Why is it that when we have government-induced crises, we ask for more government?
- Blaming the financial crisis on the reformers
- Change, hope, and unmitigated gall. McCain, Bush, and Palin were right about Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac. Now can we start listening to them on social security?
- Can the president take responsibility for market rises?
- If the president gets blamed when the market falls, can he take credit when it rises?
- COVID Lessons: Don’t trust socialists
Our response made the virus worse. We trusted self-styled experts, failed models, socialists, and the media over what we could see with our own eyes.
- COVID Lessons: Journalistic Delusions and the Madness of Politicians
COVID-19 was real. The crisis surrounding it was entirely manufactured. Everything we did took a manageable disease and turned it into a killer. And the very worst was believing a media we knew was lying.
- Crisis quote of the day
- Congress: if you aren’t willing to go broke, we’ll go broke for you.
- Deadly Perfection
Whenever the left wants to devalue someone’s life, they call it economics.
- My Pet Crisis
- Someone needs to send President Obama a copy of The Pet Goat. Panic is not the right response to a financial crisis.
- Palin: make room for successful businesses
- Governor Palin in India says something I’ve been pushing for a long time, especially with regards to our moribund auto industry: when we reward failing companies, we are killing all of the innovative startups that would have arisen in the vacuum of their failure.
- Upturns with no downturns
- A pessimistic clock might be right twice a day; it might not be. It’s hard to tell when the clock doesn’t even use the same numbers we’re used to.
- What does 1.2 trillion dollars buy?
- What can you get for 1.2 trillion nowadays? How about two and a half years of no employer-side payroll taxes?