- Nobody Isn’t Partisan
- Partisanship always trumps principle, but this year is worse than any I can recall. If Nobody were on the ballot, he’d have a good chance of winning. With the election as close as any in recent years, Nobody might still garner a majority.
- Ted Cruz: The anti-extremism candidate?
Do we really have two political extremes, or do we just have two very close sides that talk extremely different? Politicians can combat the increasingly extreme rhetoric in politics by, first, doing what they promise, and promising what they can do; and, second, by using rather than bypassing the legislative process that the founders designed specifically to dampen extremism.
- Who creates more jobs, Democrats or Republicans?
More jobs are created under gridlock than under unified governments. However, this only applies if Republicans hold at least one of the House or Senate.
- The Wisdom of Partisan
Throughout history, the people willing to split the baby have been the people who win. Can we break that thread?