Administration: Login Stuff

  1. Choosing Administrators
  2. Administration
  3. Monitoring Players

You will almost certainly want to personalize what potential members of your MOO see when they first connect. The $login object contains everything that can be seen or done while in the ‘waiting area’ before logging in to your MOO.

Welcoming Message

Your welcome message explains what the purpose of your MOO or the thme of your MOO, or both. You can also add a little help into the welcome message, for new members who may not remember exactly how to get inside. The welcome message property is $login.welcome_message. You or one of your wizards can use @notedit $login.welcome_message to edit and change the message text.

Player Creation

When players are created by you or one of your wizards, and an electronic mail address is specified for the player, Valhalla sends the player a message over electronic mail, telling them that the player is ready, and how to get to it. The subject of the message is in $wiz_utils.new_player_subject, and the text of the message is in $wiz_utils.new_player_message. You can @notedit these properties if you need to modify them.1 Type help $wiz_utils:new_player_message for more information.

This mail message is only sent if an external electronic mail address (outside of the MOO) is given, and (because no e-mail address is specified) is not sent to people who create their own players at the Valhalla’s entrance.

Maximum Users

not written

  1. Choosing Administrators
  2. Administration
  3. Monitoring Players