From: [j--e] at [] (Joost van den Meerendonk) Newsgroups: alt.drugs,alt.hemp Subject: Swedish anti-cannabis commercial (by Popular Demand) Date: 3 Nov 1995 14:13:32 +0100 There's a party going on on one of the higher storeys of a large building. Through an open window that looks out on the balcony of the apartment we look inside and see young people gathered, having a good time. Our attention is drawn towards a small group which passes a joint around. The members of this group make faces as if they are really doing something when they take a drag from this spliff. Then (I believe) one of them steps out on the balcony, presumably to get some fresh air. Our point of view switches to this fellow's. He sees something inside (can anyone fill in this detail?) and responds by having a spontaneous and apparently unprovoked anxiety attack. He is subsequent-ly startled out of this state by the appearance of a girl on the balcony, which causes him to stumble backward in a state of terror and panic, resulting in a fall from the aforementioned balcony. -- The End -- If this doesn't qualify for a Golden Turkey award, I don't know what does... Greetings, stay stoned, stay cool or at least one of the above, Joe King, ARoHG7.12 Mike read provided the following comment: Perhaps she was a member of the Swedish Narcotic Police and he jumped to avoid arrest? ;)