Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 09:17:04 -0400 From: "Mike Riddle" <[REDACTED] at []> To: Multiple recipients of list <[n--b--n] at []> Subject: Royko: Arm Women! [I'm intrigued that I haven't seen this mentioned here before--did I miss it? Or did the 'mainstream media' ignore it?] WOMEN SHOULD GUN FOR EQUALITY by Mike Royko (c) 1996 Tribune Media Services Posted as Fair Use Chicago--One of the livelier debates on guns has recently been touched off by Laura Ingraham, a Washington lawyer and conservative essayist. Writing in The Wall Street Journal, Ms. Ingraham expressed happiness that women are "the fastest growing segment of the gun- buying public." She sneered at feminist groups that hold workshops "about how rape is really about dominance, not sex," and suggested that bullets are far more effective than workshops. "If feminists are serious about ending what they see as the subjugation of women," she wrote, "they will shelve their political agendas long enough to recognize that women who choose to become responsible gun owners are, in their own way, feminist trailblazers." This brought immediate ridicule from anti-gun advocates. One woman hooted: "Yahoo! I am woman, I am free! Free to shoot just like the boys. What empowerment, what exultation, oh joy, oh rapture. By God, is this a great country or what?" Another woman wrote: "Women interested in fighting violent crime against women have to arm themselves, all right. Not with bullets, with self-esteem.... This is domestic crime. In the home. By someone you know or love." At one time, my left knee might have jerked and I would have agreed with the dissenters. That was when I thought that reasonable gun control laws would reduce violent crime. But I've since noticed something that should be fairly obvious. With all the gun laws we have, the bad guys still have guns and use them to shoot the good guys. Does that mean that the solution is for the good guys to all start packing guns? Probably not, because most people have no need to carry a gun, and don't want to. If everyone carried a gun, I'm sure crime would be reduced. We'd also have a huge increase in people shooting off their own toes. But women and guns? I agree with Ms. Ingraham. If every woman in every big, high-crime community in America had a gun in her purse or strapped to her thigh, we would have a safer, more courteous society. Let us look at the obvious. Women are physically weaker. They are less violent, less boastful, less inclined toward beating upon someone smaller. If you go into a tavern, who is sitting there scowling and looking to pick a fight? What kind of people jump out of cars and beat each other with tire irons over a traffic insult? Women? Of course not. While we men have our good qualities, we're responsible for most of the violence and boorish behavior in our society. So if we're going to trust anyone to pack heaters, it should be women, who have proven themselves less likely to do something goofy. Yes, they do have this need for defense. Imagine, if you will, that men were society's prime rape targets. Imagine a society in which a small and mild-mannered man could not get off a bus at night and walk down a dark city street toward his home without fearing that he would encounter a large hulk with a knife who would make unseemly demands. Well, I'll tell you what the result would be. Men would not ask for workshops and self-esteem counselling or wear rape-whistles around their necks. They would demand the right to protect themselves. Politicians would promptly respond, and it would soon be legal to pack a mini-cannon in our belts. Consider the silliness of one of the women who criticized Ms. Ingraham's views: "Only a small percentage of violent crimes against women are committed by strangers." Maybe. But more than half the people in our society--about 140 million--are females. So what is a small percentage? One percent? That's still 1.4 million. Percentages are piffle. To a woman who awakens to see a stranger crawling through her window and heading toward her bed, he is not a small percentage. He is a 100 percent fiend. But if she had a pistol under her pillow and knew how to use it, she could make him a 100 percent corpse. And the world would be a far better place. (This column appeared in the Omaha World-Herald on June 6, 1996.)