SQL database: The final script

  1. Inserting data
  2. SQL database

This is the end of this script. We’ll start from scratch on the next one, and display our data.

#Search for songs in a file of the following tab-separated data:
# title, duration, artist, album, year, rating, rip date, track position, genre

use DBI;

#options for the --format switch
@validFormats = ("raw", "simple", "html", "summary");
$validFormats = englishJoin(", ", "or", @validFormats);

#options for fields to search in
@validFields = ("artist", "album", "song", "genre");
$validFields = englishJoin(", ", "and", @validFields);

#database information
#name of table
$dbTable = "music";
#what kind of fields need to be in the database?
%dbFields = (

#strip off the command-line switches and act on or remember them
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--(.+)/) {
$switch = $1;

#pull this switch off of the front of the list

#if they ask for help, do it and exit
if ($switch eq "help") {
} elsif ($switch eq "case") {
$sensitive = 1;
} elsif ($switch eq "reverse") {
$reverse = 1;
} elsif ($switch eq "limit") {
$limit = shift;
if ($limit !~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/) {
help("You must limit to a number, such as '33' or '2'.");
} elsif ($switch eq "format") {
$format = shift;
if (!grep(/^$format$/, @validFormats)) {
help("Format must be $validFormats.");
} elsif (grep(/^$switch$/, @validFields)) {
if ($searchText = shift) {
$searches{$switch} = $searchText;
} else {
help("Searching in $switch requires text to search on.");
} elsif ($switch eq "sort") {
$sortby = shift;
if (!grep(/^$sortby$/, @validFields)) {
help("I can only sort by $validFields.");
} elsif ($switch eq "exact") {
$exact = 1;
} elsif ($switch eq "export") {
$exportField = shift;
if (!grep(/^$exportField$/, @validFields)) {
help("I can only export by $validFields.");
} elsif ($switch eq "folder") {
if ($exportFolder = shift) {
if (-e $exportFolder) {
#if the folder exists, it needs to be a folder
help("$exportFolder already exists and is not a folder.") if !-d $exportFolder;
} else {
help("The folder option requires a folder name.");
} elsif ($switch eq "keep-time") {
$keepTime = 1;
} elsif ($switch eq "import") {
if ($importDB = shift) {
if ($importHandle = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$importDB")) {
createTable($importHandle, $dbTable, \%dbFields);
$importHandle->{AutoCommit} = 0;
} else {
print "Unable to open database $importDB: $!\n";
} else {
help("The import switch requires a database name to import to.");
} else {
help("I do not understand the option '$switch'.");

#the first item on the command line is what we're searching for
if (%searches) {
#if we're looking for exact matches, set them up ahead of time
if ($exact) {
foreach $search (keys %searches) {
$searchText = $searches{$search};
$searches{$search} = "^$searchText\$";
while (<>) {
#split out the song information
($song, $duration, $artist, $album, $year, $rating, $ripdate, $track, $genre) = split("\t");

foreach $searchField (keys %searches) {
$needle = $searches{$searchField};
$haystack = $$searchField;
$matched = match($haystack, $needle);
last if !$matched;

#reverse the match if we want non-matching lines
if ($reverse) {
$matched = !$matched;

#print the information if this line is one we want
if ($matched) {
#maintain the timestamp if we need it
if ($keepTime && $lastFile ne $ARGV) {
@fileInfo = stat($ARGV);
$fileMod = $fileInfo[9];
$lastModified = $fileMod if $fileMod > $lastModified;
$lastFile = $ARGV;

if ($format eq "raw") {
$text = "$_\n";
} elsif ($format eq "html") {
$text = "<tr><td>$song</td><td>$album</td><td>$artist</td></tr>\n";
} elsif ($format eq "summary") {
} else {
$text = "$song ($album, by $artist)\n";

#store or print the display text and the sort text
if ($sortby || $exportField) {
$matches[$#matches+1]{'text'} = $text;
$matches[$#matches]{'sort'} = $$sortby if $sortby;
if ($exportField) {
$filename = $$exportField;
if ($filename ne "") {
$filename = replace($filename, "/", "-");
} else {
$filename = "Unknown $exportField";
$matches[$#matches]{'file'} = $filename;
} else {
print $text;

#import into a database?
if ($importDB) {
insertRow($importHandle, $dbTable, \%dbFields);
last if $limit && $matches >= $limit;

#commit insertions if we are importing into a database

if (%artists) {
@artists = keys %artists;
@artists = sort byArtistCount @artists;
foreach $artist (@artists) {
$artistCount = $artists{$artist};
print "$artist: $artistCount\n";
} elsif (@matches) {
@matches = sort byCustom @matches if $sortby;

#create a folder if necessary, and move into it
if ($exportField && $exportFolder) {
if (!-e $exportFolder) {
if (!mkdir($exportFolder)) {
print "Unable to create $exportFolder: $!\n";
if (!chdir($exportFolder)) {
print "Unable to move into $exportFolder: $!\n";

foreach $match (@matches) {
if ($exportField) {
$filename = $$match{'file'};
#open the file if we haven't already
if (!$files{$filename}) {
if (!open($files{$filename}, ">$filename")) {
print "Unable to open $filename: $!\n";
$filehandle = $files{$filename};
print $filehandle $$match{'text'};
} else {
print $$match{'text'};

#close all open files
foreach $filename (keys %files) {
$filehandle = $files{$filename};
utime($lastModified, time(), $filename);
} else {

#describe how this script is used
sub help {
#if there is an error message, print it out separated from the rest
if (my($message) = shift) {
print "\n$message\n\n";

print "Syntax: show [options] [song files]\n";
print "\tSearch for some text in the song file. If no song file is specified\n";
print "\t'show' will expect it on standard input.\n";
print "\tA song file is a tab-delimited file with:\n";
print "\ttitle, duration, artist, album, year, rating, rip date, track position, genre\n";
print "\t--help: print this help text\n";
print "\t--case: be sensitive to upper and lower case\n";
print "\t--reverse: filter out songs that contain the search text\n";
print "\t--limit x: limit to x results\n";
print "\t--format <$validFormats>: choose format for results\n";
print "\t--$validFields <searchtext>: search in the $validFields field\n";
print "\t--sort <$validFields>: sort by specified field\n";
print "\t--exact: the search text must match exactly\n";
print "\t--export <$validFields>: export to files named after the specified field\n";
print "\t--folder <foldername>: export files are created in the specified folder\n";
print "\t--keep-time: keep the input file's timestamp on any exported files\n";
print "\t--import <database name>: import data into a named database\n";
print "At least one of the $validFields search requests must be specified.\n";


sub byArtistCount {
return $artists{$b} <=> $artists{$a};

sub englishJoin {
my($punctuation) = shift;
my($conjunction) = shift;
my(@items) = @_;

my($joined, $finalItem);

if ($#items == -1) {
$joined = "";
} elsif ($#items == 0) {
$joined = $items[0];
} elsif ($#items == 1) {
$joined = "$items[0] $conjunction $items[1]";
} else {
$finalItem = pop(@items);
$joined = join($punctuation, @items) . "$punctuation$conjunction $finalItem";

return $joined;

sub match {
my($searchIn) = shift;
my($searchFor) = shift;
my($matched) = 0;

if ($sensitive) {
$matched = $searchIn =~ /$searchFor/;
} else {
$matched = $searchIn =~ /$searchFor/i;

return $matched;

sub byCustom {
if ($sensitive) {
return $$a{'sort'} cmp $$b{'sort'};
} else {
return lc($$a{'sort'}) cmp lc($$b{'sort'});

sub replace {
my($text, $from, $to) = (shift, shift, shift);

$text =~ s/$from/$to/g;

return $text;

#expects a handle to a database connection, a name for a table, and an associative
#array of field names and field types passed as a reference
sub createTable {
my($dbHandle) = shift;
my($tableName) = shift;
my($tableFields) = shift;

my(@fieldCreators, $createQuery, $queryHandle, $fieldType);

@tables = $importHandle->tables();
if (!grep(/^"$dbTable"$/, @tables)) {
#construct query to create table
foreach $fieldName (keys %$tableFields) {
$fieldType = $$tableFields{$fieldName};
$fieldCreators[$#fieldCreators+1] = "$fieldName $fieldType";
$createQuery = "CREATE TABLE $tableName (" . join(", ", @fieldCreators) . ")";

#tell database to create the table
doQuery($dbHandle, $createQuery);

#expects a handle to a database connection, a name for a table, and an associative
#array of field names and field types passed as a reference
#also expects that the field names match a currently-existing scalar variable
sub insertRow {
my($dbHandle) = shift;
my($tableName) = shift;
my($tableFields) = shift;

my(@fieldNames, @fieldValues, $fieldNames, $fieldValues, $fieldValue);
my($insertQuery, $queryHandle);

#create the field list and value list
@fieldNames = keys %$tableFields;
foreach $fieldName (@fieldNames) {
$fieldValue = $$fieldName;
#set $fieldValue to an appropriate SQL value
if ($fieldValue eq "") {
$fieldValue = NULL;
} else {
$fieldValue = '$dbHandle->quote($$fieldname);
$fieldValues[$#fieldValues+1] = $fieldValue;
$fieldNames = join(", ", @fieldNames);
$fieldValues = join(", ", @fieldValues);
$insertQuery = "INSERT INTO $tableName ($fieldNames) VALUES ($fieldValues)";

#insert into the database
doQuery($dbHandle, $insertQuery);

sub doQuery {
my($dbHandle) = shift;
my($query) = shift;

if ($queryHandle = $dbHandle->prepare($query)) {
if (!$queryHandle->execute) {
print "Unable to execute $query: $!\n";
} else {
print "Unable to prepare $query: $!\n";

  1. Inserting data
  2. SQL database