Determining Abilities

Abilities and Attributes

Copy the following box onto some scrap paper, or use the Character Creation Worksheet:

Strength (3d6)

Agility (3d6)

Constitution (3d6)

Active Charisma (3d6)

Normal Charisma (3d6)

Learning (3d6)

Newoen (4d6)

Hearing (4d6)

Sight (4d6)




Now, roll three sets of these. Roll 3d6 for the first 6 (abilities), and 4d6 for the last 3 (attributes). You do not have to choose which of the three sets you will use until later. When you do so choose, you are allowed to switch active and normal charisma.


Hero Types:
The following have no ability requirements: The following do have certain prerequisites:
I) Class Powers:III) Package Heroes:
1) Animalistic Powers str agl con lrn nwn hear sight

1) Bear 1) Civilian 3 3 3 3 3 4 4
2) Bird 2) Intelligent Robot
3 3 3 3 3 4 4
3) Cat 3) Combat Skills

4) Dog 1) Archer 12 15 9 9 11 12 18
5) Huge Animal 2) Boxer 14 14 10 8 12 15 15
6) Snake 3) Marksman 8 13 7 12 10 11 17
7) Spider 4) Martial Artist 14 16 12 10 15 14 14
8) Sting 5) Weaponmaster 15 10 12 8 8 14 14
9) Water Animal 4) Mad Scientist
/ 9 13 10 16 12 16 11
10) Rodent Eccentric Professor (for this package, all of these except
2) Cosmic Powers learning are maximums
3) Psychic Powers 5) Magician
7 14 3 13 4 12 13
4) Superhuman Powers 6) Special Agent
9 9 10 10 11 11 11
7) Wizard
3 10 3 13 14 7 8
II) Special Powers

Decide what Hero Type you want. For information on creating heroes of each type, read the appropriate description under Hero Types.

Extra Powers

There is a chance that you will be able to roll on another Hero Type table. The chance of doing so depends on what you chose as your first Hero Type and by what extra Hero Type you want. You must choose which of the following chances you wish to take before you roll the dice:

Chance for Extra: Special Power Class Powers

First Hero Type

Class Power 35% 15%

Intelligent Robot 30% 10%

Special Power* 35% 15%

Mad Scientists, Civilian 5% 1%

Everybody Else 10% 4%

*The first time that a player whose first Hero Type was a Special Power rolls for an extra Special Power, this chance is increased to to 45%. Any later rolls for an extra Special Power are at 35%.

Roll for extra powers until the chance is missed.

Choosing Your Ability/Attribute Set

Now you must choose which set--I, II, or III--you wish to use for your character. Then, decide whether or not you want to switch your active and normal charismas in this set. If your character is going to be female, add 1 to her Constitution.

Power Rolls and %Control

Roll Power Rolls for each power you have. Normally, Power Rolls are found by rolling 3d6.

Roll %Control for each applicable power. %Control is found by rolling 4d6 and adding the result to 76. %Control does not apply to skills, attributes, abilities, or certain totally automatic powers such as Luck and Magic Resistance. Intelligent Robots do not require %Control for any of their powers. Whenever a power with %Control is used, a roll must be made on d100 less than or equal to the %Control for that power. For power uses that last a period of time (such as flying) the roll must be made once per Panel (once per round in combat). If the roll is missed, the power in question failed to operate. EP is not used for the power the round or Panel it failed. %Control can be increased later, by training in it. One Training Point increases %Control by 10 points.

Remaining Attributes

The remaining attributes are height, beauty, and build.

Height: Roll d100 and consult the following chart to determine your character’s base height. To this, add 2d100 millimeters (2d100 divided by 1000 meters).

d100 Roll Male Base Height Female Base Height
01 1.217 meters 1.166 meters
02-03 1.336 meters 1.290 meters
04-06 1.455 meters 1.414 meters
07-10 1.574 meters 1.539 meters
11-90 1.693 meters 1.663 meters
91-94 1.829 meters 1.794 meters
95-97 1.965 meters 1.925 meters
98-99 2.102 meters 2.057 meters
00 2.239 meters 2.188 meters

Build and Beauty: These are determined by rolling 4d6. Female humans add 10 to build. Males add 11.

Optional Rules

Use the optional rules that you wish to use or that your Editor requires you to use.

Filling Out the Character


Roll 3d6 to determine your character’s age. If your character is a Special Agent add 2 to that roll. If it is a Mad Scientists/Eccentric Professor, add 4. Intelligent Robots have a 70% chance of having an age of 0. Otherwise, subtract 2 from their 3d6 roll. Look up the roll on the following chart for the character’s base age, and add d10.

3d6 Base Age 3d6 Base Age

1-3 -1 17 29

4 9 18 34

5-8 14 19 36

9-14 19 20 40

15-16 24 21 50

22 60

If you roll up an age less than 16 (and your character is not an Intelligent Robot or Wizard) that age is the age your character received any powers he, she or it has. Your character will start the game at 15 plus d4 years (plus 0 to 11 months, depending on your character’s birthday)--the age the character physically matures. If you roll up an age that is greater than your character’s age of deterioration (see Old Age) then go through the rolls for Old Age, starting from the age of deterioration and ending at your present age, ignoring any result which calls for your character’s death. Any character who starts playing at an age other than that rolled will have increased %Control. Subtract the age rolled from the age the character starts at. Add the result to any %Control scores your character has, remembering that %Control cannot increase above 100.

Birth Date: Roll d12 for the month and d32 for the date (until a date that exists is gained). To determine the year, check this date against the present date. If this date has already passed, subtract the character’s age from the current year. Otherwise, subtract it from the last year, for the year the character was born.


Most characters have a 1% chance of being mutated. Aliens have an 85% chance, Intelligent Robots have a 20% chance, and Normals have a one in one million chance. If a character is mutated, use the Mutated Appearance tables. Otherwise, use the Normal Appearance tables.

Normal Appearance:

Skin Color (there is a 15% chance of rolling this more than once, thus getting mixed ancestry): (d10)

1) Red 2-3) Black

4-7) White 8) Yellow

9-10) Brown

Hair: The player rolls, first, for hair type--curly, wavy, or bald--and then for hair color. The intensity of the color must also be rolled for. See lower.

Hair Type (d10)

1-3) Curly 4-6) Straight

7-9) Wavy 10) Bald

Hair Color (d10)

1-2) Red 3) White

4-6) Brown 7-8) Black

9-10) Blond

Eye Color: (d10)

1-2) Green 3-5) Blue

6-9) Brown 10) Violet

Intensity of Skin, Hair, and Eye Color: (d6)

1) Light/Dull/Pale

2-5) Normal

6) Dark/Bright/Swarthy

Blood Type: Roll d1000 (Robots and Aliens must roll on the Mutated Appearance Table for this):

Roll Type Roll Type

001-384) O Positive 850-943) B Positive

385-461) O Negative 944-960) B Negative

462-784) A Positive 961-992) AB Positive

785-849) A Negative 993-999) AB Negative

000) Mutated Blood (see Mutations, below)

Mutated Appearance

Any player whose character has mutated looks must roll up a mutation% first. If the character is an alien, roll a d4. If the roll is 1, the alien's mutation% is d100, otherwise it is 100. Robots have a mutation% of 40+d60. Normals who are mutated have a mutation% of d80. Other characters have a mutation% of d100. See Mutants, under Special Rules for more effects of being a mutant.

Use the mutation% to find out what visible parts of a character's body are mutated. For each aspect here, roll d100. If this roll is less than or equal to half the mutation%, roll on the table for that aspect. Otherwise, use the Normal table, above.

Eye/Hair/Skin Color (d20, roll each separately)

1-2) White 3-4) Red

5-7) Brown 8-9) Black

10-11) Blue 12-13) Yellow

14-15) Green 16-17) Purple

18-19) Orange

20) Roll 2-4 more times and use the pattern chart below.

Multiple Color Pattern Chart: If the character gained multiple colors on the above chart, use this to determine the color pattern. (d4)

1) Kaleidoscope 2) Banded

3) Dotted 4) Striped

Intensity of Skin, Hair, and Eye Color: (d3)

1) Light/Pale 2) Average

3) Dark/Bright

Sex: (d100)

01-90) male or female. Alien races have two sexes.

91-95) asexual. Alien races have d6 sexes.

96-00) hermaphroditic (players of aliens roll again, to determine the number of sexes in the race; the character is two of them; if this result is rolled twice, the character is three of them, if more than two sexes exist)

Skin Characteristics: (d12)

1) Hairy 2) Scaly

3) Leathery 4) Feathers

5) Slimy 7-12) Normal

6) Combination--roll d6 twice more

Fingers/Toes: Most races have the same number of fingers as toes, so only roll once for both: (d24)

1) no arms/legs-- 2+twice d3 tentacles

2-7) 4 fingers and toes

8-14) 5 fingers and toes

15-20) 6 fingers and toes

21) 3 fingers and toes

22) 2d4+3 fingers and toes

23) 2 fingers and toes

24) roll for number of fingers and toes separately-- once for each

Blood Type: Robots always have odd blood, even if without a Mutation Percentage. So do some humans. (d100)

Roll Color Roll Color

01-25) Red 56-60) White

26-35) Green 61-65) Black

36-45) Blue 66-70) Purple

46-50) Orange 71-75) Yellow

51-55) Brown 76-00) Special

The Special result means that the player must make up something that goes with the character’s powers or origin. A fire controlling hero, for example, might have veins of fire.

Unusual Feature: This must be rolled until missed, at half the character’s mutation%. For each unusual feature the character rolls up, a specific unusual feature must be chosen. Examples include horns, a tail, strange shaped head, strange shaped hair (flame hair, for instance), wings on feet, cosmic eyes.

Handedness: Intelligent Robots have a 40% chance of being ambidextrous. Otherwise, roll d100 to see which hand your character favors:

d100 Roll Handedness
01-70 Right-Handed
71-98 Left-Handed
99-00 Ambidextrous

Ambidextrous characters gain +1 to the Combat Pool if using hands, and suffer no penalty for using the incorrect hand.

Continent of Birth

Roll d20 to determine where your character was born. Aliens may use this to determine where they landed, or may ignore it (as can anyone, as stated earlier).

1-10 North America 11 South America
12-13 Europe 14-15 Great Britain
16 Asia 17 Africa
18 Australia 19 Greenland
20 Island

Population Density: Roll d20 to determine the population density where your character was born:

1 Isolated Area 2-3 Rural Area
4-6 Town 7-10 Suburban Area
11-15 City 16-20 Metropolis

Known Family

Siblings Roll d100 and consult the following chart for the number of siblings your character has:

Roll Number Age Difference

01-22 no brothers/sisters

23-50 1 sibling d3 X d3

51-63 2 siblings d3 X d3

64-75 3 siblings d3 X d2

76-84 4 siblings d2 X d2

85-89 5 siblings d2 X d2

90-93 6 siblings d3

94-96 7 siblings d3

97-98 8 siblings d2

99 9 siblings d2

00 Roll twice and add for Number; for Age Difference, roll d4 (1-3 = 1 year, 4=2 years)

To determine order of birth, roll d100 for each sibling, including your character. The highest roll is the oldest sibling, the next highest is the next oldest, on down to the lowest roll, which denotes the youngest sibling. If any two siblings roll the same number, either they are twins (80%), or one is adopted (20%), give each sibling an even chance of being adopted, and age difference is plus or minus d6 months). There is an 80% chance that twins are true look-alike (zygotic) twins. Otherwise, twins are fraternal twins. Fraternal twins do not have the same genetic code, and do not usually look alike.

To determine the age of each sibling, roll the dice given on the table used to determine number of siblings, from the column Age Difference. Add the result to your character’s age. This is the age of your character’s nearest older sibling. If there is an even older sibling, roll again, and add to this age. Continue to do this until there are no more older siblings. For younger siblings, do the same thing, but subtract the result from each preceding age.

Parents’ Age: To determine the age of your character’s parents, use their oldest child’s age. For the father, add 14. Then roll d3, add 1, and roll d6 this many times. Add this in for your dad’s age. For the mother, add 12. Then, roll d3, add 1, and roll d6 that many times. Add this for your mom’s age.

Death or Disappearance in the Family: Each sibling has a 5% chance of having died or disappeared (Player’s option). The chance for each parent is 15%. If both parents are gone, there is a 60% chance this occurred at the same time. For each parent who is gone, there is a 20% chance that this occurred near when your character was born. Otherwise, roll d% and multiply by your character’s age to determine when loss occurred.

If only one parent was lost, there is a 30% chance, plus your character’s age minus the age your character was when the parent disappeared, that the remaining parent remarried. If you have any younger siblings born after the loss, the remaining parent has a 90% chance of having remarried.

If both parents died/disappeared, and this occurred before your character was 18, there is a chance your character was adopted immediately. This chance is 18, minus your character’s age when the parents disappeared, times 5. If not adopted immediately, divide that chance by 5 for the chance your character was eventually adopted. If your parents disappeared at your birth, and you have younger siblings, then you were adopted, either (1-4 at birth, 5-6 later).

For remarriages, subtract the remaining parent’s age at the time of the loss from the parent’s present age. For late adoptions, subtract your character’s age at the time of death/disappearance from 18. Multiply that number by d% for the number of years it took for remarriage or adoption.

Economic Status

Ask your Editor how detailed you character’s economic status should be. Some Editors will require that you only determine Economic Level. Others will also ask you to determine Net Worth, and possibly Disposable Income.

Hero Villain Economic Level

01 01-02 Destitute

02-09 03-25 Poor

10-94 26-90 Middle Class

95-99 91-98 Rich

00 99-00 Ultra-Rich

Economic Level Net Worth ($) Disposable Monthly Income ($)

Destitute: 0 0

Poor: 2d100x200 3d100-100

*Middle Class: 2d100x2,000 (2d10-6)x100

*Rich: 2d10+11 (doubles) Net Worth Roll minus d10

(Sphere) x 100

*Ultra-Rich: 2d10+20 (doubles) Net Worth Roll minus 2d10

(Sphere) x 100

*Villains have a 70% chance of reducing the Income Roll by 10.

Net Worth is how much something will reasonably sell for. Net Worth includes the character’s car, home, wardrobe, etc. It can include debt as well. Remember that Economic Level takes precedence over Net Worth. A rich character with a negative net worth still lives a rich lifestyle.

Disposable Monthly Income is the amount of money left over after taxes, food, and upkeep on Net Worth. If negative, the character must acquire the overrun or reduce Net Worth by it, each month.

Modify Worth and Income by the character’s Learning and Age: If the dollar amount is positive, multiply by (half Learning on the Sphere Chart, plus Age on the Doubles Chart) and divide by 10.

If the dollar amount is negative, multiply by (Age on the Doubles Chart plus 10) and divide by (half Learning on the Sphere Chart plus 10).

If the character is a minor, the Net Worth and Disposable Monthly Income rolled is for the parents. You’ll need to roll their Learning. If there are two parents, average their Learning and Age. The character’s Weekly Allowance is the parents’ Disposable Monthly Income, divided by 10, divided by d4, and divided by the number of kids. Modify this as normal for your Age and Learning. Of course, you could get a job.


Knowledge Study Time Area Knowledge Study Time Area

1 Acoustics 5 hours Mechanical 47 Hunting (hobby) 2 hours Empathic/Action

2 Acting 5 hours Acting 48 Journalism 5 hours Empathic/Writing

3 Aeronautics 16 hours Mechanical 49 Language 8 hours Classification/Empathic

4 Amateur Radio (hobby) 5 hours Technical 50 Law 18 hours Bureaucratic

5 Animal Training 8 hours Empathic 51 Linguistics 14 hours Classification

6 Anthropology 18 hours Classification 52 Literature 13 hours Classification

7 Archaeology 16 hours Classification 53 Magic Tricks (hobby) 4 hours Empathic

8 Architecture 16 hours Mechanical 54 Mathematics 18 hours Technical

9 Artwork (hobby) 4 hours Artwork 55 Mechanics 9 hours Mechanical

10 Astrology 12 hours Technical 56 Medical 18 hours Life

11 Astronomy 20 hours Technical 57 Memorized Words 2 hours Classification

12 Ballistics 6 hours Technical/Mechanical 58 Meteorology 12 hours Technical

13 Biology 20 hours Life 59 Metal Worker 8 hours Mechanical

14 Booby Traps 5 hours Mechanical 60 Navigation 7 hours Technical/Bureaucratic

15 Botany 18 hours Life 61 Occult 6 hours Classification

16 Brickworker 4 hours Mechanical 62 Operate Lie Detector 7 hours Empathic/Classification

17 Broadcasting 6 hours Empathic/Bureaucratic 63 Parachuting (hobby) 2 hours Action

18 Business 10 hours Bureaucratic 64 Parapsychology 8 hours Life/Classification

19 Carpentry 8 hours Mechanical 65 Partying (hobby) 1 hours Action

20 Chemistry 20 hours Technical 66 Philosophy 10 hours Classification

21 Citizen’s Band (hobby) 1 hour Action 67 Photography (hobby) 6 hours Empathic

22 Climbing (hobby) 3 hours Action 68 Physics 20 hours Technical

23 Computers 14 hours Technical 69 Play Instrument (hobby) 3 hrs Playing an Instrument

24 Construction 12 hours Mechanical 70 Psychiatry 16 hours Empathic/Classification

25 Culinary (hobby) 8 hours Empathic 71 Psychology 18 hours Life

26 Dance (hobby) 4 hours Dance 72 Public Speaking 6 hours Empathic/Writing

27 Deskwork 7 hours Bureaucratic 73 Religion 12 hours Classification

28 Diplomacy 10 hours Bureaucratic/Empathic 74 Robotics 18 hours Technical/Mechanical

29 Directing 5 hours Empathic 75 Science 18 hours Technical/Classification

30 Diving (hobby) 6 hours Action 76 Singing (hobby) 4 hours Singing

31 Economics 12 hours Bureaucratic 77 Sculpting (hobby) 5 hours Sculpting

32 Electronic Surveillance 3 hours Bureaucratic 78 Sociology 14 hours Life/Bureaucratic

33 Electronics 16 hours Technical 79 Space Aeronautics 18 hours Mechanical

34 Engineering 17 hours Technical 80 Speed Reading (hobby) 2 hrs Classification

35 Explosives 4 hours Mechanical 81 Sport, Physical (hobby) 2 hrs Action

36 Farming 12 hours Classification 82 Stereo (hobby) 2 hours Empathic/Action

37 Fingerprinting 2 hours Mechanical 83 Survival (hobby) 2 hours Empathic/Action

38 First Aid (hobby) 1 hour Life 84 Tactics 6 hours Bureaucratic/Action

39 Fishing (hobby) 1 hour Empathic 85 Tailor 8 hours Mechanical

40 Forestry 2 hours Empathic 86 Teaching 12 hours Empathic/Classification

41 Game, Mental/Luck (hobby) ? Most any area 87 Vehicles (hobby) 6 hours Mechanical

42 Geography 14 hours Classification 88 Veterinary 15 hours Life

43 Geology 16 hours Mechanical/Technical 89 Visual Surveillance 2 hours Bureaucratic

44 Glass Worker 8 hours Mechanical 90 Weapons 8 hours Mechanical

45 Governments 14 hours Bureaucratic 91 Wizardry 21 hours Magic/Empathic

46 History 15 hours Classification 92 Writing (hobby) 6 hours Writing

Language:Your character will know one language with a Knowledge Score of five times learning.

General Knowledge: You have a number of points to be used in determining what knowledge your character has at the start of the game. The base number of points is your character’s learning. If your character’s learning has changed since you rolled it up, use the original learning, unless your character is an Intelligent Robot, you changed learning under the Civilian rules, or you roll d100 less than or equal to four times your character’s newoen.

The base number of points is modified as follows:

Intelligent Robots divide the number of points by 10, then multiply by (2d6 minus 2), round down.

For any character, subtract twenty from the character’s age (zero if the character is a robot) and look this up on the Doubles Chart. Multiply this number by 2. Add this to the character's knowledge score in (General) History, and add the same amount to the score in the History of the character's area of birth. Also, add this to the number of points the character has.

No character can have more points than age times newoen divided by 20, read to the sphere chart. A four year old with a ten newoen can’t have more than two points; a ten year old with a fourteen newoen can’t have more than seven points, and a 20 year old with a fourteen newoen can’t have more than 43 points.

Each point your character finally has can be used to increase any Knowledge Score by d20. Or, a point can be used to gain 2 Training Points. These Training Points do not apply to Experience, and cannot be saved beyond character creation.

You must use at least one point in each of the following areas: Mathematics, Science, and Language/Literature. If your character doesn’t have three points to use, the requirement does not apply.

Hobbies: You may also have a number of points which must be used entirely for hobbies. Divide your character’s Normal Charisma by 4, round up, and make this positive. Your character has this many hobby points. Hobbies are marked on the Knowledge List. Hobby points are like general knowledge points, except that the d20 roll cannot be greater than the character’s newoen.

List of All Possible Knowledge: Well, maybe not everything. Area lists possible areas which the knowledge could fall under. The player can choose which area applies. The Hours listed is for learning this area after the game starts.


Driving: Most characters will have a driving level of d3 plus 1. Characters who are not from Great Britain or North America, or who are under 16 years of age, have a 70% chance of having to divide that score by 6 and then multiply it by (d6-1). Intelligent Robots and Mad Scientists/Eccentric Professors divide their level by 2. Round each of these up.

Combat Skills: Most characters start at level two in each of these skills: fist fighting, clubs, and thrown clubs. Mad Scientists/Eccentric Professors and Intelligent Robots start at level 1. Most characters start at level 1 in Firearms.

Power Use:Characters start at level 2 in Power Use for each power. Mad Scientists/Eccentric Professors start at level 1, if they have a power.

Other Skills:You have a 20% chance of being able to choose an extra skill. This can be rolled until it is missed. The skill’s level is rolled for with the Starting Dice.


Skill Starting Dice Skill Starting Dice Skill Starting Dice

1 Acrobatics 3d6 2 Armor Use 3d6 3 Astral Combat d4 4 Awareness 3d6 5 Body Hold d4 6 Body Smash d4 7 Body Throw d4 8 Ciphers/Codes 3d6 9 Combat Skills d4 10 Confidence Art 3d6 11 Contacts 3d6 12 Counterfeiting 3d6 13 Create Optical Illusions 3d6 14 Detection 3d6 15 Discipline 3d6 16 Disguise 3d6 17 Double Action Special 18 Driving 2d6 19 Endurance 3d6 20 Escape Artistry 3d6 21 Evasion 2d4 22 Evading Pursuers 3d6 23 Falling 2d4 24 Forgery 3d6 25 Gesticulation 3d6 26 Hide Objects in Plain Sight 3d6 27 Hide Objects on Body 3d6 28 Hold Breath 3d6 29 Hypnosis 3d6 30 Ignore Damage d4+3 31 Intensive Spells 3d6 32 Interrogation 3d6 33 Inventing 3d6 34 Jumping 3d6 35 Loquacity 3d6 36 Magic Tricks 3d6 37 Maneuverability 3d6 38 Martial Kick d4 39 Martial Punch d4 40 Martial Throw d4 41 Mass Hypnosis 3d6 42 Memory Training 3d6 43 Mind Combat 2d4 44 Nerve Pinch 2d4 45 Opening Locks 3d6 46 Picking Pockets 3d6 47 Power Use d4 48 Quick Change 3d6 49 Quick Draw 3d6 50 Read People 3d6 51 Remote Attack d4 52 Rolling With Attacks 3d6 53 Running 3d6 54 Scaling 3d6 55 Searching 3d6 56 Sex Appeal 3d6 57 Sneak 3d6 58 Special Use Special 59 Teamwork 3d6 60 Tracking 3d6 61 Trailing 3d6 62 Using Incorrect Hand Special 63 Combat Skill d4 64 Weight 3d6 65 Weightlifting 3d6 66 Wizard Block 3d6 67 Wrestling d4

Base (Headquarters)

Your character has a base 1% chance of having a special headquarters. Add 1% to this for each 6 points of learning, 1% for every 4 points of the character’s highest charisma, and 1% for every 8 points of newoen. Different Hero Types have different modifications to the chance (if your character has more than one Type, choose the least modification).

Combat Skills: -6% Special Agent: -7%

Magician: -7% Wizard: -6%

Civilian: -8% Intelligent Robot: -3%

Cosmic Powers: -7% Animalistic Powers: -6%

Special Powers: -3%

Mad Scientist/Eccentric Professor: No Chance

Position of Base: If a character has a base, the player must decide where it will be. It must be in an accessible position, and in a spot which is consistent with the character's powers and origin.

Fittings: The player rolls 2d6 times on the table below for what is in the character's base. (d100)

01-16 Computer (type 3 + 4d12, see following table)

17-31 Radio Communications

32-34 Satellite Communications

35-37 Air Conditioned: Oxygen Field PR d6

38-42 All air is filtered for impurities

43-50 Backup Power Supply (lasts d1000/d6 days)

51-53 Internally Generated Power

54 Building can be Invisible, PR 2d6

55-65 Radar, scans up to 5d100 kilometers

66 Force Field capability around the base;

2d6 ST, 2d10 Ignore Damage

67-69 All air checked within base for impurities

70-72 Servants (d4 of them)

73-75 Radio Telescope

76-77 Gasoline Supply (2d20 thousand liters)

78-81 Secret Doors: 2d8 doors, penalty of d20 to

Perception rolls to detect one.

82-87 Secret Tunnels to the city and surrounding area d100x1000,xd10xd10 cubic meters of tunnel;

88-90 Place can be made airtight

91-00 Think up something positively brilliant.

If the base has a computer, roll for type divided by 3 special abilities. Where applicable, the computer has a Knowledge Score of 20+d100 in areas rolled here. (d20)

1 map of city

2 maps of world

3 connection to FBI files

4 connection to CIA files

5 fingerprint correlation ability

6 visual recognition

7 voice recognition

8 monitors police communications

9 History File

10 Geology File (of mapped area or nearby area)

11 Chemical Analysis capability

12 Biological Analysis capability

13 Monitors all frequencies for strange activity

14 Advanced Math programming

15 Astronomy Files

16 Advanced Programming Language (can program itself under command of the user)

17 Medical Analysis capability

18 Psychological Analysis capability

19 Runs Worker Robots (d20 of them)

20 Think up something brilliant.

Defenses: Roll on the following chart for defenses:

01-25 No Defenses

26-75 Sleep Gas, Type 2d4

76-90 Stun Guns, Type 2d4

91-98 Lasers, Type d8

99 Computer controlled. The computer attacks at level d6+2. Roll again for defense type.

00 Roll twice more.

Rooms: If the character has a headquarters, the player should choose 3d8+6 of these special rooms for it.


Electrical Chemical Physics Biological Psychological Photographic Medical Botanical Observatory

Standard Rooms:

Infirmary RecreationRoom Kitchen DiningRoom SleepingQuarters Gymnasium Library Garage(vehiclestorage) TrophyRoom ConferenceRoom ProjectionRoom

Working Areas:

Woodworking Metalworking VehicleWorkshop RecordingStudio LandingBay/Hanger Super-CriminalHolding Facilities

Main Wall Material: The base’s outer walls will be able to ignore 2d10 points damage, have a maximum ST of 4+d4, and a maximum DP of 10 + d60. The player must keep this in mind when designing the base.

If your character has a base, consult your Editor for clarification.


Your character has a 2% chance of having a pet. If your character has a pet, consult your Editor. You can use the following rules to create your pet.

First, choose an animal that fits with the character’s origin and powers. All pets have a bonus of 1 to both Learning and Newoen.

Pet Powers

Pets will generally have powers and abilities based on the powers and abilities of the player character. If they don’t, use the Generic Pet table. Pets have a 12% chance of having extra powers, and this can be rolled until it is missed. For extra rolls, roll d8 on the Generic Pet table, rather than d10.

Intelligent Robots’ Pets: There is a 90% chance that a robot’s pet is also a robot, in which case it will have to be created on the Intelligent Robot chart. Otherwise, use the Generic Pet chart below.

Special Agents’ and Combat Skilled Heroes’ Pets: There is an 80% chance that a Special Agent’s or Combat Skilled Hero’s pet is a trained fighting animal. Add 2d4 to its Weapons Ability in unarmed combat (fighting with its ‘fists’). Also, add 2d4 to either its agility or its strength. If the pet isn't a trained fighting animal, roll on the Generic Pet chart below.

Wizards’ and Magicians’ Pets: A wizard’s or magician’s pet has an 80% chance of having a magic spell (Roll on the power, Magic Spell). If so, it has a 50% chance of having another one, and this 50% chance can be rolled until it is missed. Half the chance for Minor Spells for the pet, however. If the wizard’s pet does not have spells, roll on the Generic Pet Table.

Special Powered Characters’ Pets: Pets of characters whose main power is a Special Power have a 40% chance of having the same power, but not the same Power Roll. Otherwise, use the Generic Pet Table.

Everybody Else’s Pets: For any other character's pet, there is a 60% chance that it will roll up powers or determine its skills, etc., in the same place that the player did. Otherwise, use the Generic Pet Table.

The Generic Pet Table (roll d10)

1 Animalistic Powers (roll d20 to see which one)

1-10) The pet’s own area

11) Bear 12) Bird 13) Cat 14) Dog 15) Huge 16) Snake 17) Spider 18) Sting 19) Water 20) Rodent

2 Cosmic Powers

3 Psychic Powers

4 Superhuman Powers

5 Special Power

6 Intelligent Robot

7 Trained Fighting Animal (see Special Agent/Combat Skilled pets, above)

8 Magic Spell (roll as the power, Magic Spell)

9-10 Add 2d6 to its learning. It has a 50% chance of being able to roll again on this Table, but the roll is made on a d8 instead of a d10. It has a 4d6 newoen.

Handicap or Weakness

Your character has a chance of having a Handicap or Weakness. Add half the number of Class Powers your character has to the number of Special Powers, add 2, and then subtract half the number of weaknesses already rolled up. Square this. This must be rolled until missed. Two or more weaknesses can be combined into a single, more debilitating weakness (which will still counts as 2 in the formula above). If you do roll up a weakness, consult your Editor. You and your Editor must take into account the character’s abilities and powers to determining the exact weakness or handicap.

For example, Pulsar’s player rolls up Power Related Physical Weakness, and then rolls up Affects Another Ability/Power. Pulsar has the power Gravity Control. Every time he initiates this power at a level which uses one or more EP per round, his strength becomes 13 minus the number of EP being used per round. These lost points return at Pulsar’s healing rate per hour when not using Gravity Control. Pulsar’s normal strength is 13, so this is an effective weakness. If Pulsar’s normal strength were 47, a small reduction of 1-5 wouldn’t much affect Pulsar at all. In that case, Pulsar might have to lose strength equal to two or three times the EP used, or simply interpret the weakness in another way.

For more examples of weaknesses, see the Rainbow Wizard, in the Starter Kit, and Prism and Shale, in the adventure A Taste of Jasmine (also in the Starter Kit).

To determine type of handicap/weakness, roll a d10 on the following chart. If the result is impossible (Power Weakness for a Civilian) use the next result up.

1-4 Power Weakness

5 Power Related Physical Weakness

6 Origin Related Physical Weakness

7 Physical Handicap

8 Origin Related Mental Weakness

9 Power Related Mental Weakness

10 Mental Handicap

General Description

Power Weakness: This affects one or more of the character’s powers.

Power Related Physical Weakness: This is related to/affected by one or more of the character’s powers.

Origin Related Physical Weakness: This was gained at the same time the character’s powers were gained, and relate to that origin.

Physical Handicap: Although this handicap is not related to anything, it should still fit the character.

Origin Related Mental Weakness: Something happened to the character’s mind in the formation of the character’s powers.

Power Related Mental Weakness: One or more of the character’s powers affect or are affected by a mental problem.

Mental Handicap: Like Physical Handicap, this is a problem unrelated to powers or origin, yet it should still fit the character.

To determine the exact weakness, roll d100, and cross-reference the result on the Weakness table.

Weakness Type: Power Origin Origin Power

Related Related Related Related

Power Physical Physical Mental Mental Mental

Weakness/Handicap Weakness Weakness Weakness Handicap Weakness Weakness Handicap

Affects Another Ability/Power 01-04 01-10 01-05 -- -- -- --

Attracts Attacks -- 11-13 -- -- -- -- --

Bad Luck -- -- 06-07 -- -- -- --

Blind -- -- 08-13 01-11 -- -- 01-04

Conviction -- -- -- -- 01-05 01-06 05-11

Deaf -- -- 14-19 12-21 -- -- 12-15

Drug Required -- 14-16 20-26 22-32 06-09 07-11 16-22

Fainting Spells -- 17-21 -- 33-40 10-16 12-18 23-29

Focus 05-18 -- -- -- 17-21 19-24 --

Fugue States -- -- -- -- 22-25 25-30 30-36

Immunological Deficiency -- -- -- 41-42 -- -- --

Increased Cost 19-22 22-28 27-29 -- -- -- --

Induced Reaction -- -- -- -- 26-28 31-34 --

Limited Use 23-31 -- -- -- -- -- --

Loss of Use of Legs -- -- 30-31 43-51 -- -- 37-39

Lost Aspect 32-37 -- 32-41 -- 29-35 35-42 40-42

Low Self-Control -- -- -- -- 36-40 -- 43-47

Manic-Depressive -- -- -- -- -- 43-46 48-51

Monomania -- -- -- -- 41-47 -- 52-67

Mute -- 29-30 -- 52-65 -- -- 68-70

No Effect 38-50 -- 42-51 -- -- -- --

Non human Form 51-53 -- 52-53 -- -- -- --

Non-Linear Logic -- -- -- -- 48-51 -- 71-75

Permanent Change 54-55 31-37 -- -- 52-56 -- --

Phobia -- -- -- -- 57-64 47-54 76-82

Reaction Formation -- -- -- -- 65-66 55-60 --

Restricted Change 56-64 -- -- -- 67-71 -- --

Restricted Healing -- 38-50 54-60 -- -- -- --

Restricted Recharge 65-71 -- 61-66 -- -- -- --

Restricted Use 72-81 51-53 67-76 -- 72-74 61-66 --

Slow Death -- 54-58 -- 66-68 -- -- --

Slow Healing -- -- -- 69-80 -- -- --

Slow Reaction Time -- 59-60 -- -- 75-78 67-72 --

Split Personality -- 59-60 -- -- 79-83 73-78 83-84

Tires Easily -- -- -- 81-90 -- -- --

Uncontrolled Effect 82-84 -- -- -- 84-87 79-83 85-86

Uncontrolled Use 85-88 -- -- -- 88-90 84-90 87-88

Vulnerability 89-90 61-90 77-90 -- -- -- --

Wrong Choice -- -- -- -- -- -- 89-90

Be Original 91-00 91-00 91-00 91-00 91-00 91-00 91-00

Some weaknesses, mainly mental ones, may be violated by choice of the player under dire circumstances. Some (such as Phobia) will require a saving throw of some sort if the character wishes to violate it, depending on what the player and Editor have already worked out for the weakness. Others (such as Conviction) can be broken at the player’s option, but the character will gain no training points from the adventure in which the character broke the restriction, and characters in the same adventure with that character multiply training points gained by 8 and divide by 10.

Sample Weaknesses: See Carol Channing, Prism, Shale, John Koll, and the above description of Pulsar’s weakness. Here, also, are some other weaknesses pulled from some of the author’s adventures.

Armadillo: Mental Handicap, Low Self-Control. Armadillo must make a saving throw vs. his learning plus his willpower minus VP/DP lost, on d100, or go berserk--attack until his opponent is down or Armadillo himself is unconscious. He is allowed another saving throw under certain circumstances, if friends try to calm him down, or he actively tries to throw off the berserker state. For an example of a normal saving throw, if he took 10 points damage he would have to save vs. 48 on d100 or go berserk.

Black Violet: Power Weakness, Limited Use, two weaknesses combined. If deprived of ultraviolet light, Black Violet’s electric whip will not function, and his powers disappear at 10% of the maximum PR per minute, disappearing completely in 10 minutes.

Brinn X’Halikso: Power Weakness, Limited Use. If Brinn uses his Slide Molecules power for a period of time greater than twice his PR rounds, he begins to lose control of his molecules. He loses 1 DP, penetrating, per round that he continues to slide molecules.

Diamondback: Handicap, Mute. Diamondback is physically unable to speak. Diamondback also has the Handicap, Tires Easily. After 4 rounds using 1 EP or more per minute, he has -1 to his Combat Pool. Every 2 rounds after that, he gets another penalty of 1 to his Combat Pool, due to his fatigue. These penalties disappear at 1 point per minute when resting.

Jake Kotter, the Man with the Cosmic Guitar: Power Weakness, Focus. Jake cannot use his Transducer (cosmic energy to sound energy) without his Cosmic Guitar--the guitar which was with him when he gained his powers.

Leviathon: Power Related Physical Weakness, Be Original. While using his Get Tall power, Leviathon becomes completely deaf.

Prototron, Android: Origin Related Physical Weakness, Vulnerability. Prototron is based on positive electricity/electrical flow. Negative electrical attacks do 3 times normal damage to him. Negative electrical fields reduce his EP and all senses by a percentage equal to the square root of the potential difference from ground. 100 volts of negatively charged field reduces his EP and senses by 10%. 400 volts by 20%, and 10000 volts by 100%--shutting him down.

Spiro Poseidon: Power Weakness, Limited Use. Spiro’s magical trident (normally getting +3 to Combat Close, +1 to Combat Ranged, and returns to the thrower) must spend 8 hours out of every 24 in the ocean. After 16 hours, for every half hour it spends out of the ocean it loses 1 plus, and after two hours it loses its ability to return to the thrower.

Star Knights: Origin Related Physical Weakness, Restricted Healing. When not subject to starlight, the 5 Star Knights cannot heal EP or DP.

8-Ball: Handicap, Tires Easily. 8-Ball uses twice normal EP for any action requiring EP, and regains EP at half the normal rate.

Psychic Immunity

Intelligent Robots have Psychic Immunity on a d10 roll from 2 to 10. Other characters have Psychic Immunity on a roll of 100 on d100. Normals have it on a roll of 10000 on d10000. Psychic Immunity makes characters nearly impervious to psychic and magical mind probing or mind attacks (such as psychic illusion). The player rolls 2d100 for the amount of Psychic Immunity. Normals only get d100. Also, there is a chance equal to newoen, rolled until missed, that another d100 can be added to the characters Psychic Immunity score. The Psychic Immunity score is added to any saving throw vs. mind probing or mind attacks. Half this is added to saves vs. mind control (such as possession). If there is no saving throw, the Psychic Immunity score is the chance of ignoring the attack.

Latent Powers

Latent Powers are powers which haven’t yet shown up. Each character has a chance of having latent powers. Since the character will not know about these, the Editor should check for them, so that the player doesn’t know, either. The base chance is 4% for Civilians, Mad Scientists/Eccentric Professors, 1% for Special Agents, Combat Skill Heroes, and Wizards, and 10% for everybody else (If a character falls under more than one category, choose the one that gives the lowest base chance). Subtract one from this for each Class power and Special power the character has. If the character has a latent power, roll d8 for the kind of power, and then roll for the power on the appropriate table.

1) Special Power, Extra Power List

2) Special Power, First Power List

3) Animalistic Power

4) Cosmic Power

5) Superhuman Power

6) Psychic Power

7-8) A Power or Skill from some area where the character first gained powers or skills.

The Power Roll is made as normal. The power will require a triggering event before it shows up. At that time, the character will be level 1 in Power Use for the power, and %Control must be rolled normally, then halved, if %Control is applicable.

Now, calculate your character’s Figured Abilities. You will also need a name, identity, and costume for your character, as well as a personality and background.