Acrobatics (3d6): This is the ability to execute tricky acrobatic maneuvers. The Bonus Pool for Acrobatics consists of Agility and half Strength. Acrobatics uses row 2 of the EP Use Chart (3 EP/round).
Armor Use (3d6): The player adds Level times 5 to the armor’s Cover Chance. Armor Use applies only to one type of armor--Cloth Armor, Link Armor (such as chain mail), Plate Armor, Shield, or Personal Armor (Skin Temper and Ignore Damage powers). Armor Use uses row 3 of the EP Use Chart (2 EP/round).
Astral Combat(d4): This makes possible special attacks while in Astral Combat. See Astral Combat, under Worldly Matter, for more information.
Awareness (3d6): The character has twice level added to perception at all times.
Body Hold (d4): This gives the character greater skill in grabbing onto and holding opponents. The character’s damage bonus applies both to grabbing damage and to keeping the opponent from escaping. Add the character’s skill level to the roll to keep the opponent from escaping, also. The character can decide to do a Full Body Hold which replaces up to skill level points of bludgeoning damage with penetrating damage.
Body Smash (d4): The character uses various parts of the body to smash into the target. There is a penalty of 3 to the Action Roll when using Body Smash, and a bonus of d6 damage. A Body Smash can do up to half level, round down, points of penetrating damage (replacing an equivalent amount of bludgeoning damage points).
Body Throw(d4): This is an attempt to lift and throw the target. The character must use 5 Quality Points from the Combat Roll.
The attacker’s damage is compared to the defender’s damage. If the attacker’s damage is greater, the defender is thrown half the difference, in meters. The defender also takes damage equal to the difference in the two rolls, in addition to any damage taken from flying into walls, etc.
If the defender’s damage is higher, the attacker loses a number of segments equal to half the difference between the rolls, as surprise.
Ciphers/Codes (3d6): This is the ability to create and solve ciphers and codes.
Penalties: There is a penalty to the Action roll equal to the Type of the cipher/code.
Bonuses: A computer program can help. There is a bonus to the Action roll equal to the computer’s Type.
Default Time: It takes 12 hours to solve a cipher, and 240 hours to solve a code. It takes 1 hour to create a cipher, and 24 hours to create a code.
Quality Effects: When solving a cipher/code, add the Quality of the Action to 1, and multiply by 10, for the percentage of the meaning that is extracted. When creating a code, the Quality determines how unobtrusive the code is. Subtract the Quality from Perception rolls to determine that writings are in a code.
Combat Skill (d4): This is the ability to use a specific weapon (or fighting style: see the skills Martial Punch, Martial Kick, and Martial Throw).
Skill Level Combat Pool Bonus
0 -6
1 -2
2 0
3 1
4 2
+1 +1
Combat Pool Bonus: Add this to the character’s Combat Pool with that weapon.
Special Options:
Aiming at Armor: A skilled attacker can give a penalty up to the attacker’s skill level, to the defender’s Armor Cover roll. Each Quality point reduces the armor’s Cover by 5.
Starting Level:
Characters will be level 0 for all weapons and fighting styles with which they are completely unfamiliar (guns in a pre-industrial civilization, or karate in a western culture). Characters will be level 1 for weapons and fighting styles which are common in their culture but which they haven’t received any training in. Characters will be level 2 for weapons/fighting styles which are taught or culturally imparted to all members of the culture. Thus, most characters in modern cultures are level 1 with Firearms, level 0 with Swords and Martial fighting styles, and level 2 with Fistfighting.
Certain Combat Skills are part of a larger Umbrella. Characters can train in the Umbrella skill, rather than the specific weapons, at twice normal Edit Point cost. The following Umbrella skills are recognized:
Firearms: Handgun, Rifle, and Shotgun
Swords: Short Sword, Long Sword, Great Sword, Foil, Rapier, Laser sword
Spears: Spear, Trident, Javelin
Bows: Short Bow, Longbow
Axes: Hand Ax, Battle Ax, Chopping Ax, Mace
If a character with moves from one skill to another beneath the same Umbrella, skill level is halved. A character with skill level 7 in Handgun is effectively skill level 4 in Rifle and Shotgun. If the character were to actually train in Rifle, however, the player must pay a certain number of Editing Points in order to have a real level of 4 in Rifle. Subtract the current real level from the current effective level, for the number of Editing Points required. In the above example, if the character has a real level of 0 in Rifle, it will take 4 Editing Points to get a real level of 4.
The same is true for moving from a single skill to the Umbrella skill. The character above has an effective level of 4 in Firearms, so it takes 4 Editing Points if the character wants a real level of 4 in Firearms.
The same is true when training in an Umbrella skill. If the character has Firearms, skill level 5, the character is effectively skill level 5 in Shotgun. If the character decides to train solely in Shotgun, however, the character will have to pay the difference between real and effective Shotgun level, in Editing Points.
There are also two Combination Skills currently recognized: Martial Arts, and Wrestling. Martial Arts consists of the single skills Martial Punch, Martial Kick, Martial Throw, and Rolling With Attacks. Wrestling consists of Body Hold, Body Smash, Body Throw, and Rolling With Attacks. Combination Skills require 3 times the normal Editing Points.
The character’s effective skill level in the single skills of a combination skill is the character’s level in the combination skill. However, if the character wants a real level of that size, see the above paragraph on Umbrella Skills for the Editing Point cost. If a character who has trained in all of the skills within a combination skill wishes to start training in the combination skill, take the lowest of the single skill levels for the combination skill level. The character must pay that many Editing Points.
If a player decides to take an umbrella skill or a combination skill when creating a character randomly, instead of a normal combat skill, the roll is d3 instead of d4.
Confidence Art (3d6): Confience Art has a performance time of 2 minutes. The Bonus Pool consists of Charisma. The target is allowed a saving throw vs. Willpower. The Con Person can reduce this save by 3 for every Q point applied to it. This is the ability to convince a target to take an otherwise unreasonable course of action, such as buy a set of encyclopedias.
Contacts (3d6): Choosing the Contacts skill is a way of saying that the character knows a lot of people in a certain area. The player can choose New York Street Contacts, University Physics Contacts, Federal Government Contacts, or any type of contacts desired, within reason. Characters can have a General Contacts skill at three times the normal Edit Point cost.
To find a contact at any given time, the player must roll 2d10 less than or equal to the character’s Contacts skill level. The Editor may modify this roll as desired. The Performance Time is random: d100 hours. An unsuccessful attempt takes twice that time.
The Quality of the roll determines the Expertise, Amount, and Indebtedness of the contacts. A successful roll indicates one contact of Expertise 1 and Indebtedness 1. The player can use the quality points to gain more contacts of Expertise 1 and Indebtedness 1, or can raise any contact’s Expertise or Indebtedness by 1. A Quality of 9 could be used for one Expertise 10 contact, 10 Expertise 1 contacts, 3 contacts of Expertise 3, 2, and 5, or any combination. In each of those, Indebtedness is 1, but that can be changed in the same way.
Expertise rates how good the contact is in a desired skill. Each point of Expertise indicates a Skill Level of 1 in the desired skill, or a Knowledge Score of 10 in the desired field. Indebtedness indicates how attached the contact is to the character. An indebtedness of 1 means that the contact is likely to do anything of reason within the contact’s area of expertise. A contact with an indebtedness of 2 will likely help even outside its expertise. An indebtedness of 4 or higher indicates fanatical loyalty to the character.
The player can try to raise the base indebtedness, amount, or expertise of the base contact by taking a penalty to the roll. An unsuccessful roll still has the same Performance Time, however. If the player takes a penalty of 2 to the roll, and puts this onto Expertise, the base contacts will all have an Expertise rating of 3.
The character must have a reason for having a contact or set of contacts. If the character doesn’t have a reason (childhood friend, professional acquaintance, etc.), indebtedness is halved (round down). An indebtedness of zero means no contact.
Counterfeiting (3d6): The character knows how to counterfeit documents. The chance of someone else noticing is the other person’s perception minus twice the counterfeiter’s skill level, assuming that the other person even examines the document.
Create Optical Illusion (3d6): This is the ability to make things seem different than they really are--larger, smaller, farther away, etc. Those viewing the optical illusion are allowed a Perception roll, at a penalty equal to twice the illusionist’s skill level.
Detection (3d6): When looking for some obscure clue that will help solve a mystery, the character’s perception is increased by three times the Detection skill level.
Discipline (3d6): This adds twice level to the character’s Willpower.
Disguise (3d6): This is the ability to maintain a change in appearance. The power roll is the number of points by which abilities can be changed to duplicate a person. In order to look like another person, physical beauty, height, and weight must be made the same. Changing physical beauty requires 1 point per physical beauty point changed. For height, 5 centimeters requires 1 point. For weight, 10 kilograms requires 1 point. Going down always uses half the number of points. Changing sex requires 5 points. If all these statistics are exactly the same as the person being duplicated, then the character looks exactly like the person being duplicated.
There is a chance that close scrutiny by someone who knows the target may reveal the discrepancy. This person is allowed a perception roll, at a bonus of the number of points which are needed to fully duplicate the target, minus the disguised character’s skill level.
Double Action: This skill allows the character to combine two other skills (or the same skill twice). The character can train in firing two weapons, using a sword and a dagger, or even two swords, or riding a bike and playing a guitar. The ‘skill level’ in Double Action is treated as %Control (starting at zero), and a %Control roll must be made each time the character attempts the double action.
If the roll is successful, the player makes an Action Roll for each action, with a penalty of 10 to the Bonus Pools for each. If unsuccessful, the character loses a number of segments equal to half the amount the roll was missed by, as surprise.
The Bonus Pool penalty can be reduced by 1 for every 10 points the %Control roll was made by. %Control cannot be greater than 100. Double Action uses row 3 of the EP Use Chart (2 EP/round).
Driving (3d6): This is the skill of driving a specific type of vehicle (cars, planes, boats). Use the character’s skill level as a weapon skill for purposes of attacking with the vehicle, and as acrobatics skill for purposes of acrobatic maneuvers with the vehicle. The bonus pool is half agility.
Endurance (3d6): This adds twice level to the character’s Endurance Points.
Escape Artistry (3d6): The character has studied means of escaping from traps and bindings. If the Escape Artist was conscious when trapped, a roll vs. Escape Artist level can be made to escape, modified as the Editor sees fit. If the Escape Artist was not conscious when trapped, the skill level is halved. If the Escape Artist does not have the small, easily hidden tools available, there is a penalty of 5 to the roll.
Evasion (2d4): The character has Level points that can be used for Defense. Increasing Defense by 1 requires 2 points Adding another opponent costs 1 point (this applies only to Evasion). Evasion uses EP, starting at row 7.
Evading Pursuers (3d6): The character is skilled in getting rid of tails and chasers. The tail/pursuer’s Perception roll is at a penalty of twice the evader’s skill level. There will be bonuses to this roll depending on circumstances, from up to 100 on a plain, to 0 on a crowded street. If the evader does not know where the tail is, the tail has a bonus of Learning to the roll. If the tail is openly following the character (including chasing!), there is a bonus of 25 to the roll.
Falling (3d6): When the character falls, damage can be reduced by skill level. The character must have 10 segments to prepare. (Performance Time: 10 segments)
Focussing (d4): This acts as a bonus to the bonus pool for focussing Intensive Spells.
Forgery (3d6): Characters that have studied Forgery can, with practice, recreate another person’s handwriting. Those who scrutinize the forgery are allowed a perception roll, at a penalty of twice the forgers skill level. If the forger had an exact example while making the forgery, (copying a signature, for example), this penalty is three times skill level.
If the examiner has reason to believe it is a forgery, that person has a bonus to the perception roll equal to Learning, and a bonus equal to the examiner’s skill level with Forgery.
Gesticulation (3d6): This skill is useful only for Weaving Wizards. Points of Gesticulation can either add to the character’s Agility for purposes of Arcane Gestures, or decrease the amount of time that such gestures add to a spell’s Performance Time. Each point of gesticulation reduces the Performance Time penalty by 1.
Hide Objects in Plain Sight (3d6): The character can reduce the chance of someone seeing something by twice the character’s skill level, minus the smallest of height, length, or width, in decimeters, of the object.
The Editor may apply bonuses to see, due to circumstances.
Hide Objects On Body (3d6): The character can hide things on the character’s body. Those searching have a penalty to their perception roll equal to twice the character’s skill level, and a bonus equal to the largest of height, width, or length, in decimeters, of the object.
Hold Breath (3d6): Add this to the character’s Hold Breath Roll.
Hypnosis (3d6): This is the skill of hypnotizing subjects. The chance of successfully hypnotizing a willing subject is the subject’s willpower plus twice the character’s skill level. Unwitting targets are allowed a save vs. willpower, at a penalty of the character’s skill level. Unwilling target’s who know that hypnosis is being attempted are allowed a bonus of willpower and Learning on the save.
Hypnosis takes d6 minutes to complete. If there are many distractions in the area, a penalty to the success chance, of willing targets, or bonus to the save for unwitting targets, of from 1 to 50 is given, at the Editor’s discretion.
If the hypnotist wishes to implant a post-hypnotic suggestion, a roll vs. skill level must be made. Every time the suggestion should be carried out, the target is allowed a saving throw vs. willpower, at a penalty of the hypnotist’s skill level. Once the target successfully makes this roll, the suggestion is lost.
Ignore Damage (d4+3): This increases the character’s Ignore Damage by Skill Level divided by 4, rounded down. The Cover Chance is 73%. An attack that hits the head, neck, arms, or legs is not affected by this.
Intensive Spells (3d6): Add twice skill level to the chance that the character is focused correctly to attempt casting an Intensive Spell. See Using Spells Without Knowing Magic.
Interrogation (3d6): This is the skill of extracting information from unwilling subjects. Targets are allowed a saving throw vs. willpower, at a penalty of the interrogator’s skill level. If violent interrogation methods are used, the penalty is twice the interrogator’s skill level, if the interrogator has the ability to do damage to the target. However, the interrogator must save vs. skill level on 2d10, or the target will take the failure as damage, directly to body DP. Skin Temper and Ignore Damage will not modify it.
Each attempt at Interrogation takes a number of hours equal to the target’s Newoen minus 2d10 (+ Damage if violent interrogation is used). Under special circumstances, the target may gain a bonus of up to willpower on the saving throw.
Inventing (3d6): This is the skill of tinkering. The player must roll an Action roll less than or equal to the skill level to create an invention.
Penalties: If the invention is greater than Type 1, there is a penalty of Type to the Inventing Roll. There is also a penalty to the Pool for complexities of very complex or greater. See the chart below.
Bonuses: If the character has some Knowledge in areas that should help with the inventing, add all the Knowledge Scores together (with modifications as set by the Editor) and divide by 10 for the bonus to the Bonus Pool.
If the inventor has already invented such a device, and is using their invention as a guide, add the guide’s Reliability to the bonus pool. If the inventor is using someone else’s invention as a guide, add half its Reliability to the bonus Pool. Half those bonuses if the inventor is simply using a description of the guide, rather than the guide itself. Those two bonuses are not cumulative.
Double the bonus if the inventor is reproducing the invention exactly, and add 1 per previous successful reproduction. In this case, the invention’s reliability cannot exceed the guide’s reliability.
There is a bonus to the pool for complexities of complex or less. See the chart below.
Size: The Editor should set an average size for the invention. Doubling the size adds 1 to the bonus pool. Halving the size subtracts 1 from the bonus pool.
Default Time: It normally takes 6 hours to invent something.
Quality Effects: Quality can be applied to Reliability. Items with a Reliability of less than 20 have a chance of breaking every time they are used. See the section on Equipment.
Monetary Cost: Inventing takes money. For each hour spent on making an invention, money is needed, as given on the Complexity table below. If the character spends more money than this, it doesn’t increase the chance of success, but it does increase the quality of the invention if it is a success--add 2 to the Quality for each doubling of the money spent. If the inventor skimps, there is a penalty to the Action roll of 1 for each halving of the money spent.
Complexity Modifier Hourly Cost
Very Simple 8 bonus $1
Simple 4 bonus $3
Average Complexity 2 bonus $10
Complex no bonus $30
Very Complex 1 penalty $100
Unreasonable 2 penalty $250
Very Unreasonable 4 penalty $750
Improbable 8 penalty $2,500
Impossible 16 penalty $10,000
Inventing Examples: For the first example, Professor Star tries to invent a Type 1 time machine. The Professor’s Inventing skill is 3. He has been studying time travel physics (a very theoretical discipline, until now...), and has a Knowledge Score of 50. His Electrical Engineering score is 60, but the Editor rules that this has a modifier of 1/2. So, the total Knowledge Score is 50+30, or 80. This gives a bonus of 8. Time Travel is Improbable. This gives a penalty of 8. His total bonus pool is 0. He decides to double the amount of time spent on the Action of Inventing, 5 times, to 192 hours. It will cost him $2500*192, or $480,000 before he’s done. This gives him a bonus to the Inventing Roll of 10, for 13. At the end of this time, he rolls 8 on his Action roll; the Quality of the Roll is 5. This is applied to the Machine’s Reliability, for a Reliability of 5. See Equipment for an explanation of Reliability.
For another example, Professor Star takes up Photography, and decides to build his own camera. A camera is very simple, so he has a bonus of 8. Cameras are not Typed. His applicable Knowledge Scores are Optics (30), Photography (15), and Mechanics (20). Mechanics will be halved, so the total is 30+15+10, or 55. This gives a bonus of 6. He is using a description of a camera with a Quality of 30. Since this isn’t his and he is only using a description, this is halved twice to 8. His total bonus poolis 8+6+8, or 22, or 11 on the Sphere Chart. He decides to double the amount of time once, to 12 hours. This increases his Inventing skill to 5. His camera will cost $1*12, or $12. He doubles this three times, bringing it to $96, to increase the Quality of the camera by 6. He rolls 10, minus the bonus of 11, gives -1. This is 6 less than the needed 5, so he has created a Reliability 6 camera--but he spent extra money to increase the Reliability 6 times, bringing it to Reliability 12. Not bad for a first try.
Repairing Inventions: Items can be repaired. The roll is the same as for Inventing, but the cost is at 10%, and the base time is 1 hour instead of 12. There is a penalty to the roll equal to the number of Reliability points missing. The Quality of the Roll is used to increase the Reliability of the item. The item’s Reliability cannot be increased beyond the item’s original maximum Reliability.
Jumping (3d6): Add this to the character’s Jump Pool.
Locquacity (3d6): This skill is useful only for Weaving Wizards. Points of Locquacity can either add to the character’s Learning for purposes of Magical Words and Phrases, or decrease the amount of time that such utterances add to a spell’s Performance Time. Each point of locquacity reduces the Performance Time penalty by 1.
Magic Tricks (3d6): This is the ability to do magic tricks without a stage or preparation. There may be penalties to the Magic Trick roll, depending on circumstances and the trick. Pulling flowers out of a hat, for example, has a bonus of 15. Putting someone in a closet and making them disappear has a bonus of 2.
Maneuverability (3d6): The character has a bonus of level to the amount of Q that movement can be reduced by, and can move up to half level Q in order to change direction (reducing movement Q in one direction and adding it to another). Both of these can only be done at the same time as a Move Roll, although the Move Roll doesn’t need to be successful.
Martial Kick(d4): This is a special kicking attack. See the Combat Skill for level bonuses.
Half of hand damage may be added to the damage of the Martial Kick. If the character focuses (using 1 EP per bonus), the character can gain a Penetration of up to half level, rounded down.
If the character has a strength of less than 10, reduce the damage rolled by 10-Strength, on the Doubling Chart.
Martial Punch(d4): This is a special hand attack. See the Combat Skill for level bonuses. There is a penalty of 5 to the Attack Score, since this must be a Death Shot. There is no save against it, however.
One quarter of hand to hand damage may be added to the damage of the Martial Punch. If the character focuses (uses 1 EP per bonus), the character can gain a Penetration of up to half level, round down. The character can also do penetrating damage instead of bludgeoning, as desired.
If the character has a strength of less than 10, reduce the damage rolled by 10-Strength, on the Doubling Chart.
Martial Throw(d4): This is a special attack. See the Combat Skill for level bonuses. The character attempts to throw the target.
Compare the attacker’s damage to the opponent’s Mass (Square Chart). If the attacker’s damage is greater, the defender is thrown the difference, in meters. The defender also takes damage equal to the difference, in addition to any damage taken from flying into objects.
The attacker can use Martial Throw Quality to reduce the opponent’s effective Mass: each Quality point moves the Mass down 1.
If the defender’s mass is too high, the attacker loses a number of segments equal to the difference between the numbers (Sphere Chart), as surprise.
Mass Hypnosis (3d6): This is the skill of causing large numbers of people to see and hear things that aren’t there. Each target is allowed a saving throw vs. willpower, with a penalty equal to twice the character’s skill level. If the target knows that Hypnosis is being attempted, a bonus of willpower is gained.
The hypnosis can cause people to see illusions, but not to suffer from them.
Memory Training (3d6): Add twice the character’s skill level to perception, for purposes of remembering details seen earlier.
Mind Combat (2d4): This skill increases the chance of successful Mind Travel, and makes possible special attacks while in Mind Combat. See Mind Combat under Worldly Situations for more information.
Nerve Pinch (2d4): This skill is the knowledge of the correct nerves to pinch which will cause the target to fall unconscious. The attacker must hit with a Called Shot to the neck. The target is allowed a saving throw vs. perception, plus agility. The attacker can penalize this by 3 for each Quality Point applied to that. If the save is failed, the target will be unconscious for a number of rounds equal to the Q applied to that, modified for Ignore Damage and Skin Temper.
Nerve Pinch has a Performance Time of 20. See Combat Skill for more information on level bonuses for Nerve Pinch..
Opening Locks (3d6): The character must make a 2d10 roll vs. Level minus the Type of the lock. The bonus pool consists of half learning and half agility.
A skill level 7 person with a 10 learning and 10 agility, trying to open a skeleton key lock (type 1) will roll vs. 7-1, or 6, with a bonus of 9 (10 on the Sphere Chart). This is vs. 15.
Performance Time to Open Locks is the lock Type times 10 segments.
The character may leave a trace of tampering with the lock (which may set off an alarm) whether successful or not. Each try, the chance for not leaving a trace is level times 5 percent, plus the difference between the above Skill Roll and the die roll. Roll less than or equal to the chance on d100.
Picking Pockets (3d6): This skill applies to any action designed to take something from someone else surreptitiously. The character must roll 2d10 vs. Level. The target is allowed a Perception roll, at a penalty of three times the picker’s skill level. There is a bonus to the Bonus Pool of Agility minus 10, halved.
Picking Pockets has a Performance Time of 20.
Power Use (d4): Characters can train in their powers as for Combat Skill. This gives the same bonuses as Combat Skill, to the character’s Combat Roll with that Power.
Quick Change (3d6): The Performance Time to change one piece of clothing with another is 4 segments. The character can attempt to change multiple pieces of clothing at the same time, with a penalty to the bonus pool of the number of items being changed. The character’s Agility minus 10, halved, is a bonus to the Bonus Pool.
Quick Draw (3d6): This reduces the Performance Time for drawing a weapon by level segments, and reduces the time needed to sheath/holster a weapon by twice level segments. Quick Draw applies to only one weapon type, though the character can study it multiple times for additional weapon types.
Read People (3d6): When attempting to read a target’s mindset, the character gets a bonus of five times level on the perception roll. If the target attempts to foil the reading, reduce the chance by the target’s willpower.
Remote Attack (d4): If the character wishes to be able to attack with a remote-controlled weapon, the character must take that weapon as a Remote Attack skill. The character does not necessarily need to know how to use the weapon personally.
Rolling With Attacks (3d6): Add twice level to the character’s Virtual Damage Points.
Running (3d6): Add this to the character’s Move Pool.
Scaling (3d6): The character is able to climb walls and other structures. There is a penalty to the bonus pool equal to the number of degrees from straight up, divided by 10. A straight wall will subtract 0, and a flat ceiling will subtract 9. A flat floor will add 9. Also, subtract or add depending on the material being scaled:
Wood: +5 Rock: +4 Brick: +3 Metal: -2 Glass: -3
The roll must be made every round that the character is moving. Movement is reduced to one tenth normal while using this skill. Add half Agility to the bonus pool.
Searching (3d6): This is the ability to find hidden things in an area. The character gets a bonus of three times level on the Perception roll to find the object/person. Searching for a small object in a small area takes ten minutes per 3 by 3 meter area. Searching for a large or moving object (that leaves traces, such as a human) in a large area can be done at the one tenth normal Movement rate, searching an area of one tenth Movement (in kmph) kilometers on a side, every hour.
Sex Appeal (3d6): Add this to the character’s Charm Pool (Beauty).
Sneak (3d6): Reduce Perception rolls involving seeing this character by three times the character’s level. When using this skill, the character cannot move faster than .1 m/segment. Doing so gives a bonus of 5 for every .1 m/segment to Perception rolls to see the character.
Special Use: Many times, players will come up with special uses for their powers. A character with power over Magnetism might decide to create electricity by rapidly varying a magnetic field around metal. This is a logical thing to be able to do. There are two ways to deal with these Special Uses. It is up to the Editor and Player to decide which is best applicable for each case.
Option 1: Create a new Basic Effect. The character starts out at 0 %Control in this new Basic Effect. In the above example, the character has the new Basic Effect of Create Current, up to one third PR (Sphere Chart) d6 worth. It requires at least PR squared pounds of ferrous metal, however.
Option 2: Learn a new Power. The character starts out at 0 %Control in the new power, and PR 1. There will be a multiplier of at least 2 to the Editing Points required to train upwards (in both PR and %Control). The Player and Editor must determine the exact multiplier. In the above example, since the effect is so logical, and the power has the inherent weakness of requiring ferrous metal, the multiplier will be 2. The character will start out at PR 1, %Control 0 in Electric Power. The character must have at least Half PR, squared, pounds of ferrous metal on hand to use the power, however.
Speed, Specific Action (3d6): The player can reduce the Performance Time of the Specific Action by the character’s Skill Level. For example, a character with Speed, Teleportation, level 10, subtracts 10 segments from the Performance Time of Teleportation.
Teamwork (3d6): Characters must study Teamwork together. If characters with different levels of Teamwork attempt to work together, the lowest level applies to the group. Teamwork skill levels only apply with the group the character trained with. It takes less training to learn Teamwork multiple times, however. When a character who already has Teamwork with one group attempts to learn it with another, it only takes 1 Editing Point times the character’s skill level, to gain the same Teamwork level with the new team.
Advantages of Teamwork: When attempting to Combine Attacks, the group’s Teamwork level is added to each member’s agility. The group’s Teamwork skill level is also used as a combat pool that each member can draw from. The amount that the character draws from the pool is added to the character’s Bonus Pool. That amount is also unavailable to the rest of the group.
Tracking (3d6): This is the ability to follow trails left by animals, people, or any moving object. The character’s perception is increased by level times 5 for purposes of following the trail. Generally, trails fade with age. Look up the number of minutes since the trail was made on Column 1 of the Doubling Chart, and multiply by 4, for the penalty to the Perception roll. In areas where the trail is less likely to fade, reduce the multiplier. Certain conditions can give penalties or bonuses to the Perception roll also.
Trailing (3d6): There are two facets to trailing--following someone without being seen, and keeping them in sight. Trailing can be combined with Sneak. Trailing gives a penalty to the target’s Perception roll of level. In order to keep the target in sight, the character must make a Perception roll, with a bonus of level times five. There will be other bonuses depending on circumstances.
Use Incorrect Hand: This allows the character to do any one thing with the character’s off hand (left hand for right-handed characters, right hand for left-handed characters). The character starts at 0% Control, and may train upwards as normal for %Control. This skill has no level.
Weight (3d6): Add this to the character’s build for purposes of determining the character’s mass.
Weightlifting (3d6): Add this to the character’s Lift Pool. This applies only to specially designed weights (such as barbells). Use half the character’s skill level (rounded up) as the bonus to the character’s Lift Pool for normal items. Use one quarter the character’s skill level for the bonus to the character’s Throw Pool.
Wizard Block (3d6): This skill uses EP, starting at Row 7. The character can reduce a specific caster’s chance of successfully casting a spell by skill level (minus 1 for each Newoen divided by 10 meters away the caster is). This skill is rare, and players who choose it must know where their character learned it. A character cannot have a level in Wizard Block greater than half Newoen.