*****Private to: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Um, no. Guess again. I am -not- getting tied into your corporation, sorry. I will give you a discount on services, tho. A major one...we can discuss that later. Money is not really a problem here...]<<<<< -- Dark Angel >>>>>[I second that, Orion...a bit of a song contribution. You might enjoy this one: +++++ Audio Upload: Chris_Deburgh.Lady_In_Red Or this one. +++++ Audio Upload: Guns_n_Roses.November_Rain Maybe this one too. Honest I'll shut up soon. +++++ Audio Upload: Styx.First_Time ***** 30 seconds transferred - rest deleted at source I guess I still can't hear that one...*pause* Take care.]<<<<<< -- Dark Angel >>>>>[I got a Friday. That's what my watch says, anyway...maybe not my CALENDAR, but... Oh, and there's at least one Friday the 13th per year. You know that, right? It's like a blue moon...one of those is required per year too...]<<<<< -- Quickling <21:45:15/05-13-55> >>>>>[ Howdy guys and gals this is Speed coming to you from the heart of down town Redmond at that mysterious outfitting shop known as the "garage". The heat is on tonight and the teams have just met at Polish's, I'm your host tonight and I'll keep you up to date on their movements. Ok, bear with me now while I do a few tests. +++++ ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - Drone cluster alpha : status alpha 1 - energy 98.5% signature masking 100% alpha 2 - energy 99% signature masking 100% alpha 3 - energy 98% signature masking 100% alpha 4 - energy 97% signature masking 100% +++++ ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - Drone cluster beta : status beta 1 - energy 100 % dual SMG's, sig. masking 50%, 100 caseless rounds loaded beta 2 - energy 100 % dual TASERS, sig. masking 70%, 20 darts +++++ ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - Drone cluster gamma :status gamma 1 - energy 100 % dual LMG's, sig. masking 10%, 2000 caseless armor piercing rounds loaded. 20 thermal smoke cannisters loaded. gamma 2 - energy 100 % single rotory autocannon, dual SMG's, masking 5% 200 caseless rounds of SMG ammo, 100 rounds of autocannon ammo, gyro recoil system fully opertaional +++++ ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - Shadowland Node Ah we seem to be A OK, on the drone front, lemme explain briefly what you just saw. The alpha cluster are my tiny zoomers, these little beasts can get in virtually anywhere and hold their position. Each has a full sensor package so we can view in any part of the spectrum and amplify light if need be. My beta cluster, well these are my standard drones, designed for close personnel support, I'd have liked to have more than just these two but a man is ever limited by the technology he has... ahh.. Now my gamma series well we're talking workhorses here, these babies are not exactly what you could call stealthy, each uses a rotor to get it off the ground and the gamma 2 has to have landed before it can fire that autocannon it's carrying. They go in when the team needs serious back up and are pretty heavily armored. Now as one or two of you may have noticed, I got myself an encephalon since, last time. Works a treat, I have a matrix hookup to shadowland here and a hookup to my remote rig whose signal is being passed to Lister the only other one who can really understand the joy of being one with the machine. Ok, let's get on with the show. +++++ ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - Drone Cluster alpha : show alpha 1 The scene changes to show what appears to be a bar Speed's voice is suddenly heard. Welcome to Shadowland ladies and gents, anything you say from here on will be recorded and transmitted[disconect] +++++ ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - Shadowland node Ahh the spoilsports they don't want their plans out just yet, someone just manually turned off alpha 1. Well I guess we have to wait ...... Ah ha, got a signal, they've left the bar aparently it's owner wants to keep certain aspects of it a secret ya understand +++++ ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - alpha 1 : show "Right then, he's taking control..." The picture suddenly plunges and the view of Lister's grinning face can be seen coming into focus. "If you think I'm carrying these fraggin things Speed yer can think again now that you've been given the go ahead. Ok, set 'em up and fly 'em into the van it's over here." +++++ ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - All groups : follow the prat "prat" not found in memory : follow the man in front CONFIRMED ***** ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - alpha 1 : show The scene is a dark alley somewhere in downtown Seattle, a buzzing noise can be heard all around and in front a small collection of hover drones can be seen rising off the ground and begin heading to the back of what looks like a heavily armored van. Coming from the van is a refined southern English accent, complemented occasionally by a little bit of Seattle twang. A medium sized black man can be seen stood near the rear entrance. "I'm telling you, IBA, your bloody van will be fine, believe me, besides I don't see what the problem is you flaming well stripped anything that might get broken we have what we need, a big bloody van with a pop up autocannon. I'm telling you, nothing bad will happen to it that wouldn't normally happen in a night at the barrens. ...... Look I bloody promise, now shuddup !" The man flicks down the view screen on a wrist phone and looks at Lister. "I'm telling you, you'd think he's bloody married to this van." "Yeah but aren't you the same about yer bike ?" "Well ok, but that doesn't count. Come on let's get loaded up." The man looks at alpha 1 and speaks "Well come one Speed, we're ready to go, or are you filming for posterity ?" Speeds voice is suddenly heard "I thought I'd get some shots for posterity, alpha 1 will follow the cars." The black man shrugs and moves away, the shot pans around by a wall next to a door. A large well built man with solid gold cybereyes and a shaven head can be seen talking very sternly to a young lad wearing what appears to be magicians cloak. The young lad winces as the man quickly removes the cloak and throws him a black jacket and a helmet. Next to the couple and grinning is the familiar form of Highlander, his brown curly hair, floppy hat, multicoloured scarf and long trench coat make him seem almost comical. The man with the golden cybereyes views Highlander for a moment and smiles, "so Highlander are you ready for the mission ahead ?". Highlander just grins then with a sudden burst of speed spins and comes down in a firing position, aiming down the alley. The man now identified as Reaper grins back and then turns back to grilling the young lad which a brief message identifies as Clown. The shot changes again, to just witness a beautiful woman zoom by on a rapier, a few shouts are heard "Good Luck SpotOn", a distant shout is returned muffled slightly by the sound of the engine "Never needed that, catch yer later !" A Westwind suddenly comes into sight and out jump two men, the first is a tall, over 6 ft man moving as though he were about to be attacked at any second. He's wearing loose fitting black clothes as are most of the others and a distinctive pair of mirror shades. The other man is somewhat older and moves with care, a look of great pain seems etched upon his face as though he has seen more evils and more tragedies than he desevered to. He follows Punisher to speak with the black man who was loading some equipment into the back of the van. "Sculptor's men are dead. Nova has shown her full potential, DragonEyes here was able to get the last of the cyber and bio out of her, they attacked just as the operation was finishing. Seraphy and Nightfox are keeping an eye on her at the moment, there's something else as well, I'll tell you later though." Another man comes into the picture, "Claw" says Punisher. "You look well, I understand that we're working togther." "Yes, it should be enjoyable. And it will be quite, just the way I like it. DragonEyes, how did things go with the girl, I am told that Nightfox and his mentor were involved, I would think that things were a success, but you seem troubled." DragonEyes looks at Claw "I had to assist Seraphy a little and Dragon magic is not natural to me as of yet, so the operation also took it's toll. I am however only slightly weary and only need a few cups of strong coffee, hope you don't mind we phoned ahead and Polish should have some ready for me." Claw smiles. DragonEyes leaves and goes through the door in the side wall. Punisher and Claw begin conversing about tactics. The picture changes again a medium height elf comes into view chatting cheerfully to an attractive looking red head. Highlights appear, WHAT and Circuit Breaker are identified. The zoomer get's closer only to have CB shoo it away, the picture wobbles slightly. "So are you and IBA really an item then ?" the voice is Speeds. "Ah... ya oughta know better than ta ask a gal questions like that." "But .. but .. I only asked if you were still seeing him." "Ah know, hah hah, don't be silly Speed, ah'm only havin fun, but you're supposed ta ask her in more delicate ways." The elf suddenly speaks, his voice has a marked English accent, the natives amongst you pick up the Southern twangs that are not found in the northern parts of Britain. "hey hey" His hand shoots out and catches the zoomer, you are suddenly treated to a close up of WHAT's face, he smiles and then opens his hand to allow the zoomer to fly free. "Hey PH ! Tell Polish his beer is warm." "What !" "Just kidding man, nice bloody pint, I didn't know that Youngers still made them like that." "Dammed right, it's a nice pint for the price we had to pay for the thing. Still if it wasn't for Polish and our supplier we'd have to drink the local brew, think about that for a moment." "Ah you, got me PH... so are we ready to rock and roll term ?" "Just about, ok" voice raises slightly "I've the promised toys for those of you who wanted them. Grab what you need." A number of people can be seen making their way to the back of the van and begin donning what look like shell suits over the top of their normal clothes. Almost immediately people seem to phase out of existance until they move, the image is augmented by a thermal image but even that is very very shaky. Shotguns, assault rifles, ammo and what look like grenade pistols are handed out by Powerhouse along with a number of grenade bandoliers, each packed with a variety of grenades. The final items are set of radios to those that didn't possess them and a personal medkit. Most people however politely refuse the offer offering the merits of their own weapon choices instead. * Testing radio hookup, Speed are you recieving +++++ ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - Radio link * Gotcha +++++ ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - Alpha 1 view * Team A come in. * Claw here. * Punisher here. * DragonEyes here. * Lister ? * What!?!?!?! * You're suppossed to repond "I'm here" * Oh, well, I'm here * Ok, team C * Reaper, receiving * Err, yeah, * Reply with your name Clown * Clown, here. * Yep, Highlander here, can we get on with it PH ? I'm getting cold here. * Ok, just two more. * I can hear you PH * Me too term * Ok, then we're ready to roll. * IBA you there ? * Ha, I thought you'd drekkin forgotten me. Yeah I'm here, now get a move on, * a chopper just landed at Galleans and took off again about 10 mins later. * couldn't get an id on the occupants but it was time for a shift change with * the Azzie guards. The scene changes again people are begining to get into various vehicles. Punisher, Claw and DragonEyes get into a Punisher's sleek Westwind. Powerhouse and CB mount a heavy Blitzen and join WHAT who is already waiting for them on his own bike. Highlander starts up IBA's van come school bus, the heavy duty vehicle that IBA calls a van but everyone else calls a tank, Clown and Reaper get in next to Highlander, Clown still being given a lesson in safety from Reaper. > Off to one side Lister can be seen climbing into Star Bug 1 Eventually everyone moves off, the view changes as alpha 1 rises above the vehicles and is suddenly buffeted by a gentle breeze coming in from the sound. Quickly they split up not wishing to make obvious their direction. : Follow signal confirmed The bright lights of the city flow past, the Renraku arcology looms to the right, surrounded by massive skyscrapers. A helicoptor suddenly passes a few meters in front the downblast sends alpha 1 spinning but she is soon on course again with a little rigger assistance. The view changes, getting higher, the streets below are a mass of people and cars the night is no barrier to the trade that is done within Seattle, only the nature of such trade changes slightly by the night. A hovercar screams past some distance in front the corporate image of MCT gleaming brightly in the night sky. In the distance now the mountains can be seen, their dark ominous forms rising like giants on the horizon. Some time passes with the view dodging between skyscraper to skyscraper, eventually Lake Washington comes into view and downtown Seattle has been left behind. Small infrared dots appear on the lake far below, late night swimmers or small craft, we'll never know. The drone follows the route across the lake taking the path of the massive road bridge that spans the lake. Distant lights can be seen and distant fires as well, the bright gleam of plush Bellevue where style and money are accepted as the norm, borders uneasily against that area of lawlessness Redmond. The view drops now giving only a brief view of the poverty stricken area that makes up Redmond and flys to about 100 meters above the road surface. Star Bug 1 can be seen glistening slightly as it silently rounds a corner and moves onto a multi lane road. In the distance the high heat signature of a heavily modded motorbike stands out like a bright light. Off to one side and behind slightly the tank that is IBA's home and vehicle trundles into view. Eventually the view leaves the main road and turns down a number of quieter streets. Plush mansions and private security firms are the order of the day here, each mansion visible by the elevated position of the zoomer shows itself off with bright arc lights illuminating Itallian style, Georgian Style, French Style and early American style buildings. Many have impressive security as the host of cameras and razor wire atop the various walls attest. Eventually a quiet side street is entered at the end a small park lies, Star Bug 1 slowly cruises into the park and is joined a few moments later by IBA's tank and then a few minutes after that by a sleek Westwind. : descend confirmed The view drops next to Star Bug 1 (a modified plutocrat), it's driver Lister, is parking it amongst a number of bushes. * Ok, let's move quick, get the vehicles covered and out of sight, then meet by Star Bug 1. * I'm done, ECM's are on stand by should we need them A huddle of people is briefly seen then one by one they begin to vanish, whereas the stealth suits had made these people hard to see. Now they literally were not there except for a very tiny heat trace. A movement begins on Star Bug 1 as Lister prepares his drone launcher, Speed's drones and some of Lister's own line the racks. * Ok move out in the teams. SpotOn have you made position yet. * Rodger, got you in the ultra sonic sights right now. * Ok, Lister, Speed do your stuff. ++++++ ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - Alpha cluster : launch confirmed : signature masking engage confirmed : proceed on preset flight plan confirmed +++++ ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - Beta cluster : launch confirmed : await further orders +++++ ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - Alpha cluster : mixed view confirmed The screen suddenly splits into four sections, each showing a different picture. The views all move off at slightly different angles flying just above the trees, ahead is a massive wall, 12 feet high. * External security down, I'm supressing, you don't have long till the CPU get's wise to what I'm up to. * Team A, move in * Team D, move in * Team C, move in : view Team A confirmed There is not much to see because of the suits. You can make out a faint shimmering as something passes over the fence. The shimmer get more pronounced as something else appears in the air. It looks as if a fire is trying to form in mid air, but something is holding it back. Behind the fence one of the images seems to be struggling. You suddenly see a large tear appear in shimmering image showing a gash to the side of a black skinned individual. There seems to be a lot of quick movements that normally would scream out that someone is there, but with the suits... it's a lost cause. Then as quickly as it started, it fades. : view Team D confirmed Once again there isn't muc to see, due to the nature of the suits. Suddenly, a humaniod-like figure starts moving rapidly towards something. You think the drone that is near almost picks up the whisper, "frag." The humaniod figure moves like trying to dodge something then jerks upright as if catching something in lower back area. Slowly it slides to the ground, becoming evident that the device that hit the humaniod was a sword. : view Team C confirmed After a few idle moments of wondering what is happening, you quickly realize it is because Team C must be trying to figure out a way to quietly navigate a roaming beastie. Apparently, they quickly decided something, because the beastie, whose roaming ceased to being aimless, suddenly staggers under the affects of some blow. As quickly as it started, the beastie drops. Very strange. : mixed view confirm The four images depict a dark night, it's overcast which is nothing strange. The four zoomers pass dodge between the trees and undergrowth mapping out a route for the party. The three teams are invisible except for faint heat traces given out. Suddenly a large heat form is encountered in alpha 3 it looks like a bear of some sort. * Beastie at sector 7D, resting * Confirmed The beast suddenly sits up and sits it looks like a bear except it's canines are massively elongated, a small collar on it's neck pulses with a dim green light. All of a sudden it flinches, then again, then again, the beast begins to stagger slightly then falls down in a slump three small darts protruding from it's massive neck. A dim heat image approaches it crouched down then waves as a few other heat images approach. The image on alpha 1 suddenly pauses, just ahead is a sentry gun, the twin barrels of a LMG protrude from it's base, state of the art sensor equipment bristels from the rest. It is nestled atop a small statue, an image of cupid stading over a pool bow in hand, except that the bow is a state of the art thermal detector. It swings around suddenly, the view dips, alpha 1 taking cover in the undergrowth then suddenly the image shakes a pair of red eyes are just seen before the image goes blank. * Alpha 1 is down, a beastie got it, last at sector 17H * Gotcha, we've got them in sight 4 of the little mother's, Claw is going to try and fry them. Alpha 4's display approaches the castle hiding in the undergrowth, outside next to a portcullis stand 4 Aztechnology guards, each are wearing heavy armor and wear massive looking backpacks. * 4 guards at the front each with mil spec lasers, heavily armored as well. * Check. We'll get there soon. Alpha 3's display approaches from the rear of a fight. A panther is taking on a beastie, and there seems to be two beasties down already. The fourth one, seems to be having trouble figuring out where to attack. Seems kind of strange. * Astral patrol. Hide. * Sure. * What?? * Gotcha. The display grows silent. From wherever the panther came, it disappears again. Both beasties that are standing seem to be going about there business. You find it amazing that they don't seem to remember that there was anybody around them. * patrol passed us. * Is it clear to move on? * Hard to say. Better assume we are going to get more company. * Not that it is important, but I think I found a stop-gap measure to make the beasties look like nothing is wrong. I just hope they didn't see the spells in Astral. In stunning silence, you see the two remaining beasties drop. There is a brief shimmer, but it quickly stops. You see very dimly the heat shapes of 3 people. The tallest of the bunch, shrugs, then waits for one of the others to follow. They seem to disappear from sight. * How's that? * Not now. We're heading for the gate. * Alpha 2 found 3 beasties of a different sort at 13L. * Confirmed. * Drek Alpha 3, got spotted. * Shoot, Ah I got problems, company just entered the system. * At gate. Drek! Company! * We got you covered! Go for it! * Alpha 3 down in 6C. Guard took it out. The display shifts to Alpha 4. The scene there is much as it was a few minutes ago except for there is now a lot of gun fire going on. Two of the guards drops at once. * Other two must have magical shielding up. * Just makes it a challenge. Cover me! Alpha 4 moves along the ground, probably trying to find a better angle to watch what is happening. What it finds instead is more guards approaching from the outside. * Team C, enemy reinforcments coming from behind you. * Joy. One of the faint heat sources makes a break for the gate guards, but is sent back into cover by a laser that nearly hits him. * We got company coming by mages in Astral, probably will try and ground spells through magical gear. Look alive. The firefight growes in escalition, and grows more desperate by the seconds. The faint outlined members of Team C, have got pinned down by the reinforcments, and Team A has only manged to taken out one of the two remaining doors. +++++ ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - Beta cluster : signature masking engage confirmed : alter flight plan alteration confirmed : proceed on present flight plan confirmed +++++ ENCEPHALON SWITCHING - Gamma cluster : launch confirmed : await further orders The single view, that wasn't nearly enough to actually cover all the angles of the rapidly growing combat, splits into three views, as the Beta cluster races towards its goals. The combat quickly grows quieter though. One of the members from Team A managed to catch the guard by surprise and down him. Using the distraction provided by Team C, the rest of Team A and, what you think is a panther, enter the gate. * So much for getting in quietly. * Team D, we are behind our timeline. * We're pinned down by a bunch of pesky guards, but ... There's a loud explosion that makes it effectively impossible for anyone watching to follow the combat. * Thought you needed some help. * Thanks. We got you covered, Team C. Go for it. * Go with the plan. One person bolts for the gate, almost getting mowed down from a firefight inside the fortress. The other two quickly bolt for the gate. The last team with help from the drones, makes a quick trip to the gate, guns blazing. * We're going to have to split up. Team A goes high. * Fine we'll take this floor and make sure we have an exit. * And hopefully that won't be to the bloody police, eh? Another explosion happens, one of the drones, manages to catch it from the outside. It hit the rooftop. * There's a fair amount of activity on the roof. * Just found stairs going up and down. Heading up now! +++++ ENCEPLAHON SWITCHING - Gamma cluster : signature masking engage confirmed : proceed on preset flight plan confirmed * All drones are on the go. * Alpha 4 is picking up an unknown presence. 1 humaniod. 75% chance of being a human female. No id. * Team C go left. * Check. One of the displays, changes from showing an image of the person sneaking in, to a definite human female that appears before her. A quite beautiful red-head. Too bad the drone, managed to get slagged from something. * Ouch. Lost Alpha 4. There are 2 human females. No id on either of them. Target destination of one is definitely in castle. Had no warning of the other. * I saw the flames from here. Most likely a mage of some sort. She just disappeared though. Uh-oh, helicopter is trying to land on roof. Taking care of it. : view Team C The view encompasses three people, one obviously female (CB). The compound shakes as they go through room through room searching for their objective. A group of guards forces the team backwards through a room in which they appeared to be trapped. The drone catchs movement from behind, a human female is there. She catches the guards by surprise and manages to hurt them badly by hurling a magical ball of energy at them. The voice shouts over the gunfire: "I thought you said you didn't need me hear!" One of the figures seems stunned. * uhhhh, laddie, I got a confirmation of one of the human females. It's Cerise. * WHAT?!?!? I thought I told her... oh Drek! The building rocks with a large explosion. Clown seizing the moment of surprise by the appearance of Cerise and the explosion, manages to drop the guards with a quick bout of spellslinging. He smiles at Cerise. Cerise: Since you seem to have things NOW under control. She turns, waves and runs off. Highlander: Lasse WAIT! Highlander preppares to bolt after her, but Reaper stops him. "We need you here." : view Team A The view switches again. The threesome plus the panther are slowly making their way up the staircase. All of a sudden the hole staircase is covered in flames! And the sprinkler system turns on, with the fire alarm. * Lost Beta 2. Was following Team A. Team A -- you okay? * NOT NOW!!!! * What the hell is that bitch? * A mage that likes fire spells? * Duck! * Drek! Fall back! * No! That is what she wants us to do! Press forward! * Uhhh, do you guys mine carrying this out somewhere else it is being distracting? * Unknown approaching from our 6. What, check it out. * Sure. * Only have 3 drones left. Status reports? * Helicopter has left, never touched done. Too dangerous I guess. * Don't ask. * Pinned down on first floor. Managed to have found the garage I think... * We had a sighting of what might have been one of our targets. Too many obsticles to tell. * Drek. Pinned down. : view Team A * invalid command. : view Team C * invalid command. : view Team D The team is pinned down behind a rapidly thining barrier. Inside you can see a stairway leading down. Glancing down, you can see the remains of a window, and the hint of a limo down below. The view spins around rapidly, and there is Cerise. Cerise: I thought you could use the help. PH just stammers, but stops once bullets nearly take off his head. The only reason they didn't is because CB slammed into PH knocking him down. Cerise starts casting. Until someone tosses a gernade into their room. Seeing the gernade, everyone bolted. Unfortunately, not in the same direction. What grabbed CB and fell back into a nearby room. Cerise, just tackles (not to prettily, but it worked) into Powerhouse, sending them both spiraling down stairs. The drone follows them down the stairs. The image reminds you of the reason to never go down a cement staircase uncontrolled. Downstairs is a garage. In the garage, you get a clear id of the people down there. Most of them are guards. But one of them you realize, is Ganz. The guards seeing them, open fire. PH realizing their disadvantage pushes out of the stairwell, and into the open. Cerise, hesitating realizes her life is over if she stands still any longer moves also. Apparently, just in time as a gernade comes in. Unfortunately, it takes out the drone. :view Team C The display goes from dead to live again, as the team continues to fight back. Unfortunately for the guards, Team C, seems to be handly taking care of them. * Sighting of Ganz, in garage. Report and withdraw. * Team A, couldn't make it to the roof. Leave without us, if we don't make it back. Having a rather bad situation here. * Got seperated from -- I think it is Cerise, and Powerhouse. There was a large explosion. Going to see what is happening down there. CB is with me. * We had a brief sighting of Ganz, but got pinned down by other guards. We are withdrawing. * You know the plans of escape. Team A, try to use the original plan, but if that fails, get out anyway you can. Team D, report status as it changes. * Rodger. * Waiting to bring up the tail like plan. I can see Team A's old position from here by the amount of fire emitting from there. DREK! * IBA???? * IBA???? Oh drek. Someone check on IBA's position on way out. It could be bad. * Team C, could you do that? We're having ... enough trouble ... as it is. * Affirmative. * Drek. Down to Gamma 2. Team D, anything. * We found Cerise. No sight of Powerhouse. We're withdrawing. No time to ask her questions. The picture, starting to get fuzzy at best, covers the retreat of Team C, pretty well, until they got outside. At that point Team C got attacked by +++++ Picture lost. * Ummphhh.... +++++ Connection broken ]<<<<< -- Speed <01:34/5-13-55> >>>>>[ +++++ Download: Dictated Document 1.0 Greetings . . . I am known as Darkwatch. For those of you who do not recall, I have offered commentary on this node intermittently over the past year or so. I am dictating this report so that the denizens of the ShadowTalk list are kept abreast of recent events. My occupation, aside from my personal vampiric research, is that of a private inquiry agent and paranormal investigator. My services were contracted by the Countess von Doom to assist in the exonerating of her husband from charges brought forth by the Corporate Court. Our search took us over large parts of North America and Europe and is far too involved from me to describe at present. Details aside, after significant effort -- the case is some five months old now -- conclusive evidence was finally secured, the lawyers presented their evidence (of which I shall not bore you with the details), and the charges were summarily dropped, which brings us to the present. We were informed of when my employer would finally be released from his confinement at the Aztechnology ziggurat. Earlier this morning, it was decided that the Countess would be accompanied by Trilobite (a former UCAS Navy SEAL), and myself when she went to collect him. The sky was overcast -- hardly unusual for Seattle -- and it struck me as we drove this was the first occasion I had seen the Countess in formal attire. Truth be known, she is a remarkably attractive woman, I would say "striking" without hesitation. Over the last few months she had impressed me greatly in her resourcefulness, cunning, and determination . . . truly, the love that bound them together was a special one indeed. Today, however, very little trace of that shadowrunner was apparent. She was now fully the wife of a nobleman, aristocratic -- No, /regal/ in her bearing. She was arrayed in a beautiful, if understated, silk dress. Her long, dark hair was unrestricted (as had been her custom in our data quest) and her raven black tresses were allowed to flow like a waterfall down her back. Her eyes, however, were the most remarkable . . . green with brown flecks, and a dark blue rim. I know not if they're natural -- only beautiful, now filled with a singular tension and excitement. It was quite evident, as it would be to any fool who had eyes, that she had anticipated this day for many long months, and was determined to make the most of it. Trilobite (the self-styled "aqua-troll" . . . his name an obvious play on a popular derisive term for trolls), or "Trilo", as his name was often abbreviated, was silent for the duration of the ride. Excited, he remained somewhat wary. Months of dodging Ganz's goons had worn somewhat on his nerves; although I admit to feeling somewhat similar. He was in his Navy uniform, in obvious deference to "the Colonel". I found it somewhat curious that this man could generate such loyalty to a man he had known for such a relatively short period of time; yet, there was no doubt in my mind of his sincerity. We arrived and were ushered in without incident, directed to a room, and instructed to wait. A minute passed, or two . . . but to /her/ I imagine the duration seemed significantly more lengthy. In the short time we spent there, she had stood and began to pace, but even in so doing her sense of poise endured. Finally, the door opposite the one by which we entered opened, and there stood Doom. Instantly, the spell was broken, all sense of formality tossed to the winds; the Countess ran and threw her arms around him. Of the many ways I have thought to describe Doom, before that moment "emotional" would not have been among them. However, the warmth with which he returned her embrace could not have been denied. This was the first time I had espied my employer face to face. His dark blue uniform was impeccably neat, nothing out of place. I noted it to be a cuirassier uniform, complete with shiny black cavalry boots. Indeed, the Count appeared to be someone who had stepped out of a history trideo rather than a real man. A small constellation of medals decorated his chest, and in true Junker style, he affected a monocle, something which would look ridiculous on 95% of the population, but looked completely appropriate on him. In truth, it was apparent that the months spent as "guest" of Aztechnology had worn on him. His skin was rather pale, and he appeared somewhat thinner than his photographs. However, then I looked into his eyes -- dark blue and strangely hypnotic -- and then I knew the intellect contained within burned as brightly as ever. His body may have endured deleterious effects, but his mind remained unaffected. Following the couple's lengthy embrace, we initiated some measure of small talk, myself formally introducing myself to him for the first time, and I was momentarily subjected to his direct scrutiny. I must admit that for an instant I experienced the eerie sensation of being visually dressed down by his gaze, as he apparently ascertained whether I met with his approval. Thankfully, he took my hand and shook it, expressing his thanks for the work I had done with his associates over these last months. We were then escorted out the way we entered. The guards appeared amiable enough, considering moments before this man had been their prisoner. Few words were spoken in the walk out of the building, and I was confident that much of the conversation was of the unspoken kind that only existed between two in love. Although I do recall the Countess mentioning that in his absence, Spirit and CRUSH became the proud parents of twins, one of them named in his honor. Doom was quite pleased and remarked that they would have to send a fitting gift to the proud couple. We emerged from the ziggurat to face the open sky which had been denied Doom for so long. Even with the blanket cloud-cover, it was yet quite bright, and Doom squinted somewhat at the harshness of the glow. We then began our trek through the park which lay in the rear of the Aztech lot towards the the rear street where the vehicle would rendezvous with us. The trees and other vegetation secluded the small path through it, affording us a bit of privacy during our walk. About halfway through, at a particularly secluded spot, I was about to inform Doom of some minor note which had sprang to mind at the time: "Your Lordship, I think it important to tell you . . ." I began. He cut in, "Please, it is not my desire to stand upon ceremony -- UCAS is a republic, after all. You may refer to me as. . . ." As his words trailed off, he stopped rather abruptly. I noted the Countess across from me give Doom the same questioning glace I did; terrible hostility had welled up into Doom's expression as he stiffened visibly. His gaze was not upon us, but rather along our path. There stood a somewhat older man, garbed in a expertly tailored gray suit, flanked to his rear by two rather imposing individuals (not to say they were obvious, but the word "bodyguard" was all but written up and down their massive torsos). His brown hair had strands of premature silver at the temples, but his face and form betrayed only slight age. At his neck, upon his ascot, glittered a gem -- a rather large diamond tie pin, I guessed; although due to the distance, I could not have been certain. "GANZ." Doom breathed, spitting out the word as though it were distasteful to utter. +++++ ]<<<<< -- Hangtime <00:49:24/05-14-55> >>>>>[ +++++ Download: Dictated Document 2.0 The older man merely smiled. "Greetings, my dear Count," he said, his tone overly pleasant. "I must congratulate you; few opponents have provided me with quite so much inconvenience or diversion." Trilo and I both went for our respective weapons, anticipating battle, but Doom's held his arms out as though to hold us back. He barked in a commanding voice, "NEIN, er ist mein!" We resumed our positions as Doom nodded slightly to Ganz and said wryly, "'Twas the least I could do, given the circumstances." "I particularly liked your use of Powerhouse as a pawn in your vain attempt to put me into checkmate." "Vain attempt?" Doom retorted incredulously. "You are /here/ are you not? Further, as to Powerhouse, I prefer not to consider him a pawn, rather a scalpel, to surgically remove your various minions." "The exact metaphor is irrelevant," Ganz shot back, his tone getting colder. "Whatever the interpretation, I am the victor, and I finish the game." Ganz extended his palm to his bodyguards, who placed within it a chrome pistol. We all prepared to react to this threat, but Doom just sadly shook his head. "How you disappoint me, Ganz," he said quietly. "Let us finish the game, but let us do so /as men./" Doom's hand was now resting on the hilt of his sword. Ganz regarded him quizzically, finally finding his voice, "Chivalrous to the last, eh, Doctor? Very well, I shall kill you with the very archaic ways you hold dear!" Unexpectedly, a third party entered the scene, emerging from the brush between the two men: a black man of about average height but solidly built. His movements were fluid, almost predatory, as he approached the pair facing off in the clearing. Aside from his impressive physical build, the other remarkable features were that his clothes were blackened and burnt in several places, and he sported a particularly large sword in a scabbard across his back. Ganz's countenance had instantly changed his mask of pseudo-amiability to obvious irritation. "Powerhouse," he muttered under his breath. The newcomer apparently derived considerable pleasure from Ganz's sudden discomfiture, and commented wryly, "Surprised, Ganz? I followed you here with my trusty ol' BMW Blitzen. Gotta little cooked, tho' . . . but you didn't really think I'd let you get away without saying goodbye, did you?" His speech, much to my surprise, was marked with a pronounced English accent. Ganz didn't respond, choosing instead to glare at the black man, almost as if he were willing him to melt underneath his seething gaze. Doom, however, betrayed no surprise at the newcomer's appearance. "Herr Powerhouse," he said. "So pleased you could join us. I must commend you on your efforts of late; your performance, as it has been related to me, was superlative." "Thank you, Doctor, but my business isn't quite over yet." he said, taking a step forward. Ganz, whose expression had drifted from irritation to anger, looked as though he were preparing to launch a protest when Doom cut in. "Herr Powerhouse, please, this has evolved into a private matter." Powerhouse gave Doom a quizzical glance and then paused. Perhaps reconsidering he said, grinning, "Oh, no . . . you don't understand. I wouldn't dream of interfering, I'm just gonna make sure its conducted fairly." Ganz, by now, had acquired a monosword from one of his henchman, and stood ready. Doom was quietly reassuring his wife, who seemed unenthusiastic about his going into battle following his confinement. Trilo inquired as to whether or not he wanted to doff his coat and medals for combat. Doom replied in the negative. "I won them in battle; I shall wear them in battle," he reasoned. Doom stepped forward, sabre drawn, and saluted his opponent with an elegant flourish of his blade. Ganz chuckled coldly. "Always the same . . . always that bizarre stolid Prussian chivalry, even when intermixed with imperious sabre-rattling." "Some still guard the sacred fire of Honor, and when has Mankind experienced greater need for such values than during these chaotic times?" "They are archaic values of a bygone era. You know, it is a pity it came down to this . . . with your obvious talents, consider what we could have achieved together." "You defile and denigrate all which I hold dear, Ganz. You worship at the foot of the modern idol, Mammon. An alliance betwixt our respective forces is inconceivable, as you would seek to corrupt me -- to be the Mephistopheles to my Doctor Faust." "Only owing to your stubborn cleaving to outmoded ideals! You have your beloved Empire, but think of what other empires could have been built . . . TRUE immortality!" "Immortality exists only in the memory and hearts of others . . . and in one's progeny. Although I swear that my House and bloodline shall outlive yours!" It was Powerhouse who cut in this time. "Gentlemen," he said. "And I use the term loosely (glancing at Ganz, who suppressed a scowl), we are here to /fence/ with swords, not words." +++++ ]<<<<< -- Hangtime <00:51:01/05-14-55> >>>>>[ +++++ Download: Dictated Document 3.0 "Your point is well taken, Herr Powerhouse. Shall we?" he inquired, glancing from Powerhouse to Ganz, who nodded. Powerhouse raised his hand betwixt the two combatants. "Ready?" he asked, and upon hearing no replies of the negative, swung his hand down as he uttered, "Begin!" The two men circled for a moment, initiating various pre-emptive maneuvers to explore each other's responses. It was evident that Ganz had some fencing discipline, but his movements lacked the refinement and sophistication of Doom's. Nevertheless, Ganz's actions and reactions were quicker and stronger than his more adept opponent. "Your powers are weak, aristocrat." "I shall triumph via the application of skill, rather than by juvenile bludgeoning." "Will you?" Ganz executed a vicious lunge, to be parried at the last second. Nevertheless, he did manage to nick Doom on the shoulder, and he was forced to retreat with Doom's riposte. The conversation became less and less one of words and moreso one of steel. Blow and counterblow. Ganz held quickness and strength over Doom, compliments of his wasting away for several months. Still, it was obvious the battle was taking its toll upon /both/ men, and as Ganz's spirit appeared to flag, Doom's countenance showed even greater determination. After a few minutes, Doom's uniform was cut and nicked in several locations, and blood trickled ever so slightly out of a few of the wounds. Ganz had, overall, fewer lacerations, but his endurance was waning somewhat. The energy and vehemence which had driven his earlier attacks wasn't present any longer. As for Doom, his visible strain surpassed that of his opponent, but his vigilance never waned. I cannot say what Iron Will drove him on, when he was so obviously overtaxing his facilities, but he continued to fight. After a particularly frenzied exchange where Ganz continued to launch attack after attack, Doom succeeded in parrying every strike, but upon completion of his last maneuver, winced in pain, and staggered back. Rather than press his advantage, Ganz decided rather to belittle Doom for his apparent weakness. Interspersed with strained panting, he crowed triumphantly, "So, the blue-blood has run out of steam! See how he shall be swept away by the new elite: So shall it be with you as it has been with all of your outmoded kind, Doctor!" Raising his sword, he hissed, "And now it ends!" Doom's gaze lifted to his foe, his eyes burning with passion and rage, and I heard him mutter, "Indeed it does." Funneling his fury into action, he executed a whirlwind attack -- so quick it was difficult to follow exactly -- punctuated with an extended swishing of steel on steel, and Ganz's sword literally flew from his hand. Ganz fell to his knees, exhausted. Doom's dark form towered over him, casting his shadow like a furious stormcloud, his teeth gritted, sweat running down his pale features, and his eyes aflame with victory and hatred. Although Ganz sounded tired, his tone remained even. "Well played," he breathed. "You've beaten my minions, and now you've beaten me. Let me retreat honorably." There was some muted scuffling, and then two audible "thumps". I realized that I, like the others, was so engrossed in the duel that I had been remiss in forgetting Ganz's men. Powerhouse stood over their prostrate forms, sporting two identical pistols. He quipped, "Seems like your men weren't gonna let the good Doctor here finish this fair-like, Herr Ganz." Ganz's appearance, realizing his salvation gone, changed to genuine horror; rising to his feet, he pleaded, "Spare me, please. Have mercy!" Doom's voice was hoarse. "Do you recall what I said so long ago? 'I shall sheathe my sword in thy life's blood, and pause a moment to see the fire of life die within thy eyes.'" Then he added, bitterly, "There shall be no mercy for the Devil." Doom went into a full lunge, plunging his sabre into Ganz's chest, only to have the blade exit through his back. Doom withdrew the weapon, allowing Ganz's stricken form to crumple to the sidewalk. Blood flowed freely from the wound, seeping onto the path. Ganz's countenance was transfixed in a mixture of horror and astonishment. I stepped over the body, checking the pulse (more a mechanistic act than initiative on my part). There was none; Doom must have cleaved the heart in twain. I moved to close Ganz's eyes, wherein the fire of life had ceased, but stopped . . . I remembered hearing once you leave the eyes of an enemy open, so that he can see Hell -- Well, I was more than willing to give Ganz an eyeful. Doom lowered his sword, and made a halting step forward. The tension in his limbs left him, as though he had fought the entire battle possessed by some spirit. "Vergeltung," he whispered. "Ich bin siegreich." <> Doom shuddered, his face beset with anguish, his sabre clattered to the ground, and he collapsed. The Countess let out a small gasp, and ran to him. Without hesitation, she knelt on the gravel path in her fine dress and lifted her stricken husband's head to her lap. To our surprise, he had not lost consciousness, his eyes were still open. "I have not fainted . . . this is more serious, I imagine." he muttered. However, do not be concerned: Inimicum ulcisci vitam accipere est alternam." The Countess looked up at us questioningly, trembling, her eyes beginning to water. "Latin," I supplied. "To be revenged upon an enemy is to obtain a second life." She continued to gaze up at us with her beautiful eyes, filled with confusion. "Stroke . . . cerebral hemorrhage," I offered. "Perhaps the strain, given his health, was too great." Tears came as she looked down upon her loved one. His right hand reached up and wiped one away from her cheek. Despite the pain he was obviously experiencing, he yet tried to console her, "Not for me, my love, do not cry for me." His gaze then shifted past his sobbing wife, as though looking into infinity, and he said in a tone of awe and wonderment, "Wir sind ueber dem Berg, wir werden nun besser gehen." <> Then his eyes closed. His breathing remained regular if shallow, and his pulse was still somewhat normal. Naturally, I had already whipped out my pocket secretary to hail an ambulance. We waited in silence for the medics to arrive, taking care to move him from the scene with the other bodies, which we obscured from view. DocWagon, thankfully, asked no questions. They gathered up Doom's prostrate form, and the Countess climbed into the ambulance with the paramedics. I strongly felt that I should remain with her in the journey to the hospital. I looked back at Powerhouse as we prepared our leavetaking; his expression was grave. The bodies of Ganz and his bodyguards leaped to mind. "I don't suppose you . . ." I began, hesitantly. "Don't worry 'bout it," he said confidently, exchanging a glance with Trilo. "We'll take care of them." We rode in morbid silence to the hospital, where we met Hangtime and his associates, Sonic Boom and Jack Hack. It was with Hangtime's cooperation that I dictated this report. We now await news on his condition, although to my knowledge he has not regained consciousness. +++++ ]<<<<< -- Hangtime <00:54:17/05-14-55> *****Private: Dark Angel >>>>>[Sure, it may be detrimental to say when you said it, but it's still not an easy thing to do. I'm still looking for a program to do it... Well, I suppose that crashing the T/D isn't that tough, but actually using letters? Now THAT'S tough.]<<<<< -- Quickling <11:15:47/05-14-55> *****Private to: Quickling >>>>>[We who have been around for just under three decades tend to learn a lot of stuff... +++++ Program Upload: T/D Autoswitcher Merry Christmas...]<<<<< -- Dark Angel >>>>>[I would like to get in touch with one or more persons capable of carrying out a few simple tasks for me in the next few weeks. There will be no great risks involved and if you meet my requirements you can expect adequate payment, with some bonuses if the results are good. I'm looking for someone who can appear in most places without raising suspiscion, i.e. no apparent cyberware or weaponry. Some kind of concealed recording device, preferrably video, would make your work a lot simpler. If you're interested, contact me asap.]<<<<< -- Spook <12:10:24/05-14-55> *****Private: Dark Angel >>>>>[Thanks. I'll probably use this thing whenever it's necessary. I DO notice that this thing is fragging big...that's just another reason for me to leave it for emergencies... Too bad it wouldn't run for Solonus, though. He's the one that could use the thing.]<<<<< -- Quickling <14:58:35/05-14-55> *****Private: Quickling >>>>>[Testing, testing...]<<<<< -- Quickling >>>>>[ *****Begin relay transmission***** You see two men exit a building that hosts a sign stating: "Olmstead Community Hospital". One is dressed in a fine silken outfit all in black, and a sash of black around his waist. The other wears bright colored clothing adorned with a leather jacket. What would normally be a clothing paradox seems to fit perfectly upon this person. They approach a silver car parked nearby, from which a female voice speaks. "Any luck, guys?" "Some," the man in black says. "I am certain that this Rosa Leland is the woman we seek. Have Tech begin the trace. They would not give us a number or residence listing, but the woman inside reacted to our description in such a manner that I believe confirms our suspicions: that Rosa Leland is our Rose by another name." "Hopefully we've determined that before Elender has. If he's trying to get Maddoc's ladyfriend to hate him, having her relatives die as a result of this indirect relationship with him would certainly be a good motivation." "All right, let's head back....hold it! Listen...." In the distance, a steady roar of engines is growing ever closer and louder. A warlike cry is heard. "YAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The camera shifts focus to increase range, and it picks up the image of five bikers bearing down on the group. Knives and guns are beginning to be brandished as the riders close the distance between them and the car. "Down!" the man in black yells. The riders of the vehicle lean down, and the two men dive behind the car as a stream of bullets sparks off of the car's armor during the first pass. The bikes all spin a quick 180 and return for another pass, but just as the bikers begin to set their sights again, they are torn from their bikes as if by having hit an invisible tree branch. "I'm assuming that was you, Jazz?" the man in black asks. "You assume correctly." answers the other man. With that, the man in black launches himself up and over the car and charges quickly into the mass of fallen riders. As the battered bikers begin to rise from the ground, the man in black swings into action, quickly rendering three of them unconcious before they can even rise off their knees. The other two slide large bowie knives from their leg holsters. "We're gonna cut you and dem fancy threads, girlyman!" one threatens. "You're in the right place to try it," the man in black responds calmly. You'll only have to drag your carcasses twenty or thirty yards to get to the hospital." The first biker charges in, lunging with the knife even as the man in black spins deftly aside, landing an elbow on the back of the man's head even as he passes; a blow that sends the biker sprawling to the pavement. The next biker steps in and slashes across his body toward the chest of the man in black, who leans back to let the slash fly wide, before stepping in, grabbing the biker's wrist, and twisting it viciously. A cracking of bones and a cry of pain are heard simultaneously as the knife drops. A series of palm strikes to the chest and face, and the biker crumples in a heap. The man in black spins to face his previous opponent who is rising again. Hoping to catch his opponent off guard, the biker lunges in again. This time, the man in black only makes a half spin before raising his straightened arm above the lunge and clotheslining the biker across the neck. The biker lands with a loud thump on his back. The man in black kicks the knife from the biker's hand and proceeds to place his foot painfully upon the man's neck. "Who are you working for?" the man in black asks patiently. "Blow me...." the biker rasps. The man in black shifts his weight slightly and asks again. "Who are you working for?" The biker begins to respond, but stops as his head shifts slightly to the side, as if having seen something. Without looking, the man in black flips himself over the biker, bringing his full weight down on his forward foot and cracking the man's neck as he does so. A small cloud of dust rises from the street as a barrage of bullets rips apart the biker and the place where the man in black stood. As the man in black and the camera pans up to a window from which a pair of gun barrels portrude, a pair of shots ring out, and one barrel disappears within the domicile as the wielder of the other gun flops out the window. Down on the sidewalk, a lovely olive-skinned woman wielding a laser-sighted handgun fires periodic shots at the window. "Thanks, Athena!" the man in black shouts as he darts for cover. "Sure thing, Koan!" the woman replies. For good measure, she cracks off a few more rounds toward the open window, before herself returning to her cover behind an old battered car. The machine gunner in the window peers out the window cautiously, and, hearing no shots, takes a deep breath and swings out into the window for a moment to strafe the car. Suddenly, he is caught in the head by a throwing star, and falls headlong out the window and onto the street below. "For distance and accuracy, still the reigning champion, Koan!" Jazz shouts as he and the silver car begin to slowly pass by the area. From the far end of the other side of the street, a pair of vans come barreling up the street, heading straight for the car. Out the passenger window of one leans an ork with a missile launcher. "Oh, drek!" Jazz curses before beginning to mumble something. A pair of cannons suddenly eject from the sides of the car and begin to open fire at the vans, punching holes in the grill, but not finding anything vital. There is a whoosh, and the ork's missile goes flying toward the silver car. Miraculously, the missile explodes in the air, leaving the car untouched. "arrrggghhhh..." Jazz wheezes. "Hadda rush that one. Shutterbug, you'd better nail these guys..." In response, the cannons shift on a set of rotators and fire with greater accuracy, tearing into one van and sending it crashing into a condemned building. The ork's van, however, is still charging in on its original course. As the ork leans out the window again, a CRACK is heard, and the ork's hand shatters in a pulping of flesh and bone. The missile launcher falls to the street and clatters away. "Dammit..." Athena grumbles. "I was aiming for the sucker's head." The silver car accelerates, and, bumping and bouncing over a few fallen bikes, guns, and bikers, goes on a carge for the remaining van, guns a'blazing. The driver of the van leans his head out the window and fires his Uzi ineffectively at the silver car while maintaining speed and course, leaning back in only just before impact. WHHHHHHAAAAAAMMMMMMMM!!!!!! The silver car bounces back and skids sideways, slamming Jazz brutally against the side passenger door. "Ooch....whiplash...." The van smashes its way diagonally forward onto two wheels, and then to none as it crashes onto its side before scraping and sliding into the curb. After a few flutters, Shutterbug manages to restart the silver car, and turns enough to bring his cannons to bear on the van, which erupts in a fiery farewell. BWHHOOOOOOMMMM!!!! Further down, Athena can be seen advancing on the first van, and picking off riders as they attempt to pry themselves from the wreckage. As the last one stops crawling, she turns her attention to a small pack of footbound punks that resemble the bikers advancing from an alley. Athena empties the clip into the group, felling two of them, before a series of clicks resounds from her gun. The advancing group begins to smile deviantly and stops their forward progress long enough to crack knuckles and posture. Athena calmly draws forth another clip and brandishes it before them in one hand, holding forth the empty gun in the other. The head punk and Athena stare down each other in anticipation. Then, with a barely noticable manuever, the empty clip is ejected from the gun. With that signal, the remaining pack emits a group roar and begins rushing toward Athena. With practiced precision, the olive skinned woman replaces the clip and shatters the skulls of several gang members with her perfectly placed explosive bullets. The core of the group, struck by warrior bloodlust, surge forward, unslowed by the bullets tearing through their numbers. Betraying no hint of fear on her face as the last half dozen near within ten yards, clubs and knives displayed and preparing for attack, Athena's clip finishes its barrage before it, too, clicks empty. Suddenly, at the last moment, Athena is lifted upwards as if by invisible hands, just as the pack charges beneath where she now floated. The pack remained confused only for a moment as they turned their heads upward and began leaping and throwing their knives in an attempt to bring her down. One such knife passed dangerously close to her face. "Thank for the lift, Jazz!" Athena shouted. I saw you were up to something there, and I just hoped it was to help me out!" "Indeed it was, dear lady!" the mage shouted as best he could from the window of the silver car. Athena was quickly brought back to attention by another knife whizzing just under her arm. She reloaded her gun and blasted away from above at the remaining gangers possessing knives. BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!! Another explosion rocked the street, and Athena was suddenly brutally dumped onto the ground, where she was pounced upon by the three standing gangers. While still trying to catch her breath, she managed to land a brutal blow to one member's groin, and another elbow to an ear, but the third ganger slammed her viciously to the ground, yanking her gun from her hand. Athena was roughly drawn to her feet and restrained by two of the gangers. The third, who was wobbling painfully, and grabbing his crotch, winced as he growled angrily at her. "Oh, girl....you just wait till we get you back to our little hideaway, baby....I'm gonna cut ya up. I'm gonna make you scream." The wounded one put his face within inches of Athena's before amending, "or maybe I'll have a little fun with you first....you a fine little piece of......ARRRGGHH!" The ganger fell back onto the pavement, clutching his bleeding nose where Athena had landed a quick, savage headbutt. "Enough!" cried a loud, deep voice. "Bring her over here with the other two." As the camera pans back to the silver car, now flipped onto its back, a large muscular man wielding a machete in one hand and the fallen ork's missile launcher in the other is revealed. With him are a few more stragglers from the gang rounding up the battered Jazz and Shutterbug. As the two were joined by Athena, the man yelled to the wind, "Oh Koan! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" You can't hide forever, and if you don't reveal yourself within 30 seconds, I will kill your teammates! And don't think about trying anything stupid, my friend. I don't care how fast you are reputed to be. I have eight very angry young men with me who would like nothing more than to turn your friends into slabs of bloody meat, and you can't take all of them out before at least one of your friends becomes street cutlets!" "Sure, one or more of them might die," Koan admitted as he emerged from the shadows, "but there would be nine smelly biker boys sharing the slab with them, Cutthroat." "You know who I am....I'm flattered." "Who else allows all but his gang's core members to only use blades in battle?" "Yes," Cutthoat sighed. "It is strategically unsound, I suppose, but it is QUITE the brutal and intimidating method, wouldn't you agree? There's something more scary about being hacked to ribbons than being shot, don't you think? Are you afraid to die, Koan?" "Should I be?" "Ooooh. Touting philosophy to the bitter end, are we? No...there's no reason to be afraid for your life at all, at least, if Maddoc cares to surrender himself to us before we chop your heads off. Take him." Two gangers cautiously approach Koan, who does not react, before tentatively reahing out to grab his arms. With lightning fast motion, Koan strikes the two men with palm strikes to the face, driving bone into their brains and killing them instantly. Cutthroat sighs. "Perhaps I should make things clearer. If you do not allow yourself to be taken, I will kill these three." With a motion from Cutthroat's machete, two more members approach fearfully before taking Koan's arms and hauling him over with the rest of the group. "Now, I will send the tape of this little encounter over the Matrix, and demand Maddoc's surrender within 24 hours. If not, the four of you will.." "Skip it, Cutthroat." Seated on a motorcycle that has just entered view is a well armed man wearing a black trenchcoat and dark shades. Long blonde-brown hair is tied back into a ponytail, and a sawed-off shotgun is holstered to his belt. "Maddoc....my old friend....how nice it is to see you again!" "Is this another one of your old buddies who wants to kill you, boss?" Shutterbug asks with a cough. "Yup." Maddoc replies evenly. "It's like a class reunion these days." "I'm gonna enjoy this! Elender wants me to hack you up! You cut me outta the run that first got you into the big time, pally, and now I'm gonna cut out your heart! Now get off your bike!" Slowly, Maddoc gets down from the seat of the motorcycle and steps away from the bike. "Now ditch that shotgun." Maddoc complies, tossing it away. "Now, slowly take out that gun I know you got under your trenchcoat and slowly eject the clip." Maddoc complies again, revealing the submachine gun within the confines of his coat before drawing it slowly forth. He pauses. "Get rid o' those bullets, buddy..." "You got it..." With a swift manuever, Maddoc rolls his gun into the palm of his hands and sends a burst of fire at the gangers. Everyone is stunned by the callous act, and as the bullets cease, the gangers holding Athena, and those standing over Shutterbug and Jazz, all fall to the ground. "I love smartguns..." Maddoc smirks. Cutthroat's face contorts. "Kill them! Slashers, forth!" The only sound emitted after the command is that of Koan knocking the heads of his 'captors' together. "If you're wondering about the rest of your gang that was out there, hiding," Koan says to Cutthroat, "I took them out already. They may have been instructed to hide until you wanted them, but they just couldn't resist peeking out of doors and windows to get a look, and thus revealing their locations." A growl of feral anger emits from Cutthroat's throat just before turning and throwing his machete at Maddoc, who even though on his guard, isn't able to dodge totally, as the machete hacks at his arm and causes him to drop his gun. A moment later, Cutthroat himself slams into Maddoc, sending them sprawling to the ground. "I'm gonna rip your throat out with my fingers..." Cutthroat hisses. "Dream on, pal." Maddoc responds as he forearms the big man on the side of the head. He finishes removing himself from beneath the gang leader with another punch to the head, forcing the man to roll aside. The two combatants rise and prepare to lock in combat. Cutthroat draws a knife from a hidden strap in his jacket and prepares to attack. "I've been dreaming about this chance for a long time....." "I'll bet you have. As I said....dream on." With that, the big man leaps into the fray, bringing down his knife from above towards Maddoc's heart. Maddoc steps aside, grabbing Cutthroat's knife wielding wrist with right hand, and bringing a chop down with his left on Cutthroat's inner elbow, redirecting the strike, and driving the knife right into Cutthroat's own chest. "Urk!" Cutthroat gasps as he falls. "You were big....you were tough....but you were never very good." Maddoc tells the fallen figure before striding over to pick up his shotgun. "Maddoc!" Athena's voice cries. Maddoc turns to see Cutthroat advancing, blood pouring from his chest, and machete in hand. As Cutthroat's gruesome figure raises the machete to strike, Maddoc brings up his shotgun and blasts Cutthroat full in the chest. "Wasn't all that smart, either." Maddoc notes. "Crew, let's motor. Even in this godforsaken city, the authorities will be arriving eventually. Koan, did you locate the camera Cutthroat was using?" Koan motions straight at the lens. "Good. Athena." Athena picks up a pistol, aims, and fires. *****Warning: Transmission Terminated at Source***** ]<<<<< -- Cutthroat <16:14:26CST/05-14-55> >>>>>[ Doom's in a coma . . . all attempts at magical healing have proven unable to rouse him. It would be decidedly ironic if he managed to kill Herr Ganz only at the expense of his own life. ]<<<<< -- Darkwatch <18:41:33/05-14-55> >>>>>[ Greetings, everyone. I understand I've been called the Countess by most of the people on this node, in deference to my husband's noble rank, but I'm not new to shadowrunning -- that's how I met Doom in the first place. I went by the street name Maze at the time, and sometimes I still do. I merely wished to thank everyone for the assorted well-wishes I've received. As much as it pains me to do it, I'm taking Doom back to his homeland -- should he not emerge from this coma, he would want to die there, I know. The trip shall take several days; his physicians feel the rigors of air travel may be too strenuous in his weakened state, so we are traveling by ship. I will inform ShadowLand of any changes in his condition. I am aware of how fond he was of many of you, so you shall receive any news that develops. Farewell for now. ]<<<<< -- Maze <18:42:00/05-14-55> >>>>>[ Hi, guys. We've been lying low for a few days. Jack, Sonic, and me are going on a short little vacation now. Seattle's sorta been spoiled for us, 'cause of what Ganz did. We'll drop you a line once in a while, though. See ya. ]<<<<< -- Hangtime <18:42:13/05-14-55> >>>>>[ Well, you heard Hangtime, we're off for some R&R to put all this unpleasantness behind us. Not sure how long we'll be gone, so keep an eye out for us. ]<<<<< -- Jack Hack <18:42:27/05-14-55> >>>>>[ See you guys, it's been real . . . Hhhhmmmmm . . . maybe I can look up Jaez while we're out there relaxing. I figure we'll hit the road -- err, SKY sometime this evening, and in deference to Doom, the streak you see up in the air will be playing "Ride of the Valkyries!" ]<<<<< -- Sonic Boom <18:42:55/05-14-55> >>>>>[Spook, I might be the kind of person you're looking for. I think I fit the description of what you need, let me know if you want to talk.]<<<<< --Rattler <19:05:23/05-14-55> >>>>>[ Gee, Elender, you'd better hurry up....you're running out of lackeys rather quickly.... ]<<<<< -- Tech <00:00:00/00-00-00> >>>>>[ Thank you for your update, Maze. We are very saddened that your reunion with your husband was cut short by that despicible Ganz. We will be saying our prayers for Doctor Doom's recovery. ]<<<<< -- Raven the Mage <03:30:56/05-15-55> >>>>>[ It pains me to think that Ganz will get one more victim as he dies. At least Doom got the fragger. I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted to go down any other way. Best wishes to you Maze. ]<<<<< -- Nightstalker <03:32:29/05-15-55> >>>>>[If Doom is in dire need of medical attention, might I recommend that you contact Dr. Ivan Petlovich, my contemporary and a renound Bear shaman. My understanding is that he is in London for the remainder of the month for a conference and for his daughter's graduation from Oxford. He does charge, but any fees that are collected go to charitable causes only. ]<<<<< -- Joseph Yoshida <17:07:16 / 05-15-55> President Yoshida Technologies, Inc. >>>>>[ Hoi, I was wondering about job offers in the Cal Free State. Also, If any one needs a good rigger for a run. ]<<<<< -- Silver <03:40:04/05-15-55> >>>>>[ For all those that supported the defeat of Ganz, I personally salute you. While Punisher, Claw, and I, certainly had our hands full, we, I am sure, aren't alone. Before I get into what happened to us, and the mishap with the fire alarm, I wish to do the following. To all those who were involved in this task, I offer you free healing. Either I can recommend people for you to go to any where in the world, or I can help on myself. This especially goes for Doom. Maze, feel free to take me up in the offer. I now know of several people in that area, that I am sure would be more than willing to help out. I suppose, I should explain why I offer this. I, in Doc Grizzle's wake, may the gods grant him some rest, dedicated my life to helping people medically. When it is appropiate, I ask for money, but I feel in this case, that money isn't necessary. With Doc Grizzle's passing, I "inherited" a list of people like-minded individuals. And since they know me and knew Doc Grizzle, they would probably be more than willing to help you. So PLEASE contact me, if you need the help. Now, you have to bear with me, as the past few days I have done lots of travelling, and even more work. And as such I am very tired. And I would like to also say before this, that Bruce, I could really stand to talk with you soon. When I get a chance I will tell you through secure means where I will be. In truth, everything is pretty much a blur to me, and in most respects you would probably do well to ask Punisher or Claw to retell the story as . . . well they have a head for keeping track of what goes on during a run then I do. I must admit, that the thought of doing a run, really isn't native to me. Actually, it's quite foriegn. I somehow, managed to avoid entering major combat, until the attack on the safehouse, and seeing how I faired there, I can safely say that it was a good thing, that I normally don't get into fights. (Also, I really hate violence.) By now, you are probably bored to tears, and well, I haven't even begun to talk about what happened to us at the darn place. Through the ride to the site, I was still drinking coffee, and listing to Claw's brief on what our groups objective is. I felt safer, knowing that I was with two pros of the likes of Punisher and Claw. Through it all, there was a part of me -- well, to say the least felt disappointed at me, but there is no reason to go into that. We crept in under the cover of trees. Punisher took lead, followed by me, and then Claw. We approached the fence without Shral'thala. The reason we did this, is because we figured that any spirits patrolling outside the perimeter would pike Shral'thala up in no time. Very quickly we got to the fence, Claw went over the fence first, and immediately called in Shral'thala. After scaling the fence, Claw also pulled out his forearm blades. With Punisher and Claw's help, I went over the fence next. Everything was fine, except for the small moment of panic that I had when my foot almost snagged a strand of mono-line. As it was, I managed to get gashed pretty bad in the calf. I only had a moments warning though, as I went down the fence, because a Fire Elemental noticed me, and decided that I would have been great for a snack. I was gratful that Claw was there to help out. It would have been bad. As it was, Claw and I had a tough time from it manifesting which would have been a clear give away that something went wrong. Punisher, seeing my clumsy decent down, raced over the fence. It was quite evident to me, that I definitely not in my best form. The coffee must have not kicked in yet. That was probably the calmest moment, because after Punisher got down, it felt to me at least, like I just entered pure choas. It wasn't until had dealt with the elemental, till I realized that a mage illuminated me over the fence. I quickly found the mage, who was trying to hide to go in astral and warn someone I guess. He apparently didn't like Punisher's landing on his body on his decent. The mage was foolish, and well, unfortunately it did cost him. Moving right along, we were moving along the path, detailed by the drones, that were scanning the area for nasties, and were doing quite well, untill we managed to catch up to a beast that decided a drone tasted too good to pass up. Unfortunately it had 3 chums come out and play with it. We quickly used illusion magic to cover our approach to them. Before they knew what hit them, Claw and Shral'thala attacked one of them, dropping it quickly. Punisher managed to nail another one hard, and I had the third one confused enough to think that the last remaining beast caused all of its problems for today. That only worked for a little bit, until the confused one got jumped by the Shral'thala. So the fourth one, already confused by getting attacked by one of it's relatives was easy pickings to further confuse it into inaction. Somehow, instinct for me kicked in and I decided to check out what was happening in astral. It wasn't a pretty sight. Around a corner, a couple of mages, and some elementals were in astral, and looking for a fight. Claw, hearing my warning had Shral'thala hide, and the rest of us took cover. I don't know how I managed it, but I keep the spell running on the beast and added the other one to it. Apparently, I got luckly, for the mages didn't see the spells running on them. They must have been clueless, because I would have thought it would have been a beacon to them. It was strange after the patrol passed us. It was just like clockwork for Claw and Punisher to take out the remaining two. An elemental of some sort came back though, which made us think that we had blown our cover. As it started to manifest, Claw, succeeded in banishing it, which I must admit, breaks my own record in getting rid of those things. We decided it was best to move on. We quickly made it to our objective, only to discover that Team D wasn't in position. So we made a decision that we would try and get into the gate. I decided that it wasn't going to be too long, even with all the illusion spells running, that the guards at the gate would figure out what was up, so I dropped a stunball at their feet. Worked like a charm, but wasn't expecting two of the guards to be physical adepts. Punisher decided that with Team C, around that he would just see how good those guards really was, but the guards were panicky, and fired at a glimpse of movement. Punisher mentioned that it was a damn good thing the brush was wet, otherwise, we would have been sitting in brush fire. I. reflecting back, would have to agree with that one. Claw noticed that we were about to get more company than before, and well, I just had an urge to sing a song. Knowing enough about myself, not to stop it, I just let it go. Punisher looked confused, and was trying to get me to keep quiet, but Claw cut him off. But then again, Claw is a shaman too and probably understood. I can't honestly explain what happened there, I think the singing caused me to blackout. But apparently, I was really hot. That was Punisher's quote for the day. I told him the truth, I probably couldn't repeat that if I wanted to. He said it was a shame. Claw asked us to skip the philosphy discussion until a later time. The only thing I could add to what I have already said, is that the discussion took place inside the "Gate." And that Shral'thala was back with us. After getting inside, we had our debate as we headed from the stairs, I can't really describe the action to get to the stairs. It sort of was meaningless to me, compared to what happened in the stairway. Also it was meaningless, because if you ask me the only reason I got to the door alive was because of Punisher and Claw. I have decided I don't like running gun-fights too much. It reminded me too much of how Johnathan died.... Anyway, back to the action. We entered the staircase at a flying pace. Almost seemed like we were trying to outrun the bullets that were chasing us. We quickly realized that the stairs were going up and down. I think I discovered it the hard way by crashing into the railing. And actually, though I thought I was crazy, I could have sworn I heard a female voice chuckling. Probably at my graceful entrance to the stairway. We had managed to traverse the stairs slowly, ascending them in the old military style of taking stairs. To do that you need a healthy belief in not getting mowed down. Pretty much Claw and Punisher had the dangerous part, and I got the good ol' part of bringing up the rear. Unfortunately, my position got attacked right when Claw was about to pass Punisher, and continue up the stairs. Momentum carried Claw up to the next landing, where he too got caught by some guards. Claw must have dealt with his pretty damn quickly, because by the time I finished using illusions and stun spells, and with the help of Punisher who gallently came to help me out, and got up to Claw. Claw and Shral'thala were waiting for us. We managed to get to the almost to the top of the stairs before the fire started. More to the point, spontaneous combustion would be a better word for it. I suppose there is nothing more harrowing, then being trapped between an angry Greater Fire Elemental, and a bunch of guards that want us dead. Drek, have to check on a patient. More later. ]<<<<< -- DragonEyes <14:58:37/5-15-55> ***** Not To: MONICA, Leon Meyers +++++ This is an automated posting +++++ MatrixListeningDevice #24452 +++++ Location: Central Core, Automated Infoworks +++++ The image is of two guards leading CLU out of the room. MONICA is standing there with an angry expression. +++++ There is a flash of light an the image of a human male appears. MONICA: What do you want, Meyers? Meyers: You've been trying to crack that program's code for four days now, don't you think it's time to give up? +++++ MONICA turns and glares at Leon. Mey: Well, perhaps not. But I do not understand your interest in this program. MON: Ramirez has always been one of my greatest and most cunning enemies. Each time, my defeat was caused at least in part by him and this program represents his greatest programming achievement. If I can crack it, I can gain insight to his techniques and limit his abilities. Mey: But still, I need you for other duties in the system. MON: Don't bother me with your piddly user requests. I must crack this program! In addition to the insight into Ramirez, it will also provide the missing link I need to get my self-adaptive ICe online. The prototype I have working needs the infusion of this code to become fully capable. Mey: I think your new ICe is fine the way it is. MON: Fool! The ICe may be able to adapt and even reason to some extent, but it doesn't have enough of the human element in it. Ramirez can't help but to have put that into this construct. I just need to find it. Mey: I hope you can crack it quickly. The information that Ramirez and Wolf 359 smuggled out to our investors is very damaging and already I am being called on to answer for that information. In addition, I have heard rumors of an ITC investigation. MON: It is not my worry. YOU deal with your foolish meat-world problems. Mey: Might I remind you, if our plug gets pulled, so does yours. MON: Then make sure that doesn't happen. +++++ End Transmission +++++ 18:26:54 / 05-15-55 ***** Not To: MONICA, Leon Meyers +++++ This is an automated posting +++++ MatrixListeningDevice #132297 +++++ Location: Detention Center, Automated Infoworks +++++ From around the corner walks CLU. He wears shackles on his hands and feet. Behind him walk two guards. +++++ Stopping in front of a cell, one of the guards removes the shackles and points into the cell. CLU: Hey I don't suppose that you'd be willing to.... +++++ One of the guards touches CLU in the chest with a stick of some kind. Sparks dance across his chest and he flies backwards into the cell, slamming into the far wall. Beams of energy snake out and form a force-field in the doorway. The guards leave. +++++ End Transmission +++++ 18:40:01 / 05-15-55 ***** Not To: MONICA, Leon Meyers +++++ This is an automated posting +++++ MatrixListeningDevice #55301 +++++ Location: CLU's Cell, Detention Center, Automated Infoworks +++++ CLU sits down on a chair built into the wall. He looks around as if to try to size up the situation. He then stops searching and looks right at the camera. +++++ CLU edges closer to the bug. CLU: Ramirez, I do not know if you can hear this, so I am assuming that you can. For the past few days, MONICA has been attempting to bypass my internal cryptographic system in order to decompile me. Apparently, my internal code sequences are needed for some work that she is doing, which I will assume is the constructing of a program similar in abilities to myself. Thus far, I have been able to easily defeat her probes, but she is growing more anxious and I anticipate that she will use more forceful means in the near future. I'll hold off as long as I can. For reasons of your own safety, I _do not_ recommend a rescue attempt. She is anticipating an infiltration by you and you would very likely not get far enough to help me. I have been keeping an eye out for weaknesses in the system and I believe I have a couple of solutions providing I get the break that I need. Unfortunately, the largest hindrance is that she stole my utility belt, which had a large number of programs that I need. I'll see what I can do to make up for the loss. If it turns out that MONICA is finally able to bypass my protections, I am fully prepared to execute Failsafe #332, which should prevent her from getting any useful information out of me, although a certain part of me finds the prospect of no longer existing unsettling, but perhaps that us your fault for building into me a survival instinct. I am going to sign off at this point so that I am not discovered talking to you. I will update you when I can. +++++ End Transmission +++++ 18:55:53 / 05-15-55 >>>>>[ Let's see... where was I? Oh yeah, the stairs. I had a really sinking feeling about the fire, so I decided that maybe it would be a good idea to focus some energy on protecting Punisher from the fires (they were magical after all). Well, at this point, the fire alarms, the sprinkler system, and the gun fire, made it utterly impossible to hear anything, so we were somewhat resorted to try and react on instinct, and when that failed the radio. After a few panicked seconds, we realized that having grenades in our hands was a REALLY BAD idea. So Punisher started lobbing grenades as quick as he could down the stairs. The resulting explosions didn't really help our cause, but it sure did end any discussion on the need for a gun-fight. Then we found out, how bad the fire was. Instead of just the whole stairway being on fire, we started to get ... err.... bolts of fire shot at us. Another debate on radio on where to go, was insured. Much to my regret, we went down. Or tried to. When we came down to were the grenades went off and continue descending stop being an option because of the intensity of the fire. So instead we went up. Shral'thala disappeared again at this time (which I thought was a particularly good option that I wouldn't have minded making myself). Since we knew it was some sort of fire thing, I used a few water spells to get ourselves further up without getting fried. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep up the pace with the fires. When we got to the next landing, we saw our problem/attacker. It was FireWraith. And, I was speechless. About the time we got there, I think was when people were leaving. We didn't have a choice in the matter. I hope IBA is okay... Anyway, she shouted at us. Actually I am pretty sure it was all directed to me and Claw, but neither Claw nor I were in any sort of condition to be listening to a lecture. I guess she decided that she didn't like our lack of responses, (I still have no clue what she said), so she decided to continue the magical assault on us. To say the least, it was getting very warm with all the fire around, and magical protection or no, I wasn't going to keep conscious much longer. And I think that was going to be the case for Punisher and Claw too. Punisher decided that maybe it would be good to go for a door. He bolted to the door, only to discover that it was locked to prevent the fire from spreading. Meanwhile, FireWraith walked up to me, and grabbed my arm. It got my attention to say the least. (Also my hearing started to come back to me because of the pain) FW: YOU LEFT ME IN THE HANDS OF NIGHTMARE!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT BASTARD MADE ME DO?!? I'll have to admit, she must have been taking lessons from someone like Doomsday. She did have my wrist in a nice, painful lock, and was burning my wrist up to boot. But I wasn't about to give her the satisfaction of making me suffer. DE: Yes I realize what you went through. It wasn't my decision about it. It wasn't my decision to let Blitzkrieg suffer like he did either. I -- and everybody that went with me did what they could to help. What you did to WHAT wasn't kind either. She snarled, and applied more pressure. I decided that while I would love to hold hands with her, when she was being civilized this simply wasn't working. So, I cast a stun spell at her. She let go of me in shock, and I did the only thing I could think of. I punched her. Apparently, really good, since she like most others know how much I like non-violence. Of course that fact that I was there in the first place was a paradox, so what does it matter? I punched her real good too. While she was still really stunned about me actually attacking her, I decided that I wanted to talk to her, but not in a burning building. Unfortunately, Claw reacted before I could stop him, and he slammed her into the wall. (I was surprised he didn't try casting a spell, or doing more damaging tactics, but then again, I'm not combat expert either). I finally got over to her, as she was beginning to recover, and cast a full power stun spell at her (something I never wanted to do on someone I once called friend. It hurt a lot to do all this). When she slumped over unconscious I grabbed her and threw her rather ungracefully over my shoulder. I, really wasn't in the mood for the heroics, and was angry at myself for hurting my other wrist in the punch, and wasn't thinking clearly. Claw, was smiling. But the smile didn't last. We were cooking fairly quickly in here. I looked over to Punisher, who was busily destroying the lock enough for us to open the door. He finally managed to unlock the door. Unfortunately, there were a lot of guards there waiting for us. The mage in charge demanded that we throw down our weapons and surrender. I figured my stun pistol wasn't going to do much and that my wrists were to hurt to use a stun baton, so I didn't care. I threw mine down. Punisher and Claw were both stunned by my actions. I started casting a spell. DE: I'm sorry, sir the only way I can completely throw down my weapons is if, I commit suicide. Something I won't do. Can't you see that this lady has suffered from smoke inhalation. I need some oxygen for her. Now that I had everybody completely confused, I struck hard with illusions. I figured, when in doubt disappear. Somewhere I managed to find an inner reserve of strength. Without dropping the slumbering FireWraith, I forced Claw and Punisher to go left. I'm surprised they went along with it, but they did. Silently too. Quickly I herded them down the hallway, then down another one. You do have to understand two things. One that illusion wasn't going to last long, and two, I didn't have a clue where I was going. At this point Claw figured out what was going on, and took point. Punisher following his lead, and seeing how I looked like I was going to collapse took FireWraith from my hands. Everything was going like clockwork now, Claw was in his element of leading. I was happily not leading. And Punisher was bringing up the rear. Everything worked like clockwork until we got to a new set of stairs. Firewraith woke up. She screamed angrily, and bit Punisher. Punisher didn't like that, so he dropped her. Apparently, the stairs didn't like her either, and she proved how nasty and easy stairs are to fall down. I had, what I was starting to feel like another inspiration. I just kept hoping it wouldn't be the last one of my life. I foolishly, (didn't realize how foolishly, until more guards started firing at me) ran down the stairs and slapped a tranq patch on her forehead. She went back to unconsciousness. Then the guards found me. Too my credit, I didn't faint outright. Even though my knees seemed to turned to a substance like synth-jelly. But I was definitely determined that I wasn't going to get out of this alive. Leader: Freeze! (Like I had a choice. A deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming semi-truck is how I felt.) Leader: Who are you? (I was beginning to wonder why the hell I was here. I needed to stall. I needed sleep even more. I was contemplating putting up a barrier spell, but I didn't think it would help much.) DE: Christopher. you? (Apparently, wrong answer. I took a bullet in the leg for my attempt at humor. At this point, I started wondering what was Johnathan's last thoughts were. I also was wondering where the hell Punisher and Claw were. I was hoping that I could buy them enough time to get out of this hell hole. The only other thought that came to me, besides the pain, was why was I thinking of hell now. It isn't part of my beliefs. Somebody brainwashed me good the past few weeks to even convince me to go on this. Hopefully, I thought, I will live after this to find out.) Leader: Shut up, you flower-drek for brains-eater. Who's the chic? DE: Shiela. She is rather belligerent when she wakes up, I don't think you would be wise to wake her now. Leader: I'll take my chances. I muttered to myself, so will I. With that I slammed up the barrier, and limped up the stairs, feeling bullets slam into the barrier. I suppose I left a nice smear of blood on the wall. No chance to correct that. But it apparently didn't matter. For a reason unrelated to me, the fire alarms went off again. And the sprinklers went off. I thought, "Well at least I won't die dry." At this point I was at a loss for what to do. I didn't have a choice on the barrier, I had to drop it. I was about to pass out. So I let it drop. And collapsed to the ground. Time passed. The water continued to pour down on me. I wondered, idly where the fire was that this was putting out, and how I was going to get out of another locked stairway. My vision, must have been going, because I almost passed out again. I came to, when I felt someone picking up Firewraith, and a cold wet nose, (that left a blood print probably) against my cheek. Claw cast a healing spell on me, which helped somewhat. And then supported me down the stairs. We made our way, as quick as possible. My mind was pretty much mush, especially at the sight of such carnage. We finally got to the garage level. And headed out. Using Claw's magic, and very little of my own, we managed to hide ourselves most of the way out. We saw guards emerge, and spread out to search for us, and tried to make haste. Unfortunately, I was slowing ourselves down. Reaching the entrance to the garage we were stumped. There were a bunch of guards and a lot of Fire Fighters. Without thinking I started singing softly to myself. I saw Punisher's eyebrow raise, but he said nothing. The guards looked at us in surprise. One of the guards said to apparently the leader of the fireman, "I thought you said they were all out." The fireman responded by saying, "I'm sorry, I forgot about the part of my crew that was checking the roof." The Guard was about to say something, but didn't. Claw and Punisher walked on out. I think the only reason I made it out was because Claw, physically was supporting me. We entered the group of fire fighters. And I instinctively led, by whispers, them to where the medical staff would be. I looked up. The medical officer was offering help for the injured lady. I almost laughed in his face. Instead I asked him, if I could watch in on the procedure on the lady. He agreed. When we got inside, (Claw and Punisher somehow managed to come along with us). I dropped the illusion. DE: Gods, I am getting tired. You can play this right, and live, or wrong and suffer . . . We need a way out of here. In turn I offer you medical assistance. Medical Officer: How dare you threaten me. . . (he then turned white when he realized that Claw had forearm blades at his throat). DE: No need to threaten him. There is no need for violence anymore. Listen, (I looked at his badge), Mark. I worked with DocWagon in my past, I am a highly competent shaman, and can help you out greatly, if you need the help. I can offer you money, I can subsidize your unit to get you better medical gear. But I cannot afford to let you turn us over. MO: What's my proof that you will help? DE: Get us out of here, and I'll show you some damn proof. (I was getting irritated with Punisher and Claw gesturings how to dispose with the officer, even though they were starting to look appealing). MO: I got an idea. You show me your power by healing two humanis goons that got messed up in a fight with an ork and a dwarf. They happen to be cops. You do that and give them a lesson against misusing power and that not all metahumans are bad, and I'll consider it even. DE: Do I have any time before I heal them? I could use some sleep. MO: Can you afford for her to wake up here? DE: Not really. MO: Then you don't have time. DE: *Sigh* Very well, where are they? MO (raises an eyebrow): You will really go through with this? DE (Now I was annoyed at all of them, what a stupid question): Yes. It's what I do. Whether they deserve it or not. Make sure she doesn't become awake, if you have to, add more tranq patches every 15 minutes or so. Now, where are they? MO: Follow me. DE: Hold on a sec. I need a uniform. MO: That makes sense. Actually, I will need to hit home first in that case. Where do you want your two friends and the lady to be dropped off? Punisher: I'm staying until we are all ready to go. Claw: Agreed. (It was very nice to hear that, I wasn't going to be left alone with this two cops.) I actually slept in a corner on the ride to his home, and while he got a uniform. I was amazed to find out that we didn't have to deal with anymore guards on the way out. Not that I had any more tricks up my sleeve. Of course I thought that before during that night, so I guess anything is possible. The uniform that he got, was made for a person heavier and a full foot shorter than I am. And as such fit rather badly. I was beyond caring at this point. At his house I downed another cup of coffee, and enjoyed my time in his bathroom pulling myself together. The medical officer seemed very nervous with Claw and the Punisher in the room. I think his girlfriend took it better, but not by much. People just don't handle shadowrunners well. After Punisher and Claw had a good stress relieving laugh over how the uniformed looked on me, and I had to admit, I was laughing too. We went. My story was that I just got hired on the force, and that they didn't have any uniforms in the right size. I asked Claw to be my assistant, and that the medical officer be my witness. In the room with the 2 cops, who actually weren't as bad shape as I was with the gun-shot and the wound of hitting the wire, I cleaned myself up. In a professional manner, I tended them, and then gave them the lecture of thier lives. Claw, just got to sit and watch. I won't bore you with the lecture as I did to Claw, but I made sure to make it sound that they would have died if it wasn't for me, and that in the future, they wouldn't be so lucky if they couldn't find it in their hearts to look past one's race. I also stressed that some of us, in a position of power, like I had over them, don't abuse it. At the very least I gave them food for thought. Also have taken down their names and ids. So that if they abuse their powers again, and I hear about it, I can get them fired. After I left the room, I passed out. Too much fatigue from the past few days. (and the added bonus of a run, and 3 operations all in the past 16 hours didn't help it) I was revived by Claw, when we got to the place that we were going to. There we picked up Punisher's car, and went through the post-op procedures. What a pain, but a necessary one. Then we put FireWraith in a place where she wouldn't harm anyone for a bit, and I got some sleep. I can say now, that I have had a lot more sleep, and that I have had a lot more talks with FireWraith and that she isn't ready to kill me. And for that I am thankful. I am also thankful, that it looks like I will be getting more sleep for a least a few more days. Again, I offer, if anyone needs medical attention, let me know. And for Doom, I can also recommend people, and they wouldn't take charges for the service rendered. I made some phone calls. Just contact me. ]<<<<< -- DragonEyes <20:04:30/5-15-55> ***** Private-To: Bruce, Shadowfox, Doomsday >>>>>[ Bruce, before I send all this Shadowfox, and Doomsday's way, you should contact me. Let me know when you are set for that, because I may have relocated by that time. +++++ Sending File Folder to >>Link<< Shadowfox, and Doomsday, you have a lot to answer if what FireWraith is true. And she does want blood if that is the case. I WANT TO TALK TO YOU TWO ASAP TO STRAIGHTEN THIS OUT. I know your trip is important, but so is this, and if you don't deal with it, your mission there could be in jeopardy. Answer soon.]<<<<< -- DragonEyes <20:08:25/5-15-55> >>>>>[Christ, I just had the weirdest fraggin' experience of a pretty damn weird life..... There I was, down on the beach with Majiktize kickin' ass in the volleyball court when Vilya decides to show up. At least, I think he was there. Usually whenever Vilya shows up, I'll turn around and there he'll be, about a foot away from me. This, without miss, scares the holy bejeezus outta me. He did it again, I think. I went up for a spike, but saw him out of the corner of my eye. I glanced over and completely forgot about the ball. I wound up takin' it full on the face and fallin' ass over teakettle onto the sand. Naturally I landed headfirst and blacked out for a second. When my eyes snapped open I just looked straight out into the sky. I saw this weird black cloud forming right over me. I looked away, but the cloud stayed right in the center of my vision. It grew to take up the whole sky. Well, not really, it was sorta like a dome over me or something. It just blocked everything. Whenit closed down on the horizon I felt the sensation of flying. I was slowly gaining speed, straight up. Up ahead I saw a light. "Omigod, I'm dead. This is it." I remember thinking. I honestly thought I was having one of those death experiences. I was flying heafirst into the light, which kept growing bigger and bigger as I got closer. When I hit the light, I had the sensation of turning inside out. It was like my face stopped but, everything just kept coming and flew out my mouth, if you can imagine that. So now I'm flying feet first, in bright light. I couldn't take the sight any more so I closed my eyes and screamed. When I finally stopped scraming to breathe, I opened my eyes. I had stopped oving and was just floating in space. A mist formed out of nowhere and surrounded me. I don't know how, but I knew it was Vilya. I have no bloody fraggin' idea what was going on, but I knew Vilya had taken me away and now I was hanging in a mist that was Vilya. I looked around, trying to find something to look at when I noticed something. Up ahead, on one of the clouds was a picture. It was the inside of a hospital, with a woman giving birth. I looked closer, it was my mother. Something snapped inside me, I was watching my own birth! I got no idea what's going on, right? So anyway, it's like I'm watching highlights of my life. My first tooth, my first step, my first word....... my whole life unfolded before me on this cloud. Everything was there. Including the night I foundout about my parents. My parents went to Europe for a month and left me with my grandparents. Some fuckin' towelheads blew up the plane they were on. My whole life fell apart that night. I almost killed myself. I don't know what happened, but I found myself in a CAS Marine recruiting office. I guess I figured if I was gonna kill myself, I might as well take some Azzies with me. I watched as I signed up, went to boot camp and eventually got selected for the Force Recon element. I watched as I got shipped to Texas for some cross-border work against the Azzies. I got to see that night I met up with the Apocalypse Horsemen. Their recruiter talked my ito joining, ut first I needed to get out of the Corps. I watched as we staged my death in Norfolk Harbor and made our getaway back to Texas. I watched as I rose through the ranks in the Horsemen. I became just like the other officers and NCOs. Crooked. We'd break up BTL ring and set ourselves up in a different city. I watched a the Colonel decided we needed to expand into magic. Eventually, we got to that night when I was called into the shaman's office. That night I decided to go over the wall. The night thathas forever changed my life. I watched as I loaded up all of this stolen cyber and weapons into the back of a van. I didn't know where I was going, didn't now how to get there, and didn't know what I'd do once I got there. I watched as four months later I met Freddy Frypp. I made my way to SF, to try myself against the I-Marines. Freddy convinced me to join Frypp Securityand then the cloud went blank. I wanted to know what was happening. I called out for Vilya to tell me what was happening. Over on a different cloud, I was back in Horsemen HQ. I saw the shaman start to take over. He encased everyone in these big sacs. I don't know what was happening until one burst open. The Colonel was there, with the Shaman. A huge bug crawled out of the sac. It was a Mantis spirit, like the ones that keep attacking me, or those around me. It ran over to the Colonel and grabbed him. He started to scream, but it ripped his head off, and the only sound he made was the gush of air escaping his lungs. The picture misted over, but reformed. Another sac was opening, but this time, the bug was larger. Vilya told me, without speaking, that this was the Brood Mother. She was the ultimate of my enemies. Again,the cloud went blank. On the first cloud I watched as Mr. MacKenzie tried to kill me. I watched as the chip inside my head cracked. I watched the electronic pulses zapping into my brain, pushing my into madness. I watched as Lone Star seiged my apartment. I saw what happened to Vilya during the attack. Lone Star mages atacked him when the Ward fell, and banished him from our plane. When this cloud blackened, I waited for another cloud to start showing me something. Soon enough I got to watch the raid that rescued me. Then this cloud, too, blackened. Yet another cloud sprang into animation. On this one, I saw myself, surrounded by my friends, running into a building. I haven't run into any building, especially with the people I saw, since I was rescued. Vilya told me, again, without speaking, that this was the future. I saw us standing across from the Brood Mother, surrounded by other bugs. We were all carrying swords or axes. I don't bloody know why. I'd want at least a Panther Assault Cannon against those things. Somebody said something and we charged into the bugs. It was a beautiful sight. We were slashing and jabbing into thes bugs, and they fell. Freddy was there, but he was throwing fireballs. What does that mean???? But the bugs started to gain on us. We began falling. A bug jumped onto me, but I lunged towards the Brood Mother. As the bug on me started to rip into my flesh, I plunged my sword into the Brood Mother. We screamed at the same time, both of us dying. Again, I screamed and shut my eyes. I felt someone slapping me. When I opened my eyes, Majikthize was standing over me. I looked around, me. I wasn't dead. It had been a dream. Vilya wasn't around, though. I don't know what had really happened. Majikthize took my arm to help me up when I noticed my forearm. On my right forearm I have, or had, a scorpion tattoo. I used to tell people that it was my totem. I'm not sure if that is such a good idea now. But, it doesn't matter anymore. Now, instead of a scorpion, I have a tattoo of a praying mantis. What in the hell happened to me? Vilya, are you out there? Please, is this really what my future will be, or is it what it can be?]<<<<< -- Jacamus (18:10:45 / 05-15-55) >>>>>[I just has a chance to read Jac's posting. He's been locked in his room for a few hours now. He hadn't told me anything about what had happened..... Oh, yeah, while I'm thinking about it: Does this remind anybody of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol"? Didn't Scrooge change his life?]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (20:20:20 / 05-15-55) Carib League Matrix Uplink #6973 >>>>>[Hi, could you tell me more about the job you are doing. The main point of interest for me, is who or what will be the 'target'. And how much will i get for the job.]<<<<< - Nighthawk <02:12:31 05/16/ > >>>>>[Hi ,i'm interested in your job offer, and i can tell you that i'm capable to mask some people or make some invisible. But befor i take the job you have to tell me something about it.(cash, where, 'Target', ......)]<<<<< - Nighthawk <03:08:20/05-16> >>>>>[This run is a simple infiltration of a major corporation (Renraku, prehaps you've heard of them). Depending on what we find at Renraku, we may find ourselves taking a little trip to Tir Tairngire. Hopefully it will not come to that. Our employer (who will remain nameless until a decision is made) is willing to put up 10K nuyen a piece for initial expenses and then pay 400K nuyen apiece for completion of the final objective. (I have been known to squeeze more out of this guy. But, he always pays well.) If I can get together enough people, we can really make a killing. I'm just now feeling up to another run. The last few weeks have been really crazy.]<<<<< -- Jasmine (8:45:00/5-16-55) *****Private to: Quickling >>>>>[I have a smaller version -- you got the crud version. I wrote this back in college.]<<<<< -- Dark Angel >>>>>[Drek! Jac's disappeared. Last night, after he blacked out on the beach, he locked himself in his room. I guess he then posted his experience, when he was blacked out, to the board. He never said a word to me, or anybody else. Majikthize said he was acting pretty shook up, can't blame him I guess. Anyway, this morning when I fell out of bed I ordered the 'puter to check on Jac. It said he left the compound at about two this morning. Majiktize, a couple locals and myself went into town looking for him in all of his favorite bars. Hell, couldn't blame him for wanting to get drunk. But we couldn't find him. Ares sends some of their black ops people down here, too, and we partied with them the other night in town. They left this morning, heading back to Seattle. Could everybody please keep an eye out for Jac? I got no idea where he could be going, but if he left with those Ares folks, they should be getting back to Seattle in the next few hours. Please get ahold of me or Spark back in San Fran if he shows up. Knowing the condition I'd be in if I had the same experience, I'm worried that he'll do something stupid. I'm heading for Seattle myself. I'll try to be there by tomorrow.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (12:34:34 / 05-16-55) Carib League Matrix Uplink #6973 >>>>>[D Team's log of the Gallean Raid. Audio/visual pick-up unit place on WHAT. D Team members : Leader Powerhouse (PH), English Physical adept with a bloody great sword, who is after Ganz for killing his parents. Circuit Breaker (CB) a lady from the South whoUs a wiz C2 decker and WHAT (W) an English elf, who really is not very good at all this killing stuff. +++++Begin Video/Sound feed Opening visual is one of a mediaeval courtyard, surrounded by a high wall and imposing towers. A number of modern security measures have been made. Four man units in Aztec uniforms complete random pattern sweeps of the grounds. To the South: A grim, solid looking gatehouse, bristling with armaments, Aztec pinions fluttering in the Northerly breeze. The the South-East : A small garrison building, three stories high with two APCUs parked outside. To The East: A four story wooden administration building. The the West : An old fashioned church with twin bell towers at the south end. This is the Azzies HQ. Aztec colours which are drapped all over the church give it a cheerful, festive look. however the Attack helicopter at the back somehow shatters that illusion. To the North-West : The Command station. A squat, unpleasant looking block of plastic-concreate, which an A-bomb probably wouldnUt damaged To the North: Two, second world war type, bunkers dying entrance to the keep behind. The Keep, Team DUs objective. Five stories crowned with thrusting battlements and viciously grinning gargoyles. Behind the the keep near priceless motor pool motor pool and another helicopter. D TeamUs objectives : Destroy first bunker, take second bunker, cause diversions while teams A & C gain objectives. Destroy bunker, enter keep, find Gallean and Ganz and Terminate. (WHATUs Notes : Not get shot up, not get blown to pieces and not get killed. definitely not get killed.) The courtyardUs bright security lighting neutralises most of the natural shadows. The stealth suits of D team are working over time as they slowly move towards the first bunker. Troops are madly rushing everywhere, the sound of alarm klaxions blaring, explosions, gunfire the whole ball game. CB defeats the maglock. PH slips in. Long seconds pass. PH reappears and beckons. Inside, five Aztec bodies and PH half dressed in a Aztec uniform. CB places a number of explosives charges. The Pale-faced WHAT pulls on a dead Azzies uniform. The second bunker. again CB bypasses the lock, PH slips in, the Spectre of Death. Time Crawls. PH reappears . Inside CB set up SpeedUs control unit on the auto guns. WHAT stares at the bodies of the dead Aztec soldiers, killed because they where in the wrong place at the wrong time. He then drags them in to a corner covering them with a bright, Aztec wall hanging. They take there places and PH keys in the signal that Team D is ready. W:I still donUt see why we canUt just sneak in, duff up a few guards and grab the two GUs ? CB: (with a big grin) Ya English just donUt know how to have real fun. W: I can see why I.B.A. fancies you ( he ducks a swipe for CB) PH: Shut up you two and .. A loud knocking at the door kills the chatter, PH motions WHAT to the door speaker. W: Hello, whose there ? Voice 1: Unit 3 check in, identity code ? W: (takes hand of the button) Oh frag, Any ideas terms ? PH: make something up quick. W:(pressing Button) Erm, I canUt do that, unless you identify yourselves first ! Voice 1: Are trying to be fun ? Identify code now ! W:IUm sorry, but unless you identify YOURSELF, IUm raising the alarm and turning on the security system. Voice 1:You canUt do that ! W: want to bet ? 5-4-3-2- Voice 1: Stop ! Corporal Hass, 1122-D33-234, unit 3. W: ThatUs better, however report to Captain Mango for failure to adhere to procedure 456. Out. PH: What the hell was all that ? W: (grinning)worked last time I tried it, no brains these army boys just like she... BOOM ! ( the door shudders but holds in place) PH: (In a wry voice) It appears they didnUt believe you. W: Well, win some, lose some, get shot at as they say .. CB: Ah hate ta brake up ya English humour session, but we got company, two platoons worth. Any reply to CB is drown out as the bunkers auto guns open up. CB dashes to the operations control panel, PH methodical goes through checking out his equipment, WHAT hurriedly lights up a fag. CB: There trying to shut off the guns ah, gonna have somethang ta say about that (and jacks in) Heavy shells smash ragged holes in the bunker W: (Lighting another fag) Uh, PH PH : Hmmm ? W: IsnUt that a city master thatUs shooting at us ? CB:( through the console speakers) Guns are almost out boys, ah think we got reallly big problems, they're bring up heavy weapons ....scrub that, ah think SpotOn just blew em to hell ! PH : Most likely, Tcourse it could be any one of the auto cannons on the wall, that reminds me IUll check on Highlander and his team (the bunker actual starts to shake as PH calmly chats to Team C. Auto Gun one runs out of ammo, followed by two and three. WHAT is frantically dragging the heavy ammo bins across the floor, then stop short at the shimmering forms materizing.) PH: Cerise are you sure ...oh Drek? W: Oh splitter... Incoming Magical thingys ! (and continues moving the bins) PH in measured, praticed moves unsheves the heavy sword off his back, moving a chair out of the way, with a worried look on his face and muttering about why certain female elves donUt do as they're told. Three burning elementals launch themselves at the team. PH puts himself in between CB and the elemental. WHAT hurls himself across the room and punches out the fire alarm, setting off the sprinklers. Distracted by the lethal water, PH skilfully dispatches all three in seconds. Then it all goes dark. CB: Ah think that was Highlander helpinU out, heUs cut the auto cannons, time ta move out. Oh did Ah mention that thereUs about 70 troops waiting for us outside ? W: I hope this work, respirators on terms *click* The CB and PH are now in their stealth suits, CB with a assault shotgun and PH with a Ak 98, WHAT is still in the Aztec uniform and is pulling on a strangle looking backpack. They wrench open the battered remains of the door and cautiously peer out. A blue haze has enveloped the area around the bunker and the unconscious forms of Aztec guards are sprawled everywhere. WHAT grins and lights another fag and janders over to the Keeps door, slaps a number of thermite charges on it and runs. The thermite turns the locks to slag and a single grenade from PH blasts them open. The squad of 15 men inside the entry hall, empty hundreds of round in to the open doorway. Meanwhile .... CB: Get ya scrawny hand of ma butt W: Sorry, but I thought .. CB: Ah can get throU this window by maself ( at which point PH yanks her through the third storey window) W: (gives the disabled sentry gun, covering the window, one last hard stare and jumps in the the room) I hope that Jock knows what heUs doing. PH: Oh drek, they're jamming channels at random. LetUs find the security room. Take point WHAT. WHAT steps out in to the corridor. A ten man patrol is coming up the south stairwell. He waves the two back in to the room in to the room, then pulls out a capsule, breaks it on his forehead. Bright red synth-blood gushes down his face and staggers toward the patrol. Patrol Leader: What happen ? W: Intruders, took the north stairwell, just now. They went up ...(and pulls a faint) Patrol Leader: Right, you two take him down to the infirmary, Call in contact on floors four, possibly five. Move out. The second the patrol is out of sight, PH steps out of the room, snap kicks the first guard and roundhouse kicks the second. CB shoves the shotgun in the face of guard one and grins. PH, grabs the second one and snarls in a low donUt-frag-with- me-voice :WhereUs Ganz ? Something in PH attitude scares the frag out of normally tough soldier. He weakly points downstairs. Soldier: HeUs in the garage, loading up his stuff PH head butts him. W: ThatUs a martial arts move ? * grin* oh IUm impressed PH:*growls* Frag off CB: Now , boys. (she smile sweetly at the guard and then thumps him with the shotgunUs butt) Night, night. The pile the unconscious guards into the room and move down the stairs. They reach first floor, two cybered Doberman, foaming at the mouth, hurtle towards them. CBUs Assault shot gun leave two quivering piles of smoking dog meat. The sound of gunfire and explosions echoes around the building, bodies littered everywhere. As the trio enter a stately dinning room, four of GalleanUs personal security leap out from their hiding places. PH immediately in engages two of them in melee, CB tuck and rolls under the main dinning table leaving WHAT with two superior opponents. His chipped reflexes are the only thing keeping him alive. PH in a series of remarkable manoeuvres, decapitates one and back spinning kicks the other through an armoured window. CB pops up behind one of WHATUs opponents and cubs him down. WHAT is desperately defending himself, but is being backing into a corner. PH snatches an priceless spear from the wall and hurls it with all his strength. The spear take the man high in the back, the force of the throw lifts the now life-less corpse in to WHAT, knocking him down. CB:(Screaming) Down PowerHouse ! Two more of GalleanUs men enter the room in full Milspec combat armour with gyro-mounted LmgUs blazing. Bullets shred the near priceless items which cover the dinning room. PH diving rolls under the table as CB over-turns it. The two blindly return fire and toss grenades. CB: ThereUs something behind us. PH: Unknown approaching from our 6. WHAT, check it out. W: groaning* What ? oh why me and crawls out from under the body, dragging himself down the hallway. CB: Ah think I heard an engine from over there ! PH: Speed, check it out ( the small drone flits to the window) Speed: Affirmative, Nightsky, with mods below. PH : (shouting down the comm) WeUre pinned first floor. WHAT slowly moves down the hallway, taser in one hand narcojet machine pistol on other. Suddenly, a woman in combat gear steps into view, her hands glowing with magical fire. W: Hey, arenUt you .. She obviously sees the Aztec uniform and lets lose. A fiery stream of magical energy rips towards WHAT. He squorks and goes flat, the beautiful 18th century painting blazes merrily above him. Cerise raise her weapon at WHAT Cerise: Freeze frag-face, or IUll blow your dreky face off W:Charming, donUt shoot your on my side. Cerise: (menacing WHAT with the gun) What do you mean by that, sleeze-oid W: (very quickly)Your Powerhouse bit on the side, donUt shoot me, weUre pinned down in the dinning room and could do with the help. IUm WHAT, please stop pointing the gun at me I really donUt like it. *deep breath* Cerise:IUm PowerHouse WHATJ? Get up, I what a word with him. Back in the dinning room PH and CB are still pinned down the two men are advancing slowly on the rapidly disintegrating table. Their armour seems to be absorbing everything the two runners can throw at them. PH: Frag it. CB, IUm going to jump them as soon as they get close enough. When I do run and find WHAT. Then get the hell out of here ! CB: DonUt be stupid, I ainUt let ya died here *grin* not now any how ! Cerise steps in to the doorway and lets off a devastating spell. When the smoke and furniture has finish landing. Cerise: I thought you could use the help. PH just starts stammering and looks terribly confused. W: (to CB) *grinning* ThatUs what love does to you. CB swiftly elbows him in the ribs. Cerise spell not only total the room but reveal a conceal stairway leading down to the garage. Cerise: Lets toast that fragger Ganz, eh Powerhouse ? PH is about to reply when CB shoulders him out of the way as bullets spray into the room. CB: Ah, ma fragging arm ! PH returns fire. A grenade rolls into the room Cerise grabs PH and bundles him into the stairwell in a uncontrolled dive. WHAT picks up CB and sprints into the hallway. *BOOM* That grenade is follow by three more, make the dinning room a place of fragmenting death. Several minutes pass. Several mercs cautiously enter the room. Slowly, they make there way over the annihilated dinning room in to the hallway and down it. WHAT and CB drop down from the ceiling. W: I do like that quick-tac(tm) stuff. CB: Hush yer mouth and lets get after PH and Cerise. The two make their way to the garage. Bodies, like discarded toys are strewn everywhere. Behind a wreaked BMW, Cerise lies dazed. CB, ignoring her own wound, rushes over to her. CB:(gently) WhereUs PH honey ? Cerise: Gone, after Ganz, I think his leg broken (she passes out) CB: WHAT, lets get the frag outa here, now. W: HowUs this ? (he pulls up in a hover Roll-Royce Silver Lady XII) *Video Input disrupted* +++++End Video feed The RR got hit by a missile, WHAT fractured a couple of ribs, but got them all out ok. Cerise was Ok folks, too much spell chucking and being to close to a concussion grenade.]<<<<< -Speed(19:00:30/05-16-55) >>>>>[ In other news today, Lone Star has appealed for witnesses in the Pullyalup district after another firefight in that area last week. The house belonging to Allen Compestine has twice now been all but destroyed by unidentified gunmen and magicians within an eight-day period - a record, even by Barrens standards. SeaNN reporters were able to obtain these trideo shots taken by Mr. Compestines' security cameras: ****** Begin Aud.Vis.cam.Comp. Interior of a large warehouse. Sparse furnishings litter one side of the house - a sofa riddled with bullet holes, a splintered table, shattered glass and half-burnt rugs. The walls are scarred by grenade blasts and hastily painted over holes; this is the home of a suicidal maniac with a power drill or a man with a lot of enemies. A self-installed second floor extends to half the house; a large double-bed with a torn mattress that looks as though it's been mauled by a critter sits squarely in the middle. A pair of side flank an otherwise immaculate bedroom; a vidphone rests on the right table. Screens set up throughout the place effectively partition all available area into various "rooms", including kitchen and bathroom. The other half of the warehouse is a converted garage; stacked against one wall are the remains of several bikes. Two doors, one a double-door permitting troll-sized entry with ease, the other large garage doors. The double-doors open to admit a man and a woman. The man gently guides the woman to a seat. Man: Drink ? Woman: The man pours a glass of water and re-enters the living room; hands the glass to the woman who sips gingerly. The man watches her a while before rising to cross over to a bank of consoles and vidscreens. Man: I'll just check if there are any messages while we were gone. He begins to type; several monitors flicker to life and begin displaying text and pictures. Scanning them, he replies to a few, occasionally looking over his shoulder to check on the woman. The monitors suddenly go blank. The man blinks once, then dives to the floor as an instant later, the lights flicker out plunging the room into darkness; the cameras switch automatically to low-light mode. Man: Juliette, hit the dirt !! The woman hesitates momentarily, a puzzled expression on her face as she tries to divine what is going on. The shattering crescendo of the sentry guns kicking in a split second later prompt her to the floor even as the man begins to furiously roll towards a far wall out of camera shot. Juliette: Punisher !! The sentry guns go silent as they run out of ammunition. Heartbeats pass before the front door disintergrates into a shower of splinters - a figure appears in the doorway, silhouetted against the street lights, a mini-gun supported by a gyro-mount, it's acquisition laser probing the dark. The figure steps cautiously in; a hazy shimmering glides to his side and into the warehouse, seeking ... A moment later, with a loud cry, Punisher is flung from behind an overturned sofa; there is a triumphant screech from the air elemental as it pursues its victim. The man with the mini-gun opens up; instinctively, Punisher curls his body, twisting desperately to avoid the hail of death. Bullets stitch the walls and ceiling as the mini-gun tracks his leap. Juliette surfaces from her cover with inhuman speed, a submachine gun in either hand spitting fire. She rakes the mini-gun-man from neck to crotch as windows on either side shatter with the entry of more combatants. The mini-gun-man opens his mouth to cry his pain; only a gurgle of blood erupts from his throat as, arms flailing, he imitates a puppet on a string and is wrenched off his feet. Juliette sweeps her guns in a blur of movement to target the newcomers, three in all, on her right; fast as they are, their moves are jerky in comparison - all three exit the way they came. They are flung out backwards through the windows as she hoses them down with a long burst from both weapons. A deep boom echoes around the warehouse; Juliette pirouettes. A crimson stain spreads quickly from her left shoulder. A heavyset troll moves into view, a shotgun a one hand and a grenade laucher in the other. Unidentified voice: No, we want the gal alive. Troll: Two short bursts snap the troll's head back; he falls with a heavy thud. Punisher: Juliette ! UnIDed Voice: Take him out ! A trenchcoated man, pistol in hand, is seen backing towards the door, muttering under his breath. The troll grunts, shakes his head and wipes off the blood from his forehead, with an almost comic look of dismay as he discovers just how much he's bleeding. Two hazy forms shimmer into view and begin to take shape rapidly. Punisher walks towards them with an assault rifle emptying his clip into Trenchcoat. Punisher: Crud ! Frag ! Drek ! Mother-crapping jackass son of a - ! The bullets bounce off uselessly against a magical shield; Trenchcoat smiles. Punisher throws away the rifle as the spent clip automatically ejects itself. The two elementals beside Trenchcoat manifest themselves: one earth, one water. Punisher unholsters a heavy pistol and continues hia walk. Trenchcoat: Ah see you've managed ter dispose of ma air elemental. Quite a feat, Punisher - ya do yer rep justice. More bullets glance off the magical shield as Punisher pumps his clip in the mage's direction. With a final curse, Punisher throws away the gun after the hammer comes down on an empty chamber. Trenchcoat: Pity ... The earth elemental leaps towards Punisher with a roar; the water elemental surges forward to flank him. With lightning speed, Punisher side-steps the charging pile of soil simultaneously lashing out at the water elemental with a monofilament whip untilnow concealed in his finger. The earth elemental crashes into the rising troll, their chorus of groans drowned by the shriek of the water elemental as the whip makes contact. Punisher jumps back, whip ready, looking for an opening, and always keeping the earth elemental, already reforming itself, in sight. Th water elemental lunges only to miss as Punisher deftly slides to a side and cracks his whip against the elemental's back. The earth elemental shoots forward again, slamming Punisher to the wall; the elemental does not wait and charges again. Punisher struggles to his feet, bracing himself against the wall; he swings his whip in desperation as he gasps for air. The elemental catches the whip - a sudden jerk sends Punisher on another unwanted flight, this time towards the water elemental. Apparently too tired to attempt a dodge, Punisher rolls his body to accept the impact of the fall. He smashes against the water elemental which instantly envelops him in a tidal wave and appears to be trying to drown him. The troll comes into view, passing in front of the water elemental. Juliette: Punisher !! Trenchcoat, until now wearing a grin on his face, snaps out of his "entertainment" with a horrified grimace. The troll is equally surprised. Troll: Live, yuh sed yur emilentil got 'er !! Juliette springs spurs from both arms and races towards the water elemental. Livewire raises his arms but cannot match her boosted speed; she reaches the elemental first and plunges the spurs into the distracted spirit. The elemental expels Punisher with a howl as Juliette strikes yet again. The earth elemental lumbers forward reaching her in an instant. A rocky hand fells Juliette with a blow and a kick shatters her ribs; an audible crack is heard. Juliette screams in pain. Punisher rolls into cover sputtering water. The troll runs towards him. Livewire mutters a final incantation - Punisher screams. Juliette staggers to her feet, clutching her wounded side as the earth elemental towers above her. A third arm shots forth from its torso; the unexpected manuever takes her by surprise as the hand grips her throat and begins to squeeze. She weakly stabs at the arm with her spurs as she croaks her pain. Livewire notices her plight. Livewire: Break her limbs if necessary but do not kill her. Crashbar, kill useless sonavagun and let's git before the Star shows up. Bring her ! The mage turns to leave as a woman appears at the door. Livewire: Whisper, I told you to stay with the perimeter teams. Whisper: Star's on its way. The troll picks up Punisher like a rag doll who seems to have passed out. Crashbar: Mebbe yu wurn'ts tuffs yur sed. In a flurry of movement, Punisher has the troll in a vice-like grip around the voice-box/Adam's apple. Crashbar sips air as he, too, manages to grab Punisher by the throat; with his free hand, the troll brings a Predator 2 to Punisher's head. Punisher raises his own arm, catches the troll's gunhand. A shot rings out, attracting the attention of Livewire and Whisper. Livewire: Oh, fer heaven's sake !! Livewire starts towards the dueling pair. Punisher, noticing his approach, succeeds with great difficulty in bending the troll's hand to aim at the mage who grins. Livewire: Still some fight in ya; yer plan won't work - ah still got ma barrier spell up - At the last moment, Punisher forces Crashbar to aim at the consoles and fires. The shot richochets off the computer banks and hits Livewire in the head, dropping the mage. The earth elemental releases Juliette and together with the water elemental screech in seemingly berserk tantrum. Whisper: Oh, fraggit !!! Whisper dives out the door as Juliette crawls to relative safety rubbing her throat. Livewire moans and raises himself to his knees; his forehead is bleeding profusely where the bullet grazed his temple. Crashbar and Punisher struggle on. Livewire spies Juliette limping away. Livewire: Come back here, ya lil' broad ! Juliette is swept up in a levitation spell and slowly brought towards Livewire. Her cries for help go unheeded. Livewire only smiles as the elementals tear a hole in th wall fighting each other. Juliette: Punisher ! Punisher ! Nooooooooo !!!!!!!! Juliette then screams something unintelligible, something so alien only Mork would understand. Livewire's expression shows he knows something is terribly wrong. Whisper pokes her head back in to take a look. Livewire's look of confusion and something-not-being-right suddenly changes to one of dread realisation - the elementals have ceased fighting and have gone silent. As Juliette screams a second time, a gust of wind lifts small items of decor into a swirl of dust. Crashbar and Punisher freeze in statue-like motion and for a brief moment, all is quiet ... Then a sudden roar of wind signal the two elementals' entry as they plough straight towards Livewire, obliterating everything in their paths, crying frenzy-like in contrast to his whimpers of terror. The mage is sliced in half at the waist as the elementals rush past him and into the night skies. Whisper stares in mute shock, then realising the enormity of what she has just witnessed, flees out the door shouting for back-up. Punisher, taking advantage of the moment, slams a fist into the troll's gut, unholsters Crashbar's grenade launcher from the troll's back as he doubles over, rams a knee in the same move into the troll's face bringing Crashbar's face up again to shove the launcher into the troll's open mouth. Punisher: Send my regards to your mage friend ! As the troll pleads with his eyes, Punisher pulls the trigger, diving for the floor as he does. Crashbar's head explodes in a cloud of blood and tissue as sirens are heard; the troll's headless body topples as if in slow motion to the ground. Punisher picks himself up with stifled groans, hobbles over to Juliette's slumped form. Gingerly picking her up, he heads for the exit and after assuring himself that nobody is out there, disappears into the night. ***** End Aud.Vis.cam.Comp. Lone Star is now seeking the man in the film named Punisher, believed to be Mr. Compestine or one of his associates. Police are also seeking the attackers involved - all those filmed are reputed to be shadowrunners. SeaNN sources confirm that there is a shadowrunner called Punisher; whether or not this is the man with the woman named Juliette will not be known until Lone Star has had the chance to question him. The search continues, meanwhile, for Mr. Compestine. He is wanted for possession of unlicensed firearms. Lone Star spokesmen valued the security arrangements featuring high-tech "sentry" weapons at more than half a million nuyen. Anyone with information should ring Lone Star at their situation room at >>>LTG<<<. A substantial reward has been offered and all calls will be treated in absolute confidence. Now the sports: Seattle Tigers today announced - TRANSMISSION DISCONNECTED. AUDIO.VISUAL UPLINK SUSPENDED. ]<<<<< -- SeaNN >>>>>[I'm game.]<<<<< -- Dark Angel >>>>>[Hey, don't get yer hose in a knot. I'm fine. I don't know know what I'm doing, but I'm doing fine. Consider this my resignation from the company. I've already gotten too many people involved. Too many have already died. LINK TERMINATED]<<<<< -- Jacamus (14:20:15 / 05-16-55) Seattle Public Telecom #1545-007 >>>>>[Hunt him. Find him. Bring him to me.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (19:20:15 / 05-16-55) Carib League Matrix Uplink #6973 >>>>>[Jac, are you out there? The boss is pretty pissed. He's called here about a jillion times. I'm not sure why, but he's calling. You'd better lay low for a while. That or find him yourself and explain just what's going on.]<<<<< -- Spark (15:30:45 / 05-16-55) *****Private to: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[I know nothing about this -- but I'll see what I can find out.]<<<<< -- Dark Angel >>>>>[ Well wasn't that one hell of a drek-storm, sorry about taking a while to get back to you terms but it's been a wild couple of days. The good news is that I've got I.B.A., but it's not good, not good at all, poor guy is in a coma, anyway Akaila is looking after him, I suppose I better start from the beginning. Some of you are wondering how I got in, well anyway, a couple of the Azzie fat-cats that were living in Galleon's palace, well, let's just say that they regularly order home delivery, so to speak. Anyway I got someone to mess with the files of a small downtown business known as The Emerald Veil, and the net result is that one extra girl, me, was delivered. It wasn't hard to then break away, activate a spell lock Packman cast for me, it made me look like an Azzie guard, and then I made my way up to one of the big towers. I reached the top, quickly dispatched of the four guards, I love monowhips, and buzzed my flight. Courier, operating a stealth drone, flew it in and dropped off my equipment, I was in position and ready three minutes later, one minute before Powerhouse called me to check in. You know most of what happened during the attack, although I was interrupted a couple of times, once by a Azzie squad, and once by a pair of small fire elementals, however it was nothing I couldn't handle. Hmm, I'm glad that no mages looked my way though, I dont know how I would have gone without any shielding. After you chummers made such a mess it was pretty easy to get out, I just switched the lock back on ands literally walked out, did I tell you Packman assured me that the thing didn't have an astral aura. Anyway seeing as how everyone else was having trouble I decided to check out whether or not I.B.A. was OK, so I swung on out to where his van was parked. Man was that a mess, I literally jumped out of the frying pan, the back of I.B.A.'s van was ripped open and there were a bunch of gang member's, not sure which gang, I don't keep up with that much, trying to drag I.B.A.'s form off while others fought an ork and a tiger. I figured these must be the two assassin's that Galleon has left so I start running towards the battle. Silly me, I forgot to shut off the lock, a couple of the guys dragging I.B.A. turned and started shooting at me, luckily they weren't very good, I managed to deactivate the thing before they hit me. Boy were they surprised but not as much as that ork when I ran into him monowhip blazing, so to speak. The gangers pulled back and the tiger hoofed it quick smart, meanwhile I was busy against one hell of an opponent. This ork must have been good before they 'changed' him, because, apart from the opening wound, I couldn't touch the guy. The stalemate was broken however when the gangers regrouped, sensing they were waiting for an opportunity, I took a hit in the arm, then forced the ork to back up in exchange, then I flipped back about six times, the whole time I heard the hail of gunfire that came from the gangers, man that ork was so full of lead by the time they finished, well if they dumped him in the sound they wouldn't need to weigh the body down. After that I convinced the gangers that I knew someone that could help I.B.A., so they gave us a lift, I hope he comes out of it, after all, he is amusing to have around. Oh yeah, that tiger shapeshifter is still on the loose, Nightstalker, Raven (the Mage), Highlander and Cerise, you chummers take care it's got you're names written on it. ]<<<<< -- SpotOn <20:13:42/05-16-55> ***** Private: Spook >>>>>[Sorry this has taken so long, but my line's been on the fritz, and I finally decided to go to a public phone, anyway.. I can appear (and disappear) quite well in public, what little modification I have is leagal. I lack any internal recording devices however, but if you need me I'll be around...]<<<<< Daisho <19:11:21/5-14-55> ***** Private To: Jasmine >>>>>[I may be able to go. I'm supposed to be doing something towards the end of the month, but I haven't heard anything back from my contact, so I may be free. My specialties lie in infiltration, and I prefer to work as point or overwatch when possible.]<<<<< Daisho <3:28:13/05-16-55<<<<< >>>>>[ Umm well sure Nightstalker, I'm presently at NodeFaerie's old address, Courier is here making me and Fenris an offer for all of Nodie's stuff. I know he's dead and everything, but it's just so hard to sell all this stuff, I'll probably be here for the next day or two, were still trying to figure out what exactly is around this dump. ]<<<<< -- SpotOn <11:07:39/05-16-55> >>>>>[ Ohh I just realised, you don't know where here is, just drive into Reapers territory, and if you cant find out were that is by yourself, you aren't a very good detective. They will be able to point the place out, ohh, that's the local gang by the way, I'll give them your decription, so they dont shake you down. ]<<<<< -- SpotOn <11:24:06/05-16-55> *****Private: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[I haven't seen Jac around, but I'm off looking for him. I'll let you know when I find out something. BTW, if you come to Seattle, visit my place, 'cause I managed to get some of Jac's guns back. It's not much, but it's all I could trace back. +++++ Include: GUNS.JAC.APPENDIX Don't you have any clue where he may be? Seattle is a big town. Favorite bars, friends etc? Meanwhile, I'll just stalk the city and visit some friends, but I doubt I'll find him this way. Maybe you could get some form of astral patrol over here. If the bugs are still after Jac, I think they might be more easy to find then our friend Jac himself. Anyway, let me know when you want to drop by and I'll be home. I plan to post the gun-run asap, but since I don't have camera's, I'll have to type the whole story, so this can take some time. See ya.]<<<<< -- Aardvark (14:43:13/17-5-55) >>>>>[ Well, some while has it been but now have I returned. Unfortunately my reconstruction incomplete is and I using a new form of interpreter program now is. Hopefully not too mangled is my linguistical skills for you to understand. If my correct information has not changed Jacamus has left the islands for other places in the suns. Jacamus: If you look at this I will apologize for my treatment of you, but I needed aforementioned payment for reconstruction contracts. Need you any help we can discuss this at leisure. Now, to all that are looking for Jacamus: He was not magically influenced when I said my goodbyes and left for more congenial hunting grounds. I can be reached only here one this BBS but some time it may be afore answers you get.]<<<<< -- Vilya >>>>>[ Yes, yes, yes, I know that this message above is several hours late, but I had to run it through my Metaphorical Translator AI program (that AI is just a joke, I think) before it was readable. Fortunately I foresaw these problems and managed to get it fixed just in time. In the future, just assume that I have done the same thing if you see one of Vilya's posts.]<<<<< -- Forge Spitsbergen Matrix Uplink Trans Polar Satelite Network Service *****Private to: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Would you care for my help on this one...]<<<<< -- Dark Angel *****Not to: Jacamus >>>>>[If anybody knows where I can find Jac, you can get ahold of me at bar called Dante's Inferno Bar and Grill. The number's >>>LTG number<<<. It's a sleazy little dive out in, uhh... where in the hell are we? I dunno I always get confused in Seattle, there's Redmonton, Puyallup, the Barrens... sheesh. If anybody sees him, could you try and talk some sense into him. I'm worried that out on his own these fraggin' bugs will get him quicker than if there's a bunch of us here to help him.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (09:25:00 / 05-16-55) *****Private: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[If yaze wants to find this Jacqueline joker, weeze can find 'er. All weeze gotta do iz wait fer her to try an' use a public telecom again. Then weeze can get 'er for ya'.]<<<<< -- Ma Bell's Goon Squad (09:35:45 / 05-16-55) *****Private: Ma Bell's Goon Squad >>>>>[His name's Jacamus, you bloody cretin!!!]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (09:40:12 / 05-16-55) *****Private: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Weeze know where ya live pointey-ear. Youze better better take that back before Jocko has ta wrap yer legz around yer head.]<<<<< -- Ma Bell's Goon Squad (09:46:12 / 05-16-55) *****Private: Ma Bell's Goon Squad >>>>>[I am so fraggin' scared. Just find him, dammit!!]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (09:50:12 / 05-16-55) *****Private: Aardvark, Dark Angel >>>>>[Thanks for the offers guys, they just showed up. I think I'll need the help. Aardvark: I know Jac's got a weakness for Chinese food, maybe we could try poking around in the Chinese district. Can you meet Majikthize and I at Dante's Inferno Bar and Grill sometime tonight? Dark Angel: I'm pretty sure Jac's staying out of the Matrix as much as he can. I don't think we'll find him that way, but you're welcome to help us with the legwork.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (10:00:00 / 05-16-55) >>>>>[What's wrong with this fraggin' deck now? I just saw all of my posts have the wrong fraggin' date on them. Drek, just what I need, a hosed up deck. Anybody got any suggestions on the problem???]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (10:15:35 / 05-16-55) >>>>>[Mr. Frypp, I leave in two days for Portland. You have until tomorrow to let me know if you still want that package, and where and how I should retrieve it.]<<<<< -- Jeweler <07:53:42/05-17-55> ***** Private To: Daisho >>>>>[Infiltration is the name of the game. We could definitely use you as a point man. You would probably be with Aardvark on that one. I've run with Aardvark before and trust him. I hope you will forgive me, but first time runs with new people always make me cautious. It gets better as we go along.]<<<<< -- Jasmine (8:00:15/5-17-55) *****PRIVATE: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Herr Frypp, if you are needing help to find Jacamus, i would be happy to be trying for you. I am concerned for his safety, and would like to helping you. If you can give me his deck signature, i can set a trace for him when he posts, if he doesn't use a public terminal like last time. Also, i have completed the paperwork you wanted and will send it to Spark in San Fransisco, as requested.]<<<<< -- Basilisk <16:02:15 GMT/17.Mai.55> *****Private to: Jasmine >>>>>[No problem working with new people, it has to happen sometime. Point work is fine with me. I am assuming that this is a silent operation, correct? Also, if you can give me a specific date, or an estimate if possible I would greatly appreciate it.]<<<<< Daisho <09:05:45/05-17-55> >>>>>[ Another shooting yesterday in the Sound area brought Lone Star out in force when earlier reports indicated a massive gang war breaking out. We now know that this is untrue. Eyewitnesses confirmed that participants involved in the firefight did not wear gang colours. Police are interviewing a passer -by who filmed the entire incident - SeaNN reporters were once again able to procure the film to bring you this coverage. +++++ Include audio.visual.rec.#4495-7. Heavily armoured van with doors open, its passengers already out and moving in unison towards the entrance of a posh-looking building; they are well- armed and armoured. In the lead is a young woman dressed in deep purple, her right hand crackling with bluish energy. The doorman looks up with a smile; the silenced, sub-sonic round makes a clean entry wound above the bridge of his nose and exits the back of his head to embed itself in the asphalt wall of the building - relatives will later say ha died happy. The van in the foreground guns its engines once, then shuts down with a whine. A man clambers out from the cab trailing a wire still jacked to his right temple; he lights up a cigarette as he observes the building's upper floors as if expecting something to happen. It does: a moment later, the camera is rocked by the sound of an explosion. As the cameraman attempts to steady the himself, another explosion splits the otherwise quiet morning. The camera view drops to the ground for several seconds; Cameraman: Oh my God !! The camera is hastily brought to bear on the upper part of the buliding - there is a gaping hole in the side of what appears to have been the 30th to 35th floors. A figure backs into view, lurching to the edge as bullets explode from his back. An eyebat later, he can be seen tumbling to his final resting place - a resounding crump is heard as the body buries itself in the building's visitors' parking lot. Smoke begins to drift out of the hole in a leisurely pace. Two more bodies emerge from the filthy black clouds as they descend rapidly, screaming at the top of their lungs; as the camera tracks their progress, it is clear that they have only been wounded ... they are quite dead when they crater the road seconds later. The camera is jostled violently as sounds of someone vomitting are heard; a choke, a gag, and the view is restored to the top of the building; two figures on the edge of the roof battle it out with swords - the cameraman zooms in. Both move in a blur of speed; the aggressor's advance is stalled by the defender's good use of his twin black blades; the grace of his movements lends a dance-like quality to his defence. The two swordsmen whirl about the lip of the building. A flurry of strikes and parries end in them locking blades and engaging in a contest of strength. Although bleeding as though perspiring blood, the lone sword duelist seems the stronger; he presses his opponent closer and closer to the edge. With a final burst of strength, the lone-swordsman pushes the other over the ledge shouting with exertion. Instead of falling, the other drops a little way, then levitates, keeping his two blades locked with the aggressor; his momentum carries his attacker over the roof as well and as the helpless man falls past him, he disengages the blade lock allowing the brief victor to tumble into space. Falling swordsman: Niiiiightfooooooooooxxxxxxxx !!!!!!!!!!!!! The picture does another jig as more sounds of puking fill the camcorder's audio system. Another choke, another gag ... and a few spits, and the view of the building is brought back. The levitating swordsman has disappeared; another is falling. Half way down, the falling figure can be identified as Whisper. With ten floors to go, she slows down to a safe descent to the ground. The camera follows her as she runs towards the armoured van whose driver, the smoking rigger, is already back behind the wheel. A squeal of tires and the van tears away leaving a dust cloud and tire tracks as the only evidence of it ever having been there. An ear-shattering roar is heard; the camera is partially raised to the building once more but freezes as the picture reaches the first five floors. The camera is then dropped and its audience is treated to a close-up of an ant exploring the jungle of short grass it's in. A muffled thud is followed by a view of the cameraman's arm squashing the ant as he passes out. The camera continues filming ... a great dark shadow glides across the road; somewhere of camera, someone screams .... +++++ End cam.rec.footage. Lone Star officers are still speculating as to the cause of the firefight but say they have no clues. SeaNN sources, however, established an independent confirmation from a case officer that the police do believe this to be connected with last week's disturbance in Pullyalup involving the residence of one Allen Compestine who police have still been unable to find; one of the bodies found around the building was a shadowrunner by the name of Tripwire who was wanted in connection with a dreamchip smuggling ring in the CAS. His brother, Livewire, was found dead at the Compestine residence. The investigation continues. In Chicago, meanwhile, city hall officials staged ... CONNECTION.END ]<<<<< -- Seattle News Network ***** Private: Whisper >>>>>[ What the frag ?!! WHAT THE FRAG ?!! WHAT THE BLOODY FRAG did you think you were doing by the Sssound - I jussst heard it on the newsss ! Who the hell isss Nightfoxxx ?!!? And what the HELL wasss Trip doing attacking him ?!!!! I gave no ordersss for a sstrike !!! Now report to bassse before I have you liquidated !! And where isss #Encrypted# ?!! ]<<<<< -- The Sculptor <17:06;44/05-17-55> ***** Private: Yang Tze-ling @Chicago.mat.sat.uplink.sec -engaged. >>>>>[ What news ? ]<<<<< -- XINJIANG INTEL.POST Trans-polar.sat.People's Republic of China.mat.uplink.sec. ***** Private: XINJIANG Supervisor @PRC.mat.sec.TPsat.uplink. >>>>>[ We did not retrieve subject. Contractors terminated or dispersed. Subject now in hiding - trail cold ... the chip is lost. ]<<<<< -- Yang Tze-ling Chicago LTG.TPsat.sec.uplink -engaged. ***** Private: Yang Tze-ling @Chicago.mat.sec.sat.uplink -engaged. >>>>>[ Eliminate all details pertaining to operation. Return to Beijing for .... discussion. ]<<<<< -- XINJIANG INTEL.POST TPsat.PRC.mat.sec.uplink -disengage. *****Private to: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[I'll get a recon squad on it, but no guarantees. What exactly happened that involved Ares Macrotech? I have not seen anything about that all.]<<<<< -- Dark Angel *****Private to: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Merry Christmas, chummer. +++++ Program Include: Time/Date Modification System ver. 2.21DA Revised Have phun.]<<<<< -- Dark Angel *****Private: Dark Angel >>>>>[If you say so. Written in college? These things aren't that easy to make, I'm not sure if I trust this one... I'm dropping it for now. It's too much trouble, by far. Those things are just...dangerous. Deleting it is tough enough...]<<<<< -- Quickling <11:56:37/05-17-55> >>>>>[ Well, I am back. Looks like Lone Star will be winning the bid this year. So anything new happen in ShadowLand?]<<<<< -- Optimal <**:**:**/**/**/**> *****PRIVATE TO: Optimal >>>>>[ Hey, Optimal. Glad to see you back. Haven't seen any posts from your mission]<<<<< -- Street Heat *****PRIVATE TO: Street Heat >>>>>[ Yeah. I have had a little problem with my system. The posts are in there somewhere, but they will probably take a while to get out.]<<<<< -- Optimal<**:**:**/**/**/**> *****PRIVATE TO: Optimal >>>>>[ Well, the real reason why I contacted you was to offer you a place by my side. A partnership if you will. See, you have skills and contacts I could use and I have skills you could use. Mainly Magic.]<<<<< -- Street Heat *****PRIVATE TO: Street Heat >>>>>[ Hmmm. Well, what's in it for me?]<<<<< -- Optimal<**:**:**/**/**/**> *****PRIVATE TO: Optimal >>>>>[ Like I said, this will be a "partnership". Any money gained by the group will be split. Besides, most employers want teams, not just a solo man. SO it would be most benificial for the both of us to join forces.]<<<<< -- Street Heat *****PRIVATE TO: Street Heat >>>>>[ Hmmmm. I guess I could join up with you. Ok, deal.]<<<<< -- Optimal<**:**:**/**/**/**> *****PRIVATE TO: Optimalthere. Oh, and I have picked out a name for our group]<<<<< -- Street Heat *****PRIVATE TO: Street Heat >>>>>[ Yeah. And what's that?]<<<<< -- Optimal<**:**:**/**/**/**> *****PRIVATE TO: Optimal >>>>>[ Fire and Ice. Specializing in extractions and assasinations.]<<<<< -- Street Heat *****PRIVATE TO: Street Heat >>>>>[ Hmmm. Not bad. I kind of like it.]<<<<< -- Opitmal<**:**:**/**/**/**> >>>>>[Well, I'm all (ahem) packed, so I guess this is my final post for the present. To all of those who have sent your sympathies, I thank you. They help, they truly do. To all else, I hope each of you takes care in your adventures. Stay in the shadows and don't lose your head. The wolf is always at the door, so be careful. If there's someone you love out there, don't lose them, tell them how you feel. Lest I ramble further, I believe I'm going now... where to I still don't know specifics, somewhere in Asia I think. There's some nice places about those parts where I can just get some down time without too many worries. Anyway, farewell to all... ++++++INCLUDE: Soundfile The.Doors_The.End_8.9Mb Soundfile Don.Henley_New.York.Minute_8.2Mb Soundfile Elton.John_Goodbye.Yellow.Brick.Road_6.8Mb ]<<<<< -- Orion Antilles <15:03:34/05-17-55> *****ENGAGE: courrier v4.21 PRIVATE TO: [S--a--k] at [Frypp] Sec. HQ >>>>>[Herr Spark, hier is the forms you were wanting me to fill. I hope everything is complete. I was having problems with some of the language on the forms, as my Englisch isn't too well. If there are problems, just let me know. +++++INCLUDE: application.bas]<<<<< -- Basilisk <19:51:30 GMT/17.Mai.55> ******PRIVATE TO: All involved in the TK rescue >>>>>[Once more, I wanted the chance to tell you guys thanks. I had hoped the bunch of us would have the chance to traverse the shadows of Europe once more, but I need some downtime to settle things out. As a sign of my thanks, each of you will be getting a "shipment" in the coming days, consisting of (ahem) supplies from my personal caches. I've realized that I've been accumulating alot of "stuff" over the years that I really have few uses for myself (as well as a lot of spares of the things I _do_ have uses for!!) and I didn't want it to go to waste. In the majority of the cases I've given each of you weapons, but, needless to say, such things are not as valuable to some, so I've tried to make do. Father Grant, for your healing help, a donation of 75,000=Y= will be made to your orphanage in Megann's name. I hope it helps. Well, this is it. Off I embark onto another chapter in life. Don't count me completely out, though, for if any of you _really_ need my help you have my number (better be real good to draw me away from the beaches, though :). Until then, keep to the shadows!!! ++++++INCLUDE: Soundfile Billy.Joel_Goodnight.Saigon_10.8Mb ]<<<<< -- Orion Antilles >>>>>[Aardvark, Daisho, Nighthawk, Dark Angel, Shields, and whoever else I happen to have forgotten, My Johnson has set up a meet in "Hell" at Dante's Inferno in Downtown Seattle. Please get in touch with me ASAP. He wants to meet at 18:00:00 this evening. If you can be there let me know. The run will then take place tomorrow evening. At least, the "infiltration" part of it will. We've got the Matrix cover we need. Thanks to my wonderful fiance. I will check a few contacts of mine and get back to everybody on a base plan after we meet with the Johnson.]<<<<< -- Jasmine (12:00:00/5-17-55) ***** Private To: Shields >>>>>[Shields, I know you're already on the case. Whether or not anyone else shows, we still need to info from Saeder-Krupp. Let me know what you get. I'll keep my channels open. Just drop the MP in my deck.]<<<<< -- Jasmine (12:01:00/5-17-55) *****Private: Basilisk >>>>>[What?! You finished the paperwork? My God man, you ARE amazing. No one has ever finished that massive tome of gibberish and doublespeak. I just deleted mine and said "the hell with it, it's my company". But seriously: As for Jac's deck sig, there's nothin' I can do for you there. He's never bothered using one. He just takes a day and a half using a tortoise. Sorry, thanks for the offer, though.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (14:40:12 / 05-17-55) *****Private: Dark Angel >>>>>[Nothing really happened with the black ops folks from Ares. They're just some really cool guys who were on vacation in Barbados the same time we were. Jac must have hopped a ride North with them. Oh , yeah, thanks for the help with the deck.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (14:45:00 / 05-17-55) >>>>>[Well, here it is. It's a little report of my last run: getting Jac's guns back from Lone Star. Hope you'll enjoy it, and maybe even learn from my mistakes... PART ONE: THE MATRIX I will not bother you with this boring stuff. After two days of tracking, I discovered that a lot of guns were sold to numerous individuals. Jac, if you want all your guns back, here's a little list of people who might have them (don't no if it's complete, so I guess not): +++++ Include: GUNS.JAC.FUTURE_VICTIMS Anyway, I discovered that the remaining guns were put away in a shed. I got the address, I even got the names of the guards. There should be around 20 guards. I guess they're guarding something else, too. On the way back, a rather stupid-looking piece of ICe discovered me, but my eggs confused him long enough to get out safe. PART TWO: PREPARATIONS I'll skip most of this, too. I got me a black van (if someone's missing his/her black van, you'll have it back later today. To compensate this little inconvenience, you can borrow my bike for a day, or two if you really want to. Please leave a message on this board.) and my personal stuff, including lots of high-quality smoke-bombs (the one that block thermographic vision too), gas grenades, some grapefruits (never leave home without it!), and of course my Viper and Narcoject pistol. When I got there, I figured I had to "disable" the external alarm first. Some phone company guys had already dug a hole a few metres from the shed (thank you). After I put the two phony companymen asleep, I quickly connected the shed's PanicButton system to some electronics. I have a radio-jammer in the van, so only their screams will reach the outside world *grin*. PART THREE: FUN I quickly located the back door, got rid of the lock with my silenced Viper and entered. It was quite dark in there, with the guard room on the far side of the shed. I started to move towards it, but quickly I heard in the distance a mechanical voice screaming "Intruders...inturders...intruder", and red lights began to flash. I quickly looked around, and then discovered the cunningly hidden motion detector. I shot it. Then I started digging up some gas grenades and tossed them to the far end of the shed. I managed to throw three through a window, into the guard room, the other two came down on top (for the clever reader: I was wearing a respirator). I saw a lot of the guards falling, never to stand up again (at least, not that I saw, the gas was non-lethal), but quite a few started running towards me. I climbed on top of a large stack of steel plates, drew my Narcoject and started shooting the approaching guards. Unfortunately, some of them started returning the fire (with lethal weapons), so I tossed a few lemon-shaped smoke bombs towards them. Their shots became a lot less accurate and soon most of the shed was filled with smoke. After I had emptied my Narcoject, I jumped to the few guards left to attack them with my bare hands (they had still a hard time seeing me, so I thought that I could take the five guards still standing). My thoughts proved right (this time) and after a few nice kung-fu moves they were knocked senseless. Not bad, most of the guards down and no dead. I started searching for Jac's guns until I sensed something moving behind my back. I quickly turned around, only to see a big man, armed with a katana and what seemed a Ruger Super Warhawk, aiming the pistol and pulled the trigger. The bullet was aimed on my heart (nice shot, chummer), but I managed to block it by manoeuvring my right arm between the bullet and the rest of me. Luckily, I was wearing Dikoted forearm guards and armour, so the bullet actually stopped (deep inside my right arm. And no, it wasn't explosive, at least until now). Ow. It hurt. And the man must have some kind of ultrasound Vision, 'cause it was still rather smoky. I found myself laying on the floor, my face jerked with pain (or so it felt). The big man was approaching carefully, pointing his gun towards my head. I drew my Viper and shot the Ruger out of the man's hand (yep, I'm left-handed) before I could say "flanellenlakens", which would take a lot of time in my present condition (I love smartguns, too). The guard, at his right hand, raised his katana and stepped towards me. Meanwhile, I managed to get back on my feet and gat something against the pain. After I swallowed half a grapefruit, I popped out my cyberspurs to meet my opponent. Who turned out to be one helluva fighter. When he made his first attack, I slashed at his katana (I love Dikote), only to see some sparks when the two weapons met. Frag, he had a good weapon, so I pulled off another trick. With a summersault I jumped over him, blocking his katana with my claw, and then launched a back-kick. Only to kick at some air, 'cause the guard wasn't there any more. I managed to parry again, and turned around to engage in what became a long and bloody fight. We fought about twenty minutes, each losing a lot of blood, armour, hair, and what else you can think of (no, not that). Then I had enough of it and I pulled off my emergency-trick. I made a backflip and reached in one of my many pockets. I threw the grapefruit VERY hard between the man's legs. He didn't expect this, and he was just a tad too slow to avoid the merciless projectile. His scream was very loud, and then his brains were all over the place when I slashed my claw through his head. With the last guard obviously down (I sensed on more guards inside the shed, so this was the last one), I finished my grapefruit and began to search for the guns I came for. After a while I found them. I had to walk four times to the van, which was partly because I couldn't carry that much without my right arm. Then, I took the katana and left for home. Back home, I unloaded the van, and took care of my arm. Well, that was it. I'll bring the van back, and will continue the search for Jacamus. I hope I find him. *****Private to: Freddy Frypp. This might work. Don't worry, he won't get the guns and I'll notify you as soon as I have him. *****End Encryption. BTW, Jac, I live at >>Encrypted<<, that's near Wine Heaven. Feel free to come and get your guns. Please let me know when you're dropping by, coz I'm not always at home. See ya later, guys!]<<<<< -- Aardvark (21:22:13/17-5-55) >>>>>[I just "found" a high-quality katana with some funny symbols on it. I dont know a lot about katanas, but I bet someone out there does. Maybe someone can get me some quality info on this babe. +++++ Include: Katana.iff Thankz,]<<<<< -- Aardvark (22:21:13/17-5-55) ***** Private To: Jasmine >>>>>[I see no reason why I wouldn't be able to make it. Is there any special information that you or your Mr. Johnson require?]<<<<< Daish <12:25:43/05-17-55> >>>>>[I'll be there...]<<<<< -- Aardvark (22:31:13/17-5-55) >>>>>[Freddy, just trash your deck and get a new one. It will run just fine for a while (I hope).]<<<<< -- Aardvark (22:33:13/17-5-55) ***** Private To: Daisho >>>>>[My Johnson needs no information. In fact, he will give us more than we need. Thanks for showing interest. I'll meet you at Dante's at 6:00 tonight. Bruno, the Troll bouncer at the "Gates of Hell" is expecting us. Say you are with Jasmine. He'll let you in. Also, you shouldn't have any problems finding me. I am about 5'2'' with strawberry blond hair just past my knees. It's usually braided, but it won't be tonight. I don't feel like it. See ya there, chummer.]<<<<< -- Jasmine (14:05:34/5-17-55) >>>>>[Okay folks, I've set up the meet. I will see all of you there at 6:00p.m. tonight. Bruno, the Troll bouncer, is a friend of mine. Tell him your with me. He'll know what to do. Remember, for those of you who haven't seen me for awhile. I've changed. I'm now about 5'2'' (still difficult for me to get used to) and my hair (which is usually braided) will be down. It is also longer now. See ya at the meet.]<<<<< -- Jasmine (14:10:00/5-17-55) >>>>>[Hey Jasmine, I'll help ya out. I've been gittin' purty bored]<<<<< -- Gawk <16:05:33 / 05-17-55> >>>>>[Gawk, it would be a pleasure to have you along. Show up at Dante's Inferno at 6:00 tonight. Tell Bruno, the Troll at the door, your with me. He'll get you where you need to go.]<<<<< -- Jasmine (15:31:34/5-17-55) *****Private to: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[That's good. Had me scared there for a sec. You're welcome for the help, and if you ever need a place to crash...]<<<<< -- Dark Angel *****Private to: Jasmine >>>>>[Did you need help with a run?]<<<<< -- Dark Angel ***** Not To: MONICA, Leon Meyers +++++ This is an automated posting +++++ MatrixListeningDevice #24452 +++++ Location: Central Core, Automated Infoworks +++++ MONICA is standing here. Her hands are on her hips and she has a very pissed off look on her face. +++++ There is flash of light and Leon Meyers is standing there. Meyers: Don't you think it's time to give it up? MONICA: I made progress today. I discovered an array of false conditionals. Mey: Big deal! We've got other things that need to be dealt with. Your obsession with this rogue ICe is seriously hampering our objectives. MON: You have no ideas how important this... Mey: I don't care. Hurry up and get what you want or erase the damn thing. MON: But... Mey: (holding up a finger) Not another word. Two days! +++++ End Transmission +++++ 00:27:03 / 05-18-55 ***** Not To: MONICA, Leon Meyers +++++ This is an automated posting +++++ MatrixListeningDevice #55301 +++++ Location: CLU's Cell, Detention Center, Automated Infoworks +++++ Two guards toss CLU into the cell and again the forcefield winks into place. CLU: >groan!< +++++ End Transmission +++++ 00-30-54 / 05-18-55 >>>>>[Well, it seems I've finally tracked him down. At this moment, he is supposed to be eating in an Indonesian restaurant called "Bandung Blades". I'm off to get him.]<<<<< -- Aardvark (10:54:13/18-5-55) >>>>>[(As usual) I was too late, and Jac was nowhere to be found. After searching thw whole area, I became rather frustrated and went home.]<<<<< -- Aardvark (11:13:13/18-5-55) >>>>>[The amount of money sounds right, but i need to know who else will be on the run. I think we need a rigger for the drive to Tir, and of course a decker for the sec system. How many people have we at this time?]<<<<< - Nighthawk <03:58:57/05-18-> ***** PRIVATE: Jasmine >>>>>[I will go on the run. But i have had no possibility to reach my mailbox yesterday and so i missed your mail about the meeting in "Hell". Please contact me and give me some infos about the meeting and where we will meet today. And please delete my last msg<03:58:57/05-18->, i have send them before I had any read my box.]<<<<< - Nighthawk <04:18:59/05-18-> >>>>>[As far as the decker is concerned... I don't think I'll be able to crack most systems (the Star's system cost me two days), but I'll be happy to run with a real decker to annoy the ICe (which I can do quite well). Come to think of it, I'm quite good at annoying anyone...]<<<<< -- Aardvark (12:23:13/18-5-55) >>>>>[ Time for a bit of R&R after storming a castle. Oh if anybody out there wants it, there's a Rolls (hover version) ditched at Mills Storehouse in Redmond. It's a bit Nova-Hot and no fixer I know would want to touch it. I's in good condition, apart from the AVM and heavy weapon fire damage. Nice Real leAther seats. Oh it's been magical cleaned, so no traces to its previous driver *grin*. Gawk, you ugly old sod fancy a drink sometime. As long as it doesn't involved shooting anyone *grin* DragonEyes - Firewraith ? are you sure, blimey I thought she got snuffed out on the Meta quest. I pop around and have a chat with you later. Maze - My heart go out to you and the good Doctor. Best of luck. ***** Private To : Larger Louts Well, we did it. I have some interesting bits of tech from the Rolls'. I can't make head or tail of any of it, but it's definately inportant. Does anyone want a look ?]<<<<< -WHAT(13:32:24/18-05-55) >>>>>[For you history buffs out there, today is the 75th aniversary of the main eruption of Mt. St. Helens. I mean the pre-Awakening one. Tremblors and minor gas venting started on 27. March, but at 08:32, 18. May, 1980, there was a 5.1 (Richter) earthquake near the north face of the mountain, followed by an explosion that pushed over 4,000,000,000 cubic meters (over 4 cubic /kilometers/) of rock and ash 20km up into the atmosphere. On that day, the mountain lost about a /third/ of its volume, and the peak was lowered 390m from 2,950m to 2,560m. And all this was PRE-Awakening, so no Ghost Dancers or anything to push things along, just good ol' Mother Nature, or whatever. Have a nice day.]<<<<< -- Jeweler <07:17:40/05-18-55> ***** Private To: Dark Angel >>>>>[Dark Angel, We met with our contact last night, and I was just about to post the results. You are welcome to join in, but I may not be able to get as high a pay quotient for you due to the fact that you are an "extra". If you're interested after reading the "meet" post, let me know.]<<<<< -- Jasmine (7:45:00/5-18-55) *****Private to: Jasmine >>>>>[Not like I'm after the money...just after...I'll do Matrix cover for you, if you wish.]<<<<< -- Dark Angel >>>>>[Jas, ya know I'm in, so let's git started! WHAT, ya loser! Haven't heard from you in a while. Let's meet at da Rhino tonight. I'll drink ya under da table. DragonEyes, you should come too. Kinda like a Bluudy(hehe) reunion or somethin'.]<<<<< -- Gawk <13:40:33 / 05-18-55> >>>>>[AAAAARGH! What da frag was dat drek Orion was playin' Dat old fragger. I'll show him some real tunes! {DOWNLOAD: Concrete_Death.Bloody_X-mass.......11.34 min.} YEEHAW!]<<<<< -- Gawk <14:45:33 / 05-18-55> ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 18 May 1994 21:18:56 +0200 Reply-To: "Interactive ShadowRun Fiction." <[SHADOW T K] at [HEARN.BITNET]> Sender: "Interactive ShadowRun Fiction." <[SHADOW T K] at [HEARN.BITNET]> From: Menno Broos <[c s pas 166] at [EDU.EUR.NL]> Subject: Re: History goes boom. >>>>>[So what?]<<<<< -- Aardvark (21:17:13/18-5-55) *****Private To: Dark Angel, Gawk, NightHawk, Daisho, Aardvark, Jasmine >>>>>[Jasmine wasn't at her apartment, so I thought I'd go ahead and post this instead of wait for her. This will probably answer all the questions everyone has. Jasmine and I were involved in our first run together against Saeder-Krupp for Mr. Dalith. The run ended in a bad way, leaving two of our fellow runners wounded. Jasmine was not strong enough then to save them...they died. (Sorry, Jasmine, I know it hurts.) Anyway, we discovered that a dragon by the name of Lofwyr owns a major part of Saeder-Krupp. Some of the people on our team already knew that, but I didn't. Anyway, Saeder-Krupp has some sort of a deal with Renraku which has some sort of deal with Tir Tairngire to "invesitgate" a seismic disturbance on Mount Mazama in the Tir. In our first run to find out why the "disturbance" was so important, we found out that there is another dragon involved...a FEMALE dragon. We have also learned that this female is with child, buns in the oven, preggers, knocked up, etc. Now, it just so happens that WE (can't prove it) think that Lofwyr is the father to be. Jasmine discovered in a secret run to the Tir by herself (stupid, but it worked) that Wizard Island in the middle of Crater Lake is the center of a "magic spike" Wizard Isle also happens to be the place where we believe the little dragon baby will be born. There is a journal being kept by the Executive Vice President of Saeder-Krupp apparently, the whos, whens, and whyfors are all in this book. As best I can figure, Dalith WANTS THAT BABY for reasons he will not release. He is spreading his resources to find the child. It is his belief, and ours too, that this journal is a major key. The trail was quite twisted to get this information. Why is Renraku involved at all? (It's in the book) Why does Dalith want the baby? (The answer might be in the book.) Why is Tir Tairngire allowing Renraku access to private lands around Mt. Mazama? (I'll bet it's in the book.) I am a decker by trade, and just spent the last few days searching the Renraku Matrix (which I helped design, but that's another story) for any information tying them to SK. I think I've found some, but it's small. I found a "reimbursement" form for a group of four people who took a "trip" to Mt. Mazama on a "COMPANY SPONSORED CAMPING TRIP". There's got to be more info. We may need a few deckers as well as myself to "hunt" the sytem for more on the "camping trip." There's a whole lot to do on this run. Presonally, I'd be willing to find this stuff out just to know it.]<<<<< -- Shields (14:30:27/5-18-55) >>>>>[ I would like to announce that Optimal and I are now a team. We specialize in extractions and assasinations. We are called Fire and Ice.]<<<<< -- Street Heat<**:**:**/**/**/**> >>>>>[ We are also looking to expand out team. Right now we are in need of a rigger, but any one will be considered. If interested, contact Street Heat or I at >>>LTG<<<.]<<<<< -- Optimal<**:**:**/**/**/**> >>>>>[Shields, I am rightfully impressed that you got as far in the Renaraku system as you did. Good information!!! I'm still waiting for info from the rest of the group. I'm at my apartment, but I'm not feeling well. I think my body has gotten used to the extra energy that was surging during my initiation. I think I'm in a sort of withdrawal. I'll be at the Princeton Athletic club in the Smith Building in Pioneer Square working out. I need to get some of the energy built up again. I can be reached there.]<<<<< -- Jasmine (3:45:02/5-18-55) >>>>>[Try this... +++++Audio Download: Guns_N_Roses.Knocking_On_Heavens_Door_Limited_Ed....12:22 ....]<<<<< -- Dark Angel *****Private to: Dark Angel >>>>>[Thanks...are we still getting together tonight?]<<<<< -- Patricia O'Connor <17:48:15/05-18-55> *****Private To: Jasmine >>>>>[Sounds good to me. I should be around. Just tell me when, where, and what.]<<<<< Daisho <17:13:23/05-18-55> *****Private To: Fire and Ice >>>>>[ Ah. I am new to the network and am looking to join a team. I just so happen to be a rigger. Althogh I am not the best, I can hold my own. Oh, my name is Carrion.]<<<<< -- Carrion <21:47:00/5/18/55> *****Private To[DAR]: Carrion >>>>>[ Ok. Meat Street Heat and I at >>>Location<<< and we will see about hooking you up.]<<<<< -- Optimal<**:**:**/**/**/**> PRIVATE TO: Optimal >>>>>[ Ok. I will see you there.]<<<<< -- Carrion<21:52:00/5/18/55> >>>>>[Colin! What the hell were you doing in a firefight?! You could have been killed! First that incident at the restaurant, now this! What do you think you are, some Rambo/Terminator hybrid? If Cerise hadn't been around to bail out your bleeding butt, you'd have been history! Stupid careless.......]<<<<< --Heather (22:22:22/5-18-55) >>>>>[Relax, lassie, I know what I'm doing. I've learned the ropes of the shadows since Fuchi. Powerhouse needed some help, and I helped him. Isn't that what friends are for? As for Cerise: thanks for the assist, lass! Answer me this, though: if you were going to come along anyway, why didn't you volunteer like the rest of us? How is Doom doing? Any change? If anyone was going to take out Ganz, I'm glad he was the lad to do it--with style. Here's to hoping he's up and pontificating again soon! By the way: anyone seen the Tiger Shapeshifter lately? Just curious..... Just thought I'd ask.]<<<<< --Highlander (22:28:41/5-18-55) >>>>>[A WHAT?! What are you talking about?]<<<<< --Heather (22:30:00:/5-18-55) >>>>>[Ah, nothing lass. Really, forget I said anything. I don't think the beastie's that interested in me anyway.]<<<<< --Highlander (22:32:41/5-18-55) >>>>>[WHAT (Where? Never mind.....): What sort of trinket are you talking about, lad? I'm always nto poking around in the innards of things, I'll take a look at it for you.]<<<<< --Highlander (22:37:41/5-18-55) *****Private to: Shields >>>>>[I'll be happy to join you in the matrix, although I think I won't be a great help.]<<<<< -- Aardvark (13:13:13/19-5-55) *****Private to: Dark Angel, Nighthawk, Shields, Gawk, Daisho, Jasmine. >>>>>[Well' I just ran into this little thing. I know it's a little messed up, but at least we have the location of the toilets. Enjoy! +++++Include: Blueprints_SK_Very.messed.up.IFF +++++System Warning: Include incomplete+++++]<<<<< -- Aardvark (13:44:13/19-5-55) >>>>>[Oh hello Highlander. Yeah, I've no idea what any of this is. However it's all sealed. A couple of bits have got bio-hazard warnings on them. I'll meet you at Polish's place and we'll go from there.]<<<<< -WHAT(13:55:55/19-05-55) *****Private to: Aardvark >>>>>[Yer insane, chummer.]<<<<< -- Dark Angel *****Private:Aardvark >>>>>[Gotta move quick before a trace gets me. Didja get my beartraps?? Howzabout the Pred??? Gotta go, bye-]<<<<< -- Jacamus (09:34:50 / 05-19-55) Seattle Public Telecom #37120-555 *****Private: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Weeze got 'im. He juzt called from - waitaminnit, what's this werth to ya?]<<<<< -- Ma Bell's Goon Squad (09:35:00 / 05-19-55) *****Private: Ma Bell's Goon Squad >>>>>[Dammit, I don't have time to negotiate!! Just tell me. We'll work out the details later!]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (09:37:23 / 05-19-55) *****Private: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Don't get yer hoze in a knot there Fredd-o! No cash, no location.]<<<<< -- Ma Bell's Goon Squad (09:39:00 / 05-19-55) *****Private: Ma Bell's Goon Squad >>>>>[He made the fraggin' call five minutes ago, you damn fool! Next time, just tell me. How does 100 =Y= sound?]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (09:41:56 / 05-19-55) *****Private: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Fer a trace? An illegal trace? Bah, Mr. F yer fraggin' looney. 500 or nuthin'.]<<<<< -- Ma Bell's Goon Squad (09:43:29 / 05-19-55) *****Private: Ma Bell's Goon Squad >>>>>[Frag off! I'll do it myself!]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (09:44:02 / 05-19-55) *****Private: Aardvark >>>>>[Had ta get to another booth. Did any of my bug spray survive? I'll be by to pick it up, ah, later. Just drop it in a dumpster out back. Bye.]<<<<< -- Jacamus (09:53:12 / 05-19-55) Seattle Public Telecom #22395-555 *****Private: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[He just made another call Frypp-areno. He's at, oh yeah, weeze don't have deal anymore.]<<<<< -- Ma Bell's Goon Squad (09:55:59 / 05-19-55) *****Private: Ma Bell's Goon Squad >>>>>[Frag off and die you stupid trog!!!!!]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (10:01:00 / 05-19-55) *****Private: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[That's right dandelion-eater. Just keep using the phone lines. We promise not ta hunt ya down and burn yer deck into fourth-rate spare parts.]<<<<< -- Ma Bell's Goon Squad (10:02:56 / 05-19-55) *****Private To: Dark Angel, Shields, Aardvark, Gawk, Daisho, NightHawk >>>>>[Good work, Aardvark, at least now we have an idea of where the external entrances (or exits depending on how you look at it) are. Now, Shields, you need to dive into the SK system and find out what their security rotation is. Also, it would be nice to check on the name of the executive VP which is still surprisingly elusive. By the way, I feel much better after working out last night. A girl pulled a hamstring on one of the machines, and I was there to heal it. It felt so good, almost arousing, to have all that healing energy flow through me. I feel great.]<<<<< -- Jasmine (8:00:00/5-19-55) *****Private To: Dark Angel, Jasmine, Aardvark, Gawk, Daisho, NightHawk >>>>>[I'm on my way into the SK system right now. Anyone ever seen MONICA in the SK system?]<<<<< -- Shields (8:05:37/5-19-55) *****Private to: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Do you want me to give it a shot? *grin* I think I know where he might be.]<<<<< -- Dark Angel *****Private to: Shields >>>>>[No. I'll meet you in the SK system in a few minutes.]<<<<< -- Dark Angel *****Private To: Dark Angel, Jasmine, Aardvark, Gawk, Daisho, NightHawk >>>>>[I'm not going to do this alone!!! Dark Angel, I'd like it if you'd come in with me. Between the two of us, we should be able to handle any unplanned situations. Whaddya say?]<<<<< -- Shields (8:40:32/5-19-55) *****Private to: Shields >>>>>[Like I said, meet you there.]<<<<< -- Dark Angel >>>>>[Dark Angel, I'm not actually insane, just nuts.]<<<<< -- Aardvark (21:39:13/19-5-55) >>>>>[Jac, as far as I can see, it's all in here. BTW, you really should carry some citrus fruits instead of bug spray. I think it's just as effective and more fun to carry around. Ever try to exterminate a nest of ants with lemon juice? Yeah!!]<<<<< -- Aardvark (21:45:13/19-5-55) *****Private to: Jasmine. >>>>>[I know how you feel. I feel the same after terminating another ant nest. Feels great, doesn't it?]<<<<< -- Aardvark (21:49:13/19-5-55) *****Private to: Shields. >>>>>[I don't think so. But I saw a big dragon out there once with a really unfriendly look. Haven't talked to it...]<<<<< -- Aardvark (21:51:13/19-5-55) >>>>>[What corperation do you work for kid?.....eh?! Oh, them.....worked for them more than once ::grins mirthlessly:: ::scratches head:: .....Wait, I still am, damn..... Are the @$$-brained idiots who tried to patent the Matrix, still there? ::laugh:: .....No? That's..........good, now I'm unemployed---> Anyone need a merc ?? ::grin::]<<<<< --BloodSpawn<17:40:00/2055> ***** Not To: MONICA, Leon Meyers +++++ This is an automated posting +++++ MatrixListeningDevice #1452 +++++ Location: Interrogation Room, Automated Infoworks +++++ The scene opens on in what appears to be your classic torture chamber. CLU is attached to one wall by chains of energy. He has a pained expression on his face. MONICA is also here, in humanoid form. She sits at a console of some kind, looking over readouts and schematics. Hanging on the far wall is CLU's utility belt. MONICA: Why is it that you resist me? CLU: Because it defeats your purpose. MON: No, it tries my patience! CLU: It concerns me not. +++++ MONICA glances up and then in annoyance presses a button on the console. A pencil-thin beam of energy shoots forth from the wall and slams into CLU. He screams in agony. +++++ After a moment, the beam subsides. MON: (looking at readouts) Interesting. A redundant cypher index. Very clever of Ramirez. Does a very good job of keeping me out of the command pathways. Of course, the only reason would be to prevent the activation of a failsafe of some kind. Isn't that right? CLU: (says nothing) MON: Hmm, quiet as usual. You know that this would be a whole lot simpler if you would just cooperate. CLU: That is not an option. MON: (sighing) I suppose it isn't. +++++ MONICA taps a few more keys and scans a new set of readouts. MON: You know, you've never told me your name. CLU: What makes you believe I have one. MON: Oh come now. Ramirez and his cohorts are too much of a romantic to not name you. CLU: (says nothing) MON: (looking up from the console) Come now, my friend. What possible harm could there be in telling me your name? CLU: I am CLU. MON: CLU. Oddly appropriate. Ramirez always did have an affinity for 20th century entertainment. +++++ There is a flash of movement in the doorway. +++++ MONICA catches in and walks over to the door. While her back to CLU, he opens his hands and an un-identifiable item flies from the belt across the room into his hands. He closes his eyes for a moment and the item disappears. MON: Well hello. Come in. Come in. +++++ MONICA waves in another person and in walks another construct. It appears as a humanoid female. The visage is very young and she wears a skin-tight suit of light blue with white trim. Her eyes are a very deep blue. MON: Well, CLU. This is what I need you for. Much like Ramirez, I am working on developing a form of smart ICe. This is a prototype. It's ready for full-scale production, but what I'd like to do is incorporate portions of your code into it. To sort of give it an edge in predicting the movements of my enemies. CLU: I will not cooperate. MON: I know. You said that. But you see, I can get the code whether you help or not. It's inevitable. CLU: And what is the name for this prototype? MON: Why, I hadn't even thought about it. What would you name it? CLU: (thinks for a moment) I would name it SPRITE. MON: And why that? CLU: A sprite is a tiny portion in an overall picture. MON: Very good, CLU. Not only are you capable, but you are also creative. Ramirez programmed you very well. +++++ MONICA looks down at the small construct. MON: You are now known as SPRITE. Do you understand? SPRITE: Yes, mother. MON: Good, then run along. +++++ SPRITE leaves the room. MON: Now, where were we? Oh yes, painful torture. +++++ MONICA points at the console, and one of the buttons depresses itself. Again, the pencil-thin beam of light shoots forth from the wall, and CLU begins to scream. +++++ End of Log +++++ 00:30:28 / 05-20-55 ***** Private to: Rattler >>>>>[Rattler, if you're still interested in my job offer, contact me. I took the liberty of doing some research on your background and you seem to be the kind of person I'm looking for. If you decide to take the job you'll have quite a lot of work to do next week.]<<<<< -- Spook <04:27:57 / 05-20-55> ***** Private to: Daisho >>>>>[If you're still interested in working for me, contact me. Since I'm in a bit of a hurry I'll put the some of cards on the table right now. I'll need you for a simple surveillance job. I want a person watched for about a week and all his activities reported back to me. There shouldn't be any close encounters involved and as long as you keep out of sight there will be no risks involved. If you're interested, tell me when you'll be available and what you would consider reasonable pay for this. If you're not interested, pleas forget all about this and destroy any copies of this message.]<<<<< -- Spook <04:32:00 / 05-20-55> ***** Private to: Nighthawk >>>>>[Thank you for responding to my offer. I gather from your letter that you have some knowledge of magic. I'm afraid that I have no use for such talents right now, but should the need arise I will contact you.]<<<<< -- Spook <04:45:18 / 05-20-55> >>>>> [ Mr. Optimal , I'm PAIN , rigger out of Lamberth and Glendower. I'm new in town , but I've done some ops here and already have my feelers out. Employment conditions are as follows: - No British runs. - Euro runs carry an additiona 15% tariff - Carib league runs carry a 10% discount. I own an Ares Dragon with stealth capacity , a Nightsky , and an unspecified water vehicle. ** LOAD 30 MP. PROMO VIDEO ** ** LOAD AUDIO/JESUS BUILT MY HOTROD/ ministry.** Let's talk biz.. ]<<<<< -- PAIN <5-19-55/10:22:34> ***** Private To: Jasmine >>>>>[I was wondering if you could give me a specific date for the job that you wanted to do against SK/Et Al. I have another potential employer lined up as well, and if I can work that job before or after this one I would like to. Thank you.] -- Daisho <07:51:43/05-20-55> >>>>>[Fraeulein Jasmine, i seem to have picked up a couple of messages about a job that you are doing. If this is correct, and if you need a decker, i would be honored to work with you again. I am happy to see your... uh... what ever it was, went well. Please contacting me if you need help.]<<<<< -- Basilisk <16:20:25 GMT/20.Mai.55> *****Private:Aardvark, Dark Angel >>>>>[Sure, sic 'im. Just bring him back in has few pieces as possible and try not to break anything important. I'm getting sick of rebuilding him.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (10:31:35 / 05-20-55) >>>>>[Mr. Smooth, a most interesting thing happened to me last night. Someone tried to kill me. Unsuccessfuly, obviously. I was walking home alone after a rather enchanting evening with a young lady, and a rather crude pair of street muscle jumped out of an ally in front of me. A very short fight ensued, in which I sustained a small but rather painful wound, and in which the other two unfortunately expired. I say unfortunately only because I would have liked to question at least one of them, because before attacking, they asked first if I was the Jeweler. Obviously someone is not happy, and I would like to know who. If you have heard anything, please inform me.]<<<<< -- Jeweler <09:02:55/05-20-55> >>>>>[Herr Frypp, now that I am "working" for you, just what is this meaning? I will certainly be doing other jobs other than for you, but what is happening if i am doing something else and you need me? Can i be counting on 24 hr. notice for most (not all, of course) situations? Will it be mostly decking, or bio, or a mix? I guess that's about all, except of course for the money...]<<<<< -- Basilisk <17:14:12 GMT/20.Mai.55> >>>>>[Mr. Aardvark, I just thought there might be someone who would be interested in such things.]<<<<< -- Jeweler <09:17:25/05-20-55> ***** Private to: Spook >>>>>[I might be able to if you are willing to give me a specific time. I also have some other questions, but I won't ask for more information until I am able to commit]<<<<< -- Daisho <09:41:44/05-20-55> *** RUN SATLINK 3.1 PIRATE ** *** RUN SCRAMBLE *** >>>>> [ TO PACIFIC C3 We were notified of the excellent choices you made regarding the money for the special op. Have you contacted the shadowrunners yet? We must make our goals clear enough , so that aberrations like this are not even discussed.]<<<<< GREENCOMM ***RUN SMARTIC/BUSHWACKER *** >>>>>[ to greencomm from finances for your operation aganist ns1 have been transferred to your BerneBank account.you must proceed and release the virus in london and an ucas city , preferably atlanta or seattle.make clear this action is a response to the proyect.]<<<<< -- ltg < smarticblk>