The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. In a world where the yahoo next to you might well be able to shoot particle beams out of her arms, you’d better keep your hand tight on your magnum.
Weapon Damage Speed Pool Penetration Short Set Maximum Recoil Reload
Annihilon Beam 4d100 200 -35 6 100 200 8000 100 50
Type Increases 1d100 10 -1 1 every 3 50 100 1000 5 5
Antimatter Bomb 4d100 -- +100 5 100 200 6000
Type Increases 1d100 +10 1 every 4 50 100 1000
Atomic Bomb d100 -- +100 4 100 100 3000
Type Increases d100 +10 1 every 5 100 100 1000
Axe, Battle 2d6 50 -2 3
Handaxe d6 20 0 1
Throwing Axe d6 20 -1 1 2 1 8 0 10
Chopping Axe d8 30 -1 2
Billy Club d4 20 +1 0
Body Hold Hand/2 20 0 0
Body Smash d6 15 -3 0
Body Throw -- 30
Bola d3 10 +1 0 2 2 8 0 10
Boomerang d6 10 0 0 3 3 20 0 10
Bow d6 24 0 1 3 4 100 0 10
Compound d6 30 0 1 4 5 120 2 10
Longbow d6 40 0 3 3 6 300 5 15
Cannon 2d10 30 -4 0 5 6 100 30 40
Type Increases d10 2 -2 0 .5 1 20 10 4
Club d6 20 -1 0
Thrown d6 20 -1 0 2 1 10 0 10
Type Increases d6 5
Concussion Blaster d6 25 0 0 2 2 30 6 20
Type Increases d6 .5 .5 5 4
Cosmon 3d100 150 -30 5 70 150 5000 0
Type Increases d100 25 -1 1 every 4 30 50 500
CPR Cannon 2d100 100 -10 4 100 500 15000 50 200
Type Increases half d100 20 -1 1 every 5 25 250 2500 50 50
Crossbow d6 5 +1 2 4 3 50 2 30
Dart Gun d3 10 +1 2 3 2 20 2 15
Type Increases 4 1 .5 .5 4 2 5
Disruptor Ray d12 20 +2 3 2 3 30 0
Type Increases d12 2 1 every 3 .5 .5 5
Explosives d12 -- +20 0 2 1 10
Type Increases d12 +1 1 1 5
Electric Ray d6 10 +3 0 4 4 20 5 5
Type Increases d6 5 +1 .5 .5 2 5
Fist Hand 15 +1 0
Flame Thrower d8 30 +3 0 2 1 6 5
Type Increases d8 10 +1 .25 .25 1 2
Flechette Gun d6 15 +1 3 3 2 10 5 20
Type Increases 1 every 3 .25 .25 5 5
Foil d3 15 +1 0
Freeze Ray d6+1 25 -1 0 2 2 12 5
Type Increases d6 5 .25 .25 1 5
Garrote 1 20 -1 1
Weapon Damage Speed Pool Penetration Short Set Maximum Recoil Reload
Grenade 2d6 -- +18 1 1 .5 6
Type Increases d6 +1 .20 .25 .5
Gyrojet d8 15 -2 2 1 3 60 5 20
Type Increases d8 1 every 4 .5 1 10 4
Handgun, Small d4 10 0 0 2 1 50 1 20
Type Increases 1/2 1/4 5 1 every 2 1
Normal d6 20 +1 1 4 3 80 2 20
Type Increases 1 every 6 .5 .25 8 1 2
Large d8 30 0 2 4 4 100 4 20
Type Increases 1 every 5 .5 .25 10 2 3
Huge d10 40 -1 3 4 5 150 8 30
Type Increases 1 every 5 .5 .5 15 3 4
Harpoon d12 30 -2 0 2 3 15 8 35
Heat Ray d6 15 +2 0 3 3 20
Type Increases d6 5 .5 .5 5
Javelin d5 20 0 0 2 2 12 0 10
Knife, Large d5 20 +1 0
Throwing d4 15 0 0 2 2 10 0 8
Laser Cannon d100 50 -8 2 10 50 1000 0 50
Type Increases half d100 5 1 every 5 5 10 500 10
Laser Ray d8 20 +2 0 3 4 50 0 10
Type Increases d8 5 .5 .5 10
Laser ball d20 -- +30 2 1 .5 5
Laser sword 2d4 15 +2 4
Lasso -- 30 0 0 1 1 5 0 20
Mace 2d6 30 -1 2
Martial Kick d10 20 -1 0
Martial Punch d8 10 0 0
Martial Throw -- 25 0 0
Mindbender -- 25 +2 0 5 2 10 0
Mind Combat -- 5 0 0
Missile, Free -- 50 -10 0 500 500 5000 50 50
Guided -- 50 -10 0 -- -- 5000 50 50
Type Increase 25 -1 500 500 2500 50 50
Missile Launcher d20 50 -1 2 4 5 500 20 50
Type Increases 5 1 every 5 1 1 100 5 5
Missile Thrower -- 25 -1 0 3 1 10 8 20
Type Increases 5 1 1 10 5 4
Needler d2 25 +2 1 3 2 20 1 20
Type Increases d2 5 +1 every 3 1 every 4 .5 .5 5 1 4
Negadeen Blaster d12+1 30 -3 0 2 4 10 0 15
Nuclear Bomb 2d100 -- +100 4 200 300 6000
Type Increases d100 +10 1 every 5 100 150 1500
Nunchuku d6 20 +1 0
Photon Bomb 2d100 -- +100 5 100 200 4000
Type Increases d50 every 2 +10 1 every 5 50 100 1000
Pod Gun d2 20 +1 0 2 2 15 2 25
Type Increases 2 .25 .5 5
Radiation Ray -- 15 +1 0 2 2 30 0 20
Type Increases 5 .5 1 10
Rapier d5 25 +1 0
Shotgun, Shot d8 25 +3 1 3 3 50 4 25
Slug d10 25 -1 2 3 4 100 4 25
Sonic Ray d8 25 +3 0 2 2 20 2 15
Type Increases d8 5 .25 .25 5 1 5
Weapon Damage Speed Pool Penetration Short Set Maximum Recoil Reload
Spear d6 25 0 0
Throwing d6 25 0 0 2 2 8 0 15
Stun Bomb d10 -- +25 0 1 1 8
Type Increases d10 +1 .5 .25 2
Stun Ray d8 15 +1 0 3 3 25 0 10
Type Increases d8 2 .5 .5 5 5
Sword d8 35 +1 1
Short d6 25 +1 0
Great 2d6 50 -1 3
Tangler Gun 0 40 +1 0 1 1 10 10 20
Type Increases 5 +1 every 2 .5 .5 5 2 2
Throwing Stars d3 10 0 1 2 2 10 0 2
Warhead (Personal) d20 -- +10 0 1 .5 10
Type Increases d20 +5 1 .5 10
Whip d4 20 -1 0
Type: Most weapons are Typed. The weapon chart lists statistics for weapons of Type 1. Increases for Type greater than 1 are given beneath the weapon, on the line labeled Type Increases. You can round these normally if you don’t want to deal with decimal points.
Damage: This is the damage done by the weapon. Most weapons do a random amount of damage. If it is a Hand to Hand weapon (such as a sword, or club), the player will add the character’s Hand Damage to the weapon’s damage. This cannot normally exceed the damage rolled for the weapon, for pointed weapons, or twice the damage rolled for the weapon, for slashing and blunt weapons.
Only half of the character’s Hand Damage is added to pointed hand weapons (such as spears and foils), and blunt thrown weapons (such as thrown clubs). Only one quarter of the character’s Hand Damage is added to missile weapons that are affected by the strength (such as bows, and throwing knives).
Players can use Combat Q to limit the minimum damage the weapon does. Each point adds 1 to the minimum damage. A Whip, for example, does d4 points damage, so the minimum is automatically 1. If 3 Quality points are used for minimum damage, a die roll of less than 4 is assumed to be 4. The minimum damage cannot be greater than the maximum damage rollable. If the weapon does 2d6, the minimum damage is 2. 3 Quality points here will mean a minimum damage of 5. Any dice total of less than 5 is assumed to be 5.
Speed: This is the weapon’s Action Speed. It takes this many segments to attack with the weapon. The minimum Action Speed for any weapon is one tenth the normal Action Speed, rounded up.
Pool: This is the modifier to the character’s Combat Pool when using the weapon.
Penetration: If a weapon has a penetration above 0, the target’s Skin Temper is reduced by that many levels before applying damage. Skin Temper cannot be reduced below 1.
Short Range: This is the range, in meters, at which the character has no added penalty to the combat pool with the ranged weapon.
Range Set: After Short Range, the character has a penalty of 1 to the Bonus Pool with the weapon, with an additional penalty of 1 every Range Set meters.
Maximum Range: After Maximum Range, the weapon loses power. At Maximum Range, the target’s Skin Temper is increased by 1 level, and is increased again every Range Set meters afterwards.
Recoil: After a missile weapon is fired, the attacker loses this many segments before being able to attempt another action. The player can reduce this time by stealing points from the character’s Action Modifier. The Action Modifier is permanently reduced--until the player makes a successful straight Perception roll.
Recoil is reduced by 1 for every 5 points of the character’s Throwback Roll. If the character has a Throwback Roll of 14, Recoil is reduced by 2. Every 5 points of final Recoil will do 1 point of Bludgeoning Damage, directly to DP (modified by Skin Temper and Ignore Damage). This does throw.
The character’s defense while under the effects of recoil is reduced by the Recoil (on the Sphere chart).
Reload: This is the Action Speed of reloading the weapon. If a missile weapon does not have a Reload time, reloading requires special procedures that can’t generally be done in combat. See the weapon’s description.
At the Editor’s discretion, characters can reduce the reload time of some weapons by taking special preparations. A trick with weapons that use clips, for example, is to tape an extra clip to the weapon. This will reduce the reload time by 25%.
Ranges of Strength Weapons: Divide the character’s average Hand Damage by 5, and round down. Double Range Set and Maximum Range this many times. This can only apply to weapons that are influenced by strength, such as bows and thrown weapons.
Drawing Weapons: The above Speeds assume that the character is wielding the weapon. If not, the character must Draw the weapon. It takes an Action of one half of the weapon’s Speed to Draw a weapon.
Exploding Missiles: Certain weapons, such as the Bazooka, and Pod Explosives, must impact in order to explode. The target must take DP in the attack (or would have, if the target’s Skin Temper were 1, and Ignore Damage were 0). Otherwise, the missile barely missed, and probably explodes as soon as it hits something behind the target.
Rifles: Rifle versions of handguns will generally have a Range Set of 1.5 times the handgun’s. Maximum Range will be doubled. There is an additional 50% to Speed, Reload, and Recoil. Damage is at +1 per die. Rifles usually have twice the ammunition capacity of the equivalent handgun.
Intensity Dials: Most energy weapons of Type greater than 1 will have an Intensity Dial that can be used to set the intensity of weapon. A Type III laser, for example, can be set for Type I, II, or III use.
Semi-Automatic: In the game terminology, a semi-automatic is any missile weapon that can be fired simply by pulling the trigger over and over again. No action other than pulling the trigger (and occasionally reloading) is required. Most of the handguns listed are the semi-automatic versions.
Maintaining Fire: A character can maintain firing once the attack is made. The same attack score is used, reduced by the opponent’s Defense for each successive attack. The successive attacks occur in one tenth the time that it took the first attack to occur (round up), plus the recoil of the weapon. If the character doesn’t wait for recoil, subtract the recoil from the Attack, each successive attack. A character cannot maintain fire and have multiple opponents.
An automatic is a missile (or energy) weapon that can be fired by holding the trigger down. The weapon has a mechanism that continually fires ammunition while the trigger is held.
Automatic weapons generally hold more ammunition than their semi-automatic counterpart. Reload time is increased by 50%. Recoil will be increased by the number of shots fired, divided by 5.
Weapon Size Shots per Type Shots Held
Small 5 times 5
Normal 10 times 10
Large 20 times 20
Huge 40 times 40
Energy Automatics: Most energy weapons are considered Normal, and have no recoil. The number of Shots per Type is divided by 5.
When attacking with an automatic weapon, there is a bonus to the Bonus Pool equal to the number of shots fired. The Quality of the Attack Roll can be applied in two additional ways. The number of shots total cannot exceed the number of shots fired.
When attacking with an automatic, attacks against multiple opponents occur in the same segment. For every 30 degrees between each opponent, 1 shot is lost for every 5 shots fired.
Automatic Fire Example The Lurking Grue shoots at two targets 20 degrees apart. His uzi is a normal-sized, automatic handgun, firing 10 shots. The Quality of his Combat roll is 14. The extra target costs 1 Q point. He loses 2 shots per 30 degrees, so he loses 1 shot between them. He applies 2 Q to increase the number of shots that hit the first target. He’s used 4 shots. He applies 5 Q to increase the damage done to the second target. This is 5 shots, but will count as one that does 3d6 damage. This is a total of 8 Q points, leaving 6 Q points. He uses 3 points to decrease the Speed from 20 to 10, and 1 point to increase damage by 1 point for the second target. He uses the remaining 2 points to increase the Attack to 1 for each target. If he hits the first target, he does 1d6 damage 4 times. If he hits the second target, he does 3d6+1. One of the shots is unaccounted for, and may hit a bystander (as might the two that passed between them). |
Number of Shots: For each target (additional targets cost as normal), apply Q separately. This is the number of shots that hit that target. The total number of shots cannot exceed the number of shots fired.
Increased Damage: For each target, apply Q separately. Divide the Q by 2 (round up, Sphere Chart). The result is the multiplier to the number of dice rolled for damage. The equivalent damage is rolled all at once, and applied to Skin Temper and Ignore Damage as if it were one shot. The applied Q cannot exceed the number of shots fired.
Maintaining Fire: A character can maintain fire with an automatic in the same way as with a semi-automatic.
Firing Blindly:Characters can simply fire blindly into an area. Once the attacker starts firing, the action continues for as long as the attacker desires, or until the ammunition runs out.
The attacker chooses an area, and fires there. The Editor randomly determines the target(s), and rolls d10 against each target, subtracting from the number of shots headed for the target, and applying Range penalties as needed. If this is greater than the target’s Defense Score, the target is hit.
Hits vs. Misses: Subtract the target’s Defense Score from the resulting Attack. Divide by 2, and round up. This is the number of shots that hit. It cannot be greater than the original number of shots headed towards the target.
Retaining Control: A character firing for more than 1 segment must retain control of the automatic. This applies to both Maintaining Fire and Firing Blindly. The player must roll d100 greater than the weapon’s Recoil for that segment. Once the attacker loses control, subsequent attempts to regain control use 2d10. If the attacker loses control, the next segment the attack will move up, down, left, or to the right of the previous area. Roll on the Miss chart for the direction to move towards, and it will be 2d3-1 times 10 degrees in that direction. The next attack will cover the arc between the original direction and the new direction, as Firing Blindly.
Attempts to Retain and Regain control happen at the end of the segment.
Reducing Number of Shots: Save vs. Skill Level on 2d10. If the save is failed, the number of shots fired is the number the save was missed by times 5% of the maximum number of shots, rounded up. Some weapons will have a dial that can set the maximum number of shots fired per attack to less than normal.
Annihilon Beam: The Annihilon’s beam sets up a reaction that brings into existence the anti-matter for whatever matter the beam passes through. This causes the destruction of that matter. Because of the manner in which the anti-matter is created, the energy released sets up the same reaction in the beam’s line, thus perpetuating the beam. Increase Short Range by 50, Range Set by 100, and Maximum Range by 1000 meters for every Type greater than 1. Damage is increased by d100 for every Type greater than 1.
The width of the beam is found by looking up the number of meters from the target on the Doubling Chart, for meters.
Anti-Matter Bomb: The Anti-Matter Bomb usually consists of a specific anti-matter and matter separated by force fields. When the force field is let up, the bomb goes off. To minimize the chance of a force field failure, the force field is usually powered by a special matter-antimatter reaction, using the fuel of the bomb. Because of this, anti-matter bombs lose 1 Type every 10,000 years.
Anti-matter bombs can still be unreliable, however, and are thus rarely carried except on drones. Remember, anything that could damage the force field circuitry could cause the bomb to explode. Anti-matter bombs usually weigh around 300 kilograms, most of which is the circuitry.
Axes: There are three types of axes described here. The battle axe is large, weighing about 15 kilograms. The chopping axe is the axe normally used to chop trees, and weighs 5 kilograms. The handaxe and throwing axe are the same thing, simply used to different purposes, and basically equivalent to the Indian tomahauk, weighing 2 kilogram.
Atomic Bomb: Atomic bombs use uranium surrounded by a conventional explosive. The conventional explosives go off first, and compress the uranium so that it reaches critical mass. Then, the real explosion occurs. Atomic bombs usually weigh around 200 kilograms.
Bola: The bola consists of balls tied to the ends of a strong cord. It is usually used to hit someone in the legs or the neck. When a bola does damage to DP, it has wrapped around whatever body part it hit.
Boomerang: Boomerangs can return to the thrower if they miss the target. Boomerangs that are sharp do d8 damage, with a bonus of 1 vs. Skin Temper. To catch a returning boomerang, the thrower must save vs. half dexterity, plus twice skill level.
Bow: Bows generally weigh around 4 kilograms, and arrows about .8 kilograms each.
With compound bows, strength cannot modify damage--the pull of the bow does. Read the pull of the bow (in kilograms) on the Hand to Hand Damage chart for the effective Hand to Hand damage bonus (modified, of course, as normal for a pointed missile weapon).
Compound bows and long bows weigh about 6 kilograms.
Cannon: This ancient weapon shoots a large ball at opponents.
Club: Club includes any non-weighted bludgeoning weapon not already on the chart. It usually includes makeshift weapons: a chair, a car, a telephone pole, or a manhole cover all qualify as a club.
Clubs are classified by mass. Look up the mass of the club on the Doubling Table. To use a club as a weapon, the club cannot weigh more than the mass that causes the character to lose 1 EP per round.
Any club that weighs more than the mass that causes the character to lose 1 EP per 5 minutes is a two-handed weapon, giving -2 to the combat pool.
Length for Clubs (Width for Thrown Clubs) modifies the combat pool: Look up the size in meters on the Doubling Chart for the bonus to the combat pool.
Concussion Blaster: This weapon sends out a blast of concussive force, doing bludgeoning damage.
Cosmon: The cosmon ray accelerates the subatomic particles of any matter in its path.
CPR Cannon: CPR Cannons shoot particle rays. The most common types are from 1 to 5, although occasionally a type 6 or 7 may be found. CPR Cannons usually hold just one charge. (CPR is Controlled Particle Ray.)
Dart Gun: Darts usually will not be used simply to inflict damage, but will be poisoned. The dart must do DP for the poison to enter the blood stream. Dart guns generally hold one to six darts at a time.
Disruptor Ray: This dangerous, rare weapon disrupts the molecular make-up of living beings (carbon or silicon-based). The most common type is Type 1, and types above 3 are very rare. Disruptor guns hold 5-8 charges.
Explosives: Dynamite is a Type 1 explosive, with 1 bar of dynamite the standard amount. For each doubling of the amount, short range is increased by 25% normal, range set by 50%, and maximum range by 100%. Damage is increased by d12. Plastic Explosives range in Type up from 2. The standard amount ranges, but is usually approximately .5 kg.
Electric Ray: Also known as a zap gun, this weapon shoots a blast of electricity. Electric Guns hold 5-12 charges.
Fist: Brass Knuckles add d3 points to fist-fighting damage, and coin rolls wrapped inside the hand add 1 point damage. These are not cumulative.
Flame Thrower: A flame thrower consists of a nozzle attached to a backpack.
Flame throwers generally have 50 segments of flame in a backpack. They usually weigh 10 kilograms, plus half the number of segments remaining. Most flame-throwers have autofire capability, but not all. Some nozzles will break down if they shoot flame too long.
Freeze Ray: This gun shoots freezing gasses. Freeze Guns hold 5-8 charges.
Garrote: This is fine wire or strong, fine string, used to strangle an opponent. A garrote can only be used in a Body Hold to the neck, and adds the lowest of the attacker’s strength or dexterity to the attacker’s pool to keep hold of the target. Only 1/4 of the Hand damage bonus may be added to the damage done with this weapon.
Grenade: There are three normal types of grenades: Standard, Gas, and Incendiary. Grenades can be thrown as clubs.
Standard: Standard grenades are simply explosive. There are Defensive grenades with half the given ranges.
Gas: The type with gasses dissipate after about Type d6 rounds, depending on air flow. The volume of the gasses is a sphere of diameter equal to Maximum Range. Any type of gas may be used in a gas grenade. Gas grenades do one tenth the standard grenade damage, with half the standard bonus to hit, rounding down.
Incendiary: On the first hit, an incendiary grenade does the stated damage. If this hits a target for DP (before ST and Ignore Damage modify it), the body locations hit will take half that damage in the following segment. Damage continues to halve each succeeding segment until only 1 point of damage is taken (always rounding down). These secondary are also treated as Death Shots.
Gyrojet: This weapon shoots a tiny explosive rocket powered missile. Gyrojets hold anywhere from 1 to 10 missiles. Four Q points are required to do the listed damage (since the missile must hit the target to explode on the target). Otherwise, the Gyrojet does d6+Type damage. (If d6+Type would end up doing DP damage, roll the listed damage instead).
The Short Range and Range Set of the explosion are Type decimeters. The Maximum Range is Type meters.
Handgun: Handguns hold 5-9 bullets or more. New handguns, by law, can hold no more than 10 bullets. My Glock holds 13, and if I dig around in my closet there’s a 30 round magazine. Don’t you feel much better knowing that?
Heat Ray: This shoots a beam of coherent heat. Heat Ray guns generally hold 10 charges. Ranges are multiplied by 10 in the vacuum of space, and divided by 10 underwater.
Laser Ray: Laser guns shoot beams of highly concentrated coherent light. Lasers usually hold 12 charges. Ranges for lasers (including laser cannons) are multiplied by 10 in the vacuum of space, and divided by 10 in dense atmospheres, such as underwater. Laser cannons often hold only 1-3 charges. Oh, and if you were born before 1960, LASER is Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Laser Ball: This light bomb consists of confined coherent light. They are often highly volatile, and any sudden jar will set them off. If not used, a laser ball will explode 20+2d10 hours after being taken out of its protective storage device. This was stolen directly from Battlestar Galactica, so if you don’t like silly science fiction series, don’t use this weapon. But if you don’t like silly science fiction, why are you reading comic books?
Laser Sword: A laser sword is coherent light, kept coherent not by a lens but by a powerful energy field. The power supply of laser swords generally last 2 hours.
I’m not even going to tell you where this weapon came from.
Lasso: For a lasso to be effective, it must hit as a thrown object as a Death Shot. If a lasso hits as a Death Shot, it has caught and snared that location on the body. Lassos are generally made of type 3 rope.
Don’t you have more respect for Linda Carter now?
Mindbender: This weapon attacks the nervous system and causes great pain. The attacker must hit the target in a Death Shot for the weapon to be effective. If it hits, the target must save vs. willpower minus twice Type or become mad with pain--unable to do anything for as long as the mindbender is trained on the character, and for (Type)d10 rounds afterwards. If the target fails a save vs. twice willpower minus the number of segments the weapon was used, the target takes Type points penetrating damage to the body (nervous system), unaffected by Skin Temper or Ignore Damage.
Each version of the mindbender works on one type of creature (since it must be attuned to that type of nervous system). Usually, the same mindbender will work on all animals on a planet.
Missiles: There are two types of powered missiles: free and guided. Free missiles have to be aimed, while guided missiles have some means of homing in on their target. Free missiles travel at a speed equal to their Range Set per segment. Guided missiles travel at half the speed of a free missile of the same type.
Missile Launcher: These portable missile launchers usually hold one warhead at a time, and weigh about 15 kilograms.
Missile Thrower: This launches non-powered missiles or projectiles, such as grenades or laser balls. For each type above one, add 1 to short range, one to range set, and 10 to maximum range.
Needler (Pore-Gun): This weapon shoots a cluster of needles which often contain poison. The target must lose DP for the poison, if any, to take effect. Needlers hold 15 clusters. Each cluster is usually 4 needles. The bonus to the combat pool is half the number of needles.
Negadeen Blaster: This weapon perpetuates a beam of plasma--it causes the matter in its path to revert to plasma; this is relatively slow. The beam has a Defense Score of 10. Negadeen blasters hold 12 charges. Negadeen blasters are worthless in a vacuum. They cannot be automatic. The Negadeen Blaster is the beam weapon of the Imperial Guard of the nearby Xinu Imperium.
Nuclear Bomb: The hydrogen bomb is a fusion bomb. It converts hydrogen into helium, or some such nonsense. Most nuclear bombs use an atomic explosion to create the pressures needed for fusion to take place.
Photon Bomb: Type increases Short Range by 40, Range Set by 100, and Maximum Range by 500. Damage is increased by d100 per type.
Pod Guns: Pod Guns are guns which shoot pods. Simple pods do not do that much damage, but the variations are very formidable, especially those that hold gasses or acid. Pod Guns hold from 7-12 pods.
Explosive Pod: The pod explodes and does Type d6 damage as an explosion. For the pod to explode, it must hit something. In order for it to hit the target, it must have done DP (before ST or Ignore Damage modify it). The explosion automatically hits what the pod hit, and has a bonus of type times 6 to hit other possible targets. Short Range is half Type, Range Set is one fourth Type, and Maximum Range is Type times 2.
Gas Pod: Gas Pods usually hold enough gas for Type meters in diameter, lasting Type times 20 segments. Any kind of gas can be put in a pod.
Acid Pod: Acid Pods splash acid onto whatever the pod impacts with. The pod must do DP (before ST and Ignore Damage modify it) for the pod to break apart and splash acid. An amount of acid equal to Type standard units can be held in the pod.
Radiation Ray: This shoots a beam of hard radiation, of intensity type times 20. These guns require backpacks to generate the radiation. Look up the distance to the target, in meters, on Column 1 of the Doubling Chart for the diameter of the beam in decimeters.
Shotgun: Shotguns usually hold 1-2 shots, though there are shotguns which hold more. Shotguns weigh about 3 kilograms. The damage of a sawed-off shotgun is d6. The diameter of a shot’s spread is found by looking up the distance to the target, in decimeters, on the Doubling Chart, for decimeters. Double this for a sawed-off.
Sonic Ray: This weapon produces concentrated sound. Sonic guns hold 8 charges. They weigh Type times 5 kilograms. They are useless in a vacuum. They gain a bonus of Type against Ignore Damage.
Stun Bomb: This weapon does stun damage. The maximum cumulative stun damage for a stun bomb is Type rounds. Most are potentially deadly.
Stun Ray: This weapon does stun damage. A stun gun holds 15 charges. The maximum cumulative stun damage is Type rounds. Most are potentially deadly.
Tangler Gun: This shoots something, usually a net, which spreads out and tangles the target(s). Tangler guns must hit for DP to be effective.
Tangler guns usually have one shot. Those that have more, usually are quite large, or require a backpack.
Warhead(Personal): These warheads are for use with a portable Missile Launcher. Warheads usually weigh about 10 kilograms.