Article 29801 of Path:!ucsd!usc!!!ames!!!metro!grivel!gara!anaylor From: [a--y--r] at [] (Adam Naylor) Newsgroups: Subject: Dragonquest Message-ID: <[9--4] at []> Date: 16 Nov 91 09:27:16 GMT Organization: University of New England, Armidale, Australia Lines: 225 A useful skill to colour NPCS, but maybe useful to characters as well . 66.81 A craftsman may choose one ability feild when he/she reaches the following ranks . 0 , 2 , 5 , 8 , 10 . Instead of selecting a new field, the character if so desired may 'specialize' in one area of that ability . ie if he were a potter, he may wish to specialize in making vases . A specialist adds [Rank] to all chances of success . Armourers and Weapon Makers add [1/2 Rank] chances to success however . Here is a list of following ability fields . Armourer , Blacksmith, Bowyer/Fletcher, Brewer, Carpenter, Cobbler Glassblower, Leather Worker, Seamstress (Tailor), Stonemason, Weapon Smith, Weaver . 66.82 A craftsman can dicern for flaws in any item he has an ability field in . For example a potter he could detect for flaws in any item made of clay . The craftsman spend (11-Rank) minutes to detect a flaw and assay its worth (see 66.83) . The chance of discovering a flaw is [ [4 x Perception] + [7 x Rank] - [2 x Creators Rank] ]% . Eg Drannor, a rank 5 craftsman who has the weaponsmiths ability and a perception of 10, has a [ 4 x 10 + [7 x 5] - [2 x 2] ] or a 71% to detect any flaws in a weapon manufactured by a Rank 2 craftsman . 66.83 A craftsman (while checking for flaws) can assay the value of any item he has an ability field in . Assume the craftsman is a merchant of equal rank, and use the merchants assaying rules (ignore language restrictions) . An example of common, uncommon, and rare goods are as follows Common : A dagger or horseshoe (etc) . Uncommon : A rapier, or a vase from a different country . Rare : A katana (assuming craftsmen in psuedo - medieval setting) or a suit of antique partial platemail . 66.84 A craftsman must be able to read and write at least one language before attaining rank 8 . Failure to do so increases the experience cost by 10% 66.85 Certain races gain a bonus to chances of success in certain fields . Dwarves add [Rank] to all chances of success involving ability fields to do with metal and stone . Orces add [1/2 Rank] to all chances of success involving weaponsmithing . Elves add [Rank] to all chances of success involving bowyer (bows only), armourer (When making chainmail), and Tailor . Fire Giants add [Rank]% to all chances of success in any ability involving metal . 66.86 Everyday items have a chance of being flawed . The chance is [10 - Rank]% . If the craftsman has specilized in that item, then divide his bonus by 3 . All items have a 1% chance of being flawed . 66.87 A craftsman can attempt to make an item that is exceptional, or uncommon, or of quality (enough to be 'endowed' by magic) . To do this, he must resort to a 'Creation' roll . The craftsman can make ordinary items in his chosen ability fields without havbing to resort to a creation roll . Items such as saddles, jugs, plain sheets of common glass, common work boots etc . But if the craftsman wished to make an exceptional piece eg a saddle commisioned by a noble, a detailed tapestry, an exceptional wine, an extra sharp sword, a roll is required . The chance for success is [ [1/2 x Manual Dexterity] + [1/2 Willpower] + [Rank x 8] ]% . If the GM feels the item would be excptionaly hard to make (say a medieval weaponer attempting to make a katana) then a subtraction of 1 - 25% may be applied . Exceptional items recieve ( [base selling price] x [2 x Rank] ) . 66.88 The following notes are regarding craftsman ability fields Armourer : An armourer may make scale mail, chainmail, and partial plate without having to resort to a creation roll . To make full plate and improved plate a creation roll is required . To repair armour, a creation roll is also required (a failure means the item will with satnd 1 hit, then revert to its original damaged state) . Thus a craftsman attempting to make an exceptional suit of improved plate, would have to make two 'creation' rolls . (One for the armour another to make it exceptional) . A flawed itms (ie one that failed an 'creation' roll) would mean a reduction of [ [10 - Rank]/5 ] protection rating of the armour . An exceptional work would gain a bonus of 1 protection every 4 ranks . And a reduction in the armours weight by [5 x Rank]% . Blacksmith : Can make items such as horseshoes, basic tools, supports, and grappeling hooks without having to resort to a creation roll . A creation roll would be needed for items such as intricate wrought iron cages, clockwork devices etc . A flawed item (one that failed its creation roll) would break after [Rank] days . Bowyer / Fletcher : A bowyer chooses to be either a bowyer, or a crossbowman . If a player wishes both, an ability field must be sacrificed for it . A bowyer can fashion all kinds of bows and crossbows, shafts, and fletch arrows . However a blacksmith or weaponsmith would be required to fashion metal arrow heads . If an fletcher wished to cast his own arrow heads, a creation roll would be needed for every batch (say 30 arrow heads) . Exceptionaly crafted bows gain a bonus of (2 x Rank) to range, and a bonus of [ [Users PS - 15]/3 ] to damage . Flawed works (those that failed creation rolls) will break after [Rank] uses ands its range reduced by [ [10 - Rank] x 2 ] . Flawed arrows break on impact, and reduced the SC by [10 - Rank]% . Brewing : Craftsman practiced in the arts of brewing alcohol . A creation role is needed to duplicate another craftsmans formula, or to create an exceptional batch (or new formula) . Flawed works mean the alcohol is contaminated, and the batch either goes off (and is undrinkable), or its gives the drinker stomach cramps . "Er gee conan, didnt you like that ale, well I'm sorry then, look ... dont pull out your sword we can sort this out ARRRRGGGGGGHHHH" Carpenter : This ability involves any woodworking jobs . ie cabintry, joinery etc . A creation roll would be needed if the proper tools were not availible , or upon building a complicated wooden device (such as a catapult) . If a mechanician is not availible (the 'engineers of DQ) then if then craftsman were building a house, then a creation roll would be needed . Flawed items break after [Rank] uses . In the case of larger constructions , the GM's discretion is applied . Cobbler : Making boots, and shoes etc . A creation roll would be required for items such as nobles footwear, waterproof boots etc . Leatherworker : Fashion stuff from leather such as backpacks, saddles, sacks etc . A leatherworker can also make leather armour . However if this is not done in conjunction with a craftsman skilled in the armourer ability, a creation roll would be required . Flawed works fall apart much earlier than expected . Pottery : Fashion items out of clay, such as drinking vessels . A creation roll would be required for 'artworks' and heavily glazed items etc . Flawed works are much more fragile, and prone to breakage . Seamstress (Tailor) : The craftsman can design pieces, sew , embroider, and do ornamental work . Creation rolls would be needed for items such as weatherproof cloaks, nobles clothing etc . Flawed works are more prone to fall apart, tear, let in the weather etc . "Look conan, I'm sure it must have been embarrising having your loincloth fall apart in a fight, but we can work some---- Uhh" [Thud] Stonemason : The craftsman can build stoneworks that are designed to withstand the passage of time . Items such as buildings, archways, bridges, cathedrals, etc . Items such as statues or intricate stonework require a creation roll . Large scale works will require the aid of a mechancian or a creation roll will be needed . If the craftsman is attempting to create an exceptional large scale contruction, then take the average of the craftsmans rank and the mechanicians rank (the same applies to carpenters) . Flawed works are likely to 'wear' out in a much shorter time span . They will also fall apart more easily after taking punichment . g A dragon sat on it, a fierce storm etc . Weaponsmith : Perhaps the most desired by players of all the ability fields . Craftsmen with this ability can do the difficult and excating work of making metal weapons . A creation roll would be needed if making an uncommon or unusual weapon : eg a broadsword with a hidden compartment in the hilt, or a rapier . Exceptional works add [Rank/4] to damage and [Rank] to the strike chance . Flawed works break on a 91+ . and do [ [10 - Rank]/5 ] less damage, and subtract [10 - Rank] from the strike chance . Weaver : can fashion items such as garments, tapestries, and draperies, from cotton or wool . A creation roll is required for items such as intricate tapestries etc . Flawed works fall apart, tear, and wear more easily . 66.89 A craftsman must spend (100 + [50 x Rank]) silver pennies per ability field and specialization a year . This sum represents tools, and basic materials, and a place in which to work . Assume that 20% of the final selling price of the items crafted was spent on materials, and extra overhead . A craftsman who does not spend the above amount, operates as if he were 2 ranks less proficient in that ability field . If the rank of that ability field is reduced to a negative number, then that skill is temperarily lost . Experience Point Costs : Same as astrologer or Rank 0 = 400, Rank 1 = 150, Rank 2 = 500, Rank 3 = 1150, Rank 4 = 2050, Rank 5 = 3100, Rank 6 = 4400, Rank 7 = 5900, Rank 8 = 7500, Rank 9 = 9400, Rank 10 = 11500 . NB A) If the character is more proficient as a mechancian, then the cost to rise in ranks in craftsman is halved . The reverse is also true B) If the character is a member of the shaper college, the cost to rise in ranks in craftsman is halved . The reverse is NOT true . C) A dwarf need only pay three - quarters the experience cost to rise in ranks in craftsman . D) The experience point cost to rise in ranks is increased by 10%, if the ability fields principle stat is less than 15 . The cost to rise in ranks is decreased by 10% if the ability fields principle stat is greater than 22 . The principle stat is fairly logical . PS would be then principal stat for blacksmith, MD for a seamstress etc . Notes The descriptions for the ability fields are a direct rip off TSR's 2nd Edition Players Handbook . This is freely admitted . Any problems just mail me . Edmund Thanks to all those that emailed me with their own stuff .