Come to Valhalla: Programming

  1. Advanced Building
  2. Come to Valhalla
  3. Wizards

So you want to become a MOO1 programmer? Run, do not walk, to the LambdaMOO ftp site and get the latest text version of the LambdaMOO Programmer’s Manual. You will need to continually reference this book. If you want to print it out, get the postscript version, but I also recommend keeping the text version on your personal computer so that you can refer to it and do searches on it. I’m only going to talk about the basics of MOO programming here. You'll need the official manual as a reference, and you should read through it at least once.

Inside the MOO, help programming and help prog-index will give you a list of topics that might interest you. The command @classes utilities will give you a list of all the built-in utility objects available for programming. There’s a special discussion group for programmers on Valhalla called *Universe.2

  1. Advanced Building
  2. Come to Valhalla
  3. Wizards