Newsgroups: alt.drugs.caffeine,alt.drugs From: [b--g] at [] (matthew john baggott) Subject: Caffeine Content of Sodas (was Re: Mountain Dew) Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1993 19:07:31 GMT According to the National Soft Drink Association, the following is the caffeine content in mgs per 12 oz can: Jolt 100.0 Sugar-Free Mr. Pibb 58.8 Mountain Dew 54.0 Mello Yellow 52.8 Tab 46.8 Coca-Cola 45.6 Diet Cola 45.6 Shasta Cola 44.4 Shasta Cherry Cola 44.4 Shasta Diet Cola 44.4 Mr. Pibb 40.8 Dr. Pepper 39.6 Pepsi Cola 38.4 Aspen 36.0 Diet Pepsi 36.0 RC Cola 36.0 Diet RC 36.0 Diet Rite 36.0 Canada Dry Cola 30.0 Canada Dry Diet Cola 1.2 7 Up 0 By means of comparison, a 7 oz cup of coffee has the following caffine (mg) amounts, according to Bunker and McWilliams in _J Am Diet_ 74:28-32, 1979: Drip 115-175 (197 - 300 mg per 12 oz) Brewed 80-135 (137 - 231 mg per 12 oz) Instant 65-100 (111 - 171 mg per 12 oz) Decaf 3-4 (5 - 7 mg per 12 oz) Tea: (again according to Bunker & Williams) a 5 oz cup of tea had 20 mgs after 1 minute of brewing and 35 after 3 minutes. (or 48 mg/12 oz after 1 minute, 84 mg/12 oz after 3 minutes) As with coffee, the caffeine varies depending on the variety. Black tea has more than oolong and green teas. In addition to caffeine, tea has small amounts of other methylxanthines, including theophylline and theobromine. Green teas, interestingly enough, contain antioxidants and prevent cancer. --Matt ([b--g] at []) (per 12 oz calculations for Coffee and Tea done by [j--r--y] at []) -=-=-=-=- From: [k--o] at [] (Harumi Anne Kuno ) Newsgroups: alt.drugs.caffeine,alt.drugs Subject: Re: Caffeine Content of Sodas (was Re: Mountain Dew) Date: 13 Apr 1993 06:35:14 GMT According to literature from Coca-Cola USA listing stats for their products, diet Mr. Pibb 40 mgs per 12 oz (same as non-diet). Mello Yello 52 mgs/12 oz, diet Mello Yello 12 mgs/12 oz. -- Harumi