The "Generic Ping Thing" can be used to connect to a site at a port, send one line, and echo back the results. The "Owl" is an example of a Generic Ping Thing for Finger and Whois. The Generic: All the work is done by GetData. There's a "GetUser_Host" verb which you can call to separate host from search term. It looks for either [t--m] at [site], or "site term" in the dobjstr. You'll probably want to override the "inform" verb so that your object actually does something useful. See the Hoois Owl for an example. @dump #338 with create @create $thing named Generic Ping Thing:Generic Ping Thing,Ping Thing,pingthing @prop #338."error_msg" "Sorry, ran into a problem. Error:" rc @prop #338."start_inform_msg" "" rc @prop #338."end_inform_msg" "" rc ;;#338.("aliases") = {"Generic Ping Thing", "Ping Thing", "pingthing"} ;;#338.("object_size") = {0, 0} @verb #338:"GetData" this none this rx @program #338:GetData "Syntax: GetData(host,port,line_to_send);"; Host = args[1]; Port = args[2]; line_to_send = args[3]; Connection = $network:open(Host, Port); if (typeof(Connection) == ERR) player:tell(this.error_msg, tostr(Connection)); return; endif notify(Connection, line_to_send); player:tell(this.start_inform_msg); while (typeof(line = read(Connection)) == STR) fork (0) this:inform(line); endfork endwhile suspend(2); player:tell(this.end_inform_msg); $network:close(Connection); . @verb #338:"GetUser_Host" this none this @program #338:GetUser_Host "Syntax: GetUser_Host(hostname,username);"; " Where hostname may be either a host, or a [u--r] at [host.]"; if (At_Place = index(args[1], "@")) host = args[1][At_Place + 1..length(args[1])]; user = args[1][1..At_Place - 1]; else host = args[1]; if (length($string_utils:words(dobjstr)) > 1) user = $string_utils:words(dobjstr)[2]; else user = ""; endif endif return {host, user}; . @verb #338:"inform" this none this @program #338:inform player:tell(@args); . "***finished*** And, here's the Owl. Use "finger [h--p] at [] on owl" or "whois USD on owl". @dump #339 with create @create #338 named Owl:Owl @prop #339."looking_msg" "Whoo! Searching for " rc @prop #339."finger_msg" "The owl turns and gives the finger to " rc @prop #339."tome" {} rc ;;#339.("tome") = {"Cerebus has been idle since Sunday, October 2, 1994, 3:27:04 PM (1d 18:09:42)", "Local time is Tuesday, October 4, 1994, 9:36:46 AM,", "which is 0:00 hours off of GMT.", "", "", "Ain't nobody here but us non-aligned chickens.", "Try \"finger [h--p] at []\"", "", "", "FURTHER QUESTIONS", "For more information about, contact Jerry Stratton at", "[j--r--y] at []", "", "\"The rifle of all descriptions, the shot gun, the musket and repeater", " are such arms; and that under the Constitution the right to keep and", " bear arms cannot be infringed or forbidden by the legislature.\"", " -- ANDREWS v. STATE; 50 Tenn. 165,179,8 Am. Rep. 8, 14", " (Tennessee Supreme Court, 1871)"} @prop #339."help_msg" "You can _whois site search_word on %t_ or _finger site username on %t_." rc ;;#339.("error_msg") = "Thud. The owl falls over. Why?" ;;#339.("start_inform_msg") = "Flap, Flap, Flap. Whoo!" ;;#339.("end_inform_msg") = "Screech! The owl chomps on a tin mouse." ;;#339.("key") = #78 ;;#339.("aliases") = {"Owl"} ;;#339.("description") = "A forbidding owl with golden eyes, one wing holds a dusty bronze tome, and the other is doing its best to give you the finger. You can use this owl to do fingers and whois." ;;#339.("object_size") = {0, 0} @verb #339:"search whois" any on this @program #339:search Stuff = this:GetUser_Host(args[1], args[2]); Whois = 43; player.location:announce_all(this.looking_msg, (Stuff[2] == "") ? "nothing" | Stuff[2], " on ", Stuff[1], "."); this.tome = {}; this:GetData(Stuff[1], Whois, Stuff[2]); . @verb #339:"finger" any on this @program #339:finger Stuff = this:GetUser_Host(args[1], args[2]); Finger = 79; player.location:announce_all(this.finger_msg, (Stuff[2] == "") ? "nothing" | Stuff[2], " on ", Stuff[1], "."); this.tome = {}; this:GetData(Stuff[1], Finger, Stuff[2]); . @verb #339:"description" this none this @program #339:description WhatYouSee = pass(@args); if (length(this.tome)) WhatYouSee = {WhatYouSee, "", @this.tome}; endif return WhatYouSee; . @verb #339:"inform" this none this @program #339:inform pass(@args); this.tome = {@this.tome, @args}; . @verb #339:"erase" this none none @program #339:erase player:tell("You erase the ",, "."); this.tome = {}; . "***finished***