The Missing Viscount

As many of you have figured out, I am apparently still missing some chapters of the Musketeers saga here, specifically between Ten Years Later and Louise de la Valliere. Here, courtesy Mike Babylon, is a probable list of the missing chapters:

  1. Threefold Love
  2. M. De Lorraine’s Jealousy
  3. Monsieur is Jealous of De Guiche
  4. The Mediator
  5. The Advisers
  6. Fontainebleau
  7. The Bath
  8. The Butterfly-Chase
  9. What was Caught in the Hand After the Butterflies
  10. The Ballet of the Season
  11. The Nymphs of the Park of Fontainebleau
  12. What was Said Under the Royal Oak
  13. The King’s Uneasiness
  14. The King’s Secret
  15. Courses De Nuit
  16. In Which Madame Acquires a Proof that Listeners Can Hear What is Said
  17. Aramis’ Correpondence
  18. The Orderly Clerk
  19. Fontainebleau at Two O’Clock in the Morning
  20. The Labyrinth
  21. How Malicorne had been Turned out of the Hotel of the Beau Paon
  22. What Actually did Occur at the Inn Called the Beau Paon
  23. A Jesuit of the Eleventh Year
  24. The State Secret
  25. Mission
  26. Happy as a Prince
  27. Story of a Dryad and of a Naiad
  28. Conclusion of the Story of a Naiad and of a Dryad
  29. Royal Psychology
  30. Showing What Neither the Naiad Nor Dryad had Anticipated
  31. The New General of the Jesuits
  32. The Storm
  33. The Shower of Rain
  34. Toby
  35. Madame’s Four Chances
  36. The Lottery