment. That was too close for my liking. I could do with a status report, and what's this I here about a manic recruitment schedule. Do you guys know what you're doing?? Or are things worse at your end than I've heard? Get back to me. But most importantly, I need a status report.]<<<<< -- Dark Avenger <17:30:26/10:26:57> >>>>>[Wells, I figure you've got yourself settled in Chi now and have been able to establish what contacts are still operating. Meet me at >>place<< around >>time<< and we'll see what arrangements can be achieved. Some of the gear will of necessity be large. The rest should be icing.]<<<<< -- Dark Avenger <19:26:28/10-26-57> *****PRIVATE:MR. Gorchek >>>>>[yes sir, I am always serious. are there any other's as yet? also how large of a team are we going to have? some people may not work with me. most are afraid to even look at me. I can work with any team sir, the question is will the team work with me.]<<<<< -- The Skull Bearer <14:44:09/10-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Lynch >>>>>[I'll be there.]<<<<< -- Ronin <18:08:40/10-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[Ronin, I assume your allegation concerns my husband killing Lang? And, presumably, he is a hypocrite because he "did it legally" and "got away with it"? In that case, you should perhaps read this. +++++include file: Committee_Meeting.txt As background to that hefty transcript, you should realise that Von Drexler, or VD as we like to call him, used to be a pilot. He wasn't a particularly good pilot, but he's a good organiser and has lots of high- placed friends, so he was able to carry on being a command-rated mediocrity... Until he came up against the Psychopath at Gunsmoke '55, and the upshot was that his lack of skill and nerve got exposed: he tried to get even, and ended up losing his wings. His contacts got him shifted to intel, but it cost him a promotion board (he passed the next one) and guaranteed he'd never be Chairman of the JCS. Now, why is this relevant? Because when Jason killed Lang, he knew he'd have to face that Emergency Meeting and place himself at the mercy of VD's whim. One committee member would vote against no matter what: and with VD holding the casting vote, he could "exercise sanction" against my husband entirely fairly. And in these high-placed circles, I'm sure even you realise what "exercise sanction" is a polite euphemism for. Lynch, like Drake, must and does answer for his actions: at the hands of InterPol, from the police, the FBI, his own masters. Lang did his utmost to avoid doing so. Please remind me again why this makes my husband a hypocrite, and reconsider your decision to - win or lose - acquire some painful scars at his hands. I doubt you can match his skill with a knife, and I will be there as second to ensure that any treachery will result in your death.]<<<<< -- Lilith <15:26:41/10-27-57> *****PRIVATE: The Skull Bearer, Rosha >>>>>[Ok, it looks like it is just you two. Don't worry, thats all you should need. I just need you to grab someone from their house and deposit them to a warehouse. +++++ include apartment.address +++++ include warehouse.address +++++ include description.Alexi The only resistance you probably would meet is one, maybe two Rent-a-Cops. No prob for people like you. Grab him and deposit him in the warehouse. When you do that, I will transfer the NuYen to the account of your preference. Oh, and grab anything that resembles a Deck. If its not there, do not worry. Alexi is the main target, the deck is secnodary. Nice doing business with you. Dac Vidanya.]<<<<< -- Vladamir Gorchek <20:01:32/10-27-57> *****PRIVATE: Chimod >>>>>[They're moving soon. If they get the deck, can you crack it?]<<<<< -- Vladamir Gorchek <20:05:23/10-27-57> *****PRIVATE: Vladamir Gorchek >>>>>[Ofcourse.]<<<<< -- Chimod <20:06:10/10-27-57> *****PRIVATE: Lilith >>>>>[I didn't realise he was involved with it, just that he seemed awfully happy to use it as an example. And I thought that what I meant when I called him a hypocrite was fairly obvious... someone is killed for living above the law, and Lynch sits around saying "he deserved it", from the cover of what appeared to be his own above-the-law status. That transcript reveals things that prove me wrong, though, so I suppose I must now acknowledge that fact.]<<<<< -- Ronin <17:44:43/10-27-57> >>>>>[It would appear that in calling Lynch a hypocrite, I spoke without full knowledge of the facts. He is not in fact protected from the legal consequences of his actions, which I thought he was. I apologise.]<<<<< -- Ronin <17:48:55/10-27-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason R Stormwind >>>>>[The flat 65% assessment is fixed. However, we have adjusted the appraisal of your materials to coincide more approximately with your request. All previous dealings have been forgotten. Now, as to the descriptions of your target, what is your offer again?]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <23:30:33/10-27-57> >>>>>[*clap, clap*] - JayCee <09:08:08/10-28-57> >>>>>[ Wise move, Ronin. Very wise. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <09:05:20/10-28-57> *****Private:Shifters >>>>>[Ummm, well... We kinda missed that one, we were out, and didn't get the message until we got back, and I'm rushing over to sign up right now! Anyone care to foreward that to L?]<<<<< -- Wolfen <09:25:31/10-28-57> ***** PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[ Since I haven't heard back from your group in a while, I'm forced to withdraw my offer of being part of your team .. other opportunities that are materializing more quickly have taken precedence. ]<<<<< -- Nomad <09:34:32/10-28-57> >>>>>[ Damn. We almost had Whirlwind. Fragging mages. Can't live with them. . .. can't shoot them either. Especially if they are your employer, eh Knight? Puppet and Wrecker begged me to show the footage of Saturday night. After a brief consultation with some of my colleagues, we decided that they do indeed deserve some hype. New kids on the fragging block, but what they hell.... they got guts like the rest of us. +++++ begin transmission A very soft, terse, male voice whispers: Status A throaty female voice responds: The babe magnet has a date. No sight on our target. Druggie is on-time for his fix-up. Another male voice responds: I'm in position for a quick get away for you, the druggie and the fixer. The very soft voice whispers: I'm in position and set up. Remember fixer got an ace up her sleeve. She's a combat mage. Male voice #2: What's her rap? Male whisper #1: Nuke was her old running name. Her old boyfriends had a nasty habit of winding up dead before she truly started desiring to break up with them. The two I knew, one committed suicide, and the other was a machine afterwards for trying to save her life from a gang rape. That one flatlined about the same time I lost contact with the "magnet." Female: She's got style at least. Company. Trog on bike. ETA 2 minutes. Looks like he knows where he is headed. Doing image enhancements to get positive id. Prelim indications: Whirlwind. Male whisper #1: Great. She set him up. Bitch. Let's go with the backup plan. Male #2: Right boss. Weapons online. My van will be noticible. *click* *click* ----- On a pier you see Blitzkrieg standing alone. Back to the street, he is out looking at the Sound. A hot female (human) walks up to him. Female: Its been a long time, Blitz. Blitzkrieg turns and smiles. "Sure has, Julie. Sorry to drag you out here, but I thought it would be nice to see a friendly face considering my past few weeks." Julie smiles and says, "That's okay. The lights are bit bright for me too. Had any contact with Flash?" Blitzkrieg winces and says, "He died a while back. His girlfriend set him up real good." Julie smile fades and says, "Elves never did have real good endurance." (It is obvious that the cheap shot is forced). Female: ETA 1 minute boss. Whirlwind on a bike. Male #1: I can't get a clear shot at the mage. Blitz is in the way. Male #2: Should I intercept? Male #1: Never make it with Nuke there. Fragging wind. Blitzkrieg shrugs and says, "Its been a lively few years since we have last seen each other. What have you been up to?" Julie responds, "I had to ditch my old running name because it was too hot." (Blitzkrieg laughs) "But I still get by. You?" Blitzkrieg sighs and says, "I ran into some old family problems that I was hoping to never see again. I sort of lost, but I'm still somewhat alive." Julie glances at him and gasps, "Not you too..." At that point you can here the roar of a big ol' bike tearing down the pier. Blitzkrieg turns and curses. Julie dashes to the side. Julie shouts, "Well it's been fun Blitz. We'll have to do it again sometime. Assuming you're alive." She laughs and starts running for cover. An assault rifle burst erupts from the shadows of a warehouse. The burst nails Julie dropping her. Blitzkrieg meanwhile being completely surprised by Julie's statement and gundown gets nailed by a net still attached by wire to the gun on the bike. Rapidly he is being dragged to the end of the pier. The night seems to be diving to the pier deck. In a smooth motion an assault rifle is brought up. The wielder (which is extremely hard to make out) looks through a sight and grimaces. Man #1: Frag. Cover blown. Go to back up plan four. Man #2: Click. Female: Babe magnet might be in trouble. Will advise. Man #2: Give me directions on where to go. I can't go in because this vehicle would get cops all over us. Female: Will do over secondary line. Whirlwind screaming down the pier dragging Blitzkrieg shouts at Blitzkrieg, "I guess we got some fried machine parts tonight!" Blitzkrieg ignores him trying to get his arms free. He fails because the net is wrapped around him too tightly. Whirlwind comes to a t-stop at the end of the pier and sends Blitzkrieg flying over the pier. At the last moment he triggers a button on the gun and a current goes through the net. You can hear the agonized scream of Blitzkrieg. The man with the assault rifle crouches and fires off several bursts. Right before Blitzkrieg is about to hit the water he manages to actually sever the wire that was sending the current through the net. Blitzkrieg hits the water and starts sinking rapidly. As soon as the wire hits, the man dives off the pier. He makes the dive under full burst fire from Whirlwind. Whirlwind curses and gets on his bike and drives off. Man #2: Should I level him? Man #2 after no response from the other man: I'll take that as a yes. EAT THIS YA BASTARD! As Whirlwind is leaving the pier, he effectively enters a warzone of machine gun bullets. His bike is decimated in mere seconds and he barely avoids getting leveled by a van. Whirlwind, limping, dives for cover into an abandoned warehouse as the van speeds off. Man #2: Damn. Backup plan #5. See if you can use your drones to a) keep a tab for that bastard, and b) look for heat sources in the Sound. Hopefully I won't have to go swimming, since I don't know how to. Female voice: Boss ain't going to register much of a heat source. His gear blends in. I'll try and get a lock on the druggie. Got one. Druggie's decent just slowed down. He is now on the bottom. Hey! That slitch is still crawling. Man #2: Any chances that she didn't set him up? Female: From what I heard, no. Man #2: For some strange reasons, a drone opened fired. I'm sorry sir. I'll have to looking into why the remote did that. Female: Damn malfunction. She ain't moving now. Trog has moved further back into the warehouse. He ain't likely to interfere in the pickup. Druggie has moved significantly. Amazing what cyber can do for a man I guess. Male #1: Drone misfired, eh? Is the dock clear? Female and Male #2: You're alive! Female: Yes, dock clear. Male #1: A little hard to talk while underwater. Frag the plan. Pick us up at the start of the pier. And Blitz needs medical attention. You see Blitzkrieg clinging to a pole on the pier underneath where Whirlwind was when Blitzkrieg was thrown from the pier. There is a loud thunk as a rope is harpooned into the edge of the deck. A dark mass helps Blitzkrieg swim out to the rope. "Go first, Blitz." "You know, you are the last person I expected to see tonight." "Guilt is a lovely thing. Move!" "Yes, sir." Blitzkrieg moves up the rope pretty well with the man at the bottom holding it still. The man soon moves up the now free swinging rope, pretty well. Once at the top, he hands Blitzkrieg the assault rifle and says, "Well, we're almost there." He then picks up Blitzkrieg and starts running down the pier. He gets to the end of the pier out of breath but shoves Blitzkrieg in the van. He slams the door shut and the van takes off. He then quickly gets Blitzkrieg securely strapped into a seat. "You and I got to have a long chat about leaving trails. Whirlwind almost figured out that I helped you out and would have been able to ruin my biz." "I owe you, Fox." "Why don't you pay yourself for once and take care of yourself?" Male voice #2: "Harker is in trouble. You're being dropped off at a nearby point to rescue him. He ran into some elves..." Shadowfox responds, "Just fragging great. What the hell is Whirlwind up to?" He reloads the assault rifle. He dumps some gear on the floor of the van. +++++ pause transmission I guess I still don't have the complete hang of this. Overloaded the system. ]<<<<< -- Shadowfox <22:49:43/10-26-57> >>>>>[ Well... here's part two. +++++ begin transmission (part 2) "Honey, I can't wait for a drink. Feels like I've been slaving away all week." "Soon, dearest." This handsome man kisses a beautiful lady on her cheek. The woman giggles and says, "Isn't that odd. A ganger here. Handing cash to a kid." The man's head whips around and scans the crowd, he picks out a fleeting glimpse of a young boy fleeing away from a female member of the Ancients. The man frowns, still watching the gangmember and says, "Probably the elf was buying some chips from the kid. They really should clean up that drek." She looks at him astonished. "I wonder how a kid gets involved with that so young." "Mostly it is bad luck and a desire to make some cash pretty easily if a little risky." "How do you know so much about this?" "I --" "Ahem, Mister Harker, I presume?" A female gangmember of the Ancients asks. "I think you got the wrong person, miss." "Maybe you respond to Midnight better." The man's eyes widen briefly in surprise. The elf didn't miss it. "I haven't heard of that name in a long time. Perhaps we could go inside and talk about the last time I saw him over a beer or two?" Another member of the Ancient says, "I don't think so, Midnight." The man glances around. He roughly pushes his date behind him and says, "Look, you got the wrong person. I hear the Tigers are getting ready to wipe the floor with you this time around. You probably don't want to be wasting your time with one miserable breeder." Another person says, "Your property. We're just collecting for a fee." The man pushes his date roughly into the bar, as the group of gangers come closer and closer to him. A troll bouncer says, "Hey lady! We don't take people fleein' from trouble. Against da rules." The man whirls to face the troll and grimaces. "Like you would fragging know a rule if it hit you on the head!" The woman dodges inside stunned as the enraged troll steps out of the bar and takes a swing. The man dodges smoothly and the troll ends up punching one of the elves. The man laughs and breaks out of the rapidly enclosing circle and starts running. He rounds a corner, curses, and changes directions as gunfire erupts. He runs into the street dodging cars left and right as he makes his way across the street. "Just fragging great." "Come back here slave!" "I wonder if they are Ancients or not..." He runs down an alley and climbs over a chain-link fence. (Ripping his suit in process). He keeps on running with the elves giving tight chase. ---- Man #2: Puppet, fragging figure out where he is going to run to, or use your drones to herd him somewhere. Can't help a dead man! "Blitz, you might want to hold up this riot shield. I can't predict how we are going to do the pick-up of Midnight. Could be in the middle of a firefight." "Great." Puppet: Cute, Wrecker. If I could, don't you think I would? All my drones with weapons were deployed to try and bag Whirlwind. Hell they are still in his area to try and nail him if they get the opportunity. To many fragging things happening at once. Shadowfox: Fuck it. Where is he now? We are going public with your van. With a bunch of armed elves chasing him, who is going to care about one van. We'll get you a new one later. k? Wrecker: *growls* Okay. If that is the case, can I level those fraggers? Shadowfox: Just try to leave one alive for interrogating. Hopefully, the slot will know something of use. Puppet: He going west on 6th. Wrecker: At least he is only running on foot right now. "Hang on guys, I'm about to break all sort of traffic laws. Fox, you might want to strap in until we get close." --- "Of all the fragging times to run into a bunch of fragging elves, I'm in a goddamned suit, dress shoes, and no hopes of getting a gun. Aww drek. At least I had fifteen minutes to run free and remember what freedom is like." He looks around, surrounded by elves. All wearing Ancient colors. "Ancient posers." "True enough, Midnight, but that doesn't stop the fact that you still have to serve out your life sentence. Of course, we could just parole you here and now." A female says, "Easier to bring back a dead body than a live one." A male responds, "They want him alive." The female angrily responds, "So what? They aren't here. He led our friends to their deaths." The male responds, "No, they were sent on a mission that no one was expected to survive. Midnight got lucky and somehow manage to get freedom." The female responds viciously, "Death." The male calmly says, "He goes back for another trial." The female still ripping mad, "He gets off to easy if he goes back." The man asks, "Really? Living without freedom is worse than being dead." "Frag you." She points a gun at the man. Suddenly only about four elves are keeping an eye on Midnight. The rest of the elves have split into two camps. The verbal match keeps escalating. It is about to hit trigger point when a van sporting obvious "enhancements" comes screeching around a corner. Midnight starts running toward the right side of the road as the van mercilessly opens fire on the crowd of elves. In the confusion, Midnight drops the elven chick with a vicious fire bolt. The side door is opened. Two arms reach out and grab Midnight. He is dragged for a little bit before they can pull him in. Quickly as bullets start entering the van they shut the door. Midnight winces as he hits the floor of the van and swerves around a corner. "Ouch!" "Oops. Sorry about that. So come on baby, light her fire...." A man says with amusement in his voice.... He looks up and smiles. "Thank god for friendly faces, Blitzkrieg. Actually, I would say that I just set her on fire." Shadowfox: Puppet pull off your drones. There are hidden ways out of almost all those warehouses down there. And in most of them, Whirlwind would be a welcome sight. Unless they actually know of him. Puppet: (resigned voice) Figures, sir. "So people, we need to get to a doc. Then we can assess how we fared." +++++ end transmission One night's work: Some gear wasted. Van could use some significant repairs from the workout it got. Midnight, Blitzkrieg, and myself, owe a friendly doc a decent chunk of change for patching us up, and we missed nailing Whirlwind. Midnight is pissed off that he missed getting a) anyone to interrogate and b) couldn't find that kid that ratted on him. On the other hand, the kid probably has written him off for the dead, so maybe he can use that to his advantage. And oh, we killed one of our own. Simply beautiful. Still if it hadn't been for the heads up thinking by Puppet and Wrecker we probably wouldn't have been able to catch up to Midnight.]<<<<< -- Shadowfox <00:00:54/10-27-57> >>>>>[ I guess I owe a small explanation for why I wasn't using my running name. It was traceable. Very traceable. I -- I should explain why I'm not dead, but what the fuck? I have a contract out on my head so its only a matter of time. Come and get me Whirlwind. Come on baby, light my fire. ]<<<<< -- Midnight <00:00:23/10-27-57> ***** Internal: Merrox, Jason Stormwind >>>>>[ I'm flattered that you like my work and the work of my company. I'll pass it along to the team. If Serenity approves of your usage of computing resources to play a certain game, we should be able to accommodate you and modify the security for the playing of that specific game. Otherwise, might I make recommendation? Buy a separate computer to use for game playing and keep it off line so that it doesn't represent a security risk for Serenity. ]<<<<< -- Scourge <10:48:30/10-28-57> Matrix Security Consultant Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>[ +++++ Message-From: TANK +++++ Subject: Work Wanted! Wanted Work for a Rigger that has Vehicles and will travel! Lots of exp..Dishonesty will get you killed. All employment opertunities WILL be screened..Contact this LTG soonest..]<<<<< -- IF Mailer Demon <15:22:03/10-28-57> ***** PRIVATE: Harkion >>>>>[John, I'm not going to be in the lab for about a week, can you do without me? I have some discrete business to attend to.]<<<<< -- Nodoze <20:00:35/10-27-57> ***** PRIVATE: Nodoze >>>>>[That's no problem Shawn, but what have you gotten yourself into this time?]<<<<< -- Harkion <20:06:35/10-27-57> ***** PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[Bull? Are you there? I have some free time at the lab if you want to meet now.]<<<<< -- Harkion <20:07:43/10-27-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.l >>>>>[I need to meet with someone privately sometime in the next few days to work some things out. Bull dosen't seem to be too responsive, so whoever is in charge, meet me at >>Location<<, it's about a hour from Chicago.]<<<<< -- Harkion <20:08:35/10-27-57> ***** PRIVATE: Harkion >>>>>[ Harkion, I will be there. It is not Bull's fault, but he'sreallynot too responsive right now, with a reason. Will >>time<< suite you?]<<<<< -- Orion <20:12:35/10-27-57> ***** PRIVATE: Black Knight >>>>>[I am. Ready. My new spells are all up and running perfectly. I can roll on the job whenever you guys are set.]<<<<< -- Kor <23:46:29 / 10-28-57> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[Are we all equiped and ready to move on a moment's notice? Trixie's idea about the Frypp Specials was a good one. I had to dump my last set of armor in Japan, but I still have another one at the warehouse. I dont honestly need a weapon. Ill carry one, as always, because it gives me options. You know my choices there. You've got a good look at the target. He's a sizable fucker, and probably has enough cyber to sink a small boat. Pack APDS for me. I dont need anything non-lethal.]<<<<< -- Kor <23:48:15 / 10-28-57> >>>>>[Wise move, Griffyn? What do you mean, being man enough to admit I was wrong? I presume though, my feathered friend, what you actually meant was "wise move for backing away from a fight with lynch". I'd talk about the information that changed my opinion of the afore-mentioned, and thusly forced a retraction, but I don't think even Lynch knew that it was sent to me. My source almost certainly doesn't want to be revealed, so I won't tell you about him/her either. So instead I will fall back on mindless vulgarity... eg: lick up your patronising drek and swallow it without chewing.]<<<<< -- Ronin <17:10:20/10-28-57> ***** Private: Kor >>>>>[ Spread the word to the others in Seattle. Will start prelim surveillance on November 4th. Unless you feel comfortable moving faster, we will probably do a week's worth of physical, astral, and matrix surveillance to figure out the best time to strike. If you can convince Harker to go, that would be a big boost. That means of course that you have to convince his employer to send him with you. According to Nightmare, he won't even ask for time to go do this. Team members: Blitzkrieg, Doomsday, Harker (maybe), You and your team, Shadowfox (if he is still in your neck of the woods and you can get him to agree), Puppet, Wrecker, and maybe some mercs if we can find quality ones on a short notice. Lastly, I will be doing matrix alarm suppression. Who will you be adding to the team so I can figure out if we have some weaknesses in the group? ]<<<<< -- Black Knight <17:1:42/10-27-57> >>>>>[Your turn, Griff. Same parking lot?]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <00:22:56 / 10-29-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: Griffyn >>>>>[He'll kick your ass in a fair fight. Good thing you dont have to fight fair. Dont ask my why I find this so amusing, but I do.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <00:23:59 / 10-29-57> Field Officer Serenity Security *****PRIVATE: L >>>>>[We have had some trouble infiltrating the group in question, we are trying again, hopefully this most recent attempt will be more successful. By the way, we have chosen a name, you can contact us all under the s-land handle "Shifters"]<<<<< -- Ice <17:25:53/10-28-57> *****PRIVATE: Shifters >>>>>[I bulldrekked L some, we should have some time... good luck Wolfen.]<<<<< -- Ice <17:27:19/10-28-57> *****PRIVATE: Shifters >>>>>[I don't want them infiltrated, I just want to be sure that they survive, and that the data they carry is freely disseminated. Do _not_ betray them.]<<<<< -- L <23:05:28/10-28-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[Someone needs to use better encryption on his com-channel... +++++Begin soundfile Voice one: Ronin here, checking. Voice two: Lyting here, checking. Voice three: Marlowe here, checking. Voice four: Phobos here, checking. Voice five: Runs-Over-Pedestrians here, checking. Lyting (voice two): All present. Ronin: Ice and his spirit are going in on the astral. <30 second pause> Ronin: Security rigger down, all go. Lyting: Ice reports guards not yet alerted. Ronin: Last flight, shooters forward. Lyting: Ice reports four guards in main foyer, two in back room. Ronin: This door leads to main foyer... kicking on three, two, one, now. Lyting: All four down. Phobos: I'm on the telecom lines... backup request intercepted. Ronin: Lyting left, Marlowe right, R O P wait. Marlowe: Clear. Lyting: Clear. Ronin: Clear, I'm hit, but not badly. Lyting: Let's go trash the fourth floor. Marlowe: On the third, starting on the safe. Runs-Over-Pedestrians: Jacked in, you can stop kicking in those doors now. Ronin: But I _like_ to, it's... Marlowe: Shut the hell up will you, I'm trying to concentrate. Runs-Over-Pedestrians: Ice reports bound spirit is now bound to him... the deal is made. Marlowe: What did I just say? Runs-Over-Pedestrians: Go have... Lyting: Quiet, children. Ronin: That's trashed up real nice. Data? Phobos: I drained it dry. Marlowe: Safe is open... hot _damn_, I'm good. R O P, can you read this? Runs-Over-Pedestrians: Yeah, once I run it through a few enhancing routines. Go to the next page... uh-huh... go back one, sorry, that was a touch too fast to be sure... okay... next... eighth and last... okay, downloading image files... finished. Jacking out. Ronin: Are the guards stirring yet? Runs-Over-Pedestrians: Not yet... the rigger looks like he's about to wake up... ... not any more though. Ronin: Let's go then. You opened the front doors? Runs-Over-Pedestrians: Yes. +++++End soundfile My, my, Van Holde, you are careless.]<<<<< -- Lynch <17:35:34/10-28-57> *****PRIVATE: Ice, Lyting, Marlowe, Phobos, Runs-Over-Pedestrians >>>>>[The payment is through, here are your shares... +++++Cred transfer >>account number<< to >>account number<< +++++Cred transfer >>account number<< to >>account number<< +++++Cred transfer >>account number<< to >>account number<< +++++Cred transfer >>account number<< to >>account number<< +++++Cred transfer >>account number<< to >>account number<< 'Til next time.]<<<<< -- Ronin <17:42:42/10-28-57> >>>>>[Ronin: apology accepted. Thank you.]<<<<< -- Lynch <00:52:16/10-29-57> *****NOT TO: Ronin >>>>>[Is this guy dumb or what? Does he _ever_ bother checking who he's mouthing off at? Griff, in the unlikely event you have trouble finding a second, let me know. And do you want to go get a few brews sometime with Lilith and I? Been too long, I've been busy. Give me a call at >>encrypted<< and we'll set it up.]<<<<< -- Lynch <00:53:53/10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher, Trax, GoD, Griffyn, Imp >>>>>[I guess I am adding to our team, as I am sure you both just saw. Basher, you and trax would make great additions to Scourge's matrix group. Care to run with him? Griffyn, you and GoD on me. Imp, are you up for a job?]<<<<< -- Kor <01:09:56 / 10-29-57> *****PRIVATE:Rosha >>>>>[it would seem that we are to be partners. would you care to discuse a plan? from the over view i recieved from MR. Gorchek this should be very simple, too simple for two persons of what Mr. Gorchek advertised for. a physical meet would be useful i believe. it is best to prepare you now i guess, i am very cybered. feel free to chose a time and place but please somewhere private. looking forward to meeting you.]<<<<< -- The Skull Bearer <20:58:21/10-28-57> ***** PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[Ill pay >>encrypted<< for the information. I assume that cash is just as good with you as information.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <05:05:21 / 10-29-57> Field Officer Serenity Security *****PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[Your earlier comment to delay any request on the matter of the real identity and occupation of the pair of Shadowrunners accessing the Shadowland Matrix in Seattle by the name of Jen and Gabe struck me as meaning one of several possibilities. At best, you are simply a very busy man. At worst, it meant that you were currently dealing with, for, or about them. Therefore, I gave you an additional week to clear yourself of any "entanglements." I assume you have my original request. I also assume you have easy access to the daily public throughput of said Shadowland, as do I. Reiteration of any material found within would be redundant. What I request is of a more illuminating and verifyable nature. Since no reprisals of any sort have occurred towards my associate, I will assume as of yet that their bark is worse than their bite. I now ask that you perform a more thorough investigation, since time is no longer of the essence. My curiousity has served me well in the past, and I am occasionally willing to go to great lengths to satisfy it. Consider my curiousity piqued. Reply at your earliest convenience as to what amount of money you would need to begin your inquiries, and an estimate of what your investigation will be worth at its completion. While I have access to considerable funds, I also possess information that I may be willing to broker in the future if our dealings are profitable.]<<<<< -- Hephaestus <21:18:17/10-28-57> *****PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[%^#*&@$#%KHJGEiduywi +++++ Initiating defrag.exe +++++ Defrag complete, 97% of system saved. +++++ 3% of system lost. Continue? Y N +++++ Y Dammit, tell me this fraggers working again. Ok, systems seem to be back on line... Fucking bugs in the deck again... Ok biys and girls, I seem to be back online. Seems I had a little virus kicking around the old hard drive, and it slipped past the A-V progs installed here... All you deckers and comp cowboy wannabes on the Force, here's a little prog to slap in in case your deck gets sick. +++++ Download Pepto.exe That should help keep the viruses away... Ok, Harkion, I'll meet you tomorrow at >>encrypted<<. I'll bring a friend along, an Indian by the name of Johnny 99. He's a shaman, and my partner. Just wanted to let you know ahead of time. Sorry this has taken so long, but that damn virus was a bitch and a half. had me down for the last week. Ok, after I meet with Hark, I think we need to have a meeting with everyone involved on the Chicago end at the Asgard safehouse. I'm not even including the address on an encrypted line. Our wizzies already have or will be informing all the team leaders of the addy through the astral. too damn many deckers watching our tails these days, and too many of them are too fucking good. Goddamn SOTA. I got some real catching up to do. Harkion, you may be able to help me in taht field. All my Electronics Fixers used to be in the CZ. Also, can each team leader report in and give their team status as well, along with a brief report on who's involved? I've been out of touch for a while now, which sucks hard, but couldn't be helped. We need to start rolling, and we need to figure out who we have and what we can do. Avenger, you with us now? I know we lost contact with ya, and then something came through the wire right before I went down. i know your troops have been a little edgy. Also, notice that we've changed data lines once more. I've sent instructions to each teams tech-head so that they know how to adjust the frequencies on the mailers. I think they managed to track our signals down, and that's how they got the virus into my hardware. We're going to start changing teh encryption lines daily. I'll send the new channels out to the teams deckers each morning. That should at least slow them down. Ok, it's great to be back online again, now let's get the ball rolling, before our friends catch up to us again. I would certainly like to take the initiative once more... ]<<<<< -- Bull <02-28-17/10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE:Orion >>>>>[ That should work well. I will anticipate your arrivial.]<<<<< -- Harkion <08:52:34/10-28-57> ***** Private: Kor, Scourge, Shadowfox >>>>>[ Drek. We tripped the matrix security on the prison that holds Whirlwind's friend that we put behind bars about a year ago. (One of the guys that lead the massacre bunch.) As such, Nightmare is pulling the plug on the trade hostages idea for at least 2 weeks. Sorry. We'll have to come up with another way to get our friends out of Whirlwind's hands. ]<<<<< -- Black Knight <07:36:26/10-29-57> ***** Private: Kor >>>>>[ Hoi. Why don't you, Midnight, and myself kick back tonight and kick down a few beers and discuss somethings? The way things are going to break down, is that for all the "team" knows, you are Mr. Johnson, and will be along for the ride to make sure they do it right. They also know that you have a buyer lined up, but not any more details that. You will have enough info to look like you did all your homework before bringing on the rest of the team. I have lined up Sprinkler for matrix work, Puppet, and Wrecker to help out. From what I have heard, they are still on-schedule for starting mass production of the prototype. Therefore, the run must go down at the latest by this weekend if it is going to serve any use. Btw, Midnight thinks he might have come up with a way to nail Whirlwind. Problem he is having now is figuring out who to use to bait the trap...]<<<<< -- Shadowfox <07:43:15/10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ We're ready to rock and roll, bro. APDS will be the standard load for everyone if this guy is as tricked out as you say. We'll be ready to move when you give the word. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <10:17:12/10-29-57> >>>>>[ Yes, Ronin, I was referring to the expedience of avoiding a fight with Lynch. I wouldn't want to tangle with him, and I have certain 'advantages' that you do not. You have quite a way of making people dislike you almost immediately. Did you have to practice for that, or does it come naturally? Enquiring minds want to know.. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <10:19:35/10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ Trax and I are in. Tris won't let me out of her sight, so I guess she can run backup and cover our jackpoint from traces. Oh, and as far as Black Knight's question about mercs goes, Griff and Imp have contacts with Tangent's unit, and they're about as good as they come for small-unit Black Ops. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <10:25:19/10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ Wouldn't have it any other way, bro. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <10:27:12/10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ When do you need me? ]<<<<< -- Imp <10:29:46/10-29-57> ***** NOT TO: Ronin >>>>>[ I don't think it's going to degenerate that far .. Ronin's a loud mouth, but he hasn't really offended me enough that I'd like to put him in the hospital for a few months. You never know though .. if he pushes the wrong buttons, you'll be invited to see the fireworks, Lynch. I'll take you up on that beer, though. I'll give you a call later to set up the details. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <10:33:07/10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ Smart ass .. and you should know by now that his being able to take me in a fair fight is irrelevant. There's no such thing as a fair fight. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <10:37:12/10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: Imp, Trax, Trixie, Neuron Basher >>>>>[The job I was setting up was just scratched. We accidentally fiddled with a trigger and it went off. We are going to have to back out for a short while. I've got something else lined up. Decker and physical intensive. Job: We are going to rip off some 'quipment from Ares. Talk about biting the hand the feeds you. If done right, we will not be implicated, if done wrong...then, well, we cut and run. Desert Wars skirmishes are coming up. Ares is going to get an advantage. While I definitely do not mind this, I've been hired to get the prototype and the design specs and make sure it points at someone else. I've got a little more planning to do before I am completely sure what is going to happen and who I am going to need to take with me. Im considering hiring outside talent.]<<<<< -- Kor <15:56:44 / 10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: Shadowfox >>>>>[We are ready to rock and roll, 'Fox. My place, tonight. As you said, the time line on this is getting to the point where we need to move soon. I need to see the data before I can decide how best to get my team in and out of there without problems.]<<<<< -- Kor <16:04:53 / 10-29-57> *****PRIVATE: Skull Bearer >>>>>[A'ight. M'n f'r t'ride. Let's meet t'night at >>encrypted<<. I'll be t'short ork with the facial scar. Y'r right ... t'job sounds way too easy. C'ya lat'r.]<<<<< -- Rosha <11:50:34/10-29-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[What's up wit t'tridchip negots? Needs t'cash, baby! Will it be 'ere by Samhain?]<<<<< -- Rosha <11:51:56/10-29-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason R Stormwind >>>>>[Your price is agreeable. Cash is always negotiable tender. +++++download: Assailant Description Hope it is helpful to you.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <11:58:44/10-29-57> *****PRIVATE: Hephaestus >>>>>[I was living in a Charles Dickens' novel at the time of your previous message. I appreciate your follow-up. As for the assessment of my information's value, I'll leave that in your hands ... +++++download: J&G.txt This is the sampler ... I'm still compiling some info. They're more protected and secretive than their Shadowland behaivor would indicate. Please return an appropriate one-time fee for the info provided above and the fuller file that is still to come. Say, I've always wanted to ask ... how'd you hurt your leg? {ancientgreekhumor}]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <12:02:31/10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[+++++ TRANSFER funds Interesting. Did you happen to find any footage on this at all?]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <17:05:33 / 10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: Rosha >>>>>[Hello, young one. I'm putting out feelers on the streets for a person I need to get a hold of. +++++ Include Description VERY Dangerous. I've gotten reports that this is the person that attacked Cass and put her in the hospital. There was another attack on Squatter (another decker). I dont know what the true connection is just yet. Just let me know if you come across anything, ok, love?]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <17:08:32 / 10-29-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: Serenity Street Contacts >>>>>[+++++ Include Description This might be our perp. Keep your eyes open. In only want INFORMATION. Please do not make contact. We dont want to start a body count on this just yet]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <17:09:19 / 10-29-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ***** INTERNAL: Serenity Mages, Cass Overwatch >>>>>[This is going to be a problem. +++++ Include Description +++++ Include null-magic description Who the hell like this thing out of Azlan? First order of business, find a spell that will work on it. Since it doesnt have an aura worth talking about, I will be working under the assumption that you should be able to stop it with wrecker or something that works on inanimate objects. When it doubt, batter it down with physical manipulation spells. We definitely have a problem. We pickedup some man pack lasers from Ares. I want at least 1 person on every team carrying one. I know they are fraggin' heavy, but its smaller than an autocannon and it should punch about as hard or harder. Mages -- start working on some spells. Find them, buy them, learn them, but get them. Physical teams -- Check in your normal ammo, change to APDS or DPU in your side arms. Someone needs to work over the street doc angle. Get a list of everyone that deals with heavy cyber. Cant be magically healed and if it ever needs repairs, its going to need a serious mechanic, not a dabbler. Remember, this this is faster than ever I am when fully spelled up.]<<<<< -- Jas <17:21:45 / 10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: Maria Martine, LSS, Magical Forensics >>>>>[Get this on the streets. Whatever it is, its been working the shadows here in town. I suspect this is the person that took out of on my officers. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated +++++ Include: full disclosure]<<<<< -- Jason Robert Stormwind <17:39:39 / 10-29-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: AJ, Basilisk >>>>>[Sorry for the intrustion, guys. Just wanted to run some information past you to see if you've seen anything / heard anything / could point me in the proper direction. +++++ Include: description +++++ Include: null magic Im assuming cybermancy out of aztlan. As Bear is my witness, I hope this isnt the case. Ill listen to any other thoughts either of you may have]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <17:56:13 / 10-29-57> >>>>>[Hey, is true what Dr. Quine said about how the Matrix has been an easier place to work since everything went over to sculpted systems? He said something about how the old systems just felt more foreboding. I mean, what does soem dodgy old prof know about "foreboding" systems? He ain't never seen foreboding. Not like the time I hit - nope. Not gonna tell.]<<<<< -- Poppa Chubby (12:00:00 / 10-29-56) *****PRIVATE: Jason R Stormwind >>>>>[The videotape has fallen into private possession and is currently up for auction. A shadowperson realized it might be valuable and obtained it. I am bidding to gain this footage. I take it you would be interested?]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <13:34:11/10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[The footage would only be icing. No need to bid on my behalf.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <19:05:08 / 10-29-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason R Stormwind >>>>>[There are several interested parties in the purchase of said footage. I merely wondered whether you would be interested in purchasing a copy.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <15:07:48/10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[ I am looking for some hermetic spells that would cause a great deal of damage to cyberware components. I was thinking that perhaps something with a high-voltage electrical effect or electro-magnetic-pulse might be the best approach. Do you have access to spells of this type, or information that would allow me make contact with one who does? ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <15:18:10/10-29-57> ***** PRVIATE: Kor >>>>>[ I sent InfoScholar a request for information about spells to affect chromeboy, and posted something similar on MagickNet, so hopefully we'll have some leads shortly. I'm leaning towards something with a high-voltage electrical effect or maybe an EMP type attack to cause the most damage. What do you think? ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <15:20:42/10-29-57> *****PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[I assess you information to be worth: +++++credit transfer >>X Kn=Y=<< so far. From the reputation I had heard attached to you, I would have assumed you would have already handed me the listed names and addresses of the faces in your images and what connection they may have to their matrix access points, but I do suppose that may take you additional time.... If anything, your data opens certain avenues of inquiry that had previously not existed. And seeing as I prefer payment upon completion of services for the facts that it allows funds to be spread out and separately routed as well as being commisserate with the deed, if the above transfer is insufficient for the time and expense you have expended on the inquiry, I assure you that there is more available for more substantial information. Be aware that I come to you because you have been reputed to have considerable access to information not available through the public domain, and that you are discrete. That is why I have hired you. As to you final question, I believe it was just after I uttered the words: "It's made of monocrystal titanium. Of course it can handle that kind of RPM...." The biografts took nicely though, so at least I need not limp like my namesake, nor, thankfully is my wife nearly so...improperly libidinous.]<<<<< -- Hephaestus <13:47:39/10-29-57> *****PRIVATE: Griffin >>>>>[I'm looking into your request. It will cost >>encrypted<<. Probable delivery in two-three days.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <16:48:29/10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: Griffyn >>>>>[The discussion on MagicNet has gotten a little heated, but I assume you know that by now. I dont work well with Electricity. I am not entirely sure I know how an EMP would work and thusly would not be able to envision the spell on my own. I was thinking along the lines of maxing out my wrecker spell, and possibly tweaking the ram spell out a little to try to get those to work for me. I am going to just have to assume that mana based spells arent going to work and astral attacking is probably right out. I had a friend that was born without an aura (there's been serveral papers written about that particular thing) and it was found that elementals were unable to target him for either an attack or able to defend against him. I am willing to bet that our perp might have the same effect on my elementals. I have a battery of reduce cyber reflex-like spells. They were originally created to help slow Mercury-1 down after runs (he was chipped pretty high) but I think they would even the battle field if it came to that. If magic isnt an option, then we'll have to match muscle with muscle. There were no reports of cybered weapons other than the body itself.]<<<<< -- Kor <21:37:38 / 10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[ That will be acceptable. There is a 25% bonus for delivery within 48hrs and 50% for delivery within 24hrs. Time is of the essence. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <16:50:03/10-28-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ Here's what InfoScholar had to say: +++++include message: infoscholar.response +++++include message: my.response His price is a little steep, but if he can get the spell formulae to us within the timeframe that I responded with, it will be well worthhwile. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <16:56:23/10-28-57> ***** PRIVATE: Griffyn >>>>>[EMP's are like Nuclear bursts, right? Maybe Ill spend some time reading up on nuclear weapons. No, I'm not thinking of using one against him, just that if I can figure out how a nuclear air burst causes an EMP then I might be able to fake the planet into doing something similar in a small area. Problem being, what the hell do we ground it out on? I dont think its signature is going to be large enough to be able to get a line on him to get the spell off. I am not yet convinced that IS is playing an even field. His name came up from a couple of our shadow contacts as a good information source for random things. I thought I would try him out. I had to pay a "forget me" fee. If that keeps up, Ill likely not use his services again. A good information source sells information, not information on his clients. I've already done a little background checking into him. If he rolls over, he will be fairly well protected. It would take a concerted effort to dig him out of his safe spot. It can be done, but I doubt it would be worth the trouble. Easier to walk away and not let him build up too much data on us.]<<<<< -- Kor <21:53:04 / 10-29-57> *****PRIVATE: Hephaestus >>>>>[Neither so 'improperly libidinous' nor likely as 'exquisitely sculpted', but you and I might disagree since you are married to her. In any case, discretion is a service which may be inquired after further. And public access is my specialty. However, less obvious information can be acquired through various avenues known to me. To this point, you have received an initial unconfirmed photo of your subjects, a confirming photo and rationale behind the confirmation, the recorded movements of your subjects in this area, the compiled addresses of the places your subjects have visited for longer periods of time. Lastly, and most valuably, I enclosed the ownership profile on the places mentioned above ... reliably linking your subjects to a possible (probable) employer. Of these items, only the first photo was public data. As per your instructions, I have omitted the transcript of their conversations over Shadowland. The probably aren't very helpful in any case. I am attempted to ascertain their data_accesses, but that will take some time as I use ... unorthodox methods. Your payment was moderately sufficient, but as I have indicated above ... only barely. Should I ever be unequal to your needs, you have the option to cease contacting me. Thank you for your patronage to this point. You wouldn't happened to have an enchanted set of armor and sword laying around, would you?(smirk)]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <17:11:33/10-29-57> *****PRIVATE: Apollyon >>>>>[I hope you're back in town by now. I was wondering if you had any knowledge of arcana that would create an electromagnetic pulse in a limited area ... My inquiries along this line have turned up the fact that you dabble in the arts from time to time. Pretty unusual for a mundane, but I guess we all have our hobbies. In any case, when you get this, please drop me a line back ... I realize money means nothing to you, but I've got a tip on your investments in Tokyo. New polymer ... limited supply. Interesante?]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <17:49:22/10-29-57> *****PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[Provide me the tip, and I will consider providing you the formulae.]<<<<< -- Apollyon <17:51:00/10-29-57> *****PRIVATE: Apollyon >>>>>[Grrrr. I hate needing info. +++++download: PPIV.trd ]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <17:54:57/10-29-57> *****PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[HA! HA HA!!! Yes, yes, yes! Your little tip is quite worth your request. HO HO HO! Thank you very much! You'll have the formulae by the morrow ... I need to retrieve it from the archives. ]<<<<< -- Apollyon <18:00:00/10-29-57> *****PRIVATE: Rosha >>>>>[I hope it will be... we'll have to wait until Evita gets back. I haven't spoken to her for a while (been busy alienating everyone and his dog) but she seemed confident enough about it a week or so ago.]<<<<< -- Ronin <15:54:07/10-29-57> >>>>>[I am offended that you consider that to be the only reason I backed off... it was not. And what is it with you runners that makes you think corporate black ops team members are somehow inferior to you? I've encountered that opinion several times now... some of you have obviously never played with the big boys. Naturally :P ]<<<<< -- Ronin <15:46:22/10-29-57> >>>>>[Those of us who don't have a lot of faith in corp black ops squads have that opinion for a reason. Some of us _were_ the big boys, Ronin. Just because you got caught when you tried to leave doesn't mean that the rest of us are as unskilled.]<<<<< -- Blade <22:13:13/10-29-57> ***** Private: Ratspeak >>>>>[ I hear you are a mudraker par excellence. Care to do your worst against the following people and corporations: >>name.list<< I would be willing to pay well. ]<<<<< -- Whirlwind <15:54:28/10-29-56> ***** Private: Whirlwind >>>>>[ I am flattered by your offer. Unfortunately, the first two people, Nightmare and Black Knight, have an excellent way to get back at me. While I could ruin Nightmare's situation real well, I don't think I would live long enough to enjoy it. The same goes for Scourge and his corporation. As for the rest of the list: Scarface >>encrypted<< Blitzkrieg - why bother. Kor >>encrypted<< Serenity >>encrypted<< Shadowfox - I could plant more data on him, but he is so wanted already, what would be the point. Doomsday - see Shadowfox. Sprinkler - why bother. Midnight >>encrypted<< DragonEyes - why bother. And the rest of the list could go for ... umm >>encrypted<<. 1/2 up front and it better be untraceable. ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <16:01:17/10-29-57> ***** Private: Ratspeak >>>>>[ Very well. Agreed. +++++ transfer funds: >>encrypted<< ]<<<<< -- Whirlwind <16:02:11/10-29-57> >>>>>[ I SAID UNTRACEABLE! I think the charitable organization I just sent your dirty money will be appreciative. ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <16:03:50/10-29-57> ***** Private: Ratspeak >>>>>[ We just wanted to make sure you were as good as your reputation. Here. +++++ transfer funds: >>encrypted<< ]<<<<< -- Whirlwind <16:05:20/10-29-57> ***** Not To: Ratspeak >>>>>[ Ratspeak's public announcing that he wants untraceable money can mean only one thing. He's being paid to spread trash and is willing to accept large nuYen sums to not do the assignment. It will have to be pretty large to not make him follow through. Nightmare and I read it as follows, the assignment is against somebody he respects and doesn't necessarily want to wipe the floor with their reputations. He'll charge high to do the job in the first place, probably ask for at least half up front, and then begin on the easiest targets. What it also means that if people don't offer up is that he will do the job and do it as only he can. It is, however, possible that the employer seeing the public posting will cancel the job. Be warned though, Ratspeak has never in the past felt need to drum up business for himself, so the threat is a tangible one and not some scam to make quick cash. ]<<<<< -- Black Knight <16:15:43/10-29-57> >>>>>[ Uhh .... How can you be so sure? ]<<<<< -- Ghoul <16:16:31/10-29-57> >>>>>[ ]<<<<< -- Black Knight <16:18:12/10-29-57> >>>>>[ I agree with Blades on this one. There are a lot of people here who have played either for / against / with the big bad boys in black. There are a lot of people haunting this place that could give those boys a very, very bad experience. If you don't know who those people are, I'm not about to tell you. Just be very careful on who you pick a fight with. ]<<<<< -- Midnight <16:27:44/10-29-57> ***** INTERNAL: Serenity >>>>>[Frag! Lock it up! Ice it up, and everyone go on alert!]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <23:43:50 / 10-29-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[He's probably right. The last time we had to deal with Whirlwind and his tactics, I lost a house, a best friend, and nearly my company. Im going to have to assume that he will try it again. I need either you to take point on keeping Serenity's systems up and running.]<<<<< -- Kor <23:48:12 / 10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: NB, Trixie, Kor >>>>>[I've got a front end in place. Its not going to be enough to keep Ratspeak from getting in, but if he has to skate across winter wonderland out there to get to it, it might be enough to fool him into thinking he's got pay data. Can we get Scourge to upgrade the ice past where it is right now?]<<<<< -- Priest <23:48:12 / 10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: Trixie, NB, Priest >>>>>[I dont know. He's going to be busy enough as is. We are just going to have to hold our own with what we have.]<<<<< -- Kor <23:58:19 / 10-29-57> ***** INTERNAL: Serenity >>>>>[Ratspeak doesn't even need to get this far. He can muck you through public records. Still if he raided the piggy bank and found some good stuff -- it wouldn't be pleasant. What do you want to happen to Ratspeak if Serenity is one of his targets from this unknown Johnson? Killing the messenger, while it may feel good, sure isn't going to solve the root of the problem. And it isn't going to be cost effective. (Plus you lose out of using his services in the future). A little frame told me that the longest muck attack that he has launched was a year. It cost the politician among other things, his family, his career, and he declared bankruptcy at the end of it all.]<<<<< -- Scourge <23:44:50 / 10-29-57> Matrix Security Consultant Serenity Security ***** INTERNAL: Scourge, Matrix Consultant >>>>>[You already know how I feel about Ratspeak. Im surprised you even bothered to ask other than to get me to publicly say in front of the rest of Serenity that I would just was well see Ratspeak drowning in a pool of his own blood by my hand. If you can make this happen, that would be good enough for me. As to killing the messenger: Target of oportunity.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <01:41:21 / 10-30-57> Field Officer Serenity Security >>>>>[Wells, I don't know what has happened to the others, there has been some confusion lately..... I believe the team may have been compromised.. Do not I repeat DO NOT apporach anyone under the heading Invasion Force until I can verify their identity. I have been waiting three days for a response from the team and received nothing.... I can only assume they are gone... I don't like losing.... I will need ammunition and automatic weapons, preferably Ingrams or similar, high rate of fire, accuracy not important, also I will need frag grenades and plastique. If I don't receive a response from an identifiable source from within IF.1 inside 24 hours, I'm going to take down the Chess Men. >>transfer funds<< That should be sufficient to purchase the gear I need >>include list<< thanks. It's been nice knowing you Wells. You may wish to find a deep hole to take cover in. Hell's coming for breakfast.]<<<<< -- Dark Avenger <01:59:33/30-10-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[Sorry t'hear y'r pissin the peeps off. Glad t'see y'r still breathin though. Anyway, you and Ev been hangin tight lately ... make sure she don't give you too tough a w'rkout. (smirk) (wink) Take care f'each other, willyadoe?]<<<<< -- Rosha <20:32:11/10-27-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason R Stormwind >>>>>[Uh... Hi, Jay. Yeah, well ... uhm. I kinda just met a guy who could be one you describe ... except ... ah don't see this one doing ... what was done to Cass ... I dunno ... lemme sort this out. Talk t'ya soon.]<<<<< -- Rosha <21:43:21/10-27-57> >>>>>[DA, understood. Having problems with some of my contacts here in Chicago. Nothing my brother can't handle. There maybe a slight delay on one item in the included list. Just a delay. As for Hell. That's why I'm here in Chicago; to back you up. I brought the family and our intrepid rigger of old. We refuse to hide in the hole. It's not in the blood. But if its some hole creating; we're here. I haven't heard of this Invasion Force. But I'll look into getting Loch to dig up some info. If we're contacted by a member of their team. You'll know first away.]<<<<< -- Wells < 02:46:39 / 10-30-57 > ***** PRIVATE: Dark Avenger >>>>>[You still there, DA?? I haven't heard anything for quite some time. My deck's been down for a while though, so I may have missed something.]<<<<< -- Bull <22:18:02/10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: Canis, Orion >>>>>[Let me know how your teams doing. We're gonna need to move, and soon. Things are getting a little too tight for the home team. I'm going to arrange a little more gear for the team. You need anything?]<<<<< -- Bull <22:20:41/10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: Goober >>>>>[Hey there pally, long time no talk. We made it out finally (as you can probably see), and as usual we need some gear. You still got the kinda supply you used to? Oh, and so you know this is really me... Channel-Fireball. You used that on me in the last game we played.]<<<<< -- Bull <22:24:20/10-29-57> ***** PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[BULL! Great to hear from you man! Long time no see. The wife and kids make it out ok too? How 'bout that silly shaman you keep around? Yeah, supply is not a problem. Just get me a list. And we'll discuss price later. I still owe ya one for getting my sorry ass outta Chi-Town before the bugs hit. Good to hear from ya Bull.]<<<<< -- Goober <01:19:31/10-28-57> ***** INTERNAL: Jason R. Stormwind, Field Officer >>>>>[ Before you get all blown out of shape, putting the system on passive alert with a decker or two watching over it should be overkill for defenses against even Ratspeak. Leaving it at full alert is going to be costly, even for you. Now, I recommend that if your deckers see anything strange, the immediately boost it to full, but that is their judgment call. Ratspeak may or may not be going after you. Ratspeak may have just been hired to bluff. Ratspeak may be hired to do the initial ground work and nothing more. There are a hundred what if situations as to what Ratspeak could be doing. Until you have more information, killing him will gain you nothing, and perhaps could gain you a lot of heat as well. In addition, someone maybe hoping you will play into their hands by going after Ratspeak instead of whoever is truly responsible for possibly aiming Ratspeak at you. I suspect that by the end of tonight, we will know more as to how Ratspeak is playing. Hell, Ratspeak may have just said it to stir you up and get you to spend some money. Not likely considering what Black Knight said, but within the realm of possibilities. If it comes down to having to kill Ratspeak, then we will discuss it when the time comes. Right now, despite Black Knight's words, I'm not going to do a preemptive strike against Ratspeak.]<<<<< -- Scourge <20:58:03/10-29-57> Matrix Security Consultant Serenity Security ***** PRIVATE: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>[ +++++ Message-From: Canis +++++ Subject: Picking up the pieces, err, people OK, things have been a bit busy lately, just to inform you others what we at ODIN are doing: We are right on our way to pick up Harkion (you should apologize to him when we arrive at the meeting point, Bull) and then find a place to grab Bubba to bring him to Zeus. We're on our way now... Canis ]<<<<< -- IF Mailer Daemon <10:23:12/10-30-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>[ +++++ Message-From: Canis +++++ Message-to: Bubba +++++ Subject: Meeting us Hey Bubba, sorry for the delay, we are now ready to pick you up. Can you make it to >>encrypted<< at >>encrypted<< local time, on November 1st? Canis ]<<<<< -- IF Mailer Daemon <10:26:18/10-30-57> ***** PRIVATE: Dark Avenger, Wells >>>>>[ Although I don't know you Wells, a copy of this goes to you. Handle things with care when searching for equipment, there are Scheiss buggers around Chi-Town right now, and I _don't_ mean our "friends" from inside the CZ only! Dark Avenger, HOLD IT! We are still out here, waiting for you to pop up. Team is enlarged and now operates in groups, read this: +++++ Include: Groups.txt Canis tells me to tell you he still gets that package of Luckies, if you still need an ID from us. You should really not support that habbit *grin* ]<<<<< -- Orion <10:38:20/10-30-57> *****PRIVATE: Invasion_force.1 >>>>>[DA! It's OK. Things have been a bit quiet because I'm studying this tape of Bulls, and the rest are just sitting tight. I'm beginning to dislike what I find in the vid. Come home if you can, we need to talk.....]<<<<< -- Inferno <11:50:23 GMT/29.OCT.57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>[Quickstep i need to get in touch with you about team Heimdall things have been happening that i need help on respond Asap. Smudge ]<<<<< -- IF Mailer Daemon <12:17:34/10-30-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[You been pretty busy lately. What happened in Chicago? You mentioned something about having to get in the Containment zone.]<<<<< -- Lyting <04:50:10/10-30-57> *****Private:Bull >>>>>[Hello there, I hear you need some people to go into the CZ with you. Hopefully I am not too late as I just recently got back from there myself. Consider me applying for any open positions for a Physical adept or front-line fighter. If i missed my window of oportunity, forget I mentioned intrest.]<<<<< -- Wolfen <09:31:12/10-30-57> *****Private:Shifters >>>>>[Well, I replied, hopefully I'm not too late. Wouldn't do to have L pissed at us like that. Anyone up for tailing them in and helping them from a distance? Assistance in there is going to be helpful, but hey, who knows.]<<<<< -- Wolfen <09:34:13/10-30-57> >>>>>[ I didn't say that was the only reason that you backed off, only that you made a wise choice. Read into it what you will. If you require satisfaction, I will be more than happy to oblige you. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <09:36:27/10-30-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ Yeah, EMP is what is a side effect of a nuclear detonation. The more I think about it though, the less likely that it is to have the effect that I was hoping for on him. Sure, it will slow him down, but it wouldn't create the widescale overload of his systems that I was hoping for. Most military cyberware is likely to be shielded against EM emissions, so I'm going to have to pump the force of the spell into the stratosphere to get past it. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <09:36:23/10-30-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ No shit. Don't forget who bought the house right before it blew up. Oh, and there's the arm that I lost, and what he tried to do to Tris. No holding back on this fragger this time. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <09:40:12/10-30-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor, Serenity Deckers >>>>>[ Buy the fragger off, hire some outside talent to stand in his way, or make him too busy running for his life to be worried about fragging with us. Flux leaps to mind on the second option, and I really wish Dark Angel was still around. Dammit, we don't have time to sit around waiting to block an attack that may never come. Until we come up with something else, I'm going to run overwatch on the systems. I've been kinda curious to see if this fragger is really any good. Suggestions? ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <09:43:40/10-30-57> >>>>>[Ronin, lighten up a little, will you? Some of us used to be corporate black-ops. Some here still are. Others are government agents now. A lot of the people on this net _are_ the "big boys" you talk about playing with. Maybe the opinion comes about because we usually beat the corporate Black Teams? They do have a distressing tendency to consider spiffy black fatigues and the very latest version of the HK227 (especially if it has any nickel plating to make it look "really wiz") more useful than proper training. Others, I might add, pose serious threats when you oppose them. Don't take on Leopard Guard casually.]<<<<< -- Lynch <17:46:41/10-30-57> >>>>>[ Greetings, denizens. I am amazed it took so long to arrive, but I just received a courier package. After making sure it wasn't a bomb, we opened it. It's a list of demands. Some are within our capabilities to meet and others are not. They are rather steep. The demands are: 1) Whirlwind's friend in prison broken out and released in a manner that will guarantee a long life and not an immediate trip back to the slammer. 2) The Wanderer gift-wrapped and alive to be turned over to him. 3) And lastly, Doomsday dead, but body intact for purposes of identification. He is planning to use the bone lacing as one of the identifiers. In exchange, he will: A) Pay the expenses (Medical and equipment based on real-time footage) but not wages involved in freeing his friend. B) Save the children that the Wanderer was after from ever being threatened again (at least from the Wanderer). and C) Free his so far unharmed hostages. ]<<<<< -- Nightmare <12:19:15/10-30-57> ***** Private: Ratspeak >>>>>[ Ratspeak, you aren't reneging on our deal are you? ]<<<<< -- Black Knight <12:20:07/10-30-57> ***** Private: Black Knight >>>>>[ Errrm... No. Hmmm. +++++ long idle pause +++++ It appears that a certain person has added resources to all of his targets. Especially to the ones I outright refused on. I am amused. I shall offer you proof, by limiting the damage they cause you and providing you with a list of deckers who are involved in going after you. His other targets are fair game, and I expect that I was the only one hired directly. ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <12:24:06/10-30-57> ***** Private: Sprinkler >>>>>[ Hate to be a party spoiler, but you might want to check on those brats Doomsday save a while ago. ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <12:33:08/10-39-57> ***** PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[Hiya Bull... What in the name of flaming Moses has been going on up there?? I leave Inferno in charge, find out second hand that some lunatic is screaming across the Matrix and employing people from all over the UCAS, for some hairbrained attack on the CZ???? Whadafuckisappenin. Where the hell is Inferno? If your deck went down for a while I can understand some of the silence from you people, but not from Orion and Canis. Are they still with you? And if not where the hell are they? How are the family, kids still OK, and how's your arm, and where the bleeding hell are you? Right that should be enough for now. One thing though. You have a traitor somewhere in IF-1. I've been set up, and the team I took down, knew *precisely* were to look for you. I can't if it's any of your people, you know them best, but here me now... If I find out who it is, their life will be EXTREMELY unpleasant, and short. For what it's worth I may have an angle on the opposition, I'm still awaiting confirmation. But I would suggest you strongly consider getting your family out of Chicago. NOW. Before these people get a handle on you again. If you need assistance in leaving the city let me know and I'll try to get to you, I have an idea that may work.]<<<<< -- Dark Avenger <19:00:18/10-30-57> ***** Private: Serenity Deckers >>>>>[ Ugly. Pure and utterly ugly. I suspect Ratspeak was just used as a lure. You just had a decker get stomped at the gate of your node. I just discovered a small weakness they may be able to eventually exploit. If they can figure out the identities for getting in but get the entry process only somewhat wrong, a decker gets notified, but the wrong person doesn't get booted from the system. Between the time the decker gets notified and gets to the node in question, the decker, if he is real good, can skate the first node. (This analysis was done on a non-alert system that I developed for someone else.) I won't go into how you exploit this deficiency. But if you see what looks like a hung user that failed to login. You might want to kick the system up to full alert (system load should dump the hung user) and carefully scan adjacent nodes. With your setup, and typical response times, if they are real good they could be two away. More likely they are next node. To be safe, I would station a frame in the nodes you think it is reasonable that they might have reached. Assuming you don't find them, scan thoroughly through your system, leaving the frames there to look for any unusual activity. We should have a fix for this deficiency by the COB Thursday if not sooner. Depends on how long it takes to regression test it. We want to use Thursday for each of us to take a crack at skating the ice at each of the alert levels. ]<<<<< -- Scourge <13:05:53/10-30-57> ***** PRIVATE: Canis, Orion >>>>>>[Thank God somebody's still awake out there... I've been trying for three days to get through to you people, where the frag are you all. I checked the last safe house, but there was no sign. Did Gates get through to you, he says he did, but you know these finicky Deckers... They don't like to admit failure. And what the blue blazes have you people been doing, One of my contacts mentioned that you people have been recruiting from all over the damn UCAS, have you all gone completely insane??? Do you have any idea of who you have with you? I would STRONGLY recommend you run a full matrix check on whoever you've brought in, and make sure you've got who they say they are. My god, what smartarse nutcase son of a dodo decided to scream across the matrix like that?.... Don't worry about Wells, he's a pro and has operated here in some worse hell holes than Chicago. He can be trusted implicitly, I personally will vouch for him. His contacts will be secure. Thanks for the groups list, I'm beginning to understand why I got jumped now... I don't know know who it is but you have an informant in the team, someone set me up. My people got badly hurt. I could do with some reinforcements, and a Mage... But make sure they're clean before you suggest someone. I'll stay out here and keep an eye on our *friends*... I have managed to track them to an area, and have been watching the building for some days now, they are busy little people. And we have some serious opposition on our hands. Orion, I'll support any habit of Canis, just so long as his habits don't affect my health, by the way, ask Canis to let me know which scotch he prefers, I seem to have "forgotten".]<<<<< -- Dark Avenger <18:48:53/10-30-57> ***** INTERNAL: Serenity Deckers >>>>>[Go to full matrix alert. K, you've got a physical team with astral recon at your beck and call. If you get any twinge, send them out to wipe the floor with whoever caused it. Im going to set up house and keep and eye on things. Merrox, be ready to drop us off the matrix at main access point if asked.]<<<<< -- Priest <20:27:16 / 10-30-57> Field Officer Serenity Security ***** INTERNAL: Serenity Deckers >>>>>[Persistant little fragger's arent they?]<<<<< -- Tristiana <20:29:19 / 10-30-57> ***** PRIVATE: Dark Avenger >>>>>[DA! You're alive?? We'd feared the worst when we lost contact with ya. Things have gone to shit over here on our end. I'm barely keepin' my head above water, but here's what I can tell you to bring you up to date. First off, I've been shot at more since I got out of Chicago than when I was there. I'm beginning to think the bugs were sfaer. Someone's hot on our asses for some reason, and I don't quite know why yet. My deck went down with a virus, serious bugs in the hardware, know what I mean? Took me forever to fraggin' clean it out. Here, load this into any deck or comp youj're using to access the matrix. It'll help you avoid contracting Matrix VD. +++++Download Lysol.exe That's the newest version of the virus killer that I got. It should help ya stay clean and fresh. Ok, well, the screaming lunatic was me, but we weren't really screaming. I just put out an ad for some more help. We've been a bit selective about who we hire, and it's looking good so far. Im currently awaiting reports from Canis and Orion so I can figure out just what our team roster looks like. As for attacking teh CZ, well, that's been discussed, but I don't think that's happening. We do need to gewt out of Chicago. We're running out of hidey hole's fast. We've gotten as much talent as possible from teh area and are planning to bust out of here, maybe make for Seattle first. Inferno's here, and keeping thing's organized out i the real world, while I've been playing tag with my hardware, and some nasty little corp deckers using some silly Chess theme for handles. They're pretty good. We all thought you were dead, dude, before I lost contact with the matrix. After that we were pretty much avoiding the 'trix till I found a way to defeat that virus program. Family and kids are fine, just a little scared. We're all a little jumpy lately. Stands with a Fist is starting to flake a little. She's seeing bugs everywhere. We are still in Chicago, at >>encrypted<<. This is not our safe house, but is a safe spot to meet, and we have someone watching it 24-7. I'm a little touchy about revealing the real location cause our encrypts have been blown several times. Did you ever get the IF mailer I sent to ya? If not, have your buddy Gates set up something like this: +++++Download IF_Mailer_Plans It should allow us all to communicate easier. Orion and Canis are nearby. They've been doing most of the hiring, so far. They're doing a great job. Hmmm, we have a traitor, eh? That's not good. Any clues to who it could be? I'm gonna have to trust Inferno and Canis at the moment, so I'll inform them, as well as Johnny. I'll keep everyone else in the dark for now. Maybe we can find a way to expose the traitor. We're planning to move out of the city by the end of the week. What's your plan? We may have the manpower to pull it off now. Glad to have ya back, buddy. ]<<<<< -- Bull <18:23:38/10-30-57> ***** PRIVATE: Inavsion_Force.1 >>>>>[Ok everone, we've got the prelim interviews and meetings out of the way, i think. Can everyone please check in, let us know your current location, and what team you're on. We need to get things set up, and we need to move soon. I've been in touch with DA, and I'm glad to say he's still alive, but not in great shape.]<<<<< -- Bull <18:27:10/10-30-57> ***** PRIVATE: Canis, Orion >>>>>[Guys, I need to get a team roster from you. Also, i've been in touch with my Armourer friend, and need to know what equipment we need.]<<<<< -- Bull <18:30:25/10-30-57> *****PRIVATE: Minx, Hamish >>>>>[I'm yet to hear from this elusive Bull. Can either of you two get me in touch with someone? I'm not exactly running short of money, but it's getting kind of boring around here lately.]<<<<< -- Turbo <1:04:25 GMT/31-10-57> >>>>>[ Looking for a good pirate trid station running out of Seattle. Anyone know of one? ]<<<<< -- Shadowfox <16:22:05/10-30-57> >>>>>[ I'm curious. For a small fee, I'll find you one. Will take some time though. Got some other things that demand immediate attention. ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <16:23:01/10-30-57> >>>>>[ Well, time is of the essence, because I will soon be leaving this lovely city for a climate more suited to killing. Debating on where to go for a vacation this year.... any suggestions? ]<<<<< -- Shadowfox <16:24:26/10-30-57> >>>>>[ Everglades. ]<<<<< -- Ghoul <16:25:06/10-30-57> ***** PRIVATE: Wolfen >>>>>[Hello there. We currently have several teams in place for an operation that we are implementing. Let me know what your qualifications are, and what you can do, and I'll talk it over with the other team leaders and see if we need any more operatives. We just might, as things could get heavy.]<<<<< -- Bull <19:39:14/10-30-57> *****PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[In case it is not specifically clear to you, it would be in your best interests to maintain confidentiality. I do not appreciate being threatened even in jest. Please, do not make me doubt the judgement of my associate who recommended you services to me. If your follow-up information is useful, expect to be remunerated well in excess of your first payment. Additionally, if I consider your work professional, as you will be able to tell by the final payment, you may consider me as a source of information of a technical nature. And since this banter amuses me: If you believe in Clarke's law, the answer to you parting question would be yes.]<<<<< -- Hephaestus <17:08:34/10-29-57> *****PRIVATE: Inavsion_Force.1 >>>>>[I'm in Calumet City and apparently I'm in Team Loki. But I wish someone would tell me what's happening because this place is boring and I thought we were going to do something _exciting_.]<<<<< -- Stephanie <00:40:31/10-31-57> *****PRIVATE: Inavsion_Force.1 >>>>>[Sorry Steph. i've had a few probs with the matrix lately, so taht's why things have been quiet. We're getting our plans together and will be moving soon. I think you'll be pleased to know you'll probably get the chance to blow up quite a few things. Can you head to >>encrypted<>encrypted<>double encrypted phrase<<. Meet us tomorrow at the safe house. your input in our plans is welcomed, and you can meet the leader of team Loki.]<<<<< -- Bull <21:15:52/10-30-57> *****PRIVATE: Jarman >>>>>[Unfortunately Matrix Jockey and I were unable to locate the person you were seeking. It has been several weeks, so we broke chase. Likely the decline payment. I feel it would be a crime to...deprive you of funds not well spent. Later.]<<<<< -- Forte <21:55:21/10-30-57> *****PRIVATE: Hephaestus >>>>>[whoa. Settle down, big guy! No one was threatening anyone ... I was merely explaining the base procedures of our transactions. Whether you think I am professional or not, whether you question my recommender's judgment or not, these are items that do not concern me. As to 'my best interests', well, that could be construed as a threat. But I think you would find I'm a little more than difficult to ... remove. However, I do not intend to challenge your ability or your willingness to take such action. I am continuing my inquiries into your subjects. I hope the information I have provided you has been of some help (though it sounds as if it has been of relatively little, unfortunately). Since you do 'have' armor and sword, it don't take it such items might be for sale. In any case, you have piqued my curiosity regarding said 'technical information' you could offer me. Perhaps an indicator/sample could be included with your next mail.]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <22:07:55/10-30-57> *****PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[Here you are. +++++datatransfer: Archive_5723EL.txt Enjoy.]<<<<< -- Apollyon <22:10:00/10-30-57> *****PRIVATE: Griffin >>>>>[Here is a spell formula for the effect you requested. +++++download: scrambler.txt I believe I made the 24 hour deadline? (smile)]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <22:13:21/10-30-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason R Stormwind >>>>>[I have acquired the recording. Are you interested?]<<<<< -- InfoScholar <22:13:22/10-30-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion Force Internal Email >>>>>[ +++++ Message-From: Bubba +++++ Message-to: Canis +++++ Subject: Meeting y'all Why do y'all wanna meeet me at thet lil' diner on November 1st? There's plenty a room here at the farm. Oh, by thuh way. There was a lady here today lookin' fer someone named Dark Avenger er sumpin'? Do you know anybody by thet name? She shore was a purty lady. She said she was from Chicago. Ain't thet where Bull is from? Maybe he knows her? I think she said her name was Adeline? Or maybe it was Adrian? Oh well. Shore, I cain meet y'all, just send me a map so's I don't get lost in the big city. Bubba ]<<<<< -- IF Mailer Daemon <03:11:11/10-30-57> *****PRIVATE: Lyting >>>>>[Busy? Yeah... what a week that was. I'd tell you all about it over a drink or lots, but I have to go to CalFree now... here's all the mail that went around about it... +++++Include all the messages about the Ronin-Possession-Chicago thing That should describe everything that happened.]<<<<< -- Ronin <21:04:50/10-30-57> *****PRIVATE: Rosha >>>>>[I've decided to give up dignifying their comments with answers, maybe that'll work. And I haven't seen or heard from Evita for a while, I'm starting to worry. Maybe something went wrong in CalFree... I think I'll go down there and see what I can see. Be back soon, I hope. Damn, this means I'll probably miss the Samhain thing... no meeting all those obnoxious people in the flesh.]<<<<< -- Ronin <20:53:40/10-30-57> *****PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[Yeah I'm alive. Why, Surprised??? As for shot at more times out than in the CZ, I don't find that particularly shocking... You seem to have upset a *lot* of powerful people Bull... I'm kinda curious as to what the hell you're carrying that's so important to them. But that's for later. As for your recruitment drive, you employ 20+ people from Chicago and Seattle, and then wonder why you're chased from here to doomsday... Give me a break! You have made more noise in one week the VITAS has in all its incarnations... People from fraggin' Europe heard you! Jeez... I'm not convinced your deck went down from a virus, I reckon it was worn out with all the chatter you had to have been making with all these damn applicants. Ye gods man, where on earth was your mind when you were doing this.... You wanted out of the CZ, and then you put the whole thing at risk... I ought to kick your ass from here to next Sunday, except your a bit bigger than I am and I'll probably just break my foot on that iron arse of yours. I've got a full employment list from Canis... wherever the hell he is... and Gates is running it now, hopefully the snake in the grass will be found shortly. Preliminary suggestions on team deployment: Zeus Odin Thor Loki Heimdall Once Gates has finished checking these _people_ you've picked up I'll talk to you, Inferno and Canis about assigning them to the teams. And if you so much as point one offensive finger in the direction of the CZ, I'll break it off and shove it so far up your arse you'll be able to pick your nose with it. I have a possible route for us out of Chicago asum....*&*%^T$*%^we 908^^%R$*(" +++++trace detected +++++IC detected +++++engage countermeasures +++++active.. .. .. +++++engage relocate What the)&*%*$$ +++++Autodump...... ]<<<<< -- D(^&*%$ <04:05:34/10-31-57> >>>>>[DA?]<<<<< -- Bull <04:06:29/10-31-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[ Since obviously not all of us are having Bull's wonderful EMailer, we go the old way now... *sigh* I just tuned in the Decker for HEIMDAL, Quickstep. From what _I_ can tell, he's verdammt gut in what he does, I for one wouldn't want to fight it out with him. I'd win, of course, but it'd be a close one... Well, see my summary (Drek! I thought I was on this as a Decker, not an accountant!) +++++ Begin Download: RunLog3010.mov The picture is moving incredible fast through a tunnel where water drips down the walls. It takes you a moment to realize this is actually a computer-generated scene, but the horsepower on this host must benchmark in the High Red areas at least. Orion's voice informs you "The ones who are good enough will know which virtual meeting place we met at. I will pass all the code sequences so no newbie will stumble in and get toasted. The picture switches into a big, virtual cave. A human looking Persona is in the center. It wears a long coat and leather clothes. Thre are red flames burning around its pupils, and whenever it moves, there appear motion blurrs. Orion interrupts again: "At first I thought my deck was acting up again, but this blurr effect is printed into QuickStep's MPCP. Impressive he can keep it up within the doomcave. "I will not repeat the whole meeting here, just a few highlights." There is another break, and QuickStep's persona seems to answer a question right now. "...ork, but I've no clue what's going on. Same for Bugs. I heard some rumours, but I don't have any ideas about their capabilities, just what the street says." Orion: "Why do you mention bugs... I realise we're in Chicago and the CZ is only a couple of klicks away, but..." QS: "Because I'm not stupid, you're here, you're hiring, only means you intend doing something here, bugs are here, hey... I can add up." A short burst of static... O: "As do others.... Deckers we have, what makes you any different?" QS: "I'm used to working with the military, so I know their command structure, I know how their minds work, and what they are likely to do. Als..." Another burst of static. O: "What would you say why we could trust you?" QS: "Trust me? Hey, my meatbody will be in the safe house, too. So, I might get away with a betrayal in the matrix, but do you really believe I would try anything stupid when my meatbod is actually hostage to you?" +++++ EOF +++++ Done Downloading: RunLog3010.mov I checked QuickStep's reputation with some... friends in Seattle, and by all I could find out, he's ok. Can we find a secure way to send the EMailers to Seattle? What about 'Secure Transports Inc.'? I heared they are quite good, someone infos there? I asked QuickStep to find a safehouse in Seattle and contact the rest of HEIMDAL. From there on, they should be able to secure at least one place on their own. ]<<<<< -- Orion <11:07:07/10-30-57> *****PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[Smudge, if you need my help, here I am. I think it is high time that we get down to serious preparations. Therefore, I would suggest that all of us who are members of the team Heimdall so far meet as soon as possible. Thorn, Trouveur, do you read this? If I don't get a reply from you in the next 24 hours I will contact you again via private Email. So if you don't read this, don't worry. I would recommend that we meet at the Banshee (1267 163rd Avenue, Redmond) sometime tomorrow time. Please contact me in regards to the exact time of the meet. I arranged for a private room in the back and took care of the security and privacy. I'm looking forward to hear from you.]<<<<< -- QuickStep <12:17:34/10-31-57> *****PRIVATE: Ronin >>>>>[Looks like you had a great deal of fun. I hope you enjoy your vacation in Cal Free.]<<<<< -- Lyting <04:24:58/10-31-57> ***** PRIVATE: InfoScholar >>>>>[ Indeed you did. +++++ initiate credit transfer = amount: >>encrypted<< / dest: >>encrypted<< +++++ confirm? [y/N] y ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <10:00:19/10-31-57> ***** INTERNAL: Serenity Security: Mages >>>>>[ I received delivery of an EMP type spell and I'm preparing to test it. The formula has been entered into the database. [ #SS2349/EMP ] I'll let everyone know the results as soon as I test it. Be forewarned however, that the drain on this puppy looks quite nasty, and is likely to be physical damage from what I can tell so far. It takes a lot of juice to cast this one. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <10:05:07/10-31-57> ***** Private: Shadowfox >>>>>[ The best pirate unit I could find in Seattle is currently located at: >>encrypted<<. I think they will be moving soon. ]<<<<< -- Scourge <08:36:32/10-31-57> ***** Private: Scourge, Shadowfox, Black Knight >>>>>[ Okay guys. Looks like you are turning into 0 for the century here. Someone has gone through the trouble of kidnapping all the kids Doomsday put up for adoption save for the two in Seattle. Apparently, every single kidnapping happened apparently two nights ago. Every single one was a hot zone. The police think that two different groups were trying to take the children in question. The police haven't figured out anything that the children have in common save for the fact that they are orks and trolls. It is very hard to say which side got which children. Of all the luck of things, the first kidnapping happened in Boston. Naturally, tensions are still strained there. ]<<<<< -- Sprinkler <08:40:23/10-31-57> ***** Private: Scourge, Sprinkler, Black Knight >>>>>[ Thanks for the info, Scourge and Sprinkler. I'll check out the unit first and then check on the kids. I have a sinking feeling I know what I will find. I will take Blitzkrieg for backup on this one. If Puppet wasn't preparing for something else, I would ask her to run cover as well, but that would put something else at risk. ]<<<<< -- Shadowfox <08:42:50/10-31-57> ***** Private: Midnight, Shields >>>>>[ Hey Shields, I was wondering if you would be willing to cover some expenses that I'm about to have to try and give you a helping hand on what you are working on. What I'm planning to buy is: +++++ include shopping.list I expect it will cost >>encrypted<< to get the stuff. Ask Midnight for the details of why. I've got to go, because my lead on a place to pick up this equipment won't last long, and I desperately need to check out something else.]<<<<< -- Shadowfox <08:43:32/10-31-57> ***** PRIVATE: Flux >>>>>[ I need your help. Double your normal rate, but I need you to get your ass to the Serenity HQ ASAP. Someone will be waiting for you to bring you to the safehouse that we're working from. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <11:12:05/10-31-57> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[ Double? You've got my undivided attention. I'm on the way. ]<<<<< -- Flux <**:**:**/**-**-**> ***** INTERNAL: Serenity Mages >>>>>[Let me know if you need me to run back up for you. Actually, once you've got it down, are you willing to run a seminar for the rest of us so you can teach us how to cast it? I've already taken my own advice, but Im going to pass this along again just incase some of you missed it -- CARRY APDS. In the unlikely event that you are completely shut down and unable to affect it with spells, shoot the frag out of it. I've done a little research and head shots will do the most damage to the over all system, but blowing a knee out will slow it down a bit. Dont forget sensory deprivation spells. If it works on cameras, it will probably work on it. I've just spent a little time re-acquainting myself with Chaotic World. Ultra sound will still defeat this, but you can alway stack some ultrasound scrambing spells on top of that.]<<<<< -- Jason R. Stormwind <16:38:44 / 10-31-57> Field Officer Serenity Security >>>>>[Damn talkative bunch aren't, ya? Gonna hafta tell a couple of ya ta shut up, so I can get a word in edgewise. Am I the only one who notices that this place is pretty barren? Then how come there's always stuff flyin' through here? Is there really that much encrypted, eyes-only stuff up there? Hell, does anybody even wo- +++++ signal alteration +++++ continue (y/n): y Whiney little bastard isn't he? I'm gonna hafta do something about that, since it looks like I'm stuck with him. Anyway, felonious fellows, life, or should I say "death" (damn, I _kill_ me!!!) lesson time. Back when I was kid, long, long ago, in a place not so far away, people used to have bumperstickers that said "Life's a Bitch". Well, they were wrong. Life's a blast, Death's a Bitch. Trust me, I know. Forget all the bullshit near-death experiences you hear about. They're just oxygen-depletion induced hallucinations. There's no light, no out of body drek, no dead friends and relatives beckoning you forward, nada. Hell, with all of my dead friends and relatives I'd be a pretty damn busy spectre. Too many people that hold grudges. I figured that it might be fun for a while, scaring people, hanging around in women's locker rooms, you know. Well, Red and his Heads- Will-Roll bunch (pretty damn ironic if you ask me) sorta took all the fun out of haunting people, and the locker rooms, no body to enjoy it with. And people have no damn respect for the dead. I'm getting hip- checked all the time by meatbodies. Hey, spellchuckers, ever get bumped in a crowded room? I don't think I'll ever be able to play pinball again... well, besides for the obvious reasons. I got bumped into this kid, hell if I know why I didn't bounce off of him, too. Seems he's he only one I can take over, too. Damn. Yeah, Death sucks. I'll now return you to your regularly scheduled whine. And would you like some cheese, sir? +++++ signal alteration +++++ continue (y/n): y -rk around here? What the hell, are all of you just rich kids with trust funds and so you're slumming with the shadowtrash? I always heard the shadows are darker here in the Tir, I guess they're right.]<<<<< -- Poppa Chubby (12:!5:00 / 10-31-57) ***** PRIVATE: Kor, Griffyn, GoD >>>>>[ Did you two just see that? Gawd, that sounded like Freddy .. it would be just like him to not really be dead .. and to not let anyone know it. Is this possible? You spellchuckers ever seen anything like what he's babbling about? ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher ***** PRIVATE: GoD, Griffyn >>>>>[See what? My filters are cranked up so high I dont see much of anything these days unless its directed at me (Thanks, guys, I DO really appreciate not having to see most of the dreck that finds its way here). Freddy? Alive? Unlikely.]<<<<< -- Kor <19:01:13 / 10-31-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[ OK, just to inform you all: We picked up Harkion. He's... er... a bit older then I thought he would be, you'll see when we meet. Bull, here's one character that had a look at your EMailer and nearly instantly made as suggestion how to make it more secure, see this file from him: +++++ Include: Harkion1.txt And what he's got on 'ware you wouldn't believe. This man is a walking laboratory when it comes to gathering and processing data. I wish I could build him into my deck *grin* And wether you believe it or not, he has an allround-talent he calls his "Lab Assistant". Well, yeah... but I think I've heared the name already - not on a job schedule when seeking Lab Assistants myself, mind you. He's called Nodoze. An Elf. We'll bring him along, Canis said they all were truthfully answering our questions and we could trust 'em, and who am I to disagree with a shaman *grin* (Boy am I happy Canis can't read this :-) Um... and although H. is of an ... older generation, Marvin is not. He'll be with us, I woun't tell you now, you wouldn't believe. Just make sure you all have a seat when we arrive - I nearly droped dead from astonishment. Oh, yeah, the meet. Went down smoothly, not a single problem. Everything professional as you would want, although I don't understand why Harkion would want to run the shadows, but Hey, i woun't complain! But with such a lab he could even... ]<<<<< -- Orion <19:30:18/10-31-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[ Um, I didn't want to say it that clear, but this Harkion chap is REALLY old. I though he was in the early-fifties, but Canis said he'd be older, about early sixties or above. And again, who am I to... *grin*]<<<<< -- Orion <19:32:57/10-31-57> ***** PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[ Orion, yare wrong. By now I know how to reach my Mail even without you, old chap. Watch your tongue, or it might become a worm... or worse. *grin* ]<<<<< -- Canis <19:48:47/10-31-57> ***** PRIVATE: Dark Avenger >>>>>[ Hey DA, my "scotch" is any Highland Malt (non-syth, of course) from before 2005 - you know I still bet they starting mixing synthetic alc into it about then. Glenfiddich or Glen Morangie will do fine, thanx (you mean there might be a bonus to my "standart payment"? *grin*) What do you mean, an infiltrator? I know of one possible, called Bubba, but we haven't even included with the team right now, will pick him up soon. He's no suspicious matrix entries, seems to be a farmer from the south, but seems to have had contact to bugs and contacted us on a priviously thought-of secure dataline. We will see about him... When were you jumped? This might point us to who is the infiltrator more clearly. Personally, I checked the people we kept up, and you know (should know *grin*) I can tell quite good if people are telling me the truth. Plus, Orion did an extensive Matrix search on each of the people we picked up (Stephanie, Hamish, Minx, Harkion, and Nodoze) and turned up Null suspicious facts - or, to be more correct, many suspicious, but Null dangerous for us. How are you? Wounded? I offer the whoile team ODIN to your support if you need it, right after we picked up Bubba. we need to have an eye on him (or at least get that EMailer back). How are you? How's your team? And - do you still have the habbit of drinking the first glass of each bottle you hand out? ]<<<<< -- Canis <19:46:47/10-31-57> ***** PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[ Just look .. I don't believe it either, but damn, it sounds like him: +++++ include: poppa_chubby.msg ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <14:20:34/10-31-57> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher, GoD, Griffyn >>>>>[Ok, Ill admit that it DOES sound like him. BUT, and this is the big part, that could only be because I've been thinking about him a lot lately AND you prejudiced me towards thinking it might be him. With all the stuff we've got going on right now, its no wonder we arent all seeing ghosts, today of all days.]<<<<< -- Kor <19:23:26 / 10-31-57> ***** PRIVATE: Rumormonger >>>>>[ Hey Rumormonger, I need some information about the guy who keeps posting under the name 'Poppa Chubby' .. what'll it cost me to have you do a background check on him? I'd do it myself, but I'm busy at the moment. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <14:33:00/10-31-57> ***** Private: Neuron Basher >>>>>[500 =Y= an hour plus expenses, five hour minimum. Damages might get expensive, though. He mentioned he was a runner from the Tir, remember that.]<<<<< -- Rumormonger *****PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[I don't know if any (&(&%^T$%" will get th*^ I ^%^$%((* Shit... OK, I don't know if anyone's listening, but we got hit hard, don't know where they came from, something *wierd* in the Matrix.. *^$%%$"&*( hard time..&(&^%$ Awww to hell with this... +++++Loading maint patch 01/D.fix +++++Engage countermeasures +++++Engage frame: simulacra +++++Uploading file Vidcomp RV4/th-3.hqx +++++1.3mp corrupted *&^(%$_"()"&!... +++++Internal headset tight beam trans: Sound file Tr2a7.snd "DA!!! DA!!! Gates whathe hell 'appen. O.. kare wa kizutsuku.." "Godamm it Shado speak English!!" "He hurt you fuck! What you do him?!!" "Nothin', oh jeez... Shado drive... get us the hell outta here! I've got me a decker to kill!" "Kichigai!" "Just fraggin' drive woman!.. Oh shit where's the damn medkit." +++++End Soundfile Tr2a7.snd &*(%Tv ...//..**&() .vid +++++End upload: file Vidcomp RV4/th-3.hqx Deck's a bit screwed... **(_)% We're OK, something wierd here tho' it looked *&^R%$&&*&* .. I got the bastard. Tell all the Jockeys if they play in the Matrix, to play in pairs... There's something *bad* in here, real bad. DA should be OK *(&^) 29(*&"_) you later, he took the dump bad is all. +++++Report: Simulacra - destroyed. Uhoh... We are mobile at present should be at >>location<< in... 2 hours. Will await contact there. I should bave Bull box built by then. Gotta go, they're damn hot up her... +++++IC detected +++++Persona detected +++++Identifying... ... ... +++++Identify - failed Aw hell here we go again... +++++Loading Shield +++++Loading Dragoon Watch yourselves people. C'mon you sonofabitch, eat this!]<<<<< -- Gates <12:14:07/31-10-57> ***** PRIVATE: Rumormonger >>>>>[ Do it .. I'll pay expenses as long as you don't do something stupid to incur them. Here's an advance to get you started: +++++ shadow transfer: 5,000 =Y= ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <15:34:59/10-31-57> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[Someone should be there to relieve you shortly. Im heading out to the party shortly. Since things have changed, Im going to have to carry to the party. I dont think Val will have a problem with me parking my bike there so I can leave my side arm there just incase something happens. Ill be on >>frequency<< unless Val's people ask me to remove my ear piece.]<<<<< -- Kor <20:51:06 / 10-31-57> ***** PRIVATE: Bull >>>>>[ Sorry for the delay, Bull. Canis said he send the info to you, but hit some wrong keys I never knew i had on my deck and the message tried to include itself recursivly. When I found out, it was a) late, and b) a hell of work to get that loop broken and the Mps free again. I tell you: Never let a magic user touch your deck! Well, here's what you need: +++++ Include: Group.txt +++++ Include: Hamish_Summary.mov +++++ Include: Harkion_Summary.mov +++++ Include: Minx_Summary.mov As you will notice, the results of my digging in the 'trix is already included, as are Canis' statements on how trustworthy he considers them. He did some kind of Zauberspruch, don't ask me. What we need is not much: About six or eight tactical, headset radios with scrambler rated at least at benchmark 6, better eight or above, Four or five SMGs. Half of them Smarted, the rest with Lasersights. One or two assault rifles. These are not neccessary, but might be handy in case we really need to help DA. Whatever you can get of grenades, Frag, Smoke, whatever. Oh, and Canis asks for several rounds of these custom Barret ammo if available. Heck, he and his toys... ]<<<<< -- Orion <20:40:41/10-31-57> *****PRIVATE: Bull, Orion >>>>>[Now, gentelmen, I am confused. First I was under the impression that I would be meeting Bull. Then, after a long pause, whilst your deck was down, Orion contacted me for a meet. Which is it going to be? If one of you would explain it, I would appreciate it.]<<<<< -Harkion <16:35:49/10-31-57> ***** PRIVATE : Dark Avenger >>>>>[DA; My twin brother Scorpius should be contacting us concerning the shipment delay.]<<<<< -- Wells < 21:02:25 / 10-31-57 > ***** PRIVATE : Dark Avenger; Wells >>>>>[Gentlemen, the problems with previously mentioned gear has been solved. The delay was of a cosmetic nature. The blemish has been washed clean. DA; Trinity Company is ready for a local meet. Please transmit location to either Wells; Loch or myself and we will group within one hour after your message. Wells; Loch has contacted various sources privy to local buzz. The Invasion Force 1 was originally an extraction team assembled for the welfare of "Bull" and his family from the CZ. They were doing serious hiring for a short period. Recommend we wait for DA's clear; and surface.]<<<<< -- Scorpius < 21:15:15 / 10-31-96 > *****PRIVATE: Invasion_Force.1 >>>>>[That's okay Mr Bull. I couldn't bring much explosive, but I did manage to get some of my other stuff with me and I can do spells on anything that doesn't follow SOP for machine gun fire. Standard Operating Procedure for me machine-gunning you is to fall down dead spurting blood _everywhere_, as if you couldn't guess. My fath^H^H^H^H my instructor taught me to be a pretty good shot, for things that magic doesn't work very well with. "If you can't shoot it, spell it, blow it up or stab it, say sorry and salute it..." Anyway, I'll see you there. And I won't bring any of the _big_ guns unless you really think we'll need them, but I heard if you have to bring a FN MAG-5 to a team meeting you really need a new team, so I won't. It's a nice FN, though. It's my cupola gun from George.]<<<<< -- Stephanie <02:10:12/01-11-57> ***** Private: Ratspeak >>>>>[I'll assume you will have more info than what I have. Someone just tried to scrag Serenity's hq real bad. There is some other stuff that seems to be happening as well. Any details? After digging around for a while, Puppet found out that the hit-team might have been sponsored by LSS. The way she said it, they were pissed about what Serenity is up to. It doesn't quite ring though. They wouldn't risk an escalating war with Serenity. Too much bad press. ]<<<<< -- Sprinkler <22:25:32/10-31-57> >>>>>[ Well it looks like Seattle is on its way to trying to match Devil's Night in Detroit.... Well ... sort of. First off, let me say, its been an interesting evening. Unfortunately, I have live footage of almost none of it. Sigh. Such is life. The festivities started off when some shadowrunning teams decided to fight over the last two kids that Doomsday was looking over. What no one expected was a third team to show up. Both children are no longer with their parents, and LSS refuses to reveal the identities of some of the bodies found. If LSS has any leads on the case, they are being real quiet. Someone, however, leaked to a news reporter that some of the findings seem to hint that Serenity was somehow involved ... Any comments guys? Those two fire-fights happened about 8pm. Prime trick or treat time. Poor kids. I guess that is what fame does for you. Kills your family, then you. Isn't that right Blitzkrieg? +++++ trace initiated. +++++ trace destroyed. About 8:30 the fireworks started out in the Barrens, where Scourge's little company (and Scourge you really should do some PR work -- I STILL don't know the name of it) got raided. The fighting lasted for well over thirty minutes. Whirlwind was spotted, but he wasn't found in the bodies. Neither was Scourge. I don't know for sure, but I think his gear is scragged real good. Fragging waste. The only odd bit of information happened at 8:45. Some shadowrunners stole a news helicopter. They knew what to do to disable the tracker on the chopper, and when LSS finally caught up with the poor shot-up chopper, they found the original pilot very dead. Gunshot to the back of the head. RIP Marcus Williams. You were a good pilot. Many people will miss you. *sniff* So then things quieted down for a little while ... half an hour ago, the silence was shattered with a house being blown-up. I did a little searching and man, Serenity has bad luck. It was Jason Stormwind's house. By the time I found that out, a pretty hard black squad hit Serenity. They didn't just hit the place. They fragging died trying to level it. I don't have any info on the extent of damage, but Sprinkler told me that someone WANTED it to look like LSS was the culprits. I think KE has bought into that, but I'm not sure it is true. Not enough evidence. To much evidence supporting other facts. Scourge ... you alive? ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <22:42:39/10-31-57> >>>>>[ Trick or treat? Thank God for insurance. Yes, I'm alive. I don't know about Shadowfox though. He was one the one who stole the helicopter. Used the helicopter to get me out of the danger. But he chose to stay behind. I don't like to predict bad things, but he was already injured from earlier action. I hope God is with him. ]<<<<< -- Scourge <22:45:46/10-31-57> >>>>>[ Scourge, what mere words can soften the blow of what has been done to you. I hope financially you can resurrect your company. Best luck and wishes. I, unfortunately, don't have much good news from this side of the pond. Herr Nightmare and his bodyguards got ambushed. I, as well, don't have any camera footage and Nightmare has been rather tight-lipped. So I don't know any details.]<<<<< -- Black Knight <22:49:18/10-31-57> >>>>>[ That's because I figure I would say it myself. The Wanderer has resurfaced and has decided that I must die. While I commend him on his choice, I didn't expect DragonEyes to aid him. With the muscle the Wanderer had with him, I did the only thing that was reasonable at the time -- tried to preserved the lives of those sworn to protect me. Out of eight bodyguards I had with me, I have one who is still living, and he has been driven completely insane. Words cannot express my sorrow. I - I fear we may have lost DragonEyes. ]<<<<< -- Nightmare <22:57:55/10-31-57> >>>>>[ Oh, God, no - not this. Do you know if he broke his vow of non-violence? ]<<<<< -- Scourge <22:59:10/10-31-57> >>>>>[ Not to the best of my knowledge. It is really hard to say. Valentine, you have sworn an oath of non-violence. I don't know even how to ask this. In your esteemed opinion, what would a snake shaman's breaking an oath that he has held all his life, that of holding all life as sacred, do to him mentally? I think I might have an inkling of why he might break it, but not what it means in the event that he does break it (or already has). ]<<<<< -- Nightmare <21:07:18/10-31-57>