BEGIN WEEK LOG COMPILATION . . . COMPLETE BEGIN WEEK LOG EDITING . . . . . COMPLETE BEGIN WEEK LOG VIEWING . . . . . WORKING LOG VIEW BEGINS --------------- *****Private: Shal >>>>>[Sure let's get to gether and have a drink. We can take turs feeling sorry for each other and try to drown our sorrows while finding a life-long compagnion for an evening.]<<<<< --Abdiel <18:38:45 / 2-2-56> >>>>>[Hey everybody, since I no longer have a place to go or a thing to do and I am still stuck in town for a little while, I thought I would hire out my skills to anybody in need. I'm pretty good in a fight and I am pretty cheap muscle, plus I can provide limited magical backup. Give me a call at *Encripted* if you're interested.]<<<<< --Abdiel <18:40:20 / 2-20-56> *****Private: Abdiel >>>>>[ Sounds good, meet at at