From: [L--oa--l] at [] To: jerry Date: Mon, 27 Jun 94 10:59:51 EDT Subject: The SAFE Boycott Your names were taken off relevant post that have been saved over the past few months. On the off chance you've miss this, I wanted to make sure you got a copy. If you already have one, please excuse the mailing. Feel free to copy and circulate any part of the following, feel free to post it on any board or list. The Second Amendment Freedom Enterprise, Inc. (S.A.F.E.) The S.A.F.E. Agenda Statement of Principle In 1776, the Founders of The United States of America realized their rights and freedoms as English Citizens had been stolen by a distant and unfeeling government. It did not happen overnight. It was a process of slow erosion, not one of cataclysmic freedom-quakes that suddenly obliterated the rights of man. By the time they recognized the process for what it was the damage was done. The Founders of The United States of America were left with only two choices: Involuntary Servitude to the throne of England or Armed Rebellion. By The Grace of God, they chose the latter. Those of us who live in the bastion of freedom that has been The United States of America owe a debt that can not be paid to those who fought and died to give us our freedoms. We owe a similar debt to those who have shed their blood during the life of The Republic to preserve those freedoms. While we can not repay the generations of the past we can absolve ourselves of our obligation by securing those same freedoms for the generations of the future. By remembering the lessons of history, we can, we hope, avoid the necessity of armed conflict in a Second American Revolution, for once again, a distant and unfeeling government is stealing the rights of citizens. Mission Statement To that end, we are forming S.A.F.E., The SECOND AMENDMENT FREEDOM ENTERPRISE for the following purposes: 1. Actively informing the American people of the dangers at hand. 2. Educating the American Citizen as to how they may avoid the errors of the past. 3. Through information and education, inspiring American Citizens to empower themselves by taking positive, peaceful actions designed to preserve our freedoms. Through these actions, S.A.F.E members, participants and sponsors seek to protect and preserve the freedoms that define us as Citizens of The United States of America. Action Program S.A.F.E. intends to be as activist in its efforts to defend and preserve Second Amendment Freedoms as are those organizations and individuals who seek to destroy them. We, and others like us, have long noted the efforts of the mainstream media and liberal politicians to subvert personal freedom and individual responsibility with the whim of an all powerful and encompassing government. At first, it was subtle but their days of subtlety are over. The news organizations of the mainstream media have ceased to bear the slightest resemblance to objective reporters. In fact, they have become advocates of policy. Liberal politicians do not hide their contempt for Second Amendment Freedoms and those who hold them dear. Their actions have become so brazen and bold that recently the ABC program, "DAY ONE", declared, "THE CONSTITUTION MAY HAVE BECOME A LUXURY WE CAN NO LONGER AFFORD." The Cornerstone of The American Republic, the Social Contract signed by The Founders of the Republic and notarized with the blood of Patriots, according to an organization who's very livelihood depends on the freedoms granted by that document, "may have become a luxury we can no longer afford." It is enough to bring tears to the eyes of angels. Since "Day One" has fired salvos across the bow of the Ship of Freedom, S.A.F.E. returns the favor. "Day One" is a commercial endeavor, made profitable by the makers of products who purchase air time to advertise those products. Recognizing that simple fact, we plan to attack the one thing the liberal media loves almost as much as the power it is attempting to grab: it's money. To that end, S.A.F.E. issues the following statement. To: America From: The Second Amendment Freedom Enterprise (S.A.F.E.) SEARS is a principal sponsor of "Day One". S.A.F.E. calls upon Americans to, as of this day, cease doing business at SEARS. S.A.F.E. calls upon you to boycott SEARS until such a time as they pull their advertising from "Day One" and publicly announce they will cease and desist to sponsor programs and organizations advocating the revocation of Constitutional freedoms. S.A.F.E. further calls upon you to promote the boycott in your area, to inform ten people of the boycott and ask each of them to inform another ten people. We call upon you to make this boycott successful. S.A.F.E. believes the only peaceful way to catch the attention of the mainstream media and the politicians who pander to them is for the common citizen to flex his economic muscle. By eliminating a single store from your shopping agenda you can tell the media elite that you have had enough of their efforts to subvert freedom. You can let them know that while you may not have a network to promote your point of view, you will not tolerate their using your airways to destroy The Constitution. You can let them know you will do what is necessary to preserve Freedom. S.A.F.E. calls upon The National Rifle Association (the N.R.A.), The Gun Owners of America (G.O.A.), Gunowners Using Network Services (G.U.N.S). and all other groups actively working to insure Second Amendment Freedoms to join us in this effort. Stand together and be heard. Boycott SEARS. Keep America S.A.F.E.! Print Out and Mail to Sears Mr. Edward Brennan Chief Executive Officer SEARS SEARS TOWER Chicago, Il. 60684 Dear Mr. Brennan: As you undoubtedly know by now, S.A.F.E., The Second Amendment Freedom Enterprise, has announced a nationwide boycott of SEARS. S.A.F.E. has done so because you sponsor the ABC network's program, "DAY ONE". In a recent broadcast, "DAY ONE" hypothecated that "the Constitution may have become a luxury we can no longer afford." This is to inform you that I, the undersigned, have joined The Second Amendment Freedom Enterprise's boycott of SEARS. As one who values the freedoms of the Constitution, I refuse to spend the few dollars left me after taxes with a company who's advertising budget makes it profitable for the activist media to attempt to take away my Constitutional Rights. SEARS has long been a symbol American mercantile, made profitable by exactly the type of American who fought to keep the country free. That SEARS would empower others to destroy the very document that allowed it to grow and prosper is beyond understanding. Until such time as SEARS publicly announces it will no longer sponsor programming advocating the destruction of my Constitutional Rights, SEARS, it's products and affiliates are eliminated from my shopping cycle. Sincerely, Membership S.A.F.E. is applying for status as a non-profit organization. As we are a new organization, it will take some time for it to be granted. S.A.F.E., therefore, may not claim that membership fees or donations given are tax deductible at this time. In the interim, S.A.F.E. invites individuals to become members under one of the two following procedures. 1. Annual Membership------------------------$20.00 per year 2. Charter Lifetime Membership-----------$150.00 one time only When you join save you will receive a suitable for framing copy of S.A.F.E.'s Statement of Principles, copies of the Action Program, Mission Statement, the Memorandum to America, a letter to be signed and sent to the CEO of SEARS, A "Keep America S.A.F.E.!" bumper sticker, a "Boycott SEARS!" bumper sticker, a subscription to "The Safekeeper" (our quarterly newsletter), an 8 1/2" x 11" "Keep America S.A.F.E." sign and a personal membership card. You will also receive updates and information, as necessary. Send a Check or Money order to S.A.F.E. Box 430 Yoakum, TX 77995 NAME:________________________________________________ ADDRESS:______________________________________________ CITY/STATE_____________________ PHONE # _______________ Circle Where Applicable CHECK MONEY ORDER ANNUAL @ $20.00 per year CHARTER LIFE @ $150.00, one time only SIGNATURE____________________________________________ While we would like for you to join S.A.F.E., we need the funds to promote pro Second amendment activities, whether you join or not, print out the letter and send it to Sears. Observe the boycott. The only way to catch their attention is to hit them in the wallet and hit them at the ballot box. [K--PS--E] at [AOL.COM]