What is a Majority of the Net?

Read at your own risk

This document dates from the early web period, and is kept for archival purposes only. It is no longer updated, and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate.
  1. Spending More Money
  2. Web Design

I work at a University. Losing a single “customer” could well mean losing tens of thousands of dollars. Designing “for the majority” is bad business for us. I believe it is bad business for most people, because you don’t have to do it! If you design well, you’re designing for more than the majority, you’re designing for everyone.

You can study your server logs and see how many people are using what browser at what version, and continually modify your design to fit the quirks of the latest two or three major browsers. Or, you can do much less work and design for many more browsers. The less work you do, the more people can read your pages. The more you let the browser work for you, the better off you—and your readers—are.

  1. Spending More Money
  2. Web Design