From: [s--m] at [Eng.Sun.COM] (Sam Bell) Newsgroups: Subject: CH: Write-Ups: MoE (Beetle, Egghead) Date: 22 Nov 1995 20:42:41 GMT Beetle (Abner Jenkins) 15 Str 5 50 25/25 Armor, OIF 18 Dex 24 7 15 Str Clinging OIF 19 Con 18 13 Life Support: Breathing, Pressure, Radiation, Temperature, OIF 12 Bod 4 6 +13 Str, Doesn't Add to figured, OIF [1 from reserve] 18 Int 8 46 16d6 Energy Blast, OIF No KB [8 from reserve] 'Electro Bite" 13 Ego 6 36 27" Flight OIF [5 from reserve] 18 Pre 8 32 80 End, 40 Rec End Battery OIF (for Str, EB & Flight) 10 Com - 5 Pd 2 23 5 Combat Levels, OIF, Only vs Pre-programmed opponents (-1/4) 5 Ed 1 4 6pts Flash Def OIF 5 Spd 32 7 High Range Radio Hearing OIF 7 Rec - 38 End - 3 Inventor 13- 30 Stn - 6 Mechanics, Electronics 11- ---- 3 Scientist 108 4 Sciences: Metallurgy, Aeronautics, Computer Design, Micromotors 11- 20 2 Overall levels ---- + 260 = 368 100+ 20 Normal Characteristic Max 10 Public ID 238 Embarrassing First Name: Abner, Very Common, Total --- 368 =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to [s--m] at [shonen.Eng.Sun.COM] =============================================================================== Egghead 20 Str 10 3 Scientist 11 Dex 3 7 Sciences: Nuclear Physics, Cybernetics, Entymology, Lasers, 13 Con 6 Nuerology, Teleportation, Bionics 15 Bod 10 6 Mechanics, Electronics 11- 28 Int 26 3 Computer Programming, Inventor, Security Systems 13- 20 Ego 20 15 Pre 5 15 +5 w/Sciences 8 Com -1 20 2 Overall levels 8 Pd 4 8 Ed 5 37 5d6 RKA, OAF 16ch "Energy Pistol" 4 Spd 19 7 Rec - 26 End - 32 Stn - ---- --- 107+ 91 = 198 100+ 20 Normal Characteristic Bonus 15 Distinctive Features: Funny Shaped Head (Concealable, Major Reaction) 15 Psyche Lim: Hates Hank Pym (Common, Strong) 15 Psyche Lim: Intellectual Overconfidence (Common, Strong) 33 Grade "A" Bonus --- 198 Note: A pretty straightforward evil-scientist mastermind. I didn't give him a gadget pool, since the what he can do seems to be pretty plot-driven, but here's his best invention ever: Orbital Laser Satellite (Base): 60 Body 58 35 Location: Distant, In Space 15 Def 39 10 Life Support: Self Contained Breathing 2000 hexes 24 5 High Range Radio, Equip (-1) --- 185 8d6 RKA, AoE Rad, No Rng Mod, x5^7 Max Range (+1 3/4) 121 No KB, OIF, Equip [12, from Reserve] 6 End Reserve: 120 End, 1 Rec, Equip 16 Telescopic Vision, +32 per vs Range Mods, OAF, Equip --- + 257 = 378 (Cost to Egghead: 378/5 = 76pts) This base is located in geosync orbit with a good view of the United States. The Laser Cannon has a range of 120 x 5 x 5^7 = 46,875,000"= 60,000 miles, sufficient to hit anything in near earth orbit. The telescope makes 22,300 miles seem like 1800 feet, making it easy to target the laser. The laser spreads enough to cover a 12" Radius when it hits the surface of the earth. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to [s--m] at [shonen.Eng.Sun.COM] ===============================================================================