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- About Negative Space
- Negative Space was founded October 13, 1995, from the ashes of Cerebus the Gopher, FTP server extraordinaire.
- Comment on Negative Space
- If you have a suggestion, link, or comment, I do appreciate hearing them. Leave a comment about Negative Space.
- In Association with Amazon.Com
- Negative Space is now an Amazon Associate (much like the rest of the on-line world) which means that if you see something totally off the wall here and you actually want to read it, a purchase is just a click away. Oh oh oh just a click away…
- Pages by Keyword
- If you’re only interested in certain kinds of pages on Negative Space, there may be a keyword page that lists them.
- Power Search
- Take fuller advantage of the Negative Space search engine by excluding parts of the site or words, see only recent pages, and sort by title or date instead of relevance.
- The Ten Commandments of commenting (turned up to eleven)
- Rule zero is always in effect: post intelligently.
- Using Negative Space
- Some simple things that may help you browsing this site.