From: NORML California <[canor m l] at []> Newsgroups: talk.politics.drugs Date: 27 Aug 93 00:34 PDT Subject: Cal Passes Medical MJ Resolution CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE PASSES MEDICAL MARIJUANA RESOLUTION SACRAMENTO, August 26: The California Assembly voted 47-20 to pass State Senator Mello's medical marijuana resolution, SJR 8, putting the state officially on record as urging the Clinton Administration to legalize medical use of marijuana. SJR 8 now stands officially adopted, having previously passed the State Senate by 22- 9. The Governor's signature is not required on joint resolutions. SJR 8 does not change the law, but "respectfully memorializes the President and the Congress of the United States to enact appropriate legilsation to permit cannabis/marijuana to be prescribed by licensed physicians and to ensure a safe and affordable supply of cannabis/marijuana for medical use."